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Reversible modulus reinforcement of end-linked

polydimethylsiloxane ionomer networks

Ashish Batra, Claude Cohen *

School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Cornell University, Olin Hall, Ithaca, NY 14853, USA

Received 19 August 2005; received in revised form 21 October 2005; accepted 25 October 2005

Available online 16 November 2005


We report the mechanical behavior and swelling properties of covalently end-linked networks of polydimethylsiloxane with tailored number of

monomers between side carboxyl groups and number of carboxyl groups along the chain. Imperfect carboxyl networks are reinforced by

neutralization of the carboxyl groups with gallium ions via conversion of pendent chains into elastically active strands due to formation of inter-

molecular ionic cross-links. These networks swell in non-polar solvents to a similar degree as unmodified end-linked PDMS networks of

comparable moduli. For unannealed samples, the modulus reinforcement is reversed by a polar THF:water solution that breaks the ionic cross-

links. Neutralization with transition metal cations such as cobalt causes no initial reinforcement due to weak intra-molecular interactions.

Reinforcement in annealed gallium, cobalt or carboxyl networks is not readily reversible.

q 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Polydimethylsiloxane; Ionomers; Elastomers

1. Introduction

There are various examples of covalently end-linked polymer

networks in the literature [1–10]. End-linked polymer networks

have been prepared from polydimethylsiloxane [1–6], poly-

ethyleneglycol [7], polystyrene [8], poly(tetrahydrofuran) [9] and

polybutadiene [10]. Although occasionally used commercially,

end-linked networks serve primarily as ‘model’ polymer net-

works and have furthered the understanding of structure–property

relations of polymer networks. End-linked networks described

above as well as most cross-linked networks used in the industry

usually have covalently cross-linked structures, but a rich

literature also exists on elastomeric ionomers like carboxylated

styrene–butadiene, acrylonitrile–butadiene and sulfonated ethyl-

ene–propylene–diene terpolymers [11–13] that have ionic cross-

linking. Only a few studies [14–18] have been aimed at

elastomeric polymers with ionic side groups that are also

covalently cross-linked either at their ends or along the chain

and that form in addition physical ionic cross-links. Such

materials can leverage properties of ionomers and elastic

covalently linked networks. The presence of both ionic and

0032-3861/$ - see front matter q 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


* Corresponding author. Fax: C1 607 255 9166.

E-mail address: [email protected] (C. Cohen).

covalent cross-links allows one to tune the properties of polymers

especially tensile strength and elongation based on the relative

proportions of the covalent cross-links and the ionic cross-links.

Presence of ionic cross-links gave rise to greater stress-relaxation

and a greater generation of heat in vulcanized carboxylated nitrile

rubber elastomers [15]. It has also been observed that ionic cross-

links imparted high tensile strength, permanent set, and hardness,

while sulfur covalent cross-links introduced high flex crack

resistance, elongation at break, and tear strength in the

vulcanizates of carboxylated nitrile rubber [17]. The physical

nature of the ionic-cross-links can also be used to induce changes

as a function of temperature or solvent within a covalently cross-

linked matrix that preserves the integrity of the sample.

We examine here covalently end-linked polydimethylsilox-

ane with carboxyl side groups along the backbone and focus on

modulus reinforcement by neutralization of carboxylic groups

with various salts. We interpret our results in terms of the

diverse flow and mechanical properties of polydimethylsilox-

ane based ionomer melts as a function of the counter-ion and

temperature that have been previously reported [19–21].

2. Experimental

2.1. Synthesis

The synthesis of vinyl terminated polydimethylsiloxane

polymers with carboxyl groups (PDMS–COOH) at regular

Polymer 46 (2005) 12416–12421

Table 1

Molar mass and polydispersity of OH-terminated PDMS precursors used for


Precursor chains Mn (kg/mol) Mpeak (kg/mol) PDI

7k 6.4 6.95 1.18

11ka 12.5 11.2 1.32

11kb 10.0 11.6 1.19

21k 19.6 20.7 1.32

A. Batra, C. Cohen / Polymer 46 (2005) 12416–12421 12417

intervals along the backbone has been described in detail

elsewhere [19]. The intervals between carboxyl groups are

determined by the molar mass of the precursor OH–PDMS–OH

used in the synthesis. Table 1 shows the molar mass (Mn), the

molar mass corresponding to the peak position of the gel

permeation chromatograph (Mpeak) and the polydispersity

index (PDI) of the OH–PDMS–OH precursors. The precursor

names are rounded-off values of Mpeak. The average number of

COOH groups per chain is calculated as (Mpeak/Mn of precursor

PDMS)K1. As an example of the nomenclature used in the

paper 7k-I indicates 7k precursor chains, sample 1. Networks

of PDMS–COOH were formed by end-linking with the

tetrafunctional cross-linker tetrakis(dimethylsiloxy)silane in

the presence of cis-dichlorobis(diethyl sulfide)platinum(II) in

toluene. Based on a previous study for unmodified PDMS, the

molar ratio r of silane hydrogens to vinyl groups was fixed at

1.7 for all networks considered here [1]. The networks were

allowed to cure at 75 8C for 1 day.

The weight fraction of soluble material, wsol and the

equilibrium swelling ratio in toluene Q were determined using

standard gravimetric procedures [22]. Network characteristics

along with polymer molar masses and polydispersities are

reported in Table 2. We note that these networks have large

soluble fractions and are therefore quite imperfect. We initially

suspected that the cause might be the acidic nature of the side

carboxylic groups that affects the efficiency of the catalyst [3]

and that some vinyl end groups are clipped off during the

t-butyl deprotection step of the synthesis. More recent

investigations have shown that relative humidity plays a

dominant role in the poor cross-linking of these networks.

Curing in a dry environment with less than 5% humidity

Table 2

Molar mass and polydispersity of polymers used to prepare PDMS–COOH network

temperature for PDMS–COOH networks

Sample Mn (kg/mol) Mpeak (kg/mol) PDI w

7k-I 61.8 96.1 1.85 2

7k-II 55.3 68.3 1.74 1

7k-III 37.0 46.9 1.85 1

11ka-I 60.0 90.0 1.58 3

11kb-I 52.7 68.3 1.52 3

11kb-II 36.2 48.6 1.51 2

21k-I 63.2 92.9 1.71 1

21k-II 56.3 70.7 1.65 1

21k-III 38.1 46.9 1.49 1

produced networks with a much higher modulus than reported

in Table 2. For example, curing the sample 21k-II between the

parallel plates of a rheometer equipped with an oven resulted in

a network with a modulus of 0.54 vs. 0.156 MPa for a similar

network cured in a normal desktop convection oven. The

carboxyl groups along the polymer chain attract water to

PDMS–COOH polymers. Water affects the efficiency of the

catalyst causing poor cross-linking. However, as we will show

later, using imperfect networks was in fact critical to

demonstrate the reinforcement of these networks after

neutralization via ionic interactions that converted pendent

chains into elastic strands.

Networks in which the carboxyl groups are neutralized by

either gallium or cobalt ions were prepared by swelling the

PDMS–COOH networks in a toluene solution (20 times the

mass of the network) of gallium(III) acetylacetonate or cobalt

(III) acetylacetonate, respectively, for 3 days on a shaker.

Three times excess salt was used. The swollen network is de-

swollen in a 60:40 toluene:methanol solution overnight. This

solution also extracts the excess salt from the network. The low

mol% of COOH groups prevents a quantification of the degree

of conversion via UV, visible or FTIR spectroscopy. However,

use of excess salt should ensure a high degree of conversion.

PDMS–COOH networks neutralized with gallium are hereafter

referred to as gallium networks and those neutralized with

cobalt are referred to as cobalt networks.

2.2. Mechanical measurements

The Young’s modulus E for all samples in the annealed or

unannealed dry state was measured on a Perkin–Elmer 7e

dynamic mechanical analyzer at room temperature in extension

mode at small strains between 0.01 and 0.04.

2.3. X-ray scattering

X-ray scattering for gallium and cobalt networks was

carried out on a Bruker-AXS general area detector diffraction

system (GADDS) at a sample to detector distance of 15 cm.

s; soluble fraction, equilibrium swelling ratio in toluene and modulus at room

sol (%) Q ECOOH (105 Pa) Average number

of COOH groups

per chain

2.4G1.8 9.9G0.4 1.17G0.12 13

9.5G2.1 9.0G0.5 1.12G0.18 9

4.1G0.5 6.8G0.2 1.81G0.08 6

1.0G0.7 14.0G0.4 0.84G0.26 7

4.6G2.9 13.1G0.8 0.70G0.1 5

4.7G0.6 9.65G0.3 1.08G0.18 3

9.8G0.7 9.4G0.1 0.96G0.18 4

1.2G0.6 7.3G0.2 1.56G0.20 2

4.7G0.8 7.7G0.1 1.85G0.09 1

Fig. 1. Modulus vs. swelling ratio in toluene of PDMS–COOH networks; ($)

unannealed, (&) annealed at 150 8C for 20 days.

A. Batra, C. Cohen / Polymer 46 (2005) 12416–1242112418

3. Results and discussion

3.1. PDMS–COOH networks

We have recently reported that freshly precipitated melts of

PDMS–COOH with a low mol% of COOH groups have similar

rheological properties at temperatures up to 75 8C as an

unmodified reference PDMS of comparable molar mass and

PDI [19]. This is attributed to both the weak interactions

between COOH groups and the low mol% leading to mostly

intra-molecular interactions that convert to intermolecular

interactions only very slowly at these temperatures [19].

Therefore, networks prepared by end-linking vinyl terminated

PDMS–COOH at 75 8C for 1 day are not expected to show any

enhancement in modulus as compared to unmodified PDMS

networks. Fig. 1 shows the ln(E) vs. ln(Q) plot for these

networks swollen in toluene (a non-polar solvent). The scaling

law between E and Q is the same as reported for unmodified

PDMS [2].

Melts of low mol% PDMS–COOH exposed to high

temperatures, such as 150 8C for an extended period of time,

form a critical gel and eventually a network [19]. Here,

annealing PDMS–COOH networks to 150 8C for 20 days

results in reinforcement in modulus that is presented in Table 3.

This reinforcement can be attributed to conversion of pendent

chains in our imperfect networks into elastically active chains

via formation of inter-molecular hydrogen bonds that are

Table 3

Moduli of unannealed and annealed carboxyl, cobalt and gallium networks

Sample ECOOH (105 Pa) ECobalt (105 Pa) EGallium (105

7k-I 1.17G0.12 1.06G0.29 3.39G0.55

7k-II 1.12G0.18 1.44 4.04

7k-III 1.81G0.08 1.68G0.11 3.36G0.11

11ka-I 0.84G0.26 0.51 1.99

11kb-I 0.7G0.1 0.63 2.34

11kb-II 1.08G0.18 – 2.18

21k-I 0.96G0.18 1.18 2.67G0.29

21k-II 1.56G0.20 1.98G0.03 2.07

21k-III 1.85G0.09 2.03 2.77

promoted at high temperatures. Fig. 1 also shows ln(E) vs.

ln(Q) plots for these annealed samples. Linear fit to the data is

identical to unannealed samples and indicates that in the

presence of a non-polar solvent the physical cross-links are

similar to permanent covalent cross-links. An optimal PDMS–

COOH network with few defects would have elastic chains

with carboxyl groups at regular intervals, but due to the

covalent cross-link constraints, physical cross-links would be

difficult to form and only a moderate enhancement in modulus

may be possible.

3.2. Gallium networks

Fig. 2 shows that gallium networks in the dry state with

greater than three COOK groups per chain have a much higher

modulus (2–3.5 times greater) after neutralization than that of

the PDMS–COOH networks from which they are prepared.

Gallium networks (21k-II, 21k-III) with too few COOK groups

per chain do not show any significant reinforcement in modulus

with respect to the PDMS–COOH networks. To interpret these

results, we refer to the rheology of melts of gallium ionomers

with similar structure reported elsewhere [20,21]. Melts of low

mol% gallium ionomers with 5–6 ions per chain freshly

precipitated from a good/bad solvent mixture have storage

moduli that are greater than the loss moduli and the complex

viscosities show a power law behavior in the frequency range

(0.01–100 rad/s) indicating the formation of a weak network.

This physically cross-linked network forms due to ionic cross-

links, which can be single gallium carboxylate quartets

consisting of one gallium ion and three carboxylate ions

belonging to different polymer chains, or ionic quartets

aggregated due to electrostatic interactions. An inhomo-

geneous distribution of spherical aggregates with an average

diameter of 10 nm was observed via scanning transmission

electron microscopy (STEM) images [20]. X-ray scattering

patterns indicate a low angle scattering upturn but no ionic

peaks or shoulders.

Fig. 3(a) shows the X-ray scattering pattern of the gallium

networks. A low angle scattering intensity (the inner halo)

corresponding to scattering from gallium and a peak (the outer

halo) that is also seen in pure PDMS and corresponds to

siloxane chain segments are observed. These features are

similar to those observed with gallium melts annealed at

150 8C for 5 days (shown in Fig. 3(b)), leading us to believe

Pa) EAnnealed-COOH

(105 Pa)


(105 Pa)


(105 Pa)

3.36G0.83 5.48 6.54

6.76G0.85 7.32 7.82

5.42G0.31 5.37 5.72

3.09 3.26 3.07

3.55 – 4.17

3.34 – 3.96

4.42G0.24 4.34 3.95

5.41G0.16 5.21 5.89

5.39G0.39 6.42 6.87

Fig. 2. Moduli of gallium networks relative to moduli of carboxyl networks

from which they are prepared. (:) 21k networks, (&) 11k networks, (%) 7k


Fig. 3. (a) X-ray scattering pattern of 7k-III gallium network; (b) X-ray

scattering pattern of a gallium melt of comparable structure after annealing at

150 8C for 5 days.

Fig. 4. Modulus vs. swelling ratio in toluene of gallium networks. Slope is

K2.0 close to K1.9 for unmodified PDMS networks.

A. Batra, C. Cohen / Polymer 46 (2005) 12416–12421 12419

that similar ionic aggregates as observed in melts are being

formed in these covalently end-linked networks. Single ionic

quartets that act as tri-functional cross-links and ionic

aggregates that act as multi-functional cross-links lead to the

reinforcement in the modulus. Gallium has a valency of three

and if there are fewer than three COOK groups per chain, it is

unlikely that sufficient conversion of carboxyl groups to

gallium carboxylate occurs. The small reinforcement in

modulus seen in 21k-II and 21k-III gallium networks

(Table 3) is likely due to the very few COOK groups per

chain in these networks.

Fig. 4 shows the ln(E) vs. ln(Q) plot for gallium networks

swollen in toluene. The scaling law between E and Q is almost

the same as reported for unmodified PDMS (K2.0 for gallium

networks vs. K1.9 for unmodified PDMS [2]). This similarity

again indicates that in the presence of a non-polar solvent the

physical cross-links are similar to permanent covalent cross-

links and that the solvent interaction parameter c of PDMS in

toluene is unaffected by the presence of a low mol% of ions

along the chain.

3.3. Cobalt networks

Table 3 shows that cobalt networks irrespective of the

number of COOK groups per chain or the number of monomers

between ions, do not show any modulus enhancement relative

to the PDMS–COOH network from which they were prepared.

This stark contrast between cobalt networks and gallium

networks can be explained on the basis of the different behavior

of cobalt and gallium ionomer melts with similar number of

COOK groups per chain and number of monomers between

ions. The cobalt ionomers were found to precipitate as melts

that flow and exhibit a zero-shear viscosity [21] due to lack of

aggregates (as evidenced via STEM) whereas a gel like

behavior due to aggregate formation was observed in gallium

ionomers immediately after precipitation [20]. Both the X-ray

scattering pattern of cobalt networks and the X-ray scattering

pattern of cobalt ionomer melts annealed to 150 8C for 5 days

(not shown) lack the inner halo and the corresponding upturn

observed with the gallium ionomers. The lack of the inner halo

Fig. 6. Moduli of annealed networks relative to moduli of carboxyl networks

from which they are prepared. Data of gallium networks are represented by

unfilled symbols, those of COOH networks are in black, those of cobalt

networks are in grey; (:) 21k networks, (&) 11k networks, (%) 7k networks.

A. Batra, C. Cohen / Polymer 46 (2005) 12416–1242112420

and upturn, coupled with a featureless STEM image was

interpreted to indicate the absence of any aggregates in melts,

the same may be assumed for the cobalt networks. Weak intra-

molecular interactions at room temperature do not form

additional cross-links to enhance the modulus of freshly

prepared cobalt networks.

3.4. Reversibility of modulus reinforcement of non-annealed


Swelling a freshly prepared gallium network in a 60:40

THF:water solution allows water to migrate to the ionic cross-

links and break the physical cross-linking. The modulus of the

dried network following a THF:water swelling treatment is the

same as the modulus of the same network prior to converting it

to a gallium network. This demonstrates the reversibility in

moduli enhancement that can be achieved with gallium

networks. In contrast, swelling in a non-polar solvent like

toluene does not affect the physical-cross-links and the

modulus remains unaffected. On re-swelling a gallium network

whose physical-cross-links have been broken, in a toluene

solution of gallium acetylacetonate, and drying the network we

recover a modulus that is only slightly less than what was

originally obtained. We speculate that the slight decrease in

modulus is due to the fact that water cannot be completely

expelled from gallium networks swollen in THF:water by

drying. Unexpelled water may prevent neutralization of some

carboxyl groups with gallium, thereby giving a lower modulus

reinforcement than the original reinforcement. Fig. 5 shows the

stress–strain curve in the low strain (!0.04) region for 7k-I

COOH network, 7k-I PDMS–COOH network converted to

gallium, 7k-I gallium network after swelling in THF:water

solution and drying and after reconverting to a gallium network

that demonstrates the statements made above.

3.5. Irreversibility of modulus reinforcement of annealed


Annealing gallium and cobalt networks at 150 8C for

10 days results in an increase in their moduli (refer to

Table 3). This reinforcement can be attributed to conversion

of pendent chains into elastic strands via formation of

Fig. 5. Stress–strain curves at low strain for 7k-I COOH network, gallium

network, gallium network after swelling in 60:40 THF:water and drying, and

after reconstituting the gallium network.

inter-molecular ionic quartets bonds that are promoted at

high temperatures. Annealing melts of low mol% gallium and

cobalt ionomers at 150 8C for 20 days also resulted in strong

physically cross-linked networks [19,20]. Fig. 6 shows that

within experimental error, the ratio of moduli of annealed

networks relative to the PDMS–COOH networks from which

they are prepared is the same irrespective of neutralization or

the nature of the cation.

Because the PDMS–COOH networks are imperfect net-

works with a range of soluble fractions, they have different

structural defects, and comparisons regarding increase in

moduli either as a function of number of ions per chain or

the number of monomers between ions cannot be made. Within

the error bars, the maximum moduli seen with some networks

are similar to the moduli of unmodified covalently end-linked

PDMS networks of comparable molar mass of precursors.

Since the modulus of the annealed samples represents the

maximum modulus possible for a given PDMS–COOH

imperfect network, comparisons of moduli as a function of

number of ions per chain or number of monomers between ions

can be made using the moduli of the corresponding annealed

samples as reference points. Therefore, to compare moduli of

unannealed gallium networks the ratio (EGalliumKECOOH)

/(EAnnealed-galliumKECOOH) normalizes the variations of soluble

fractions across samples. This ratio represents an increase in

modulus of gallium networks at room temperature relative to

the increase in modulus in their annealed state. For networks

Fig. 7. Stress–strain curves at low strain for 7k-II COOH network, gallium

network, gallium network after annealing and annealed gallium network after

swelling in 60:40 THF:water and drying.

A. Batra, C. Cohen / Polymer 46 (2005) 12416–12421 12421

with greater than three COOK groups per chain, this ratio is

w0.45, implying 45% of maximum reinforcement possible

happens immediately at room temperature irrespective of the

number of monomers between ions.

Swelling gallium or cobalt or carboxyl networks that have

been annealed at 150 8C for 10–20 days in a 60:40 THF:water

solution decreases their moduli by only 20–30%. Thus the

moduli-reinforcement in annealed samples is not as readily

reversible. This is demonstrated for a gallium network in Fig. 7.

4. Conclusions

We have synthesized covalently end-linked networks of

polydimethylsiloxane with tailored number of monomers

between carboxyl side groups and number of carboxyl side

groups along the chain. Neutralization of the carboxyl groups

with gallium ions causes moduli reinforcement of imperfect

PDMS networks via conversion of pendent chains into

elastically active strands due to formation of inter-molecular

ionic cross-links. In the presence of non-polar solvents, these

ionic cross-links act as permanent cross-links, swelling the

networks to a similar degree as unmodified end-linked PDMS

networks of comparable moduli. For unannealed samples, the

modulus reinforcement is reversed by a polar THF:water

solution that breaks the ionic cross-links. Freshly prepared

cobalt networks do not show any reinforcement because of

weak intra-molecular interactions compared to gallium net-

works. Irreversible reinforcement is brought about by

annealing gallium, cobalt or carboxyl networks.


This work was supported by the National Science

Foundation Polymers Program under grant DMR-0349952.

This work made use of the Cornell Center for Materials

Research Shared Experimental Facilities supported through the

National Science Foundation Materials Research Science and

Engineering Centers program (Award DMR-0079992). T.M.

Duncan, F. Escobedo and D. Bhawe are also acknowledged for

useful discussions.


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