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Current Biology 17, R29–R35, January 9, 2007 ª2007 Elsevier Ltd All rights reserved DOI 10.1016/j.cub.2006.11.042

ReviewRapid Conduction and the Evolutionof Giant Axons and Myelinated Fibers

D.K. Hartline1 and D.R. Colman2

Nervous systems have evolved two basic mecha-nisms for increasing the conduction speed of theelectrical impulse. The first is through axon gigan-tism: using axons several times larger in diameterthan the norm for other large axons, as for examplein the well-known case of the squid giant axon. Thesecond is through encasing axons in helical or con-centrically wrapped multilamellar sheets of insulat-ing plasma membrane — the myelin sheath. Eachmechanism, alone or in combination, is employedin nervous systems of many taxa, both vertebrateand invertebrate. Myelin is a unique way to increaseconduction speeds along axons of relatively smallcaliber. It seems to have arisen independently inevolution several times in vertebrates, annelids andcrustacea. Myelinated nerves, regardless of theirsource, have in common a multilamellar membranewrapping, and long myelinated segments inter-spersed with ‘nodal’ loci where the myelin termi-nates and the nerve impulse propagates along theaxon by ‘saltatory’ conduction. For all of the differ-ences in detail among the morphologies and bio-chemistries of the sheath in the different myelinatedanimal classes, the function is remarkably universal.

IntroductionThe rapid conduction of nerve impulses would be anobvious priority for the nervous systems of animalsconstantly challenged with life-or-death decisions,and one might expect to see a trend towards increas-ing conduction speed over the course of evolution.As animals developed more sophisticated behaviors,and as they were pressed to invade riskier environ-ments — such as those outside of their protectiveshells or burrows, or in the water column away fromsources of cover — mechanisms for rapid conductionmust have become a distinct advantage. Nerve fibersthat conducted more rapidly enhanced the timelinessof escape responses and may have enhanced preda-tory-capture capabilities and other neural-processingfunctions [1].

What factors determine the speed of impulse con-duction? Many nerve-fiber parameters do and arepotentially under evolutionary selective pressure [2].Two are especially critical: the axial (longitudinal) re-sistance of the fiber to electrical current (ri and ro inFigure 1A), and the capacitance of axon surface thatmust be charged to threshold to regenerate a nerve

1 Bekesy Laboratory of Neurobiology, PBRC, University of Hawaii

at Manoa, Honolulu, Hawaii 96822, USA. 2Montreal Neurological

Institute and Hospital, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec,


E-mail: [email protected]

impulse farther down the axon. To illustrate this, con-sider the case of a non-myelinated axon as repre-sented by the equivalent electrical circuit in Figure 1A.Current entering through open sodium channels (1)flows longitudinally along the axon interior to chargethe capacitance of adjacent resting membrane (2).The speed of charging depends on the capacitanceof the membrane (cm in Figure 1A) and the longitudinalresistance (ri + ro). The faster the charging — thesmaller the product (ro+ ri)cm — the sooner the non-excited region reaches impulse threshold, and thefaster the impulse travels. Conduction speed can thusbe increased quite effectively either by decreasing theinterior resistance (ri) or by decreasing the trans-fibercapacitance, or both. In this review, we shall examinethe two major mechanisms that have evolved to in-crease nerve-impulse conduction speed, and describehow their employment fits into the phylogeneticscheme of the animal kingdom.

The Easy Solution: Axonal GigantismLet us first consider strategies for decreasing the inte-rior resistance, ri. Increasing the interior diameter ofthe fiber is an easy way to do so, as resistance dropsas the square of diameter. This increases conductionspeed in proportion to the square root of the interior di-ameter [3]. This strategy for speeding impulses leadsto gigantism of axons in time-critical neural circuits.Such axons may be several times larger than otherlarge axons in that organism. Giant axons are foundin circuits throughout most of the more advanced bi-lateria, including those mediating rapid withdrawal oftube worms, escape jetting of squid, tail flip responsesof lobsters and crayfish, startle reactions of insectsand ‘C’-start escapes of fish [4].

While no satisfactorily comprehensive study hasbeen made of the size of giant axons in relation to se-lective pressures (for example, the susceptibility of anorganism to sudden predatory attack), it has beenqualitatively observed that axonal gigantism appearsmore pronounced in more ‘active’ taxa than in moresedentary or protected ones [5]. Contrary to commonbelief, giant axons are employed even in organismsso small that the time-difference advantage they con-fer would seem inconsequential, such as fruit flies andcopepods [6]. However, smaller organisms, living onshorter length and time scales than larger ones, gainsimilar relative benefits from temporal savings. The‘easy solution’ works for organisms large and small,but it takes space.

The Second Solution: MyelinThe alternative solution to producing rapid conduc-tion is to decrease the transverse capacitance be-tween the inside and outside of a nerve fiber. In allrecognized cases where this route has been taken,it is achieved through the development of a myelinsheath, a lipid-rich multilamellar membrane coating


of axons (Figure 2). All significant structural character-istics of this sheath are held in common by every mye-linated fiber in vertebrates, from sharks to humans [7].These include a tight investment of the axon by heli-cally wound glial membrane, punctuated at intervals

Figure 1. Comparison of nerve impulse current flow in electricalcircuit analogs of unmyelinated (A) and myelinated (B) nervefibers.

(A) Sodium ions entering an unmyelinated fiber through voltage-gated channels in an active region (1) generate current thatflows onto the capacitance of immediately adjacent membrane(2), charging it to a level where its sodium channels open and itstarts to conduct current, whence the sequence repeats. (B) Inmyelinated fibers, however, the entering sodium current (1)charges adjacent inexcitable regions covered by myelin muchmore rapidly (2) and at the cost of many fewer ions, hence thecurrent is available to flow without delay to the next node (3)to initiate an impulse there. Longitudinal resistance along thefiber is composed of inside (ri) and outside (ro) components,the latter usually being small enough to be ignored.

by gaps in the sheath completely encircling the axons,the ‘nodes of Ranvier’.

How these features speed impulses is shown dia-grammatically in Figure 1B. With an impulse occurringat an exposed node (1), insulation by the non-conduc-tive lipid sheath increases the transverse resistance(rs) and, more importantly, reduces the transversecapacitance (cs) of immediately adjacent internodalmembrane (2). This, in turn, reduces currents flowingthrough internodal surfaces, and speeds internodecharging. Current from the active node is thus less at-tenuated over distance, and hence more is availablesooner for charging membrane at distant nodes (3).

The restriction of exposed membrane at nodes alsoreduces the area of membrane into which this currentmust flow, and hence reduces its capacitance as well.This increases its rate of charging — technically, thetime-constant for charging nodal capacitance, 2ri cn,is reduced by reducing cn — allowing the thresholdto be reached more quickly and thus speeding the im-pulse even more. Furthermore, the number of layers inthe myelin sheath increases proportionately to interior(‘axonal’) diameter. Thus, the internodal capacitanceper unit area of surface decreases with fiber diameter,adding to the effects from diameter-dependent axialresistance, giving the conduction speed a first power(rather than square root) dependence on diameterover a substantial range [2].

The Distribution of Myelin in the Animal KingdomMyelin is absent in primitive members of the vertebrateline (hagfish and lampreys) [8]. The first myelinatedvertebrate was likely to have been a placoderm [9],the antecedent of contemporary sharks and bony fish.From the early days of microscopy of the nervoussystem, myelin sheaths have been described in bothvertebrates and invertebrates [10–14]. With the adventof electron microscopy focused primarily on verte-brate material [15], myelin has generally been viewedas an exclusively vertebrate innovation. However, elec-tron microscopy also reveals that many of the myelinsheaths described in invertebrates in fact have similarstructure and apparently identical function (Figure 3).

As in other cases of convergent evolution, such aseyesand wings, thedetailed implementation varies, butsheaths that restrict current escape between nodesand reduce impulse-sustaining nodal membrane arefound in crustaceans (malacostraca, including deca-pod shrimp and copepoda) and annelids (polychaetesand oligochaetes). Myelin has not been reported in

Figure 2. Different forms of speed-enhancement in different taxa.

(A) Unmyelinated giant sensory axon from a copepod first antenna (Candacia; photo courtesy of April Davis). (B) Myelinated axonsfrom a dog. (C) Myelinated axons from a prawn (Macrobrachium). (D) Portion of a myelin sheath from an earthworm (Lumbricus).(E) Myelinated copepod axons (Euchaeta rimana). (Panels reproduced with permission from: (B), [25]; (C), [22]; (D), [19]; (E), [17].)

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Lophotrochozoa Ecdysozoa


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Figure 3. Simplified phylogeny of bilateriashowing taxa reported to possess myelin(red) and related non-myelinated taxa(blue).

Taxa marked by an asterisk have not hadmyelination status confirmed by electronmicroscopy.

either molluscs or insects. In these and other non-myelinated taxa, such as crabs and lobsters, elaborateinvestments of nerve fibers by glial and connectivetissue sheaths are often found which do not, however,appear to have either the insulative properties nor thedistinctive fine structure of myelin [16].

It is difficult to pinpoint the ecological conditions andselective pressures that gave rise to the evolution ofmyelin. Among crustaceans, a pelagic lifestyle involv-ing exposure to visual predators in the open oceanappears to have been one factor. Benthic decapods(crabs and lobsters) lack myelin. Most large non-myelinated copepods of the open ocean inhabit dimlylit depths by day and only migrate toward the surfaceto feed at night [17]. As is the case with axonal gigan-tism, myelination is found even in very small organ-isms. Studies are needed of myelination patterns andecology for annelids and for a broader selection ofcrustaceans.

Myelin Blocks Internodal Current LeakageSeveral variants in myelin structure all achieve thesame functional results (Figure 4). In all known organ-isms, the insulating sheath that reduces electricalcapacitance, and increases resistance, between theinterior and the exterior of a nerve fiber is achievedthrough multiple layers of lipid membrane. Such asheath must still make provisions for blocking the cur-rent leakage that would short circuit its insulatingproperties, and different solutions are appropriate forthe internode and node.

In annelids, as with vertebrate myelin, the membraneappears to be spirally wrapped [18]. By thin sectionelectron microscopy, a continuous sheet of glial cellmembrane is observed that starts at the axon andspirals outward (Figure 4A). To prevent short-circuitingby current following along the spiral path betweenlamellae, membrane ‘compaction’ has evolved, inwhich electrically conductive cytoplasmic and extra-cytoplasmic spaces are minimized by the near-fusionof apposed internal and external leaflets of the lipid bi-layer. In the vertebrates, this leads to the characteristiclamellar structure of alternating major dense lines andintraperiod lines corresponding to the close appositionof cytoplasmic and external lipid leaflets of the myeli-nating glial cell. Myelin of the earthworm (Lumbricus)consists of 60 to 200 such layers, often, but not always,compacted, with most of the cytoplasm eliminated(Figure 2D). A combination of compaction and special-ized inter-laminar attachment zones resembling des-mosomes of epithelia appear to provide the necessaryblockage of transverse leakage current through theinternode. The conduction speed of earthworm mye-linated fibers is a few fold higher than that of non-myelinated fibers of the same diameter [19].

All malacostracan (shrimp) myelin described in de-tail so far has been seen to be concentrically arranged:lamellae of a given layer encircle the central axon,abutting corresponding margins of the same layer inspecializations termed ‘seams’ [20]. To ensure theintegrity of transverse electrical insulation, concentricwraps require only that tight seals be made at the

Schwann cell nucleus

Major dense lineAttachment zone

Interperiod line

Terminal loop






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Current Biology

Figure 4. Schematics of myelin wraps in the different myelinated taxa.

(A) Vertebrate; (B) penaeid shrimp; (C) palaemonid shrimp; (D) copepod. (Panels reproduced with permissions from: (A,B), [20]; (C), [22].)


seams, and hence the premium on compactness isnot so great. Shrimp myelin is sometimes compactand sometimes only semicompact (Figure 2C; Fig-ure 4B,C), that is, it excludes only the extracellulargap while retaining some cytoplasm. What is importantis that the conductive spaces between the layers beisolated from each other by a continuous membranousbarrier or by tightly joined appositions at the seams.This fact is sometimes overlooked, leading some toconclude incorrectly that invertebrates lack ‘true’myelin.

The fibers of penaeid shrimps are unusual in that theaxon occupies only a part of the space within thesheath. The rest is occupied by glial cytoplasm ora large extracellular space termed the ‘submyelinicspace’ (Figure 4B). Current entering the axon throughvoltage-gated channels flows readily out of it again,as in non-myelinated nerves, but it is trapped and con-fined in the submyelinic space, as if it were a giant axonfilling the space. Penaeid fibers of 120 mm diameterconduct impulses at the fastest speeds known: over200 m s21, compared with w100 m s21 for the fastestrecorded myelinated vertebrate axons [21].

Copepod myelin, too, is concentrically organized. Itis compact in the outermost layers of the sheath, butoften there is a substantial gap between rings (Fig-ure 2E; Figure 4D). There is no evidence of seams, sothere appear to be no weak spots in the sheath throughwhich current might pass more easily than through themembrane itself. Perhaps this is why only cytoplasmicspace is consistently eliminated in most regions ofcopepod myelin.

Nodal Gaps Sustain ImpulsesSmall gaps in the sheath at intervals along the fiber,through which ionic current can flow between outsideand inside, are needed to support nerve impulses. Invertebrates and palaemonid shrimps, the requisitebreaks in the sheath occur at circumferential ‘nodes ofRanvier’, in which the gap extends completely arounda nerve fiber [12,22,23]. In oligochaetes, penaeidshrimps and copepods, on the other hand, nodes are‘focal’, being restricted to small openings in the sheathrather than breaks that encircle the fibers [19,20,24].This variation in form is not, however, greatly signifi-cant for the basic function, which is to admit currentto sustain nerve impulses. In penaeids, for example,these nodes are the sources and sinks for current justas are the circumferential nodes of vertebrates [20].

Blocking Current Leak at Lamellar MarginsThe short-circuit problem is also acute at the marginswhere layers of myelin terminate, which offer an oppor-tunity for current to insinuate itself between laminae. Invertebrates, this is prevented by specialized paranodalattachment regions (‘septate junctions’) between mye-lin and axon that block access [23,25]. While there areno septate junctions between glia and axon at earth-worm nodes, the glial layers surrounding a node aretightly apposed to the axon and heavily populatedwith desmosome-like specializations [19] which pre-sumably contribute to the structural and/or electricalintegrity of the myelin at the nodes. The glial marginsin contact with the axon in the paranodal region of

Palaemonetes exhibit the septate structures reminis-cent of those in the same regions of vertebrate nodes[22]. At copepod nodes, no distinct specializations be-tween myelin lamellae and the axonal membrane havebeen observed. Instead, the myelin layers seem to fusewith axonal membrane in the paranodal region [24].Again, the impression is of very tight control over cur-rent leakage between the myelin layers at a potentialweak point. The important functional characteristicsof myelin are thus shared by several taxa, albeit theprecise form these take varies.

Adhesion Mechanisms in Vertebrate MyelinIt is likely that myelinating cells originated from gener-alized ensheathing cells that engage neurons even inunmyelinated organisms. The first myelinating cellsmay have resembled ensheathing cells that we find inextant species, such as satellite cells of the dorsalroot ganglion [26]. In the vertebrate peripheral nervoussystem (PNS), just one Schwann cell myelinates a sin-gle axonal segment. By contrast, axons in the centralnervous system (CNS) are myelinated by oligodendro-cytes, and each oligodendrocyte can myelinate sev-eral axonal internodes. One might imagine that a re-duction in oligodendrocyte cell body number, whilemaintaining the same number of myelinated segments,saved space within the vertebrate skull, which couldthen be devoted to a steadily increasing number ofneurons over evolutionary time [27].

What molecular components have evolved to sub-serve these vital functions of myelin? By far the best-studied myelin is that of the vertebrates. As with othermyelins, vertebrate myelin has a very complicatedmature morphology, and studying its anatomy yieldslittle information about how the sheath actually de-velops around an axon, a process that is still poorlyunderstood. Peripheral nerve myelin in terrestrial ver-tebrates is organized into highly compact and non-compact regions. The compact zone is held togetherat both cytoplasmic and extracellular membrane sur-face appositions by a transmembrane protein, ProteinZero (P0), a glycoprotein comprising a 124 amino acidextracellular domain, a single transmembrane seg-ment, and a positively charged 69 amino acid intra-cellular domain [28]. The extracellular domain is similarin sequence to immunoglobulins, and so P0 is a mem-ber of the immunoglobulin gene superfamily: in fact,its structure makes it one of the ‘simplest’ immuno-globulin-like membrane proteins.

The extracellular domain of P0 functions homophili-cally, adhering to other P0 molecules across the extra-cellular cleft. This has been demonstrated in experi-ments where P0 has been expressed in non-adherentcell lines. Ultrastructural analysis of cells forced to ad-here to one another as a result of P0 expression showsthat the cell–cell interfaces acquire a regular morphol-ogy highly suggestive of the extracellular intraperiodline of mature PNS myelin [29,30]. Because P0 can con-fer homophilic adhesion in any cell in which it is ex-pressed, it would seem to be a kind of universal adhe-sion molecule, and the mechanisms by which theextracellular domain of P0 adheres to itself are generalones that clearly can operate even when removed fromthe context of the myelin sheath.

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Early ultrastructural analysis of frog sciatic nerve byFernandez-Moran [15,31] revealed a regular organiza-tion of electron-dense ‘globules’, interconnected witheach other, apparently suspended in the extracellularmilieu, and attached by electron dense ‘tendrils’ to theextracellular aspect of the myelin bilayer (Figure 5A).A half century after these images were published,Shapiro et al. [32] analyzed the crystal structure of theP0 immunoglobulin domain and determined that P0 ex-ists as interconnecting tetramers arranged in a latticesuspended within the extracellular compartment (Fig-ure 5B,C). The tetramers are anchored to each otherthrough peptide backbone interactions, and they arefurther anchored to the apposing bilayer by way oftryptophan side chains embedded in the hydrophobicphase of the membrane (Figure 5C).

Although P0 can mediate the adhesion of myelinmembranes, leading to the appearance of the intra-period and major dense lines by virtue of exposure of




Figure 5. Protein Zero structure.

(A) Transmission EM of frog sciatic nerve showing regular glob-ular structures (arrows, presumably P0 tetramers) in the extra-cellular space (see [15]). (B) Orthogonal view of interlocking P0

tetramers. Yellow and blue tetramers emanate from apposinglipid bilayers, and interlock in the extracellular space. (C) Homo-philic interactions of tetrameric P0 units as determined by X-raycrystallography; compare with (A). (Panels reproduced withpermission from: (A), [15]; (B,C), [32].)

the molecule on both extracellular and cytoplasmicaspects, P0 is not present in the CNS of mature terres-trial vertebrates [33]. A set of polypeptides termed‘proteolipid proteins’ (PLPs) — DMa, DMb and DMg,DM20, M6a and M6b — have been identified whichare abundant integral membrane proteins in the CNS,but their precise function in the generation of the mye-lin sheath is not yet understood [34,35]. Clearly though,P0 and the PLPs are not functionally equivalent inmyelin sheath biogenesis. The sequence relatednessof the proteolipid proteins to primitive channel pro-teins [34] may give us clues as to the function of thesevery hydrophobic proteins in the myelin sheath.

No homologues of P0 or other non-tetraspan integralmyelin proteins known from vertebrates have beenfound in invertebrates so far, although immunoreactiv-ity to P0 antibodies has been reported for a 50 kDa pro-tein from shrimp myelinated nervous system [36].However, genes for members of the proteolipid familyhave been reported both in protochordates and proto-stome invertebrates [37]. These suggest the possibilityof common ancestry for at least some myelin compo-nents across the animal kingdom. Much remains tobe learned about myelin proteins, their identitiesamong invertebrates and their antecedents in bothvertebrates and invertebrates.

Nodal MoleculesIn recent years, there has been an explosion of interestin the node of Ranvier and the region immediately sur-rounding it in vertebrate nerve fibers [38,39]. This isbecause the node of Ranvier is now recognized asa metabolically highly active zone, and it is of coursethe site at which the voltage-gated sodium channelsare highly concentrated (see above). Nodal and para-nodal morphology is complex (Figure 6): sharply delin-eated microdomains are recognized both morpholog-ically and biochemically within what amounts to justa few microns of length in either direction from the cen-tre of the node of Ranvier (Figure 7) [40]. Ion channels,adhesive proteins, and proteins with as of yet unrecog-nized functions assemble at the node and in its vicinity,in very precise relationships to one another that we arejust beginning to understand.

Ultrastructural studies show that the myelinatingglial cell forms a heterotypic junction with the underly-ing axon, and this junction takes the form of periodicregularly arranged septa highly reminiscent of thoseobserved between epithelia cells in Hydra and in thenerve–blood barrier of Drosophila. In Drosophila, neu-rexin IV is one hallmark protein of the nerve–bloodbarrier where the septa are found [41]. While no myelinis to be found in flies, in vertebrates virtually identicalsepta form the axoglial junction between the myelinat-ing glial cell and underlying axon, and it is of greatinterest that the septa also contain a type IV neu-rexin-contactin-associated protein (Caspr), closely re-lated in terms of evolution to its Drosophila counter-part [41–43]. Conservation of these proteins over 750million years of evolution strongly suggests that theyare of major importance in the generation of ‘septal’bonds between cells, but their precise function in thegeneration of the septate morphology has yet to bedetermined.


Recent work has also shed light on a long-standingproblem in myelin biology: what is the signal by whicha glial cell recognizes an axon to be myelinated, as op-posed to an axon that becomes merely ensheathedbut no myelin is formed? A series of fascinating papers(see [43,44], and references therein) collectively revealthat axons to be myelinated express high levels ofneuregulin-1 on the axonal surface that the myelinatingcell recognizes as a positive signal for myelination toproceed.

Evolutionary PressuresMyelin sheaths are frequently associated with rapidreactions, especially in invertebrate taxa. For fibersof a few microns or more in diameter, myelin speedsthe conduction of nerve impulses by a factor of tenor more compared to unmyelinated fibers of the




Figure 6. Molecular microdomains at the vertebrate node ofRanvier.

(A) Diagram of a longitudinal EM section showing paranodalloops terminating the myelin layers on the left, and a Schmidt-Lanterman incisure at the right. (B) Immunoreactivity for sodiumchannels (magenta) and myelin-associated glycoprotein(green). (C) Immunoreactivity for Caspr in the paranodal domain(magenta) and potassium channels (green). (Reproduced withpermission from [39,40].)

same diameter. This increases the nervous system’sinformation processing capacity and delivery speeds,decreasing reaction times to stimuli, increasing tem-poral precision, more closely synchronizing spatiallydistributed targets (such as different regions of a mus-cle sheet), and providing for shorter delays in feedbackloops (for example in muscle control). Because lesscurrent is needed to satisfy the charging needs of my-elinated fibers, mean sodium channel densities aver-aged over the length of a fiber are much lower thanfor unmyelinated ones. This results in a smaller ionicimbalance that must be restored after an impulsepasses and confers a several hundred-fold improve-ment in metabolic efficiency for recouping the energycost of nerve impulse traffic. For a nervous systemsuch as ours, which already accounts for 20% of thebody’s resting metabolic energy budget, this is notan inconsequential advantage. Another advantage iseconomy of space: to achieve the same ten-fold im-provement on conduction speed through increasingaxonal diameter, axons would have to be 100 timeslarger (with a comparable scale-up in soma size to ac-commodate the metabolic needs). Imagine yourselfwith a 100-fold thicker spinal cord!

Myelin in any group is a highly structured tissue, withmany specialized molecules interacting in complexways, and clearly with a long evolutionary history ineach of the lines in which it has appeared. Given thephylogenetic separation among myelinated taxa, mye-lin may be presumed to have arisen independently ineach of the major bilaterian lineages (Figure 3): thedeuterostomes (gnathostomes), the lophotrochozoa(polychaetes and oligochaetes) and the ecdysozoa(copepods and malacostracans). So ancient is its evi-dent appearance in each of these lines, and so sophis-ticated its morphological and chemical structure, thatits exact origin in most of those lines is hard to estab-lish. Even in vertebrates there is a great evolutionarydistance between the unmyelinated hyperoartia (lam-preys) and the gnathostomes.

The initial steps in the evolution of myelination maynot, however, be that difficult to reconstruct. Electri-cally sealing together two apposed membrane sur-faces over a small region of axon decreases itstransverse capacitance and proportionately speedsimpulse propagation along it. The sealing can beachieved by narrowing the conductive space, eithercytoplasmic or extracytoplasmic, between adjacentaxonal and/or glial membranes — as might have beenachieved, for example, by an early version of

Figure 7. Diagram of paranodal loops ata vertebrate node of Ranvier.

Black dots between the loops and the ax-olemma indicate septate junctions. (Re-produced with permission from [39].)

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a homophilic P0 analog — or through impermeablespecializations at margins, for example precursors ofseptate junctions. Even the random sealing of patchesof single-layer glial membrane over half of an axon’ssurface is predicted to increase conduction speed byabout 20%. Once such a process has started, it is notdifficult to imagine a sequence of small improvementsdriven by natural selection that would ultimately leadto the complex structures we see today. This is spec-ulative, however; no cases have been described so farof ‘intermediate stages’ in extant groups. Develop-mental sequences, the lack of fossil records and thepaucity of candidate molecular precursors so far iden-tified have made the task more difficult. Perhaps betterinsight will be gained through increased attention tomyelin evolved in the invertebrates.

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