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ROMANIAGeneral presentation

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Oficial name Romania

Usual name Romania


Continent Europe

Area 238391 km²

National celebrationThe 1st December

Event celebrate) The Union of all Romanians in a single state -1918

Capital Bucharest 2,2 millions inhabitants

Country population 21, 6 millions inhabitants

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Religions Ethno-lingvistic repartition 

Orthodoxis 86,7%

Catholics 6,1%

Musulmans 0,3%



Others 1 %

Romanians 89,5 %


6,6 %


2,5 %


0,3 %


0,3 %

Others 0,8 %

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State Presidential republic with unite state structure


Constitution Adopted the 8th December 1991


Legislation power

Bicameral Parliament [Senat-143 senators and Camera Deputatilor-341 deputats]


Chef of State Traian Basescu (from 13.12.2004)-President of the republic


Chef of Governement

Emil Boc(2008)-Prim-minister


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Administrative organisation

42 counties (judete) and Bucharest City

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Geographycal positionCentral Eastern part of Europe

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Neighbours North –Ukraine , West -Hungary ,East -Republic of Moldavia and Ukraine

South -Bulgaria , South-East -The Black Sea ,South-West-Serbia

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Important cities

BUCHAREST (2,2 millions inhabitants) capital of Romania and, in the same time,the biggest city of country and the most important industrial,commercial,scientific and cultural center. It`s located in southern part of the country being situated by the Dambovita river.

OTHER CITIES (300000-350000 inhabitants)Constanta, Iasi, Timisoara, Brasov, Cluj-Napoca,Craiova,Galati.

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Bucharest-The Parliament Palace 

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Bucharest-The Press House

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Bucharest-The Triumph Arch

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Bucharest –The Art Museum of Romania(The Royal Palace)

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The University from Bucharest

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Bucharest-The National Library

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Constanta-The Casino

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Brasov-The Advise Place

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Sibiu- The Bruckenthal Palace

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Iaşi –Culture Palace

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Timisoara-The orthodox cathedral

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Botosani county 




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Botosani County Map

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Geographycal position

Geographycal position:Botosani county is situated in north-eastern extremity of Romania,being abroded by the Siret and The Prut rivers.Our neighbours are:Ukraine (north),Republic of Moldavia (east),Iasi district (south) and Suceava district (west).

Area : 4986 Km2 ( 2,1 % from country territory);The relief: low hills with 250-400 m altitude (Moldavian Plateau)The climate: temperate-continental Cities : Botoşani: -residence city of district,it has115344 inhabitants Dorohoi- the second city of district ,has 33000 inhabitants. Both have

an ancient history, dating from The Middle Age and being documentary atestated in the XVcentury.

Other towns: Darabani,Saveni,Flamanzi,Bucecea.

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Botoşani – Council Hall

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Botoşani- „Mihai Eminescu” Theatre

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Botoşani - „A. T. Laurian” National College

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Lake Ipoteşti

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The wood of Ipoteşti

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Romanian personalitiesMihai Eminescu

MIHAI EMINESCU – (1850-1889) – poet and writer-borned at Botosani,where he spent a part of his childhood.Then he moved at Ipotesti.Between 1869-1874 he studied philosophy,law,politics and Romance language at The University from Viena. He is considered the biggest poet of the Romanian culture (the genius) and the founder of Romanian literary language.The house where he lived at Ipotesti,became historycal monument of national interest.

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Romanian personalities George Enescu

GEORGE ENESCU–(1881-1955)–musician.Borned at Liveni, near Dorohoi,

he knew since his childhood the folklore,by the gipsy`s orchestra help.His parents and Niculae Chioru, a known violonist that time,gave his first music lessons.

Between 1888-1893 he studied at Music Academy of Viena and Paris.Starting with classic tragedy greek subject ,Enescu wrote « Oedip »opera.Like educator ,Enescu advised many instrumentalists.(Dinu Lipatti,Yehudi Menuhin,Ide Heandet).

The house where he lived became historycal monument of national interest and his native village is named now George Enescu.

George Enescu was a Romanian Academy member,and French Academy correspondent too.

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Romanian personalities Ştefan Luchian

STEFAN LUCHIAN – (1868-1916) – painter-borned at Stefanesti(Botosani District).He studied in Bucharest, Munchen and Paris.Back in Romania was one of the Independent Artists Exposition organizers and the founder of « Artistic Youth » Artist of his own chromatic synthesis,he brought novelty in romanian painting of the 20th century.His works are created in diverse techniques (oil,painting crayon) and have varied themes:the rustic landscape (« Brebu`s well »),the urban landscape ,the portrait (« Self-portrait »),the static nature dominated by flowers (« Poppys »). Being permanent crossed by a strong emotion,the art of Stefan Luchian represents an important moment in painting development.

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Romanian personalities Nicolae Iorga

NICOLAE IORGA – (1871-1940) – writer,historian and politician-borned at Botosani.He is the founder and director of Romanian School in Paris (Fontenay aux Roses). He supported courses at Sorbonne and he directed many newspapers.He had an important part at the 1st December 1918 Union. He was the founder of The Byzantine Studies Institut and The Universal History Institut . Remarcable personality,Nicolae Iorga was also poet and member of some scientific societies and foreign academies.

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Romanians Known abroadConstantin Brâncuşi

Georges EnescoLucien Goldmann Anne de NoaillesElena Văcăresco

Tristan TzaraThéodor Pallady

Nicolae GrigorescuEugène Ionesco

Panait IstratiMircea EliadeEmil Cioran

Eugen Coseriu Cristian BădiliţăNadia ComăneciGabriela SzaboGheorghe Hagi


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Legend and historyDracula

Vlad Tepes- Dracula,the greatest prince who reigned Wallachia,second half of the XV century,borned at 1431 at Sighisoara(little town in Transylvania).

Recognized by justice and by his care for people,Vlad Tepes lived in a bloody epoch which marked him.His bloody memory is frighful and terrific.

The Bran castle,situated inThe Carpathian Mountains and built around 1300 by Dietrich bachelor,became fond of the prince name,because he evoked,with his dark aspect,the terrific century of Dracula.

We can assert,without any doubt,that Vlad Tepes-Dracula,was a guest at Iancu de Hunedoara at Bran Castle,once of his life,going to the Oratia fortress.

The voivod (prince) Vlad Tepes became the legendary personage of a distant country,over mountains and forests-Transylvania.

The counts of Sas,dissatisfieded with severe laws promulgated by Vlad Tepes,added in time,the bloody stories about the hungarian countess Elisabeth Bathory, a real executionere.

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The countess Elisabeth Bathory,borned in 1560 in Hungary,transformed Cetnie Castle in a real slaughter house,where she was murdering young female and she was practising magic rituals with their blood.(e.g.making look younger ritual) Her crimes was attributed to Vlad Tepes.

The Dracula personage borned after the prince death and his image was propagated by the Germans counts being illustrated in woodcut.

Starting with this moment,the bloody vampire thus created,reappeared like « strigoi »(or « moroi »)and known with « the Vampire of the Carpathians Mountains » or « Dracula Count »name.

The Dracula name was attributed him by the Dragon order,which his father had obtained,like the Bathorys too.

The legends and the popular convictions,show that the voivod Vlad Tepes saved Romania by enemies(especially Turks).the offensive against the Ottomans,revived the liberty hope for oppressed nation from Balkan region.

The popular legends restored the historic truth:Vlad Tepes was a honest,brave and glorious voivod and not a bloody vampire.

The rest is fiction,good for film scenario and tourism !

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Folklore art

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Carpet from Oltenia

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Winter national costume-Vorona ( Botosani county)

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The waits (of Christmas carols)

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Winter tradition: “the little horses”

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Folklore group

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Some images from Romania

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The Carpathian Mountains

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The Danube

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The Black Sea

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Sinaia –Peles Castle (royal summer castle)

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Targu-Jiu-The infinite column Bucharest-The Russian Church

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Bran Castle

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The Bucegi Mountains-The Sphinx

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Saint Ana volcanic lake

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Red Lake

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Vidraru Lake

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The Bears Cave

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King Decebal

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Wooden churches-historical region Maramures

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Document achieved by Nechifor Iulian Catalin

I-VIII Classes Hiliseu-Horia School