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There are so many food pyramids, that there must be one that works for you. This one issimple and easy to use and stick to. The four-level pyramid is similar to most,

level 1 – The energy foods belonging to the carbohydrate food group are listed here. Six

to eleven servings of carbohydrates is recommended daily.

level 2 – Here, are two food groups, fruits and vegetables. Vegetables has a larger share, with 3 to 5 daily servings, while only 2 to 4 servings of fruits is recommended for 

daily consumption.

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level 3 – Foods from the protein food group occupy level three. Here 2 to 3 servings of 

 protein, which includes meat, milk, eggs and nuts are the ideal serving amounts daily.

level 4 - Lastly, level four contains fats, oils and sweets. Serving sizes on this level,which is the tip of the pyramid, are small. The recommended daily consumption should

 be from none to about 3 servings each day.

Everyone knows about the original food pyramid which outlines what foods should beconsumed and in what quantities. Since one size doesn’t fit all, different groups have

come up with food pyramids to suit their needs. One such is the Vegetarian Food

Pyramid, which is understandable since many of the items on the standard food pyramid

are not eaten by vegetarians. The Vegetarian Food Pyramid helps vegetarians plan

nutritious and healthy meals and ensure that they get adequate amounts of essential

nutrients. This pyramid has starches at the base, which includes rice, bread, pasta andwhole grain, and recommends 6-11 servings per day. The next largest food group

includes vegetables and fruits. Recommended daily servings are 3-5 for vegetables and 2-

4 for fruits. For vegetarians, legumes, beans and peas are great meat substitutes, and based on the pyramid 2-3 servings daily is ideal, with the same amount for diary sources

of protein such as milk, cheese and yogurt. As to be expected, fats and oils are to be had

in small quantities.

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Plant Facts

Explore the amazing world of plants with our cool range of fun plant facts for kids.

Learn about trees, flowers and photosynthesis before checking out information on some weird species suchas poison ivy and the venus flytrap.


• Tree resin which has been fossilized is known as amber, it sometimes contains plant material or small animals that wetrapped inside.

• Some plants are carnivores, gaining nutrients by eating various small insects and spiders. A well known example of acarnivorous plant is the Venus Flytrap.

• Bamboo can be a fast growing plant, some types can grow almost a metre (3.28 feet) in just one day!

• While using energy from sunlight, plants turn carbon dioxide into food in a process called photosynthesis.

• Around 2000 different types of plants are used by humans to make food.

• Onions might taste good but they can be painful to chop. A gas is released when you cut onions that irritates you eyestears you produce while this happens are your body’s way of washing it from your eyes.

• In the agricultural industry, to ensure crops of food grow well water is often added to soil in the form of irrigation.

• Plant matter found at the bottom of areas with water such as swamps can eventually turn into coal due to a process cametamorphosis (changing form).

• There are over 200,000 identified plant species and the list is growing all the time.

• Poison ivy produces a skin irritant called urushiol. Touching poison ivy will cause an allergic reaction, usually in the foran itchy rash on the skin.

• Fertilizers are chemicals added to plants to help them grow. Important elements in fertilizers include nitrogen, phosphoand potassium. Manure (animal waste) is also used as a fertilizer

Fun Dog Facts for Kids

Enjoy these fun dog facts that deliver a variety of information about interesting breeds, puppies, guide dogssuch as Labradors and much more.

As the famous saying goes, dogs are man’s best friend. Whether it’s as reliable workers, family pets or loyalcompanions, dogs are wonderful domestic animals that offer a number of qualities that are put to good use byhumans.


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• In total there is said to be around 400 million dogs in the world.

• The domestic dog has been one of the most popular working and companion animals throughout human histo

• Dogs perform many useful tasks for humans including hunting, farm work and security as well as assisting th

with disabilities such as the blind.

• Although experts often disagree, there is scientific evidence which shows that the domestication of dogs coul

have occurred more than 15,000 years ago.

• There are hundreds of different breeds of dogs.

• Examples of these breeds include: Bulldog, German Shepherd, Collie, Golden Retriever, St Bernard, GreyhouBloodhound, Chihuahua, Labrador, Great Dane, Rottweiler, Boxer and Cocker Spaniel.

• The most popular breed of dog in the world by registered ownership is the Labrador. With their gentle nature

obedience, intelligence and near limitless energy, Labradors make for excellent family pets and reliable workThey often assist police and are a common choice as guide dogs.

• Dogs have formed such a strong bond as pets, workers and companions to humans that they have earned the

nickname "man's best friend".

• Humans help train various dog breeds to enter in competitions such as breed shows, agility and obedience

contests, racing and sled pulling.

• Dog have superior hearing than humans, capable of hearing sounds at four times the distance.• Dogs have a remarkable sense of smell, they are capable of differentiating odors in concentrations nearly 100

million times lower than humans can.

• The average life span for a dog is around 10 to 14 years.

• Those involved in dog breeding refer to males as ‘dogs’, females as ‘bitches’, dogs younger than a year old a‘puppies’ and a group of offspring as a ‘litter’.

• Domestic dogs are omnivores, they feed on a variety of foods including grains, vegetables and meats.

Fun Cat Facts for Kids

Check out these fun cat facts for kids. Learn about cats as pets, their unique behavior, how long they sleepand much more.

Read on and enjoy the wide range of interesting facts about cats and kittens.


• Cats are one of, if not the most, popular pet in the world.

• There are over 500 million domestic cats in the world.

• Cats and humans have been associated for nearly 10000 years.• Cats conserve energy by sleeping for an average of 13 to14 hours a day.

• Cats have flexible bodies and teeth adapted for hunting small animals such as mice and rats.

• A group of cats is called a clowder, a male cat is called a tom, a female cat is called a molly or queen while y

cats are called kittens.• Domestic cats usually weight around 4 kilograms (8 lb 13 oz) to 5 kilograms (11 lb 0 oz).

• The heaviest domestic cat on record is 21.297 kilograms (46 lb 15.2 oz).

• Cats can be lethal hunters and very sneaky, when they walk their back paws step almost exactly in the same p

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as the front paws did beforehand, this keeps noise to a minimum and limits visible tracks.

• Cats have powerful night vision, allowing them to see at light levels six times lower than what a human need

order to see.• Cats also have excellent hearing and a powerful sense of smell.

• Older cats can at times act aggressively towards kittens.

Domestic cats love to play, this is especially true with kittens who love to chase toys and play fight. Play fighamong kittens may be a way for them to practice and learn skills for hunting and fighting.

• On average cats live for around 12 to 15 years.

• Cats spend a large amount of time licking their coats to keep them clean.

• Feral cats are often seen as pests and threats to native animals.

Fun Elephant Facts for Kids

Check out these interesting elephant facts and learn more about the biggest land mammal in the world.

Elephants are unique animals that live in parts of Africa and Asia. Scroll down for more information.


• There are two types of elephant, the Asian elephant and the African elephant (although sometimes the African Elephansplit into two species, the African Forest Elephant and the African Bush Elephant).

• Elephants are the largest land-living mammal in the world.

• Both female and male African elephants have tusks but only the male Asian elephants have tusks. They use their tusks

digging and finding food.

• Female elephants are called cows. They start to have calves when they are about 12 years old and they are pregnant fmonths.

• An elephant can use its tusks to dig for ground water. An adult elephant needs to drink around 210 litres of water a day

• Elephants have large, thin ears. Their ears are made up of a complex network of blood vessels which with regulating aelephants temperature. Blood is circulated through their ears to cool them down in hot climates.

• Elephants have no natural predators. However, lions will sometimes prey on young or weak elephants in the wild. The risk to elephants is from humans through poaching and changes to their habitat.

• The elephant’s trunk is able to sense the size, shape and temperature of an object. An elephant uses its trunk to lift fooand suck up water then pour it into its mouth.

• An elephant’s trunk can grow to be about 2 metres long and can weigh up to 140 kg. Some scientists believe that anelephant’s trunk is made up of 100,000 muscles, but no bones.

• Female elephants spend their entire lives living in large groups called herds. Male elephant leave their herds at about 1

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years old and live fairly solitary lives from this point.

• Elephants can swim – they use their trunk to breathe like a snorkel in deep water.

• Elephants are herbivores and can spend up to 16 hours days collecting leaves, twigs, bamboo and roots

Fun Lion Facts for Kids

Enjoy these fun lion facts for kids. Learn about lion behavior, how fast they can run, where they are found,how many lions are usually in a pride, the male’s mane, lioness differences and more.

Check out the wide range of interesting facts about lions.


• Lions are the second largest big cat species in the world (behind tigers).

• The average male lion weighs around 180 kg (400 lb) while the average female lion weighs around 130 kg (290 lb).

• The heaviest lion on record weighed an amazing 375 kg (826 lb).

• Lions can reach speeds of up to 81 kph (50 mph) but only in short bursts because of a lack of stamina.

• The roar of a lion can be heard from 8 kilometers (5.0 miles) away.

• Most lions found in the wild live in southern and eastern parts of Africa.

• Lions are very social compared to other cat species, often living in prides that feature females, offspring and a few adulmales.

• Male lions are easy to recognize thanks to their distinctive manes. Males with darker manes are more likely to attract felions (lionesses).

• Lions are the national animal of Albania, Belgium, Bulgaria, England, Ethiopia, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and

Singapore.• Lions in the wild live for around 12 years.

• When lions breed with tigers the resulting hybrids are known as ligers and tigons. There are also lion and leopard hybriknown as leopons and lion and jaguar hybrids known as jaglions.

• Lionesses are better hunters than males and do most of the hunting for a pride.

• In the wild, lions rest for around 20 hours a day.

Earth Facts

Read some fun planet Earth facts for kids and find out more about our world, volcanoes, earthquakes,minerals, structures, gas and much more.

Children will love the cool, crazy, strange, funny, weird, odd, bizarre and wacky information as well as did youknow facts and other interesting Earth info that will help them learn a thing or two along the way.


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• Magma is the hot liquid rock under the surface of the Earth, it is known as lava after it comes out of a volcano. Morevolcano facts.

• Natural gas doesn't have an odour, strong smells are added to it by humans so it can be detected when there are leaksMore gas facts.

• Hawaii is moving towards Japan at the speed of 10cm a year. This is because they are on different tectonic plates.• The worlds largest desert is the Sahara, it covers about one third of Africa!

• Stretching out to an impressive length of 6696 kilometres (4160 miles) long, the Nile River is the longest river on earth.More Nile River facts, Amazon River facts, Mississippi River facts and other river facts. 

• The volcanic rock known as pumice is the only rock that can float in water.

• Mt Everest is the highest mountain on earth, its peak reaches 8,848 metres (29028 feet) above sea level. Check out thhighest mountains on each continent of the Earth.

• On average the Atlantic Ocean is the saltiest of Earth’s major oceans. More ocean facts. 

• Earthquakes that occur out at sea can cause huge tsunamis capable of reaching land and endangering people.

• Check out our interesting fossil facts and information.

•The earth isn't perfectly round, it is slightly fattened at the north and south poles.

• Scared of the Bermuda Triangle? Despite its reputation it is actually part of a common sailed shipping route. More BermTriangle mystery facts.

• Scientists have the dated the Earth as being between 4 and 5 billion years old!

• Talc is the softest mineral found on Earth, reaching just 1 on Mohs scale of hardness, it is often used to make talcumpowder.

• Although earthquakes can be deadly, most are very small and not even felt by humans.

Amazon River Facts

Check out these fun Amazon River facts for kids. Learn about where the Amazon River is located, how long itis, the wildlife that it supports and more.

Enjoy our range of interesting facts about the Amazon River.


• The Amazon River is located in South America. It runs through Guyana, Ecuador, Venezuela, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia and Peru.

The length of the Amazon River is approximately 6400 kilometres (4000 miles).• During the wet season, the Amazon River can reach over 190 kilometres (120 miles) in width.

• There are no bridges that cross the Amazon, mostly because there is no need, the majority of the Amazon River runs through rainfo

rather than roads or cities.

• The largest city along the Amazon River is Manaus. Located in Brazil it is home to over 1.7 million people.

• There are over 3000 known species of fish that live in the Amazon River, with more constantly being discovered.

• Anacondas lurk in the shallow waters of the Amazon Basin, they are one of the largest snakes in the world and occasionally attack larger animals such as goats that get to close the water.

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• The Amazon River is also home to the piranha, a meat eating type of fish! Being carnivores, piranhas are known to attack in group

 preying on livestock that strays into the water and possibly appearing in one or two of your own nightmares

Fun Ocean Facts

Check out these fun ocean facts for kids and learn more about the regions of water that cover much of theEarth’s surface.

Enjoy a range of interesting facts about the Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, Arctic and Southern Oceans as well asinformation relating to marine life, historical events and amazing statistics.


• Around 70% of the Earth’s surface is covered by oceans.

• The world’s oceans contain enough water to fill a cube with edges over 1000 kilometres (621 miles) in length.• Ocean tides are caused by the Earth rotating while the Moon and Sun’s gravitational pull acts on ocean water.

• While there are hundreds of thousands of known marine life forms, there are many that are yet to be discovered, some scientists su

that there could actually be millions of marine life forms out there.

• Oceans are frequently used as a means of transport with various companies shipping their products across oceans from one port to


• The largest ocean on Earth is the Pacific Ocean, it covers around 30% of the Earth’s surface.

• The Pacific Ocean’s name has an original meaning of ‘peaceful sea’.

• Located to the east of the Mariana Islands in the western Pacific Ocean, the Mariana Trench is the deepest known area of Earth’soceans. It has a deepest point of around 11000 metres (36000 feet).

• The Pacific Ocean contains around 25000 different islands, many more than are found in Earth’s other oceans.

• The Pacific Ocean is surrounded by the Pacific Ring of Fire, a large number of active volcanoes.

The second largest ocean on Earth is the Atlantic Ocean, it covers over 21% of the Earth’s surface.• The Atlantic Ocean’s name refers to Atlas of Greek mythology.

• The Bermuda Triangle is located in the Atlantic Ocean, check out our  Bermuda Triangle mystery facts.

• Amelia Earhart became the first female to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean in 1932.

• The third largest ocean on Earth is the Indian Ocean, it covers around 14% of the Earth’s surface.

• During winter the Arctic Ocean is almost completely covered in sea ice.

• While some disagree on whether it is an ocean or just part of larger oceans, the Southern Ocean includes the area of water that enci


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Science magic

Egg in a Bottle Demonstration

The Power of Air Pressure

The egg in a bottle demonstration is a fun and easy science 'trick'.

 Anne Helmenstine 

The egg in a bottle demonstration is an easy chemistry or physics demonstration you can doat home or in the lab. You set an egg on top of a bottle (as pictured). You change thetemperature of the air inside the container either by dropping a piece of burning paper into thebottle or by directly heating/cooling the bottle. Air pushes the egg into the bottle.

Egg in a Bottle Materials 

peeled hard-boiled egg (or soft-boiled, if a yolk mess interests you)• flask or jar with opening slightly smaller than the diameter of the egg

• paper/lighter or very hot water or very cold liquid

In a chemistry lab, this demonstration is most commonly performed using a 250-ml flask anda medium or large egg. If you are trying this demonstration at home, you can use a glassapple juice bottle. I used a Sobe™ soft drink bottle. If you use too large of an egg, it will getsucked into the bottle, but stuck (resulting in a gooey mess if the egg was soft-boiled). Irecommend a medium egg for the Sobe™ bottle. An extra-large egg gets wedged in thebottle.

Perform the Demonstration 

• Method 1: Set a piece of paper on fire and drop it into the bottle. Set the egg on top of 

the bottle (small side pointed downward). When the flame goes out, the egg will getpushed into the bottle.

• Method 2: Set the egg on the bottle. Run the bottle under very hot tap water. Warmed

air will escape around the egg. Set the bottle on the counter. As it cools, the egg will bepushed into the bottle.

• Method 3: Set the egg on the bottle. Immerse the bottle in a very cold liquid. I have

heard of this being done using liquid nitrogen, but that sounds dangerous (could shatter the

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glass). I recommend trying ice water. The egg is pushed in as the air inside the bottle ischilled.

How It Works 

If you just set the egg on the bottle, its diameter is too large for it to slip inside. The pressure

of the air inside and outside of the bottle is the same, so the only force that would cause theegg to enter the bottle is gravity. Gravity isn't sufficient to pull the egg inside the bottle.

When you change the temperature of the air inside the bottle, you change the pressure of theair inside the bottle. If you have a constant volume of air and heat it, the pressure of the airincreases. If you cool the air, the pressure decreases. If you can lower the pressure inside thebottle enough, the air pressure outside the bottle will push the egg into the container.

It's easy to see how the pressure changes when you chill the bottle, but why is the eggpushed into the bottle when heat is applied? When you drop burning paper into the bottle, thepaper will burn until the oxygen is consumed (or the paper is consumed, whichever comesfirst). Combustion heats the air in the bottle, increasing the air pressure. The heated airpushes the egg out of the way, making it appear to jump on the mouth of the bottle. As theair cools, the egg settles down and seals the mouth of the bottle. Now there is less air in thebottle than when you started, so it exerts less pressure. When the temperature inside andoutside the bottle is the same, there is enough positive pressure outside the bottle to push theegg inside.

Heating the bottle produces the same result (and may be easier to do if you can't keep thepaper burning long enough to put the egg on the bottle). The bottle and the air are heated.Hot air escapes from the bottle until the pressure both inside and outside the bottle is thesame. As the bottle and air inside continue to cool, a pressure gradient builds, so the egg ispushed into the bottle.

How to Get the Egg Out 

You can get the egg out by increasing the pressure inside the bottle so that it is higher than

the pressure of the air outside of the bottle. Roll the egg around so it is situated with the smallend resting in the mouth of the bottle. Tilt the bottle just enough so you can blow air insidethe bottle. Roll the egg over the opening before you take your mouth away. Hold the bottleupside down and watch the egg 'fall' out of the bottle. Alternatively, you can apply negativepressure to the bottle by sucking the air out, but then you risk choking on an egg, so that'snot a good plan.