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In the last MSJ I wrote about how the truth is marching on, yet it may seem that

truth has hardly been more discarded in our country than right now. Actually, both

of these are true. Truth seems to be trampled in government, the media, in educa-

tion, and in just about every other center of influence. However, this is not the truth

winning as much as it is being exposed. The Spirit of Truth is revealing the depth of

deception and corruption in our government, and in our society and culture. His light is

exposing what is in darkness.




Consider how Jesus said just before His crucifix-ion, “the prince of this world (Satan) is about to be cast out” (see John 12:31). It seemed like He was the One being cast out! God’s greatest victory of all time looked like the greatest defeat for a time. Most of His victories are that way. For this reason, we must never despair or lose hope when it looks like the opposite of what we were promised or expecting.

Remember that true faith is in God, not just an outcome. This does not mean that we do not ask for specifics when praying, but sometimes what we want, or when we want it, or the way that He provides it, are not the best. We must resolve to trust Him regard-less of appearances.





THE SILENT HARVESTBy Francis FrangipanePAGE 11



VISIONBy Sarah Allers PAGE 15

The War Chronicles, Part IXTruth Will Prevail

“Remember that true faith is in God, not just an outcome. This does not mean that we do not ask for specifics when praying, but sometimes what we want, or when we want it, or the way that He provides it, are not the best. We must resolve to trust Him regardless of appearances.”

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The more you dig down into the forensics of the 2020 elections, the more obvious it is that Donald Trump won by a very large margin, probably the biggest landslide in recent times. The evidence of fraud and corruption is apparent for anyone willing to look. Not many have been willing to look. To date in every court challenge to the election, all have been dismissed; however, not a single one was dismissed on the evidence, but on “standing.” What does that mean?

“Standing” means that if you are injured by a careless driver you have standing in court to seek damages for your injuries. But if you are a witness to such an accident, but not hurt, you do not have standing to sue for obvious reasons.

What does it mean that every court dismissed every lawsuit challenging the integrity of the election by saying the states and the people filing these suits did not have standing? Is not every citizen in America injured by a fraudulent election, even those whose candidate may have won? Voter fraud devalues everyone’s vote in the country. For the courts to say we have no right to sue for justice in such a case is to say we have no real rights anymore.

How is it that every court on every level, including the Supreme Court, took this strategy for refusing to even examine the evidence in the case? This has revealed a level of corruption in the courts that should be even more alarming to us than the unprecedented level of election fraud. Once the courts show that they are controlled by any political party, the Republic is doomed. This kind of thing is why the Founding Fathers such as Jefferson consider “judicial tyr-anny” the most dangerous threat to the Republic.

In a Republic the people vote for their leaders, and are the ultimate authority, the sovereign, and everyone in govern-ment works the people. For the courts to say we do not have standing in this says that the people are no longer the sovereign, therefore we are no longer a Republic, but a dictatorship under the one dictating this fraud.

In our Republic The Constitution is “the supreme law of the land.” This means that even the people who are the sovereign must act in accordance with The Constitution. The

people’s sovereignty is exercised by their vote. In this last elec-tion The Constitution was trampled on as much as the most basic rights of the people to have their vote count without it being diluted by fraud.

The media and liberal narrative is that there is no evi-dence of fraud in this election, but the truth is there is a mountain of evidence on a level that we have never experi-enced before. It is no doubt hard to imagine that it could happen in this country. Now it looks like the fraud and corruption have won, and truth, our rights, and The Consti-tution have been soundly trounced. That is exactly what the devil and the corrupt leaders of Israel thought after they had crucified Jesus.

Jesus told His disciples repeatedly that He had to be executed and that He would die, but He would be resur-

The War Chronicles, Part IXTruth Will Prevail

“The media and liberal narrative is that there is no evidence of fraud in this election, but the truth is there is a mountain of evidence of it on a level that we have never experienced before. It is no doubt hard to imagine that it could happen in this country. Now it looks like the fraud and corruption have won, and truth, our rights, and The Constitution have been soundly trounced. That is exactly what the devil and the corrupt leaders of Israel thought after they had crucified Jesus.”

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rected. As much as He tried to prepare His people for this, they went into despair when it happened. It was hard for them to see the resurrection until it happened. After Jesus’ resurrection their faith was greater than ever.

Without question the corruption in our government that has been manifested by these events is worse than we may have ever dreamed it could get in The United States of America. Maybe that’s one reason why we had to go through this. Pride comes before the fall (see Proverbs 16:18). We are told to “take heed when you think you stand lest you fall” (see I Corinthians 10:12). We got careless in overseeing our election integrity and we got clobbered.

To think this just could not happen here was pride, and it was obviously an open door that allowed it. Mexico has far more safeguards for their election integrity than we do, and so do the “banana republics” we often ridicule. Now we have a reason to be humble, and that will be useful in the future because “God resists the proud, but gives His grace to the humble” (see I Peter 5:5).

We needed to see the level of corruption in our coun-try, but even more we probably needed the humility. The disciples were all humbled by Jesus’ crucifixion, and they were no doubt discouraged and depressed until He was resurrected. All of this helped to prepare them for an unprecedented unity that they came into while they waited for His promise in the Upper Room. This unity prepared them for The Holy Spirit to be poured out.

I am in no way comparing the importance of our country or any of these events to the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus, but these are a parallel for many human events, and they are for what we are experiencing in America right now. It may look for a time that our Republic is dead, and in a way, it has died. But a resurrec-tion is coming! And then there will be an outpouring of The Holy Spirit.

I was shown in the dream I had in 2018 about the coming Second American Revolution/Civil War that: “It is inevitable. It is right. And it will be successful.” Don’t ever lose your hope. Don’t ever lose your faith. Don’t ever lose your courage. And don’t ever lose your joy. “The joy of the Lord is your strength.” Our Lord, who we should trust in far more than any human government, did not lose the election. In fact He is undefeated, has never lost any fight, and never will.

As we’re told in Psalm 2, when all of the nations are in a great turmoil trying to sever their ties to Him, He “sits in the heavens and laughs.” If we stay close to Him, we will too. This does not mean that we are laughing at the trauma our country is going through, but this whole age, even the “great tribulation,” are all divine traps by which the devil and all who follow him will soon be caught, just like they were when they thought they had defeated Jesus by killing Him.

In His Service,

Rick Joyner I Corinthians 15:58

“I was shown in the dream I had in 2018 about the coming Second American Revolution/Civil War that: ‘It is inevitable. It is right. And it will be successful.’ Don’t ever lose your hope. Don’t ever lose your faith. Don’t ever lose your courage. And don’t ever lose your joy. ‘The Joy of the Lord is your strength.’ Our Lord who we should trust in far more than any human government did not lose the election. In fact He is undefeated, has never lost any fight, and never will.”

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The Highest Form Of Treason


The Apostle Paul’s deepest longing was not just to see his fellow believers, but to see them in order to give them a gift. As an apostle, his heart’s motivation was not merely to teach, plant churches, work miracles, or establish apostolic order—but to give all that he had to give, to impart what God had bestowed upon him, and to lavish spiritual gifts generously upon others, that they “may be established.”

Imparting to the saints must be the heart’s passion of all believers. The longing to impart is God’s heart: He longs to pour Himself into His family, to equip believers to prepare them for relationship with Him as well as the work of service (see Ephesians 4:11-12). All grace and enabling comes only from Christ and for Christ, so we should delight in being an instrument to help others advance in their call, not ours. The Lord calls us to aide others first—not our own ministries first—to go higher in relationship with the Lord. We must never forget this fundamental tenet of the faith: freely we have received, freely we must give (see Matthew 10:8). Our goal is the establishing of the King in His kingdom, helping others discover their God-given destiny, and preparing them to better function in their high and heavenly calling (see Ephesians 1:18).

T he Lord told me, “The highest form of treason is for ministers to take the gifts I give to win souls to Myself—and to use these gifts to win people to themselves.”

For I long to see you, that I may impart to you some spiritual gift, to the end you may be established (Romans 1:11).

This Greek word translated impart, metadidomi, is comprised of two smaller Greek words, meta and didomi. Meta means with, as to walk with someone, an ally. Didomi is an extravagant word that means more than simply giving. The Greek suggests profusion and abundance—a complete “giving over” to another’s care and trust. Didomi suggests, “to give forth fully from oneself.” To impart, then, or metadidomi, means to give with profusion from the depths of oneself. This “giving over” is the same word used to describe how the sea “gives over” that which is hidden beneath. From the depths of God’s Spirit, through our spirit, impartation comes forth.

“All grace and enabling comes only from Christ and for Christ, so we should delight in being an instrument to help others advance in their call, not ours.”

All Scripture references are New King James version unless otherwise indicated.

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As marvelous as this impartation sounds, there is a catch: we cannot give what we do not have! If we are to impart, we first must have something to release. To be able to impart, one first has to be anointed with the substance to impart. These two spiritual realities of impartation and anointing are different, but they relate and work together as the Spirit leads. How does this happen?

Here is a marvelous truth of the kingdom of God: when we preach, teach, or minister in love, in the Spirit of God, we impart the substance of Christ, not simply information about Him.

Jesus affirmed the prophetic promise of Isaiah 61:1-5:

The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, because He has anointed Me to preach the Gospel to the poor... (Luke 4:18).

For us to be anointed means that a divine enabling rests upon us. What is this enabling? This anointing is no less than Christ Himself! The Greek word translated anoint is the same word from which we derive the name Christ, chrio! What does it mean to have chrio or to be anointed? It means to carry the Christ, the Anointed One! This same anointing consecrated our King for His Messianic office and gave Him the power to administer His kingdom. This is the anointing we host—the Lord Jesus Christ resting upon us and in us, the Person of the Holy Spirit Himself. To be anointed is to be smeared and filled with Christ. In the Hebrew, anoint or mashach means to smear a liquid or to consecrate. In other words, as believers in Christ Jesus, we are consecrated as holy priests to minister in His name, anointed by Him and with Him. He is the anointing!

Where does true anointing and power come from? The Spirit of God! We do not minister out of fine-tuned, educated human ability—but Holy Spirit anointing that we then impart.

Here is the Lord’s essential, urgent message to the church: we must learn to live and work in and through Him, the Anointed One—not by our own will and strength. We must learn to impart Christ, the anointing—not our own ideas and agendas.

Many of us have had this experience of hearing some-one preach or teach: their words were true and accurate, even witty and insightful, but we couldn’t encounter the words spoken within the depths of our heart. Their mes-sage might have been exciting to hear and ponder, even study and debate—but our heart was unmoved. The experience was similar to reading a textbook, attending a lecture, or following driving directions. We may have arrived at a destination in terms of a logical argument or colorful story, but in reality we remained seated on our chair, unchanged, encouraged at best; at worst, puffed up by religious knowledge about God.

Why does this happen? The speaker’s words were not being carried by the breath of God’s Spirit, but by their own soul and good intentions—or their pride and ambi-tion. Their words were not anointed with the very sub-stance of Christ. They might have been speaking “with the tongues of men and of angels,” but the Spirit of Love was not present. They were merely “sounding or clanging brass and tinkling cymbals” (see I Corinthians 13:1). This type of ministry profits nothing. Jesus reminds us that without Him we accomplish nothing (see John 15:5).

Many of us may have had a different experience of hearing someone preach or teach: perhaps their words were not polished; perhaps they lost track of their notes; perhaps they stuttered and even contradicted themselves! Maybe they only read one Scripture or gave one illustration or prayed one simple prayer. They may have been unlearned, awkward, or inexperienced—but we were stirred to the very core of our being. Our heart burned as if Christ Himself were sharing, standing in front of us. And in-deed—He was! Love spoke and new worlds within us were created. The Lord chooses the foolish things of this world to confound the wise (see I Corinthians 1:27)!

This is the difference between ministering through Christ’s anointing and speaking out of one’s own abilities and natural training.

Having understood and learned to receive His anointing, we can now understand what true impartation is. The ability to impart includes—but goes beyond—our being anointed. If we have this God-given gift of impartation, whatever we

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say or do under an anointing will deeply affect those who are hearing. The very substance of Christ will be imparted into the spirit of those who are responsive.

I love them that love Me; and those that seek Me early shall find Me.

That I may cause those that love Me to inherit sub-stance; and I will fill their treasures (Proverbs 8:17, 21).

God longs to give us spiritual treasure. This treasure He gives us is priceless, worth everything we are and possess. We will have nothing worth sharing with those who hear us if we do not receive this treasure first and learn to abide in the treasure—Christ Himself—received as fresh bread on a daily basis. What does the Lord mean in this proverb, when He promises to “fill their trea-sures”? Our “treasures being filled” can be understood as a branch receiving an impartation through the life of the vine. We must be saturated with the very presence of Christ, so that out of our life flows this river of life.

Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can you, except you abide in Me.

I am the vine, you are the branches: He that abides in Me and I in him, the same brings forth much fruit: for without Me you can do nothing (John 15:4-5).




This ability to impart relates to our having a quality personal relationship with Jesus (“those who seek ME early”)—Who imparts to us first. Our treasure being filled is the direct result of His impartation of Himself to us. Notice the particulars of this promise: we will be filled if we make seeking Him as our highest priority (see Matthew 6:33). We only find Him on this level when we seek Him with all our heart (see Jeremiah 29:12-13). He deserves no less!

A committed Christian who has this grace to impart will stand out from all others, for that person will be carrying the glory of God. Our heart’s aim is to have within us such an abiding presence of the Lord that others can feel Him and hear Him when we minister. Our aim is to be saturated with the heavy, weighty presence of God’s

glory. What a testimony to have someone say he has resident within his life and ministry Christ’s own anoint-ing, along with the grace to impart that anointing!

When this anointing is active, people are drawn with great hunger. Very often, when a person under the true anointing of Christ finishes speaking, people will say, “Please, would you continue to speak?” or “I could listen to you for hours.” Why do people respond this way? They are respond-ing not so much to the depth of the word that was being ministered or to the exceptional anointing upon the speaker, but rather to the “impartation” that was flowing through into their spirit. Through the grace of impartation, we become a conduit through which the very life of God flows into others’ spirits! This is the heart of all ministry—from the pulpit, at our workplace, or around our kitchen table.

When I am ministering, I can tell when people have connected with the Spirit or if they are just attempting to understand intellectually. How wonderful when they are being fed spiritually, not in the natural—and they know that they are receiving something extraordinary, His Divine substance.

To repeat, with emphasis—we can’t give away what we don’t have:

It is the Spirit that quickens; the flesh profits noth-ing: the words that I speak to you, they are spirit, and they are life (John 6:63).

The gift of “prophetic revelation” gives us what to say. Then, through our being anointed, it can be imparted to another. I pray much about my being both prophetic and anointed, with the ability to impart. One must spend time in the presence of our Lord in order to have within our-selves His spiritual substance that we might impart His very being (see Jeremiah 3:15). We must come before the throne each day to receive fresh bread from heaven to feed the flock of God (see Acts 20:28).

I’ve been preaching now for over fifty years, averaging speaking five times each week for these five decades. During this lifetime of ministry, I’ve learned how to lead people to Christ—not to myself. Once the Lord said to me, “The highest form of treason is for ministers to take the gifts I give to win souls to Myself—and to use these gifts to win people to themselves instead.” May we never be guilty of such a terrible crime!

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The most vital aspect of any ministry, even any personal encounter during our day, is not the words themselves, nor the understanding of these words, but the impartation of “Spirit and life”—the spiritual substance of Christ flowing out through His anointed words and Spirit into the spirits of those who are receptive.



To review: prophetic revelation gives us the words to speak. The anointing enables us to speak these words that we have been given. Then, through impartation, these words become spirit and life and flow into the depths of those who have a hearing ear. We should pray not only that our message would be imparted through His anointing, but that those who will hear our message will have open hearts and hearing ears. Those who are spiritually receptive will experience Divine Substance flowing into them: this is the life of the Vine, Christ Jesus flowing into the branch—the hearers—and this flow of substance is different from the actual message being shared. The hearers who have ears to hear will want more as they recognize that their spirit is being fed.

So being desirous of you, we are well-pleased to impart to you not only the good news of God, but also our own souls, because beloved you have become dear to us (I Thessalonians 2:8 Young’s Literal Translation).

How is this grace to impart received and developed? Through our spending quality time with Jesus and by our desiring this ability, in order that He may feed the spirits of those who are spiritually hungry. To have logical facts and information is good—and we should certainly study as the Bereans did—but in itself, head knowledge of the Word does not feed our spirit. Only the anointing will enable us to speak about God and for God, and only impartation from God will feed our spirit and the spirits of those around us.

“But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, even the hidden wisdom, which God ordained before the world to our glory (I Corinthians 2:7).

Impartation is intangible—that is, it is a spiritual substance that is attached to the words. Like an invisible hitchhiker, impartation rides the Word of God into the spirit of those who are spiritually hungry. They may not understand what is happening, but they will know that

they are being fed and will respond. It is wonderful beyond words to leave a meeting or a conversation knowing that God is well pleased with what has taken place!

And I, brethren, when I came to you, came not with excellency of speech or of wisdom, declaring to you the testimony of God.

For I determined not to know anything among you, save Jesus Christ, and Him crucified.

And I was with you in weakness, and in fear, and in much trembling.

And my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man’s wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power (I Corinthians 2:1-4).

Paul said that his speaking was not with the words of man’s wisdom but in demonstration of the Spirit. This demonstration of the Spirit is the impartation that is taking place, which has nothing to do with the words themselves. It is divine life and energy of Christ flowing from the Lord, through the speaker and into the one who is receptive.

My deepest desire is to impart the life of Christ who has been imparted to me:

You also, as lively stones, are built up a spiritual house, an holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacri-fices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ (I Peter 2:5).

Our being a “lively stone” means that we have become “Christ active (divine radiation)”—that is, wherever we are and whatever we do or say, we are transmitting Him, the wonderful Spirit of God, through impartation of His anointing.

BOBBY CONNER and his wife, Carolyn, are founders of Eagles

View Ministries (EVM), a global outreach that focuses on

revealing a demonstration of God’s awesome power. They

pastored two Southern Baptist churches for over twenty-six

years, and they have been ministering for almost five decades

in numerous nations across the earth. Their goal is to prepare

an overcoming generation that transcends gender and age,

raising the standard of purity and power to transform nations.

Bobby has authored numerous books, and for over four

decades, he has averaged five speaking events a week. Bobby

and Carolyn have been married for over fifty years.

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When a Nation’s God is the Lord, Vs. When He is Not

James Lowell Russell, an early American poet and abolitionist, wrote, “Once to every nation comes the moment to decide, in the conflict of Truth with Falsehood, for the good or evil side.”

Just as Joel prophesied of the decision multitudes would make as the day of the Lord approached, so nations and individuals alike must choose in this day whom they will serve. Jesus unequivocally said, “No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other…” (Matthew 6:24).

Psalm 144 is a song King David wrote to the One who preserves and prospers His people. Being preserved and prospering becomes our testimony when we choose to make the Lord our God. David ended the Psalm by declaring, “Blessed are the people whose God is the Lord” (Psalm 144:15).

In this Psalm we see a clear distinction between those whose God is the Lord versus when He is not. The evidence revealing our decision will ultimately be obvious to all.

First, when a nation’s God is the Lord, they will value truth over lies.

Clearly, in the Psalm David twice cries out to be rescued and delivered from those, “whose mouth speaks lying words and whose right hand is a right hand of falsehood” (Psalm 144:8, 11). King David knew the threat lying words and falsehoods were to the land, and he cried out for deliverance from the One who most could help.

Earlier in the Psalms we read, “the proud have forged (smeared me with a lie) a lie against me, but I will keep Your precepts with my whole heart” (Psalm 119:69).

When falsehoods emerge, our response should be to double down doing what we are called to do, being who we are called to be, and saying all He commands us to say.

If we listen to lies more than truth, captivity is not far behind. Yet when there is a love for the truth, salvation is on the horizon. Truth not only sets nations free, it keeps them free (see John 8:32).

“and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, and because they did not receive a love for the truth, that they might be saved” (II Thessalo-nians 2:10).

Second, when a nation’s God is the Lord, their sons and daughters will prosper and flourish.

In his song David sings, “That our sons may be as plants grown up in their youth; that our daughters may be as pillars, sculptured in palace style” (Psalm 144:12).

Without question it is true, “if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed” (John 8:36) regardless of the circumstances. Yet if you have ever visited a nation governed by Communism/Marxism, you can attest to the fact that an oppression rests on the land hindering those who live there from reaching their God-intended purpose and potential.

The Apostle Paul stated emphatically, “Now the Lord is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is,

“Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision! For the day of the Lord is near in the valley of decision!” (Joel 3:14)

All Scripture references are New King James version unless otherwise indicated.

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there is liberty (freedom)” (II Corinthians 3:17). When the Spirit of the Lord is Lord, freedom abounds. When He is not is where bondage is found.

Next, when a nation’s God is the Lord, the people will be delivered from the devastating effects of famine.

David continues by declaring, “That our barns may be full, supplying all kinds of produce; that our sheep may bring forth thousands and ten thousands in our fields” (Psalm 144:13).

Last year, highly unusual storms which produced category 2 hurricane force winds damaged and/or destroyed an estimated one-third of Iowa’s corn and other crops. Winds this intense are rare for that region, to say the least. Yet additional reports showing strains to the world’s food supply are emerging.

For example, a news report from Germany read: “Food Collapse: German farmers in despair as mice strip farm land in areas within Germany.” In another article we find, “Natural disasters killing China’s food supply at breakneck speed.” Then from the United States: “Car line stretches more than a mile at Dallas food bank” and “State and federal agencies urging consumers to avoid panic buying while numerous states have been stockpiling food supplies in massive warehouses.” This came from Washington state and what they have called the COVID-19 Strategic Reserve. This is just a fraction of the reports.

While some might suggest this is fear mongering, the truth is the Bible has a lot to say about famine. The following Scriptures represent just a few of the references: “Now it came about in the days when judges governed, that there was famine in the land” (Ruth 1:1). “Now there was famine in the days of David for three years” (II Samuel 21:1). “Now there was famine in the land; so Abram went to Egypt for the famine was severe in the land” (Genesis 12:10). Additionally, we see famine in the days of both Elijah and Elisha, while Isaiah 51 details how famine is one of the forms of judgment that comes when a nation turns from the Lord.

Furthermore, in the New Testament we find where a prophet, “Agabus, stood up and showed by the Spirit that there was going to be a great famine throughout all

the world” (Acts 11:28). Then of course Jesus clearly spoke of famines being a sign of the end of the age (see Matthew 24:7), along with wars, pestilence, earthquakes, persecution, false prophets, lawlessness, and people’s love for one another and God growing cold. Yet even with all this going on the promise is given how the gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world.

A clear distinction is made between those whose God is the Lord from those of whom He is not when David says, “The Lord knows the days of the upright, and their inheritance shall be forever. They shall not be ashamed in the evil time, and in the days of famines they shall be satisfied (have abundance). But the wicked shall perish” (Psalm 37:18-20).

Fourth, when a nation’s God is the Lord, their borders will be secure.

David continues stressing, “that there be no breaking in or going out” (Psalm 144:14).

After confirming how all nations have been created from one blood, Paul writes how God “has determined their pre-appointed times and the boundaries of their dwell-ings” (Acts 17:26). Clearly the borders of nations are God’s idea.

The phrase “breaking in” literally means a breach. In other words, when a nation’s God is the Lord, He will guard and keep the city (see Psalm 127:1). But just as He protects the borders and walls around a nation, He is the One who removes them allowing the enemies to come in.

After describing all He had done for His beloved vineyard and how He expected it to bring forth good grapes, not wild ones, God declares, “And now, please let Me tell you what I will do to My vineyard: I will take away its hedge, and it shall be burned; and break down its wall and it shall be trampled down” (Isaiah 5:5).

If God protects a nation, no person or power can break through its walls. Likewise, if God is not protecting a land, no military, policy, or politician can prevent a breach from appearing in the walls.

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Next, when a nation’s God is the Lord, there will be peace in the streets of their cities.

David proclaimed, “That there be no outcry in our streets” (Psalm 144:14).

When Moses wrote of the blessings if the people obeyed the Lord, he also recorded the curses that come upon those who do not. Included in the curses we find where a nation’s enemies will “besiege you at all your gates throughout all your land…” (Deuteronomy 28:32).

David cried out to God when he wrote, “Destroy, O Lord, and divide their tongues (their speech or counsel), for I have seen violence and strife in the city. Day and night they go around on its walls; iniquity and trouble are also in the midst of it, destruction is in its midst; Oppression and deceit do not depart from its streets” (Psalm 55:9-11).

Psalm 144 reveals what happens when a nation’s God is the Lord versus when He is not.

Multitudes have now entered the valley of decision and it’s not too late to make the right choice.

“Blessed (happy) are the people who are in such a state; blessed (happy) are the people whose God is the Lord” (Psalm 144:15).



The Silent Harvest

In a dream I found myself inside the mind of a dying man. The man had been in a coma for some time; his family had been praying, but they did not know whether or not he had accepted Christ. All they were

sure of is that throughout his life, he had resisted their efforts to lead him to Christ.

As I dreamt I became so acutely aware of the man’s state of mind that his thoughts, feelings, and struggles almost seemed my own. Although his eyes were nearly closed and his vision clouded, he could see his loved ones at his bedside. I watched as he tried to reach toward his family, but outward-ly his arm never lifted. I heard him speak their names, but no sound whispered through his lips. A loved one holding his hand asked, “If you hear me, squeeze.” He heard and pressed his fingers against hers, but no movement was seen; his hand clearly remained limp. He was conscious; he could hear their prayers; he felt the warmth of their kisses on his face, yet was perfectly incapable of responding.

The pride and isolation that had, throughout his life, stood guard over his heart were gone. A physical catastrophe had overtaken him. Death approached, and he knew he was unprepared for eternity. Submerged beneath his motionless exterior, a war had raged for his soul, and the Lord had won. Subdued by the relentless force of God’s love, he was finally at peace. It was during his time in the hospital that he had silently prayed and accepted Christ as his Savior. I was watching his last effort to tell them he found Christ as life ebbed out of his body.

DAVID WHITE has been in ministry for over

thirty-five years and is currently the Lead Pastor

of The Gathering, a MorningStar affiliated church

in Moravian Falls, NC. He authored the book, The

Times to Come Have Come—Hope and Help in

Troubled Times, and numerous booklets and articles.

Part of MorningStar since the mid-nineties, David’s

passion is for the harvest and to see another Great

Awakening in America. He and his wife, Shirley, have

two grown children, Joshua and Emily, and live near

Moravian Falls.

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Suddenly, monitoring alarms ripped through the muffled silence of the room. His heart beat one last time, and I suddenly found myself looking down at the body of a man who had just died. The room was buzzing with nurses, while his family huddled in a corner, grieving. The idea of their loved one dying without receiving Christ was more devastat-ing than the reality of death itself. I stirred and then woke. Yet just as I left the dream, the Lord spoke to my heart: “Tell them he’s with Me.”


Although some time has passed since I first had this dream, I am increasingly aware that many of God’s people carry a deep abiding heartache concerning the death of an unsaved loved one. Obviously, this dream does not apply to all, but there are some for whom this experience is divinely directed. Thus, I submit this to you in a general sense, because the Holy Spirit has assured me He will bear witness to your heart.

I have also felt an urgency to pass this dream to you. I am convinced that the Lord has an important work for you. However, the enemy has used this unresolved loss to sow doubt into your soul. Not only are you troubled about your deceased loved one, but you have doubts about God’s love as well as the power of prayer. As a result, your confidence in God has diminished. Yet, it is precisely at this time that you need to stand without doubt for other members of your family.

Beloved, though there are many questions about the mysteries of life, we must not let the unknown obscure the face of the known. God is good. We know God loves us because He sent His Son to die for our sins. Indeed, Jesus said, “He who has seen Me has seen the Father” (John 14:9). When we look at Christ, we see God, and we know that God cares and He is good.

Additionally, some of us have lost loved ones in sudden tragedies, where they seemingly had no time to repent or turn to God. Let me remind you of those who have faced near-death experiences and tell of seeing their “life flash before [their] eyes.” They say that the progressive movement of time almost stopped. I believe that, even in what seemed like a “sudden” death, time itself slowed to a crawl. There appar-

“In spite of what we do not know about the mysteries of life, one thing remains eternally true: God is our loving Father. He does not desire that any man perish and He will fight to save us, even to the moment of our death. Let us, therefore, cast our burdens upon the Lord, for He genuinely cares for us. ”

ently was enough time in this altered state to see and ponder one’s life and to make a decision or even call upon the name of the Lord.

In spite of what we do not know about the mysteries of life, one thing remains eternally true: God is our loving Father. He does not desire that any man perish and He will fight to save us, even to the moment of our death. Let us, therefore, cast our burdens upon the Lord, for He genuinely cares for us. And let us again run with endurance the race set before us, for He has promised, “the people who were sitting in darkness saw a great light, and those who were sitting in the . . . shadow of death, upon them a light dawned” (Matthew 4:16).

Lord Jesus, thank You for dying for my sins. Lord, there are many issues I do not know, but I do know that You are good. Those things I do not understand, I give to You. I trust You with my life and I put in Your hands the care of those I love.

FRANCIS FRANGIPANE is the author of numerous books,

including the classics, The Three Battlegrounds and Holiness,

Truth, and the Presence of God. He has traveled throughout the

world ministering to thousands of pastors and intercessors from

many church and ethnic backgrounds. His books and materials

have been translated into over thirty languages and his online

school, In Christ’s Image Training, has students in over one

hundred fifteen nations.

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The Need for Fuel: Emotional Alignmenttions of others. EQ is often a greater indicator for predicting who will be a high performer, more so even than IQ or technical skills. It’s amazing how the study of emotional intelligence has risen from a few articles beginning around 1990 to a significant field of study complete with a wealth of books, articles, and university courses today.

Think of the last time you witnessed someone behaving in an emotionally unacceptable manner. In most instances, the individual displaying the behavior is unaware of their emotional state and how they are being perceived by others. How about a boss, leader, or statesman who delivers directives with a passionless, disengaged emotional quality—do we follow them? The first step to emotional intelligence begins with Emotion-al Self-Awareness. The degree to which you become aware of how your emotions look to others is a step toward increasing your emotional intelligence. Increas-ing levels of maturity in emotional intelligence are similar to increasing levels of Self-Mastery and self-mas-tery is key in growing in all that God has for you in this season. I pray that the Lord would show you ways to grow in Emotional Intelligence and Self-Mastery as you are developing these vital aspects of growth.

In His service,

Dave Yarnes Executive Vice President, MorningStar Ministries





I am aware that many would negate the vital role of emotion because of societal misconception of the appropriateness of emotion in different social, spiritual, or professional settings. When an individual is spiritually inspired, there can be criticism like “they’re just being overly emotional.” Many can be emotionally moved by a true spiritual experience, attending a performance or a religious service, or even watching a movie that inspires them to spiritual thought. It is a natural expression to be moved to tears or overwhelming joy when you are impacted by a spiritual experience or thought.

A CEO giving an impassioned presentation of a new product launch can be labeled as inappropriate, using emotion as a means to boost sales. Some would not rightly understand the emotion is linked to the years of product development and the euphoria of the final release.

Emotions are a natural, God-given, beautiful part of uncovering the treasures of personality and spiri-tual development within each of us. Examining moments in our lives of heightened emotion often provide clarity concerning what areas of life are uniquely important to us as individuals and in turn which areas to pursue.


Emotional Intelligence (EQ) is a term used to describe a mature level of emotional balance. EQ is the measure of how much you understand and master your emotions and identify and adjust to the emo-

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MorningStar is excited to announce the reopening of the Mission’s

Café in partnership with Allegiance Coffee.

Allegiance Coffee was a dream of owners Andrew and

Amber, and it’s no surprise to have them land here in the Mission’s Café. Their

beans are roasted locally by adults with disabilities which provides fair

wages for those in the disabled community. They have continued to expand

their menu with enthusiasm at the pleasure of staff requests. Now alongside

delicious coffee and savory pastries, you can also have many breakfast items.

This will also expand into many brunch and lunch

options for the onsite Heritage courts and surround-

ing Fort Mill community to enjoy.

Allegiance Coffee in the Mission’s Café

W H A T ’ S H A P P E N I N G A T M O R N I N G S T A R


Heritage Conference Center,

375 Star Light Drive, Fort Mill, SC

Tuesday-Saturday, 8 a.m.-2 p.m.


Their coffee passes the test.Chase Laney -Coffee Enthusiast

Pastries are fantastic, and their coffee is best I’ve had in a while.Darrion Smith -1st year MSU student

We tried to get feedback from Brian Boyd the head

of IT, but believe it or not Brian has never tried coffee!

Next time you’re at MorningStar for a conference or

just to meet a friend, we’ll look for you in the Café.

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MSU Worship Student



The Desert SongThere is a place called the desert Where all God’s children goLed there by His Spirit, it’s a place to trust and growFor in this place of testing , we learn to turn to HimOur faithful Guide and Shepherd The Deliverer from all sin.

It’s only in the desert, that the lessons of life are taught And only in our dying, can new life in Christ be bought So have no fear of the dusty trail but seek the Savior’s faceFor He will not deny Himself, but pours out truth and grace.

He will provide the manna, the very bread of life And springs of living water will wash away our strife And we will say it’s worth it, to cross this arid landTo traverse the rugged pathway and by the Jordan stand.

Received of our dear Savior with pleasure and delight Knowing it was Jesus who provided strength and mightAnd now we soar with eagles 🦅 wingsAbove the desert plain Forever free from evil and the lure of sin’s domain.


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We provide a kingdom culture that equips students to be secure in their relationship with God and confident in who they are so that they are free to take risks, seek continual personal growth, and pur-

sue their purpose with excellence.




for purpose and passion

Create academicstrength

Create kingdomeducation

Create a culture that honors God’s design

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Welcome to Heritage International Conference Center, a venue created to host conferences, banquets, weddings, and business meetings. We offer a10,000 square foot ballroom with several breakout rooms, and guests enjoy walking along our indoor cobblestoned "Main Street" with lighted

trees and quaint storefronts.

To learn more, please visit our website at

AJ Wood - Event [email protected] · 803-802-5544 ext. 223

Bridgit Vallier - General [email protected]


Heritage Towers will be a close-knit residential community for active adult Christians. We envision attracting and mobilizing a body of believers who desire to engage in the most enjoyable, fruitful, and productive years of their lives. Heritage Towers is a major extension of MorningStar's overall mission to honor our fathers and mothers. It will be a place of discovering gifts and callings and to be equipped

and deployed to fulfill all the Lord has for us.

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EMAIL [email protected] VISIT KBABIZ.COM

MFM exists to create an atmosphere in which people in ministry can relate to each other in authentic relationships, and thereby, provide opportunities to engage with diverse ministries worldwide. We are also committed to aiding our members in their work and to provide covering as wise counselors for dispute resolution and other issues that can arise in ministry

and church life.

The MorningStar Fellowship of Churches (MFC) was founded with the purpose of providing a place for strengthening, equipping, covering and fellowship of local churches. Among the leadership counsel of MFC and within the MFC network, there is a rich strength of grace, wisdom, and experience available

to assist the MFC affiliates.



OR CALL 803-802-5544

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MorningStar University is for those seeking to live a high-impact life of unrelenting pursuit of the high calling to serve the King of kings with the devotion He deserves. The greatest leaders are also the greatest followers of Christ, and that is our curriculum. The true Christian life is the greatest adventure we can ever live, and it’s also a life of impact like no other. If this is your resolve,

MorningStar University may be for you.

FOR MORE INFORMATION VISIT [email protected] OR CALL 803-547-8497



Our MorningStar University Masters in Leadership Degree is a course like no other. The course is taught by those who are not just academics, but those whom have been leaders in government, the military, media, business, sports, and the church on a world-class level. The classes are intentionally small, and students spend three full days each month with the instructors, resulting in a bonding and impartation unlike any other program we

know of.

FOR MORE INFORMATION VISIT [email protected] OR CALL 803-547-8497

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Our MorningStar Partners have grown into an ex-traordinary global fellowship of men and women who are committed to seeing The Great Commission ful-filled in our times. Join us in equipping the body of Christ through conferences, schools, media, and pub-lications.

We are committed to multiplying the impact of the resources entrusted to us. Your regular financial con-tribution of any amount, whether it’s once a month or once a year will make a difference!

In His Service,

