Download - Revelations study guide - St. John the Divine · 4 Revelation: The Unveiling of Jesus Christ Why study the book of Revelation? Revelation 1:3 gives us the answer. “Blessed is the

Page 1: Revelations study guide - St. John the Divine · 4 Revelation: The Unveiling of Jesus Christ Why study the book of Revelation? Revelation 1:3 gives us the answer. “Blessed is the

RevelationThe Unveiling of Jesus Christ

A Hope of Glory Study

Page 2: Revelations study guide - St. John the Divine · 4 Revelation: The Unveiling of Jesus Christ Why study the book of Revelation? Revelation 1:3 gives us the answer. “Blessed is the

About the cover image:In 2015, during our Taste & See Prayer Week,

the Rev. Dr. Doug Richnow commissioned

Caroline Bowles Furlong to “write” an icon of our

patron Saint, St. John the Divine. The icon was

revealed on the Feast of the Epiphany, January 6,

2018, and is currently on display in the niche in

the side hallway of the church narthex.

The decorative border seen throughout the book

is part of the icon’s frame.

Page 3: Revelations study guide - St. John the Divine · 4 Revelation: The Unveiling of Jesus Christ Why study the book of Revelation? Revelation 1:3 gives us the answer. “Blessed is the

Table of ContentsIntroduction ...................................................................... 4

Lesson One ....................................................................... 6

Lesson Two ....................................................................... 8

Lesson Three ................................................................... 10

Lesson Four ..................................................................... 12

Lesson Five...................................................................... 14

Lesson Six ....................................................................... 16

Lesson Seven .................................................................. 18

Lesson Eight .................................................................... 20

Lesson Nine .................................................................... 22

Lesson Ten ...................................................................... 24

Lesson Eleven .................................................................. 26

Lesson Twelve ................................................................. 28

Page 4: Revelations study guide - St. John the Divine · 4 Revelation: The Unveiling of Jesus Christ Why study the book of Revelation? Revelation 1:3 gives us the answer. “Blessed is the


Revelation: The Unveiling of Jesus Christ

Why study the book of Revelation? Revelation 1:3 gives us the answer. “Blessed is the one who reads the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear it and take to heart what is written in it, because the time is near.” The time this book is speaking of is the end of this age; the age of the church. The age of the church began with Pentecost and will end with the second coming of Jesus. To hear and meditate on this book brings blessings. This is the first of seven blessings or beatitudes recorded in Revelation.

The Bible is bookended by Genesis and Revelation. The first recounts the beginning of the world and the second recounts the end of the world as we know it. Revelation can be a terrifying book, but if you focus on its purpose, it is a book of victory and comfort.

There are times in the history of man when we think “all hell is breaking loose”. There are times in our lives when we think “life’s not fair”. How often has mankind wished for the evil of this world to be rooted out and punished and for the righteous to get their just rewards. We don’t always see that in our world today. Revelation is all about God setting everything right.

More importantly, Revelation is about the revealing or unveiling of Jesus. As early as Genesis 3, we get a glimpse of a prophecy about someone to come who will crush the head of the serpent (Satan). All through the Old Testament, we discover prophecies and veiled allusions to a Messiah who will come and set God’s people free. God’s people are the Jews. Yet there are prophecies about Gentiles being a part of God’s promises. None of this made sense until Jesus appeared as a babe in Bethlehem. Through the gospels, we see how these ancient prophecies are manifested in a Jewish carpenter who was not only the Son of Man but the Son of God. Yet there were still Old Testament prophecies that were not fulfilled at the time of Jesus’ first coming and have yet to be fulfilled. Some prophecies have dual fulfillments. Some have already been fulfilled or fulfilled in part, but there will be another fulfillment of that same prophecy in the future.

Page 5: Revelations study guide - St. John the Divine · 4 Revelation: The Unveiling of Jesus Christ Why study the book of Revelation? Revelation 1:3 gives us the answer. “Blessed is the


Many Old Testament prophecies spoke of God reigning on earth. That has yet to happen. Satan still has an influence on the earth. New Testament prophecies speak about all people in heaven, on earth, and under the earth bowing to Jesus and every tongue confessing that He is Lord of all. That has not happened.

So, the full unveiling of Jesus has still not occurred. The glory of his majesty, his ruling on earth as he does in heaven, is still in the future. The book of Revelation is our promise from God that He will indeed fulfill all He has said he will do. Jesus will be King of kings and Lord of lords on earth. Revelation is the unveiling of how this happens. At the end of Revelation, the fullness of the glory of Jesus is finally apparent to all on earth. The promise of God that He will dwell with his people becomes a reality.

There are two other places in the Bible we will be examining along with Revelation. One is the book of Daniel, chapter 7, the other is Matthew 24. Each of these speak of the end of this age that Revelation covers more completely.

Where the gospels are about the grace of God, Revelation is about the judgment of God. All are given an opportunity to come and freely drink of the water of life. Sadly, not all will choose to come.

There are various interpretations of the book of Revelation. Some theologians see it as already having taken place in the hearts of believers; others think it is recording actual events that will take place in the future. That will be the tact I will take. However the Holy Spirit speaks to you through these passages, the important thing to remember is that Jesus, and all who follow Him, are victorious.

—Meg Rice

Page 6: Revelations study guide - St. John the Divine · 4 Revelation: The Unveiling of Jesus Christ Why study the book of Revelation? Revelation 1:3 gives us the answer. “Blessed is the


All of scripture is God breathed through the power of the Holy Spirit but recorded by prophets and witnesses to the life of Jesus. The book of Revelation is authored by God and seems to have a direct link to Jesus and John the Apostle. It is written for God’s people so that they may know what must soon take place. Revelation 1:19 gives us a clue as to how the book of Revelation is divided. John the Apostle wrote down what he saw in chapter 1. He writes what is happening “now” in chapters 2 and 3 concerning the Seven churches of the Revelation. Finally, he records “what will take place later” in the future at the end of the age in chapters 4-22.

1. Read Revelation 1:1-4. These verses record what no other scripture claims. God is the author who gave these words concerning Jesus Christ to John who recorded them. What is the purpose of Revelation according to these verses?

2. How is God the Father described (see verse 4)? Compare this to Genesis 1:1, Exodus 3:14, Isaiah 44:6-8. How is the Holy Spirit described (see verse 4)? Compare this to Isaiah 11:2. How is Jesus Christ described? See Isaiah 55:4, John 18:37, Colossians 1:18.

3. What do you see as the role of Jesus in the lives of the churches? ( Hint: verse 5-6)

4. Compare verse 7 to Daniel 7:13,14 and Matthew 24:29-30? How does Daniel 7:9-10 describe God? How does Revelation 1:8 describe Him?

5. John the Apostle is the most logical one to be the receiver of this vision and these words. Who is this letter to be sent to? Identify on a map these ancient cities; also find Patmos.

6. Describe the One that John saw in his vision in verses 12-18. Compare this to the Transfiguration recorded in Matthew 17:1-7 and to Daniel 10:5-6.

7. Compare Revelation 1:8 about God the Father and 1:17b-18 about Jesus. What do you think is the significance concerning the differences?

8. What do you think is the symbolism of the stars lampstands? See Exodus 25:31-40. What do the stars mean to you?

Lesson One Revelation 1

Prayer Heavenly Father, you stand outside of time. You know from the beginning to the end of the history of mankind, and You are in control. Give us eyes to see and ears to hear. Thank you, Lord God, that you are also in control of our lives. We praise you that you cared enough for your people that you recorded what will take place. Keep us from fear so that we may see the victory offered to us and the world through Jesus, your Son. Amen.

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John was told to “write on a scroll what you see and send it to the seven churches”. Chapters 1 and 2 of Revelation are referring to “what is now” (Revelation 1:19). The first of the seven churches addressed is Ephesus which at this time was the capital of the Roman province called Asia. After John was released from captivity on Patmos, he spent the end of his life in Ephesus. The second church to be addressed is Smyrna which is today’s Izmir. These churches were actual churches in John’s day but have come to represent churches throughout the ages and how the body of Christ in each church needs to heed the warnings. Each of the admonitions begins with a characteristic of Jesus. Then the churches are praised for their positive deeds and chastised for any areas that need to be changed. At the end are the rewards for those who “overcome”. Our individual churches today, as well as our own faith walk, can benefit from the advice given to these early churches.

1. How is Jesus described in verse 1? What do you think this represents?

2. What are the good deeds of the church at Ephesus? How can you apply those good deeds to your life?

3. What does the Lord have against the church at Ephesus? How can you apply these shortcomings to your life or the life of your church?

4. What is promised for those who overcome? What is its significance?

5. How is Jesus described in verse 8? What do you think this signifies?

6. What are the good deeds? Are there any shortcomings? Do you see these attributes in the church today? In your faith life?

7. What is promised for those who overcome?

Lesson Two Revelation 2:1-11

Prayer Most gracious and merciful Father, the thief next to Jesus on the cross was granted entry into paradise because he believed and wished to be with Jesus. You welcome all to come as we put down our agendas and take up our crosses and follow you. Send your Holy Spirit to convict us of any areas in our lives that need adjusting so that we are commended like the church at Smyrna. Give us eyes to see where our lives are pleasing to you and where we need to make amends. We owe all to our Lord and Savior, Jesus. Amen.

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Pergamum was an intellectual hub of the ancient world. It boasted a library and was the first place where parchment was used. Thyatira was a city known for its various trade guilds, particularly dying of fine cloth.

1. How is Jesus described in verse 12? What do you think this represents?

2. For what is the Pergamum church commended? How can you apply these in your life?

3. What does the Lord have against the church at Pergamum? See also 2 Peter 2:15, Jude 11. For more information about Balaam see Numbers 22-24. Google Nicolaitans. What is their issue? Can you apply these shortcomings to your life or the life of your church?

4. What is the promise for those who overcome? What is its significance?

5. How is Jesus described in verse 18? What is its significance?

6. For what is the church in Thyatira commended? See Acts 16:13-15.

7. What does the Lord have against the church at Thyatira? See 1 Kings 16 and 2 Kings 9. Can you apply these issues to your life or the life of your church?

8. What is the promise for those who overcome? What is the significance?

Lesson Three Revelation 2:12-19

Prayer Holy Father, you call each of us to be holy as you are holy. This seems to be an impossible task. Give us eyes to see what is sinful in your eyes and correct it in our own lives. Give us hearts to help those who are caught in these sins. May we be shining lights for you and your kingdom by our actions. We pray for mercy and grace in the majestic name of Jesus. Amen.

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Page 12: Revelations study guide - St. John the Divine · 4 Revelation: The Unveiling of Jesus Christ Why study the book of Revelation? Revelation 1:3 gives us the answer. “Blessed is the


We are continuing with our study of the seven churches of the Revelation. Sardis was an ancient city where the worship of the Roman emperor was very strong. The words for this church are very harsh. Notice that even in this dark church, the life of faith is still present. Philadelphia, which means “brotherly love”, was not as affluent as the others we have discussed. It was a center of pagan worship, and its chief god was Dionysus, the god of wine.

1. How is Jesus described in verse 1? What do you think is its significance?

2. What is the issue in the church of Sardis according to verses 1-3? Compare this to the parable of the Ten Virgins in Matthew 25:1-13.

3. What is the hope shown in verses 4-6? What are the promises for those who are “unsoiled”? What do you see as the symbolism of these promises?

4. Read Revelation 3:7-13. How is Jesus described in verse 7? What do you think is the significance?

5. For what is this church commended? Can you relate John 17:15, 1 Thessalonians 4:17 and 2 Peter 2:9?

6. What is promised to those who overcome? See also Matthew 16:27 and 1 Corinthians 9:24-25.

Lesson Four Revelation 3:1-13

Prayer Almighty and ever lasting Father, the journey of faith can be fraught with obstacles and diversions. Keep us ever mindful as we fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith. In times of trouble or persecution, give us the courage to hold firm to your teachings, to lift up our cross daily and follow your Son. Create in each of our hearts the desire to lead lives that show we are pillars of strength to those around us. We ask this in your Son’s name, Jesus. Amen.

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Some biblical scholars teaching that each of the churches of the Revelation represents a specific time period in the history of the church. If that is true, then our final church of Laodicea represents the church of our day, so we need to pay careful attention to what the Lord says about this church. Could our church possibly mimic these issues?

1. How is Jesus described in verse 14? What is its significance to the church today?

2. What are the negative issues in the church of Laodicea? Can you relate those issues to the church of today?

3. What does the Lord counsel the church to do in verse 18? See Zechariah 13:9, Isaiah 1:18 and John 9:25.

4. Compare verse 19 to Hebrews 12:5-11.

5. Revelation 3:20 is one of my favorite verses. These messages were written to churches, therefore, to believers. What do you think it means that Jesus is outside the door of the church? To “eat with him” recalls a Middle East custom whereby strangers were welcomed into homes. What do you see in this verse?

6. What is promised to those who overcome? Compare to 1 John 5:1-5.

Lesson Five Revelation 3:14-22

Prayer Our Father who art in heaven, you reach out to your people again and again to draw us back to your side. Thank you that you do not give up on us. You will knock on the door of our hearts again and again until we open our hearts to you and follow your Son, Jesus. Give us eyes to see you daily in our lives. Give us ears to hear the still small voice of the Holy Spirit so that we are transformed moment by moment into the image of your Son Jesus. We praise you Father and love you. Amen.

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Chapter 4 is the beginning of “what will take place later” that we read about in Chapter 1. In Chapters 4 and 5, John is given an unveiling of the throne room of God. In various Old Testament prophetic books, we receive glimpses of the throne room. However, these two chapters are a more complete description. John was in the Spirit but there is a sense that his visitation was more than just a vision since the “voice” said, “Come up here.” It was essential for John to experience the majesty and power of the throne room before he would be shown the horrific judgments that would be coming on the earth. There is no question this experience was unique to John and for our benefit.

1. Compare Revelation 4 to Ezekiel 1:4-28, Ezekiel 10:15-20 and Isaiah 6:1-5. What do you notice?

2. The description of the “four living creatures” as having the appearance of a lion, ox, man and flying eagle is like the fourfold way Jesus Christ is described in the four gospels. One interpretation is :

Matthew portrays Jesus as the Lion of Judah

Mark portrays Jesus as a servant symbolized as an ox

Luke portrays Jesus as the Son of Man

John portrays Jesus as a flying eagle.

What do you think is the significance of this duplication?

3. Read Revelation 5. Remember John is still in the spirit in the throne room. Why do you think John “wept and wept because no one was found who was worthy to open the scroll”?

4. Why do you think Jesus is referred to as the Lion of Judah and the Root of David? See Genesis 49:9 and Isaiah 11:1-10.

5. What is the significance of the Lamb that was slain taking the scroll? See John 1:29.

6. This may be a vision of Jesus receiving the inheritance of the throne from God the Father. What do you notice about the rest of Revelation 5? See also Philippians 2:6 and 1 Peter 1:17-21.

Lesson Six Revelation 4 & 5

Prayer Almighty Father, you sit enthroned above all the universe. You are glorious and majestic. Our human experience cannot even fathom your glory. Give us a true appreciation of Jesus as the Lamb of God, the one “looking as if it had been slain”. It is the cross that enables Jesus to open the seals that bring about his reign on earth as it is in heaven. Help us to see past the fear of God’s judgment to the enormity of God’s love. We ask this in the name of the Lamb, Jesus. Amen.

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Revelation 6 begins the judgment of God. From the time of Genesis, scripture supports the reality of God judging his people. At times it is hard for us to come to terms with this aspect of God’s character. As we go through these judgments, keep in mind that a world without consequences for sinful behavior is world out of control.

There are 7 waves of judgments in Revelation: seven seals, seven trumpets and seven bowls. Chapter 6 and chapter 8:1-6 are the seal judgments. There are 7 seal judgments with the seventh opening the gateway for the seven trumpet judgments. From chapter 5, we saw that the Lamb Jesus was the only one worthy to open the seals. The opening of the sealed scroll marks the beginning of Jesus taking the throne, taking hold of the kingdom, and setting up his kingdom on this earth.

1. Read Revelation 6:1-8. This describes the Four Horses of the Apocalypse. Compare these to Matthew 24 in this way:

Matthew 24:4-5 False Christs Revelation 6:1-2 White Horse (see also Rev. 19:11-13)

Matthew 24:6-7 War Revelation 6:3-4 Red Horse

Matthew 24:7 Famine Revelation 6:5-6 Black Horse

Matthew 24:9 Death Revelation 6:7-8 Pale Horse

Matthew 24:9-13 Martyrdom Revelation 6:9-11 5th Seal

Luke 21:11 Signs Revelation 6:12-17 6th Seal

2. In chapter 7, there is an interlude. It is as if we are given a view into what is happening simultaneously in the heavenly realms. Compare the names to Genesis 49:1-27. (Joseph received the double inheritance. His two sons are Manasseh and Ephraim, also referred to as Joseph). Is there a tribe missing? Which one? What does this tell you about God’s promise to Abraham? See Genesis 12:2,3.

3. These 144,000 Jews from all the tribes of Israel have some sort of special assignment. Compare Hebrews 9:14 to Revelation 7:13-14.

4. What do you notice about Revelation 7:9-10? See John 12:12-15.

5. Read Revelation 7:15-17. What are your thoughts about these precious verses? What does it tell you about the heart of God?

Lesson Seven Revelation 6 — 8:6

Prayer Faithful Father, you stand outside of time. What to us is a single day is like a thousand years to you and a thousand years are like a single day. Yet through it all your love always wins out. You promised Abraham that through him the world would be blessed, and Jesus is that blessing. Help us to see that it is only through the inevitable punishment of the wicked that Jesus will reign on earth. Give us eyes to see and ears to hear. In the name of the precious Lamb, Jesus. Amen.

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The final seventh seal of judgment inaugurates the seven trumpet judgments. From the first 6 verses of Chapter 8, it seems the prayers of the people are a catalyst for the next level of the judgment of God to finally begin. Chapters 8 and 9 can be disturbing and must have caused the apostle John anxiety because in chapters 10 and 11, God pushes the pause button. These two chapters give us the assurance that God knows exactly what He is doing.

1. How do you see the trumpet being used in Old Testament times? See Ezekiel 33:5, Judges 7:19, Zechariah 9:14 and Matthew 24:31.

2. Compare:

First trumpet Revelation 8:7 and Exodus 9:19,23-26

Second trumpet Revelation 8:8,9 and Exodus 7:20,21

Third trumpet Revelation 8:10-11 and Jeremiah 9:12-15

Fourth trumpet Revelation 8:12 and Matthew 24:31 and Luke 21:25

3. At this point, the “woe” trumpet judgments begin. There is a shift of the judgments that incorporates terrifying demonic beings. Read Revelation 9. What do you know about the abyss from Luke 8:31? Compare these verses to Joel 2:1-11. Who do you see is in control? What is the reaction of the people in Revelation 9?

4. Read Revelation 10 which is an angelic explanation of the need for judgment. What do you think is the significance of the sweet and sourness of the little scroll?

5. Chapter 11 is a chapter of hope and victory. The “holy city” in verse 2 is Jerusalem. What does Jesus say about Jerusalem in Matthew 23:37?

6. Who is the beast? See also 1 John 2:18 and 2 Thessalonians 2:3.

7. What is the significance of the ark of the covenant in Revelation 11:19? See Exodus 25:22.

Lesson Eight Revelation 8:7 — 11

Prayer Most Holy Father, from the beginning of man in the Garden of Eden there has been a battle for the hearts and souls of mankind. You desire that none should perish, but Satan desires to steal, kill and destroy. Your judgments are just and merciful. We know that it will be during the Tribulation that the greatest harvest of all time will take place. Many who do not know you will come to faith by your power and majesty. Yet there will be those who refuse to repent and come to you and your son, Jesus. Like John, we rejoice that the judgments bring about your kingdom on earth that will be as sweet as honey. But we also have heavy hearts as You do, Father, knowing that your judgments will cause some people to turn their backs completely on You. Give us eyes to see and ears to hear who we should lift up in prayer that they may come to faith in our Lord and Savior Jesus. Amen.

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The book of Revelation can be confusing. There are many different commentaries with different theories about what these chapters mean. Focus on the revelation that God has determined this scenario from the beginning of time, and He is victorious.

1. Chapter 12 seems to be a synopsis of why the wrath of God is being poured out. This chapter has a great deal of symbolism. If the woman is Israel with the 12 stars representing the 12 tribes of Israel, who is the son who will rule with an iron scepter? Compare Revelation 12:1-9 to Isaiah 14:12-14 and Ezekiel 28:15.

2. Revelation 12:10-12 may be answering the question “How can believers stand against the dragon (Satan)?” What is the answer?

3. Read Revelation 13. The Antichrist is the beast. This chapter describes how Satan will make war against God’s people. It coincides with Daniel 7 and Matthew 24:15-27. What strikes you as you read these chapters? Notice the time frame of the Great Tribulation is only 3 ½ years. What do the “saints” need to remember? See Revelation 13:10b.

4. Read Revelation 14. In the midst of treacherous times what do you see as ways God’s people can survive? The answer is in verses 7,12 and 13.

5. Read Revelation 15. Only two songs are mentioned by name in scripture: the song of Moses and the song of the Lamb. See Exodus 15 for the song of Moses. What had just happened to the ancient Israelites when this song was sung?

Lesson Nine Revelation 12 — 15

Prayer Glorious Father, you are the ruler of the universe, abounding in love and mercy. Amidst the violence, terror and fear of these chapters, you promise that those who come to you and your son will be saved. Satan is powerful, but he is no match for you or your Son. Jesus said “In this world we will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33). Give us the patient endurance we need because we blessed by the blood of Jesus Christ and are ready to give our testimony to the world. We ask this in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.

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The seventh Trumpet judgment or last trumpet seems to mark the beginning of the reign of God on earth as it is in heaven. It also inaugurates the seven bowl judgments. There is a pause in chapter 17 and 18 for an explanation of why the bowl judgments were necessary. In these two chapters, you can sense the antithesis of what God values.

1. Review Revelation 11:15. Compare this to 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18, 1 Corinthians 15:51-58 and Matthew 24:31.

2. It seems that the bowl judgments mark the fullness of God’s wrath. Those who believe in Jesus will no longer be on earth. What do you notice about the reaction of the people in chapter 16?

3. Read Revelation 17 with Daniel 7:23-24 and 11:21-45. What do you notice are the similarities?

4. Chapter 18 is a description of Babylon. Babylon represents defiance to God. What are some of the characteristics of this world wide economic and religious system? Notice verses 13 and 24.

5. Do you see any similarities between Babylon and the world we live in? Any differences?

6. What do these two chapters teach us about those who defy God?

Lesson Ten Revelation 16 — 18

Prayer Holy Father, from the beginning there has been good and there has been evil. You wait patiently for the full contingent of believers to come to faith. Give us eyes to see where we may be falling short in our values. Give us hearts aligned to your heart that we may give to the poor, feed the hungry, clothe the naked. It is in doing these things that we are blessed, and You are glorified. We lift up those in our lives that do not follow Jesus. We ask that You capture their hearts for You. Show us how to pray fervently for their salvation. We ask this in our savior’s name, Jesus. Amen.

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Do you hear the Hallelujah Chorus! In chapter 19 is the first time “Hallelujah” is used. It means “Praise the Lord”. Chapter 19 is packed with glory. It is the moment for which the heavenly hosts have been waiting. It is the moment for which Jesus hung on the cross. His bride, his church, is ready and the wedding supper is taking place. We are the bride.

1. Read chapter 19 and compare it to chapter 18. What do you see as the difference between Babylon and God’s kingdom?

2. The evil powers led by the beast and the false prophet have assembled their forces at Armageddon. This is the final battle of the forces of evil against God’s people. Read Revelation 19:11-16. Who do you think are in the armies of heaven? What do you notice about the second coming of Jesus as opposed to his first coming?

3. Compare Revelation 19:11-19 to Matthew 24:27-28. What do you notice?

4. Read Revelation 20:1-6 which tells of the Millennium Kingdom. Read Daniel 7:14, Zechariah 14:9, Isaiah 2:2-4 and 35:1-10 which also describe the 1000-year reign of Jesus on earth.

5. Read Revelation 20:7-10. Satan will be released from the abyss after 1000 years. He will again try to take control. What happens to him? This is the final defeat of Satan.

6. Read Revelation 20:11-15. This is judgment day for unbelievers. This is not applicable for those whose names are written in the Lamb’s book of life. Compare this to 1 Corinthians 15:20-26.

Lesson Eleven Revelation 19 — 20

Prayer Glorious Father, your plan is perfect, your judgments are just, you hold each of us in your heart. Thank you and praise you that your son, Jesus, opened the way for us to live eternally in your very presence. We look forward to the reality that we claim at Holy Communion every Sunday: Christ has died, Christ is risen, Christ will come again. Thank you, Father, that you give us these words in Revelation so that we are not ignorant but will always know that you make all things right. We praise you and your Son, Jesus. Amen.

Page 27: Revelations study guide - St. John the Divine · 4 Revelation: The Unveiling of Jesus Christ Why study the book of Revelation? Revelation 1:3 gives us the answer. “Blessed is the
















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Page 28: Revelations study guide - St. John the Divine · 4 Revelation: The Unveiling of Jesus Christ Why study the book of Revelation? Revelation 1:3 gives us the answer. “Blessed is the


Jesus has returned, He is victorious, and death and Satan are destroyed. Now it is time for God to open the way for His people to “walk in the garden with him in the cool of the day” (Genesis 3:8). No longer is sin a barrier between God and his people. The cross and Jesus have made his people “holy as God is holy” (1 Peter 1:16). It is now time for our eternal home.

1. Read Revelation 21:1-8 with Hebrews 11:10,13 and Hebrews 12:22-23, John 14:2 and Isaiah 25:6-9, 11:1-9. What do you notice?

2. Read Revelation 21:9-27. What do you notice in verse 9? What do you think the role of “bride” versus “wife” means here? What are your thoughts concerning the description of the new Jerusalem?

What else in this chapter impresses you?

3. Read Genesis 2:9. What trees are there? Why do you think God commanded man not to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil? See Genesis 2:16-17. Why was man denied access to the tree of life? See Genesis 3:22-23. Read Revelation 22. Why do you think man now has the right to the tree of life in the New Jerusalem?

4. Compare Revelation 1:3 to Revelation 22:7. What is the Holy Spirit prompting you to remember from these words in Revelation?

5. List the words used in chapter 22 to describe Jesus.

6. What is the invitation in Revelation 22:17? Why is it important that both the Spirit and the Bride are speaking?

Lesson Twelve Revelation 21 — 22

Prayer Eternal Father, Creator and Ruler, majestic and glorious are You. You have chosen from the beginning of time to dwell with mankind forever. Thank you that you provided a way and that way is Jesus. We look forward to the second coming of Jesus who will rule and dwell on earth as He does in heaven. We look forward to a heavenly home that this last chapter describes. Thank you for the encouragement of this last book of your Word. Come Lord Jesus, come. Amen.

Page 29: Revelations study guide - St. John the Divine · 4 Revelation: The Unveiling of Jesus Christ Why study the book of Revelation? Revelation 1:3 gives us the answer. “Blessed is the
















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Page 30: Revelations study guide - St. John the Divine · 4 Revelation: The Unveiling of Jesus Christ Why study the book of Revelation? Revelation 1:3 gives us the answer. “Blessed is the
















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Page 31: Revelations study guide - St. John the Divine · 4 Revelation: The Unveiling of Jesus Christ Why study the book of Revelation? Revelation 1:3 gives us the answer. “Blessed is the
















Notes & Thoughts

Page 32: Revelations study guide - St. John the Divine · 4 Revelation: The Unveiling of Jesus Christ Why study the book of Revelation? Revelation 1:3 gives us the answer. “Blessed is the