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Representation of

Georgie, Heather, Claire and Kam

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When the word rock star is said, it often conjures up images of drug taking, drinking, rebellious, powerful people who smash instruments up and act extreme. But is this reality or has the media brought this on?

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The four elements of a RockStar…

• There are four things needed for bands to achieve the real stereotypical Rockstar image…

These are……..

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The Look

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The look has always been informal, trashy and generally a ‘I don’t care’ type of look. The stereotypical rockstar doesn’t bother spending thousands on one outfit- which proves to be popular with many as they are basically saying that it doesn’t matter what you look like- they only care about the music.

To the left: Fall Out Boy- the modern rockstar

Below: AC/DC- The earlier rockstar look

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The Attitude

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To go with the look- a rockstars attitude is supposed to be crazy- portraying that they don’t care what people think- they’re going to do whatever they want.

To the left: Ozzy Osbourne (Black Sabbath)

Below: Nikki Sixx (Motley Crue)

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The Lifestyle

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A rockstars life style has to be extreme-Hence the slogan ‘Sex, Drugs, Rock ‘n’ Roll’, which, because of the rebellion of it, appeals to fans- especially teenagers.

To the left:. The Blackout - Being held hostage by robots at Leeds fest…

Below: You me at six- have obviously been partying way too much.

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The Music

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Left: Elliot Minor

Below: Hayley Williams (Paramore)

The music has to fit the image and the attitude. It has to be crazy, and the band needs to show this in their movements on the stage- if they didn’t, the audience would be totally bored.

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Stereotypical Rockstars The general impression of what ‘rockstar’ means can vary from

person to person. Although, the stereotype most commonly shown in the media is

that of the long-haired, drug-taking, vast- amount- of- alcohol drinking party-animal.

Another predominant stereotype is that the rock star is a male- in which the women’s role is as their groupies.

It would seem female rock bands like Vixen, Heart of the 80s, Evanescence and Paramore of the twenty-first century have redefined that stereotype.

This image seems to have changed and developed throughout the years, so we chose to ask a group of people what they thought when they heard the term ‘Rock Star’

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We decided to ask some people what they thought when they heard the word ‘rockstar’

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Rockstars often have “groupies” which are women/girls who want to sleep with rockstars or famous figures. Rockstars often are portrayed as using these groupies which connotes women are objects, but in fact most rockstars have girlfriends or are married, such as Pete wentz who is married to Ashlee Simpson.

Women’s roles- Groupies & Wives!

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Far left: Pete Wentz (FOB)& his wife Ashlee Middle: Billie Joe Armstrong (Greenday) & his broodRight: Elliot Minor in sea of groupies- clearly enjoying themselves.

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The portrayal of women as rockstars- past and present!

Women as rockstars have generally been undermined by male rockstars and have the clean image unlike men. Present singers such as Hayley Williams (paramore) is one of the few female rockstars that has the clean image of not taking drugs or drinking excessively. Women in the past were also regarded as cleaner than males and instead of the “grunge” look they looked sexy but also rebellious. Women have always been more associated with being the groupies or fans rather than the actually rockstars.

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Women Rockstars- from past to present!!

1980’s- Heart 1980’s- Vixen

Now- Paramore Now- Evanescence

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Bigger. Better. Faster. Stronger. ROCKSTAR is the world's most powerful energy drink. Enhanced with the potent herbal blend of Guarana, Ginkgo, Ginseng and Milk Thistle, ROCKSTAR is scientifically formulated to provide an incredible energy boost for those who lead active and exhausting lifestyles–from athletes to rock stars. Enjoy this fully refreshing lightly carbonated beverage super chilled.

This is an extract from the rock star energy drink website. The adjectives “Bigger. Better. Faster. Stronger” are used to connote that this drink will do all this on top of giving you an energy boost. It also suggests that rockstars are powerful (bigger better faster stronger) and you can be too.

If you want to be a rock star drink this!

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Dan Hetherton (Elliot Minor) reppin’ rockstar!!!

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• One thing that’s always been traditional with the Rockstar image is make-up. Whether it’s a smudge of eyeliner on Nikki Sixx or full-on Gene Simmons war paint, it’s still something that seems to be tagged to the name.

• In the modern times of the Rockstar, eyeliner on men has a new name.

• Let me introduce you to the concept of guyliner

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Rockstars and Guyliner…

Here’s an interview with Pete Wentz from Fall Out Boy… he’ll explain everythinggg…

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Rockstars love their makeup

Frank Iero (MCR)

Kiss Billie Joe & Tre Cool (Greenday)

Avenged Sevenfold

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The Effeminate Rockstar

One thing that has always been widely accepted by the public about the Rockstar image is just how effeminate they can be. It was perfectly acceptable for a male Rockstar to run around on stage with long hair in tight trousers shaking their hips, and still be considered ‘sexy’ to thousands of screaming fans.

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What is very obvious in the Rockstar image is that it has developed through the ages. Although it is still a predominantly male genre, there has been an increase in female artists. In the eighties, if we compared the female rock band Heart to Guns & Roses, we’d notice a lot of similarities in fashion and the way they presented themselves. Mainly due to the fact that the rock fashion was leather pants, long hair and a lot of attitude. However, now comparing the likes of Evanescence to Green Day we see a much larger contrast in the sense that the rock genre has grown so much it allows for different fashion and styles.

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Party Like A Rockstar

Is this the Rockstar lifestyle?

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• The representation of the Rockstar is made out that they are incredibly extreme, violent and raging alcoholics.

• However, the majority of modern Rockstars are not like that, the majority of them care more about the music and their fans than they do the Rockstar image. Many of the Rockstars now have settled down, and aren’t groupie-grabbing rebels.

• It is true though, that some Rockstars take advantage of this representation and consider it acceptable to play-up to the image and act differently just because that’s how they are portrayed, so the representation goes round in a vicious circle.

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That’s all folks!!!