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Ringtail Possum Squirrel Glider Scientific Name Pseudocheirus peregrinus Scientific Name Petaurus norfolcensis

Type Mammal—Marsupial Type Mammal—Marsupial

About Me Mainly active during the night. Have a tail used for holding (prehensile)

About Me Member of the possum family Glides between trees at night time

Habitat Live in treetops in nests made of leaves, grass and shredded bark

Habitat Hollows of trees or dead trees including Yellow box and River Red Gum

We Eat Leaves of gum trees (Eucalypts) Fruit and buds of native trees and shrubs

We Eat Eucalypt nectar, insects and sap from wattles

Eaten By Wedge tailed Eagles, cats, dogs and foxes Eaten By Lace monitors, Wedge Tailed Eagles, foxes and cats

Eastern Grey Kangaroo Short Beaked Echidna Scientific Name Macropus giganteus Scientific Name Tachyglossus aculeatus

Type Mammal—Marsupial Type Mammal—Monotreme

About Me Have a pouch for carrying young. Female usually permanently pregnant

About Me Egg laying mammal Baby echidna is called a ‘puggle’

Habitat Rest under gum trees Habitat Seek shelter in caves, crevices and hollow logs.

We Eat Grasses including wallaby and Kangaroo grass We Eat Ants and termites. Can eat earthworms and larvae.

Eaten By Wedge Tailed Eagles and dingos Eaten By Foxes and dingos. Young echidnas eaten by lace monitors.

Wedge Tailed Eagle Superb Parrot

Scientific Name Aquila audax Scientific Name Polytelis swainsonii

Type Bird Type Bird

About Me Wing span of about 2 metres

About Me Threatened in the Murray Catchment

Photographer – Geoffrey Dabb

Photographer – Geoffrey Dabb

Habitat Make nests using sticks in tall dead or live trees. Habitat Nest in large River Red Gums with hollows.

We Eat Rabbits, hares, lizards, birds (including ducks), lace monitors and mammals (including dead kangaroos).

We Eat Flowers, fruits and seeds of Gold dust wattle, Yellow Box, River Red Gums, Butterbush and Kangaroo grass.

Eaten By Eaten By Wedge tailed eagles, hawks and cats.

Bush Stone Curlew Galah Scientific Name Burhinus grallarius Scientific Name Cacatua roseicapilla

Type Bird (ground dwelling) Type Bird

About Me Endangered in the Murray Catchment Also called ‘bush thick-knee’

About Me Part of the parrot family Found in large flocks

Habitat Fallen logs, branches and leaf litter. Rely on camouflage to hide during the day.

Habitat Shelter from heat of day in leaves of trees. Roost in trees at night. Nest in hollows of large trees.

We Eat Variety of insects, spiders, caterpillars, snails, frogs, small fruits and seeds

We Eat Seeds from crops and grasses (including kangaroo grass)

Eaten By Wedge tailed eagles, foxes, dogs and cats

Eaten By Cats and wedge tailed eagles

Brolga Black Duck Scientific Name Grus rubicunda Scientific Name Anas superciliosa

Type Bird Type Bird

About Me Threatened in the Murray Catchment Large wetland bird

About Me Usually in pairs or small flocks Plunge head and neck underwater for food

Habitat Wetlands (spike-rush and canegrass) Habitat Vegetated swamps and waterside vegetation

We Eat Wetland plant roots, insects, spiders and frogs.

We Eat Shallow aquatic shoots, seeds, tubers and roots, freshwater insects

Eaten By Chicks eaten by foxes and wedge tailed eagles Eaten By Wedge tailed eagles

Long-necked Turtle Goanna Scientific Name Chelodina longicollis Scientific Name Varanus varius

Type Reptile Type Reptile

About Me Diurnal (active during the day) Long neck is used to rapidly strike at prey

About Me Second largest lizard in Australia Arboreal (in trees) and terrestrial (on land)

© MDBA; Photographer Gunther Schmida

Habitat River red gum, black box and wetlands

Habitat Lives in large trees (including Yellow Box and Red Gum)

We Eat Fish, tadpoles and frogs

We Eat Birds, insects, eggs, other reptiles, dead animals and small mammals including Squirrel gliders

Eaten By Eggs are eaten by the red fox Eaten By Wedge tailed eagles


(ants, grasshoppers, butterflies)


Type Arthropoda—Insecta Type Arthropod—Arachnida

About Me Have 6 legs and antennae About Me Have 8 legs and no antennae Spin silk webs

Habitat Grasses, shrubs and trees. Habitat Trees, shrubs, fallen timber, leaf litter and holes in the ground

We Eat Leaves, roots, stems, sap and fruit of plants including trees, shrubs and grasses. Butterflies drink nectar from flowers. Ants also eat dead insects.

We Eat Insects

Eaten By Echidna, Bush Stone Curlew, frogs, Brolga, ducks and Lace monitor

Eaten By Frogs, Bush Stone Curlew and Brolgas

Eastern Brown Snake Perons Tree Frog Scientific Name

Pseudonaja textilis Scientific Name Litoria peronii

Type Reptile Type Reptile

About Me Venomous snake active during the day Young snakes have a black head

About Me Have a cross shape in the pupil (eye) Males call September to January

© MDBA; Photographer Gunther Schmida

© Gunther Schmida

Habitat Shelters in fallen timber and cracks in the ground Habitat Live in trees and among plants. Can be along way from water.

We Eat Frogs, lizards, snakes, small birds and mice

We Eat Small insects, spiders, beetles, flies and moths.

Eaten By Small snakes eaten by lace monitors Eaten By Foxes, Brolgas and turtles

Red Fox Feral Cat Scientific Name Vulpes vulpes Scientific Name Felis catus

Type Mammal—carnivore Type Mammal—carnivore

About Me Pest animal Introduced to Australia for hunting

About Me Pest animal, introduced to Australia and released to control rabbits, rats and mice. Solitary and nocturnal.

Habitat Sleeps in dens, logs and other shelter during the day

Habitat Shelters in burrows, logs or rock piles. Found in all habitats

We Eat Small animals including Ringtail possum, Squirrel glider and Bush Stone Curlew. Also eat turtle eggs, insects and fruit from boxthorn and blackberry’s .

We Eat Mainly small mammals including Ringtail possums, Squirrel gliders and rabbits. Also eats birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish and insects. Doesn’t need drinking water, gets water from prey

Eaten By Dingos. Fox cubs eaten by Wedge Tailed Eagles. Also killed by shooting trapping and poisoning.

Eaten By Foxes, Wedge Tailed Eagles and Dingos.

Butterbush River Red Gum Scientific Name Pittosporum phylliraeoides Scientific Name Eucalyptus camaldulensis

Type Tree Type Tree

About Me Drooping branches with sticky seeds About Me Grow along watercourses

Provide Habitat for

Insects and spiders

Provide Habitat for

Squirrel glider, turtles, Superb Parrot, galah, Wedge tailed eagle, possums, lace monitor. Shelter for kangaroos. Fallen timber for Bush Stone Curlew, snakes, echidna, fox

Eaten By Fruit eaten by birds including parrots. Leaves, flowers and fruit eaten by insects.

Eaten By Squirrel gliders, Superb parrots and possums.

Yellow Box Sticky Everlasting Daisy Scientific Name Eucalyptus melliodora Scientific Name Bracteantha viscose

Type Tree Type Wildflower

About Me Grows on sandy soils About Me Flowers feel dry like paper

Provide Habitat for

Lace monitor, wedge tailed eagle, Ringtail possum, Squirrel glider, galah and superb parrot. Shelter for Kangaroos

Provide Habitat for

Spiders and insects

Eaten By Nectar and gumnut seeds eaten by Superb parrots. Leaves eaten by Ringtail possum and nectar eaten by squirrel glider and insects

Eaten By Insects including butterflies and ants

Kangaroo Grass Gold Dust Wattle Scientific Name Themeda australis Scientific Name Acacia ecinacea

Type Grass Type Shrub

About Me Is spread by seed About Me Flowers attract birds

Provide Habitat for

Frogs, insects, spiders and lizards

Provide Habitat for

Woodland birds (wrens, thornbills), insects and spiders.

Eaten By Kangaroos, wallabies, galahs and insects Eaten By Superb parrot and insects

Common White Sunray Horehound Scientific Name Rodanthe floribunds Scientific Name Marrubium vulgare

Type Wildflower Type Herb

About Me An everlasting daisy About Me Pest plant, introduced to Australia as a garden herb. Spread by sticky burrs.

Provide Habitat for

Insects and spiders

Provide Habitat for

Insects and spiders

Eaten By Insects Eaten By Not readily eaten because it is bitter and not tasty.

Blackberry Boxthorn Scientific Name Rubus fruticosus Scientific Name Lycium ferocissimum

Type Scrambling shrub Type Shrub

About Me Pest plant, introduced to Australia as a hedge plant and for its berries. One of the worst weeds in Australia.

About Me Pest plant, introduced to Australia as a hedge plant. Aggressive, spiny plant.

Provide Habitat for

Foxes, rabbits and small birds including wrens.

Provide Habitat for

Foxes, feral cats, rabbits, insects and small birds including wrens.

Eaten By Foxes and possums. Eaten By Fruit eaten by foxes and birds including parrots.