Download - Resalti - Sultan's School · Resalti. November 2019. MESSAGE FROM THE . 16. HEAD OF SECONDARY MESSAGE FROM THE . 08. HEAD OF PRIMARY. 2. NEWSLETTER NOEMBER 2019. In addition, it is

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ResaltiThe Sultan’s School Newsletter November 2019



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In addition, it is believed that IBDP

students acquire skills that will be

needed at university such as citation

writing and critical thinking.

A 2017 survey of university admissions

officers, from 80 universities in the

United Kingdom (UK) and 20 in the

United States stated that IB Diploma

students did best in ‘encouraging

independent inquiry’, ‘developing self-

management skills’ and ‘nurturing an


Figures from the UK’s Higher Education

Statistics Agency in 2016, found that IB

graduates were ’57 percent more likely

to be enrolled at one of the top 20 UK

universities and had a ‘significantly

greater likelihood’ of earning a first-

class honours degree, compared to

students who took the British A-level.

Furthermore, a study by Conley et al

(2014) found that IB students fared

better in university mathematics

courses than non-IB students.

The UCAS (The Universities and

Colleges Admissions Service for the

United Kingdom) tariff states that

45 points in the IB Diploma is the

equivalent to 5 grade A* at A-level; 40

points is equivalent to 4 grade A* at

A-level and 35 points is the equivalent

to 2 grade A* at A Level and 1 grade A.


from dr.glenn’s desk

Effort is defined as a vigorous

or determined attempt, while

perseverance is defined as the

persistence in doing something despite

difficulty or delay in achieving success.

If there was ever a group of students

that embraced and excelled in the art

of effort and perseverance then it must

be the 2019 IBDP graduating class who

achieved the magical figure of a 100%

pass rate.

Over the last five decades, the IB

Diploma has a well-earned reputation

in preparing students for university

because it ‘aims to develop students

who have excellent breadth and

depth of knowledge’, who will flourish

‘physically, intellectually, emotionally

and ethically’ (IBO website).

No one succeeds without effort…Those who succeed owe their success to perseverance.Ramana Maharshi

In offering the IB Diploma, we know we

are offering our students the very best

opportunity to be successful once they

leave us, and more importantly we are

confident, given time, they will be the

leaders of tomorrow’s Oman.

Dr. Glenn CanterfordPrincipal

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School’s new flag has been unveiled on Founder’s Day.


Dr Glenn and Mr Paul with the top scorers of IB Exams 2019

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The Board members had a satisfactory visit after ascertaining the progress of the various ongoing projects in campus.

The student-led initiative has raised funds that have been used to refurbish a van into an ambulance and was unveiled on 12th of September 2019.


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The Year 12 Cancer Awareness group and other TSS students actively participated in one of the biggest fundraising events for

OCA- A Walk For Life.

Thomas Kleefeld from Qualies talked to the whole school about the need for more native trees in Oman and introduced the technology Waterboxx in which plants can be encouraged to grow deep roots to help maximise survival rates.


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in news

On 17th October, all the lady staff gathered together and celebrated Omani Women’s Day.

Winners of the Quran Reading Competition.

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PTA Meeting

The UNESCO Team have made a visit to oversee the activities in School.


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By the time you read this, the first

term will be almost two-thirds of the

way through and it seems odd to be

talking about beginnings. The start of

this school year saw new staff faces

in Primary and we are delighted that

Ms Dearbhla (KG), Ms Joanne (Year 3),

Ms Rachael (Year 4), Ms Nawal and Mr

Scott (PE) have settled so readily into

life here at The Sultan’s School. They

bring further skills to an already very

strong staff team. I am also pleased to

welcome Mr Darren who will be taking

over from me as Head of Primary next

academic year. We wish them all every

MESSAGE FROM dr. stuart

success in their new roles.

Our new KG children have made a

most pleasing start – I have just been

reading their settling-in reports and

they make very pleasing reading!

There are also new children in other

year groups as well as the new scholars

in Year Six. We wish each one of them

every success at The Sultan’s school.

Our new Primary School Head Boy and

Girl are Basil Ayedeh and Jana Al Zaabi

who will be assisted by two deputies:

Zakary Al Hinai and Ayah Taqi, plus a

capable team of prefects and sports

captains. We wish them a successful

year in their tasks and responsibilities.

Here’s to another highly successful


Mr Darren Ms Dearbhla Ms Joanne Ms Rachael Ms Nawal Mr Scott

New Primary Staff

Dr. Stuart with Primary Officers of SY 19/20.

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kindergarten NEWS

في بداية كل عام دراسي نخطط ونعد األنشطة المناسبة الستقبال أطفال الروضة،

وكذلك إثراء البيئة التعليمية واستخدام الموارد والمصادر المتوفرة إلضفاء جو

المرح ومساعدة األطفال على التعلم. وكعادتنا تساورنا مخاوف القلق من اليوم األول في

كيفية تقبل األطفال االنفصال عن األهل والتعامل مع الكادر التعليمي والوجوه الجديدة

عليهم. لكن أطفال الروضة هذه السنة خالفوا

التوقعات ولمسنا االنسجام والتناغم في الصف الواحد وسالسة في االندماج مع

األطفال أقرانهم في صفوف الروضة بشكل عام وكأنهم يعرفون بعضهم سابقا.

لقد أثر هذا فينا وأشعرنا باإليجابية الستقبال هذه السنة.

ولقد اعتمدنا في إعداد خططنا على نتائج تقييم األطفال في األسبوعين األولين وبما

سيتناسب مع قدراتهم وميولهم والوقوف على مواطن القوة والضعف عندهم. والعمل على

تحديد مستوياتهم لتقديم األنشطة المناسبة كي يتمكنوا من الوصول إلى األهداف المتوقعة

منهم ولبناء المهارات األساسية لهذه المرحلة.اندمج أطفال الروضة باألنشطة المختلفة فرحين ومشاركين بعمل بعض األطعمة

المرتبطة بأصوات الحروف باللغتين العربية واإلنجليزية بشكل أسبوعي.

كما شاركوا باالحتفال بعيد تأسيس المدرسة بوضع أطواق الزهور على رؤوس البنات

وارتداء الدشداشة لألوالد.وكالمعتاد البداية هي نقطة االنطالق المهمة

التي نراعي فيها شعور األطفال باآلمان، والتعرف على نظام الروضة والمدرسة

والتواصل مع مربيات الصفوف ومعلمي المواد األخرى، مثل معلم التربية الرياضية

ومعلمتي الموسيقى والحاسوب. ولتبدأ رحلتهم باكتساب أفضل ما لدينا من معلومات

وخبرات ولنحصل منهم على أفضل ما لديهم من قدرات وطاقات مبنية على ميولهم

واهتماماتهم، األمر الذي يدعونا لتوجيهم جماعيًا، وكل على حدة ضمن خطة تتماشى مع كونه طفٌل فريٌد له إمكانات خاصة. وهذا يكون بالتخطيط الجيد وبالتواصل الفعال بين

البيت والروضة. ومن هنا أود أن أقدم كل الشكر والتقدير

ألولياء أمور الروضة على تواصلهم ومتابعتهم ألطفالهم وحرصهم على

مشاركتهم في األنشطة المختلفة. أرجو االستمرار على هذا النهج لرفع مستوى

األطفال ولتأمين احتياجاتهم من المعارف

والمهارات ليكونوا مستقلين، يعتمدون على أنفسهم ويتحملون المسؤوليات الموكلة إليهم

حسب استطاعتهم.بالتأكيد كلنا ثقة بقدرتنا على بلوغ أهدافنا وتحقيق أمنياتنا لتكون هذه السنة إضافة جديدة، ونوعيّة لما حققناه خالل سنوات

سابقة، ونعلم علم اليقين أن حاضًرا وواقًعا جميالً هو ما سيجعل غدنا أبهى وأجمل.

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PRIMARY NEWSIt is hard to believe that eighteen

months have passed since the first

article about STEAM in Primary was

written for Resalati. A lot has happened

since then…

The Lego Robotics Clubs that were

started last year were very successful.

In fact, the Lego Mindstorms Club

ran all year and only stopped when

the holy month of Ramadan began in

Term 3. These clubs are running again

this term and are proving to be very

popular with numbers for Mrs. Ada’s

WeDo 2.0 club soaring higher than ever


Raspberry Jam has had a slower start

in Term 1 but we hope the numbers

will increase in Term 2. Students

finished last year by making virtual

Tamagotchis (A popular digital pet

toy). Our returning Year 7 students

are starting a project to build a robotic

vehicle out of recycled materials while

our two Year 6 girls are having fun

creating dancing unicorns with LEDs.

The dome looks as though it has been

transformed into the “Rebel Base on

Dantooine” and Star Wars has taken

over. A band of young Padawan droid

inventors are creating R2 droids under

the expert tutelage of our resident Jedi

knight, Mr. David. May the force be

with them!

The activities undertaken in these clubs

and the skills developed will be also

be brought into ICT lessons later this

year so all students will have a chance

to experience the benefits of a Maker

Mindset. We are also exploring ways to

continue to motivate and engage our

graduating Primary students so their

love for making, tinkering and creating

is continued into Middle School and


Looking ahead we have our second

F1 Ethara season coming up in Term

Two. This exciting event was a massive

success last year culminating with

teams competing and winning events

at Yas Circuit, Abu Dhabi! Mr. Chris set

the bar high in Ethara’s inaugural year

and the Year 6 and specialist team hope

to continue that this year. We wish Mr.

Chris all the best in his new adventures

as he strives to prove to students and

staff alike that the old adage is true…

the sky’s the limit!

Mr Spencer CurtisHead of Primary ICT

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PRIMARY NEWSInstrumental Lessons are coming back to the school.

This year the music department is

going to implement an instrumental

programme into the school. We plan to

start next month. The new instruments

have arrived and I am positive that

many children will like playing on them. The instruments are much smaller and

lighter than the originals made from metal.

Primary Music students are back and singing their hearts out! Year six performed a beautiful song ‘Respect’ at our Primary

Assembly on Monday, 21st October.

Our TSS Choir was invited to sing at the Kempinski Hotel on 12th October for the

Mental Health Forum-Young Minds.

All children in are learning through singing, performing on a variety of instruments

and arranging the songs where they are playing the melodies and rhythms with

additional sounds to a steady beat.

TSS Choir performance on Tree Day

when they were singing a song which

was about a five hundred-year-old Cen-

turion Tree in Tasmania which is the

tallest hardwood tree and the tallest

flowering plant.

Ms Diana KornelHead of Primary Music

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Year 5 went to see ‘The Child and the Spells’ by Maurice Ravel and Collette.

The Royal Opera Trip

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تزامنا مع احتفال دول العالم باليوم العالمّي للطّيور المهاجرة قام بعض الطّلبة من الّصف

الّسادس في 12 من أكتوبر بالتّعاون مع وزارة البيئة والّشؤون المناخيّة برحلة إلى محميّة القرم الطّبيعيّة بهدف التّعّرف على أشجار القرم وفوائدها الّتي تقّدمها للمحيط الحيوّي الموجودة به وخاّصة كونها أحد الموائل الهاّمة لتغذية واستراحة الطّيور


Mangrove Garden Visit

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On Tuesday, 15th October the U/11

boys’ and girls’ Skittleball teams

played in the Muscat Primary Sports

League tournament hosted by BSM.

This was the first Primary age tour-

nament of the academic year and all

our students played excellently. In

addition to this, their behaviour and

honesty during the competition was

exemplary. In total we had 48 stu-

dents competing in the tournament in

the A and B teams for both boys and

girls. They played against AGS, AIS and

BSM and out of the eight teams in the

competition, all TSS teams finished in

the top 4. The full results were:

· Girls’ A team – 4th

· Girls’ B team – 3rd

· Boys’ A team – 1st

· Boys’ B team – 3rd

U11 Skittleball Tournament


This was a promising start to the MPSL

sporting calendar for our U/11 sides,

who are looking forward to their Bench-

ball tournaments on the 6th and 11th


Scott Fusco

Head of Primary Physical Education

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Maker Faire


Maker Faire brings together families

and individuals to celebrate the Do-

It-Yourself (DIY) mindset and show-

case all kinds of incredible projects.

At Maker Faire, you’ll find arts and

crafts, science and engineering, food

and music, fire and water but what

makes this event special is that all

these interesting projects and smart,

educators, tinkerers, engineers, sci-

ence clubs, authors, artists, students,

and commercial exhibitors. creative

people belong together.

They are actively and openly creating a

maker culture.In its simplest form, Maker

Faire creates conversations with Makers. It is

a show-and-tell format for people of all ages

that brings out the “kid” in all of us. Maker

Faire is a community-based learning event

that inspires everyone to become a maker

and connect to people and projects in their

local community. Yet, Maker Faire is a “fair”

which should be fun and engaging.

The first Maker Faire started in 2006 in

San Mateo, California, organized by MAKE

magazine. In 2012 we celebrated its

seventh year with 800+ makers and

attracting over 110,000 visitors. The

other flagship Maker Faire organized

by MAKE had it’s third annual event

in New York City with 55,000 attend-

ees. Other larger scale “featured”

faires occur in Kansas City, Detroit,

Tokyo and Newcastle (UK). However,

the idea of Maker Faire can work at

almost any scale.

Our brilliant students won first and third place.Muhanad Al Nammani first place in technological sectorAbdulrahman Al Balushi distinctive work

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sharing more stories you will have a clearer picture of the day to day life of the school and we will form an even closer partnership in educating the students.

We have already started the year by celebrating our outstanding IB and IGCSE results. We have also had our Middle School and Upper School Award presentations where again we celebrate students’ success from the 2018-2019 school year. We will be celebrating our IGCSE results and present Certificates on the 20th November.

You may have also heard that are budding actors and actresses are busing rehearsing for the School Production which will take place on 9th, 10th and 11th December.

I would also like to remind you to keep up to date through our many forms of electronic communication. We are presently introducing our new Virtual Learning Environment, Firefly with two of our Year 8 classes and will bring more classes online throughout the term. Please ensure that you have our app loaded on your phone and that we have an up-to-date email address and phone number. As a Green Flag school concerned about the environment, electronic format will be the main method of communication.

As you may know, we have an open


It is hard to believe that we are already well into the first term of the 2019-2020 school year. It has been so good to see everyone back and Resalti will provide a further opportunity to share news and information about the many different aspects of life at The Sultan’s School. In each edition, different Secondary staff will write about aspects of the student’s learning to help keep you in the picture about what we are striving to achieve. We will also update you about life beyond the curriculum, with information from the many different sections of the Secondary School.

The Secondary School look forward to the continued support from parents and guardians as we all work together to encourage and support your sons and daughters in their pursuit of excellence. We strive for success in Academics, the Arts, Sports and as good citizens of their own community and the larger global community. By

18th NovemberNational Day Celebrations

4th DecemberYear 11 Geography Trip

5th DecemberInternational Day

10th-11th DecemberSchool Production

12th DecemberECA’s Finish

19th December Term 1 Ends

5th JanuaryTerm 2 Starts


Mr Adam Ms Sarah Ms Eila Mr Guy Ms Sahibabanu Ms Rafif

New Secondary Staff

door policy and if you ever have a quick question relating to your son, daughter or the school, please do not hesitate to contact us. If you wish to discuss something in more detail please make an appointment.

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Middle School Academic Excellence Awards

Upper School Academic Excellence Awards


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What is the Middle school Student Council?It is a group conducted by students in Years 7 to 9 and supervised by adults. The purpose of the Middle School Student Council is to give students an opportunity to develop leadership skills by organising and implementing school activities and service projects.In addition, to planning events and contributing to school spirit and community welfare, the Middle School Student Council is the voice of the student body. They help to share student ideas, interest, and concerns with the whole school community.Middle School

The Middle School staff and I would like to welcome you to the 2019-2020 school year. We want this year to be a positive experience for both you and your child. With that goal in mind, we will be working to strengthen our school community where your child can experience success and develop a love for learning. We recognise the important role that you, as parents, play in the education of your child and we believe that your support and input are essential to help us achieve that goal.

Your child must know that we will work together to provide the safest and best educational environment possible. We believe that children should be treated with fairness and respect and, therefore, they have a right to know

what is expected of them. Appropriate behaviour in school and the classroom will help to ensure that our educational objectives are achieved. We are best able to teach when children come to school on time, are ready to learn, put forth their best effort, and respect the learning of other students. I know that you recognise the importance of your child’s education and I am appreciative of your tireless support.

Together, we will create a year of excellence for our students as we focus on improving the student and family commitment. We will continue to review and refine our curriculum to improve student learning and cultivate a positive culture and climate at our school.

I wish you and your child the best for a successful and rewarding school year!Kind regards

Ms. SuzanneMiddle School Coordinator

Abdula Al Kindi and Lujain Al Harthy - Middle School Head boy and Head girl

Middle SchoolStudent Council

• Aatika Al Hinai 9N• Shaikah Al Farsi 9N• Al Reem Al Saidi 9O • Ru’aa Al Harthy 9O• Nawal Al Sharif 8A

• Mazin Hassan 8O• Eiman Burney 7O• Salim Al Busaidi 7N• We’am Al Sharji 90• Ahmed Al Hinani 7A


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A group of Year 11 Economics students enjoyed a morning of field learning at the Central Bank of Oman and Muscat Securities Market on Monday 7th October.

Mr Robert and Miss Cherry accompanied twelve students to both venues to help consolidate classroom learning yet to also inspire our students to realise the potential for future careers in Economics and Finance.

Students learnt about the role of the Central Bank of Oman, the history of the Omani Rial and the functions of the securities market.

Good luck to the Economics students in their mock exams in January 2020 and their finals in May 2020.

For more information about IGCSE and IB Economics, please contact Mr Rob Small on [email protected]

SEA LIFEThe Year 7 Big Idea Project this

term was a cross-curricular unit

based on Sea Life.

To survive and prosper, we need

healthy oceans. The ocean is the

largest ecosystem on Earth, it is the

planet’s life support system. Oceans

provide at least a sixth of the animal

protein people eat. Living oceans

absorb carbon dioxide from the

atmosphere and reduce climate

change impacts.

On 6th and 7th September, the Year

7 students visited Seeb Beach, The

Muscat Aquarium and participated in

a variety of cross-curricular activities in

English, Mathematics, Science, Social

Studies and Physical Education all

based on the theme of Sea Life.

Year 7 Big Idea ProjectDuring these two days of activities, the

Year 7 students studied various aspect

of ocean life, by the use of photography,

an environmental survey of the beach,

observation of the ocean species at the

aquarium and understanding that all

subject areas can help us understand

and protect our environment for future


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‘The Sultans School continues to march forward with continually improving results. Last year’s IGCSE results showed our improvements are here to stay as our pass rate remained at the highest level in over 5 years. Our brightest students receiving top A/A* grades also improved from 19 to 22%, another 5 year high. Three of our 2019 IGCSE graduates deserve special mention as Cambridge recognised them for exceptionally high performance across Oman in Economics, Arabic, and English Literature to be revealed in our upcoming IGCSE Certificate Award ceremony.

IGCSE NEWSOur new 10 students have started their IGCSE journey with full force. Many students already showing great resolve to work hard and make the most of their time studying. The transition from Year 9 to 10 is a marked turning point in development where a true test of character begins. Some students will naturally be competing for top honours, competing between themselves and even across Oman and the rest of the world. The challenge for others may be to recognise self imposed limits, have the courage to overcome them, and now learn without limits.


T erm One in Boarding has seen

the new Year 6 Scholars settle

into the routines of the Dorm

and make good headway in their

academic work.

It is always satisfying to see these boys

quickly grow in confidence and start

to excel at The Sultan’s School. There

has been great progress in English

language and the boys have worked

hard with the team of staff assisting

them to acquire the skills they need to

converse in English.

From this positive start, amazing

outcomes can be achieved – as

evidenced by the senior Scholars who

have recently graduated and moved

on to their tertiary studies.

The team assisting the boys in the

Dorm includes the four Gap Students

from the UK, Ms Ella, Ms Anna, Ms

Saoirse and Ms Flo. These wonderful

‘Gappies’ join volunteer Ms Eliza, from

Brunei in working with the boys and

helping to promote good learning

habits. The girls engage with the

Scholars in many ways, from formal

tuition during Study Hall to helping put

together the Dorm jigsaw in the lower

common area.

Scholars continue to be involved in

all aspects of the school. Scholar and

Head Boy, Jehad Al Balushi, has a

major role in running the whole school

flag assemblies, assisted frequently by

other Scholars who read Quran or lead

the singing of the national anthem.

Senior Scholars volunteered to walk in

aid of cancer research and assisted to

set up the Auditorium for a

Public cancer awareness event. Later

in the term Scholars will serve as

volunteers at the Jebel Sifah Spartan

race and continue working with the

Luzugh community to restore their


Excitement is building for the move

into the new Dorm. When it comes, the

boys will be immediately impressed

by the space, light and the quality of

workmanship that has gone into the

building. It will be exciting for this

group of Scholars to help establish

new routines and systems and explore

the myriad of ways that spaces can be


Graduated Scholars who are now pursuing a diverse range of courses:• Hamed Al Rajhi - Software Engineering, Cork Institute of Technology, Ireland.

• Bashar Al Hinai - Business Management, Birmingham, United Kingdom.

• Hafs Al Qartoubi - Media and Information, University of Amsterdam, Holland.

• Ibrahim Al Sulaimani – Languages, Sultan Qaboos University, Oman.

• Hilal Al Harrasi - Mechatronics Engineering, Malaysia

Mohammed KhanIGCSE Coordinator

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PASTORAL NEWSThe Pastoral Care Team is made up of experienced homeroom teachers, pastoral coordinators and the school counsellor, all working closely. They also cooperate with academic coordinators and aditional support staff to promote the wellbeing of students and support them both inside and outside of the classrooms. We foster an environment that is welcoming, safe and where students are respected and valued as individual members of our community.Each morning students meet their homeroom teachers for registration and this takes place between 7:40 – 7:55. Homeroom teachers will be the first person students may initially turn to if they have need some help. Each year group is led by a pastoral coordinator who will have an overview of students’ progress and provide students with support; dealing promptly with any issues, if they are arise. We also provide confidential counselling and consultation services. Flag and Assemblies

These take place straight after homeroom time and play an integral part in maintaining the sense of

team work and collaboration. Each Homeroom is required to present a topic or speech during the year. This year started with two motivational speeches given by Dr Glenn and Mr Paul which inspired our students to achieve their goals and dreams in life. It was followed by presenting another talk focusing on time management skills which has been presented by Ms Hind. Four assemblies have been delivered by our students so far and they were well organized, presented and include an informative speech on coping with stress, caring, bullying and communication skills.

PSHEThe Personal, Social, Health and Economic education (PSHE) is a planned program which focuses on developing the knowledge, skills and attributes to keep children and young people healthy and safe and to prepare them for life now and in the future, in line with the culture of the Omani society. It takes place once a week during extended homeroom time. This year we managed to implement and distribute the first version of the PSHE exercise book for middle school.

Award SystemWe strongly believe rewarding students encourages and endorses school effort. This leads to improved outcome for students. The pastoral team knowledge student’s punctuality, positive attitude and good behaviour and this done through students of the month award, end of term and end of year award.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you require further information.

On behalf of the Pastoral Care Team

Hind Al Naamani Secondary Head of the Pastoral Care Team

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: +(968) 24536777: +(968) 24536997: [email protected]: #sultanschool: @Tss_Oman



SWIMMING POOLGreat for training, special occasions. Temperature controlled. Ideal for children and adults

solar doMEIdeal for small team workshops, team building events etc.

AUDITORIUMHaving seating capacity of 500 plus, ideal for corporate events, meetings etc.

sports hallGreat for training, special occasions. Temperature controlled. Ideal for kids and adults

track & FieldRunning track and football grass pitch.Athletic track (coming soon)

astroturfArtificial grass pitch available for football leagues, training etc.

for more information please visit |