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Page 1: Research: Analysis of existing horror film magazines

The masthead for Fangoria is not appealing and nice to look at. The colours used are not normally used together, its horrible and since it’s a film magazine it makes the magazine a lot better. The typography has old cinema style to it, which reinforces the idea of it being a film magazine.

The little images on the side of the magazine have been placed on a film reel tape.

All the stories on this magazine are horror based, the buzz words used ‘’ Monsters, Aliens, Bizarre creatures’’ these are not really used In other types of magazines, It has a banner on the top and the barcode which are all conventional in magazines

The front cover image is a shot in a film. It has the name of the film and director of the film

Fangoria follows the basic codes and conventions of a magazine layout, but it mode of address is targeted at sub genre of horror fans.

Page 2: Research: Analysis of existing horror film magazines

The masthead for the Empire magazine is in red and white and is also blocky and masculine. The masthead is also big which covers the top of the page.

The empire magazine follows the codes and conventions of most magazines the layout and style. The colours used within the magazine.

This is a horror style edition which is why yellow and red is used, most horror edition magazines use red and yellow because there not appealing to look at which makes appropriate for this magazine edition.

The empire magazine has a lot of extra freebies, things like posters which are aimed at teenagers who are fans of the Twilight sage. Theses are selling points which are why the colours are also bright, its eye catching and would be easily spotted.

This edition is mostly aimed at teenagers who are fans of twilight, it would grab there attention, also the buzz words used are words used the twilight films. The main featured image covers the whole page and standing out, the iconography of this suggest that he is a mysterious character, since he is also behind a dark background

The colours of his eyes are also following the colour scheme which shows the brand identity which is consistent

Page 3: Research: Analysis of existing horror film magazines

Sight and sound magazine has a moreProfessional layout. The audience for this type of magazine is for people who see film as art, more intelligent readers which is why the layout is a lot more simple.

Sight and sound mostly use the director of the film, and not a an actor because most of the readers are more interested for the creator of the film and not actors. Director is the one that puts the film together, which is seen as a type of art, which is why usually sight and sound use directors for the main cover image.

Sight and sound used the director Quentin Tarantino and the background is dark and black, this shows what type of person Tarantino is. The skull and bones have connotations of danger and death, the pose Tarantino is doing suggest that he is a dangerous director.

The masthead for sight and sound is smooth, the colour schemes is red, black and white, which are used a lot in magazines. The font for sight and sound is not blocky but more smooth and has a smart look to it, this shows what type of people read this magazine.

The magazine still follows the basic codes and conventions, colours and fonts used which still attracts older mature, intelligent readers.