
RNA VIRUS Paramyxovirus Envelope has HN and specialized F spikes that initiate cell-to-cell fusion. Fusion with neighboring cells syncytium or multinucleate giant cells form Mumps Epidemic parotitis; self-limited, associated with painful swelling of parotid salivary glands, muscle pain and malaise Usually uncomplicated invasion of other organs; in 20-30% of infected adult males, epididymis and testes become infected Measles Morbillivirus Also known as red measles and rubeola Different from German measles Sore throat, dry cough, headache, conjunctivitis, lymphadenitis, fever, Koplik spots, rash

Rhabdovirus family Rabies Enveloped, bullet-shaped virions Slow, progressive zoonotic disease Dog bites multiplies at site enters nerve endings ganglia spinal cord brain Prodromal phase -> Furious phase -> Dumb phase -> coma phase Keyword : Cerebral inclusion bodies calledNegri bodies

Togavirus Rubella / German Measles ssRNA with a loose envelope Postnatal rubella malaise, fever, sore throat, lymphadenopathy, rash Congenital rubella infection during 1st trimester most likely to induce miscarriage or multiple defects such as cardiac abnormalities, ocular lesions, deafness, mental and physical retardation Lab : IGM + IGG rubella virus

Nonenveloped Nonsegmented ssRNA Viruses Picornaviruses Poliovirus naked capsid; resistant to acid, bile, and detergents; can survive stomach acids when ingested fecal-oral route fever, headache, nausea, sore throat, and myalgia muscle pain and spasm, meningeal inflammation, and vague hypersensitivity Invasion of motor neurons causes flaccid paralysis