Download - ReSAKSS Activities in Support of CAADP Implementation Joseph Karugia Coordinator, ReSAKSS-ECA ReSAKSS Stakeholder Workshop Nairobi, 27 th January, 2014.


ReSAKSS Activities in Support of CAADP Implementation

Joseph KarugiaCoordinator, ReSAKSS-ECA

ReSAKSS Stakeholder Workshop Nairobi, 27th January, 2014


• Introduction

• How ReSAKSS Works

• Activities/Outputs/Outcomes

• Workshop objectives

Introduction• Regional Strategic Analysis and Knowledge Support


• Information and knowledge management system

• Established in 2006

• Supports evidence and outcome-based planning and implementation of agricultural-sector policies and strategies in Africa

Introduction• Offers high-quality analyses and knowledge products to:

– improve policymaking

– track progress

– facilitate policy dialogue, benchmarking, review and mutual learning processes of CAADP implementation agenda

• Africa-wide initiative organized in nodes

ReSAKSS Organization 1 Africa-wide and 3


Key partners» AUC» NPCA» RECs (COMESA,


Funding BMGF, DfID, IFAD,

Netherlands, SIDA, USAID

Other partners…• Food prices and food security in Eastern Africa – ASARECA

• Government: Ministries (agriculture, trade, planning, etc.); national CAADP teams, national statistical authorities, revenue authorities, NARs

• Policy research institutes: KIPPRA, ESRF, EPRC, EDRI, Tegemeo Institute, universities

• Regional organizations : ACTESA, COMESA BC, EABC, EAC, EAGC, EAFF, IGAD

• CGIAR Centres

How ReSAKSS Works

• Common agenda across all the ReSAKSS nodes:

– Strategic Analysis

– Knowledge Management and Communication

– Capacity Building

– Monitoring and Evaluation of CAADP is integral to all

of the above

evidence- and outcome-based planning and implementation of agricultural-sector policies and strategies in Africa

Strategic Analysis and Monitoring of CAADP and Agricultural Performance in Africa

Knowledge Management, Capacity Strengthening, and Policy Communications

support review and


How ReSAKSS Works• Work plans are defined through a consultative process

with stakeholders

• Driven by AUC/NPCA/RECs – who serve as Chairs of Steering Committees

• Wide range of collaborative networks of users and suppliers of knowledge and research products

How ReSAKSS Works• Members of Steering Committee of ReSAKSS-ECA:– COMESA - Chair– EAC– IGAD– NPCA– Government Representatives– ASARECA– Eastern African Farmers Federation (EAFF)– East Africa Business Council (EABC)– COMESA Business Council– SADC- Chair of ReSAKSS-SA– Observers: Donor Representatives; Coordinators of other

ReSAKSS Nodes– ReSAKSS-ECA - Secretariat

Work/Activities of ReSAKSS-ECA• Strategic analysis:

– Sources of growth and investment priorities

– Trade• impact of NTBs in EAC; impact of CET in COMESA region; impact of

intra-regional trade on welfare; analysis of trade openness; gender and intra-regional trade

– Trends, drivers, and determinants of food prices in Eastern


– Livestock in CAADP CGE modelling

– Research on ATOR feature topics – productivity, agriculture

expenditures, trade and resilience

Work/Activities of ReSAKSS-ECA

• Knowledge management:– ReSAKSS website - data, knowledge products – WPs, briefs,

e-newsletter, presentations, posters

– ReSAKSS twitter ; Facebook; flicker, slide-share

– Database of agric and RD indicators

– Continuous uploading of materials

• Important tool for review and mutual learning

ReSAKSS Website:

Work/Activities of ReSAKSS-ECA

• Capacity building:

• Targeted training on Economic modelling Policy analysis M&E GIS Database design and management Project Planning and Management

Demand for these is very high in the region

• Technical support to countries, COMESA/ACTESA, EAC,

EAFF, and others

• Establishment/Strengthening of Country SAKSS

Monitoring and Evaluation• Tracking CAADP M&E Indicators – 10% budget allocation;

6% agricultural growth, etc.• Continental, regional, and national ATORs• Feed into national, regional (e.g. COMESA ministerial), and continental (e.g.

CAADP PP) review mechanisms

• Mapping investments (governments, donors, etc.)• Alignment and mutual accountability

• Dynamics of intraregional trade in food staples • COMESA, EAC, ACTESA, USAID - indicator

• Implementation of regional agreements/commitments affecting trade in food staples• Support to advocacy/lobbying efforts

Establishment/Strengthening of Country SAKSS Nodes

• Technical assistance to establish sustainable country knowledge systems to support implementation of national agriculture and food security investment plans

• For review, benchmarking, dialogue, learning

SAKSS: Broker of Strategic Analysis/Knowledge

Policy Analysis


Think Tanks, Central Bank

Statistics Bureaus, Universities, FBOs

Parliament, PS, FBOs, Donors,


BrokerDemand Supply


SAKSS Oversight Body

•Identify and sensitize knowledge gaps

•Synthesize knowledge•Mobilize and coordinate

knowledge generation•Facilitate training


•Express interest and buy into vision

•Align knowledge generation activities•Receive funding and


· Credence of SAKSS in CAADP process· Governance

· Channel knowledge and evidence to policy

makers• …

Workshop objectives• Disseminate key ReSAKSS knowledge products

• Brainstorm on how to strengthen strategic partnerships and collaborations for effective implementation of ReSAKSS agenda

• Launch the AgInvest Portal – An interactive tool for tracking and mapping agricultural investments