Download - Revised Small Fasting Guide

  • 8/14/2019 Revised Small Fasting Guide


    PURE BODY PURE MINDYou cannot have pure mind without pure body

    Physical Fasting - Pure Body

    Internal Cleansing

    Breath - mind body link

    Mental Fasting - Pure Mind

    Consciousness - Lower & Higher Integration

    Reading & study-Buddhism !ainism "aoism Hinduism #u$ism

    %editation - alking #tanding #itting Chanting 'ire

    (ressing your #pirit )ehicle

    'lower remedies - *motional Clearing

    (ancing your #pirit +nimal

    "uning your Chakras


    %hat Is Fasting&- 'asting is a process by whichthe body is enabled to eliminate all the poisonsaccumulated waste mucus dead diseased and

    damaged cells ,herea$ter re$erred to as to.ins/ inthe digestive tract0 e use $asting cleansing dietsand esoteric e.ercises to accomplish our goals0'asting has a history that goes back to %osesBuddha !esus and %ohammed ,1B2H/0

    "he term 'asting includes the restriction orelimination o$ any $ood0 "here is no single de$initionor one-si3e-$its-all approach to $asting0 By presentingthe guidelines $or $asting and deto.i$ication we hope

    that you can make the appropriate 4udgment as towhat works best $or you0

    %hy Should I Fast&"here are minute amounts o$ poisons in

    everything you eat drink or breath0 "hese poisonsare called to.ins and they should normally beeliminated $rom the body0 However our diets andlack o$ e.ercise lead to poor elimination and severalthings may happen5

    a0 "hese to.ins may be reabsorbed into the bloodstream $rom the colon and recirculated0

    b0 "hese to.ins may be bound to $at and stored inthe liver or elsewhere0

    c0 "hese to.ins may accumulate in the weakest parto$ the body leading to cancer or mal$unction o$ anorgan system0


  • 8/14/2019 Revised Small Fasting Guide


    "his scenario could take as long as $orty years ormore to play out or it could take as little as tenyears0

    Is Fasting a 'or( o' Pre)enti)eMedicine&

    Yes when you restrict $ood intake you heal theliver kidneys and spleen0 "he purpose o$ ourprogram is to rid the body o$ to.ins and prevent$urther build up o$ these poisons0

    Ho* $an I Tell I' I+( To,ic& - Look in themirror and ask yoursel$ these 7uestions5Is my lower lip signi$icant larger than my upper lip8+re there dark circles under my eyes8+re my eyes pu$$y or swollen8+re the whites o$ my eyes red or cloudy8Is the area around my cheekbones pu$$y8+re there deep hori3ontal lines in my $orehead8+re there deep vertical lines between my eyebrows8

    9ow turn sideways and look in a $ull length mirrorIs there area below my naval pu$$y and swollen8Can I pinch more than an inch above my waistline 8+re my thighs or upper arms $labby8Is my skin dry $laky or scaly8(o I have pimples or rashes8

    Listen to your breathing0 Look at your watch andcount how many breaths you take in oneminute,B1%/0 I$ it is over 6: it is too many0 "he

    +merican average is ;6 B1%0 (oes your perspirationhave an odor that bothers you8(o you have bad breath even a$ter brushing andmouthwash8 (o you have leg pain or weak knees orlower back pain8

    I$ you answer yes to any o$ these 7uestions then youare to.ic0 (o not wait until you get sick0 You arealready sickbut you can start the healing process by cleansing outyour own to.ins0


  • 8/14/2019 Revised Small Fasting Guide


    %hy Use a Deto, it 'or (y . Day FastInstead o' a %ater Fast&

    e advocate a series o$ cleansing diets be$oreactually $asting with water only0 "his deto.i$icationprogram is designed to help clean out mucus to.insand other waste material $rom the intestinal tract aswell as the ma4or organs0 "hese organs are able to$unction much more e$$ectively when to.ins andother waste are removed thus helping the body torestore new energy0

    "his three day (*"

  • 8/14/2019 Revised Small Fasting Guide


    %hat Does The. DA/ DETO0 IT $onsist O'&

    12 Drin3ing the Master $leanser2- "his is ami.ture o$ distilled water $resh s7uee3ed lemon

    4uice +'R+?+9 cayenne pepper and LI@H" +%B*Rmaple syrup0 e use distilled water because it ispure with no chlorine bacteria or unwantedminerals to inter$ere with the cleansing process0ith even spring water minerals may bind to theto.ins making it di$$icult to deto.i$y0 Lemon 4uicetriggers the release o$ stored energy ,$at/0 Lemonsare also considered the best cleansing and looseningagents o$ mucus and uric acid0 +'RI?+9 Cayenne orBIR( 1*11*R capsicum acts as a scrubbing agent o$the mucus membrane o$ the digestive tracts0 (onAtworry it may burn your throat when you drink it butit wonAt harm your delicate stomach or intestines0

    ;0 4egeta5le Protein2 -"he body will burn $at andprotein e7ually while on the cleanse and we donAtwant your body to burn muscle $iber $or protein0BL2* @R**9 +L@+* is an algae that contains every+mino +cid the highest known source o$ chlorophyll,>/ more than al$al$a every vitamin e.cept (and * and the ability to e.tract to.ic minerals $rom

    the body0 BL2* @R**9 +L@+* also contains traceminerals low sodium and high potassium 3inc andiron0 BL2* @R**9 +L@+* also keeps your energylevel high to enable you to maintain your active pacewhile on the (*"0 Fi5er2- +gar-agar is a !apanese name $or a seavegetable $rom the est Indies called icing glass0 In

    !apan it is traditionally used to make a dessert called?anten0 It is also used to make aspics 4ellies andcandy0 +gar-agar is loaded with minerals andvitamins like + B6 BD B6; Biotin C ( and ?0 "hehigh $iber ,almost E/ aids intestinal actions and

    bonds with radioactive and to.ic waste to carry themout o$ the body0

    F0 Stool So'tener2 - "his natural herb mi.ture (r0Love designed while trying to $ind a remedy $orbleeding hemorrhoids0 "he mi.ture o$ ginger aloerhubarb senna astragalus and blue vervain is both$or internal tissue repair and breaking down $ecalmatter coating the walls o$ the intestine to allow theother intestinal cleansers to push it out0

    :0 Ene(as or $olonics - e recommend cleansingthe colon either through enemas or colonhydrotherapy0 I$ you have been a heavy meat eaterall your li$e then this is essential0 I$ youAve hadsome dietary changes along the way it is not asimportant0 *nemas allow the many poisonscollected in your colon during the cleansing to beeliminated rather than be reabsorbed into the bloodstream0 In most persons peristalsis ,the waves in

    the intestines that move the $eces along/ is not$unctioning so it becomes essential to have thesepoisons removed daily

  • 8/14/2019 Revised Small Fasting Guide


    "he important 7uestion is how many Colonics doesone need0 You may need as $ew as three over a G(ay 'ast or as many as 6 over a ;6 (ay 'ast0 Itdepends on the individualAs past eating historywhether he or she eats meat three times a day oronce a day0 or whether they eat $ried pork chopsandwiches with lots o$ mayo and mustard0 It would

    be wiser to start with warm water enemas and thenwork your way to Colonics i$ need be0

    'or the $irst enemas ,i$ youAve never has one be$oreor i$ it was more than a year ago/ only $ill the bag>F $ull0 You should have an enema every morningwhile you are on the > (ay (eto. and every othermorning while you are the G (ay 'ast0 "he secondor third enemas should have a $ull bag0 You willeventually work your way up to > and F Bag enemas

    which is the origin o$ the High Colonic0 +s more andmore people were giving themselves -6 bagenemas it became clear that it would be easier toput a $ive-gallon tank on a stand to give a highcolonic0

    (r0 oods was the $irst person to populari3e Colonic"herapy teaching courses about ColonHydrotherapy0

    #ometimes we put herbs or heatgrass 4uice in thewater or sometimes Hydrogen 1ero.ide dependingon the condition we want to heal in the lower bowel0


  • 8/14/2019 Revised Small Fasting Guide


    HO% #OG DO I FAST&Remember our motto5 one si3e does not $it all0

    'or most people a short $ast is the beginning01eople who should not $ast are those who arechronically weak heavily medicated or emotionallydistressed0 Ideally a G - 6 day $ast is bestJ however

    i$ youAve never $asted be$ore or do not have anemotional support system ,i0e00 $amily or $riendsac7uainted with 'asting/ a > (ay (eto. is ade7uate0

    Your G (ay $ast should be supervised the $irsttime0 "he reason $or this is simple0 "hings will begoing on in your body that you will be un$amiliarwith0 + 'asting guide or coach will be able to tell youwhat to do and how to avoid problems0 It would bevirtually impossible to cover all the possibilities herebut we will attempt to tell you about the most

    common ones0

    FASTIG SIDE EFFE$TSYou may $eel irritable0 e suggest that your

    last two days on the > (ay (eto. be on your twodays o$$0 You may have headaches that come andgo0 You may have periods where you $eel very weak$ollowed by a burst o$ energy0 1lease resist theimpulse to e.pend physical energy that is notcharacteristic o$ your daily habits0 In other words i$

    you e.ercise regularly such as 4ogging weight li$tingor dance class- then it is okay to continue0However i$ this is not what you normally do waituntil a$ter the (eto. to start0 +ny discom$ort youmay $eel is due to the release o$ to.ic material beingdumped into the blood stream simultaneously $romall parts o$ the body0 You will $eel the release o$emotional and mental stress as well0 1leaseremember that you are not your body0 Your body ison loanJ it is the "emple o$ the Lord and you are the

    caretaker0 "his is a good time to get to know yourbody0


  • 8/14/2019 Revised Small Fasting Guide



    Your skin is an organ o$ elimination0 "he openingand closing o$ the pore o$ the skin is controlled bythe longs which is another organ o$ elimination0 "he$ollowing suggestions will also help you eliminate

    to.ins making you $eel more com$ortable while(eto.i$ying0

    60 Dry s3in 5rushing is e.cellent $or circulation bybringing blood to the sur$ace o$ the skin0 "ry it witha loo$ah by going down the outside o$ your armsand legs and up the inside0

    ;0 "ry a bath every evening while cleansing ,asopposed to a shower/0 +ir dry and sleep nude rather

    than towel dry0 #ee #ection on Internal Cleansing

    >0 "ry a breathing e.ercise0 #ee section on InternalCleansing

    F0 You may also want to learn 6i Gong ,6F*.ercises that activate the +cupuncture %eridians/Tuina ,Chinese +cupressure/ or Shiatsu ,!apaneseacupressure/ or Sel' Massage,(o-In or "ao Yin/ or"e'le,ology ,Kone "herapy/ in order to alleviate

    any hidden conditions you or your loved ones mayhave0

    :0 "ry going $or walk $or ;-> minutes daily0 A5ris3 *al3 *hile s*inging your ar(s2 (o armcircles by holding your arms out to the side and doeight wide circles $ollowed by eight small circles0 Itmassages the heart and opens up the intercostalspaces between the ribs so that you can breatheasier0

    D0 #earn ho* to gi)e yoursel' an ene(a2 Lay onthe $loor on your bedroom with a towel under you0Have the enema bag already $ull o$ very warm waterand check the $low o$ water0 1lace the clip on thehose which will allow you to stop the $low o$ water atany time0 It is called crimping the hose0 Lay on yourle$t side0 1ull your right knee $orward0 @rease the

    tip o$ the no33le hose with )aseline or otherlubricant0 Hook a hanger through the hole at the topo$ the enema bag0 and place on the door knob or aconvenient hook0 ,It helps to have a $riend also/0

    "his will $ree your hands0 9ow push out like you aregoing to move your bowels and then gently slide thetip o$ the hose into your anus appro.imately 6-;inches0 "hen uncrimp the hose to allow the water to$low0 hen it becomes uncom$ortable crimp thehose to stop the $low o$ water and allow the water to

    $ind its way into your bowel0 "hen uncrimp the hoseagain to start the process0 Repeat this until all thewater is inside your bowel0 "hen roll over onto youback and massage your stomach0 You can use thehandle o$ a hairbrush i$ you $eel you are not strongenough to massage deeply0 Retain the water $or atleast 6 minutes0 "hen calmly get up walk to thebathroom and evacuate your bowels0 You may havetwo or three bowel movements be$ore you are readyto get dressed again0


  • 8/14/2019 Revised Small Fasting Guide




    'or S7iritual Puri'ication


    and %eight #oss


    T"/ THIS $#EASIG DIET 'or POST-FAST6/0 'ruits in the morning0 "he best $ruits aremelons strawberries year round0

  • 8/14/2019 Revised Small Fasting Guide


    I$ youAve never $asted be$ore your 1R*-'+#" shouldbe at least one or two days but it all depends onyour metabolism and your mind0 1ersons with $astmetabolisms and 7uick minds can start right away0 ith $irst glass o$ %+#"*R CL*+9#*R add 6tablespoon +gar- +gar- $lakes and stir0 Let sit atleast 6: minutes be$ore drinking0

    F0 (uring the middle o$ your day take another ;tablets Blue @reen +lgae with ounces o$ water0

    :0 Be$ore you go to bed take 9atural Herb 'ormula

    stool so$tener >-: capsules appro.imately 6 hoursbe$ore morning enema0

    D0 "ake enema #*C

  • 8/14/2019 Revised Small Fasting Guide


    "his is very important because i$ you break your$ast incorrectly you may undo all the good you have

    4ust done0 Your stomach has shrunk and you musteat very small amounts o$ easily digestible $ood toallow your stomach to ad4ust properly0 +$ter years o$overuse you gave it a vacation and IAm sure yourstomach was en4oying it0

    H*9 Y

  • 8/14/2019 Revised Small Fasting Guide



    "he G (ay 'asting ?it is an ideal aid to those who are

    prepared to $ast seven days0 It is actually easier todo than the > (ay (eto. ?it0,"o order 1ackaged (eto. ?its see $orm back page/


    +ll o$ the reasons $or $asting were already describedin detail in the > (ay (eto. section0 However thereis a particular reason $or $asting seven days in

    pre$erence to three days0 +ctually healing takesplace the longer you $ast0 +s the liver directs theburning o$ stored energy $or $uel there is availablee.tra energy that is not being used $or metabolism0It is used $or tissue repair and sel$ healing andmaintenance0 Ideally one should $ast whenever you$eel discom$ort or the start o$ an illness0 2sually thisis instinctual0 However our culture tries to $alsi$y ournatural inclinations0 #even days is an ideal time to$ast and sel$ heal whenever the seasons change0


    "he $irst di$$erence is the stool so$tener0 %ade $rom aChinese $ormula where the main ingredient is 1each?ernels it is smaller and milder because you musttake it $or seven days straight0 "he seconddi$$erence is that the cayenne pepper is in a capsulemi.ed with @arlic0 You donAt have to drink it0 #ome

    people get used to the taste o$ cayenne pepper and

    actually en4oy it0 "he third and $inal di$$erence is theaddition o$ Bee 1ollen0 It is used $or stamina butalso has nutrients o$ every description0


  • 8/14/2019 Revised Small Fasting Guide



    Blue @reen +lgae Chinese Herb 'ormula #tool#o$tener +gar-agar $lakes Cayenne@arlicCapsules and Bee 1ollen0 I$ you have a 4uicer thenyou should have vegetable 4uice $or break$ast anddinner and $ruit 4uice $or lunch0 I$ you donAt youAllneed o30 $resh s7uee3ed $ruit 4uice twice daily andget o30 $resh s7uee3ed vegetable 4uice $or lunch ata health $ood store nearby0

    FI"ST DA/

    60 (rink $resh s7uee3ed $ruit 4uice in the morningwith agar-agar $lakes blue green algae and bee

    pollen $or break$ast

    ;0 (rink $resh s7uee3ed vegetable 4uice atluncheon with cayennegarlic capsules and bluegreen algae0

    >0 (rink $resh s7uee3ed $ruit 4uice with bee pollenand blue green algae in the evening0

    F0 "ake G stool so$teners at bedtime each night

    :0 #el$ +dminister enemas every other morningor take a Colonic be$ore and a$ter the seven


    D0 +ny additional lemonwater or tea isencouraged0

    DA/ 89-?60 #+%* +# +B

  • 8/14/2019 Revised Small Fasting Guide



    *veryone is di$$erent however breaking the $ast isusually the reverse o$ doing it0

    A0 #tart o$$ with $ruit only $or T%O DA/S2 %a.imum

    amount is 1 1:9 7ounds 7er day2 "hen graduallyreintroduce other $oods back into the system oneeach day0 (onAt try to rush it by eating too manydi$$erent $oods too $ast0 You will regret it0

    B0 I$ you wish to institute a rapid *eight loss7rogra(at this time you may substitute the B+H+%I+9(I*" 29I)I"* (I+%I"* or C "ice and Beans $orlunch and dinner will be steamed greens>homemadesou7 brown rice and to'u2


  • 8/14/2019 Revised Small Fasting Guide


    LI)*R 'L2#HTEA - drink every day $or G days6 tsp0 $enugreek seeds6 tsp0 $ennel seeds; tsp0 peppermint leavesF slices o$ @inger root 6 inch thickBoil ginger root > minutes in 6 6; pints water0 thenpour this over the other ingredients and let it steep

    6-6: minutes while you prepare the Liver 'lush0

    $itrus #i)er Flush ,$or lemon allergies/%i. together in a blender the 4uice o$ one grape$ruitor several oranges F-D "bs0 o$ $resh lime 4uice;-> "bsp0 pure cold-pressed olive oil or almond oil6-> crushed cloves o$ garlic or 6 "bsp0 ?Y "bs0 9utritional YeastF "bs0 (r0 BronnerAs Calcium %agnesium 1owder6 tsp )itamin C powder

    FASTIG DIA"/'+#"(+Y#




    "he daybe$ore

    'irst (ayo$ 'ast#econd



    'i$th (ay




    day o$*ating"hird(ay o$*ating


  • 8/14/2019 Revised Small Fasting Guide


    FASTIG DIA"/%edi-tation





    DIA"/ IST"U$TIOS?eep a record o$ your intake and your $eelingsmoods dreams etc0 in a diary0 "his diary is aconvenient place to record and describe your sel$-healing process0 2se this diary whether you aredoing > (ay G (ay or ;6 (ay 'ast0 !ust photocopythese pages0

    'or the Inner Healer record one o$ the $ollowing$ive categories060 #el$ Love or #el$ (estructiveness;0 "ruth$ulness or (ishonesty>0 Humility or +rroganceF0 +ssertive or eak willed:0 "hough$ul Response or 2nkind words0

    'or E(otional Statusrecord one o$ $ollowing

    60 +nger(epression;0 'ear+n.iety>0 #adnessLonelinessF0 @rie$#ense o$ Loss:0 orry

  • 8/14/2019 Revised Small Fasting Guide


    (octor o$ %I92"*# "IC* + (+Y


    #leep the same hours that you work in opposite time $rame0i0e00 I$ you work E +0%0- : 10%0

    then you should sleep E 10%0 -: +0%0

    I(*+L - G 6; H nightsweek0%a.imum : small mealsday the si3e o$ your $ist0

    I(*+L - %I( %

  • 8/14/2019 Revised Small Fasting Guide


    D"2 #O4E+S

    1< $OMMADMETS'or HEA#TH/ #I4IG

    12 O DAI"/ P"ODU$TS @Mil3 FatA4OID - %ilk Butter Cheese Yogurt Ice cream #our cream

    Cottage Cheese Cream Cheese92 O "EFIED F#OU"S- @%heat O" $ornA4OID -Cakes Cookies 1ies (onuts Croissants etc0.2 O SUGA"A4OID - #ugar Honey !elly !am Chocolate Candy @um2 O SA#TA4OID - #alty products such as Chips Crackers 1ret3els(o not add #alt to your plate or cooking pot 0;2 O H/D"OGEATED FATS O" OI#SA4OID - FATT/ MEATS-Hot dogs #ausage Lunch meats

    #pareribs Hamburgers 'ried 'ish Lamb Bacon etc0A4OID HEATED OI#S - 'ried $oods #horteningA4OID P#AT FATS -1eanuts +vocado

  • 8/14/2019 Revised Small Fasting Guide


    BATHIG "ITUTA#S! SHO%E"SB+"HI9@ in ancient *gypt was a religious matter0Cleanliness is ne.t to @odliness0

  • 8/14/2019 Revised Small Fasting Guide


    *veryone needs to clean out their to.ins periodically0+ hot bath once a week is a mental and physical li$t0

    "ry a regular bath with Batherapymineral salts0 +n+romatic bath is a li$t to the spirit as well as thenose0%ost people pre$er a stimulating bath in the moringand a bath in the evening0 But the best way

    to 4udge which essence oil to use is whatever you$eel like at the time0 Your intuition knows what isgood $or you0

    HOT TUB - good $or tired sore aching muscles0+llow water 4ets to hit the bottom o$ your $eet andlow back0 I$ you canAt make up your mind whichbath to try or canAt $ind the ingredients try the@eneral purpose bath listed below0

    #e(on or #i(e Bath- !uice o$ three lemons or

    $our limes in $ull tub o$ hot water0 +dd eucalyptusoil0 I$ you canAt $ine the oil Boil eucalyptus leaves$rom $lorist with garlic and add to bath0 #oak $or 6:minutes0 %assage with intergreen oil0 @ood $oraches pains arthritis colds and viruses0 "ry thisevery %onday0

    Essential Oil Bath -*motional #piritual and *nergetic harmoni3er02se oil o$ rosewood geranium lavender rosemary

    4uniper bay lea$ cinnamon lemongrass mar4orampine or sandalwood dosage as per aroma therapy0

    "ry this every ednesday0 2se D-6 drops0 (o note.pect an immediate e$$ect0 "he result will be $eltlater0

    General Pur7ose Bath - !ust about everyoneon the planet can bene$it $rom a series o$ baths toremove radiation and heavy metal deposits as well

    as to cleanse the lymphatics0 6 Cup o$ Cloro. brandbleach ,no substitutes/ in $ull tub o$ hot water soak; minutes0 #hower with soap a$terwards0 'ollowthis with a baking soda bath0 >-F pounds o$ bakingsoda soak ; minutes0 Repeat once a week $or si.weeks every #aturday0


  • 8/14/2019 Revised Small Fasting Guide


    E7so( Salt Bath-

  • 8/14/2019 Revised Small Fasting Guide



    STOE #ODGE or S%EAT #ODGE - "his 9ative+merikan Ceremony is religious in nature0 "hepurpose is to ask the #pirits o$ the #tone to releaseyou $rom all poisonous thought actions etc0 and to

    allow your Holy #pirit to guide you0 I$ you are invitedthe leaders heat rocks $or several hours and thenplace them in a small pit0 #aplings are placed in acircle around the pit and a tarp is thrown over it0

    You place corn and tobacco which are religiousob4ects onto an altar be$ore entering the lodge0 "heleader o$ the sweat says prayers and thenperiodically drips water with sage in it onto the hotrocks which create clouds o$ steam0 "he prayerscontinue as the peace pipe with organic tobacco is

    passed around0 *veryone is re7uired to say prayerswhen they receive the pipe0 "his continues $orseveral hours until the leader decides it is time toe.it0 "hen the group enters a nearby stream or poolto cool o$$ which completes the cleansing and closesthe pores o$ the skin0

    SAUA- (ry sauna is recommended $or thoseholding $luid ,edema/

    STEAM "OOM- Recommended $or everyone

    BreathingThe Mind Body #in3

    "here are many breathing e.ercises $or various

    spiritual esoteric and health reasons0 #tart with theBreath o' Fire2 It re7uires you to breath in and outas $ast as you can which will strengthen yourdiaphragm and lungs0 "ry it laying on your back $orone minute every day0 Increase it slowly to threeminutes and then to $ive minutes daily0

    + good breathing e.ercise to start at this time isto breathe $our breaths per minute $or 6-: minutesdaily0 "he concept is to make your e.halations twice

    as long as your inhalations so breathe in $or $iveseconds and breathe our $or ten seconds0 I$ that istoo hard then use your heartbeat as a measurementinstead o$ a second or cut down to inhaling on $ourcounts and e.haling or eight counts and so on0 #tart$or one minute twice a day every day until itbecomes easy then increase to two minutes and soon until you reach : minutes0 (o not do this e.ercisemore than : minutes0 ithout spiritual counsellingyou could place yoursel$ in danger0 "he energy that

    is created is very power$ul and you must learn howto channel it0

    E0E"$ISE ! MEDITATIO@See How to Build Your Iune !"#te in $%&ee'#(

    + non-strenuous e.ercise program would be good tostart at this time such as Yoga i @ong or "ai ChiChuan0 "here are many $orm o$ meditation0


  • 8/14/2019 Revised Small Fasting Guide


    #tanding sitting walking chanting singingdancing eyes open eyes closed etc0 ESOTE"I$ /OGI$


    "OOT #O$ - It is a simpli$ied combination o$(eer Crane and "urtle $orms o$ 9ei ?ung *.ercises

    with ?apalabhati and 2ddiyana bandha Yogice.ercises0 "he purpose is to internally massage theentire digestive tract $rom esophagus to anus0 ebreak the e.ercise into three parts to make it easierto learn0 Anal s7hincter - 1ractice opening andclosing the anus0 1ush out like you are going tode$ecate and then pull it back0 1ractice this 6-;times once a day0

  • 8/14/2019 Revised Small Fasting Guide


    #ince two thirds o$ the endocrine system is includedin the immune system anything that stimulates theendocrine glands builds immunity0

    ETI - I9"*R9+L CL*+9#I9@

  • 8/14/2019 Revised Small Fasting Guide


    or destroying intestinal $lora and $auna0 %oreimportantly it is completely natural0

    HEA#TH P"OMOTIG DE$"EEIn the name o$ the

  • 8/14/2019 Revised Small Fasting Guide


  • 8/14/2019 Revised Small Fasting Guide


    ESSETIA# FATT/ A$IDS-*)*9I9@ 1RI%R

  • 8/14/2019 Revised Small Fasting Guide


    TA %E GI - + #21*RL+"I)*

  • 8/14/2019 Revised Small Fasting Guide


    S2H2I2E2#2D %ellness $enters

    TAPES 5y Dr2 #o)e

    MMMM60 F Radio programs per cassette O E0E:MMMM;0 Lecture tapes - ; cassettes O6E0E:

    MMMM>0 Rela.ation tape & %editation OE0E:

    MMMMF0 %editation & #el$ Healing O E0E:MMMM:0 %usic and Inspirational %essages O E0E:

    4IDEOS 5y Dr2 #o)e

    MMMM60 I%H>F;


  • 8/14/2019 Revised Small Fasting Guide


    D"2 #O4E+S

    HEA#TH AFFI"MATIOSDon)t &orr"* Be Health"+

    I +% reducing stress as I increasethe amount o$ utritional su77le(entsmore than the R(+0

    I +%7hysically healthy as I increasethe amount o$ time in 7hysical 7laymore than mental stress0

    I +% (entally healthy as I

    my $reati)itymore than I am a$$ected bythe stress o$ 4ob &or $amily0

    I +% e(otionally healthyas I #o)e M/ Sel' more thanI allow emotional stress0to a$$ect me0

    I +% S7iritually healthy as I#o)e the Godin (emorethan +nger @reedand Lust0

    I +% Financially Healthy as I spendmore time in Meditation ! Master(indingthan worrying about
