Download - RISE – 15 Year Report

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15 YEAR REPORT1997-2012

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Many thanks to the RISE board, staff, interns, and many donors who made this report possible – more, thank you Rhode Island for supporting 15 years of important work empowering children of incarcerated parents.

Design by Alli Coate - www.allicoate.comRISE Back to School party, 2011

Roger Williams Park, Providence, RI

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WHY RISE MATTERSThe rate of incarceration in America is high and so are the social consequences. Today, 1 in 28 children in the US has an incarcerated parent.* Children of incarcerated parents are more likely than their peers to be exposed to violence and addiction, live in poverty, struggle with mental and physical health, drop out of high school, and enter the criminal justice system themselves. It is tragic for a child to be caught in this cycle and it is costly for our communities – a cost measured in crime, imprisonment, health care, social welfare and unemployment.

RISE matters because it works to prevent the repetition of lost human potential. RISE empowers children and aids the health of our communities by increasing access to high quality learning opportunities. Our work in the first 15 years shows there is reason to be hopeful. This seemingly unbreakable cycle is not invincible. The incredible support of the Rhode Island community has been astounding and our 15 year milestone is really a tribute to the wonderful people in this state. Please join us for the next 15 years and help us support more children to grow into healthy self-determined adults. They need you. RISE needs you. Our communities need all of us.

Jonny SkyeExecutive Director

Hidden behind the growing crowd of men and women behind

bars in America is another, often overlooked population – their

children. Inadvertent victims of their parents’ crimes, children

of inmates weather a host of repercussions, from the emotional

and psychological trauma of separation to an increased risk of

juvenile delinquency. *

*Collateral Costs: Incarceration’s Effect on Economic Mobility, The PEW Charitable Trusts, 2010

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RISE provides scholarships and mentoring to children of incarcerated parents in order to break the intergenerational cycle of poverty, crime, and addiction that too often threatens them.


The idea for RISE sprang from the medical practice of two physicians from Brown University, Tim Flanigan and Kevin Vigilante. These physicians cared for addicted and incarcerated women, and wondered what would happen to their children – the next generation. Years down the road, would they be caring for their children for the same reasons? After extensive research, they developed the concept for RISE – a program that would provide mentors and educational opportunity for children of incarcerated parents. When they joined forces with Kristen Haffenreffer Moran they found someone who could make their idea a reality. In 1997, RISE wrapped its arms around the first group of 25 students and became one of the first organizations in the US to focus on children of incarcerated parents. As a small community based organization, RISE has been able to remain nimble and responsive to the needs of families and children and this quality remains its cornerstone of care.

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FOUNDERS’ MESSAGEFifteen years ago we set out with a simple premise – that educational opportunities can create a protective barrier around kids whose lives are threatened by an intergenerational legacy of crime, addiction and poverty. To prove this we founded RISE. We believed then what we know is true today. Children of incarcerated parents are the most ‘at-risk’ in our communities and yet have as much potential and share the same dreams as other children. RISE is committed to fostering educational success for these children through a variety of interventions. It has been and will continue to be a learning, growing adventure delivering basic prevention supports through social, emotional and academic development opportunities. It is with great pride that we present the headlines of our first 15 years and invite you to support us for as many more. We are so thankful to so many Rhode Islanders for being the kind, caring and compassionate community we are so proud to be a part.

Sincerely,Tim Flanigan, Kevin Vigilante, Kristen Haffenreffer Moran

1997RISE is founded with the first class of 25 students of incarcerated mothers

2002RISE formalizes its mentoring

program and begins accepting children of incarcerated fathers

2009RISE launches a site-based

mentoring program 2011RI Mentoring Partnership

recognizes RISE as a Premiere Quality Program

2008RISE begins formal

tutoring program

2010RISE turns scholarship

focus to high school

2012RISE celebrates

15 years2004

RISE celebrates its first high school


Liza Manchester and mentee India

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RISE seeks to stop the intergenerational cycle of poverty, addiction and crime by investing in children of incarcerated parents over time. Our work builds access to the intellectual, social, and emotional supports young people need to thrive, particularly those who find themselves in challenging circumstances beyond their control. We intend through this long term investment to ensure high school graduation and the strongest possible foundation for productive, independent, and happy adult lives.












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Mentoring is a structured and trusting relationship that brings young people together with caring adults. Mentors offer guidance, support and encouragement aimed at developing the competence and confidence of their mentee. Through participation in the mentoring program, RISE mentees benefit from added individualized attention from a positive adult as well as exposure to new people, ideas, and experiences.


RISE believes schools with personalized learning environments which are rich in learning supports, enrichment opportunities, and high expectations provide the best opportunity for success for our students. For some, these high quality learning environments can be found in public or charter schools. For others, the best fit is in a private or parochial school. To that end, RISE provides scholarships to students who otherwise would be unable to attend due to financial constraints.


RISE also provides tutoring, Saturday and summer enrichment opportunities, SAT preparation, college tours, financial aid application assistance and general advocacy for our students.











2000-2003 2003-2006 2006-2009 2009-2012






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Black 42%

Male 43%Latino 26%White 9%

Female 57%

Mixed 20%

Other 3%

RISE Mentor Program Scavenger Hunt, 2009Brown University, Providence, RI

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There is no single story that describes what

it is like for a child to have a parent who is

incarcerated. The experience depends

on diverse factors, including the quality

of the parent-child relationship prior to

incarceration, the degree of household

stability following incarceration, and the

child’s age, developmental level, and

individual personality.

The Osborne Association (2010). New York Initiative

for Children of Incarcerated Parents Fact Sheet



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Family 48%

Treatment Center 11%

ACI 3%


School 12%Social Service

Agency 23%


Biological Parent 73%

Grandparent 12%

Other Relative 7% Non-RelativeGuardian 8%


7-10 years old 62%

11-14 years old 27%

Older than 14 2%Younger than 7 9%


Suburban 4% Urban Ring 14% Urban Core 84%


Mother Incarcerated 14%

Father Incarcerated 59%

Both Parents Incarcerated 27%




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My child’s mentor has been an addition

to our family’s values and perception toward

life skills, goals, and education.

RISE Parent

Jade and mentor Elizabeth Adams

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Mentoring 464 Scholarships 261 Other Programs* 121

*tutoring, Saturday and summer enrichment, SAT preparation

I have experienced

new places, languages,

and food. I have also

experienced a new

person that is cool,

kind, and an awesome


RISE Student

Brett Davey and mentee James

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White 74%

Latino 6%

Black 11%

Other 3%

Asian 6%



Male 34%

Female 66%


Volunteer mentors are recruited, screened, trained, and matched with a mentee. These dedicated people make a one year commitment to connect with their mentee at least twice a month. Over 60% of our matches exceed 1 year.








0 30 60 90 120

Less than 1/2

1/2 - 1

1 - 2

2 - 3

3 - 4

4 - 5

More than 5


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Over $3.4M dollars has been paid by RISE in tuition for our students. While not all RISE students are on scholarship, this program remains an essential aspect of our work to increase access to high quality learning experiences.















2 3 4 5 9-12876



Jessica, RISE Scholarship StudentSt. Patrick’s Graduation, 2007

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Barrington Christian AcademyBishop Hendricken High SchoolBishop Keough Regional High SchoolBishop McVinney Catholic

Elementary SchoolBlackstone AcademyBlessed Sacrament SchoolCommunity Preparatory SchoolCVS-Highlander Charter SchoolElizabeth Ann Seton AcademyGood Shepherd SchoolThe Gordon SchoolHoly Ghost SchoolHoly Name SchoolInternational Charter SchoolLa Salle AcademyLincoln School

Monsignor Gadoury SchoolMoses Brown SchoolOur Lady of Fatima Regional High SchoolOur Lady of MercyThe Penfield SchoolPortsmouth Abbey SchoolProvidence Country Day SchoolSacred Heart AcademySan Miguel SchoolSchool OneSophia Academy St. Andrew’s SchoolSt. Ann SchoolSt. Augustine SchoolSt. Bartholomew SchoolSt. Cecilia SchoolSt. Joseph Catholic School

St. Kevin Elementary School St. Leo the Great Elementary SchoolSt. Mary’s Bay View AcademySt. Mary SchoolSt. Matthew SchoolSt. Patrick SchoolSt. Paul SchoolSt. Phillip SchoolSt. Pius SchoolSt. Raphael AcademySt. Rose of Lima SchoolSt. Thomas SchoolSunrise AcademyTextron Chamber of Commerce

AcademyWest Bay Christian AcademyWoodlawn Catholic Regional School


RISE offered me much more than a

mentor and a scholarship. RISE was a

family that gave me hope. They believed in

me and this affirmed my own potential.

Tyrene Jones, RISE Alumna, Bay View Academy Class of 2006, URI Class of 2010

Sandra Enos, Tyrene Jones, Lizzie Kravatz

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Don’Trae and mentor Etienne Kotey

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Earning my PhD this week has forced me to pause and reflect on the challenges and

opportunities I’ve encountered in my own life as the child of an incarcerated parent.

I remember making up occupations for my incarcerated father. I was most proud of his

imaginary job as a programmer for IBM, until a friend of mine whose father it turned out was

a programmer for IBM began to ask me detailed questions I couldn’t answer.

I remember the day I learned how to tie a tie--from a teacher. It was bittersweet: I was

happy to finally have completed what I thought was a male rite of passage, but sad that I

was learning it the “wrong” way.

I also remember the profound sense of hope I felt when I received a phone call informing me

that I had been admitted into a non-profit program that, like RISE, helps students

confronting significant structural challenges matriculate into private schools.

And I remember the day when, as a RISE mentor, I taught

Kimani how to tie a tie.

The students we serve are confronting challenges we are

empowered to address. And, if we’re lucky, one day those

students will be able to thank RISE for the ties they tie, the

occupations they choose, and the degrees they earn.

David BlandingRISE Mentor & Board Vice President, June 2013

David Blanding and mentee K


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I have always had goals for myself and been a good student. However, I believe

that if I stayed in a public school and didn’t have the support of my mentor or RISE,

many of these goals would have been much harder to reach if at all. I now know

that where you come from does not determine where you are going.



Currently enrolled, on track to graduate 12%

Graduated on RISE Scholarship 42%

Graduated from public high school 35%

92% 60%

Shyan Ramsey, Bay View Academy Class of 2013, University of RI Class of 2017

of our matches have exceeded national average of 6 months**

of our matches have exceeded one year

*RI Kids Count Fact Book, 2012 **US Deptartment of Education Impact of Student Mentoring, March 2009

RISE students have attended the following colleges:

American International College, Bryant University, Central Maine Community College, Community College of RI, Dickenson College, Guilford College, Johnson & Wales

University, LaSalle College, The New School, Providence College, RI College, Roger Williams University, Salve Regina

University, St. John’s University, Suffolk University Law School, University of North Carolina, and University of RI

As compared to 65% (2012 Graduation Rate for Providence),

77% (2012 Graduation Rate for RI)*

89%=RISE Graduation Rate

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Shyan and her mentor Catherine Sherer

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Reach more children

Increase awareness of our work

Collaborate with stakeholders to increase capacity

Build a robust alumni network

Improve data collection and analysis

Expand post-secondary planning and supports

Broaden base of contributors

I contribute to RISE because I know I am having a

direct impact on an individual. When I get those report

cards in the mail, I have evidence in my hand that my

money is changing a student’s life for the better.

RISE Sponsor

Robyn Frye and mentee Daveena

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Never doubt that a small group

of thoughtful, committed citizens can

change the world: indeed, it’s the only

thing that ever has.

Margaret Mead

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Government 15%

Foundation 13%

Corporation 14%Individual 58%


Scholarship 58%

Administration 17%

Other Supports 5%

Mentoring 20%$8.8M total income

$3.4M tuition paid


Mentoring $700Scholarship $5500

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Carly, Kirsis, Kerllian, Cristina and Ar’Tavvia, 2013Community Boating Center, Providence, RI

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DONORS$100,000+Mr. and Mrs. John CarterElizabeth ChaceMr. and Mrs. Glenn M. CreamerCVS Caremark Charitable TrustDrs. Tim and Luba FlaniganHaffenreffer Family FundMr. and Mrs. Michael HudnerThe Rhode Island FoundationU.S. Trust/Bank of America Private Wealth

ManagementUnited Way of Rhode Island

$50,000+Andrade/Faxon Charities for ChildrenAnonymousMr. and Mrs. Oliver H. BennettBlue Cross Blue Shield of Rhode IslandRichard BreadyMr. and Mrs. Arnold B. ChaceThe Collis FoundationEdwards Wildman LLPMr. and Mrs. Stanley GoldsteinMr. and Mrs. Robert HigginsHome Loan & Investment BankGil MacLean and Michelle CollieNortek, Inc.The Providence JournalMr. and Mrs. Paul SalemSidney Goldstein CharitiesTextron, Inc.

$25,000+AnonymousAstra VenturesBankRIThe William Bingham FoundationBNY Mellon Wealth ManagementMr. and Mrs. Russell BossDr. and Mrs. William Braden

Reverend and Mrs. Robert BrooksJohn Clarke TrustCollette VacationsMarianne CorrDelta Dental of Rhode IslandMr. and Mrs. Charlie DunnMr. and Mrs. Jonathan FainMr. and Mrs. Bradford FaxonMs. Susan GarlingtonMr. and Mrs. Dennis GlassMr. and Mrs. Habib GorgiGTECHMr. and Mrs. David HaffenrefferHasbroMr. Barry Hittner and Dr. Kathleen Hittner Katharine L. HowlandCarol HuntMr. and Mrs. Arthur HurvitzMr. and Mrs. Artemis JoukowskyJoukowsky Family FoundationMr. and Mrs. Michael W. JoukowskyKKM, Inc/Sidney Goldstein CharitiesMr. Ken Knox and Ms. Marianne HolmesMr. and Mrs. Scott LauransMcLaughlin & MoranMr. and Mrs. John E. Moran, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. John MurphyMr. and Mrs. Terrence MurrayMr. and Mrs. Joe NagleMr. and Mrs. Jonathan NelsonNew Roots ProvidenceDonna PaolinoMr. and Mrs. Geddes J. ParsonsPfizer, Inc.Phoenix Investment ManagementMr. and Mrs. Edward RicciJune Rockwell Levy FoundationMr. & Mrs. Tom RyanMr. and Mrs. Henry Sharpe, Jr.Mr. & Mrs. James J. SkeffingtonJean F. Smith, M.D.The Peter and Elizabeth Tower FoundationDr. and Mrs. Kevin C. Vigilante

John WallWashington Trust Company

$10,000+ Sandy and Alice Boss AltmanMr. & Mrs. Michael AngelakisThe Arlen CorporationAyres FoundationB & H CompanyBank of America FoundationMr. and Mrs. Greg BarrMr. and Mrs. Graeme BellChrist ChurchCitizens BankClarendon GroupMr. and Mrs. George ClaysonColeman RealtorsCowan Plastics, LLCCox CommunicationsMr. and Mrs. William DaughertyMr. Joseph DeQuattroMr. and Mrs. William J. DesselMary Dexter Chafee FundMr. and Mrs. Bradford S. DimeoMr. and Mrs. Tom DimeoMr. and Mrs. Albert J. DobronCleveland H. Dodge FoundationMr. and Mrs. Frank DuPuisEastside MarketplaceMr. and Mrs. Richard A. EngleErnst & YoungThe Farago FoundationJim FieldMr. and Mrs. Paul FradinMr. and Mrs. Eugene Gallant, Jr.Dr. Richard L. GoldMr. and Mrs. Murray GoldbergMr. and Mrs. Larry GoldsteinDr. Lisa GoldsteinGolfinitiGregg’s Restaurants, Inc.Kristen Haffenreffer MoranJocelin Hamblett

Hannah Street ConsultingHardwood Designs Inc.Mr. and Mrs. Alan HarlamNancy HarrisHazard Family FoundationHinckley, Allen & SnyderMr. and Mrs. Peter HowittDr. and Mrs. Edward IannuccilliIn the BagThe Honorable Bernard JackvonyJudge and Mrs. Jeremiah JeremiahJohnson & Wales UniversityMr. and Mrs. Duncan JohnsonDr. Lynn KelleyThe Horace A. Kimball FoundationPhyllis Kimball Johnstone & H. Earle Kimball

FoundationKPMGMr. and Mrs. Peter LaChapelleMarie LangloisDiane LarsenHeidi J. LoomisSean LynchMr. and Mrs. Lawrence W. MadeiraMr. and Mrs. David MalkinMr. and Mrs. Matt MarcelloDrs. Daniel and Ivy MarwilMatouk Factory StoreMr. and Mrs. George F. Matouk, Jr.The McAdams Charitable TrustMr. and Mrs. Fritz McClureMr. and Mrs. Jack McConnellDr. Felicia Meila-PredoviciuMiriam HospitalMr. and Mrs. Paul MoranRita M. MoranMr. and Mrs. Terry MoranMr. and Mrs. Tim MoranMr. and Mrs. Brian MurphyDaniel MurphyDr. James MyersCarol Nulman and Geoffrey LewisOcean State Charities Trust


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Ocean State JobbersCharles O’DonnellMr. and Mrs. Richard OsterPartridge Snow & HahnMr. and Mrs. Mark A. PelsonThe Penn Mutual Insurance - IFNDr. and Mrs. Frank A. PensaMr. and Mrs. John PothinProvidence Shelter for Colored ChildrenProvidence Sunrise Rotary ClubThe Purchase FundRichard Ramsden RI Health and Educational Building Corp.Mr. and Mrs. Craig RichardsonRobert Wood JohnsonMr. and Mrs. Maurice A. Roberts, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Rogers, Jr.Roosa Family FoundationDrs. Francis and Patricia ScolaCatherine R. ShererHerman SneadMr. and Mrs. Paul SorensenSovereign BankMr. and Mrs. Michael F. SweeneyTemple Emanu-ElTriMix FoundationSidney TynanMr. and Mrs. Alfred VerrecchiaDr. Beverly WaltersBubba WatsonWJAR NBC 10James H. Woods Foundation $5,000+Abbott LaboratoriesAmerican Express FoundationAMICA Companies FoundationMr. and Mrs. Alden AndersonCathy AndreozziAnonymousDr. and Mrs. Stanley AronsonAtlas Economic Research FoundationBob and Pam BeckMr. and Mrs. Brian BellMr. and Mrs. Normand G. BenoitJoseph BerettaMr. and Mrs. John BerkeryRobin BossMr. and Mrs. Raymond BourqueMr. and Mrs. John BuckleyDr. and Mrs. Charles CarpenterThe Annie E. Casey FoundationThe Honorable and Mrs. Charles Clapp IIMr. and Mrs. Howard CohenCommonwealth Foreign ExchangeJohn W. ConleyDan Corley and Elizabeth BeachCornish AssociatesCreating IT Futures Foundation, Inc.

Mr. & Mrs. Brian CulhaneMr. and Mrs. Murray S. Danforth IIIDimeo ConstructionE.D. Dalton AssociatesEFD, Inc.Feinstein FoundationFidelity InvestmentsRobert FlaniganFradin Family FoundationJudge Eugene GallantGilbane Building CompanyThe Gillette CompanyCarl W. HaffenrefferDavid and Lara HaffenrefferThe Handshake FoundationMr. and Mrs. Ben Harris IIIMr. and Mrs. Dean HoltMr. and Mrs. Winfield JamesCoppelia KahnMr. and Mrs. George KnightMr. and Mrs. Ted LodgeMr. and Mrs. Bernard M. MaceroniMr. and Mrs. William MacLeanMagnet, Inc.Margaret Walker Purinton FoundationMr. and Mrs. Raymond M. MathieuKevin MurphyDr. and Mrs. Tim MurphyNational GridO. Ahlborg & Sons, Inc.Oaklawn Products, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. Timothy O’NeilPaolino PropertiesParker ThompsonMr. and Mrs. Robert S. PenneyPerformance Physical TherapyPGR MediaResidential PropertiesRhode Island Mentoring Partnership (RIMP)The Robertson FoundationRoger Williams Medical Center Laura L. Rose and William HallSallie Mae Employee Contribution ProgramMerrill ShermanJen ShimkusRalph and Clara Shuster FoundationMr. and Mrs. Eric SmithSwarovskiSusan SymondsMr. and Mrs. Tom TascaMr. and Mrs. Martin TemkinMarc VergaMr. and Mrs. David Wagstaff IVMr. and Mrs. Lavaz WatsonMr. and Mrs. Mark WeinerWinkler Group, Ltd.Norma A. WinklerLindsey Yates

$1,000+ Karen AdamsAdvocacy SolutionsAlga PlasticsAlperin/Hirsch Family FoundationAmica Mutual Insurance CompanyAnonymousAon Risk ServicesArbella Insurance GroupAtlantic Stainless Co., Inc.Mr. and Mrs. John AuberAurora Investment Management, LLCBarrington PrintingBean CountersDr. and Mrs. Curt BeckwithMr. and Mrs. Greg BenikBrad BergerDavid Blanding and Judivelly TorresMr. and Mrs. Frederick BlountMr. and Mrs. Stanley BodellMr. and Mrs. Geoff BossMr. and Mrs. James BowerKipp BradfordMr. and Mrs. Sam BrickleMr. and Mrs. James BuckleyBernard BuonannoMr. and Mrs. Bernie BuonannoMr. and Mrs. James Burchfield, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Daniel C. BryantMr. and Mrs. John and Alison CariatiRichard F. Carolan, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Joseph AbelyMalcolm Chace, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. David ChaseCity Kitty Veterinary Care for CatsCity of ProvidenceMr. and Mrs. Chris CiunciCLAFLINCoastal OrthopedicsMr. and Mrs. Sean CoffeyMr. and Mrs. Robert ColeMr. and Mrs. Joseph CornwallMr. and Mrs. Darren CorrenteMr. and Mrs. Michael CostelloJohn CroninPaul CroninMr. and Mrs. Christopher J. CrosbyDrs. James & Carol CrowleyD.F. PrayAlbert Dahlberg and Hilary FaganRobert DalyD’Amico & Burchfield, LLPMark Dana and Dyana KoelschDenise and Bob DangremondMr. and Mrs. Don DeangelisMr. and Ms. Ronald deFeoMr. and Mrs. Joseph DiStefanoMr. and Mrs. Briggs DohertyDomestic Bank

Donnelly’s School ApparelMr. and Mrs. Glenn DonovanDr. Joseph and Sarah DowlingMr. and Mrs. Robert DoyleDuffy & Sweeney, Ltd.Mr. and Mrs. Glendon M. Elliott IIFaxon FoundationFeibelman FamilyJeff FeibelmanField and RoseFinancial ArchitectsFreddie MacGenCorp Insurance Charitable FoundationMr. and Mrs. Rick GladneyMr. and Mrs. Gary GoldbergMr. and Mrs. Leon GoldsteinJacob GoldstonRuth GoldstonDr. and Mrs. Michael GoodingMr. and Mrs. David GowerMr. and Mrs. Bill GreeneMs. Betsy Grenier and Dr. Jane G. LindenH. Carr and Sons, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. James HaganMary HanleyMr. and Mrs. John HarpootianJohn Henry HealeyMr. and Mrs. Kevin M. HigginsJoanne HoffmanAlexander Hofstetter and Katherine WrightChase HogoboomIrvin E. Houck Charitable TrustSteven HourahanChristopher JacksonRuss and Carey JeffreyJohnny RocketsJunior League of RIDr. David Katzen and Ms. Barbara BinderBarry KeanMr. and Mrs. Michael KellyKohl’sDr. and Mrs. Walter KrengelSally Lapides and Arthur SolomonDr. Dan LedererLeslie Courtney Interior DesignMr. and Mrs. Stephen LinderBruce LongLumina FoundationDrs. David and Rosalind MacLeanMr. and Mrs. James ManchesterMr. and Mrs. David MandelbaumMr. and Mrs. Walter J. ManningMr. and Mrs. Louis MarandolaMarc Allen ClothiersWalter K. McDonoughMeehan FoundationMellon Private LendingMeridian Custom HomesMr. and Mrs. David Merriman

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Mr. and Mrs. Gary MikulaMr. and Mrs. Peter J. MiniatiMr. and Mrs. Alex MitchellMrs. Lindsay A. MitchellMorris Nathanson DesignMoses Brown SchoolMr. and Mrs. Kevin MurphyAngelo NardolilloNetCenergyNeurosurgery FoundationMr. and Mrs. Bob NowakOff-Track BeddingOur Lady of Fatima HospitalJoseph Paolino, Sr.Joseph Paolino, Jr.Parnassus Realty, LLCMr. and Mrs. Robert ParsonsMr. and Mrs. Vincent PattavinaPC TroubleshootersMr. and Mrs. Michael J. PerikPfizer Foundation Matching Gifts ProgramMr. and Mrs. David PiccerelliPiccerelli, Gilstein & Co., LLPJoy PongvongkeoKinda PriestleyPrincess House, Inc.Professional Security ServicesProspect Hill Foundation, Inc.The Providence Mutual Fire Insurance

CompanySusan RaleighRandolph Savings Peter T. Pastore Jr. Charita-

ble FoundationMarshall Raucci, Jr.David W. RayRE MED Group, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. Todd M. ReedRhode Island Medical SocietyMr. and Mrs. Edward W. Ricci IIDr. Tina Rizack and Christopher LangloisMr. and Mrs. James RobertsSally and Fred RotenbergSandra A. SalvadoreSam’s Club FoundationDena Paolino SarciaMr. and Mrs. Joseph J. ScanlanMr. and Mrs. James ScanlonSeaward Management CorporationDrs. Thomas Sepe and Maria MilenoMr. and Mrs. Barak T. ShiblesMr. and Mrs. Eric ShorrGeorge Shuster and Stephanie L. Van PattenCynthia SimonsonDr. Tyler SmithSt. Joseph Health Services of Rhode IslandSt. Mary Academy - Bay ViewSt. Michael’s ChurchStaples Foundation for Learning, Inc.Starfish GroupStop & ShopMr. and Mrs. Jeremy StoweMr. and Mrs. Lloyd SugarmanMr. and Mrs. Michael Szostak

Frederick C. Tanner Memorial FundTanya Creations, Inc.Courtney Taylor and Jo CastroTexas InstrumentsMr. and Mrs. Tony ThomasTillinghast Licht LLPMost Reverend Thomas J. TobinMr. and Mrs. Charlie TownsendTheodore TraftonTrion Communications, Inc.Turfer SportwearUnited Congregational ChurchUnited Healthcare of New EnglandUniversity OrthopedicsUniversity Surgical AssociatesVerizonBrian WalkerMr. and Mrs. Peter WallickDaniel E. WarshayDebra WatsonDr. James WeintrubWest Coast Distributing, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. Chad WhiteMr. and Mrs. James L. WorrellXimedicaRichard Yates

$500+ Dr. Marla Angermeier and Lee F. NovelliAnn & HopeMr. and Mrs. Rick AntonelliMr. and Mrs. Mark ArdenteHeejun ArmsMr. and Mrs. Steve AronowitzAurora Civic AssociationMr. and Mrs. Jeff BakerDiane and Sandy BallouMr. and Mrs. Gerald BedrickMr. and Mrs. Neil BeranbaumBerger & AssociatesMr. and Mrs. Eugene BernardoMr. and Mrs. Colin BillingsJohn BlueMr. and Mrs. David BolandMartha BrassilDr. Barrett BreadyMr. and Mrs. Jeffrey BrierJacqueline BroscoLawrence BrownMr. and Mrs. Matthew BrownNicholas BrownMr. and Mrs. Len CabralFrank CambioMr. and Mrs. Robert S. CatanzaroLisa ChurchvilleMr. and Mrs. John M. CicillineMr. and Mrs. David CostantinoDennis CrowleyDr. and Mrs. Lawrence DavisMs. Karen DionneMr. and Mrs. Thomas DipreteMr. and Mrs. Michael R. Dolan, Esq.Shannon G. Donovan

Mr. and Mrs. Mark DoorleySarah T. DowlingMr. and Mrs. Robert DreierDSM Realty CorporationMr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. DulgarianMr. and Mrs. James P. ElderElsa ArmsOskar and Laurie EustisEverything EventsFerrucci Russo P.C.H. James FieldMr. and Mrs. Noel M. Field, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Edwin G. Fischer, Jr.Dr. and Mrs. Edwin G. FischerMr. and Mrs. Laurence K. FlynnMary FlynnMr. and Mrs. Daniel ForbesMr. and Mrs. Bill FoxleyMr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Gilbane, Jr.William J. Gilbane IIIFrederick GodleyMimsey GordonNewell GrantGreater Providence Chamber of CommerceNancy C. GreeneMr. and Mrs. Alan Greer, Jr.Heather HahnJane HawesGale M. HolmesThe Hope FoundationConstance A. Howes and R. Kelly SheridanHowland Capital ManagementMeghan Hughes and Kim MayerDr. Vincent IaconoMr. and Mrs. Lukas IngendahlJ. McLaughlinMr. and Mrs. Chris JensenJean KellyStephanie KellyAbby Klieman and Lawrence LasalaKLR & Co., Ltd.Erika KruseMr. and Mrs. Bolt LaMotteMr. and Mrs. Richard LandMr. and Mrs. Richard LandauMr. and Mrs. Karl LangmuirMr. and Mrs. Steven LiebermenschLifespanLoJack CorporationMr. and Mrs. Jim LombardiMr. and Mrs. David I. LoughMr. and Mrs. Philip LoughlinDrs. Catherine Lund and Peter KarczmarNancy MarkhamMs. Deirdre Marsters and Mr. Ralph WatsonMr. and Mrs. David MayerMr. and Mrs. Tim McCahanMr. and Mrs. Dan McConaghyMr. and Mrs. Todd M. McGarryMr. and Mrs. Donald McQueenDr. and Mrs. Richard MeadMr. and Mrs. Marshall MearsMel & Me

Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Mellen IIIMozzarellas of North Providence, Inc.Emily MurphyRay MurphyStephen NapolitanoDr. Brigid O’ConnorMr. and Mrs. Charles PageJames A. PageLorraine ParentGlen ParkerMr. and Mrs. Gordon ParkerPawtucket Credit UnionDarren PhinneyPilgrim Title Insurance CompanyRallis Conover Family FundMr. and Mrs. William H. Reeves IVMr. and Mrs. Thomas ReillyRhode Island Academy of Family PhysiciansJessica L. RicciRoberta RichmanMr. and Mrs. Russell B. RobinsonDr. and Mrs. Pablo RodriguezMaria and Jared RossLinda RossiDr. and Mrs. Charlie RuhlSalamander, Inc.The San Francisco FoundationMr. and Mrs. Robert SaundersTaylor ScullMr. and Mrs. Sam ShamoonShannon Insurance AgencyMr. and Mrs. Robert J. ShimkusPearle W. and Martin M. Silverstein Foun-

dationMr. and Mrs. Anthony SilvestriAdithiya D. SinghMr. and Mrs. Richard SmallDr. and Mrs. Robert SmithMelissa SnapePamela Stanton and John O’DonnellStirringsMr. and Mrs. Bernard L. TrinkleMr. and Mrs. Alexander Van RensselearDr. and Mrs. Erik N. WatsonDawn WeingeroffMr. and Mrs. Jeffrey L. WeissJason WillitsMr. and Mrs. John WolfeMary Wood

$1.00+AAA Of Southern New EnglandGuy AbelsonMr. and Mrs. Richard AbramsAcadia Consulting GroupRuth AdelsonDr. Suchit Aggarwal and Ms. Kristin SimoensBrendan AhearnShamila AhmedAl Forno RestaurantAlayne White SpaChristian Albert and Katherine RobinsonMr. and Mrs. Rhoades Alderson

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Mr. and Mrs. Peter AlexanderMr. and Mrs. Winslow AlfordLeigh AlgiereRonald AllenMr. and Mrs. Terry AllenWilliam F. Almon, Jr.Rachael AlvesAmeripriseMs. Madhumita AnanthakrishnanMr. and Mrs. Daniel J. AndersonGilda AndosciaKeith AndradePatricia AndradeMr. and Mrs. David AndreozziTodd AndrewsLaura B. AngeliniMarisa AngellMr. and Mrs. Paul AnghinettiSarah AntayaPaul AntropDr. Roberta J. ApfelMr. and Mrs. William M. ApplegateArden Jewelry Manufacturing Co.Mr. and Mrs. Michael AtalayChristine AthaideAtrion Networking

Sharyn AustinAnthony AutielloAsha A. AwadChristopher L. AyersMr. and Mrs. Marc BachandRodney R. BaillargeonMr. and Mrs. David C. BainerWilla BairdMel Baker and Michael MorettiDavid J. BaldwinJohn BaldwinMr. and Mrs. John BallLisa Ballou and Jaye TylerMr. and Mrs. Jeff BaranTeresa BariosEdward BarlowMr. and Mrs. Jason BarnesWilliam BarnesMr. and Mrs. Ben A. BaronePhilip BarrMr. Charles BarrettMr. Jonathan BarrettMr. and Mrs. Nicholas BarrettPatricia BarrettTara BarrettBarrington Fitness Studio

Greg BarthelChris and Kristin BassoBrian BattingCarly BaumannBeacon CommunicationsThe Beacon Mutual Insurance Co.Mr. and Mrs. Normand L. BeauregardMaryann BeauvaisSusan BeckerMr. and Mrs. Thomas BeckerGary Belkin and Masha SchillerKyle BellMr. Charles Bertwell, Jr.Lisa and Paul BevilacquaMr. and Mrs. Donato Bianco, Jr.Richard and Chris BigelliMr. and Mrs. John BigonetteMatthew Billings and Tiffiny BranerBishop Keough Regional High SchoolMr. and Mrs. Mars BishopMr. and Mrs. Maurice BissonnetteMr. and Mrs. Frederick S. Blackall IVMr. Jeremy U. BlackowiczMr. and Mrs. Kevin BlanchardChristopher BlazejewskiMr. and Mrs. John H. Blish

Maranda BlissRobin D. BlossomMr. and Mrs. Sandy BodellKathryn BordonaroErin M. BoucherRebecca and Anthony BouleyMr. and Mrs. BowdenDr. and Mrs. Lawrence BowenMr. and Mrs. Gregory BoyerThomas BoyleBoys & Girls Club of PawtucketJohn BrackenMs. Karen M. Bradbury and Mr. Patrick

CrowleyThomas BradyMr. and Mrs. Ralph BrancaRosinda BrancoMr. and Mrs. M. D. BransfieldJames BrassilJoanne BrassilSean BrassilMr. Vincent Brassil and Ms. Maureen

MedeirosMelissa BravoBread of Life SchoolsLoretta Bready

Jortum and mentor Todd Reed

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Kristin BrennanMarjorie BrennanMr. and Mrs. Michael BresnickDr. Roger BrotmanAnn-Elizabeth BrownBrown RudnickEmily BruceMr. and Mrs. Charles T. Brusso, Jr.Dr. and Mrs. Anthony BruzzeseEliza BullockMr. and Mrs. James Burchfield, Sr.Mr. and Mrs. Joseph BurchfieldMr. and Mrs. Edward Burman IIIWilliam BurnesMr. and Mrs. Darby BurokerKimya P. BushMr. and Mrs. Michael BushDavid BussiusMs. and Mr. Patricia ByrnesRachel and Benjamin CaldwellJohn CameronJohn CanceloaraMr. and Mrs. Patrick J. CanningMr. and Mrs. Ramon J. CanningMr. and Mrs. Pedro CanoMr. and Mrs. Edmund F. Capozzi, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Edmund F. Capozzi, Sr.

Judge and Mrs. Frank CaprioDonna CapuanoLinda C. CarcieriStephen J. CarlottiMr. and Mrs. Brett CarlsonRoseanne CarlsonMr. and Mrs. Dan CarneyAlma CarrollMichael CarvahloEdward CaseyKerrie J. CaseyDr. and Mrs. Paul CashionMr. and Mrs. Chris CassaraMarcia CastroMr. and Mrs. Richard CavanaghCenter for Obstetrics and Gynecology, IncMr. and Mrs. Gerald CerceMr. and Mrs. Lincoln Chafee Stephanie ChamberlinMr. and Mrs. Bobby ChangJennifer CharnleyReverend and Mrs. Peter ChaseMs. Tricia ChatterleyVijay ChettyCatherine ChiccarelliBigitte ChipMatthew Clarkin

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel ClarkinRobert ClarkinCandita ClaytonClearlines CommunicationsRichard ClearyMichael ClementEleanor Clemente Susy ClementeMr. and Mrs. Perry CloughMr. and Mrs. Jim CobreyBrian CoferRenee CohenCoia & Lepore, Ltd.Mr. and Mrs. David ColemanMr. and Mrs. James ColemanMr. and Mrs. William ColemanCollard EnterprisesH.V. Collins CompanyEloise CollinsKathleen CollinsMargaret ColoianMr. and Mrs. Darin M. ColucciConnectEduTracy ConnoleMr. and Mrs. Robert ConsidineGary ConvertinoMr. and Mrs. Louis Coppolino

Kevin CordesMelanie CordesSteven CordesWilliam R. CorkhumAlexandra CornwallStephen CornwallMr. and Mrs. Frank CorrenteMr. and Mrs. John CorriganRobert CorsettiAlfred CorsoCarol CostaMr. and Mrs. Peter D. CostaJamie CostelloEleanor CoughlinJoan Countryman and Edward JakmauhMr. and Mrs. John CournoyerDara CourtemancheMr. and Mrs. Justin CoutuMr. and Mrs. Steve CraddockEleanor CraigGerry CrawleyMr. and Mrs. Marc A. CrisafulliElizabeth CrohanAlison CrokeJane CroninCrosscurrent Marine, LLCCuban Revolution

Lavell, Kizmaree, and Pamela Harris, 2012Steere Orchards, Greenville, RI

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Mr. and Mrs. John Cummings Stephen CuomoRalph CurtiMr. and Mrs. Ken CussonCustom InkBarbara J. Dacey and Michael D. HouleMike DaceyMrs. Pamela DahlbergDaily ScoopDaisy Dig’insMr. and Mrs. Ronald DalglieshMr. and Mrs. Paul DamianoMr. and Mrs. Robert D’Amico IISusan Dando Mary D’AndreaThe Honorable Francis DariganMr. and Mrs. Michael DascoliRosemary DasilvaSandra DaSilva and David CostaDave & BustersMr. and Mrs. Andrew W. DavisBenjamin DavisMr. and Mrs. Geoffrey DavisJoanna DavisMr. and Mrs. Joshua DavisMr. and Mrs. Pete DealDr. and Mrs. Peter DeBlasioMr. and Mrs. Robert C. DebloisDiane DeckerKaren Del PontePamela J. DelaneyMr. and Mrs. John DeLuca Craig DemingBarbara D. DensmoreJean DePetrilloMr. and Mrs. Lawrence DeSalvatore, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Robert DeSalvioMs. Jane Desforges and Mr. Michael WhiteRoger and Corrine DeSilvaRose DeSousaMr. and Mrs. Raymond A. DeStefanisSorrel DevineMr. and Mrs. John DiamondWendi DiamondMr. and Mrs. Anthony DiCiccoLinda B. DieboldElsie DigginsSusan M. DigginsRobert J. DiLeonardoDayna DiMarcoDenise Dimare and Jeffrey J. MillerJonathan DiOrioMaria DisandroMr. and Mrs. Richard A. DobbinsMr. and Mrs. Edgar DobieJohn DohertyHeather DolanMr. and Mrs. John F. DolanJaime D’OliveiraMr. and Mrs. Michael J. DominguezMr. and Mrs. Ross Dalton Michael DoneganLisa J. Donovan

Mr. and Mrs. Timothy DoolingJennifer V. DoranDorothy WilliamsGretchen Dow SimpsonRobert and Carla DowbenMr. and Mrs. Michael DoylePatricia DoyleMarc and Natalie DrainvilleAmy E. DregaMr. and Mrs. Donald DreierVictoria DrewMr. and Mrs. Greg DubelR. Bobby and Michael DuCharmeDuckworth Financial Partners, Ltd.Grace DuGan and Greg PizzutiKathleen E. DuganJessica DuncanMr. and Mrs. Thomas DunnMr. and Mrs. Robert DurantLouise DurfeeMarie DuriganMr. and Mrs. Paul DwyerNancy Ellen DyerMr. and Mrs. William EasmanEddie C’s SalonMr. and Mrs. Allan EdwardsMr. and Mrs. John EellsMr. and Mrs. Daniel P. EganMr. and Mrs. Michael EidesMegan and Joshua EisenJenifer ElamElite Physical TherapyNeil and Elizabeth EllisEngineer Truck ServiceSandra EnosMr. and Mrs. Frank A. Epps IIISusan ErstlingEschenroederJ.R. Esposito DesignsMr. and Mrs. Joseph EspositoJonathan EtereeneJennifer Etue and Jasmin OsorioConstance EvradMr. Barry Fain and Dr. Elaine FainBrooke V. FairmanLauren FarleyMr. and Mrs. Kevin FarrellKeith FarrellyLise G. FauliseDena D. FazioStephanie FedericoEthan FeirsteinRobert T. Ferguson, Jr.Lisa A. FerraraMr. and Mrs. Jim FieldingClifford FieldsAmanda FilosoDrs. Michael Fine and Carol LevittDr. Staci FischerRichard FleischerMr. and Mrs. Larry FlynnJane FolcarelliJohn Forbes

Matthew ForbesMr. and Mrs. Edward FormisanoFilomena FortiRebecca FosterMr. and Mrs. William FoulkesFoundry Sports Medicine and FitnessMr. and Mrs. Charles T. FrancisJennifer FrancisMr. and Mrs. Harley FrankDr. Joseph FrankMr. and Mrs. Paul D. FrechettePeter FreemanMr. and Mrs. Peter Freeman, Jr.Phoebe Ann FreemanArnold Friedman and Dr. Florence FriedmanMr. and Mrs. Michael FriedmanChristine and Ernie FrizzleMr. and Mrs. Timothy J. FroggattKaitlyn FrolichEdwin FurtadoAmy GabarraMr. and Mrs. John GaffneyMr. and Mrs. Michael GalegoKevin GallagherEva M. GambleMr. and Mrs. Matthew J. GardellaJasmine GaryMr. and Mrs. David GavittMichael GazdackoMr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. GeddesAnnelisa GeeMarianne GianfrancescoMr. and Mrs. Robert GilbaneMr. and Mrs. Chris GildehausMr. and Mrs. John GinsburyKerry GiorgiMr. and Mrs. Louis GitlinErin GiulianoSarah and Tom GleasonGMO Investment Partners Inc.Gerald GodinVicki GodleskiJack A. GoldDr. David GoldbergPeter Goldberg and Cherry ArnoldLauren GoldenbergEric GoldlustGolf Foundation of RIMr. Chris Good and Ms. Robyn Ericsson Andrew GoodaleMr. and Mrs. Michael GoodsonDr. and Mrs. Norman GordonThe Gordon SchoolMr. and Mrs. John Gormly Nancy GoudreauCarolyn GouseSteven GouveiaBrother Lawrence GoyetteGeorge GraboysSkip and Cheryl GranaiMr. and Mrs. Lloyd GranoffDoris GraubartMr. and Mrs. Douglas Gray

Mr. and Mrs. Sedge GrayMr. and Mrs. Timothy GrayGregory GrecoToni GreenKeith R. GreenbaumRobert and Sheila GreenbaumWilliam GreeneClaudia GregoireJessica GrejdusMr. and Mrs. Steve GriffinNate Groenendyk and Rebecca LeeGroup Benefit Advisors, Inc.Guardian Life Insurance Co.Mark GuarraiaElizabeth GudraisPaul R. GugginaLisa GuilletteKrystle Guillory TadesseJennifer GuimondMr. and Mrs. David GulvinPeter Guyondam J. GwaltneyBwann GwannBetsy HadiCheryl A. Russo HahnDana HahnKristen HainenHair Spray SalonMr. and Mrs. Almon HallMr. and Mrs. Bryce HallMr. and Mrs. Thomas HallMr. Walter HallananMr. and Mrs. Gary HalpernMr. and Mrs. Seth HandyColleen HarringtonMr. and Mrs. David J. HarringtonPamela HarrisAthena HaseotesMr. and Mrs. Alan G. HassenfeldJoseph HassettHayes & Sherry, Ltd.Elizabeth M. HayesDr. and Mrs. Jack HayesElisa and Barney HeathChristine HeenanCourtney and Chris HendersonChad L. HershmanMr. and Mrs. Charles HewittDailyn J. HigginsJames A. HiltonMr. and Mrs. David HirschMichael HirshMr. and Mrs. Thomas HoaglandMr. and Mrs. Sean HoganMichael HogueMary HolahanMr. and Mrs. Michael J. HolahanBetsy HollandMr. and Mrs. John HolmesTimothy F. HolohanJason M. Holt, Esq.Mr. and Mrs. Christopher HolzwarthHomestyle

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James A. HopkinsMr. and Mrs. Peter HorstmannDebbi-Jo Horton and Stanley DeAngelisMatthew Hruska and Florence CrispHudson Street DeliRobyn HugheyBeppie HuidekoperPeter D. HumphreyMr. and Mrs. Douglass B. HumphreysW. Thomas HumphreysMr. and Mrs. Peter HuntJames HunterSue HutsonMr. and Mrs. Larry IadonisiSteven Iannuccilliigive.comMr. and Mrs. John IngramJanet InnisDr. Mariam InocencioMr. and Mrs. Sam IsersonStephanie IssaNeil W. JacksonDrs. Daniel and Jordana JaffeeMr. and Mrs. Warren JaggerMichael Jalbert and Elizabeth SheridanJD Cement WorksMr. and Mrs. Jeffrey JenkinsPeter JenkinsPamela JenningsDrs. Bonnie and Richard JennisHolly JensenDrs. Justine Johnson and Gary BlockMichael JohnsonSusan JohnsonSuzanne JohnsonJulia JohnstonDonald JonesMr. and Mrs. Lauren JonesLisa and John JonesMr. and Mrs. David JosephsSimone JoyeauxJustGiveKurt T. KalbererRobert KalbererKaren KaneMr. and Mrs. William KaposAndrew H. KaraMichael KasewiczLawrence KatzHoward KaufmanDonald KavanaghLee KeizlerMr. and Mrs. Charles J. KelleyMr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Kellogg IIIKathleen KellsKyle KellyKirsten E. KenneyTroy KetchumXay KhamsyvorangRosemary KhosrovaniDonald Kieffer, Ph.D.Blake KimbroughElizabeth Kimzey

Mr. and Mrs. Timothy KingLynde KintnerMr. and Mrs. William L. Kite, Jr.Janice Kizirian, M.D.Dr. Jack KlieJason KnightLisa and James KoelleJoseph KolbMr. and Mrs. Bradford KoppEtienne KoteyMr. Peter Kramer and Ms. Rachel SchwartzMark KravatzMr. and Mrs. Brian KrivitskyJames KroesSusan KruegerDr. Magda KrzystolikMr. and Mrs. Steven M. KuminsKyureo, LLCJorge and Meg LagaresJoanna LairdPriya LakhiKatharine LaMantiaChristina LambThomas LambMr. and Mrs. Bruce LangMr. and Mrs. Fraser LangCongressman James LangevinErin LaNinfa Robin LansingerLaura LaramieEdward C. LarocqueMr. and Mrs. Robert LaurieMr. and Mrs. J. Kurt LauthEmily LawrencePeter LeachMr. and Mrs. Eugene LeeLaura LegantPaul LenahanRoss LenzingJohn Leonard, Sr.Leonards AntiquesDale Lesh and Alayne BarnicoatTamilyn M. LevinCamille Lewis BrownChristina L. LewisMr. and Mrs. Gary LightPaul LillaVanessa LillieErika LindbergLindon Group, Inc.Maryann LippittMr. and Mrs. Scott LisleMr. and Mrs. James LitseyWayne Lloyd and Rosanne RamosDoris Kirchner and Ron LoeserDr. and Mrs. Justin LoewMr. and Mrs. Adam LombardiChristopher LongDomingos LopesJohn LopezLotus LandscapeMr. and Mrs. Ken LoudFrances Low

Mr. and Mrs. Jose LuisBarry LundgrenMr. and Mrs. Chris LydonJ.H. Lynch & Sons, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lyons Fay MacariJason MacariKristen MacciniMr. and Mrs. Bruce MacDonaldMr. and Mrs. Dan MacDonaldHelen G. MacDonaldLois MacDonaldMr. and Mrs. Ronald R. MachtleyJane MacManusMr. and Mrs. William MaddenMadison Properties, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. Stephen F. MaggiacomoMelanie MagnoMr. and Mrs. David MaherArthur MahlerMr. and Mrs. Paul M. Mahoney, Jr.Mike Majoros and Nancy ComptonKathleen M. MalloyDr. and Mrs. Stephen L. MaloneMr. and Mrs. William A. MaloneyLiza ManchesterPamela Manchester MaherElaine MancusoMr. and Mrs. Roger MandleMr. and Mrs. Les MannNatalie P. ManningAlfred T. MarcianoMr. and Mrs. Gaetano L. MariniDr. and Mrs. A. Louis MariorenziHilary MarkoeNancy MarkumChris MarsellaMr. and Mrs. John L. Marshall IIIRaysa MarteJoyce M. MartensSean MartinMr. and Mrs. Angelo MartinelliMr. and Mrs. Jeffrey R. MassottiAmy MastalerzMichael Matera, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Jack MathewsEvan Matthews Edmund M. Mauro, Jr.Dr. Kenneth MayerRebecca MayerMr. and Mrs. Mark McAndrew Kristie L. McCannMcCarten Violins, LLCMr. and Mrs. Charles V. McCarthyKeely McDonaldShonte McDowellMarie McGovernRose McIlvaneJudge Maureen McKenna GoldbergMr. and Mrs. Kevin McKnightShannon McKnightKenneth J. McLarenMr. and Mrs. Brian McMahon

Grace McNamaraMr. and Mrs. Kevin J. McNamaraSusan McNamaraMr. and Mrs. Dan McQuadeScott McQuilkinAshley MedeirosMaureen MedeirosMedia Services GroupJeffrey A. MegaMr. and Mrs. Bradd J. MellionMr. and Mrs. Gil MelloKatharine MerrimanMr. and Mrs. Steven MetzgerMr. and Mrs. Daniel MeyerMG Commercial Real EstateMr. and Mrs. David P. MichaelMid City Steel CorporationMr. and Mrs. Antonio H. MiguelKennon Miller and Jennifer NewkirkMr. and Mrs. Michael MillerMary R. MinardMinuteman PressMatthew Mitchell Anne MoanDr. and Mrs. Peter J. MogayzelSandra MonizChristopher J. MontalbanMr. and Mrs. Joseph MontaquilaKelly MonteiroMaureen MonteiroMr. and Mrs. David L. MontiMr. and Mrs. John B. MorettaMichael MorinRussell Morin, Jr.David MorowitzAdrienne Morris and Stewart MartinBernice MorrisMr. and Mrs. Lincoln Mossop, Jr.Melissa MotelAngela MotleyMr. and Mrs. Thomas MotturJennifer MoultonMr. and Mrs. Chip MullerCaitlin MulliganMr. and Mrs. Greg MulliganAnn MurphyDaniel MurphyDaniel Murphy, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Dennis MurphyElizabeth MurphyMr. and Mrs. Jay MurphyPhilomena MurphyMr. and Mrs. Andrew MurrayMr. and Mrs. Ken NappiCathleen NaughtonPatrick NeeNancy NeisDonna NevilleNewman Dignan & ShererMartha NicholsMichael and Susan NicholsonRonald NobregaMr. and Mrs. Tim Nolan

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NordstromMichael J. NovariaMr. and Mrs. Michael NulaMr. and Mrs. Eric M. Nygren, Sr.Oaklawn Animal HospitalSarah and Paul O’BrienLeonard O’ConnorMr. and Mrs. David G. OdessaAlix OgdenRudolph W. Ogden IIIEdward O’GradyElizabeth OliveiraMr. and Mrs. Pete OppenheimerMr. and Mrs. Robert OresmanTony H. OrmondeKara OrrElizabeth OrtizP&CMr. and Mrs. Robert PadulaLeslie PalumboLinda PaolinoJohn R. PariseaultMr. and Mrs. Samuel ParishMr. and Mrs. Matthew ParkerMr. and Mrs. Frank PaternoStacy PattMr. and Mrs. Chris Patton

Dorothy PaulMr. and Mrs. Gregory PavaoLaurie PearsonMr. and Mrs. Ken PelletierMichael J. PendellDr. and Mrs. Vincent Pera, Jr.Merrill and Sheela PercelayPerformance ResourcesPerotto Consulting & Management Inc.Sue V. PetronelloLinda Petrucci and Tim ColbyDavid PhilhowerJane PhilippiDr. D. James PhotopoulosCarolyn PiatekMr. and Mrs. Bill PiccerelliAnnette PicerneVeronica PichardoDonna PillsburyDavid S. PinkhamPlanned Giving Council of RILinda PlumleyMr. and Mrs. Robert PoirierMartha and William PoirierMr. and Mrs. Robert PoirierLeo PollockPatrice Pop

Dr. Athena Poppas and Mr. Phillip GouldRoberta PortugalMr. and Mrs. Ralph PosnerKathleen PovarCraig PowellEhoy PowersJessica PowersNancy PrattMr. and Ms. Daniel J. PriorLidia ProcaccinoProvidence Picture Frame Co.Mr. and Mrs. William PurdueMr. and Mrs. Gregg QuadriniQuench DesignMr. and Mrs. Patrick R. QuinnR.E.I., Inc.Sandra RadlerChristopher RaineDr. Herbert RakatanskyMr. and Mrs. Darmendra RamcharranMarc RamieriTomas E. RamirezCecelia D. RamosRosanne Ramos and Wayne LloydMeg and Chris RamsdenMr. and Mrs. Peter B. RamsdenRamson House

Tyler RayMr. and Mrs. Steve RaymondRBC Dain RauscherMr. and Mrs. Ken ReadWilliam and Marilyn ReadMr. and Mrs. James ReddingMr. and Mrs. David A. RedmondMr. and Mrs. James B. RedmondAndrew ReichmanMr. and Mrs. Chris ReillyMalcolm ReisRobert ReitzMarilyn Remick and Kenneth HarttNathaniel RendineMeredith and Eric RennerMr. and Mrs. John ReposaRess Family FoundationMr. and Ms. Jeffrey ReuterLinda RhaultMark RhoadsBenjamin RhodesMr. and Mrs. Timothy C. RhodesMr. and Mrs. Alex RicardoWilliam R. Riccio, Jr.Kenia RichardsMr. and Mrs. Chip RiegelRiparian Partners, LTD

Vivian Healey and mentee Jalayzha

Page 32: RISE – 15 Year Report

RISD BallsMike Ritz and Elaine CollinsTina RizakDr. and Mrs. Phil RizzutoMr. and Mrs. Michael RoarkeMr. and Mrs. Arthur RobbinsRobert A. D’Amico & Co., Inc.Lt. Governor Elizabeth RobertsRachel R. RobertsDr. and Mrs. Alex RobertsonKathryn RobinsonJames RocheKevin RocheGretchen RoeckerJaime M. RogersGrace RomanosChristina RondeauJohn RoneyMr. and Mrs. Gregg H. RosenSuzy E. Rosov Claudia P. RowlandElizabeth RoxDr. Richard J. RuggieriMr. and Mrs. John A. RuppNancy RyanPaige and Jonathan RyanJennifer SabatiniKathryn SabatiniMario SabatiniHerbert SackettMeredith Sackett

Dawn SahagianMr. and Mrs. Gary W. SahakianDr. and Mrs. Deepak SalujaMr. and Mrs. John SalvatoreMr. and Mrs. David SammartinoSusan SamsonSan Miguel SchoolJoseph SandsChristopher and Lauren SanfordMr. and Mrs. John M. SapinsleyMark Sargent and Catherine DouglasJo-Ann SavageMr. and Mrs. Wilson G. SavilleMr. and Mrs. Robert A. SavoieTimothy SawyerJoseph ScanlonScarborough - Phillips DesignMichael SchafferMr. and Mrs. Joseph SchallEdward SchottlandMr. and Mrs. Kenneth SchreiberChristopher SchroederMr. and Mrs. Jay SchryverMr. and Mrs. William SchulteStephen and Hana SchwartzMr. and Mrs. Mark ScottMr. and Mrs. Jonas SeedMr. and Mrs. Michael SepeMartha M. Serbst, RSMDr. Kurush SetnaMr. and Mrs. Saleh R. Shahid

Robert ShamanskyJonathan Shank and Paige RyanMichael ShannonEllen ShatterDr. and Mrs. Thad ShattuckEllen and Justin ShayTracy SheaMr. and Mrs. Ted L. ShelovTina ShepardDr. and Mrs. Charles B. ShermanMr. and Mrs. Karl SherryMr. and Mrs. Steven SigalMr. and Mrs. Benjamin SigelLisa M. SignorelliMeghan and Matthew SiketPaul A. SilverDr. and Mrs. SilversmithMr. and Mrs. Albert SilversteinMr. and Mrs. Joseph SilviaSinapi, Formisano & Company, LTD.Alec SinelJames and Kathleen SkiffKatherine SklarElizabeth SladerDr. and Mrs. Frederick SlafskyScott SlaterJoseph SlepkowJosh SlepkowSmall Pleasures, Ltd.Kathleen A. SmithMichaela Smith

Mr. and Mrs. Rory SmithMr. and Mrs. Arthur SmolskiLisa Smolski and Thomas ChandlerJulie SnyderMr. and Mrs. Sergio SolanotMichael C. SorensenLouis SorrentinoMr. and Mrs. Andy SoutterMr. and Mrs. Jeff SparrRachel M. SpauldingSpectra Systems CorporationMr. and Mrs. Steven C. SpiritoAndrea SpringerSquires SalonPeter R. St. JeanSt. Paul SchoolMr. and Mrs. James StallmanStarKidsMary Ann SteimleThe Stellar CorporationMr. and Mrs. Karl F. StephensLisa A. StewartMr. and Mrs. Bradley StoneSally StrachanStreuver Bros. Eccles & RouseElizabeth StroutMr. and Mrs. Ronny SulimaniBarbara SullivanColleen SullivanHannah K. SullivanJames Sullivan

Ariana, Carissa, Monee, and D’Zire, 2013Rock Spot Climbing, Lincoln, RI

Page 33: RISE – 15 Year Report

Kevin J. SullivanNancy Sullivan and Nancy PotterThe SunnysideDeanna SweetRobert SylvainLouise M. SylvesterAlan SymondsReza TaleghaniNisha C. TalwarJohn TaraborelliMr. and Mrs. Christopher TascaMr. and Mrs. Robert TascaAshley M. TaylorMr. and Mrs. Robert TaylorKara TennettMr. and Mrs. David F. TetreaultAlicia TewMr. and Mrs. Fred ThompsonBrian E. TierneyErin TimmsMr. and Mrs. Stephan ToljanMr. and Mrs. Ronald TomasianMr. and Mrs. Francis TomassoMr. and Mrs. Chris TompkinsLisa TorradoMr. and Mrs. Stephen E. TortolaniKerry TownsendHeather Tow-YickAnthony TracyFrances and Peter TraftonLisa TrambukisDavid H. TraversJoAnn and Edward TrottaMr. and Mrs. Edward G. Turnbull, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. James TwaddellDavid UfferUnited States Trust CompanyUnited Way of Massachusetts Bay and Merri-

mack ValleyMr. and Mrs. John UrbanUrban League of RIParool VaidyaErin ValcourtMr. and Mrs. Victor ValenteMr. and Mrs. Chris Van AllsburgMary-Anne Van DegnaJohn VanslykeJudi VellyKevin E. VergeSangeeta VermaVermont Mutual InsuranceMr. and Mrs. Robert W. Vetromile, Jr.Nancy VezzaD. Peter VigueAna ViveirosMr. and Mrs. Jeffrey VogelWachovia FoundationMr. and Mrs. Stanley WachtenheimMr. and Mrs. Roy T. Wagner, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Ellis WaldmanMr. and Mrs. Scott WalkerMr. and Mrs. Christopher WallMr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Wall

Nicholas WallMr. and Mrs. William J. Wall, Jr.Andrew M. Wallerstein and Mary C. SloaneMr. and Mrs. Eric WalshMr. and Mrs. John W. WalterIrene Wang-PappasDr. and Mrs. Nick WardWarren RescueScott WarsheskiMr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. WashburnJames C. Watkins and Elizabeth J. PannellRalph E. WatsonLizzi WeinbergKim WeissChristine and John WestMr. and Mrs. William N. WestDave Whalen and Barbara BurkeMr. and Mrs. Joseph WhineryFredda WhiteTrae B. WhiteSandra T. WhitehouseSenator and Mrs. Sheldon WhitehouseDelores E. WhitesideMr. and Mrs. Michael WigginsBrad WightmanMr. and Mrs. Paul WilcoxTatiana C. WildemanMr. and Mrs. Walter Wilks, Jr.Denise WilliamsDr. and Mrs. John C. Williams, Jr.Lisa M. WilliamsDory WilsonRae Wilson-MedgyesyKenneth WingWinograd Shine Land & Finkle, P.C.Jeremy WithersMr. and Mrs. James WodarskiDr. and Mrs. Richard L. WolbarshtW. Irving Wolf, Jr.Robert WolfskehlJed T. WolpawBethany WoodKarina WoodMr. and Mrs. Robert C. WoodMr. and Mrs. Thomas F. WoodhouseMr. and Mrs. Richard D. WorrellTerry E. Tullis and Constance WorthingtonAnalee WulfkuhleRhonda Jo Yacawych, Esq.Shanna YarmovskyYoga Annex, LLC.Dennis YoungMr. and Mrs. Michael T. YoungMichael ZabelinZack and Patricia BaconAnn ZarrellaMartina ZepterNorman Zolkos, Jr.Laura ZurowskiDr. and Mrs. ZwetchkenbaumToots Zynsky

MENTORSGenesis AcevedoElizabeth AdamsSharyn AdelsonEcem AkarraLaura-Ashley AlegbeleyeAriana AliceaRachael AlvesEmily AndersonKeith AndradeKenneth AntonizioEmilie AriesSarah ArrigoEvelyn AsanteVivian AsareSandi AshburnAaron AtwoodNurys AudetteDylanne AxelsonElspeth BadeauStacy BairdBianca BalassoneAmanda BallIlanna BallVashely BallesterosLynn BaptistaAna BarrazaTara BarrettLaura BassiMaria BassiCarly BaumannSonja BeauchaineKristine BeckGraeme BellRose BellFrank BelskyLily BenedictRocio BerasKaren BerdugoMidge BerkeryEugene BernardoShaina BesnoffMonica BettencourtLisa BevilacquaTimothy BewesPathikrit BhattacharyyaKathy BinghamDavid BlandingJerry BlitefieldLizzie BlitzJohn BlueRichard BogertZoe BogusJustin BondNathan BonneauDounia BredesMajorie BrennanRené BretonClaudia BrettJessica BrickleKenneth Bright

Antonio Brito Jr.Jessica BrolLeslie BrowAndre BrownHarriet BrownPeter BrownChristine BubencikAngela BucciChris BullMaria BurgosDiane BynumLen CabralEsthefany CabreraDiana CaldarelliEmily CaldarelliJason CampelloneBill CareyLaMonne Carney Jr.Victoria CarusoColeen CarvahloPaul CavanaghJoseph Cavanagh, IIIStephanie ChamberlinRuth CharbonneauAmanda CharettePeter CharronWilberth ChavesMichelle ChengPamela ChevalierRenee ClarkGayle ClaryRashad ClemonsGina CleriRikki ColacurcioCynthia ComproneKristen ConnollyGary ConvertinoAngelyne CooperKah’Reem CopelandAlexandra CornwallJustin CostaKevin CostaPaul CoteMegan CresciMargaret CrowellKa’Lena CuevasThomas CurranKeith CustudioKristina D’OnofrioKirsten D’AmicoBrett DaveyDanise DavisEmilie DavisEmily DavisElizabeth DeandradeDiane DeckerNaomi DelgadoChetram DeochandDeborah DerbanderAllison DesselJoanie DevineLaurie DiBattistaMichel Diboty

Page 34: RISE – 15 Year Report

Brian DiciccoFelicia DionneJen D’IorioChris DipisaAlexandria DiRaimoAshley DixonMichelle DominguezGlenn DonovanDonald DooleyKristy Dos ReisDina DosSantosMarc DrainvilleNatalie DrainvilleRobert DucharmeHakeem DudleyElizabeth DufaultJean-Paul DuJardinRobert DurantMarie DuriganMaddy DwertmanAmanda DylKaitlin EastLeonard EstrellaNicole EstrellaDarryl EtterJennifer EtueAmanda EyesMary FaranoRyan FarrellAngela FerraraSonia FerriaChristopher FiecoatMountha FigueredoAnna FisherCatherine FlemmingsShauna FontaineElizabeth FontesHonore FordElizabeth FortierRebecca FosterNaydeen FotsonAutumn FrancescaShelley FrancisJoe FrankLaura FrazerEverette Frie Jr.Melanie FriedrichsKaitlyn FrolichRobyn FryeRichard GagnonLoren GainesAyana GallegoNailah GallegoSham GanglaniDanitza GarciaMargaret GarlandAmy GastelumPaula GauthierTracy GauvinAlexandria GbarayorAnnette GeorgioKaren GeremiaGreg Gerritt

Marianne GianfrancescoNorman Gibbs Jr.Thekla GibsonNabeel GillaniJennifer GiuliehiPeter GoldbergJacob GoldstonAnish GonchigarLucia GonzalezAndrew GoodaleLawrence GoodmanKathryn GramaticoGregory GrecoTonimaria GreenBarbara GreeneLauren GreeneTracy GreeneKerri GreenerAaron GreenspanClaudia GregoireBetsy GrenierMark GuarraiaKrystle Guillory-TadesseDavid HaffenrefferMarilyn HagistJessica HalpinTyler HammerTara HampsonJoanne HarpinPamela HarrisJennifer HatchJoe HauserVivian HealeyAlexa HenaultShannon HibbertWilliam HightowerMary HoellLisa HofmanFrederick HollowayEric HolmstedtAmanda HowardErica HowellCherelle HudsonRobyn HugheyShannon HurleyTodd IarussiAmit JainLindsey JamielAlex JansenDorothy JeanFaiz JiwaniJulia JohnstonJaleesa JonesNaydeen KafalasCoppe’lia KahnAndrew KarnDawn KeableAshley KellerLisa KellyMeghan KellyJennifer KennedyMary KenneySheila Kesse

Mercy KimanthiLynde KintnerMikeya Kirksey-DixonBill KitsillisKenneth KnoxDarlene KorsonKevin KorsonEtienne KoteyLizzie KravatzMagdalena KrzystolikRajiv KumarSusan LancasterMartha LandryWilliam LandryMarie LangloisErin LaNinfaKimberly LanzireThomas LapierreJon LaPointeNatalia LaraLaura LaramieNate LavigneIris LealDouglas LearnedErnest LeclercKristine LeeMorgan LeeNataly LemusCarissa Leveille Leah LevitteEric LewinLeslie LinherWayne LloydAlicia LombardiLubicristin LoraMaryAnn LoudStephen LydonStephanie LyinsElizabeth LynchGregory LynchStephen Lynch Jr.Stephanie LyonsMelanie MagnoJayme MallindineJulie MaloneyJames ManchesterLiza ManchesterHilary MarkoeSarah MarsellaBrendan MarshallNatasha MarshallRaysa MarteOmama MarzuqJulianne MaynusCatherine McCaffreyShelly McCannJohn McCarthyBay McClureDaniel McDonoughCaitlin McGlincheyBryon McKinneySusan McknightElizabeth Meade

Stacy MeadsMichael MedeirosTanyia MedeirosZahra MerchantJoane MerlainElizabeth MetzgerGuerline MillerAnne MirandaBarbara MonfilsKevin MonizLindsay MookStephen MookMeghan MooreCarlos MorenoJohn & Jackie MoranTed MoranHeather MorinMichael MorinRussell Morin Jr.Bernice MorrisPatricia MorrisSara MorrisDavid MortonCecelia MoscaErnestine MosesSeth MotelFarid MoustofiSory MoyedaCordelia MuellerStefanie MurphyTara MurrayJanice NagleLori NeedhamKathy NguyenTanya NguyenKathleen O’BrienBrigid O’ConnorIkenna OgueriKelly O’HernAfeez OlalekanEric OliverasTimothy O’NeilDawn O’ReillyChanel OrtizHenry OrtizJessica PadenLeonel PadillaAdam PaganoAmy PagliariniAbraham PaniaguaObeida PappRenee PariseauMoni PatelAngie PatinoChristina PatisteaJohnathan PayanoMikeyla PelaezAngelina PerezDavid PerezAllison PerreaultElizabeth PerryJanet PetersJennifer Petreccia

Marisa PetrecciaChittasa PhathepvongsaManuel PichardoVeronica PichardoMaria PickeringJennifer PineroJean PochebitMichael PoindexterTalia PolicelliLeo PollockJoy PongvongkeoKhonansay PongvongkeoGisela PorrasKathleen PovarNathan PrachtRebecca PrachtFrederick PriceWilliam PriestlyMichelle PublicoverTherese QuigleyLaurie RaffertyGabriela RaffucciThomas RahnoldDarmendra RamcharranKathleen RamcharranKristine RamirezEliot RamosRosanne RamosThangam RavindranathanTodd ReedAndrew ReichmanShameka RembertMeredith RennerMark RhoadsBrandon RieffCristina RiendeauNatalie RizzoEmily RobertsEvelyn RobertsonDemetrious RobinsonJaime RoblesAlison RocheAndrew RodgersAlicia RodzenAshley RodzenJoanna RomerAngeliz RosarioMaria RossWilliam RossRebecca RossiMichael RoussosJefrey RoyMeredith RuggieroCrystal RutkiewiczBarbara RuttenbergPaige RyanJennifer SabatiniKathryn SabatiniNayvn SalemGeorgette SantilliCasandra SantosJarod SchererMatthew Scherer

Amy SchneiderLucy SchultzHana SchwartzTaylor ScullFernando SernaJonathan ShankTina ShepardColin ShererTrina ShererAshley ShermanHoney ShermanKathleen SherryJennifer ShimkusJjay ShishupalDebra Silverman-BourassaTrevor SilvioNorman SimpsonMicaela SmithStephanie SnyderAaron SochaNicole SolasSoren SorensenAlicia St. JeanRonald StabileAlexis SternScott StraightDamaris SullivanDan SullivanLauren TamDave TaraborelliJohn TaraborelliAdam TarczukErik TecunSelene TellesWrenele ThemeRahnold ThomasRoberta ThompsonJennifer ThomsonKaren TilborPatrick TillThalia TiradoKatrina ToalAaron TracyAnthony TracyJohn TrainorAntoine TraisnelSue TremblayTrinh TroungTrung TruongPaula TucciGraham TylerAmanda ValentinoRobyn VargasAris VazquezMargarida VeigaMaria VelasquezLuz VelezNicole VerdiDiana VieiraTony VigneauAmanda VincentSarah VukovichShreya Vyas

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Brian WalkerJaimie WalkerGretchen WallaceRichard WalshAislinn WaltersKaitlynne WardRay WardChris WashingtonTammie WatsonBilly WattersonLena WeissPaula Welch Kristen WesolowskiAnna WheatDanielle WhitneyKiera WhitneyMikel WigginsJason WillitsElizabeth WilsonKenneth WingGina WodarskiJoanna WohlmuthMary WoodVictoria WoodsRoy Woodton Jr.Amy YangScott YiMaddie Yohannes

Dennis YoungMichael ZabelinWilliam ZacheryMichelle ZeilerMartina Zepter

BOARD MEMBERSEugene BernardoMartha BennettOliver Bennett*John Berkery*David BlandingEarl Bright*Bradley BrockmannRev. Bob BrooksMatt BrownJohnnie ChaceBonnie ClarkeDan CorleyMarianne CorrJoan CountrymanMary Jane Creamer*Paul Cronin*Kevin CurtinJoe DeQuattroNancy Dunn

*Dr. Tim Flanigan, FounderTed FullerPatty GarrahyJasmine GaryWilliam Gilbane IIIJose GonzalesBrother Lawrence GoyetteDavid HaffenrefferChristine HeenanMary HigginsMike Hudner, Past Pres.Diana JohnsonGeneva JohnsonAbby Klieman *Ken Knox Richard LandDiane Larsen, Past Pres.Monica LauransHeidi LoomisGil MacLean Matt Marcello III*Kristen Haffenreffer Moran, FounderDaniel Marwil, MD*Mark Meredith*Lindsey Armstrong MitchellBrian Murphy, Past Pres.*Dan MurphyJohn Murphy

Stephanie Murphy Suzanne Murray*Jocelyn MurtaJoe NagleJeffrey Nickol*Tricia O’Neil, Current PresidentJohn Pothin*Todd ReedRoberta Richman*Jennifer SabatiniNavyn SalemCatherine ShererScott Shore*Eric Shorr*John SinnottBud Snead Michael SweeneySusan SymondsJohn TaraborelliLiza TavarezTed TraftonDonna Paolino Urciuoli, Past Pres.*Dr. Kevin Vigilante, Founder & Past Pres.Dr. Beverly WaltersDanny WarshayJames WeintrubTrae WhiteLindsay Yates

*=current member

RISE Back to School Party, 2012Roger Williams Park, Providence, RI

Page 36: RISE – 15 Year Report

Rhode Islanders Sponsoring Education143 Prairie Avenue, 1st floorProvidence, RI