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Master in Education (Visual Arts)

EDU 702

Research Methodology

Research Proposal


A Study of The Roles Digital Arts in Teaching Practices for Secondary School

Prepared by : Zahidah binti Ab Aziz (2013770077)

Prepared for : Dr. Johan @ Eddy Luaran



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1.0 Introduction

In twentieth first century, a lot of transformation that were change which is from a traditional age

to globalization age. All the thing on this globalization age demand with technology including our

art education system. The changes of using a technology actually people can think creatively,

solve the problem and make more meaningful decisions.

Nowadays, technology and digital media is a part of today’s generation lifestyle. Their world is a

drastically and definitely different with previously generation. Gadget is everywhere. People

were obsess with their gadget which is they communicate with other countries through their


“Advances in computer technology dramatically transform modern society into an arena where

digital devices are indispensable. Collectively, technologies create a new genre of contemporary

art form” by Roland,1994

As a faculty member of the Education in Visual Arts at Mara Technology University (UiTM) , the

researcher realized that digital media and arts in teaching practices for secondary school were

important in today’s generation.

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1.1 Background of the study

In art education, educators should lead this change in the transformation of this new generation.

This transformation not only their lifestyle change, “the type of thinking developed therein,

uniquely meet the needs of the 21st century learner by not only providing experiences and

opportunities for today’s students to be engaged, but to thrive”. ( A. Kathleen; M.Melissa,2011)

Art educators hold responsibility for educating students about the purposeful and artistic use of

technology through the study of visual culture.” (Duncum,2001). Art educators must thinking

forward and changes the perspective and find the way what the learners needs for today’s.

Consequently, “ teachers who ignore new technologies are providing inadequate student

preparation for the current art world (Jackson,1999) “Creativity involves inventions, discovery,

curiosity , imagination, experimentation and exploration. During the creative digital process

there is a transformation from something known to something not previously known”. (

Browning,2008a, p.213).

Technology tools teach today’s generation more effectively and use their time efficiently.

Computers are everywhere. Everyone can use it. Computer is the one of a tools for display of

technical skills. Victor D’Amico (1953) suggests “that teachers should give as much instruction

as a student needs, satiating curiosity while not overwhelming with too much information that

could derail a student’s original intent about his or her artwork”.

In today’s strongest art programs, teaching content and process as well as following students to

use content for artistic self-expression are of primary importance.(Anderson & Millbrandt,2005)

An important to teaching digital arts for secondary school, art educators must learn and know

the type of software they used and develop lessons for classrooms on their own. From that,

creativity in digital art can be effects on that lessons and activities.

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In class, students must know about the application of software. When students know used the

software, they can express their idea and explore the process of art making. From that, students

can improve their creativity, patience, more appreciate and their self- confident in what they

learn by using graphic tools.

Digital arts and creativity is a related in today’s learner. “The way in which art educators use and

integrate technologies into a classroom is crucial to stimulating student’s learning, their

imaginations, and the creative process.” (A. Kathleen; M.Melissa,2011).

In additions, digital art is a part of technology which is a form of art using a digital software. For

example, 3D animation, video games, graphic multimedia and others. Student develop the

digital arts by a lot of graphic tools. The potential of digital arts were specifically video,

telecommunication, animation can refine students to understanding of arts and expression of


In art class, “ teachers and students are active participants in the learner environment, and both

have to be willing to take risks, which is an important aspect of any creative activity. Students

can learn to choose and develop their sense of “digital wonder” while problem solving and

creating art. (Delacruz,2009). Art educators need to create a new leaning as a lessons in


Secondary school in Malaysia not exactly using a technology in digital arts. Some of art

educators still using a previous content in art class. Some students may not to introduce and

communicate with any technology because they not a from a rich families. They just learn a

computer and digital arts in classroom only.

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1.2 Problem Statement

Why not just carry on with traditional methods of teaching and learning – with what is tried and

true? Why is using technology in our art classroom so important? Perhaps the answer harkens

back, to use Bob Dylan’s phrase, to the fact that “ The times they are a changing” (1964).

Today’s students called “screenagers” by some, are indeed different than even a decade ago (

Taylor,2007),immersing themselves in interactive technologies, becoming creators of digital new

media , and socially collaborating on a scale that we have not seen before (Jenkins,2009;

Tapscott, 2009;Taylor 2007, Wesch,2007)

Nowadays, in 21st century, art learners have a lot of problems. One of that, all the syllabus and

content were change with technology tools and digital arts creatively. From that, art educators

must know how to learn them with digital arts in classroom.

For secondary students, as a new learners with technology, they must know what the future

needs in digital arts. They are teenagers who can create any creativity with digital arts and give

them a lot of foster opportunities to make them survive with their world.

1.3 Research Objectives

The research objectives for this study is :

i. To identify of the important of using digital arts in art education.

ii. To investigate the creativity can related with digital arts in art education.

iii. To identify the impact of technology on teaching in art education

iv. To investigate the secondary students can adopt a digital arts in their leaning.

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v. To investigate the teachers using a digital arts as the lessons in art education.

1.4 Research Questions

The research question for this study is :

i. What is the important of using a digital arts in art education?

ii. How can creativity can related with digital arts in art education?

iii. What is the impact of technology on teaching in art education?

iv. How can a secondary school accept a digital arts in school ?

v. How the teachers can teach with digital arts in classroom?

1.5 Research Hipotesis

H1 : If a secondary school students using with their creativity and skillful in any arts through

digital, it is mean their generations can be thrive with any fostering opportunities they can


1.6 Operational Definitions

Definition of Creativity :

“Creativity is defined as “ any act, idea, or product that changes an existing domain or that

transform an existing domain, or that transforms an existing domain into a new one” ( Mihaly


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“Creativity requires this leap from the known to alternatives but to make it fully the individual

must be able to hypothesize, imagine and appreciate the significance of one’s transformational

activity ” (Pickard,1990,p.7). In this study, a meaning of creativity is to know how creativity are

related and important in visual art education.

Definition of Technology :

“ The word technology comes from two Greek words, transliterate techne and logos. Techno

means art, skill, craft or the way, manner or means word, the utterance by which inward through

is expressed, a saying or an expression. So, literally, technology means words or discourse

about the way things are gained. ( Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia). In this study, technology is

most important in 21st century era new generation. Well known, technology is a part that using in

education system including visual arts.

Definition of Digital Art :

Digital art is an artistic work or practice that use digital technology as an essential part of the

creative or presentation process. Since the 1970s, various names have been used to describe

the process including computer art and multimedia art, and digital artists itself placed under the

larger umbrella term new media part.( Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia). In this study, the

researcher want to examine that in visual arts education have using a digital art for teachers and

educators as their teaching aid.

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Definition of Portfolios :

According to Wikipedia source, a portfolios is a goal-driven, organized collection of something

and reflections that demonstrate a growth or expansion of knowledge and skills over time. The

content, presentation and organization of materials in portfolios can greatly depending on the

purpose of the portfolio. Another that, portfolio is a collection of students works that tell a story

of their personally works. In this study, the researcher want to know a student’s portfolios and

how the student’s keep their own portfolios personally. This is most important for arts students

to keep their own artwork personally. This portfolios make a teachers to share a student’s

performance without interpretation and also a discussions for teacher and student’s in learning

experience and goals.

Definition on Digital Portfolios :

According to Wikipedia source, digital portfolios is a electronic portfolios, web folios, e-folios and

multimedia portfolios. A material are presented using a combination of multimedia technology

for example video, audio, database and others. Other, digital portfolios is a way of showing a

student achievement through assignments and the students also can save their artwork to a

disk, web page of CD. In this study, the researcher want to know how an effectiveness the

student keep their artwork in digital portfolios. For example, in art and design student’s

especially for photography student, they must have to create a digital portfolios to keep their

own artwork on CD. From that, the student show their artwork to the teacher for critics section. It

is very easy way for student’s showing their images than bringing their real artwork in


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1.7 Limitation of the Study

As the researcher, there are a few of the limitation in this research. First, the researcher only

focus on secondary school which is from form one until form five.

Second, the limitation of finding this research is a place. Which is the researcher only

concentrate a few of secondary school that have using digital arts at Johor Bahru and Shah

Alam. In Malaysia, not all in school are using the digital arts as a new lessons.

1.8 Significant of the Study

From this research, the researcher found that, nowadays, technology were important for new

learner. Digital arts is a way to make them more creativity and innovative. In secondary school,

the researcher know that in school, some of art educators not using a technology tools. They

still using a traditional content in teaching practices. From that, they must to think out of box

which is the changing of this new generation.

In 21st century, the content of learning must based on new learner needs including creativity. Art

educators must alert with new leaner in creativity. Creativity and technical skill in digital arts is

related with others.

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2.0 Introduction

In this study, the researcher examine how digital arts is related to secondary school in arts

classroom. It is because nowadays era is almost using high technologies which is including in

classroom. The researcher actually also examine how student of secondary school can involves

them when using a digitals arts in art classroom and how the teachers can applied a digital arts

as their teaching aid for secondary student.

2.1 New Generation and Digital Technology

In 21st century, as well known that, technology is everywhere and very important in this era

transformation. New generation are fully demand with technologies. Digital technology transform

our life for creativity. The researcher see that, even the era are changing with technology,

actually in Malaysia a not properly changing. A previous generation between 50’s to 70’s

generation must accept it that our world and life now basically using digital and technology. Who

are born between 1980 and 1994, which is from a generation Y. They workers have grown up in

an era of technology. They have always known, cellular phones, computers, laptop, cable

television and video games. For example, a children in previous generation always playing a

games in outdoor with their friends but children in new generation, even with one years old

know how to using a gadget and very addict with that. They no need to going out for playing a

games because digital and technology are control them. They easy to learn with that and they

cannot survive without technology and gadget. A previous generation must have to learn with

them for using a technology and digital gadget to survive.

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Nowadays, new generation are demand and more attractive with technology and gadget. Every

time and everywhere they using a internet, technology and social media to shape their lives.

They using a social media and internet to connected them globally as their peers and

knowledge. A lot of application that were have in gadget to connect with their friends and

families such as facebook, whatsapp, wechat, twitter, instagram and many others. From that, it

is very easily for them to chatting and share their daily life through that application. Not only for

social media, internet also can get them a lot of knowledge what they want. They only type a

words to get an information.

As a conclusion, digital technology is a very important for other especially in new generation like

generation Y and generation Z. They are demand with that technology and digital.

2.2 Classroom and Digital Arts

In previous generation, well known that, the classroom is a very traditional environment which

is only using a blackboard, chalk and duster for teachers writing in classroom. Now, in 21st

century, can see that a lot of transformation in classroom for example, have a computers, a

projector for teaching and many others. For a new learner and students, they are very luckiest

because of this technology transformation. While using a technology, a teachers also

responsible and adapt to take this changing as an important part. The teachers must changes

their teaching lesson on using a digital technology tools such as using a projector for teaching

student’s with a creative way. In visual arts, the teachers must teach the student’s with various

digital tools such as digital arts.

Digital arts is an artistic work or practice that use digital technology as an essential part of the

creative or presentation process. According to Wikipedia, since the 1970s, various names have

been used to describe the process including computer art and multimedia art, and digital art is

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itself placed under the larger umbrella term new media art. From that, the teacher’s at least must

know to using a basic digital tools like computer and software. It is because a new learner is too

creative, cleaver and more hyperactive whether to gain or know something information.

According to Hostert (2010) notes, ‘it become increasingly clear that the 21st century art

educators needs to not only infuse the art curriculum with media rich experiences, but also to

guide students use of these digital tools and promote their critical understanding of the world

through leaning activities develop interpersonal communication and problem solving skills. From

that notes, it is important for art teachers and students to develop, explored, and understand the

important of using digital tools in classroom. Another, students also can improve their thinking

though creativity on digital arts.

2.3 Creativity in Digital Arts

Talking about creativity, it is might be more clearly if we understood and used creative theories

as we understand use aesthetic theories. According to M.Lanny and M.Melody (2011), there are

have three of creative theories which is domain-altering, self- expression and meaning making

and creative problem solving. Domain-altering is referred for art teachers need to consider the

degree to understanding of creativity is domain dependent and how re-thinking domain-change

as classroom can guide their teaching and curriculum. Another is self- expression and meaning

making. It is means in art classroom, the most quality of self expression is the student’s view

their processes with their own experiences. When teacher guiding the student’s, a teacher must

have to look for student’s focusing on personel experiences. In creative problem solving, offers

an opportunity for student to engage with their potential for responses and more divergent.

Creativity is a something to think creative which is thinking out of the box. In 21st century, art

teachers and students must thinking more creative because a lot of people in nowadays is very

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challenging and clever. Art teachers also must use and integrate technologies into the

classroom for students learning, imagination and creative process. In classroom does not

impede creativity but encourages user to access their creative selves. Actually, digital arts have

two different type which is in 2D (two dimension) and 3D (three dimension). In 2D (two

dimension), an artist were drawing using a pencil or pen on a piece of paper rather than

3D(three dimension) which is using a perspective view on drawing in computers. On using a

digital arts, the students can explored digital tools. For example, art teachers teach them an

Adobe Illustrator software to make a simple advertising. So, from that, student’s can explored

and create something different with their own creativity thinking. From that thinking, the

student’s create an advertising based on their explored with the tools, environment and others.

2.4 Digital Portfolios in Secondary School

At the secondary school level, art teachers and students are faced with another range of digital

technology related problems. Over the past decade there has been a significant decline in the

use of slides and other traditional media to produce students artwork. Nowadays era, in a

secondary school, art teachers must uses a digital portfolios for students assessment and

homework. According to Debra. F, (2008), “digital portfolios means any portfolios recorded in

digital media and assembles in any format as an alternative to a collection of actual artwork..”

Herbett (2001) notice that, “portfolios allow students to become engaged in their own leaning

process. Portfolios motivate students and encourage them to become active in their education.

Students not only engage in the art process, but they also can reflect and learn from their own

experiences.” From that, the researcher examine, digital portfolios is one of the way for art

teachers and students keeping their artwork easily and practically.

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Siegle (2002) recommended that, digital portfolios are easy to create and are relatively

inexpensive. “ Keeping an electronic portfolios helps keep track of a student’s growth over time

and can provide an invaluable snapshot of a student’s current skills, as well as provide an

opportunity for the student to reflect on his or her growth as a leaner.” (p60)

2.5 Conceptual Framework






Figure 1.1 : Conceptual Framework

In this study, the researcher examine in art teachers using a digital arts as a part of teaching

practices in the classroom. In new generation, which is using a technology and gadgets, in our

educational system were changing including in visual arts education. Art teachers must using a

digital tools which is digital arts like software or portfolios for student’s need. As well known, new

generation is a very creative and more aggressive to gain a knowledge. They easier to think

forward and create any product or knowledge with their own perspective, perception and

experience. From that part, using a digital arts can make students more creative and they can

thrive on their future. As we can see that, in our foster generations, a lot of opportunities that

have for new learner to thrive. In future, new learner become a very smart person with their


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2.6 Conclusion

In conclusion, the researcher from previous studies have proved that digital arts is a one of roles

for teaching practices in secondary school. As we can see that, leaning in technology and

digital arts is a way for new generation to get a knowledge with their creativity thinking and more

thrive in their future.

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3.0 Introduction

This chapter explain the research design of this study , the method of data collection ,the

population, the sample and the data analysis of the data. The data that have been analyze

in the next chapter.

3.1 Research design

This study will using a quantitative approaches. In quantitative approaches, a survey research

design that will be in this study which is using cross – sectional survey. “A cross – sectional

survey is one in which data are collected from selected individuals at a single point in time”

(Gay, Mills and Airasian, p.184). Another that, the researcher also using an observation and

interview on this study.

3.2 Population and Sample

The target population of this study, the researcher focusing on student in secondary school at

Shah Alam, Selangor. The purpose of using a student secondary school because it related with

this study. The sample of the study will be selected using the simple random sampling.

Another, beside using a student of secondary school in Shah Alam, Selangor, the researcher

also randomly through an art teachers in school.

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3.3.1 Questionnaire

The first instrument is questionnaire. This questionnaire is aimed at determining the art teachers

in secondary school. The questionnaire is divided into two part which are part A and part B.

Part A is comparison of five questions and Part B are responses put in a Liker scale form in

which 1 indicates “Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Mixed Feeling, Agree, Strongly Agree”. This

questionnaire is included in the appendix section.

3.3.2 Unstructured Interview

The second instrument will be used in this study is unstructured interview. The interview is

aimed at finding out from five art teachers in a secondary school that teaching on using a digital

arts like digital portfolios. One art teacher for one form. From that interview, will can see a

different way on teaching student’s in digital arts.

3.3.3 Observation Scheme

The third instrument will be use in this study is observation scheme. The observation scheme is

systematically structured in order for the data from the observation to be systematically

recorded. The observation scheme consist of four criteria which is ‘interaction, participation,

engagement in class discussion and answer researcher question’s’. Each quality specification

describe the art teachers and students on in the natural setting of the observation.

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3.4 Data Collection

Before the real data collection processes for this study is carried out, a pilot study will be

conducted on a smaller population of the same intended sample for this study such as a

differences of art teachers on using a digital arts in classroom. The result from the pilot study

will help to improve the questionnaire and interviews. In collecting the real data using the intend

samples, with cover letter that explains the significance and purpose about this study for giving

to a principles of selected secondary school in Johor Bahru, Johor and Shah Alam, Selangor

and will attached together with a questionnaire. Then, the questionnaire will be distributed to the

samples for arts teachers, with the permission from a principles. The questionnaire are given

around ten to thirty minutes for art teachers answering that questionnaire.

After that, unstructured interview with art teachers in several secondary school in Johor and

Selangor will find out. The interview, the researcher are using a camera and video to recorded

all the information. The researcher also using an observation in classroom to examine how the

student’s can adopt and using a digital arts and how the art teachers using a digital arts in

classroom as their teaching lesson.

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Pilot Survey

Distributes questionnaire to the target samples

Make amendments to the questionnaire based on the results from the pilot survey.

Observe the classroom

Interview with some of art teachers in secondary school

Analyze data from the questionnaire

Figure 1.2 Data collection flowchart.

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3.5 Data Analysis After the completing a questionnaire have been collected, the resulting will be summarized

using a descriptive statistics. The type of descriptive were measure the value of data from the

questionnaire. Another that, the interview will be described and this step focuses on the

participants in the study detail. Finally, the data from the interview will be coded in a certain

pattern and meaning.

3.6 Conclusion

This chapter are covered the research design, the sample population, the instruments, the data

collection and data analysis.

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References :

i) Anonymous. (2010). Digital art smart guide : The digital arts school. Arts and

Humanities. 27(4). 49-60

ii) Assey,J. (1999). The future of technology in K-12 arts education. Forum on Technology

in Education. Washington, DC

iii) Four Ways to Make Digital Portfolios with Students. Retrieved on 2014, from

iv) Gnezda, N. (2009). The potential for meaning in student art. Art Education,62(4). 48-52

v) Gude,O. (2004). Postmodern principles : In search of a 21st century art education. Art

Education,57(1). 6-10

vi) Littlefield,J. (2009). State-by-state list of free online public schools, K-12,

Retrieved from

vii) Meet Generation Y. Retrieved December 5, 2012, from

viii) Melody M. (2011). Creativity: What are we talking about?, 64(1), 8-13

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ix) Prater,M. (2001). Constructivism and technology in art education. Art Education, 54(6),


x) Robert D. (2011). E-Learning in Art Education : Collaborative meaning making through

digital art production.19 -24.

xi) Stankiewicz, M.A & Garber,E. (2000). Cyber faculty : An experience in distance learning.

Art Education, 53(1),33-38

xii) The next generation of technology. Retrieved on August 23, 2011, from


xiii) What is a digital portfolio?. Retrieved on 2014, from

xiv) 2014. Digital art for all. What is digital arts. Retrieved from

xv) 2014. Digital art for all. Why should everyone learn digital art. Retrieved from

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1. Turnitin

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2. Questionnaire

A Study of The Roles Digital Arts in Teaching Practices for Secondary School

Digital art is an artistic work or practice that use digital technology as an essential part of the creative or presentation process. The Drawings that are made in the paper that can be scanned in different style in the computer, the photographs can be modified. The 3D characters are made with the help of the computer.There are so many types of the digital art. Such as : The Graphic illustration –used in advertising, brochures, logos and posters • The Illustrations – used in Books, web sites and Comics.• The 3D models – used in the Movies, the Animations, and the Video Games • The Digital photo artwork used to make advertisements and the posters.• The Digital painting • The Web sites •The images generated by computers • The Animations • The Games

This survey study The Roles of Digital Arts for Teaching Practices for Secondary School . You are required to answer the question. Thank you.


* Required

Please state your gender *


Female How old are you ? *

25 - 29 years old

30 - 35 years old

36 - 40 years old

41 years old and above

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How long have you been in teacher ?

1 - 3 years

4 - 6 years

7 - 9 years

10 years and above

Are you major in Education of Visual Arts ? *


Other: Have you using a digital art in art classroom ?



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Part B (Please tick that relevant for you)

Strongly Disagree Disagree Mixed

Feeling Agree Strongly Agree

Are you expert in any digital art software ?

Do you think digital art can help you in teaching practices?

Is it important digital art can applied in art classroom for secondary school ?

When using a digital art like Adobe Photoshop software, are you teach a student's properly ?

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Disagree Feeling Agree Strongly Disagree Mixed Agree Strongly

Do you think student's can improve their thinking and skills with any digital arts ?

When you teach a student's, are you give them a optional to doing some art in classroom ?

Are you sure student's enjoyed/ accept with this digital art in classroom ?

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