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Come up with a course of action that is viable or possible to solve the social problem. Define Ones strategy and tactics favouring non violent methods and other courses of action sanctioned by the ethics of the gospel.The face of our society today has been at its worst in history; there are things that are invisible to the views of many but where in fact felt by the society. In our everyday life how often do we see social issues that needed to be address, issues that we never even imagine possible in a catholic country like ours. In our encounter with the children of Hospicio we were awaken by how we see and understand life in a much broader context, we had an argument about how cruel life can be to these young children experiencing such things at their very young age. Most were abandoned, and some were abused in such a way that majority of the parents would not even think of doing. We were left tamed and dejected because of the stories we heard from children and stories about how their parents treated them as their own. It is tough for us to say what is a responsible parenthood mainly because we dont want to be in the position wherein we totally blamed their parents for the childrens current situation all because we do not know them personally and the bible vividly told us that who are we to judge but we can certainly based our thoughts on what was written in the bible about what is responsible parenthood. The bible also clearly enumerated the relation of parents to their children; parents are responsible for teaching their children, they must train children, moreover children need loving discipline and need a worthy example, and clearly on our short time being with the children, they lack things that need form their parents. Some of them really had a bad attitude, attitude that will make you shake your head in vain, and test your temper to the maximum level. It is why the children also failed to show the proper way of treating the elderly, because of what the volunteer told us that on their earlier days in the institution they were really hard headed children and they had a hard time trying to make them follow their instructions from fixing their bed in the morning up until the proper behaviour in the church and in our thoughts it is because of the environment they grew up with, were they never had a normal set-up or maybe they were living under the shadows of fear towards their parents or grandparents. But the bible told how that Family is divine in origin and God initiated the family first unit, and where to better illustrate this is with their own family. The bible also told us how divine the purpose of the family was; GOD created the family, and HE has divine purposes for it. Following his purposes for marriage and family life gives us the best opportunities of family fulfilment. Now if anyone does not provide for his own realtives, and especially for his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever (1 Timothy 5:8). Bible also told us the relation of parents to their children; and the main thing that i believe is the statement that Children need loving discipline; clearly recalling your sincere faith that first lived in your grandmother Lois, then in yout mother Eunice, and hat I am convinced is in you also (2 Timothy 1:5). As a conclusion the bible contains GODs plan for achieving quality and health in family lie. Christians are constrained to take very seriously the Word of GOD as it relates to the family. That is why it was indeed an awakening moment for us to be in this kind of environment.

We always enjoy volunteerism work; it has been a huge part of our development not just as a student but as a person as well, some of us started seeing isolated cases in the province especially in the barrio areas, while others grew up living, hearing and seeing the poverty situation in their respective city, where you will realize how different ones life could be compared to yours. And this is what we believe to be the best thing we can do today in my current status as a student is to be part of something that wants something form our society. To touch lives of people not just by giving them materials things but its the healing and the emotional aspect is where they needed it more. For them to feel that yes, society may have been cruel to them but it shouldnt stay that way forever. Other people fail to realize or even fail to become conscious about this. People ignored these things like it cannot affect their life in any way possible. Maybe because they are well off, maybe because they limit themselves to the things that will only affect them.

That is why we really admire the people who created institutions like Hospicio De San Jose because they are the one who try to lessen the problems of our society by keeping the children from harms way and giving them a normal life as possible, we would rather have them in a safe and secured environment that will try to develop them into a responsible and GOD fearing person. We also had the chance to look at Hospicio at a bigger picture, and we also had a chance to meet all kinds of people who were in the institution. It was very sad to see seniors spending the rest of their life in the institution some of them are weak and the institution try to take care of their health as much as possible and to keep their personality alive as possible, because its hard spending the rest of day without even a word from your family and that is why we really feel their pain. Non-profit institution like Hospicio was really a GOD given place to heal and renew yourself and be a better version of you Moreover being an immersionist lays great responsibility on our part, mainly because we have a lot of things to keep in mind while dealing with the situation. Always follow and obey the guidelines that impose unto you as an immersionist. We have to keep in mind that, the people in the institution most especially the children will somehow try to imitate the values that who will show to them that is why we have to be very mindful of our behaviour while conducting an immersion. Another key thing is to be and feel belong, what we are trying to say is that we have to blend in to their environment all because we want them not be hesitant about approaching or having fun with us, as much as possible do not use your gadgets while conducting an immersion, do what they are doing for them to feel your sincerity about wanting to touch their lives. And of course bring a heavy dose of patience mainly because these people that you will encounter in the immersion do not know you that is why they can have a behaviour that you are not fun to be around with, you must be at your most cool state of mind on trying to understand why they behave that way.

We believe the main advantage of having an institution like Hospicio was really to have an environment most especially for the children to live, an environment drastically more different that what they were accustomed to, a place where they can heal their sorrows and fear of life, thinking any moment all of the things they experienced could possibly happen once again. But as much as an advantage it was to have an institution like this, it can also be an area where the children can have themselves detached from their family, and make them wanted to hate them more, because as much as the institution would like to let them not feel it, they will feel that feeling of being abandoned, feeling rejected and feeling not being wanted all from the fact that their parents left them in the institution for whatever reasons, it is also an area where the parents can be not a parent at all, because we may not know there maybe children who were abandoned mainly because they do not want to have a child yet, it may not sound right but it was an idea that is in fact clear and profound in the institution. For argument sake we commend the institution for having this advocacy without expecting anything in return from anyone that is why Hospicio needs to continue becoming a shelter for people who experienced things that is beyond our imagination and beyond our self thinking limitation.