Download - Richmond Chamber of Commerce candidate survey

  • 8/10/2019 Richmond Chamber of Commerce candidate survey


    2014 Mayor & Council Candidate SurveyIn an attempt to find out where the 2014 Mayoral and Council Candidates stand on important commerce related issues, theRichmond Chamber of Commerce conducted an all candidates survey. Candidates were asked to provide basic information andanswer fifteen Yes/No/Refuse to Answer questions, followed by a few short questions. We thank all candidates for responding in atimely manner and encourage our members and all local businesses and voters to read our survey before casting a ballot onNovember 15th.


    First Name Last Name: 1 . G e o

    r g e M a

    s s e y T u n

    n e l s u

    p p o r t


    i . W i l l i

    t i m p r o

    v e q u a l i t

    y o f l i f

    e ?

    i i . H a s

    i t e a r n

    e d s o c i a l l

    i c e n s e


    2 . E n g l i s h

    l a n g u a g e

    s i g n a

    g e b y l a w

    s ?

    3 . P r o p

    e r t y t a

    x r e b a l a n

    c i n g ?

    4 . B u s i

    n e s s V

    o t e ?

    5 . M o b

    i l e B u

    s i n e s s L

    i c e n s e


    6 . I n c r

    e a s e D

    C C s ?

    i . I m p l e

    m e n t

    C A C s ?

    7 . P r o t

    e c t a g

    r i c u l t u r

    a l l a n

    d ?

    8 . S u p

    p o r t f

    o r t r a n s

    p o r t a

    n t i o n

    p l a n ?

    9 . T e r m

    l i m i t s ?

    1 0 . R i c h m

    o n d p

    o l i c e f o

    r c e ?

    1 1 . I n c

    r e a s e d

    t r a n s p a r e

    n c y ?

    1 2 . F r a

    s e r R i v

    e r ' s e c o n

    o m i c i

    m p o r t

    a n c e ?

    1 3 . P r o

    t e c t i n

    d u s t r i a l l a

    n d ?

    1 4 . E n h a

    n c e d a

    i r a c c e s

    s ?

    1 5 . S u p p

    o r t t h e r e s o

    u r c e e

    c o n o m

    y ?

    Chak Au No No No No No Yes Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes RTAAdil Awan Yes Yes No N o Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes YesDan Baxter Yes Yes RTA No Ye s Ye s Ye s No No Ye s RTA Ye s RTA Yes Yes Yes Yes YesJanos Bergman No No No Yes No No RTA Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes RTA Yes RTA RTA No RTASal Bhullar Yes Yes No N o No N o Yes No Yes Yes RTA Yes No Yes RTA Yes No YesMalcolm Brodie RTA RTA No No No Yes Yes No Yes No Yes No RTA No Yes Yes Yes YesDerek Dang Yes No N o No N o No Yes No Yes Yes No N o Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes YesJerome Dicke y No No No Yes No Yes Yes Yes No Yes No Ye s No Ye s Ye s Ye s Ye s Ye sLee Gildemeester RTA RTA No No RTA No RTA No No Yes Yes Yes RTA Yes Yes Yes RTA RTAKirby Graeme No No No No No No Yes No No Yes No Yes No Yes Yes Yes No YesAndy Hobbs No No No No No No Yes No Yes Yes No No Yes Yes No Yes Yes YesKen Johnston Yes Yes No RTA No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes RTA Yes RTA Yes Yes RTARichard Lee No No No No No No No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes YesAlexa Loo Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes No No Yes No No No No Yes Yes Yes YesBill McNulty RTA RTA No No No No Ye s No Ye s Ye s RTA No Yes Yes RTA Yes Yes YesLinda McPhail RTA RTA No No No No Ye s No Ye s Ye s No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes YesDon Montgomery No No No Yes No No No Yes No Yes RTA Yes RTA Yes No Yes No RTALaura Nastasa RTA RTA No RTA No Yes Yes RTA Yes No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes YesHelen Quan Yes Yes No N o No N o Yes No N o Yes RTA Yes No Yes Yes Yes No YesPatri ck Saunders Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes No Yes YesDave Semple Yes Yes No Yes No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes NoHarol d Steve s No No No No No No Yes No Yes Yes RTA No RTA Yes Yes Yes Yes YesGrace Tsang Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes YesKristian von Schalburg Yes Yes No No Yes No Yes No No Yes No Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes YesCliff Wei RTA Yes RTA No Yes Yes Yes RTA No RTA No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No RTAMichael Wolfe No N o No N o No N o Yes Yes Yes Yes No N o No Yes No Yes No NoElsa Wong RTA RTA No No No No Yes No Yes Yes No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes YesJun Wuyan Yes Yes RTA Yes Yes Yes RTA No No RTA No Yes Yes Yes Yes RTA Yes Yes

    *INCUMBENT CANDIDATE *Refuse To Answer

  • 8/10/2019 Richmond Chamber of Commerce candidate survey


  • 8/10/2019 Richmond Chamber of Commerce candidate survey


    Candidate Long Answers

    AU, Chak

    Seeking: Council


    Current Occupation: Family Therapist

    Years residing in Richmond: 24

    Do you Presently Work in Richmond? YesDo you currently hold a municipal position? Yes, Councillor for 3 years

    [email protected]

    Why are you running for office? (

  • 8/10/2019 Richmond Chamber of Commerce candidate survey


    AWAN, AdilSeeking: Council


    Current Occupation: Pilot

    Years residing in Richmond: 40

    Do you Presently Work in Richmond? Yes

    Do you currently hold a municipal position? No

    [email protected] are you running for office? (

  • 8/10/2019 Richmond Chamber of Commerce candidate survey


    BAXTER, Dan

    Seeking: Council


    Current Occupation: Policy Analyst

    Years residing in Richmond: 2

    Do you Presently Work in Richmond? No

    Do you currently hold a municipal position? No

    [email protected]

    Why are you running for office? (

  • 8/10/2019 Richmond Chamber of Commerce candidate survey


    BERGMAN, Janos Seeking: Council

    Slate: No affiliation

    Current Occupation: Interpreter

    Years residing in Richmond: 5

    Do you Presently Work in Richmond? Yes

    Do you currently hold a municipal position? No

    [email protected]

    Why are you running for office? (

  • 8/10/2019 Richmond Chamber of Commerce candidate survey


    BHULLAR, Sal


    Current Occupation: Cranberry Farmer and Air Canada employee

    Years residing in Richmond: 30

    Do you Presently Work in Richmond? Yes

    Do you currently hold a municipal position? No

    [email protected]

    Why are you running for office? (

  • 8/10/2019 Richmond Chamber of Commerce candidate survey


    BRODIE, MalcolmSeeking: Mayor

    Slate: No affiliation

    Current Occupation: Mayor

    Years residing in Richmond: 37

    Do you Presently Work in Richmond? Yes

    Do you currently hold a municipal position? Yes, Mayor for 13 years

    [email protected] are you running for office? (

  • 8/10/2019 Richmond Chamber of Commerce candidate survey


    DANG, DerekSeeking: Council


    Current Occupation: Property Management

    Years residing in Richmond: 56

    Do you Presently Work in Richmond? Yes

    Do you currently hold a municipal position? Yes, Councillor for 17 years

    [email protected] are you running for office? (

  • 8/10/2019 Richmond Chamber of Commerce candidate survey


    DICKEY, Jerome

    Seeking: Council

    Slate: No affiliation

    Current Occupation: Business Consultant

    Years residing in Richmond: 20

    Do you Presently Work in Richmond? Yes

    Do you currently hold a municipal position? No

    [email protected]

    Why are you running for office? (

  • 8/10/2019 Richmond Chamber of Commerce candidate survey


    What experience do you possess that you feel is relevant to serving on Council/ as Mayor? (

  • 8/10/2019 Richmond Chamber of Commerce candidate survey



    Seeking: Council

    Slate: No affiliation

    Current Occupation: Lot Attendant

    Years residing in Richmond: 6

    Do you Presently Work in Richmond? Yes

    Do you currently hold a municipal position? No

    [email protected]

    Why are you running for office? (

  • 8/10/2019 Richmond Chamber of Commerce candidate survey


    GRAEME, Kirby

    Seeking: Council


    Current Occupation: Community relations Officer for Richmond fire rescue

    Years residing in Richmond: 32

    Do you Presently Work in Richmond? Yes

    Do you currently hold a municipal position? No

    Why are you running for office? (

  • 8/10/2019 Richmond Chamber of Commerce candidate survey


    HOBBS, AndySeeking: Council


    Current Occupation: Retired police officer

    Years residing in Richmond: 47

    Do you Presently Work in Richmond? No

    Do you currently hold a municipal position? No /

    [email protected] are you running for office? (

  • 8/10/2019 Richmond Chamber of Commerce candidate survey


    What experience do you possess that you feel is relevant to serving on Council/ as Mayor? (

  • 8/10/2019 Richmond Chamber of Commerce candidate survey




    Current Occupation: President, Novex

    Years residing in Richmond: 38

    Do you Presently Work in Richmond? Yes

    Do you currently hold a municipal position? Yes, Councillor for 14 years

    [email protected]

    Why are you running for office? (

  • 8/10/2019 Richmond Chamber of Commerce candidate survey


    LEE, Richard

    Seeking: Mayor Slate: RICHMOND REFORM

    Current Occupation: Lawyer

    Years residing in Richmond: 10

    Do you Presently Work in Richmond? Yes

    Do you currently hold a municipal position? No

    [email protected]

    Why are you running for office? (

  • 8/10/2019 Richmond Chamber of Commerce candidate survey


    LOO, Alexa

    Seeking: Council Slate:

    Current Occupation: Executive Coach

    Years residing in Richmond: 42

    Do you Presently Work in Richmond? Yes

    Do you currently hold a municipal position? No

    [email protected]

    Why are you running for office? (

  • 8/10/2019 Richmond Chamber of Commerce candidate survey


    What experience do you possess that you feel is relevant to serving on Council/ as Mayor? (

  • 8/10/2019 Richmond Chamber of Commerce candidate survey


    MCNULTY, BillSeeking: Council


    Current Occupation: Richmond City Councillor

    Years residing in Richmond: 43

    Do you Presently Work in Richmond? Yes

    Do you currently hold a municipal position? Yes, Councillor for 7 terms

    [email protected]

    Why are you running for office? (

  • 8/10/2019 Richmond Chamber of Commerce candidate survey


    What experience do you possess that you feel is relevant to serving on Council/ as Mayor? (

  • 8/10/2019 Richmond Chamber of Commerce candidate survey


    MCPHAIL, LindaSeeking: Council


    Current Occupation:

    Years residing in Richmond: 52

    Do you Presently Work in Richmond? No

    Do you currently hold a municipal position? Yes, Councillor for 3 years

    [email protected]

    Why are you running for office? (

  • 8/10/2019 Richmond Chamber of Commerce candidate survey


    What experience do you possess that you feel is relevant to serving on Council/ as Mayor? (

  • 8/10/2019 Richmond Chamber of Commerce candidate survey


    MONTGOMERY, DonSeeking: Council

    Slate: No affiliation

    Current Occupation: Realtor

    Years residing in Richmond: 26

    Do you Presently Work in Richmond? Yes

    Do you currently hold a municipal position? No

    [email protected] are you running for office? (

  • 8/10/2019 Richmond Chamber of Commerce candidate survey


    NASTASA, Laura

    Seeking: Council Slate:

    Current Occupation: Communications

    Years residing in Richmond: 20

    Do you Presently Work in Richmond? No

    Do you currently hold a municipal position? No

    [email protected]

    Why are you running for office? (

  • 8/10/2019 Richmond Chamber of Commerce candidate survey


    Priority #3:Ensuring that projects clearly meet the needs of various specific user groups, such as seniors and restorativewellness in the Minoru Upgrade project, and are optimized for long-term operating cost minimization to avoidprogramming conflicts and minimize on-going operating costs later including ensuring that new technologyinitiatives and the opportunity to support local businesses and the educational community are consideredthroughout the project lifecycle. It is also important to coordinate projects in a way that maximizes opportunitiesto combine projects, across jurisdictions/departments, to maximum value including providing working groupswith maximum flexibility to test citizen-centric solutions quickly.

    What experience do you possess that you feel is relevant to serving on Council/ as Mayor? (

  • 8/10/2019 Richmond Chamber of Commerce candidate survey


    QUAN, Helen


    Current Occupation: Small Business Owner

    Years residing in Richmond: 21

    Do you Presently Work in Richmond? Yes

    Do you currently hold a municipal position? No

    [email protected]

    Why are you running for office? (

  • 8/10/2019 Richmond Chamber of Commerce candidate survey


    SAUNDERS, PatrickSeeking: Council

    Slate: No affiliation

    Current Occupation: Consultant

    Years residing in Richmond: 46

    Do you Presently Work in Richmond? Yes

    Do you currently hold a municipal position? No

    [email protected]

    Why are you running for office? (

  • 8/10/2019 Richmond Chamber of Commerce candidate survey


    SEMPLE, DaveSeeking: Council

    Slate: No affiliation

    Current Occupation: General Manager, Community Services

    Years residing in Richmond: 57

    Do you Presently Work in Richmond? Yes

    Do you currently hold a municipal position? Yes, General Manager, Community Services for 5years

    facebook page:

    [email protected]

    Why are you running for office? (

  • 8/10/2019 Richmond Chamber of Commerce candidate survey


    STEVES, HaroldSeeking: Council

    Slate: RCA

    Current Occupation: I operate a direct mrketing farm business,

    Steveston Stock and Seed Farm, est. 1877

    Years residing in Richmond: 77

    Do you Presently Work in Richmond? Yes

    Do you currently hold a municipal position? Yes, Councillor for 44 years

    [email protected] are you running for office? (

  • 8/10/2019 Richmond Chamber of Commerce candidate survey


    What experience do you possess that you feel is relevant to serving on Council/ as Mayor? (

  • 8/10/2019 Richmond Chamber of Commerce candidate survey


    TSNAG, GraceSeeking: Council


    Current Occupation: Certified Financial Planner

    Years residing in Richmond: 21

    Do you Presently Work in Richmond? Yes

    Do you currently hold a municipal position? Yes, Richmond School Board Trustee, for 9 years

    [email protected]

    Why are you running for office? (

  • 8/10/2019 Richmond Chamber of Commerce candidate survey


    What experience do you possess that you feel is relevant to serving on Council/ as Mayor? (

  • 8/10/2019 Richmond Chamber of Commerce candidate survey


    VON SCHALBURG, Kristian

    Seeking: Council

    Slate: No affiliation

    Current Occupation: Research Scientist

    Years residing in Richmond: 1

    Do you Presently Work in Richmond? No

    Do you currently hold a municipal position? [email protected]

    Why are you running for office? (

  • 8/10/2019 Richmond Chamber of Commerce candidate survey


    What experience do you possess that you feel is relevant to serving on Council/ as Mayor? (

  • 8/10/2019 Richmond Chamber of Commerce candidate survey


    WEI, Cliff

    Seeking: Mayor

    Slate: No affiliation

    Current Occupation: Finance Consulting

    Years residing in Richmond: 13

    Do you Presently Work in Richmond? No

    Do you currently hold a municipal position? No[email protected]

    Why are you running for office? (

  • 8/10/2019 Richmond Chamber of Commerce candidate survey


    WOLFE, Michael

    Seeking: Council Slate: RITE RICHMOND

    Current Occupation: Public School Teacher

    Years residing in Richmond: 32

    Do you Presently Work in Richmond? Yes

    Do you currently hold a municipal position? No

    [email protected]

    Why are you running for office? (

  • 8/10/2019 Richmond Chamber of Commerce candidate survey


    WONG, Elsa

    Seeking: Council Slate: RICHMOND FIRST

    Current Occupation: Real Estate Consultant

    Years residing in Richmond: 22

    Do you Presently Work in Richmond? Yes

    Do you currently hold a municipal position? No

    [email protected]

    Why are you running for office? (

  • 8/10/2019 Richmond Chamber of Commerce candidate survey


    WUYAN, JunSeeking: Council

    Slate: No affiliation

    Current Occupation: Actor

    Years residing in Richmond: 4

    Do you Presently Work in Richmond? Yes

    Do you currently hold a municipal position? No

    [email protected]

    Why are you running for office? (