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a Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Instituto de Macromoléculas Professora Eloisa Mano ‐ IMA P.O. Box 68525, 21945‐970 Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

ExperimentalIntroductionPoly(3-hydroxybutyrate), PHB is a biodegradable polymer that has been

widely studied. However, PHB possesses unfavorable properties such as highcrystallinity, which lead to brittleness, and low resistance to thermaldegradation, which cause the material to be easily degradable. The nanofillersare capable of altering and improving the matrix properties, even when addedin small proportions. There is growing interest in developing nanocompositescomposed of organic polymers and titanium dioxide nanoparticles. Somefeatures include the mechanical, dielectric, thermal properties, favoring the

Nanocomposites preparationAll nanocomposites were prepared by solution casting using tetrachloroethane (TCE)

as solvent. The PHB in TCE was stirred for 24 h. The fillers were dispersed usingultrasonic bath for 30 min at a concentration of 0.5 % (w/w) in total mass of the system(1.2 g), with weight ratios of 2:1, 1:1 and 1:2 for TiO2 and SiO2. PHB and nanofillerssolutions were mixed together for a further 24 h, then they were cast onto plates and keptin oven to eliminate the solvent.

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features include the mechanical, dielectric, thermal properties, favoring thebiodegradability, optical properties, bactericidal effect, magnetic characteristicsand permeation. Nanosilica has been used as inorganic filler in polymersbecause of its high surface area and stability. It can be used for reinforcementof polymer matrices to lower shrinkage on curing, decrease thermal expansioncoefficients and improve adhesion properties and corrosion resistance.

The low field NMR is another technique that can be used together with theothers techniques to determine proton spin-lattice relaxation time (T1H)parameter, using the traditional inversion-recovery pulse sequence. The valuesof this parameter allow us to provide detailed information on mobility at themolecular level.

According to this context, the aim of this work was to evaluate the

XRD AnalysisX-ray diffraction (XRD) was used to calculate 00. It was performed using a Rigaku

diffractometer with CuKα radiation (λ = 0.154 nm, 40 Kv, 120 mA) at room temperature,sacnning over the 2θ range, from 2° to 40° in 0.05° steps, at a rate of 1°/min.

Low Field – NMR AnalysisThe relaxation time was analyzed in a Maran Ultralowfield NMR spectrometer (Oxford Instruments – UK), using an 18 mm NMR tube,operating at 23 MHz for the hydrogen nucleus. The pulse sequence used to obtain dataon spin lattice relaxation time was inversion-recovery (recycle delay – 180° – τ – 90° -acquisition data) and the 90° pulse of 4.5 µs was calibrate automatically by theinstrument`s software. The amplitude of the FID was sampled for 40 τ data points,g ,

dispersion of TiO2 and SiO2 in PHB matrix . The low field NMR techniqueprovide the understanding of structural differences, due to the domainformation, and also detailed information on molecular mobility at the molecularscale.

p p pranging from 0.01 to 20000 ms and 8 scans for each point. The relaxation values andrelative intensities were obtained by fitting the exponential data with the aid of theprogram WinFIT (version Distributed exponential fits by plotting the relaxationtime were performed using the software WINDXP.

Results e Discussion

Table 1: Degree of crystallinity (Xc) for all nanocomposites

Sample Xc (%) Sample Xc (%)PHB 47 PHB3S025 42PHB3T017 54 PHB3S05 41PHB3T025 42 PHB3S1 65PHB3T05 45 PHB3TS21 34PHB3T1 83 PHB3TS11 23PHB3S017 28 PHB3TS12 33

Fig. 1: X-ray diffractograms of the nanocompositesPHB/TiO2

Fig. 2: Domains curves for nanocomposites of PHB/TiO2

Fig. 3: Domains curves for nanocomposites of PHB/SiO2

Fig. 4: Domains curves for nanocomposites of PHB/TiO2/SiO2

Table 6 - Relaxation times for all nanocomposites

Sample T1H (ms) Sample T1H (ms)PHB 614 PHB3S025 650PHB3T017 619 PHB3S05 614PHB3T025 589 PHB3S1 627PHB3T05 611 PHB3TS21 630PHB3T1 553 PHB3TS11 618PHB3S017 605 PHB3TS12 579


TiO2 and SiO2 had influence on proton relaxation indicating that both were dispersed in PHB matrix.

ConclusionThe results show how useful is the low field NMR technique to investigate systems with two
