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Page 1: Research in factual products

Research in Factual Products

Page 2: Research in factual products

What stands out in this leaflet is the way they have incorporated spices (as there main image theme), the fact that they have changed it to bright pink so that it suits that target audience which from an ‘Welcome to Yorkshire’ view look’s like it’s a female dominant festival. The spices symbolise the Asian culture this is known because India use spices on a daily basis in there curries. By showing this it really captures the essence of what Asia has to offer and what variety of foods they create. The colour scheme can be different between Europe and Asian colours, after researching what the colour pink in India I found that the colour pink is a happy and links with the an elephant called Ganesha who naturally has a pink head. The research for having pink was correct as they through pink powder at different celebrations e.g. a place called Jaipur in India is known to be calledthe ‘pink city’.

They have used a variety of different font looks, for example they have used the bold technique which really captures the attention of the audience but also guides theme so that they know that the information is in sections through titles and sub-headings. For the subheadings they have used the colour yellow and for the main titles they have used the same bright pink that links with the colours scheme and also the last page of the leaflet. Yellow is used as it’s the colour of Turmeric which is a spice that always used in Asia and India. By having the yellow font for the times/dates and names really help to produce sub headings that aren’t bold but instead helps to separate the title from the information.

In this leaflet that have used clarity, conciseness and accuracy. This is shown very clearly due to the simple text used, they have used bullet points so that the most important points are shown for the audience to understand.

They have not used Ambiguity, instead the information for the public is shown in a lot of detail with a variety of different to present them. They are making sure that the audience will not forget the festival, or not understand where it is, by showing contact details will help the customers to get in touch and to get involved. There is no uncertainty as the date for the event is clearly shown on the front page and the URL for further information on the second page. The fact that they have used social networking buttons means that they target audience understands technology and social networking sites.

On the front page they have made sure that it’s concise, this is shown by having the address as minimum as possible, the title is shown clearly and strongly and the logo for the company is shown straight away ‘Welcome to Yorkshire’. This tells me that the audience prefer getting the facts straight away and looking at a variety of images that will help give them a feel of the festival. There’s nothing complicated about this leaflet which helps to relax the reader. It’s easy to read as they have used a font that’s not serif but it still have gaps between each letter which helps to make the letters simpler to read instead of tight together or to over the top. I’ve noticed that they have used cap locks which tells the audience that they want to let you know about a big event that’s happening, they have used this as the main title of the second and third page too, this guides the audiences to the right places, which helps to give it it’s clarity element. They are accurate with the spelling and information as this is their event that they are controlling and that they don’t need any sources to talk about what’s going on within there event as a company. The titles are all clearly shown to be spelt correctly which helps to give a formal look to the leaflet.

Page 3: Research in factual products

When reading the article I found that the written work was very formal, the type of words used were very sophisticated and you could tell that it’s written for a much older, well educated audience. An example of a formal written sentence that’s in the article is this (on the right), this sentence is hard to understand because of the terminology in it and the fact that there are so many large words in one sentence shows that the audience should automatically understand it as they are much older. I would say the audience for this article would be people that are really interested in the future and science itself, even though it is well written, any one can enjoy the magazine. This is known to be called Register.

This article has subtly put information about where they got the illustrated image from. On the bottom of the page on the left hand side it says who the illustrator is (‘Magictorch’), it is clearly referencing the source on the article. This is important for the audience because if they are interested in that work then they can look it in the future. They have used the same colour scheme which is different shades of blue which works well with the imagery. They have used italics to take you away from the actual article and instead just to read about the journalist. The bold font has worked really well with the title and quoting that’s in a box. I like this as it points out the most interesting part of that written section, this entices and brings the audience in more. This method is used in a lot of magazines like Heat and Elle because they want the audience to read further.

When looking at codes of practice I found that the NUJ (National Union of Journalists) had a lot of rules that work perfectly with this article, which are:•Produces no material likely to lead to hatred or discrimination on the grounds of a person’s age, gender, race, Colour, creed, legal status, disability, marital status, or sexual orientation.•Avoids plagiarism. This article works well with the two rules as they have researched the information and Stephen Baxter and written the article with his own knowledge and not using plagiarism to get his success. The Editors’ Code of Practice had similar rules but the one I chose was accuracy, this is because this article would make the proper changes so that the article is neat, spelt correctly and clear. When reading this article I found that this article is has a lot of clarity due to the right balance of imagery and written work which gives the message across to the reader. Due to the sophisticated and high level of English this doesn’t work with conciseness because this article has a lot of written work that takes you away from everything else. It’s also complicated that will only interest certain people. The title and subheading are in cap locks which tells the audience that they are wanting you to remember the name of the person and the title of the article. Once the audience know, the more they will want to read his articles. The use of a Serif font on the title ‘into the future’ makes it much easier to read and also gives a formal look, whilst the name title is san serif and quite straight letters. What’s good about the name title is that it’s large and simple to read, if it was a much smaller font then I think you were have to really look to understand the words.

Page 4: Research in factual products

This newspaper front cover is all about libel, after the murder of Jo Yeates they went straight for the landlord, this landlord was searched for any peculiar personality or secrets that he had, they checked the school that he worked at to see what kind of man he was. After attacking him from 8 different respected newspapers e.g. The Sun, The Daily Mail and The Daily Mirror, it seems that by all of them ganging on him it would help to brainwash to audiences decision into who the murder was. This turned out to be one of the most outrageous libel in all of the newspapers because the fact that they were giving out all lies, Christopher Jefferies was a respected teacher and by saying that an old student called him strange is disrespectful and tells the audience straight away that he’s a freak and pervert. All 8 newspapers ended up agreeing to give compensation to Christopher for the fact that they were sorry and shouldn’t have published information that would distract the court case but also hurtful to him.

Another legal Constraint that was involved in this story was contempt of court. This was a story that was constantly shown and would be very difficult not to know about it e.g. the courts would be majorly distracted because they need to focus on the evidence and the actual murder case instead of being brain washed by the media. This was a story that was major public interest so by the public saying that he was the murderer meant that it puts pressure on the courts to make the correct decision. When you are a suspect it’s important to keep your identity very quiet so that no one knows about you and that you are protected, the fact that he was wrongly accused in the 8 newspapers means that he wasn’t protected and instead in had a lot of grief. The contempt of court in this case is that the publications distracted the court and that it took more time to find the actual murder because of all the information that was coming out about one man. The courts might have thought that if the journalists are finding weird things about this man then he might be a major suspect which is dangerous for Christopher Jeffries.

The title really stands out on this front page of the newspaper, they have purposely used a big white font because it will automatically get the audience’s attention. If they used a font that was similar sizes to the article writing then it wouldn't cause a scene but instead they have used a font that's bright white which is sensitive to the human eye and also underlined which makes it look more like a main title. There is clarity and conciseness, this is because of the simple title that’s only four words that get straight to the point. Whilst the conciseness is the little box of text on the right that has a little amount of information, this is clearly shown by having a picture, text and title section. It’s clear to understand and that’s a good thing as people will pick the message up straight away even from a distance. The fact that they have put ‘JO MURDER: LANDLORD HELD’ in cap locks and red writing shows that they are telling a message but also the red symbolises bloodshed and hurt that has happened to both the victim and the man accused of the murder. They have picked these images just to show the contrasts in personalities and looks, they have found an image of Christopher that look a bit scary and having blue hair gives him and edge like he is a mysterious weird man. By having a image of the victim that looks normal on a day to day basis shows that he was the problem because he was different. By having the title and image link really sells the story.

Evidencing of an argument is present here, even though it talks about one subject at hand I feel that this ended up being an argument after the newspaper was posted. After realising that all these comments were fake then ending up debating both sides about what journalists should write and how much control they should have in the industry.

This article is completely biased it makes that man look like he is the problem and instead not talk about both sides of the story. In the court your innocent until you here that your guilty. Jefferies was told that he was the murderer and everyone agreed straight away because of the constant coverage and brain washing. This leads on to the type of writing on the article and I feel it’s an informal register because it’s very aggressive writing that is used to reach to people from different backgrounds.

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This Article also links with the Editors code of practice, this is because they have broken these rules which means some journalists would have to be fired or fined massively for the damage that they have caused. The rules that I have chosen that fit with this article are:- Harassment: When Christopher Jefferies was under the lime light he got followed around on the street and got asked questions that were hurtful, this lead the journalists to go through information about his past like old teacher photo’s and his connections was is major harassment for a man that didn’t do anything. In the Editors code of practice it says that they ‘must not persist in questioning, telephoning, pursuing or photographing individuals’ this is something that they have clearly done to this man.- Privacy: For the privacy rule it says ‘everyone is entitled to respect for his or her private and family life’ this didn’t happen because they accused him of being ‘strange’, ‘weird’ and ‘peeping Tom’ which is not respecting that person when they are trying to get home or do a normal day to day activity. Editors should notice when journalists are writing information that's against these rules, once they know that then they should stop the writing from being published.- Accuracy: these two rules worked well with this article because they ended up doing the opposite, these are ‘The Press must take care not to publish inaccurate, misleading or distorted information, including pictures.’ and ‘A significant inaccuracy, misleading statement or distortion once recognised must be corrected, promptly and with due prominence, and - where appropriate - an apology published.’ The first one stood out because it tells you that you shouldn’t write about a subject that isn’t true or doesn’t have any real evidence towards it, they carried on writing about how he was a weird teacher around children which is another lie on top of the murder. Once they published a misleading statement then the 8 newspapers apoligised and gave money to Christopher which meant that they stuck by the second rule.

I have learnt whilst looking at these leaflets that they have a variety of images that help tell the message and to also bring in the reader to boost there interest. The first leaflet shows images that are advertising the festival and what it has to offer, by taking pictures of quests it has helped them to raise awareness about the celebrities that go to that event. The second is an article that just has one image that links with the text, the illustration of the image helps the audience to visualise what the subject is about. Finally the last article is having a mixture of images that show’s someone in the past and making them look different to an audience.

Page 6: Research in factual products

There is clarity on this ‘how to’ manual, this is because each part has it’s own section, it first of all has all the logo and two images together so that you can see the different angles of the camera. Whilst the bottom section has the instructions and then how to take a picture with your own hands to make it easier. When you see the 4 you can see that this is a manual that has a lot of pages on how to make the camera yourself which means it organised and looks easy to understand.

They have used the same font for there instruction text which is good as there is no outstanding features so that you can read each section without being distracted. They have only used bold on the title of the section 4, this lets the reader know straight away that there is a new bit to learn with the camera. They have used a serif font on the instructions because it is known to be easier and more clearly to read, whilst Arial is a harder font because you can flow with each letter. The title is a san serif font which you can read quite well because of the size of the font and the fact it is in a bold font which will help to make it stand out more.

The spelling used in the instruction part is correct all the words make sense and the accuracy in what the manual is saying is correct, you have to wind the lever so that the camera is ready to produce a picture and then once you have wound it completely then you stop and press the shutter button. This is correct information that will be very useful to an audience that want to use this camera.

The register used on this manual is quite straight forward and simple I would say that it was informal because people from different backgrounds would have to try and understand the instructions, if it’s to formal then people would be put of and probably not read the instructions. Whilst reading it again I have found that hey say ‘do not’ instead of ‘didn’t’. This is more formal, it does sound like very good English but the simplicity of the words will help anyone to read the manual.

This manual is also avoiding ambiguity because it’s clearly stating each step in good detail so that the reader doesn’t get lost when working out the camera. There are sections like this that say ‘the shutter will be released simultaneously with the windup’. This sounds very confident and not uncertain at all, it sounds like they know what the camera will do have winding the lever.

This also has conciseness because there is more images than text, this will help the reader to look at there own camera whilst working it out on the manual. By having bullet points it helps to spread out the wording so that it’s in single sentences and not too detailed. I like the fact that they have used a numbered section for one camera and then bullet points for the other, this clearly states which information goes where.