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Revealing Preference in Popular Music ThroughFamiliarity and Brain Response

Soravitt Sangnark, Phairot Autthasan, Student Member, IEEE , Puntawat Ponglertnapakorn,Phudit Chalekarn, Thapanun Sudhawiyangkul, Manatsanan Trakulruangroj, Sarita Songsermsawad,

Rawin Assabumrungrat, Supalak Amplod, Kajornvut Ounjai∗,and Theerawit Wilaiprasitporn∗, Member, IEEE




Classification Preference

Abstract— Music preference was reported as a factor, which couldelicit innermost music emotion, entailing accurate ground-truthdata and music therapy efficiency. This study executes statisticalanalysis to investigate the distinction of music preference throughfamiliarity scores, response times (response rates), and brainresponse (EEG). Twenty participants did self-assessment afterlistening to two types of popular music’s chorus section: musicwithout lyrics (Melody) and music with lyrics (Song). We thenconduct a music preference classification using a support vectormachine, random forest, and k-nearest neighbors with the famil-iarity scores, the response rates, and EEG as the feature vectors.The statistical analysis and F1-score of EEG are congruent, whichis the brain’s right side outperformed its left side in classificationperformance. Finally, these behavioral and brain studies supportthat preference, familiarity, and response rates can contribute to the music emotion experiment’s design to understandmusic, emotion, and listener. Not only to the music industry, the biomedical and healthcare industry can also exploit thisexperiment to collect data from patients to improve the efficiency of healing by music.

Index Terms— Music preference, EEG, Emotion Recognition, Affective computing, Music listening


MUSIC enjoyment aesthetically roots in all human cul-tures [1]. As the music database continuously grows, an

effective method to organize music information to meet theaudience’s preference is needed. Music emotion recognition(MER) is such a method that has been continuously receivedattention from researchers [2]–[4]. However, music emotion

This work was supported by PTT Public Company Limited, The SCBPublic Company Limited, Thailand Science Research and Innovation(SRI62W1501) and Office of National Higher Education Science Re-search and Innovation Policy Council (C10F630057).

S. Sangnark, P. Autthasan, P. Chalekarn, T. Sudhawiyangkul, S.Amplod, and T. Wilaiprasitporn are parts of Bio-inspired Roboticsand Neural Engineering Lab, School of Information Science andTechnology, Vidyasirimedhi Institute of Science & Technology, Ray-ong, Thailand. (∗corresponding authors: theerawit.wat, [email protected]).

P. Ponglertnapakorn is with Vision and Learning Lab, School ofInformation Science and Technology, Vidyasirimedhi Institute of Science& Technology, Rayong, Thailand.

S. Songsermsawad is with School of Energy Science and Engineer-ing, Vidyasirimedhi Institute of Science & Technology, Rayong, Thailand.

K. Ounjai is with Biological Engineering program, Faculty of Engi-neering. He also is a part of Neuroscience Center for Research andInnovation, Learning Institute at King Mongkut’s University of Technol-ogy Thonburi, Thailand.

M. Trakulruangroj is with Faculty of Electrical Engineering, SirindhornInternational Institute of Technology, Thammasat University, Thailand.

R. Assabumrungrat is with School of Engineering, Tohoku University,Japan.

depends on various factors. As a consequence, data reliabilityand prediction remains a matter of concern.

In previous decades, several researchers have tried to inves-tigate which factors have influenced music emotion. Aljanakiet al. found that the self-reported emotional music scale wasinfluenced by music preference [5], [6]. Naser and Saha foundthat preference influenced the performance of music emotionrecognition [7]. Besides the preference, familiarity would beone of the most influential factors in music emotion study [8].Pereira et al. stated that familiarity was a significant factorin determining listeners’ emotional engagement [9]. Theyalso found a psychological phenomenon as mere exposureeffect, which defined as people tend to be more favored dueto they were more familiar. The psychological result wassimilar to [10], [11]. Interestingly, familiarity and preferencewere proved to have a robust positive correlation [12], [13].Liljeström et al. found that self-chosen music, which was morefamiliar and preferred, evoked more innermost emotion thanrandomly sampled music [14]. However, even though variousstudies showed that music preference and familiarity wereessential, only a few music emotion studies focused on bothof the factors.

Well-known emotion datasets, such as DEAP [15], ASCER-TAIN [16], and AMIGOS [17], had routinely collected famil-iarity and music preference. However, a few studies appliedthese factors. For example, DEAP [15] was more utilized








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to investigate electroencephalography (EEG) for classifyingemotion [18]–[20] than preference [21] and familiarity [22].Moreover, although the usage of DEAP was more prevalentamong emotion studies, their findings do not explicitly reflectemotion of music due to DEAP obtained the data fromwatching and listening to music videos, not only focusedon music listening [23]. Therefore, studying preference andfamiliarity from listening to music, including measuring EEG,is an open topic of interest.

Alarcão and Fonseca showed that EEG and music prefer-ence had a plenty of rooms for investigation than emotion[24]. Only a few studies focused on classifying preference byanalyzing only EEG [25], fNIRS [26], and applied the audiofeatures to EEG for better classification [27]. Hadjidimitriou etal. classified the preference using EEG and demonstrated thatthe familiar music was able to provide better classificationperformance than unfamiliar music [28]. Furthermore, theycompared the time to initial EEG response between the bestresult of familiar and unfamiliar music, which unveiled that thefamiliar music required less time than the unfamiliar music.Their time result correlated with [29], which investigatedtime to initial response to the assessment after listening tomusic. Unquestionably, preference, familiarity, response rate,and EEG showed a promising correlation between each other.However, to our best knowledge, none has examined all ofthese factors together.

In order to investigate the relationship between these variousfactors, we constructed a database that includes preference, fa-miliarity, response time (response rate), and EEG. In addition,these factors were investigated the distinction of participants’perception from listening to two music types: music withoutlyrics (Melody) and music with lyrics (Song). Both musictypes were an identical section, which was the first chorussection. In this study, three main contributions are presentedas follows:

1) We conducted the statistical analysis to investigate thedistinction of music preference through familiarity, re-sponse rate, and EEG. We then examined the brain’sappropriate region (left-right hemisphere and frontal) tooptimize the music preference classification.

2) We utilized a support vector machine, random forest, andk-nearest neighbors for music preference classification toobserve the relevance to the statistical analysis of EEG.Then, familiarity and response rate were supplementedto the classifications for improving the performance,aiming to prove the influence of them, which shouldbe considered when a music emotion experiment isdesigned.

3) We released the data of this study to the public,aiming to contribute to the study of music prefer-ence, familiarity, response rate, and EEG, as wellas different music types (Melody and Song). We di-vided the music into 4 preference groups for analy-sis, which were favored Melody, favored Song, non-favored Melody, and non-favored Song. The dataset isavailable at

The remainder of this study is structured as follows: SectionII describes materials and methods; Section III describes therecording and the pre-processing of the EEG; Section IV isresults and data analysis; Section V is discussion; and the lastsection, Section VI, is for conclusion.


In this section, we described the participants, music stimuliselection, detail of factors that we analyzed, and experimentalprotocol. The overview of this study showed in Figure 1.

A. ParticipantsTwenty healthy participants (10 males, 10 females), whose

native language is Thai, with no report of hearing impairmentand brain diseases, aged from 22 to 35 (mean: 25.75, SD:2.88), participated in the experiment. None of them hadtaken any musical lesson in recent years. They received apayment of 12.5 USD for attending the experiment. All theparticipants have signed a consent form before the experiment,and the study was approved by King Mongkut’s University ofTechnology Thonburi Ethics Committee (KMUTT-IRB-COA-2020-027).

B. Music stimuli selectionWe utilized the Top 200 weekly chart of Thailand from

renowned music streaming as Spotify [30]. The music chartwas ranked by the number of weekly streaming. We chosethe top 20 music of each week and excluded redundant andinternational music. Finally, we had 110 popular Thai musicfrom 31/08/2017 to 07/09/2019 (106 weeks).

In this study, the music stimuli were divided into two musictypes: music without lyrics (Melody) and music with lyrics(Song). An identical section, first chorus section, was usedin both Melody and Song. The length were 19-66 secondsapproximately.

1) Melody: The Melody was transcribed by a musical expertas a classical pianist, who passed Yamaha piano performancefundamental examination grade 5 and Trinity Associate ofTrinity College London. The Melody contained melodic pat-tern of the first chorus section and chords in the first beatof each chord and bar, which was written as MusicXML byMuseScore3 [31]. The MusicXML was then rendered to .mp3by Grand piano sound from GarageBand [32], in which thefile quality was 44.1 kHz.

2) Song: We purchased the Song from iTunes and trimmedthe first chorus section using GarageBand. Fading about 0.5seconds was included among the starting and the ending toavoid an unexpected situation for the participants when theSong started. The Song was rendered to .mp3, 44.1 kHz, andstereo.


A. Music preference selectionAs shown in Figure 2, we developed a individual software

for the experiment. The experimental software used for collect-ing ground-truth data of music preference from participants.

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20 participants


Pre-processing Feature extraction “PSD”

Familiarity Response rate

Preference classification

“SVM, RF, or -NN classifier”k



Statistical analysisFrequency [Hz]Po







#I love

u forever#




Fig. 1: A overview of this study.

Fig. 2: Graphic user interface (GUI) of this study - The screendisplayed the message as ’Unblock’. Participant was allowedto do self-assessment in Assessment-round. For example, theparticipant scored the familiarity tended to high (mostly),valence tended to high (positive), arousal tended to low(inactive), and participant favored this music.

They used a heart button for reacting to favored music, whichwas up to their willing whether to react or not. In this study,music preference was divided into 2 groups such as favoredand non-favored.

Music were marked as the favored if participants pressedthe heart button in both Melody and Song. On the contrary,music was marked as the non-favored if the heart button wasnot pressed in both Melody and Song. Meanwhile, music thathad been favored in only Melody or Song were categorizedas undecided, which was not counted and used in this study,since it could not be interpreted as either the favored or thenon-favored.

B. Behaviors of Music PreferenceTo investigate the distinction of music preference, we inves-

tigated the familiarity and response rate, which were definedas behaviors as follows:

1) Familiarity (Fam): The participants expressed their famil-iarity with each music stimuli via a slider. The range of sliderbetween -1 and 1 was represented on the experimental softwareby “not at all” and “mostly”, respectively. The participantswere told to use this function. They could not listen to nextmusic stimuli if they did not use it.

2) Response Rate (ResR): The response rate reflected howfast the participants assess each music stimuli. We secretly

Fig. 3: Experimental protocol of this study. We investigateddata from EEG-round and Assessment-round (dark yellow forMelody and dark green for Song). However, both re-checkingrounds were not included in this study’s scope (soft yellowfor Melody and soft green for Song).

counted the time from the start until the end of the Assessment-Round (Describing the details in Section II-E) without inform-ing the participants. The response rate was calculated fromcounted time using the following equation:

ResR(Hz) =1


Taking note that the valence (negative-positive), arousal(inactive-active), and adding to playlist (star button), were alsorecorded in the experiment, however, the recorded data werenot used in this study.

C. Experimental ProtocolTo avoid misinterpretation, an instructor methodically pre-

sented the usage of software’s functions and an experimentalprotocol in Figure 3 to the participants. Then, 3 practice trialswere served to participants to familiarize themselves with theexperimental software, in which the practice music stimuliwere not used in the main experiment. Participants could askthe instructor all the time if encountered with any problembefore the practice trials ended.

Then, we divided the 20 participants into 4 groups of 5participants. For each group, the 110 music stimuli wererandomly divided into 5 playlists of 22 music stimuli. There-fore, all participants did not listen to the redundant playlist.

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Methodically, participants were asked to listen to the 22Melody first, followed by the 22 Song.

Music stimuli were played via an Ultimate Ears BoomBluetooth speaker. The music volume was allowed to adjustvia the experimental software before the experiment started.During the experiment, participants were not able to adjust thevolume. The experimental protocol was as follows:

1) EEG-round: : The participants were able to only click theplay button to play the music stimuli. After clicking, 5-secondsilence were presented for baseline, and then a music stimuluswas automatically played. Participants were not allowed to useany software’s functions until the music stimulus had endedbecause Brain response was examined in this EEG-round.

2) Assessment-round: : the screen displayed a message thatallow the participants to do self-assessment using software’sfunctions. We secretly counted the response rate (1) in thisround from the start of self-assessment until the participantspress the submit button. After the Assessment-round, theparticipants went to next music stimuli until completed all22 music stimuli.

After listening to 22 Melody, the participants took a 3-minute break. Then, they went through to its re-checkinground. Next, they took a 5-minute break, and then listeningto 22 Song, which had the same round pattern as Melody.However, taking note that both re-checking rounds were notincluded in this study’s scope. (soft yellow for Melody andsoft green for Song in Figure 3). We only utilized the self-assessment data from both Assessment-round. Finally, theexperiment used of approximately one and a half hour.

In this experiment, a biosignal amplifier (g.USBamp RE-SEARCH, g.tec, Austria) was used to simultaneously mea-sured EEG and EOG signals with the sampling rate of 1200Hz. The EEG data were acquired by using 62 active electrodesand placed according to the 10-20 international system. TheEEG channels were referenced and grounded using the rightearlobe and the Fpz electrode, respectively. The EOG signalswere obtained from two electrodes positioned under and nextto the outer canthus of the right eye. The impedance ofboth EEG and EOG electrodes were maintained below 10 kΩduring the entire experiment.

For the preprocessing, the notch filter at 50 Hz was appliedto remove the electrical noises. Then, recorded EEG signalswere high-pass filtered at 0.1 Hz using 5th order non-causalButterworth filter. To remove the artifacts in the EEG data,including eye blinks, this paper applied an eye movement-related artifact correction-based on independence componentanalysis (ICA) [33]. The recorded EEG data was referencedto Common Average Reference (CAR) for improving spatialresolution [34]. Furthermore, the recorded EEG signals wereband-pass filtered between 2-45 Hz, using 4th order non-causalButterworth filter.


Ground-truth of music preference contained the favored (N= 81) and the non-favored (N = 271). We statistically scruti-nized the distinction of music preference through familiarity,response rate and EEG, which defined significance as p <

TABLE I: List of channels for EEG analysis.

Regions Channels

Hemisphere_Left Fp1, AF3-5-7, F1-3-5-7, FT7, FC1-3-5, T7,C1-3-5, TP7, CP1-3-5, P1-3-5-7, PO3-7, O1

Hemisphere_Right Fp2, AF4-6-8, F2-4-6-8, FT8, FC2-4-6, T8,C2-4-6, TP8, CP2-4-6, P2-4-6-8, PO4-8, O2

Frontal_Left Fp1, AF3-7, F1-3-5-7, FT7, FC1-3-5

Frontal_Right Fp2, AF4-8, F2-4-6-8, FT8, FC2-4-6

0.05 using Mann-Whitney test. Subsequently, the statisticalanalysis were utilized as the features for music preferenceclassification by support vector machine, random forest andk-nearest neighbors as shown in Figure 1.

A. Familiarity (Fam)

As shown in Figure 4a, the analysis showed that the lack oflyrics did not affect the result of favored music. Melody alonewas sufficient for the participants to recognize their favoredmusic, confirming by high familiarity (> 0) in both Melodyand Song, which had no difference. On the contrary, althoughthe medians of both non-favored Melody and Song gravitatedtowards high familiarity, but we found data distributed to lowfamiliarity (< 0) with significance (p < 0.05). Likewise, thedistinction of music preference in its Melody and its Song wereexplicitly illustrated the significance (p < 0.05) for both.

B. Response Rate (ResR)

We calculated the response rate with (1). As shown inFigure 4b. The significance appeared to be similar to thefamiliarity’s result, including the significance of the distinctionof music preference in its Melody and Song (p < 0.05), thesignificance of non-favored Melody and Song (p < 0.05), andno significance of favored Melody and Song. Thus, in thefavored, which had high familiarity, the response rate showedthat the participants spent more time than the non-favored inboth Melody and Song.

C. Correlation between familiarity and response rate

The results of the familiarity and response rate seemedto be a positive correlation. Therefore, we investigated thecorrelation between these factors using a median trend lineof Melody and Song, which were displayed in Figure 5a andFigure 5b, respectively. For Melody, in high familiarity (> 0),the favored and the non-favored showed the identical tendency,which was high familiarity required less time. However, inthe highest familiarity, which had the most data, we found thedistinction of music preference (p < 0.05). This meant the par-ticipants explicitly gravitated towards spending more time onthe favored than the non-favored when listening to the highestfamiliar music. For Song, we discovered this distinction andsignificance (p < 0.05) in the highest familiarity, similar toMelody.

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(a) (b)

Fig. 4: Pairwise comparisons of (a) familiarity and (b) response rate. Significance was defined as p < 0.05.

(a) Melody (b) Song

Fig. 5: Correlation between familiarity and response rate using median trend line. (a) Melody and (b) Song.

D. Power spectral density (PSD)

Debating about left and right of music’s brain responseis ongoing. Albouy et al. reported that left side was forprocessing a speech content, while right side was for a musiccontent [35]. Therefore, to study the distinction of brainresponse to Melody and Song, we scrutinized the big regionsof the brain, which were left and right hemisphere. Then, theinvestigation was scoped to the left and right frontal. Becausethe frontal brain was observed and mentioned in the EEG-based emotion from listening to stimulus [23], [36], [37].

We calculated power spectral density (PSD) of left-righthemisphere and left-right frontal from listening to Melody and

Song, which were filtered into theta (4-7 Hz), alpha (8-13 Hz),and beta (13-30 Hz) bands and normalized. The channels ofeach hemisphere and frontal were presented in Table I. Wereported the PSD’s average of each hemisphere and frontal inFigure 6a and Figure 6b, respectively.

1) Left-Right hemisphere: In Figure 6a, for Melody, thedistinction of music preference showed that right hemisphereclarified over left hemisphere. We found significance in allbands from right hemisphere but only in the theta band fromleft hemisphere.

For Song, we found the significance in theta and alpha bandsfrom left hemisphere, and only in alpha band from right hemi-

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(a) Melody (b) Song

Fig. 6: Power spectral density average with standard error of favored and non-favored music, which illustrated the 3 frequencybands as theta (θ), alpha (α), and beta (β) of left and right hemisphere from listening to (a) Melody and (b) Song. Significancewas defined as p < 0.05 for pairwise comparison between the favored and the non-favored.

sphere. However, Song did not clarify the distinction betweenleft and right hemisphere as Melody. Also, the distinction ofmusic preference was not clear compared to that from Melodyin right hemisphere.

2) Left-Right frontal: In Figure 6b, for Melody, the leftfrontal showed the significance in all bands, which differedfrom that of left hemisphere. Meanwhile, the significancewas found in all bands from right frontal, similar to righthemisphere.

For Song, the significance of theta and alpha were foundin left frontal, similar to left hemisphere. Meanwhile, thedifference between right frontal and right hemisphere was inbeta band’s significance, which appeared in frontal only.

From the results, significance appeared in all bands of bothMelody’s right hemisphere and frontal. Then, we hypothesizedthat music preference classification in case of Melody usingPSD from right side likely outperform the left side.

E. Music preference classification

Support vector machine (SVM), Random forest (RF), andK-Nearest neighbors (kNN) were utilized to prove the feasibil-ity of the statistical analysis. GridSearchCV tuned all models’hyperparameters (Table IV in Appendix) with Stratified sam-pling 10-fold cross-validation. During training, we used onefold as a testing set, one fold as a validation set, and the

rest as a training set. For an evaluation, we focused on theF1-score due to imbalance classes. This section reported andemphasized highest F1-scores in Table II (Accuracy showedin Appendix).

1) Without behaviors: For Melody, the highest F1-scoreof SVM and kNN obtained from the right frontal feature,including 53.18% and 48.73%, respectively. On the contrary,RF obtained from the left hemisphere, which highly contrastedwith our assumption. However, RF could not outperform theSVM and kNN, which were the models that showed correlatedresults with the statistical analysis.

For Song, as shown in Figure 6a and Figure 6b, thestatistical distinction between the left and right side did notbecome evident like Melody. Therefore, the brain region thatperformed the highest F1-score was ambiguous.

2) With behaviors: We were able to clarify the importance offactors, whether adopting the familiarity (Fam), response rate(ResR), or both familiarity and response rate (Fam + ResR).All results with these behaviors showed in supplementary,Table VI-VIII.

For Melody, as shown in Table IIb, all highest F1-scoresresulted from using both familiarity and response rate. SVMwith the right frontal still achieved the highest F1-score (71.09%), similar to the result of without behaviors.

For Song, it was similar to Melody, in which using bothfamiliarity and response rate achieved the highest F1-scores

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TABLE II: Our highest F1-scores from SVM, RF, and kNN. (a)Without behaviors and (b) With behaviors. The brain regionthat performed the best F1-score are defined as fr: Rightfrontal, hr: Right hemisphere, hl: Left hemisphere, flr: Left-Right frontal, and hlr: Left-Right hemisphere.

Models Melody Song

SVM 53.18 ± 4.87fr 47.53 ± 3.95hr

RF 46.27 ± 1.62hl 50.85 ± 2.77flr

kNN 48.73 ± 2.25fr 51.91 ± 2.55hlr

(a) Without behaviors

Models Melody Song

SVM 71.09 ± 2.70fr 58.67 ± 6.38fr

RF 66.57 ± 3.22hl 74.92 ± 2.80hrkNN 67.40 ± 3.40hr 68.77 ± 2.90fr

(b) With behaviors (Fam, ResR)

of SVM and kNN, except RF model that achieved from usingfamiliarity only. Meanwhile, most highest F1-scores of bothMelody and Song still resulted from the right side.


The purpose of this study is to study the influential factorsfor eliciting the innermost music emotion from listening tothe first chorus section without lyrics (Melody) and withlyrics (Song). Music preference is a primary influential factor,which was observed and reported in previous studies. Wethen examined the distinction of music preference throughfamiliarity, response time (response rate), and brain response.

A. FamiliarityAs shown in Figure 4a, we confirmed the positive correla-

tion between music preference and familiarity reported in [12],[13]. The favored clarified the high familiarity over the non-favored in both Melody and Song. We implied that participantswere able to recognize the favored even if listening to themelodic pattern only. On the contrary, the melodic pattern ofthe non-favored was not sufficient to recognize, in spite oflistening to the most memorable section as the first chorussection. Therefore, reaching to top 20 of the music chart didnot confirm the recognition or familiarity with the music.

We concluded that the favored and non-favored can beclassified by familiarity. Psychologically, the result could alsointerpret the correlation with a mere-exposure effect [10], [11],[39]. However, how preference has an impact on familiarity,and vice versa, as well as their influence on music emotionare still interesting open questions [40].

B. Response RateWe included an observation of time spent in self-assessment

for each music stimuli by calculating response rate using (1).The result unveiled that the favored spent more time than thenon-favored in both Melody and Song. We may interpret thatparticipants tend to regard the self-assessment in the favoredover the non-favored, despite they had high familiarity with

both favored Melody and Song. According to the results,we are able to indirectly hypothesize that the familiarity andthe response rate were the positive correlation. However, theresults seem to contrast with [28], [29], which reported thatfamiliar music was spent less time than the unfamiliar. Thus,we directly investigated the correlation between familiarity andresponse rate for finding the reason of contradiction.

C. Correlation between familiarity and response rateAs shown in Figure 5a and Figure 5b, in the highest

familiarity which had the most data, both Melody and Songshowed the distinction of music preference. Participants spentmore time on the favored. Therefore, our result was not com-pletely contrast with [28], [29]. We agree with them in caseof our non-favored music, which spent less time in familiarmusic. Interestingly, this finding confirms that studying themusic preference is essential. We can explain the contradiction,which lead to insight of human.

In case we hypothesize that spending more time meansmindfully doing the self-assessment, which is able to elicitthe innermost music emotion. The results may approve theprevious works, whether preference and familiarity were theinfluential factors for music emotion study. However, spendingmore time is whether good or not is an interesting question.

From the results, we clarify the distinction of preferencefrom familiarity and response rate. To summarize, the favoredhas very high familiarity, spending more time in both Melodyand Song. Meanwhile, the non-favored is on the contrary.

D. Power spectral density (PSD)We statistically scrutinized power spectral density of left-

right hemisphere and frontal, as shown in Figure 6a and Fig-ure 6b, respectively. Listening to the melodic pattern withoutlyrics (Melody) would clarified that the right side outper-formed over the left side. Meanwhile, ambiguous distinctionsof the left-right occurred in listening to Song, which has bothspeech (lyrics) and music contents. These results may conformto the assumption that left and right sides processed speechand music content, respectively [35].

For real world application, we executed music preferenceclassification using machine learning models (SVM, RF, andkNN) with features from the statistical PSD analysis. Then,we addressed the familiarity and response rate to the models.We observed the highest F1-score, as shown in Table II.

E. Music preference classificationIn both without and with behaviors, we found that the right

sides appeared on most of the highest F1-scores, which relatedto our assumption that the right side outperformed that of theleft, especially the right frontal (fr).

In most cases, using both familiarity and response rate in-creased the F1-scores, except the RF model on Song using onlyfamiliarity. Meanwhile, we found several of Song’s F1-scoresdecreased only using the response rate (see Table VI-VIII insupplementary). Although these behaviors could describe thedistinction of preference by statistical analysis, we could not

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TABLE III: Studies of music preference classification. (pm: proposed method)

Ref. Participants Music Stimuli(length) Features Analyzed brain region/

No. of channels (channels) Classifier Highest Accuracy / F1-score (±SE)

[27] 10 60 music(15 s) EEG, Audio

All regions/12 Channels (Fp1-2,

F7-8, C3-4, P3-4, O1-2, T3-4)SVM 81.40 ± 6.00 / 81.70 ± 5.00

[38] 16 4 folk music(120 s) EEG Frontal/

4 Channels (Fp1-2, F7-8) SVM 83.20 ± 5.50 / 62.90 ± 0.30

Melodypm 20 110 Melody(19-66 s) EEG, Behaviors Right frontal/

11 Channels (see Table I) SVM 75.29 ± 2.45 / 71.09 ± 2.70

Songpm 20 110 Song(19-66 s) EEG, Behaviors Right hemisphere/

27 Channels (see Table I) RF 84.64 ± 1.59 / 74.92 ± 2.80

conclude the correlation between statistical behaviors and allmodels. Therefore, executing a feature selection should be aconcern.

We compare our highest F1-scores of Melody (71.09%) andSong (74.92%) with other studies in Table III. Our proposedbehaviors potentially improve the F1-score to the same levelas the other studies. We can outperform [38], but not [27].This comparison confirms that these behaviors (familiarity,and response rate) are worth investigating in underlying musicresearch, including, preference, emotion and others. How-ever, it is complicated to directly compare because of manydifferences between the studies, including analyzed brainregions/channels, feature vectors, machine learning models,numbers of participants, and especially music stimuli.

F. Music stimuli selectionAs shown in Figure 1, music stimuli are a starting point

of such an experiment, which were used in the form of shortexcerpt. Unquestionably, different sections of its music caninduce different perceptions, which lead to misinterpretationand inaccurate annotation. Similar to the feature selection,regarding music stimuli selection is important [8].

In this study, participants listened to the first chorus sectionsince the section is the most memorable part of the popular(Thai) music. Also, the other chorus sections had a chanceto encounter the distinct harmony or melody for soloingor singing with modulation, which has a chance to inducedifferent perceptions. Besides, [41] showed that using thechorus section dataset as PMEmo [42] with ground truth froma highly controlled environment performed better than thelarge dataset with ground truth from social tags on[43] and crowd-sourcing [6]. They suggested that the highquality dataset might be more required than the large annotateddataset. As a result, we supported that the music stimuliselection should be carefully concerned. It is a influentialfactor to the music perception study.

However, behind music stimuli contain many music the-ories. We are aware that our selection is not an accurateselection. Using chorus section could not apply to the othergenres, which have complicated theories and feelings, such asclassical or jazz music. Thus, investigation of music theoryand perception is an ongoing question for investigating whatappropriate section and length of music excerpt are.

G. Leveraging the experiment for industryThis study contribute the experimental design of music

emotion toward music industry. Experiment with music pref-erence, familiarity, and response rate can be easily executedin underlying study. However, to investigate further studywith brain response, high-priced equipment is a major issue.Suggestively, penetration of consumer grade EEG measuringsensors become an optional solution due to its lower price [44].In emotion study, consumer grade EEG measuring sensorsbecame a part of investigation [45]–[47]. Nevertheless, the gapbetween medical and consumer grade EEG measuring sensorshave a plenty of room for research. Fulfilling this gap willincrease the performance in collecting listener’s data in dailylife for driving the music industry to the next level.

Finally, we believe that music has a potential impact onthe contribution to many industries, not only to music indus-tries. We suggest applying the experiment to biomedical andhealthcare industries since preferred and familiar music arecommonly mentioned in studying the autism [48]–[50] anddementia [51]–[53]. In fact, understanding musical taste ofother people is complicated matter, even for those who areclose. Thus, the experiment in this paper has an ability tocollect the musical taste from the autism and mild cognitiveimpairment (the risk of dementia). Hopefully, our experimentaldesign can be utilized to improve the efficiency of musictherapy in the future.


People tend to be more familiar and spend more time as-sessing their favored music than non-favored music, no matterlistening to Melody or Song. The result can interpret thatparticipants carefully do their self-assessment of the favored,which can elicit music’s innermost emotion. In classifyingthe preference using statistical analysis on EEG, we foundthat the right side provides the higher F1-scores than theleft side, especially the right frontal, which agrees with ourassumption. By supplementing the familiarity and responserate to the classification, we ultimately achieved enhancedF1-scores. Finally, we can clarify the distinction of musicpreference by using statistics and machine learning models.The results can contribute to the experimental design of musicemotion. In future work, we will collect more data fromparticipants, who are native and non-native language, aiming

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to observe a cross-cultural music cognition. Lastly, we willinvestigate the emotion of music between the favored andthe non-favored, proving that these factors are influential ineliciting the innermost emotion.


TABLE IV: List of hyperparameters tuned for SVM, RF, andkNN by using GridSearchCV.

Models Parameter (kernel) Values

SVM C (All) 0.001, 0.01, 0.1, 1, 10, 100γ (All) 0.001, 0.01, 0.11, 1, 10d (Poly) 2, 3, 4

RF No. of estimators 100, 300, 500Max depth 5-17 with a step of 3

Min sample leaf 2-14 with a step of 3Min sample split 2-14 with a step of 3

kNN No. of neighbors 10-49Weights Uniform, DistanceMetric Euclidean, Manhattan, Minskowski

TABLE V: Our highest accuracy from SVM, RF, and kNN. (a)Without behaviors and (b) With behaviors. The brain regionthat performed the highest F1-score are defined as fr: Rightfrontal, hr: Right hemisphere, hl: Left hemisphere, flr: Left-Right frontal, and hlr: Left-Right hemisphere.

Models Melody Song

SVM 67.75 ± 5.35fr 70.30 ± 5.25hr

RF 76.14 ± 0.69hl 77.85 ± 1.11flr

kNN 77.56 ± 0.82fr 78.42 ± 0.79hlr

(a) Without behaviors

Models Melody Song

SVM 75.29 ± 2.45fr 71.13 ± 5.55fr

RF 80.08 ± 1.83hl 84.64 ± 1.59hr

kNN 77.80 ± 2.15hr 80.68 ± 1.49fr

(b) With behaviors (Fam, ResR)


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