Download - Research Log Sheet

Page 1: Research Log Sheet

MEDIA MS3 – Research investigation

EXAMPLE!!!RESEARCH LOGYou should attach this sheet to each piece of research you complete. This will help you to organise you research and to complete the items for submission and aid your investigation.Additional notes, screenshots, graphs and tables etc. should also be attached whenever relevant and hopefully dense with annotations and comments!

Research Methode.g. primary / secondary

Secondary – Academic Literature

Source Reference(Author, title, place of publication, publisher, date of publication, page numbers/ website address)

Christopher M Moreman (2011). Zombies Are Us: Essays on the Humanity of the Walking Dead. USA: McFarland & Company Inc.

Key findings:A summary of what you found.Note quotes with pages numbers, in full where appropriate.

I found this research article extremely useful in identifying the importance of the modern zombie in our contemporary world and how these representations can be linked to cultural and moral issues of the wider media and our society.

Page 54:“The modern zombie is a vision of our own demise… a lack of cultural integrity and moral standards that evades our society”

Page 254:“The use of the zombie is a reflection of political and economic decay”

Page 16:“There is a distinct lack of trust in the world that allows the zombie vision to thrive and excel in total destruction”

Evaluation of method- How does the item relate to your research?- What has it contributed to the project?- Is it a reliable source?- Where might this lead you to next?

Excellent in allowing me to identify the role of the zombie in the modern world we live in.Has contributed a direct comparison to the way in which the media uses the zombie in the representation of wider issues and events of the world we live in.Relates in some areas to the TV series of The Walking Dead.Might lead to areas of representation surround the zombie in Call of Duty.

Research task number: 1

Page 2: Research Log Sheet

MEDIA MS3 – Research investigation

RESEARCH LOGYou should attach this sheet to each piece of research you complete. This will help you to organise you research and to complete the items for submission and aid your investigation.Additional notes, screenshots, graphs and tables etc. should also be attached whenever relevant and hopefully dense with annotations and comments!

Research Methode.g. primary / secondary

Source Reference(Author, title, place of publication, publisher, date of publication, page numbers/ website address)

Richard Hartley-Parkinson

Key findings:A summary of what you found.Note quotes with pages numbers, in full where appropriate.

Mass shooters Adam Lanza, Anders Breivik and Mohammad Merah all played Call of Duty and were obsessed with the game.

Breivik said that he spent up to 16 hours a day playing the game in preparation before the mass shooting.

Study known as Grand Theft Childhood reported of 60 per cent of schoolboys that have played a game above their age limit hit someone, compared to the 39% that did not play such games.

Evaluation of method- How does the item relate to your research?- What has it contributed to the project?- Is it a reliable source?- Where might this lead you to next?

Research task number: 1