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Beneft Ingalls Memorial Library uiding Fun

SUNDAY AUGUST 3, 1969 1 :00-5:00 P. M


gift to t Town of Rndg e, NHby Rodney Wala ce in mery of Tho asIngalls T Lrary dedcaton as

 held Thursday June 3, 1895

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No. 1  AJONQUI o ofr an Mrs on Pillips

T sll of is bulinas buil abou 880 for usof e ron faily as a uninan fisin sler onsis

of one lare roo onsairsan four rue eroos upsairs.r urn of enury

en j  as puras by  rs.Pllps far, i as rne asa sur oae unil 1949 (firs oa on Lak onoonok)

T ous as rauall bnrol boin a year rouno Virin pines \r u aanor loaion on rs Pillips opry, n san, plane an panl in ol syl sip ap panllin er ar any anius, sral of  r ae in Ring by rs Pillips ansor Josua Tonsn of Convrsvill; fin rouns an arns; an ap spa for Piips obby o

ny-fi yars brein nlis prinr panis.


o 2 FOREFEDS o ors Harol Ri

Was bul urin o 1959 on lan a as bn in Ri faily for any yarsan as foraly kno:n as on erse lan

ouse nesles in fiel aan o r EasRin ool Hous us o b a lanark for any years oravelrs ben Boson an

poins or .loug fraork is

oern e o is fill i reasurs an ories aneon for sevra nraons

o. 3 T PRRY PAE o ofYw an rs. Hoar ray

Ts ouse is bliePrry soi aroun 1790assauss o reeiveexpeions o anaa

o be oriinal par of oe bui by Jone lan as purase fro a an in areson

as a ran for series n on of ary

os noory of Jon Prrys lren as olone Jaon B Prry oas a ery sussful farr is ra of olonel a fro Reinof iia. H as a reprsentaiye o e sure in 852 an 853;as a slan for sixen years; reasurer of Conrgaional oieyfor iry yars an is sai o a renr fiien an faiful sriin seln saes an as arian of orpans . •

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mong th mny things ospci not in this hous rth od pnes of glss in thnin over six windows, t h xtride he rth of th firplc,id floor bords nd thicbttn doors wth the originh rdwr

lso of prticulr intrstr th oriinl oil pntins,by r Gry, to be found inevery room nd the ridd rus,decorted fni ture nd tirby rs. ry -


� '.""'

CA -:0 i'. \I. L·:I(',; 1<( N�) 

of this room nrest th porch ws bdroom 

only for pecil occsions

No.4 CARAL USCthdr o t ines Tust

Formr cld "Intern"th Cthdr ous ws buit n870 on th sit of th lfmiy's first hom Whn Drnd rs ous Son cuirdthis proprty for su�er homn 193, pumbing ws prcticly nonxistt nd ny rprswr necessry.

Th prsent livin room wsoriiny two rooms nd hlwy Th rge ceter window ws doorwy from whch stirwyld to the second foor Th ndnd th otr ws th pror usd

n the wls of the living room re thre world trsurs bonging tothe Cthedr of th Pines. On is rroduction of "Th st Supper" byCyrus Cobb, pintd in 87 nother is th mrqutry Chist nd is othrprsent ed by th rech rtst, ul pinder in mmory of th mricn flrsnvoved ding the si of rln; nd pnish oil pinting of Th Cstdtng between 159-1616

 o 5 AL C hom ofM _ss orothy E. Cmpbl ndMrs. Cec E Frser

hn the schoohous in District o. 3, nown s th West Rindg Schoolouse, ws ofered for sle, n 195, ftr over hundred yrs of us, tssoid structur, step rof, xclent wndow rnmnt, nd utifu

tres, edity eed to its presnt owners s th bsis for smll,compct h ome. t hs been convertd wth no chn n its xtrior linsexcpt tht window hs rlced on of th front doors nd blins nd center himny h ben ddd Th formr woodsh ow srs s gr,nd th outhous hs been incorported n scrnd porc for sr com-

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fort and improvd appaance.Salpand windows now give theschoolouse add aut henicity

rom tonsple and townreorts hv co may prtinenfacs For instanc, among locaresidnts wo tauht in ths schoolar  rs Raymond Hammond woserd fro 192 to 1932, and Mrs.Ward Gray, unt rcetlyrran at the Inas moralLibary, Jho srd from 945 to149 In 2, rs. Handantd four sma in trsow rown to fu hht

r th ars th schol hadas fw as two an as many as eght grades tauht simultaneously in its one rooand n man yars ups rand i age from under four to or sixtn In69, on canjot el ut wonr ho ch it VJould cost today to duplicate the

sd, ut structur" capable of ndurng for nrations, tat in 149ct t tOn of nge prcsly $77609

N 6 BRY RC TRKLIN PIER EAle J ertrand, Drctor

Ths mposing fivestorystructe, with ts acade ofnatve New Hampshire ranite chp,opened n prl 1969 oloJing aar o constructon at a cost of1,20000 s the ntelctuaand physcal hu of the collgeo ts 00-acre ca m pus he lOr

ve, strt floor, and  m ezaneare plannd to house 90,000 volumeother areas provie open and prvate carre, corence roomsa languae laboratory, aculty

ounge, and staf offices Facults of the ivsions of Humantes and ofSocia Sciencs occupy two foors of the hre-story tower and adinistrativeoffices the top for

he Rare Book oom, in adtion to editions of prceless and  ntqueschoarly rare books, houss the coeg archivs, histors o suroundngtowns and mmoraila of ind, as el as manuscripts and prsonal volumesfrom te privat ibrary of Eward acowe, local artcls concerning theacowl oony in Ptrborouh, and fine sculpturs of the Maco Vells

Not the ast of the attractions of the ibrary source entr is its

panoraa i of Pary ak and ount Konadnock In fact, the entrrann Prce campus s mpr siV E , reflc ting as it do s the treendousopnt of te colge n less than sx yars since ts oundg in 6.

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No 7 T BUT'S home ofM r. and !rs oward Burt, Sr

In 951 Hoard Burt Srsard bulin a rach stye

ouse on Todd Hil. uch of thelmber ca from trs cut onthe property. The firpac asbuit by her sn Hoard Jrw th brcs from e ol_ ellinon il in East Ringe. Overthe firec re the originalcopper s ls an Chineys

"�  from Bank Vilaeer ten years te Burts

sd ther ome o Dr. and sRobrt Van de Graff of Lexin-.

-7: "   ' J ton, assachuss Rort an - - - ;� : : : - . �-�:� : - / 

y, w


�f r

�V�Em peror wich is said to reprsent a brak hrough in nuclear rsarch instrum nation

Afer his th in 167 he uts boht the house ro     rs. an de raaff:ny cans a en ade ncdin th instalaion o 0n hrmoane"i  s, ac ain on sd f a roo  Tr is an ce}lnt vew rom thes�nc a on a car dy ou se unains in asacustts and ermonts e as oun onadnoc and mny acs in Jafry, Fizwliam and Dubin.ndge s t thir highest town in ew Hamshre and odd Hil is vry nearthe hihst point

o 8 W}A lFORIAL IBRAYhe nas emral ibary, dedicad in 84, is now nring its

senty fif ear of srvic to the on of RindePatrons of te liary ae s teir apreciation of this srvice by

ther any ifs T f rn sj ng of he Symonds Room for a ts, he herwinoom  for chrn, and donations of many fine boos and picures ve alladed o h rcenss ad srcs ll to e patrons of herary. Thruh he yars s srices hve been eanded

ose cooation with he school has brouht he chilren to the lraryand sory ous ha en vry popular

Vrious oranatios ha fund i a plsant place for meinsecause of he ncrase in srces the buildin as it now stands is

ndeqate. h tim hs come for enlaren and rnovation is opedth townspop ay s this n  and respond to te presnt driv forfunds. ore sevices wil possibe wih more facltis to crry onte esn proras an to add new ones.


TA wil be srd in the Town Hall from one untilfive oclock by he Rinde Wons lu. We inviteyou o stop and refrsh yourselv& durin the tour

hy \i also be happy o provide inortion asll as tickets for he our.

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1  ALGO NGUI N nd s John  PipsSwan ont  Rod

2  FEFIELDSs Hrold Rce

 Od Asburn Road3 THE ERRY LACEir and Ms HNJard ryCmbd Rod

4 CAHEA OSECtdr of nesCadrl Road

SALS 1 ACE / ss rser- s Campbell O o unt n Rod -


7 T UR'Sl. nd 1rs Howrd But, Srd nhndon Road


9 OWN L Rndg Cn er

/ HOLIS[ TLr � 

ScH£f;T Ie /-A

PLEAS, no soin o si� s in t ous on t tou

TCT (ad ut inoation) a aaia in a<van y ai ak8s aya at 300 a o t ou tou d ta to t ngasoia Lay a d ai to:

na oia iayind Cnt ai


ICKE TS   may also be  purchased on h8 day of the tour at t e To wn Hall,  as as at a hous8 on t tou