Download - REV. A. WALLACE, Editor. OCEAN GROVE, N. J., SATURDAY ... · “VVe know we have eternal life,”, tfec* Her application of these truths was in harmony with .the deeply spiritual

Page 1: REV. A. WALLACE, Editor. OCEAN GROVE, N. J., SATURDAY ... · “VVe know we have eternal life,”, tfec* Her application of these truths was in harmony with .the deeply spiritual

REV. A. W ALLAC E, Editor. OCEAN GROVE, N. J., SATUR DA Y , JULY 22, 1882. VOL. VIII. NG. 29.

A t E v en tid e i t Shall be Light.. 71V REV. A. R. HAI.L.lHO.

In tbe daylight's hurrying trend , Things of God do uotnppcar.As when on our quiet bed, •

Wnen the spirit sight Is clear.For thu daytlmo ill ways brings

Work, with care nnd labor fraught; • And the sunshine opens things

Which ab>orb fcoih cure mid thought.And ’[vc'seldom fill with light,

Which will shnvr the spirits way, • Until the shadows of tho nfght . .

rurtalim all these cares awiiy..Then no longer do wo wait,'

Thon our faith cros es the ford,Then beflide the jilory gate ; We both ice and touch the Lord.

TliLs Is true of all our life,' Just aa of our single hours;Of tho hurry and the strife.

T h e e m p lo y m e n t o f o u r pow ers.

T ho life cross which we must hear,Of which wo may give, ho sign—

The absorbing tnought and care . All uli ng life’s duly lino.

The Fad cloud of tears and sighs • Which so oft obscure oursky—

Above which we cannot rise Until God shall let us die.

Till then life Is partly blind,For these clouds hang dcitso and low;

- And our dim tight cannot find What ot to d wo (cel aud know.

Tlll whcn ceasing earthly breath.Where thu valley meets, the height,-

And the life la touching death,At it shall be light.

The Withered Fig-Tree.' The disciples had often heard the Maater apeak words of healing nnd of life, which they had seen decisively ful­filled. Hia command to one with a withered hand, to stretch i t forth—to a paralytic, to rise and walk—to a dead m an, to come out of hia to m b -h a d c rried with it the power to obey. Now, for tho first time, they aee th a t hia word ia aa mighty to kill a8 to heal. Not upon any hum an being, not upon any crea­ture having feeling, does ho exert it. Yet doubtless those whoTsiiw octree wither eo q u k k ly a t hia awful word were mado to feel thnt, if ho would, he could wither a hum an frame as sud­denly/consigning it a t once to paralysis or to death. He in whose power to heal all m anner of aickneBsca they have ao m uch comfort and ao much hope, haa (they now aeo) a power to destr y, in view, o f which be is solemnly to be feared. Was it not well that thia should be illustrated by a t least ono example in the gospel record ? * .

W hat if in somo one instance th a t awful power hud burat forth upon some bad m an ? W hat if one of those cavil lera who objecied to Hia healing the withered hand.on the Sabbath,had Sud­denly found hia own arm hanging pow­erless a t his aide? Ur w hat if some blasphemer, accusing (Jurist of working wonders fyy bu tunic aid ,.had ' dropped dead at his word, as Ananias and Sap- phira did a t tho word of Peter ? .Even then would our Lord’a glory a-oiSaviour of infinite grace have beon obscured ? Might not tho peril and tho guile of auch trilling with Him hnveheeu thus shown without abating from tbe preciousness or tho sufficiency of hia graco to all who accept it or seek ii with proper feeling?

In all our Lord’s intercourse with m ankind there waa not one auch retrib­utive forth pu t'ing of hia power. “ H e bad not then come to judge the world, but to aavo tho world.”

In those marvelous scenes, which the evangelists picture to ua ao vividly, we see many lam e leaping up and walking \ m any blind opening their revived oves to the fcweet daylight; mauy !ep6fs>ud denly made whole and cleuii; many dem oniacs made able to walk, and to ait, and to speak in sane and decent composure. Wo hear ibo*e r who were dumb joyfully singing, and we even see some who wero quite dead made alive again, and restored to their happy and thankful, kindred. Hut when wo look about for Home token of Christ a powor to blight and destroy those despise hia mercy, searching rnrofoJJy .through all the scenes of his m inistry and all the pathwaya of hia journeying*, we only find one tree withered and dead, dried

■ down to ita roots, ua if the lightning had smitten it. We learn, too, tha t thia ia a tree which, oven when it waa alive and vigorous, bofore t <eMaator’s word ainote it, bore no fruit, only leaves.

Ho who filled hia. life ao full of tho wonderful works of healing arid of life- im parting which invite and ju stify our truat in his mercy—could he have warned ua moro gently and kindly of the infinite peril of slighting hia mercy

and rejecting hia love, o r o f the hypo­critical pretence of being hia disciples, while bring forth no fruits worthy of repentance;?./- ; ;v‘

Shall we disregard aosolom n a warn­ing because it is given ao gently ? Ber w are !_•—Illustrated Chrulian Weakly.

Living For God.N et always, no t often, doea God in*

vito us to do some great thing for Him. I sa iah . volunteered to go to hia own people, hia own neighbors, and to try, with hia cleanser! lips, to m ake their ( lips clean. And though a t limes be had to rebuke princes, and to pro nounco tho doom of.nations, yot it was hia whole life which he dedicated to God, with all ita petty details of daily ' conduct. It was part of his work to live with tho prophetess he took to wife according to a divine law,.to name and train h is. children so th a t little; Im manuol, aud little Maber-shalal- hash-baz should bo “ for signs and for wonders in Israel frorii the Lord of hosts.”

And, in like m anner; God sends us to our own people, to our own kinfolk and acquaintance. W e have beon; cleanped. that we. may cleanse th em .. And we are iiot to wait for great oppor­tunities which m ay never come to us, and for which we may not prove fit if they did come. W e are to endeavor so to order our whole lifo by a divine law that, even in the trivial round and common task, we rriay show th a t we have taken God for our King, and that' we delight to do Hia will. I t is by ; th is constant and patien t heed to the littlo things of daily conduct th a t we are gradually to build up. a character and life wholly consecrated to B tim ; as if we do bu t take the tri vial occasions for self conquest and self-denial, for. resist­ing, evil and;, doing" good, which every, day; iifTordp^.we ymg.y;J.afojy ' Jeave . God to link on day to day,, and duty to duty; and to draw all our people and. imperfect acts of service into the large effectual m inistry by, which H e is teach­ing and saving the wdrld. .

This, then;; is' our high calling and vocation—to live for God, so th a t our very lives may' speak . for H im . To this service we are invited to volun­teer, : th a t , ; while serving, we may be freo. For th is ; service, if only w e, clioose it, God qualifies us by. revealing tb; us the- sacred ‘ and abiding; realities: which underlie all. the shadows ahd changes of timo. And, indeed, the service is often so hard, and appears to be ao unsuccessful, tlm t we -cannot hope to be steadfast in it unless we see all th a t Isaiah saw ,. and share his strong persuasion th a t God rules over all and rules for all good. If we would understand what the difficulties of this divine service are, and where lies our hope o f buing faithful to it it we have but to consider tho bisk which the prophot waa called to undertake, and the motives which secured his fidelity. —Samuel Cox.

Eed Sock Camp-Masting.

The M innesota S tate Camp-Meeting* held a t Red Rock, -opened Juno 21, Rev. D. Cobb presiding. The attend­ance was untMuaJly large, :therp being about one hundred and eighty.five tenta and cottages on the grounds. . There waB'Adt at the very fi rat m eeting a wonr derful nifelling .power, the .subduing presence of the Diyino Spirit,, which con tin tied throughout the outko twelve days. Thomas Harriaon, so : well- known and loved by your readers,. was preaent from the, first, and hundreds of hearts wore stirred by his direct ap­peals and fervent prayers? which conic from a heart all on fire with the love of God and souls. At least, two hundred wero converted, and a largo num ber came into the light of perfect love, the altar being more than filled a t everyinvitation;

We rejoice th a t h»*re, ho far from the hallowed influences o f Ocean Grove, God’s Spirit is also working wonderful­ly, and believe that a fire haa been k in ­dled which will spread throughout the northwest until thousands ahall be brought “ nu t of the darkness irito His marvellous light.” G. V.

Be patient in-regard to Ocean: Grove post office'm atters. We cannot hope1.0 get everybody's address changed be­fo re i hey give u b the order.

L a s t S a b b a th ..

" Thcse.nre days which, with their sur­rounding circumstances, m ake lifo. a luxury. Such waa last Sabbath al Ocean Groye. Tired nature , found a sweet rcatorativq iu it* exemption from secu­lar care, and its heavenward tendencies for tho weary soul. Many renewed thoir strength in the old appointed way —by “ waiting on the Lord.” .

THE SCIENCE OP SALVATION. •I f science is “ exact knowledge,” why

not include the system of religion devel* oped in 1 John, fourth chapter, in the modern category ? Mrs. P a lm e r,. in selecting it. for the Scripture, lesson',. at .the early Tabernacle service, called attention to the prom inence given j in alm ost every verse to the t e r m k n o w / ' “ VVe know we have eternal life,”, tfec* H er application of these tru ths was in harm ony with .the deeply spiritual and comprehensive prayer of the venerable Dr.. J . H . Brown, of Baltimore, who opened tho meeting, and the old revival hym n, but sung with interest fresh and now,.“ Arise my soul, arise,” tfce.

AN HOUR OF TESTIMONY at this “ Palm er Meeting” is like good news from a far country, and rivers of water to a thirsty soul. A brother oh ' served th a t he had once been in the habit of attending meetings to obtain blessings, but now enjoyed the Blesser, and in possession of an indwelling Christ, all his soul’s demands wore/met.

A Newark brother spent m any anx-, ioua years in .longing to know the fact th a t he was accepted as a child of God. This certitude came to him on a full surrender to be all the Lord's. “ Look,” said he, “ at Rom ans 12; 1. Seo the. term-*. I com p'ied, and now it is ‘ hal­lelujah 'all the tim e.”

Dr. Clark referred to the tendency in our poor vacillating nature to look else­where than to Christ for perfect rest. H q had often trusted in tho Cbtirch, loaned on hum an aympathy and prayer,* or mustered up his own resources for s tren g th ; but the grip that lays hold on eternal life m ust be in Jesus only.

A brother ju st froni Round Lake had gone there under discouragement; H e had unwisely hearkened to hia pastor, who told him entire sanctification was only a delusion. H is soul, was disquieted until he, committed his way fully, to God, and tho Hply Ghost had come upon him in the joy Of a new life. -. H e knew whom he had believed.;

B>o. H. C. Lattb, also from. Roil nd Lake, told of .nine blissful years since ho entered the founlsiri of cleansing. Tho sisters had a sim ilar e::perienco. Many of them rojoicetl in a “ wonderful salvaiictv, and With Mnging, “ Bliss of the purified, and other trusting hym ns, the service closed. <

* . SERMON HY DR. CRAY.Rev. E . J . Gray, D.D., of W illiams­

port, I’a.i was the pi oacher of the morn­ing. The aervicea were opened with prayor by Rev. Dr. Fisk, of Albion Uni­versity. The. tex t was 1 Cor. 3 : 21, 22, “ Therefore, let no man men. All things are yours.” . After some felie itoua exposition of the context, with allusions to the character of Paul and tho condition of tho Church to Which tHis epistle was written, the spoaker showed the futility of glorying in more men, when we ha<l som ething higher and batterV: Not men, but-tru th , diyine truth; is the watchword of modern times. No m a tte r t iyhci'brings it, .or by what nieans, lik e ripe 1 ru it to the huiigry, or golden ore from the mine,, the processes of transportation may bo various, but the thing obtained is the essentia! part;

A PROTEST AGAINST BIGOTRY,* .the apeaker proceeded to aay, oxiated in a very tangible form here a t Ocean Grove. It was deemed im portant, if not irrelavent, to inquire into the meth- oda by which people whr) come here had found the Saviour if they, proved themselves to be his sinctjro disciples. No m atter what iho denominational banner under which thoy tnarclied, hrro all ulood .on a broad, common platform of Biiile truth, iu genial as the nature of ita author, our loving God.*

THE HAPPINESS OF MAN was showii to be the ultim ate thought of that good atid gracious Father, “ All things aro yours,” included tiie material as well os im m aterial. The Almighty Ruler has pledged hia power to manage them for our advantage. We cau look arounit, and up into hia face, saying,“ All, all are mine, since 1 am hia.” Tho im m easureablenesaofhia resources, and

.the love.that rules ih the adm inistration of .hum an affairs, were, forcibly Ulus trsted, and motives drawn for a higher tone o f faith and devotion. We have it within our reach to m ake ourselves an E den ; to walk with G od; to gain an imperishable nam e. We are called to conquer the world while living in it, and crown eacli hour with suprem e delight. By reference to many names in history, sacred and profane, it was ahbwn how real goodness in contrast with earthly pomp or power, only ia enduring, and tho aerrnon, abounding with fine thought and convincing argu­ment, closed in good time. As friend met friend, in-th<» recognitions of the morning, the satisfaction expressed was quite general.

SPIRITED.SUNDAY-SCHOOL EXERCISES.The attendance shows a m arked in­

crease Sabbath after Sabbath. Those engaged in the three departm ents of the Ocean Grove Sunday-school numbered over 1,400. *

Dr. H an lo n s Bible class, filled every seat in the 'Tabernacle, and crowds, stood around the doors, and , win?lows interested iii the points .of the^lesson. On the platform around the leader was a strong body of diyiiiity. in the persona o f Dr. ;Alday, P r ^ Kynett, Dr. J . H. Brow iijProf. Cajd.well, Rev. A; K .S treet and others, an^l scattered • through 'the audience were m inisters, educators and scores of m en and women, , who evinced a revorent'fam iliarity with the W ord of God,, but differed at; some points of interpretation sufticicntly, to make things exceedingly lively as the discus sion proceeded. A call for m ore teach- .ers in tho m ain division was quickly responded to.


Although “ in the shade” the ther­m om eter ranged quite high all day, a steady breeze blowing in from Old Oceau kept everything salubrious, and

‘•irnlue every part of the Groveonjoyable. The gathering at the foot o f Ocean Path-, way appeared like a great m ultitude, and was swelled by large-numhers from Asbury Park.


was the title of the Scriptural responsive service used. The Hinging was an im ­provem ent, doubtless on account of our h in t of last week, and five brief addresses wero delivered as tho exercises. pro­ceeded.

F. VanSicklen, Esq , o f Brooklyn, was the first called upon. H e had bu t lately arrived. Tho purity of the great sea was his theme. the drain­age of the great citien, he said all flowed into the,ocean, and its sanative proper­ties look'.awiiy the oflonsivo scwearge. So the gospel is ihe great purifier. A fountain deep and clear is opened for sin. B ath ing . m the ocean of God*! love, we are ihado pat takers of holiness.

H . C. Laub, Esq , of Deunison, Iowa a mem ber of the National Association for the Promotion of Holiness, had never witnessed such a scone as this. H e was glad as a businessman to relate his experience, and assure all that they m ight be fully (<aved by going into the fountain.

Prof, Caldwell, of Tennessee Wesleyan University, after two years’ absence found these same o ld waves lashing t he shore, coming and going, ns they fol­lowed the old moon, and nevor able to pass the barrier Ohvhipotcnce had placed to form- their proper boundary. He referred io second causes, and Worked o u t a tine lesson for hum an faith.

The editor of T he Record followed. H e congratulated the assembled thou- samla on being onco more a t Ocean Grove.. Some who were here last Sum­m er have gone to heaven,and he hoped all were traveling in th a t direction. Ho thought Prof. OaldwelpB sympathy with the “ poor old waves” a little gratuitous. Those, m ountain ranges he was familiar with down in Tennesson mi *ht he old and poor, hut these billow© are all and always new, and al ways com mg ou shore. Should the Professor vc»• tu te iti to morrow the tables m ight be turned, and ho, not tho wavea. be entitled to sym pathy. H e commonded to thought­ful atten tion the Scripture tex ts wet had been reading.v That passage where the Psalmist declared his purpose to wait for God “ as they th a t watch for; the mcrrting,” was beautifully auggestiveJ H e had occasionally stood ou tho shore with othcra to aeo the aim rise, and de­scribed the gorgeous transition, a spec­tacle whioh every visitor to Oceftn

Grovo m ight witness f<>r nothing, al though if it occurred hut once in a life time, front seats would command a pre­mium. . As the morning oometli in all its glory, ao God inaniftHts hia presence to all who seek his face. Seek him, then, while he may be found. Call upon him while he ia near.

At this junctu re an ocean steam er passed up the.coast alm ost within hail­ing distance, and the people, a t a signal from Dr. Stokes, -rose en mn*Het nnd waved their hats and handkerchiefs. The aalute .was appreciated on board and returned by pnsengers on deck.

Chauucey Shatlc’r, K-q ma<le the closing address, taking hi-} text otit of tho lesson leaf, ** Abide with os,” &c., and working up a solid argum ent for tho sanative, sacred and social pro emi­nence of Ocean Grove. This gentleman is always eloquent and strong, but exu­berantly so a t a su rf meeting. H ere his m ind takes “ sea room,” nnd the round globe becomes tributary io the timely truths he wishes to illusi rate and enforct- on the people.

REV. GEORGE CLARKE.It seomed like an ovatuui to this

high ly esteemed m inister, l.itely i eturn- ed to hia Oceati Grove residence, after four or five m onths’ absence iu Europe iind tho distant East, lo sec the audi­ence th a t gathered for evening service.

The preacher was evidently cm har­assed. Tho people very generally wanted a aim pie narrative of travel and observation in the Ho*y Land, Assyria and Egypt, yet his aense of duty and responsibility promptud him to uae the Auditorium pulpit for gospel edifica tion. Hia text was John 3-16—’‘For God so loved the world” etc. After a carefully connected prep.entaMon of the prime source o f salvation, the revela­tion of God’s hive, and tlm generous overtures by which ii sinut-r. may be saved, he introduced a num ber o f inci­dents relating to the localities m ade sacred by. the lifo. and ministry ».f bur Lord, and closed with a fancy picture in which he indulged while m editating on the Mount of Olives. This reverie comprehended the hist >cenes in the Saviour's life from the Paschal feast until tbo body was placed iu Joseph’s tom b—a tragedy, as the speaker said, in five act*, each act closing in hh-od, and impressing on the deeply intcrest- oil congregation in this vivid m anner, an idea of what salvation <;ost in tears, and agony and shame, “ Ho gave His life for thee,!’ was the appeal o f the preacher, and the closing h>mn in­cluded this stan/.* :

" 0 for this love let rocks and hJHs Thetr lasting sUouce break.;:

And all harmomous human tongue The Savloam’.pmbes speiik.-

Augela nssl6t ourmlghty joys;. . ..Strike al! your harp* o ' gold; -

But when you raise your h Khest holes.■ ' His love Oil u ne’er he toM M .

■ Whom to M . r r y . ,

The right kind of work is .g girl makes a bettor wife for a workingm tu tlian a rich girl would. She is bettor ad rpted to h inb . Tnc gresit m ijoritv of ihe rich and well-to-do men iu Now York stuit- c d ' out. iti life with wives »or tike themsolve-i. They- pulle I'logntner iind niade common s icri li c tli > *> i *‘o c.«hi-

tribiiting iw iniiivi i» ih*? success achieved as the hus‘»and, It was, in­deed, because tiiev wv-ic m .r io ! and because thoy had such ’.vi e** h a - th e y won succ/ss. 'L’«v.*a e.b tt r th in me, especially whero both aro good. The workingman who is married to a good wife, devoted to his interests and ready to aharo hia toils a i well as his joys,w ho is strengthened by. carrying the respon- sihilitiea of-tho family, gets along’ in the vast majority of. cases belter than his old bachelor comrades. Ho is a bettor hum an being, a t any rate. Thoy marry girls of their choice^ dowerless as to ruonoy,.and htis>*itii<l and wife together fight the battles of lifo, both stronger for.their union.— Kx.

In the Guide Book ami Directory ot Ocean Grove and Asbury Park, just issued by Fowler & -EvanV, iind which can be obtained at tiie Book Store for 10 cents, We notice ii marked improve­m ent both in typography and careful arrangem ents of streets, re*iden Us, prop­erty owners, boarding houses and places of business. I t is finely embellished with ongravinga, arid contains nearly everything atrangera will desire to know. Wo will volunteer to send it by m ail to distant friends for 12 cents.

Bishop Scott.■ 11Y BF.V. B. I I . STOKES, If.I).

There’s stillness In the air; .A holy husli hovers around his bed,Awe struck, men stand, and sadly whisper, dead ! While all t)»> ransomed in their rapture, mid,

• • He llveth; and shall share The bites which henceforth uo declinefhall know, And nit his soul with God shall overflow,

' Hrbadcr nnd deeper still,Shall know of Him whom here ho dimly knew, Know only as the pearly drop of dew Knows of the fcun in ft* first mcrning view,

■ . Which ouo laliit beam can All; - Hut widening now Into the fields of.Hght, lllmsclf a sun, approaching Infinite.

' He was so saintly here,His smiles a re/lex from the throne on high,God’s love enkindled his benignant eye.Breathed through his s^ul the sympathetic High,

Dropped on his chcek the tear.Then gladdened out In.tho div’ne employ,Till vast ns God's.grew hts excessive Joy. .

Wide as tho continent;Nny* other con tin enta his toll took In.Toll which unthroned tbe enthroned man of sin, Toll which included faith In God to, win,

•To win. his high Iment. ’And then through him God’s' Word and Spirit

came, *A living power, a Pentecostal iiame.

.0 saint and’sage! to thee ’Belongs tho tfrlef of common brotherhood ;For thee, wise, trues symmetrical and good,Flow the warm icara of fervent gratitude.

For like a broadened sea, •Whose bl ijw s bathe toe dork and .dhrtnQtshoro, Thy life flowed on a bluwdhg evermore.

• . Thy soul so sensitive, .Found bl each blossom burning nt thy ieet,God's glowing autograph lu love complete,Wnllo thv broad brow bathed o'er with odors '

. sweet,- Made It all bliss tb live..

For life below, with God's rich blesslngHStrown,.Is kindred lifo to that before the throne.

Hero Appoqulnfralnk*Beheld tiiy sunrUe, then far lu the Wckt, . S.tuddcd with topaz aud the amethjftt.Saw it go down in gfldeu glory dressed.—• ;

And from the river’s brink,Whore thy sweet paths wero o’er ihe blooming sod, Saw thee go up to closer walks with God.

0 bells, exultant ring t.The light of God glows In tho lovellt eye, ‘In Uiu broad day triumphant baanuts fly,.And budsot earih unfolding lu.thu sky

Truih’s’blessed blossoming, • •* -.Life's precious seeds rooted In soils.liko this, 'Have their full fruitage in the world of bliss.

0 may thy spirit fall,A scended B ishop, o n tb e C h u rc h below ; •Moro than Elijah'#, le t it grandly flow I 'So Hhatt all hearts be lu a furnace glow;

O lot It como to all— •' fill all receive the blessed Holy Ghost,Aiid God’s great Church bu as a Pentecost! • .

♦The oamo of a small river or crock which flows iu graceful curves , hud washes tho. feet of the larm where lilshop Scott was born and died.

Seaside Sabbath-school Assembly.Tho 8ocond Suasldo Sabbath-school-Assom-

Wy will bo held in Educational Hall, Asbnry. Park, August 1 to 15. Tho Normal Class will meet daily at 9 a. m. and 5 P. M.» and will bo taught by Kov. J^meB A. Wordon, the; loader of tho Assembly, asristod by Rovs. C’aiupbell, licnry atid EyorJtfc. ■ '

At 10:30 a. M. each day thoro will bo a lecture and at 3:U0 a conferenco. Tho. lec- turors ara such well known moo as A.. A. Hodgr, l).D.j F .. b. Patton, D.D., and W. II. llrOen. D.I);, of Prlhceton ; Uorriok Johnson, jj.D., J. 51. Worrall, l) D;, of Chicago; J. Nb olls, DD , of St. Louia; Prlnoipal • Mac- Vickor, D.D., of ilontreat; R. D. Hitchcock, D D., of Now York; John Wauamakor and J. Howard Soal, Es^a., of Philadelphia, while a largo nurnbor o> others, equally emlriont aud instruotivo, will olthor locturo or take part iu tho conferences.

W .-dnesdays, August 2 and 9, are dovoted to Tomperanco; Thursday, tho 3d, to Homo Mbsions; Saturdays, tho 5th aud X2tb, •‘Children’s Days; Thursday and Friday, 10th and Uth, to Foreign Missions. Bveity day is to ho iuteresting and profitablo. Tho ovouinga jvill be filled up with raro enter­tainments, as tho following list will ahow : NVedneaday, Aug. 2—John B. Gough. Thursday, Aug. 3—Prof. Locho Iticbardson,

„** An Evouing with Dickons."Friiiay, Aug 4 —Kev. Dr. Thomas Guard. Saturday, Aug. 5—Grand Concert lod by

Prof. Palmor.Mouday, Aug. 7—Prof. I^ocko Richardson, . Tuesday, Aug. 8—-’‘Lo Tncho Jublloo Sing-

ow.MWodnosday, Aug 9—Temperance Day.—Bov;

Dr. Cuylor or Ruv. Dr. Guard. -. Thursday, Ang. 10—“ A Trip through Ea-

ropo,*’ by Rov. J. L. Wolls, with storcop- V ticou. .

Friday, Aug. l i —Mass Missionary Meeting. •Siturday, Aug. 12—Grand Concert.Mouday, Aug. 1 l—IlluHtraiiooa of Art, by.

Dr. L. Corning.Rov. J. S. Oitrandor will givo during tho

Assembly an oxhibition of “ Lllo in tho East,’’ illustrated by tbo moat boautiful Ori­ental costuino, in which a scoro or moro of ladies nnd geutlomon will appear. Prof. Palmor has an unequullod reputation as a loader of inubtu.

Dr.’ Hanlon, of Pennington, and Rev. E; J. Gray, D.D., P resident of W illiams­port Dickinson Seminary, are a t the Arlington. :

Page 2: REV. A. WALLACE, Editor. OCEAN GROVE, N. J., SATURDAY ... · “VVe know we have eternal life,”, tfec* Her application of these truths was in harmony with .the deeply spiritual

O O Z E ^ J S T a - E - O Y B ^ E O O B D , J U L ^ 2 S , ± 0 B S .

# j [ fa t ! ^botJc | | w i lfODLISBBD WEEKLY BT - , ' . '- .

R E V ; A. W A L L A C E ,Mo, .14 N . B k v b n th S t . , P h i l a d e l p h i a ,


. R E V. E. H. b'i'O’i ics, D. D., ConcEaTONDiNO Editor

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i*v. Advertisements inserted a t the rato Of ten cents per line, one time. For one, two, or three months,

■ or by the year, a liberal rotluclJon will be mado.


Death-of the. Senior Bishop.W hen the newB flashed out on Thurs­

day evening of last week that another Episcopal m antel had fallen, and the amiable and venerable Bishop Scott.

. had pnsSedmvny, it was like ii wave of sorrow over the whole, co u n try ; for who amm’i? the honored men of. the OnureH was m ore ; widely known and dearly beloyed .than lie ?. Suoh 1ms been the relations of the writer, of. these, lines to hint for a th ird of a century, that we can''only exclaim,, in the lan­guage of E 'isha as lie gazed upward on the banks 'o f the Jordan of old. " My father-! My father I The chariots of

. Isrnol, and the lioi'Bemen thereof I”I t was our purpose to devote tiie en­

tire first page o f this week’s paper to riiemorial of the good bishop, with a, full account of.the fii: neml services; but the crowded condi­tion of our 'colum ns renders this ar­rangem ent impossible; A very, brief sketch must. Suffice, a t least,- for ‘tho present.

To Dr. Stokes and Ocean Grove, Bishop Scoit also sustained a very- en­dearing rela'tiorisbip. Here,, while on a v isit to his friend, the president, he preached his last Bermon, over two years ago. I t was meet, therefore, that the Friday, evening Tabernacle meet­ing of last week, conducted by,the Doc­tor, should tako 011 tba character of a memorial eeivicc. The hymns, pray­ers and addresses were all pervaded by- tho hallowing thought that a groat man in our Israel had departed.

Ab his pass >r, when he entered tho m inistry, and his in tim ate friend while in the eldership, Dr. Stokes paid a lov­ing tribute to bin purity, wisdom and worth. R ef. A. W allace referred to tho deep and lasting benediction on hnnianity .at largo of such a life. Revs.A. E. BaUiu'.t, A. K . Street, Dr. Clarke, S; Jaquett and .’several; ministers and visitors in the audience, recalled his nam e and.-, attested the saintliness ■ of his character.

-Tolook once. more upon liis form, nnd attend the burial, Dr. Stokes and

"editor made a long journey to Delaware on Monday of this week. Arriving a little late a', the old historic Union Chinch and Cemetery, in Kent county, they-joined a tearful throng in the final obsequies. Bishop Simpson, now the senior-superintendont, and Bishop An­drews, delivered heartfelt eulogies. Large deputations from tho Philadel­phia and Wilmington Conferences wore present to participate: Prom inent rep­resentatives of the Church Boards «tood beside that grave. Tho whole commu­nity where I10 wa&born, converted, lived and died, seemed to be there. Six of his dear grandchildren bore the eoflin to the place of liurial 111 front of I ho above Church, and there, in his 80th year, the remains of Bishop Scott were laid to sloep until the resurrection of tho just.

A poetic tribute ou our first page, written en route to the funeral by Dr. Stokes, embo:li»s so much that wo could amplify, and is in itself so comprehen­

sive in delineation that the OckXn G r o v e R e c o r d is gratified in placing such a chaplet 011 the grandly rounded lifo, and spotless character of him wo mourn, but hope to meet again, whore love and life aro both eternal.

•Young.People’s Meeting.On Sabbath mornfng, July 16, the

Young People's Temple was opened a t 9 a. M. for the purposes in view when this building waa added to the places dedicated to the worship of God a t Ocean Grove. As regularly as the great clock strikes 9 this meeting, with that conducted by Diy and Mrs. Pal­mer; will be held every day u n til. toi ward the latter part of September. In­deed, it was. (bund diflicult to suspend the exercises last season as long a s ; vis­itors remained on the grounds; for it became a centre of saving power, and every; service wo h crowned, with the coiiveroion o f souls.

Last Sabbath we missed the familiar face of Kev. lPrank Cookman as leader, but filling worthily bis place William, a younger brother, opened th w first ser­vice by a brief sermon on Consecra­tion. Text, Koinans 12 1,. The nor*.

mon occupied oxactly twelve minutes, and wna a terse, clear, unyutouR and earnest presentation of the practical subject iii hand; and gave'the key-note in a very happy and distinctive way, to this • delightful feature o f the Ocean Grove Sum m er sensor

•There ^yas a notable rallying of.the yoiing peoplej and m ing led feelings of joy on account of reunion with Badness of parting, as .the dear names of some who in the interim have died, came up in hiehiory.; ••' •••;'V •• ■; '• • .■ v.

jVIrs. Brooks, of Baiti m ore,. 1 rs. Bot- tome, o f New- York; itntl other experi­enced workers were in their places, and have given attention to (he every morning during*the week.

Students from ynriOus colleges, here on vacation, teachers an the Sunday and secular departm ents, jfro.m; distant towns and cities, young Christians -and those seeking to become settled in ' the habits of a thorough re jigious life, and iis a m atter of;course, plenty of older people, ; who of all • other means -of grace, seem . to love best t l io '. fresli 11 ess and vivacity of the Young People’s Meeting, are present a t every * or vice. May signal blessing attend it- the' pres­en t season. ■ . " •

National Temperance Camp-Meeting.W ith very considerable expectation

and interest, the people of Qcean Grove hailed the Coniing of Wednesday, July 19, and its great event; the opening of the Temperance Camp-meeting.

PREPARATORY:'o ';2A large audience g a th e re d in the

Tabernacle Tuesday evening, to pray tor a blessing on. the. exercises, and in­terchange some Sentiment in regard to the spirit of d evotio ri an d co-o p eriiti on due from us to the prom inent advocates of temperance, wlio migh be preent to claini a hearing. Short addresses were delivered by I)r. Stokes, A. Wallace* H . C; Mead, A. K. Street and several stran­gers, one of whom; announcing himself to be direct from Kansas, quickened all hearts in an ; unwonted degree by the fervor of! his m anner and the force of his exhortations.

THE OPENING SERVICE.W hile the people, were assembling in

the Auditorium the sw eet morning atmosphere was tremulous under the echoing songs which floated out from the Tabernacle and . Young Pieople’s Temple -meetings, rwhich were both closed on time, and after introductory devotions a t the stand, led by Rev. A. K. Street,. Dr. Stokes proceeded to give

•AN ADDRESS OF WELCOME.Congratulating the Sum m er visitors to

Ocean Grove, with himself on such a privilege as the programme; of this meeting presented, and the presence of distinguished, he said the Occasion was to be improved in a de­cided; braci iig up of our attachm ent to the great cause, which would occupy due prominence here for the ensuing five days. F ro n i' these earn eat ‘souls and eloquent IIpa we are to learn more of1 th e spirit of.conseeration to the w ork : for we all have work before, us—work requiring fibre; bone'; and muscle., To all the privileges of Auditorium, T aber­nacle, Temple, grove, l^kes, ocean, and our homes and, hearts, he gavp every visit or .a cordi al welcome, an d 'r e cei v ed a bear ty round of applause as .hejiitro- duced, in complimentttry phrase, •

•••■ HON. WM.15. DODGE, , ’to take charge of the future exercises of this Temperance Camp-meeting.

Mr. Dodge is president of: the Na­tional Temperance Society, :>*nd has been a pronounced tem perance worker for fifty years past. I n ; his eminently dignified arid courteous; m anner, he responded, giviiig in epitome the history, of: the struggle, ^ /p r e s e n t status, and the brightcning hopes of the great; cru-, sade. v. • y.' , . .V 'v; :•

THE KENTUCKY ORATOR.Col. G. W . Bain was then introduced

and vvaa greeted with.great applause. 'In less than ,twenty m inutes ,he,:had . the audience en rapport with ; ilia graceful allusion to Ocean Grove arid ita renown j Iowa and ita recent victory,-the temper- ance movement in general, and such a auccession. Of racy and- resiatlesa anec­dotes aa put the entire people in the attitude of Cruikshank-s “ laughing audience.” H*e was succeeded by

>1RS. J. ELLEN. FOSTER, referred to above as ju st from the great field of conflict and victory in Iowa. H er brief rehearsal of events, which culminated in that moral trium ph wan m ost. felicitons, “ On this platform' two years ago,” she remarked, •*. Mold you what wo intended to do, I now como to announee that it is a fact accomplished. The singers were ju s t ; about to start a doxology, jis the most fitting expression of the emotions she had eukindjed, when

GEN. CLINTON B, FISK, who had quietly come in i was called to the front. The front is always his place*. H e is master of the aituatkm every time. In good sense, apt quotation, ii aide splitting story, or pathetic and pow­

erfu l appeal, wc never knew the equal on a platform of Gen. F isk. His de­scription of the surrounding scenery Of Ocean Grove rose, into the realm of su r­passing sublimity, and his outlook in relation to the cause •• and coming tri­um ph of tem perance, was as , bold in assuran ce of success as it w.aa‘- beautiful in trope and metaphor.

An address from the celebrated E d­ward Carswell, of Canada, closed- the m orning session, and the. meeting was inaugurated under fine auspices. Re­ports \vdi he given ivereafter.;

;-.;V ..:Blisn. Opttagd.. Pleivse; Mr. Edilor, allow a word of

comniendiitiou l,ir it.. Here we have music and- i-ong, prayer, peace-and plenty. Notwithstanding differences of ages, denom inations, temperaments, talents and education among tho m em ­bers of this home, I venture to say there is not a family in the Grove with lisa friction. “ Behold how good and pleasant for brethren to dwell together in unity. The matron (M rs.Badeau) of the establishm ent deserves much credit for this pleasant state ' of. things. There is combined m ’ her. character, polite­ness,: good sense, a dash of pleasantry, with promptness lind decision in attend­ing ' to "her.' duties', so that everything moves with the regularity of clock work. The Indy managers deserve well of the frie ids who enjoy this pleasant home. God bless them.

A B o a rh k r .


On leaving Ocean Grove on last. Mon­day, after a p|e;isant s ta y . of several m onths, Rev. JDif. Clarke, of Bingham ton, N. Yv, handeduH the lollowing slip; which we ■ gla d ly pu bl ish, t aking the liberty, , howeveiv to. say th a t both Dr.a.nd M rs.'Clarke have so won iipon the esteem of all with whom they have come in contact^ that their departure is a m atter of sincere regret. T heir inter­course and experience have proved a blessing to the people of Ocean Grove, and whi le prayer a lid a ffectionate in ter­est in their welfare shall follow them , their re tu rn to this place, if that should occur, will be hailed with sincere satis­faction :•

The undersigned, on leavinglbia City by the sea, desire to express their thanks to the many friends who have made their stay here • for m ore; than! two m onths so pleasant and beneficial. To the Rev.; arid Hon. Chauncey Shaffer and family, Rev. George HugheiS and fariiily,:to others whose believing pray- era in our behalf have been answered in our restoration to health ; and, indeed, to m any others, whose names are deeply engrave ! on grateful hearts, o u r recog­nition of valued favors are due. Espe­cially, also, to; Dr. Charles K arsner, the well-known Christian gentleman and physician, we owe a teatiihonial of fidel­ity and skill in our sickness, the m em ­ory of which- we shall ever.gratefully e h e r i a h ' •: ■ -.. ;^ ' •

For the present, to Ocean Grove, with all its: pleasant associations, .and ra re privileges, we m ust say Good-bye!

If. R. and M. C l a r k e .Ocean Grove, July 17; 1882. i ’

D aniel; W ebster's .confession of faith , inscribed•upoii his tom bstone: " Ilord, I believe,-help thou my-unbelief.” Pnil- oaophical argum ent, especially that drawn froni the. vastriess of tiie universe in comparison with the apparent irisig* nificance of this globe, has sometimes shaken my reason for the faith that is in me, but my heart has al ways assured me and reassured me th a t the gospel of Jesus 'C hrist is it. divine! reality. .The sermon on the rnOunt .cannot be a merely, hum an production. This belief enters into the very .depth of my con­science.. The whole history of man. proves it.—— W)^tt§ii^on_Friday jniening, 15th^of ,October; A . D> 1852. ; . ^ -

The Hackettstbwn Institute, lley, G.H. SVhitneyi D.D., President, closed up the :most .-successful acholastic year of its history a t jatei commencemeiit, aiid under such Yin i ni pet ub its standard for the future is .still higher. .? Our readers, will find an attractive cut and notice of this; popular institution in another col­um n. Dr. 'W hitney will aoon be a t the Grove in person, to m eet the inquiries of th oae seeking a first class school.

Dr. J . C. Morgan is loo well-known at the Grove and Park, aa well aa in Philadelphia, to need any introduction from us, but wo may refer to hia recent valuable treatise on the care, food, and raising of children, which all parents will do we 11! to consuIt - im mediately•. The work may be obtained a t the book stores in Ocean Grove arid Asbury ParkvV'!"- .V-

The appearance o( Prof. Caldwell, of Tennessee Wesleyan University, on the platform lasl Sabbath morning, waa hailed with gieat pleasure by many who remember hia visit, labors,and fine social qualities two years ago. He ap­pears to be in excellent working condi­tion, and took part readily in the pul­pit devotions. He also mado one of his incisive and broadly suggestive address­es at the surf meeting. -* : .•

Personal., Fresiclent Fisk, of the Albion Univer

sity, Michigan, is a t the Irvington.Mrs. M. E. W atson, of Philadelphia,

is a t her cottage on Heclc aVenue.Copies of this paper can always be

had a t the Ocean Grove Book Store.PhUin Scott, Esq., and party offriend

frOm Lexington, ICy., are at the Shel­don /House. v'

R e v .. S. B. Darnell and family, of Jacksonville, Florida, have been . stop­ping at Thorne House. .. ••• - • ,

Mr. Shanks; one of the editors o f the New York . Witness, spent * last Sabbath with us at.the Grove.

Mrg. H . C, Bangs, who attended the late Round' Lake meeting, is stopping a t the Howland House. .

Prof. W. JT. K irkpatrick spent last Sabbath a t the Grove on his way home from Round Lake. H e stopped a t ; tho Arlington',..

Private tents, nicely fixed up. also several furnished cottages,. reduced ren ts. Inform ation given prom ptly by the editor of this paper; . . .'; • W e know, sometliing of tlie fine points

of that young horse Bro: Clarke offers for sale. H e is a valuable animal, and will be sold on very accommodating term s. . . . \ ‘ '•. Rev. A. K. Street, one'of the esteemed “ fathers” of the New Jersey Confer­ence, with a num ber of the merribers of th e extensive Street- family, are a t Bath Avenue Cottage for the sejiaon.

Rev. Jamea . H . Brown; D.D., o f the! Baltim ore Conference, with Mrs. B. and their niece, .Miss Lizzie Brown, of York, Pa., are a t tbeir usual and favor­ite quarters, Mrs. .Ireland’s Grove Cot­tage. ■! ■ v : ■; .-;' 0 ! ' , !

Editorial Mention.

Tbe Trenton Business College has a t­tained its m ajority—is : 18 years old— and appropriately 'the last year has been the most prosperous in her his- tqry. We know no reason why an in ­stitution of its practical character arid excellent reputation, should not go on increasing in patronage and usefulness. Its plan of instruction is based on good common Bense, and its students com­mand the doB irab le openings for busi­ness. W e a re told th a t the large whole sale house of Wm. Dolton & Co. re­cently took throe of its graduates in one week. Most of the large wholesale and m anufacturing establishments aro continually drawing upon this institu­tion for their. supply flf. clerical -labor, showing that bUBinesB m en appreciate their course of training, and what is good for the business ,men is good lb.!; the boys. : ; } ■

Decidedly the richest au<l most work' manlike specimens of .'paper hanging we have seen, are those executed by Ball & Co., o f W ilmington, Del, Their Btyle of decoration ia B nperb , aa may be s e e n in several fine dwellings herea- abouts. Dr. Tantum , Ocean Grove, Dr^ K in m o n th , Col, Robino, J. IC. W allace and others in Asbury Park , have liad their houses papered, arid every job speaks w ell for the taste arid excelleince of the work done.

A guest of Elim Cattago drops in a line Baying this house is again ready for accommodation of ministers and their families, who r i l l find the kind m atron. Mrs. Badeau, ready to con­tribute to their comfort and pleasure, Those who were entertained hore last season are already showing their ap ­preciation of the cottage by returning, and find it m ore inviting than ever.

Dr. G. F. W ilbur, whose professional Card will be found in this paper, will most likely become a perm anent prac­titioner with us. H e is a graduate, of the University of Pennsylvania, well up ivi surgery, and from taste as well .as thorough preparation arid experience, aims a t the highest the healing a r t ; : H is office is 109 Cookman ave­nue, ABbury Park . ;

The cottages and grounds of S. Jolin George And Thos. P. Cope; Esq.,;tfii Sea View. Avenuo, near the ocean,’..'present, evidence of liberality and fino tasto in adornm ent. These gentlem en are en­titled to the gratitude of all who pa»s their attractive premises, on the way to Ross’ bathing grounds, for tiie pljiiisure felt in witnessing such improvements.

Rev -Bishop Wilson, will preach in Educational Hall next Sabbath morning ■at 10.30 p|eiock. H on. Clianncoy Shaf­fer will speak to the young people in the evening a t 7.45 o’clock. A vesper surf riieeting will be held in Sunset Pavilion on Sabbath evening a t fi o’clock, conducted by. Pastor Lippincott.

Those mistakes in. the Directory, of pvopei' nam es and some housea of enter­tainm ent, are to the parties interested a little provoking, but considering baste oud'local complications thoy are per- hap i unavoidable. We will try to cor­rect a fow of thom when wo have a m om ent’s leisure.

Consumption ho longer an incurablo disease. Send to Drs. Starkey & Pflleri, 110!) Girard street,, for their treatise on- Oompound Oxygon, and learn how this disease . may be. surely arrested, and cured. I t will bo mailed free.


>\J,,K«aTIIKaUJIMKfJ0Pl882.. 2—National Tcmpomnc:e; SoCioty—Wedncflday, • July Iflth to SftOhntli, Juiy *23d. G. W. Bain,

Esq, o( Kentucky;-Mrs. J, Kllon Foster, of Iowa; Edward Cara well, Esq., of Canada;

; Rov. A. G. Lawfion and Rov. Duncan McGregor, of Brooklyn, with oilier distinguished Bpeak-

; ers, will be present. . . • '■3 —Lefcture, by-——r— ~ ’•I—Oiieau Grove .^nniversBry—Sabbath, July 80,.. and Monday. July 31. Bishop Simpson'. ' / f5— Women’a National Temperance• Union—-Wed-

.nefiday ntulThursday, Au'guat2d and ad. Mis-J Frances E. Willard. ♦

,0—Pour Dayn Biblo Reading—-AngUBt 4-7. Rev. - • Stuhha. oi PhUadclphia, and Mrs. Margaret

Bottome.of New York., • ^7 —NaUoual Education .ABKcmbly—Auguflt 8, 9 . conducted byDr. J. c. Xlartzcll. who will bring

io bis aid men of national fame.S—Pennington Education Day-r^AuguHtlO. Var;

i^d excrcJses and prominent addreesea.» —Memorial Day—Friday. Auguatll.

l o—Women’s Foreign Mistionary Daya—Saturday• and>;abbath, August 12 nnd 13: • .11-rAnnual Camp Meeting—Auguat 16-26; .Tiiea-

. day. lath, All-day Prayer-meeting. SacramentBt night. Opening Bormon Wednesday morn- incr, by Bishop And re wr

12—Dr, and-Mra. Palmer will hold meetings for thopromoUon of holinesa e»ery morning in the Bishop Janca Momorial Tabernacle com­mencing first week in July, a n d , continuing

••.'■•.until September. - •. .In audition to.tbe above special meetings such

other aerVices will bo held daily as circumBtancca may require. • v• Tho flinging during the :camp*meetlhg. 'will be under tho direction of Prof. J, R- Sweney, assisted by- J. A. IIardyi Esq., of Now: York.

-, E. H. 8TOKE8. Prc*i<Unl

..Sunbnrn,Tho strongest o v ido of a Sum­

m er’s B ojonrn at- the B eoshore a p p e a rs in the face. Some persons on their re­turn- hopne, a r e s c a rc e ly reco g n izab le even by th e i r i n t i m a t e -friends, on ac­count of a g e n e ro u s coat of s u n b u rn , and the almost in v a r ia b le g re e t in g is “ Why, how brown you are I”...Such a lace is the faithful record of numerous sun baths, and th-i indicator, of recuperated :vigor ,and health.; The slight soreness and .inflamm ation, of the skin which generally follows the exposure o f »• fair complexion to the hot sun’s rays, is a small price to pay for a good healthy color. In severe cases of sunburn, V ansant’s (ilycerole is iised with gratifying results, I t cools and softens the parched, heated skin, arid will prevent-the blistering which generally follows an aggravated case of sunburn. The Glycerole is prepared by Mr. Yansant, Druggist, on Pitm an Avenue; .

Who wants a superior yoiing horse and serviceable buggy ? Rev. George Clarko proposes to let some one. have a good bargain. The.'horsb'is a special favorite, bu t having no uso for this fine animal, he will sell him . See notice.

The Wilmingtori House is a t length finished, newly film.islied. throughout, aud ju st opened for guests, who are coming in rapidly. Mrs. M/ L .D u y finds the reward of pereeybranc in a

plendid house, which will .soonbe full

Ferguson keeps charcoal of the -best qn if ity.

Itiad ’s Grand Duchess Cologne is the mi st popular, in the country. .V- ': Next to-tho ndst oflice, Asbury Pnrk. is the Crystal Fam ily Laundry.

You can get a good hammock. a t H. D. Coleman’s paint Store for onodollar.

Read's Grand Dinthess Cologne con­tains Otto of Rose and. natural dowers.

6; 7, 8, 9 and 10 foot oars and other fixtures at' the Aabury P ark P ain t S tore. H . D. Coi.eman.

Read's Grand Duchess Cologne took the Centennial medal for pungency, strength and delicacy of odor.

Ferguson keeps coal of all sizes, also three kinds, soft, hard and very hard, to su it all stoves.

Read's ■ Grand Duchess Cologrie pleases the Indies because of its delica­cy and great last.

Bread ia the stall’ of life, but • bread baked by , defected beat is life’ itself. Corner Clark and Pennsylvania Ave­nues.

W e hope all the ladies a t Oceiin Grove and Asbury Park will use Head’s Grand Duchess Cologne, as its perfect­ly elegant,'

Ferguson’s kindling wood wagon will pasu your door , daily with wood and charcoal. The driver will take orders for coal.

That valuable remedy, Cann’s Kidney Cure, comes to us well recommended by the host physicians. It;w orks a t once upon the kidneys, liver arid bowels, re­moving the poison, from the blood, and is a . certain cure, .' Try i t : an d ’ have health j

Read's Grand Duchess Cologne can be had in all tho drug and fancy stores, and it is ju s t splendid.

’ R ksuubd nioM Di-atm —William J. Coughlin of Somerville, Muss., say s: In the fall of 1870 I was taken witli bleed­ing of the lungs followed by a severe cough. I lost.riiy appetite and ilesh, arid was borilined to my bed. In 1877 I was adm the hospital. . The doctors said. I had a hole in my: lung as big as a half dollar. Al one time a re­port w«.nl. around that I was. dead, I gavo up hope, but a friend told nm ol Dit. Wtu.tAM H ai.i.'k Bai.sam -Knit thk L unos. I got a bottle, when to niy sur- pr'iBe, I (lominen'ced to;, feel better, and to-day 1 feel hotter than for three yuart past.. . 1 ...

I w rite th is h o p in g e.veiy o n e afllie t- ed - w ith ' di.seiified lu iigs will ta k o Dr W tu .tA M H all’s B ai.sam; a n d he eon- y in c e d ‘C o tta u iir r iu it oan br Omvisu; I. c a n p o s itiv e ly say it h a s .d o n e n im o g o o d th a n a ll th o o th e r n tc d ic iu o s I h a v e ta k e n s in c e m y s ick n e ss .

Notice: ' v.::.Notice is hereby given that a m eet­

ing will be held a t the rooms of W ash­ington Fire Company No. 1, on Olin street, Ocean Grove, in N eptune town­ship, -Monmouth county. New jersey on tho 24th day of July next a t 8 o’clock r . M., whicr. shall havo for iis object .tho incorporation of a fire com­pany, according to the provisions of an act entitled " nn act for the incorpora­tion ol fire companies," approved April 21.1876, and at su c h 1 m eeting a nam e will bo assumed and the com­pany organized, and all the members ofsaid fire company aro requested to he present thereat.Geo Kellogg, " Leonard Goodrich Chas. Chamberlain, los. R. Sum m ers,. John J. Smith, E. .Hi W atrous,.lohn C. Patterson, H. A, Summers, Albert.Wills, . T. P. Smrimers,

Joseph Macpherson, Jr.Dated July G, 1882. .

S P E C I A L f f O T I C E S .

DR. C H iB L E S KA.B8NER,H o i n c e o p n t h i o F h y i i c i n n n n d ’

• N u r g c o u .from;G.ERMANTOWN, rfllLA ., haa removed per- manently tn Ocean <>rove. Residence and offico. S. W. Cor. of.Pilgrim Pathway and Mt. Hermon Way, opposite tho Post Office. Office Houhs.—8 to 9 a. m i 2 to 3 p. m.; 7 to 8 p. m. Branch offl(*e atjlrving Houao, Third ave., Asbury Park. Houn —From 4 to 6 p m, Refers to nr, Stokes; Dr. Wai-' laco and G. W. Evana, Esq, of Ocean Grove, .

Can,bo called by Telephone. .


iro iriceo p n f l i ic P l iy s ic in n a o d S u rg e o n ,:OFFlOE: Lawrence Bousn, Main and Central

avenues, Ocean Groves Houre—8 to 0 a m , 2 to 8 and G to 7 p. m. Telephone from all the principal hotels, earo of Rogets’ Express, Ocean Grove.:. At Ocean Beach,-daily, ut Colorado Houae, at 11 a. m. Telegraph from Colorado House.

J HOWARD BECK, Mi D.Oflico at. Ho aeon House,v

Surf.ave. near Beach, . . Ocean Grove, N J.

Dr . c . w . m b l o n e v , 1D E N T I S T .

• 29 East 20th Street, Now Vork.Reference^-Rev. E. H. Sto^ea, D. D„ President-

ol Ocean Grovo Association.

DR. I . N. BEEGLE,P l I Y S i O I A N a n d S U R G E O N .

OFFICE.—Pilgrim Pathway opp. PostOQlce, Ocean Grove,.- ; '


M ain avenuo noar Now Y ork, Ocean Qrove.

HG a r r i s o n , m7d7 ~• H O M O E O P A T H I S T

Office—Cor. Kmory street, Cookman and Matti- son avenues, Aabury Park. Office Hours—U ntile A, Jr.; 1 to 8 and 6 to 9 P. sr.

DR. G. F. W ILBUR, .-. OFFICE, 109 COOKMAN.AVE..' tnext to WiUisford.Dey's Real Esiiito office.)- . .Culls answered by Telephone.

Hours — 8.80 to 9.80 u m., 12 to 1 and 6 to 6 p. m.

B ooma; to ront, • apaciuus, well . fnrniahed, . an«< on reasonable terms. Call a t the new

couago of Mra. Dr. Pomeroy, Main hear New York avenue. - -:-

EOR R EN T CHEAP.A 9-room cottaKo, fully and well furnish-1

ed. Near the beach. Rent eneap. Apply to Mm. Capt. Cowell, Lock box k053, Ocean Grove. : .

r p o LETX A pretty tent cotlago, : fully, ftirnlshed, on beck jtvo. two.doors Pilgrim Pathway, aiid only two:minuteV-.walk from the post office*. Ap­ply on the premises or by mail to .

• .L B. CONG KK, Ocean Grove. ; .


ii.cludihg sitting, dining and dressing ro<»ms, a kitchen and 4 bed rooms each; a 'l thoroughly furnished . AIpo flys, pumpaod water closeta. An u n surpassed location, cor.. Cook man avenuo and: Pilgrim Pathway, Oceau Grove. N .J. Address P. M. <J., on the premijes, or bv letter, Posscwlon • giyenimmedlately, V •■...■' ‘

TO LET, — Two. rooms—lower b a lf of a cottage, ana with it a good tent furnished. Two go -d tents; nowly furnished and plcRsanliy

situated near tbe Ocean, ititchen furniture andall other conveniences. .

G. C. B., BOX 403; Ocean Grove.

■NOTICE.A few nicely furnished rooms to let a t the Bald­

win Cottage, cor. Beaeh and Bath avenues;~ Address Box40, Oceau Grove. .

Fo r s a l e ,-A .fine young H orse broke to harness,

and with the best pedigree for character and epeed. Also good buRtry and harness. A baTgaln ■ in both. Apply, to Rev. GEO. CLARKE?:

.V 1 ’■■ . Ocean Grove..

1 8 8 2 . S A L A R Y ' 1 8 8 2 .!T here is nothing m ore im portan t—in thiB

difectiori—tban tho E lectrical and Ocean W ater Batbs, a t tho Sheldon Honso, Ocean Grovo, N. J . :

Superior Bread.All kindsorlargo and wmali . . :

Cakca, Plea, Ruak, Cream Puffs, Corn Muf- • fina, Buns, RoUa, Bisnuita, eto,, daily .

G enuine home-mado Aiid superior G raham • Broad a specialty. •

The Graham manufactured from; tho Franklin Mills fino flour of tho outiro wheat from tbe cele­brated Frau klin Ml Pa. Vienna>and other bread 6 ,8,and 10 cents per loaf. JOHNSOM TAYLOR,

Cor Pilgrlm.Patuway and Pitman Ave:

For Sale or Bent.A loi of. ground.containing about .one acre, with

house and siabio on it, situated ino o j B A - i s r ^ 3 > < r . j*.

on the main road, on tho west side, opp., the first ’ broad ave. running to the ocean, next to Ocean Grove; , It Hea between railroad and tumpiko. ■

. H- ‘ \ JOHN WILCOHK,. ■ 4148 Paul S t, Frankford/Piiiia., Pa, •


Corner. Cookman Arentie and Bond Street, A 8BX JBY P lLXtXC.;.

vlliiineiy. Heir GoduS. Hasieiy,Paney Goods, Hat Pressing,

From ;*)iir post aucceas; we reel wmidout o t . ^H-asuig M I trrtit*., bo.ti In rjnflllty ol Koodc nnd.

O P E N I N G '

_ : O K T H K ; '" ! ; / • ;.;V . -.r- -.

GroceryIreHh'.and.uow gooiis juat received, Our Teas,

toffees and apices are tne puresL befit, aud as chcap.aa can bo bought in uny market. Canned: Goods ot ;all kinda, Laid, KgRS aud Butter at wholesale and retail, Creamery Uuttor a specialty. By leaving ordera at store or wilh any oi my driv­en! goods will bodollvercd to any part of Grove or Park. JOHNSON TAYLOR.

Cor..Pilgrim.1‘athway and Pitman Avo.

Page 3: REV. A. WALLACE, Editor. OCEAN GROVE, N. J., SATURDAY ... · “VVe know we have eternal life,”, tfec* Her application of these truths was in harmony with .the deeply spiritual

0 0 1 5 3 .A.JST Q - B , C 7 E B E G O R D . J 'T JX j'^7' 2 2 1 S 8 2 - 3

fWKWABK CO.VrBUBNCR SKMtKABY.)Rov. GKO. H . W H ITN EY , I). D., President,

Haukottstown N. J .

Lndles College. College Preparaiory-for gentle1 men. - Has national reputation for thoroughness,

• Courses.In music, art, commercial branches. Best hulldlng of Its class. Illustrated catalogue free. •


B uell Sem inary,■ ■■'. fBUELL FAMILY.) ':3337 North Broad St.,. / ' ' Philadelphia.

. For Young Ladles atidGentlemen. . O p e n * t h e n » * x t S c l i n l a H t l « .Y « p n p S c i » t v 13,

n n c l c l n f t c # « f u n p 13, ‘1882.English. Classics, MnsJo.urid' ArL . YociiLiind.

Instrumental Mmle und Art will recd /e a:large share of special at.eiitlon. Write for circular';

AddrcfS BUELL SEMINARY.•611 Allcebany Ate , Phila.,

until Aug. 1, then iis above.



Offers rare advan'ages to those H*efrJrga thorough education under decidedly Christian Influences,

For catalogue and Information •Address E. J. OR AY, 1) D„

I rljicipal.


PENNINGTON : : SEMINARY.A thing of beauty. Evciy former pupil of tho

Seminary ought t » have a copy, anti overv.poraon reading toi» notice who tstceKlug a good school ouffht to have a copvv Writ • at mice for one It will cost you notaiug.

Address THOS. HANLON. D. D„Pennington. N. J.

orC .C ,C .C m - - TREN: ON, N. J. 1The. E lp l i l r r . i l III ^m um lK onhIo i* of thfs

institution will begin Monday, «*ept. 4th. Those who design entering should apply early, as every sent was occupied ;aH year -* ppheatlon may by made at the College Ofllce, or through the mall,by aodrcifiing tho Principal. They will have prefer­ence In order of dato '

For tho College ratnlogue or fut Iho r particulars, address a . J. RIDKR, Principal

Ttcntnu. N, J.

Wesleyan Female College,W U .M I \« T U \ . D M ..

The lortv sixth year will begin Sopt. U. 1882. Reorganized with now board often ch ere or exper­ience. .superior advnnlngc* in all departments; groitly Improved accommodations; special atten­tion to health, morals nnd manners.

Andress REV. JOHN WILSON, Ph. D,President.

LIYEKY STABLE.H orses, H ack s and C arriages to H ire .

Horses Boarded by tho Day, Week or Month.

Having enlarged my stahlcs and fric.eased my facilities, I can clvo ample accommodations at reasonable prices, .

JOHNSON TAYLOR,Cnr. Heck aud Whltcfield avenues.

Lawrence House,M ain avenue, cornor of Central,

OCEAN grove.A O IT O P E N F O R G U E S T S .

Its well earned reputation needs no puffing. A trial will batisf? any and all who may fuvor u- wlth thoir patronage. I'urnis ed with piano and boats for uso of guests.' Moderate charges.


: Starks’ : Cottages,:Corner Reach and Olin S tree ts .'

Central to all point*. Furnished in superior manner; Tablo tlrst-class; Terms reasonable. Now open.

For Information addressDr. W. H. L. STARKS,

Ocean Grove.

GEM C O T T A G E ,Surf and Reach avonuoa,

OCEAN GROVE *Excellent location, , near bathing grounds and

Wesley Labe, atid on > block from tho ocean. Houso r lilted. taood boarding, reasonable rates.

Miss JULIA KING of Germantown,• . Proprietor

Pine Grove Cottage,Near F ietchor Lake.

OCEAN PARK.Now open.! Large rooms, well ventihiud. Inrut

tion desirable. 'Good water ii specialty. Terms reasonable. Address

Mrs. S. A. WHITE. Asbury Parle, N. J.

DOWNS’’“COTTAGE,<J01 3 t. Tabor VV*y, '

O C E - A .3 S T Q J R C P C T fc L A limited number of board ere accommodated at

prices correponding with tlio Limes. Addrca'.. Mrs. S. J . C. ’DOWNS,

Box 2014. Occan Grove.

Cottage o f ContentOlin S t., between Contral a* d Reach.

MRS. SARAH -P; BUUWN. of Philadelphia oflersgooa board on he most reasonable ter"»s at tHe above well-known hon-e, and It now rtnd> lo en term In her friends.'

Wilmington House,.3. W . Cor, Central and H eck Aves.-

New holding, large airy rooms, new furniture, best accommodations.

Mrs. M.-L. DAY, proprietor.

B U E N A . V IS T A ,t'oriibr Bbuoh an J Ueck av on ui ii.

New house, newly furnished, pleasant location near the boa'.‘h, Good table, tetms moderate.

ALICE H, KELK, proprietor.

Clarendon House,!Cor, P ilgrim P athw ay and Mt. Tabor, ,

O C EAN G R O V E N J .• One block from'th** P. O and Auditorium. and threo Mocks irom tho oce-Mi 0>«d t«»* le and terms reasonable. Redu ed rate* lor September

B L O C K H O U SE ,Cni. 0< utr«t nnd Pilinun av» nne®, .

Mik M. t*. (.OLEMAN, M, D. ; • Prnpr et-.r.

It'ioms ix tra large and cr*mf-r?abh\ Tabl *m,<- piled with m ebta thu mnr*et affords,. Location nntrn l atid w a r the sua, Vis ton* Ml M ind this ..ouse iiomo-hke ana plen.snnt In every K*nse.

Dr Coif man's medical office In the building.

— OPEN FOR THE SEASON----Main uud fleck fu ettne.*, non ' (he. Ocenn ■

Splendid rooms and ArM-eiaw; table. I’opulnr prluca. Central lncatlon. For term#, etc., apply to or address . ■ ■

Mrs. M. E. STDLL.

BEACH COTTAGE,• C o r n e r H p a c h a n d M c O H n i o c k u v o n u e t

OCEAN GROVE, N. .T. ;Between >nrf and eajr>p. near Hi%ib Fine sea

view llt.u*.- new, cutmee.ed with >ewer. Rocm« very phoj-nnt the day. week or month, •or M"slo meal.

P. (». f’ox 14(1 Mrs. T. MeC * X L13.

Sea Breeze Cottage,SOBF AVE., 3 DOORS FROM BE6CH",

OCEAN GROVE N.J.Two minutes’ walk f'om bathing cr und, Wes­

ley LHkoano CampRround. P l^ ^ a r t roomssnd. eood beds »*nd b.iard. Non oi.on tv»r tbo ^ c h >o u . Also tabu board, I’erms rensonah e,

'. For particulars addressMIsbC. p ! WADDELL,

Box 176. ■ Mir. K., \V» LVO'.Iroprietors.

GILLINGHAM COTTAGES,’ Mm o nea r New Yoik hvenue.

Mr. and JfrK. D. H ull. of Millcrtott. -Dut­ch c m C un'y. N. Y have taken pwes-iton of the above, aiui ofler oveomm' dationH io llinsn looking for a i-leoMint home. G^oil locntlon, pleasant room*-. Boardlog hy the day, week or season, at reasonable terms

PAGE COTTAGEPilgrim Pathw ay, opposite Post, office.

OCEAN t i l l IVE. N. .1. .For permanent ira aient *oronimod->tions.

thIsronio> and excellent i ouso wili tie loun all ■ thin visitors def-ire. Now open Hiel. re^dy f**» guests.

Mn. A. IIIKKLE. Prop'r,

o c W g e m ,C o r n e r o f O c o h i i t i v e n i i o a n d R r o n d w a y .

DI RECTI. V (WOVE A A' AND LA KE. * Firft-class awommodatlous.

Box 60, Address Mrs. 6. T. ADAM5.

The Agnew House,.SEA VIEW AVENUE,

O C E A N G R O V E .

. Mrs. H. M AON* W take' pleasure in' announc- fng tho opening of her attre«t»ve h«»ses for iho season of 1882. Her former patrons and friends -will meet with ihe umal weleume.and all the at­tentions her ability and experience can sugctxt for their pleasant'uceomraodnt'on. Grand view ot lake and oceau.

Germantown House,Cor, Contral aud H eck avenues.

This old established’boardlnu hou*>e ha< hecn thoroughly renovated, and offers be>t «cc. mmo* dtLtlons at reasonable ratiK. Near Association othce, and very couvcnlent lo surf and meeting grounds.. .

Mis.GEO..DAY. Proprietor.

T H E A L D IN E ,Main avenue, botween Contral and Reaoh.

This house possesses all- the advantages of tho best. Prominent loi’ation; near Post Office, ai d adjacent to the Surf, and all poln-s of Jnlprost. For aci'.ommodatlo«H, terms. Ao., address MU* L R. CAR ROW. 611 West 12th St., VMilmington, Del, and alter June 15th,

Miss L. R. CAR ROW, > Prnnr.. Mr.i. Wat. P. VOSH EL.I..; Pf0Pr ?•

Occan Grove, N.J.

THE UNITED STATES,M aine and Reaoh avenue to Olin street,

O C E A N G R O V E , N . J

The undersigned announce1* tho u mpiation of thl« spacious wnd elepant seaside hot*!, n ltn new and completo fumlRhlnv.'. and all the requisites of •i flist-clsss modem e^labllshmo^t Full view of. Ocean from three fronts . Ga*. wntor, perfect drainago and vuulhitl-u, t>5 ekgant rooms. Bouts on the Lako for use of guests

W. ORR,'Proprietor. - Formerly of tho Pennsjivitnfa House.

NORMAN HOUSE,H A T H A V E . I fH A ll J th lA O lt, '


WI LJj OPKN .1 UN U '12a.Mis. O. K. PIUKST, Prop'r.

Lock Box 2033.

COW ELL HOUSEWebb avonuo, between cootral hoi] Reach.

OCEAN GROVE, N. J .One block from ocuao. Lake and Rathlng

Grounds; reopcne<l July tH, 1682.Airy ronms and gorwl table. >

Mrs. Capt. COWELL.

S a n d e r s C o t t a g ’e,. WEbLEY L VlvK TKItKAt:k

O C E A N G R O V E , N. J.All tiiudern ImptoveiueuU*. Bath, Hot aud

Cold Wuter.&e Sptendi't«p|voiutmenta.and Urst- class accommodations.

• Mrs. H. Wm; SMITH.Box 287.

C o n U if N e w Y o r k n m f Lahu> A ves. OCEANJ.ntOVE, vV.

O p en • ru m .Turn* Im . <» ( k t . 1st,. An excp leri* location: front*; on We*Joy Lake, near camp tn-eth.g grounds. (Jhoteeiu:eothmf)da-1 tion s. Pleai-A-ii go.d bcrl« and boatd. All | tht> comioils of a 1k<jh". Kin*lai:enllo:i ativ mod* I erato clmrgt-s. B.iard by ihe month, wocV, da «.r I f ingle u,e«t. *' IVnovit* desttlng toVtcure r« \\\< board In i

advance *.lll phase add nw . prev ou» to June L | - Mm. ANNA C. I*.VANS. Prop.

.••onLtim n. I'a. <

C H A L F O N T E ,For me r l y , c f .-<on (’orr.vo k,’*

( "om/r of. Htiih'rrnil. Oiutnt Arntws,'’ OCJKaN.G UO V K, N ;i.-----

W i l l O pen fo r th e Seliwoii f»n •Tune |o .Ei.Kflnt H nil*.it. 'Uredly frnntine tho l.e.nh.

Terms 'moderate ' addre>s, before Juuu io, .MR< B. H. TAYJ Olt.

Franktord, Piithidelphia.


S a le if & Ice Cream Garden,MAIN AVENUE,

Owmslto Association Budding.

A K E K T O * W O fPE lST.

f ’or. of Cookman »ve and Pilgrim I* tnw ay.New and commodious house, ui-w furniture

throui’hoiit. n.oms largo and airy.' iocatloa r»«r- tleularly dtslrable, bemir within h sdi.nt illstanfe of but h luge rounds and h vlti« h flnr* view, t both ocean and mko The m*iiBgoroent w l|i»..« notice- able for mtexceHfti ctil-lne, nnd tinremltt'ng at­tention, in general. Addrejs

Box 50 Mrs S. <;aRTKR.

M /t h i A v . n c .ttr \ h e O fllce ,: . OC E A ^ G RO V E • N: ; ' '

- The unders^giud Wkcs great .p^aKi.nt Iti xti- nounelng thMt toe', enteilidal .Hottf e wll'i be under, her i»wn persviiiKl snpervMon dut*ng ilm ma*on. .of i>82.-. \ y.

O a n p y l n i * t h e m u s t c e n t r a l p s R l o i - . h s C « in l 'o r t a n d t: - i .V i n i c i . e c I h k i l v i i l>irf>, l v i n e r t n s u d o y n t h o r o u g h r e n o v a t i o n n e w a « « c l g a n t f u n i t u r e . l u x u r i o u s lu - o s , a n d H i e , . e s t . a r r a n g e m f n t x fu r: i . e u l t h a n d p U a s u r u **f g u e s t* * .. a u c c s u a d y c r o ­q u e t g r o .v u c i . i iH ! ( e d u I t h t b e l i o u s e .

O /kS F»*R \RLERS Jl7NiS L Add. ess MARY B. DAVISSON, Proprietor.'

THE W AVERLY,Oeeiin pHthway, overlooking tho Sen,

Flni>t loeathm tn 0 ( an ft rove.. Mr»; Eder wi 1'sp.irc no pains to keep up the ex- colltut r^piLatl.>n rrt ei r hou-e. . Choice rooo H op mst. Mtiipri or thlid Hi'O^ Tabl>* »ervl. e flrit- class ■ ■. .

» l*KX i J I NK U tWrite to iIn* Waveriy lor aeciuimodations for

snmmrr month«Mr^.M L EDER, Proprietor.


T E R M S R E A S O N A B L E .MISS A, BEAUMONT. Prop’r. '

The Chautauqua,R road way, south aide, botween Pilgrim P ath ­

way and Contral avenuo.Open to tho sea. 'Special arrangeme ,ta for ac­

commodations all tho year round. H-.ioc com* 1010*; ocean h tnztn: excellent table «nd raoat-r-; aio charges. . •

Mrs, T. T, WIGHTMAN, Miss M . A. DOWN EH,


L A N C A S T E R C O T T A G E ,HA n t A VENUE SEA li 11 fi.-t CH,


Neiv bullrtlng, new lurniture. H|-acious and ele­gant ro ms, i»ttractive location. Fine outlook to tho ocean. < *oni fort -*nd aceom modal ion of guests nttoi.ded to, ‘ ■ . ■

0 1*10X .T U L Y 1 s t .

For terms and i-ro*arrangements, address for the present, the p opr le tor. .

M rf. K, A. ST clNlIA ITS KB, ’. Lancasier, Pa.

HEALTH HOME,Atlantic avo.,' between Contral and Beach,

• near tho Soa.

Coudm tcd on strict Sanitary principles.

CEREA LS AND FRU ITS A SPECIALTY.Reduccd rates for boar.t during Ma.y und June. For partlcu’ats, address with stamp for reply.

Miss M. J , MILLER. Ocean Grove, N. J.


Thtso plcnsautly located cnttagcs.aro now optsn for tbo reception of permanent or transientgucsus. Terras reasonable. Reduction to those coming early or fo r tho season. Also, table board,

Mrs. L 11. S1N0ER,Box .40. . Orean Orovc, N. J.

HODSON ^COTTAGE,Hurf Avo. botweon Contral and Beach.

Ocean Grove visitors will always find bomo liko comforls at this hoU6C. Rooms cooimodlous. Tablo excellent. Situated near tho sea.

Transietij gucsw sueommodatcd. Terms tbo most reasonable.

Mra E. HODSON, Proprietor.

The OCEAN VIEW,Cor. Central avouuo aud Rroadway.

Near the sea and bathing grounds; rooms com­modious and well furnished;, tint class tub'eand every eflbrt mado for tlio com furl and pleasure of guest*. Boat on Fletchor Lake for use o f guests.

OPENS JUNE Is;.P.O. Box*102. Mrs. Wm. A. WHITE, Prop’r.

Sprague Oottage,MRS. U A. SP»tAGl;E. of New York City. 1s

now prepared lo receive giusts ou too m-ist tnvot- at^le reni.s, I rge rooms «.*ul /lr« class .able, /b e SpragiK'Collage Is hvaied on

Cor. W tsloy Lako and Now Jorsoy avo. .For particulars, ad«lre».s the abovo.

P. O, llox 106. Ocean Grovci

McBRiDE COTTAGE,Cornor W Central and (;..t.kiu:ni avonm:H.• 'i*eu fur the nweptl-tu of tioacden Ouc of the

thiosl 'ocAtloiiH iii.(iee<u, lacing Fletcher Lake and the oceau. Pleasant rooms and good table. BQatoti tho laku lor uso of guests. Also, tablo board.. - Addresa

. • ..... . Mrs. H. P. BEAMKS.Box 151 Oceau Grove, N. J.

i A T S O N A L H O T E L A M i ; .




THE. BR IG H TO N ,Cookm«n-Avenuo, east o f PU jjiiin -P an iw ay .

Th is mhv, spacious and elecant boarding h^uso :0*H-iipies ono of ihe most attractive iorulitlea in O can*. Fun i..ko ai.o 'oeean‘view; airy and 4voU-*nrnls|n.>d moms; te^taceommodations; l iasonahle tcrtu». Now opon for eueHs.

.un*..‘ -HOHMA S.MVTII,Box ->i0. . Proprietor

N eptune House,Cor. Contral avenue and Mc.Olintock street,

O C E A N G I I O V E , 'N . J .‘i ht* Neptuiie;occupies one of the moRt tlig lb lo

mul central position^ for public’ accommodation In Ocean Grovo Auditorium, Tabernacle. Tem­ple. Po‘ i find,Telegraph offices,all adjacent Con­venient to tne ocean beach.' Rooms airy and pleasant; JV.eonim'udiitlotm'firet-class.

. Mra. L ,S . SHAW, ‘ . • Box I'JI. i'roprietor.

Rro.olwio , 'above Central avenue, OCEAN OltOVE N. .1. for guests. P.O. llox 7f».'LIZZIE M D. EARLS, Mrs. A. E\HLS,

MauaK*r. . Proprietor.iF*»rmerfy of <tcrm»utown ifociw./ .

MARYLAND HOUSE;Wetib nvrnuo near Beuen, .

O C E A N G R O V E .Fine oceau v.ew; airv a -d pleasautro ,ms ; good table; convenient location. Terms the most rea­sonable.

Box^ifr; T. P. TURN EH. Proprietor.

Green leaf Cottage,Corner. Mt. Caruio! \Vaj‘ und N. Y, Avouuo,

' OCEAN GROVE, N. J . : . • Convenient to tlio lake and adjoining

the Auultorium. Accomiimdaiionstorper oancnt or trausieut guests at reason able prices.

B .X21S3. M'sa RAl^TOX.'

The laiichester,Ocean Pathw ay, north side, noar Boa"h avo.

Thooboicu location 1 u Ocean Grove, between Auuitorium aud the sea. s.ipaiior accommoda­tions; reasonable terms.

Mrs. U .S. KELLOGG, Lock II.'X 208*1 Propriet:r.

Grove Cottage,Pilg.tlm Pathww.v’atid Kingsley Piaco, oppo:

tiiu P»»ik. .For convenience ol locaTon, taste and elegatn e

In aceommodutlons, aud all^the attractions- of a comfortiiblc home at the >ca side, this houso lR well known. No^ open for thu. cason.

■ ' Mw. E. A. IRELAND, . Hox2i^.' . . . . Proprietor.

Ocean Front House,• M ain and Ocean avcnuo.

OCKA-V ‘-ROVE.Directly on the ocean with au unobstructed

view, best accommodations lu overy respect. Is uowopen,- Acc.ommodato tlfty guests.

B 11. M ARK LEY A Co.

iiiij’ wa rd Cottages,... (WHERE THE CANNON IS.) •O t rlwikiug Wesley lAke aud Anbury Park.

Near AU'Jiiorinm and Post Office, and short walk toiheovcan. Shade, grassy lawns, board walks, piano, croquet, boats, lucuUun, tnuomnllngs, view, drainage, ventilation, rooms, beds, tablo and at­tendance uuhurpuiscd. Laundry connec'oa with ibo houso. Open July 1st, previous to which date for te r w.-. *ke„ add n. k»

Mrs. N. CURTIS,. K ingston, N. Y.

Central House,Main av. botwcou.Bj*»ch av. and the Ocean,

BEST LOCATION Itt'OHEAN OROVE,Tho reputation already onabli«hcd for superior

accommodiitlous, excellent table, tke., wi.l no maintained in every respect under tho old man­agement, by

Mrs, S. A. FOSTER,Box bX Proprietor and Owner.

W a n a m a k er ’s.

W e’ll try the experiment awhile of giving you a little more spe­cific. news about goods. W e know well, if we can get such news to you promptly, that it will be acceptable. ; You can write or come.

White muslin dresses at about three-quarters value. A few are shown in the window o f 1301 Chestnut, each one marked with its : price. Very many more are within,

• ‘ ih e materials are nainsooks, linons d’Inde, mulls and Swisses, Some are very plainly ma:de with little or no trimming be­yond som e deft handling o f the material itself; and some are elaborate enough. The ex­trem e prices are £3.50 and $60. An excellent plain dress is sold for $5.; neat and well made.

Low prices can alm ost always be put upon such goods a little late in the Season. ; It’s . rather, early n ow ; but profitable mak­ing appears to be over already.

just now you have the double advantage of many such, dresses to choose from and low prices,1301 and 1303 Chestnut street

Ready-made dresses of a black-and-white striped fabric that looks like summer silk, but is silk-and-cotton. For general wear they will be found quite good enough; better indeed than summer-silk. W ell made and substantial; but tlie chief virtue is in the price, g io .1301 aud 1303 Chestnut street, second floor. •

Black grenadines have been one o f the most distinguished features of our trade for two months past. W e have had the finest in the world, and all grades down to tlie poorest that we care to keep; and a wonderful variety o f patterns.

Figured g r e n a d in e s that brought g2 lately are selling at 'pi: And this may be taken as a general indication of what we are doing in grenadines.Scxt-onter circle, south entrance to main building.

S I E T T v ’” I K T O r .Orders received for plain stitching for hotels and

private families. Stamping, pinking, embroider- and painting. Solo agent for


S T -A -T IO lsr El R -’S ’ -F ac ilitie s fo r w r l'i t ig P ostaec s ta m p s a n d pos­

ta l ca rd s . O rders ta k e n fo r W sittog ca rd s , w ed­d in g a n d p a rty Itiv ita tio u s . A rtis ts ' .M aterials.

. n i i r i ' h i m T . i . i m t A i t v . -S u m m e r re ad in g , I'OOk-j, macazOic!*. w e tk ly n e w f- ' papen* a n d m-Jslc, ex c h a n g e d , lo an e d o r fo r sa le

M r s . TV. n . M I L E S ,S 8 Cookman avo.; between Bond and Emory,

strottt. Anbury. P ark , N. .T.

Broadway House,Cornor Rroadway and Beaob avouues,

Thi® commodious house, Dontlug Fletcher Lake und butoneshoit square fro;n oaihii.g grounds, oiTers umiMial >iitraciiou« to seaside vihltors U will be coudiK ted vlth special rcfu.uneo -to iho health abd conifurl of vhltors. Open** Juuo JI7tt»%

; Mrs.THOS, BIGNELl.,Miss. M.J. HOLT, .

f Formerb; ot Drew (rottago.) propr's.

Kingsley House,Not theaa^ cor. o f Contral and Em bury avo,,

• OCEAN GRO VIS.Two blocks ftooi tho Post Offico, two blocks from

tho ocean. • New Loitbu just Table, house • and tvM lie apj'obumviu- \\t* -»*.lass. .

Mm. F. A. MILLER. :

FLORIDA HOUSE,Sch, View ave tu*twe.e.n Coutral and Reach,

OCEAN OROVE, N. J .This house is on Wesloy LaUo, ono block from

tho ocean.nndciuiyashort distance from all places ! of iuterest. Asbury Park Ferry and Telegraph • offico are wlthlu block uf tuo house.


lyjiTCHELL COTTAGE,’ Coruci* Occan uud A tlan tic avenues. *

' In Improved condition for oujoytuent of guests. Bo*t accommodations. Reasonable rates.

• ' MmMV. H. BILLANY, Proprietor,

DAY BROTHERS, lee Cream, Saloon

a - J L t t u i z N ,P itm an avonuo, fronting Centennial Squaro

. Elegant accommodations.— OPEN DAY AND EVENING.----

l ) a , r \ 01**I>rn#ctl Ii***t in n e r } * n iu l n o i l i i H 'n le i* .

Families and boarding houses served with promptness and satisfaction. • . .


l a d if J " s t o r e Main Ave. , Ocean Grove,

Three doors cost of Post Office’ building.


in largo variety; .•

TIES, LACES, RIBBONS, &c.Everytblug pertaining to a store of Ibis kind.

«y*Tbo Ladles Storo needs no recommendation to Its old customers, and as In thu past so shall It be hi Iho luiurc^-a recommembtionnfitselftoall. The public are cordially invited to call aud are huro o fa welcome and of receiving the same prompt and |a>]ile attention as heretofore.

J O H N I I . K V A X S , P r o 1*.

Teht und small cottage, together or separ­ately to rent, all furnished. Apply to, Mrs.

MOODY, Ollu St., ono door east of Central ave.

Ail extraordinary dcbeige, extraordinary in quality and width, we are selling at 50 cents; 47 inches. No lady who can use debeige will be inclined to pass i t ; for it is worth twice the money.

The melanges at 40 to 60 cents are worth a half more, just about. There arc four qualities, and somewhere about fifty color-cffccts.Second circle, southeast from center.

If dress-goods are lower than they were elsewhere— we don't say they are. Advertisements say they are; but there is a cer­tain shyness in those same ad­vertisements, which makes them not.very impressive.— If dress- goods are lower elsewhere in our city, the fall is due to the singular spectacle here o f three great classes o f the m ost fash­ionable dress-goods at a fraction oftlieirvalue: Frerichmelanges, small checks and small-check stripes o f wool and silk-and- wool, and black lainage.

W e mention these three, be­cause they stand out from the rest o f the stock, conspicuous in two ways; they are fashionable, peculiarly s o ; and they are at half, two-thirds or three-quar­ters value.Third and fourth circles, south from center.

Sash ribbon, satin-and-gros- grain, 7-inch, o f value §1.15 for 75 cen ts; all colors. W e refer to a particular sort, o f which we have three thousand yards.

Black moire, 7-inch sash, go cents.

Block sash at j i w e are out o f part o f the tim e; but w e re­ceive som e every morning. Do not confound this quality with that sold at 65 cents elsewhere.Outer circle, by south ontranco to main building.

Silk mitts, ordered from the makers a year ago, include a wider range in the colors than ever before: black, 50 cents to £4.50;; white, cream, ecru,terra: cotta, cardinal, etc., 75 cents to$ 7 . .; . v /West of Arcade, 1313 Chestnut; seventh'counter.

J o h n W a n a m a k e r ,Chestnut. Thirteenth and Market streets

and Clty-hall square, Philadelphia,



N\». to S o u th T h i r d S t. P h i l a d e lp h i a .July 19,1882

am. asked ■0, S. G’s.1881. Ext...................................H2 102V£. “ Currency. fi’s.Ex. In t................... tUo * .' '• 5’fl.lBSl, new. Fx.’........................ 102 ... I0v»k

lU’s, now,EX, C oup ...... .•• •• MlU 11454•• Vs ” ....................... .11335 mk

Pennsylvania R. R.............................. 6iUPhilauclnhia and Reading li. R 31 31lvLehigh Valley R. R„ ............ . 6156 61 %Leblgli Coal and Navigation Co.... . 4205 . 4 .I'nited N .J. R. R.andCanal............. 187% IfcskNorthern Central R, R. Co ll>. Wy,Ifestonvllle Pass. R. R. Co.; 17 18 .Pittsburgh, Tit. Buff. R. R. Co 19J£ ' 20 ,Central Transportation Co............... H 35Sorthern Pacific; Com .......... WA• •* • . H Pref’d . ......... ; . . . . . • 893| 89V<J.;North Pennsylvania R. It................. 01 . ■ C5 •Philadelphia & Erlo R. R IS- 19Silver, (Trades.) ....... *0'^

Stocks and Bonds bought and sold on Commis­sion'. Stocks carried on favorablo terms.


TRENTON CRACKERSFactory, 15 & 17 lA Stockton Street,

T ltE X T O X , x . j .They are the finest oyster uud soup cracker

known, and are equally desirable as table biscuit.Thoy aro warranted freo yeast, or alkali o f-

any kind, being composed of first quality /lour.butter, lard, suit and wa'er only; tnclr extreme lightness and cri«pncs* being duo alono to a su­perior method of manufacture, '

'• TR Y T H EM ! . 'Broken up and covered witti boulug water,.with

a little sugar added, they coustltuto an extra nice and whUesoino diet for fnfauts, invalids, and per­sons of weak digestion. Butter them, and then souk ten or fifteen minutes in cold water,and they make an excellent and palatable relish for any meal, .

T ake none b u t P . T. C. Co.


Is fully protected by Letters Patent, having

Six Claims to be Found in no other Cooker.

Has been, used and highly cndolsed by many leaning boarding houses In Oceau Grove aud. as bury' Park for two years. Do out bo deceived by Geo. Williamson or any other agent. Get

The BEST and CHEAPEST.. Apply to

. nENRY IL SLEEPER,ML Carmel Way. next to Thompson Home, Ocean

Grove, N. J. or W. n SMITH,. next door to Post Office, Asbury Park,

Page 4: REV. A. WALLACE, Editor. OCEAN GROVE, N. J., SATURDAY ... · “VVe know we have eternal life,”, tfec* Her application of these truths was in harmony with .the deeply spiritual


T H E M O ST R E A S O N A B L E i>RTORfl- » Afebnry T>«\vU FVtnMnv WV*«»f»

■ Tent Rates for 1882.:•vSENT ,RATKP’—WITII FLO OR ANI) FLY' .V ;. INCLUDED,. ; .' :'-:' '■■=? .; -, ‘

:r ” ■■)--■ -,t ■ Per Week :(. ; Per Week/ - ■' Size pF Tests, ; ■ : for . for ■

1 Four Weeks/ ;Additioiinl Time.

A Tent, •W all Tent, 9xin • , 11 9x12 .

•• .12x11’ • : VM. 14X11::

•" : » V14X1R! ;14X10J ‘

.«/■ 14x21"

SI <2-5.,2>i0

3.00 ■3.50

' 4.00 V4.50 ;

; fi.00 : .5.50.

81.00 . / 2.00 '• . 2.50

;. - a .o o v.. 3.50 . 4.00

• ,4.50 5.00

A f t e r S o u tem bo r 1 s t , s p e c i a l ra te s— i b h o i c Q . l o c u t i o n s , 5 0 c e n t s t o $ 1 p o r w o o l ;

e x tra . ■ ■ ■■,' B u n k s — f i i n g l o , GO c e n t e ; d o u b l e , 8 0

c e n t s ; t r i p l e , $ 1 . .

FtKlSITUBE FOR TKNTfi 'i s r e n t e d sM t h e f o l l o w i n g r a t e s ':

Rent for I For Longer A utici.ka 2 Weeks. :. Time.

Bedstead. . . ...Double Cot. . . . . Single “ . .Double MatUO’-s,. .. .

Single -**• . •.Pillows, per pair ,. . Bolsters, . . . . . . Tablo, without leaves;

. Wash Stand.. . . . Chairs, e n c h , .

SI .60. - 52.001.00 . V 1.25.75 1.00

2.00 - 2.5Ul.f.0 , 1.751.00 1.25.25 • . ' .W25 .30

\V > 1.00t M . • .7.. 2 5 , .85

Rocking Chairs special. No furniture rented for less than two weekR, except by special agreement and at special rates.

; PORTABLE KITCHENS.7 x 8 — $ 7 .U 0 . 8 x 1 0 — $ 1 0 . 0 0 .


■ o..•*J


§ - ft o-

s l1j . •

3 o o *1 . -*3 2c

- r s '- Q.■ s?

. r <no'''':

DxO _’S2J>0“ $:t.00 81.00 ■>7.60'.9x12 1.2-) 3.00 4.00- 1JS0 • 9.75

12x14 .1.60 3.MT 4.b'0 1.50 ,11.0011x14 1.5j 4.03 5.00' 1.75 .12.25MxlG 1.75. 4 .2 5 5 .0 0 2 .0 0 1 8 .0 0 ■1 4 x 1 9 2 .0 0 4 .5 0 6 .0 0 2 .25 • 1 4 .7 514X 21 •2 ,2 5 . 4 .7 5 G.00 2 .5 0 15 .50 '

, Payments required in rtdviuiqe: Bills' ..payable n t tlio office of the Association.

Tenants aro not allowed to sublet to others.

.. Charges will be mado from the time tenta are ordered to be ready, whether occupied or not.

Iri ordering tenta state the size desired, the date to . tako. possession, and the length of tim e to be occupied.

Send full nan ieam f post office address. From strangers references will be re­quired. Geo. W. Evans, Scc'y.

N:E W Y O R K A N T ) L O N G B R A N C H R . E .

Operated by tbe C. R. R. Of N. J., aud tbo P. ft. R. : Timetable commencing June2G, 18S2.

C E N T R A L I t . R . o f N . J .Fo'ot of Liberty St.. N. Y.

Leavo Arrive Leavo ArriveNow York. A>rnry Prk. Asbury Pr'k. New York,

‘ .12 A. M . 0 .0 5 a. m. 8 .07 a. m.7 .4 5 A . M.9 .0 0 •• 1 0 .5 8 “ 7 .2 9 “ • 9 23 *•

11.00 « 1 2 .5 6 P . M . ^ 7 .5 9 •• 9 .35 “• 2 .8 0 P . M . - 4 .2 0 *' *1 0 .4 7 ** . 12 .87 p . M,*3 80 '* 5.0*» “ 2.2-1 P . M. 4 .23•4 .0 0 •* fi',58 ** 4.0H . '• C .I5 “4 .8 0 « • . 0 07 5 .2 2 •• 7 .2 0 ••6 0 0 ' , - 7 5 9 M .6 .5 7 " 8 .5 5 “ '

P E N X S m A N I A R . R .Foot o f Cortlandt St.. Now York.

Leave ! Arrive Leave Arrive NewYark, A*l: iry P r ’k. Asbury Pr’k. New York.* "* ' ............ M. 8.GO A. M.

9.40*0.55, *7.19 8.45 “

12.19 P. M. •1.27 “ 5.40 “

•9.44 :•

11.00 “ .= 2.30 P.M.- o.aO •'7.50 '* • •

12.06 A. M.•Express trains.

X . J . K O i r r i l E i t X R A IV A V A Y .■ Pier 8, toot of Rector St., Now York.

Leave Arrive . Leavo Arrive . New York. Ashury P'k.Asbury P'k.-New York. 7.45 a . >t. 10.35 a. m. - G.nii a. m. 8.80 a. iu.

• 9.00. 11.14 M • 7.31 *• . 9.3011.00 .*• 1.10 p.m.* 8.32 “ 10.35345 p.m. . fc.rr. “ . 10.47 “ . 1.00 p.m . •.

. 5.00 » I...VJ " 12.19 p. m • 2.30 ".5.45 “ 7.59 •• . 2.00 - *• 4 10

,4.03 " C.20 "tB-Tieketfi between New York and Asbuiy Park

fsMied by tlm Central or Pennsylvania Railroads are not good over tho N..T. Southern, or Bay Route.

T O iS iS W k O K l i .S B O l t T E S T A N D Q V IC K E S T .

TH.fc 80UMD BROOK ROUTE.; ' . Juno 2fith, 1882. •

From Depot 9th and Green Sts., PkUada.The only line running a 2-Hour Train between

the Two Great Cities.D o n b l c T r a c k , P e r f e c t E q u i p m e n t .

p r o m p t a m i l t d l u b l o M o v e m e n t .

T re n to n , f*«w Y o rk a n t i tb o E a s t—*7.80 (two hour Inin), 8.30, 9.S0. *11.00 (fast express) a.m„ 1.15, *.Vlo. 5.40. 6.45, p.m., and fl2 midnight. Direct conut-vnlon by "Amiex” boat at Joreoy

• City with Erie Kailway'and Brooklyn.Elizabeth and Nowark—8.30, 9.80 and 11.00 a.m ..

1.15, 8.45,5.40 0.45 p..m., aud 12 midnight.I-onar B rnn tW , O cean U ro v e a n d S p r in g

L a k e —9;«*J u. ia.-, 1.15,8.45 p. m . and 12.00 m id­night.

Nc!io :»Iov’m I ilo iin ta il t* . RiultrM Lnlio a n d L a k e l lo p a tc o n jf —8.30 a. m.. 345 p. ra.

SUNDAY—New York und Trenton,, e.80„ 5,80 p.m., and fl2 midnight.

I^eave N ew Y o rk , foot of Liberty 8t.. (Now York Ume), *Mo, 9.30. *11.15 a.m., 1.30, *1.00,4^0 5^0,7.00,, and f l2 midnight.

SUNDAY—-8.45 a.m.. njH/(.u. f!2 midnight, .A ll tia'ns feU.p a l Columbia Ave. aud ^Yayno

Jun«itlon. ■ • ;• P a r lo r C a r.f8 Ie e p ln « - f a r , open 10.30 n m. to 7 a.m. Bepot, Third and Barkx Sts., PhileSii.

N ew Y o rk , N e w a rk a n d JR Iieabetb— 25.10, 8.20, J9.15 a.m.. gl.00. |3.30,5.20, 6.SO p. m. T r e n to n —o.l0, 8.20, u.15 a.m.. 1.00. 3.30. 6.20, 6.80

and 11.80 p.m •$Conneet for Long Branch and Ocean Grovo.

8LNDAY— Now York and Trenton. 8.15 a.m.. 4.80 p.m ., •

• Ticket Offices—Noh. 484,621, 830,' 1351, Chootnut St., and at tho tlopoU.IT. P. BALDWIN. C G. HANCOCK,

-G JU ., N£w York. Q.P.&T.A.. Phila.

P E N N S Y L V A N I A K A I f R O A lK

Pliiladelphla and Trenton to Ocean Grovo and Asbury Park,

: Time-tiiblP. commencing Juno 2G/1882. (Philadelphia time.)

• * ' Broad St. Station.Leavo Phil.. Arrive Leavo. Arr. Phila.

Broad nt. Anbury P’k. Asbury P'k. Brondst. 8.00 a: m. 10.34 a. m. 7,25 a. m. 9.30 a.' m.8.^0 " 11.43 910 “ 12.10 p<m.

11,30 *• , 200 p .m . 12.58 p: ra, 8.35 “ ••2.45p.m. 5.10 5.20 “ 8,20 "■ Z&i *• 5.10 •• 1

T r a in * v ln . NeaNlde I»n rk i t T o in s U lv e r .Foot of Market-St.

Ixiavo Arrive I>eave ArrivePhlladol’a. Asbury p’kl Asbuty P 'k ,1 l'hiladel’a. 8.30a.m. H.IOa.m. . 0.28a.m. 9 00a.m .4.80 p.m .. 057 p.m . 4.15 p.m . 7.10t>;m.• , I. S. BUCICELKWi

C m ^ g p T E L BOOKSAro buiH>rlor lo all othfrn. Giro them a tr ia l.

U0TKLS, COTTAGES, AND BOARDING HOUSES, Sflui! Btauuv far llUtniraloU CntuloRuo Bnd Prlco LiflU

r i l lM . ADVKUTISINU CO., 222 fluoSI-.ViUr*., Ps,

I - 3 Z O U S E , O C 1 S A X G K O V E , J f ,T --------

O P E N J U N E 2 0 F O R S E A 9 0 K O F 1 8 8 2 :A fewhteps from the ocean, and near n il point* o f Interest. Booms largo, supplied w ith spring

’ M rs . b . P R IC K , 1>ro i> r ic to r .beds and lm<r mattrcssc«.


H a a t h o c o o l r s t l o r a t i o n . n n d f u r n i s l i e s t h e b e s t T a M o f o r t h o l e a s t in o n o y . • P l a n o , a n d R o a t f o r u s e o f c n e s l * . C H A S . B . I I O R N O R , P r o p ’r .

T H E M E T R O P O L I T A N ,Corner Beach and Abbott Avenues,

W IT H , L A U G H S E W C O T T A G K O X O F P Q S IT K C O R N E R .Rooms en.tuite, ehtgantly (urnlshed, and all. commanding finest ocean viow. Superior

a c c o m m o d a t i o n . I I u s o f i r s t - c l a s s . '

P. O. BOX 295.Mrs. M. M , R U S S E L L , Propriotor,

. Formerly o f The Clarendon.

T h e O C E A N Q U E E N ,Located directly on the Beach and Ocean Pathway,

having in connection with i t ‘‘THORNLEY COTTAGE/’ is open to transient . and perm anent guests. Complete m anagem ent will guarantee the

. comfort and pleasure of guests. •E . B . B O Y D . B o x 1 0 0 . . E . M . J O I I N S O N .

T h e H o w l a n d H o u s e ,— r-^15XT TO TH E TABERNACLE AND AUDITORIUM.-----

O C E A N G R O V E , N . J .Now open for. the accommodation of guests.. First class attention;- Term s reasonable.

J. W. MAS0NHEIMER, Proprietor.

T H E L a P I E R R E ,Fronts on Wesley (^ake Tcrrnci*. Ueacli, A tlantic and Sea View avenues, near

the Ocean,O C E A N G R O V E , N. J.

Bdng the LaP l.rreand Madison combined in onohouse. havlng liO roomR. with snaeloiiB wid^airy hnllN, gas lights and *ater through tho house., witli ample llru protection. Fu ll v lowof tho lake and ocean One minutes’ walk to tlie batuihg ground*, nattdsomcly furnlHbed throng out

For rooms and terms addretst . b , s h a y ,

Lock Box 20H1. Ocean Grove, N .J.GentlemenV Reading Room and Barbsr Shop attached.


Main Street, Head of Wesley La fee.

ASBURY PARK, hi. J.Manufacturers oi and dealers In

Ash, W alnut arid Enamelled

CHAMBER SUITS,L a rg e s t S tock , .

N ew est Styles,B est P rices.

OUR SHOW ROOMoccupies the entire first floor of the building.

Sample Suits new os Miiion;and orders taken for any style or finish. A ll our bed pnsW arc hard wood and no pine Is used in tbe manufacture of our sultB. Our facilities for finish­ing work enables us to'offer goods o f the very best quality and finebt finish at lower prices than are; usually charged for Uio common pjpo suits,, w ith which tho market is flooded. Wo 'Invito b u y e r B to call and examine our goods, and aro ebufldent of our ability to fill any orders with which we may bo favored, at lower prices than tho sarno goods can bo bought for in either Now York or Philadelphia market. • We inakeaKpecialtyin the popular Ash and Walnut Trimmed Suits.

G. W . MARTIN,Nonr tho Af<socii!Uon Building,


Cottages rented.Lots Bought and Sold.

•M oney Invested. Contracts.made.Papers drawn.A c c o u n t s k e p t . ■

W r i t i n g d o n e .

Care and d isp atch ..

'U R IA H W M l T k . '% ' E L L - D R I V E R ,

PLUMBER,Steam and Qaa Fitter,

M A IN S T R E E T , & S B U B . Y P A R K . N ,i

AGEN’T FOBE R I C S S O N ’ S N t : w


The attention o f hotel pronrteton,, cottage own cib and builders 1s catlcd to the aboveenglno—tht befct aud most economical pumping engine yet in­vented for pumping water Into tank* for domestic use. It iK eutirely aafe, no steam being employed, and can bo operated and attended to oy anyone.

Circular and prico-list on application.. Ait iilnda of Iron and lira is Li/t aud Kort*

P U M iP N , Rubber Hoso, Lawn 8prinklen,, Wire Goods, Gna Flxtuiea, -Windovr Bcreous, etc. Gal­vanized Iron or Copper Boilers, B a t t i T abu , WashBasiiiB.Kitcheu S IN K N , Plain, Galvanized or' Enameled, Vitrified D r a in , Iron and Lead Soil Pipes, Trap* and Fitting* of a ll sizes, together with an assortment of PLUMBERS' AND GAS*FIT“TEKRo?e amrn ’ for tb j PATE<NT AMERICAN DRTV- EN WELL, and OOLLABD'8 PAT. VITRIFIED TIL1S W ELL. '


A SBURY PAKli PRIN TIN G U O U S E - X JuR em ovod to New B uild ing , cor Multi BtTc 't n nd Pom m offleld •'*>»«•«»»»*• ««»•»> «n»i. of? * llr V*(1


P r t y m e u u i x n « d » l o r r e n t a i l o n c n I f p u r c h B N o d . T b o l l a e o i i I ’ l a n o H , o f w h i e l U h a v o s o l d o v e r

:!0n , h a v o a l w a y s g i v e n s a t i s f a c t i o n . J t l n x o n A I f a n i l i n a n d o t h e r f i r s t - c la s H o r g a n s f o r « a lo f o r c a s h o r o n s m a l l - m o n t h l y p a y m e n t s . P i a n o S t o o l s , dec.

Pianos and Organs tuned and ropalrtd by prac­tical persons In my employ over 25 yearn.' w ^ e n s r o ^ o ' w s w a i d e s .•Estimates Kiven and orders taken for a ll kluas

o f Window Shades, mado Of tho best material and strongest manner, with Hurtshome’fl celebrated Hpring-R(dler«~ih<i best in nso.

Call nt Hea Vlow avenue, Oeeuu Grove, or Bond po.stal card, und 1 w ill o i l l In pcraon.

W; B. DOUGLAS. o flm ugla«& KuhnOrSni Broad St.; Newark, N.J./ dealer** in Furniture, Carpel*. Oil Oloih. Ihdow Shades, and Pianos aud oreatiR. HjiUdillsh'd IHI

r p n i i JIK 8T.W O R K a t L O W E S T P it IC E S _ L c a n a l w a y s b o h a d a t t h o A s b u r y P a r k

P r i n t i n g H o u s o , c o r . M a in a u d S u m m o r f l o l d .

C . C . Q R W S E R O D ,

B O A T B U I L D E R ,M a i n S t . , A s l> n ru P a r k , N , ,J.

New and S eccd i-hand 'B r Halo, . r irio r B en t by the W eek, M onth

' or Season,.Oars, Oarlocks, anil bvrrythiiia in llio Zitiil line

constantly on hand. Repairing aiid, pnihtiiig. at short notice,. y ' V




Commissioner ol Deeds,

Notary Piulic.

Post Office. Ocean 'ti-ovo, N., J.

on Comml‘»lnn. and cnrrlul mi favorable lerms,

^ im s iO H T .and

>o J.l»

Being member* "f hotlt Uu* Philadelphia and New iu rk Sioek iUclu»n.e, and having a Private Wire direct ltoin oor u llnc tu Now York, we are prepan d to exccute «>p«l rs left with ns promptly unii sattofacturily. . Ace milk received and inter fht alio wo.i.

D eH A V EN . & TO W NSEND,.B A N K E l t S A N D I1 I J O K K K S ,

40 S. 3d St., P h ilad e lp h ia .

J O S E P H T R A V IS ,Main Street, Asbury P a rk , W. J .

(NEXT TO Ol III.-; fi- ?TORE.) 'A splpndl 1 assortment ol

Gold and Silver Am erican and Swiss W atches.

G o ld # 'm l Nt<‘c l

Theoretical and Practical Repairer ol Chron­ometers nnd Watches.

H E R E A L L T U B Y K .1 K ,


' O F F I C E . ■T I t U A X IIU 1 I .D IX G , « p |Y r i» a r lt H a l l .Property bought, hold, rented ana isxchnni:*’-

MoneyB loaned ano collcctionx made.Agent for tho America*. Portable House, eheaj'

er thau any other kind o f s.rtn turc.- •U. Mount. S. S, Nouton. ,ht

DAVID CARTWRiGHT,P la in a n d O r n a m e n ta l

S L A T E R O O F E E ,Asbury Park and Oceaa Grove, i\r. J.


Moaroe A v . near B ailro ad, A s b n r j P a r i .A ll work warranle<l snow and water-tight Ma­

terial always on baud, Jobbing, promptly atten­ded to. . •

Tarred Paper, Sheathing nud Roofing Paper of dl fie rout kind*, nlways on hand, at lowest price.



O U R EF o r I» r« i h.v,G r a v e l , i;> l^ liiV tam l H e a r t

D Im»*»h<s Xta ln v r li o f Iii I>In-lietlM, JG niubnga. XorvouM - '. ucnh a n d (>i>n c i ,<ii

. D ill ty . ,$1A BOTTLE; B 3C T T L B ,S 5; fiT DRUGGISTS.

Cure guaranteed.CJANN A ‘-0 .. 8.11 Arch St.. Phila.

A t Vansnnt's Ur ng Kioto. Ocean Grove.N. Y. Agency, J. 11. FRANCIS.

C. S IC K L E R ,Ocean 3rove Real Sstato Agsat.Cottages an<l lois forsaloor re n t.. Contractor for.

buildliiR cottages In tho best maunerand atlowfiat rates; Fire insurflncc Iu good companies/U l id i i A v e . , n e a r C l a y t o n ’* N lo r e , 1

•, O eean G ro v e , Nv JT; Fruit and Shsdo Trees and Oiapevlncu... ;

New and ueeond-han ‘ boats for salo and rent,

O ars and Howlocks on Hand.b. D CRAMER,. •

Foot o f d a rk avo.. Fletcber L« k \ . • Ocean Grove. N. ,1.


Careful and prompt attention given to tho hand- o f a ll lrc lg lit and batguge. •ling

Oflico at’J. II. Ey ai i’«' Lad! es’; Faii cy.H tore.; M ji I n Avo. near Crntral',.Owan Hrnvc'


Occan U rov«\ K ..I.Kalsominihg, Graining; Paixir Hanging,Glazing,

VarnlBhlng, &o.*. A ll work promptly attended to..- Resldonco—Aboott. first I i o u b o eubt or Ceutral Avenuo

Ha’s and Bomu'ts trimmed und unlrlmuied. 8ltaw. 1 nscmi. Leuhuru, Chip, I'unnnm mid S a-

- side tints. Uuiidsomo

la c e s , Flowers, Feathers, &.c.: H1LK POMPOAS Itm ON.-4.

Pine goodn cheap; Hair* pressed, 1‘W herh curl cdnnd Crape done over. .FlrKt irlass work only

ilifscK W'OOUSTON. rtsbury PaVk, Sowall ave. between Bond and Emory.


U of tUo.bosi quality, kept dry under-cover. AJro ' ■ THE BEST " , v. , .Cord Wood, . Saw ed Wood*

KindlingW ood, S tove Wood,

I solicit.your patronage, and w ill do all In u y power to glVo satisfaction. If any mistake iamad^ It w ill be cheorfullr: corrected.- ;H r l c e K I t c a H o u a b l o — - ' —T e r m s C m ^ l i

; S p e c i a l l t n l c s o i l L a r g e O r d e r s .

' , ■ YARD, OFFICJC and RESIDENCE, .Opp, the Ohtu-oh a t the Ooean Qrnvn Outa.

Orders by mall or leluphrino promptly flllod.

C H A S . E . B O R D E N ,.(Successor to BOUDEN BROH.)

M ain iSti'eet,.i^bury P a rk , Now Je rse y ,

. r DBALKR l:iStoves, Banges, Heaters, Furnaces,

HoUES-FurnisliiiiB H ard w are , T ia , 3heet Irou , an d Copper W are .

Fin-Roofing, Gutters & Leaders- • . A R P E C I A L T Y . -

O ill and examine our “ KiroPlaco Hoalrrs,. Hotel and Fauc7 Trays, Castors HmooUilng Itrtu8,0ll stoves, Patent Eureka Coffee Pow. .tc.

Street Lamps and F ix tures• CONSTANTLY ON HAND.

T h a n k i n g o u r p a t r o n s f o r p n s t f a v o r s , I r e s p e c t ­f u l l y s o l i c i t a c o n t i n u a n c e o f t h o t r p a t r o n a g e .

Houses for Sale and R en t■ *'.'■■■■ i A T T H E J .

O L D ' R E L IA B L E .

Real Estate a i Insurance Agency,10 COOKMAN AV„ ASBUSY PARE,

Branch OfDco near Centra R. R, Depot.

A ll letters of inquiry w ith regard to property nt thcso famous resorts answered promptly by send­ing stamp.



iHDL O N G B R A N C H , N . J .

H ave on hand a la rg a Stock o f Keady- m ade Clothing, D ry Goods, Shoos,

Uqtions, Zephyrs, an d m a n y othor articlos. too num er­

ous to m ention, iiy buying our Good# in. la rg e quan ti­

ties, w e aro able to sell them cheaper th a n an y country

S toret and as cheap as tho loading City

. Houses.

S. Flitcro ft & Co.,

Well Boring, Gas & Steam Fitting

Uor. Oookman A v e . and E m o ry S t .,"• M Btm r PARK, N. J.


Attorney-at-Law.Special attention given lo examination o f Titles,

Ac,Office In Cook’s Brick Building, Main St. aud

Co()kmflu Ave., ASBURY PARK. N. J. ; 5

JO H N M. D E Y , ~(Permanently reshling at Occuu Grove,)

ARCHITECT AND BUILDER,Is always ready to furnish plans and estimates of cottages -In every size nnd style.

For good workmanship and satisfactory terms, bo refers to a ll for whom ho bus erected cottages. Doth In Ocean Gr<\vo and AMmry Park, during tho past s ix years. 1 •

• ( JO H N M . DEY,Cor, Benson and Main Avs., Ocean Grovo, NU,


P A I N T E R01*1*. O « K A N 4 1 K O V K H A T E S ,


I). W. Skxton. J G .Skxtos '


P. O. BOX 129,ASHUHY PARK, N. J. /

Plans ami spccificatious furnlKbed. I tc foremen given, and all work dono with uoutticss and di«- patch. j ' - - '


A S B U R Y P A R K , H . J .

T >tfl and Improved Property for sale both tu Ocean Grovo nnd Anbury Park.

8poclal atteution given to renting.

P § t 5 » , « » w i .....B »■ M l™ ijit lun • F«r tiriciiH, el a•rrinvTiiK A ll I,'I’M AN .fc;TAYI.OU (’<>. Mniwllclil.O.

T ir e : M i m p o w E B r M ' :


H O M E O P A T H I C S P E C I F I C SB e e n In t r c n c r a l iM c f o r tw e n ty y e n rs .

E v e ry w h e re p r o v w l t h e m o s t S A F E , S I W P I ^ QnflKVFlClF.NTm od le in en k n in n i , T h e y n re J u s t w h a tt h e p c o j i le w a n t j s a r in s t i m e , m o n e y , s i c k n e s s n m l R iurerlnpr. E v e r y , rIu k Ic s p e c i f i c t h e w e l l t r i e d p c r s c r l p t l o n o f A n e m i n e n t p U y a lc i^ u .Noa. . ciirea. Cehta., 1..FevergjCongeetlun,Innainraations, . . . . 85 3. W o rm s , Worm Fovcr, Worm Colic, • t 258. C r y in p - C o l I c , or Teething of Infanta,. S3

. 4. D i a r r h o e a , o? Children or Adults, . . S56 .iD y8en tery , Griping, Billons Colic, . . 85 ■6. C h o le ra -M o rh u s , vomltlngv . . = ♦ V 257. C o u g h s , Colds, Bronchitis, *• ♦ • * » 25

' 8. IVeura lp fla , Toothacho, Faceaebo.- #• »' 85 .9. I lc a tla ch e a .S Ick Headache, Vertigo, 25

10.d y s p e p s ia , \BIlIoas Stomach, . . . .. 25 . It. SupnrcBSCd, or Palnfnl Periods* ♦ ♦ ■ 2512. W h ite s , too Profnao Periods, . . . . 2514. VT llliC A , LUW riUlllDU 1 t.lUUD, . . •13. C roup . Congh, Difficult Breathinp, . . 25 S 4 . ,8 a lt I th e u in , EryHlpelae, Ernptlonfl.15. R h e u m a t i s m , Rhcumatlo Pains,10. F e v e r nrn l Aprue, (HiillFover, Agueav 17. P i le s , blind or bleeding, . . . 60ia O p h th a l in y , and Soro or Weak E yes,. 6019. C a ta r r h , acuta or chronic, Influenza, . 60^ -21.23.____________ _______ _______ ___23. S c ro fu la , enlarged glands, Swellings, . 6024. G e n e ra l Hobllity, Physical Weakness, . 6025. D ro p sy and scanty Secretions, . . . . 6020. 8ea-81cKnc8*, sfckneBS from riding, . 60.27. K ld ncy«01seasc , Gravel, i . .... . . 6028. N erv o u s D e b il i ty , Vital Weakness, 1 00 20. S o re M o u th , Canker, • 60 30. U r in a ry W e a k n e s s , wetting tho bed, 60 8L P a in f u l P e r io d s , orwlth S p a B m a ,. 60; 82, D isease o f H e a r t , palpitations, etc. . 1 00 33. E n llcn sey , SpaemB, St. yltus’ Danco, «1 00 &L l l ip h t l i e r l a , ulcfltatcd sore throat, . . 60 85. C h ro n ic C o n g e s tio n s and JErupuona, »

FAMILY CASKS.C ase, Morocco, with abovo 3 5 la n y e vials and

ilanualor directions, $10.0#C ase Morocco, of 20 lnrgo vlnlB and Book, 0.00

T h ese re m e d ies a r e s e n t h y th o e a s e s in g le h ox o r v ia l , t o a n y p a rt o f th e co u n try , fr e e o f ch arffe, on re ce ip t o f p rice. A dd ress . . . . . «H um phreys* Iln iriconnth lcM cdlcInt Co*. OJTfcc a n d D e p o t , lOfl F u l to n S t . N e w Y o r k . .

P o r M a l e h y a l l DrugPTlsts. H u m p b r o y o * S p o c l f l o M a n u a l o a th e

o a r o a n d t r o a U n o n t . o f d i s o a a o a n d i t s o u rO , s e n t F K E E o a a p p l i c a t i o n .

. P h i l a d e l p h i a O fllc c -C IG A r c h S t , F o r s a l o f t t t h o d n i g s to r e s In O c e a n G ro v e a n d A a b u ry P a r k , IX

Everything Needful fo r Builders.


L U M B E RSoars, Sash, Blinds, &c,

(Tall and soe us beforo buying elsewhere,

omcoaud Yard. Rear of Lako View House.

ASBURY PARK.’ n . j .

J I M LIFE INS, CO.O F N E W K t t l t B ,

-ORGANIZED A. D.. 1860.- AKNCtts, . .* . 810,151,28ft(Surp lus, , . , . 82,021),O lll

RULES o f b u s in e s s .PREMIUMS the lowest safo rates.POLICY os littlo re s tr ic ted In tormB aa possible, NON-FORFEITURE Bocurcd in tho policy under

tbe recent law o f New York.BURRENDER VALUES ilxed when tho policy is • issued. '■MANAGEMENT steady, rellablo, bUBinffefl-llke. INVESTMENTS. Best security sought, rather

tban tho largest Interest.'PRINCIPAL OBJECT. To meetCl.MMH promptly.

BENEFICENT RESULiS .Nearly 3/KX) families benefited when most nocdod. CLAIMS PA ID. over 810,000,000.JUS i DEALING. Returned to Policy Holdora

over $7,000,000,THEREFORE, ‘

. If you want INSURANCE take our Low Proml- urn, NomParticipatbig Policy.

Ir you want INSURANCE and DIVIDENDS com* blned, take our aiutmd. Policy.

If you want something for YOUR OLD AGE, lako an Endowment Policy.

AGENTS, lumest and capable can secure good fields for working this progressiva Company,


4 1 4 W A L N U T H T R IO E T ,

C O O K H O W L A N D ,B O ' X X - . I D E J ^ :

And Aycnt for selling Lots & Building Cottages. .

Tbo undersigned, having been ongagod In the erection of

VO TTAO JSti A T O G E A .K O X O V J5 , JV. V .,

from tho beginning of tho enterprise unUl the present timo. bfllevcs that ho has gained such experience In th«0 kind of bulldlHg,acquired such knowlodge o f t lo wauta o f lot holders, has auoh facilities for buylug lumber at reasonable ratca, and liulshlnc a Jon with dlBpatch, that ho can make it tho Interest of parties going to bu ild to

five him a call. Ho w ill engage to bu ild Cottager u e v e ry N iy le , .

In n W o r h m u u l lk e B ln n n e r ,A t n e a s o a a b l f R a te s ,

varying iu nritcsfrom S200 to 83,000. ■I'anlos Wishing to soil or buy lots or ront Cot*

tagcs, w ill do woll to address tho undersigned with stnmp<Kl and directed onvelope, at (foean (irovo, N. J, •

C O O H H O W L A N D ,Architeot and Bnlldor.


Fractical Builder,Spocial atteution given to tho orectlon o f Soa'Bldo

< ittages.Plans and Specifications furnished at short no-

tlco. Buildings raised and moved.

Residence—Central and Embury Avcs,, OCEAN GROVE, N. J.

E. H. RICHMOND, HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTER,t lr u h U M g , K id N n n i in ln g , a m i l» » p c r-

H u n t i n g .Ordc*r« promptly and carefully executed.

UESIDHNCE-PAGE COT TAG K. opposite Post Oflico.Ocean Grovo, N.J,

J. C. ■ R A N D O L P H ” '" 'ARCH! f ECT AHD BUILDtR,Ahburv Park. Ocean Grovo and Spring l^ko, N. J . .

I'uriies whocoiuetnplnto building w ill do well by at liis residence on Ub ave. ucar Bond street, or address P.O. Box ICO. Asbury Park, Mr. Randolph hns had 80 years experience In bidld- Ing and warrants all work natlsfactory. Also, has', sovoral properties for sale..