Download - Remembering The Persecuted Church · 2019-10-15 · The Persecuted Church GLOSSBRENNER UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 713 Church Street Mount Joy, Pennsylvania 17552 CALENDAR FOR THE WEEK

Page 1: Remembering The Persecuted Church · 2019-10-15 · The Persecuted Church GLOSSBRENNER UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 713 Church Street Mount Joy, Pennsylvania 17552 CALENDAR FOR THE WEEK


The Persecuted Church

October 13, 2019


713 Church Street

Mount Joy, Pennsylvania 17552

CALENDAR FOR THE WEEK (10-13-19 to 10-20-19)

Today: 8:15 am FROG Café – Fellowship Time 9:00 am Pastor’s Prayer Partners

9:30 am Worship Service 10:45 am Sunday School LAST DAY FOR PRE-ORDERS Monday: 6:30 pm Caring Hands & Hearts meeting Tuesday: 7:30 pm Bible Study @ Pastor’s home Wednesday: 6:15 pm Bible Study 6:30 pm Youth Bible Study 7:15 pm Bell Choir rehearsal 8:00 pm Choir rehearsal Thursday: 7:00 pm Administrative Board meeting November Herald DEADLINE Saturday: Change over from AC to heat MONDAY-SATURDAY: FALL CHURCH CLEANING Next Sunday: 9:30 am Worship Service – Laity Sunday – Joyful Noise

GLOSSBRENNER MISSION STATEMENT GROW PRAISE SERVE Grow in Our Christian Faith Praise God through Worship

Glorify God’s Name by Serving Others

CHURCH WORSHIP SERVANTS ORGANIST: Loine Bert CHOIR DIRECTOR: Martin Hinkley SOUND AND LIGHT: Dave Eichler, Andy Ober, Trey Smith MEDIA TECHNICIANS: Mark Myers, Andy Ober, Ken Ober MONEY COUNTERS: Linda Gockley, Bob Waters, Joe & Deb Ziegler GREETERS: Joe Davis, Don Musser OUTSIDE GREETERS: Joe Davis, Wayne Kauffman ACOLYTE: Desireé Whitcraft NURSERY: Debbie Nissley Martin, Carry McClellan CAPTAIN OF THE USHERS: Vaughn Nissley (717-367-2444) USHERS: Aaron Binkley, Kathy Binkley, Emma Jane Davis, Alli Doughton, Mike Doughton, Molly Hart, Dave Kopp, Bob Waters

ATTENDANCE AND CONTRIBUTION INFORMATION Attendance October 6, 2019 Worship Service: 122 Sunday School: 57

Amount received October 6, 2019-------------------------------------$5,784.00

Total amount received as of October 6, 2019-------------------$194,568.54

Page 2: Remembering The Persecuted Church · 2019-10-15 · The Persecuted Church GLOSSBRENNER UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 713 Church Street Mount Joy, Pennsylvania 17552 CALENDAR FOR THE WEEK

Family of Christ, welcome to this holy gathering, that we

may learn and grow, confess and repent, praise and worship, love and be loved — together.

*Indicates that you should rise if you are able.

GREETINGS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS PRELUDE “Lord, Make Me an Instrument of Thy Peace” arr. Terry Baldridge INTROIT “Lord, Here Am I” * CALL TO WORSHIP Leader: As a shepherd seeks a lost sheep, so God seeks and saves the lost. People: As a father receives a returning wayward son, so God welcomes us, and lets the past be the past. Leader: Therefore, let us praise God in thanksgiving that we have been received. People: We receive and welcome one another in the Name of Jesus Christ. We gather to worship as the body of Christ to glorify our God and king. * INVOCATION BLESSING OF THE PRAYER SHAWLS * HYMN “Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing” ………. No. 400

OPENING PRAYER (Unison): Lord God of Liberation, we were slaves in Egypt and you delivered us from captivity. See the works of violence now against your people around the world, and relieve their sufferings. Renew their faith daily, protect them from the violence of those who hate you. Instill in us a heart to care and respond to our brothers and sisters. Guide us forward O Lord. Amen. ANTHEM “Surely the Presence of the Lord Is In This Place” Wolfe/Brown CHILDREN’S MESSAGE JOYS & CONCERNS PASTORAL PRAYER - LORD’S PRAYER (unison) PRESENTATION OF OUR TITHES AND OFFERINGS OFFERTORY – Melinda Myers, saxophonist “He Is Exalted” with “O for a Thousand Tongues to Sing” arr. Stan Pethel * DOXOLOGY…….………………………………………….…….…......No. 95 * HYMN “I Need Thee Every Hour” ……………………….. No. 397 OLD TESTAMENT Deuteronomy 15:7-11 NEW TESTAMENT Matthew 25:31-46 MESSAGE “My Brothers and Sisters” * HYMN “Forth in Thy Name, O Lord” ……………… ……No. 438 * BENEDICTION * EXTROIT “May the Road Rise Up to Meet You” * POSTLUDE “Gigue ” Telemann/Simone


OCTOBER 13, 2019 - 9:30 A.M.

The Rev. Brian Albert, Pastor Matthew Davis, Children & Youth Director

Mark Rorabaugh, Liturgist

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PASTOR’S PRAYER PARTNERS gather in the chapel on Sundays at 9:00 a.m. to pray for the worship service. GROCERY CARDS: The Koinonia Class thanks all those who faithfully buy grocery cards. You can participate in this fundraiser that helps various organizations in Mount Joy as well as our church. Stop by the FROG Café any Sunday to purchase your cards. Thanks! NEW LIFE FOR GIRLS is not accepting USED CLOTHING, FURNITURE, BOOKS, HOUSEHOLD ITEMS. We continue to collect personal items such as deodorants, Kleenex, toilet paper, toothpaste, etc. Thank you! Nancy Hopple PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY: Anyone who likes to knit or crochet (or would like to learn) is invited to be a part of our ministry team. Please contact Kathy Binkley with any questions – 717-653-2791. GREETING CARD MINISTRY: If you know of someone who is in the hospital, recently lost a loved one, or would appreciate receiving a card from us, please call Betty Robinson at 717-366-4549. GARDEN SURPLUS: If you have extra produce from your garden and would like to share/swap with others from Glossbrenner, please place them on the table by the back door (at the awning). Thanks!

ANNOUNCEMENTS – 10/13/19 REGISTRATION: Please take a moment and sign the attendance registration pad located at the end of the pew, center aisle. PRAYER REQUESTS: For prayer requests, please fill out a “Prayer Request” sheet (in the registration pad folder) and place it in the “Prayer Request” box on the table in the narthex. Extra sheets are available beside the box.

MEMBERSHIP CLASS Pastor Brian will lead a class for new and/or curious members from November 3rd to November 24th during the Sunday school hour in his office. Everyone is welcome to attend.

HERSHEY PARK/GIANT CENTER “WORK” If you find yourself limited in your offering, consider working a Hershey Event. The hourly wages or proceeds are given as a contribution to our church, which goes to the ELEVATOR FUND. Volunteers earn Hershey Park tickets. For available shifts or to sign up, please see or call Marsha Gallo (717-426-2347).

THE UPPER ROOM for September and October 2019 is available in the narthex. Cost is $1.00 per copy.

MOUNT JOY FURNITURE BANK On the bulletin board at the back door there is a list of acceptable items and items no longer accepted by the Furniture Bank. Volunteers are needed. There is a sheet with work schedules and what needs to be done and a contact phone number.

2020 REACH WORKCAMP MEETING TODAY at 11:30 a.m. there will be a meeting in the FROG Café for all those interested in participating in the 2020 Reach Workcamp.

FOOD BANK SUNDAY Today is Food Bank Sunday. Please place items in the cart in the narthex. Thank you for your continued support.

ADMINISTRATIVE BOARD The Administrative Board will meet Thursday, October 17, at 7:00 p.m. in the parlor. Presentation of the proposed 2020 budget is one of the items on the agenda. All are encouraged to attend – board and non-board members as well.


The children will gather coins next Sunday, October 20, for their “Joyful Noise” service project.


is T H U R S D A Y , O C T O B E R 1 7 , 2 0 1 9 ! Think of dates of meetings, special events, thank you notes, etc.

for the NOVEMBER Herald and e-mail to [email protected]

or hand in to the office on or before the 17th.

VISION CASTING - Next Sunday, no dinner. Next Sunday from 2-3:00 p.m., there will be a Vision Casting meeting to plan the events for 2020. We’ll still meet in the fellowship hall, but BYOB, your 2020 calendar, your group’s activity plans and your vision. Besides filling in the schedules for 2020, the big question is “What should we, could we do differently next year that will improve our witness?”

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CARING HANDS & HEARTS-COUNTRY FAIR & MARKET CRAFTING SESSIONS: We have one more crafting session in October to complete the crafts for the Country Fair & Market! Everyone is welcome to attend the crafting session at the home of Marcia Brooks on Monday morning, October 21 at 9:30 a.m. APPLE DUMPLINGS AND SOUP: Today is the last day for pre-orders. Place your completed form in the offering plate or in Pat Spence’s mailbox. Please pay with your order. VOLUNTEERS: Emma Jane Davis will be in the narthex before and after worship service to sign up anyone who is willing to help. Please prayerfully consider being a part of this fun and fund raiser! BAKED GOODS: One way you can be part of our wonderful Country Fair & Market is to donate Baked Goods. Emma Jane Davis will have a sign-up sheet. FOOD DONATIONS: To help defray the costs of the fund raiser, we would love to have donations of the food items needed. Please contact Pam Miceli (717) 598-8668 or email her at [email protected] to find out what items are needed. YARD SALE: We need your gently used items for the Yard Sale to be held November 1 & 2. PLEASE…we will be accepting Yard Sale items the week of the Country Fair & Market – not before because we do not have enough space to store the items. Thanks to all those working hard to make our Country Fair & Market a success.

RAINBOW’S END YOUTH SERVICES I am once again raising funds for Rainbow’s End Youth Services (REYS). The Craig Heisey Memorial 5K/Victoria Heisey Kids Fun Run will be held on Saturday, November 2nd. It would mean so much to me if you would sponsor me in my effort to raise funds for this worthy cause. All donations are tax-deductible. If you wish to sponsor me, please see me or place a check made out to REYS in my mailbox. All contributions are greatly appreciated. Thank you for your help. Dave Kopp

CHURCH FALL HOUSE CLEANING Fall church cleaning will be done this week. We will clean the globes of the chandeliers Monday morning starting at 9:30. If you would like to help with the fall cleaning, you may come anytime during the week when it is convenient for you. If you have any questions or to let me know what was cleaned (if I am not here), please call my cell phone – 717-413-5787. A list of rooms to be cleaned is posted on the cleaning closet door (next to the women’s restroom in the Sunday school hallway). Also, a list of what needs to be done in each room is posted on the closet door. Cleaning supplies will be available in the closet, however, if you can bring a bucket and a few rags it would be appreciated. Your help is greatly appreciated! Many thanks! Jackie Roberts


this afternoon at 2:00 to lower the chandeliers; and then again on Monday evening at 6:00 to raise them back up. If enough volunteers show up on Monday we may pull air conditioners from windows in preparation for changeover on the 19th. Anyone available and wanting to help is welcome to come join us. We will be changing over from air conditioning to heat Saturday morning, October 19; concentrating on closing and opening the valves in the boiler room for the changeover. If the window air conditioning units were not removed Monday, that will be done and possibly some outside work can be accomplished.

OCTOBER TRUSTEE: If you notice something that should be taken care of by the trustees in October, please contact Bruce Stone at 717-413-2409.

STARLIGHT Following is the schedule of practices for Christmas. We will take part in the worship service on Sunday, December 22 and on Christmas Eve, December 24 during the 7:00 p.m. service.

November 3 – practice for grades 2 through 4 only

November 10 – practice for youth only

November 17, 24 & December 8, 15 – entire Starlight team No practice December 1-Hanging of the Greens Miss Nancy

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“Refrigerator Reminders” (week of 10-13-2019) PLEASE NOTE: Names on the prayer list will be taken off after two weeks unless there has been a change or a family member asks to keep their name on the list. To add or remove a name, please call the church office at 717-653-5683 or email: [email protected] LET US REMEMBER WITH PRAYERS AND CARDS:

Our Homebound Members Jim & Eleanor Kreider

Jerry Beaner MaryAnn Miller

Logan Coover Cecyl Ryals

Emma Jane Davis Linda Reheard

Colton James Dietrich Don & Romaine Showalter

Frank (& Shirley) Geib Jim & Donna Smith

Jennifer Hittmeier King Jessica Trimble

Jean Witman Patrick Miller

Elmer Dennis-E-town Nursing & Rehab Ctr HOMEBOUND PERSON OF THE WEEK: Helen Hamilton is the home-bound member of Glossbrenner featured this week. Take a moment to drop a note or card in the mail to let Helen know we are thinking about her. Helen Hamilton Juniata – Room 215 Mennonite Home Communities 1520 Harrisburg Pike Lancaster, PA 17601 (Phone: 717-490-8547)

The Rev. Brian Albert, Pastor Cell Phone: 717-673-7657 - Email: [email protected]

Pastor’s Office Hours: Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday 10 AM to 1 PM Matthew Davis, Children & Youth Director

Cell Phone: 717-917-5342 - Email: [email protected] Church Office Hours: Tuesday through Friday – 10 AM to 2 PM Church Office – 717-653-5683 - EMAIL: [email protected]


Please call Betty Robinson at: 717-366-4549

Greeting Card Ministry: Betty Robinson – 717-366-4549

Prayer Shawl Ministry: Kathy Binkley – 717-653-2791


Caring Hands & Hearts will be accepting pre-orders for

Apple Dumplings and Soups. Please fill out the tear-sheet

below to place your order. Place your completed form in

the offering plate or in Pat Spence’s mailbox.


Please pay with your order.

Pre-order sheets are available for you to get orders from

friends, family, neighbors and co-workers.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -

Name: ______________________________________________

Phone # ____________________________________________

_______Apple Dumplings - $3.00 each

_______ Sugar-free Apple Dumplings - $3.00 each

_______ Chicken Corn Soup - $7.00 per quart

_______ Vegetable Beef Soup - $7.00 per quart

(Vegetable soup will be made week before the CF&M and

frozen; will not be available for lunch Saturday, November 2.)

I will pick-up my order:

_____ Friday, Nov. 1 (4pm – 8pm)

_____ Saturday, Nov. 2 (9am – 1pm)