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Research on a Pop magazine Q magazine

I am researching into Q magazine as a possibility for my digipak advertisement to be published in. I have found some images of just the front covers of Q magazine to see how and what techniques they use to advertise there towards their target audience of teenagers to young adults which is one reason why I chose this magazine as we are to aiming at a the same target audience who listen to a genre of pop music.

The examples below of Q’s front covers are similar artists to our artist with similar genres being pop music. The covers make use of big and bold fonts that are easy reading for the audience and stand out from the background making parts of the cover more eye – catching drawing the attention of the audience straight away to the magazine making them interested in it. Using this information for my advert I need to include a font that is big, bold and is easy reading for the audience. It also needs to be eye – catching so when looking through the magazine the audience’s attention is straight away drawn to the advert of my digipak promoting our artist. The use of colour on these covers is limited but where used it is bright and bold and makes the text stand out.