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  • 8/2/2019 Request for Factual Correction




    DATED JUNE 13, 2002

    June 19, 2002

    On Behalf of the American People

    To the Comptroller General

    U.S. General Accounting Office

    Dear General Walker:

    We seek the integrity of the General Accounting Office regarding an investigation into a "secret'federal virus program, the U.S. Special Virus-Cancer Program (1962 1978). The history of thebackground is as follows:

    1.1. On July 10, 2001, I hand-delivered to the office of Congressman James Traficant

    a packet of U.S. documents relative to the U.S. development of HIV/AIDS. Thosedocuments were reviewed and discussed with the Congressman's Chief of Staff,Anthony Traficanti. Mr. Traficanti has stated publicly, on more than one

    occasion, he found the documents "shocking" and "compelling".2. On or about July 23, 2001, the Congressman directed Mr. Traficanti to contact

    your agency for accountability of the program's identified budget, $550 million ofU.S. taxpayer money.

    3. On or about August 23, 2001, your agency responded that an investigation wasensuing. Then there was a major disaster.

    4. On or about December 4, 2001, the investigators for your Health Care Team(Solomon & Heinrich) contacted Mr. Traficanti that they had been assigned tofurther the review of the one half billion dollar program. On that same day Mr.Traficanti notified me that the investigators would be calling to speak with me.

    5. On or about January 4, 2002, the investigators conducted a conference call withme, leaving me with the impression I would have an opportunity to furtherprovide additional documentation and experts.

    6. On or about February 15, 2002, I tried to ascertain which documents of mine werebefore your agency. In a February 25th letter Mr. Michael Gryszkowiec answeredand stated that he estimated "the work" would be completed by the end of April.Mr. Gryszkowiec suggested I make a request for the list of documents uponcompletion of the investigation.

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    7. On or about June 13, 2002, your agency briefed the Congressman and Mr.Traficanti. Quoting from an unnamed source at the National Cancer Institute, youragency was convinced the U.S. Special Virus program had nothing to do with anydevelopment of HIV/AIDS.


    The U.S. Special Virus program produced fifteen years of missing medical and scientific historycontained in yearly progress reports of the program. The "research logic" of the program is foundin a blueprint "flowchart" located in a number of the progress reports, and first found at page 61of progress report #8 (1971). The preceding sixty pages in progress report #8, answer nearlyevery question as to the nature, intent and purpose of the program. Specifically, we point to page2,

    "The Viral Oncology Area is responsible for planning and conducting theInstitute's program of coordinated research on viruses as etiological agents of

    cancerContract supported research is conducted within the Viral OncologyProgram under the Special Virus program whose primary objectives are: 1) todetermine whether viruses comparable to those known to induce cancers inlaboratory and domestic animals are causative agents of human cancer in1964, the Congress of the United States provided funding to the NCI for an"intensified' program in virus-leukemia research (Special Virus LeukemiaProgram) because many scientist were convinced that an effort to identify virusesor to detect virus expression in human tumors would contribute to thedetermination of the etiology of cancer.Using a new planning approach(CONVERGENCE TECHNIQUE), an overall program aimed at controllinghuman leukemia and lymphoma was formulated. It is based on the on the premise

    that one (leukemia/lymphoma) virus is an indispensable element for the induction(directly or indirectly) of at least one kind of human cancer.During the pastseven years, the Institute has developed an effective management program whichhas made rapid, substantial progress in understanding cancer induction byviruses".

    The 1971 flowchart provides a roadmap for the development of a "special" virus that impacts theimmune system. See, Phase-IVA "Immunological Control. In particular, according to Drs.Luc Montagnier and Robert Gallo, the original name of HIV/AIDS was

    leukemia/lymphoma virus. See, Montagnier, L & Gallo, R.C., et. al., "Human T-Cell

    Leukemia Lymphoma Virus" Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Cold Spring Harbor, NY

    (1984). Pursuant to page 76 of the 1972 progress report and Phase-IVA of the flowchart,the University of Texas was assigned a contract for the "evaluation of viral vaccines in the

    treatment of human leukemia/lymphoma".

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    Of utmost importance in determining the etiology the HIV/AIDS retrovirus, is the 1971 reportedisolation of a human retrovirus "inside" the U.S. Special Virus program. On page 105 of the1971 progress report, the U.S. Special Virus program "isolates" a human retrovirus as follows:

    An RNA-dependent DNA polymerase similar to that associated with RNA tumorviruses was detected in human leukemic cells but not in normal cells stimulated by




    IN MAN.

    This federal program isolates a human retrovirus and immediately co-mingles it in the genome ofnewborn non-human primates. This official co-mingling leads to the first isolation of monkeyAIDS (simian immunodeficiency virus). Although your agency argues there was a 1959 case of

    HIV, if HIV derived from SIV, then pursuant to the U.S. Special Virus program, SIV did notexist in 1959. According to Dr. Harold Clark, Director, Mycoplasma Research Institute. Quotingfrom a recent letter from Dr. Clark, ". Unfortunately, the Special Virus Cancer Programtook supporting funds from other investigators forcing them to switch to cancer research

    and follow NIH's "Research Logic" which was aimed at (creating) HIV .".

    The progress reports prove a human retrovirus was isolated and enhanced, the United States hasyet to account for the 1971 human retrovirus. The U.S. Special Virus program plays a significantrole in the development of HIV/AIDS contrary to the whitewash, unprofessional report releasedby your agency on June 13, 2002.


    According to the Proceedings of the United States, HIV/AIDS evolved from a prototype visnavirus traced to the strain created by nazi Germany for the Icelandic sheep 'wasting' experimentsthat began in 1932. See, Vol 92, pp.3283 3287, see also, e.g., Sonigo, P, et. al., "NucleotideSequence of the Visna Lentivirus; Relationship to the AIDS Virus", Cell 1985 Aug;42(1), pp.369 382. A cursory review of a January 1985, pp. 173 177, Science Magazine article, co-authored by Dr. Robert Gallo, concludes HIV/AIDS evolved from visna by showing the twolentiviruses are identical at 5 different stage developments. The U.S. Special Virus program andits fifteen progress reports are relative to the laboratory creation of HIV/AIDS on the nazi visnaconnection alone. However, on page 39 of the 1971 progress report, the United States concedes

    that visna virus had never before been seen in human disease. A review of the United Statespatent office proves that AIDS (patent number 4647773) and Visna (patent number 5112756) arerelated. Consequently you find a plethora of visna science papers in the development of the U.S.Special Virus. Additionally, the homology science between HIV/AIDS and VISNA is 30%.According to Professor Robert E. Lee, author, "AIDS: An Explosion of the BiologicalTimebomb?", visna plays a significant role in the development of AIDS.

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    The etiology of visna appears to have a nefarious beginning, South Africa 1915 (under Germancontrol) (Graff Rennet Disease), 1923 Rocky Mountain National Laboratory (Montana) and thefull HIV/AIDS precursor, the importation of visna to the sheep in Iceland by nazi Germany.(When the Icelandic farmer began watching helplessly as the sheep were withering and dying,they proclaimed it to be "visna" (wasting). Just as they were beginning the illegal human subject

    experimentation on African American sharecroppers in Tuskegee, Alabama, they were testingHIV/AIDS on the sheep in Iceland. Following World War II, nearly all of the nazi biologicalscientists were secretly imported into the United States (Project Paperclip). Within this sametime period every official projection of population, predicted a collapsing world around the turnof the century (2000). The newly formed Central Intelligence Agency, which had existed underanother name, sought a Black-Ops program for the development of a biological agent to thwartpopulation, particularly in Sub-Sahara Africa. Under the direction of the Special OperationDivision, the program was named MK-NAOMI and four of our leading biological expertsdeveloped an information audiotape entitled, "Virus Makers of the CIA". This project received"special" funding in an off the record appropriations hearing in 1957 to seek to make offensivebiological agents under the name of Special Operation X. There are no cases of immune

    suppressing viruses prior to 1957. In this regard, in addition to all the visna papers affiliated withthe U.S. Special Virus program, it is AIDS DEVELOPMENT PAPER #650 located on page 335of the 1971 progress report which bears a strong and direct relationship to HIV/AIDS, "ReverseTranscriptase of Type C (visna) Virus Particles of Human Origin". According to Professor Lee,"Type C" is a classification of visna virus, which itself appears to be man made.


    The June 13, 2002 report issued by your agency, relative to federal documents stronglysuggesting an iatrogenic origin of HIV/AIDS, is a whitewash and an abomination to theAmerican people. How can our top academic science journal, the Proceedings of the UnitedStates of America be set aside? Who is the unnamed official that says your June 13, 2002report is scientifically and medically accurate? Why was the human retrovirus placed inmonkeys? When did nazi visna virus cross species to humans in nature? How does a White,homosexual disease turn itself into a health problem for Black women. When does an earthquakehave dueling epicenters without man made intervention. By EVERY epidemiological standard,there was some form of "mass infection" in the late 1970's and early 80's. The 1959 case ofHIV/AIDS has been sufficiently refuted by the experts, in particular Dr. Alan Cantwell, who alsotracked the production of 60,000 liters of HIV/AIDS as the program specifically calls for "largescale production' of the candidate virus. When Dr. Victoria Cargill located the 1971 flowchart inthe archives of the National Cancer Institute, she turned the U.S. documents over to Dr. Alan S.Rabson. Dr. Rabson has a vested interest in this secret program not receiving review. Dr. AlanRabson played a direct role in the development of the U.S. Special Virus, See, e.g., page 5,Progress Report #8 (1971) of the U.S. Special Virus program (1962 1978). The fifteen progressreport of this secret, federal virus development program answer every question as to theeugenics-minded lunacy of the United States ravishing hunt for a "contagious cancer thatselectively kills". We ask for integrity and fairness in the inclusion of the response to the factualerrors identified in your June 13, 2002 report on the "Laboratory Origin" of HIV/AIDS.

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    We have found the wellspring of the genesis of the AIDS pandemic, it is our nation state, it isu.s.

    Respectfully submitted,

    Boyd E. Graves, J.D.

    4375 Florida Street, Unit #4

    San Diego, CA 92104
