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Biology of Mood & Anxiety Disorders

Hill and Patel Biology of Mood & Anxiety Disorders 2013, 3:19

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Translational evidence for the involvement of theendocannabinoid system in stress-relatedpsychiatric illnessesMatthew N Hill1* and Sachin Patel2*


Accumulating evidence over the past decade has highlighted an important role of the endocannabinoid (eCB)system in the regulation of stress and emotional behavior across divergent species, from rodents to humans. Thegeneral findings from this work indicate that the eCB system plays an important role in gating and buffering thestress response, dampening anxiety and regulating mood. Work in rodents has allowed researchers to determinethe neural mechanisms mediating this relationship while work in human populations has demonstrated thepossible importance of this system in stress-related psychiatric diseases, such as post-traumatic stress disorder,generalized anxiety and major depression. These stress-protective effects of eCB signaling appear to be primarilymediated by their actions within corticolimbic structures, particularly the amygdala and the prefrontal cortex. Theaim of this review is to provide an up-to-date discussion of the current level of knowledge in this field, as well asaddress the current gaps in knowledge and specific areas of research that require attention.

Keywords: Endocannabinoid, Anandamide, 2-AG, Stress, Anxiety, Depression, PTSD

ReviewFor well over half a century investigation of the bio-logical mechanisms subserving emotional behavior andaffective disorders has focused heavily on the role ofbrain monoaminergic signaling. Indeed, dopamine, nor-epinephrine and serotonin have all been implicated in thepathophysiology of anxiety disorders and major depressivedisorder, and the vast majority of current pharmacother-apies for affective illnesses target monoaminergic systems.However, more recent studies have begun to highlight al-ternative neurochemical systems in the regulation ofmood and anxiety including neuropeptides, cytokines andbioactive lipids.Endogenous cannabinoids (eCBs) are one class of bio-

active lipids produced in the brain and periphery thatexert biological actions via activation of cannabinoid type1 (CB1) and 2 (CB2) receptors. CB1 receptors are foundprimarily in the brain on axon terminals of most

* Correspondence: [email protected]; [email protected] Brain Institute, Departments of Cell Biology & Anatomy andPsychiatry, University of Calgary, 3330 Hospital Drive NW, Calgary AB T2N4N1,CanadaFull list of author information is available at the end of the article

© 2013 Hill and Patel; licensee BioMed CentraCommons Attribution License (http://creativecreproduction in any medium, provided the or

neurochemical systems, but appear to impact predomin-ately GABAergic and glutamatergic transmission [1]. CB2receptors are primarily found on immune cells in the per-iphery, and to some degree on certain cell types in thebrain, largely microglia, but possibly neurons as well [2].In addition, some eCB ligands are active at other receptortargets including peroxisome proliferator-activated recep-tor (PPAR) and type 1 vanilloid receptor (TRPV1), andcan also directly affect the activity of some ion channels.Anandamide (AEA) and 2-arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG)are the two most well-studied eCB ligands and the mostabundant eCBs found in the brain to date. AEA and 2-AGare synthesized and degraded by distinct enzymatic path-ways (Figure 1).In neurons, both AEA and 2-AG can be synthesized in

an activity-dependent manner (Figure 1). Current con-ceptualizations of synaptic eCB signaling posit that eCBsare released from postsynaptic neurons during times ofincreased neuronal activity and serve to decrease affer-ent neurotransmitter release in a retrograde manner viaactivation of presynaptic CB1 receptors [3] (Figure 1).eCB synthetic enzymes and CB1 receptors are expressedin most limbic structures including the prefrontal cortex

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Figure 1 Molecular architecture of endocannabinoid signaling at an excitatory synapse in the brain. 2-AG, 2-arachidonoylglycerol; AEA,anandamide; CB1, cannabinoid type 1; FAAH, fatty-acid amide hydrolase; MAGL, monoacylglycerol lipase.

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(PFC), amygdala, hippocampus, and nucleus accumbens.Moreover, synaptic retrograde signaling by eCBs hasbeen described at glutamatergic and GABAergic synap-ses in each of these regions. Thus, eCBs are ideally situ-ated to modulate synaptic integration and efficacy withinlimbic neurocircuitry, and thus exert profound effects onemotional and motivated behaviors.The signaling life of eCB molecules is maintained by

distinct hydrolytic enzymes, fatty-acid amide hydrolase(FAAH) and monoacylglycerol lipase (MAGL), which de-grade AEA and 2-AG, respectively (Figure 1). There is alsoa growing belief that AEA and 2-AG may subserve distinctroles in the regulation of synaptic transmission, with AEApossessing a gatekeeper like ‘tonic’ role whereby it regu-lates basal transmission and prevents excess transmitterrelease, while 2-AG represents the ‘phasic’ signal that isbrought online during periods of heightened neuronalactivation and mediates most forms of excitation-induced eCB plasticity [4,5].Genetic and pharmacological tools have been devel-

oped for the selective study of the role of CB1 receptorsin the regulation of emotional behavior. In addition,pharmacological and genetic tools to modulate FAAHand MAGL to dissect the differential biobehavioral ef-fects of AEA and 2-AG have become increasingly im-portant in elucidating the role for eCBs in emotionaland motivated behaviors [6]. Moreover, genetic studiesand neuroimaging have begun to advance our knowledgeof the key role eCBs play in the regulation of emotionalresponsivity in humans, and in the development ofaffective pathology. Here we will review preclinical andclinical data supporting a role for eCB lipids in the regu-lation of stress-response physiology, anxiety-like anddepressive-like behaviors, and the adaptations observed

in this signaling system in affective disorders in humans.Key open questions and future directions for preclinicaland clinical research will be presented.

Role of endogenous cannabinoids in emotionality andstress: preclinical studiesAnxiety-like behaviorsThe general consensus of an abundance of preclinicalstudies is that eCB signaling constrains anxiety. CB1−/−mice appear more anxious in the standard behavioral mea-sures of anxiety including the elevated plus-maze andlight–dark box relative to wild-type mice under aversivetesting conditions [7,8]; while under basal conditions CB1deletion causes either an anxiogenic effect [9-13] or no ef-fect [9,14,15]. Moreover, CB1−/− mice are resistant to theanxiolytic effects of benzodiazepines [11]. Further geneticdissection of the roles of CB1 receptors on specific neur-onal subtypes indicate that deletion of the CB1 receptorfrom glutamatergic neurons does not affect anxiety in theelevated plus-maze, but does cause a slight anxiety-likephenotype in the open field under high environmentalaversiveness [9]. However, genetic deletion of CB1 inglutamatergic neurons causes more anxiety upon repeatedexposure to the open field under high light conditions,suggesting a role for CB1 on glutamatergic neurons in thehabituation of anxiety behaviors to repeated exposure toaversive environments [9]. In contrast, mice lacking CB1receptors on GABAergic neurons exhibit no differences inanxiety-like behaviors in the elevated plus-maze [16].However, conditional mutant mice have revealed thatCB1 receptors located on glutamatergic neurons arecritical for the anxiolytic effects of low doses of exogenousCB1 receptor agonists, while CB1 receptors expressedby GABAergic neurons are critical for the anxiogenic

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effects of high doses of CB1 agonists [16]. Interestingly,targeted deletion of CB1 from serotonergic neuronsalone seems to recapitulate the anxiety phenotype ofglobal CB1−/− mice [17]. Overall, strong converginggenetic studies indicate that CB1 receptors are import-ant for reducing anxiety, particularly during times ofhigh environmental aversiveness.Pharmacological studies have for the most part mir-

rored the data obtained using genetic models. Forexample, acute administration of the CB1 receptorantagonists SR141716 or AM251 increase anxiety-likebehavior in several behavioral measures, including theelevated plus-maze [18-22], novelty-induced hypophagiaassay [23], social interaction test [24], light–dark box assay[25] and ultrasonic vocalization assay [26]. However, a fewcontradictory reports demonstrate anxiolytic actions ofthe CB1 receptor blockade. For example, a CB1 receptorantagonist reduced anxiety in the elevated plus-maze inmaze-experienced mice [27], reduced some signs of anx-iety in the defensive probe burying assay [28] and reducedanxiety associated with alcohol withdrawal [29]. However,all of these experiments involve an additional manipula-tion (such as cognitive training or alcohol withdrawal),which could explain the complex and contradictory effectsof CB1 antagonism on anxiety therein.The pharmacological blockade of eCB-degrading en-

zymes has been shown to exert anxiolytic actions in avariety of animal models. The first class of eCB degrad-ation inhibitors targeted FAAH [30]. Blocking FAAH-mediated AEA degradation decreases anxiety in theelevated plus-maze [19,30-35], and the light–dark boxtest [36]; importantly, several studies indicate these ef-fects are enhanced under conditions of high environ-mental aversiveness [34,37] or following exposure tostress [38,39]. FAAH inhibition also decreases anxiety inthe rat pup ultrasonic vocalization test [26], light–darkexploration assay [25] and marble-burying assay [40].Similarly, FAAH−/− mice exhibit reduced anxiety in thelight–dark box assay and elevated plus-maze during con-ditions of high aversiveness, but not low stress condi-tions [31]. Unequivocally, the effects of pharmacologicalFAAH inhibition or genetic deletion are blocked by CB1receptor antagonists [30,31], indicating that FAAH in-hibition reduces anxiety through augmentation of AEAsignaling at the CB1 receptor.More recently, MAGL inhibitors that increase brain 2-

AG levels have been evaluated in several models of anx-iety. The MAGL inhibitor JZL-184 reduces anxiety inthe marble-burying assay [40,41] and elevated plus-maze, under conditions of high environmental aversive-ness [35,42-44], but not standard conditions [41]. BothCB1 and CB2 receptors have been implicated in theanxiolytic effects of JZL-184 [35,44]. Collectively, thesedata indicate that enhancement of eCB signaling,

through either potentiation of AEA or 2-AG, reducesanxiety, particularly when brought on by stress or envir-onmental aversiveness.At a circuit level, the effects of eCB signaling on anx-

iety seem to be mediated by CB1 receptor signaling inthe prefrontal cortex and amygdala, two structures com-monly involved in the regulation of anxiety. Within thePFC, overexpression of FAAH reduces AEA levels andincreases anxiety, while infusion of low doses of a FAAHinhibitor into the PFC reduces anxiety measures in theelevated plus-maze [45]. Similarly, administration of aCB1 receptor antagonist into the basolateral nucleus ofthe amygdala (BLA) increases anxiety [46], while inhib-ition of FAAH in the BLA reduces anxiety [47]. Thesedata suggest that enhancement of eCB signaling withinthe PFC or amygdala can suppress anxiety, while dis-ruption of eCB signaling in these structures can facili-tate it. These findings are primarily based on the effectsof manipulating AEA signaling; however, no studies todate have examined site-specific effects of MGL inhib-ition. As anxiety is typically associated with reduced ac-tivity in the PFC and enhanced activity in theamygdala, it is not surprising that electrophysiologicalevidence has demonstrated that eCB signaling in thePFC can enhance neuronal activity through a suppres-sion of γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) release [48,49],while suppressing glutamate release and excitabilitywithin the amygdala [50-53]. Accordingly, the currentdata would suggest that eCB signaling increases pre-frontal cortical activity and suppresses amygdalar acti-vation to dampen the expression of anxiety-likebehaviors in rodents.Overall, the totality of data regarding the role of eCB

signaling in the modulation of anxiety behaviors suggesteCBs play particularly important roles in reducing anx-iety under stressful or anxiogenic contexts, but also maycontribute to constraining anxiety under non-stress con-ditions. In addition to general measures of anxiety, thereis also a rapidly growing and very interesting literatureregarding the role of the eCB system in fear learning andextinction; however, the complexity of this field is be-yond the scope of the current review and there are sev-eral detailed reviews which focus exclusively on thistopic (see [54] and [55]).

Depressive-like behaviorsSimilar to the effects on anxiety behaviors, a role foreCB signaling in depressive-like behaviors has alsobeen described. Augmentation of brain eCB signalinghas been suggested as a novel antidepressant strategyby several authors [56-58]. In this section we willreview the key studies implicating eCB signaling indepressive-like behaviors using acute models and tests –studies utilizing chronic stress will be discussed in the

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following section in the context of eCB modulation ofstress responses.CB1−/− mice have been shown to exhibit increases in

passive coping responses in the forced swim test [59]and tail suspension test [60], although this is not a uni-versal finding in the forced swim test at least [61,62].Interestingly, CB1−/− mice have reduced hippocampalbrain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) [59,60], andnormalization of hippocampal BDNF reverses thedepressive-like phenotype of these mice in the tail sus-pension test [60]. These data, combined with data onthe enhanced stress-sensitivity of these mice discussedbelow, suggest lifelong CB1 receptor deletion results in adepressive-like phenotype, and because of these data, ithas been suggested that global CB1 deficient mice couldrepresent a valid animal model for major depression[63,64]. However, more recent data indicate that select-ive deletion of CB1 from glutamatergic neurons actuallyhas an antidepressant-like effect; whereas deletion ofCB1 from CaMKIIα-expressing principal forebrain neu-rons or GABAergic neurons has no effect [65]. Interest-ingly, combined genetic and pharmacological studieshave now revealed that the antidepressant effect of CB1receptor deletion from cortical glutamatergic neurons isdriven by an increase in serotonin release as it is re-versed by serotonin depletion [66]. Clearly, the role ofCB1 in the regulation of depressive-like behavior is com-plex, and CB1 receptors expressed by different subsetsof neurons or neural circuits could even have opposingeffects on depressive behavior.Similar to genetic deletion, pharmacological inhibition

of CB1 receptor activity has yielded complex and contra-dictory results. Some studies have demonstrated anantidepressant-like effect of the acute CB1 receptorblockade in the forced swim test and/or tail suspensiontest [67-69], while other reports indicate sub-chronicCB1 receptor antagonist treatments are required forconsistent antidepressant-like effects [62]. In contrast,several studies have demonstrated no effect of CB1 re-ceptor blockade in the forced swim test and tail suspen-sion test [23,59,61,70-73], while one study demonstrateda depressive-like phenotype in the forced swim test afterchronic CB1 antagonist treatment [74]. Similarly, somedata support enhanced monoaminergic transmissionafter an acute CB1 receptor blockade [69], and globaldepletion of catecholamines can reverse the antidepres-sant effect of acute CB1 receptor antagonism [66]. Add-itionally, this effect of CB1 receptor antagonism isdriven by CB1 receptors on GABAergic neurons as it islost following selective deletion of CB1 from GABAneuronal populations [66], suggesting that the blockadeof CB1 receptors on GABAergic neurons transiently in-creases catecholamine transmission to produce behav-ioral effects in the forced swim test. However, protracted

administration of a CB1 antagonist, which produces a ‘de-pressive’-like phenotype, actually decreased monoamineand BDNF levels [74], indicating that while acute effectsmay suggest an antidepressant response, clearly sustainedinactivation of CB1 receptor signaling produces adversechanges in emotional behavior, such as increased anxiety,and evokes a biochemical signature similar to that seenfollowing chronic stress.Although a significant discrepancy exists between the

antidepressant-like effects of the genetic and pharmaco-logical CB1 receptor blockades, generally more consist-ent findings have been published with regard to theantidepressant-like effects of FAAH inhibition. Bothacute pharmacological and lifelong genetic deletion ofFAAH produce antidepressant-like effects in the forcedswim test and tail suspension test [33,34,70,71,75,76].Some studies have found that these effects are more ro-bust under highly aversive testing conditions [34]. Inter-estingly, mice exposed to the forced swim test showrapid reductions in PFC AEA levels, and direct PFC in-jection of a FAAH inhibitor produced antidepressant-like effects in the forced swim test [76]. FAAH inhibitionin the PFC increases the firing rate of serotonergic neu-rons, and pharmacological serotonin depletion preventsthe antidepressant-like effects of FAAH inhibition in thisassay [76,77]. Taken together these data suggest FAAHinhibition produces acute antidepressant-like effects viaactivation of serotonergic and noradrenergic signaling[58], and highlight the PFC again as a primary substratethrough which these effects are mediated.To date, no data are currently available on the

antidepressant-like properties of MAGL inhibition, butthese are likely currently underway. This is a criticalquestion as it may reveal a second molecular target forthe pharmacological targeting eCB signaling to give anantidepressant effect. Taken together, while the effects ofCB1 receptor antagonism or deletion may be equivocalwith respect to behavioral tests of stress coping, which isreflective of depressive behavior, there is a high degreeof consistency among reports demonstrating that inhib-ition of FAAH produces antidepressant-like effects inrodent models.

Endocannabinoids and stress response modulationThe earliest studies into the role of eCB signaling instress response physiology utilized CB1−/− mice, whichexhibit a generally poorer coping response to stress. Forexample, CB1−/− mice exhibit greater reductions in su-crose intake during chronic unpredictable stress (CUS)than wild-type mice [13], and show enhanced behavioralinhibition and reduced ultrasonic vocalizations in re-sponse to repeated bell stress [78]. Similarly, chronic re-straint stress-induced anxiety behaviors in the elevatedplus-maze is augmented in CB1−/− mice, as is the

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stress-induced dendritic hypertrophy in the amygdala[12]. After chronic social defeat stress, mice lacking CB1receptors on single-minded-1-expressing neurons of thebasolateral amygdala and paraventricular hypothalamusshow enhanced anxiety in the open field [79]. Further-more, CB1−/− mice exhibit reduced foot-shock inducedreinstatement of alcohol seeking behavior [80]. In con-trast, other studies have found no effect of global CB1deletion on anxiety behaviors after chronic social defeatstress [17]. Overall, these data suggest CB1 receptor de-ficiency impairs stress-coping responses and facilitatesthe development of stress-induced psychopathology.Several studies have also investigated the effects of

CB1 receptor antagonism on stress-induced behavioraldysregulation. For example, acute CB1 receptor blockadepartially reverses the habituation of active coping re-sponses observed during repeated restraint [81]. Inaddition, CB1 receptor antagonism exaggerates acute re-straint stress-induced deficits in sucrose preference [82],with the magnitude of this effect intensifying with increas-ing duration of restraint stress exposure. In contrast, onestudy found an improved physical state and reduced anx-iety in mice chronically treated with a CB1 receptor antag-onist during CUS [68], while another found no effect ofrepeated CB1 receptor antagonist treatment on anxiety orhedonic measures after repeated social defeat stress [17].In contrast to the above-mentioned behavioral studies,

several authors have reported remarkably consistent ef-fects of stress on brain regional eCB levels. The mostconsistent data indicate that acute and repeated restraintstress decreases AEA levels in multiple limbic brain re-gions but robustly in the amygdala [17,39,81,83-86]. Insome cases more repeated bouts of stress produced lar-ger decreases in AEA levels [81], and the reduction lastsat least 24 hours after termination of the last stressor[86]. Interestingly, the degree of stress-induced AEAreduction in the amygdala predicts stress-induced cor-ticosterone elevation [85], suggesting a key role foramygdala AEA in the regulation of stress responsephysiology. The mechanisms regulating rapid reductionsin AEA are not well understood; however, reductions inAEA after chronic stress are likely mediated via in-creased FAAH activity [39,84]. The effects of acute andrepeated stress on 2-AG levels are also remarkably con-sistent between studies and laboratories. In most casesacute stress has little effect on 2-AG levels; however, re-peated homotypic stress increases 2-AG levels in theamygdala and other limbic brain regions [17,84,86-88],while CUS has more variable effects [83], but oftenshowing a decrease in hippocampal 2-AG levels [89].Interestingly, chronic corticosterone treatment also in-creases amygdalar 2-AG levels [90]. These data suggestthat, while AEA appears to be acutely sensitive to mul-tiple forms of stress and responds with reduced tissue

levels for possible protracted periods [85], 2-AG is in-creased after repeated homotypic stress exposure only,and this increase is transient and terminates after stres-sor discontinuation [86,88]. Furthermore, after repeatedhomotypic stress exposure, amygdalar 2-AG levels areinversely correlated with corticosterone secretion, andlocal antagonism of CB1 receptors within the basolateralamygdala reverses stress habituation, suggesting onefunction of the elevated 2-AG is to facilitate neuroendo-crine habituation to repeated stress exposure [86].Based on the totality of data reviewed this far, strong

evidence points to eCB signaling as a stress-bufferingsystem, and that one contribution to behavioral dysregulationinduced by stress is an AEA-deficient state. Based onthis simple interpretation several recent studies haveexamined the therapeutic potential of eCB modulationon stress-induced behavioral pathology. For example,repeated treatment of mice with the MAGL inhibitorJZL-184, which increases brain 2-AG levels, preventsrepeated restraint stress-induced anxiety measured inthe novelty-induced hypophagia assay [41]. Further-more, both pharmacological and genetic inhibition ofFAAH prevents chronic restraint stress-induced anxietyin the elevated plus-maze [39], as well as CUS-inducedanhedonia [91]. Possible mechanisms of action of eCBaugmentation in the mitigation of stress-induced be-havioral dysregulation include modulation of hippo-campal neurogenesis [92,93] and amygdala dendritichypertrophy [39].Taken together, this review of the preclinical research

regarding the role of the eCB system in the regulation ofstress and emotional behavior creates a compelling argu-ment that eCB signaling acts to constrain activation ofthe stress response, and the ensuing neuroendocrine andbehavioral responses to stress. Acute disruption of CB1receptor signaling reliably increases anxiety and activa-tion of the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA) axis,but has less consistent effects on depression-like behav-ior (which may be reflective of the behavioral tests beingused), suggesting that there is an eCB tone acting tokeep these processes suppressed in non-stressful envir-onmental conditions. As AEA is believed to mediate thetonic actions of the eCB system, and because AEA levelsare reduced in response to stress, our current theory isthat AEA signaling acts as the ‘gatekeeper’ of sorts,keeping stress and anxiety at bay, likely through its ac-tions in the amygdala. In response to stress, particularlystress of high emotional load or repeated exposure to acommon stressor, there is a mobilization of 2-AG, whichseems to be important for restricting the magnitude ofthe stress response and aiding in normative recovery topre-stress levels of functioning. Accordingly, impair-ments in eCB signaling, at either the ligand or the recep-tor level, would likely result in either the induction of an

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undue activation of stress responsive systems (such asthe amygdala) under non-threatening conditions, or animpairment in appropriate stress adaptation, both ofwhich could predispose an organism or individual to ex-aggerated effects of stress. As such, these data wouldsuggest that eCB signaling could be compromised instress-related affective illnesses (such as major depres-sion or post-traumatic stress disorder, both of which ap-pear to be driven by maladaptive responses to stressfullife events), and that pharmacological enhancement ofeCB signaling could be a novel therapeutic avenue forthe treatment of these neuropsychiatric conditions. Itshould be noted, however, that the majority of the stud-ies investigating the effects of increased eCB signalinglargely focus on FAAH, and only a few recent studieshave begun to examine the effects of MAGL inhibition.Given that there are noted pharmacokinetic, and pos-sibly functional, differences between AEA and 2-AG[4-6], it should not be immediately assumed that inhib-ition of either enzyme will produce synonymous effects(although the initial studies do suggest a high degree ofsimilarity). With the development of more specific toolsto target FAAH and MAGL exclusively, how these twosignaling molecules can be harnessed for the therapeutictreatment of mood and anxiety disorders will becomeclearer. The following section will discuss the transla-tional and clinical evidence that has been gathered todate and which supports the data generated from pre-clinical studies and demonstrates the importance of theeCB system in the regulation of stress responses andemotional behavior in humans.

Role of endogenous cannabinoids in emotionality andstress: clinical studiesIn humans, centuries of cannabis use for the purposes ofcontrolling stress and anxiety strongly suggest that acti-vation of the human eCB system serves a similar func-tion to constrain stress and anxiety circuits as has beendemonstrated in animal models. In fact, the primaryreason as to why most individuals consume cannabis ona regular basis is because of its ability to reduce feelingsof tension, promote relaxation and take the edge offstressful life events [94]. More so, clinical studies employingdirect CB1 receptor agonists have shown potential thera-peutic benefit in the treatment of both generalized anxietyconditions and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)[95,96]. Interestingly, neuroimaging studies have replicatedthe findings of preclinical studies, demonstrating that can-nabinoid administration, or regular cannabis use, can effect-ively dampen activation of the amygdala in response tothreatening or aversive stimuli [97-99]. Similarly, cerebralblood flow studies have shown that cannabinoids can in-crease activation of frontal cortical regions including theanterior cingulate [100], which agrees with the rodent

studies demonstrating that CB1 receptor activation canaugment prefrontal cortical activity [48,49]. As such, from atranslational perspective these data support those generatedfrom animal studies demonstrating that activation of theCB1 receptor in humans can reduce anxiety, deactivate theamygdala and enhance prefrontal cortical function. Withrespect to how the eCB system itself may function in theseregards, there are three lines of evidence that can be drawnon to determine the putative role of this system in the en-dogenous regulation of stress and emotional behavior: 1)pharmacological challenge studies in which the CB1 recep-tor is blocked to unmask the role of eCB signaling, 2) bio-chemical studies investigating dynamic or steady-statechanges in eCB ligand content in response to stress or inpsychiatric conditions and 3) genetic studies investigatingthe effect and possible role of functional polymorphisms inthe eCB system in response to stress or in psychiatric ill-nesses. Each of these three lines of evidence will bediscussed below.

Pharmacological studies of CB1 receptor blockade in humansAs with the studies performed in rodents, the effects ofCB1 receptor antagonism in humans generally supportthe hypothesis that eCB signaling negatively regulatesstress and anxiety. Clinical development of CB1 recep-tor antagonists was initially advanced as a putativemechanism to treat obesity, given that eCB signalingpromotes feeding and weight gain, and that a blockadeof eCB signaling in animals could mitigate the effectsof diet-induced obesity. In humans, clinical studies haveclearly demonstrated that blocking CB1 does providesome therapeutic benefit in promoting weight lossand alleviating metabolic abnormalities associated withobesity; however, the first CB1 receptor antagonisttested, rimonabant, developed specifically for this pur-pose, was ultimately removed from the market due tothe development of anxiety and depressive symptomsin a significant proportion of individuals [101,102]. Infact, a meta-analysis of the four major clinical studiesperformed with rimonabant found that there was ap-proximately a threefold increase in the emergence ofanxiety symptoms in patients receiving rimonabant ver-sus a placebo, and these studies were all performed onindividuals who had no history of psychiatric illness[103]. The largest multi-center trial for rimonabant (in-volving over 18,000 patients in 42 countries) similarlyfound that there was a significant increase in neuro-psychiatric side effects (in approximately one-third ofpatients treated with rimonabant) and serious psychi-atric side effects (which developed in roughly 1 in 40individuals treated with rimonabant) following CB1 re-ceptor antagonism [104]. One case report even dis-cusses the de novo emergence of a profound bout ofmelancholic depression, which occurred following

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administration of rimonabant, and subsided followingcessation of drug administration [105]. Taken together,these data clearly demonstrate that disruption of eCBsignaling in humans is capable of increasing the signsof anxiety and depression, which supports the hypoth-esis that eCB signaling in humans, as in rodents, actsto dampen negative emotions.Given the psychiatric disturbances found in the obesity

trials, it became quite difficult to ethically undertake anin-depth study of the effects of CB1 receptor antagonismin humans on facets of stress and emotional behavior.However, a few studies have emerged and they have shedsome insight into the possible mechanisms. First, one re-port found that high doses of rimonabant were capableof increasing cortisol in some subjects [106], supportingthe animal studies indicating that eCB signaling nega-tively regulates activation of the HPA axis [87]. Second,a series of studies combining imaging and cognitive test-ing demonstrated several interesting effects of CB1 re-ceptor antagonism in humans, which could relate to itsability to promote depression. Specifically, a 7-day treat-ment regimen with a CB1 receptor antagonist was foundto blunt activation of reward circuits in the brain in re-sponse to pleasurable stimuli [107], suggesting that defi-cient eCB signaling could be a putative mechanism foranhedonia in depression. Similarly, both a single dose ofrimonabant, as well as a 7-day treatment regimen ofrimonabant, were not found to affect mood significantly,per se, but they were found to suppress the recall of emo-tionally positive memories [108] and promote negativebias in memory recall [109]. Both effects could result in anegative emotional bias, a phenomenon commonly seenin affective illnesses and known to be a risk factor for thedevelopment of major depression.Accordingly, these pharmacological studies in humans

demonstrate that disruption of eCB signaling is sufficientto promote anxiety, increase HPA axis activity, impairreward processes in the brain and enhance negativeemotional memory biases, all of which are all hallmarksigns of mood disorders. Thus, consistent with dataobtained from animal studies, these data support thepossibility that impaired eCB activity could be a predis-posing factor for the development of stress-relatedneuropsychiatric conditions.

Biochemical studies of the endogenous cannabinoidsystem in mood and anxiety disordersAnother way to examine the eCB system in humans isto measure eCB ligand content (AEA and 2-AG) in thecirculation of individuals to see how it is affected bystress or altered in psychiatric disorders. Again, as wasseen in the pharmacological studies in humans, the datagenerated to date are largely consistent with what hasbeen found in preclinical studies. First, several studies

have demonstrated that circulating levels of eCB mole-cules are responsive to stress. Hill and colleagues [110]demonstrated that exposure to the Trier social stress testresulted in a significant increase in 2-AG concentrations(and a small trend toward increased AEA concentra-tions) in the circulation. Another study used parabolicflight as a physiological stressor and found that it in-creased 2-AG in the circulation, and that individualswho did not mount a 2-AG response to the stress expos-ure exhibited dramatically higher levels of cortisol,suggesting that impairments in the natural induction ofan eCB response to stress produce heightened physio-logical stress responses [111]. A more recent report thatalso examined eCB responses in the circulation to theTrier social stress test, demonstrated that circulatinglevels of AEA, but not 2-AG, increased in response tostress [112]. Interestingly, as in the parabolic flight study,this study also reported that lower basal levels of AEA pre-dicted increased HPA responses to stress, again suggestingthat eCB signaling negatively relates to the magnitude ofthe stress response [112]. As such, these studies demon-strate that eCB signaling in humans is responsive to stress,and that failure of this system to be appropriately engagedresults in increased responses to stress.With respect to direct associations of eCB levels with

mood and anxiety disorders, several studies do generallyseem to suggest that there is a frank deficiency in systemiceCB signaling in several psychiatric conditions. Two inde-pendent reports have found that circulating levels of 2-AG(and in one study also AEA) are reduced in medication-freewomen who have been diagnosed with major depression[110,113]. Interestingly, circulating levels of AEA and 2-AGwere both found to be elevated in individuals with minordepression [113], which suggests the hypothesis that activerecruitment of the eCB system may curb the developmentof frank major depression. Like these reports, it has alsobeen found that in individuals who have undergone cardiacsurgery, the subsequent development of depression follow-ing surgery was related to low levels of circulating AEA and2-AG during the perioperative period [114].Less research has directly examined eCB levels in

anxiety conditions. Interestingly, two studies have bothreported that basal levels of AEA in the circulation nega-tively correlate with anxiety scores on clinical scales,both in a healthy population [112] and in one composedof individuals with major depression [113]. That is, indi-viduals with higher levels of anxiety have lower levels ofcirculating AEA. This is consistent with the preclinicalstudies that have found relations between stress andanxiety with low levels of AEA [39,45,81,85]. More inter-estingly, a recent report found that circulating levels ofAEA are significantly reduced in individuals with PTSD,compared to both healthy controls and those exposed totrauma who did not develop PTSD [115]. This reduction

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in circulating AEA was also significantly correlated withupregulation of CB1 receptors throughout limbic circuitsin the brain [115], suggesting that: (1) circulating levelsof eCB may be reflective of centrally active eCBs and (2)deficient eCB signaling may result in a compensatoryupregulation of CB1 receptors in the brain. Consistentwith this, we have recently demonstrated that PTSD isassociated with reduced levels of 2-AG in the circula-tion, while lower AEA levels correlated with the inten-sity of intrusive symptoms [116]. One recent report,however, found the opposite effect with increased levelsof AEA and 2-AG in individuals with PTSD [117]; it isnot clear what the discrepancy is between this study andthe previous two, but could relate to differences in dis-ease severity, as was seen in the minor versus major de-pression study [113].In sum, the majority of studies examining eCB levels

in humans have come to two conclusions that are largelyconsistent with the preclinical literature. First, eCB sig-naling is responsive to stress and deficient eCB activityis associated with increased stress responses, suggestingthat eCB signaling constrains the magnitude of the stressresponse. Second, basal eCB signaling appears to be re-duced in individuals afflicted with stress-related psychi-atric conditions, such as major depression or PTSD,suggesting that impaired eCB signaling is related to thedevelopment of these conditions. Whether the reductionin eCB signaling is a predisposing factor or a burden ofthe disease itself, is yet to be determined, as is whetherthese changes in circulating eCB levels are reflective ofcentral eCB activity. The overall uniformity of thesefindings supports the preclinical studies and suggeststhat a functional eCB system is required for appropriateadaptation and buffering of stress in humans.

Genetic studies of the endogenous cannabinoid signaling instress-responsive systems and stress-related disordersAn additional source of information that providesinsight into the role of eCB signaling in humans with re-spect to stress and stress-related psychiatric illnesses isgenetic studies. With respect to the CB1 receptor (CNR1gene), several studies to date have examined differentpolymorphisms in the CNR1 gene and how they relateto psychiatric illness, particularly depression. One poly-morphism in particular, rs1049353, has received a fairamount of attention. This allele has a major form (Gallele) and a minor form (A allele), and it would appearthat the A allele of this polymorphism exerts some levelof protection against stress and depression. Specifically,one report has demonstrated in two separate popula-tions that carriers of the A allele are protected againstthe development of anhedonia and major depression inadulthood following early life stress or abuse [118]. Itshould be noted, however, that this effect was not

entirely replicated by a second group, although they didnote that was a moderate risk reduction in carriers ofthe A allele, but they suggested that this allele may bemore specific for anhedonia than depression, per se[119]. Consistent with this idea that the minor allele ofthis polymorphism is protective, Domschke and col-leagues (2008) demonstrated that individuals carryingthe G allele were more likely to exhibit antidepressantresistance than those with the A allele [120], suggestingthat the A allele may confer greater antidepressant re-sponsiveness. This effect was found primarily in females,and especially those that presented with melancholic de-pression with high anxiety [120]. Interestingly, a replica-tion study from another group found the opposite effect:that if you were male and a G allele carrier you weremore likely to exhibit a better antidepressant responsethan if you were an A allele carrier, suggesting that theremay be some sexual divergence in the role of the eCBsystem in depression and antidepressant treatment[121]. Of note, while not fully explored because the ef-fect did not quite achieve statistical significance, anotherreport also found that presence of the A allele in thispolymorphism reduced the development of depressionin association with exposure to stressful life events[122]. More interestingly, carriers of the G allele werefound to exhibit blunted limbic and striatal activation tohappy faces in imaging studies [123], which is a commonfeature in depression and is associated with blunted re-ward responsiveness and anhedonia. Taken together,these studies would suggest that the A allele in thers1049353 polymorphism of the CNR1 gene results insome level of protection against the development of de-pression, particularly in response to stress exposure.The one issue surrounding the rs1049353 polymorph-

ism is that there is no knowledge regarding whether it isfunctional or not. This polymorphism is exonic, but it isa synonymous polymorphism (in that the base pair sub-stitution does not result in a difference in protein se-quence), so it is unclear what effects it has, if any, onCB1 receptor densities in vivo; however, it has been pos-tulated that it may affect mRNA stability [120]. Based onthe preclinical literature and the general consensus thateCB signaling confers protection against the effects ofstress, one possible interpretation is that the A allele ofthis polymorphism could result in more stable mRNAand a subsequent increase in protein expression andfunction of the CB1 receptor in vivo; however, this re-mains to be experimentally demonstrated.Consistent with this hypothesis, other polymorphisms

in the CNR1 gene have been shown to have functionaleffects on receptor expression. For example, carriers ofthe C allele of another polymorphism in the CNR1 gene(rs2023239) have been found to exhibit increased CB1receptor binding both in post mortem brain tissue [124]

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and in vivo through positron emission tomographyimaging studies [125]. Interestingly, carriers of the C al-lele (which have greater CB1 receptor density) have alsobeen found to have increased hippocampal volume[126]. As hippocampal volume is known to be reducedin major depression [127], and reduced hippocampalvolume is thought to be a risk factor in PTSD [128],these data would suggest that polymorphisms in theCNR1 gene that result in greater CB1 receptor activitymay result in increased hippocampal volume and thusprovide a neural substrate mediating a protective effect.CB1 receptor activation is known to drive neurogenesisin the hippocampus [129] and also protect hippocampalneurons from excitotoxic damage [130], and so it is rea-sonable to predict that greater CB1 receptor densitiescould result in enhanced hippocampal function. Unfor-tunately, as there are no studies to date examining theeffect of the rs2023239 polymorphism on psychiatric ill-ness it is not known if this polymorphism has any effecton disease vulnerability. Future studies should thoroughlyinvestigate the role of this polymorphism in psychiatricillness, and also determine if the rs1049353 polymorphismhas a similar effect on CB1 receptor density in humansto understand how these gene variants could impactdisease progression.In addition to this abundance of work on the rs1049353

polymorphism, a scattering of other polymorphisms of theCNR1 gene have been investigated. For examples, the T al-lele in the rs7766029 polymorphism is significantly associ-ated with the development of depression followingincreasing exposure to stressful life events [122]. With re-spect to anxiety, the only study that has been done withthe CNR1 gene is one that identified an epistatic relationbetween CNR1 and the serotonin transporter. Specifically,they found that individuals who possessed the short vari-ant of the serotonin transporter, coupled to the GG homo-zygous allele of the rs2180619 polymorphism of the CNR1gene, exhibited dramatically higher levels of anxiety [131].They suggested that this GG allele resulted in lower levelsof CB1 receptor expression, which could result in excessserotonin release, and when coupled with the short sero-tonin transporter allele (which exhibits impaired 5-HTclearance from the synapse), could result in excessive sero-tonin signaling that would produce heightened levels ofanxiety [131]. It is of interest to note that this model isconsistent with the recent findings that CB1 receptor dele-tion exclusively from serotonergic neurons was sufficientto produce a state of anxiety [17], suggesting that interac-tions between eCB signaling and serotonin are indeedimportant for the regulation of anxiety. While very intri-guing, all of these polymorphisms require more researchto validate that these effects are replicable and more im-portantly, what the functional effects of all these polymor-phisms are. Regardless, these data do indicate that genetic

variation in the CB1 receptor does relate to changes inemotional behavior and thus further supports the evidencethat eCB signaling is an important contributor of emo-tional behavior in humans.One of the most interesting gene variants in the eCB

system studied to date is a functional polymorphism inthe FAAH gene. The C385A polymorphism of FAAH iswhen an A base is substituted for a C base in the se-quence, resulting in a non-synonymous change of pro-line for threonine in the FAAH protein [132]. The Aallele results in enhanced proteolytic degradation ofFAAH [132], which results in lower levels of the FAAHprotein and activity [133] and higher levels of AEA inthe circulation [134]. Interestingly, carriers of the A al-lele of this FAAH polymorphism exhibit blunted activa-tion of the amygdala in response to threat cues andenhanced activation of the ventral striatum in responseto reward-related cues [135]. That is, stress-induced acti-vation of the amygdala is reduced in those who have ele-vated AEA levels, and striatal responses to reward arehigher. Subsequent research on this polymorphism hasalso revealed that A carriers exhibit lower levels of traitanxiety, reduced stress reactivity and also demonstratemore rapid habituation of amygdalar activation in re-sponse to aversive cues than C carriers [136]. However,one recent report found the exact opposite effect andshowed increased startle reaction in A carriers to un-pleasant images, suggestive of greater amygdala activa-tion; however, the authors did not measure amygdalaactivation through neuroimaging techniques and basedtheir assumptions purely on behavioral outcomes [137].The reason for this putative discrepancy, and possibleinteractions with life stress, should be considered in fu-ture studies. The findings that high levels of AEA reduceamygdala reactivity to stress, reduce trait anxiety andpromote habituation to stress are highly consistent withthe preclinical studies detailed above.

ConclusionsUltimately, these studies on eCB signaling in humansgenerally agree with the preclinical findings and sug-gest that in humans, eCB signaling is important forregulating stress and emotions. Elevated eCB signalingseems to be associated with reduced stress and anxiety,while impaired eCB signaling is associated with greatervulnerability to stress, anxiety and depression. The extentto which these findings can be used on a translational plat-form to understand the pathophysiology of stress-relatedpsychiatric conditions in humans has yet to be deter-mined, but the convergence of the preclinical and clinicalfindings detailed here strongly suggests that this should bea field of focused research in coming years.We propose several areas of research that would help to

fill gaps in knowledge and guide research to further

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determine the therapeutic utility of the eCB system withrespect to the development of novel therapeutics for moodand anxiety disorders. First, what are the relative benefitsand drawbacks of selective AEA and 2-AG augmentation,and would dual inhibition of FAAH and MAGL be a moreefficacious approach? Second, what are the downstreamsignaling mechanisms responsible for the anxiolytic, anti-depressant and anti-stress effects of FAAH and MAGL in-hibition? Third, what is the precise molecular mechanismsubserving the context-dependency of eCB modulation ofanxiety behaviors? We and others have suggested a keyfactor is the reduction in AEA signaling that occurs understressful conditions [138]; however, the mechanisms sub-serving these effects are not well understood. Fourth, areeCB augmenting agents able to prevent, and more import-antly, reverse, stress-induced pathology? If effective, dothey extend beyond behavioral effects to metabolic, car-diac and immune effects of chronic stress? Is there acausal relationship between stress-induced adaptations ineCB levels and stress-induced pathology? Finally, are thereother molecular targets that can be utilized to enhanceeCB signaling for therapeutic gain? With regard to this lastquestion, very recent studies suggest that, in addition toFAAH and MAGL, COX-2 could also be a viable targetfor eCB augmentation and have anxiolytic potential [136].Taken together, there is a very compelling argumentforming that eCB signaling is a vital component of stress-regulatory systems in mammals, including rodents andhumans. As such, the eCB system represents an ideal sys-tem for translational research since human studies gener-ally corroborate animal studies. Animal studies can delvefurther into the mechanism and inform future clinicalstudies investigating the role of eCB signaling in treatingpsychiatric disorders. Only time, and clinical trials, will tellif this system truly represents a novel therapeutic targetfor mood and anxiety disorders.

Abbreviations2-AG: 2-arachidonoylglycerol; AEA: Anandamide; BDNF: Brain-derivedneurotrophic factor; BLA: Basolateral nucleus of the amygdala;CB1: Cannabinoid type 1; CB2: Cannabinoid type 2; CUS: Chronicunpredictable stress; eCB: Endogenous cannabinoid, FAAH, fatty-acid amidehydrolase; GABA: γ-aminobutyric acid; HPA: Hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal;MAGL: Monoacylglycerol lipase; PPAR: Peroxisome proliferator-activatedreceptor; PFC: Prefrontal cortex; PTSD: Post-traumatic stress disorder;TRPV1: Type 1 vanilloid receptor.

Competing interestsThe authors declare that they have no competing interests.

Authors’ contributionsBoth authors contributed and edited the entire manuscript, but SP primarilywrote the preclinical studies section and MNH primarily wrote the clinicalstudies section. Both authors read and approved the final manuscript.

AcknowledgementsThe authors would like to thank Joyonna Gamble-George for her assistancewith rendering of the figure and Haley Vecchiarelli for assistance editing thismanuscript. MNH is a recipient of a Tier II Canada Research Chair and holds

operating funds from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research. SP holdsNIH grants MH090412 and MH100096.

Author details1Hotchkiss Brain Institute, Departments of Cell Biology & Anatomy andPsychiatry, University of Calgary, 3330 Hospital Drive NW, Calgary AB T2N4N1,Canada. 2Departments of Psychiatry, and Molecular Physiology andBiophysics, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, 724B RobinsonResearch Building, Nashville, TN, USA.

Received: 3 August 2013 Accepted: 4 October 2013Published: 22 October 2013

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doi:10.1186/2045-5380-3-19Cite this article as: Hill and Patel: Translational evidence for theinvolvement of the endocannabinoid system in stress-relatedpsychiatric illnesses. Biology of Mood & Anxiety Disorders 2013 3:19.

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