Download - rev si terpyridine complexes of first row transition ... · Terpyridine‐metal complexes of first row transition metals and electrochemical reduction of CO2 to CO Noémie Elgrishi,

Page 1: rev si terpyridine complexes of first row transition ... · Terpyridine‐metal complexes of first row transition metals and electrochemical reduction of CO2 to CO Noémie Elgrishi,



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Electronic Supplementary Material (ESI) for Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics.This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2014

Page 2: rev si terpyridine complexes of first row transition ... · Terpyridine‐metal complexes of first row transition metals and electrochemical reduction of CO2 to CO Noémie Elgrishi,


Index Page

FigureS1 FurthercharacterisationofthecyclicvoltammetrybehaviorofCo‐tpy S3

FigureS2 CVsofCo‐tpyunderN2 to–2.75 V S4

FigureS3  FurthercharacterisationofthecyclicvoltammetrybehaviorofNi‐tpy  S5

FigureS4  CVsofNi‐tpyunderN2atslowscanrates S6

FigureS5  CVsofCu‐tpyunderargon andCO2 S7

FigureS6  CVsofFe‐tpyandMn‐tpyunderargonandCO2 S8

FigureS7  ScanaccumulationduringtheCVsofZn‐tpyunderN2 S9

FigureS8  H2andCOproductionovertimebyCo‐tpy at–2.03 V vs. Fc+/Fc S10

FigureS9  BulkelectrolysisofCo‐tpyintheabsenceofH2O S11

FigureS10  BulkelectrolysisofCo‐tpyatvariousappliedpotentials S12

FigureS11  BulkelectrolysisofCo‐tpyinDEFandNMP S13

FigureS12  BulkelectrolysisofNi‐tpyatvariousappliedpotentials S14

FigureS13  BulkelectrolysisofZn‐tpyandreactionwithiodomethane S15

FigureS14  Bulkelectrolysisof4mMtpysolutionsat–2.03Vand–2.23V S16

FigureS15  PhotochemistryofZn‐tpy S17

FigureS16  VariationofthecatalyticpeakcurrentwithCo‐tpyconcentration S18

FigureS17  Steady‐stateorderof0.5inCo‐tpybulkelectrolyses S19

FigureS18 Tafelslopedata S20

FigureS19 VariationoftheCo:tpyratio S21

FigureS20 Schematicrepresentationofthebulkelectrolysiscell S22

FigureS21 SampleFoot‐of‐the‐WaveCalculation S23

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Figure(black),Top rig(orange1000 (electrodAg/AgCwith0.1Bottom(ν1/2) fatmosp

S1.Toplef,20(red),5ght : cyclice),20(purp(black) mVde, the couCl,3MKCl r1MofTBAPm: ipc (greenfor both ofphere.

ft:cyclicvo50(blue),1c voltammple),50(ligV/s. The wunter electrreferenceePassupporn circles) af the electr

oltammogra100(teal),2ograms ofghtblue),1working elerodewas aelectrode.Trtingelectroand ipa (blurochemical


amsofa2m250(pink),a 2 mM00(pink),2ectrode usa platinumThesolvenolyte.ue squares)l features

mMsolutio,500(greeCO2‐satura250(teal),ed was 1wire, andt systemu

) curves vs(I: left; II:

onofCo‐tpn)and100ated solutio500(darkbmm diamthe referenusedwasD

s. the squarright) of

yunderar00(darkbluon of Co‐tblue),750meter glassnce electroMF/H2O(9

re root ofCo‐tpy un

gonat10ue)mV/s.tpy at 10(red)andy carbonodewas a95:5,v:v),

scan ratender inert

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S2.CyclicvVpotentialrdscan issdeusedwamwire,andt system ulyte.

voltammogrange(orashowninthas1mmddtherefereused was

gramsofaange)andthe lattercaiameter glaenceelectrDMF/H2O


Co‐tpysoluthesamesase,asmorassy carborodewasaA(95:5, v:v

utionundeolutionscarescans lednelectrodeAg/AgCl,3v), with 0

rN2atmosanned to–2dtodegrade, the counMKClrefer0.1M of TB

sphereinth2.73V (gredation.ThenterelectrorenceelectBAP as su


Page 5: rev si terpyridine complexes of first row transition ... · Terpyridine‐metal complexes of first row transition metals and electrochemical reduction of CO2 to CO Noémie Elgrishi,




S3. Top: c,20(red),5


cyclic volta50(blue),1ncircles)anoftheelecdiameter glerenceelectDMF/H2O(

ammograms100(teal),2ndipa(bluectrochemicalassy carbotrodewas95:5,v:v),w


s of a 2m250(pink),esquares)calfeatureson electrodaAg/AgCl,with0.1Mo

mMN2‐satur,500(greecurvesvs.t(II:left;IIIde, the coun3MKClreofTBAPas

rated solutn)and100thesquarer:right).Thnter electroeferenceelesupporting

tion ofNi‐t00(darkblurootofscaneworkingodewas aectrode.Thgelectrolyt

tpy at 10ue)mV/s.nrateforelectrodeplatinumhesolventte.

Page 6: rev si terpyridine complexes of first row transition ... · Terpyridine‐metal complexes of first row transition metals and electrochemical reduction of CO2 to CO Noémie Elgrishi,


Figurerates (1glassyelectrodDMF/H

S4.Cyclic10mV/s, bcarbon elede was aH2O(95:5,v

voltammogblack; 20mectrode, theAg/AgCl, 3


gramsofamV/s, red).e counter e3M KCl re1MofTBAP


2mMN2‐s.Theworkelectrode weference elPassuppor

saturatedsking electrowas a platlectrode. Trtingelectr

solutionofode used winum wireThe solventrolyte.

Ni‐tpyatswas 1 mm, and thet system u

slowscandiameterreferenceused was

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Figure(lightbscan 38counterreferenassupp

S5.Cyclicblue:scan18). The worelectrodenceelectrodportingelec

voltammog1;darkblueorking electwasaplatde.Thesolvctrolyte. 

gramsofae:scan38)trode usedtinumwire,ventsystem


2mMsoluandunderd was 1 mm,andtheremusedwas

utionofCu‐raCO2atmm diametereferenceeleDMF/H2O

‐tpyat100mosphere(r glassy caectrodewa(95:5,v:v)

0mV/sundred:scan1arbon electasaAg/AgC,with0.1M

derargon1;orange:trode, theCl,3MKClMofTBAP

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erargonof(red)atmoe,thecountMKCl referTBAPassu





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Figure S7. Cyclic voltammograms of a 2 mM N2‐saturated solution of Zn‐tpy and itsevolution as the number of scans is increased. The working electrode used was 1 mmdiameter glassy carbon electrode, the counter electrode was a platinum wire, and thereferenceelectrodewasaAg/AgCl,3MKCl referenceelectrode.ThesolventsystemusedwasDMF/H2O (95:5, v:v),with 0.1MofTBAP as supporting electrolyte. The first scan isrepresented in blue and the last scan in red. Arrows indicate the evolution of theelectrochemicalfeatures.

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S8.Totalmthe electro

phere. TheH2O(95:5,vcuryasthe

molesofH2olysis of aworking c


(redcircles2mM solucompartme1MTBAPaectrode.Th


s)andCO(ution of Coent of theassupportihecellused

(bluesquaro‐tpy at –2bulk electrngelectrolydisdescribe

res)measur2.03 V vs. Frolysis conyteanda1edinFigure

redinthehFc+/Fc undnsisted of 11.5cmdiameS20.

headspaceder a CO210 mL ofmeterpool

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Figurepotentiwith0.1S20,usevery 0methodmeasurproducttheline

S9.Top:calelectroly1MofTBAesa1.5cm0.2 s and td over 4 sred inthehtsmeasureearfit,corre

urrent(leftysisofa2mAPassuppomdiameterthe currens. Bottom:headspaceedvs.thetoespondingt


nt intensitytotal moleduringtheotalchargetothefarad


charge(riCO2‐saturarolyte.Theercuryasthy data wases of CO (electrolysiepasseddudicefficienc

ght,blue)matedsolutiobulkelectrheworkings smoothedpurple squis(left)anduringtheelcy,is8%fo

measureddonin10mLrolysiscell,gelectroded using anuares) anddchargecolectrolysisorCOand2


d H2 (greenorrespondi(right).The%forH2.

ontrolled‐rousDMF,inFigurerecordedaveragingn circles)ingtotheeslopeof

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FigurepotentipotentiBulkelea1.5cmFigureusing aproductelectrolintheta

S10. Curral electrolals(blue:–ectrolyseswmdiameterS20.Datawan adjacentsmeasurelyses.Thesable.

rent (Toplyses of 2–1.93V,redwereperforpoolofmwas recordnt‐averaginged(CO:blueslopesofth

left) and mM Co‐td:–2.03V,gormedin10mercuryastded every0g methodesquares,Hhelinearfits


charge (Ttpy CO2‐sagreen:–2.00mLofDMtheworkin0.2 s and tover 4 s.H2:redcircs,correspo

Top right)aturated s8V,purple

MF/H2O(95ngelectrodethe currentBottom:


measuredolutions ae:–2.13Va:5,v:v),wite.Thecellut intensityCharge cortotalcharghefaradicef


during coat differentndorange:th0.1MTBusedisdesdatawas srrespondingepasseddfficiencies,

CO20% 112% 59% 77% 13% 1

ontrolled‐t applied–2.23V).BAP,usingscribedinsmoothedng to theduringthearegiven


Page 13: rev si terpyridine complexes of first row transition ... · Terpyridine‐metal complexes of first row transition metals and electrochemical reduction of CO2 to CO Noémie Elgrishi,


FigurepotentidiethylfmM Coperform0.1M TworkinandtheBottomtriangleslopeof

S11. Curral electroformamideo‐tpy) andmedin10mTBAP as sugelectrodeecurrentinm: Charge cesandNMPfthelinear

rent (Toplyses ofe (DEF) (grDMF (redmLofamiupporting ee.ThecelluntensitydatcorrespondP:bluediamfits,corres

left) andCo‐tpy COreen,1mMd, 2 mM CoxtureofDEelectrolyte,usedisdestawassmoding to themonds)vs.spondingto


charge (TO2‐saturateMCo‐tpy), 1o‐tpy) as pEF,NMPorusing a 1cribedinFoothedusine CO produthetotalchothefaradi

Top right)ed solutio1‐methyl‐2primary sorDMFresp.5 cm diamFigureS20.nganadjaceuced (in Dhargepassecefficiency

measuredns at –2‐pyrrolidinolvent. Bulkpectivelywmeter poolDatawasrent‐averagiDMF: red sedduringty,is12%in

during co.03 V usnone (NMP)k electroly

with5%ofHl of mercurrecordedevingmethodquares, DEtheelectrolnthethreec

ontrolled‐ing N,N‐) (blue,1yses wereH2O,withry as thevery0.2sdover4s.EF: greenlyses.Thecases.

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S12. Curral electrolals (blue:lysesweremeterpoolatawasrecnt‐averaginred (CO: blyses.Thesable.

rent (Toplyses of 2–1.72 V,performedofmercurycordedeverg methodblue squareslopesofth

left) and2 mM Ni‐tred: –1.76din10mLoyasthewory0.2sandover 4, H2: redhelinearfits



charge (Ttpy CO2‐sa6 V, greenofDMF/H2Oorkingelectdthecurre. Bottom:d circle) vs,correspo

COV 18%V 17%V 17%V 16%

Top right)aturated sn: –1.89 VO(95:5,v:vtrode.ThecentintensitCharge covs. the totndingtoth


measuredolutions aand oran

v),with0.1cellusedistydatawasorrespondintal chargehefaradicef

during coat differentnge: –2.141MTBAP,udescribedssmoothedng to thepassed dufficiencies,

ontrolled‐t appliedV). Bulksinga1.5inFigure

dusinganproductsuring thearegiven

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Figure S13. Current (Top left) and charge (Top right) measured during controlled‐potentialelectrolysesof5mMZn‐tpyCO2‐saturatedsolutionsat–2.15V.Bulkelectrolyseswere performed in 10 mL of DMF/D2O (95:5, v:v), with 0.1M LiClO4, using a 1.5 cmdiameter pool ofmercury as theworking electrode. The cell used is described in FigureS20.Datawasrecordedevery0.2sandthecurrentintensitydatawassmoothedusinganadjacent‐averagingmethodover4s.Bottom:Attheendofthebulkelectrolysis,200µLofiodomethane(3.2mmol)wasaddedtrough the septum of the electrochemical cell and the solution was stirred at roomtemperature for 1h30min. The aliphatic (right) and aromatic (left) regions of 1H NMRspectra before the addition of CH3I (black) and after reaction with CH3I (blue) arepresented here. The spectra have been referenced to the aldehyde proton of DMF (7.9ppm).TheRedstarsmarktheappearanceofnewpeaksafterreactionwithCH3I.

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Figureelectrol(green)10mLothewor0.2 s anover4s

S14. Curlyses of 4m)andCO2(rofDMF/H2Orkingelectnd the curs.

rrent (left)mM terpyrred)andatO(95:5,v:vrode.Thecrrent intens

and charridine solut–2.23Vunv),with0.1cellusedissity data w


rge (right)tions. ElectnderCO2(bMTBAP,ussdescribedwas smooth

) measuredtrolyses calue).Bulkesinga1.5cd inFigurehed using a

d duringrried out aelectrolysesmdiameteS20.Dataan adjacen

controlled‐at –2.03 Vswereperfrpoolofmwasrecordnt‐averaging

‐potentialunder Arformedinmercuryasdedeverygmethod

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Steady pressurecollimatwere prcontroll

Sample triethanodeuteratsolutionZn-tpy,solutionThe resuwith COcap withwas plapipettedincludin0.4 mL

Figure presenceto triethdark; RuRu(bpy)associatobservepeaks on

State Photoe Hg/Xe arcting lens, a repared in a ed cuvette h

preparatioolamine. Tted solvent n of Ru(bpy, two sampln mixed witulting 0.8 mO2 via vigorh a septum. ced in the d

d from the qng only Ru(of Zn-tpy s

S15. 1H Ne of 2.0 mMhanolamine.u(bpy)3Cl2()3Cl2(H2O)6

ted with TEd post-photnly observe

olysis Detac lamp (Orie

filter holde1 cm path

holder (Qua

on involvedThis solvent


les were math 0.4 mL omL solutionrous bubbliOne of the

dark for the quartz cuvett(bpy)3Cl2(Hstock solutio

NMR spectrM Ru(bpy)3C. (a-c) FromH2O)6 photo

6 and Zn-tpyEOA marketolysis of Zd post-phot

ails. Photochel Instrumener equippedlength quar

antum North

d the use t system wity. The sol

6 and a 2.0 made in tandemof the Ru(bpn (2.0 mM Rng of CO2

samples prsame lengthte into an N

H2O)6 were pon being rep

ra for the pCl2(H2O)6 inm top to boolyzed; bothy photolyzeed by *. (b

Zn-tpy preseolysis of Zn


hemical Reants). The be

d with a 415rtz cuvette (

hwest) main

of a 5:1was chosen

lvent mixtumM stock sm, each of py)3Cl2(H2ORu(bpy)3Cl2

through therepared was h of time. U

NMR tube foprepared anplaced by 0.

photolysis on a CO2-satuottom, the sh Ru(bpy)3Cd. (a) The fb) Aromatiented in redn-tpy presen

actions wereeam was pa5 nm band (Starna) whtained at 20

1 volumetrdue to pra

ure was usesolution of Zwhich inclu

O)6 stock so

2(H2O)6 ande solution fothen photol

Upon complor analysis vnd treated in4 mL of the

of experimeurated 5:1 vspectra reprCl2(H2O)6 afull spectra aic resonancd. (c) Aliphnted in red.

e performedassed throug

pass filter, hich was pla0°C with a c

ric ratio oactical consed to prepaZn-tpy. Foruded 0.4 mLolution withid 1.0 mM Zfor 15 minutlyzed for 6 letion the revia 1H NMRn an analoge solvent mi

ents of 1.0volumetric rresent Ru(band Zn-tpy are shown wces are shohatic resona

d using a 30gh an infrare

and an irisaced in a tecirculated w

of acetonitrsiderations are a 4.0 mr photolysis L of the Zn-in the quart

Zn-tpy) wastes throughhours while

eaction mixtR. Photolysigous manneixture.

0 mM Zn-tratio of acetpy)3Cl2(H2Oin the dark

with the intewn with p

ances are sh

0 W, high ed filter, a s. Samples mperature ater bath.

rile-d3 to regarding

mM stock including

-tpy stock tz cuvette. s saturated a cuvette e the other tures were is samples r with the

tpy in the tonitrile-d3 O)6 in the ; and both ense peaks eaks only

hown with

Page 18: rev si terpyridine complexes of first row transition ... · Terpyridine‐metal complexes of first row transition metals and electrochemical reduction of CO2 to CO Noémie Elgrishi,


 FigureS16. Variationof Icatwith the concentration ofCo‐tpy in CO2‐saturated solutionsduringcyclicvoltammetryexperimentsat50mV/s.Theworkingelectrodeusedwas1mmdiameter glassy carbon electrode, the counter electrode was a platinum wire, and thereferenceelectrodewasaAg/AgCl,3MKCl referenceelectrode.Thesolventsystemusedwas DMF/H2O (95:5, v:v), with 0.1M of TBAP as supporting electrolyte. The correlationcoefficientofthelinearfit(red)is0.98.

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Figurecontrolconcentreachedcurrentlight blcircles:DMF/Hworkinabove tsurfacewere cpotentibulkele

S17. Plotled‐potentitrations ofdtheplateatateachpolue triangle–1.99 V, b

H2O (95:5, vg electrodethe pool ofofthemercorrected fal.Theslopectrolysesc

of the logial electrof Co‐tpy whauregionaotentialwaes: –2.07 Vblack squarv:v), with 0e. In an effmercuryrcuryelectfor the valpeofthelinconditions,


(current(Aolyses ofhere the pandthenvaasrecordedV, dark blures: –1.97 V0.1M TBAPffort to obwas stirredtrode.Theclues observnearfits,coisgivenin

Appliedpotential or–1.97V–1.99V–2.02V–2.04V–2.07V–2.17V–2.27V


)) vs. the lCo‐tpy

otentialwaariedinastd(yellowdiue trianglesV). Bulk elP, using a 1btain activad as vigorocellusedisved in a sorrespondithetable.



log(concenCO2‐saturaas first heltepmanneriamonds:–s: –2.04 V,lectrolyses1.5 cm diaation contrously as posdescribedsolution wingtothea



tration(moated solutd at –2.03revery302.27V,pingreen triawere perfmeter poorolled condossible witdinFigurewithout Co‐apparentor


ol/L)) obtaitions atV until thminandthnktrianglesangles: –2.0formed inl ofmercuditions, thethout disruS20.Curre‐tpy, at earderinCob

ined in 6differente currentheplateaus:–2.17V,02 V, red10mL ofury as thee solutionupting theentvaluesach givenbaltunder

Page 20: rev si terpyridine complexes of first row transition ... · Terpyridine‐metal complexes of first row transition metals and electrochemical reduction of CO2 to CO Noémie Elgrishi,



S18. PlotbedinFigureentrianglerepresente

of appliedreS17(blaes:0.5mMed)ofthe–1

potential vacksquaresofCo‐tpy).1.9Vto–2.


vs. log(currs:2mM,re.AtallCo‐t1Vregion

rent(A)) exedcircles:1tpyconcenis~135mV

xtracted fro1mM,bluetrations,thV/dec).

om the expetriangles:heslopeoft


Page 21: rev si terpyridine complexes of first row transition ... · Terpyridine‐metal complexes of first row transition metals and electrochemical reduction of CO2 to CO Noémie Elgrishi,


Figureelectrol2mM t2mMCwasrecaveragiv:v),wiThe celmeasurelectrol

S19. Top:lysesofCOtpy and 2mCoCl2(greencordedeveingmethodith0.1MTBll used is dred (CO: blyses.

current (lO2‐saturatedmMCoCl2n)andamry0.2sandover4s.BBAP,usingdescribed iblack squar

eft) and chdsolutions(yellow), 4mixtureof2ndthecurreBulkelectroa1.5cmdn Figure Sres, H2: re


harge (righsat–2.03V4mM tpy a2mMCoCl2entintensitolyseswerediameterpo20. Bottomed circle) v

ht)measureVof:2mMand 2mM2,2mMtpytydatawaseperformeoolofmercm: charge cvs. the tot

ed during tpy (blue)CoCl2 (puryand2mMssmoothededin10mLcuryasthecorrespondtal charge

controlled‐),2mMCorple), 1mMMbpy(browdusinganLofDMF/Heworkingeding to thepassed du

‐potentialoCl2 (red),M tpy andwn).Dataadjacent‐H2O(95:5,electrode.productsuring the

Page 22: rev si terpyridine complexes of first row transition ... · Terpyridine‐metal complexes of first row transition metals and electrochemical reduction of CO2 to CO Noémie Elgrishi,


FigureThewoofmercworkinelectrodfloatingcan beanalysedirectc

S20.Schemorkingcompcuryusedag and refede by a pogoverthepsampled


maticreprepartment(asworkingrence electorous glasspoolofmerthrough rutionalglassmmetryexp

esentationo(10mL,oragelectrodetrodes ares frit. The srcury.Theubber septsycarboneperimentso


oftheelectrange),onthand theAseparatedsolution iselectrocheta using gelectrodecofthebulk

rochemicalheleft,contAg/AgCl, 3Md from theconstantlymicalcelligas tight syanbefittedsolution.

lcellusedftainsthe1MKCl refercoiled platy stirred wisgastightyringes fordthrough

forbulkele.5cmdiamrenceelectrtinum wirewith a smalt,andthehr gaseousoneofthe

ctrolyses.meterpoolrode.Thee counterll stir barheadspaceproductsseptafor

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SampleFootoftheWaveCalculationConstantsR=GasConstant=8.31446(CV)/(molK)T=Temperature=297KF=FaradaysConstant=96485.34C/molVariablesiop=peakcurrentintheabsenceofsubstrate(CO2)i=currentmeasuredundercatalyticconditionsν=scanrateofCVinV/sCoA=Concentrationofsubstrate(CO2)inthebulksolutioninmol/LE=appliedpotentialinVEoPQ=(Epa+Epc)/2measuredforreactioncouple(Co(tpy)2+/Co(tpy)2)intheabsenceofCO2inVEoAB=potentialforCO2reductiontoCOunderconditionsusedinV=overpotentialinVk2=secondorderrateconstantkap=pseudo‐firstorderrateconstantunderexcessofCO2TOF0=TurnoverFrequencyat0appliedoverpotentialTOF=TurnoverFrequencyataspecifiedoverpotentialValuesofVariablessetbyExperimentorEstimatedfromLiteratureν=0.250V/sCoA=0.23mol/LEstimatedfromReference1EoAB=–1.41Vvs.Fc+/FcEstimated fromReference1whichreports thepotentialas–0.690Vvs.NHEwiththeFc+/Fcpotentialtakentobe0.720Vvs.NHE4ValuesofVariablesMeasuredbyExperimentsinabsenceofCO2iop=peakcurrentintheabsenceofsubstrate(CO2)EoPQ=–2.03Vvs.Fc+/FcValuesRecordedduringCatalyticCVsi,ECalculationsofRateConstantandTurnoverFrequency2,3The following relationship from Reference 2 (bottom of first column on page 11238) isutilized:




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FigureSblacktradataat locathodicThe reddetermThesloconstan

Thesecrate co(assum

2.24 2




d trace repinedbyelipeoftheabntcanbeca


, .

, .

condordernstant canedtobe0.2





presents thiminatinghbovetrendalculatedas



rateconstan be obtain23M)andi45.5 – –


lysisplotsforrmedelectrocble fequalsF/includesonly

he linear trhigherpotedlineisfousfollows:




antisthusn bymultipisfoundto0.23



rCo(tpy)2(PFchemicaldata/(RT).The leythelinearize

rend line fentialsuntindtoequa

. /

calculatedplying by 4be10.5s–1

10.5 –


F6)2catalyticra.Theredtraeftplot includedregionatlo

for the lowil a trendwl3.2791.Th

. /


tobe45.545.5 M–1 s–.



w overpotewithanR2=hereforeth

M–1s–1.Th1 by the co



ential regio=0.99washesecondo



ofCO2.Thetlinetotheegionof the

on. It wasachieved.orderrate

firstorderon of CO2

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Thispseudofirstorderrateconstantcanbetransformedintoaturnoverfrequencyviathefollowingrelationshipfoundinreference2,basedoffofequation4withinsaidreference,whichwasslightlyamendedwithinreference3.log log

Inanefforttocomparetheactivitytoothervaluesreportedintheliterature,ofparticularinterest is the activity of the catalyst at zero overpotential. Using the pseudo‐first orderrateconstantderivedabove,theTOF0canbecalculatedassuch:log log

log 10.5 .


1.41 2.03 0

1.0212 16.96895 0.62 9.5

Thus,thelog(TOF0)atzerooverpotentialiscalculatedtobe–9.5.ThiscorrespondstoanintrinsicTOFequalto3.2×10–10M–1s–1.Theaboveprocedurewas followedforallof thedifferentscanratesanalyzedwithinthismanuscript.Practically,within thecatalyticwave that isobservedexperimentally, there isanappliedoverpotentialof0.670V.ThiscanbebeincludedinthecalculationofTOFasshownbelow:log log

log 10.5 .


1.41 2.03 0.67

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