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  • 8/14/2019 Rethink 09 Program Guide


    Strategic inflection.

    The answers.

    ARF 2009



  • 8/14/2019 Rethink 09 Program Guide


    Non-Linear,Innovative Design.

    Sophisticated.Flexible. Scalable.

    Eiffel used this

    approach tobuild a tower.Well use it to

    build your business.

    Ipsos ASI

    Vive la difference

  • 8/14/2019 Rethink 09 Program Guide


    Re:think 2009 Program

    Monday, March 30

    Day 1: Research Transformation TheNecessary FutureThe Gauntlet

    A panel of leading advertisers will deliver an RFP to the industry: Research as we knowit will be on life support by 2012. Deliver forward-focused insights or risk beingmarginalized or eliminated. This advertiser smackdown will emphasize what advertisersneed from research to deliver in order to remain relevant.

    MODERATOR: Joel Rubinson Chief Research Officer, The ARF

    ADVERTISERS:Donna Goldfarb Vice President of Consumer & Market Insights, Unilever AmericasSusan Wagner Vice President, Global Strategic Insights, Johnson & Johnson GlobalConsumer CompaniesStephen Kim Senior Director, Microsoft AdvertisingColleen Fahey Rush Executive Vice President, Research, MTV Networks

    Can Research Catch the Consumer?

    Susan Wagner, Johnson & Johnson, will kick off this session by discussing the realitythat the consumer is at least two years ahead of research. Scientists will illustrate thisreality and explain what research needs to do to catch up if it can catch up and how.

    MODERATOR: Susan Wagner Vice President, Global Strategic Insights, Johnson &Johnson Global Consumer Companies

    SCIENTISTS:Dr. Bob Deutsch Founder, Brain SellsDr. Nathan Berg Associate Professor of Economics, University of Texas, DallasDr. Drew Westen Co-Founder,, LLC, and Professor, Emory University

    The Research Industry Vision

    Pre-eminent research industry leaders will respond to the Advertiser RFP and articulatetheir strategies to respond to research transformation over the next five years.This will be

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    followed by an Oval Table discussion moderated by Donna Goldfarb, Unilever Americas.

    MODERATOR: Donna Goldfarb Vice President of Consumer & Market Insights,Unilever Americas

    RESEARCH CEO ROUNDTABLE:David Calhoun Executive Board Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, The NielsenCompanyEric Salama Chairman and CEO, The Kantar GroupDidier Truchot Co-Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, IpsosDr. Romesh Wadhwani Chairman, Information Resources, Inc.


    Success without Solutions

    Bob Johansen Distinguished Fellow, Institute for the Future What external future forces will affect advertising research as it transforms over the nextten years? Futurist, Bob Johansen, a ten-year forecaster at the Institute for the Future the only futures group ever to outlive its forecasts will provide a taste of those forcesthrough a series of digital what if stories from the future. Bob is a social scientist bytraining, with a continuing interest in world religions and faith. He is the author of Get There Early: Sensing the Future to Compete in the Present , which all the attendees willreceive.

    Tuesday, March 31

    Day 2: 360 Media and Marketing TheNew Lens is HumanA Platform Called Television.

    Whats the future of television? The potential of advanced advertising technologies? Justas technology has enabled consumers to choose how, when and where they engage withmedia, it is enhancing interactivity and expanding addressability for all media, especiallytelevision. We have never lived in a time where we have had the technology andinfrastructure to put an ad in front of people most likely to be interested in the message.We are moving to the era of advertising only to the interested. Television is about tochange from a TV set to the platform we call television. Hear from media wunderkindDavid Verklin, Canoe Ventures CEO, about the changes coming to TV.

    SPEAKER: David Verklin CEO, Canoe Ventures

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    Eight Lessons on Coping with the Transformed Media World

    NBC achieved more than record ratings during the 2008 Olympics, they acquired ground- breaking consumer-centered learning from their multiplatform programming. AlanWurtzel, NBCU Research President, shares their findings from The Billion Dollar

    Research Lab.

    SPEAKER: Alan Wurtzel President, Research & Media Development, NBC Universal

    Putting Humans at the Center of the Process

    Sunil Garga of Mphasize LLC hosts a panel of world-class intellects providing new perspectives on what it means to put the human at the center of marketing and how to doit. These thought leaders will guide advertisers on how to sort out their challenges andhighlight the value of human centric marketing.

    MODERATOR: Sunil Garga Principal, Mphasize LLC

    PANELISTS:Mark Earls HERDmeister, Herd ConsultancyGrant McCracken Research Affiliate, C3, MITMary Ann Packo CEO, Millward Brown North AmericaMichael Perman Senior Director, Consumer Insights and Consumer Relations, LeviStrauss & Co.


    Humans and the Economic Crisis Marketing with Understanding

    Jerry Zaltman Founding Partner Olson Zaltman Associates and ProfessorEmeritus Harvard Business School At this life-changing, game-changing moment of economic turmoil, its more importantthan ever to connect with consumers on a human level. Those who get it stand to reapthe benefits. Zaltmans new study, U.S. Economy and Its Impact on Americans digs

    beneath the poll statistics into the consumer psyche for the deep metaphors and emotionaldrivers impacting consumer behavior today.


    360 Media and Marketing

    Increasing Ad Impact in a Multiplatform World Major differences in the rates at which ads are exposed and absorbed by consumers exist

    between media. Discover how these differences can be used to improve media allocationsand significantly increase advertising impact.Dr. Scott McDonald Senior Vice President, Research, Cond Nast

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    Rebecca McPheters CEO, McPheters & CompanyDavid F. Poltrack Chief Research Officer, CBS Corporation, and President, CBSVision

    Innovative Measurement of Multiplatform Audiences

    Learn how NBC used its "Billion Dollar Olympics Media Lab" to develop a single-source measurement of the multiplatform audience. The methodology used can be easilyadapted by any media stakeholder.David C. Tice VP and Group Account Director, Media Team, Knowledge NetworksHorst Stipp SVP, Primary and Strategic Research, NBC Universal

    Building an Effective Cross Media Strategy using Agent-Based Modeling Learn how the worlds most respected advertisers use an iterative process to capturecross-media effects and paint a 360 degree picture of collective media impact.Damon Ragusa Founder & CEO, ThinkVine CorporationRafael Alcaraz, Ph.D. Director of Advanced Analytics, The Hershey Company


    Measuring the Effects of Social Network Advertising Social networks allow advertisers to reach a targeted and engaged audience. Learn howadvertising on these networks improves brand awareness and favorability, drives offlinesales and delivers ROI.Heidi Browning SVP, Client Solutions, MySpaceErin Hunter EVP, comScore, Inc

    How Does Advertising Really Work in the Digital Age? It Depends!

    There is no single "new model" of how advertising works today. Rather there are four,each with a central challenge and opportunity, says an innovative study of 150 productcategories.Carol Foley EVP, Director of Research Services, Leo Burnett Co. Inc.John Greene SVP, Director of Market Strategy, Leo Burnett Co. Inc.Melinda Cultra VP Research Director, Leo Burnett Co. Inc.

    Funnel-Vision: Enhancing the Media Allocation Model to Improve ROI.Learn about a new allocation model based on media usage, media synergy and mediainfluence to assure ROI going forward, not backward.Martin Block Professor, Northwestern University

    Impact of the Digital Age

    Reloading the Magazine: Making Print Work in the Digital World Many believe that the Internet has replaced print as the main repository of informationacross every category of interest. This presentation illustrates opportunities to leverage

    print and online in integrated media strategies.Yaakov Kimelfeld, Ph.D. SVP, Digital Research and Analytics, MediaVest Worldwide

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    David Shiffman SVP, Connections Research and Analytics, MediaVest WorldwideMaria Givens Sr. Manager, Global Media, Avon

    From Widgets to Websites: How to Talk to "Connected Consumers." Razorfish presents insights, from its annual Digital Consumer Behavior Study, on how

    online activity, social media usage, e-commerce habits and mobile access are changingthe way connected consumers engage online.Garrick Schmitt Group Vice President, Experience Planning, RazorfishShiv Singh VP and Global Social Media Lead, Razorfish

    Can Search Build Brands? Google and MetrixLab share innovative research cases to understand the multimediaimpact and efficiency of paid search on brand and purchase metrics.Angela O'Connell Head of Cross Media Research Europe, GoogleLucas Hulsebos Media Research Director, MetrixLab

    Engagement"You Can Observe A Lot Just By Watching": ESPN Studies Sports Cross-MediaConsumption ESPNs vanguard study uses proven observational techniques to gain insights on howyoung male fans consume sports media across multiple platforms.Artie Bulgrin Senior Vice President, Research and Analytics, ESPNMichael Bloxham Director, Insight and Research, Center for Media Design, Ball StateUniversity

    "Programs" do Affect Ad Engagement

    Using neuroscience, Nine Network Australia isolates and quantifies the role that the program plays in generating ad break memory. Find out how to adapt this learning to anymedium.Steve Weaver Network Research Director, Nine Network Australia

    Make Sure your Ads Connect Emotionally The key to great advertising is the emotional connection. Learn about new toolsadvertisers are using to increase the certainty of connection.Jo-Ann Osipow Senior Vice President, Synovate


    Consumers Talk Offline, Too. Tune In. WOM happens offline, toonot just online. Learn how brand marketers discover whatconsumers are saying offline using natural language processing software.Dave Dugan Senior Vice President of Strategy & Partnerships, BzzAgentMichelle de Haaff VP of Products and Marketing, Attensity

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    Merediths Silver Bullet: Leading with Market Knowledge and Innovation. Women areTalking. We are Listening. Real Women Talking is Merediths private online community that provides 24/7customer access. Learn how connecting to real women has enabled Meredith to innovateand lead by uncovering new insights for brands, building richer client relationships, and

    leveraging the unique power of qualitative feedback.Britta C. Ware Vice President of Research Solutions, Meredith CorporationManila Austin Director of Research, Communispace

    Enhance Advertising Effectiveness By Driving WOM. Advertising can be a major driver of consumer conversation. Groundbreaking researchreveals new insights and enhanced metrics for evaluating and improving ad performancein a word of mouth era.Ed Keller CEO, The Keller Fay GroupArtie Bulgrin Senior Vice President, ESPN

    Wednesday, April 1

    Day 3: Innovative Moving Beyond Newand DifferentGhosts of the Internet: Past, Present and Future

    Recently recognized as one of the Creativity 50 and dubbed the Steve Jobs of Microsoft by Fast Company, Gary Flake, Microsoft Technical Fellow and director of Microsoft Live Labs, will address the market research industry for the first time. Former Chief Science Officer of Overture and Founder of Yahoo! Research Labs, Dr. Flake is alongtime student of research, development and innovation best practices. At Microsoft,he works to define and evolve the companys product vision, technical architecture, and

    business strategy for online services. In this presentation, Dr. Flake will take us on amystery tour recounting the history of the online advertising industry, showcase entirelynew forms of online advertising and media, and conclude with his long-term predictionsabout the Internet and every industry which connects to it. His insights promise to be

    provocative and pot-stirring.

    Dr. Gary Flake Microsoft Technical Fellow and Founder of Microsoft Live Labs,Microsoft

    Game-Changing Innovations

    Hear from advertisers and their research partners about the unique methods they areemploying to find their game-changers:

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    Deciphering Innovation Patterns to Find Tomorrows Opportunity Space Developing and introducing successful innovation is still a challenge for mostcompanies. Often its because companies dont know what will really resonate withconsumers in the future. A better model is needed - one that predicts what consumerswill want tomorrow, and then identifies the relevant future opportunities. Experience how

    our cutting-edge approach goes beyond traditional techniques to drive more effectiveinsights through real world examples. Learn how disruptive innovation can be predictable, understand where a category is in its development to predict the next level of consumer needs and uncover how innovation patterns within and across categories arekey to identifying future opportunities.Barry Calpino Senior Director of New Products, North America, WrigleyPhil Roos Managing Director, Arbor Strategy Group, GfK Strategic Innovation

    Episodic Reconstruction: Understanding the "When" and "Where" and "How" of Consumption and Use Existing approaches such as ethnographies or surveys generate insufficient understanding

    of the nature of demand and real opportunities to innovate. Episodic reconstruction is anew methodology that supercharges the innovation process. We will share our experiences in applying this method to the building of an innovation playbook for travel,automotive and financial services.Bob O'Keefe Managing Director, AAA Brand and Membership, AAAErich Joachimsthaler Chief Executive Officer and Founder, Vivaldi Partners

    Listening vs. Asking: Contrasting Consumer-Generated Content and Surveys Online consumer conversations provide a trove of naturally-occurring consumer expression that can be mined to understand consumers lifestyles and needs. We will

    present results of an empirical investigation into how results of listening differ from

    survey findings, and suggest a beginning framework for when and how to use theserespective approaches.Kristin Bush CMK Senior Manager, Digital Research, The Procter and GambleCompanyDavid Wiesenfeld VP Marketing Solutions, Nielsen Online

    An Industry Leader will talk about the contribution that consumer insights make to theinnovation process; share stories of true innovation breakthroughs emanating fromconsumer and shopper insights and discuss organizational commitment to insights as acompetitive advantage.

    The Paradox of CultureWojtek Szumowski Group Director, Culture and Business Insight, Crispin Porter+ Bogusky Culture is a strong, interpretative perspective that both directs ideas and limits them.Being able to step outside your own culture provides the ability to look at whats goingon within it in a completely different way. At Crispin Porter + Bogusky, powerfulcreative ideas start from turning what culture wants you believe on its head. Learn from

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    the Director of the Culture and Business Insight at AdAges Agency of the Year aboutwhat happens behind closed doors to insure powerful idea generation.

    3M brand, a culture of innovation that lives across the company as a wayof life.

    Dean Adams Principal Brand Strategist, LEVEL 3M brand is known for innovation around the world. Creating, reinforcing and growing aworld leading innovative brand requires participation from the whole businessorganization. Through processes, values, culture and relationships, 3M has been able toinnovate both in the market and with internal systems to deliver the products and servicesthe customers expect. Dean Adams, former Director of Brand Management at 3M, sharesexamples of the processes that bring innovations to the market for customers and internalinnovation that have enabled better business management.


    Digital Marketing

    Making Online Ads Work Better Online brand engagement is suffering. A comprehensive study of consumers exposed to3000 online ads reveals how users process internet advertising, and what ad elements,formats and placements work.Samar Das CEO and Director of Center for Brand Research, C3ResearchAllison O'Keefe Wright Vice President, MTV Strategic Insights and Research

    Can Rich Media Metrics Predict Brand Impact?

    Most methods for measuring the brand impact of online display ads rely on surveys. Thisresearch shows how to use rich media metrics to predict brand impact.Ken Mallon SVP, Custom Solutions and Ad Effectiveness Consulting, Dynamic LogicRick Bruner Head of Research, North America Sales, Google

    Measuring Clutter: It Matters Now more than ever measuring ad "clutter" is critical. Learn about Nielsen Online'sclutter metric and its role in online media buying, planning and selling.Jon Gibs VP, Media Analytics, Nielsen Online

    Innovating Innovation

    End-to-End Insight through Integration: a Classic Formula Unlock new insights by integrating custom studies with existing data sources. Learnabout Coke's lifestyle segmentation for its worldwide beverage portfolio.Clodagh Forde Director, Marketing Strategy & Insights, The Coca-Cola CompanyDave Patten, Ph.D SVP, Client Service, Research International USA

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    Video Works Differently on TV and Online. Or So Says Neurometrics. This research explores the differences between how people consume TV and online videoads, specifically by applying neuroscience to advertising research.Pavan Lee Research Manager, Microsoft Corporation

    Integration of Neuro and Conventional Ad Pre-tests This presentation introduces a way to integrate neuro explorations with conventionalresearch. Discover how neuro-physiological reactions influence brand enhancement,

    product differentiation and product purchase drivers for selected global TV adcampaigns.Dorota Reykowska Research & Development Director, Laboratory & CoEwa Witkowska Insights Director Europe, PepsiCoRafal Krzysztof Ohme Psychology Professor, Polish Academy of Sciences

    Multi-Platform Accountability

    Boosting Campaign Effectiveness in a Multi-Platform World This first-time public presentation will showcase IMMIs single source panel tracking 3-screen exposure TV, online and mobile. A TV promotion case study will illustrate howad effectiveness is increased with these new platforms.Amanda Welsh COO, IMMIMark Loughney Vice President, Sales & Strategy Research, ABC TV Network

    Run What Where? Engaging Multi-Generational Shoppers Across a Multi-PlatformWorld This study tracks the multi-media consumption of Baby Boomers, Gen Xers, and GenY/Millennials, correlating that consumption with in-market sales for two respected retail

    brands, Lucky and Kate Spade.Robert Passikoff, Ph.D. Founder & President, Brand Keys, Inc.Karen Tillson VP, Consumer Insight & Market Intelligence, Liz Claiborne Inc.

    Storytelling in a Multi-Platform World Information and entertainment consumption is no longer linear. People now consumestories in bits and pieces across platforms. Learn about the roles that different platforms

    play in storytelling, and how audiences engage with and move among platforms.Betsy Frank Chief Research and Insights Officer, Time Inc.Barry Martin Executive Director, Consumer Research and Insights, Time Inc.

    Research Breakthroughs

    Do Viewers Care? Understanding the impact of creative on TV viewing behavior Google has analyzed data on the precise second-by-second tuning behavior for millionsof television set-top boxes across the US. Find out what Google has learned about howviewers react to TV ads.Dan Zigmond Engineering Manager and Technical Lead, Google TV Ads

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    BP's Crystal Segmentation that Gets USED Discover how one of the world's most successful companies used segmentation to alignand focus their business.Lisa Gudding Executive Vice President, GfK Custom Research North AmericaRajit Chakravarty Global Customer Insight Manager, BP plc.

    Panelist Engagement: Leveraging interactivity to fight boredom in online surveys GMI demonstrates how to conduct more engaging surveys that improve the quality of thedata collected and maximize the return on research investment.Deborah Sleep Founder & Managing Director, Engage ResearchJon Puleston Vice President, Interactive Group, GMI (Global Market Insite, Inc.)

    Shopper Insights

    Nielsen In-Store Shopper Insights Retailers and manufacturers who embrace shopper marketing are growing faster than

    competitors. Learn about the work of Nielsen In-Store on creating a common industrymetric that turns the store into a measured marketing medium.Frank Piotrowski SVP, Measurement Science, The Nielsen CompanyGeorge Wishart Global Managing Director, The Nielsen Company

    Measuring Persuasive Power Through Leveraging Virtual Survey Technology Learn how virtual survey technologies that have fueled innovation in gathering shopper insights have been extended into other verticals including technology, media, advertisingand healthcare.Andrew Reid President and Founder, Vision Critical Solutions

    Women and their Digital Domain Microsoft Shows Women. Learn how Microsoft's Women in their Digital Domain studies show how digital mediainfluence the consideration and shopping for packaged goods among women principalhousehold shoppers.Beth Uyenco Global Research Director, Microsoft AdvertisingDebbie Solomon Managing Partner Business Planning, Mindshare WorldwideGraceann Bennett Managing Partner Strategic Planning, Ogilvy Chicago


    Online Research Quality Council: Report and Reaction Panel

    Bob Walker, Ph.D. Principal & Founder, Surveys & Forecasts, LLCRaymond Pettit, Ph.D. SVP, Research & Standards, The ARF

    Bob Walker, Surveys & Forecasts, LLC and Raymond Pettit, The ARF will present theinitial results of the Foundations of Quality research project. This landmark study

    provides fact based insights, key metrics, and guidelines to improve online researchquality. Following the presentation, a panel of Council participants will discuss the

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    implications of the study and the industry solution scenarios that the ORQC will pursuein 2009.

    Panel Discussion MODERATOR: Mark Berry EVP, Consumer & Business Insights, Synovate

    PANELISTS:Anne Hedde CEO, Lightspeed ResearchEfrain Ribeiro COO, Ipsos Interactive Services, IpsosDr. Tom Evans Vice President, Audio Research & Special Projects, ESPNSteve Oi Sr. CIM - CIS Center of Excellence, Kraft

    USA Diversity Opportunity & Panel Discussion The Diversity Task Force is focused on the quality of research produced for multiculturalconsumers. They have established partnerships with a variety of research vendors toenhance existing learning, knowledge and outreach. The panel will share their findingsand a vision for a new ARF Multicultural Super Council to establish the most accurate

    measurement of the business opportunity for multicultural marketing. This panel will befollowed by multicultural marketing success stories from Bank of America, Wal-Mart,and the US Navy. The session will conclude with the announcement of the newMulticultural Super Council, including meeting dates and topics.

    MODERATOR: Kevin Brockenbrough VP/Associate Director, Account Planning,Burrell Advertising

    PANELISTS:David Burgos VP, Multicultural Practice, Millward BrownAnita Lai Director of Research, UniWorld Group, Inc.

    Issac Mizrahi Multicultural ExpertDon Williams President, HarVal

    Advertising in Recessionary Times: What you need to know, and what you can do. I. What Do We Know about Advertising in a Recession? Gerard J. Tellis, Ph.D. Professor of Marketing, Director of the Center for Global Innovation, and Neely Chair of American Enterprise Marshall School of Business, USCThere have been countless articles about the effectiveness of advertising in a recession,including much conflicting advice. Professor Gerard Tellis, reviews the findings from 40major research studies, integrating and synthesizing them into a set of key learnings.Drawing on the evidence from 21 recessions in the past century and 37 countries, hear about the response of advertising to economic expansions and contractions, the effect onsales, market share and profitability, and why most advice on advertising in a recession isflawed. This presentation is based on a major research study, co-authored by KethanTellis, which will be published in the Journal of Advertising Research in the Fall.

    Note: (Presentation available on request from [email protected]).

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    II. 7 Recommendations for Marketers To Succeed (best you can) in a Recession Rex Briggs CEO, Martketing EvolutionWhat should marketers do in a recession? Marketing ROI Expert Rex Briggs will present7 wise moves for marketers to make in a recession from his recently published thoughtleading whitepaper. Based on the worlds most broadly validated cross-media

    measurement methodology, and billions of dollars in spending, Mr. Briggs draws insightsfrom the data, and his experience to argue what marketers can and must do to be effectivein the current economic climate.

    Moderator: Steve Rappaport, Knowledge Solutions Director, The ARF

    The ARF Shopper Insights Initiative Why are ARF members interested in shopper insights? Understanding the shopper experience is a critical part of true integrated marketing which will dramatically improvethe flow of marketing spending as marketers, retailers and agency partners learn how to

    bring value to people via the shopping processes and experiences they engage in. Learn

    how both marketers and retailers can work together with a common purpose to better understand and serve their consumers/shoppers.

    I. The ARF Shopper Insights mission Joel Rubinson Chief Research Officer, The ARF

    II. Defining the Power and the Importance of Shopper Insights Research Michael Twitty Director, Shopper Insights, Unilever Americas

    III. Linking Virtual Shopping to Actual Purchase Data Staci Covkin Senior Vice President, Consumer & Shopper Insights, Information

    Resources, Inc (IRI)The Video Consumer Mapping Study The Video Consumer Mapping Study is the largest and most significant observationalstudy of media activity ever undertaken. It is the first known source to documentconsumers media behavior across various screen media from a single sample, and toidentify sole media use versus media multitasking.

    The year-long, $3.5 million study confirms earlier research, but challenges a number of widely held beliefs:

    Which age group consumes the most screen time during their waking day? Who does the most media multitasking?

    Are younger viewers really shifting away from traditional TV toward onlinevideo?

    Which medium, TV, Computers, Print, or Audio, has the highest percentage of time spent as the sole medium being used? How does Live TV compare to theDVR playback, computer video, and mobile video?

    How much commercial time are TV viewers exposed to in a typical day?

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    What impact does acquiring HDTV have on overall television usage?

    The study was commissioned by the Council for Research Excellence (CRE), a Nielsenfunded, but completely independent industry think tank, consisting of roughly 40 of thetop senior research executives in the industry, and conducted by Ball State Universitys

    Center for Media Design and Sequent Partners.

    MODERATORS:Craig Gugel - SVP, Media Analytics, The ARFMike Hess - EVP, Research, Marketing Science & Consumer Insights, Carat

    PANELISTS:Mike Bloxham Director, Insight & Research, Center for Media Design Ball StateUniversityBill Moult Founding Partner Sequent PartnersMike Pardee SVP, Research, Scripps Networks

    Noreen Simmons Director of Media Strategy & Operations, Unilever Jim Spaeth Founding Partner Sequent Partners