Download - Report on the Workshop on the use of ARTFISH for Windows ... · C. Stamatopoulos and T. Jarrett of FAO-FIDI organized several hands-on exercises performed by the participants using

Page 1: Report on the Workshop on the use of ARTFISH for Windows ... · C. Stamatopoulos and T. Jarrett of FAO-FIDI organized several hands-on exercises performed by the participants using







Cape Verde

The Gambia

Guinea Bissau


Sierra Leone


Côte divoireGhana





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Equatorial GuineaGabon

Sao Tome and PrincipeCongo







Technical Report N° 124 May 1998

Report on the Workshop on the useof ARTFISH for Windows

Cotonou, Benin, 4- 15 May 1998

Page 2: Report on the Workshop on the use of ARTFISH for Windows ... · C. Stamatopoulos and T. Jarrett of FAO-FIDI organized several hands-on exercises performed by the participants using
Page 3: Report on the Workshop on the use of ARTFISH for Windows ... · C. Stamatopoulos and T. Jarrett of FAO-FIDI organized several hands-on exercises performed by the participants using

Technical Report N° 124 May 1998

Report on the Workshop on the useof ARTFISH for Windows

Cotonou, Benin, 4 - 15 May 1998


C. Stamatopoulos


T. Jarrett

Fishery Information, Data and Statistics Unit (F[DI)FAO - Fisheries Department


Page 4: Report on the Workshop on the use of ARTFISH for Windows ... · C. Stamatopoulos and T. Jarrett of FAO-FIDI organized several hands-on exercises performed by the participants using

The designations employed and the presentation of material in this publication donot imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Food andAgriculture Organization or the financing agency concerning the legal status ofany country or territory, city or area, or of its authorities, or concerning thedelimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.

For bibliographic purposes this documentshould be citted as follows:

Stamatopoulos C., and Janett T, Report on the Workshop on the use of ARTFISH for Windows.1998 Cotonou, Benin, 4 - 15 May 1998 Programme for the Integrated Development of

Artisanal Fisheries in West Africa (IDAF) Cotonou, Benin, 8p. IDAFIWPI124.


P.O. Box 1369Cotonou, Republic of Benin

E-mail: [email protected] Fax: (229) 33.05.19 Tel: (229) 33.09.25

Page 5: Report on the Workshop on the use of ARTFISH for Windows ... · C. Stamatopoulos and T. Jarrett of FAO-FIDI organized several hands-on exercises performed by the participants using



Development strategy duiing the 1960 and i 970s was based on the philosophy thatdeveloping countnes lacked unproved technology and capital tor speeding up their developmentLndttstrialìLttion was promoted in order ta capitalize on the abundant fish resources. However,the anticipated expansion of the economy did not happen and the development approach shiftedtowards an integrated rural strategy where emphasis is put on the community as a whole ta up-iade incomes and the quality of life through technical assistance and the active paiticipation of

fisherfolk and the community.

In this context, emphasis was initially placed on the Community Fishery Centre (('FC)concept as a means ofpromoting arusi1 fishery development But it became apparent that thepresence of a complex offacthties and seivices tailored to meet local needs was no guarantee thatthe structures/thcilities would be used ar that development would occur. The active participationof fisherfolk and the mobilisation of local and community resources was imperative in order toassure sustainability of initiatives undertaken by development projects andlor the community,

So far and in genera] terms, the 1DAF Programme has worked under the context ofìbundant or seemingly adequate fishery resources with moleraxe population pressure. Thescenario is however changing (and very fast for that matter) and wewouId. soon face the tripleconstraints of reduced or depleting fish stocks; degrading environment and increasing populationpiesure Like in other sectors, it must be anticipated that just to survive, parts of the populationsurplus in the fishing communities will enter the artisanal fisheries, which will increase theompetition for the resources among the small scale fisherfolk in addition to the prevailing

competition between the artisanal and industrial fisheries; with their attendant effect on theenvironment.

This scenario calls for a càntinuatìon of the integrated participatory strategy which remainsrelevant to the development of artisanal fisheries in West Africa. However, the emphasis needsw be placed on the elements and nieehanims that favour the sustainability of initiatives:responsible fis-bing, the empowerment processes that enire the devolution of major resourcemanagement and developmentdecisions to the local commi'rity, the strengthening of nationalnuman and institutional capacities at all levels for a sustainable and equitable fisheries reaourccsnianageinent and development, as well as in the follow-up and consolidation of past achievements


Ihus the development objective oftheProgramme in the present phase Ill which started on i Julyl )Q4 is to ensure twenty coastal West African countries a si.thtainable development andmanagement of their artisiinal fisheries iòu maximum social and ecommounc benefit of their fishingcommunities in terms of employment, proteins and earnings. This will be done through anmntmgrated and participatory approach mn which emphasis will be raid on equity gender issues iheiransièr of technology fo.r development, environment protection, as well as the strengthening ofhuman and institutional capacities.

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iii c *wnedia&e objectives

lo identh, assess and dissemirte strategies and mechai;sms for sustainable inanagemeniand development of the artisanal fisheries in fishing munities.

] o improve the competence of national Fisheries De' Iments staff in deetopmeiiimanagement planning of arnsana) fìsherìes

'io enhanc regional technical competence in the ienes disctplme j)culaflshing and fish technology:

T'o improve information and experience exchange icon 'i io artisanal fisheries within thre¶1101 1:

To promote regional and sub-regional collaboration th: e deveopmem and managementof artisanal fisheries

[n this context, ¡[)AF will among oThtr things tacd die following umjo aipcts izits work

'n assisting in the elaboration and implementation a cleai and coiieieni nainmadevelopment policy for the artisanal fishery sector,

providing advice on management and allocation esources between irtisanalindustrial fishing fleets, both national and foreign,

involving useis in the design and management of oi .. ne infrastructuies

monitoring the sectorts evolution by the setting up o. an economic indicato sysien R'the sector adapted to the financial and human avaiÌaL.ties,

improving fishing technologies in accordance with ih. available resources.

increasing the final product's value by improvement pi ucessrng and marketing,

promothig commtmity dtvelopmem in accordance wni. the lessons learned from Phasand Il and oriented towards the sustainability of actions undertaken

reinforce the Programmes infoi uiationicommunicat o system

li is anticipated that by the end olthe third phase t aie Proicci,, the region will hav'nucleus of field oriented experts capable to respond to the 'rìaltenges of the artisanal fisheite.sector and to spur development in tReu individual countries . oeeping with the aspirations andiceds of' isherfolk.

Page 7: Report on the Workshop on the use of ARTFISH for Windows ... · C. Stamatopoulos and T. Jarrett of FAO-FIDI organized several hands-on exercises performed by the participants using

I Opening of the Workshop i

Methodological and operational aspects I

Presentation of ARTFISH for Windows 2

Implemented modifications to ARTFISH-ARTBASIC 2

Pending modifications to ARTFISH-ARTBASIC 3

Suggested modifications to ARTFISH-ARTBASIC 4

Implemented modifications to ARTFISH-ART SER 5

Pending modifications to ARTFISH-ARTSER 5

Suggested modifications to ARTFISH-ARTSER 5

Conclusion of the Workshop 5


IDAF Technical Report N° 124


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Page 9: Report on the Workshop on the use of ARTFISH for Windows ... · C. Stamatopoulos and T. Jarrett of FAO-FIDI organized several hands-on exercises performed by the participants using

Opening of the Workshop

The workshop on the use of ARTFISH for Windows was held during the period 4-15 May1998 in Cotonou, Benin at the Vickinfel Hotel. A list of participants is given in Annex I. Indeclaring open the workshop, Mr. Joseph Ouake) Director of Fisheries in Benin, welcomed theparticipants and stressed the importance of well-defined and standardized statistical andcomputing methods for fisheries statistical monitoring. He drew the attention of the participantson the need for cost-effective data collection procedures and user-friendly, robust and flexiblecomputer systems for data storage, processing, analysis and dissemination of fishery informationand statistics. He tùrther stressed the importance of regular training and exchange of experiencesin the use of standardized techniques such as those provided by the ARTFISH family of products,and urged both participants and FIDI to focus on finalizing the Windows version of ARTFISHso that it be available to the countries in the region the soonest possible.

The arrangements for the workshop were excellent thanks to the efforts made by IDAFto provide all necessary transport and lodging facilities, equipment and work space for theworkshop sessions. The local company (Equipe de Maintenance) that was charged with the taskof installing and supporting the computer equipment did also an outstanding job by being presentall the time and ready to solve the various problems that occurred during the computer exercises.

The workshop involved presentations of methodological and operational aspects related todata collection of fishery statistical data, demonstration of the new Windows version of theARTFISH family and practical exercises and case studies using the computer equipment availableat the workshop. The workshop provided also a good opportunity for discussing technical issuesof common interest and exchanging ideas and experiences in implementing fishery statisticalprogrammes.

Methodological and operational aspects

C. Starnatopoulos of FAO - FIDI presented for discussion a series of slides related tomethodological, operational and logistics aspects in the design and implementation of fisherysurvey programmes. The purpose of the presentation was to introduce a common statisticalterminology and outline the common characteristics of sample-based surveys in terms ofclassification schemes and sampling scenarios. The following topics were presented and discussed:

Basic estimation formulae for catch and fishing effortNeed for four surveys in a sample-based system (frame survey, boat/gear activity survey,active days survey and landings survey)Conditions under which active days and/or frame surveys can be omittedStratification in of sampling space and timeDistinction between effective days (used in stratification in time) and active days (used as timeextrapolating factor for fishing effort)Variability of estimated parameters in space and timeStatistical (rather than subjective) criteria for the ranking of home ports in categories ofprimary, secondary, etc.Special considerations and sub-sampling techniques for recording boat/gear activities fromsites with large numbers of boats and gearsHow industrial fisheries can be statistically monitored by means of standard samplingapproaches used by ARTFISH

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Corrective actions in the sampling of fishing effort in cases of boat migrationCorrective actions in the sampling of fishing effort in cases of outdated frame surveysSequential and concurrent use of multiple gearsThe five basic parameters in sampling for species composition and CPUEsSpecial considerations in landings surveys affecting the five basic parameters for speciescomposition and CPUE

Mr. Angaman Konan of Côte d'Ivoire presented for discussion a paper entitled «FisheryStatistics and Management of Artisanal Fisheries". In its introductory section the paper stressedthe fact that despite the recognition by fishery administrations of the need for reliable statistics onartisanal fisheries, statistical development in that sector continues to be a low priority. Indiscussing the role of fishery information and statistics in policy making the paper expressed theview that in most fishery statistical monitoring systems there seems to exist an unbalancedemphasis on biological parameters which compromises the equally important social and socio-economic components of a fishery management system.

The paper recognized that the statistical and computing approaches of ARTFISH are a goodstep in including, together with basic production data, a certain amount of economic data suchas prices and values. The Aby lagoon fisheries have been recently monitored statistically by anearly version of ARTFISH which allowed users to achieve for the first time timely and reasonablyaccurate reporting on production, fishing effort, prices and values.

In concluding his presentation Mr. Konan expressed the view that fishery statistics, despiteits limitations and probabilistic character, is an indispensable instrument in fisheries managementand policy making but does not constitute a policy and should not be seen as an end in itself Hefurther stressed the fact that the subject of any fisheries management instrument should be the"socia]" rather than the "fish" biomass and that the ultimate objective should be the well being ofpeople and communities.

Presentation of ARTFISH for Windows

C. Stamatopoulos and T. Jarrett of FAO-FIDI organized several hands-on exercisesperformed by the participants using the new ARTFISH system operating under Windows. Thepresentation involved the ARTFISH component for handling primary sample data and derivingestimates for total catch and effort (ARTBASIC) and the reporting module of ARTFISH thatintegrates monthly estimates into a single database to be used for data extraction, reporting, datagrouping and graphical presentations (ARTSER).

During the testing of the above two ARTFISJ-I components several observations were maderegarding their functionality and performance. The workshop provided the opportunity for athorough test of all of the system functions and has greatly assisted FIDI in tracing programmingshortcomings, improving handling and appearance of message and diagnostics text, andidentif'ing hardware and software compatibility problems.

Implemented modifications to ARTFISH-ARTBASIC

Because the computers used for the workshop were configured with French operatingsystems, modifications were necessary to accommodate numbering systems which use commas(",") as decimal places. It was found that ARTBASIC used a function ("VAL") which could nothandle such numbers and another function ("CDbI") was successfully introduced as replacement.

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Various programming bugs were discovered which caused the program to crash. During theperiod of the workshop, all identified fatal 'run-time errors' were corrected. Identified andcorrected errors included:

* Insert of 'duplicate key' both when rapidly paging down the list of available species orattempting to enter a new species that already exists.

* 'Data Type Conversion' and 'Type Mismatch' errors due to the use of thil-stop (".") as adecimal place when the operating system is expecting a comma C'") instead.

* 'Syntax Errors' on database updates when using dynamic SQL because of a comma beingused as a decimal place when the operating system is expecting a comma (",") instead.

* 'Data overflow' errors in the display of 'resulting estimates' due to the use of single precisionnumbers in calculations rather than double precision.

* 'Invalid Use of Null' errors when a field is optional but the program expects input andattempts to access the data.

Additional modifications were made to correct various bugs not detected previously becauseof inadequate test data (quantity and quality).

* All areas where user input is allowed in the system were changed to bold font and increasedin character size. This significantly improved user comprehension as to what areas allowinput.

The 'Date' column for Landing information was shifted to be the 2nd column rather than the4th. This facilitated creation of a new Landing record.

The 'Landing Detail' screen layout was changed to allow better display of large data items.

Various program changes were made to prevent user entry of invalid data (i.e. date = O (zero),non-numeric data in numeric fields, etc.).

Changes to the text dictionary database were made to present more detailed information andcorrect English/French grammar.

The 'Effective Days' for a minor stratum automatically default to the entire month thateliminates the necessity for the users to setthis value.

5. Pending modifications to ARTFISH-ARTBASIC

The input form of the Effort data will be redesigned to eliminate the need for constantlyscrolling the form. A suggested format is to present the equivalent 'Active Days' grid combinationof Landing Sites and Boat/Gears with an accompanying check mark ( ") graphic indicating ifEffort data has been entered. Selecting with a 'mouse click' on a Landing Site - Boat/Gearcombination would bring up another grid on the same window listing all available dates within thereference month. An accompanying check mark (" ' ") graphic would indicate that Effort datais presentj Selecting a specific date within the date grid would cause a smaller 'pop-up window

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to appear which would allow entry/modification of the Active Boats, Selected Boats, ActiveGears, Selected Gears, Recorder Name, Time of Recording and Remarks. The number of Boatsand Gears from the Frame Survey would be presented in a 'read-only' format. Deleting of Effortentries would be accomplished by selecting a specific day within the date grid and pressing thedelete key.

For adding new records within the Tables Update and Landing sections, a button (+") willbe added. When this button is selected, the screen will automatically scroll to the bottom of thecurrent records and a blank line will be available for entering the data, The same button willtoggle to a check mark (" ") graphic for the user to select and indicate the record is complete.The user may cancel the addition with the 'Esc' key.

Since there is only one (1) record allowed for the "Units" table, the screen for modifjing thatrecord will be changed to more appropriately reflect that restriction. Currently, users get the falseimpression that records may be added because the screen is identical to other parts of the 'TablesUpdate' section.

On the Boat/Gear 'Tables Update' form, text that is more descriptive will be developed forthe column titles where the Effort units are entered (Boat and Gear). The participants felt that thecurrent titles were too vague.

There will be a 'View Estimate Log' capability added to the Results screen that will displaythe audit file produced during the Estimates generation.

To facilitate scanning of primary data on catch and effort a reporting procedure will bedeveloped highlighting extreme values for all basic catchleffort parameters.

6. Suggested modifications to ARTFISH-ARTBAS1C

It was noted that if an ARTBASIC operator accidentally enters the system with an incorrectmonth, a database is created even if no user data is entered. A suggestion was made that adatabase with no 'basic' information (i.e. Site or Boat/Gear records) would be automaticallydeleted.

A suggestion was made that navigation through ARTBASIC screens should be possiblewithout a mouse (using only the keyboard). This is advantageous if the mouse has malfunctioned.

The option was requested on the Landings screen that the 'sample catch weight' beautomatically calculated from the species composition.

Since multiple landing records may exist for the same Landing Site, Boat/Gear and Date, usersrequested the capability to add a new record directly within the 'Landing Details' screen.

Users requested the capability to customize the output reports from the Estimates.

The capability for 'Print Preview' of the Estimate reports was also suggested.

For possibly increased security, the option for 'encrvpt/decrypt' of the ARTBASIC databasetiles was suggested.

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e To reduce disk space consumption for the ARTBASIC databases and allow Archive/Backup,an option to automatically compress files is desirable.

It was suggested that smaller ARTBASIC windows have a background picture of a 'fishing'topic. This would have aesthetic appeal as well as prevent possible 'loss' of the small windowbehind a larger one with an inadvertent 'mouse click'.

7. Implemented modifications to ARTFISH-ARTSER

The calculations for the Effort on the 'Total' record were corrected since they were beingderived from the Catch instead.

When changing database paranieters the only options available were not obvious. Theprogram was changed to position itself to the appropriate area where user selections are operable.

The prompt message which appeared when changing a database year was removed to facilitateprogram flow.

8. Pending modifications to ARTFISH- ARTSER

A 'Reset' option will be created which will restore the database back to a non-filtered state.This will eliminate, the requirement of re-opening a database if the selection set is to beabandoned.

Calculated averages will be corrected to allow ìnclude/exclude of zeros.

Totals are incorrectly presented as 'Dec' results. Likewise, 'Average' results are incorrectlypresented as 'Oct' values. The program will be changed to correctly retrieve the correct text forthe appropriate results.

The capability to export data to Excel 97 is not functioning and will be corrected.

9. Suggested modifications to ARTFISH- ARTSER

The 'filtering' of a new year of ARTBASIC data should be stored in a 'post-processed' fbrmatwhen input for the first time. With the actual 1997 data provided by Benin, it was apparent thatperformance was inadequate and efforts should be extended to minimize the required processingtime when filtering an ARTSER database.

A capability for 'Print Preview' of the ARTSER reports was suggested.

The capability for copying the graphic plot into the Windows clipboard was requested.

Better visual indication of current 'Ranking' was requested.

iO. Conclusion of the Workshop

The participants reviewed the work done during the workshop and concluded that the newARTFISH for Windows offers several advantages over the early MS-DOS version but the system

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should undergo a number of modifications in order to increase its performance and user-friendliness. They suggested that their observations and views in using the current ARTFISHprototype be used by FJDI as feedback with the purpose of finalizing the product and make itavailable to the countries in the region towards the end of 1998.

The workshop was closed on Friday 15 May. The participants thanked Benin for its generoushospitality and expressed their appreciation to the FAO/DANIDA IDAF Programme for itsefficiency and assistance in organizing and supporting the workshop.

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List of participants

Country Name Title

Angola K[NGOMBO,Pedro Alonso Biologiste

SALES, Isabel Mateus Gaspar Technologiste du poisson

Benin COMMETE, Augustin Technologue

ALIOU, M. Daouda Agronome

GBAGUIDI,Amélie Biologiste/ChargéePolitique et Programme

Cameroun NJAMEN, Denis StatisticienlEconomiste

Cote D'Ivoire KOUAKOU, Yao Chef Service Statistique

KONAN, Angaman Chef de Projet PêcheLagune Aby

Democratic NGBELENGE,Mosato Chargéee des StatistiquesRepublic of the Scholastique des PêchesCongo

Gabon NDEMBI, J. Mermoz Informaticien

ONDOH MVE, Robert Ingénieur Halieute

The Gambia MENDY, Asberr Fisheries Officer(Research)

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Ghana PENG-YTR, Nr-nye Nemorius Fisheries Officer

BANNERMAN, Paul Fisheries Officer

Guinee DIALLO, Mamadou Oury Economiste/Chercheur

BARRY, Oumar Chef Section Exploitationdes Statistiques

Sao Tome ROMPAO, Eleuterio Carvaiho Statistique

ANIBAL, Olavio Ingenieur des Pêches,Statisticien

Senegal FOUCHER Eric Docteur en Halieutique

DIALLO, Mamadou Biologiste des Pêches

KANE, Aboubakry Agronome

SY, Oumar Ibrahima Ingénieur/Statisticien

Togo SEDZRO, Kossi Maxoe Agronome, Statisticien desPêches

FAO STAMATOPOULOS, Constantine Fishery Information, DataJARRETT, Tony and Statistics Unit (FIDI).

Fisheries Department

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Jorion, P.J.M.,1985

Tandberg, A.1986


I. Documents techniques / Technical documents

De Graauw, MA.. Etude de préfactibilité technique de l'aménagement d'abris pour la pêche maritime1985 artisanale au Bénin. Cotonou, Projet DIPA, 55p., DIPA/WP/l.

Black Michaud, M.J., Mission d'identification des communautés littorales de pêcheurs artisans au1985 Bénin. Cotonou, Projet DIPA, 24p., DIPAJWP/2.

Guibrandsen. OEA., Preliminary account of attempts to introduce alternative types of sinai! craft into1985 West Africa. Cotonou, IDAF Proj cet, Sip., IDAF/WP/3.

Gulbrandsen, O.A., Un compte-rendu préliminaire sur les tentatives d'introduire des types alternatifs1985 de petites embarcations en Afrique de l'Ouest. Cotonou, Projet DIPA. 53p.. DIPA1WP/3.

Jorion, P.J.M.. The influence of socio-economie and cultural structures on small-scale coastal fisheries1985 development in Bénin. Cotonou. IDAF Project, 59p., IDAF/WP/4.

L'influence des structures socio-économiques sur le développement des pêches artisanales surles côtes du Bénin. Cotonou, Projet DIPA. 59p., DIPAIWP/4.

Preliminary assessment of the nutritional situation of subsistence fishermen's families.Cotonou IDAF Prniet n JflA/WP»'-'---

Wijkstrorn. O., Recyclage des personnels pêche en gestion et comptabilité. Cotonou, Projet DIPA.1986 25p., DIPA/WP/6.

Collart, A., Development planning for small-scale fisheries in West Africa, practical and socio-economie1986 aspects of fish production and processing. Cotonou, IDAF Project, 134p., IDAF/WP/7.

Collait, A., Planification du développement des pêches artisanales en Afrique de l'Ouest; production1986 et traitement du poisson, ses aspects matériels,techniques et socio-économiques Cotonou,

Projet DIPA. 67p.. DIPA/WP/7.

Van der Meeren, AJL.. Socio-economie aspects of integrated fisheries development in rural fishing1986 villages. Cotonou, IDAF Project. 29p., IDAF/WP/8.

Haling. L.J.. et O. Wijkstrom, Les disponibilités en matériel pour la pêche artisanale. Cotonou, Projet DIPA,1986 47p., DIPA/WP/9.

Akester, S.J.. Design and trial of sailing rigs for artisanal fisheries of Sierra Leone Cotonou, IDAF1986 Project, 3 ip., IDAF/WP/1O.

Vétillait. R., Rapport détude préliminarie sur l'aménagement d'un abri pour la pêche maritime artisanale à1986 Cotonou. Cotonou. Projet DIPA, 3lp., DIPA/WP/i I.

Van Hoof. L., Small-scale fish production and marketing in Shenge, Sierra Leone. Cotonou, IDAF1986 Project; 36p., IDAF/WP/12.

Everett. G.V.. An outline of West African small-scale fisheries. Cotonou. IDAF Project. 32p.. IDAF! WPI13.1986

Anon.. Report of the second IDAF liaison officers meeting; Freetown. Sierra Leone (il - 14 November1987 1986). Cotonou, IDAF Project. 66p.. IDAF!WP/15.

Anon., Compte-rendu de la deixième réunion des officiers de liaison du DIPA. Cotonou, Projet1987 DIPA. 27p.. DIPA/WP/16.

Campbell, R.J.. Report of the preparatory technical meeting on propulsion in fishing canoes in West1987 Africa (Freetown. 15-18 November 1986). Cotonou. IDAF Project. 88 p.. IDAF/WP/l7,

Daiy, Seamanship, Sailing and Motorisation. Cotonou. IDAF Project. 85p., IDAF/WP/l8.1987

Page 18: Report on the Workshop on the use of ARTFISH for Windows ... · C. Stamatopoulos and T. Jarrett of FAO-FIDI organized several hands-on exercises performed by the participants using

Anurn-Doyi, B., and J. Wood, Observations on fishing methods in West Africa. Cotonou, IDAF Projcct, 53p.,1988 IDAF/WP/19.

Anon., Report of the third IDAF liaison officers meeting (Cotonou, 2 - 4 December 1987). Cotonou,1988 IDAF Project, 88p., IDAF/WP/20.

Anon., Compte-rendu de la troisième réunion des officiers de liaison du DIPA (2-4 Décembre 1.987).1988 Cotonou, Projet DIPA, 85p., DIPA/WP/20.

Haakonsen, J.M. (Ed.) Recent developments of the artisanal fisheries iii Ghana. Cotonou, IDAF Project, (59p.,1988 IDAFIWP/21.

Everett. G.V., West African marine artisanal fisheries. Cotonou, IDAF Project, 4lp., IDAF/WP/22.[988

Everett, GV., Les pêches maritimes artisanales en Afrique dc l'Ouest. Cotonou, Projet DIPA. 44p.,1988 DIPA/WP/22.

Coackley, A.D.R., Observations on small fishing craft development in West Africa. Cotonou, IDAF1989 Project. 22p.. IDAF/WP/23.

Zinsou, J. et W. Wentholt, Guide pratique pour la construction et l'introduction du fumoir "chorkor".1989 Cotonou, Projet DIPA, 33p., DIPAIWP/24.

Zins ou, J. and W. Wentholt. A practical guide to the construction and introduction of the chorkor1989 smoker. Cotonou, IDAF Project. 29p., IDAF/WP/24.

Chauveau. J.P.. F. Verdeaux, E. Charles-Dominique et J.M. Haakonsen, Bibliographie sur les communautés1989 de pêcheurs d'Afrique de l'Ouest - Bibliography on the fishing communities in West-Africa.

Cotonou. Projet DIPA - IDAF Project. 22Op., DIPA-IDAF/WP/25.

Everett. G.V.. Small-scale fisheries development issues in West Africa. Cotonou, IDAF Project,1989 47p.. IDAFtWP/26.

Everett. G.V.. Problèmes de développement de la pêche artisanale en Afrique de l'Ouest. Cotonou,1989 Projet DIPA, 49p.. DTPA/WP/26.

Haakonsen. J.M.. et W. Wentholt. La pêche lacustre au Gabon. Cotonow Projet DIPA. 36p.. DIPA/WP/27.1989

Anon.. Report of the ad hoc technical meeting on artisanal fisheries craft, propulsion, gear and security in the1990 IDAF regioni Cotonour 25 - 26 September 1989. Cotonou. IDAF Project, 11 [p.,

IDAF/WP/2 8.

Anon,. Report of the fourth IDAF liaison officers meeting (Dakar. 21 - 23 November 1989). Cotonou.1990 IDAF Project l3ip.. IDAF/WP/29.

Anon.. Compte-rendu de la quatrième réunion des officiers de liaison du DIPA. Cotonou, Projet1990 DIPA. 12 Ip., DIPA/WP/29.

Houndékon. BR.. D.E. Tempelman and A.M. IJff, Report of round table meeting on women's activities1990 and community development in artisanal fisheries (projects) in West Africa. Cotonou, IDAF

Project. l2p.+ annexes IDAF/WP/30.

Houndkon. BR., D.E. Tempelman et AM. IJff, Rapport du séminaire sur les activités féminines1990 et le développement communautaire dans les projets de pêches artisanales en Afrique de

l'Ouest. Cotonou. Projet DIPA. Hp. ± annexes. DIPA/WP/30.

IJffi A M.. Socio-economie conditions in Nigerian fishing communities. Based on studies along the1990 Benin and 1mo river estuaries. Cotonou. IDAF Project 1 l3p.. IDAF/WP/3 i.

Okpanefe. MO.. A. Abiodun and J.M. Haakonsen. The fishing communities of the Benin River estuary area:1991 Results from a 'i1lagc survey in Beudel State, Nigeria. Cotonou, IDAF Project. 75p.,


Page 19: Report on the Workshop on the use of ARTFISH for Windows ... · C. Stamatopoulos and T. Jarrett of FAO-FIDI organized several hands-on exercises performed by the participants using

Anon, Compte-rendu du cours "Analyse Quantitative des Aspects Sélectionnés de Développement".1991 Cotonou, Projet DIPA. 6 + xlvi p., DIPAIWP/33.

Anon., Report of the course on "Quantitative Analysis of Selected Aspects of Fisheries Development".1991 Cotonou, IDAF Project, 6 + xlv p., IDAF/WP/33.

Callerhoim Cassel, E., Cost and Earnings and Credit Studies on (ìhanaian Canoe Fisheries. Cotonpu,1991 IDAF Project, 38p., IDAFIWP/34.

Sheves, G.T., The Ghanaian dug-out canoe and the canoe carving industiy in Ghana. Cotonou, IDAF1991 Project, lO9p., ¡DAF/WP/35.

Haakonsen, J.M. and Chimère Diaw, Fishermen's Migrations in West Africa, Cotonou, IDAF Project.1991 293p., IDAF/WP/36.

Haakonsen, J.M. et Chimère Diaw. Migration des Pêcheurs en Afrique dc l'Ouest. Cotonou, Projet1991 DIPA, 332p., DIPA/WP/36.

Guibrandsen, O.A., Canoes in Ghana. Cotonou, IDAF Project, 82p.. IDAF/WP/37.1991

Anon., Artisanal Fisheries in West Africa. Report of the Filth IDAF Liaison Officers Meeting. Cotonou,1991 IDAF Project, i4Op., IDAF/WP/38.

Anon., Les pêches Artisanales en Afrique de l'Ouest, Compte-rendu de la Cinquième réunion des1991 Officiers de Liaison du DIPA. Cotonou. Projet DIPA, 122p., DIPAIWPI38.

Bearc, R.J. and P. Tanimomo, Purse seine and encircling net fishing operations in Senegal, Guinea,1991 Sien-a Leone, Ghana and Benin. Cotonou. IDAF Project. 92p.. IDAF/WP/39.

Everett, G.V. and G.T. Sheves, Recent trends in artisanal fisheries and report on alternatives to canoes.1991 Cotonou, IDAF project. 33p.. IDAF/WP/40.

Callerholm Cassel, E. and A.M. Jallow, Report of a socio-economie survey of the artisanal fisheries1991 along the atlantic coast in The Gambia. Cotonou, IDAF project, 97p., IDAFIWP/4 1.

Chimère Diaw, M. et Jan M. Haakonsen. Rapport du séminaire sur les migrations de pêcheurs artisans1992 en Afrique de l'Ouest. Cotonou, projet DIPA. 36p., DIPA/WP142.

Chimère Dia1992


w. M. and Jan M. Haakonsen, Report on the regional seminar on artisanal fishermen'smigrations in West Africa. Cotonou. IDAF project. 35p., IDAF/WP/42.

B. et L. Affoyon. Rapport du séminaire-atelier de sensibilisation sur la méthode accéléréede recherche participative tenu à Libreville Gabon en Novembre 1992. Cotonou, ProjetDIPA. 56p.. DIPA/WP/43.

Anon., Rapport de la sixième réunion des fonctionnaires de liaison BanjuL Gambie I - 5 février 1993.1993 Cotonou, Projet DIPA, Sip., DIPA/WP/44.

Anon., Report of the sixth IDAF liaison officers meeting Banjul. Gambia 1 - 5 February 1993. Cotonou,1993 IDAF Project. GOp.. IDAF/WP/44.

Horernans, B. and Satia B.P., (eds), Report of the Workshop on Fisherfolk Organisations in West Africa.1993 Cotonou. IDAF Project. 93p. IDAF/WP/45.

Horemans, B. et Satia B.P.. (éds). Rapport de l'atelier sur les organisations de pêcheurs en Afríque de1993 l'Ouest. Cotonou, Projet DIPA, lO2p.. DIPAIWP/45.

Kébé. M.. Gallène J. et Thiam D. - Revue sectorielle de la pêche artisanale en Guinée Bissau. Pro1993 gramme de Développement Intégré des Pêches Artisanales en Afrique de l'Ouest (DIPA),

32p. + annexes, DIPA/WP/46.

Page 20: Report on the Workshop on the use of ARTFISH for Windows ... · C. Stamatopoulos and T. Jarrett of FAO-FIDI organized several hands-on exercises performed by the participants using

Kébó. M.. Gallène J. et Thiarn D. - Revista sectorial da p5sca artesanal na Guin-Bissau Programa de1993 Desenvolvimento Integrado das Pescas Artesanais na Africa Ociderital. Cotonou DIPA, 32p.

+ anexos DIPA/WP/46

Horemans B.. - La situation de la pêche artisanale en Afrique de l'Ouest en 1992, Cotonou Programme de1993 Développement Intégré des Pêches Artisanales en Afrique de l'Ouest, 36p., DIPA/WP/47.

Kébé. M., Njock J.C. et Gallène J.- Revue sectorielle de la pêche maritime au Cameroun. ProgrammeI 993 de Developpement Intégré des Pêches Artisanales en Afrique de l'Ouest (DIPA), 3Op. +

annexes, DIPA/WP/48.

Kébé, M.. Njock. J.C. and Gallêne, J. R., Sectoral review of marine artisanal fishery in Cameroon.1993 Cotonou, IDAF Project 33p.. TDAFIWP/48

Anon. , Report of the Working Group on Artisanal Fisheries Statistics for the Western Gulf of Guinea,i 993 Nigeria and Cameroon. Cotonou. IDAF Project, i26p.. IDAF/WP/49

Satia. B . P. . Ten years of Integrated Development of Artisanal Fisheries m West Africa (Origin,1993 Evolution and Lessons Learned). Cotonou, IDAF Project. 37p.. IDAF/WP/O

Satia, B P.. Dix ans de développement intégré des pêches artisanales en Afrique dc POuest (Origine,1993 évolution et leçons apprises). Cotonou, Projet DIPA, 4lp, DIPA/WP/O.

Stokholm. H. and Isebor C. , The fishery of Ilisha africana in the coastal waters of Republic of BeninI 993 and Lagos State, Nigeria. Cotonou, IDAF Project, 8 Ip., IDAF/WP/ i.

Anon., - Report of the Seventh IDAF Liaison Officers Meeting Cotonou. Benin, 22-24 November1993 l993 Cotonou, IDAF Project. 72p., IDAF/WP/52.

Anon . . - Rapport de la Septième Réunion des Fonctionnaires dc Liaison. Cotonou, Bénin, 22-241993 novembre 1993. Cotonou. Projet DIPA, 77p., DIPA/WP/52.

Satia B.P. , and B. Horemans editors, Workshop on Conflicts in Coastal Fisheries in west Africa,1993 Cotonou. Benin, 24-26 November 1993, Cotonou. IDAF Project 64p .. IDAF/WP/3.

Satia B. P.. et B. Horernans (éds), Atelier sur les Conflits dans les Pêcheries Côtières en Afrique de1993 l'Ouest, Cotonou, Bénin, 24-26 novembre 1993. Cotonou. Projet DIPA 68p., DIPA/WP/53.

Horemans, B., The situation of artisanal fisheries in West Africa in 1993. Programme for the Integrated1993 Development of Artisanal Fisheries in West Africa. Cotonou. Benin 39p., IDAF/WP/54.

Horemans B.. La situation de la pêche artisanale en Afrique de l'Ouest en 1993. Cotonou Programme1994 de Développement Intégré des Pêches Artisanales en Afriquc de l'Ouest (DIPA), 4Op. +

annexes. DIPA/WP/5 4.

Horemans, B.. J: Gallène et J.C. Njock,- Revue sectorielle de la pêche artisanale à Sao Torné et Principe.1994 Programme de Développement Intégré des Pêches Artisanales en Afrique de l'Ouest

(DIPA). 31p. + annexes, DIPA./WP/55.

Horernans, B.. J. Gallène e J-C. Njock, - Revista sectorial da pesca artesanala São Tomé e Principe1994 Programa dc Desenvolvimento Integrado das Pescas Artesanais na Africa Ocidental (DIPA)

32p. + anexos, DIPA/WP/55,

Jul-Larsen. E.. Migrant Fishermen in Pointe-Noire (Congo): Continuity and Continuous Change.1994 Cotonou, Programme for the Integrated Development of Artisanal Fisheries in West Africa.

Sip.. IDAF/WP/56.

Jul-Larsen. E., Pêcheurs migrants à Pointe-Noire (Congo): Continuité et Changement1994 Perpétuel. Cotonou. Projet DIPA. 59p,. DIPA/WP/56.

Satia. B.P.. and Hansen. LS.. Sustainabihtv of Development and Management Actions in Two1994 Community Fisheries Centres in The Gambia. Cotonou. IDAF Project. 48p.. IDAF/WP/57.

Satia. BP.. et Hansen LS.. La durabilité des actions de développement et de gestion dans deux centres1994 communautaires en Gambie. Cotonou, Projet DIPA. SOp.. DIPA/WP/57

Page 21: Report on the Workshop on the use of ARTFISH for Windows ... · C. Stamatopoulos and T. Jarrett of FAO-FIDI organized several hands-on exercises performed by the participants using

Heinbuch. U., Animal Protein Sources for Rural and Urban Populations in Ghana. Cotonou, IDAF1994 Project, 25p. + annex, IDAF/WP/58

Johnson J.P. and Joachim Alpha Touré, Accidental Death and Destruction in Artisanal Canoes: A1994 retrospective study of the years 1989-1991 along the coast of Guinea (Conakry) West

Africa. Cotonou, IDAF Project, 2 Ip,, IDAF/WP/59

Johnson J.P. et Joachim Alpha Touré, Mort Accidentelle et Destruction des Pirogues Artisanales: Une1994 étude rétrospective des années 1989-1991 sur le littoral guinéen (Conakry) - Afrique de

POuest. Cotonou, Projet DIPA. 2 Ip., DIPA/WP/59

Demuynck, K., and DETMAC Associates, The Participatory Rapid Appraisal on perceptions and pratices1994 of fisherfolk on fishery resource management in an artisanal fishing community in

Cameroon. Cotonou, IDAF Project, 32p., IDAFIWP/60

Demuynck, K., et les associés de DETMAC, Méthode Accélérée de Recherche Participative sur les1995 perceptions et pratiques des pécheurs en matière de gestion des ressources halieutiques dans

une communauté de pêche au Cameroun. Cotonou, Projet DIPA, 33p., DIPAJWP/60

Satia, BR. J.P. Gallène, and F. Houéhou, Sub-regional Workshop on Artisanal Safety at Sea. Banjul, The1994 Gambia 26-28 September 1994. Cotonou. IDAF Project, 57p.. EDAF/WP/61

Satia B.P., J.P. Gallène. et F. Houéhou, Rapport de l'atelier sous-régional sur la Sécurité eri Mer de la pêche1994 artisanale Banjul, Gambie 26-28 septembre 1994. Cotonou, Projet DIPA. 6ip.,


Kamphorst, B., A socio-economic study on the distribution and marketing pattern of marine fish products1994 in the Ndian division, South West Province, Republic of Cameroon. Cotonou, IDAF Project.

41p.. IDAF/WP/62

Kamphorst, B., Etude socio-économique du mode de distribution et de commercialisation des produits1994 halieutiques du département de Ndian, Province du Sud-Ouest, Républlllique du Cameroun.

Cotonou, Programme pour le Développement lntégé des Pêches Artisanales en Afrique del'Ouest (DIPA), 42p., DIPA/WP/62

Heinbuch. U.. Population and Development in Fishing Communities: The challenge ahead. Cotonou. IDAF1994 Project, SIp., IDAF/WP/63

Anon., Report of the Eighth IDAF Liaison Officers Meeting. Pointe-Noire, Congo, 03-04 November 1994.1994 Cotonou. Programme for the Integrated Development of Artisanal Fisheries in West Africa,

97p., IDAF/WP/64

Anon.. Rapport de la Huitième Réunion des Fonctionnaires de Liaison, du DIPA. Pointe-Noire, Congo. 03-041994 iiovembre 1994. Cotonou, Prqgramme pour le Développement Intégré des Pêches

Artisanales en Afrique de l'Ouest. 102p.. DIPA/WP/64

Kébé. M., and W. Odoi-Akersie, Working Group on capital needs and availability in artisanalfisheries methodology and lessons learned from case studies. Cotonou, IDAF Protect. 62p.,IDAF/WP/65

Horemans. B.1994

Horcrnans. B1994

Teutscher F.1)95

Teutscher F.,1995

Kébé. M., et W. Odoi-Akersie. Groupe de travail sur les besoins et la disponibilité en capitalen pêche artísanale: méthodologie et leçons apprises des études de cas. Cotonon, Bénin,Programme pour le Développement 1nté!ré des Pèches Artisanales en Africjue de l'Ouest(DIPA), 62p.. DIPA/WP/65

Tall A., and Jallow A. M. * Workshop on Seeking Improvements in Fish Technology in WestAfrica. Pointe-Noire. Congo, 7-9 November 1994. Cototiou. Benin, Programme for theintegrated Development of Artisanal Fisheries in West Africa,(IDAF) 75p., IDAF/WP/66.

Tall A., et Jallow A.M., Rapport de l'Atelier sur le thème "A la Recherche des Améliorationsen Technologie du Poisson en Afrique de l'Ouest". Pointe-Noire. Congo, 7-9 novembre1.994. Cotonou, Bénin, Programme pour le Développement Intégré des Pêches Artisanalesen Aflique de l'Ouest. (DIPA) 82p., DIPAIWP/66.

Page 22: Report on the Workshop on the use of ARTFISH for Windows ... · C. Stamatopoulos and T. Jarrett of FAO-FIDI organized several hands-on exercises performed by the participants using

Kamphorst, B., A cost and earnings study at Cotonou harbour, Benin, for 1994. Cotonou, Bemn Programme1995 for the Integrated Development of Artisanal Fisheries in West Africa (IDAF) 42p.,


Kamphorst, B., Etude de Coûts et Revenus au port de pêche de Cotonou, Bénin, Programme pour le1995 Développement Intégré des Pêches Artisanales en Afrique de l'Ouest, (DIPA) 45p.,


Kamphorst, B., et Teixeira, M. Caractéristiques socio-économiques de la pêche à Sao Tomé et Principe.1995 Programme pour le Développement Intégré des Pêches Artisanales en Afrique de l'Ouest,

(DIPA) Cotonou, Bénin 3lp. DIPAÍWP/68.

Kamphorst, B., e Teixeira, M., Caracteristicas socio-económicas da pesca artesanal maritima em São Tomé1995 e Principe Programa de Desenvolvimento Integrado das Pescas Artesanais na Africa

Ocidental. (DIPA) Cotonou Benin, 28p., IDAF/WP/68

Horemans, B.. The situation of artisanal fisheries in West Africa in 1994. Programme for the Integrated1995 Develqpment of Artisanal Fisheries in West Africa, Cotonou, Benin 4Op., IDAFIWP/69.

Horemans, B., La situation de la pêche artisanale en Afrique de l'Ouest en 1994. Cotonou, Bénin Programmei 99 pour le Développement Intégré des Pêches Artisanales en Afrique de l'Ouest (DIPA), 38p.


Kébé. M., J-C. Njock, et J. Gallène, Revue sectorielle de la pêche artisanale maritime du Congo. Cotonou,1995 Bénin, Programme pour le Développement Intégré des Pêches Artisanales en Afnque de

l'Ouest (DIPA) 37p., DIPAJWP/70.

Gallène. J.P., Data Compendium on Safety at Sea for Seven West African Countries. Mauritania, Senegal,1995 The Gambia, Gumea-Bissau, Guinea, Sierra-Leone and Cape Verde 1991 - 1994. Cotonou,

Programme for Integrated Development of Artisanal Fisheries in West Afnca, l3p.,IDAF/WPI7 i

Compendium des Données sur la Sécurité en Mer dans Sept Pays d'Afrique de l'Ouest:Mauritanie, Sénégai, Gambie, Guinée-Bissau, Guinée, Sierra-Leone et Cap Vert 1991 -1994. Cotonou, Programme pour le Développement Intégré des Pêches Artisanales enAfrique de l'Ouest. iSp., DIPA/WP/7l.

Report of the First Meeting of the IDAF Working Group on Costs and Earnings in ArtisanalFishenes in West Afnca, (Dakar, Senegal, 12 - 13 June 1995). Cotonou, Benin, Programmefor Integrated Development of Artisanal Fisheries in West Africa. 8lp. IDAF/WP/72.

Rapport de la Première Réunion du Groupe de Travail du DIPA sur Coûts et Revenus en PêcheArtisanale en Afrique de l'Ouest, (Dakar, Sénégal, 12 - 13 juin 1995). Cotonou, Bénin,Programme pour le Développement Intégré des Pêches Artisanales en Afrique de l'Ouest,82p., DIPA/WP/72.

Anon., Report of the Ninth IDAF Liaison Officers Meeting, Conakry. Guinea, 9-10 November 1995.1995 Cotonou, Programme for Integrated Development of Artisanal Fisheries in West Africa

lO2p.. IDAF/WP/73

Anon.. Rapport de la Neuvième Réunion des Fonctionnaires de Liaison, Conakry. Guinée, 9-10 novembrei 99 1995. Cotonou, Programme pour le DévelopQement Intégré des Pêches Artisanales en

Afrique de l'Ouest, i l2p. DIPA/WP/73.

S atia. B. P. and BW. Horemans, Report of the Workshop on Participatory Approaches and Traditional199D Fishery Management Pratices in West Africa. Conakry. Guinea, 13-15 November 1995.

Cotonou, Programme for the Integrated Development of Artisanal Fisheries in West Africa.95p.. IDAF/WP/74.

S atia. B. P. et B. W. Horenians, Rapport de l'Atelier sur les Approches Participatives et l'Aménagementl99 Traditionnel des Pêches en Afrique de l'Ouest. Conakrv, Guinée, 13-15 novembre 1995.

Cotonou. gramme pour le Développement Intégré des Pêches Artisanales en Afrigue del'Ouest, 9p., DIPA/WP/74.

Gallène, J.P1995

Jallow A.M.,1995

Jallow A.M.,1995

Page 23: Report on the Workshop on the use of ARTFISH for Windows ... · C. Stamatopoulos and T. Jarrett of FAO-FIDI organized several hands-on exercises performed by the participants using

Njifonjou O., J. Folack, M. Bondja, J-C Njock et D. Njamen, Enquête-cadre et Etude Socio-économique de1996 la Pêche Artisanale Maritime au Cameroun. Cotonou, Programme pour le Développement

Intégré des Pêches Artisanales en Afrique de l'Ouest, 8Op, DIPA/WP/75

Houndékon MB., Rapport des ateliers de formation sur la méthode accélérée de recherche participative à1996 Kaback et Kamsar (Guinée) du 24juillet au 03 septembre 1995 Cotonou, Programme pour

le Développement Intgré des Pêches Artisanales en Afnque de l'Ouest. 2Op., + annexesDIPA/WP/76.

Houédanou M.-C., et D. Nyamusenge, Guide de rédaction des rapports. Cotonou, Programme pour1996 le Développement Intégré des Pêches Artisanales en Afrique de l'Ouest 44p, DIPA/WP/77

Kuyateh M., Rapport de Synthèse sur l'Atelier de Formation Pratique (théorie et application sur1996 le terrain) sur la MARP à l'intention des Cadres et des Techniciens de la Pêche Artisanale

du Senegal Septembre 1995 - Dakar, Sénégal. Cotonou, Programme pour le DéveloppementIntégré des Pêches Artisanales en Afrique de l'Ouest 75p., DIPAIWP/78

Satia BR et C.Z. Wétohossou, (eds) Report of the working group on women's key role and issues related to1996 gender in fishing communities. Programme for the Integrated Development of Artisanal

Fisheries in West Africa (IDAF) Cotonou, Benin. 32p., IDAF/WP/79

Satia B.P., et CZ. Wétohossou, (eds) R.apport du groupe de travail sur la position centrale des femmes et les1996 questions liées au genre dans les communautés de pêche.. Cotonou, Programme pour le

Développement Intégré des Pêches Artisanales en Afrique de l'Ouest (DIPA) 34p.,DIPAIWP/79.

Horemans B., T. Ajayi and J. Gallène - Sector Review of the Artisanal Marine Fisheries in The Gambia.1996 Programme for the Integrated Development of Artisanal Fisheries in West Africa (IDAF),.

Cotonou, Benin. 4Op., IDAF/WP/80

Kébé M., J.0 Njock et J. Gallène, - Revue sectorielle de la pêche artisanale maritime au Gabon. Programme1996 pour le Développement Intégré des Pêches Artisanales en Afriquc de l'Ouest (DIPA),

Cotonou, Bénin. 39p. + annexes, DIPA/WP/8 i

Stamatopoulos C., Rapport de l'Atelier sur l'Utilisation du Logiciel de Statistiques des Pêches (ARTFISH).1996 Cotonou, Bénin, 6-9 mai 1996. Programme de Développement Intégré des Pêches

Artisanales en Afriquc de l'Ouest (DIPA). Cotonou, Bénin 59p., DIPAIWP/82

C., Report of the Workshop on the use of a fisheries statistical sothv are (ARTFISH),Cotonou, Benin 6-9 May 1996. Programme for the Integrated Development of ArtisanalFisheries in West Africa (IDAF). Cotonou, Benin 6lp.. IDAF/WP/83

The state of artisanal fisheries in West Africa in 1995. Programme for the IntegratedDevelopment of Artisanal Fisheries in West Africa, Cotonou, Benin 43p., IDAFIWP/84.

L'état de la pêche artisanale en Afrique de l'Ouest en 1995. Cotonou. Bénin Programmepour le Développement Intégré des Pêches Artisanales en Afrique de l'Ouest (DIPA), 45p.DIPA/WP/84.

Beauvallet-Le Coq, C., A Study of Community Participation in the Aguégués Project BEN/88/CO3 -1996 BEN/88/0l4 (Improving the living conditions of the Populations in the District of

Aguégués) Programme for Integrated Development of Artisanal Fisheries in West AfricaCotonou. Bénin. 28p., IDAF/WP/85

Beauvallet-Le Coq, C., Etude de la Participation des Populations des Aguégués au Projet BEN/88/CO3 -1996 BEN/88/0l4. (Amélioration des Conditions de Vie des Populations de la Sous-Préfecture

Lacustre des Aguégués). Programme pour le Développement Intégré des Pêches Artisanalesen Afrique de l'Ouest. Cotonou, Bénin. 32p.. DIPA1WP/5.

Sow, A.. Curso de formaçäo sobre a organizaçäo de urna biblioteca. Programa para o Desenvolvimento1996 Integrado das Pescas Artesanais na Africa Ocidental (DIPA). Cotonou. Benin. 35p. +

anexos, DIPA/WP/86


Horemans, B.,1996

Horernans, B.,1996

Page 24: Report on the Workshop on the use of ARTFISH for Windows ... · C. Stamatopoulos and T. Jarrett of FAO-FIDI organized several hands-on exercises performed by the participants using

Sow, A. Cours de formation sur l'organisation d'une bibliothèque. Proamme pour le Développementi 996 Intégré des Pêches Artisanales en Afrique de (DIPA). Cotonou. Bénin. 32p. . +

annexes, DIPAJWP/86

sy, M. S., Nutritional Condition, Food Security, Hygiene and Sanitation in the Fishing Community of Joal,i 996 Senegal. Programme for the Integrated Development of Artisanal Fisheries in West Africa,

Cotonou Benin, l8p,, + annex IDAFIWP/87.

Sy, M.. Situation nutritionnelle, sécurité alimentaire, hygiène et salubrité dans la communauté de pêche de1996 Joal, Sénégal. Programme pour le Développement Intégré des Pêches Artisanales en

Afrique de l'Ouest (DIPA). Cotonou, Bénin. 19p., + annexes. DIPA/WP/87

Touray. I., Study on Women's Organizations in Brufut and Gunjur Communities and the Factors that Favour1996 or Impede their Sustainability in the Gambia, Programme for the Integrated Development

of Artisanal Fisheries in West Africa. Cotonou, Benin, 4lp.. IDAF/WP/88

Tourav. I., Etude sur les organisations de femmes des communautés de Brufut et Gunjur en Gambie et les1996 facteurs qui favorisent ou gênent leur pérennité. Programme FAO pour le Développement

Intégré des Pêches Artisanales en Afrique de l'Ouest. Cotonou. Bénn, 39p., DIPA/WP/88

Ngo Som J Nutritional Condition Food Security, Hygiene and Samtation ru the Fishing Community of1996 Limbc, Cameroon. Program for the lnte.gratcd Development of Artisanal Fisheries in West

Africa (IDAF). Cotonou, Benin. 78p., IDAF/WP/89.

Ngo Som, J.. Situation nutritionnelle, sécurité alimentaire, hygiène et salubrité dans la communauté de pêche1996 de Limbe, Cameroun. Programme pour le Développement Intégré des Pêches Artisanales

en Afrique de l'Ouest (DIPA). Cotonou. Bénin 92p. DIPAIWP/89

Afful. K., et Kébé. M.. Fiscal Policy and the Artisanal Fisheries Sector in Ghana and Senegal. Programme1996 for the Integrated Development of Artisanal Fisheries in West Africa (IDAF). Cotonou,

Benin, 37p.. IDAF/WP/90.

Kébé. M.. La politique fiscale et le secteur de la pêche artisanale au Ghana et au Sénégal.Progranmie pour le Développement Intégré des Pêches Artisanales en Afrique de l'Ouest(DIPA). Cotonou, Bénin. 42p.. DIPA/WP/90

Theoretical Considerations and Practical Implications of Subsidies to the Artisanal FisheriesSector in West Africa. Programme for the 1nte,grated Development of Artisanal Fisheriesin West Africa. Cotonou. Benin 2Op., IDAF/WPI9 1

- Considérations théoriques et implications pratiques des subventions au secteur de la pêcheartisanale en Afrique de l'Ouest. Programme pour le Développement Intégré des PèchesArtisanales eri Afrique de l'Ouest (DIPA). Cotonou. Bénin. 2 Ip.. DIPA/WP/9 1

Use of Capital Income in Artisanal Fisheries: the Case of Boat-Owners in Hann, Senegal.Programme íòr the Integrated Development of Artisanal Fisheries in West Africa. Cotonou,Benin. 16p.. IDAF/WP/92.

Utilisation des revenus du capital en pêche artisanale: le cas des armateurs de Hann auSénégal. Programme pour le Développement Intégré des Pêches Artisanales en Afrique del'Ouest (DIPA). Cotonou, Bénin 2ip.. DJPA/WP/92

Tourav I., Report ori Gender Awareness Workshop for Fisheries Officials and Extension Agents 13th- 17th1996 May 1996 Programme for the Integrated Development of Artisanal Fisheries in West

Africa. Cotonou. Benin, 67p.. IDAF/WP/ 93

Tourav. 1.. Rapport de l'Atelier de Sensibilisation sur les Questions Liées au Genre à l'Attention1996 des Agents de Pêche et Agents de Vulgarisation, 13 - 17 Mai 1996 Programme pour le

Développement Intégré des Pêches Artisanales en Afrique de l'Ouest. Cotonou. Bénin. 7Op.DIPA/WP/93.

Williams. S.. Economic Role of Women in Fishing Communities: A Case Study of Koko, Nigeria1996 Programme for the Integrated Development of Artisanal Fisheries in West Afric& Cotonou.

Benin. 2p. IDAF/WP/94

Afful. K.. et1996

Horemans. B..1996

Horemaiis B.1996

Ndiaye Y.D.1996

Ndiaye. Y.D.1996

Page 25: Report on the Workshop on the use of ARTFISH for Windows ... · C. Stamatopoulos and T. Jarrett of FAO-FIDI organized several hands-on exercises performed by the participants using

Williams, S., Rôle Economique des Femmes dans les Communautés de Pêche: Le Cas de Koko Cotonòu,1996 Bénm. Programme de Développement Intégré des Pêches Artisanales en Afrique de POuest

(DIPA), 30p., IDAF/WP/94.

N'jie, M., and Jones, R., People's Participation and Sustainability Aspects in the fisheries project of Yeji,1996 Ghana. Cotonou, Benin, Programme for the Integrated Development ofArtisanal Fisheries

in West Africa (IDAF) 4 Ip., IDAF[WP/95

Njie, M., et Jones, R., Participation des populations et développement durable: le cas du Projet de pêche de1997 Yej i au Ghana. Cotonou, Bénin, Programme pour le Développement Intégré des Pêches

Artisanales en Afrique de l'Ouest (DIPA) 45p., DIPA/WP/95

Anon., Report of the Tenth IDAF Liaison Officers Meeting, Lome, Togo, 9 - 10 December 1996.1997 Cotonou, Benin, Programnie for the Integrated Development of Artisanal Fisheries m West

Africa, lOOp., IDAF/WP/96.

Anon., Rapport de la dixième Réunion des Fonctionnaires de Liaison, Lomé, Togo, 9 - 10 décembre1997 1996. Cotonou, Bénin, Programme de Développement Intégré des Pêches Artisanales en

Afrique de l'Ouest. IO7p., DIPA/WP/96.

Horemans, B., and Jallow A.M., (eds.) Report of the Workshop on Gender Roles and Issues in Artisanal1997 Fisheries in West Africa, Lomé, Togo, 11 - 13 December 1996. Cotonou, Benm,

Programme for the Integrated Development of Artisanal Fisheries in West Africa, 47p.,IDAF/WP/97

Horemans, B., et Jallow, A.M., (éds.) Rapport de l'atelier sur les rôles des hommes et des femmes et les1997 questions liées aux rapports entre les hommes et les femmes dans la pêche artisanale en

Afrique de l'Ouest, Lomé, Togo, 11 - 13 décembre 1996. Cotonou, Bénin, Prqgramme deDéveloppement Intégré des Pêches Artisanales en Afrique de l'Ouest. 49p., DIPA/WP/97.

Gallene, J.P., (ed.); Lessons Learned from Training Artisanal Fishermen in West Africa. Programme for the1997 Integrated Development of Artisanal Fisheries in West Africa, Cotonou, Benin. 92p.,


Gallene, J.P., (éd.); Enseignements tirés de la formation des pêcheurs artisans en Afrique de l'Ouest.1997 Programme de Développement Intégré des Pêches Artisanales en Afrique de l'Ouest.

Cotonou, Bénin, 91p., DIPA/WP/98.

Jallow AM, Study on Elements and Mechanisms of Participation in WNW-AFCOD and Tombo Projects1997 in Siena Leone, Programme for the Integrated Development of Artisanal Fisheries in West

Africa, Cotonou, Benin. 23p., IDAF/WP/99.

Turay F.. and Verstralen K., Costs and Earnings in Artisanal Fisheries: Methodology and Lessons learned1997 from Case Studies, Programme for the Integrated Development of Artisanal Fisheries in

West Africa, Cotonou, Benin, 27p.. IDAF/WP/lOO.

Turay F., et Verstralen K., Coûts et revenus en pêche artisanale: méthodologie et leçons retenues des études1997 de cas. Programme pour le Développement Intégré des Pêches Artisanales en Afrique de

l'Ouest, Cotonou, Bénin, 4Op., DIPAIVTP/lOO

Kalibu, M. -K., Lubambala K., et Nkomko T., Enquête-Cadre et Etude Socio-Economique de la Pêche1997 Artisanale à la Côte Maritime et à l'Estuaire du Fleuve Zaire en 1996. Cotonou, Programme

pour le Développement Intégré des Pêches Artisanales en Afrique de l'Ouest. 66p.,DIPAIWP/ 101.

Denke AM., Enquête-cadre et socio-économique sur la pêche artisanale maritime au Togo. Programme pour1997 le Développement Intégré des Pêches Artisanales en Afrique de l'Ouest, Cotonou, Bénin,

7Ip., DIPA/WP/102.

Kébé. M., Etude des coûts et revenus des unités de pêche artisanale à Hann, Sénégal. Programme1997 pour le Développement Intégré des Pêches Artisanales en Afrique de l'Ouest, Cotonou,

Bénin, 2Op., DIPA/WP/103.

Page 26: Report on the Workshop on the use of ARTFISH for Windows ... · C. Stamatopoulos and T. Jarrett of FAO-FIDI organized several hands-on exercises performed by the participants using

Horemans B. and Jallow AM., Present State and Perspectives of Macine Fisheries Resources Co-1997 Management in West Africa, Programme for the Integrated Development of Artisanal

Fisheries in West Africa, Cotonou, Benin, 22p., IDAFIWP/ 104

Horernans B.. et Jallow AM., Etat actuel et perspectives de la co-gestion des ressources halieutiques en1997 Afrique de l'Ouest. Programme pour le Développement Intégré des Pêches Artisanales en

Afrique de l'Ouest, Cotonou, Bénin, 25p.. DIPA/WP/104

Kébé. M., Anato C B. et Galiène J., Revue sectorielle de la pêche artisanale au Bénin. Programme pour le1997 Développement Intégré des Pêches Artisanales en Afrique de l'Ouest (DIPA), Cotonou.

Bénin. 5Op.. DIPA/WP/105

Yeboah DA.. Use of Capital Income in Artisanal Fisheries: A Case Study of Boat Owners in Elmina, Ghana.1997 Programme for the Integrated Development of Artisanal Fisheries in West Africa (IDAF),

Cotonou, Benin, 23p., IDAF/WP/ 106

Yeboah DA.. Utilisation du Revenu sur Capital dans les Pêches Artisanales: une étude de cas des Armateurs1997 de Elmina, Ghana. Programme pour le Développement Intégré des Pêches Artisanales en

Afrique de l'Ouest, Cotonou. Bénin, 24p. DIPA/WP/106

Bortcv A., Study of the Credit and Savings Systems in Artisanal Fisheries in Ghana. Programme for the1997 Integrated Development of Artisanal Fisheries in West Africa (IDAF). Cotonou, Benin,

20p., IDAF/WP/107

Bortev A.. Etude des systèmes de crédit et d'épargne pour la pêche artisanale au Ghana. Programme pour le1997 Développement Intégré des Pêches Artisanales en Afriquc dc l'Ouest, Cotonou. Bénin, 23p..


Verstralen K.. and Isebor C., Costs, Earnings, and Expenditure Structures of Fisherwomen, Fish Processors,1997 and Fish Traders in Ogheyc, Delta State, Nigeria. Programme for the Integrated

Development of Artisanal Fisheries in West Africa. Cotonou, Benin. 36p., IDAF/WP/108.

Versiralen K et Isebor C., Coûts, revenus et structure des dépenses des femmes pêcheurs. transformatrices,1997 et marchandes de poisson à Ogheye, Etat de Delta, Nigéria. Prqgramme pour Je

Développement Intégré des Pêches Artisanales en Afrique de l'Ouest, Cotonou. Bénin 40p..DIPAIWP/ 108

Gbaguidi A. . Cometé A. . Dehy L. , Tanimomo P. , et Verstralen K. , Enquête-cadre et Socio-économique deI 997 la pêche artisanale maritime au Bénin. Programme pour le Développement Integre des

Pêches Artisanales en Afrique de l'Ouest. (DIPA). Cotonou. Bénin, 76p.. DIPA/WP/109

Kébé M.. Njock J.C. et Gallène J.. Revue sectorielle de la pêche artisanale maritime et lagunaire en Côte1997 d'ivoire. Programme pour le Développement Intégré des Pêches Artisanales en Afrique de

l'Ouest (DIPA). 45p. + annexes. DIPAIWP/1 10

Ngo Sorn J Report on the Training and Sensitization Workshop for Women in Post-Harvest Artisanal1997 Fisheries Limbe 18-23 August 1997 Programme for the Integrated Development of

Artisanal Fisheries in West Africa (IDAF) Cotonou, Benin. 22p. IDAF/WP/l 11

Ndiavc O., Rapport provisoire du séminaire de formation au profit des femmes transformatrices et1997 vendeuses de poisson dans les communautés de pêche de Joal et Mbour du 18 au 29 août

1997. Programme pour le Développement Intégré des Pêches Artisanales en Afrique del'Ouest (DIPA). Cotonou Bénin. 25p. DIPA/WP/1 12.

Njock J-C., Rapport du séminaire national sur lanmenagenient et le développement de la pêche artisanale au1997 Cameroun. Programme pour le Développement intégré des Pêches Artisanales en Afrique

de l'Ouest (DIPA). Cotonou. Bénin. 64p. DIPA/WP/ 113

Ndiave O.. Rapport de la première réunion du Groupe de Travail pluridisciplinaire en planification1997 des pêches artisanales au Sénégal. 26 et 27juin 1997, Hôtel Savana Koumba Saly. Mbour.

Sénegal. Programme pour le Développement Intégré des Pêches Artisanales en Afrique del'Ouest (DIPA), Cotonou, Bénin. 64p. DIPA/WP/l 14.

Page 27: Report on the Workshop on the use of ARTFISH for Windows ... · C. Stamatopoulos and T. Jarrett of FAO-FIDI organized several hands-on exercises performed by the participants using

Horemans, B1997

Diallo. M.O.,1997

Ndiaye Y., Le crédit à la pêche artisanale au Sénégal. Programme pour le Développement Intégré des Pêches1997 Artisanales en Afrique de l'Ouest (DIPA), Cotonou, Bénin, l9p. DIPA/WP/1l5.

Gallène J., Compendium des enquêtes sur les accidents en mer dans six pays de l'Afrique Centrale Cameroun,1997 Gabon, Congo, Sao-Tomé et Principe, République Démocratique du Congo, Angola, 1989-

1996. Programme pour le Développement Intégré des Pêches Artisanales en Afrique dePOuest (DIPA), Cotonou, Bénin, l6p., DIPA/WP/1 16.

Anon., Report of the Eleventh IDAF Liaison Officers Meeting, Douala, Cameroon, 17 - 21 November 1997.1997 Programme for the Integrated Development of Artisanal Fisheries in West Africa (IDAF),

Cotonou, Benin, 76p., IDAF/WP/1 17

Anon., Rapport de la Onzième Réunion des Fonctionnaires de Liaison, Douala, Cameroun, 17-21 novembre1997 1997. Programme pour le Développement Intégré des Pêches Artisanales en Afrique de

POuest (DIPA), Cotonou, Bénin, 84p., DIPA/WP/1 17

Horemans, B., and Jallow AM., (eds.) Report of the Workshop on Socio-Economic Aspects of Artisanal1997 Fisheries in West Africa, Douala, Cameroon, 17-21 November 1997. Programme for the

Integrated Development of Artisanal Fisheries in West Africa (IDAF), Cotonou, Benin,29p., IDAF/WP/1 18.

and Jallow AM., (éds.) Rapport de l'Atelier sur les Aspects Socio-Economiques de la pêcheArtisanale en Afrique de l'Ouest, Douala, Cameroun, 17-21 novembre 1997. Programmepour le Développement Intégré des Pêches Artisanales en Afrique de l'Ouest (DIPA),Cotonou, Bénin, 33p., DIPAIWP!1 18

et Fautrel. V., Eléments d'analyse économique et fmancière de la pêche artisanale maritime enGuinée: Le cas du débarcadère de Boulbinet à Conakry. Programme pour le DeveloppementIntégré des Pêches Artisanales en Afrique de l'Ouest (DIPA), Cotonou, Benm, 26p..DIPA/WP/1 19

Diaflo, MO.,1997

Kouakou, Y.1998

Horernans B.,1998

Verstralen K1998

et Diallo, M.M., Enquête-cadre et socio-économique de la pêche artisanale nrnritime en Guinée.Programme pour le Développement Intégré des Pêches Artisanales en Afrigue de l'Ouest(DIPA), Cotonou, Bénin, 7Op., DIPA/WP/ 120

Coût et revenus de la transformation et commercialisation du poisson à Adiaké. Programmepour le Développement Intégré des Pêches Artisanales en Afrique de l'Ouest (DIPA),Cotonou, Bénin, 29p. DIPAIWP/121.

-L'état de la pêche artisanale en Afrique de l'Ouest en 1997. Progranime pour le DéveloppementIntégré des Pêches Artisanales en Afrique de l'Ouest (DIPA). Cotonou. Bénin, 5 Ip.DIPAIWP/ 122.

Etude sur la Mutuelle d'Epargne et de Crédit de Hann (MECH), Sénégal: la structure, laperformance et les opportunités pour renforcer ses opérations. Programme pour leDéveloppement Intégré des Pêches Artisanales en Afrique de l'Ouest (DIPA), Cotonou,Bénin. ??p. DIPAIWP/123

Stamatopoulos C., and Jarrett T., Report on the Workshop on the use of ARTFISH for Windows. Cotonou1998 Benin, 4 - 15 May 1998. Programme for the Integrated Development of Artisanal Fisheries

in West Africa (IDAF), Cotonou, Benin, 8p., IDAF/WP/l24

Stamatopoulos C., et Jarrett T., Rapport de l'atelier sur l'utilisation de la version Windows de ARTFISH.1998 Cotonou, Bénin. 4 - 15 mai 1998. Programme pour le Développement Intégré des Pêches

Artisanales en Afrique de l'Ouest (DIPA). Cotonou. Bénin. 9p.. DIPAIWP/124

Adebivi, OF.. Harmful Fishing Pratices in the Coastal belt of Nigeria: Use of the non Selective Fishing Gear.1998 Programme for Integrated Development of Artisanal Fisheries in West Africa (IDAF).

Cotonou, Benin, 22p., IDAF/WP/l25

Anon., Report of the Regional Workshop on the Adaptation of the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries1998 in West Africa. Cotonou, Bénin, 1 - 5 June 1998. Programme for Integrated Development

of Artisanal Fisheries in West Africa (EDAF), Cotonou, Benin. ???p.. IDAF/WP/126

Page 28: Report on the Workshop on the use of ARTFISH for Windows ... · C. Stamatopoulos and T. Jarrett of FAO-FIDI organized several hands-on exercises performed by the participants using

Manuels de terrain I Field Manuals

Johnson. J.P. et MP. Wilkie, Pour un développement intégré des pêches artisanales; du bon usage1988 de participation et de la planification. Cotonou. Projet DIPA, l57p. + annexes, Manuel de

Terrain N I.

Meynall. P.J.. J.P. Johnson, and MP. Wilkie. Guide for planning monitoring and evaluation in fisheries1988 development units. Cotonou, IDAF Project, ll6p.. IDAF Field Manual N 2.

IDAF Newsletter I La Lettre du DIPA

IDAF Newsleuer/Lettre du DIPA,IDAF NewsletterlLettre du DIPA,IDAF Newsietter/Leure du DIPA,IDAF Newsletter/Lettre du DIPA.IDAF Newsletter/Lettre du DIPA,IDAF Newsletter/Lettre du DIPA,IDAF NewsletterlLettre du DIPA.IDAF Newsletter/Lettre du DIPA,IDAF Newsletter/Lettre du DIPA,IDAF Newsletter/Lettre du DIPA,IDAF Newsletter/Lettre du DIPA,1DAF NewsletterlLettre du DIPA,IDAF Newsletter/Lettre du DIPA,IDAF Newslettcr/Lettre du DIPA,IDAF News letter/Leftre du DIPA,IDAF Newslctter/Lettre du DIPA,IDAF Newsletter/Lettre du DIPA,IDAF Newsletter/Lettre du DIPA.IDAF Newslettcr/Lettre du DIPA,IDAF Newsletter/Lettre du DIPKIDAF Newsletter/Lettre du DIPA.IDAF Newslettcr/Lettre du DIPA,IDAF Ncwsletter/Lettre du DIPA,IDAF Newsletter/Lcttre du DIPA,IDAF Newsletter/Lettre du DIPA,IDAF Newsletter/Lettre du DIPA,IDAF NewslctterlLettre du DIPA,IDAF Newsletter/Lettre du DIPA,IDAF Ncwsletter/Lettre du DI PA.IDAF Newsletter/Lettre du DIPA.IDAF Newsletter/Letire du DIPA.IDAF Newslctter/Lettre du DIPA,IDAF Newsletter/Lcttre du DIPA,IDAF Newsletter/Lettre du DIP A,IDAF Newsletter/Lettre du DIPA,IDAF Newsletter/Lettre du DIPA,

1, October/Octobre 1985, 4p.2,Januaiy/Janvier 1986, 14p.3, June/Juin 1986, 4Op4/5, Sept./Dec. 1986, 76p.

September 1987, 58p.June/Juin 1988. 84p.June/Juin 1989, 74p.October/Octobre 1989, 84p.August/Août 1990, Mp.Januaiy/Janvier 1991, 6p.

12. April/Avril 1991. 8p.July/Juillet 1991, 6p.October/January 1992. 12p.September/Septembre 1992, 85pDecember/Décembre 1992, 3 Ip.MarchfMars 1993, 39p.June/Juin 1993. 38p.Septcrnber/Scptembre 1993, 32pDecember/Décembre 1993. 28p.March/Mars 1994. 32p.

22. June/Juin 1994, 32p.23, Septeniber/Septembre 1994, 52p

December/Décembre 1994. 36p.March/Mars 1995, 32p.June/Juin 1995, 32p.September/Septembre 1995, 40pDecember/Décembre 1995. 32p.March/Mars 1996, 28p.

30. June/Juin 1996, 24p.31, September/Septembre 1996. 28p32. December/Décembre 1996. 28p.33, March/Mars 1997. 28p.

June/Juin 1997, 28p.September/Septembre 1997. 28p

36, December/Décembre 1997. 32p.37. March/Mars 1998, 28p.

IV. Documents de travail du Projet Modèle, Bénin I Working papers of the Model Project, Benin

Coacklev. A.D.R.. Report on installation of a diesel inboard motor in a Ghana canoe. Cotonou. Model1988 Project. 7p. ± annexes, PMB/WP/1 (En).

Coacklev. A.DR.. Installation d'un moteur diesel "inboard" dans une pirogue ghanéenne. Cotonou.1988 Projet Modèle, 9p. + annexe. PMB/WP/I (Fr)

Zannou. L.H.. Etudes technico-économiques des fours améliorées pour le fumage de poisson en1988 République Populaire du Bénin. Cotonou. Projet Modòle. 8p. + 6 tableaux. PMB/WP/2.

Page 29: Report on the Workshop on the use of ARTFISH for Windows ... · C. Stamatopoulos and T. Jarrett of FAO-FIDI organized several hands-on exercises performed by the participants using

Atti-Mama C.. et M. Raïs, Etude démographique des communautés cibles du projet Modèle Bénin.1988 Cotonou, Projet Modèle, 2Op. + 10 annexes, PMB/WP/3.

Jorion, P., Non-monetaiy distribution of fish as food in Beninois small-scale fishing villages and its1988 importance for auto-consumption. Cotonou, Model Project, 26p., PMB/WP/4.

Tanimomo, PF., Catalogue des engins de pêche maritime artisanale du Benin. Cotonou, Projet Modèle,1989 ¿16p. + 3 annexes, PMB/WPI4, PMB/WP/5.

Tanimomo, P.F., Rapport de consultation sur la formation des jeunes pêcheurs de 1'UNICOOPEMA1989 à Lomé. Cotonou, Projet Modèle, l'7p. + 6 annexes, PMB/WPI6.

Atti Mama, C.. Impact socio-économique de la piste Pahou-Kpota. Cotonou, Projet Modèle, lOp.1989 + 3 annexes, PMB/WP/7.


C., C. Atti-Mama, B. Houndékon, D. Tempelman et D. Turcotte, Animation, gestionet planification, séance de travail avec les agents de terrain. Cotonou, Projet Modèle, l42p.+ annexes, PMB/WP/8.

Atti-Marna, C.1989 lans le secteur de Ouidah Cotonou, Projet Modèle, 36p. + 7 annexes, PMB/WP/9.

Tempelman. D., The participatory approach in an integrated artisanal fisheries project; structuring1989 commumty development - womens activities. Cotonou, Model Project, 43p., PMB/WP/ 10.

Landry, J., Cours d'alphabétisation fonctionnelle en calcul. Cotonou, Projet Modèle, 59p. + 3 annexes1989 PMB/WP/ll.

Landry, J., and D. Tempelman, Functional literacy, Training Guide for a numeracy course. Cotonou,1989 Model Project, 55p. + 3 annexes, PMBIWP/1 L

Atti-Marna, C., Systèmes traditionnels et modernes d'épargne et de crédit en milieu pêcheur au Bénin.1990 Cotonou, Projet Modèle, 4lp. + annexes, PMB/WP/12.

Sènouvo, P., Statistiques de pêches des villages du Projet Modèle Année 1987. Cotonou, Projet Modèle.1990 33p., PMB/WP/13.

Sheves. G.T., P.T Holler and P.F. Tanirnorno, Report on demonstration with echo-sounders, compas1990 ses and multimono gillnets in Ghana. Cotonou, Model Project. 22 p., PMB/WP /14.

Coackley, A.D.R., and G.T. Sheves, A review of the experimental introduction of diesel inboard1990 motors to Ghana canoes. Cotonou, Model Project. 4lp., PMB/WP/15.

lJff. A.M. et DE. Tempelman, Etude sur les relations entre les captures de poisson et l'état nutri1990 tionnel des communautés de pêcheurs dans la province du Mono, au Bénin. Cotonou, Projet

Modèle. 27p.. PMB/WP/l6.

Sènouvo, A.P. et A.A. Gbaguidi, Recueil des données statistiques des pêches maritimes au Bénin.1990 .Période de 1984 à 1989. Cotonou, Projet Modèle, l34p., PMBIWP/l7.

Houndékon, B.R., Initiative locale et développement: Expérience des communautés de pêcheurs1990 marins du Bénin. Cotonou. Projet Modèle, I7p.. PMB/WP/18.

Le Gurun, 1F.. La section de technique des pêches. Cotonou, Projet Modèle, 43 p., PMB/WP/19.1991

FAQ/Government Cooperative Programme, Integrated Development of Small-Scale Fisheries in West1991 Africa, Model Project Benin, Project findings and recommendations. FAO, Rome,

FI: GCP/RAF/ 198/DEN Terminal Report, 34p.

Programme de Coopération FAO/Gouvernements. Développement Intégré de la pêche artisanale en1991 Afrique de l'Ouest. Projet Modèle Bénin, Conclusions et recommandations du Projet. FAO.

Rome. FI: GCP/RAF/ 198/DEN Rapport terminal. 4Op.

P. Turcotte, et W. Wentholt, Evaluation interne des activités du projet modèle Bénin

Page 30: Report on the Workshop on the use of ARTFISH for Windows ... · C. Stamatopoulos and T. Jarrett of FAO-FIDI organized several hands-on exercises performed by the participants using