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  • RFP Uttar Pradesh Major District Roads Improvement Program Dec, 2013

    Uttar Pradesh Major District Roads Improvement Program

    Request for Proposal For



    Office of the Chief Engineer, World Bank Project (Roads), 96 M.G. Marg, UP PWD Lucknow -226001, Ph : 0522 2236496, Fax : 0522 2236556

    Email: [email protected], [email protected]

  • RFP Uttar Pradesh Major District Roads Improvement Program Dec, 2013

    Letter No. /01 U.P.(ADB)/PD/SRP Dated Dec , 2013.20




    Uttar Pradesh Public Works Department (UPPWD) is negotiating a loan from Asian Development Bank for development of 1138.0 Km of MDR network. To facilitate this process, UPPWD intends to engage the services of technically expert consultancy firms to prepare Detailed Project Report (DPR) for construction of Tranche I of 650.0 Kms road including Survey, Detailed Engineering, Design, Resettlement and Rehabilitation plan, Environmental Management Plan, utility shifting plan, land acquisition plans, cost estimates, etc.

    Consultants/ Consultancy firms should meet the following criteria (i) They should be empanelled with MORT&H. (ii) The Consultants shall have completed/substantially completed 90% of the

    assignment DPRs for minimum 2 Lane road having cumulative length of 400.0 Kms with individual length of 40.0 Kms in the period 2007-2012.

    (iii) The Consultants shall have Project Management Services experience for at least one large public sector infrastructure Road project using modern project management technique and tools for project size of value US$ 150 million or more in the period 2007-2012.

    (iv) Experience of carrying out Social and Environmental Assessment including public consultation for road sections (State Highways/Major District Roads) of at least 40.0 Kms length in the period 2007-2012.

    (v) Experience of preparing contract document for civil works related to road rehabilitation/upgrading of at least 80.0 Kms and minor Bridges in the period 2007-2012.

    (vi) Experience of carrying out road safety audit for road rehabilitation/upgrading of at least 80.0 Kms length in the period 2007-2012.

    (vii) Shall have received a minimum average annual income of Rs 8.0 Crores per annum from professional fees in the period 2007-2012.

    An Agency shall be selected on the basis of Least Cost Method. Details about the minimum Qualification criterion, the marking system, detailed scope of work, how to apply etc. are given in the Request for Proposal (RFP) document which can be obtained between 10:30 hrs to 17:30 hrs on all working days up to 23.01.2014 from the office of the Executive Engineer, World Bank Division No . 1, PWD, Lucknow on payment of non-refundable fee of Rs. 5,000/- (Rs. Five Thousand Only) by way of Demand Draft in favour of Executive Engineer, World Bank Division No . 1, PWD, Lucknow .

    Documents can also be purchased by post and in such case the applicant will have to remit Rs.500/- extra as postal charges. However UPPWD will not be responsible for any postal delays. The RFP document can be viewed and downloaded from our Website In such case, Applicant will be required to pay a non-refundable fee of Rs. 5,000.00 (Rupees Five Thousand only) by way of Demand Draft drawn in favour of Executive Engineer, World Bank Division No . 1, PWD, Lucknow., payable at Lucknow at the time of submission of RFP. A Pre-bid meeting shall be held on 07.01.2014 at 11.00 hrs. In the office of Chief Engineer,

  • RFP Uttar Pradesh Major District Roads Improvement Program Dec, 2013

    World Bank Projects (Roads), U.P.P.W.D., Lucknow . Duly filled in Request for Proposal is to be submitted on or before 15.00 hrs on 24.01.2014. The schedule of opening of financial proposal shall be informed to bidders who have been declared successful on the basis of technical evaluation.

    UPPWD will not be responsible for any delay in receiving the proposal and reserves the right to accept/reject any or all proposals without assigning any reason thereof.


    Office of the Chief Engineer World Bank Project (Roads) U.P.P.W.D, Nirman Bhawan 96, Mahatma Gandhi Marg Lucknow 226 001 , Uttar Pradesh - INDIA Telephone No.: (91) 0522-2236496 Fax No. : (91) 0522 - 2236556 Email. : [email protected]

  • RFP Uttar Pradesh Major District Roads Improvement Program Dec, 2013



  • RFP Uttar Pradesh Major District Roads Improvement Program Dec, 2013


    Letter No. /183(ADB)/PD/SRP Dated Dec ,2013.20


    1. Government of India on behalf of the Government of Uttar Pradesh has applied for a loan from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) toward the cost of the proposed Uttar Pradesh Major district Roads Development program .However, as a prerequisite for loan negotiations, DPR for some contracts are to be ready before the process All eligible payments under this contract shall be borne by UPPWD.

    2. Government of Uttar Pradesh, through the Chief Engineer (World Bank Projects) U.P.P.W.D. Lucknow now invites proposals to provide the following consulting services:

    PREPARATION OF DETAILED PROJECT REPORT FOR UTTAR PRADESH MAJOR DISTRICT ROADS IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM required for the purpose of firming up UPPWDs requirements in respect of development and construction of the roads in terms of the requirements of ADB, and enabling prospective bidders to assess project requirements in a clear and predictable manner. More details on the services are provided in the attached Terms of Reference.

    3. A firm will be selected under least Cost Selection basis and procedures described in this RFP.

    4. The RFP comprises the following documents: Section 1 Letter of Invitation Section 2 Information to Consultants Section 3 Technical Proposals Standard Forms Section 4 Financial Proposals Standard Forms Section 5 Terms of Reference Section 6 Standard Form of Contract

    5. Please inform us upon receipt: (i) That you received the letter of invitation, and (ii) Whether you will submit a proposal alone or in association as a joint Venture

    confirming joint and several liabilities or as sub consultants.

    Yours sincerely,

    (J.P. Jain) Chief Engineer,

    (World Bank Projects) U.P.P.W.D, Lucknow

    (U.P.) India

  • RFP Uttar Pradesh Major District Roads Improvement Program Dec, 2013



  • RFP Uttar Pradesh Major District Roads Improvement Program Dec, 2013



    1 INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................. 8

    2 CLARIFICATION AND AMENDMENT OF RFP DOCUMENTS ............................. 11

    3 PREPARATION OF PROPOSALS ............................................................................... 10

    4 SUBMISSION, RECEIPT AND OPENING OF PROPOSALS .................................... 13

    5 PROPOSAL EVALUATION ......................................................................................... 14

    6 NEGOTIATIONS ........................................................................................................... 16

    7 AWARD OF CONTRACT ............................................................................................. 17

    8 CONFIDENTIALITY ..................................................................................................... 17

    DATA SHEET ................................................................................................................ 18

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    1.1 The Client named in the Data Sheet will select a firm among those listed in the letter of invitation, in accordance with the method of selection indicated in the Data Sheet.

    1.2 The consultants are invited to submit a technical proposal and a financial proposal (the Proposal) for consulting services required for the assignment named in the Data Sheet. The Proposal will be the basis for contract negotiations and ultimately for a signed contract with the selected firm.

    1.3 The consultants must familiarize themselves with local conditions and take them into account in preparing their proposals. To obtain first-hand information on the assignment and on the local conditions, consultants are encouraged to pay a visit to the Client before submitting a proposal and to attend a pre-proposal conference. Attending the pre-proposal conference is optional. The consultants representatives should contact the official named in the Data Sheet to obtain additional information on the pre-proposal conference. Consultants should ensure that these officials are advised of the visit in adequate time to allow them to make appropriate arrangements.

    1.4 The Client will provide the inputs specified in the Data Sheet, assist the firm in obtaining licenses and permits needed to carry out the services, and make available relevant project data and reports.

    1.5 Please note that (i) the costs of preparing the proposal and of negotiating the contract, including a visit to the Client, are not reimbursable as a direct cost to the Assignment; and (ii) the Client is not bound to accept any of the Proposals submitted.

    1.6 The consultants shall provide professional, objective; and impartial advice and at all times hold the Clients interests paramount, without any consideration for future work, and strictly avoid conflicts with other assignments or their own corporate interests. Consultants shall not be hired for any assignment that would be in conflict with not being able to carry out the assignment in the best interest of the Client.

    1.6.1 Without limitation on the generality of this rule, consultants shall not be hired under the circumstances set forth below.

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    (a) A firm, which has been engaged by the client to provide goods or works for a project, and any of their affiliates, shall be disqualified from providing consulting services for the same project. Conversely, firms hired to provide consulting services for the preparation of implementation of project, and any of their affiliates, shall be disqualified from subsequently providing good or works or services related to the initial assignment (other than a continuation of the firms earlier consulting services) for the same project.

    (b) Consultants or any of their affiliates shall not be hired for any assignment, which, by its nature, may be in conflict with another assignment of the consultants.

    1.6.2 Any previous or ongoing participation in relation to the assignment by the firm, its key professional staff, or its affiliates or associates under a contract with the Asian Development Bank may result in rejection of the proposal. Consultants should clarify their situation in that respect with the Client before preparing the proposal.

    1.7 The client requires that consultants observe the highest standard of ethics during the procurement and execution of such contracts. In such pursuance of this policy, the client:

    (i) Defines, for the purposes of this provision, the terms set forth below as follows:

    (a) corrupt practice means behavior on the part of officials in the public or private sectors by which they improperly and unlawfully enrich themselves and/or those close to them, or induce others to do so, by misusing the position in which they are placed, and it includes the offering, giving, receiving, or soliciting of anything of value to influence the action of any such official in the procurement process or in contract execution; and

    (b) fraudulent practice means a misrepresentation of facts in order to influence a procurement process or in contract execution to the detriment of the borrower, and includes collusive practices among bidders (prior to or after bid submission) designed to establish bid prices at artificial, non-competitive levels and to deprive the borrower of the benefits of free and open competition).

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    1.8 Consultants shall furnish information as described in the financial proposal submission form (Section 4A) on commissions and gratuities, if any, paid or to be paid to agents relating to this proposal, and to contract execution if the firm is awarded the contract.

    1.9 Consultants shall be aware of the provisions on fraud and corruption stated in the standard contract under the clauses indicated in the Data Sheet.


    2.1 Consultants may request a clarification of any of the RFP documents up to the number of days indicated in the Data Sheet before the Proposal submission date. Any request for clarification must be sent in writing by paper mail, facsimile, or email to the clients address indicated in the Data Sheet. The Client will respond by cable, telex, facsimile, or email to such requests and will send copies of the response (including an explanation of the query but without identifying the source of inquiry) to all invited consultants who intend to submit proposals.

    2.2 At any time before the submission of Proposals, the Client may, for any reason, whether at its own initiative or in response to a clarification requested by an invited firm, modify the RFP documents by amendment. Any amendment shall be issued in writing through addenda. Addenda shall be sent by mail, facsimile or email to all invited consultants and will be binding on them. The client may at its discretion extend the deadline for the submission of Proposals.


    3.1 Consultants are requested to submit a Proposal (para 1.2) written in the language(s) specified in the Data Sheet. Consultants Proposal will consist of three (3) components

    (i) Bid Security (ii) the Technical Proposal, and (iii) the Financial Proposal

    (i) Bid security as mentioned below shall be placed in Envelope I. If the bid security is found proper then only technical and financial proposals will be entertained

    (ii)The Proposal should include a cover letter signed by person(s) with full authorization to make legally binding contractual (including financial) commitments on behalf of the firm.

    Bid Security (earnest Money Deposit)

  • RFP Uttar Pradesh Major District Roads Improvement Program Dec, 2013

    a. The bid security shall in for amount mentioned in data sheet and in the form of a Bank Guarantee or Fixed Deposit Receipts on any Nationalized/Scheduled Bank payable at Lucknow in favour of Executive Engineer, World Bank Division No.1, U.P.P.W.D., Lucknow as per the format attached as Appendix-F. -. The Bank guarantee shall be valid for 28 days beyond the bid validity period i.e. 5 months after the submission date of proposal.

    b. The employer shall reject any bid not accompanied by bid security or defective bid security as non responsive.

    c. The bid security may be forfeited if,

    i) The bidder withdraws its bid during the period of bid validity. ii) The successful bidder fails to :

    a) Signs the contract within required time frame b) Furnish a performance security in accordance with Appendix-G in Standard

    Forms of Contract.

    Technical Proposal

    3.2 In preparing the Technical Proposal, consultants are expected to examine the documents comprising this RFP in detail. Material deficiencies in providing the information requested may result in rejection of a Proposal.

    3.3 While preparing the Technical Proposal, consultants must give particular attention to the following:

    (i) If a firm considers that it does not have all the expertise for the Assignment, it may obtain a full range of expertise by associating with individual consultant (s) and/ or other firms or entities in a joint venture or sub-consultancy, as appropriate. Consultants may associate with the other consultants invited for this Assignment only with approval of the Client as indicated in the Data Sheet. Consultants must obtain the approval of the client to enter into a Joint Venture with consultants not invited for this assignment.

    (ii) For assignments on a staff-time basis, the estimated number of key professional staff-months is given in the Data Sheet. The proposal shall, however, be based on the number of key professional staff-months estimated by the firm.

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    (iii) It is desirable that the majority of the key professional staff proposed be permanent employees of the firm or have an extended and stable working relation with it.

    (iv) Proposed key professional staff must have at least the experience indicated in the Data Sheet, preferably working under conditions similar to those prevailing in the country of the Assignment.

    (v) Alternative key professional staff shall not be proposed, and only one curriculum vitae (CV) may be submitted for each position.

    (vi) Reports to be issued by the consultants as part of this assignment must be in the language(s) specified in the Data Sheet.

    3.4 The Technical proposal should provide the following information using the attached Standard Forms (Section-3): (i) A brief description of the firms organization and an outline of recent

    experience on assignments (Section 3B) of a similar nature. For each assignment, the outline should indicate, inter alia, the profiles and names of the staff provided, duration of the assignment, contract amount, and firms involvement. In case the assignment was carried out in joint venture then the JV agreement is to be submitted.

    (ii) Any comments or suggestions on the Terms of Reference and on the data, a list of services, and facilities to be provided by the Client (Section 3C)

    (iii) A description of the methodology and work plan for performing the assignment (Section 3D)

    (iv) The list of the proposed staff team by specialty, the tasks that would be assigned to each staff team member, and their timing (Section 3E)

    (v) CVs recently signed by the proposed key professional staff and the authorized representative submitting the proposal (Section 3F). Key information should include number of years working for the firm/entity, and degree of responsibility held in various assignments during the last ten (10) years.

    (vi) Estimates of the total staff effort (professional and support staff; staff time) to be provided to carry out the Assignment, supported by bar chart diagrams showing the time proposed for each key professional staff team member. (Sections 3E and 3 G)

    (vii) Any additional information requested in the Data Sheet. 3.5 The Technical Proposal shall not include any financial information.

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    Financial Proposal

    3.6 In preparing the Financial Proposal, consultants are expected to take into account the requirements and conditions of the RFP documents. The Financial Proposal should follow Standard Forms (Section 4). It lists all costs associated with the Assignment, including (a) remuneration for staff (in the field and at headquarters), and (b) subsistence (per Diem, housing), transportation (for mobilization and demobilization), services and equipment (vehicles, office equipment, furniture, and supplies), office rent insurance, printing of documents and surveys. If appropriate, these costs should be broken down by activity.

    3.7 The Financial proposal should clearly identify, as a separate amount, the local taxes (including social security), duties, fees, levies, and other charges imposed under the applicable law, on the consultants.

    3.8 Consultants may express the price of their services in the currency of any Bank member country. The consultants may not use more than three foreign currencies. The Client may require consultants to state the portion of their price representing local cost in the national currency if so indicated in the Data Sheet.

    3.9 Commissions and gratuities, if any, paid or to be paid by consultants and related to the Assignment will be listed in the Financial Proposal submission form (Section 4A)

    3.10 The Data Sheet indicates how long the proposals must remain valid after the submission date. During this period, the consultant is expected to keep available the key professional staff proposed for the assignment. The Client will make its best effort to complete negotiations within this period. If the Client wishes to extend the validity period of the proposals, the consultants who do not agree have the right not to extend the validity of their proposals.


    4.1 The original Proposal (Technical Proposal and if required Financial Proposal; see para 1.2) shall be prepared in indelible ink. It shall contain no inter- lineation of overwriting, except as necessary to correct errors made by the firm itself. Any such corrections must be initialed by the person or persons who sign(s) the proposals.

    4.2 An authorized representative of the firm initials all pages of the Proposal. The representatives authorization is confirmed by a written power of attorney accompanying the proposal.

    4.3 For each Proposal, you should prepare the number of copies indicated in the Data Sheet. Each Technical Proposal and Financial Proposal should be marked Original or

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    Copy as appropriate. If there are any discrepancies between the original and the copies of the Proposal, the original governs.

    4.4 The original and all copies of the Technical Proposal shall be placed in a sealed envelope clearly marked Technical Proposal, and the original and all copies of the Financial Proposal in a sealed envelope clearly marked Financial Proposal and warning: Do Not Open with the Technical Proposal. The envelopes (Envelope 1 Earnest Money Deposit, Envelope 2 - Technical and Envelope 3 - Financial Proposals) shall be placed into an outer envelope and sealed. The outer envelope shall bear the submission address, reference number and title of the project, and other information indicated in the Data Sheet. This outer envelope shall bear the submission address and other information indicated in the Data Sheet and clearly marked, DO NOT OPEN, EXCEPT IN PRESENCE OF THE EVALUATION COMMITTEE. If the Financial Proposal is not submitted by the Consultant in a separate sealed envelope and duly marked as indicated above, this will constitute grounds for declaring both Technical and Financial Proposals non- responsive.

    4.5 The completed Proposal must be delivered at the submission address on or before the time and date stated in the Data Sheet. Any Proposal received after the closing time for submission of proposals shall be returned unopened.

    4.6 After the deadline for submission of proposals the envelope 1 shall be opened first. If the bid security is not found to be in order then the proposal shall be treated as non responsive and shall not be evaluated further. In case of responsive proposals, the Technical Proposal shall be opened immediately by the evaluation committee. The Financial Proposal shall remain sealed and deposited with the client or his representative.



    5.1 From the time the bids are opened to the time the contract is awarded, if any consultant wishes to contact the Client on any matter related to its proposal, it should do so in writing at the address indicated in the Data Sheet. Any effort by the firm to influence the Client in the Clients proposal evaluation, proposal comparison or contract award decisions may result in the rejection of the consultants proposal.

    5.2 Evaluators of Technical Proposals shall have no access to the Financial Proposals until the technical evaluation is concluded.

    Evaluation of Technical Proposals

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    5.3 The evaluation committee appointed by the Client as a whole, and each of its members individually evaluates the proposals on the basis of their responsiveness to the Terms of Reference, applying the evaluation criteria and sub-criteria and given a technical score (St). A proposal shall be rejected at this stage if it does not respond to important aspects of the Terms of Reference or if it fails to achieve the minimum technical score indicated in the Data Sheet. A Proposal shall be rejected if it does not achieve the minimum technical mark of 75 from the maximum of 100 points.

    Public Opening and Evaluation of Financial Proposals; Ranking

    5.5 After the technical evaluation is completed, the Client shall notify those consultants whose proposals did not meet the minimum qualifying mark of 75, or were considered non-responsive to the RFP and Terms of Reference, indicating that their Financial Proposals will be returned unopened after completing the selection process. The Client shall simultaneously notify the consultants that have secured the minimum qualifying mark, indicating the date and time set for opening the Financial Proposals. The opening date shall not be sooner than two weeks after the notification date. The notification may be sent by registered letter, facsimile, or email.

    5.6 The Financial Proposals shall be opened publicly in the presence of the consultants representative who chooses to attend. The name of the consultant, the quality scores, and the proposed process shall be read aloud and recorded when the Financial Proposals are opened. The client shall prepare minutes of the public opening.

    5.7 The evaluation committee will determine whether the Financial Proposals are complete, (i.e., whether they have costed all items of the corresponding Technical Proposals, if not, the Client will cost them and add their cost to the initial price) and correct any computational errors.

    The client shall compare all the opened financial proposals to determine the lowest evaluated bid.

    Ranking of Proposals

    Following completion of evaluation of Financial Proposals, ranking of the Proposals will be determined (i.e. the lowest financial proposal will be given first rank and the next higher second rank and so forth). In the event of two or more proposals have the same rank in the final ranking of proposals, the proposal with the highest technical score will be ranked first, the next highest technical score will be ranked second, and so forth.

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    6.1 Negotiations will be held with the first ranked consultant at the address indicated in the Data Sheet. The aim is to reach agreement on all points and sign a contract.

    6.2 Negotiations will include a discussion of the Technical Proposal, the proposed methodology (work plan), staffing and any suggestions made by the firm to improve the Terms of Reference. The Client and firm will then work out final Terms of Reference, staffing, and bar charts indicating activities, staff, periods in the field and in the home office, staff-months, logistics, and reporting. The agreed work plan and final Terms of Reference will then be incorporated in the Description of Services and form part of the contract. Special attention will be paid to getting the most the firm can offer within the available budget and to clearly defining the inputs required from the Client to ensure satisfactory implementation of the Assignment.

    6.3 The financial negotiation will include a clarification (if any) of the firms tax liability and will reflect the agreed technical modification in the cost of the services. Unless there are exceptional reasons, the financial negotiations will involve neither the remuneration rates for staff (no breakdown of fees) nor other proposed unit rates.

    6.4 Having selected the firm on the basis of, among other things, an evaluation of proposed key professional staff, the Client expects to negotiate a contract on the basis of the experts named in the Proposal. Before contract negotiations, the Client will require assurances that the experts will be actually available. The Client will not consider substitutions unless both parties agree that undue delay in the selection process makes such substitution unavoidable or that such changes are critical to meet the objectives of the assignment. If this is not the case and if it is established that key Staff was offered in the proposal without confirming their availability, the firm may be disqualified.

    6.5 The negotiations will conclude with a review of the draft form of the contract. To complete negotiations the Client and the firm will initial the agreed contract. If negotiations fail, the Client will invite the firm whose proposal received the second highest score to negotiate a contract.


    7.1 The contract shall be awarded following negotiations to the first ranked consultant.

    (i) The selected Consultant is expected to commence the Assignment on the date and at the location specified in the Data Sheet.

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    (ii) Within 15 days of issue of Letter of Acceptance, the selected consultant shall sign the contract.

    Performance Security

    (i) The consultant will furnish within 10 days of the issue of Letter of Acceptance (LOA), an unconditional Bank Guarantee from the Bank (any Indian nationalized bank or Scheduled Bank) for an amount equivalent to 10% of the total contract value to be received by him towards Performance Security valid for a period of one year beyond the date of completion of services.

    (ii) The Bank Guarantee shall be extendable till the approval of Final DPR and it will be released by the client upon approval of Final DPR.


    8.1 Information relating to evaluation of proposals and recommendation concerning awards shall not be disclosed to the consultants who submitted the proposals or to other persons not officially concerned with the process, until the winning firm has been notified that it has been awarded the contract.

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    Clause Reference

    1.1 The name of the Client is:

    Chief Engineer World Bank Project (Roads) U.P.P.W.D. Lucknow For & on behalf of Governor of Uttar Pradesh India

    The method of selection is: Least Cost-Based Selection.

    1.2 Technical and Financial Proposals are requested: YES

    The name, objectives and description of the Assignment are:


    The detailed description of services for the above assignment is given in the Terms of Reference.

    1.3 The assignment is phased: NO The name, address and telephone numbers of the Clients Official are:

    Mr Sunil Bhasin Project Director State Roads Project II (World Bank), U.P.P.W.D Nirman Bhawan 96, Mahatma Gandhi Marg Lucknow 226 001 U.P. (India)

    A pre-proposal conference will be held: YES,

    Date: 07.01.201423rd January 2002 Time: 11:00 AM (IST) Venue: Office of the Chief Engineer World Bank Project (Roads) U.P.P.W.D, Nirman Bhawan 96, Mahatma Gandhi Marg Lucknow 226 001 Uttar Pradesh - INDIA

    Telephone No.: (91) 0522-2236496 Fax No.: (91) 0522 - 2236556 Email.: [email protected]

    1.4 The Client will provide the following inputs:

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    See clause 13 of TOR.

    1.7 The clauses on fraud and corruption in the contract are: Sub-Clauses 2.9.1 of General Conditions of Contract.

    2.1 Clarifications may be requested upto one day prior to pre-proposal conference.

    The address for requesting clarifications is:

    The address given under clause reference 1.4 of this Data Sheet.

    3.1 Proposals should be submitted in the following language:English

    The Bid security will be for amount of RS 6,00,000.00 ( six lacs) only

    3.3 (i) Shortlisted firm/entity may associate with other shortlisted firm: Yes

    (ii) The estimated number of key professional staff months required for the assignment is 54 (Indicative Only)

    (iv) The minimum required experience of proposed key professional staff is: .................Reference Para 11.2 of Terms of Reference

    (vi) Reports which are part of the Assignment must be written in the following language: English.

    3.4 (viii) Additional Information in the Technical Proposal includes: Nil

    3.7 Local Taxes: Consultants are requested to consult tax consultants for details. The financial proposal is only meant for assessment of the cost of service/assignment. However, the payment to the Consultants will be output/delivery based as per Clause 10 of Terms of Reference.

    3.8 The consultants to state local costs in Indian Rupees.

    3.10 Proposals must remain valid 120 days after the submission date i.e. until 4 months after submission of proposal. June 2002

    4.3 Consultants must submit an original and 5 (five) additional copies of Technical proposal. However, the financial proposal should be submitted in duplicate, wherein one will be original and another copy. This should be legibly marked on the envelope containing the proposals.

    4.4 The proposal submission address is:

    The Chief Engineer (World Bank Projects) U.P.P.W.D, Nirman Bhawan 96, Mahatma Gandhi Marg Lucknow 226 001 Uttar Pradesh, India

    4.5 Proposals must be submitted by no later than the following date and time:

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    Date: 24th January,2014 Time: 15:00 Hours (IST)

    5.1 The address to send information to the Client is:

    .As indicated in Clause 4.4 of the Data Sheet

    5.3 The number of points to be given under each of the evaluation criteria are: Points

    Consultants fulfilling the eligibility criteria mentioned in advertisement shall be evaluated as per following details:

    (i) Specific experience of the consultants related to the assignment 20

    (a) Experience in similar nature and size of project 10

    (b) Experience in similar regions 5

    (c) Other features (performance and capabilities) 5

    (ii) Adequacy of the proposed work plan and methodology in responding to the TOR


    (a) Under standing of TOR 10

    (b) Methodology of services 10

    (c) Work program / Activity Scheduling/Manning Schedule 5

    (iii) Qualifications and competence of key professional staff for the assignment


    Team Leader / Senior Highway Engineer 15

    Highway Engineer 10

    Pavement cum Materials Engineer 5

    Bridge Engineer 10

    Quantity Surveyor 5

    Environmental Specialist 5

    Resettlement Specialist 5

    Total Points = 100

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    [Under 5.3 (iii)] The number of points to be given for qualifications and competence of the key professional staff for the assignment are:


    (i) General qualifications 20

    (a) Professional education 10

    (b) Length of Experience 10

    (ii) Adequacy for the project 70

    (b) Professional experience specific to the assignment 40

    (c) Specialisation and skills 30

    (iii) Experience in region and language 10 Total Points = 100

    The minimum technical score required to pass is: 75 points

    5.7 The single currency for price conversion is: Indian Rupees.

    6 The address for negotiations is:

    As per Clause 4.4 of the Data Sheet

    7.2 (i) The assignment is expected to commence in March, 2014.

    Yours faithfully,

    (J.P. Jain) Chief Engineer

    (World Bank Projects) U.P.P.W.D.Lucknow

    U.P. India

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    3A TECHNICAL PROPOSAL SUBMISSION FORM ...........................................................

    3B CONSULTANTS REFERENCES ......................................................................................

    3C COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS OF CONSULTANTS ON THE TERMS OF REFERENCE AND ON DATA, SERVICES, AND FACILITIES TO BE PROVIDED BY THE CLIENT ...............................................................................................................

    3D DESCRIPTION OF THE METHODOLOGY AND WORK PLAN FOR PERFORMING THE ASSIGNMENT ...............................................................................

    3E TEAM COMPOSITION AND TASK ASSIGNMENTS ...................................................


    3G TIME SCHEDULE FOR PROFESSIONAL PERSONNEL ..............................................

    3H ACTIVITY (WORK) SCHEDULE ....................................................................................

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    [Location, Date]

    FROM: [Name of Consultant] TO: The Chief Engineer and Project Director

    World Bank Projects (Roads) U.P.P.W.D., Nirman Bhawan 96, Mahatma Gandhi Marg Lucknow 226001 U.P., INDIA

    Dear Sir:


    We, the undersigned, offer to provide the consulting services for the above in accordance with your Request for Proposal dated and our Proposal. We are hereby submitting our Proposal which includes this Technical Proposal, Earnest Money and a Financial Proposal in a separate sealed envelope.

    If negotiations are held during the period of validity of the Proposal, i.e., before (date) we undertake to negotiate on the basis of the proposed staff. Our Proposal is binding upon us and subject to any modifications resulting from contract negotiations.

    We understand that you are not bound to accept any Proposal you receive.

    We remain,

    Yours sincerely,

    Authorised Signature: Name & Title of Signatory: Name of Firm: Address:

  • RFP Uttar Pradesh Major District Roads Improvement Program Dec, 2013


    Relevant services carried out in the last five years that best illustrate qualifications

    Using the format below, provide information on each referenced assignment for which your firm/entity, either individually or as a corporate entity or as one of the major companies within an association, was legally contracted.

    Assignment Name :

    Country :

    Location within Country: Professional Staff Provided by your Firm/Entity (profiles):

    Name of Client:

    No. of Staff:


    No. of Staff Months; Duration of Assignment:

    Start Date:(Month/Year)

    Completion Date: (Month/Year)

    Approximate Value of Services: (in INR)

    Name of Associated Consultants, if any: No of Months of Professional Staff Provided by Associated Consultants:

    Names of Senior Staff (Project Director/Coordinator, Team Leader) involved and functions performed:

    Narrative Description of Project:

    Description of Actual Services Provided by Your Staff:

    Firms Name:

  • RFP Uttar Pradesh Major District Roads Improvement Program Dec, 2013


    On the Terms of Reference:





    5. etc.

    On the Data, services and facilities to be provided by the Client:





    5. etc.

    CONSULTING FIRMS NAME Authorized Signatory :

  • RFP Uttar Pradesh Major District Roads Improvement Program Dec, 2013


    Authorized Signatory :

  • RFP Uttar Pradesh Major District Roads Improvement Program Dec, 2013


    1 Technical/Managerial Staff

    SI No.

    Name Position Task



    2 Support Staff

    SI No.

    Name Position Task






  • RFP Uttar Pradesh Major District Roads Improvement Program Dec, 2013


    Proposed Position :....................................................................................................

    Name of Consultant: .................................................................................................

    Name of Staff: ...........................................................................................................

    Profession: .................................................................................................................

    Date of Birth: .............................................................................................................

    Years with the firm/Entity:....................... Nationality:............................................

    Membership of Professional Societies: ......................................................................................................................................

    Detailed Tasks Assigned:


    Key Qualifications: (Give an outline of staff members experience and training most pertinent to the tasks for this assignment. Describe the degree of responsibility held by the staff member on relevant previous assignments and give dates and locations. Use about half a page).

    Education: (Summarise college/university and other specialised education of staff member, giving names of schools/colleges/universities, dates attended and degrees obtained. Use about one quarter of a page).

    Employment Record:

  • RFP Uttar Pradesh Major District Roads Improvement Program Dec, 2013

    (Starting with present position list, in reverse order, every employment held. List all positions held by staff member since graduation, giving dates, names of employerClient, title of positions held and location of assignments. For experience in last ten years, also give types of activities performed and client references, where appropriate. Use about three-quarters of a page).

    Languages: (For each language indicate proficiency: excellent, good, fair, or poor in speaking, reading and writing).

    Certification: I, the undersigned, certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, these data correctly describe me, my qualifications, and my experience.

    . Date: ..

    Signatures of Staff Member and Authorised Representative of the Firm Day/Month/Year

    Full name of staff member:

    Full name of authorised representative:

  • RFP


    r P



    r D

    istrict R


    s Im



    ent P


    m D

    ec, 2013


    Months (in the form of a Bar Chart) Number of


    Sub-total (1)

    Sub-total (2)

    Sub-total (3)

    Sub-total (4) etc.

    12 etc.












    Part time:



    Reports Due/Activities

    Signature: (Authorised Representative) Full Name:





    Full time:

    Reports Due:

    Activities Duration:

    SI. No.





  • RFP


    r P



    r D

    istrict R


    s Im



    ent P


    m D

    ec, 2013



    Month wise Programme (in form of Bar Chart) (1st, 2nd etc. are months from the start of the assignment) 12th etc.


    Programme (Date):

    Consultants Name









    Land Plan schedule and Investigation Report




    Name of Activity (Work)

    Inception report & Quality Assurance Plan

    Topographic Survey and Investigation Report

    Report on environmental and Social Impact Assessment

    Sl. No.





  • RFP Uttar Pradesh Major District Roads Improvement Program Dec, 2013




  • RFP Uttar Pradesh Major District Roads Improvement Program Dec, 2013






  • RFP Uttar Pradesh Major District Roads Improvement Program Dec, 2013


    [Location, Date]

    FROM: [Name of Consultant] TO: The Chief Engineer and Project Director

    World Bank Projects (Roads) U.P.P.W.D., Nirman Bhawan 96, Mahatma Gandhi Marg Lucknow 226001 U.P., INDIA Dear Sir,


    We, the undersigned, offer to provide the consulting services for the above in accordance with your Request for Proposal dated and our Proposal (includes Technical and Financial proposals and Earnest Money). Our attached Financial Proposal is for the sum of ... [Amount in words and figures]. This amount is inclusive exclusive of all local taxes wherever we have is estimated at [Amount in words and figures]. which we have estimated at . [Amount in words and figures].

    Our Financial Proposal shall be binding upon us subject to any modifications resulting from contract negotiations, up to the expiration of the validity period of the Proposal, [date].

    We undertake that in competing for and, if the award is made to us, in executing the above contract, we will strictly observe the laws against fraud and corruption in force in India namely the Prevention of Corruption Act 1988.

    Commissions and gratuities, if any, paid or to be paid by us to agents relating to this proposal and contract execution, if we are awarded the contract, are listed below:

    Name and address of Agents Amount and Currency Purpose of commission or gratuity

    .............................................. ................................... .....................................................

    ............................................... ..................................... ......................................................

    We understand that you are not bound to accept any Proposal you receive.

    We remain,

    Yours sincerely,

    Authorised Signature: Name and Title of Signatory: Name of Firm: Address:

  • RFP Uttar Pradesh Major District Roads Improvement Program Dec, 2013


    No. Description Amount (LC) * *


    Local Consultants Remuneration for Local Key Professional Staff Supporting Staff Transportation Duty Travel to Site Office rent Office Supplies, utilities and Communication Office Furniture and Equipment Reports and Document Printing Per Diems Accommodation Laboratory Equipment Surveys

    Subtotal Local Consultants

    Total Cost Net of Tax

    Local Taxes and Duties

    Tax payable on fees for technical services provided by the consultant

    Consultancy Services Tax

    TOTAL COSTS (including Tax)*

    LC * Local Currency

    Note: The ceiling cost of the consultancy is as shown in this Summary of Costs. Payments will be made as per stipulations of the Special Conditions of Contract. The cost breakdowns given in forms 4C are to facilitate assessment of reasonableness of costs and for conducting negotiations in accordance with Clause 6 of the Information to Consultants.

  • RFP Uttar Pradesh Major District Roads Improvement Program Dec, 2013



    No. Position Name Rate* Staff-Months


    Key Professional Staff

    1 2 3 4 Etc


    Support Sub key Professional Staff

    1 2 3 4 Etc Sub-Total Field Support Staff

    1 2 3 4 Etc Sub-total



    No. Position Name Billing Staff Staff Months Amount 1 Office Manager

    2 Secretary

    3 Accountant

    4 Computer Operator I

    5 Computer Operator II

    6 Office Boy

    7 Night Watchman


    @ Modify the items as appropriate

  • RFP Uttar Pradesh Major District Roads Improvement Program Dec, 2013


    1 The vehicles provided by the consultants shall include ,the cost of rental, drivers, operation, maintenance, repairs,insurance etc.


    Operation, maintenance, repairs



    Key Professional Staff

    ..x trips x days @

    Transport . x . Trips @ .



    a) Office Rent (Including maintenance, cleaning, repairs etc.)

    Consultants office in Lucknow( min 200 sq.m.)

    months x .. per month



    No Description No. of Reports

    Total No. of Copies*


    Inception Report 1 4 hard 1 soft

    Topographic Surveys and Investigation Reports 1

    4 hard 1 soft

    Land Plan Schedules and Utility Relocation Plans 1

    4 hard 1 soft

    Reports on Environment and Social Impact Assessment 1

    4 hard 1 soft

  • RFP Uttar Pradesh Major District Roads Improvement Program Dec, 2013

    Preliminary Drawings, including Strip Plans 1

    4 hard 1 soft

    Specifications for works, and Output Specifications for Maintenance 1

    4 hard 1 soft

    Contract packaging, BOQs and Costing 1 4 hard 1 soft

    Implementation Schedule 1 4 hard 1 soft

    Draft DPR, including the above 1 4 hard 1 soft

    Final DPR 1 4 hard 1 soft

    Support for preparation of bid documents, pre-bid meetings and clarifications


    L-VIII PER DIEMS@ No Description Days Rate@ Amount 1 2 3

    Professional staff (local) Sub-professional staff (local) Field Support staff


    L-IX ACCOMMODATION@ No Description Months Rate Amount 1 2 3

    Professional staff (local) Sub-professional staff (local) Field Support staff


    @ Modify the items as appropriate


    No Item Month Month Month Month Month Month Month etc

    Advance Payment

    L-I Remuneration for Local Staff

    L-II Supporting Staff

  • RFP Uttar Pradesh Major District Roads Improvement Program Dec, 2013

    L-III Transportation


    Duty Travel to Site

    L-V Office Rent


    Office Supplies and Communication


    Office Furniture and Equipment


    Reports and Document Printing



    A Sub-Total Local Currency Costs

    Advance Repayment @



    @ Modify the items as appropriate

  • RFP Uttar Pradesh Major District Roads Improvement Program Dec, 2013



  • RFP Uttar Pradesh Major District Roads Improvement Program Dec, 2013

    Contents: Terms of Reference for Detailed Project Report 1. General 1

    2. Objective 1

    3. Scope of Services General 2

    3.1 Codes & Standards 3 3.2 Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) 4 3.3 Review of Data and Documents 4 4. Scope of Services Investigations 5

    4.1 Traffic Assessment 5 4.1.1 Traffic Survey Locations 5 4.1.2 Classified Traffic Volume Counts 5 4.1.3 Origin-Destination and Commodity Movements Surveys 6 4.1.4 Turning Movement Surveys 6 4.1.5 Axle Load Surveys 7 4.1.6 Speed-Delay Surveys 7 4.1.7 Traffic Demand Estimates 7 4.1.8 Accident Spots 8

    4.2 Topographic Surveys 8 4.2.1 Reconnaissance & Alignment 8 4.2.2 Details of Topographic Survey 9

    4.3 Road and Pavement Investigations 11 4.3.1 Road Inventory 11 4.3.2 Pavement Composition 12 4.3.3 Road and Pavement Condition Surveys 12 4.3.4 Pavement Roughness 13 4.3.5 Pavement Structural Strength 13 4.3.6 Subgrade Characteristics and Strength 14

    4.4 Bridges and Structures 14 4.4.1 Hydraulic and Hydrological Investigations 14 4.4.2 Condition Surveys for Bridges, Culverts and Structures 15

    4.5 Geotechnical and Subsoil Investigations 15 4.6 Material Testing 16 5. Scope of Services Design 17

    5.1 General 17 5.2 Geometric Design 17 5.3 Pavement Design 18 5.4 Design of Embankments 19 5.5 Design of Bridges and Structures 19

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    5.6 Drainage System 20 5.7 Traffic Safety, Road Furniture and Road Markings 20 5.8 Maintenance Specifications 20 5.9 Miscellaneous 20 6. Environmental and Social Studies 21

    6.1 Environmental Assessment 21 6.2 Social Assessment 22 7. Estimation of Quantities and Project Costs 23

    8. Economic Analysis 23

    9. Deliverables & Payment 24

    10. Meetings 24

    11. Consultancy Team 25

    11.1 Personnel Allocation 25 11.2 Personnel Qualifications 26 12. Reporting 27

    13. Data & Software to be made available by UPPWD 27

    14. Completion of Services 28

    Annexure I: List of Roads for DPR 29

  • RFP Uttar Pradesh Major District Roads Improvement Program Dec, 2013

    1. General

    1. Uttar Pradesh is Indias most populous state with population of about 200 million. While its population is around 16% of the population of India, it has only about 7% of the countrys geographical area. Uttar Pradesh also has the largest rural population in the country, with agriculture being the main activity contributing 46% of state income. Although Uttar Pradesh has a good rail network, the dispersed nature of agricultural production means that the road network is a critical element of the economic infrastructure. While the dependence on agriculture is high, the road network is not very well developed: the state has a network density of about 72 km per 100 sq km, as against the national average of 107. The state has a road network of about 300,000 km, out of which about 174,000 km are with the state Public Works Department (UPPWD). Almost 60% of state highways are double lane, but 62% of MDRs and 83% of other district roads (ODRs) are having total width less than 3.75 m. Therefore, road connectivity and capacity are both an issue.

    2. To address this issue of road connectivity and capacity, UPPWD is preparing a Vision Statement and Strategic Master Plan for road development in the state. The scope of this ongoing study includes (i) preparation of Vision Statement and Strategic Master Plan; (ii) identification of CRN; (iii) requirements for augmentation and improvement of state highways, MDRs and ODRs; (iv) planning connectivity to all habitations by all-weather roads; and (v) preparation of implementation and financing plan for achieving the above targets, including assessment of potential participation of private sector. At this time, the UPPWDs CRN consultants have submitted a draft report on the identification of CRN.

    3. This assessment of CRN includes about 7,100 km of state highways and 3,200 km of MDRs, which form a vital connectivity element within the state. UPPWD is requesting financing assistance from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) to take up specific parts of the state-wide road improvement mandate. The Uttar Pradesh Major District Roads Investment Program (the Program) proposed for ADBs assistance seeks to upgrade and rehabilitate about 1,138 km of MDRs, thereby improving connectivity and fostering inclusive economic growth. The estimated cost of the Program is about Rs.3,400 Crore ($572 million): 70% of this being the proposed ADB financing, would be about $400 million.

    4. The Program is designed to improve transport connectivity in the state of Uttar Pradesh, by rehabilitating and upgrading major district roads (MDRs) forming part of the Core Road Network (CRN) in the state. The Program constituents are (i) rehabilitating and upgrading about 1,138 km of MDRs; and (ii) improving planning for road asset maintenance.

    2. Objective

    5. The Program will be implemented in two phases (tranches), with the first phase being about 650 km. The objective of this assignment is to prepare detailed project reports (DPRs) for the tranche 1 roads, The DPRs will cover: (i) Traffic surveys and assessments, (ii) Engineering surveys, studies, designs; (ii) Project costing for construction and operations & maintenance; (iv) Economic analysis; (v) Environmental assessments; and (vii) Resettlement and rehabilitation assessments.

    6. While the detailed scope of work is given in subsequent sections, the key objective is to prepare DPRs for the purpose of firming up UPPWDs requirements in respect of development and construction of the roads in terms of the requirements of ADB, and

  • RFP Uttar Pradesh Major District Roads Improvement Program Dec, 2013

    enabling prospective bidders to assess project requirements in a clear and predictable manner with a view to ensuring:

    i. Enhanced safety and level of service for the road users; ii. Superior operation and maintenance enabling enhanced operational efficiency

    of the project roads; iii. Minimal adverse impact on the local population and road users due to road

    construction; iv. Minimal adverse impact on environment; and v. Minimal additional acquisition of land.

    7. The DPR Consultant should note that ADB will carry out a project preparatory assignment (called PPTA) through a separate set of consultants. ADBs PPTA will supplement the DPR in specific areas, which are outlined as: (i) Technical review of the DPR, with emphasis on road safety, sustainability, and climate change mitigation; (ii) Economic analysis in terms of ADBs guidelines; (iii) Governance; (iv) Institutional; (v) Poverty, Social, and Gender aspects; and (v) Safeguards. The PPTA Consultant will mobilize and commence work after a period of about 2 months of the DPR Consultant. The DPR Consultant will work closely with the PPTA Consultant, providing data and decision support, under the oversight of UPPWD.

    3. Scope of Services General

    8. The DPRs are for improving and rehabilitating the selected MDRs to a standard 2-lane configuration, geometric improvements as required, and bypasses in identified locations. The main objective of the DPRs is to establish the technical, environmental, social, economical, and financial viability of the project, suitable for funding by multilateral agencies. The DPRs will include traffic and condition assessment, detailed road design, design of pavement, design of bridges and cross drainage structures and grade separated structures, design of service roads, quantities of various items, detailed working drawings, detailed cost estimates, economic and financial viability analyses, environmental and social feasibility, resettlement plans and environmental action plans as appropriate and documents required for tendering the project on commercial basis for international/ local competitive bidding. The DPRs will also include aspects of value engineering, quality audit and safety audit requirement (in accordance with IRC: SP-88-2010 Road Safety Audit Manual) in design and implementation. The scope of the DPRs will generally cover the following:

    (i) Priority Roads for Tranche 1. The works will be completed in two tranche, which will be approximately equal in cost. In tranche 1, projects needing lesser development effort, particularly from environmental and social safeguards aspects, will be selected based on a rapid assessment of corridors.

    (ii) Engineering Surveys. For the priority roads, topographic, geotechnical, hydrologic, sub-grade and pavement assessments will be carried out. Surveys will also be carried out at proposed new alignment locations (bypasses, geometric improvements).

    (iii) Bridges, Structures, Hydrology. Surveys will be carried out to assess condition, waterway adequacy, longitudinal and cross drainage works, and structural foundations.

  • RFP Uttar Pradesh Major District Roads Improvement Program Dec, 2013

    (iv) Traffic Surveys. Classified traffic volume counts, axle load surveys, speed and delay studies, pedestrian and cycle movement assessments, intersection studies, and traffic safety audits will be carried out.

    (v) Road/Bridge Design. The alignment will be designed based on the surveys and requirement of geometric improvements. Longitudinal and cross sections will be prepared as per standard practice. Road safety will be a cardinal feature of the design basis, particularly with respect to intersections and signage. Pavement and structural designs will be prepared, keeping in view climate change adaptation.

    (vi) Environmental Assessment & Environment Management Plan. The EIA (or IEE, as the case may be), will be prepared in accordance with the operational policies, the Safeguard Policy Statement (SPS) 2009 of the Asian Development Bank. The objective is to identify and assess potential environmental impacts, evaluating alternatives and designing appropriate mitigation, enhancement, management and monitoring measures to ensure that road improvement options are environmentally sound and sustainable. The main objectives of the Environmental Management Plan are to detail cost effective measures for the protection and enhancement of environmental assets during construction and operation according to an agreed implementation schedule.

    (vii) Social and Gender Assessment, and Resettlement Plan, and Gender Action Plan. The DPRs will include these reports to improve decision making and to ensure that the projects under consideration are socially sound, sustainable and contribute to the development of social development goals, including comprehensive mitigation measures to ensure that the affected and displaced persons are appropriately resettled and rehabilitated i.e., to improve their livelihoods and standards of living or at least to restore them, in real terms. All the resettlement studies will be conducted in line with the ADBs Safeguard Policy Statement (SPS), 2009 and other related policies such as the Public Communication Policy (2011). The report should explicitly have a section on Social and Gender Analysis. The DPRs will include the poverty and social assessment study based on the detailed design and provide any additional inputs that will be required to finalize the report in terms of gender analysis and preparation of the gender action plan, HIV/ AIDS, human trafficking, child labor, socio economic analysis and poverty assessment etc.

    (viii) Project Costing, Economic & Financial Analysis. Detailed BOQs and costs based on realistic market rates will be adopted to arrive at component-wise cost estimates. Economic and Financial Analysis will be conducted for with and without project scenarios.

    3.1 Codes & Standards

    9. All activities related to field studies, design and documentation shall be done as per the latest guidelines/ circulars of MORTH and relevant publications of the Indian Roads Congress (IRC) and Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS). For aspects not covered by IRC and BIS, international standard practices, such as, British and American Standards may be adopted. The Consultants, upon award of the Contract, may finalize this in consultation with UPPWD and reflect the same in the inception report. Consultant should also look at international best practices and try to adopt them wherever there is scope for value addition.

  • RFP Uttar Pradesh Major District Roads Improvement Program Dec, 2013

    10. All notations, abbreviations and symbols used in the reports, documents and drawings shall be as per IRC: 71-1977.

    3.2 Quality Assurance Plan (QAP)

    11. The data formats proposed by the Consultants for use in field studies and investigations shall be submitted within 14 days after the commencement of services and got approved by UPPWD. The Consultants should prepare a detailed Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) for all field studies including topographic surveys, traffic surveys, engineering surveys and investigations, design and documentation activities. The quality assurance plans/ procedures for different field studies, engineering surveys and investigation, design and documentation activities should be presented as separate sections like engineering surveys and investigations, traffic surveys, material geotechnical and subsoil investigations, road and pavement investigations, investigation and design of bridges & structures, environment and R&R assessment, economic & financial analysis, drawings and documentation, preparation, checking, approval and filing of calculations, identification and tractability of project documents etc. Further, additional information as per format shall be furnished regarding the details of personal that shall be responsible for carrying out/preparing and checking/verifying various activities forming part of feasibility study and project preparation, since inception to the completion of work. The detailed Draft QAP Document must be discussed and finalized with the concerned UPPWD officers immediately upon the award of the Contract and submitted as part of the inception report. It is imperative that the QAP is approved by UPPWD before the Consultants start the field work.

    3.3 Review of Data and Documents

    12. The Consultants shall collect the available data and information relevant for the Study. The data and documents of major interest shall include, but not be limited to, the following:

    i. Climate; ii. Road inventory; iii Road condition, year of original construction, year and type of major

    maintenance/rehabilitation works; iv. Condition of bridges and cross-drainage structures; v Sub-surface and geo-technical data for existing bridges; vi Hydraulic data, drawings and details of existing bridges; vii Detailed of sanctioned / on-going works on the stretch sanctioned by UPPWD/

    other agencies for tie-in purposes; viii. Survey and evaluation of locally available construction materials; ix Historical data on classified traffic volume (preferably for 5 years or more); x. Origin-destination and commodity movement characteristics; if available; xi Speed and delay characteristics; if available; xii Commodity-wise traffic volume; if available; xiii. Accident statistics; xiv. Vehicle loading behavior (axle load spectrum), if available; xv. Type and location of existing utility services (e.g. Optical Cable, O/H and U/G

    Electric, Telephone line, Water mains, Sewer, Trees etc.); xvi. Environmental setting and social baseline of the project; and xvii. Vision and Core Road Network reports prepared by UPPWD consultants.

  • RFP Uttar Pradesh Major District Roads Improvement Program Dec, 2013

    4. Scope of Services Investigations

    4.1 Traffic Assessment

    4.1.1 Traffic Survey Locations 13. Traffic survey locations will generally be as under, subject to the proviso that if local traffic conditions so warrant, additional locations may be selected to give a finer picture of traffic characteristics. The methodology of collection and analysis of data, number and location of traffic survey stations shall be finalized in consultation with UPPWD. The Consultants shall, immediately upon award of the work, submit to UPPWD proposals regarding the total number as well as the locations of the traffic survey stations with suitable maps and charts, clearly indicating the rationale for selecting the location of survey stations.

    Description Number of Survey Stations per 100 km on project roads

    1 Classified Traffic Volume Count 3 2 Origin-Destination and Commodity

    Movement Characteristics Minimum 2

    3 Axle Loading Characteristics 2 4 Intersection Volume Count All Major Intersection 5 Speed-Delay Characteristics Project Road Section 6 Pedestrian/ animal crossing traffic

    count All major in habilitations along the


    4.1.2 Classified Traffic Volume Counts

    14. Classified traffic volume counts shall be carried out for 7 days (continuous, direction-wise) at the selected survey stations. The vehicle classification system as given in relevant IRC code may be followed. However, the following generalized classification system is suggested in view of the requirements of traffic demand estimates and economic analysis:

    Motorized Non-Motorized 2-Wheeler Bi-Cycle 3-Wheeler Cycle-Rickshaw Passenger Car Animal Drawn Vehicle (ADV) Utility Vehicle (Jeep, Van etc.) Hand Cart Other Non-Motorized Vehicle Bus, Mini Bus, Standard Bus LCV passenger, LCV freight Truck, MCV: 2 Axle Rigid Chassis HCV: 3 Axle Rigid Chassis MAV: Semi Articulated, Articulated

    Tractor Trolley

    15. All results shall be presented in tabular and graphical form. The survey data shall be analyzed to bring out the hourly and daily variations. The traffic volume count per day shall

  • RFP Uttar Pradesh Major District Roads Improvement Program Dec, 2013

    be averaged to show a weekly Average Daily Traffic (ADT) by vehicle type. The Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT) shall be worked out by applying seasonal factors.

    16. The consultants shall compile the relevant traffic volume data from secondary sources also. The salient features of traffic volume characteristics shall be brought out and variations, if any, from the traffic census carried out by the UPPWD shall be suitably explained.

    4.1.3 Origin-Destination and Commodity Movements Surveys

    17. The Consultants shall carry out 1-day (24 hour, both directions) O-D and Commodity Movement Surveys at locations finalized in consultation with UPPWD. These will be essentially to ascertain the probable diverted traffic on the project roads after improvement. In addition, some locations may be selected on the project roads essentially required around congested towns to delineate through traffic. The roadside interviews shall be on random sample basis and cover all four-wheeled vehicles. The locations of the O-D survey and Commodity Movement surveys shall normally be same as for the classified traffic count stations.

    18. The location of origin and destination zones shall be determined in relation to each individual station and the possibility of traffic diversion from/to other road routes including bypasses.

    19. The trip matrices shall be worked out for each vehicle type. Information on weight for trucks should be summed up by commodity type and the results tabulated, giving total weight and average weight per truck for the various commodity types. The sample size for each vehicle type shall be indicated on the table and also in the graphical representations.

    20. The data derived from surveys shall also be analyzed to bring out the lead and load characteristics and desire line diagrams. The data analysis should also bring out the requirement for the construction of bypasses. The distribution of lead and load obtained from the surveys should be compared with those derived from the axle load studies. The commodity movement data should be duly taken into consideration while making the traffic demand estimates.

    4.1.4 Turning Movement Surveys

    21. Turning movement surveys for estimation of peak hour traffic for the design of major and minor intersections shall be carried out. The details regarding composition and directional movement of traffic shall be furnished by the Consultant. The methodology for the surveys shall be as per IRC: SP: 41-1994. The details including location and duration of surveys shall be finalized in consultation with UPPWD officials.

    22. The data derived from the survey should be analyzed to identify requirements of suitable remedial measures, such as construction of underpasses, flyovers, interchanges, and grade-separated intersections along the project road alignment. Intersections with high traffic volume requiring special treatments, either presently or in future, shall be identified.

    23. Pedestrian/ Animal Crossing Surveys may be conducted to determine if provision of viaduct for pedestrians/animals is necessary to improve the traffic safety.

  • RFP Uttar Pradesh Major District Roads Improvement Program Dec, 2013

    4.1.5 Axle Load Surveys

    24. The axle load surveys shall normally be done using axle load pads or other sophisticated instruments. Axle load surveys in both directions shall be carried out at suitable location(s) in the project road stretch on a random sample basis normally for trucks only (both empty and loaded trucks) for 2 normal days - (24 hours) at special count stations to be finalized in consultation with UPPWD. However, a few buses may be weighed in order to get an idea about their loading behavior. While selecting the location(s) of axle load survey station(s), the locations of existing bridges with load restrictions, if any, should be taken into account and such sites should be avoided.

    25. The axle load data should be collected axle configuration-wise. The number of equivalent standard axles per truck shall be calculated on the basis of results obtained. The results of the survey should bring out the VDF for each truck type (axle configuration). If the calculated VDF is found to be below the national average, then national average shall be used. Furthermore, the data from axle load surveys should be analyzed to bring out the Gross Vehicle Weight (GVW) and Single Axle Load (SAL) Distributions by truck type (axle configuration).

    26. The Consultant shall ascertain from local enquiries about the exceptional live loads that have used the roads in the past in order to assess the suitability of existing bridges to carry such loads.

    27. The data derived from the O-D, speed-delay, other surveys and also supplementary surveys should be analyzed to assess requirements for present and future development of truck terminals at suitable locations en-route.

    4.1.6 Speed-Delay Surveys

    28. The Consultants shall carry out appropriate field studies such as moving car survey to determine running speed and journey speed. The data should be analyzed to identify sections with typical traffic flow problems and congestion. The objective of the survey would be to recommend suitable measures for segregation of local traffic, smooth flow of through traffic and traffic safety. These measures would include the provision of bypasses, under-passes, flyovers, interchanges, grade-separated intersections and service roads.

    4.1.7 Traffic Demand Estimates

    29. The Consultants shall prepare traffic demand estimates and establish possible traffic growth rates in respect of all categories of vehicles, taking into account the past trends, annual population and real per capita growth rate, elasticity of transport demand in relation to income and estimated annual production increase. The other aspects including socio-economic development plans and the land use patterns of the region having impact on the traffic growth, the projections of vehicle manufacturing industry in the country, development plans for the other modes of transport, O-D and commodity movement behavior should also be taken into account while working out the traffic demand estimates. The values of elasticity of transport demand shall be based on the prevailing practices in the country. The Consultants shall give complete background including references for selecting the value of transport demand elasticity.

  • RFP Uttar Pradesh Major District Roads Improvement Program Dec, 2013

    30. It is envisaged that the 2-laning of the project road sections covered under this TOR would be completed and opened to traffic after 3 years. The traffic demand estimates shall be done for a further period of 15 years from completion. The demand estimates shall be done assuming three scenarios, namely, optimistic, pessimistic and most likely traffic growth. The growth factors shall be worked out for five-yearly intervals.

    31. Traffic projections should be based on sound and proven forecasting techniques. In case traffic demand estimated is to be made on the basis of a model, the application of the model in the similar situation with the validation of the results should be established. The traffic projections should also bring out the possible impact of implementation of any competing facility in the near future. The demand estimates should also take into account the freight and passenger traffic along the major corridors that may interconnect with the project.

    32. The methodology for traffic demand estimates described in the preceding paragraphs is for normal and diverted traffic only. In addition to the estimates for normal and diverted traffic, the Consultants shall also work out the estimates for generated and induced traffic.

    4.1.8 Accident Spots

    33. The data on accident statistics should be compiled and reported showing accident type and frequency so that black spots are identified along the project road section. The possible causes (such as poor geometric features, pavement condition etc.) of accidents should be investigated into and suitable cost effective remedial measures suggested for implementation.

    4.2 Topographic Surveys

    4.2.1 Reconnaissance & Alignment

    34. The Consultants should make a study of the available land width (ROW) topographic maps, satellite imageries and air photographs of the project area and other available relevant information collected by them concerning the existing alignment. Consultant himself has to arrange the required maps and the information needed by him from the potential sources. Consultant should make efforts for minimizing land acquisition.

    35. The detailed ground reconnaissance may be taken up immediately after the study of maps and other data. The primary tasks to be accomplished during the reconnaissance surveys include:

    i. Topographical features of the area; ii. Typical physical features along the existing alignment within and outside

    ROW i.e. land use pattern; iii Possible alignment alternatives, vis--vis, scheme for the construction of

    additional lanes parallel to the existing road; iv Realignment requirements including the provision of bypasses, ROBs /

    Flyovers and via-duct for pedestrian crossings with possible alignment alternatives;

    v. Preliminary identification of improvement requirements including treatments and measures needed for the cross-roads;

    vi. Traffic pattern and preliminary identification of traffic homogenous links; vii. Sections through congested areas;

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    viii Inventory of major aspects including land width, terrain, pavement type, carriageway type, bridges and structures (type, size and location),intersections (type, cross-road category, location) urban areas (location, extent), geologically sensitive areas, environmental features:

    ix Critical areas requiring detailed investigations; and, x. Requirements for carrying out supplementary investigations. xi. Soil (textural classifications) and drainage conditions xii Type and extent of existing utility services along the alignment (within ROW).

    36. The data derived from the reconnaissance surveys are normally utilized for planning and programming the detailed surveys and investigations. All field studies including the traffic surveys should be taken up on the basis of information derived from the reconnaissance surveys. The data and information obtained from the reconnaissance surveys should be documented. The data analysis and the recommendations concerning alignment and the field studies should be included in the Inception Report. The data obtained from the reconnaissance surveys should form the core of the database which would be supplemented and augmented using the data obtained from detailed field studies and investigations.

    37. The data obtained from the reconnaissance surveys should be compiled in the tabular as well as graphical (chart) form indicating the major physical features and the proposed widening scheme for UPPWDs comments. The data and the charts should also accompany the rationale for the selection of traffic survey stations.

    4.2.2 Details of Topographic Survey

    38. The basic objective of the topographic survey would be to capture the essential ground features along the alignment in order to consider improvements and for working out improvements, rehabilitation and upgrading costs. The detailed topographic surveys should normally be taken up after the completion of reconnaissance surveys.

    39. The carrying out of topographic surveys will be one of the most important and crucial field tasks under the project. The detailed field surveys shall be carried out using high precision instruments i.e., Total stations. The data from the topographic surveys shall be collected w.r.t. G.T.S. and will be made available in (x, y, z) format for use in a digital terrain model (DTM). The Consultants would be fully responsive for accuracy in surveys.

    40. The detailed field surveys would essentially include the following activities: i. Topographic Surveys along the Existing Right of Way (ROW): Running a

    continuous open Traverse along the existing road and realignments, wherever required, and fixation of all cardinal points such as horizontal intersection points (HIPs), centre points and transit points etc. and properly referencing the same with a pair of reference pillars fixed on either side of the centre-line at safe places within the ROW.

    ii. Collection of details for all features such as structures (bridges, culverts etc.) utilities, existing roads, electric and telephone installations (both O/H as well as underground), huts, buildings, fencing and trees (with girth greater than 0.3 meter) oil and gas lines etc. falling within the extent of survey.

    iii. Surveys for bypasses as mentioned below.

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    41. The width of survey corridor will generally be as given under: i. The width of the survey corridor should taken into account the layout of the

    existing alignment including the extent of embankment and cut slopes and the general ground profile. While carrying out the field surveys, the widening scheme (i.e. right, left or symmetrical to the centre line of the existing carriageway) should be taken into consideration so that the topographic surveys cover sufficient width beyond the centre line of the proposed divided carriageway. Normally the surveys should extend a minimum of 15 m beyond either side of the centre line or land boundary whichever is more. However, the widening arrangement should be proposed in such a way that the tree cutting is minimized.

    ii. In case the reconnaissance survey reveals the need for bypassing the congested locations, the traverse lines would be run along the possible alignments in order to identify and select the most suitable alignment for the bypass. The detailed topographic surveys should be carried out along the bypass alignment approved by UPPWD. At locations where grade separated intersections could be the obvious choice, the survey area will be suitably increased. Field notes of the survey should be maintained which would also provide information about traffic, soil, drainage etc.

    iii. The width of the surveyed corridor will be widened appropriately where developments and/ or encroachments have resulted in a requirement for adjustment in the alignment, or where it is felt that the existing alignment can be improved upon through minor adjustments.

    iv. Where existing roads cross the alignments, the survey will extend a minimum of 100 m either side of the road centre line and will be of sufficient width to allow improvements, including at grade intersection to be designed.

    42. The surveyed alignment shall be transferred on to the ground as under: i. Reference Pillar and Bench Mark / Reference pillar of size 15 cm X 15 cm X

    45 cm shall be cast in RCC of grade M 15 with a nail fixed in the centre of the top surface. The reference pillar shall be embedded in concrete upto a depth of 30 cm with CC M10 (5 cm wide all around). The balance 15 cm above ground shall be painted yellow. The spacing shall be 250m apart, incase Bench Mark Pillar coincides with Reference Pillar, only one of the two need be provided.

    ii. Establishing Bench marks at site connected to GTS Bench marks at an interval of 250 meters on Bench mark pillar made of RCC as mentioned above with RL and BM No. marked on it with red paint.

    43. The topographic surveys for longitudinal and cross-sections shall cover the following: i. Longitudinal section levels along final centre line at every 25 m interval, at the

    locations of curve points, small streams, intersections, and at the locations of change in elevation.

    ii. Cross sections at every 50 m interval in full extent of survey covering sufficient number of spot levels on existing carriageway and adjacent ground for profile correction course and earth work calculations. Cross sections shall be taken at closer interval at curves.

    iii. Longitudinal section for cross roads for length adequate for design and quantity estimation purposes.

    iv. Longitudinal and cross sections for major and minor streams as per recommendations contained in IRC Special Publication No. 13 (Guidelines for the Design of Small Bridges and Culverts) and IRC:5-1998 (Standard

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    Specifications & Code of Practice for Road Bridges, Section 1 General Features of Design).

    44. The Consultants shall collect details of all important physical features along the alignment. These features affect the project proposals and should normally include buildings and structures, monuments, burial grounds, cremation grounds, places of worship, railway lines, stream/ river/ canal, water mains, severs,