Download - Retribalization in the Digital Age: Integration in the “Global Village” Elena Marie Lopez, MSEd. P h.D. student Dept. of Curriculum & Instruction Baylor.


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Retribalization in the Digital Age: Integration in the Global VillageElena Marie Lopez, MSEd.Ph.D. studentDept. of Curriculum & InstructionBaylor University

Media & culture per McLuhanGutenberg Age Mechanization of writing promotes nationalism DialectBordersPolitical uniformity

Electronic AgeElectronic media ushered in global villageRetribalizationAltered perspective of othersCollective identity2Crossing borders & cultures

The global village: faade or realized?Its BeautifulCoca Cola

Reaction on social media

Media & diversityLearn about othersEnlightening, appreciativeDerogatory, prejudice

Roles of mediaGatekeeper decide (if and) how to present diversity Spin doctor subtly interprets diversity for audiencePortrayal of minorities in mediaMinorities on screen10.5% leading film roles5.1% leading broadcast television roles36.3% U.S. population minorities (2010)

Racially diverse films & t.v. shows excel in ratings

Latinos & African American t.v. characters portrayed as: More immoralMore despicableLess intelligentLess articulate (Latinos only)Final thoughtsBibliographyCortes, C.E. (2000). The children are watching: How the media teach about diversity. New York: Teachers College Press.

Hillcoat, J. (Director). (2014). Its beautiful [Television commercial].

Hunt, D., Ramon, A., Price, Z. (2014). 2014 Hollywood diversity report: Making sense of the disconnect. Los Angeles: Ralph J. Bunche Center for African American Studies at UCLA.

McLuhan, M. (1962). The Gutenberg galaxy: The making of typographic man. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

Monk-Turner, Heiserman, M., Johnson, C., Cotton, V., & Jackson, M. (2010). The portrayal of racial minorities on prime time television: A replication of the Mastro and Greenberg study a decade later. Studies in Popular Culture, 32(2), 101-113.