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Page 1: REPOI{T SEPTEMBER 1948 - International Union of Theoretical and Applied · 2019-02-14 · The .International Union




lnstitvt 6 tur Mechoni~ Univer~itot Sturtgort

AAJ~ I ~~-n - -1

Tht publication of thl~ report ha11 hcen made possible by a grant from the United Nations Educational, SclentiOc and

Cultural Ornanl!'latfnn (UNESCO)

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September 1948.

The .International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, which had been founded at the meeting of the International Committee for the Congresses of Applied Mechanics at Paris in September 1946, was admitted as a member of the International Council of Scientific Unions by decision of the Executive Committee of ICSU in 1947.

During the period 1947-Septemher 1948 two Committee meetings have been held for discussing matters referring to the organisation of the Union and to the V.Uth International Congress of Applied Mechanics, held at the Jmperial College. South Kensington. London, September 5-10. 1948. It was decided to elect provisional officers of the Union as follows:

R. V. SOUTIIWELL, London, acting president H . VJLLAT, Paris, acting vice-president HUGII L. DRYDEN, Washington, acting treasurer with J .. M. BuRGERS, secretary, as decided already in September 1946 in

Paris. These elections were to be valid until the Council meeting during the VI.fth International Congress.

Proposals were made for extending the Council of the Union by the election of new members for Czechoslovakia, Italy and Poland: the pro­posals have been subjected to voting by correspondence and have obtained the required number of votes. The names of the new members are: B. HOSTINSKY, Brno: G . CoLONNETTI, Roma: G. A. CRocco. Roma: W. RUIJINOWICZ, Warsaw.

As representatives of the Union in the Joint Committee on Rheology there have been elected CH. SADRON, Strasbourg. and K. 0. PEDERSEN, Upsala.

A general assembly of the Council of the Intern. Union took place at South Kensington during the VHth Congress. The following members of Council were present: F. H. VAN DEN DUNGEN, Bruxelles: P . Y. CHOU, Peiping: J. NIELSEN. Kebenhavn : J. PERES, Paris: S . GOI.OSTEIN. Man­chester: R. V . SoUTIIWHI., London: G. I. TAYLOR. Cambridge: G. CoLON­NETT!, Roma: G . ARTURO CRocco. Roma : C. B. Brr:zENO, Delft: J. M. BURGERS, Delft: C. KONING, Amsterdam: H. Sot.nERO. Oslo: M. T.

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lltlllER. Wrzeszcz: W . WEifllJLI .. Bofors; H. FAVRE. Zi.irich: KERIM

EmM. ·Istanbul; H. L. DRYDEN, Washington; J. C. HUNSAKER. Cambridge, Mass.; TH. VON KARMAN. Pasadena, Cal.; S. P. TIMOSIIENKO, •Palo Alto,

Col.: R. VON MISES. Cambridge. Mass. Meetings took place on Sunday, September 5. 1948. at 11.0 a.m. and 3.0 p.m.; and on Thursday. September

9. 1948. at 2.30 p.m. The latter meeting •was attended by F. MALINA as

obse rver from UNESCO. At these meeNngs new statutes for the Union were odopted. The

Council agreed to change its name to that of "General Assembly of the Union". in conformity with the term used by other internationnl Unions. The new stntutes provide for -the possibility of adherence to the Union of organisations engaged in scientific work in theoretical or applied .mechanics. Such organisations shall have representatives in the G eneral A ssembly of the Union and pay an annual subscription according to a scheme some~ \\' ha t similar to that followed by other international scientific unions.

It '\vas also decided th a t the International Committee for the Congresses o f Applied Mechanics would continue to organise these congresses as an

ind ependent body as in the past and would have the status of an adhering

oq)il nisn tion of the Union. The International Congress Committee, in a meeting following the

General A ssembly of I UT AM. having appointed as its secretary C. KflNING. Amsterdam. elected mr. KONING at the sa me time ns representative o f the Congress Committee on the General A ssembly of JUT AM.

1\s regards national organisations adhering to the International Union, a Britis h "National Committee for Theoretical and Applied .Mechanics"

has been instituted in 1947 by the Royal Society of London. In Belgium a n<~tional committee has been formed under the sponsorship of the Academic

R~yale de Belgique. In France the organisation of a national union of

workers in the domain of mechanics is in progress. N ow that the new statutes of the Union have been adopted. it is to be

expected that the form a l adherence of these organisations to th e Inter­

national Union and the appointment of their representatives upon the G eneral Assembly of the latter will be arranged in 1949. It is hoped that

in o ther countries the example may be followed. An application for admission has already come in from the Hungarian Academy of Sciences

( see below).

The following decisions were taken by the Generol A sse mbly of the


I. The Hnng;uian Academy of Sciences (Magyar Tudomfmyos Abde­miCJ) was admitted as an adhering body o f IUT AM.


2. A committee consisting of

J. PERES, Paris, chairman,

M. PICONE, Roma,

A. VAN WrJNOMRDEN, Amsterdam,


was appointed to consider the provision and activities of computing laboratories and to report to the Union before the meeting of the Bureau in 1949. L

The Committee was given the power to co~opt other members. (I£ in future an International Union of Mathematics should be founded,

this Committee may possibly develop into a "Joint Committee" with representatives from the two Unions.)

3. A Committee was appointed consisting of F. H. VAN DEN DUNGEN. Bruxelles, chairman, TH. VON KARMAN, Pasadena, Cal.,

to collect and compare data on the internal damping of (a) materials (h) parts of structures

(c) complete structures

and to report to the Union before the meeting of the Bureau in 1949. The Comm ittee was given the power to co-opt other members.

4. A Committee was appointed consisting of

J. M. BURGERS. Delft, TH. VON KARMAN, Pasadena , Cal..

G. I. TAYLOR, Camhridge. England. to enter into relation with the Intern. Astronomical Union for the planning

of a joint symposium on problems of s tability of rotational motion . tur­bulence, convection and wave motion in gaseous masses of astronomical

d imensions. to be arranged in 1949 or 1950. Provisional contacts with the Intern . Union of A stronomy have already

been made. and great interest is s hown from that side.

5. The statement of the Treasurer on the financial position of the Union

was formally approved and is annexed to the report.

6. The budget of the Union for 1949 (already submitted to UNESCO) was approved.

7. It was decided that Committees should be left free to co~opt members

from ex-enemy countries and to admit scientists from such countries to meetings arranged by them.

8. A s delegates of the International Union to the meeting of the Execu tive

Co mmittee of ICSU at Brussels. 14/15 September 1948. were appointed: J. M . BURGERS , Delft . F. H . VAN 11EN Dl'NOEN. Brussels.

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By unanimous decision of the General Assembly t·hey were instructed to oppose a proposal brought forward by the Royal Society of London that JUT AM be affiliated with an International Union of Mathematics, if one

is founded.

The following scientists were elected as members of the General Assembly according to section IV. b) of the statutes. for the period

1948-1952: L. BAES, Bruxelles; F. H. VAN DEN OUNGEN. Bruxelles; K. PoPOFF,

Sofia; P. Y. Cuou. Peiping; Y. H. Ku. Shanghai; B. HosTINSKY, Brno: J. NIELSEN. Kobenhavn; A. CAQUOT, Paris: J. PERES. Paris: H. VILLAT, Paris; S. GoLDSTEIN, Manchester; R. V. SOUTHWELL, Oxford: G. I. TAYLOR. Cambridge; G. COLONNETII, -Roma: G. ARTURO CROCCO, Roma: C. B. BIEZENO. Delft; J. M. BURGERS, .Oelft: H. SoLBERG. Oslo: H. U. SvERDRUP, Oslo; M. T. HUBER. Gdansk. Wrzeszcz; W . RUBJNOWICZ. Warszawa; W. WEIIJULL, Bofors; J. ACKERET, Zurich; H. FAVRE, Zurich; K. ERJM, Istanbul: H. L. DRYDEN, Washington. D.C.; J. C. HUNSAKER. Cambridge, Mass.: Tu. VON KARMAN. Pasadena. Cal.; R. VON MISES. Cambridge. Mass.: S. P. TIMOSHENKO. Palo Alto. ·Cal.: S. A . CliRISTIANO­VITCH, Moscow; A . N. KoLMOGOROFF, Moscow; E. L. NICOLAI. Leningrad.

As adhering organisations there were admitted: 1lnternational Committee for the Congresses of Applied Mechanics.

Representative: C. KONING, Amsterdam. British National Committee for Theoretical and Applied Mechanics.

Representatives still to be appointed. Hungarian Academy of Sciences (Magyar Tudomfmyos Akademia) .

Representatives still to be appointed. National Committees in Belgium and France (organisation still in

progress). The following officers of ·the Bureau of the Union were elected for the

period 1948- 1952: President J. PERES Vice-president R. V. SouTHWELL Secretary J. M . BURGERS Treasurer H. L. DRYDEN Members G. Cot.ONNETII



The Bureau will meet in Paris. May 5 and 6, 1919.


The Union has two representatives on the Joint Committee on Rheology of the ,J..C.S.U.:

CH. SADRON, Strasbou.rg K. 0 . PEDERSEN, Upsala.

It may be noted that the VUth International Congress of Applied Mechanics, held at the Imperial College, South Kensington, London. Sep­tember 5-10, 1918, was a great success, more than 700 members attending and over 225 papers having been presented. Sections were devoted to:

I. Elasticity and Plasticity. II. Aerodynamics, Hydrodynamics, Meteorology.

III. Thermodynamics, Heat Transfer, etc. IV. V.ibrations; Lubrication; Electronic, Mechanical and other Methods

of Approximate Computation, etc.

Owing to the great number of papers to be read both sections I and II had to be duplicated.

There were also six general lectures.

A full report on this Congress will appear in the Proceedings of the Vllth Congress of Applied Mechanics.

The International Congress Committee. at its meeting after the General Assembly of JUT AM. decided that t!he Vlllth Congress will be held in 1952 in Istanbul. where it will be organised by a Committee appointed by and under the presidency of K. ERtM of the University of Istanbul, or his nominee.


Secretary JUT AM.

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September 10, 1948.

Note: In trans ferring money from UNESCO or from the Secretariate of ICSU to IUTAM not always the same rates of exchange have been used. Moreover in some cases costs o f tra nsfer play a part. In the foll owing statement it has been assumed that £ 1 = $ 4 ,035 = 10.70 dutch florins.

A. Unrestricted Ftmds.


Interim subscription from Royal Society of London for 1947: £20 = f 214.00


Secretary's Office until September I, 1948: Printing of Statutes and Stationery Pos t<~ g e. telegmms T yping and mimeog raphing

f 101.11 .. 189.28 .. 71.59

f 36 1.98 Dc£icit .. 117,98 = $ 55.80

13. Restricted Funds.

Gr<1 nt <~llocated by UNESCO for 1948: 1\ Prcp<~r<~tory meeting London May 1948 n Gcncr<~l Assemb ly London. Septe mber 1918 C P ublication of rhe Report of the Gener<~ l Assembly

Hrcd pts

F ro m UNESCO (direct) In W<~ shington <ICcou nt !o Lcmdon account to Pnris account

£ 329.10.7

$ 1200.-5000.-1000.-

$ 7200.-

$ 1580.-1329.65



From UNESCO (Indirect via ICSU) to London account £ 244.15.8 •) $ 987,70

in charge from ICSU to London account £ 203.4.4 •) 819,98

• Expenditures

Transportation expenses mem'bers of General A ssem•bly: May meeting. paid in London: £ 66. 0.0 September meeting. paid in London: .. 339.15.0

- -----£ 405.15.0 $ 1637.20

paid in U.S.A.: .. 1480.00

$ 3117,20

Statement of Balances:

Washington account $ 100,00

London account £ 168.11.3 680.15 Paris account 50.00

$ 830.15

The London bank account contains in addition £ 203.4.4 = $ 8 19.98, w hich at fhe date of Sept. l 0 was still belonging to ICSU ••).

The sums received from UNESCO, either directly or indirectly. reFer to items "A" and "B" of the grant. Payment of the costs o f printing of this report will be asked out of item "C" •••) .

•) The~e two sums totaling £ H 8 have heen received from ICSU. The first mentioned surn h<1~ become available to IUTJ\M through p<~yments made by UNESCO out of the IUTJ\M gmnt:

to the Committee on Science nnd it~ Soci<~l Relations £ 20.0.0 to the Joint Committee on Rheology 224.15.8 Out of the second sum £20.5.0 = $81.71 is being returned directly to the Joint

' Committee on Rheology: while UNESCO has been asked to pay to the s<~mc Committee ' out o f the IUTJ\M grant sover<~l sums, totaling £ 182.19.'1. This l <~ttcr <~mount then ' likewise wi ll become av<~llable to IUTAM. so th<1t finally IUTAM will have received from J UNESCO. directly nnd indirectly. at the London <~ccount:

£329.10.7 + £ 2H.15.8 + £ 182. 19.'1 - £757.5.7 = $ 3055.62. • •) The p<~yments mentioned In the p receding footnote h;~ve been c<~rried out ln the

course of October 19'18. so that this sum now Is <IV<Iilable fo r IUT J\M. •••) In November 19'18 a sum of $ 200 h<~s been paid to the sec rd<~ ry out of item "C "

of the gr<~nt. while the outstanding sums of all Items have been transmitted by UNESCO to the Wnshington account. so that the full gmnt ha~ now been received (added December I. 19'18).

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Budget 1949.

The following grant~in~aid has been requested from UNESCO for 1949:

l. Travelling exp~nses for two meetings of ~he Bureau of the Union.

~ . For the publication of a report of IUTAM

3. For the work of ·the Committee rto consider the provision and .activities of computing laboratories

4. For a colloquium on turbulence in gaseous masses of astro­nomical dimensions. to be organised in cooperation with the International Union for Astronomy:

travelling expenses publications

$ 1200

.. 2500

3000 1500






Preambule •

Afin de contr.ibuer plus efficacement au developpement de Ia science de Ia rnecanique, le Comite International des Congres de Mecanique Appli­quee avail decide, lors de sa reunion a Paris en septembre 1916. de fonder une organisation permanente portant le nom d"'Union lnternationale de Mecanique Theorique et Appliquee".

Cette Union a ete admise dans le Conseil International des Unions Scientifiques par decision du Comite Executif de ce Conseil en 1947.

Dans les reunions temu~s a Londres en septemrbre 1918. il a ete decide que le Comite International continuera, en tant que corps independant de !'Union, a organiser, comme par le passe, les Congres Internationaux de Mecanique Appliquee et que ce Comite aura le Statut d 'une organisation adherente a I'Union.


L'Union lnternationale de buts:

Mecanique 'J1heorique et Appliquee a pour

(a) de former un lien entre des personnes et des organisations nationales ou internationales s'occupant de recherches scientifiques ( theoriques ou experimentales) dans le domaine de Ia mecanique ou des sciences connexes;

(b) de cooperer, sur sa demand e. avec le Co mite International des Con~ gres de Mecanique Appliquee, et d'organiser d'autres reunions inter­nationales sur des sujets du domaine de Ia mecanique theorique ou appl iquee:

(c) de prendre toutes aut res initiatives propres a contribuer au deve­loppement scientifique de Ia mecanique rheorique ou appliquee.


L'organe actif de !'Union Internationale de Mecanique Theorique et Appliquee est son Assemblee Generale.

L'Assemblee Generale a pouvoir de decision pour toutcs lcs questions

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concernant !'Union, y compris Ia modification des statuts. Elle peut dele­gucr ce pouvoir pour des sujets specifies it des organes appropril~s.

La composition de I'Assemblee Generale est reglee par !'article IV.


Des organisations s'occupant d'etudes scientifiques dans le domaine de J,, mecanique theorique ou appliquee ( ou des unions nationales de telles organisntions) peuvent etre admises par l'Assemblee Gem~rale comme organisations adherentes de !'Union lnternationale.

Chaque organisation adherente aura des represent ants a I' Assemblee \..-:.cncrale de !'Union et payera une sot•scription annuelle a !'Union. d'apres lcs indications de !'article IX.


L' Assemblec Generale de !'Union Intcrnationalc de Mecaniquc T'heori­quc ct Appliquee est formee par ( n) lcs represcntants des organisations adherentes a !'Union: (b) les membres elus par I'Assemblee Generale de !'Union. qui doivent

etre des personnes s'occupant effectivemcf1t de recherches scientifi­ques dans lc domainc -de Ia mecaniquc ou des sciences connexes;

(c) si r Assemblee Generale en decide ainsi, des representants de Com­missions de !'Union.

Le nombre des membres elus de I'Assemblee Generale nppartennnt a unc rnemc nntionalite ne dcvra, en general. depasscr cinq. Des exceptions pourront etre faitcs sculcment par decision de I'Assemblee Generalc.

Lil durec du mandat de c'haque membrc elu sera fixec pnr I'Assemblec Gcncralc nu moment de son election.

L'!\~scmblec Generale vcillera a ce que scient representes de fn<;on <~rrropriec les pays dans lcsqucls sont cffcctuecs des recherches impor­I;Jn!c ~ de mecaniquc theoriquc ou appliquee. mais dans lcsquels n'exis te pas encore d 'organisation nationale.

v. Dnns lc cas o t1 il est necessa ire d'cffectuer un vote, chaque me mbre de

rA~~cmblee Generale dispose d'tme voix. Tout membre empeche d'nssister ;; unr reunion peut. par lettre adressee au secretnire de !'Union, constituer cornme son -mandataire un autre membre de I'Assernblee Generale.

Lc ~ decision s ordinaires et lcs elec tions sont faite s a h majorite des votes c\ prirn cs. Pour toute modification des statuts Ia mnjorite doit etre les 2/3 des voix.

' .l I I \ I I

l I I


Dans l'intervalle entre les retmions de I'Assemblce Gcnerale le vote peut avoir lieu par correspondance sur propositions faites par le Bureau (article VII); dans ce cas une decision ne sera valable que sl le nombre des personnes participant au vote est au mains les 2/.3 du nombrc total des membres de I'Assemblee Generale.


Les reunions de I'Assemblee Generale auront lieu aux moments fixes par lc Bureau ou sur demande de l 0 membres au moins de I'Assemblee General e.


Afin de maintenir son activite dans l'intervalle entre les reunions de I'Assemblee Gcneralc, celle-d nomme un Bureau compose:

d'un president, du president sortant, vice-president, d 'un secreta ire, d'un tresorier, et de quatre autres membres de I'Assemblce Generale.

Les membres du Bureau sont elus pour une periode de 4 ans ct sont reeligibles.

Le Bureau doit se rcunir au mains tmc fois par an. Tout membre du Bureau peut, en en prevenant par lettrc lc secrct<Jire. se faire rernplacer par un autre membre de I'Assemblee Generale, s'il lui est impossible de prendre part a unc reunion.

Le role du secretaire est d'assurer les liaisons permanentes pour tout su jet interessant !'Union, y compris les relations avec les organisations adhcrentes ou ctrangeres a !'Union.

.Le siege legal de !'Union est Ia residence du secretaire.


Les moyens financiers de !'Union proviennent: (a) des souscriptions annuellcs des organisations adhercntes; (b) des dons ou subventions. ,

Lc Burenu de !'Union etablit un budget pour chaque annee et administre les finances. II doit soumettre un rapport financier annuel aux membres de I' A ssernblec Generale.


Le nombre de representants d'une organisation adhcrrnte et le montant de Ia sou.scription annuelle a payer par cette organisa tion seront regles

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d';-trm~s le baremc suivnnt sur proposition de !'organisation ndlterente et apres approbation de I'Assemblee Generale de !'Union:

nombre de unites de sous~ representants cription annuelle

I II 2 2

III 3 3 IV 4 5 v 5 8

Le montant d'une unite de souscription annuelle sera de $ 50 U.S.A. ou son equivalent en monnaie du pays a Ia date du paiement.

X. .Oans toutes ses decisions I'Assemblee Generale s'inspirera de Ia tradi.tion

de coopcrntion scientifique fibre et internationale qui s'est developpee dans lcs Congres Internationaux de Mecanique Appliquee.


Le present texte franc;ais fera autorite pour l'interpretation a donner aux statuts.




In order to be more fully equipped to promote development of the science of mechanics. the International Committee for the Congresses of Applied Mechanics at its meeting at Paris in September 1916 decided to found a permanent organisation. called "The International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics".

This Union has 'been admitted into the International Council of Scientific Unions by decision of the Executive Committee of this Council in 1917.

At the meetings at London in September 1948 it was decided that the International Committee would continue to organise th e Congresses of Applied Mcchnnics as an independent body ets in the pm;t, and that the Tnternntional Committee would have the stntus of an adhering orgnnisation of the Union.




The objects of the International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics are: (a) to form a link between persons and national or international

organisations engaged in scientific work (theoretical or experimental) in mechanics or in related sciences;

(b) ·to cooperate with the International Committee for the Congresses of Applied Mechanics when requested, and to organise other inter­national meetings for subjects falling within the field of theoretical and applied mechanics;

(c) to engage in other activities meant to promote de-velopment of mechanics. both theoretical and applied, as a branch of science.

II .

The active organ of the International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics is its General Assembly.

The General Assembly has power to decide all questions affecting the Union. including alteration of the statutes. On specified questions it may delegate this power to appropriate bodies.

The composition of the General Assembly is regulated in Art. IV.


Organisations occupied in scientific work in theoretical or applied mechanics (or national unions of such organisations) can be admitted by the General Assembly as adhering organisations of the International Union.

Each adhering organisation shall have representatives in the G eneral Assembly of .the International Union. and pay an annual subscription to the Union in accordance with Article tiX.


The General Assembly of the International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics is composed of: (a) representatives of fhe organisations adhering to the Union; (•b) mem'bers elected by ~he General Assembly of the Union, who shall

·be persons actually engaged in scientific work in mechanics or in related sciences;

(c) if so decided by rhe General Assembly, representatives of Com~ mittees.

11he number of elected memhers of the Gcnernl i\.~sembly of th e same nationality in general should not exceed five. Exceptions can be made only

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by decis ion of the General Assembly. The term of each elected member sh,,JI be determined by the General Assembly at the time of h is election.

The General Asse mbly shall provide for an adequate representation of cn11 11 t rics where important re~earch is carried out in theoretical or applied mechanics. but where a national organisation docs not yet exist.

v. vV hen voting is necessary every member of the General Asse mbly shall

dispose of one vote. Any member who may be unnble to attend a meeting mily by a letter to the secretary constitute another member of the General Asse mbly as his proxy.

For ordinary decisions a nd for elections a simple majority of the votes brought forward is required. For an alteration of the statutes the majority requi red is 2/3 of the votes brought forward.

Between meetings of the General A ssembly voting may be carried out by correspondence upon proposals made by the Bureau (section VII); in thi s ca se decisions will be val id only provided the number of persons !<~king part in the vote is not less than 2/3 of the total membership of the Ge neral Assembly.


M eetings of the General A ssembly will take place at times decided by the Bu re<~u ( section VII) o r on reques t of at least I 0 members of the Genera l Assembly.


In order to carry out work between th e meetings o f the General A ssembly. the latter appoints a Bureau. cons isting of

a president the retiring president. who shall serve a s vice-president a secreta ry a treasurer a nd four other members of the General Assembly.

T he members of the Bureau will be elected for a period of 4 years and '.viii be eli gible for re-election.

T he Bureau will meet at least every yea r. A member of the Bureau w ho is prevented from attending a meeting m<~y by a letter to the secretary des ig n <~tc another member of the General A ssembly to replace i1im.

The funct ion of the secretary will be to act as a permanent centre fo r m<~tte rs <~ffccting the Union, including relations with ndhcring or outside org <~ 11 i sil lions.


T he legal domicile of the Union shall be the place where the secreta ry lives.


The fina ncial means of the Union are fo.rmed by:

(a) the annual subscriptions of the adhering o rganisa tions; (b) gifts and grants.

The Bureau of the Union shall draft a budget fo r each coming year, and shall administrate the finances. The Bureau sha ll submit an annual financial report to the members of the General Assembly.


The number of representatives of an adhering organisation and the amount of the annual subscription to be paid by that organisation will be regulated according to one of the following categories. as proposed by the adhering organisation and after approval of the General Assembly of the Union :

number of units of representatives annual subscription

I I 1 II 2 2

III 3 3 IV 4 5 v 5 8

The amount of the unit -a r.nual subscription will be $ 50 U .S.A. or its equivalent in local currency at the da te of payment.


In all its decisions the General Assembly shall be guided by the tradition o f free and international scientific cooperation w hich has been developed in the Internationa l Congresses for AppHed Mechanics.


Thr F rench text o f the s tatutes (of which the <~hove is a translation) shall be considered to be the authoritative text.

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October let, 1948.

a) .Representatives from adhering organisations:

International Committee for the Congresses o£ Applied Mechanics: C. KONING, Director Nationaal Luchtvaartlaboratorium, Sloterwcg

115, Amsterdam-W. British National Committee for Theoretical and Applied Mechanics:

representatives still to be appointed. Hungarian Academy of Sciences (Magyar Tudomfmyos Akademia) :

representatives still to be appointed. National Committees in Belgium and France:

organisation still in progress.

b) Members elected by the General Assembly for the period 1918~1952:

Belgium: L. BAES, 38. rue Emile Bouilliot, Ixelles. Bruxelles. F. H. VAN DEN DUNOEN, 11. Avenue de l'Arbalete, Boitsfort,

Bruxelles. Bulgaria: K. PoPOFF, Boulevard Nikolai Nikolaevit~h 15, Sofia. China: P. Y. CHOU. National Tsing Hua University. Peiping.

Y. H. Ku. Bureau of Education, 80. Ma-Tang Road. Shanghai.

Czechoslovakia: B. HoSTINSKY, KotUuska 2. Hrno. Denmark: J. NIELSEN. Gjorlingsvej 12. Hellerup. K0benhavn. France: A . CAQUOT, 1. rue Beethoven. Paris XVI.

J. PtRtS. 95, Boulevard St. Michel. Paris V. H. VtLLAT, 17, Boulevard Auguste Blanqui, Paris XIII.

Gn~at Britain: S . GoLDSTEIN, 1 I . Rat hen Road. Withington. Manchester. R. V. SOlJTHWELL, 9, Lathbury Road. Oxford. G. I. TAYLOR, Farmfield. Huntingdon Road, Cambridge.

Italy: G. Cot.ONNETTI, Presidente del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche,

7, Piazzale delle Scienze. Roma. G. ARTURO CROCCO. Via Alessandro Torlonia 25, Roma.

Netherlands : C. B. BIEZENO, Nieuwe Laan 30, Del£t. J. M. BURGERS. van Houtenstraat I. Delft.

Norway: H. SoLBERG. Norvegian Academy of Sciences. Drammensveien

78. Oslo. H. U . SvERDRUP. Director Norsk Polarinstitutt, Ob.~ervatoriegt 1.



Poland: M. T. ) lum:n. Poli technika Gdanska. Limanowskiego 7, Gdansk, Wrzeszcz. W. RUDINOWICZ, lloza H. m. 1. Warszawa.

Sweden: W. WcllllJI.L, Aktiebolaget Bofors, Bofors. Switzerland: J. AcKERET, lnstitut rue Aerodynamik, E .T .If .. Sonnegg­

strasse 3, ZUrich . J I. FAVRE, Chalre de Mecanlque, Ecole Polytechnique Pederale. ZUrich.

Turkey: Kt.:IUM ERIM, Istanbul Onlversilesl. Fen Pakiiltesi, Matimatik EnstitilsU, Istanbul.

U .S.A.: II. L. DRYDEN, Director of Aeronautical Research, National Advisory Committee foe Aeronautics,. 1721 P street N .W .. Wash­Ington 25, D.C. J. C. HUNSAKER, Department of Aeronautical Engineering, Mas~ sachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge 39, Mass. Tu. VON KARMAN, Dlredot Dan. Guggenheim Aeron . Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, Cal. R. VON MrSES, Graduate School of Engineering . Harvard Univer­sity, Cambridge, Mass. S . P . TtMOSIIENKO, School of Engineering. Stanford University, Palo Alto, Cal.

U.S.S.R.: S. A. CIIRISTIANOVITCII, Mathematical Institute of the Academy of Sciences U.S.S.R., Bolshaya Kalushkaya 19, Moscow 17. A. N . KoLMOOOROFF, Institute of Mechanics of the Academy of Sciences U.S.S.R., Maly Kharitonevsky 1, Moscow. E . L. NICOLAI, Polytechnical lnstilute, Lesnoy. Leningrad.

Representatives of the Union on the Joint Committee on Rheology of the I.C.S.U.:

Cu. SAORON, Centre d'Etudes de Physique Macrornoleculaire, lnstltut de Physique, 3, rue de J'Unlversite, Strasbourg. K. 0 . PEDERSEN, Fysikalisk-Kemlska ln3titutionen, University of Upsala, Sweden.

Composition of the Bureau of the lnternat ionill Union, see p. 6.

Address of the Seccetariate: van lfoutenstraat I. Delft ( llolland).