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Page 1: Role modelling in medical education

Role Modelling Attributes of Trainers and

the Potential Impact on Learners

Dr Andrew Ferguson


Consultant in ICM and Anaesthetics

College Tutor, Anaesthetics


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Explore the concept of role-modelling

Look at positive and negative attributes

Think about the opportunities

Look in the mirror

Think about what could be better


Why are we here?

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“Always On”


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Q: How many of you have actively

considered your impact as a


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Q: What is a role model?

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“A person considered to demonstrate a

standard of excellence to be imitated”

Implicit observational learning

The “hidden” curriculum

A boring definition…

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proximate living examples of what he/she may

aspire to become…their very existence is

confirmation of possibilities one may have every

reason to doubt, saying, 'Yes, someone like me

can do this’.

Sonia Sotomayer

A more enthusiastic one…

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How do you cope when the day just sucks?

What do you look for in a day that shines?

How do you keep hold of the “buzz”?

How well do you teach these???

Is that us?

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We teach what we are…

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And it’s catching…


“The automatic (unconscious) adoption of a goal

upon perceiving another’s goal-directed action”

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The aims of training



High-quality care

Explicit learning

Implicit learning Role modeling

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Learners become like us…

They see how we act:

• - as clinicians & professionals

– - as trainers

– - as human beings

They imitate consciously and/or subconsciously

They need to learn to sift the good from bad

We need to learn what aspects have an impact

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A key process in learning from role models

– Making sense by assimilating (perceived) ideas

into the body of ideas already possessed


Does not prevent assimilation of the bad

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Q: What makes for a NEGATIVE





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Attributes of a negative role model

Professional/clinical Uncaring

Poor communicator

Poor relationships with patients

One-dimensional view of patients

Uncooperative with colleagues

Unprofessional attitudes

Unethical behaviour

Not up to date in their knowledge

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Attributes of a negative role model

Teaching qualities (trainer) Poor support for learners

Teaches wrong clinical approach

Rarely gives feedback

Sink or swim approach to learners


Difficult remembering names and faces (!)

Leaves learners feeling they know more than trainer

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Attributes of a negative role model

Personal qualities Cynical


Impatient and/or inflexible


Nit-picking and harsh

Lacks self-confidence

Lacks leadership skills

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Q: What makes for a POSITIVE





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Patient care attributes

Competent with up-to-date knowledge

Committed to high-quality care

Effective diagnostic and therapeutic skills

Sound clinical reasoning

Compassionate, caring, empathic

Good communicator

Respect for colleagues

Assumes responsibility in difficult scenarios

Enthusiastic about work

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Teaching qualities

Rapport with learners

Tailors teaching to learner’s needs

Creates safe learning environment

Gives learners autonomy for decision-making

Provides room to practice independently

Enthusiasm for teaching

Positive attitude towards learners

Accessible and open to questions

Stimulates critical thinking and reflection

Aware of role model status and adapts behaviour to this

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Personal qualities


Shows honesty and integrity

Easy to work with and cooperative

Shows leadership ability

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Q: How can/do we know what sort of

role-model we are?

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Q: What are the barriers to us being

better as role-models?

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Isn’t this just more edu-babble?


The unspoken atmosphere of the department

Central to motivating trainees

Poor role models…

– undermine other teaching

– undermine department feedback (GMC etc.)

– can scar trainees and impede/reverse their progress

– let down other +ve aspects of their own performance

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Optimising trainee benefits

Realise it’s happening

– Both trainees AND trainers

Understand positive and negative attributes

Emphasise the good in practice

Change behaviour to minimise the bad

Get feedback to ensure this is happening

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It’s tough…

It takes serious effort…

Now for the good news…

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You don’t have to….

Be the boss

Have a national/international reputation

Have numerous publications

Be attractive (or even be ugly!)

Conduct a lot of research

Offer loads of didactic teaching

Conduct regular teaching rounds

Have similar outside interests to trainees

Be overly interested in trainees’ life outside work

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So what next?

Get feedback, review your feedback, and “reflect”

Approach trainee interactions consciously

– Be self-aware and adapt behaviour accordingly

Make the implicit explicit

– Don’t just show it.…explain it (the why and why not)

Discuss thought processes and decision-making

Discuss awkward patient or relative interactions

– Don’t just think it….say it

Give feedback to trainees on their performance at the time

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Questions and/or comments?


Do you consider RM important?

Barriers to improvement in yourself?

Barriers to improvement in your dept?

Is trainee feedback available to you?

Is the thought of trainee feedback uncomfortable?

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If you can't be a good example,

then you'll just have to be a

horrible warning…

Catherine Aird

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Jochemsen-van der Leeuw HG, et al. The attributes of a clinical trainer as a role model: a

systematic review. Acad Med 2013; 88: 26-34.

Park J, et al. Observation, reflection, and reinforcement: surgery faculty members’ and

residents’ perceptions of how they learned professionalism. Acad Med 2010; 85: 134-139.

Wear D, et al. Hidden in plain sight: the formal, informal, and hidden curricula of a

psychiatric clerkship. Acad Med 2009; 84: 451-458.

Cruess SR, at al. Role-modelling – making the most of a powerful teaching strategy. BMJ

2008; 336: 718-721.