Download - RESS Minutes1!10!2011

  • 7/30/2019 RESS Minutes1!10!2011


    RSESS Meeting MinutesJanuary 10, 2011


    Present: Brian Short, Nancy Beck, Cindy Afshari, Jim Lamb, Lorrene Buckley, Tim Pastoor, Susan Hart, Paul Brown

    Documents- none attached

    Agenda Item Discussion Action / Decision / Proposal

    1. Student and post-doc reps How many should we take on? Reviewedand discussed the CVs for the candidatesreceived thus far. Considered that we willneed to reimburse travel to the meeting andconsider whether we want to supplement ornot. Post-doc candidates should be amember of the SOT post-doc assembly.

    Decision: We will take on one post-docrep and one student rep.

    Action: Brian Short will contactcandidate and bring leads (MichaelBoyle and Marcy McNamara) ifpossible, on to the committee.

    Future Action: Lorrene will look into

    revision of by-laws to reflect currentappt. perspective and student/postdocrole/activity in RSESS

    2. Upcoming newslettercontent

    Content will include:

    Presidents message: Brian Great Debate: Tim

    TOSCA reform: Jim Workshop ads: Nancy and others Peer-review summary: Brian

    SOT meeting sponsorships: Cindy Review of symposium proposal

    process- Susan


    Articles due to Cindy by Feb 10 Cindy to aim to publish by Feb


    3. SOT Meet the Directors It is desirable to have two named membersattend each meet the directors session at theannual SOT meeting

    Action: Brian to get the information out

    4. Sponsorship of KeystoneResearch Integrity meeting(Deborah Hamilton)

    Request for $5000 to sponsor workshop.SOT has turned down sponsorship soRSESS has been approached.

    Action: Respond to Tim on youropinion on whether you support fundingthis workshop by 1/17/2011.

    5. Award plaques Discussed the process to review for winnersand also debated whether we shoulddistribute plaques or certificates for posterwinners.

    Action: Tim to set teleconference toreview and select winners and to lookinto question of plaques versuscertificates and cost/time savings.

    6. SOT 50th Poster updateT Pastoor

    Tim is assembling and having a tough timefinding photos. The same poster will bepresented at the student/postdoc mixer.

    Action: Tim will attend thestudent/postdoc mixer

    7. RSESS Meeting at SOT Section meeting will be early on Monday atSOT with bus transportation at 4PM from theConvention Center to the Russell SenateOffice Building. Speakers and meetingagenda were discussed.

    Action: Council should keep in mindthat the buses will carry 350 people ona first-come first-served basis.

    Next Meeting To Be Scheduled: TBD