Download - Robyn Levine JILA, University of Colorado Fermilab with Nick Gnedin AGN Outflows in a Cosmological Context: An Empirical Approach.


Robyn Levine

JILA, University of Colorado


with Nick Gnedin

AGN Outflows in a Cosmological AGN Outflows in a Cosmological Context: An Empirical ApproachContext: An Empirical Approach

Cosmological Simulation

dark matter distribution

A Description of Outflows

• AGN distribution - luminosity function- density bias- fraction of AGN with outflows

• Spherical Outflow Model



Luminosity FunctionLuminosity Function

φ(LB,z)dLB =φ* L*

(LB L*)γ f + (LB L*)


LB B-band luminosity of AGN (in units L,B)

f faint-end slope (constant in z1.58)

b bright-end slope (z-dependent)

Schirber & Bullock 2002

density profile + AGN

Sample Simulation Sample Simulation BoxBox

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Radio-loud Radio-loud QuasarsQuasars

QuickTime™ and aTIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor

are needed to see this picture.• Collimated jets of

relativistic plasma• Spreads into

overpressured cocoon

BAL AGNsBAL AGNs• Clouds ejected at v ≤ 1% c• ~10% covering fraction?

Radio loud jets

10% of AGN

BAL outflows

50% of low-L AGNCrenshaw et al. 1999

20% of high-L AGNHewett & Foltz 2003

AGN OutflowsAGN Outflows

• Spherical symmetry• Similar treatment for BAL outflows and RLQ

• AGN << tHubble

• 2 expansion phases– Sedov-Taylor phase (energy conserved)

– Pressure Equilibrium phase

Ek = Lk tage

P = (1+ δm)n B kBTIGM .

AGN + outflows

Sample Simulation Sample Simulation BoxBox

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are needed to see this picture.

LyLy forest constraints on F(z) forest constraints on F(z)

• Outflows create voids in the Ly forest• Low-z

– Use baryon fraction for forest, Ly (Penton, Stocke, & Shull 2004) 99.6% free for voids in simple model

– Ly combined with NH-1+m relation of Davé et al. (1999) 70-97% free for voids

• High-z– Studies of gaps in Ly forest predict voids occupy

< 20% for 1.7 < z < 3.8 (Duncan et al. 1989)

Kinetic Fraction k = Lk / Lbol

Ly- forest at z=0

Ly- forest at z=2-3

AGN BiasAGN Bias

• AGN trace high density regions:

• AGN more biased at higher redshift€

ρAGN ∝ ρ mα

larger bias smaller filling fraction

Weak Lensing ArithmeticWeak Lensing Arithmetic

Weak Lensing = Gravity

Gravity = Total Matter (x 8G/c4)

Total Matter = Dark Matter +

AGN have enough energy to move all the gas in the universe over cosmological distances…


Can Outflows affect Can Outflows affect P(k)P(k)??

Two Competing Effects…Two Competing Effects…

Clustering of AGNs increases power

AGNs move gas from small to large scales



That’s A Mess!That’s A Mess!

• If outflows affect > 10% of the volume:>1% reduction in large-scale power

• AGN are highly clustered:transfer of small-scale power to large scales, fBfAGNbAGN

2~ 1%

We do not know even the sign of the effect!


Even with small mechanical efficiencies, AGN outflows fill the IGM by z~2

AGN outflows potentially affect the matter power spectrum redistribute baryons (from small to large

scales) decreases power

bias in AGN distribution increases power