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Residual stress study of welded high strength steel thinwalled platetoplate joints, part 2 : numerical modeling
Chiew, Sing Ping; Jiang, Jin; Lee, Chi King
Lee, C. K., Chiew, S. P., & Jiang, J. (2012). Residual stress study of welded high strength steel thinwalled platetoplate joints part 2: Numerical modeling. ThinWalled Structures, 59, 120131.
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thin-walled plate-to-plate joints
School of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Nanyang Technological University
*Email: [email protected]
In the Part 2 of the current study, a sequentially coupled thermal-stress analysis is conducted to
model the welding process and the final residual stress distribution of the RQT701 high strength
steel thin-walled plate-to-plate welded joints. The accuracy and reliability of the numerical
modeling is validated by comparing with the test results. After validating the accuracy of the
modeling procedure, a small scale parametric study is carried out to investigate the influences of
some key welding parameters on the magnitude and distribution of residual stress.
Key Words: Residual stresses distribution, high strength steel, thin-walled plate-to-plate T and
Y-joint, welding parameters
Pre-printed version of the paper published in the journal: Thin-Walled Structures, Vol. 59, pp120-131, 2012
Welding, a processH by melting the work pieces and adding filler materials to form molten pool, is
frequently used in construction of steel structures. In fusion welding, residual stress is induced
due to the highly localized, non-uniform and transient heating and the non-linearity of material
properties under elevated temperature. The welding process may cause high tensile residual stress
in the heat affected zone (HAZ) and lead to fatigue and fracture failures. For thin-walled
connections, such effects are more obvious when the base metal is high strength steel (HSS)
which often shows a lower ductility when comparing with traditional mild steel. In this case,
large residual stresses may affect the fatigue and strength performances of the connection.
Therefore, a good estimation of welding residual stress is necessary when HSS is used in
structural connections.
During the welding process, the melt metal cools and solidifies as a result of heat conduction in
the metal and surface convection and radiation. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the
temperature variation with time to evaluate the deformation and residual stress. The heat transfer
process in welding plays a key role in the formation of residual stress. During the welding
process, the structure is heated unevenly so that high temperature gradient is induced in area
chose to the fusion zone. At the same time, the microstructure of steel is changed in the melt zone.
Expansion effect in the HAZ is limited by the nearby material so that compressive plastic strain is
generated. Eventually, the melt shrinks with restriction from the close-by material in the cooling
process and tensile residual stress is generated. On the whole, welding is a complicate coupled
thermo-mechanical process and consequently numerical studies are deemed to be necessary in
order to understand the influences of different key welding parameters on the distribution of the
final residual stress.
To accurate predict the welding residual stress field, a reliable heat model is necessary to describe
and analysis the process of heat transfer in the welding procedure. Sheng and Chen [1]
incorporated a fluid-flow model in the thermo-mechanical analysis. Goldak et al. [2] suggested
that the best way to create reliable heat input model is to measure the temperature field
experimentally and then adjust the heat input until good agreements are obtained. It has been
shown [3] that when the heat source has been calibrated, the approach used in computational
welding mechanic is sufficient to produce good residual stress prediction. Masubuchi [4] gave a
summary of several heat input models for residual stress simulation. Hibbitt and Marcel [5] used
surface heat input and an impulse equation to describe the heat contributed by the addition of
weld filler. Many researchers [6-11] explored the residual stress modeling techniques for
different kinds of welding cases. In addition, several reviews were conducted [12-19] on the
mechanical effects of welding. In the process of welding simulation, some simplifications or
assumptions are frequently needed to reduce the computational cost. The lumped technique, in
which two or more welding passes are combined into one block during the numerical modeling,
is one of the most commonly used techniques employed to obtain a reasonable trade-off between
the accuracy and computational cost. To validate the acceptability of this technique, some
researchers investigated the effects of different lumping schemes [20-24].
Since testing is costly, time-consuming and limited in obtaining data, finite element modeling is
widely used in studying the residual stress formation and distribution caused by welding.
Therefore, in this paper a carefully selected sequentially coupled thermal-mechanical analysis
procedure was employed for residual stress analysis for the HSS plate-to-plate joints that were
studied experimentally earlier [25]. Validation of the analysis procedure will be conducted by
comparing the numerical results with the experimental results. After validating the accuracy of
the modeling procedure, a small scale parametric study will be carried out to investigate the
influences of some key welding parameters such as the boundary conditions, the preheating
temperature, the numbers of welding pass, the welding speed and the welding sequence on the
magnitude and distribution of residual stress.
2.1. Overview
In this paper, the finite element modeling package ABAQUS [26] was used to model the welding
process. A sequentially coupled thermal-stress analysis was conducted by assuming that the
stress solutions are dependent on the temperature fields while there is no inverse dependency.
Sequentially coupled thermal-stress analysis was performed by first solving the non-linear
transient heat transfer problem. The time-dependent temperature data were then fed into the stress
analysis model as a predefined field (Fig. 1). During the thermal analysis, it was assumed that the
stress generated in welding has negligible influence on the temperature field. Furthermore, the
heat convection and radiation effects were both considered in the modeling. Table 1 gives a
summary for the sequentially-coupled thermal-stress analysis procedure. Since in the
experimental study [25], it was found that the residual stress in the middle cross section of plate
(the cross section on which the points B, B1, B2 and B3 are located, Fig. 7 of reference [25]) is
much higher than that at the two ends, in order to reduce the computational cost of the numerical
modeling, 2D plane strain models were created to study the residual stress variation at the middle
cross sections of the thin-walled plate-to-plate joints [27, 28]. The 2D finite element mesh used in
the analysis is shown in Fig. 2. Note that in order to optimize the efficiency of the numerical
model, larger elements were used to discretize the base plate while refined elements were used to
model the weld filler.
2.2 The lumped technique
One popular approach to simplify the modeling procedure and to reduce the computational cost
needed is the lumped technique [20-24]. When this technique is employed, two or more weld
passes are condensed into one weld block or lump. Hence, rather than analyzing the temperature
variation and stress formation for every weld pass, numerical simulations will only be needed for
a few lumps. By using different lumping schemes, the coarsest and the most accurate solutions
could be obtained by using just one lump and as many lumps as the actual weld passes,
respectively. In practice, a reasonable number of lumps should be selected in order to balance the
accuracy and the computational cost. In the experimental study [25], it was recorded that 9 to 22
weld passes were employed in the welding of the plate-to-plate joints. In the numerical study, it
was found that they could be lumped into four welding blocks to reduce the computational cost of
the modeling procedure while maintaining the accuracy of the modeling results.
2.3 The weld filler addition (birth and death) technique
The element ‘birth and death’ technique was used for simulation of the addition of the weld filler
materials [26]. At the beginning of the modeling, all elements corresponding to the weld filler
were deactivated by setting their stiffness to zero. As the welding was proceeding on, the
deactivated elements would be re-activated by setting them with the appropriate material
properties. Such “birth and death” technique simplifies the modeling procedure as only a single
finite element mesh is needed. However, this technique may introduce problems into the stress
analysis phase since large displacements would be induced by the heating and cooling process
especially near those regions where many “death” elements are located. The boundary between
old and newly added elements may be strongly distorted. Furthermore, attempts to fit the fresh
filler into the deformed model will cause redistribution of the residual stresses inherited from
previous passes. To eliminate such adverse effect, an auxiliary step was performed whenever
after a new set of elements were added. In this step, a lower stiffness was assumed for the newly
added elements by multiplying a reduction factor of 0.35 to the true value and plastic strains were
removed from the model. Each auxiliary step is lasted for 1.0s and this time was excluded from
the actual heat transfer and stress analyses since this step is employed to transit the deformed
geometry from the previous pass to the next addition of weld filler. As shown in Fig. 2(a), the
model of the joint was first created by including all the elements for the base plates and weld
filler. At the beginning of the analyses, all weld filler elements were first deactivated. As the
welding started, the first lump of weld filler was activated at 0.001s (Fig. 2b). The second and the
other lumps were then activated sequentially (Figs. 2c-2e).
2.4 Heat transfer analysis
The heat transfer analysis was conducted based on the thermal energy balance principle, which
could be stated mathematically as:
In the Eqn. (1), q is heat flux per unit of current area crossing surface S from the environment into
the body. r is the heat flux per unit volume generated within the body. ρ is the material mass
density. is the internal energy per unit mass and δθ is an arbitrary variation of the temperature
In the thermal analysis, transient non-linear analysis was conducted for the 2D model to
determine the temperature history throughout the heating and cooling process during the welding.
The heat flux q was modeled by relating it with the welding speed v, which is linked to the arc
voltage U (26V) and the arc current I (170A). In the numerical model, a reasonable heating
duration Δt accounting for the effect of moving heat source on the target cross section should be
determined. This was achieved by adjusting the amplitude of the heat source density curve in
such a way that melting temperature (1300-1400°C) was attained in the molten zone and a
maximum temperature of 500-600°C was attained in the HAZ. The distributed heat flux is
defined by the equation:
In Eqn. (2), η=0.8 is the arc efficiency factor, lw is the width of each lump, hw is the height of
each lump.
A typical heat transfer analysis contains thermal material nonlinearities and boundary
nonlinearities. Material nonlinearities include the thermal conductivity k and the specific heat c
which are functions of temperature [29]. Boundary nonlinearities include convection and
radiation effects were both considered in the modeling of the heat loss on the surface of the joint.
The convection coefficient h was defined as 15W/ m2K and the emissivity ε was set as 0.2. In all
numerical models, the variations of thermal conductivity, specific heat and thermal expansion
coefficients with temperature for the RQT701 HSS plate were obtained from the Eurocode 3 Part
1-2 [30] and are shown in Fig. 3.
In order to evaluate the effect different key welding parameters on the cooling rate of the joints,
the average cooling rate Kt at a given point of the joint was calculated. For a selected point of the
joint, Kt is defined as the temperature gradient between the time when the maximum temperature
is attained to the time when the temperature at that point is dropped back to 100°C and can be
computed as:
max °C
In Eqn. (3), Tmax> 100°C is the maximum temperature reached during the welding process. tmax is
the time when the maximum temperature is attained. t100 is the time when the temperature of the
point is dropped back to 100°C.
2.5 Mechanical analysis
In the mechanical analysis, the temperature history obtained from the thermal analysis was input
as a thermal loading into the stress analysis model. To make the process of feeding temperature
field into the stress analysis model an easy task to handle, a compatible mesh with the same
meshing topology and element numbering was used. However, it should be noticed that in order
to obtain accurate stress analysis results, the CPE8R element which is an 8-node bi-quadratic
plane strain element with reduced integration, was employed during stress analysis while the 4-
node linear element DC2D4 was employed for the thermal analysis to obtain stable results. Table
1 summarizes the detailed information for the analysis models.
While the temperature dependent thermal properties of the RQT701 HSS plate were obtained
from the Eurocode 3 Part 1-2 [30], the mechanical properties including the Young’s modulus E,
the yield strength fy and the ultimate strength fu were obtained by performing coupon tests at
normal and elevated temperature as recommended by the relevant testing standard [31]. Fig. 4
shows the variations of these mechanical properties as functions of temperature and their
comparisons with the recommended values from the Eurocode 3. Note that as the Eurocode 3 is
mainly applicable to the normal mild steel, there are noticeable differences between the Eurocode
3 curves and the test curves especially for the E value for the HSS plates used.
3.1 Model validation
In this section, in order to validate the model accuracy, the numerical modeling results obtained
from the sequentially coupled thermal-mechanical analysis are compared with the experimental
data obtained. In the experimental study [25], twelve joints were fabricated (without brace plate
cutting) for residual stress measurement. Therefore, twelve numerical models were created
corresponding to the joints tested. Table 2 lists the detailed results at the measurement points
where experiment results are available. After comparing with the experimental results obtained,
in general, it is found that the numerical model adopted could able to predict the residual stress
distributions of all test joints with reasonable accuracy.
Figs. 5 and 6 compare the results obtained from the six 90° joints tested. From Fig. 5, it can be
seen that for joints with preheating, at the 5mm measurement point the differences between the
numerical and measured transverse residual stress values are reasonable (31.0MPa, 39.1MPa and
1.0MPa for 8mm, 12mm and 16mm specimens respectively). It is interested to note that in the
numerical study, the residual stress range for joints with different plate thicknesses (8mm to
16mm) is smaller than the corresponding range obtained from experimental measurements. This
phenomenon may be explained by the fact that during actual welding, imperfectness such as
breaking-off, insufficient weldment and geometrical error often occurs. Nevertheless, the stress
differences between the modeling and testing are smaller than 50MPa at all the positions.
Similarly, as shown in Fig. 6, the modeling results are well coincidence with testing results for 90°
joints welding at ambient temperature, especially at the 5mm point.
Figs. 7 and 8 provide similar comparisons between the model and test results for the six 135°
joints tested. For preheating joints at the 5mm measurement point, the differences between the
numerical and measured results are again very reasonable (16.7MPa, 38.6MPa and 11.1MPa for
8mm, 12mm and 16mm joints respectively). In Fig. 8, similar results could again be observed
except for the 16mm joint with a difference of 64.2MPa.
3.2 Discussions on the modeling results
3.2.1 Temperature distribution history
To understand the temperature variations and residual stresses formation process during the
welding, the temperature distributions near the weld region are carefully studied. The typical
results from the joint with θ=135°, t1=12mm which was welded at ambient temperature is taken
as an example in this section for discussion. Fig. 9 shows the temperature distribution history of
this joint near the welding region (area enclosed by the dash lines in Fig. 2(a)). Fig. 9(a) shows
the temperature distribution at 1.0s after the welding started. At that moment, as all other weld
lumps were still deactivated, heat energy was mainly propagated only to a small localized area of
near the chord and the brace plate intersection. Fig. 9(b), 9(c), 9(d) show the temperature
distributions at the moments 1 second after the 2nd, 3rd and 4th lumps were added, respectively.
From Fig. 9(a) to 9(d), it can be seen that as the welding proceeded on, more heat was transferred
from the center of heat source (the activated lumps) to the ends of the plates. When the
propagation time was 300s (Fig. 9(e), a transient moment during the cooling period), the weld
part and the regions in the chord plate which is directly beneath the weld attained their highest
temperature when comparing with other parts of the connection. When the propagation time was
2500s, shown in Fig. 9(f), the steady state temperature distribution was reached for the whole
joint and the final residual stress distribution was formed.
3.2.2 Residual stress distributions
Fig. 10(a) and Fig. 10(b) show the residual stress at the final steady stage for a joint (θ=135° and
t1=12mm) weld at 100°C preheating and ambient temperature, respectively. From Fig. 10, it can
be seen that preheating can effectively reduce final tensile residual stress induced, especially at
region near the weld toe and at the bottom part of the chord plate. In fact, detailed analysis found
that at the final state, the transverse residual stresses at the weld toe are 316.5MPa and 408.7MPa
respectively for joints with and without preheating.
Figs. 11 and 12 respectively show the development history for the transverse residual stress at
different propagation times for the same joints with and without preheating. From these two
figures, it can be seen that when the propagation time is 57.7s (the moment when the 2nd lump is
about to add), the residual stress at the weld toe was increased to 330MPa for the joint welded at
ambient temperature while the residual stress at the weld toe is 148.6MPa for the preheated joint.
Therefore, preheating can significantly reduce the magnitude of the residual stress before the 2nd
lump of weld was added. From Fig. 12, it can be seen that for the joint welded at ambient
temperature, the residual stress at the weld toe was mainly formed (>300MPa) during the time
interval between the welding started and the moment when the 2nd lump of weld was added and
there was only a relative small increase (≈100MPa) in the magnitude of the residual stress during
the addition of remaining lumps. For the joint welded with preheating, the development of
residual stress was more evenly spread among the welding process. It could be seen that the
contributions from the additions of the 1st lump (≈150MPa) and the 2nd lumps (≈50MPa) as well
the final cooling step (≈80MPa) are all significant. Figs. 11 and 12 also show that the residual
stress variation was highest in the region within 10mm from the weld toe and this reconfirmed
the earlier observations of the highly localized property of heating and residual stress formation
process during welding.
Fig. 13 shows the average cooling rate Kt (Eqn. 3) for the two joints. It can be seen that the
average cooling rate for preheated joint is obviously lower than the joint without preheating,
especially at region within 20mm from the weld toe and such result is consistent with both the
measured [25] numerical results (Figs. 11 and 12) and could explain why preheating could
effectively reduce the magnitude of residual stress near the weld toe.
After validating the accuracy of the numerical modeling procedure, a small scale of parametric
study was be carried out. Twenty three models were created to investigate the effects of (i) the
mechanical boundary conditions, (ii) the preheating temperature, (iii) the numbers of weld lump,
(iv) the welding speed and (v) the welding sequence on the distributions of final residual stress
and the average cooling rate. In order to keep the number of models within a manageable limit,
each parameter was analysed separately by keeping other parameters constant and only the joint
with θ=135° and t1=12mm was studied. Table 3 summaries the details of the 23 models created.
Figs. 14, 15 and 16 respectively show the three mechanical boundary conditions, the four
lumping schemes and the four welding sequences employed in the parametric study. It should be
noted the actual welding speed adopted during fabrication is 2.6mm/s and the welding sequence
shown in case a of Fig. 16 is corresponding to the actual welding sequence employed during the
fabrication of the joint [25].
4.1 Effect of boundary condition
Fig. 17 shows the relationships between the transverse residual stress and the distance from the
weld toe when different boundary conditions were applied. Three different boundary conditions
correspondiong the fixed, pinned and simply supports were considered. From Fig. 17, it can be
seen that there exists a moderate difference (42.6 MPa) at the weld toe between the fixed and the
pinned support boundary conditions. However, the corresponding difference between the pinned
and simply support cases was smaller (10.7MPa). Furthermore, by comparing the modeling
results with test results, it could be concluded that the actual support condition should be
somewhere between the pinned and fixed supports. However, it should be noted that while the
pin or simply support can lead to lower residual stress, the angular distroration and deformation
of the joint would be more serious than the fixed supports.
4.2 Effect of preheating temperature
Fig. 18 shows the relationship between the transverse residual stress and the distance from the
weld toe when different preheating temperatures were applied. The preheating areas are within
30mm from the welding connection (Fig. 3 of reference [25]). During modeling, the preheating
effect was added as a predefined constant temperature field in the model before the first weld
lump was added in. From Fig. 18, it can be seen that the residual stress value at the weld toe is
sensitive to the preheating temperature. When the preheating temperature was increased from
75°C to 300°C, the transverse residual stress was dropped from 241.2MPa to 66.2MPa. Note that
when the joint is welded in ambient temperature, the transverse residual stress at the weld toe is
293.3MPa. From Fig. 18, it can be again concluded that preheating can effectively relieve
residual stress near the weld toe. Furthermore, Fig. 18 also reconfirms that such reduction effect
will not be significant for region located beyond 15mm from the weld toe.
Fig. 19 shows the variation of the average cooling rate when different preheating temperatures
were applied. When comparing Fig. 18 with Fig. 19, a similar trend can be observed that at the
weld toe, the average cooling rate is the largest when the joint was fabricated at the ambient
temperature and the average cooling rate was reduced as the preheated temperature was increased.
In addition, the average cool rate dropped quickly with the increase of the distance from the weld
toe when the perheating temperature is lower than 150°C.
4.3 Effect of using different number of weld lumps
In order to find out the influence of the numbers of weld lump used during modeling to the
predicted value of residual stress, the residual stress distributions obtained for four different
lumping schemes with 2 to 16 lumps were computed and the results are shown in Fig. 20. From
Fig. 20, it can be concluded that the predicted residual stress at the weld toe was reduced as the
numbers of weld lump employed was increased. For the joints studied, the residual stress at the
weld toe was decreased from 336.7MPa to 263.6MPa as the numbers of weld lump was increased
from 2 to 16. In particalar, when the numbers of lumps was increased from 2 to 8, the magnitude
of residual stress at the weld toes was reduced significantly (74MPa) while only a small drop
(8.2MPa) occurred when the numbers of lumps was increased from 8 to 16. Based on the above
results, it is suggested that in practice, 4 weld lumps should be applied to plate-to-plate HSS joint
modeling in order to obtain conversative residual stress prediction with reasonable computational
resource needed.
Fig. 21 shows the varation of the average cooling rate when different lumping schemes were used.
Similar to Fig. 20, again it can bee seen that the avarage cooling rate dropped as more weld
lumps were employed during the modeling.
4.4 Effect of welding speed
It should be mentioned that during the parametric study of welding speed, it was assumed that the
same welding equipment with the same setting were used when the welding speed was varied.
Hence, both the current and voltage applied were kept constant. From Eqn. 2 (Section 2.4), this
implies that as the welding speed is increased, the value of heat flux will be decreased. Together
with the obvious fact that a higher welding speed implies a shorter heating time of the section
under consideration, it can be concluded that when a higher welding speed is applied, less heat
input per unit length will be passed into the joint and it is likely to decrease the magnitude of the
residual stress. Fig. 22 shows that the influence of welding speed on the transverse residual stress
distribution. As expected, the residual stress decreased as the welding speeding increased. In
addition, Fig. 22 shows the residual stress at the weld toe was sensitive to welding speed when it
was slower than 2.6mm/s. When the weld speed was 2.0mm/s, 2.2mm/s and 2.4mm/s, the
correspondingly residual stresses at the weld toe were 351.7MPa, 341.3MPa and 318.7MPa.
When the weld speed was increased to 2.8mm/s and 3.0mm/s, the stress decreased to 242.6MPa
and 187.6MPa, respectively. Fig. 23 shows the variation of the average cooling rate when
different welding speeds were applied in the modeling. Again, similar to Fig. 22, the average
cooling rate near the weld toe decreased as the welding speed increased.
4.5 Effect of welding sequence
Four different welding sequences, as shown in Fig. 16, were studied to evaluate their influences
on the residual stress. Figs. 24 and 25 show respectively the variation of the transverse residual
stress and the corresponding average cooling rates when different welding sequences were
applied. From Figs. 24 and 25, it can be concluded that welding sequences a produced the lowest
residual stress at the weld toe. This observation could be explained by the fact that during a
multi-pass welding, the first welding pass in fact provides some preheating effects for the
following welding process. When sequence a is applied, the weld toe near the brace and chord
plates intersection was heated up more uniformly after the first weld pass was added. Sequentally,
after all weld fillers were added, the cooling rate at the weld toe becomes lower and this leads to
lower residual stress.
Finally, based on parametric study results presented in this section, it could be concluded that the
boundary condition, the preheating temperature, the welding speed, the welding sequence and the
numbers of weld lump all have noticeable impacts on the mangnitude of the residual stress at the
weld toe of the HSS plate-to-plate joints. Furthermore, increasing of preheating temperature and
the welding speed could reduce the magnitude of residual stress.
The paper has presented a sequentially coupled thermal-stress analysis procedure for the welding
process modeling of high stress steel (HSS) thin-walled plate-to-plate welded joints. The element
‘birth and death’ and the lumping are employed in the addition of filler during the welding
process. It is found that the sequential coupled thermo-mechanical employed could produce
reasonably accuracy predictions of the final residual stress distributions of the joints.
A small scale parametric study has been carried out to evaluate the influence of the mechanical
boundary conditions, the preheating temperature, the numbers of weld lump, the welding speed
and the welding sequence on the distributions of the final residual stress. It is found that the fixed
supported conditions could lead to a higher transverse residual stress at weld toe. For preheating
treatment, it is shown that it could reduce the magnitude of the residual stress at the weld toe. In
particular, for the HSS thin plates used in this study, such effect is more obvious when the
preheating temperature exceeds 150°C. For the effects of lumping scheme adopted, it is shown
that increasing the number of weld lumps in the numerical model tends to reduce the residual
stress predicted. Finally, study on the welding speed and welding sequence show that the residual
stress near the weld toe could be lowered by increasing the welding speed and adopting a welding
sequence which could heat up the intersection between the brace plate and the chord plate more
Acknowledgment: The financial support of the Regency Steel Asia to the authors is gratefully
acknowledged. The helps from the Yongnam Pte Ltd. for the fabrication of the test specimens are
also appreciated.
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Nomenclature A Cross-sectional area of a weld lump c Specific heat
Heating rate generated from a weld lump E Young’s modulus of steel fy Yield stress of steel h Convection coefficient hw Height of a weld lump I Arc current Kt Average cooling rate k Material conductivity lw Width of a weld lump q Heat flux from outside into the body qc Net rate of convection heat transfer qr Net rate of radiation heat transfer r Heat flux generated in the body T Temperature T0 The ambient temperature (30°C) Tb Benchmark temperature t Heat propagation time (time after the welding started) t1 The thickness of the base steel plate U Arc voltage of welding Α Thermal expansion coefficient Ε Emissivity coefficient σB The Stefan-Boltzmann coefficient Ρ Material mass density ν Poisson’s ratio θ Joint angle δθ An arbitrary variation of the temperature field Δt Time increment in the modeling Δl Distance between nodes [C] Heat capacitance matrix [K] Thermal conductivity matrix {Q} External flux vector {T} Temperature field {σ} Stress field HSS High strength steel HAZ Heat affected zone
Fig. 1 The overall flow chart of the numerical modeling of the welding procedure
Mechanical analysis
Thermal analysis
Governing equation
x x t ρ∂ ∂ ∂
Boundary condition qc=hA (T-T0), qr= εσB (T4-T0
+ =
Mechanical boundary condition
Solving governing equation
Residual stress field
Fig. 2 Finite element discretization of the plate-to-plate joint Blue elements: activated, Gray elements: deactivated
α Thermal expansion coefficient 10-6/K
Fig. 3 The thermal material properties of steel based on the Eurcode 3
E-Testing Young’s modulus from coupon test GPa
fy-EC3 Yield stress from EC3 (10)MPa
fy-Testing Yield stress from coupon test (10)MPa
v- EC3 Poisson’s ratio from EC3 (10-2)
fu-Testing Tensile stress from coupon test (10)MPa
Fig. 4 Comparison of mechanical material properties of high strength steel between coupon test
results and suggested values from the Eurocode 3
Tr an
sv er
se re
si du
al st
re ss
(M Pa
Tr an
sv er
se re
si du
al st
re ss
(M Pa
Distance from the weld toe (mm)
Modeling-8mm Testing-8mm Modeling-12mm Testing-12mm Modeling-16mm Testing-16mm
Fig. 5 Comparison of modeling and test results for θ=90° joints with preheating
Fig. 6 Comparison of modeling and test results for θ=90° joints welded at ambient temperature
Tr an
sv er
se re
si du
al st
re ss
(M Pa
sv er
se re
si du
al st
re ss
(M Pa
Distance from the weld toe (mm)
Modeling-8mm Testing-8mm Modeling-12mm Testing-12mm Modeling-16mm Testing-16mm
Fig. 7 Comparison of modeling and test results for θ=135° joints with preheating
Fig. 8 Comparison of modeling and test results for θ=135° joints welded at ambient temperature
Fig. 9 Temperature distributions at different times
(θ=135°, t1=12mm, welded at ambient temperature) (a) t=1.0s, (b) t=58.7s, (c) t=117.4s, (d) t=176.1s, (e) t=300s, (f) t=2500s
(a) (b)
(d) (c)
(e) (f)
Fig. 10 The final residual stress distribution (θ=135°, t1=12mm)
(a) 100°C preheating
R es
id ua
57.7s 115.4s 173.1s 230.8s 2500s
Fig. 11 Development of transverse residual stress for joint with preheating (θ=135°, t1=12mm)
Distance from the weld toe (mm)
0 10 20 30 40 50
R es
id ua
57.7s 115.4s 173.1s 230.8s 2500s
Fig. 12 Development of transverse residual stress for joint welded at ambient temperature (θ=135°, t1=12mm)
Fig. 13 Average cooling rates for joints with and without preheating (θ=135°, t1=12mm)
Fig. 14 Different boundary conditions employed in the parametric study
(a) Simple supports
(b) Pin supports
(c) Fixed supports
Fig. 15 Different lumping schemes employed in the parametric study
Fig. 16 Different weld sequences employed in the parametric study
Case: a
Case: c
Case: b
Case: d
5 6
7 8
9 10
11 12
Fig. 17 Comparison of transverse residual stress under different boundary conditions
Ambient temperature Weld speed: 2.6 mm/s No. of weld lump: 4 Welding sequence: a
Pinned Fixed Simply support Test results
Fig. 18 Comparison of transverse residual stress for different preheating temperatures
Fig. 19 Average cooling rates for different preheating temperatures 
K t v
Boundary condition: pinned Welding speed: 2.6 mm/s No. of weld lump: 4 Welding sequence: a
Tr an
sv er
se re
si du
al st
re ss
(M Pa
75°C 100°C 150°C 200°C 300°C test results(ambient)
test results(100°C preheating)
Boundary condition: pinned Welding speed: 2.6 mm/s No. of weld lump: 4 Welding sequence: a
Tr an
sv er
se re
si du
al st
re ss
(M Pa
2 lumps
4 lumps
8 lumps
16 lumps
test results
Fig. 20 Comparison of transverse residual stress for different weld lumping schemes
Ambient temperature Boundary condition: pinned Welding speed: 2.6 mm/s Welding sequence: a
K t v
2 lumps
4 lumps
8 lumps
16 lumps
Ambient temperature Boundary condition: pinned Welding speed: 2.6 mm/s Welding sequence: a
Tr an
sv er
se re
si du
al st
re ss
(M Pa
2.0 mm/s
2.2 mm/s
2.4 mm/s
2.6 mm/s
2.8 mm/s
3.0 mm/s
test result
K t v
Fig. 22 Comparison of transverse residual stress for different welding speeds
Fig. 23 Average cooling rates for different welding speeds
Ambient temperature Boundary condition: pinned No. of weld lump: 4 Welding sequence: a
Ambient temperature Boundary condition: pinned No. of weld lump: 4 Welding sequence: a
Tr an
sv er
se re
si du
al st
re ss
(M Pa
test result
Fig. 24 Comparison of transverse residual stress for different welding sequences
K t v
Ambient temperature Boundary condition: pinned Welding speed: 2.6 mm/s No. of weld lump: 4
Ambient temperature Boundary condition: pinned Welding speed: 2.6 mm/s No. of weld lump: 4
Fig. 25 Average cooling rates for different welding sequences 
Analysis modeling elements Heat Transfer Stress Analysis
Element type Four-node, linear-interpolation, heat- transfer element: DC2D4
Four-node bilinear plane strain quadrilateral, reduced integration element: CPE8R
Boundary conditions and loading
Surface film Surface radiation
Material Properties Specific heat
Numerical formulation Transient thermal analysis Elastic-plastic analysis
Table 2 Modeling results at selected points (For exact positions of points B, B1, B2, B3, see Fig. 7 of reference [25])
Specimen Residual stress computed at measuring points (MPa)
θ (°) t (mm) Preheating Weld
8 Yes 96.7 69.2 42.3 41.1 40.5 40.1 21.7 No 154.2 88.6 67.3 40.2 39.7 38.2 15.4
12 Yes 167.8 98.4 77.3 42.1 40.3 39.6 5.7 No 194.7 105.3 74.5 32.8 32.4 31.6 9.7
16 Yes 197.8 97.3 81.5 41.1 40.8 40.3 12.7 No 225.4 106.7 87.6 37.4 37.1 36.5 15.8
8 Yes 211.1 102.4 74.3 44.9 44.1 43.6 14.9 No 254.6 126.7 65.4 42.8 42.2 41.7 17.6
12 Yes 224.1 101.4 47.8 38.8 35.3 34 21.7 No 293.3 86.3 36.5 31.5 27.9 32.6 22.9
16 Yes 234.1 121.7 54.3 51.3 50.7 50.1 25.7 No 278.5 149.4 57.9 53.4 52.7 52.3 23.1
Table 3 Summary of the models employed in the parametric study Joint dimension: θ=135, t1=12mm
(For exact positions of points B and B1, see Fig. 7 of reference [25])
Cases Residual stress computed at selected points
Parameter considered Other modeling conditions
0mm (weld toe)
25mm 30mm
Boundary conditions
Fixed Ambient temperature Welding speed: 2.6 mm/s No. of lump: 4 Welding sequence: a
293.3 80.3 36.5 31.5 27.9 32.6 32.5
Pinned 341.9 190 120.6 115.7 112.6 110.7 112.3
Simply support 282.6 76.8 32.1 30.5 28.4 27.6 27.4
Preheating temperature
30°C Boundary condition: pinned Welding speed: 2.6 mm/s No. of lump: 4 Welding sequence: a
293.3 80.3 36.5 31.5 27.9 32.6 32.5
75°C 241.2 95.7 45.3 37.1 33.7 26.7 30.7
100°C 224 101.4 47.8 38.8 35.3 34 29.2
150°C 155.2 96.1 58.7 41.5 36.6 34.4 34.5
200°C 112.8 81.9 57.3 47.7 37.5 34.4 34.3
300°C 66.2 67.4 41.9 37.5 35.1 36.9 38.0
Numbers of lumps
2 Ambient temperature Pinned support Welding speed: 2.6 mm/s Welding sequence: a
336.7 87.4 34.8 30.1 28.2 31.4 33.6
4 293.3 80.3 36.5 31.5 27.9 32.6 32.5
8 263.6 77.5 39.4 33.7 31.4 28.7 32.7
16 241.7 70.8 40.6 33.1 30.7 34.6 35.7
Welding speed
2.0mm/s Ambient temperature Pinned support No. of lump: 4 Welding sequence: a
351.7 127.3 55.1 43.9 45.7 35.4 35.6
2.2 mm/s 341.3 101.7 51.9 44.8 40.6 35.7 32.9
2.4 mm/s 318.7 92.4 45.8 33.8 35.6 36.9 33.4
2.6 mm/s 293.3 80.3 36.5 31.5 27.9 32.6 32.5
2.8 mm/s 242.6 75.6 33.2 36.8 39.8 35.4 32.7
3.0 mm/s 187.6 68.7 35.9 37.5 34.6 33.7 31.8
Welding sequence
a Ambient temperature Pinned support Welding speed: 2.6 mm/s No. of lump: 4
293.3 80.3 36.5 31.5 27.9 32.6 32.5
b 307.7 95.3 36.2 33.6 30.4 32.7 34.2
c 335.9 102.8 42.6 38.2 35.6 32.7 33.5
d 402.5 128.7 55.6 47.3 45.1 43.2 43.6