Download - Robotic Autonomy Simulation Laboratory at the Virtual Engineering Centre


Robotic Autonomy Simulation Laboratory


Purpose Built Simulation Facility

In partnership with the University’s Centre for Autonomous Systems Technology the Virtual Engineering Centre is developing a number of virtual laboratories to explore the simulation of autonomous systems.

The defence and aerospace markets are already well supported by other VEC labs, but there is a need to catalyse engagement on new markets for autonomy such as in nuclear, automotive, assistive robotics, and space sectors, all of which offer potential for growth and for significant strategic relationships.

The Robotic Autonomy Simulation Laboratory (RASL) at the Daresbury Campus provides a networked simulation and visualisation facility that bridges the gap between advanced robotics in the laboratory and the real world.

RASL supports the design, development and analysis of autonomous robotics in various synthetic worlds, and provides an open access environment for systems evaluation, integration and support

For more information about how you can use RASL to help explore your industrial and research challenges, contact:

Prof. Michael Fisher, University of Liverpool [email protected]

Dr. Gillian Murray, Virtual Engineering Centre [email protected]