Download - rHJE PLATTSBURGH PLATTSBURGH REPUBLICAN. UTILITY—"The Greatest Good of the Greatest Nnmber."—BENTHAM.


rHJE PLATTSBURGH REPUBLICAN. U T I L I T Y — " T h e G r e a t e s t Good of t h e G r e a t e s t N n m b e r . " — B E N T H A M .

VOL. 9K- NO. 21. rLATTSBURGTI, CLINTON CO., 1S\ Y., SATURDAY MORNING. U M, is. 1901 W H O L E N O , 4i»sl


HTl U *1 M-IJ.MV. ••* 15 I»t''

T i t V i S-l Ml s T»ir, ID a d v s r c e . to ;

Puti-c-if'pi-F. or SI f>U a year it not paid

a. rupee.

1 )


S o n g i n S e a s o n .

« r i h i >*\ ft •' Ino't the wpaMipr '

; f. -f Bii .kut B..I1 132 tears furo M m-

1 ' E Sfh i^ls Di own the field of public

P aU'bo-gh'e F i o r i h o l J a y

Fi TM »i Hi . FT reported s frost OD th-.

m ir a s t'l iui^c 12

( < K « t » . F > f \ r ww fc B,t t i e Vmverslty cf

Ynrn.-.t.! haiurday ever lnp. Jure 22

TiiH '•ipairicr rhftteansrBy will make her

8 >t 11-,(.. ihiF season I'D June 25th.

]y<7 more than one - 'a t pope T m o In

F'nrt lo and redeem those New Year prom-

j i

T H E contract for painting the exterior or ' l ,H C; umpiuio Gmti and At iotx at Coil KMTKT be? v.**f>o giv^i. to Cav-I. U t> Mor- <

r i'. who will eoratneoce work al otice

P>. NOT ruio yotir P-IPB l-\ f lruluHg Iberr.

Jl v u arc irouhleri with beadartes or ner- ;

T o-t.t-FF. vif.t Prof .-ar horn, 'be opncitm. |

A' t*'.int> r'at d Q. use on Mot day anil Tues­

day, June 1 7 - l s J

K->pertere who a>e set to cover the com '

mt" cuni". '? sbonl J he warned aes lnst lie- t

Mcai- man* last tear by a newspa| er hi a

v .r . i t iv town, which announced thai the

opet m e prater ol i t e e x m c s e s "spf-cmPy

i.iirirr ended the giaduatinK Class to D.v i te

n PIC v "'

T H E Ohamt lain Transportation Ci sent

it- s Mami'iila in the north end (•!

n - I. ke on Mor.iltu iu place b u o \ s In dan-

p-i -u- p'urep wt.'Cb are oow guarded hj

g .it-rnment Duois The Tra' s.iortotioD

t < is placing these baoys al its own t x -

\i'\ se

•V M ( \ named G >lden, who lives on L i -

Kie i ' i - rlree', was arre-ted last Saturday for

d -<•*• -rsnrjt* rire-arins wi'hin the citv limils.

He « a s discharged by the city judge, on ihe

gr.nirdihttt he was abating a nuisance. >n

Shi .-.ii ? a tnicken ibat was scratching up

h c ttar.len.

T i - j h t a i e lew more despicable theMe

trail it,at tit steal ira tl-were trim ceaie-

H I H S We underslarid that $i me varietal is

^\-Tl• e'ta Uts lalente ID {t,\i flirecintj in ibe

tr.1 l~ oho',i- remeterj If cutiibt the party

B-.-o d rt-rnre ail the punishment the law

p ov;. les.

7 I . F c^ r.! St Peter's College e;j-5e.1

a pier ii no CamhcrluCid Head on t^flturday

iu-* Tr.e choir is under the direction of

K-»v B-iUDt-r Elphase . and s lrgs the new

c\ iiit re/C )irjm«'.J*J tiy the Pope. AHiiTie

nf hafPha'l and other B'hieuc gports were

ir:.tniife.-t in h> ihe pi 'mckers .

i"i <.TT>I-' K..H Conncl', K - i i h t s ot Colam-

but. t-at? arruii«ed t ^ n train lo Vton^

u.-a.: on i-or-daj tu attend the exetnplitination

ol u e third decree, ID that C I J . The fare

Irum Plans'ursrh will tie ? - 35 Tbia rale

is ma cm titied in members ol the ordi-r

L~re r.ul aid\ be taken advaniaite ol bj ary

wl i. desire

B,~„ f K B NV.sriD. D D . B.,hnp Co-a , io.r . I A .ban) . wni make hie annual \a-

i;a;ion to Trinity church tomorrow Services f. r U e das will b e ; Oelertralion ot Holy 0- Uiinui l.r. at 7 'vi. Mall'is at Id 0 inflrma-t..r. - e ' \ i ^ ut.d ce el.r.tlioli i.| Uol\ Ct III-a. i ' ; n at in -'> i. -^in l,» si h. ..; al 12 IS, at wi vti UJie B rti •[• N'lsiin w II d"liv,-r the pr l •? ' >r '.h* year t , v , « . j D i a' 7 'A>)

1-i i Lf. who remember ^.iranac L t k p \ i l -

l i . i - u- a camp M'ehaNe to rub Iheir eten ag

f o !<•> k - l U tt-dd> Ti.e l i f e t . ' j has

t •« f. Mill intihhrii'i'9 a: d t-.iinp PI>.'\ I i s-i-

L"t-r t. 'ire-, not c u i ' i n ^ r the t.mel acd

ti iar 1ir.L' h IU-'M tra le. a h ink and iw.i t i - w -

pa: nrs. Tr i- .-^r^i.ui' 'a l . ratory lor ihe i-'udy

r'*. urder iLe ditrc i.m ut Dr

1 i l e a l H IhB lldl} InStllUllUQ of the k l l d

li tt.f i- .iiij'ri

P u r l f; w f - r ^ , r l l f " l ' R * i i ' l l r ( , r i l •HH ,.\ t i i v i-tii-^f a' 1 !.!• FS. tn Ire. i.

AT. irt >h« «* t.i . ru e if* 7? ST it hhrfl. ^pr. tit i t . • u4"*.* . f n. w i.lfe«

Yet-: i'i« t*r< T« T h. nnf j-r.' * War. ^ Ar Bt-ed. Ar. • ie«ri TM tarr 't- f f r t |.gri

B.,t N-T.«>. tl-' Kmot.- ft .m rer litsd At. 1-wf.j.ttt ktow).. »»i« fr'tn T«r heart-

- Sara ff*'tw Fose.

P L K S O N A L .

M-s u P R .1. nson, w l e o t Dr R i b i n s o n ,

principal ol the A bany H.tfb School, has

bsen F,>er..''iris th» *eek in town, the gues t

of MHS M E R . w e

fl H Hovt-mifMion id Mr and Mrs Wtl-

l i im H I W I T O P . w,;s gTAdoatt-il this week

from the B .?e E.i-i ii.-al i» at WashiDe-

tot.. a i d I -s l a l e i , a position w,th Ihe-

C. . . a l er E ectut il c-.tnpanj at A.rr.-

p j r . , N J

R..\ V „ n t h r , sun ot Mr E J V inghn ot

Morriwint .He, hiiH returned borne lor th»> sum­

mer, havn'12 cimipleted a six montho'conrse

| e l lb? A:bati\ BueiDpfB College

The tamih d J -hn C Clark, E q , ot New

York, tiuve a r n \ i U la lown, and are at their

i summer home on Broad Street. Mr. Claik

| is to rav iga le his new gasolene yacht from

New York to L ike Gbamplain.

Miss Mir\ Manti'X was graduated this

, Week f uili Si. Ltwretice Qulvp.r^iiy, Canton.

, Anua Bjrlei^li and Miss R ' a m a Lyuch

I a l l endeJ the cooimenceuiBiil i x ' . c i ees .

i Mr and Mrs. Samuel Howes ot Eeekman-1 town, celebrated their eolden wedding,

Friday eveDinfr, June 7, when over a i i ty ot

their tr ieole and r. laiives, gathered at a reeeynon held at ih-ir home.

Mr Fiat K b Hi l l , ol F r a n k l i n , Kv., is

s1.iendin>: ihe summer wbl. his sister, Miss

U i r n e l Out! ot P. .u Mr. Tl.trts a son of

the late Schtijler H tf, and has been In the

So j lh lor iweni} five years, but seldom

misses spending pan ot the year at bis old

b i m e . He is c-oni.ecled with the insurance

U m of \v~. P S20»t & Co.

The friends oi Dr. Tnoinpaoa are elad to know that he is able to be oui again after b'S recent severe il'ness.

Mrs. W. E. Corey and her daughter f a

have arrived in town trom L i s Ansrele?,

nod will spend the summer with Mrs. Al-

inon Tnomaa. Mrs. Corel's mother, al ber

home on Mac.iinb street.

C o H M u e u c e i i i e i i t E x e r c i s e s .

THE EXCISE CASES B i g I r o n O r e l » r a l R r p o r t e c l .

The py'raor.ilparv tprm o! lb" Roj»r«-fP»

C wrt ca led tor the tnal ot persons imlKted

for riolaMnri ( r the f xcise law was convened

ia this cHy on Monday morrone

Hon W M R-ideere, . las'ice of the lSu­

preme C o o n , designated by Governor

Hughes lo at the term, opened tl e

courl on Mindav morning »' 1" u'clooV. R.

R Scott, E q , the attorney who r<-presented

AllorDP. General Jar ' two in the pr.iseru-

Uon, was in coort and arraij.-r.ed F-d G '*m,

Jise.pb Abood and Arthur Goulure. H O P .

John H Booth, atiornpy for Ll.e accused,

endeavored to have the m d i d m e n l s f t

a^irip as lllepal nn the ground H'1'1'- M r -

Scott's apr*-arai c« b-tore the ?rand jury

was not tkulhniizvl Py law and that tbe

rinbte of the people ofj ihe county had been

usurped in a proceeding wl ich be pndeavored

lo show was i l tntlonal The molk.n

was denltd and a demurrer overruled by the


A recess was taken nnti! two o'clock when

Barnahw Gokey and John Burns of ^.ira-

nac, and John 0 Mwyo, proprietor of ihe

Holland House at Rouses Point. Majo

plpaded not etnl iy . Gokey and Burns took

a d v a n l s g e ol the law and did not plead at

that t ime.

Mr Scott then moved for the trial of

E.i Govin. Mr. Booth, who represent! d

G ivin, wns not ready to nroceed w l i b l l e

t-Ul. He stated thai un Important wiu.fcts

f ;r the defrnae bad Dot ye t arrived in the

city. In the case cf Joseph Abood which

was next called P J Tierney, E q , e ' n u d

that be wou'd not he tteauy to proceed unlil

Tuesday. W. H. Duisii, K-q , who repie-

g^nled Mayo, was not iteadv to proceed. Mr.

Soon had no more cases to move at tbe

time and a recess was taken for an hour, at

tha expiration of wbneh time Mr. Bsolh

stated that be would be ready to p ioceed

wiih the Govin case. I

At 3 30 the court reconvened acd a1" effort

was made lo select a jury. Tbe n"orneyB

of both sides were very careful about their

B^eeiioua and each talesman was subjected ;

to a rigid cross-examination. Twelve n u n

w^.re finally selected and the trial proceeded

a''ei JudKe Rodders had iDBtruc'ed t i e

T n u l M>r U i i < f l>. A II l lo l i l inc ' . in H i l t Sec t ion ,

R ' . h

It has been reported that Decollations ere

at rnt lo tie opened between the Uri t td

S a'os Steel Ci r| oration ard Ihe It A U

Co , ret aiding the li nse ot Ihe iron ore de­

posits in lids sectioi. winch are owned by tl r<

radioad company through t i e 0hateau2t>

Orp and Iron G» mpary. The plan Is said in

b - ttuored bj Jarpe stock IK Liers ai d < in. iais

ot fn lh cor| oraMors ard that arrapsemerip

have been, mad** for a conferei ce he! ween

Juiui'S G u j l e j , li'tt vice pr< huh-til of i l e

S l i e l Corpora-Ion and I, F h >ree, pre=idei t

ot ihe D .fc H , at »h,e-h Hie ques'ion <il

turniiiK over these ore. deooeits will b e d i -

cn eed m>re in deti il

Estimates p i n e the amount of ore in tl e

Cbiiu anpny Corr paoy'a lands at not less thi n

SOU 000 000 ions of low grade tre , averavine

i 40 per cent. l ion. This ore is said lo carry a

verj low pf'irenlru'o t.f phoppiTiu? n n l lo he

especially oesirable for open health in an n rue'

tu c ol steel.

The D. A: U Company has worked the e

ore lands lo a limited ( s t ent hu' has inni'n

10 ( H irl lo develop them on a broad H'.nl'.

At the close of lasl year there had been nd-

venced hy the conn any a total of «S.«2 4I1

for the d tre lopmeut o! ibeae ore. lands, but a

thorough deve lopment would call for veiy

larae piime of mon<y. The P. & 13 Ccin-

uany holds control tf ihe lands ihroush stock

owneiship , the railroad owning $258 450 of

the tlrst preferred slock of Ihe Choteaujcay

Ore and l ion Co , $221 450 of its second

prefeired and $1 2 D 0 000 of its commen


Vice-President Gavley or ihe Steel Corpo­

ration visited ihe Chateonpay property liii-t

summer in company with D. & U. Block-

holders and cftieers, and it is said that he

was favorably impressed with the idea of

obtaining control of the lauds by some form

of iPBBe, and that the conference arranged

between Mr. Gayley and Mr. Loree is tbe

ou tcome of exchange of views by the officials

OJ tbia trip last snoimer.


prodnc^ plartair


The "Bnt lnf lv Carnival" given by t i e Rn'land Hospital Association netted over $100

The post rfll.-e at Nortl fipld Falls was

A =irg1p plant of dariVH'Ti w'' 12 000 seeds. Inrdork i j . r o o , 47.000, and porsl»in«»375 0P0.

Damascas B ihe fir=i ciiy in the Tarki'h Empire which i« Itchte-] by electric.iy acd has e lec i i ic railway cars running throueh its t imeworn streets. The opening Of bo'h sys tems last mouth was made tbe occasion for a public ceremony.

J. H. Waite of Boise, Tdaho. harvested

O o l r t o i i ^ V r r l i l i n s -

blown open by unknown persons early Tues- | lfi,t!)S t ioxes ot strawberries 'rom bis acre la> morning and §150 In money and stamps

secured. In adili'ion lo the $10,000 left by ihe late

Hanii-l B Perk to the Home for Ajjed Women In Burhne'-On, a similar b c q i r e t has been made by the will of the late Ed­ward Wells nt Bnrlinai'on.

The strike of the slate workers at Fair Davpn has entered OR i'g third month.

Birlu gton had GO Uirths in M*y, 30 girls and 33 boys

The qiarterly convention of the Sta le Spiritumui Aisocl.ttion is to bo held in Montpelier, June 15 and 1G.

Tbe S'aie law compel l ing corporations to pay their employees wont into i tl jct June 1. !

A consignment of 125 000 trout try has ' been received a l the < xiierlmpntal flalmon-ld:)p hnlchery at Arlington, making a total (

or 200,000. The new hatchery i - i t o b e n n auxiliary of the na'ional hatchery at St. Johnebiiry.

The 117 h onnnal convention of the Epis­copal Diocese Of Vermont will be held ill Burlington, June IS and 19.

It being; imposaiblo to secure laborers at the price t tiered, $1 75 a day, a rqiai l of prisouera were hroughl Irom the count) j il to work in laying water pipes at Montpelier.

Forty mem tiers of the Lake Mansfield Trout Club went to work oarly Monday inorniiis and before breakfast caugbt 109 alleged pounds of l iont , before noon bring­ing the record up to 126 pounds. The an­nual meet and dinner was held a t the Club-house, on Wednesday.

This has been Masouie Week, and the e n -nu*l convention held a l Burlington has been one of the largest gatherings of Masons ever beldin the Slate.

and a halt patch last year, 12 798 ot these were from June 1 to July 7, 43 tn Septem­ber and 2,447 in October with a iota! of $ 1 232 67

Tne Adirondacks and Canada supply each about 580.000 cords of pulp wood for the United States.

The Netherlands import more fliur from the Uniled States than all the re nainder of the continent, and Amsterdam alon" last year porcbased $5,600,000 of our tljnr, ranking next London as our premier mar­ket.

The average density of the population of the German Empire is 290 3 per square mile. The Cheminiz division of Saxony is OD« of the most densely poDuln'ed districts io the world, containing 1,001 persons to the square mile.

The sewing machine most popular in Greece bears the name of an American firm

1 and is made in Scotland.

A paper factory at Elsenthal, Germany. experimented to see just how long it would take lo put a forest in circulation as reading matter. A t 7 30 three trues were cut down and carried to the pulp mills, 20 men work­ing to strip them or bark and branches. At 9 34 the first roll of paper wag ready. The press-room of the newspaper was two mile* away, the paper was rushed over In an auto­mobile, fed to the preams and a t IS ihe trees of 2 hours and 25 minutes earlier were being sold as linished newspapers.



T h e C o l l i S u m m e r .

v. rou.-'ti d.s n'-rrt-l in..r.

H liT-o-fr»*aairJ;' - n - ,ir^ n.'.w ra' ,ri • p'.i -e

ii 1 tor ".be i i-w pivi-me

e stre.ut wi'l look ••-r\ tor.

••I etiU are done, lia' ,' ,9

11. h-1 few

nd the

t. No

wh-r. the g . . [tir •.

>'onuul Scluiol.

The programme lor the exercises of the

17in arroi'il commencement of ihe Plat'.s-

bjrgb Stale Normal School is as follows:

Trtst.-vv, JfXE 18.

Final Exan inat ions begin at 1 30 p. m.

fKIUAV, J lNE 21.

Closing Esereises ot Primary Department, 10 a. in

('a cins! Exercises ot l u t e i m e j U i e Depart­ment, 2 p. m.

Annum Exhibition ot school Work, 10 a. m. to 5 p. m

Ftaternily K;ceplion, 8 to 11 p. in.


Senior Class Recaption, 8 to 11 p. m.

M C N D A I , J f S E 24.

Finul Return of Tex'. B J . ks, 9 a. in. to 11 a m.

Senior Clusa Exercises (.Normal Hall), 2 P m.

B isir.ess meeting of Alumni (Reception Ronn 1 4 p tn

Junior Promenade (Gymnas'u"'- 1. 8 10 12 p m.

T U E S D A Y , J U N E 25


The weather we have been having in­

evitably brings to notice the famous "cold

jurymen who were not drawn on tbe trial of summer of 1816." " T h e s e i s o n in thi* qiiar-

Ibe case that they should not remain in Ihe ter, ' says the PLAITSBL'RUH R E P CBLIOAN of

c o i n room, as it would not be proper for June S of that year, "has been unusually

them to h e a r t h s teatiuiooy as it might in- o l d — v e g e t a t i o n is backward, and the pros-

ttjence them in any case upon which they pecta of the farmer very g'oomy.

might be drawn.

A c extra panel of fljty jurors was drawn

as It was deemed that the original panel

would be exhausted before another jury

could be drawn.

Thursday last, ihe 6 h of June, the a t ­

mosphere was filled with particles of snow

during a great part of the day, and it was

uncomfortable being out of doors without a


Conditions in Vermont on the same date

are described as follows in the R E P U B L I C A N

of July 13, 1816:

Tbe forenocm sess ion of Wednesday was

taken up with ihe Govin case. Special

Exri6e Aueiila G m i n e r C Hibbard and

Gsenn G, Frank testified 10 having purchased !

a bol i le ot whiskey at G ivin's hotel at " S r i O W 1T1 Tl lTl f* Ciamplaio iu March last. Govin io his o . v n ! i -.V. -. 1 ~ b-half testified : h a t h » had not sold t h e m ' U l C t i e S d e e p .

any 1 qunr, but bad given a small bou le or Exlnu-t of a letter, tinted Waterliury {Ft)

whiskey to one of them who complained of


Hil l ) Graduating Exercised 1 Normal m. Annual Alarum Banquet t Library 1 7 p m.

H i g h School .

The thirty-third annual ejairnancement ot the High School will be held at the Pla'ts-bu-gb Theatre, on Saturday in jr^. jg , June 27, beginning at lu o'clock.

D ' Y o u v l t e *. irtdemy.

Commencement E ^ r c o „ , ( .^p D'Yon-

vd'e. Academy will be n d . in tbe Academy

ha'i, Mondny evening, J u r e 21, huglnning at

7 30 o'clock.

N o t T a k e n a s a N .

A d \ ; i i , c o . Y. C e n t r a l

f r l ' » lnh-ibr.anis with

. . \er

ID J j ' j d s


- ve tr itf-tt.l-t- I


t R ver Telephone Co Lag de­

af... ;-•. ide (our-par'.y ii'.e s e i v i t e

,ns t^^ii uiuch Couiphni.t that the

k : * « ! ; hj=y, and a lanre nnnibfr

.re . l ;r«"v traeealde- to U,e lonr-

-r T ' l - i o r ' e r 1 pp wi lu Ihe i f -

- .r R ter ^>st.-m. Mr Schnt't-r,

tl .arBger is I- .1 6 lent thai tins

1 • m a t wrt. m c i ot i h - 1 .-on

•tat ex a'.kri un l er the four-parly

- Ipf. s •[ Dir.r.emira 'oive .Incited

' a v " e r .ur»t ot J d\ m, a large.

T'.er^ «iil tie a f.i'-uie iu d

.1 al k!'.]J inclii l inr lia>(-

1 eu i r .ua 1 -hoot ol the Dmneinora

tl-- • be t e l 1 i-.D thai du\

1 *- » • . . t .a\p a'ter -le 1 Dam *nioru cele-

1 r. . • * ,1 m e pat:', know that the res'ilents

< ' - 1' T.;BI:~ are mcirt liosprtt^.le h". vl-itors

a : ar- assured ol a Nearly welcome and a

£ • •' ' itne

W i f -r hasn't al! the. beak? A calf

v.•« 1. .in a' Bi.' Tupper L i k - Ihe other day

w t. a i f . i l a little 1 ver a foot Ions', ana

a. . rj i t ir.a! head Tne le^s were in the

I .".1. of rlaws about an inch In l e n / l h : i l

lr. 1 h face of an UfiCuimtiUU-Ugly bnUdlig,

and DO tan Tne creature ts oow in alcohol

l'i a. >1rue=iore, where it can be seen by any-

o-ie » u o mticbt *ug«eat tt as tinmen* of a lco-

h il tn the brain. The mother was an Irish

c i w imported by B»rrjDar, tha tbraad raan-

Dfac'urer, fur his farm.

TBfc new Trinity rec'ory a t o n i n g the

cv.urri. is takirg torm u n i e r the cirefal S P -

p^rt.jnon 11 tbp Contractors, Pennington ft

Bu'ler, and already evidences what an ac-

qui - .aon it is to be to t b e town as a tine

lype of architecture Tbe heaatlfol er«y

l imestone, which comes from Ihe Bind Point

quarry, chows 10 great advantage aa tbe

building material, cypreta wood forma tbe

eat ing of ihe gotbic windows a n d of the

ctoou, ami there will t.xs no paint on tbe e x ­

terior IL IS of interest to note that tbe

ori^totl plan of tbe boose * w aomewbat

aiu-rbd to avoid cat t ing down one Of the

•P etidni elm tret* 00 tbe grooodf .

T H E low water a l the fool ot tbe dam at

t-' e \yti!i« tlul la a favorite spot joat now

w.'L DOJS wti-j *r« f J O J of Habiog. Several

nice c i -ehes ars be in? made with hook and

fcpear. The sport atlrac's quite a number of

• ifccutorg 10 the bridge u> watcb Uie jper-

lurmacce, and lh»y were treated l o tbe

aomewbat aousaal siirht on Wedneadav ot a

bvy catcbiag a large mal let with bie bare

bands. A y o a o ? mau wl'.u a a p e a r , « a o a

•everal attempts to J . b tbe flik W»l* l»W

spear when soother lad became Impatteot

and j iiuptog into tbe water grabbed Ibe l * a

and tbr«» tilm onto Ute rock*. T o U amy

• iui;d like a "n«Mf>. f a . l i " alery. toal it

b* voaebea i„r bjr a o a m u w of r « f « U M « ClLl,u#.

I was arnmiinced on .Saturday last that

i"o-r.elius V luderbip. I . I ' . -en elected one

of the btmid of iiiauauers of the D. & B.

Giinpai .y in place of F o I- E -Smith, ot the

drm ot Weeds, Smith & Oocway, and connfel

ijr the company. Mr h was elected a

manager ap he annual meeting on May 14

m place of L Orr, and is repoited

•o nave taken t' - pltiea with tbe underetand-

. .<: to- wo .J rc.i. quish it in the near

lu'ure in f>vor of M. V nderbllt.

The election 1.' i l . \ ^ndeibill was taken

.u ^oiiie quariere as a widening of tbeNcW

V . k Cei.trul li t l jence id the D & H , but

as ihere is only one o'her Central man on

the. roar.l 1 4.enutor D.-| t w . this would hHrdly

tie bkely. A=ide from uds, Cornelius Yan-

d-rhi,i is not closely tth aled with the other

Vaiderbl l t in ie i fr s l i e was at o n e t i m e

a!.led « n h Stnyvesant Fish, who made him

1 director ot the Illinois Central. But when

the Preach between Mr, Fish and E. H.

U i i r iman widened Mr. Yanderb i l l look a

position on the Hariiuiun side w a n J o i n

JiCub Artor and Voted against Fish at t i e

Novemoer annual meeiiOi w e n that g e n -

ilenian was replaced by J T. IJarahaD.

Mr Vanderblll baa bei n allied with I t e

AUsfudt Bf lmom interests and is said to t e

s'.ill connected «ith ihe. Belmont enter prises.

Hi has been a d i n c t o r of the loterborough

Rat. id Transil Ci m p a i y , ibe New York City

Inteiborough Company and the Rapid Tran­

sit Subwuy OoDstruciion C o n p a n y their

orgunlzi i ion. The conseneoB of opinion is

that Mr. V„uderbili*d election to tbe D & H.

board was significant of an entrance of the

Belmont u l l j e n c o or a widening of tbe l iar-

rlmau it lluence but not an extension ol tbe

N' Y Central interest in tbe coaipany.

Y . i>l. C . A . U e c e i H i o n .

Tn« new ietnror»ri qa ir teraof the Y. M. C. A. wens cttjiially opened on Wtdnesday svenitie with a re iepunn al tbe • While House*' 10 memoers and gues t s .

A n u u i b e r o f hiibf addreMes formed part.

of tbe programme. W F Perkina, tbe

ritate secretary, who has been io town In­

augurating a building canvass , g i v e an out­

line of the work 10 be taken up, and much

mterest wa- manifested by tbe young mer ,

and willingness to use every eudeavor lo

make tbe p n j a c t a auczesa

Music » H furnished by tbe Y. M. C. A.

orchestra aud refreshments were asrved by

t i n Woman's Auxiliary with Mrs. Smith F.

Bdnry as :balrmau.

Tbia new borne of tbe Y. M. C. A. , cf

which a pic -are was g iven ia tbe B E P O B L I

CAM some weeks ago , is one of tbe pleaaeut-

es t places in town, aa well as a historic

piece, and w e aafet* p r o p b e i j that tbe

aaaociation will l eave it mi'.b regret.

Jjocml vm»*» In U. 8. Court.

b j i t .g Mck. A p i t t bottle full of l iq ior was

produced io evidence aa ihe boitle pnrchae-

e l Mr. Govin could not say whether that

was Hie boUle ur notlbut lliongbt il was a

smaller bottle. Some other witntsses were

sworn for the defense, but none g a v e any

evidence of having seen the transaction.

Govin eaid (hat be reluaed to take money

for the rqnor and bruusuht as a witness a

waitress who said sbis found tilty cents on

the dining room table the next morning.

The jury retired al about 12 10 alter having

listened to the Bummmg up cf ihe attorneys

and the charge ot J u n g e R idgers which was

sirictly impartial, clearly dtfl iug tbe law

and saying that tbe finding tbould be strictly

u jon the evidence and that the accused

should have the benefit of any doubt that

mmbt exist . This jory after being out

about e leven hours were discharged at 1

eleven o'clock al night without having come '

to a decision. A t 1 his hour they are said to

have stood six for conviction and s ix for

a i q n i ' a l exactly ibe tame aa on the litot

ballot taken ahor'ly after noon. In tbe 1

meantime ihe Abood case had been taken

up and disposed of.

The ease of Joseph Abood of Sciola was

laken up al the afiern.oon fiess.ioii of T u e s - !

ony. The same special agents of the 1 x-.-'ne I

ti-ard lesitlied :o huv i ig purcnased a boli le

of whiskey from the defendant and told iu '

lelall what transpired. The defense, en­

deavored to disprove tihia test imony. Anood

h mrelf on ihe stand tesnHed he not only

did not sell the boitle, but never even saw

ll unlil produced in court by the. prosr-cu-

ti .n Ne\er'.hele-ia, aitter less than ten mm-

uteb' deliberation the jury brought in a

vefdiel of guilty.

U J Wednesday morning B i r n a b e e Gokey

of Sarunac, pleaded guilty to one ind co­

ntent and j .intly to another with J .bn

Bums, a tearnater, wbo was acting as a

sort of volunteer, cr accomuiodatlou bar­

tender at the l ime ait which ihe evidence

waa obta ined . He was not regularly in ihe

employ of Gokey Mr. Scott then moved tor

the re-lrial of Go via, in whose case tbe

jury had disagreed ihe previ us night. Mr.

Booih ol j'Cted to tbia saying that he had

toepareo for the irial of John D Mayo, ot

Rouses Point. Up n this s tatement Mr.

Scott moved for the tlrial of Mayo, and the

drawing ot a j iry was proceeded with. By

DM in twelve good men and true were In ihe

b x and at ihe afternoon session tbe taking

oi the testimony bet'an. The two exc i te

agents testified to having drank whiekey at

the bar of Mayo's bote), the Holland Ho'.ee

Mr. Mayo was e q ^ l l y posit ive that they had

not. Like those who bud been tried prev­

iously be was asked why, it be did not retail

I uuor, he hat! gone to ihe expense ol ob­

taining a government license. While the

oilier gent lemen seemed to wish to convey

the i m p i e s n o n that these l icenses were

purely omanieo la l , Mr. Mayo eaid he was

authorized to have his. Further question­

ing, however, brought out the testimony

that instead of being autboiized he was ad­

vised 10 have it. G.uylord A m e s , E q. , ol

Rousee Point, was called and lesiitisd that

he bad been e n g a g e d by certain hotel keep­

ers, including Mayo, to see it a bill could

not b* introduced iu tbe L'-gtalaiure 10 di­

vide the IOWU ol Cbamp'aio, luakiog B m e e e

Point a separate town, so tbat lf tbe inhabi­

t i n g < f Houses Point chose tbey might have

license. Mr. A m e s leslitled tbat be drew

up such a bill and g a v e it to tbe representa­

tive in tbe legislature at that l ime. What

became o l ibe bill be did c o t s eem to know

He bad DO recollection of its b a t i n g been

introduced, to say nothing of passed. Fred

Taylor, the porier of ihe Holland House , tes­

tified 10 having sold the e g e o t s g inger ale.

During bis testimony Mr. Taylor a*id be was

an actor who helped to pot op the tents

Tbe a g e n t j produced! no bott le io tbia ease ,

but Mr. bootb evidently not want ing 10

break any precedent was there with a bottle

of g inger ale, which Taylor eaid was s imilar

t o that from which ibe e i c i a e m e n drank.

Mr. Mayo's ancle WM the lest witMW, aid tbe caae went 10 i b e j jry a l s ix o'clock. The

charge waa m a d e ou Thnredey morning and

alter a abort deliberation a verdict of g o i l t i

June u, to a ijentlemuii in Windii'or. D u i i c g t i e 6 li iuet, ifae snow fell rapidly

in all ihe towns about here, but melted as it fell. Much snow foil on Friday night, and on Saturday in the forenoon in many places-in Willision ii wa* T W F N T Y a n d iu Caboi EIGHTEEN INCHES Jif EP ! The ground ol Montpelier was geuerahy covered during the whole of yesterday rid t h i mountain?.' as fir as wd cau see, are yet completely white.

I can find no person who has eve-'- before Been anuw 00 ihe oarili in Juno. This p a n of tbe Ciuntry, I assure jou , presents a rnoat drearv o - p e c r ; / / v« / cuuta and mittens are an •jeueralhj worn as in January; and afire U indisiieit^ablii."

S a d F a t a l i t y .

Henry T. Cosifrove, a n a t i v e o f Plattsburgb,

I was drowned in Jamaica Buy last week by

fulling from a boat in v, bich he and two com­

panions were ei j .ying an outing in the hay.

I Mr. Cosgrove waa an est imable young

' man, about twenty-tive, and left Plattsburgb

about six years ago lo e n g a g e in businees

wi'.h his brolhei Daniel J , who accompanied

the remains to this c a y on Saturday morning.

The body was laken to the home of his

mother, Mrs J a m e s Cosgrove, on the Plank

road and tbe funeral took place on Monday

morning from St John's Church. H i is sur­

vived by hie mother, two aisters. Miss Minnie

J., and Miss Fannie Cosgrove, and three

brothers, M. J . Cop. ve of Plattsburgb,

Daniel of New York c. \ nd a twin brother,

J jbn, of Seattle, Washington.

D r i n k C r a z e d M a n A t t e m p t s

M u r d e r a n d A f t e r w a r d s

S u i c i d e s .

D w l e l Bcckus a Poisdam village uiarac-

acier, while crazed with drli k go t into an

a l ' er iauon with Hugh Murphy, proprietor ol

the Frontier House in that village last Friday.

During the argument Bock us drew a revolver

and shot Murphy in tbe moulb after which

he turned the weapon on James McFall, a

bystander, the bullet takiug : ft c l in bis

eh* ek. H e then shot bimBell and ran to his

home where he finished himself with a razor.

Murphy and McFall are still alive, although

ihe former is io a critical condition.

A 2 0 t l i C e n t u r y G i a n t .

Every newspaper of enterprise should

have two daily editions so tbat i tems missed

in the morning may be read at night.

We are constantly having this demons­

trated by ihe Plattsburgb Press and Naws.

and special.)' pointed testimony is offered by

the account of a boiler 1 xplosion recorded in

the issues of last Saturday. Had Ibe article

not reappeared in the News , s o m e migb!

have failed to learn that Goliatbs still exist

in New York Stale , a facl establ ished by lh«

fallowing invaluable bit of information con­

tained in the description ot the engineer'^

tragic death :

" Not a voatige of the body remained A here it Blood previous l o ihe wreck. A piece cf it weighing a ton was blown 150 feel and smaller pieces eq lally aa far."

The Armstrong Scholarship.

waa retorned.

Tbe local botiuesa before ibe D o i t e d ] When tbia verdict waa m a d e known Ell

Law* Party at f a i i t ,

Staiea Coort at B i c g b a a i o o woe concluded

o n Tberaoay. CM tboae w h o were t r o e g t t

before ibe grand jotjf. Te lar ( M o , l h e , * i i l -

tttiilo proprmuwa of I be ' Qe*> i n " U>tel

wee e e e u weed to e I c e o l $ * * • e a d i m o

b w d r e d deye In Jell. B e ev l4*»i ly did t o t

b a t e U;e f S N a o d le o o w lodged i e i b e

e o o o l ) lai! at r ie l le fcorfh . GVbo wee c b e / « * d

wit* aririrg m o o r wiibowl ft • o v a r a * . * *

H M M * . N . d wMletwipd ftwoofkoi M i l * *


C N o e * \ i a « V t « r l « C «

» • • « € • » •


Govin , In whose COM Ibe j t ry had disagreed, pleaded gol l ty t o another e « « n t Is Ibe la-d t e t a e a t . Artbwr Goaiare of B M N W Poiat, w b o bad no t yet b e e * tried, alao pteado gaal iy .

T b e foltowlog o r a u a c m wero t h o s l a -» o « e d :

J o b * B. M a y . t M O S e o a m d lew day* to ibe eowiy jait.

Mtt Owtto, pm turn eod toe do) a to toll. urn

Ockey aitwir Jala A

A competit ive examinat ion of Candidates or the Armstrong Scholarship at Union Cul-lege will be held at Hit- Court Houan iu Ibe <4iiy cf Pln.<UI>«rt:b or. FiKlay. ibe S8Ui day of June, 1907, commencing at 9o'c lock a ui. Uandidatea mum lie at least s ix teen years of age and the sons of practical tanners, bona ride residents of Cliuton County. The will if Thomas Armstrong providea for a Scholar­ship iu Albany L*w School to l>e Oiled from • he sons ot farmers or other practical w irk--nen, actual residents of eaid County ol Giinloo, and if there are caudidalea tor ina* •cboiarship they will lie- examined at the =ame l ime and place. So o n e should lake be t x t o i i u a l i o o ooleea he io g o o d lailb io-

-enda and bel levee t h u be ia prepared lo -iccepi a acbolarabip abould one b e awarded him.

The examinat ion will be upon tbe following s i b j e c i e :

kinglieh Lilerafore. AJitebra, Plane Geo­metry, D i. Hietory aud Modern Gaograpby-;aodidatea will a leo b e qiieei looed a o o o t tbe

lirogreaa tbat tbey nave made in other eiodiee and tbe earilBoaiea. diploma* or pea* card* vbicb tbey have carried should b e preeeotett •or esamioat ion i>y ihe e o m m i u e e .

C o p k a of lite Union Col lege catalogue giving ibe eoareeeo l aiedy aod r«<|alreuMmia (.* adaiaalOB to each coaiaa may be obtained •y iboee wbo c o n t f a n t o i e beeomtog caadi-latea by e o o l y i o g to L L Sbeddea . PlaUa-

oargb, M. Y . Dated at r t a t u b e r g b , May 3 1 , lSoT.

L. L. S a e d d e a . J . W. Ua ikoea t , a . a . MnTawaagb.

fn tbe Christian Science litigation at Con­cord, Judge Chamberlain, after a bearing in the superior court, announced tbat he would have tbe competency of Mrs. Eddy ctticially teated.

The Court of Appeals in Paris granted a new beuring on ibe appeal of Count Gastii-larie against the verdict of divorce granted Anna Gould.

Thirty people were killed in a tornado that swept parts of Kentucky, Indiana and Illinois June 8 The vil lage of Grady vllle, Ky. , was a lmost totally destroyed.

George Frazir, a well-known Brooklyn school teacher, was killed by trolley car after saving the l ives of two girls by drag­g ing them from its path.

Ktrl Hau, a graduate of Gaorge Wash­ington Ujivers i ty , Washington, and former professor of R itiian law in tbat institution confessed to the murder of his m o i h e r i n -law ut Baden-Btden. Mrs. Hail drowned herself on learning of her husband's guilt. Both Professor and Mrs. Hnu were held in high esteem at Washington. Tbey returned to Germany about a year ago . Prof. Hau had made way with his wife's fortune and wished to secure her mother's

An Italian boy waa stepped on and killed by an elephant during a circus parade in Buffalo.

A ' -vsuit in Siebnnlehn, S a x i n y . brought out fact that 43 [ires, by which 63 houses were burned, were started by a voluntary Hi e brigade for the purpose of winning re­wards for heroism. The Burgomaster, chief traders and art'buns ware heads of tbia con­spiracy.

The revolt of the winegrowers in t!m south of France went i m o ed'eel June 10, when half a million people sworw to pay no more taxes until parliament affords them relief, and 10 execute a resolution demanding tbe resigna­tion of departmental, city, town and com­munal (MieialH.


In spite of the back war k spring, the s e a ­son in the lake and mountain resorts opens auspiciously, and those who have already arrive.) are e i j n i n g to tbe full the coo! heati-lifnl days thai offer the finest stimulant, for walkini: and cl imbing, and g i v e a premium to camp, tiree, which aa everyone k n o w , are one of tbe k*en pieasarea of outdoor life.

Though the electric road now connects Smith's with tbe railroad, the coach road will be kept up tor tbe ecj >yment of riding and driving.

"A 400 pound black hear was shot on White-fnce lasl week after three days tracking.

E izibe.tblown erjoys ihe distinction of •• vin.r the rineat golf l inks in the Adiroo-d lCka.

A trolley line beiwoen Saranac L i k e and L-ike I'lrcid is one of tbe prospects o l the uear future. A n agreement has been rrnde that the shall run for 50 years, the payment of $25 000 by the trolley company 10 extend ovei 45 years.


The government Blue Book of India 3tates •hat as a pagan the Ionian is a liability, but as a christian be is becoming an increasing asset to the nation.

Through the i-ti'oris of a missionary of e Presbyterian Board, about 12 years a TO, . •e.per house was establishec 1 the open Country near Tokio. The - lulion h> thrived aud provides at (.rec <.< a home for about 40 of th* uuforluoaiea iffl c'.ed. TIJ • work la under the auperviai n of a b i a i ot foreign directors, b>i ihe immediate charge is in ibe bunds of a Japanese gent leman and his wife. They are not lepers, though lor twelve years having beer iu contact with tbe disease. A visitor at the colony describes tbe place as very attractive, ard the inmaleB cheerful and seeming 10 o t j i y life.

The Federation of American Zionists will hold their 10'h annual conveDliou at Taunere-ville. in the Caiskiils, from June 28 to July 3 ; 20O de legates are expected. Special in­terest attaches to the congress because ot ihe couiroveruv between the Zioniata and the leaders of Reformed Ju laism.

Daily noon meet ings under the direction of tbe National Bible inst itute are being held at the 4 h avenue Presbyterian church, New York.

The fifteenth anniversary of "Children's Day " was olieerved throughout tbe country last Sunday. Tnis church festival was tlrst inaugurated by the Umversa!ists at the First Cnutch io Chelsea, Mass.. on tbe second Sunday in June 1857, under the direction ol the Rpv. C. H. l > f nard, now Dean of the Crane Theological School at Tutta College Ihe beauty and appropi lateness of sett ing apart a date for such service was soon gen­erally apparent and other d e n o m i n a t i o n followed in the observance.


Tweaiy-e tge t .»• eao .»«•-» were drowned b y tbe atoktof of a Pr^ocb aobnawar off Mat> batoea .

T w o Birnajd girls are tramping from Boston to Now York.

Mies I ik iko Dyeno, di.oghter ol the prin­cipal ol the Tokia Middle School, has die-i.ii'guialHHl bersell as a teacher of iii<ttbe<na'ics. When t h e waa aixteeu she passed au examin­ation qualifying bar t o ac t a* instructor in ihut science.

Domestic service in New Z -aland follows the general advanced |>oeition taken by labor tu ihat country. A Domestic Workers Union baa been formed aud baa sent out circulars to boueewives informing ib»-m of the "claims'' of ihe organixtl ioD, aud express ing tbe hope that tbey will s ign tbe agreement encloaed. thereby " o b v i a t i n g ibe unpleaaanlneaa <-i appearing before i ' e Conciliation Board." Among tbe specifications ia iba l Ibe week's wot k is l o consist of 63 hours, and ali tbe work done on holiday* ia 10 b e paid a t the rate cf 24 cents an boor.

T w o distinguished adherents of the women sudrage m o v e m e n t a m o n g J e s i x h women to-day are Mra. Maud N it bar , of New York. preeideni of the National Consumer's L i e g u e , and Mi* Pauline S le inem, of Ohio, wembe i of ibe Toledo Board o l Education, and Vice-P.eaideut ot the 0 . 1 0 Woman Suffrage A^eo cieltoa. Mra. Matbao baa frrq-iently apok-D before Uocgreaaio al Comwi i t ee s , baaing tier plea lor woman's eufranehieemeot 0 0 the working woman'* need of t t a ballot. Mri. S ie inem ia tbe Oral woman ever e lected to the Board of Education in Toledo. Her e<ta-d l i acy waa Irai aoggeated by Qoldea Rule i o o e e , wbo Waa her warm, ueraoaaJ friend.


T b e teboodar j a e t l DervWh of Marbtohrad ir*t prlae !a the race to B e r a e d a .

PrwVaaor a l e i a a d r r O r a b a a BaM to a t mark a a a I . lag a a e b i a a .

f*Mr*r, la the toteewaltoaoi

Old Nurse—By-low, my baby. Financier's I-ifant—Acd sell high. a lullaby that's new in ihe market .

Give us

Etiropa was riding the bull, which was swimming toward Crete. I suppose, she murmured, they will accuse m e of watering stock.

Yeast—What kind of men get the most ou l of ti-hing.

Crimeonbeak—Why, liars, ol course!

What is your business? asked the sociolog­ist.

Wail, stranger, replied the hospitable tar-heel, I've retired from business. I don't have to do nothing for a living these days. I've g o t live head of ga l s a w o r k i n g in the cotton factory.

The ancients thought the world was flat And right thev were.

There's not a bit of dono* of that 1 must aver.

They had no bridge, benighted dubs!— o brainstorms then

Thev had no cicarettes or clubs Like moderu men.

Tliey had no c-liorus girls, no graft; INo ci.r ahead.

They had no Foraker, no Taft; N o valiautTed.

They had no mergers in their day, No rye or gin.

They thought the world was flat, and say! It imiHt have been!

—Louisville Courier Journal.

S W K K P I N k S .

A god conscience is the best divinity. Adversity tl ittereth no man. Desires are nourished by delays. Either win the horse or lose the saddle. He that hath a fellow-ruler bath an over-


He that ia too proud to ask ia too proud to re. eive.

If y» brew well ye'll drink the better.


Mayor Payette-and Aldermen Rockwell . Wilcox, B i k e r , Jaudreau, BotsforJ and Cooke, were present at the last regular meet ing of the Common Council held Tues­day evening, May +, 19*>7.

Tbe room formerly used as a public library was leasf-d to J. B. White and J O Smith until needed by the city at $ 5 per month, payable i c advance.

On motion of Mr. Rockwell , the backmin ' s , !"""^e was reduced from f 10 to » 5 for 1907.

A petition for a walk on Kugar street was presented and referred to the Board of Puhlic Works.

Alderman Cooko brought up the matter of more convenient water supply for the cemeteries , and the same was referred to the board of Public Works

The bill or B o m l e y & Dameritt for $78 for storing Uoric^n cart was referred to the tire com in ill ee .

BMIs of Mrp. ml Girard and M-itthew Bander were relet red lo a special committee , composed of M. •>«. Botaford, Wilcox und Jandreau.

The '• iract nn '« hv •! p. Board of Public Wotk r h W. M. Le. . , tor cement walks w a s . pi uved aa lo Dock, Bridge aud Clin­ton s h e e t s only.

The 111m of $ 7 411 vas ordee transferred from 1 h. Poor fund to .• S. aim •* fund.

The in. 'hly reports i.f n H Commissioner of r.hariiiee, the Ciiy Chu ,it>e >iin and the «''."•< of Polio- were presented rind accepted.

The following billa were -u 1'tted and paid:

(THnern) Fund— L z'er L & P. C i . $ 4 53, Orel Sharron S3 Sentinel P a h Co ffi 50 W. G Wilcox & Son « . 4 j n . Davis $25', E v e u k g News Co. $6 .50

Street aud Sewer—BufTulo Steam Roller Co. * 3 6 PrfPin &, M IUJ.I $ 3 , W. M. L"svy $6 . Jos . O-iimette $56 70, Charles Rilev $14 50. Sowles Hardware Co. $62.56, Lozier L & P. Co $ 4 53

Waier Fund—Rensselaer Mfg. Co. $ 1 0 50. J alien L'febvre $ 2 45. Chas. Millar Jt Son Co. $98 33, Sowlea t l ar 'ware Co $ 1 0 15, Cilv Chf.mherluin $10 25. Bromley & Kim-mell S7 07. J A. Freeman 3 5 c , Pepin A Mouse $ 5 , Orel Sharron $ +

Li"'Mug Fund—Lczi -r L. t P. C o . $519 35.

Fire F u n d — D i c k & Coal Co. $ 1 9 95, L- z'er L A P Co. $ 5 86, Sowles Hardware Co. $20 61, E n . Adrian Senecal $ 3 8 ) Eii Butler $ 1 . John Gee $ t .

Police Fund—V. F. Boire $ 2 4 , A . R. Con­nors $ S

Library Fond—Win. S. Manning $ 1 , J. M i D m n n g h & Co. $ 1 7 ! . R R. Haven's A Co. $ 2 3 10 U Div i? $ 4 90

Pay i n - Fund—J J. FitzpatricW $3C9 15 Poor Fund—Herbert Foster $14 .50 J H

"av i s $ 1 2 50, L. C. Archamt atilt $ 7 50 Zn>h. Boureeau * 1 0 . Silas Sablon $17 75 A Mnlboenf $22 50, Jogeph Fountain $ 2 50' W. G. Wilcox & Son $ 3 50, Smi'h Bros' $ 2 50. Girard A Bvroes $H, Prank Z J^haut $ 1 0 56. Joseph BiBkey $ 3 75. Frank A Finn A Co. $ 3 Charles Couture $ 3 50, Clara G ildinan $ 1 0 50, John Leonard $ 5 .

Persons Relieved — Mrs. peter Pelkey $ 9 50, Mrs. A. Gagtion $ S 25 M M . Fred Senecal $ 9 75, Mrs O. L-ijoy $ 1 0 . Mru. E L f t f P b v r e f l l . Mra. H. Gree.n $ 1 3 64. Mrs J. Pnquin $17 33, Mrs. Pe.ter Ranger * 1 0 Mrs. S. Haselt iue $7 64. M»s. A . Stone $ 7 50, Mar.'aret Francoeur $ 5 , A. M--gnant *7 50, F X . Reeve* $10 50. Supt- WaUon

(iboea for school childrec] |5.50.

Points and Personalities. Baron Liebig, the distinguished chem'st ,

aays : " We can prove it with mathematical certainty that so much II mr aa can lie on the point of a table knife is more nutritious than eight q-ierta of the best B-varUn Iteer. Beer, wine, spirits, e t c , furnish no element capable of entering into the composit ion of b e b l o o d . "

T h e N e w Y o r k Time* building with 31 stories and 116.349 square feet area, held tbe record a* the largeat newspaper c HI -.e in ibe woild until eclipsed by the Edinburgh S o l a -man. The new edit iceerecied for tbia journal baa an area 261,787 feet though only 13 • toi iea high.

A consump'ion catechism f ir school children U lieinu issued by the health depart­ment of N-«w York ci iy .

MiM Julia McGm-er . tlio well known tiuniilar novel! <t die I t h u wsek a l h«r hoiu^ ia R cbtunnd, V * . . after a protraclwl iduesa-Sbu wa* 51 year* old.

MiM Mmy J itiuaton, author, of " To B^ve and T o 11 >ld," e t c , h e entareil the lists with a draiHiiiiu poem " T b e G o ideas of Reaaoii," which critic* any prove* her 00a-*e«tion o l at least very r e e p e c u b l e g i f u io that l ine;

A a A i i K l e r ' a K i y a i u m . Aecordiag to adveriiaementa a*l a a m a a r

reaorta are alik«. Tbey a r e ibe beet e v e r — bat if S bint! ia Imlter anywhere eta* thau it l a i n '< i^o«a l ia Bm\- w e do not know where p. la. There ia a greater variety of flab ia tntowwtor tl iaa e a v w h e t e e t o e a a d tbey are alwava h i n r r v . M« « • * *»^r c n M i a d i b * flab to t h a GdOrgUa Bay, b a t tfeoae that h a v e t<mm eauebt there have b*»« eowaiad a « d ante* , aad V | o a road ihe U ) * e n m;ml re-Itofto — Itoarta*. y a a k a « w that U e e r e i e a Bay •ntalMw a*or* Ian t h a i a a y other < 4|a*l wady a t water in i b e world . T h e a a t r piece y a a a a a a a W d l a l > b t o w h a n ih« il.di are earn>rana. M c a a d i swatoa i to I t v a r . a a d Ihat i l l * * to Oearg iaa Bay. a* Us* Istowaaen

" " ' f i " » J f 2 » • * « h i f -hMahitbwt iad T r e a k a a l w a y B ^ a a a , hw^. laM.

t r mol "Mr* •!. II. r r » r « t of "JriSnrler >"»tl*. r d t b r n t . Ihe ">oih Ann ver -

*5»ry .>f ll»e!r H«TTi«CP-

The golden anrivpr=ary of B'ty yefr= of

p easapl wed.'ed ii fe of Mr. and Mr?. J D.

Evoreat of Sohnyti>r Fat's, C mMr C e n n t j ,

N Y., paesed off vpry pleasantly J i r e 3,

1907, at their pleasant and heoa't'-il rorre .

They were married Jnne 3 ' , 1837, at !he

Presbyterian parsonage at Peru vi ' laee by

R'T. 8. U . Williams, wbo ha? t e e n dead

many years. There were no divorce cc n-

pons attacned to iheir mBniaue ceriiiicntfp,

as now-a-dnys. Mr and Mrs. Everest are ot

ibe good okl-ftrshlore.1 stock, when pet pie

married Tor a porposp and lor comfort.

Mr. Everes t is the second son of H o n .

J. T. Everest , who was a noted | ublic citi­

zen *if Clinton County, and who held sort e

very important pos i l i o i s in his life, he being

the. first person ever nominated on tbe Slate

ticket from Clinton Coumy. H e wag one ot

the County Judges , and also a Member of

tha Legislature. He wag from the pioneer

family of J )seph Everest of Peru, a good

old-fashioned family of e ight boys and o r e

girl. Mrs. Everes t was of the same, old-

fashioned class, her father being E:i B Hi ?,

E-q . , of Schuyler Falls, N Y., wbo held im­

portant town positions, such as Just ice or

the Peace, for a great number of years, and

Mrs. Everest's mother was Ruth Lyon, d a t e h -

ter of Levi Lyon ot Saranac, and her s i t ter

Fanny wa* the Urat female child born in I t a t


Mr. Lycn located a l the foot of Lyon

Mountain, Which w a s named after him, and

hie daughter was the that woman w h o visited

the top of the mountain. Mrs. Everest was

one of a large family, d i e be ing the sixth

girl of the family o l 12 children—Harriette ,

Lucy, Alvira, George , Marion, Martha, Julia,

El la , Eli, Esther, Victor and Jefleraon. Mr.

Everest waa also of a large family consist ing

of 12 children, their names be ing Elmira,

Sally, Anna , Joeiah, Joseph, Aaron, Ben­

jamin, John , Janet te , Alice, and twins who

died in infancy. Mr. Joseph Dudley Everes t

and Alice Miller of Morrisonville, are all

there are left of J u d g e Everest's family, and

of Mrs. Everest 's family there are y e t alive

eix, there be ing four widows. Such mar­

riages and live* aa those of Mr. and Mrs.

Everest are se ldom, a s they were children

together, a lways associated in the same so­

ciety all their l ives, and always having the

s a m e love and affection for each other in

iheir young days a s in their old a g e . They

have a family of four children, three boys

and one girl, Carroll D. B. Everest , Philip

H. Sheridan Everest , J u d g e J . T. Everest

and Grace May bel le Everest .

Mr. J . D. Everest has been a man who has

taken exce l l en t care of himself, be ing a man

ol 75 yeara of age , in perfect health, who

has never bad to ever employ a physician

but very few t imes , has a lways been a strictly

temperate man, never in his life, havi ••; even

tasted a drop of l iqior , neither used . obac to

in any form, nor drank lea or coffee, as 1

have often heard him Bay, G id plac-Jd an ex­

cellent drink on this earth tor all, and it is

free to all, and be l ives a life of nature which

be says G j d m a d e for all to l ive. Mrs. E v ­

erest 19 a lso an earnest advocate of temper­

ance, a lways talking for the cause. She

holds tbe presidentship of the W. C. T. U.,

and baa for a great number of yeara. United

in all things they are indeed a happy couple.

Mr. Everes t is somewhat of a poet ic na­

ture, aud a poem written for this occasion by

htm was presented to m e aa to all others in

attendance. Tbia poem waa read at the an­

niversary by Mrs. Lilian P ike Everest , wife

of J u d g e E . C- Everest of Plattaburgh, with

pleasure and er j l y m e n t to ail.

There waa a large attendance. I will g i v e

the n a m e s of s o m e of the gues t s : Rev. and

Mra. E. D Face, Master Face, Schuyler FA1I<- ;

Mrs. E R Siickioa, Waupun. Wis., s ister c t

Mra. Everes t ; Mr. and Mra. H . E . Hey worth,

a . R. H e y worth, P e r u ; Mrs. A . R. Miller,

Morrisonville, only sister of Mr. E v e r e s t ; Mr.

and Mra. II. H. Everes t and daughter Mabel;

G. H . Gare, Mr. and Mrs. S. Rich, Mr. and

Mrs. C. C. Derby and daughter, Peru; Mr.

and Mrs. A H Taylor and daughters ; Mrs.

J. M. 'ruylor, Miss L. F. Cramer, MorrisoL-

vi l .e ; Misses Ellen and Al i ce Hewitt , Miss

Sarah H >witt. J u d g e and Mra. E . C. Everest

and daughter Grace, Dr. aud Mrs. 1. G. Mc-

K'mney, Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Mason, Miss

Mason, Charles Mason, Mr. and Mra. L. H.

Buchanan, Plat taburgh; Miss A m e s , Mias

Norris, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hostord, Miss

Hosford, Miss K i e t , M.,-. u n.j Mrs. Elmer

Keet, Mr. and Mrs. n ' . . „ace Turner, Mr. anil

Mrs. C. M. Stickle-, Mrs. It ckt' .son, Mrs.

Roberts, Mfa. J. H. Lobdell , Mr. and Mrs.

,-irroll Everest , Master J . I). Everest , J. A.

Lyon, Misses Bass and Katie Lyon, Mrs.

L idue , MaBlerLidue, Schuyler Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Everest had the same auto­

graph they had at their silver auniversary twenty-Uve year j a g o . and had all present regialer the same aa then. There were very few in at tendance at their silver anniversary tbat were ab le to attend their go lden , almost all having passed away, ye t Mr. and Mrs. Everest are spared without hav ing a death in their family. What a privi lege to enjoy, and ibey feel very thankful for such bless­ings. Many kind regrets and wiahea were re­ceived from their many frienoa who were uoable to be with them on account of sick­ness and long distance. Congratulations were sent from friends in California, Utah, Wisconsin, Missouri, South Dakota, Missis­sippi, and many far off place*, which they were very thankful for. The kind remem­brances received were numerous, a m o n g them a grandfather clock Which h a s been io the family tor 125 years, in perfect order, preaented to them by Mr. Everest's only liv­ing uncle, bis mother's brother, Russell Sib-lev, who is nearly 90 years old. A facsimile of the first go ld dollar ever cost in the United Sta les at the mint io Philadelphia, 1832. (the tear Mr. Everes t was born), trom William H. U. Everest, Peru; a gold-l ined loving cup trom their daughter Grace ; a $ 2 0 s o l d piec» from each of the three sona and a number of $ 1 0 and $ 5 go ld pieces from others; two oeauiitul gold lined dishes from Hon. J . B. R ley and wife; gold-lined spoons from Judge E C Everest acd wife; beautiful cut glaaj p i .cbe- from Mr A. H . Taylor and wi fe ; a pair of heavy go ld s leeve buitona from Mru Alice F. Miller; gold pin from Dr. J G. UcKinney and wife; a pair of uold-bowi d spectacles each tor Mr. and Mrs. Everee1 , rroin Or. K A Biroea and wife; gold s p o o n from Hon. N. M. Marshal and wife of Ma-i o c e ; beautiful drawn work n a o d - c o v e r from a cousin in Wisconsin, and other pres­ents, such aa a beautiful g lass china cabinet , uod a very handsome lot of china from Iheir neighbors in Schuyler Fall?. The china cab­inet waa presented by Mrs. Everest's brother, sisters, niece* and cousins. It surely was a gala afternoon ever to be remembered b y a I, especially by Mr. and Mrs. Evereeu

OKK Wuo W A S T H E R E .

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Mr? ••el V

— 4 T O W N . — \ CORRESPONDENCE t i 5

K E E S E V I L L E .

Ree-onta exam'nat-ons r. \ f weok a t •}•* Hijh Sohr1.1I

-V O Smi'h of Wba". r?l nrgh was a i-Tis-Ir.p^s caller Tt arsday as*.

W. A Trtcker nf ivwex wns in town last Fn. loy .

J a m e s Foy. Sr. ard =.i , J a i p a ot New Yoik. srrivwit in t , .«p Sn'nrlav las; !>* it-tend the funeral or i 'has. J-irE'ej.-.n, who died in Bn' ie Ci'v, Mint , a i d who w a s | C a t ' W P ] buried here Monday !»«t in tr* Immacu'ate i 4 h V Conception cemetery. j

Mrs. M J. Ca-laran returned Sa'n-dav ' after » few days' v stl at her r. me ir Troy. 1

Prof. F. B Sai born w»s al ihe Cum- j mercinl Monday last |

Fred M. La Duke. E-q waa in EUzabe'h-towu Monday an.1 Tnesdaj- of this week on legal business.

Mies Maggie McCarthy retarnoii to her home in Bnrlinirton Thursday la^t after a few days' visit with relatives in town.

The band stand baa been placed on Front street, where it is to remain throngii the coming summer. Our first band concert Friday"night was much enjoyed Oy the targe number of people who were out .

M. McGuire and J a m e s Fov. Jr. spent S i n d e y w'uh relative* in Plat tsburgb.

Mies May Burroughs of Essex ie v i s i t i rg relatives in lown.

Peter Robare of Lenox, M<iss., is v is i t ing relatives in town.

John Devan ol Saranac was in town Wed­nesday.

P. C. Hulihan of Rutland was in town Monday on business.

Louis Robare and H. C. Anson of Ausable Forks were in town Wednesday ou business.

W. B Winter, Miss Mary end Miss Graves were in Burlington Friday last.

Mrs. Cnas. Graves and daughters of Nashua, N. I I . , are visit ing relatives in town.

A number from here intend taking in tbe K.. of C. excursion to Montreal Sunday.

The members of St. Jobn'3 Church are making act ive preparations for iheir annual field day 10 be held J u n e 24th. The day will be divided and all kinds of sports will be indulged in. The proceeds are to apply ou the church debt . A s the cause is a good one, let us join in making it a record breaker.

The K<K>3evi!ie base bail team met a bad defeat on Friday last at the hands of the Willsboro team and went down to def»at by a score of 21 to 8. I n j u s t i c e to the Keese -vilie team however, we will say that it was not tbe regular team that played, a s three of the regular players were unable to play. This badly crippled the team and really g a v e Willsboro the g a m e , for had the regular players been in their posit ions at least ten of the runs credited to Willsboro would have been shut ctl We are not making little ot Willoboro's t eam, however , for they are a good strong nine, wbo know the g a n e and show the effect of every day practice. (Wish w e could say a s much for our o w n team) There is where we are very weak. Never ge t t ing any prac'ice unlit the day of a g a m e does not make a g o o d playing team, hence we are somewhat handicapped. We are to mee t Willsboro again, however , and feel confident tbat they will meet a much harder piopoait ion than they did Friday.

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E L L E N B U R C C E N T E R .

There was a hard frost Monday night . Roy Watson is in town. Monroe Caehman ie h o m e from the East . Mr. and Mra. Albert Farley of Newark,

N J. , are vis it ing at Wm. Smith's .

Lincoln Aldr idge ia at Center for a few days.

Rev. C. W. S. Becker waa called to officiate at tbe funeral of Mrs. Fayet te Smith of Clin­ton on Wednesday.

Mr. John Legassy is back from A d a i r e , Mass.

Mrs. Hervey Goodapeed ot CharebUMO was a t Mr. D e n g a l e s Tuesday .

Erneet Covey and Lucy M- Arnold botb of Etlenbarg were marrried J a n e 10 by R e v . C. W. S. Becker.

Purenis who huve children to be baptized should br ing them 10 the church next Sunday morning.

Mrs. Herbert Goodspeed wbo baa been very ill ia slowly improving.

An elaborate children's day program wi'l be rendered a t the M. E . Chuich ou Sunday evening, June IC.

Mr. Eldred acd daughter. Mrs. Celia l lu i -chins will g o to Bangor Thursduv.

Mr. and Mrs. Well ington H a y of Mooers Forks were in town over Sabbath .

Mr. and Mrs. A s a Watson are a l Center.

PbotograpLoi i ' t i e ia crowded with people at his studio tod iy .

C H A 2 Y .

Randall J. McCollnugh, from Corce' Uni­versity, is at home f ir vucatioi ; also Brooke McCuen from Syracuse University.

The Rev. Dr. Dill and wife, accompanied by Mrs. Dill's mother, returned to their h o m e iu Honeoye, N Y- . on Wednesday.

The Rev. Henry Margetls occupied liiB pulpit on Sunday, and in the e v e n i n g g a v e an interesting account of his service before an audience of 1,500 prisoners in the S la t e prison auditoriun at Columbus, Ohio.

Tbe washout on arched bridge a t Wesl Cbazy bus been thoroughly repaired a l an expense of $150 , more than one-half than est imated. An iron bridge tiO foot span is being placed across the river at ibe C<irver ford. Needed repairs are being added 10 our highways about town; all of which keeps Commissioner Anderson up and alive.

Mr. E l i u o n d Seymore and family are oc copying their cot tage for the season near Shore Acres on L i k e Gbamplain.

Mrs. R. P. Ueaton's launch, the Brooks, is in harbor at Cbazy Landing for ihe season .

John Kingsbury suffered a severe acc ideu: on Monday from the lulling of a door. L>r A . W. Fmroank is io attendance.

Mrs. M C. Buckman is in town for u i e * days the g u e s t of Mrs. J. F. Giib>-ri.

F. B Lougee did buricess in the city Wednesday.

The Ladies Aid ot tbe M. E. Church met at church parlors on Wednesday.

W. D Saxe is fitlins; a position under J Cunningham, g o o d road contractor.

Mr. and Mra Curry, from eherbrooke, P. Q , are at ChaZj Landing, guests ol Mr. and Mrs Emerson L i d J .

Mr. end Mrs. M. F. Aldridge are moving into their new home recently purchased i 1 Mr. Aldridgfe's brother, Ueroert , on s o u t h Mala street .

H« rbert A i d n i ^ e an 1 family le'f town Wednesday ev«nii i« tor Bedford, P. Q

Mro Mamte Crumer lots g o n e t> tarnnae LlJie for a few a » j s oa-iofr- J .


«&a a dance held at IVrle} Htduit There last w e e k . Tbe report 13 'bat 11 was a suc­cess in money and d a n c i t g

Tue summer boarders are c o m i t g e h w y here, the co.d weather keeps them a l home.

W:iul has tx c o m e of tbe basehail team V

J >bn Rennep has a fine stock of c trnh

•''"'"SUPERIOR " • •

Baking Powder adds to bread, cake and all foods made with it, a peculiar wholesome quality.

Cleveland's Baking Powder causes the food to retain its freshness and flavor.

A little of OevetarkP s Baking Pow-der in pie crust will often redeem it from ftJktfe.

\ T i e r ' s . . ri- N T t i-ii..

!">- 1' AT v-rori .r 1 ^IT tea-' .a' >vo.'S *.' p."

T f e F w , , - . I. - ^ >.. e'ertriT. Tl**''* v< r _^v i- i f J U ' J of ' I J | . itr.R

RrotilVv - p n ^ f . I ' Al - n I. n v . Z i v • • PrwB f."-».

3 'i V i e Prist Vf ' . F -ato i,., •. jl . -v vt, fj n r , n

t a n . Graee TrTi .h j . , Tre,isir«r. OJineher

The A g r e w [mri i trowed to Vllle.

M s>e PM-othv ^jmnMirg » »=• Tv>tEu-T-o.» f-, ~r> BuTiiPsrlor, New Jersey. wl";pr» stf>r,as »>»en attending St . M.iry's H d e

Mr. i II Chat-oo.i nr. i daugt ter P r i v ,•» wt-nt to N»w Y rk lost week M see M n tjbaboon who ia it. a ?arft*nrt nn t* ere h'it gradually improving in health.

There was mrKmh rnhlo fX'rtfniiTi he-n Wednesday for three tires were daco'.er*-1. all caufeil by sparks 11} ing Irom the not n train. Q o e started at Ihe c m v e y p r , an thPr little blnxa was the root of the ves l ibu l* . t Catholic church, and the. third w»e the n < f of the Lorg's house . N o r e werpfenfmB »rtt were qnlckly «3t»nsui8hed b y trie litr ely at. 1 etlic cot aid of the tire department.

Mr. Clarcrce Deal wort i o Bjr l tngtrn ttist Saturday night ou the excursion Irom P a- t s -burgh.

Miss Gertro.le winter of thin town nr"1 Mr George Tupin of Saranac Lake were nar . - f - l last Weilnesday at P.aUsburgh by R - v . Father Kelly.

Mr. Stearns Bullen returned Wednesday after complet ing hia sopbomorn year ul Cor­nell . A few weeks ago he went to P l i isd i -plna to participate in the. boat races, l i e has been unusually successful in athletics as well as in his studies and is one of the most promising younir men in town.

Mrs. Edward R . e d o f Pittsburgh le visit ing her sister, Mrs. Halt,

Mr- D u k e t wbo l ived on the Hat a b o v e the town died Tuesday and was buried Friday morning at 10.30 from the Church or the Holy Name . J l e leaves a widow and two daughters, Mrs. Jacqnes and Mrs. Es'.es.

Mrs. Goucher U vis it ing M e n u s in l o » n .

Mr. and Mrs. J o e L o n g h a v e returned from their wedding trip and h iwe begun house­keeping on the new street .

Mrs. Maynard is il! with 'onsii it is .

Mrs. K e m p entertained about twenty friends Wednesday night, be ing the anniver­sary ot her birthday.

" Uncle Tom's Cabin " waa played Tiare. at Kemp's Theatre Monday night. There will be mov ing pictures hero June 20 .

-Mr. Grant Houston struck our town last week according to agreement m a d e with tnn Epworth League . Failing to sell t ickets for the lecture, the church was not op«ned and Mr. Houston occupied the s teps of the. church while the League in a nearby bail rolled up i ts s l eeves and energet ical ly proceeded t o 3ell ice cream and cake to earn money to pay for the pletaure of Mr. Houston's soj >um in our midst, s o m e $ 1 1 00 be ing r» q jired-Notwitbstanding the lack of appreciat'on of the lecturers drawirg card, '• Hia Baptism jn the River Jordan," be wa* somewhat s low in shaking tbe dual of the town off. his feet ami only left Saturday, l eav ing a wiser, ir jioorer, Epworth L e a g u e behind him.

Owing i o Pros. C a n ' s b e i n g s u m m o n e d away one day earlier lhan expected , tbe motel Galia was not repeated a t S L J a m e s church last w e e k on Friday e v e n i n g .

Mrs. J . Merrlt of Burl ington Is -visiting a t

tier mother's In town, Mrs. J. Purmeier. Mr. and Mrs Badreau with two children,

from Silver L a k e are a t Mrs. Budreau's father, Mr. Poco Uaao .

A Sunday School convent ion m a d e up of the towns of North E lba , Keene , Wilmington, Jay, Chesterfield and Ausab le will he held in ihe M. E . church of this place, next Tuesday , for which an attractive order of exerc ises has oeen prepared and a large a t tendance i s desired.

M O R R I S O N V I L L K .

Our school closed Fridav, June 7. Mr. Rae g o e s to Lake George for the summer and the ladies to their homes . The enterta inment g iven was pleasant and successful, proceeds g o i n g for t h e purchase of s o n g books for tbe school.

Mr. J iseph Seymour e x c h a n g e d an organ tor a piano this week.

Miss Inez R^ed spent--a few days at Lake Kubbtq ia v i sa ing her s ister Mildred.

Miss Nan Baker is in Lyon Mountain.

Mrs. M. Hunter baa returned after an a b ­sence of several weeks .

Mr. ami Mrs. Conant Norris are s p e n d i n g a few days witb their daughter, Mrs. JLeroy Weaver. Th°y report Nathan's safe arrival in Huron, South LUkoia,

Mrs. L t d i a Reed haa been v i s i t ing he.r brother, II iralio Baker, who recently r e t u r i W from California.

The Baptist church t a 3 been cleaned and put in order preparatory to the of the o-w minister on July 1

Our p o s t m e s e r , A . L Wood, ia taking a vacation, hia place being supplied by Carolled Pierce.

U I K T U S .

a son to M r and

Mr a i d -Mr h i l l

At Wa'UturKb. June 11 1.* Mrs. WiH'.aui Dewey.

At I*l&itabun;b. June 11 is. .: a *..n t. Mrs. Geo E Smith, aud ^ra-jd-oa lo Jim. t Laxles Martin.

AL Waterloo. P c , June 3 l « r a d a u a h i e r i o Mr and Mrs. William Dalt< u-.rd to Mi-, and Mrs S. P. Boweu of tht-i »t>

J T l A K K I - V O E k .

At S«t. J.-=«i.l,"H Chur.-h. Tjanncmora •Juue 11. 1 UT by rt0 Kev Father B^ Susie r . t i ay and fti.tries W u' 'onu-.r.

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AL ill» hor town. May -i

At the •» ipril la.l'ju:

D E A T H 8 .

r . . f Webster B,irhcr. tn lio«-kii!.xit. ' 1 ur. John lteay, u^«l <j years ate hanltarium. Kuilaud M«.i-JaaiesUeayil.-All^ii ago l -j years

l a i p i o i n Transportation Company L A K E C H A M P L A I N DIYIBION

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J a n c i i . If. atut-ii»j^

HA.IL. A>U SlUtiK CO.VMti-iiuMb.

At Lake Ueorx«. lUldwiu aiid i\>a Tl<xinJ« »» a with tralue oi tiio DelaHiu-^ A Builr-ou timl.

.oad to and from iMiratoim. Ss.h«UevtaJy. 1TO>* ilUvuy. K«w Vork suti tiic W o , t

At Wer-tport wjtii KelitKg's itaijos tve E.u» -beibtowi .

Al Burllnmouwtth leutrai \trini<L.t and Hut land itailroad.lor JSasttrti *i.d t-t.uttcrn

A t f o r t K e j i t with l)«-tii»jir^ je l ludxui ti i i road all points and K A t Jt L, t . K. It 1 r \u*able ChaMU and ReeexjViUe

At PUttatur«h «t th lvetaware JE. Uud=on Ka'l nnni for Roa-oo Point. Moutr«al. ijoou Like , f * a l Ssaitb'*. aarauac Lake and U k o Piactd.

A B B t T. OCLVBR B . A. LoUMls. Vice Prosideni. iJ*iara! Maaagrr

Oaearal Oftcw. BurlinKioi). Vi

C l i t t M i p l a t i u t»ut l f i t . U w r s u c n

I C a i i r A i a t t O u u i p a u > .

tSf ira o»> Saw Yeas, i

ajOTICK l-i hereby *lveu that tha annual n u n «*i tn* of lb* i»«o.ikU}ldeir» of tiio Oh unuiaio.

Jaaa lutk. 19C7.

P f f r * V i l 1 Wit1* ^*> « '•*» froataad

l«« ttamkt « « ~ ^ » ? iMwai, «* feat treat aad'fW IsSdal^ ^ ^ ^ " —* aa a . « 5 ^ « * i T S a i 8 t T .

SMS*, av ina. ^ ^