Download - RFP No. SEL-A035426-Typhoon Haiyan_Yolanda Humanitarian Assistance & Reconstruction Monitor

  • 8/10/2019 RFP No. SEL-A035426-Typhoon Haiyan_Yolanda Humanitarian Assistance & Reconstruction Monitor


    SEL.: 2015-A035426

    Request for Proposal (RFP)

    To the: Canadian Embassy of Mania

    !o" the #"o$ision of se"$i%es in "eation to:Ty#hoon &aiyan'(oanda&)manita"ian Assistan%e and *e%onst")%tion Monito" +,hii##ines

    ,"o#osas m)st be "e%ei$ed by 12pm (Manila time) on Friday 30 January2015at:

    If handcarried:Attention to: Embassy of Canada to Mania /e$eo#ment Se%tion

    Mai"oom of the Embassy of Canada asement 4 *CC ,aa 61 AyaaA$e %o"ne" Sen. i ,)yat Maati %ity

    If mailed:

    Embassy of Canada of Mania /e$eo#ment Se%tion*CC ,aa Toe" 2 Le$e 61 Ayaa A$en)e

    Co"ne" Ayaa and Sen. i ,)yat A$en)eMaati City 0707

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  • 8/10/2019 RFP No. SEL-A035426-Typhoon Haiyan_Yolanda Humanitarian Assistance & Reconstruction Monitor


    SEL.: 2015-A035426

    Table of ontents

    Se%tion 1: nst")%tions to idde"s 3

    1. ,)"#ose of *e;)est fo" #"o#osa +*!, 32. o$e"nin9 La 33. idde"

  • 8/10/2019 RFP No. SEL-A035426-Typhoon Haiyan_Yolanda Humanitarian Assistance & Reconstruction Monitor


    Lo%a *!, tem#ate - nst")%tions to idde"s

    SEL.: 2015-A035426

    !e"tion 1# Instructions to Bidders

    This se%tion #"o$ides info"mation to he# idde"s #"e#a"e thei" #"o#osas.nfo"mation is aso #"o$ided on the s)bmission o#enin9 and e$a)ation of the#"o#osas and on the aa"d of the %ont"a%t.

    1 Purpose of Request for proposal (RFP)

    1.1 The #)"#ose of this *!, is to see%t a %ons)tant to #"o$ide the se"$i%es asdes%"ibed in A##endi@ A Te"ms of *efe"en%e and ente" into the "es)tin9%ont"a%t ith the Canadian Embassy in the ,hii##ines a%tin9 fo" the/e#a"tment of !o"ei9n ABai"s T"ade and /e$eo#ment +/!AT/. The%ons)tant i be see%ted th"o)9h a %om#etiti$e #"o%ess and aa"ded a%ont"a%t. The %ons)tant i not be hi"ed )nde" the %ont"a%t as anem#oyee a se"$ant a #a"tne" o" an a9ent of the o$e"nment of Canada.

    2 $o%ernin& 'a

    2.1 The *!, and any "es)tin9 %ont"a%t m)st be inte"#"eted and 9o$e"nedand the "eations beteen the /!AT/ and the %ons)tant dete"mined bythe as in fo"%e in the #"o$in%e of nta"io Canada. The %ons)tant and/!AT/ i""e$o%aby and )n%onditionay atto"n to the e@%)si$e D)"isdi%tionof the %o)"ts and t"ib)nas of Canada.

    3 idder*s +li&ibility

    3.1 idde"F means the #e"son o" entity +o" in the %ase of a %onso"ti)m o"Doint $ent)"e the #e"sons o" entities s)bmittin9 a #"o#osa to #e"fo"mthe "es)tin9 %ont"a%t fo" se"$i%es. t does not in%)de the #a"ents)bsidia"ies o" othe" aGiates of the idde" its s)b-%ons)tants o" its%ont"a%to"s.

    3.2 idde"s m)st be ei9ibe to #a"ti%i#ate in this *!, #"o%ess.

    3.2.1 A idde" is ei9ibe to #a"ti%i#ate in this *!, #"o%ess if it in%)din9ea%h membe" if a #"o#osa is s)bmitted by a %onso"ti)m o" Doint$ent)"e has the e9a %a#a%ity to %ont"a%t and hods thene%essa"y #e"mits to o" in the ,hii##ines in o"de" to #"o$idethe %ons)tin9 se"$i%es "e;)i"ed in-%o)nt"y.

    3.2.2 A idde" in%)din9 ea%h membe" if a #"o#osa is s)bmitted by a

    %onso"ti)m o" Doint $ent)"e is not ei9ibe to #a"ti%i#ate in this*!, #"o%ess if it is a 9o$e"nment entity o" a 9o$e"nment-onedente"#"ise in the ,hii##ines.

    3.2.3 o$e"nment oG%ias and %i$i se"$ants of ,hii##inesa"e notei9ibe to bid.

    3.2.4 f the idde" is a fo"me" Canadian fede"a #)bi% se"$ant %)""entyin "e%ei#t of a #ension as a "es)t of em#oyment as a Canadian

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  • 8/10/2019 RFP No. SEL-A035426-Typhoon Haiyan_Yolanda Humanitarian Assistance & Reconstruction Monitor


    Lo%a *!, tem#ate - nst")%tions to idde"s

    SEL.: 2015-A035426

    fede"a #)bi% se"$ant then the idde" is inei9ibe to s)bmit a#"o#osa fo" this *!,.

    , lari-"ations and .mendments

    4.1 H)estions "eatin9 to this *!, sho)d be di"e%ted in "itin9 by fa/ oremailto the /!AT/ #oint of %onta%t:

    >ame: ina MendoaTite ,"o9"am: ,"o9"am Assistant and A%%o)ntant +/e$eo#ment!a@: 632-43103Emai: mani-daIinte"nationa.9%.%aS)bDe%t Line: *!, no. SEL- A035426- Ty#hoon &aiyan'(oanda

    &)manita"ian Assistan%e and *e%onst")%tion Monito"

    4.2 ,ease indi%ate the n)mbe" of the *!, +SEL: A035426 on yo)" fa@ o"emai. En;)i"ies sho)d be "e%ei$ed at east th"ee +3 b)siness days

    befo"e the %osin9 date of the *!, to ao s)G%ient time to #"o$ide a"es#onse.

    4.3 A "e;)est fo" an e@tension of the *!, %osin9 date i ony be %onside"edif it is "e%ei$ed no ate" than =$e +5 b)siness days befo"e the *!, %osin9date in "itin9 by the /!AT/ #oint of %onta%t.

    4.4 f deemed ne%essa"y additiona info"mation aBe%tin9 the #"e#a"ation of#"o#osas i be %on$eyed by means of an addend)m to this *!, andsent to a idde"s ho ha$e "e;)ested the *!, do%)ment.

    5 Proposal Preparation osts 'o"ation and ontra"te&otiation osts

    5.1 /!AT/ i not "eimb)"se the %osts in%)din9 t"a$e in%)""ed by theidde" in the #"e#a"ation of its #"o#osa and the ne9otiation of the"es)tin9 %ont"a%t.

    5.2 A time imit may be im#osed by /!AT/ to ens)"e that ne9otiations a"e%on%)ded eBe%ti$ey and in a timey manne". n instan%es he"ene9otiations %annot be satisfa%to"iy %on%)ded beteen the see%tedidde" and /!AT/ the idde"

  • 8/10/2019 RFP No. SEL-A035426-Typhoon Haiyan_Yolanda Humanitarian Assistance & Reconstruction Monitor


    Lo%a *!, tem#ate - nst")%tions to idde"s

    SEL.: 2015-A035426

    of this *!,. A #"o#osa "e%ei$ed by /!AT/ afte" the *!, %osin9 date inot be a%%e#ted.

    6.3 idde"s a"e soey "es#onsibe fo" the timey "e%ei#t of thei" #"o#osa by

    /!AT/. /!AT/ i not ass)me any "es#onsibiity fo" #"o#osas that a"eadd"essed to a o%ation othe" than the one sti#)ated in the *!, and anys)%h #"o#osas i not be a%%e#ted.

    If handcarried:Attention to: Embassy of Canada to Mania /e$eo#ment Se%tionMai"oom of the Embassy of Canada asement 4 *CC ,aa 61 AyaaA$en)e %o"ne" Ayaa and Sen. i ,)yat A$en)eMaati City 0707.>ote: the hand%a""ie" sho)d "e;)est that the #a%a9e be stam#ed ithdate of "e%ei#t. ,"o#osas sho)d be dei$e"ed d)"in9 oG%e ho)"s f"omMonday to Th)"sday f"om am )nti 4#m +Mania time and on !"iday

    f"om am )nti 1:30#m.If mailed:Embassy of Canada of Mania /e$eo#ment Se%tion*CC ,aa Toe" 2 Le$e 61 Ayaa A$en)eCo"ne" Ayaa and Sen. i ,)yat A$en)eMaati City 0707

    7 Proposal Presentation 'an&ua&e and umber ofopies

    7.1 The idde"

  • 8/10/2019 RFP No. SEL-A035426-Typhoon Haiyan_Yolanda Humanitarian Assistance & Reconstruction Monitor


    Lo%a *!, tem#ate - nst")%tions to idde"s

    SEL.: 2015-A035426

    "e;)est %o""e%tions f"om the idde" ithin the timef"ame s#e%i=edin the noti=%ation. f the )#dated !o"m / is not s)bmitted ithinthe s#e%i=ed timef"ame the #"o#osa i be "eDe%ted. !ai)"e to%om#y ith any one of the mandato"y %e"ti=%ations i "es)t in"eDe%tion of the #"o#osa. n this #a"a9"a#h im#"o#e"y%om#etedF means:

    a The"e a"e one o" mo"e =eds that a"e not %om#etedK o"b The %ontent of !o"m / is amended in any ay.

    7.2.4 >o fees a"e to be in%)ded in the te%hni%a #"o#osa.

    7.2.5 Jhe"e s#e%i=ed in the "es#e%ti$e fo"ms and'o" A##endi@ E$a)ation "id idde"s a"e "e;)ested to "es#e%t #a9e imitsassi9ned to "es#onses to any o" a *!, "e;)i"ements. A #a9e"itten do)be sided %onstit)tes to +2 #a9es. E$a)ato"s i not%onside" o" e$a)ate info"mation %ontained in #a9es e@%eedin9

    the s#e%i=ed imit.7.3 !inan%ia #"o#osa

    7.3.1 !inan%ia ,"o#osa in%)des:

    a !o"m E 1 /aiy !ees andb !o"m E2 *eimb)"sabe E@#enses

    7.3.2 The =nan%ia #"o#osa m)st ist a %osts asso%iated ith the#"o$ision of the Se"$i%es in%)din9 !ees fo" ,e"sonne and*eimb)"sabe E@#enses.

    7.3.3 A =nan%ia info"mation m)st be s)bmitted and "efe"en%ed )sin9!o"m E1 and !o"m E2 and m)st a##ea" ony in the =nan%ia#"o#osa. f these fo"ms a"e missin9 /!AT/ i "eDe%t the#"o#osa.

    7.3.4 sin9 !o"m E1 the idde" m)st #"o$ide a ="m a-in%)si$e daiyfee based on a 7.5-ho)" day. The daiy fee is =@ed fo" the enti"een9th of the %ont"a%t. The fees fo" m)ti-yea" %ont"a%ts m)st bee@#"essed as ="m a-in%)si$e daiy fee by yea" +i.e. (ea" 1 (ea" 2

    (ea" 3 et%.. f the a-in%)si$e daiy fee does not %om#y ith the#"o$isions of A"ti%e 10.5 ,"i%in9 asis the ,"o#osa i be"eDe%ted.

    7.3.5 sin9 !o"m E2 the idde" m)st ist a *eimb)"sabe E@#enses asde=ned in #a"a9"a#h .2.6.

    7.3.6 idde"s m)st #"o$ide the #"i%e of the se"$i%es in Canadian doa"s.The "es)tin9 %ont"a%t i be aa"ded in Canadian doa"s.

    7.4 ,"o#osas as e as a "eated %o""es#onden%e e@%han9ed by the idde"sand /!AT/ m)st be "itten in En9ish. The #"o#osa m)st be #"esented infont A"ia 10.

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  • 8/10/2019 RFP No. SEL-A035426-Typhoon Haiyan_Yolanda Humanitarian Assistance & Reconstruction Monitor


    Lo%a *!, tem#ate - nst")%tions to idde"s

    SEL.: 2015-A035426

    7.5 The idde"A>CAL,*,SALF fooed by the *!, "efe"en%e n)mbe"#"oDe%t tite and the *!, %osin9 date.

    .2.2 The =nan%ia #"o#osa m)st be s)bmitted in Canadian /oa"s toestabish a fai" basis of e$a)ation. ,"o#osas s)bmitted in othe"%)""en%ies i be "eDe%ted.

    .2.3 The =nan%ia #"o#osa m)st ist a %osts asso%iated ith the#"o$ision of the Se"$i%es in%)din9 !ees fo" ,e"sonne and

    *eimb)"sabe E@#enses..2.4 !o" m)ti-yea" %ont"a%ts:

    a The !ees m)st be e@#"essed as =@ed ann)a !ees by yea" +i.e.(ea" 1 (ea" 2 (ea" 3 et%.

    b the ann)a %ost of the indi$id)a #e"sonne is %a%)ated bym)ti#yin9 the daiy fee fo" the #"o#osed indi$id)a and thee$e of eBo"t e@#"essed in #e"son-days fo" the #ositiono%%)#ied by s)%h indi$id)a in that #a"ti%)a" yea".

    % The tota %ost of the #"o#osed indi$id)a fo" the d)"ation ofassi9nment is %a%)ated as a s)m of the ann)a fees.

    .2.5 idde"s a"e "e;)ested to e@%)de a A##i%abe Ta@es f"om the

    #"i%e. idde"s hoe$e" a"e "e;)ested to sho the totaestimated amo)nt of A##i%abe Ta@es in the =nan%ia #"o#osase#a"atey.

    .2.6 /!AT/ "e%o9nies the fooin9 %ate9o"ies of *eimb)"sabeE@#enses:a T"a$e and Li$in9 E@#enses: The %ost of t"a$e hie on T"a$e

    Stat)s and the %ost of othe" t"ans#o"tation i be "eimb)"sedb)t m)st not e@%eed the imits in the >ationa oint Co)n%i

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  • 8/10/2019 RFP No. SEL-A035426-Typhoon Haiyan_Yolanda Humanitarian Assistance & Reconstruction Monitor


    Lo%a *!, tem#ate - nst")%tions to idde"s

    SEL.: 2015-A035426

    T"a$e /i"e%ti$e +the N/i"e%ti$eN and the S#e%ia T"a$eA)tho"ities /i"e%ti$e +the NS#e%ia /i"e%ti$eN hi%h tae#"e%eden%e o$e" the /i"e%ti$e. The /i"e%ti$e and the S#e%ia/i"e%ti$e se"$e as a %eiin9 fo" )nit #"i%es of %e"tain*eimb)"sabe E@#enses and a"e a$aiabe "es#e%ti$ey on the>ationa oint Co)n%i nte"net site at htt#:''.nD%-%nm.9%.%a'di"e%ti$e't"a$e-$oya9e'inde@-en9.#h# andhtt#:''.tbs-s%t.9%.%a:i. the %ost of %omme"%ia t"ans#o"tation based on the oest

    a$aiabe fa"es )sin9 the most di"e%t "o)tin9 )# to thema@im)m of a f)-fa"e e%onomy ai"fa"eK

    ii. the %ost of meas and in%identas aoan%e in "es#e%t ofthe ,e"sonne fo" e$e"y /ay in hi%h the ,e"sonne isabsent f"om the idde"Os o" ,e"sonneOs home oG%e fo"#)"#oses of the Se"$i%es as e as #"i$ate $ehi%e )sa9enot e@%eedin9 the mea in%identa and #"i$ate $ehi%eaoan%es s#e%i=ed in A##endi%es C and / of the/i"e%ti$eK

    iii. the %ost of "e9ist"ation #hoto9"a#hs and %o)"ie" se"$i%es"eated to obtainin9 a $isa'o" #e"mitK

    i$. the a%t)a and *easonabe Cost of a sin9e "oom in%omme"%ia a%%ommodation o" hen #"i$ate non-%omme"%ia a%%ommodation is )sed the "ate fo" s)%ha%%ommodation not e@%eedin9 the imits in a%%o"dan%eith the #"o$isions of A"ti%e 7. of the S#e%ia T"a$eA)tho"ities /i"e%ti$e and A##endi@ / of the /i"e%ti$eK and

    $. a othe" a%t)a and *easonabe Costs %onside"ed

    e9itimate #"oDe%t e@#enses in a%%o"dan%e ith the#"o$isions of the /i"e%ti$e "efe""in9 to Nt"a$ee"sN "athe"than to Nem#oyeesN.

    b #"oDe%t-"eated %omm)ni%ation %osts in%)din9 b)t not imitedto on9-distan%e %ha"9es inte"net fa@ maiin9 and %o)"ie"K

    % t"ansation inte"#"ete"s and o"d #"o%essin9 %osts di"e%ty"eated to the #"oDe%t #"oDe%t-"eated #"intin9 and %o#yin9 %osts+in%)din9 #"intin9 e@t"a %o#ies of do%)ments andmi%"o%o#yin9K

    d the a%t)a %ost of saa"ies and f"in9e bene=ts fo" Lo%a S)##o"tStaBK

    e the a%t)a and "easonabe %osts of oG%e "enta and $ehi%e"entaK

    f the a%t)a and "easonabe %osts of o%a t"ans#o"tationK

    9 the a%t)a and "easonabe %osts of the Cont"a%to"+s ho maybe %ont"a%ted to #e"fo"m #a"t of the se"$i%es des%"ibed in the

    Te"ms of *efe"en%e in%)din9 abo)" and mate"iasK

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  • 8/10/2019 RFP No. SEL-A035426-Typhoon Haiyan_Yolanda Humanitarian Assistance & Reconstruction Monitor


    Lo%a *!, tem#ate - nst")%tions to idde"s

    SEL.: 2015-A035426

    h any othe" "easonabe e@#enses hi%h a"e not %onside"ed to be!ees o$e"head' indi"e%t %osts and that a"e not in%)ded in theabo$e %ate9o"ies that a"e s#e%i=ed in the /ata Sheet and"e;)i"ed to %a""y o)t the #"oDe%t.

    .3 )te" en$eo#e:

    idde"s a"e "e;)ested to #a%e the en$eo#es %ontainin9 the te%hni%aand =nan%ia #"o#osas in a seaed o)te" en$eo#e. /!AT/ "e;)ests thatthe o)te" en$eo#e bea"s the name of the idde" "et)"n add"ess of theidde" s)bmission add"ess *!, "efe"en%e n)mbe" #"oDe%t tite and *!,%osin9 date. /!AT/ i not be "es#onsibe if a #"o#osa is mis#a%ed o"ost afte" "e%ei#t of it by /!AT/ if the o)te" en$eo#e is not seaed and'o"ma"ed as sti#)ated.

    9 !ele"tion met6od

    .1 The see%tion method fo" this *!, is best $a)e adD)sted fo" %ost.

    .2 The te%hni%a #"o#osa is aa"ded a ma@im)m of 70 #e"%ent and the=nan%ia #"o#osa is aa"ded a ma@im)m of 30 #e"%ent.

    10 Proposal +%aluation

    10.1 idde"s a"e ad$ised that #"o#osas "e%ei$ed as a "es)t of this *!, i bee$a)ated by an e$a)ation team. A #"o#osas i be t"eated as%on=dentia. The e$a)ation team i assess #"o#osas in a%%o"dan%e iththe enti"e "e;)i"ement of the *!, in%)din9 the te%hni%a and =nan%iae$a)ation %"ite"ia as s#e%i=ed in A##endi@ E$a)ation "id. The"e a"ese$e"a ste#s in the e$a)ation #"o%ess hi%h a"e des%"ibed beo.

    10.2 Mandato"y #"o%ed)"a "e;)i"ements

    10.2.1 Any #"o#osa that fais to meet any of the mandato"y #"o%ed)"a"e;)i"ements stated in A##endi@ E$a)ation "id i be%onside"ed non-%om#iant and i be "eDe%ted.

    10.2.2 ,"o#osas that %om#y ith a of the mandato"y #"o%ed)"a"e;)i"ements i be e$a)ated based on the e$a)ation %"ite"ia ass#e%i=ed in A##endi@ E$a)ation "id.

    10.3 E$a)ation of te%hni%a #"o#osas

    10.3.1 The mandato"y e$a)ation %"ite"ia in A##endi@ E$a)ation "id

    i be e$a)ated on the the basis of met'not met +in othe" o"ds%om#iant'not %om#iant. Any #"o#osas not meetin9 a of themandato"y e$a)ation %"ite"ia i be "eDe%ted.

    10.3.2 ,"o#osas that %om#y ith the mandato"y e$a)ation %"ite"ia ibe e$a)ated based on the "ated %"ite"ia.

    10.3.3 n thei" te%hni%a #"o#osas idde"s a"e "e;)ested to add"ess%ea"y and in s)G%ient de#th the "ated %"ite"ia s#e%i=ed in

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  • 8/10/2019 RFP No. SEL-A035426-Typhoon Haiyan_Yolanda Humanitarian Assistance & Reconstruction Monitor


    Lo%a *!, tem#ate - nst")%tions to idde"s

    SEL.: 2015-A035426

    A##endi@ E$a)ation "id a9ainst hi%h the #"o#osa i bee$a)ated. Sim#y "e#eatin9 the statement %ontained in the *!, isnot s)G%ient. idde"s a"e "e;)ested to #"o$ide s)##o"tin9 data+fo" e@am#e des%"i#tion of #ast e@#e"ien%e de9"ees des%"i#tionof the idde"ot %om#etey add"essin9 a "ated %"ite"ion may "es)tin a s%o"e of e"o fo" that "ated %"ite"ion.

    10.3.4 The minim)m te%hni%a s%o"e is 60P. ,"o#osas that fai toa%hie$e the minim)m te%hni%a s%o"e i be "eDe%ted.

    10.3.5 ny o" e@#e"ien%e of the idde" i be assessed. n %ase of a%onso"ti)m o" Doint $ent)"e )ness othe"ise s#e%i=ed inA##endi@ E$a)ation "id the e@#e"ien%e of any membe" %o)dbe in%)ded in a #"o#osa as o" e@#e"ien%e of the idde".>e$e"theess hen the e$a)ation "e;)i"ement is demonst"atedth"o)9h n)mbe" of yea"s'months of e@#e"ien%e the %)m)ati$ee@#e"ien%e of the membe"s %annot be )sed. !o" e@am#e if the*!, "e;)i"es 5 yea"s of e@#e"ien%e in ed)%ation and bothmembe"s inde#endenty ha$e 3 yea"s ea%h the e@#e"ien%e"e;)i"ement i not be met. !o" the #)"#oses of e$a)ationistin9 e@#e"ien%e ith no s)bstantiation to des%"ibe he"e andho s)%h e@#e"ien%e as obtained may "es)t in a s%o"e of e"o.

    10.3.6 Jhe"e !o"m A1 is not #"o$ided ith the #"o#osa o" is not si9ned/!AT/ i "e;)est its s)bmission and'o" si9nat)"e f"om theidde". idde"s m)st s)bmit the %om#eted !o"m A1 ithin thetimef"ame s#e%i=ed in the noti=%ation. f the %om#eted !o"m A1is not s)bmitted ithin the s#e%i=ed timef"ame /!AT/ i "eDe%t

    the #"o#osa.10.4 E$a)ation of =nan%ia #"o#osas

    10.4.1 !inan%ia #"o#osas i ony be o#ened and e$a)ated if thete%hni%a #"o#osa a%hie$es a s%o"e e;)a to o" in e@%ess of theminim)m te%hni%a s%o"e as stated in 10.3.4.

    10.4.2 The =nan%ia ,"o#osa ha$in9 a hi9he" $a)e than hat issti#)ated in A"ti%e 11.1 i be "eDe%ted f"om the %om#etition.

    10.4.3 The =nan%ia #"o#osa ith the oest doa" $a)e i be 9i$enthe ma@im)m n)mbe" of #oints. The s%o"es fo" a othe" =nan%ia#"o#osas a"e %a%)ated on a #"o-"ata basis based on the oest

    %om#iant =nan%ia #"i%e. !o" e@am#e if the =nan%ia #"o#osa ofidde" A is the oest %om#iant #"i%e idde" A i "e%ei$e 30#oints fo" its =nan%ia #"o#osa. A othe" te%hni%ay %om#iantidde"

  • 8/10/2019 RFP No. SEL-A035426-Typhoon Haiyan_Yolanda Humanitarian Assistance & Reconstruction Monitor


    Lo%a *!, tem#ate - nst")%tions to idde"s

    SEL.: 2015-A035426

    10.4.4 /!AT/ i ony #ay fo" a%t)a days o"ed in%)din9 a##"o$edt"a$e time and i not #ay hen the %ons)tant does not o"d)e to stat)to"y hoidays si%ness $a%ations o" othe" #e"iods ofea$e.

    10.5 ,"i%in9 asis

    idde"s m)st s)bmit thei" =nan%ia #"o#osa in a%%o"dan%e ith thefooin9 #"i%in9 basis:

    +a !ees: !o" ea%h indi$id)a and' o" ,e"sonne %ate9o"y to be em#oyed)nde" the #"oDe%t the idde" is "e;)ested to indi%ate the #"o#osed!ees based on a 7.5-ho)" day. Se%"eta"ia ty#in9 and administ"ati$e%osts a"e %onside"ed #a"t of o$e"head )ness di"e%ty "eated to#"oDe%t a%ti$ities.

    +b The fooin9 %ost eements if any m)st be in%)ded in the a-in%)si$e ="m !ees:

    i. /i"e%t saa"ies mean the amo)nts #aid to indi$id)as fo"a%t)a time di"e%ty o"ed )nde" the Cont"a%tK

    ii. Em#oyee f"in9e bene=ts mean %osts asso%iated ithem#oyee saa"ies in%)din9 #aid bene=ts. ,aid bene=tsin%)de: si% ea$e stat)to"y hoidays #aid $a%ation ea$e theem#oye"Os %ont"ib)tion fo" em#oyment ins)"an%e and o"e"Os%om#ensation +he"e a##i%abe heath and medi%ains)"an%e 9"o)# ife ins)"an%e and #ension time-oB bene=tset%K

    iii. $e"head' indi"e%t %osts mean the fooin9 %osts:o Ad$e"tisin9 and #"omotion +non-#"oDe%t s#e%i=%Ko Amo"tiation' de#"e%iationKo an %ha"9es +non-#"oDe%t s#e%i=%Ko oa"d a%ti$itiesKo )siness de$eo#ment a%ti$itiesKo Ca#ita ta@esKo Comm)ni%ation e@%)din9 on9 distan%e %as that a"e

    "eated to the e@e%)tion of the #"o9"am' #"oDe%tKo Com#)te" maintenan%e e@#ensesKo !inan%in9 %osts in%)din9 b)t not imited to inte"est

    e@#enses and %osts to obtain ette"s of %"editKo ene"a staB t"ainin9K

    o ns)"an%e +e.9. oG%e boa"d of di"e%to"s iabiityKo nte"na o" e@te"na a)dits of the idde"Ko Membe"shi#s and s)bs%"i#tionsKo G%e s)##ies and e;)i#mentKo idde" "est")%t)"in9 %ostsKo ,"ofessiona fees "eatin9 to the administ"ation of the

    idde" +e.9. e9a a%%o)ntin9 et%.K

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    Lo%a *!, tem#ate - nst")%tions to idde"s

    SEL.: 2015-A035426

    o ,"o#osa #"e#a"ation a%ti$itiesKo G%e "ent and )tiitiesKo *e#ai"s and maintenan%e e@#ensesKo

    *e$ie and ne9otiation of a9"eementsKo Saa"ies and f"in9e bene=ts "eated to the administ"ation

    of the idde"Ko StaB "e%")itmentKo St"ate9i% #annin9 a%ti$itiesKo T"a$e +non-#"oDe%t s#e%i=%Ko Jo"stations in%)din9 %om#)te"sKo the" indi"e%t' o$e"head ty#e of e@#endit)"es "eated to

    the idde"

  • 8/10/2019 RFP No. SEL-A035426-Typhoon Haiyan_Yolanda Humanitarian Assistance & Reconstruction Monitor


    Lo%a *!, tem#ate - nst")%tions to idde"s

    SEL.: 2015-A035426

    ho "es#onded to "es)bmit #"o#osas ithin a #e"iod desi9nated by/!AT/K and

    +9 ne9otiate ith the soe %om#iant idde" to ens)"e best $a)e to/!AT/.

    13 :alidity of fa"ts

    13.1 The idde" is aa"e that /!AT/ "ese"$es the "i9ht to $e"ify anyinfo"mation #"o$ided in thei" #"o#osa and that )nt")e statements may"es)t in the #"o#osa bein9 de%a"ed non-%om#iant o" any othe" a%tionhi%h /!AT/ may %onside" a##"o#"iate.

    1, oti-"ation of unsu""essful idders

    14.1 Afte" %om#etin9 ne9otiations and aa"din9 the %ont"a%t to the s)%%essf)idde" /!AT/ i %omm)ni%ate the aa"d of the %ont"a%t to the idde"s.

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    idde"o fees to be in%)ded in the te%hni%a #"o#osa.

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    idde"A>CAL,*,SALF fooed by the *!, "efe"en%e n)mbe" #"oDe%t tite andthe *!, %osin9 dateX

    &a$e the en$eo#es%ontainin9 the te%hni%a and =nan%ia #"o#osas been #a%ed inan o)te" en$eo#e and seaedX

    /oes the o)te" en$eo#e bea":- name of the idde"K- "et)"n add"ess of the idde"K- s)bmission add"essK- *!, "efe"en%e n)mbe"K- #"oDe%t titeK and- the *!, %osin9 date.

    &a$e the #"o#osa ithd"aa s)bstit)tion and'o" modi=%ation if any beendone befo"e the *!, %osin9 dateX

    Te"6ni"al proposal

    &as the idde" #"o$ided info"mation as "e;)ested in !o"m A and A1a%%o"din9 to the s#e%i=ed fo"mat and "es#e%tin9 the#a9e imitationX s !o"mA1 si9ned by the #"o#osed indi$id)aX

    &as the idde" %om#eted and in%)ded !o"m a%%o"din9 to the s#e%i=edfo"mat and "es#e%tin9 the #a9e imitationX

    &as the idde" %om#eted and in%)ded !o"m C a%%o"din9 to the s#e%i=edfo"mat and "es#e%tin9 the #a9e imitationX

    &as the idde" %om#eted si9ned and in%)ded !o"m / a%%o"din9 to the

    s#e%i=ed fo"matX n %ase of a %onso"ti)m o" Doint $ent)"e has the membe"in %ha"9e been identi=ed by %he%in9 the a##"o#"iate bo@ in !o"m /X

    &as the te%hni%a #"o#osa %ea"y and in s)G%ient de#th add"essed the"ated "e;)i"ements a9ainst hi%h the #"o#osa is e$a)atedX

    Finan"ial proposal

    &as the idde" %om#eted and in%)ded !o"m E1 - !inan%ia #"o#osaX

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    Te%hni%a #"o#osa

    SEL.: 2015-A035426

    Technical Proposal

    F4RM .Resour"e .llo"ation

    ame ofProposedPersonnel


    +stimated 'e%el of +;ort ('4+) (ay)

    Minimal '4++stablis6ed by


    '4++stimated by t6e


    Total 475

    $1.2. Se#tembe" 2013 - E/*MS 8 63277 ,a9e 17 of 62

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    Te%hni%a #"o#osa

    SEL.: 2015-A035426

    Form .1

    urri"ulum :itae for Proposed ame and %itienshi#

    Ed)%ation +de9"ees "e%ei$ed and

    #e"tinent datesT"ainin9s +in%)din9 %e"ti=%ation f"om9o$e"nment'o"9aniations #e"tinent tothe assi9nment "efe" to A##endi@ e$a)ation 9"id,"esent em#oye" and #osition +ifa##i%abeLen9th of se"$i%e ith %)""ent em#oye"and stat)s +#e"manent tem#o"a"y%ont"a%t em#oyee asso%iate et%.

    'an&ua&e(s) spo=en read and ritten and de&ree of pro-"ien"y in ea"6

    "ate&ory (usin& t6e folloin& lan&ua&e pro-"ien"y le%els de-nition>htt#:''.inte"nationa.9%.%a'ifait-iae%i'testWe$es-ni$ea)

    S#oen *ead J"itten


    ?isayan an9)a9es+name "ee$antones: Ceb)anoa"ay-a"ayon9o'&ii9aynon

  • 8/10/2019 RFP No. SEL-A035426-Typhoon Haiyan_Yolanda Humanitarian Assistance & Reconstruction Monitor


    Te%hni%a #"o#osa

    SEL.: 2015-A035426

    1Sta"t and end dates2Le$e of EBo"t as e@#"essed by the tota n)mbe" of days o"ed3/es%"i#tion in%)des the #"oDe%t name se"$i%es #"o$ided d)"in9 the assi9nment+te%hni%a mana9e"ia ad$iso"y administ"ati$e #"oDe%t $a)e %o)nt"y and one"efe"en%e name tite #hone n)mbe" and emai.


    /ates1 LE2 /es%"i#tion3

    1Sta"t and end date2Le$e of EBo"t as e@#"essed by the tota n)mbe" of days o"ed3/es%"i#tion in%)des the #"oDe%t name se"$i%es #"o$ided d)"in9 the assi9nment+te%hni%a mana9e"ia ad$iso"y administ"ati$e #"oDe%t $a)e and %o)nt"y.


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    Te%hni%a #"o#osa

    SEL.: 2015-A035426

    the )nde"si9ned %e"tify that to the best of my noed9e and beief this C?%o""e%ty des%"ibes mysef my ;)ai=%ations and my e@#e"ien%e and am a$aiabe

    to )nde"tae the assi9nment in %ase of an aa"d. )nde"stand that anymisstatement o" mis"e#"esentation des%"ibed he"ein may ead to my dis;)ai=%ationo" dismissa by /!AT/.

    >ame of E@#e"t Si9nat)"e /ate+dd'mm'yyyy

    >ame of of a)tho"ied Si9nat)"e/ate+dd'mm'yyyy

    *e#"esentati$e of the idde"+the same ho si9ns the #"o#osa

    $1.2. Se#tembe" 2013 - E/*MS 8 63277 ,a9e 20 of 62

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    Te%hni%a #"o#osa

    SEL.: 2015-A035426



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    Te%hni%a #"o#osa

    SEL.: 2015-A035426


    idder*s Met6odolo&y (Requirement )

    Guidance to Bidders:

    iidde"s a"e "e;)i"ed to #"o$ide a na""ati$e des%"i#tion of thei" #"o#osedmethodoo9y fo" the monito"in9 assi9nment.

    idde"s m)st "es#e%t the #a9e imitations identi=ed in A##endi@ : E$a)ation "id*e;)i"ement 6

    $1.2. Se#tembe" 2013 - E/*MS 8 63277 ,a9e 22 of 62

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    Te%hni%a #"o#osa

    SEL.: 2015-A035426

    Form Mandatory erti-"ations

    Guidance to Bidders:

    The idde" is "e;)ested to %om#ete the fooin9 %e"ti=%ations by =in9 in thea##"o#"iate s#a%es beo and si9nin9 the !o"m. The idde" m)st s)bmit !o"m / ina%%o"dan%e ith the #a"a9"a#h 7.2.3 of the *!,.

    n %ase of a %onso"ti)m o" Doint $ent)"e ea%h membe" m)st %om#y ith the abo$e"e;)i"ement. /!AT/ "e;)ests that the membe" in %ha"9e is identi=ed by %he%in9the a##"o#"iate bo@ beo.

    The #"o#osa to /!AT/ is fo" the #"o$ision of the se"$i%es in "eation to:&)manita"ian Assistan%e and *e%onst")%tion Monito"

    !"om +#ease #"int:


    ,e"son a)tho"ied to si9n on behaf of the idde":


    >ame +,ease ,"int


    Tite +,ease ,"int

    +li&ibility erti-"ation>A idde" in%)din9 ea%h membe" if a #"o#osa is s)bmitted by a %onso"ti)m o" Doint$ent)"e %e"ti=es that:

    +a it has a e9a %a#a%ity to %ont"a%tK+b it hods the ne%essa"y #e"mits to o" in the %o)nt"y of assi9nment in

    o"de" to #"o$ide %ons)tin9 se"$i%esK+% it is not a 9o$e"nment entity o" 9o$e"nment-oned ente"#"ise in the

    "e%i#ient %o)nt"yK+d it and'o" the #"o#osed indi$id)as a"e not 9o$e"nment oG%ias and %i$i

    se"$ants of the "e%i#ient %o)nt"yK

    +e it is not a fo"me" Canadian fede"a #)bi% se"$ant %)""enty in "e%ei#t of a

    #ension.The idde" aso %e"ti=es that it has "ead the *!, in its enti"ety and that it a%%e#ts ate"ms and %onditions set o)t in the *!, as is itho)t modi=%ations deetions o"additions.

    n addition by si9nin9 this fo"m the idde" %e"ti=es its %om#ian%e ith the%e"ti=%ations in%)ded in !o"m C beo.


    $1.2. Se#tembe" 2013 - E/*MS 8 63277 ,a9e 23 of 62

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    Te%hni%a #"o#osa

    SEL.: 2015-A035426

    membe" in %ha"9e

    $1.2. Se#tembe" 2013 - E/*MS 8 63277 ,a9e 24 of 62

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    Te%hni%a #"o#osa

    SEL.: 2015-A035426

    1 ode of ondu"t for Pro"urement

    The idde" m)st "es#ond to the *!, in an honest fai" and %om#"ehensi$e

    manne" a%%)"atey "ee%t its %a#a%ity to satisfy the "e;)i"ements sti#)ated inthe *!, and the %ont"a%t s)bmit its #"o#osa and ente" into the %ont"a%t ony ifit i f)= a obi9ations of the %ont"a%t.

    The idde" %e"ti=es that it has "ead the Code of Cond)%t fo" ,"o%)"ement+htt#:''.t#s9%-#9s%.9%.%a' and a9"ees to be bo)nd by its te"ms.

    2 .ntiBTerrorism Requirement

    The idde" %e"ti=es that the idde"Os #"o#osa does not in%)de dei$e"y of9oods o" se"$i%es that o"i9inate di"e%ty o" indi"e%ty f"om entities isted#)"s)ant to the Anti-Te""o"ism A%t.

    /etais of isted entities %an be fo)nd at htt#:''.#)bi%safety.9%.%a' . TheG%e of the S)#e"intendent of !inan%ia nstit)tions +htt#:''.os=-bsif.9%.%a' ists a"e s)bDe%t to the *e9)ations Estabishin9 a List of Entitiesmade )nde" s)bse%tion 3.05+1 of the Criminal Code and'o" the !e"ulationsm#ementin9the #nited $ations !esolutions on the %uppression of &errorism+*>*ST and'o" #nited $ations 'l()aida and &aliban !e"ulations+>AHT*.

    3 ations obi9ations o" othe"inte"nationa a9"eements Canada im#oses "est"i%tions on t"ade =nan%iat"ansa%tions o" othe" deain9s ith a fo"ei9n %o)nt"y o" its nationas. These

    e%onomi% san%tions may be im#emented by "e9)ation )nde" the #nited$ations 'ct+*.S.C. 15 %. -2 the %pecial *conomic +easures 'ct+S.C.12 %. 17 o" the *port and Import -ermits 'ct+*.S.C. 15 %. E-1. The%o)nt"ies o" 9"o)#s %)""enty s)bDe%t to e%onomi% san%tions a"e isted on the!o"ei9n ABai"s T"ade and /e$eo#ment Canada site:htt#:''.inte"nationa.9%.%a'san%tions.

    The idde" %e"ti=es its %om#ian%e ith any s)%h "e9)ations that a"e in fo"%eon the eBe%ti$e date of #"o#osa s)bmission. n addition the idde" certiess)%h %om#ian%e by its #e"sonne o%a s)##o"t staB and %ont"a%to"+s.

    , onCi"t of

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    Te%hni%a #"o#osa

    SEL.: 2015-A035426

    4.1.2 if the idde" any of its #"o#osed s)b-%ons)tants any of its#"o#osed %ont"a%to"s in%)din9 any of thei" "es#e%ti$e em#oyeeso" fo"me" em#oyees as in$o$ed in any othe" sit)ation of%oni%t of inte"est o" a##ea"an%e of %oni%t of inte"estK o"

    4.1.3 if the idde" any of its #"o#osed s)b-%ons)tants any of its#"o#osed %ont"a%to"s in%)din9 any of thei" "es#e%ti$e em#oyeeso" fo"me" em#oyees had a%%ess to info"mation "eated to the *!,that as not a$aiabe to othe" idde"s and that o)d in/!AT/Os o#inion 9i$e o" a##ea" to 9i$e the idde" an )nfai"ad$anta9e.

    4.2 The e@#e"ien%e a%;)i"ed by a idde" ho is #"o$idin9 o" has #"o$ided these"$i%es des%"ibed in the *!, +o" simia" se"$i%es i not in itsef be%onside"ed by /!AT/ as %onfe""in9 an )nfai" ad$anta9e o" %"eatin9 a%oni%t of inte"est. This idde" "emains hoe$e" s)bDe%t to the %"ite"iaestabished abo$e.

    4.3 y s)bmittin9 a #"o#osa the idde" "e#"esents that it does not %onside"itsef to be in %oni%t of inte"est no" to ha$e an )nfai" ad$anta9e. Jhe"e/!AT/ intends to "eDe%t a #"o#osa )nde" this se%tion /!AT/ may info"mthe idde" and #"o$ide the idde" an o##o"t)nity to mae "e#"esentationsbefo"e main9 a =na de%ision. The idde" a%noed9es that it is ithin/!AT/Os soe dis%"etion to dete"mine hethe" a %oni%t of inte"est ana##ea"an%e of %oni%t of inte"est o" an )nfai" ad$anta9e e@ists.

    5 .ntiBorruption and Fraud

    /!AT/ de=nes fo" the #)"#ose of this #a"a9"a#h the te"ms set fo"th beo as

    foos:+i %o"")#t #"a%ti%eF means the oBe"in9 9i$in9 "e%ei$in9 o" soi%itin9

    di"e%ty o" indi"e%ty of anythin9 of $a)e to in)en%e the a%tion of a#)bi% oG%ia d)"in9 the *!, o" %ont"a%t e@e%)tionK

    +ii f"a)d)ent #"a%ti%eF means any a%t o" omission in%)din9mis"e#"esentation that noin9y o" "e%essy miseads o" attem#ts tomisead a #a"ty to obtain =nan%ia o" othe" bene=t o" to a$oid anobi9ationK

    +iii %o)si$e #"a%ti%eF means an a""an9ement beteen to o" mo"e #a"tiesdesi9ned to a%hie$e an im#"o#e" #)"#ose in%)din9 to in)en%eim#"o#e"y the a%tions of anothe" #a"tyK and

    +i$ %oe"%i$e #"a%ti%eF means ha"min9 o" th"eatenin9 to ha"m di"e%ty o"

    indi"e%ty #e"sons o" thei" #"o#e"ty to in)en%e thei" #a"ti%i#ation in the*!, o" aBe%t %ont"a%t e@e%)tionK

    The idde" %e"ti=es that it and its #e"sonne:

    +a ha$e not di"e%ty o" th"o)9h an a9ent en9a9ed in %o"")#t f"a)d)ent%o)si$e o" %oe"%i$e #"a%ti%esK

    $1.2. Se#tembe" 2013 - E/*MS 8 63277 ,a9e 26 of 62

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    Te%hni%a #"o#osa

    SEL.: 2015-A035426

    +b e"e not %on$i%ted d)"in9 a #e"iod of th"ee +3 yea"s #"io" to the *!,%osin9 date by a %o)"t of a in Canada o" in any othe" D)"isdi%tion fo" anoBen%e in$o$in9 b"ibe"y o" %o"")#tionK

    +% a"e not )nde" san%tion fo" an oBen%e in$o$in9 b"ibe"y o" %o"")#tionim#osed by a 9o$e"nmenta o"9aniation o" de$eo#ment o"9aniation#"o$idin9 de$eo#ment assistan%eK and

    +d e"e ne$e" %on$i%ted of an oBen%e othe" than an oBen%e fo" hi%h a#a"don has been 9"anted )nde" Se%tion 121 +!"a)ds on the 9o$e"nmentand %ont"a%to" s)bs%"ibin9 to ee%tion f)nd Se%tion 124 +Sein9 o",)"%hasin9 G%eo" Se%tion 41 +Sein9 defe%ti$e sto"es to &e" MaDestyof the Criminal Code of Canada. !o" idde"s o)tside of Canada the idde"aso %e"ti=es that it as ne$e" %on$i%ted of simia" oBen%es in any othe"



    The idde" %e"ti=es that it its #"o#osed #e"sonne o" its %ont"a%to"+s is not in%)ded inthe #)bished ist+s of entities deba""ed by the Jo"d an "o)# E)"o#ean anfo"*e%onst")%tion and /e$eo#ment Asian /e$eo#ment an o" the nte"-Ame"i%an/e$eo#ment an "o)#.

    7 'obbyist

    The idde" %e"ti=es that it has not di"e%ty o" indi"e%ty #aid o" a9"eed to #ayand a9"ees that it i not di"e%ty o" indi"e%ty #ay a %ontin9en%y fee to anyindi$id)a fo" the soi%itation ne9otiation o" obtainin9 of the %ont"a%t if the#ayment ofthe fee o)d "e;)i"e the indi$id)a to =e a "et)"n )nde" se%tion 5of the Canadian /obbyin" 'ct.

    8 'an&ua&e apabilityThe idde" %e"ti=es that its #e"sonne ha$e the an9)a9e %a#abiity ne%essa"yto satisfy the *!, "e;)i"ements if any as sti#)ated in A##endi@ A Te"ms of*efe"en%e.

    9 +du"ation and +/perien"e

    The idde" %e"ti=es that a the info"mation #"o$ided in the %)""i%))m $itaeand s)##o"tin9 mate"ia s)bmitted ith its #"o#osa #a"ti%)a"y info"mationthat #e"tains to ed)%ation a%hie$ements e@#e"ien%e and o" histo"y ha$ebeen $e"i=ed by the idde" to be t")e and a%%)"ate. !)"the"mo"e the idde"

    a""ants that the indi$id)as #"o#osed by the idde" fo" the *!, "e;)i"ementa"e %a#abe of satisfa%to"iy #"o$idin9 the se"$i%es des%"ibed in A##endi@ ATe"ms of *efe"en%e.

    10 .%ailability of Resour"es

    The idde" %e"ti=es that if it is aa"ded a %ont"a%t as a "es)t of this *!, the #e"sons#"o#osed in its #"o#osa i be a$aiabe to %ommen%e #e"fo"man%e of the se"$i%es as

    $1.2. Se#tembe" 2013 - E/*MS 8 63277 ,a9e 27 of 62

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    Te%hni%a #"o#osa

    SEL.: 2015-A035426

    "e;)ested by /!AT/ "e#"esentati$es and at the time s#e%i=ed in this *!, o" a9"eed toith /!AT/ "e#"esentati$es.

    $1.2. Se#tembe" 2013 - E/*MS 8 63277 ,a9e 2 of 62

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    !inan%ia #"o#osa

    SEL.: 2015-A035426

    !e"tion 3# Financial proposal - Standard Forms

    Form + 1 B Finan"ial proposal


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    !inan%ia #"o#osa

    SEL.: 2015-A035426

    7T4T.' 2 (3)


    $1.2. Se#tembe" 2013 - E/*MS 8 63277 ,a9e 30 of 62

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    !inan%ia #"o#osa

    SEL.: 2015-A035426

    F4RM + 2R+

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    !inan%ia #"o#osa

    SEL.: 2015-A035426

    $1.2. Se#tembe" 2013 - E/*MS 8 63277 ,a9e 32 of 62

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    SEL.: 2015-A035426

    2.2 *e%onst")%tion ,hase +!(14'15-!(1'11

    The "emainin9 U20.5 miion i be )sed to "ehabiitate'"esto"ethe on9e"-te"m e%onomi% a%ti$ities of ty#hoon-aBe%ted #eo#e.Ai9ned ith o$e"nment of ,hii##ines "e%onst")%tion #"io"ities/!AT/ "e%onst")%tion #"o9"ammin9 i s)##o"t th"ee se%to"s

    +a9"i%)t)"e =she"ies and s)##o"t to mi%"o sma and medi)mente"#"ises. These #"oDe%ts i be see%ted $ia an on9oin9 Ca fo","o#osas o#en to Canadian o"9aniations2. t is anti%i#ated thatbeteen 3 and 6 #"oDe%ts i be s)##o"ted by /!AT/ $a)ed atbeteen U3 miion and U7 miion #e" #"oDe%t. *e%onst")%tion#"oDe%ts i iey be9in im#ementation in H2 !( 15-16 and o)dbe %om#eted by Ma"%h 201.

    Ea%h #"oDe%t i aso in%o"#o"ate %"oss-%)ttin9 themes in%)din99ende" e;)aity en$i"onmenta s)stainabiity 9o$e"nan%e anddisaste" "is "ed)%tion ith an em#hasis on "esiien%y to f)t)"ehaa"ds.

    3 4J+T

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    SEL.: 2015-A035426

    o dentify #"obems and %onst"aints ham#e"in9 the eBe%ti$eim#ementation of the #"oDe%t'#"o9"am and #"o$ide"e%ommendations to /!AT/ fo" im#"o$ement

    o Monito"in9 and identifyin9 a"eas he"e the inte9"ation of%"oss%)ttin9 themes +9ende" e;)aity en$i"onment 9o$e"nan%e inthe #annin9 %o)d e@ist and "e#o"t on the o$e"a s)%%ess "ate of

    the #"oDe%t in te"ms of eBe%ti$e inte9"ation of these themeso Assess the en$i"onment o" %onte@t ithin hi%h the

    #"oDe%t'#"o9"am o"s identifyin9 t"ends and ee#in9 /!AT/ab"east of a%t)a and #otentia %han9es in %onte@t

    o Sit)ate /!AT/ #"oDe%ts ithin the b"oade" dono" "es#onse toTy#hoon (oanda

    o dentify essons-ea"ned fo" /!AT/ and othe" staehode"s

    /ata ?e"i=%ation'Coe%tiono ?e"ify'%on="m baseine data in%)ded in #"oDe%t do%)mentso Coe%t "ee$ant data f"om #"oDe%t'#"o9"am bene=%ia"ies and

    staehode"s in o"de" to t"ian9)ate "es)ts and othe" =ndin9s

    in%)ded in #"oDe%t'#"o9"am "e#o"tsthe"o S)##o"t the /!AT/ #"oDe%t'#"o9"am team in #"e#a"in9 fo" $a"io)s

    meetin9s and attendin9 as an obse"$e" o" #a"ti%i#ant at /!AT/s.

    !o" %om#eted #"oDe%ts the Cons)tant may be "e;)i"ed to $isit#"oDe%t sites to %on="m %om#etion of a%ti$ities assess #"oDe%tim#a%ts and "e$ie =na "e#o"ts.

    5 +'

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    SEL.: 2015-A035426

    o"#ans ,anned s%hed)e of a%ti$ities \ey iss)es to be add"essed

    d)"in9 the )#%omin9 mission Estimated b)d9et Estimated e$e of eBo"t

    Len9th: 1- 3 #a9es.

    befo"e the s%hed)edmission date

    3. ?e"ba and"ittendeb"ie=n9fooin9=ed mission

    :erbal debrie-n&to/!AT/'Mania staB of initiamission =ndin9s

    Lritten !ummaryofobse"$ations =ndin9s andinitia "e%ommendations f"om=ed mission +1-3 #a9es

    :erbal debrie-n&-/)e ithin 5 daysfooin9 the end of the!ied Mission

    Lritten !ummary/)e Jithin 10 days f"omend date of ea%h =edmission

    4. ,"oDe%t#e"fo"man%eassessment


    S)mma"y of ey iss)es=ndin9s and'o""e%ommendationsK

    S)mma"y of #"o9"ess a9ainste@#e%ted "es)ts based onmission =ndin9s

    Any si9ni=%ant iss)e+s o"e$ent+sK

    A s)mma"y of monito"in9a%ti$ities )nde"taen

    denti=%ation of essonsea"ned im#i%ations fo" the#"oDe%t+s and #ossibe%o""e%ti$e a%tion+s"e%ommendedK

    +Len9th: 1-2 #a9es #e" #"oDe%t

    ue: ithin 15 days ofthe end date of ea%h=ed mission

    5. End ofh)manita"ian #hase"e#o"t

    *o-)# of "es)ts a%hie$ed andessons-ea"ned f"om /!AT/f)ndin9 in h)manita"ian #hase

    +Len9th: a##"o@. 20 #a9es.

    ue: T/ +)y 2015

    6. Ann)a "o-)# of "es)tsa%hie$ed.

    *o-)# of "es)ts a%hie$ed andessons-ea"ned f"om /!AT/f)ndin9 fo" the Ty#hoon (oanda"es#onse

    +Len9th: a##"o@. 20 #a9es #e""e#o"t

    ue: May 1stof ea%hyea" sta"tin9 May 2015

    7. End of"e%onst")%tion #hase"e#o"t

    *o-)# of "es)ts a%hie$ed andessons-ea"ned f"om Canadianf)ndin9 fo" the Ty#hoon (oanda"e%onst")%tion "es#onse

    +Len9th: a##"o@. 20 #a9es.


    . End of T&*!"e#o"t

    S)mma"y "o-)# of "es)tsa%hie$ed and essons-ea"ned



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    SEL.: 2015-A035426

    f"om /!AT/ f)ndin9 fo" theTy#hoon (oanda "es#onse%o$e"in9 a #hases

    +Len9th: a##"o@. 20 #a9es. Ad ho%

    *e#o"ts andAnayti%a#a#e"s ifand as"e;)estedby /!AT/.

    !o"mat to be de$eo#ed in

    %oabo"ation ith Cons)tant fo"ea%h assi9nment based on nat)"eof "e;)est. Co)d in%)de:anayses of %onte@t se%to" and#"o9"ess a9ainst "es)tsK andothe" ad ho% "e#o"ts as"e;)ested by /!AT/.

    /ei$e"y date to be

    dete"mined by /!AT/ in%oabo"ation ithCons)tant fo" ea%hassi9nment based onnat)"e of "e;)est.

    5.1 /)"ation of o" and minim)m e$e of eBo"t

    The Monito"in9 %ont"a%t i be on an as-and-hen "e;)i"ed basisith a minim)m e$e of eBo"t of 475 days o$e" the #e"iod of the

    assi9nment hi%h i be f"om >o$embe" 2014 )nti May 201./)"in9 the #e"iod of >o$embe" 2014 - Ma"%h 2015 theCons)tant

  • 8/10/2019 RFP No. SEL-A035426-Typhoon Haiyan_Yolanda Humanitarian Assistance & Reconstruction Monitor


    SEL.: 2015-A035426

    asso%iated ith this Cont"a%t. Canada i not ass)me iabiity inthe e$ent the Cons)tant is idna##ed hie #e"fo"min9 a%ti$itiesasso%iated ith this Cont"a%t. The Cons)tant is st"on9yen%o)"a9ed to obtain ade;)ate ins)"an%e #"io" to be9innin9 o"on this Cont"a%t.

    7 Pla"e of Lor=The %ons)tant sho)d be based in the ,hii##ines. The o" i be#e"fo"med #"ima"iy f"om the Cons)tant

  • 8/10/2019 RFP No. SEL-A035426-Typhoon Haiyan_Yolanda Humanitarian Assistance & Reconstruction Monitor


    SEL.: 2015-A035426

    Table 1> '

    Partner Proe"t Title Fundin& 'o"ation

    !e"tors !tartate


    ."ti%ities +/pe"ted

  • 8/10/2019 RFP No. SEL-A035426-Typhoon Haiyan_Yolanda Humanitarian Assistance & Reconstruction Monitor


    SEL.: 2015-A035426

    b)idin9 boats #"o$idin9 =shin9 a%%esso"ies and "e%onst")%tin9=sh #ens fo" 500 =she"sK and +7 #"o$idin9 non-%ash fa"min9in#)ts s)%h as "i%e seeds and fe"tiie"s to 500 $)ne"abeomen.


    2013 Ty#hoon&aiyan'(oandaEme"9en%yShete"*es#onseLeyte,hii##ines


    Leyte Shete" >o$-2013


    CanadaOs s)##o"t i he# #"o$ide:] eme"9en%y shete" fo" as many as 20000 ty#hoon-aBe%ted#eo#e in Leyte #"o$in%e es#e%iay omen and %hid"en.

    The e@#e%ted o)t#)t fo"this #"oDe%t is: eme"9en%yshete" #"o$ided fo" 20000ty#hoon-aBe%ted #eo#ees#e%iay omen and%hid"en.


    2014 Ty#hoon&aiyanLi$eihoods'!ood Se%)"ityAssistan%e to?)ne"abe,o#)ations


    Leyte#"o$in%eSama"#"o$in%e and,anaysand




    Jith /!AT/

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    SEL.: 2015-A035426


    Eme"9en%y"es#onse fo"in%"easin9a%%ess toed)%ation of7200 %hid"enadd"essin9%hid #"ote%tionand "esto"in9food se%)"ity of10000indi$id)asth"o)9hi$eihoods)##o"t to

    famiiesaBe%ted byS)#e" Ty#hoonin the,hii##ines

    U50000 Leyte#"o$in%e

    ed)%ation#"ote%tion andi$eihoods



    Jith /!AT/

  • 8/10/2019 RFP No. SEL-A035426-Typhoon Haiyan_Yolanda Humanitarian Assistance & Reconstruction Monitor


    SEL.: 2015-A035426

    Ty#hoon &aiyanin the,hii##ines

    &andi%a#nte"nationa Canada

    S)##o"t fo" sef-"e%o$e"y and"esiien%e fo"$)ne"abefamiiesaBe%ted byTy#hoon&aiyan th"o)9h%ashassistan%eKSi9ma Ca#i,"o$in%e*e9ion ?+,anay,hii##ines






    Jith /!AT/

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    SEL.: 2015-A035426

    ed)%ationa fa%iities.

    nte"nationaCommitteefo" the *edC"oss

    Ty#hoon&aiyan:&)manita"ian"es#onse by the,hii##ines *edC"oss'C*C2013-2014


    ATy#hoon-aBe%ted a"eas




    Jith /!AT/

  • 8/10/2019 RFP No. SEL-A035426-Typhoon Haiyan_Yolanda Humanitarian Assistance & Reconstruction Monitor


    SEL.: 2015-A035426

    nte"nationa!ede"ationof the *edC"oss and*edC"es%entSo%ieties

    !*C,"eimina"yEme"9en%yA##ea>o$embe" 2013


    ATy#hoon-aBe%ted a"eas




    CanadaOs s)##o"t i he# add"ess the immediate needs of500000 ty#hoon-aBe%ted #eo#e th"o)9h the #"o$ision of:] "eiefitems +food #a%s banets De""y %ans see#in9 mats hy9ieneits mos;)ito nets )n%onditiona %ash fo" 100000 famiies+500000 #eo#eK ] eme"9en%y shete" +tents ta"#s needs fo"60000 famiiesK ] immediate heath and #sy%hoso%ia s)##o"tneeds of 100000 aBe%ted famiiesK ] ate" and sanitation+"ehabiitation of ate" and sanitation fa%iities sanitationinte"$ention_ deb"is %ea"in9 d"aina9e and %ana %eanin9eme"9en%y at"ines %ooin9 a"eas et%. fo" ty#hoon-aBe%tedfamiiesK ] shete" and settement a""an9ements that i "emainade;)ate )nti d)"abe so)tions a"e a%hie$ed fo" 50000famiiesK ] i$eihood o##o"t)nities fo" 20000 aBe%ted famiiesKand ] st"en9thened nationa so%iety %a#a%ity to dei$e"s)stainabe se"$i%es.

    The e@#e%ted immediateo)t%omes of this #"oDe%tin%)de: +i im#"o$eda%%ess to "eief itemsK +iiin%"eased a%%ess toshete"K +iii in%"easeda%%ess to immediateheath se"$i%es and#sy%hoso%ia s)##o"tK +i$in%"eased a%%ess to ate"and sanitation fa%iitiesK +$in%"eased a%%ess toi$eihoods o##o"t)nitiesKand +$i im#"o$ed %a#a%ityof nationa %i$i so%iety to

    dei$e" s)stainabese"$i%es.

    nte"nationa!ede"ationof the *edC"oss and*edC"es%entSo%ieties

    Eme"9en%ya##ea -,hii##ines:Ty#hoon &aiyan- *e$isedeme"9en%ya##ea 8M/*,&014


    ATy#hoon-aBe%ted a"eas




    Jith /!AT/

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    SEL.: 2015-A035426

    at e$a%)ation sites o" t"ansit sites +s)%h as #o"ts ai"#o"ts b)sstations ho may %ome in %onta%t ith #o#)ations at "is ofbein9 t"aG%ed.



    ,hii##inesEme"9en%ynte"$ention+nitia ,hasefo" S)#e"Ty#hoon(oanda 2013'2014


    Ta%oban CityinLeyteno"the"n Ceb)andeaste"nSama"




    CanadaOs s)##o"t i he# #"o$ide eme"9en%y heath %a"e to asmany as 200000 ty#hoon-aBe%ted #eo#e in Ta%oban Cityno"the"n Ceb) and easte"n Sama" amon9 othe" aBe%ted a"easto be dete"mined based on on9oin9 assessment th"o)9h the#"o$ision of:] se%onda"y heath se"$i%es #"o$ided th"o)9h a f)y e;)i##ed=ed hos#itaK] se"$i%es #"o$ided fo" the mana9ement stabiiation and"efe""a of o)nded si% and t"a)matied #eo#e es#e%iayomen and %hid"enK] 1000 tem#o"a"y shete"sK and] essentia ho)sehod items.

    E@#e%ted o)t#)ts fo" this#"oDe%t in%)de: +ise%onda"y heath se"$i%es#"o$ided th"o)9h a f)ye;)i##ed =ed hos#itaK +iise"$i%es #"o$ided fo" themana9ement stabiiationand the "efe""a ofo)nded si% andt"a)matied #eo#ees#e%iay omen and%hid"enK +iii 1000tem#o"a"y shete"sdist"ib)tedK and +i$essentia ho)sehod items


    Jate"Sanitation and&y9iene



    JAS& >o$-2013


    CanadaOs s)##o"t i he# #"o$ide safe ate" and sanitationfa%iities to 42500 ty#hoon-aBe%ted #eo#e +500 famiies inSama" #"o$in%e th"o)9h the #"o$ision of:] ate" and hy9iene its

    The e@#e%ted immediateo)t%omes fo" this #"oDe%tin%)de: +1 in%"eased


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    SEL.: 2015-A035426

    *es#onse toTy#hoon&aiyan,hii##ines2013


    dist"ib)ted to 500 famiiesK ] 400 %omm)na at"ines ith ate"fa%iitiesK ] mobie ate" t"eatment )nits ith 9ene"ato" sets andf)e and mass ate"-sto"a9e )nitsK ] hy9iene #"omotion %a""iedo)t on a safe ate" %hainK #"e$ention of dia""heaK andmaintenan%e of ate" sanitation and hy9iene fa%iitiesK ]9ene"a deb"is %ean-)# %ond)%ted th"o)9h %ash-fo"-o"initiati$esK ] 20 %omm)na en$i"onmenta %eanin9 itsK ] ate"dist"i%t s)##o"t in "esto"in9 at east th"ee ate" systemsK ] 600toiets "e#ai"ed in o%ations s)%h as s%hoos 9ymnasi)mba"an9ay +dist"i%t ha o" m)ti#)"#ose has )sed as e$a%)ation%ent"esK and ] ate" sanitation and hy9iene %ommittees fo"medto %a""y o)t hy9iene #"omotion sessions and #"o$ided itho#e"ation and maintenan%e t"ainin9.

    a%%ess to safe d"inin9ate"K and +2 im#"o$edhy9iene #"a%ti%es.


    Eme"9en%yJAS& and

    Shete"Assistan%e toTy#hoon&aiyan-ABe%tedComm)nities inLeyte,hii##ines2013








    Jith /!AT/

  • 8/10/2019 RFP No. SEL-A035426-Typhoon Haiyan_Yolanda Humanitarian Assistance & Reconstruction Monitor


    SEL.: 2015-A035426

    Sa$e theChid"en

    Eme"9en%yJAS&Ed)%ation and,"ote%tionAssistan%e toTy#hoon &aiyanABe%tedChid"en andThei" !amiies+?isayas,hii##ines


    Leyte#"o$in%e and*o@as%ityCa#i#"o$in%e

    JAS&>!s %hid#"ote%tion



    CanadaOs s)##o"t i he# #"o$ide %"iti%a ate" sanitation andhy9iene ed)%ation and %hid-#"ote%tion se"$i%es toa##"o@imatey 21150 ty#hoon-aBe%ted #eo#e in Leyte #"o$in%eand *o@as %ity Ca#i #"o$in%e th"o)9h the #"o$ision of:] ate" and hy9iene its fo" as many as 15000 #eo#eK] ate"-;)aity monito"in9 %ond)%ted to ens)"e minim)mstanda"ds )sin9 on-site #o"tabe testin9 itsK] as many as 3000 essentia ho)sehod item itsK] tem#o"a"y at"ines "e#ai"ed o" %onst")%ted ith handashin9and bathin9 fa%iities fo" as many as 3000 #eo#eK] as many as 20 tem#o"a"y ea"nin9 s#a%es estabished fo" asmany as 3000 ea"y ea"ne"s and s%hoo%hid"enK and] as many as 20 %hid-f"iendy s#a%es estabished in see%ted$ia9es bene=tin9 as many as 1500 %hid"en and %"eatin9%hid-#"ote%tion %ommittees and a%%ess to #sy%hoso%ia s)##o"t.

    The e@#e%ted o)t#)ts fo"this #"oDe%t in%)de: +iin%"eased a%%ess to safed"inin9 ate" and safehy9iene #"a%ti%esK and +iiim#"o$ed a%%ess to#"ote%tion se"$i%es fo"%hid"en aBe%ted by thety#hoon.

    Sa$e theChid"enCanada

    Eme"9en%y andEa"y *e%o$e"y!SL andEd)%ationAssistan%e fo"Ty#hoonABe%tedComm)nities inCa#i and oio,"o$in%es


    ,anay ed)%ation#"ote%tion andi$eihoods



    Jith /!AT/

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    SEL.: 2015-A035426


    > !ashA##ea>o$embe" 2013


    ATy#hoon-aBe%ted a"eas

    JAS&n)t"ition%hid#"ote%tion heath



    CanadaOs s)##o"t i he# add"ess the eme"9en%y ate"sanitation and hy9iene n)t"ition %hid #"ote%tion and#sy%hoso%ia s)##o"t needs of 450000 ty#hoon-aBe%ted #eo#eth"o)9h the #"o$ision of:] safe ate" basi% sanitation andhy9iene #"omotion fo" 450000 ty#hoon-aBe%ted #eo#eK ] %hid#"ote%tion se"$i%es fo" nea"y 300000 9i"s and boys aBe%ted bythe ty#hoon to #"e$ent and "es#ond to a fo"ms of ab)see@#oitation $ioen%e and ne9e%t toa"d %hid"en in%)din9 afo"ms of 9ende"-based $ioen%e and t"aG%in9K ] eme"9en%yn)t"ition a%ti$ities fo" 160000 9i"s and boys in%)din9 settin9)# eme"9en%y infant and yo)n9 %hid feedin9 %ent"es andthe"a#e)ti% feedin9 %ent"esK ] #sy%hoso%ia s)##o"t se"$i%es todis#a%ed #"es%hoo and s%hoo-a9e %hid"en and set )#ade;)ate and safe ea"nin9 s#a%es fo" 25000 boys and 9i"sKand ] s)##o"t the o$e"nment of the ,hii##ines in the "e%o$e"y

    #"o%ess fo" ty#hoon-aBe%ted %omm)nities th"o)9h the%oo"dination of the ate" sanitation and hy9iene %)ste" and then)t"ition %)ste".

    The e@#e%ted immediateo)t%omes of this #"oDe%tin%)de: +i in%"easedaa"eness abo)t theim#o"tan%e of safe ate"basi% sanitation andhy9ieneK +ii in%"easeda%%ess to %hid #"ote%tionse"$i%esK +iii in%"easeda%%ess to eme"9en%yn)t"ition se"$i%es fo"mano)"ished %hid"enK +i$im#"o$ed a%%ess to#sy%hoso%ia s)##o"tse"$i%es fo" dis#a%ed

    #"es%hoo and s%hoo-a9ed%hid"enK and +$ in%"easedabiity of the o$e"nmentof the ,hii##ines tos)##o"t disaste"-aBe%ted%omm)nities in the"e%o$e"y #"o%ess


    Ty#hoon &aiyan+(oandaSt"ate9i%*es#onse ,an:The ,hii##ines2013 - 2014


    ATy#hoon-aBe%ted a"eas

    ate"sanitationandhy9ienen)t"itionheath%hid#"ote%tion anded)%ation



    Jith /!AT/

  • 8/10/2019 RFP No. SEL-A035426-Typhoon Haiyan_Yolanda Humanitarian Assistance & Reconstruction Monitor


    SEL.: 2015-A035426

    hi%h %hid"en %an #ay and a%%ess the s)##o"t they need to deaith 9"ief and ossK +7 #"o$idin9 #sy%hoso%ia s)##o"t se"$i%es to%hid"en and thei" %a"e9i$e"sK + #"o$idin9 ea"nin9 mate"iasand s)##ies fo" #"e-s%hoo and s%hoo-a9ed %hid"enK and +settin9 )# tem#o"a"y ea"nin9 s#a%es fo" %hid"en.

    s%hoo-a9ed %hid"enK and+7 in%"eased a%%ess toed)%ationa fa%iities and;)aity eme"9en%yed)%ationa se"$i%es.

    nited>ations!ood andA9"i%)t)"e"9aniation

    Ty#hoon &aiyan+(oandaSt"ate9i%*es#onse ,an:The ,hii##ines2013 - 2014


    ATy#hoon-aBe%ted a"eas




    Jith /!AT/ations +!A is he#in9 )# to 12600 ho)sehodsaBe%ted by Ty#hoon &aiyan in the ,hii##ines by s)##o"tin9fa"me"s to ea"n a de%ent i$in9 and meet thei" basi% needs.,"oDe%t a%ti$ities in%)de: +1 #"o$idin9 %ash mate"ia andte%hni%a s)##o"t and t"ainin9 to fa"me"sK +2 "e#ai"in9 sma-s%ae inf"ast")%t)"e fo" fa"me"sK +3 #"o$idin9 %ash t"ansfe"#"o9"ams to fa"me"s to he# them di$e"sify thei" a9"i%)t)"e#"od)%tionK +4 #"o$idin9 %ash-fo"-o" #"o9"ams to %ea" and fo"sma-s%ae %o%on)t fa"me"sK +5 #"o$idin9 %ash-fo"-o"

    #"o9"ams toos +s)%h as sas #o"tabe mis and othe" basi%e;)i#ment and t"ainin9 #"o9"ams to he# sa$a9e and #"o%essf")it and timbe" t"ees fo" f)e and %ha"%oa-main9K +6 #"o$idin9assistan%e to estabish %omm)nity-based t"ee n)"se"iesK +7#"o$idin9 ba%ya"d i$esto% o" #o)t"y to sma-s%ae fa"me"sK+ #"o$idin9 t"ainin9 to omenations&i9hCommissione" fo"*ef)9ees

    Ty#hoon &aiyan+(oandaSt"ate9i%*es#onse ,an:The ,hii##ines2013 - 2014


    ATy#hoon-aBe%ted a"eas




    Jith /!AT/&C* is he#in9 )# to 300000 #eo#e aBe%ted byTy#hoon &aiyan in the ,hii##ines by #"o$idin9 essentiaho)sehod items and #"ote%tion se"$i%es. The #"oDe%t fo%)ses on#eo#e ith s#e%i=% needs s)%h as omen %hid"en andindi9eno)s #eo#e and #eo#e at "is of $ioen%e. ,"oDe%ta%ti$ities in%)de: +1 #"o$idin9 eme"9en%y shete" items s)%h asta"#a)ins and tentsK +2 #"o$idin9 essentia ho)sehod itemss)%h as soa" ante"ns it%hen sets and De""y %ansK +3 t"a%in9and monito"in9 the dis#a%ement of aBe%ted #eo#eK +4 t"a%in9and monito"in9 the #"ote%tion needs of #eo#e aBe%ted by thety#hoon s)%h as the "is of se@)a and 9ende"-based $ioen%e

    and t"aG%in9 and the s#e%i=% needs of indi9eno)s%omm)nitiesK +5 s)##o"tin9 %omm)nity-based #"oDe%ts on iss)ess)%h as e9a assistan%e on ho)sin9 and and and #"o#e"tyiss)esK +6 assistin9 the 9o$e"nment to iss)e bi"th %e"ti=%ates

    The e@#e%ted immediateo)t%omes fo" this #"oDe%tin%)de: +1 in%"easeda%%ess to safe ade;)ateand d)"abe shete"sK +2in%"eased a%%ess toessentia ho)sehod itemsK+3 im#"o$ed identi=%ationof #eo#e ith s#e%ianeeds +in%)din9 femae-headed ho)sehods%hid"en the ede"y and

    indi9eno)s %omm)nitiesin o"de" to a##"o#"iateyadd"ess thei" needsK +4im#"o$ed abiity of


  • 8/10/2019 RFP No. SEL-A035426-Typhoon Haiyan_Yolanda Humanitarian Assistance & Reconstruction Monitor


    SEL.: 2015-A035426

    and identity do%)mentsK +7 #"o$idin9 t"ainin9 and 9)idan%e tothe ,hii##ine >ationa ,oi%e and the A"med !o"%es on to#i%ss)%h as h)man "i9hts and inte"na dis#a%ementK and +#"o$idin9 te%hni%a assistan%e to the ,hii##ine >ationa ,oi%e tohe# them de#oy a"9e n)mbe"s of femae #oi%e oG%e"s toaBe%ted a"eas to #"o$ide bette" #"ote%tion fo" omen and%hid"en.

    m)ni%i#aities to "esto"ethei" f)n%tionin9 %a#a%ityin%)din9 iss)in9 bi"th

    nited>ationsG%e fo"theCoo"dination of&)manita"ian ABai"s

    > !ashA##ea>o$embe" 2013

    U200000 ATy#hoon-aBe%ted a"eas




    CanadaOs s)##o"t i he# the C&A %oo"dinate theh)manita"ian "eief o#e"ations in %oo#e"ation ith theo$e"nment of the ,hii##ines and othe" h)manita"ian #a"tne"sth"o)9h:] estabishin9 %oo"dination h)bs to s)##o"t theo$e"nment of the ,hii##ines and the h)manita"ian %o)nt"yteam +&CTK ] the &CT )#on the "e;)est of the o$e"nment ofthe ,hii##ines s)##o"tin9 the a)tho"ities to o"ient o%a a%to"son the %)ste" systemK ] #"o$idin9 info"mation #"od)%ts s)%h as

    sit)ation "e#o"tsK ] estabishin9 me%hanisms to im#"o$e to-ay%omm)ni%ation beteen the h)manita"ian %omm)nity and theaBe%ted #eo#eK and ] an enhan%ed anaysis of %onte@t aBe%tin9$)ne"abiity.

    The e@#e%ted immediateo)t%ome of this #"oDe%t isst"en9thened h)manita"ian"es#onse th"o)9h eBe%ti$e%oo"dination and%omm)ni%ation beteenthe o$e"nment of the,hii##ines the

    h)manita"ian %o)nt"yteam o%a a%to"s andty#hoon-aBe%ted #eo#eand enhan%ed anaysis ofthe %onte@t.

    nited>ationsG%e fo"theCoo"dination of&)manita"ian ABai"s

    Ty#hoon &aiyan+(oandaSt"ate9i%*es#onse ,an:The ,hii##ines2013 - 2014


    ATy#hoon-aBe%ted a"eas




    Jith /!AT/ations,o#)ation

    Ty#hoon &aiyan+(oandaSt"ate9i%

    U1000000 ATy#hoon-




    Jith /!AT/

  • 8/10/2019 RFP No. SEL-A035426-Typhoon Haiyan_Yolanda Humanitarian Assistance & Reconstruction Monitor


    SEL.: 2015-A035426

    !)nd *es#onse ,an:The ,hii##ines2013 - 2014

    aBe%ted a"eas

    The #"oDe%t #"o$ides "e#"od)%ti$e heath se"$i%es and o"s to#"e$ent and mana9e se@)a and 9ende"-based $ioen%e. ,"oDe%ta%ti$ities in%)de: +1 #"o$idin9 a ide "an9e of se"$i%es fo"s)"$i$o"s of 9ende"-based $ioen%e s)%h as safe-ha$ensshete"s se@)a assa)t in$esti9ation its in hos#itas anda%%essibe heath fa%iities that a"e abe to do the %ini%amana9ement of "a#eK +2 #"o$idin9 #sy%hoso%ia s)##o"t toadoes%ent 9i"sK +3 estabishin9 omen-f"iendy s#a%es intem#o"a"y shete"sK +4 estabishin9 #"ote%tion me%hanisms thataim to im#"o$e %oabo"ation and "efe""a amon9 diBe"ent #aye"sto #"e$ent and "ed)%e 9ende"-based $ioen%eK +5 #"o$idin9eme"9en%y safe dei$e"y its in%)din9 the most basi% essentiasto #"e$ent fata infe%tions d)"in9 %hidbi"th s)%h as soa# a %ea"#asti% sheet to ie on a "ao" bade fo" %)ttin9 the )mbii%a%o"d a ste"iied )mbii%a %o"d tie a %oth to ee# the mothe"

    and baby a"m and ate@ 9o$esK +6 #"o$idin9 hy9iene itsin%)din9 items s)%h as hand soa# toothb")shes tooth#astesham#oo %omb hai"b")sh nai %i##e"s and a)nd"y itemsK +7#"o$idin9 "e#"od)%ti$e heath o)t"ea%h se"$i%es fo" omen and9i"s ho do not ha$e a%%ess to heath fa%iitiesK + #"o$idin9t"ainin9 to heath #"o$ide"s on se@)a and "e#"od)%ti$e heathKand + "ehabiitatin9 se@)a and "e#"od)%ti$e heathinf"ast")%t)"e s)%h as mate"nity a"ds at hos#itas and heath%ini%s.

    se@)a and "e#"od)%ti$eheathK and +2 im#"o$eda%%ess to se"$i%esadd"essin9 se@)a and9ende"-based $ioen%e.

    nited>ationsJo"d !ood,"o9"amme

    > !ashA##ea>o$embe" 2013


    ATy#hoon-aBe%ted a"eas




    CanadaOs s)##o"t i he# add"ess immediate food assistan%e to2.5 miion ty#hoon-aBe%ted #eo#e and o9isti%a s)##o"t to theh)manita"ian "eief o#e"ations th"o)9h the #"o$ision of:] immediate eme"9en%y food dist"ib)tion fo" 2.5 miion #eo#e+in%)din9 immediate dist"ib)tion of 1000 tonnes of hi9h-ene"9ybis%)itsK and] estabishin9 fo)" mobie sto"a9e )nits fo" Ta%oban ande;)i#ment to s)##o"t the a)9mentation of o9isti%s %a#a%ity inCeb).

    The e@#e%ted immediateo)t%ome of this #"oDe%t isim#"o$ed a%%ess toeme"9en%y food assistan%efo" Ty#hoon aBe%ted#eo#e.

    nited>ationsJo"d !ood


    Ty#hoon &aiyan+(oandaSt"ate9i%

    *es#onse ,an:The ,hii##ines2013 - 2014



    aBe%ted a"eas




    Jith /!AT/

  • 8/10/2019 RFP No. SEL-A035426-Typhoon Haiyan_Yolanda Humanitarian Assistance & Reconstruction Monitor


    SEL.: 2015-A035426

    deb"is the"eby "e$i$in9 ma"ets and e%onomies and 9i$in9#eo#e the o##o"t)nity to meet thei" basi% needsK +3 #"o$idin9%omm)nity-based s)##ementa"y feedin9 #"o9"ams ands#e%iaied food #"od)%ts +s)%h as fo"ti=ed bended foods o"hi9h-ene"9y bis%)its that im#"o$e #eo#eationsJo"d&eath


    > !ashA##ea>o$embe" 2013

    U00000 ATy#hoon-aBe%te

    d a"eas

    &eath >o$-2013


    CanadaOs s)##o"t i he# meet the heath needs of anestimated 660000 dis#a%ed #eo#e by the ty#hoon th"o)9h:]dei$e"in9 %a"e fo" those ith inD)"ies to #"e$ent %om#i%ationss)%h as infe%tion tetan)s and disabiity to 660000 #eo#e

    dis#a%ed by the ty#hoonK ] dei$e"in9 essentia medi%ines andmedi%a s)##ies to aBe%ted #o#)ationsK ] in%"easin9 the#"o$ision of and a%%ess to essentia heath se"$i%es +i.e.medi%a's)"9i%a %ons)tations "e#"od)%ti$e heath mentaheath #sy%hoso%ia s)##o"t heath #"omotion imm)niationK ]st"en9thenin9 disease s)"$eian%e and o)tb"ea %ont"oK ]st"en9thenin9 the "efe""a system f"om %omm)nity heathfa%iities to hi9he" e$es of %a"eK ] #"o$idin9 s)##o"t tosystemati% imm)niation fo" $a%%ine-#"e$entabe diseaseo)tb"easK ] estabishin9 tem#o"a"y heath fa%iities'se"$i%esand'o" "e#ai"in9'"ehabiitatin9 dama9ed heath fa%iitiesK ]#"o$idin9 s)##o"t to info"mation mana9ement and to the%oo"dination of the heath se%to" "es#onse.

    The e@#e%ted immediateo)t%omes of this #"oDe%tin%)de: +i in%"easeda%%ess to essentia

    medi%ines and medi%as)##iesK +ii in%"easeda%%ess to heath fa%iitiesand se"$i%esK +iii im#"o$eddisease s)"$eian%e ando)tb"ea %ont"oK and +i$in%"eased systemati%imm)niation.


    Ty#hoon &aiyan+(oandaSt"ate9i%*es#onse ,an:The ,hii##ines2013 - 2014


    ATy#hoon-aBe%ted a"eas

    heath Ma"-2014


    Jith /!AT/

  • 8/10/2019 RFP No. SEL-A035426-Typhoon Haiyan_Yolanda Humanitarian Assistance & Reconstruction Monitor


    SEL.: 2015-A035426

    and medi%a s)##ies.Jo"d*ene

    S)##o"t fo"?)ne"abe!amiies in the,hii##ines



    shete"i$eihoods and#sy%ho-so%ias)##o"t



    Jith /!AT/!s %hid#"ote%tion JAS&



    CanadaOs s)##o"t i he# #"o$ide eme"9en%y tem#o"a"yessentia ho)sehod items essentia hy9iene items and#sy%hoso%ia s)##o"t fo" %hid"en and omen amon9 50000#eo#e in the "e9ions of Leyte in%)din9 Ta%oban %ity Sama"Ca#i in%)din9 *o@as %ity oio Aan and no"the"n Ceb)th"o)9h the #"o$ision of:] tem#o"a"y shete" s)##ies to 5000 ho)sehodsK] essentia ho)sehod items to 10000 famiiesK] essentia hy9iene items to 10000 #eo#eK] a%%ess to #sy%hoso%ia s)##o"t fo" 17500 $)ne"abe %hid"enand thei" mothe"s th"o)9h %hid-f"iendy s#a%es and omen andinfant-f"iendy s#a%es

    E@#e%ted o)t#)ts fo" this#"oDe%t in%)de: +item#o"a"y shete" s)##iesdist"ib)ted to 5000ho)sehodsK +ii essentiaho)sehod itemsdist"ib)ted to 10000famiiesK +iii essentiahy9iene items dist"ib)tedto 10000 #eo#eK and +i$a%%ess to #sy%hoso%ias)##o"t #"o$ided to%hid"en and omenth"o)9h Chid !"iendyS#a%es and Jomen andnfant !"iendy S#a%es fo"17500 $)ne"abe %hid"enand thei" mothe"s.


    Ty#hoon &aiyannte9"ated Ea"y*e%o$e"y,"oDe%t inJAS& Shete"








    Jith /!AT/

  • 8/10/2019 RFP No. SEL-A035426-Typhoon Haiyan_Yolanda Humanitarian Assistance & Reconstruction Monitor


  • 8/10/2019 RFP No. SEL-A035426-Typhoon Haiyan_Yolanda Humanitarian Assistance & Reconstruction Monitor


    SEL.: 2015-A035426

    Appendix B !aluation "rid

    #andator$ and Rated !aluation Criteria


    The fooin9 de=nitions a##y in this E$a)ation "id:

    inte"nationa de$eo#mentF is de=ned as ha$in9 the obDe%ti$e of #"omotin9s)stainabe de$eo#ment in de$eo#in9 %o)nt"ies in o"de" to "ed)%e #o$e"tyand %ont"ib)te to a mo"e se%)"e e;)itabe and #"os#e"o)s o"d.

    h)manita"ian assistan%eF is de=ned as aid and a%tion desi9ned to sa$e i$esae$iate s)Be"in9 and maintain and #"ote%t h)man di9nity d)"in9 and in the

    afte"math of eme"9en%ies. disaste" mana9ementF is de=ned as aid o" a%tion that aims to add"ess a

    as#e%ts of eme"9en%ies in%)din9 #"e$ention and #"e#a"edness +e.9. disaste""is "ed)%tion ea"y a"nin9 systems %ontin9en%y sto%s and #annin9"es#onse and "e%o$e"y a%ti$ities.

    "e%onst")%tionF is de=ned as aid that aims to add"ess the on9e"-te"mst"en9thenin9 o" estabishment of o%a %a#a%ity to he# #eo#e in aBe%teda"eas "eb)id thei" i$es and meet thei" on needs.

    Monito"in9 Assi9nmentF is de=ned as the "e9)a" and systemati% obse"$ationof a de$eo#ment assistan%e o" h)manita"ian assistan%e #"oDe%t o" #"o9"amith the aim of im#"o$in9 #"oDe%t'#"o9"am #e"fo"man%e it m)st be a s#e%i=%monito"in9 mandateK not monito"in9 )nde"taen in the %onte@t of 9ene"a

    #"oDe%t mana9ement "es#onsibiities.

    At eastF o" minim)mF "e#"esent the minima e@#e%tations of a "e;)i"ement.>o #oints i be 9i$en if the minima e@#e%tation is not demonst"ated.

    !o" f)"the" info"mation on /!AT/Os ende" E;)aity ,oi%y "efe" to:htt#:''.a%di-%ida.9%.%a'a%di-%ida'a%di-%ida.nsf'en9'ema-21123616-nn

    !o" f)"the" info"mation on /!AT/Os *es)ts-ased Mana9ement ,oi%y "efe" to:htt#:''.inte"nationa.9%.%a'de$eo#ment-de$eo##ement'#a"tne"s-#a"tenai"es'bt-oa'"bm-9a".as#@Xan9Qen

    >ote that fo" ea%h assessment %"ite"ia /!AT/ i ony "e$ie the n)mbe" ofassi9nments that a"e "e;)ested.

    !o" the #)"#oses of this "e;)est fo" #"o#osas /!AT/ i a%%e#t #"o#osas f"omeithe" indi$id)as o" a team. A team is de=ned as a ma@im)m of to indi$id)as.idde"s sho)d ens)"e that they foo the 9)idan%e o)tined fo" ea%h assessment%"ite"ia.


  • 8/10/2019 RFP No. SEL-A035426-Typhoon Haiyan_Yolanda Humanitarian Assistance & Reconstruction Monitor


    SEL.: 2015-A035426

    10 Mandatory riteria

    M..T4R +:.'D.TT bee$a)ated.

    Language Proficiency Met Unmet

    Bidder certifies in Form A1 that he/she possesses a minimum proficiency in


    Oral Proficient = 3+

    Written comprehension= 3+

    Written expression = 3+

    The folloin! e"site descri"e the lan!ua!e re#uirement$



    11 Rated +%aluation riteria


  • 8/10/2019 RFP No. SEL-A035426-Typhoon Haiyan_Yolanda Humanitarian Assistance & Reconstruction Monitor


    SEL.: 2015-A035426

    o Maste"

  • 8/10/2019 RFP No. SEL-A035426-Typhoon Haiyan_Yolanda Humanitarian Assistance & Reconstruction Monitor


    SEL.: 2015-A035426

    Requirement 3> Pre%ious pro&rammin& e/perien"e in postBdisaster li%eli6oods restoration (up to 8 points)

    sin9 !o"m A1 the bidde" m)st %ea"y indi%ate the n)mbe" ofdays o"ed on #ost-disaste" i$eihoods "esto"ation he"eas 260days is e;)i$aent to 1 yea" e@#e"ien%e. E@#e"ien%e i beassessed by addin9 the n)mbe" of days the bidde" has o"ed ona #"o9"amme'#"oDe%t notthe d)"ation of the #"o9"amme'#"oDe%t.S%o"in9 S%ae:

    o Less than 520 days e@#e"ien%e Q 0 #ointso 520 days e@#e"ien%e Q 4 #ointso E$e"y additiona 260 days of e@#e"ien%e Q 1 #oints

    +ma@im)m of 4 #oints

    !o"m A1 is "est"i%ted to a ma@im)m of #a9es. n the %ase of a

    team the idde" sho)d %om#ete !o"m A1 fo" ea%h team membe"


    Requirement ,> Pre%ious e/perien"e or=in& in t6eP6ilippines in disaster response andAor internationalde%elopment pro&rammin& (up to 8 points)

    sin9 !o"m A1 the idde" m)st indi%ate the tota n)mbe" of dayso"ed fo" ea%h #"oDe%t in disaste" "es#onse and'o" de$eo#mentassistan%e #"o9"ammin9 in the ,hii##ines he"eas 260 days ise;)i$aent to 1 yea" e@#e"ien%e. E@#e"ien%e i be assessed byaddin9 the n)mbe" of days the idde" has o"ed on an#"o9"amme'#"oDe%t notthe d)"ation of the #"o9"amme'#"oDe%t.S%o"in9 S%ae:

    o Less than 70 days e@#e"ien%e Q 0 #ointso 70 days e@#e"ien%e Q 4 #ointso To #oints #e" additiona 260 days e@#e"ien%e +afte" 3 yea"s

    to a ma@ of 4 #oints.

    !o"m A1 is "est"i%ted to a ma@im)m of #a9es. n the %ase of ateam the idde" sho)d %om#ete !o"m A1 fo" ea%h team membe"


    Requirement 5> Pre%ious Monitorin& .ssi&nments (up to 1points)sin9 !o"m the idde" sho)d des%"ibe )# to to inde#endent

    monito"in9 assi9nments - one "eated to h)manita"ian assistan%esin%e an)a"y 2006 and one "eated to i$eihoods "e%onst")%tion that a"e of a %om#a"abe e$e of s%ae and %om#e@ity to thead$e"tised assi9nment. Ea%h monito"in9 assi9nment s)bmitted)nde" se%tion 5.0 i be s%o"ed )sin9 the s%ae beo )# to ama@im)m of 16 #oints + #oints #e" monito"in9 assi9nment.!o"m is "est"i%ted to a ma@im)m of 3 #a9es.


    .ssi&n .

    8 pts


    8 pts


  • 8/10/2019 RFP No. SEL-A035426-Typhoon Haiyan_Yolanda Humanitarian Assistance & Reconstruction Monitor


    SEL.: 2015-A035426

    -corin! -cale$

    o Lead "oe "es#onsibiity +team eade" o" soe im#emente"

    fo" inde#endent monito"in9 assi9nment: 1 #t

    o /)"ation of inde#endent monito"in9 assi9nment +ma@im)mof 2 #ts:1. nde" 20 days - 0 #ts2. 21 60 days 1 #t3. $e" 60 days 2 #ts

    o >)mbe" of #"oDe%t+s monito"ed as #a"t of monito"in9assi9nment +ma@im)m of 2 #ts:1. nde" 3 #"oDe%ts 0 #ts2. 3 5 #"oDe%ts 1 #t

    3. $e" 5 #"oDe%ts 2 #ts

    o Tota $a)e +US/ of #"oDe%t+s monito"ed as #a"t of themonito"in9 assi9nment +ma@im)m of 3 #ts:1. nde" U500000 0 #ts2. U500001 - U1000000 1 #t3. U1000001 - U2000000 2 #ts4. $e" U2000000 3 #ts

    1 1

    2 2

    2 2

    3 3

    !DT4T.' +?P+R

  • 8/10/2019 RFP No. SEL-A035426-Typhoon Haiyan_Yolanda Humanitarian Assistance & Reconstruction Monitor


    SEL.: 2015-A035426

    )# to a ma@im)m of 6 #oints.

    6.2Proposed strate&y for monitorin& t6e inte&ration of&ender equality in proe"tsN a"ti%ities and out"omes andt6e appli"ation of a &ender responsi%e approa"6es at t6eproe"t le%el (ma/imum , points)

    The bidde" sho)d identify and des%"ibe the #"o#osedmethodoo9y to be )sed in the %o)"se of the assi9nment toassess the a%hie$ement of 9ende"-based "es)ts and theinte9"ation of 9ende" e;)aity in the #"oDe%ts monito"ed.idde"s a"e en%o)"a9ed to "e$ie /!AT/

  • 8/10/2019 RFP No. SEL-A035426-Typhoon Haiyan_Yolanda Humanitarian Assistance & Reconstruction Monitor


    SEL.: 2015-A035426

    The bidde" sho)d identify #otentia %haen9es d)"in9 theassi9nment and des%"ibe a miti9ation meas)"e fo" ea%hidenti=ed %haen9e.

    Scoring: ,oints i be aa"ded based on the n)mbe"of "ee$ant %haen9es identi=ed and "ee$an%y ofmiti9ation meas)"e fo" ea%h identi=ed %haen9e +1#oint fo" ea%h identi=ed %haen9e and "ee$antmiti9ation meas)"e )# to a ma@im)m of 3 #oints.

    #5 es"ription of proposed reportin& approa"6 for t6eassi&nment (ma/imum of , points)

    The bidde" sho)d identify its #"o#osed "e#o"tin9 a##"oa%hfo" the assi9nment.

    Scoring: ,oints i be aa"ded based on indi$id)a

    eements of the "e#o"tin9 a##"oa%h +1 #oint #e""ee$ant eement )# to a ma@im)m of 4 #oints.


    # Presentation for Met6odolo&y (ma/imum of 2 points)The bidde" sho)d demonst"ate its "itin9 and#"esentation sis th"o)9ho)t the methodoo9y se%tion.Scoring: ,oints i be aa"ded fo" the o$e"a %a"ity

    %ohe"en%e and #"esentation of the methodoo9yse%tion +)# to a ma@im)m of 2 #oints.


    !DT4T.' M+T@44'4$ 2,