Download - Rescue Report 2015 Seattle Purebred Dog Rescue Westies ...Reason for Surrender: – Elderly Owner passed away :1 day in foster care. State: WA Duncan 8 yrs Duncan is a well behaved,

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Rescue Report

2015 Seattle Purebred Dog Rescue

Westies*Scotties*Cairns by Karin Parish – Jan 2016

This year we can only coin the phrase “oldies but goodies”. We seemed to get an enormous amount

of old dogs into rescue. Some were over 12 yrs. old. I felt it only fair, that if someone agreed to keep

the rescued dog in their twilight years, that they could have it for free. However, we spent all the

money we needed to for well exam, dental, shots, any tumor removals, and senior blood panels. We

spent into the thousands per dog. I was starting to wonder if I was another branch of Old Dog

Haven. We also paid for the euthanasia if the adopted dog was dying or close to dying before a year

had passed after adoption. Ironically – had three of those.

YIKES. I was considering handing some of the dogs to Old Dog Haven but they had over 400 dogs

in foster care and were bursting at the seams. Therefore, we regrouped and put several of the dogs

on facebook and found homes quickly. An enormous thank you to the community and to the people

who adopted these dogs, because they know their life is short lived. It takes a special person. If the

dog’s adoption is short lived and they die, I feel confident they are reunited with their owner who had

passed away. Now they are all together again.

The upside of this report is there are fewer dogs, but the cost is more because of the ages of the dog.

However, the good news is that less dogs in rescue which shows the economy has really taken an

upswing. People have actually become angry with me because I had no dogs in rescue, and they

wanted one NOW. There wasn’t anything to rescue!

On that note, we had to euthanize several dogs and refuse a couple. Several were euthanized for

terminal health issues, and Westie Lung Disease. Others were euthanized for severe aggression.

We also refused two that were on the brink of death due to health with kidney damage, and heart

failure and we asked the shelter to offset our costs by just euthanizing them. One such dog was a

self-mutilating Cairn Terrier. It was quite severe and he had already finished off his tail and was

working on his leg. I can only imagine how the shelters feel when people drop off dogs like this and

they aren’t rehomeable. It’s a difficult job.

As always, my fosters and co rep, Judy Lane, are amazing. We also had the luck to reinstate

Barbara Mitchell after a long absence from fostering. We are so happy to have her back. The

rescue efforts have been quiet, and we are all dancing to the tune of “Because I’m Happy!”. We are

even thinking of having a luncheon for us, because we only hear from each other when we are talking

about the problems with rescue. I hope the 2016 rescues are few and far between.

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Ladd: 10 yrs At the end of 2014, Ladd was adopted out prior to

this adoption. His first adopter was a vibrant 80 yr old man who was

elated to have an older Westie. Unfortunately, 2 mos later he passed

away in his sleep and his daughter called me to give the dog back.

No grass grew under Ladd’s feet, he was adopted promptly by another

man from Spokane.

Reason for Surrender: – Elderly Owner passed away :1 day in

foster care. State: WA

Duncan 8 yrs

Duncan is a well behaved, sweet boy who was well cared for. He is

easy going and a happy boy. Our Foster Dads adopted him and it was

a perfect match! He is an asset for a foster home because we need

resident dogs who can deal with some of the unhinged fosters we get

into rescue. He is calm and has great manners and was raised by a

wonderful man.

Reason for Surrender: – Elderly Owner passed away :1 day in

foster care. State: WA

Sophie -11 yrs Sophie was originally purchased off Craig’s List for $100. The buyer had never

owned a Westie before, and didn’t know what to do with her skin allergies, ear infections and constant

licking. (It couldn’t have been the Beneful, could it?) They also did not want to pay $100+ to go to

the vet since they were already out $100 for her purchase. They were beside themselves because

an office visit, antibiotics, ear infection meds, medicated shampoo, and pred shot was over $180.

They felt that in two mos they would have been dishing out $280 on this new dog! OMG The new

owners said they were in shock that a Westie would cost so much money to own! I had to hold

myself back from chuckling because they didn’t have her long enough to get her groomed, it would

have been a double shocker!

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Alas, they dropped her off at the Olympia shelter to be euthanized because they felt she was a sickly

dog, a money pit and should be put to sleep. The Olympia shelter called me and asked me to take

her because she didn’t need to be euthanized. We did. She was adopted out to a former adopter

named Dorothy who had adopted Tiger. She was well versed with allergies dogs. So Sophie is with

her new bro Tiger, and she also gets to go flying in their plane!

Reason for Surrender: – Allergies, can’t afford, dropped off at shelter to be euthanized: 2

mos in foster care State: WA

Kotten, Kitte, Kirby- Mr Toads Wild Ride

Ages: 10 yrs, 11 yrs and 12 yrs

The three dogs were owned by an 80 yr old

woman who was in tip top health. She walked 5

miles a day, and ate healthy and was a ball of

energy. She was in the kitchen one morning and

keeled over from a mass coronary heart attack.

POOF. The son didn’t want the dogs, but a friend

of son’s took over. She dove in because she had

dogs, and she knew dogs. She called me

informing me that she was a family friend and she wanted to find them a home. She informed me

that she wanted to approve who got the dogs and she would decide, just hand over the applications.

She told me that she was in charge, and she was calling the shots. Lucky I have mellowed in my old

age, and/or hear all these demands so often, I just smirk. I told her very calmly that isn’t how I

operated, and she needed to relinquish them so we could vet them and do an evaluation. She

refused and got quite angry – and as I recall she said “and you call yourself a rescue.” - slam - dial

tone. Alas, all roads lead back to me. A 6 weeks later we were informed the dogs were living in

crates in her garage for over a month. They were let out a couple of times a day but were NOT

permitted in the house, but were permitted in the kitchen. (Curses that rescue would take them and

have them inside a real home). Then the caretaker adopted the dogs out to some woman in

Vancouver, WA She kept the dogs for a less than a week and was overwhelmed when she took

them for checkups and had an estimate for vet care at the $2-3K level (including dental, blood panels,

etc.). She called the woman to take the dogs back and the woman REFUSED. She stopped

answering the phone. The new owner looked up the son through a past vet bill and she called the

son to take them back. He told her to take them to the shelter, he didn’t want them back. She was so

upset, she said “these are your mother’s dogs, don’t you care?” He said, “NOPE, and please don’t

call me again”. She was totally FREAKED and she searched me out on internet. I guess all roads

lead back to me.

I find it totally amusing that “family friend” refused to give me the dogs, yet when the adoption didn’t

work out -she refused to take them back! We worked with the new owner, and we posted them on

facebook and Linda Smith agreed to take on all three. We were very grateful and we had all three of

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them vetted, dental done and well checks, senior blood panels. I think we also removed a tumor.

Unfortunately, Kirby died of advanced lymphoma in September. The other two are still upright.

Kotten had to have more extensive dental done. Linda keeps her dog in stellar shape.

Reason for Surrender: – Elderly Owner passed away: State: WA

Bailee – 4 yrs.

Bailee was a sad story. We rotated her in foster care, and adopted her out

three times, and she came back three times for aggression. She was

aggressive with dogs, out on a leash and had meltdown 101 if you left her, she

was a hot mess. We tried everything. She had been nasty her entire life, and

nothing really made her happy except attacking any other dog. If she lived

alone or you left her in a car, or in the house she went crazy nuts. She would rip

up a car, claw at the crate until her feet bled. She just lost her mind. So after

three tries, tranquilizers, calming coat wrap, and two years in and out of adopters homes and foster

homes, we put her to sleep. This is sad, because sometimes a dog is just too broken to fix. You

have to evaluate the quality of life, and she was never happy, always freaked out or angry.

Reason for surrender: Aggression: In foster care on and off for 6 mos over a two-year period.

Adopted out three times. Euthanized.

Max #8 - 3 yrs

Max was the cutest and sweetest well

behaved Westie I have ever had in Rescue

in 10 years. I kept waiting for him to do

something bad, and nothing! He was

returned after he was adopted out 1 ½ yrs

prior. The wife never wanted him and never

forgave him for lifting his leg on the corner of

her bedspread 1 yr prior. (rolling my eyes –

buy a gold fish). I heard a repeat story 20x of the bedspread story. I’m not kidding, 20 times. I

figured if they had to lose their mind over a bed spread that cost $200 ensemble in 1984, then it was

time to take Max back. I am sorry that I have zero patience over complaints this stupid! If this

bothers you, you do not need a dog. Also Max wasn’t like their dog who died 7 yrs ago, she didn’t

pee on the bedspread. On the 15th time of recanting the story of the bedspread, I was ready to go

over with a scissors and cut the darn thing up and/or smother her with it. People are dying of cancer,

get over your BEDSPREAD from Laura Ashley 1984 throw it out!) An I-Phone cost more than that.

Max was darling. He was perfect in a crate, in the car, on the leash, no food aggression, knew tricks,

shared toys, good with strangers, not barky, and housebroken. Great on the grooming table, great

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with his toenail clip, and just hung out. I found a lovely home for him in Yakima Valley and he lives

on a farm with a German Shepherd and another dog. The best thing is that the owners love him to

DEATH. The owners called me numerous occasions after the adoption because they could not

figure out why he was in rescue. They wanted to know what to look for to train him on. They said,

“He was perfect.” I answered “I told you”. It was an adoption early in April, and I can’t recall what

type of dog the 2nd dog was. Anyway they are all great. He didn’t pee in my house either? He is

great in the car, on a leash and with kids and other dogs. So Max #8 is in a better place. He is #8

because everyone seems to name their dog MAX and I can’t keep them all straight. He is well loved

and that is what counts! In hindsight, thank god he came back into rescue!

Reason for surrender: Didn’t want him anymore Adopted 1 ½ yrs prior: In foster care 4 days.

Holly 11yr, Willow 14 yrs

Both girls were owned by elderly owners (who

have since passed) who kept them in the laundry

room for over 6 yrs. They were let out once a day

and mostly peed in the laundry room, their beds,

and so forth. We couldn’t figure out if one or both

were in-continent, or had bladder infections or just

were used to peeing in the laundry room. The new

daughter in-laws found out about the dogs being

sequestered in the laundry room and demanded

their husbands (the sons) convinced the owners to

surrender the dogs. We spent an enormous

amount of money on these two girls, but it was short lived. One thing caused another problem that

caused another problem and both had failing health. The girls were kept groomed but their lives were

sequestered in the laundry room and had arthritis and a multitude of other problems with being locked

in a small space. Holly was going blind, had diabetes, then started to have a kidney shut down.

Willow was coughing and probably had Westie Lung Disease, her heart was enlarged, and she would

tip over and fall when she tried to walk. At the end we felt it was kinder to put them to sleep as the

new adopter kept having to go to the vet. The daughter in-laws were very kind and they did pay a

good portion of the vet bills. The vet bills were over $5k. It was pointless to keep trying to keep them

alive with their declining health. They only managed to stay alive in adoption for 5 mos.

Reason for surrender: Elderly owners, couldn’t care for dogs: Were placed directly w/adopter

- euthanized 5 mos later.

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Duke 8 yrs

Duke was a wonderful dog. He’s pictured here with his

foster mom, Vicki. He was rehomed from original owner

who had an infant, and Duke wasn’t fond of crying babies so

she rehomed him with a family who had two older daughters.

He lived there for a few years, and the wife became very ill

with MS and couldn’t care for Duke. Duke also had a tumor

on his shoulder. We found it was cancerous and the vet

said he thought he could get all the cancer out. We went for

it, and had his dental done, and all his vitals were good. He was adopted out and sadly the cancer

came back within 6 wks after adoption and he had to be put to sleep. We were all crushed, and I did

have rescue pay for the euthanasia. This is in no way a comfort to the people who adopted him

hoping to have the dog for longer than 6 wks. We couldn’t have asked for a better dog. He was


Reason for surrender: Owner critically ill: Foster care for 20 days. Adopted, but died 6 wks

later from cancer.

Gabby 9 yrs

Gabby was a good girl. This is the second time that someone

gave up their dog this year with the reason being: “lifestyle

change”. I am not sure what that means? I believe it means, I

am busy and I have a new career path, the dog goes. Gabby

was owned from a puppy by the same woman. She apparently

now wants to go back to school and work and get a promotion

and there is no time for the dog. So she surrendered her. She

was adopted promptly by one of our applicants and she couldn’t

be happier. By the way – her name Gabby is because she is

barky. She is happy in Renton, WA in her new home.

Reason for surrender: Lifestyle change: Foster care for 6 days.

Harley – 9 yrs (no photo)

Harley was unfortunately left at the Everett Shelter, and they called us to come and

get him. His heart was abnormally enlarged, and the crackle chest is the poster child

of Westie Lung Disease. He was very ill and they weren’t even sure he would make it through the

week, so we asked them to euthanize him.

Reason for surrender: stray at shelter: Euthanized due to advanced Westie Lung Disease

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Winston – 18 mos - aka: How many ways can I bite thee – let me count the ways.

Winston was purchased off internet, and owned by a woman who wasn’t sure what to do with a

terrier. She was elderly and no one would sell her a puppy so she found one on internet. (I like this

to a “whole level of crazies”) She then didn’t know anything about training a dog. Voila – Winston.

He bit visitors, kids, and was just on a spree. Fought dogs, just a whole world out there to sink his

teeth into – and he was cutie as well. So cute. He wanted his human to himself. SOLUTION: Of

course, her hair dresser said, she’d take him, she always wanted a Westie! After all she saw that

cute Westie on Little Cesar’s Commercial! She knew dogs, she had a shih Tzu! To add more fuel

to the fire, she had a beauty salon in her house which enabled a conga line of many strangers coming

and going daily – and of course… well he only bit two.

Then one day the beautician dashed out to pick some hair products. Unknowingly her next client was

early – and she doesn’t lock her door, so people can come and go. So here is a cute little Westie,

with strangers being able to walk in unannounced, and wow is this asking for trouble or what? It’s

like I can imagine the entire episode in slow motion! What’s not to love about a cute little Westie,

and a Westie who is small and of course she had to bend over him to pet him. And WHAMMO… She

informed the beautician she was suing her.

Well they couldn’t get Winston out of the house fast enough. It was like a 3 alarm fire on where to put

Winston and say they got rid of him, animal control was coming, they were getting sued. OMG OMG

. We were called. He was so young and we suggested going to class, and obedience and of course,

no one wants to spend money or time, so get rid of the dog.

A former adopter of ours had a wonderful Westie who was dying, and he also has my Sealyham’s

Cousin who is well behaved, so I knew his Sealy could hold her weight, and hoped it would rub off on

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Sir Winston aka chompers. They are working with his greeting strangers, and he just hangs out with

Abby the Sealy and plays. Anyone who gets a Westie puppy needs to start training them from the

moment they put their foot in the door. Go to puppy class. Socialize socialize socialize or you will be

creating a monster. That monster is going to wind up in rescue, and sometimes we can’t save them

all. Reason for surrender: biter : went directly to new adopter – has been a foster for us in

the past.

Toby 10 yrs – aka cranky pants

His owner had died, and the dog sitter promised the owner she would keep him.

Well he got into it with most dogs he felt like getting into it with. He had his good

days but he was quite cranky. She told me he was not easy but he was a good

sweet dog and not barky, housebroken and great on a leash. We had him in

foster care for a while and he shaped up then we adopted him out to a nice man

with an older female. We didn’t know he had a puppy that he just bought. Lo

and behold Toby felt the puppy was much too noisy and went after him. Foster

dad had to leave a dinner party and Seahawks game and drive up to Magnolia to

pick him up. Yikes what to do with Toby! He was adopted out to Lisa from

facebook and lo and behold she had an older female Westie, and all is well. Second time was a

charm. Thank you Lisa!

Reason for Surrender: – Elderly Owner passed away : In foster care 2 wks INTACT: N State:


Sparkey – 12 yrs

Sparkey was a wonderful dog, he was just precious. His owner was dying

in the hospital and her husband couldn’t cope and dropped him at the

shelter. Again Olympia Shelter called and asked us to come and get him

and he was a really sweet boy. You can look at him and know he is well

bred. AGAIN a facebook member of our rescue page agreed to take him

into her home and care for him until he dies. He is pretty darn healthy.

Thank you Sharon

Reason for Surrender: – Elderly Owner passed away : In foster care

3 wks. State: WA

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Daisy 4 yrs old

Nahh, Westie girls aren’t jealous and want to take out the other female

Westies in the household. The foster homes just double over and giggle

when we hear people say, “My Westie girl wasn’t like that.” Judy, Vicki and

I can catch them mid-air when they dive off the sofa to go after another

dog. We have had so much practice!

Daisy had allergies, but I think she also got into it with the other dog in the

house. She was fine in foster care, because we are on them and make

them toe the line. She was adopted out to Arizona to someone with a lot of

experience in rescue, and three weeks passed and she was on her way

back to Seattle. This is yet another reason we don’t like adopting out of

state. Daisy went crazy over the other older female Westie in the house,

and just wanted to vaporize her, to put it mildly. The new adopters had to put up barriers like the

Berlin Wall to keep peace in the house. After calling trainers into the home, it was apparent that she

had to come back. She was adopted out as an only dog, and all is well. We just feel badly the

adopter had to spend so much money flying back and forth with her.

Reason for Surrender: – Chronic Allergies – in foster care 2 wks. Returned and rehomed as

only dog. Spayed

Toto – 10 yrs

Toto’s owner had him from a pup and she took an assignment in

Israel for five or six years. She left him in the care of a friend,

and that turned out to be short lived. After 5 mos, they didn’t

want him anymore. She said she just wasn’t that keen on Terriers.

I wasn’t sure why not, but it was too much. They put him on

Craig’s List for $45. Judy was able to touch base with them and

they gladly relinquished the dog to us. Fast forward, two days

later, the real owner hunted us down from Israel and wanted us to

give back her dog. I was fortunate to be able to talk to her on the

telephone and I convinced her it wasn’t fair for him to be

“homeless” without a real owner until he died. Realistically he would probably only last 5 more years.

I explained to her that no one who was “dog sitting” is going to love your dog like their own unless

they adopt it. I told her it would be the best blessing she could give the dog, to give it a life and a

permanent home with someone who truly wanted him. She rethought it for several days and

relinquished rights to him. He is now in the Portland area with a sister. The couple is retired and

loves him dearly. There really isn’t much not to love about Toto. We had his dental done and he had

a senior panel and he was good to go. Very happy ending for all. Reason for Surrender: –

Lifestyle change - Foster care for 2 wks State: WA

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Cora Beth– 5 yrs

Cora was a very sweet good girl. Her owner worked long hours and Cora was

in the crate for a good 15 hrs total per day or more. When she went for a walk

or was let out to play she was bonkers. Then she was put back into the crate.

She was nippy with her 6 yr old boy so back into the crate she went. The

newsflash was when the owner told me she had never taken her to the

groomer, or clippered her or stripped her for FIVE YEARS. Cora came into

rescue and thought she landed in Disneyland for Dogs. She had a yard she went bonkers in, she had

two companions to chase squirrels with, woodpiles to check for undesirable vermin and grandchildren

to dress her in outfits! Lots of laps to sit on, and things to do and no crate! I asked Vicki to get her

into the groomer and make sure she is muzzled, because she has never seen a clippers. They

couldn’t really groom her because of all the knots and dense mess of undercoat, so she got clippered


She wound up being adopted out to a widower in Idaho. He had just lost his wife to Cancer, and his

dog died 3 wks after his wife did. Vicki and I felt he needed some distractions in his life and a new

woman. Cora was just the ticket. On New Year’s Eve he drove out from Boise, and rented a hotel,

and picked her up on New Year;s Day and they alit off to Boise. She is currently in a basic

obedience class, although I’m told she does not acknowledge the word “come” or “here” as she is a

girl you know! But they are muddling through and he is so happy. He plans on going camping with

her and doing everything with her, perhaps even agility. We are happy we could make a rewarding

match like this to someone who had a lot of sorrow befall him all at once. Now he has a buddy.

Reason for Surrender: – Lifestyle change and not good with children and no time for dog, child and

work- Foster care for 2 weeks, spayed


Rosie 8 yrs old: Oh those girls, and everyone wants a girl. Rosie was adopted out several years

ago to a wonderful woman who had another male Scottie. The woman since had a

stroke and was in a walker, and Rosie would get into fights with the male, because

she’s a girl, and it’s about what is proper. That is the way the girls are, they

normally are the leaders of the pack and the boys follow. She was put into foster

care, and did wonderfully with a routine, and was adopted out to Southern WA. She

was there for 6 mos and they called to give her back. She could be naughty and

sometimes she would poop in the house, and she just was a handful, so back she

came into rescue. These were people who had had Scotties for an eternity and

knew the breed. So Rosie was readopted out to Erin from Facebook and we told

her that she was a handful, and Erin and her Husband stepped up to the plate, and

took Rosie. She has been with them since June 2015.

Reason for Surrender: Poops in the house and fights with the other Scottie on occasion .

Foster: Kaleen 3 weeks - INTACT: N State: WA

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Marco 8 yrs – The Saga in the Life Of

Marco has such a history that he was named aptly because he traveled around like

Marco Polo. He just didn’t get to eat spaghetti. Some dogs in this lifetime are meant to

be in several homes, it’s their destiny and ironically they go with the flow and embrace it.

In the summer of 2013, Marco came into rescue to Whidbey Island to Camp Parish. His

owner had rescued him 3 yrs prior from the Shelter. She had a bad year the year after

she adopted him and she got a divorce, and was attacked and she never emotionally

recovered from it. She then lost her job and became a recluse and wouldn’t leave the

house. She was only about 50 yrs old. I tried to encourage her to go see someone to help her like a

psychiatrist, but she was too terrified to leave the house, and no one would come over. Her friends threw up their

hands and gave up. She had her food delivered and purchased items on line (amazon) and never left the

house. Paid a neighborhood boy to bring the trash in and out on trash day. She was too paralyzed emotionally

to leave the house. She didn’t take the dogs to get groomed. She had a Westie and a Scottie. However, she

did a pretty good job with brush, and scissors and combing to keep them in some sort of tidy manner, and they

were bathed, she also did their nails. Onward, she was going into a foreclosure on her home and moving in

with her son to his house. She didn’t want to take Marco because her son had a pit bull and it was not a nice

one. I tried to get the Westie as well, but she wouldn’t turn it over. She said she needed her Westie to hold onto

emotionally. She said it was the only thing that gave her comfort. She handed over Marco who was a

wonderful dog. She then moved into her son’s house and he went off to jail and one day the door wasn’t closed

tight enough and the Pit came charging through and killed the Westie. It was sad sad story and I don’t know

what ever happened to her. I just felt so sad for her.

Marco was adopted out to Pullman to a lovely couple who kept him for 2 years. Everything was great, and they

also adopted a 12 year old Scottie from me. I just gave her the dog, figuring it was probably 2 yrs past expiration

and we were on a wing and a prayer as far as longevity was concerned (Scotties don’t live as long as Westies).

In 2015 she got a divorce and they had to divide up four Scotties. She was renting a room in someone’s house

and they would not allow her to have two Scotties in her room. Her ex-husband and she spoke with Kaleen and

they both decided to keep the oldest Scotties because they would be the hardest to rehome, and they gave us

Marco back. This was a wonderful decision for everyone and Marco was quickly becoming the explorer like

Marco Polo! Several people were on face book demeaning the owner who gave Marco up, not understanding

the situation she was in. We deleted a lot of info on him off facebook so she wouldn’t be bullied. Marco spend

three rip roaring weeks at Selah Ranch barking at horses and investigating woodpiles for mice. Learning not to

chase cats, and being mostly on Kaleen’s husband’s lap. He also got to venture out into snow.

Marco was adopted again by a wonderful family in Spokane, who have a 10 yr old daughter, and a

Westie/Scottie mix female. They picked up Marco on Jan 25th and they adore him, he has found his new family

and had quite a great adventure in his life. Not many dogs can travel as much as Marco and live in different

homes. He’s like a foreign exchange student! The new adopter’s mom had Scotties her entire life and they

were thrilled to get a real live black Scottie, and one who is such a gentleman!

Reason for Surrender: Divorce – Foster 3 wks, INTACT: N, State: WA

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NO PHOTO - Sanka - 9 yr old male – Tacoma Shelter.

We were asked if we would take a 9 yr old Cairn Terrier from Tacoma shelter. The male was a self-

mutilating dog. He didn’t have much of his tail left, and was working on his foot. The owners took him

to the shelter, and told them that all the dogs in his litter were self-mutilating. Tacoma asked me if we

would take him. I told the shelter manager that if the entire litter is like this, that it is a brain damage

thing, and no amount of training or care was going to change that. We both agreed that euthanizia

would be the best decision in his case.

Reason for Surrender: Surrendered to shelter for self-mutilating behavior. Outcome: Euthanized

Tess – 9 yrs - R.I.P

I normally don’t write a follow up story, but Tess was one of my favorite. She was a young dog from

Tacoma Shelter who was rescued in a hoarding situation. Her owners gave her a large amount of dill

pickles daily, which rotted her kidneys. Please know that salt is very bad for dogs, and so those of

you giving your dog’s chicken broth and other salty items – you are slowly rotting their kidneys. Once

kidneys are damaged, they never recover. It’s a time bomb. Tess was in foster care for with many of

us. She was in at least 5 foster homes for over 7 mos or more. She was with me at the end prior to

her adoption. I knew she was slowly shutting down but she made a dramatic comeback. She

recently died at the end of 2015. I want to thank Kathy who adopted her and fully knew the situation

of her kidneys shutting down and accepted her into her home. We kept her alive a year and a half

longer than the vets thought. This is more of a thank you to Kathy and a special dog in my heart.

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Gus – 5 yrs

Gus was adopted out to a senior citizen by another agency. The

agency has since closed so he came to us. Gus had a lot of

anger management issues, and he went after both people and

dogs. We tried and tried and found he had been on tranquilizers

and anti anxiety meds, and calming pills for over two years. We

evaluated the fact that if he was this reactive with the drugs, OMG

without them. I had to make the decision on what type of a quality

of life he was going to have being tranquilized and still explosive,

so he was humanly euthanized. I didn’t feel it was responsible to

pass a problem to another agency. He did go on two different trials

to adopters and it was short lived when he went crazy going after some of the adults in the house just


Reason for Surrender: Owner went to nursing home – Foster care 5 wks, , State: WA Outcome:

Euthanized due to aggression.

2015 STATS

TOTAL: 18 Westies 2 Scotties 2 Cairns = total 22 rescued

Note: some dogs counted 2x because they were returned mos later.

Males Females Owner changed Mind

To another rescue group

Spays and Neuters

Euthanized Dogs refused

Vet Costs

19 9 4 2* 2 6 0 $ 10,000 (Westies)

$ 1.000 (Scotties)

$ 700 (Cairns)

$11,700 TOTAL VET


Food/Supplies Flea Meds, Ear cleaner, shampoo, etc

Ofc /Postage Phone

$ 8.000 Operating Costs

2015 Grand Total Operating Cost


*not our breeds

** Operating Costs: Gas, food, equipment, leashes, collars, cleaning products, treats, training, grooming supplies, phone, Ofc

supplies, postage, ID Tags, prescription foods, toys, supplements

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Impulse Control: We understand your compassion for rescue however due to laws and rules of our rescue, we are

unable to go storming around like the Lone Ranger and rescuing dogs off Craig’s List or out of the shelter. In dog training

we refer to the fact that you need to learn “impulse control”. If you feel you have seen a dog in need or on Craig’s list we

suggest you email the owner and inform them that we have a rescue organization that will help them and insure the dog is

placed in a safe home, because this is what we do. Point them to the SPDR site and they can contact us immediately via

hot line, or emails that come to our smart phones and computers. You can find SPDR on a Google search under Seattle

Purebred Dog Rescue. Or paste the link in for them. We expend enough of our lives taking care of the rescues we have

and we cannot go policing Craig’s List.

A big NO NO – do not post belittling and inflammatory info on Craig’s List to people who are rehoming their dogs. Same

for our facebook page! At least they are not dumping them in ravines, and not abandoning them on the highway as we

see all the time. This is much crueler than going to a shelter that is SAFE. Domesticated dogs are not wolves. Instead of

berating them, maybe education would be a better course of action. When you berate them they shut down and there is

no contact. We also WILL NOT buy a dog off Craig’s List, it’s not our mission and against our policy. If you want to buy it

and turn it over to us, so be it. We often see backyard breeders dumping sick dogs which no longer have the ability to

breed. Most of these types of dogs already have mammary cancer or tumors which the unsuspecting buyer figures out

when they get the dog. So to stop the madness – education is our only chance of making a change. We will take a dog if

it is surrendered, but we won’t pay!

Therefore - we encourage you not to post things on Facebook about dogs in need of rescue at shelter or they will be

euthanized, because this just doesn’t happen with purebred dogs in Washington and our surrounding States!!!! Tacoma

and all the shelters in the area have not euthanized an adoptable Westie, Cairn or Scottie nor have they euthanized an

adoptable dog in over 7 years. Except if we request it is euthanized because it is frankly – too sick to save. Tacoma has

adopted out over 7000 dogs and cats last year. (I didn’t even count rabbits and hamsters, guinea pigs, birds, fish, birds, a

chicken, ducks or turtles) We could never even attempt to make a dent in that amount of animals that are abandoned.

We need the Humane Society and shelters! Be grateful and kiss the ground that they exist. The shelters work hard to

find rescue groups to take adoptable dogs. I am always contacted by shelters in Oregon, and Idaho to take dogs. In

Oregon, the Troutdale Shelter will even spay and neuter and do dental for us for free, before we get the dog, as a

courtesy for our travel.

The influx of email hysteria makes so much paperwork for the shelter, the reps and the rescue organizations. We

appreciate your consideration in this matter but we need you to practice impulse control.


We appreciate all the excellent support from our vets. They give us priority, and give us first class

service and rescue discounts which is very rare these days. If you are looking for a new vet, use

one of ours! They know our breeds! We can give you recommendations.

Special thanks to:

Bothell Pet Hospital (425) 486-3251

Drs. Shannon Smith, Kim Hsu, Lesley Kovar

(giving us first class care since 2005)

Animal Hospital of Maple Valley

Dr. Karla Mooers (425) 432-2999

Selah Vet Clinic (509) 697 6111

Dr. Mike Beksinski

River Road Animal Hospital

Puyallup (253) 845-7525

Sumner Veterinary Hospital, Sumner

Dr. Kathy Wendt (253)863-2258

Animal Hospital by the Sea

Dr. Jean Dieden (360) 331-8090

Langley, WA

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The People who make it a success:

There are absolutely no words to express that I could not do this alone. I have high expectations.

My motto is if I wouldn’t leave my own dogs with these applicants, then why would I adopt out my

rescues to them? So you will be glad I have all those qualities if it came to your dog needing to be


I surround myself with people who are responsible and as passionate as me and who can follow

through, or it doesn’t work. Years ago, a boss of mine told me a secret. She said, “You are only as

good as the people you surround yourself with. If you build your team with good people, it makes you

look good and you are all a success and directing them is will be stress free and pleasant”. She was

so right.

Rep - Karin Parish: I process all the applications, do the interviews, spread sheets, pick ups,

coordinate, foster the sickest dogs or the ones with the worst temperament (much to my dogs

dismay). I interface with most of the vets for big operations and what I want done on the incoming sick

dogs. I talk to all the vets regarding serious operations or tumor removals or anything else that

comes up in a test, like cancer, addisons disease, thyroid problems, etc. My job is to mentor, and

listen to the problems and support our foster team. I am first point of contact, and have to pull out

skills of talking people off the ledge to convincing them what would be best for the dog.

Co Rep: Judy Lane: Works full time at Pemco. She has four of her own dogs and a husband. She

specializes in nutrition, she grooms, she specializes in diabetic dogs, dogs with cataract surgery,

knee surgery and skin issues. She helps me with interviews, and she drives hither and yon on her

only weekends off picking up dogs, and scheduling vet appts, transports and getting paperwork. Judy

levels me because she is much calmer so we take turns playing good cop and bad cop when we

have to deal with some of the applicants or owners. Sometimes we are put in situations where we

have to deal with some unbalanced people.

The heartbeat

Vicky Ray- Foster: Vicky works part time, has her grandchildren four days a week, a husband and

three dogs. She picks up all my dogs from Tacoma shelter, she is learning allergy problems, she

covers the area from Renton down to Yelm. She always is flexible, makes great decisions and I can

just point her and let go, and I know it’s done. She is thorough, efficient and dependable. She’s

everything anyone would want for a teammate. Vicky has fostered the most dogs this year. (15).

Bruce Beck - Foster: Bruce applied to foster and I kind of overlooked his application. He was the

greatest find in 2014 for my group. He is in Burien and he is an amazing, patient trainer and foster

dad. He takes his charges everywhere with him and exposes them to people, walks, car rides, new

environments and routine. Bruce is super calm and follows direction and is such a breeze to work

with. We adore him and his husband Ralph. We also enjoy having foster dads!

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Barbara Mitchell : Barbara was our “rock” in 2007-2010, but her husband became very ill and he

recently passed away in 2014. Barbara took a while to deal with the loss and now she is back and

we are more than “giddy” to have her. We just Love her. She is in Port Orchard with her Westie

named Molly.

Maryann Guerry-Buck – Foster backup: Maryann has been around fostering for quite a while but she

was involved with our rescue since 2007. Between 2010-2015 she was working full time and her

own animals animals and working weekends at Noah as well as fostering for them and doxie rescue.

She recently retired and she has a bit more time to help. She is one of our foster back ups and

normally covers Marysville and North, although sometimes she had to go to Tacoma in a pinch.

Angie Fellows – Olympia: Angie was on my facebook and I have always seemed to talk to her and

gosh I don’t really know how it all evolved but she helped us out with several dogs when we didn’t

know what to do or were out of ideas.

June Taylor - Oregon: June represents us in Oregon. She goes beyond the call of duty. She is

excellent with dogs, and grooming and evaluating. She has gone off in another direction and is

helping rescue dogs out of high kill shelters in California, but she is always available when I need her.

She has rescued numerous mixed fluffy dogs out of California.

Tonya Osborn – Oregon: She is in Beaverton, Oregon. She has been on standby because of the

drop in rescues this

We have had less dogs in rescue during 2015 - a blessing.

In closing, thank you all for making our efforts successful.

Karin and Judy