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Retail Management

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Retail ManageMent

The landscape o retail management is continuously evolving and the need

or retail management proessionals has never been greater. With domesticand global retail marketplace changes and advances in technology, there are

a multitude o options or consumers to receive goods and services without

ever leaving their home.

The retail management undergraduate program is part o the Departmento Marketing in the Whitman School o Management at Syracuse University,

and prepares students to become retail management proessionals with theability to think outside the box, and develop excellent decision and problem

solving skills.

Chd Prr ’02 BSSr mr, Kh’s

“The Retail Management program in the Whitman School exposed me to top retailcompanies in the nation. Through the career

air and with the support and guidance o the

aculty, I was given the opportunity to participatein summer internships at major retailers Macy’s

and JC Penney’s. By the end o my senior year, Ihad already received a job oer rom the up-and-

coming retailer, Kohl’s Department stores.

“During my eight year career with Kohl’s

Department stores, the company has expandedrom 400 stores to more than 1,000 coast-to-

coast. I have held executive roles in six dierentlocations and am currently the store manager

o the Kohl’s in Ridgefeld, Conn. My joballows me to run my own multi-million dollar

 business, using the academic tools and real-lieopportunities I learned during my undergraduate

experience at Whitman. The retail management

program and aculty guided me to fndinga company that provides unlimited growth

potential and a long and rewarding career.”

PRofeSSional oPPoRtunitieS

The unique retail management major at Whitman is designed to prepare

students or careers as buyers, store managers, product developers, andsales/marketing representatives. Students receive a ta ilored curriculum to

ensure they are ready to enter the rigorous feld o retail management. Themajor has a long history at Syracuse University and has been the starting

point or the careers o numerous highly respected retail executives.

 Above all, the program instil ls in students a passion or implementing best

practices or multiple career opportunities w ithin the retail managementfeld, preparing them to become business leaders in their chosen area. Most

students enter the retailing arena in one o three areas: assistant buyers/planners; assistant store managers; or assistant product developers.

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Br Drz Hbr ’05 BSacc xcv, lck Brd fwr,

Cm grp

“My career in retail started out as a summer

intern in the Bloomingdales buying program, aninternship the Whitman School helped me obtain.

Upon graduation, I was hired ull-time into thatprogram and ultimately became a senior assistant

 buyer in women’s shoes. I spent more than three years at Bloomingdales beore I was recruited by 

the Camuto Group, a women’s ootwear design,

manuacturing, and wholesale company thatacquires the licensing rights to great brands,

including Jessica Simpson, Tory Burch, and BCBGMax Azria, among many others.

My frst job there was to work on the design

team or Theory Footwear. I was subsequently promoted to account executive or all major

accounts to launch the Lucky Brand Footwear

Division where I am currently growing the brandname at all major department stores across

the country. My experience at SU prepared meor this career, rom the very frst courses with

Proessors Cushman and Nicholson.”

MajoRing in Retail


The undergraduate retail management program provides students with

a well-rounded, balanced education in management, including a strongtheoretical education in retail and practical experience in the feld. Whitman

retail management majors develop special expertise in analyzing retailmarkets, gain a thorough understanding o the evolution o the domestic

and global retail marketplace, and learn the integral connections that occur

at every link in the supply chain—rom manuacturing and distributionchannels to the ultimate consumer.

In addition to classroom learning, great emphasis is placed on the benefts o 

gaining practical experience in the retail feld. Many students have already accumulated some experience in retail during high school or summer breaks.

The program builds on those past experiences during a required internship

program. The supervised 8–10 week retail internship is required between junior and senior years and culminates in the students preparing a written

 business analysis or the organization they have worked with and an oralpresentation to a group o industry executives and aculty members upon

their return to campus in the all o their senior year.

During this internship experience, a aculty member visits over 90% o thestudents in the feld to check on their progress and solidiy the relationship

 between the school and the organization.

List of internship placements:

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er Ws ’06assc pr, Mc’s

“Since graduating rom SU, I have heldseveral positions with Macy’s merchandisingorganization on both, the east and west coasts.

I credit the retail program and the aculty in the

 Whitman School—they gave me the oundationand competitive edge necessary to succeed at

Macy’s. At its core, the retail program ocuses on building the strategic thinking and leadership

skills needed to work towards exceeding the goals

and objectives o any organization. It is theseskills and competencies that have allowed me to

 better excel in my current role as the associateplanner o multicultural merchandising and

 vendor development, reporting directly to thegroup vice president.”

unDeRgRaDuate CuRRiCuluM

 All retail majors are required to take the core courses at the Whitman School

giving them a solid oundation in business practices, including classes inaccounting, fnance, marketing, supply chain and entrepreneurship. Specifc

courses or the retail major are listed below:

Rqrd R Crss:

>> Retailing Fundamentals

>> Sales & Strategic Partnerships

>> Buying & Planning

>> Supervised Internship (& Proessional Practice preparation)

ecv Crss:

>> Product Development or Retail

>>  Visual Merchandising & Store Planning

>> Electronic Retailing & Marketing

Many students in Whitman choose to double major. Adding a second majordoes not extend the traditional 4-year program, but oten increases the

 breadth o possibilities or students in their eventual career path.

Many retail management majors elect to double major in marketing. Addingmarketing as a second major opens up opportunities on the vendor side o 

the industry, working with product promotion and packaging. However, all

the majors in Whitman are highly complementary to the retail managementmajor and help students to enhance their understanding o the business


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CaReeR PlaCeMent


Students are encouraged to gain industry experience throughout the our

 years at Whitman, but are required to complete a supervised internshipduring the summer between their junior and senior years. Prior to this

experience, the one-credit Proessional Practice class helps them polish theirresume, prepare or interviews, meet with numerous recruiters representing

most o the most well regarded retail organizations and thereby gain an

approved internship at one o the numerous retail companies with which wepartner.

Students also enjoy support and guidance rom the program’s high-profle

retail advisory board members including senior executives rom Macy’s,Bloomingdale’s, Ross Stores, Kohl’s, TJX, Apple, Lord & Taylor, and New 

 York & Company. Many o the board members were students at Syracuse

University themselves. The aculty meet with the board at least once a year to gain valuable insight that helps direct the course oerings to best

assist the students in their preparations or uture careers. The networkingconnections students make during and ater their Whitman education is


The top fve recruiters o retail management majors at Whitman are: Macy’s,Bloomingdales, Kohl’s, Ross Stores, TJX Companies, and JCPenney.

M Hm ’06Sr ss xcv, g

“The retail management program was the mainreason I decided to brave the snow and stay at SU.

The classes were incredibly interesting and welltaught rom experienced industry proessionals

and it was evident that the proessors genuinely cared about their student’s utures. Their

goal was or students to succeed, and they didanything and everything in their power to help

their students fnd a rewarding career that was

perect or the individual. Years later, I am still in touch with my retail

proessors and I attribute my success in themarketing and advertising industry to SU’s

comprehensive retail program. I absolutely loved being in the retail management program at SU.”

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Retail ManageMent anD

StuDent CluBS

Srcs uvrs Sife (Sds fr erprs)

SIFE is a global non-proft organization that helps students developcommunication skills through learning, practicing, and teaching the

principles o ree enterprise on their campuses, in their communities,and beyond. SIFE’s mission is ‘A head or business, a heart or the world’.

Syracuse University’s SIFE team is based in the Whitman School and within

the retail management program, housed in the marketing department.Many o the retail majors belong to SIFE working on projects such as Team

Guatemala and Retail Therapy.

SU-SIFE was started in 2005 and won 2nd place in 2010 at the Nationalcompetition in Minneapolis out o 584 competing teams rom universities

and colleges across the nation.

amrc Mrk assc 

The AMA is an international proessional body, consisting o students andindustry representatives whose purpose is to promote interest in the practice

and study o marketing. The organization, through its activ ities, strivesor the proessional development o its members and or the application o 

science and ethics in the marketing discipline.

Sds Bd thrds Hp

Members o the Students in Free Enterprise (SIFE)

organization in the Whitman School traveled to

Chumanzana, Guatemala, to help build and create

a successul thread supply store. Called ‘Threads

o Hope,’ the project hopes to create sustainableincomes or Chumanzana women, who supplement

the community’s primary industry o agriculture with


The new local store will cut time and travel expenses

or the women weavers. It used to take hal a day 

to travel to Guatemala City to purchase the threadneeded or their weaving products. With Threads o 

Hope, the women have their supplies right in their

own community. The SIFE team worked with thelocal women to develop sound business strategies,

educating them about retai l principles, store

ownership, and empowering them to run the local

store independently.

The SIFE members continue to work with the women

remotely on a weekly basis to assist with the store’s

progress. The ambitious group o women who made

this all possible, La Asociación de Mujeres Chiguila,

consists o eight local Chumanzana women whoare determined to provide a better lie or their

children through business ideas related to weaving.In addition to the 950 weavers in Chumanzana, the

store will serve the 23,00 0 other weavers within

a our-mile radius o the community, generating

greater potential or proft.

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Retail ManageMent faCulty


ld CshmPhD, University of Tennessee

Associate Proessor o Retail Management

Rsrch irss

Linda Cushman conducts research that examines the needs o retail industry employers. Her research ocuses on employee satisaction and retention as

 well as preparing new college graduates or success in the industry. Is theauthor o two texts used in the feld o higher education or retail majors

and her work appears in journals such as the Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, Customer Relationship Management , and Journal of Shopping Center Research. She serves on the editorial boards o two major journals.

amd nchsMS, Syracuse UniversityAssistant Proessor o Retail Management

Rsrch irss

 Amanda Nicholson spent 20 years in the retail management feld beore

entering higher education. She began her career with Marks & Spencer inLondon and then moved to Chicago where she worked as a vice president

o two apparel merchandise divisions. Her research interests include thepreparation o students with appropriate skills or industry, developing

student leadership skills, and the recruitment strategies or undergraduatestudents.

R WmrMA, MS, Syracuse University Assistant Proessor o Retail Management

Rsrch irss

Proessor Wimer’s research interests include the role o personality typein selling, the strategic history o various types o retail organizations, andelectronic initiatives in the publishing industry. He brings to his research a

proessional background in the retail industry, having held marketing andhuman resource management positions with Borders Inc.

advsr Brd Mmbrs

Mch Bmh

CEO, Ross Stores 

K Bsc

Senior Vice President & Territory Manager 

Kohl’s Department Stores

Rchrd Crs

President & CEO, New York & Company

abb Dr

Henry Doneger Associates Inc. 

R frsch

President & Chie Merchandising Ofcer, Saks

jh grr ’92 BSSenior Vice President , GMM, Lord & Taylor

Hr grh ’54 BS

HG Design International

S. Hr js Pr ’84 BS

Former Senior Vice President , Retail, Donna Karan

g Mhm ’76 jD

Managing Director, Herbert Mines Associates

Rchrd Ms ’71 BA

Senior Vice President & General Manager  


jrr McD ’91 MBa

Vice President, Apple Computer Inc.

tm Mr

Senior Vice President Merchandising, TJX Companies

erc Rhd

REI Capital, LLC (former CEO Sun Apparel)

Cr Spzk

Vice President, Eastern Operations, Crate & Barrel 

lr Sk ’89 BS

Product Director, Macy’s Merchandising Group

Rck Ws ’80 BS

Director o Sales & Marketing, Searlel Zpwz ’89 BS

Retail Consultant  

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Martin J. Whitman School o ManagementSyracuse University 

Suite 600Syracuse, New York, 13244