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Page 1: rem1er eveas etai s ave1n - Memorial University of · the seniority of men displaced by Its proposed removal



• • rem1er eveas etai s

• ave1n

(Story Page 3) ,;. ::.

THE DAILY NEWS ~lUi~ ~ Gmttt


CARMENA BURANA available at

Vol. 64. No. 12-4 ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND, TUESDAY, JUNE 4, 1957 (Price 5 cents) Charles Hutton & Son'

'efenbaker Calls For [Ben xpanded Fish Markets' St. John's

·Gurian Wins Confidence Vote Airman Serving In U.K. Govt. Supports

Eisenhower Plan By JOHN LEBLANC LUNENBURG, N.S. (C.P.)-Markets for Canadian fish must be expand-John Diefenbaker said Monday. · The Progressive Conservative Ia ader, ca,:,paigning in the heart of Scotia's fishing industry, accused ~he federal government of not being

enough in resi!fing efforts of United States -politiicans to hsve ). imports of Canadian fish restricted, 1

''The government could be very outspoken last fall but has not been cutspoken on something that affe est the riShts of Canadians", he said.

Mr. Diefenbaker was referring to his previous criticism of the men! for taking what he has described as a stand against Britain

france during the Sue I crisis. So far as the marketing of fish in the United States was concerned

should take a "stand of a biding reason," but it also should be !lend demonstrating Canadian in dependence.

H\1'1: l 0.\~T Gl'.\R 0 -- -.----·--------. r .. t!cn\1 ~ 1·r. ,pr~kins to: cral·hcld . Qu~c~s-Luncnburg and ll\1 Reveal 1, ?C·'~:c f: 1•m the steps of. Consen·atl\'e D1gby • Annapolis- ll ay :.:• I""" hJ:I. ~:, 0 saitl 1Kings,

1 where his party had Its!

~;,' ,;,1 r " C03i\ guard' ~~'iii~~~\. Scotia seat In the last I Text Suez i!li; is nrce!· In Queens-Lunenburg, he spoke c· • • L

on behalf or Lloyd Crouse,. who is flSI ~ etter m·in~ ~ unseAl Works :'tlinlstcr .,

, ~t: 1 r•c .:1 Jrlion bcin~ Winters, ~lr. Diclcnbakcr held '·· c·;:· !:•!:ermrn in their

1 meetings - mostly Informal-at OTI'AWA (CP):...SociRI Credit

· ·, ~nd fJr the sale!)' of


. Chester, ~labone Bay, Lunenburg Leader Solon Low .said Monda)' , o! lih ·r 11 l1o ~o to sea." and Bridgewater during the a!ter- former prime mimstcr Arthur

.. ~l.'r lr<tncr, in his I noon, and 11cnt on later from this Meighen has agreed (() consider ~! l~rrchr, tn :\OI'a Sea· south shore area to lhe Annapolis re.ading a telegram sent b)' Prime ~·,current eastern tour, Valley for a ni~ht speech at Cam· ~!mister St. Laurent to the British

:n !'1r ridm~s of Lib-1 bridge, ncar Kentl'ille. ! government, during last Novcm· _.:,_ _____________________ i 'ocr's Suet crisla.

JERUSALEM, Israel (Reuters) - Premier David Ben'-Gurion has won a confidence vote on Israeli acceptance of the Eisenhower Middle East doct­rine as he averted a crisis in Parliament that could have brought down his government.

The vote Monday was 59 to 5 in favor of Ben­Gurion, with 39 abstentions.

The left-wing Mapam and Achdut Avoda pa.rties, coalition partners in the government, had threatened at first to vote against Ben-Gurion biJt lat~r decided to abstain. Ben-Gurion said in the debate------------­

that "if there is· a countrr in the I Middle East and the 1ecurity or Middle East which more than any! Israel." faces a greater danger of ~ggres·l Yaacov Hna, spokesman for sian it is Israel, and Isr;,rl must· the ~!a pam party, said Israel accept any assistance a~ainst any

1 mu~t follow a :•po~icy o~ netrall\y

a~gressor if she wishes ~ live." and non·ldentif1callon w1th e!lhu The premier referred to a pos-1 world bloc."

sible attack on Israel whicl1 might 1 !!e said. "the Eis.enhower do.c· be supported by Russia. lie said


tnn~, nffenng the ~hddle East a1d Israel "is not cnLtlcd tr, :: ~c,n~ agamst Communist aggression,

I the arrogant assumption 1'·:1 .. :., mu:t increase worl.d tensions, and can stand alone cl'cn if sbe is at- :t 1s !:able ~ bnng nearer the tacked bv a neinhlnnn" r:>lliltn·: tl1reat o{ war in our region." contrclleci bl' a great p;wcr." · I Israel Galili, a spokesman for IKE'S POLiCY STHE:'iGTH ·1 Achdut Avoda, ~aid Isr~el's deci·

The American promi.;e of as., ~:on to adhere to the E1senho11:er ,;stance, Bcn·Gurion said, ''m:l't.l doctrine is a dangerous policy be cons i d c red a slrp 11bich j which was unlikely to grant Israel ,t:-cngtl1ens both pc01ce in tbc, anr real advantage. ·------

Locomotives ~lr. Low said he was in touch

with Mr. l\lclglten by telephone and that Mr. Meighen had asked . . · . . , . him to put his request in' writing. I ~l~·tnJ: Ofltcer G. R. C~rter, R 1 \1.\e ef!Jct.cncy o! Canada s .le.t loll and landmg. A letter would be placed In the 1 flyJnl: control officer, Js now I !1ghtcra 10 the NAT,O Air DIVI· F /0 Carter, the son of Mr. and mail today to Mr. Melsh~n jn To· serving at the Royal Canadian ~lr, slofl In ;Europe. By !he ·usc of ~Irs. A. L. Carter or 114 Spring-

Italian Ship rente., · · ~·orcc 30 Air Materiel· Base, 1l!bdar a1rcraft can be picked up dale Street, St. John's, aerved in

I C dl · \h , h h ,. d , {

1 Langar, here In Nottlnghamshlrc. 30 miles from the buc and guid· the RCAF during World War II Public .Safety Is Refloated

A i(PJ - T 1e ana an I 11·1th e 't orous ness an ' a r- M Lo kl M • d · 1 F th' b It t d th d t h d f h c~r.n; 1 m31

ntained ~!on· ness" of the Inquiry and obsen·ed r. w sa ay u an aga n rom lS ase, s ua e on c e o t e very e ge o t c nm· and rejoined In 1951. He is ac· pJblic !;!ely should be that \he commission's report "can MB)' 9 that Mr. St. Laurent's tele- fringe or Robin Hood's famous way. ·The lighting control panel ccmpanied with his wife, formerly

1 ,•,cr.r.~ con;ideraUon in scarcely fail to be of immense gram more than anything else Sherwood Forest, daily flights of\ (top left corner) enables the Joan Syil•ia Dawe of st. John's, ,hc!'~er firemen are value to the parties and to lhe caused Brito in and France to \er- Bristol. Freighters transport ~up· pilots to obtain the exact amount. and his children, Randy (7) and

HALIFAX (CP) - The Italian late Tuesday while sailing from. freighter which smacked on a British Guiana (() Montreal.- At Cape Breton reer last Tuesday first It was feared she would break 11 as freed from her rocky bed up, and other ships raced (() the ~!onday after her :\3 crewmem· scene to rescue the crew. But the bcrs hca1•cd most cf her cargo 33 men refused (() leave their DI'Cr the side and two squat tugs ship. A daylight survey ahowed churned away at the end of two the Fides to be in no immediate.

1 ! · d " dl 1

whole COIIntrl' 11.hen I' OUr

11.ork I• mlnate their activities In Egypt. :plies and personnel to maintain


, of flare path illumination for take·! Susan (2. 1: :e ;:o1 '~ yar., ese s. ' H k d ~~ st L t k

. :(•!:·.<X{}·mc:1:hcr congress. finished and ihc rallwav and broth- ·1 .~e as et · r. b,ll au rent 0

rna e :l 1:~ rn)·aJ commission crhood have to negotiate a settle· wle con ents P~ c.

t::>, :~c CPR.·un!on dis·' ment." However, Mr. St. Laurent said Eden ·.Returns Home, 1re u·~ ·•! !iremen, said I However, the congress wl.•hed to ~lay 8 he was forbidden by his :)a'. ah,.,l,:tc safety is I' moke these other general obser· oath to secrecy as a member of !. vntions: the privy councU ~ reveal such

(:! CMl:rl, cannot em· 1. In matters 0[ technological exchanges, He said he would be ~c ,:;.):;,:,- its conl'lction ch?nge, employers ~ h·o u i d be \l''llllng to show the telegram to

~ca•o1"h!c <afety .meas· gulded by the principle that nr any one o! the· more than 50 mem· . ~ tahn even Jf the one emplo~·ed In \hat craft lor. bers ol the Privy Council, They Has No

lines. I danger. The 7,100 .(on Fide~. loaded with The powerful tug Foundation

sugar and bauxite when she Josephine attached a tow line Fri·

PI scraped up on the reel off Scat· day and moved the Fides about

an S arie Island, was towed olf ~he rocks 50 feet before she turned sl~ewa):J ! when the t:de reached 1ts daily on the reef and lodged sohdly m Political , i peak ar.d after thousands ol tons the rocks. This meant that much

tOll i• hi~h. more than a year should suffer I could then assure Mr. Low that u::~: ntn o! many mil· loss of. l.ncomc. . . the -telegram contained "no threat ~l,)!:lr• m"· he very hcnv- 2. Dlfl1cultles between the l1re· whatsQl!ver" to the British gov­. r.l <' ''r ro•t of a single men's union and the CPR might ernment.

I oi sugar and bauxite had been 'I of her cargo would have to be . BROAD CHALK, Eng .. (Reuters) 1 A reporter asked wh~ther Eden. that the condition I had rna~· IX:· heaved overboard. . rcmol'cd . Sir Anthon)' Eden retired to a


had any personal ambltton lor the' cur again, But I hal'e nothing lu The ship was reported to be It was not known if all thP. small,, .rose-co\'ercd cottage In the i fut~n:· ,;le answered with a quiet complain about in that, . beca~se punctured in sel'eral places nnd 3.000 tons of sugar and 7,200 tons countly ~londay night ~Iter tell. ~mile. Lady Eden and I arc ]oak· I am very lucky to be all\'e." the crews were manning pumps of b:lUxite were thrown off, but an

'' hal'e been a1·oided If the company ~n., b.-:rl wa1 signed had engaged In lull and frank ex-:,, l:tr · ):rr>idcnt Gar.! changes with the union long be·

· :r: 1".1 rrr!rntC(! by fore t.hc issue N?achcd a concilia· be:•: Dr. f:ugcne Far· (ion boarrl,

J. The compan)' might ha:•e been well advised to Issue a )'ear or mnre R~o. and after con!ultation with the Brotherhood or Locomo· til'e Firemen a n d Englncmen (CLC), the kind of tiuiletlns It now Is Issuing on the subject of fire-

'· 1' 1 : ;'·· ::•ncr~! ob~rr­.. ~a!r: 1 , thr con~ress 11 Ml p: "Po•e to offer

. 11~~r~cr rn thi.1 ctUC$tlon . rooa! comm:.~>ion had t<:~ered a wealth of evJ.


men·~ duties. 4. The company might ha1·e been

well advised ~ make to the broth­erhood during the negotiations the offer 1:1lich it now hu made to ~uarantee the wages and protect the seniority of men displaced by Its proposed removal of yard and !relght firemen. \

~n.g rcporters.hc n~vcr will be act· mg- forward. to,domg the •garden and driving compressed ai 1· into official of Foundation ~~arltime IH polltlcall~ agam. . we boih enjoy. LONDON (Reuters)-A ~!oscow the punctured areas. Sl:c was not .<aid he thought most of 1t would

The former prime m1nlsl~r ~nd The garden is at Rose Bower, tadio commentator claimed Sal· bdic\·ccl m ani' dan~cr because of have to be removed before the L~dy Eden arrived In this 'li~y the small U1atchcd cottage set urday that Vice • President Rich· I the lc"ks. · ship wouid mol'c. Wiltshire hamlet , by automobile amid rolling hills here and which a M. Nixon was jealous be·, BR EAK.l'P FIRST n;,\n ~;n It was not kno\'o'll where the !rom Boscome Downs, where they now i! the only home of t}Jc cause the Duchess of Kent gall The ship hit tl:e ~ 11 bmcrgcrl reel ship would gn lor repair1. were flown In a plane sent to Edens. more attention than he did at · Liverpool by Queen Elizabeth, The present government and the Ghana's independence celcbra-The Edens were cheered by Conserl'atlve party contributed to lions last March. Nixon "resented Bowater Raps crowds when they ~rrivcd on t)le a notable welcome home for the lhe fa'et" that the duchess repres· liner Empress of Bntaln at Llver· former prime minister. enting the Queen of England. was pool in the morning, Eden said he Is making a good "attracting more attention than 1

Eden was operated on Ln Bas· recovery from his last operation. himself," said cammenta~r Post-IT h N ton lor bile duct trouble which "There is, I know, a probability ukhov. . II . e ewspapers caused him to resign In January . Military Exercise: RY I~Clt:IRY

beny wos lmpre.1sed

• !~~~p~l~: c:n~t~e~e:w:::f~:::::le:~ L.l be r a I can d. I date ?.!0::-<TREAL ( CP) - Sir Eric I not for me to tell It to aetih Liverpool he is "very lucky to be Vansiltart Bowater, chairman of house in order .•.• But we do alive." He said he Is not well the Bowater organization. , says the I believe L'lat we, by the nme enough to take part In any active D I. es s d d I newsprint industry de~erves the taken, arc well qualified to run political life again. u en y thanks of the world's newspapers our own affairs."

This did not mean, Eden said, rather than reproach. Sir Eric expressed the opinlon that he might not have ''a few }ie told the annual meetin_2 ol that while production and ron· things to say" ,later on. the llowatcr Paper Corp Ltd. in sumption of newsprint in the next FUTURE IN THE GARDEN GUELPH, Ont. (CP)-Henry A. law where a candidate dies be- London last Thursday that the in· year or two will be in closer bal·

Asked whether he meant he Hosking, Libera I candidate in tween nomination day and the duslry should be thanked "for pro. ance than in the. past, exis.ting a~d would not return ~ the House of Wellington South for the June 10 close of the. pol!s on electwn day, lviding the foresight, finance, planned newspnnt capacity will

Alps, Commons, he said "yes, and I federal election, died Monday in The law provides that the dist- 1 equipmen~ and abliity to raise the again fall short, in the not distant

Fifteen West Germans ·Drowned ..

"'~•nu,r.., Nfld,.....;. Two Corner Brook

salesmen and fled a burning

passenger boat In dory Saturday and 211 miles to an is·

this Notre Dame ~1\.

Piercey and Iv~n . of Corner Brook

Lloyd Wise· Frank Oake were hours later by !rom the island

from Wellman's Bathe north arm of


llltn had chartered "P eggy Williams"

trip to Green White Bay ~ettle.

MUNICH (Reuters) - Fifteen West· German airborne . troops were drowned Monday trying to march across Ule fast-flowing lller R! vcr southwest of here.

Army area headquarters here said that two bodies h~d been re· covered and that the remaining 13 men must be presumed dead,

It was the worst disaster )·et for the new West German forces.

Arm)' sources said four other men who tried lo cross the river In marching formation w ere slightly injured.

A non • commissioned officer In charge of 28 men gave them the choice of wading across the river, about four feet deep at that polnt, or crossing by a nearby bridge, One man went acro!s the bridge, the rest tried to cross the river.

Eight of them, Including the ,NCO, reached the other bank un· hurt. The NCO was arrested by civil police. There are no military courts In West Germany.

Diven were trying Monday nlght (() lind the other bodies, be-lieved to be downstN!am where the

n\a' a space heate'r river Is about 11 feet deep. tn cabht over· . A defence ministry communique

lnd set th I dcecribed the. River Iller at the lht e vesse point where the accident occurred

)' said. The fire as "torrential." Local sources said the vessel and there were strong eddl~a Rnd

Po•••• l whlrlgools in the Icy wa.tera. which ..,_,5 ons. ruah down from the. ,Bavarian

Pollee said the arrested NCd have no plans !() g0

to the other I hospital. 1 riel returning officer shall issue a volume of new~print, while keep. future, of meeting world needs. told pollee the sergeapt In charge place." . 1 Returning officer H. R. Gibson notice fixing a new date for nom- ing the rising cune of newsprint of the platoon had given the order Members of the Commons re· sajd the \'Ole in the constituency inations ~ ~ held nat mere than prices below the rising curve of Fl p A d to ford the river while watching 0 fer by tradition lo the House of 1\'0IIld be delcrred until a later 30 days alter the candidate's death other 'pro<luctivc industries." i y . ast n the men from the bridge. The scr- Lords as "the ot11er place." date. or fewer than 20 days after the The report ol Sir Eric's remarks geant was thereupon also arrested. Asked about his suez policy )lr. Hosking, 48. died of pancre- posting of the notice. The nomina. was issued in Montreal ~!onday Parade For

One of the rescued men later which sent British forces along. atls. He had represented the con· tion day would be Monday and through the Bowatcr Corporation said: "The current had turiflc side the French Into Egypt last stltucncy In the House of Com· the 'election day would be two of North America, Ltd. A" £ D Ioree, Only those who noticed In fall, Eden replied: "What has mon~ since 1949. week· later I It• orce av • · "Supply and demand of this time that the man ln !rant ol been said about Suez is written In Ottawa, chief electoral C>fflcer The list of electors would be un-them had ~~out of his depth were ~own, and I still believe it on all Nelson Catonguay said 1 postpone· changed from the one already ~rorld commodity now arc almost A fly past and pa!ade will be able to save themselves." points." mont of the vote is provided fer by dr.1wn up for thl!. Juna 10 vote. 10 balance as a result of tile great held in St. John's to celebrate Alr --~---------~--~---~-----------~-~~~~--~----~--~ e~ans~n in ~eduction that hasiFoiTeDayonSatu~ay~nem~ taken place durmg the last de· Personnel from RCAF Station Tor·

B '· h 0 1 k F L b E cade." he. said. bay, No. 10 Wing and the four St. ng ter , ut 00 or urn er xp·ort "Bowaters have played no small I John's Air Cadet Squadrons, an~ part in this expansion, for in those Carbonear Squadron, will march 10 years We have installed, or are past Government House at 1J

By FORBES' RHUDE Kingdom stockpile have re. market situation ill made by E. J., {crest development may lie in her ln the course of installing, 10 new' o'clock. . Canadian Pren Bualneu Editor portedly. exhausted most of this White, ol the forest products dlvi· ability to· maintain an industry high-speed paper machines in \be The Lieutenant Governor, Cot A probable r~overy from the material, and although a consider- slon of the department's commod· based on the traditionally high United Kingdom and North Amer· the Honourable Sir Leonard C.

decUne ln lumber exporte which able volume remains unsold the ity branch, and Is presented aa quality of material, of manufact· ica, together capable of producing Ou\erbridge K.T., C.B.E., D.S.O; bellan In the latter part of 1956, desirable grades and sizes have an introduction to a 701>age anal· uring practices, of merchandizing 1,000,808 tons Of newsprint or will take the salute. Is jeen by Foreign Trade, pubUca. already been consumed. ysis of the lumber-market s!tua· methods and on business acu· other papers annually. Lancasters a,nd other · aircraft tlon of the department of trade SHIPPING RATES DOWN . lion In more than 00 countries men." ''In our view the newsprint in- from Torbay, Neptune, Mitchell and commerce. . ' "Charter rates for waterborne which takes up vlrtually aU of For· Canadian lumber production • in 'dustry , , • should. not then be and CF-100 aircraft from other

For 19.57. sayrForelgn Trade, to· shipments have been falling and 'eig'n Trade's current (May 2.5) is· 1956 ~tailed. an estlma~ 7,677,. slngled out, ·as it so often is by RCAF Stations will fly over go~· tal lumber eXliOrts ·are expected indications are ,that. this major de· sue. · 304,000 boarq feet valued at $520.- implication, further !() reduce its ernment House at the momel).t to be· somewhat below .those of terrC)lt to overseas l~mber sales DEPENDS. ON QUAUTY 000,000. already slender profit margins ,and the Lieutenant Go.vernor takes the 1956. ' may well be removed during the Mr. White &ays that analysis of 01 this, 3,941,311,000 board feet thus subsidize another industry salute. . .

"However," it adds, "If United year." the various market.!, as made by -or more than .half-valued at even though that industry may be The para~e .w1ll form up .at States credit N?strlctlons. are re· :Accordingly Foreign Trade's re· Canadian trade commissioners, in· $326,372,000, was exported. facing - temporarily, I hope - s ,FJe~d and move off !axed appreciably during the year, vtcw concludes, pros~cts {or lm- dicatcs that despite difficulties, the Of the. exports. the United States particularly keen ~nd, in some rc· along Prmce. of Wales, LeMar· the' pace or home construction provcmcnt in ovcr·Rll 'clcmand ap. Canadian exporter. can. ahvay5 sell. I took. 78 per cent; .the United King. spccts, new competition. . chantand llllhtary ..Road: past Gov· .could be stepped up In that mar· pear somewhat brighter for the high-grade top.quality material. dam 12 per cent; other Common· "In my belief t~~ press ol the ernment ~o~se, t~en ~111 pro~eed ket.


second half of the year. · '•Thus," he add~, •'the success wealth countries seven per cent; world Is well quallf1ed to run and I to the St;:.dtum Vla Kings Brtdge "Additional reluaes from the . This assessment of the export. o! ~nada's long-terll! plana for and other< countries three. per cent. manage 111 owa affatrs, and It 1s Road. ,


i I 0

: I I I


Page 2: rem1er eveas etai s ave1n - Memorial University of · the seniority of men displaced by Its proposed removal

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Hr. Grace News rw~~~;;~s r.o.·ne HR. GRACE-Mr. S. J. Mulc•hy, • Taylor) will regret to learn that A LOT· CtLV DEPEXD 0.\' 'rilE paper Start "'""

C.P.A., St. John's, wu here for she ls receiving treatment at the I . COLOUR 1 heat and s1ft ll at Ji5 c

several days recently on auditing Grace Hospital and will wl!h her For' mer Hr. Grace BRIEFS IN T H E NEWS ~if A If you have trouble getting· to measur;n~. our oncr business. a speedy recover)'. ~ 1uany ttend sleep, a new coat of pamt on the, SJL\Tfl 11 ,

~lr. J. D. Winsor, representative Mr. and Mrs. Frank Morris ar- ' bedroom wall; may help, Bedrooms 2 2!3 rup, \ift~-~~~ CAKt Buard of' Fire Underwrlten, waa rived from St. John's laot week Lad Wlm" - Hi h . w A p b l wllh soft colours and quirt pat·: 3 t;p,, hJki'n, ';1 !leur In town lnst week and Inspected and 1pent the weekend at their 1f S g HR. GRACE-Dr. and Mrs. Salt· Osmond of St. John's. • o res V erv terr.s help you rest and sleep say I I tsp salt " povder public buildings, halls, churches, Harvey Street home. All will be H · , man and three children left last • • • •' J the experts, whtle gay, lively pat· · 3 r~g llh:te etc. p!eued to know that Frllnk ls OfiOUfS Week on a three.week visit to rela· Miss Eleanor Soper o[ St. ~leeting ! terns and hnght colours tend to i 12 Ctip 10 ,.


Mr. Brian KinK of this town has making rapid progreu from hl1 tlves in Wales. Dr. Sa\tman, who John's was a guest at Pike's Hotel 'do the opposite. ~ 2/3 cup <h~~: taken 1 postllon with lndu•trlal recent lllneu. . came to Hr. Grace In September 'last week. I ---, ! Color in the home >hould re-; pera:ur~·,'E 1110 ~ Acceplanee · Corporation, at St. The many friends of Mr. Claude HR. GRACE-At the Convocation la1t, wiU be .returnlnll on June 20 i • • • . ' HR. GRACE-The annual meet·' fleet the purpo'e for which each, Jl4 cup su 2ar John's. Watts ol St. John'• wlli be 10rry caremoniea of Memorial University to resume h1e medicul practice In, ~f_r, Rnd ~rrs. R. J. Sm1th, of ing of the Carbonenr Presbytery 1 room 1.5 use.d, they say. Rcdro~ms, 1 cup milk

MM. Elsie Parmlter left for to learn that he underwent an OJ>- I recently, the degree of Ma!ter of this town and neighbourhood, Rnd Cupids, were guests of tlmr mcce,, Woman's Assoication was held in and rooms lived 1n for a long t1me 1 t'n '"" II Petty Harbour where s.he will visit eration at the Gr&ce Ho1pltal lL!t


Science was conferred on ·John all will wish him and his family I ~Irs. Lo Pike on Su11day last. I the United Church at Harbour 1 need to appear quiet and restfuL rin~l . 1

a ~r ~ratrl. her !ath~r. Mr. Pynn o! that place. week. He Ia making a satisfactory, Templeton, who wu al5o the win- a pleasant holiday. I .. •. • • . 1 (;race on Tuesday, ~lay 21st, when~ The color of the. han can set \lea"l!'<' •li'eo flo"r .

Mr. and Mra L. Burdoch and proareaa and all wllh that hl1 re· ner of the Rothmere S~holanhlp • • 0 The m •. n~ fnends of ~lr. CharJe, ,o,cr nne hundred delegates from • the mood the famil; ll!shcs to ex- po11rler on<l 'lit Si , • 1 ~ ' Mr'. 1111\d Mn. Ed Bennett were covery will he a matter of a .ahort which will entitle him to three Wh M B ' K' I Greene of Boston were plcoscd to rcommunities extending from liar·. press when cntmn~ the same.' ttmes. Rr·,, . ' [t hHtr,tr : guuta of Ma11lltrate and Mn. tlm1. Hla aister, Mrs. L. Wh!tmM, )'ears atudy at London University hi . c? 1 • ~i /~a~ I In\ w~l on' see him at Harbour Grace last. bnur Grace to Grate's Cove .and up The lil'ing room whieh is usually : fo:1m,: adrl 1 e.g '·'h:•r. Penney during the weekend. went to St. John's to visit him and wh~re he will enter In Se]>- g s l'ia) 0 T · ~ n s 1 °~t 1

1e 1 n~o week, I the ·Trlnitv Bay South shore regis·' shnrerl hy the hmily. and is where · .1llr · i·""'i'"'"' he up 5';"

Ur. W. H. Stevenson motored while he Is in hospital. !ember next. caarmein °1~hichuetsh ay n S 1 us' s • • • I tercd. • · 1 the family relaxes. listens_ to tl1c •11 111 'h' 11.02 '>n:,,. th C b t HI h I B M d d , ere were our pas· G 1 t p·•· , 1, 1 1 1 • . 1 . 1- lk 1 · f · d. · · o 1! J ·

OYer e a o 11: way o ona- r. an Mrs, S. J. l\'anv an sengers was sideswiped bv 8

hit , _ues s a. i"e s ,a e . rc~cn · \\ orsh1p was conrluctcd h)' wom-, ra< 10, ta s anc entcrtntns rtcn ' P•'aks, P 1~ l'ista last week to do !nsuranae Mr.. Julia Flynn, St. John'i wne S Jphd\lrs the only son of Rev. G. d d 1 h 1• 1 l) mcluded. ~lr. and ~Irs. C. H. en of the Salmon Cove Woman's should he restful hut cherr!ul. . Crt•am ,h, -1 ·

business. vialtora to Hr. Grace'on Sun~ay. h: aln th n. Templeton, born while an hrudn drbv~rthw oRCwMasp aTe: apf· Evans, A. D. Pieguin, IL K. Stone, I Assocation The Sacrament of the i Lively patterns and colors on 'Ugar gr"rill;ll,'''~'"~- ,_•co 1'1 M " I S\ h h d " I h I t l& a er was Rector of St Paul's pre en e ) e . IIO o G P "''th G F Q .. l . J I . . , \l fl . I h . . h . . , .· '·"'' rr·• . r. 'ar evenson, w o a ... rs. van)· and er s 5 er are Church here. His mother. I• the the lady passengers were ho!pltal- '· , ,, "l ers: . ,. . . tllg C)' • Lorn's Supper was admi~\stered wa. s, oors an( c atr ",'l,ts m t e until light and f'uli• ·,·'I

been attendin1 Memorial Unlven· former Hr. Graclans I Annie and form Mia , , ized followin the misha ;:,nd ~lr D. \1 msor, C. S.irltng, D. H., hy Rev, A. :-<. Holmes, asmted by, dtnlr.C room hrlp rc!H 1c hard, alternatefl w :h ., · "" lty Is now spendlnl his vacutlon Julia Garland). ~!r. and ~rrs. lvany er 1 Glady! Ok~ o{ this i King's car !as dama e~ on th~ Ro?ncy, John Rattock.. Spencer i Rev. \\'. 11. :\lacohc-, B.A. 1 monotonous look of formal furni- · amoun:<, ·h··:ll.irt" ,"'"k 1 ~ with hla parents, ]t!r. and Mrs. will INve shortly !or California t~n. Bto~ parents are now re- side by the impact. g . Thistle, ~1. John's; M. Canwoy, G.l A business sc~sinn followed,jture. Clear colors are. hc;t m a tion until •t110CJ',h. ~~~~ each W. H. Stcvenaon. where they will visit a married I ~h tilt•! atwood and to them and • • • W. Galway, John Pottle, Bell Is· I conducted by the President ~Irs.! kJtchen. _say the specJallsts he-, In~. hlenrl ''"d thrn. h. the

Mrs. Herman Taylor who had daughter Delores, e r I ented 1on, concratulatlona "r. and Mrs. He· ctor Reid and land; ~!Dgtslrate Mercer, Bay Rob· w H ~lacabe when reports from cause they look fresh anri go well into b'tter p . ., h ea_t •

b l I l h d h M Th 'h · 1 are extended "' t . B J n J c Ad I , · · f , · · h 1 " · ' · OJ, liter 1 een v 5 t ng er aug ter, rs. ~oug an error n one of last ( • son Keith left Hr. Grace Wednes- er s, , .. · av s,, · ams, m· 1·arious assoclatiom were receil'ed. wtth whtle and_l1g I co oreu equ1p-, Bake in JT.on•Tate ~~·en :\ick Perry at St. John's, returned week 1 personal ttem1, the Mme day last to take up residence at perlal Oil, E. :\!. J,.cohs. J. Jacobs, I arrt discussions hclrl. There was· mBnt ar.rt apphancc.,, • minute< Put 1 ... home Friday. The many friend• Mr. Leonard Martin was ilven 11 Mr. and Mrs. Norman Martin of Ramea where Mr. Reid will be· Wm. Dwyer, \~'· Snow, J. _c. D?W·I ;l;o an election of officers. I . • HOME fllSTS . ·Lime F-;·uil Fi~~~~~~~ t,~~eth!r of 'Mrs. Perry (the former Effie visiting Hr. Grace. This should be Lynn, Mau,, who are vhltlni Mr. come manaser or' Penney's Fish den, .E. F. Lu11lor, J. Bre11er, \1 rr.,! Tea wa~ ;erl'erl in the Cou~hlan 1 ·If a ;pot of eanc!le wnx drop.i with · Prtad

Marttn'a 1t1ter, Mu. u. Thomas. Plant Mr and Mrs Reid have' Blackwood •. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Hall by the women of Harbour, en R 1<1hle cloth. scrnpe 1t With a

Both Mr. and Mrs. Mr.rtln are im- been 'living. here for s'ix years, ~lr. ~ells, Dal'ld .wells, . St.. _John's; Grncc when greetings were brought· dull' kr.ife. Then place the stain i FLUFFY Lr.'.~£ joyin11 their visit and are renew- Reid betn~ an employee of North "'alla~e Hannmg, Bo)d D~~ls, Bell from the fol!owin~: Rev. F. E, VI·' bctwel·n t11o blotters or paper: r, thsps. hu:ter Jng acqu•lntancel with manv of Eastern Fisheries Limited during lsland, Ben Boland, D. \I· QUig· pond, B.A., B.D., representing the towels. and press gently ·.nth a, "~ t;p. s3H, their former townsfoll!. ' that period. The many friends le,y, Ka)e Dunne,, . Dr. Florence 1 L'nited Church Confcrelft:e, ~lr;. warn; :ron. 1 1 tsp. l'onll.a

~Irs. Annie Elsworthy visited St. they have made during their stoy 0 Neill, St. John. s, W. Rees, ~· \\'insor the St. John's Presbytery It IS no lun~er neces.o.1ry to roll :,,I John'a Jut week. here will extend best wishes to ~ees, Bell Island, F. Shortall, \\ · \\'oman\ Association Rev. W. B. damp or <pnnkle a turklsf - 7

them for their happiness In their ~organ, D. P. Hogan, A. H. ,luhn<on, BA. B D., the Carhonear towe1 before ironing. U.oe a plastic 1

Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Harris and, men home. Roone)', ~I. J. H~over, Rohcrt Presbytery, and ~Irs, Hector Strong, sh.cet or bag which retains and dis- 2'~ tbsp.- hmr .iutc! dau8hter PatS{', St. John's, visited: • • • s~,on~, Gordon \\ hiltle, J 0 h n l)w \\'nman'; )lissionnry Society. tnbules mOisture evenl,· to !acJh· I zt., tsps. IPn!nn rinrl. Mr. Harris' }larents, .\lr. and Mr1.1 The CARBRITA Branch of the \ 00 · At the el'ening senice th~ war· tate tronmg clean clothe~, . ' Cream together hull!!, u:t W. H. Harrl~, over lut weekend.· !>;ewfoundlancl Teachers' Associa· ship was conducted by ~Irs. Hertnr 1 Open a stubborn sere\\' top With: vanilla. ArlrJ '~~ whit1. t:, 11

~Irs, Erneit Cormack and daugh- tion held a dinner at Pike's Hotel Strong o! Victoria assisted by 1 a pn1r of nut crackers. sugar altrr~;,telr ~·11h 11~ 1 't;rs. ~ary and VIvian, ipent the on Tueaday evening, particulars of R } I \Irs. Frank Burt of Old Perlican.l Put haby's harnes' on hack to heatw~ llr.l _af:er Pach wcellend vtsttin& her mother, Mn. which will be gi~n later, : e-e ecte£ :\Irs. A, A. \\'i!kimon. Fire Vice- I front so thnt he cannot undo it Add lr•mnn nnrl u,rt bu! Bcl'lllY Db Via who celebrllled her • • • . • Prcshlent. read a mrs~a~e from! when you arr not lonk1nc. LI.\Jf: f fl[ IT fll.Lf.I'G 77th birthday on May 24. Pllpih of the' High School arc' Treasurer at Dr. \\'. G. Berr)', Director of the: YOC'R COOKIXG I Tn onr h .. II o( 'he f'i!h

bu~i!y prepr.ring an entertainment' \lissinn to the N;:tion. The Senior So>Jlctlllllrl Sprr•nl frn'tln~., <drl ~ th,p<. mh GeurJie Davil, son o! Mr. and which will be presented n the Is c I Choir was in attcnrbnce and ren-; Here\ a lery srectoi cake that pe~ ratslns, r,llt•. cannied

~lro. Hupert Davis, who hu been closing event of the school year. I tate onvenhoJl r!ered a rlrlightful anthem. ~Irs. Will r,ause comment at , a part,y. anr. rllro~. ~rrea~ hPt•t , receivin¥ hoipital treatment for • • • 1 :\, :\, Wilkinson also ~ilng 8 ~olo, Bake 1t 111 2 rounrls g 1n. pan>, l = of cake. l '' rrmatntng the past month, arrived home on The High School Theory of, -- ; til at was \'cry murh apprcci:;ted inches deep. Llrtf' bottom With tce .<trl" ar.rl top o[ nkt. ~~~~~a~llan~a~~ ~:feU:::a~~~~ ;! Music pupils will he having their 1

1 1Hll. GhRA~-~-b'layor 1 ~I. dP. Stahp· 'hy the large auclience. --· ·---- --- -·-- ---- ----1,

I d t h eumlnalion& on SaturdRY mormng


eon," o " een a ten 1ng t e, Jr,<\alla_tion of o.f!t.cer~ was ron- H b G 1 Brars r·O\·e h' \Jr. \\':1: 11• Pease o ear of ht1 jood pro- Stat C 1· f K · h f' U fa o '" ne_xt. • e onven 10n a mg ts o I rl'.lclrd by Rev. W. B, Johnson. The ,af Q }' (''L i son.<. She ~'' R2 l~r,• .. \1 . grcsa, • • • , Columbus at Corner Brook, re·' officers are 8 ~ !allow•: : 'ear. ahoul thr ''m' ~O'Jr, 1

Min Rita Lee Jut week· receiv· , The marriaae of Miss Ruth Snow turned home on Sunday. ~lr.l President-~!r.<. \\'. JL \lacabe. fJ" l I new hrig of 1o2 tone. thr ed wurd of the lerloua lllneu of to Mr. Ronald Puddester of Bay Stapleton had the hon.our of being I 15\ Vice President - ~lr!, A. A. i IS orv 'or ~lr. C.eor~e for"ard. '<I her •liter, l!'iorence (ilia. Norman Bull! will take place shortly. re-elected to the off1ce of State, Wilkinson. 1 , ed in the prr·•oce n[ 1 hrl! ~. Ward) of Beaton, Mass. Mrs. • • • Treasurer at this convention. : "nd Vice Preslrlent - ~Irs, Geo.: k 1 "' rt her of spectator•. Suti1b:! W d l l The St. Pr>ul'5 AYPA organiza· The convention was also attend-' c,-,. , , LLba<tdwrr1,. ,our,, 1'e"_"h111 ~1 ~ ~ea • mor!af'.'n ha" p~•'o'J!\r

ar I rece vini treatment at , d b , " c, , • a ra or '" on·. t , nu" ""'e , ·'' " "" , ho!pltal and those who remember tlon held an afternoon tea \\ ed· 1.e Y Corporal K La11 lor IRCIIP) , 3rd Vice President - Mrs. Geo. ' d b f · f' . h 1 ·ranged for rl·e iarl'e• t

d f i 1 i G cl K , ht f D 1 c 'I · re:1 as a o1·~ o: we tnts ec our' ' · - ,

- . ~- -------- ·-- ·- ------------- -· ~-- --- __________ ... ------ .... ----·- .... -- -· .. _ -



SYDNEY .... ., ............... 2 hrs. 5 mins. First ~!au $37.9~

HALIFAX . ................. 5 hrs. 35 First Clus ~4.6~

MONTREAL ............ 6 hrs. 40 Firat Clm $91.15



".· '·NOW ! Family Fares apply on four days ench week".

the former Florence Lee of this nes ay a ter~oon. Part cu ar5 at·r r~n n;g o a ton ounci., Hopkin;, . ·- Labrarlor Hi< tory a few weeks ..• ment of her_ !eam.~ '.he town will be 1orry to learn that er. and Mr. \1 · B. Kennedy. I co·respondmg Secretary - ~lr~. h k ~ h 1 d t 'band of mu,tc wn1ch ~" h

• 1 , • • ac anu ave now urn (I o a 1 ••• • • '

er condition i• critical. . . , H. Stanford. reil'ew of the historv of Harbour 1 hegan to pla.' God S111 tlt Birthday greetings to Elizabeth, I! KI. n· CI 1 I Rrcording Secretary - Mrs. R. G d ct' .. ' ·\t the ·~~'r llrrP •\e

Mr. William Babb, accompanied daughter of 'lr nnd 'Irs H T wa IS u ) ' . . .race an surroun lng areas m ' . ' " . '.' . n • , • • 'I Hatch I d d th ' 1830 tened ''Kin~ \\'ill lam th!

by an engineer and Mr. Edward Parmlter, who ~elebrated her 15th N Trea.sur•r-~lrs Caroline Oates .. anTharollnll ,e )C&nrsc · Tl1e Kin" \\'1lliarn Ill~!! H t l ft h ., d ' · · , orne noper · o. was an- " '

un I e ere .non ay to con· birthday on May 25th. otes Christian Fellow<hlp - ~!r!. R I f' h' h . ~ b . alii· callPd ·.rer,t to :1! ' tlnue work with the Babb Con- • o • - • , ot 1er 1rm w 1c c;:rneu on ust· ·. . , " , t II C

Wareham. ~ n · wh;ch William Donnell)' later 1 ~prmg tn cnm~·.ar.rl of CJ I rue on ompan:; at Springdale Congratulations to Lloyd Janes, 'la"Se Secretary - ~!rs. Robert· t "'k' · d . ·1, but <he onlv hr,11t'ht in and vi 1 It , · ·' ,. · oo orer an was tn more reccn ' · · •

c n l'· son of Plr. and Mrs. Fredenck La<t week's meetiJ•g of thr llar- Rogers _ j 1 .t· 1 . h A 1 'b !·" 1llowevrr r·art T31lrr Janes of this town whose engage '· . . , . . . I 'I r. , wars t le sl e on " uc rr II a u , f . . .. '

. Mrs. Cyril Babb wu 1 visitor to, , • , . • uour C;·ace Klll'anis Club wa! held' c:mstlan Educ~t on-" rs, ,eo.: Boot & Shoe Faelnrv .stoorL !Thi> ore1gn "'·' a;:1·· in o:er St. John's Saturdyy on businesi • ment to ~!Iss Frances Downe) of I on Tuesday evening instead o! the. Case, : hl!ilding was tlestrov~d in the 1944 ''r". so •hr ',1'' uc!. for the Babb Construction Co. I Southern Bay. was recently' an: regular ~londay. _President Lo Pike 'I Drvotional-~ln. Hector Strong, , conflagration. 1 · . <l~.unrll ,.,,,,e\ .•nd • mrt

Miss Audrey Carter of the nou~ced. Ll~~ d 15 present\) ~m was 1n the eft air a111 K:wan1an I Ltterature-~lrs. Harold )lcCar-1 It is rrcordr~ that Thorne,: Two launchr• 1n en' rl1•

teaching staff o! Springdale Street plo)ed at t e Good) ear Hum er I Frank Shrppnrn wi! chairman' thy, . , llooper & Co. hnu~hl thr prr•misrs. ~ cnmmon nrrurcen:r, b1. I School, St. John's, was a weekend I Grocery, Gan~er .• 0 i of the e\'enin:; as well a~ the ~uest, Christian Cltmn!hlp- ~!rs. Job: from DenLI ~!Grath, uncle of; o~lr a be~tnn:n~

I guest ui Rev and ~Irs Ludlow Sl A · t 1 t P''· . , <pea_ ker. He w"s introduced. by Snow. 'Den1·• Sh•a who ma 1• be rrmem- I 'II' nrxt actil'IP wi!l p! · • · • · mong recen cue< < a 1,;e s 1 K' · R J 1 • t '! E t , ' ' • · · I · 1 Paul's Rector)' H 1 1 k ·;1 0 1 , 111amau o.v anrs ann the suh- Prr>! ~ecre ary - on. , berrd lw some of our oirl resident< rount of thr rr'

)ec o 11s ar 11re,s 11 a~ ·' USIC anr I' H). 1 and whn'e prrtnt>rs werr rcmol'rd snc1~t1nn r,f r ''· rrm• .. L·

l!AR\'EY & COMPANV General Arent~ '.


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~·~~~~~~~~o~t~e~a~s~t~l~ve~c~~~~~as~·~r~~,~~~~•;iasl· t fl' 1• .. '''!, lA . ' · ·· . · •. , · · 'h ··'

l~lelodies ,That l'iel'er ,Die." The, 'h)' thr Town Council from t\\P ror-: men atHarhnu:r.1mo~}l!

•. address 11as 11elt rcemed b)' tho'e s £ 1 ncr of Victoria and \\'alrr Street rl"·· th" h 0 111C thP ''''~' present anrl •_rote o! thanks llrt~' urvey 0 : oc II I"' \'P:If . thrir founrlln~


' I


We h"'ve just received Furniture • • ,

a large shipment of tht latest designs In tht following

-sorttS ot.\ sU\1ES

• ~ts1ERf\E\.0 . o\N\NG R~r(c.~tN StlS C. sU\1ES • • &'£OR00~ 6\.ES • c.~RoM'£ I

~--ENt 1 ~6\.ES pES\{5 . cs.,d • cOffEE 1~ c.~~\RS • occ"s\ON~\. 'fE\.El'~oNE • • oo" c~sES , c.~"\RS ·

• ~ ~t\.E \.~.MPS 'N ~ROll~:~pS • • • f\.OOR

Everything in 1umlfure lor the whole house I

Stt us &efort you &uy









I I i

1 proposed by hlll<tntnn Lloyd Arch- . • , It is said I hat the f•rm nf 1 ~ lba,rt Rnd accorrlrd :n the \IIlla!, water System . ThniTr, ftoorrr "' Cn. harl a rrc·' 1 manner. ' nq1 o[ four hunrlrerl ,·ar;, whirh HR (,J1 \( J:- I 11'-'l'iOI

/his wee~·~ rr;rular Kiwani' I HR. GRACE_:On )!n~d,·. 71!r W. n; 11·,t h.1n t;1krn the1~ h'rk he- Di<tr'ct hr.'nr1 r~ lhl CL . Cllib mert:n~. 11 :1' hr!d nn ~lonrlay / Engl~>h cnmmrncer! R suney of for• the di.<cnvrry of t!1e islanrl tonk plorr ,. flarhn'Jr ; rrenmg at Ptkr s Hntrl "''_th Pres-. thr 11 ?,tcr system of th!'l: town. un· by .John Cahol. Thr,· 11e1·r large!;· ~!a1· 22nrl Th' n1PPI1~1 : •?rr.t Lo m the cha1r. _K1w:m1an' drr the ~11per1'ision of Engineer mterrl!rrl in thr [rrlanrt !tsheries :n Sl. r:,pl• !'m•h P.-~~ if rrrl Rendell from the Kelltgre\\s 1 Brcnn:tn. The ~un·rr i> for the annrl alsn in the rl\a!tic lumhe olt~nderl h: \h \\. 1 Club was welcnmert. . ! ru•·rn>e of ascertaini;,~ the c.111~ i tradr. Rccorrl, ha1·e tnlrl that Ro-b- South n,·. n. ,.~ llr!

Chairman of the r1·emng wa' Ki· 1 d the <low-up in the flow of crt Thornr of Bri.ltnl was one of Bal' dr \'rrri• .. \lr< Fm~ waman Ro.,~ Shrppan;. Chairman 1 water which w;:s so noticeable ·riur· thr\ backer~ who ~en! mo.n Core '"' al~n of the Boys Rnd G1rls Cotr.mtttee; i1;g the past winter, The surYey John Cabot on his yoyage of dis-: wert' memhrr• o[ tht 1~ho conducted .. a hat debate, Song-. will determir.e whether the ac- 'coven· to thi~ !and, i Harbour r.ra,·e South, maste~ .was Ktwaman Art wtth ,.,,mulotion, of silt or too small! February 2nd 1832, wa~ a mem·f Followinc the ~,u~tnl'!.l

, Kl\\aman Fran Sheppard at the "''r' are causing the water to I orable dav for at 8 a.m. the ant social ev.•r,,ni 1m 1 plano, flow too slow. . schooner "Jane" was launched at the usual 'Upper senerl


~IR. REG. W, NORMA:'J, General ~Ianger


~! a recent meeting of the board of directors of

Cousins (Nfld.) limited f9ur new appointments

were made in accordance with Cousins new re­

organization programme.

MR. REG. NORMAN, who was appointed

General Manager and made a Director of the

Company come to Cousins two years ago from

Ths Newfoundland Hotel Laundry w~~re 1he was

Superintendent. Mr. Norman was also recently •

appointed Newfoundland Director for the Can-. '

odian Research Institute of launderers and dry-.


MR. A. :'11. KING, Director-Office ~lanager

·1oS ~IR. J:\~!F.S !tERBl~- ·

Mr. J. REYNOLDS who has been serving

h • 1 · Di•ed· t e Company s1nce 1955, was a sc gtven a

orship, as was MR. A. M. KING who hQs brrn • n12

with the Company as Office Manager sine~ 11" '

At the same Meeting MR. J. H. HERBINSON wnl

d 'I H rbin\0'~ appointed Plant Superinten ent. n r. r. . . · · ed the is a new-comer to Coustns, hav1ng JOin

. . h Firm in April of 1957. He was formerly '~~' 1

then Cousins of Halifax and has spent more

. twenty-five year; of- his life i~ the dry cleaning

b . H b . C , . olth of know· Uitness. e rmgs to ousms a we •

ledge o,f the Dry Cleaning Industry.

. ' .


ants, was mier Jose PHties to t1

!IJ agreemenl ~tot of l'{el:

Lim ill

Page 3: rem1er eveas etai s ave1n - Memorial University of · the seniority of men displaced by Its proposed removal

ST.· JOHN'S,·· NEWFOUNDLAND , ""1T'1 Daily News TUESDAY, JUNE 4, 1957

,'·."· ., I j ," ~

~~~~~ .. ~.~ ·•

. I .

. ',4 ~' I ' I

. I, .. ,· .. :,J j

' .

Huge New' Javelin Deal Explained Multi· Million Dollar 7957 Grace Hospital Graduation Class

Project In Labrador · A legislative program embracing a gigantic minerals development

. Newfoundland and Newfoundland Labrador, and contemplating some ·~,hundred mt:lions of dollars of in vestment on the part of. the partiC:ip· · .:11 , was introduced into the Newfoundland Legislature Mon~ay by Pre· ·~ier Joseph R. Smallwood on behalf of t~e Government of Newfoundland . , •o thl· •Hie~ of far-reach·~· h - - b ' ·1 '' ' 11

b th G mine! on the remaining 60% of 1 to t c October 1936 agreement e· ··; ll"'mer.l•f 111 dl c • cC O\'de_rn· the Javelin· Wabush Lake deposit


tween • ~~kands Mather and Javelin. ,. , ' '\r•· nun ann, an~ tan · k d h d c • .. : ~. · d th ~ f dl d This company will control the Wa· Pic an s Mat er an ompany

•' ~ Ltmtrc : ~ • ew oun an \ bush Lake Railway company Lim· operate mines for their own ac· :: ~J1r•~•'" Corpo~actlon Lflmctlted, 'ltcd and will build dock facilities count and for the account of lead· .. ,. \tarher ~nu o. o eve· I A r1 t 1 1 I .. ,,,' h 1\' h h 1 C at the Se\·en !~lands port on the ing me can s ee com panes, n· I·! Obi~. 1 r hi~ hu•l ron • obm· St Lawrence R.lver eluding such clients as Bethlehem

d II' c s ownen y · · L rr<rr · rl C Ltd Under this a)lrrem'~nt a mini· Steel Corporation, Youngstown ·ll 11 'th? I ~nIt d 0' d th" mum schedule o( ten m!lllon long Sheet and Tube, Jones and Lough· •r Jalr mr dP ·tan lh e tons of Iron ore will be produced lin, Pittsburgh Steel, Colorado romran' n ana a oge er · F 1 d 1 Sh F ' ' · f

1 dl A 1 annually 15 full capacity Is reach· ue an ron, enango urnace,

1 1;oup 0 ~ha n~ mer cnt" ed It Is expected that the maxi· Crucible Steel, Wheeling Steel Cor· ··' tl:"trH 1"i T ~le f~s:r~emc;h s m~m will be reached some time In pqratlon, Republlc Steel Carper·

1111 ' NO ounn . el cc 0~ ~ the next nine )'ear~ and a guaran· atlon and others, and the Inter· r,.owc~ de~ opt en dl 0d teed minimum tonn8ge o£ four mil· Lake Iron Corporation which Pick·

·•ol·,rrl an · dcllthoul n ann llon tons will be produced within ands ~!ather and Co. control. It Is n•r•a, .. ,;,1 I' 1• nroposc a amon., d d th t 1 t1 t ., _;, •

1hl' companlel In· 1 the next few years. Under the terms un

1ersta1 o h a Wcobmphan 1ea pacr c ·

' · · d 0 of thl1 particular agreement, Jav· pat ng n I e a us ron om· ''I til J\1 n. prO UCf ~n d SUi elln ~~·!II rcceil'e a lQC(, partie!· pan)' Limited have been and are ·:' m <t ~t e~tlma

1e ra e patlon in the equit)' of this Corpor· being selected from among Pick·

'I 1'11 m11


~tn~ on~f Pthe: ation without am· financial obll· ~nds ~!ather's major clients. Pres· •···r·lr•mcus•le~o ,~ .. ·. · 1 llf t'gthe ·"." c 1 ro t B it gatwn on tts part m addltton to the ent p ans ca or announc n

,.,, ··•r• ,mOt a, .. rea r · . . li f tl · t' t el compan • • • · r. tl d mm1mum ro\'alty of 7"io of the sales st o par ctpa mg s e • •• I i.r·'. ,•ur 1er. un er • . · f · · 1 • 1 formalt'tles are ' • · · 0 osed pnce F.O.B. port per ton o tron ore tes as soon as e.a ··• ,,rrw~;thrlt~n1~ :-.~~·f~und·: produced. this price being com· completed and the percentages or THE l!l5i GRADUATING CLASS of tl1e Grace Hospital Scl10ol of '\"ursing held its Graduating Exrrches at the Drill Hall. Buckmaster's · ::,.:·~;·,':;~rea, 11 re. house of\ latcd to the standard Lowe.r Lakr participation decided. FJeld last night when 25 nurses receil'cd their diplomas and pin~. Picture shows the Cla~s:-Y1·onne J e,;sie Collins, Corner Brook,·

•· ·Hllrtr> 11111 be quickly Erie market price. The mtnlmum BEGIN IMMEDIATELY J . ... ~· ! royalties are on a s~ldlng scale and Actl\'e !ield work will begin lm· une Marie Feaver, St. John's; Mary Eleanor Gushue, Brigus; !VIa1·i:. .Jean Hodder, Creston; ·Hope i\larie House, St. John's; Oa\'ina Cavell EM BOND ISUE Ja\'clln e~pect~ _this mlnlmue~ ~ 0 mediately at Wabush Lake with the Legge, Corne~ Brook; Veronica Ruth Manuel, Corner Brook; Winnifrcd ?\Iarina Martin, St. John's; Marina ivlesservey. Sandy Point; Edna

~~:~~~.;!'• ·i~niflcant Is- the I ~:s~~p~opx~~~:;:e~~ep~~~~asr :nd te;. 'completion ~f the agreemtents :~nd·' Shirley Pack: Bay Bulls; Greta Syh·ia Peddle: Foxtrap; Ruby Grace Pe~dle. ~uchans; Margaret Ehzabeth Perry, St. John's; Pearl'Pome-• ·\~: :

1, \l'ab

11,h Lake Rail·: pected price levels. The minimum I the gr

1oup f\\tlhll c,~,mbplctheLhk~

11 il 1 roy, St. Johns; Sarah Ruth Rodgers. St. John~; Ellen Rowena Rowe. D1ldo; Ethel Saunders, Dark Con~. Gamba: Susie Mae Senior. Port

L' 't d ·holly lti d thl t 'struct on ° e ' 8 us a e ,.a · 1 El' b th El' · Ch I tt S · l S J h ' J · :•T,nin' 1m1 e . a. 11 : roy a es un er s agreemen are wa Company Limited 3 ~ soon as JZa e ; s1e ar o e m1t 1, t. o n s; a net Maud Sparkes, Glo\·ertown; Susie }Ierle Sparkes. Glo\·ertown: Rosemary Strickland,

n 0 Dired·

hos been

.ince 1952,

soN wo'

Herbin~on .

. . ed th• 1otn

rnerly with

lth of knoW·

. 't'~d;'7rnn;e~a~~~ 131~,.;~1\: 1 ~e~~~e~,·e~og~:ra~~e~ar~e:tmFn\~~ pr{etlcally possible, using c_an· i Milltown, Bay D'Espoir; Shirley l\Ielina Wellen, St. John's; Dorothy Alicia Winsor, St. John's; Vio:ette Frances Winsor. St. John's.

' no. 'Ill · 'ad ian Jal'elln's present constrllct10n 1 ~·~~n 1nd ~ h~lr mt on I cantrac:t an)·whcre In the world. 1 1 Th w bu h Lake Rail· 1

\t 'l~unddland Gomnment l DISPOSAL OF ORE I ~-~~~o~~~panye h~: n;w completed I Board '•d rnn l!!UC. . ' . t I ' I

1r, Ja1 rlrn Ltmlted is leas.' Ore from th11 deposit. w111 be , the base grade for ap~roXI£118 e l ~

Of Trade: Grace Hospital: :hr term~ of its October taken b)' the partlclpatm~ com· half of the total 37:3 mtle project,;------------------

1 .. ,1:ncnl 4n<~ of the proven 1 panics with most of the iron ore and has crews workmg on construe· , l•cn ~~t hundred ~nd sixty .


p1 educed being consumed in th~ lion of the grade u far west as ' f G t 0 t A d N ' G d t • :.' ~or.• \\'~bush Lake iron ore United States. Javelin has retained I ~!lie 25 wher~ the Julian Lake . e u ' n i' u r· s e s r a u a I 0 n : . e~ciust\'e rights for world markets

1 branch wlll jotn the Wabush Lake

:~.', 11 n hclin had guarnnteed on ores produced from these prop-1llne, The Wabush Like line con·. ' · :·. ~f two hundred mll· !. erties with the exception of the : nects with the Quebec Nor!~ Shore • ··~l cf tron concentrates in I Korth American territory, These ' and Labrador Railway at ~I tie 224, Vote campaIgn ' ' ,~~ 110 Pkkands )lather and! sales agency contracts also apply· (Continued on. p..e 9\ 1 , The Thirty secon.d grildua\lonl Lieutetlilnt Colonel Don< ~r. 1

Thts arrangement marks a major ·, .I · nv of canada This ' - .-~-· ·-- ·1 \ceremony of the Grace Hosptlal provu:hng the I'll a! linkage to the departure for P1ckands ~!ather and ~ •.

1,1 lump~ bern accept~d b''

1 . . School o! Nursing 11as held on I Port of Srl'en !'land~ on tne St. Company, as they previously man·

-·:n~lc~~~~.r.ancl the S.teel Com· I premIer's c 0 m m Ants I The ' x~wroundland ' Bo:lrd . of. ~0 all the news .reels being shown '~ton~r.y eve.nin~ at the Drill Hal:. Lawrence Rtl er . . aged mining operations only for ,1

c.r.Jdo .lal'elin'~ guaran· li :Trade m cooperatiOn w1th the Can· i m theatres E.Cro~s Canada prior to Buckmaster s Ftela, Colonel A. E. OTHER TERMS themseh'es and for steel-produci~g :i< \Hn !ttlliiiPd. . ' 1 ad tan Chamber of Commerce is the June lOth election. Additional. Dalziel presided. . n " companies .. As a result, .J~\·ehn


TY I plugging a natlon·wtde, non·par· copies of this film have been made: Twenly·f.ll'e nurses, !rom the 1 _o:het lcrm~. of. the a,.reemen.: • now fmds 1tsrlf tn the ~O~IIlon of I~VELINS ROYAL . Premier Smt.ollwood told the'sought concessions. He was thenltlsan"Ge~outtheVoteCampaign" for use on T.V. stations through·lschool wh1ch has as 1ts rnQt\o.P,IOIIdc ;:l~t Ja~chn anrl thehJ~'. ·a mining rompany acqumng the · pr: of til~ \\'abll!h Lake Javelin a tory In the House of As· unknown to the Premier. The Wa· In connection with the Federal out· the country A copy of this "Enter to Learn" go fortn to • eun Rea I tics. Llmttrd, a

11 ol ~- management and know-how 'of a

.• •.o bt nprrated by Plckands .!embly Monday. afternoon, and bush region was ceded to him election which will place @ film has been rc.ceivcd by the ~ew· ~ s~r\'e," rccei\'ed their ~wards and 1 own~d sut<tdtary or JavelmScse.l i4·year-old tradition .

. tr.d Co .. and the Steel Com· revealed the n~w legislation nee- even though other Interests had Monday, June lOth. !oundland Board of Trade and\ dip lorn~~. lis 11

atcr 1 onl PI operllcs ~t .. The Pickands ~!ather Rrr:.ang~

'! C1nada. Ja\'elin will re- essary to consummate a deal worth turned It down, Mr. Doyle spent "The most Important duty of forwarded to CJON-TV for what·: The first part ol the ceremony blanrl:. <11ld the ho,usln~ fac~ltles, menl tics in with a financial de­l mir.imum royalty .of one more than three hundred and several milllons probing and the citizen is to exercise the ever use they are prepared to • ronmlrd of a march by the S.A.: at no, s Ba, anrl \\ ahu.

1, La e to 1 ,·elpnmrnt which affects the· whole

)l: ton of iron ore shipped fifty million dollars which wlll found great deposits of ore that franchise on June lOth'," slated, mr,ke of it before the election, Ctt~dcl band under bz-nrimaslcr .!. '!he"· a hush I:on Com~"? 1Ltmttcd.' ehar~clcr of Jal'e \1. As an exam· oirhe F.O.B. sales price of .make Newfoundlr.nd Labrador the the previous concession holder~·Gerald M. Wintrr, President o[itakcs place. !Crocker. The nursrs entcrcrl 11hilr .lalrllll llrrtllt~s WI.IC\CI, 1 ple. Ja1-rlin is to acquire all of the

ert. h;;pd nn Lower ~ake i second greatest Iron or.e producer hr.d known but thought the ore of 1

the Kcwfoundland Board of Trnde I this march wa~ pl«ycd. ~nd took 11111

Pl:oi'Hie JHHtsm~ _Lmlttte~ ~; ·. Gol'ernmcnt-ownerl sh~rcs of the !lir.c.'irrl .market prtcrs.


1n the worhl. Mr. John C. Doyle, less \'slue. It tu~ed out to be '!yesterday in drawing attention to 1 The Newfoundland Board of lhctr place on the spectol ~ectron .J.nciln' .luitan Iron (orpotnlton · 1 i'\~wfonndl011d and Labrador Cor·

1 10 nhli;:~tinn ~\so on the

1wham the Premier lauded, will about 38 per cent tron. D_o)•le also the fact that the date of thr Trade President ohserl'cd that. of the platform resenert for thr prnpcr·.i~'·. f . 11 poration Limited, the holder of a

,; :~.r lnt• to PRY certain ,lake O\'er NALCq IN~wfoundland • [ound out t~at to be,ncheate the gencrr.l election is dose at hand. : "EI'ery Canadian has ample op· 1 gradunltn~ class. . "A moJOI pha.'c 0

.the 0,\Cra _ ''"l area of 30,000 square miles of

.M r~~al\:•: ~nd .to make :And Labrador Corporation) ·If the, ore brought tt up to 11xly perccnt.l.._"ln the 1953 gcner<~l cle~tl?n,! portunity to learn wmething ol After a ·s~ng, Rei'. A .. ~!. ~lid of 2

-1_cct,nrnt proluirs PlcbnrL .~ 1 " 1

. minerai Iandi. This. area is fre· I!! nprndtlures tn the rle· 1le~lslatlve authorll)' is passed, and :He went to Europe and got order.s mare than two and R hal[ mtllron :the men and women who arc str,nd· St. Andrew~ Presbytrmn lllllrch hrl. "

1,11 oprrat'c. n;.e mines. '~lmh, qucntl)' cited as betng the late

, nf til~ \\'~bu~h Lake 1the Go~·ernmcnt can·get Its money \for ore from Germany anrl Brt· •(2,:100,000) rrgistcrecl Canadian iing for'omc~ in the comin~ gen· led. In pr;.ycr. . .Ja~cln. ~~ 111

.. r lab.t;\on IL re·. ~real natural storehouse of raw dtnr production object!\'~. b<iek, JUst ol'er a mllllon or put lain, the biggest companies o\'cr voters failed to take the trouble 1cral election. We arc capable of Captam Annette Vard;·, R.:\. set~ eel p.opc.llcs .. Exp.~t~at 1,0 n ~~ Barr. RS. Women Social scrl'l~e i\m properties ue In oper·! It into Ja\'clln Rtock. That was, there being represented. These to. visit a polling booth," con· 1 jurlging between th~ claims, as· e!tmcal tp~truetor at !he school : 111c Jultan

11 on <

01 por .• t~on' 01

,c ~ecrctary ;;;;sistcd Captain Els1e •1ll be four to AiX million , the hardest question the cabinet I names w111 appear Jn a subsequent tlnued .\lr. Winter. "Democracy! sertions ,and promises of the can·: re~d the s~n~turc lesson, and i bnct;· locatcrl at Julian Lake

1: r~r .. t, (CDnllnued on page 9)

:•nl annullly. In addition, . had to decide and the ~remier \Issue, The European ~onncctions BS we kno,w it, cannot long sur- 1 dictates. No great physical effort' Bngadter \\. C. Brown tntrr:c!uccd ! 0 ~ ,he s~hcciule. TillS propc.l; .

15 i ---

Jiither. the Steel Com· ask the Opposition's help In find·, made the North Amcrtcan ~tee! vil'e this ktnd of i,ndifference", he is required to cast our br.llot. Let: the chatrman, Colonel A. E:. D<~l·, ;~~e!IC mtles. to the r.o.tth of. "1,11 ~; ;nd a participating ing the answer. !companies take notice espcmlly l'ldded. us see to it that orf )!onday, June ml, who le~vcs l\ewfoundland ~~ on th_c \: :ousl~. Lake. ~atl~\~) ~I Am~:ican ~teel producer! The Premier started by saying after hearing the Germani were Mr. Winter declared that the lOth, the voice of£ormed and shortly lo ret1rc from acltl'e work Compan) Ln:o~ted' raiiiiH) !me.

1r ri1h1 to ~xplore, and 1 it was the largest place of legis· booking twa million tons a year Canadian Chamber of Commerce lntelli~cnt electorate makes itself in the S;:.lvation Army. , TillS _ore 1\'J~ ~old over a year ~go f:!ur.ctal obligation to drill lr·llon to come before the Hause. and twenty-eight British companies has produced a one-minute trailer he~rd through the medium of the ~Jr. W. C. Woodland, accompan·. to thirteen (,Nman >terl ~roductng •

fonr.d • in Javelin's The railway Iealslatlon, Buchans taking an equ&l amount. The pro- film on the theine "Get out the ballot box," ~fr. Winter conclud- ied. by ~!rs. Bruce Winsor sang a: ~ompnmes ~nr\ to the Bnttsh steel· · , hundred !l(lUare mile Mining Ca.,· Bell Island, the Hum• duct!on can be Increased to twenty· Vote" which has been attached ed. solo, "Consecration." : mdustry, mth a. c_omm

1tment guar·

mcm1on area. During the ber Deal and Anglo-Newfoundland two m111lon tons, the Premier aa!d, Dr. L. A. )tiller, depttly minisler · antec of two mtllwn long tons per

·WEATHER Sunny, clouding over \\~th

showers this afternoon. High 65.

TEl'tlPERATURES :l:11 ym pHiod they w111 Development Company were not whenMr. Doyle goes selling ln of Health then led the nurses in ~·ear for ftftce? ye~rs to each nat· ~' :i~ht

10 select two addlt· as large even when added together. Italy, Austria, France an~ Luxem· Morals Trial Duffy Tables the Florence Nightmgale pledge,. wnal group. T11o nullwn tons. of the

:;:, !ile! not to exceed a The total value of the enterprise's bourg. The-special aeu!on of the and the new gradu~tes were pre·ltolnl productwn of I he e~llmated Edmonton ........ 52 80 io'.ll o£ fil'e square mile~ Investments !1 $3110,000,000 he House called 1 little' more than '()' • ' Q o sen led by Sr. Capl;tin ~lary E.! \;ix million ton; anntlally._ha~ been Toronto .......... 49 67 "~~~ twrnll'·three hundred lflld, a year ago paned I guarantee of oegms uestions Lydr,IJ,R.N. • lrcsrned [or the ~nnarlt~n a.nrl Quebec .......... 37 65 . ~1: 1 am. · The Premier aald he ~ants to sixteen m1111ona for Mr. Doyle. ~Irs. J. \\'. Pickersgill prest>ntcrl. I 'nitetl Stat:s sleet m_dustne~. wtth ~tone ton ........ •. 38 M

LAKE AREA make the deal crystal cler..r to so hr the company had only to The trial, al a veterinary sur· The followin'g question! were 1

the graduates with their diplr\mas j ,lal'elin havtn~ the nght to d11'ert syaney ........... 48 80 . everyone In Newfoundland. Short· sell two million In bonds to keep 1 geon -on stK charges o£ gross asked In the House of Assembly ·us. Captain Alice Ebsary caller!. these s~me two m1_111on ton.; to the 1 St. John's ....... 43 M

h11 merved for Its own ly after. hls govtrnment came into the Wabush Railway IIOing. llndrcency with ml_nors ~tnrted at ~lond~y by ~!r. A. M. Duffy. I. each nurse to the front of the, Ge,m;,n and Bnttsh ~tee\ mclus· :~----------, · . l.ake. W~bu~h Moun· . o!flce, he eontinued, eight yean . · , 1 Whit bourne o;1 frtday, May 31st, I give notice that I will on to· I stage. --------'--~~~~--=-=====:::::::.:;;;;;;;;;;~;;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiii

linull L~ke tron ore de-lngo, It was greatly concerned over The ~~:real fillip ghen by the 1 when five ll'ltncsses were heard morrow ask the Honourable. the· ---'----- .._ ll. ~~11 a; the Quebec Lake 1 the lack of mlnlnll r.ctll'lty here. government's backing brought "before ~lag!strate G. Penney. ~!inister or Finance to lay on the·

lton ore deposit. These There had not been 1 new mine change of heart and opinion to· Mr. }~ P. Carter, Q.C., repre- table or the House the following,


or1 dtposits will be de· since 1927, when Buchans open· 1 wards Mr. Da7le In Cz.nada and !enl! the Crown and ~!r. Jdmes D. Information: 1 .or Jal'elln by ,Pickands ed, ~ the other ohand, In the rest .the United States, the Pre~le~ Higgins, Q.C., Is .~ounsel for the 1. To table detail! of all Trrastiry

tr,j Co .. the world~ largest\ of Canada there was 1 great up·: declared. ije then explained 1 m defendant In ths lrtal, Billl, Treasurv X ole~ or other. · ~pmtor and producer. surge In prospectlnll new .mines be·l· points In 1he legislation which are, The 'trial w~s acljournerl on Fri· Securities ~iv.rn to the Work·:

l~;rher and Co. will man- • lng dlscoi'Cfed and old ones rc·, co\'ercd In the releue frol'(l Mr. day unhl \Vednesd•Y, June 12th. mm1' Compen;"tion Ro<~rrl hy :, I· rm~ •nd produ~tlon II claimed. He aald the cr·blnct want·\ Doyle appewlar1t1~bg Abbolvlet. t "' bu h The tfial Aro•e out of •lle"ecl the Gol'rrnm~nt in rrlation to 1 1 · 11 a en1t to Javehn of d t 1 t th h h but A town e u R "a s · • ~ · · I t ·r1 1 th " . '~ . o s ar e scare ere ' J l L k, as well ~ro!s lnnrccnciPs rfn minor~ at the an) mantel rn nr pat o e I.e r.O.I!. nles prtte of ·tt cost more because of the' nature 1 Lake and I'll ul en a · D ,1 \\'h'tb B , , 11 ·hi I th : Go\'ernmen! hy t~ Board.

,, Ire . ' , f I d th 'ill . I h . A! pelletmnll plants. Mr. O) e I ourne n) ~ orne w P e I 2 "' l bl I h '. . . • o terrs n an e. or nary ec . , j t ~·Ill mploy Acrused whn II'R~ working In the. ,,., o a ~ rnrre.~pnnr rncr C·. .. In! IHml of th1~ aKree· nlque of ceologv and. prospecllnK thinks the pro ec 1 P th D'ld '\\'h'th I tll'een himself anrl the Work·

~1bu~h Lake Railway' were I~H~ppropriate. N~ll'faundland between ,4000 anti :!000 m~nf e b 1 ~· 1 ~h o~ne a,res, was 1

mens' Compen•ation Board· re· · · ~~nmhtp will he dh·i~ed was there fore no~ the. place for I'rcm!er thinks around 2·:100 or a oar er 8 e orne. qu~stln~ paym.ent to the Con· · lhe p~rtici~Rtlnl 1teel the small. prospe.ctor, Big ~ompan· 1 while, • . !nlldated Re1"enue Fund or ~ny ~ ~tth JR1ehn reta!nlng ies were the only .answtr. , The Premier enipha 5i~ed the Breaks Ice unlnvest~rt f~nds held hy the! t.' c~ptt~l stork. The I · · . . of Plckands Mather and Board or other Securities held Llh Railwal' Company After some though_l Nalco wu ~· blgneas fates and' their wealth· I 8} k d h~ the Board which were real· lnd Jmlln 'will he re· created. From its birth the Idea other .us~~~ American firmA tn'· 0C a e tied ~nd the proceeds paid to

lor all expenditures hu always been to search d for lult e)dea~u;};ed over four billion the Government. tlb!m in the area. Ttle con· mlnerah. This wu the secon r.ry ~~: hundred and. fifty three mll· Thouih lee tight to the land In

,:J~~;~~~~:~:n~s~o~~~~cs~: r:::801:~/~y~~:~~ryT~:~~~emtl~! ~tc~:a~:,1~al;:el~t~~le C~~f.'n!~ ~~~~~~~~ ore~~~nd~on~~unlt~e~ 'm~r!a~e R~~t!~~eth~to~o~l~~~~.n t;,o; , lr,d Jalchn will have no ulrl he never lost s!fht of the 7:1 d C~nada's blgge!t steel company. were given some relief from the Minister of Labour to lay nn the

1nb,it1ati_nn .. R~ilwAy 1er· rurpotee c~~cpr.~y Mr.Doyle, the Premier continued long winter .l!ol"·lion durin!( the table of the Hou!e the [o!lowlng in-

~":! lacthllr! will be pro: o rna 11 known• firms one I must do mare tillln clip coupons weekend when the .CNR coast~! formation: . '·; !xpense of the Wabusli and. t

1wo. wed. . C , dl ' w after the deal i! consummaled ao steamer ''Northern Ran~cr" fore· 1. To table rorresponrlence he·

"'lr~ 11 . rompanu's new Amer can an ·one ana an ere lk 1 1 k ' t th '" k • c ' · · · ' . j h H 1 n now he would I e o ~ e ovqr rd her w~l' thrnu~h the Jlocs to w~rn e • or men! . ompPn· · lo lhr Olher Javelin re- ~~~k~~ loan~ln ~o~~e ·~~~dy_a;~ m:,d. Nalco, "Give me Nr.lco and I'll land bad!~· nccdcr\ food supplies. sat! on Board and the M~n~sler ;

In and apart from made last October, JaveHn, Plclunds

'~ lhr Steel Company of ll1tr1l new aRrum~niA

nr~otlatPrl. The first the Wabush Iron

(an Ohio Cor­"IUrt"''~ to do bualneu

which Is owned ~on1paJ1Y of C111ada,

and Co., and ll'lth a ll'OUP of 1teel produceu,

lht lar1est af the thnt

dd~oi Sir WUllam Stevenson and ~how you· what development rr~l· The !hip, callrd ~t mo.1l of the of L~bour and/or the Mmtsler . com anlcs close to him. There \y Js," the Premier quoted Mr. ports in White Bay and aero~~ nf Fmance relallng to the In· wu palso Chrrles s. Payaon, dlrec· Doyle as awylng. ~he Premier here the top or the Island. \'estments o£ the Board. tor of Armco Steel, one of the nld. John Doyle 1 record- ~peaks At I~ test reports the Northcr,n 2. Table all lmestmenh. held by compan!P.s heading up Iron Ore for· Itself, he has .~hlevecl re· Rilnger was saul to be at Flowers the Board . Co nf Canada, also M. S. Lewin marka~le progress In creating the Cove whe:e the 1Captaln reported -------ot'New York. They pr.ld $100,000 deal and getting the market!. The that !~c tn, the 'harbour Is B f,t. [or shares at' one dollar ·uch a6d Premier nld the ca151net h!Jd on~ thick. He wtll remain at Flowoc s the Newfoundland aovernment' worry whether to aell aut and get Cove until Ice conditions permit bought 1100 000 aharea which gave their ' rill Ilion dollars back for him to mAke the regular ports of

Nfld. ,Skies Nalco capllallr.atlon of one mll· sbam In Nalco or to buy Jnvelln call in South La!Jrndor. TUESDAY, June 4

Sunrise , .... , .. 4:05 a.m. Sunset . . . . . , 7:53 p.ll).


lion. Tl1e •plan did . not work 10 atock and make more as the stock Meflnwhlle, rallwa~ nff!clals 'l'Oeil the Premier confeu~jd, and rise!. He aald the Opposition might state that 1£ there IS any pro· the 'companln. Involved did' not help the JIOVernment decide thl~ longed delay at Flower's CD\'e, the brinK In many, bll mlnlnl com· pont. The government were !hlp will ha\oe to return for fuel 1

panles. I unanimous durln.C ·a pHtY ca_ucus [before proceeding on to the Bay 1 Hl~h .. Mr. Doyl• came a!on1 lat&r an.d In 1ivin1 Do~le Na)co, he ~atd. of Islands. , Low • ·

. , .11:57 ~.m. 6:12 a.m. 6:56 p.m.

• • . I


More For-Your Money t MEN'S WHITE DUCK

PANTS Ideal for painters, butcher~,

bakers .. Light in Wllight.




I .

. ·1.75


WORK GLOVES PAIR ......... ,. ...... 2gc

~ ,. '

Page 4: rem1er eveas etai s ave1n - Memorial University of · the seniority of men displaced by Its proposed removal

. I'



-· ·,

•' '' . ' '1:.

I,' ,,







---· ----------,-


In The News Stomp ·of_ Disapproval



Newfoundland's Only Morning Paper

The DAILV N!WS 1;1 1 lllftlft& pa,. I!Stabliliu:d Ill 18M, and pub!11bed nt the t;eWI Bulldlnl, 35~9 Duckwortil Street, St. John'l, Newfoundland, by RcbiluOII II CGmpany, Limited. ·

ME."BER Of' THE CANADIAN PRES!! The Canadian Preu i1 exclusively entltl~d

'L the Ult lor republlcatlcn of aU new• 1esNtche• In this paper credited to It or tu rhe Associated Press or Reuters and also tht ocal news publlshed therelll.


COST OF GOVERNMENT (3) The Attorney General's depart·

m~nt will ~pend this year about $2,177,000. v~r)' nearly thrrc· quarters of this is required for the pro~ection of persons ann property. The breakdown far ·thrse ~rrviccs consist~ o! S64B.· BOO for the constabulary. S421,· 000 lor the R.CJ!.P .. and $373,300 .for the fire nepRrlment.

• • •

n~arly $600,000 ann this incorprtr· ales a great variety of small ac· til'itcs as well ~s ~ lew ma ior projects. The bi~gesl items un. der the heafl Of imnrol'rmrnt5 n{ stanrlRr!l~ are $40.000 fnr l"nn fertility .~clwm~s anrl !i20,Pnn fnr improvement of li1·estack. l.Jndrr the hrafi of dcvclopmcnl, it is proposc<l to spend S227.600 nf

'll:AiU,'W o:nlBdlPTION UTE! All Prm service and feature artlcltt IJI Canada , , , , , • , .. , , •• , •• , .110.00 per 11111umlhls paper are cop)'rillh~and thtir reproductioe

HeadquS'rters office malntcn· ~nee amounts to li105,000, upkeep of the St'lpreme Court to $57,800 and of the Magistrate's Court in St. John's to $21,000, Twenty·six outport magistrates are pro1•ided for. Salaries range from S4,400 to $6,000. The total cost of the magisterial service is $154,200.

~which SlOO 000 will go fttr ho~· !ann rxocrlments. A large cnntr'· bution tqwards the cast of thr•~ experiments will come from 01· tawa. The sum of near\1' ' ha• been allocated for fur farm·

• .

Merubar Audlt Bureau 0! Uulted Kln1dom and all II prohibited.

Forelan Countries ..•.. Sl'-00 per an!lum

Authorized 11 aecond elau mall Port Offlc• Clrculatlou.

lng. , • •

Land . clearin~ ann rle•:r·lnp· ment constitute .1nothrr he:1d unner which the nropns~tl r,. penditure is $150.000. The big. gest items here nrr rouinmcnt maintenance (S6ll.000) which nrr· sumably represents thr trac!nr~ and bulldoz~rs availoble fnr hire b1· farmers for lam\ clearin" op­erations: wages and tr."l"~llin!! (MO.OOO) which ma1· he the rn't of the operators of the rqttip· ment hired out to larmr~s for

Department, Ottawa,

------------------------------------------------------------~-TUESDAY, JUNE 4, 1957 • •

~·----------~--------------------------------------0' ebate On ,,Ta:e Est.lma.tes systems wm be needed to safeguard the

Prol'lslon is mad!} for 180· per· sons In the policl force apart from the R.C.M.P. •who are en· gaged under a rertal contract. This service cnsls $293,400 ·for general provincial duly and $127.· 600 for the special for.ce in Cor­ner Brook. The cily ·flre depart· ment ln St. John's has a force of 104 men. The general mainten· ance vote ~till lnclud~s ~2.000 for the upkeep of hor.•es and

n health of the. community ..

The opportunity for the full considera­tion of departmental' policies is all too rarely availed of in the course of the con­sideration of the estimates in Committee, on Supply.

In Mount Pearl-Glendale an energetic . community council has been dealing con­structively with that very problem. En· gineers have been consulted on the sub­ject of sewage 'disposal and on an im· proved water system.

harneo~. · • •

This is unfortunate because the scope and range of government actil'ities has been expanding rer~· rapidly since con­federation and discussion in the House nf A~sembly 1; onr. wn~· of keeping both members anrl public fullv informer! of import~nt rh8nges in polic~· direction.

Thf' t tmP. ,,·as when the other t'xtreme \\'liS pt:acti~ecl. Those were the da~·s \\'hen hours mic,ht bE' consumed in argu­ment 01·er one man's 1ob. But this per­sona1 aspect has rlt.sappearcd, chiefly berause more th<ll1 twenly-fil"e years lla1·e passed since that era when many jobs in the public ~Cl'\'ice, high and low, changed with each new administration.

In addition to these new dormitory l'illnges which are mushrooming on every ntburban roadside, there remains -the problr.m of substandard building on the yery fringes of the city of St. John's.

The Blacl<head Rofld is one of these. T11e Empire A1·enue \Vest area is another. ThC\' have neither roads nor municipal sen:i~cs and thev are the chnrae of the goremment beca.use the~· are outside the

Thr gross cost n! t~c nr'nitcn· tiary lor salaile.s anrl upkrrp i~ about ~300,000 o! which rough!~· nne·third i~ rdundcd b)' Ottawa. The remain1lrr o! thr nrparl· mrntal allocation i~ t~ken up h:· a lar~e I'Aricty of m1scrll•neou~ l!!'rl'ices.

, land-clearing projects: purchase 'of equipment, transnortatinn or

all equipment ano\ the furl u<rrl will' comr allo~rt11rr to ~•tn:ltrr MO.OOO. L;md clr:ui n~ sui" i rl ir• will cost 5tO.OOQ 111hich is half a~ much as was prn1·irlrrl losl yr:.:·.

Th• Crnwn land' rlirisinn he,< ~ lot'l nutbl' of .~1011.noo. lt:.t: ,,r II hich i!'l' fn'r sotarirs n[ hr<Hi· quarters and rrrm:1r.rnl <taff :11trl another ~uarlc:· for lhr r~ornsrs ann wa~e- or Slll'I'PY rarfir·S For :'\atior"i P:1rk hnd ·'"rmhh· thr sum of S\0,0~0 ha5 hrrn l'otrd.

Savs U.S~-British Washington ~~age-Price-Profit Spiral

In ·Edson 'I • • Journalists Act

. '

c:i ty limits.

The Drportment n[ ~linr~ Rnr1 nr!Olii"CCS tlCt'IIOie~. fli'C pi!~CS nf t11r printed r~timatc~ for thr list· ing of its nrious srrvicc~. have a total estimated cost n! $1.738.000. Fore~try serl'iccs take up about a quarter nf this amount and employ 52 peroons. Alloul ~80,000 ll'ill be required lor lor· est fire nrotection incluning the service directlv operatecl by the Department, the cost nl equip·

\\'iid\i(e is onnthrr irnnrirt,:ll hcod of ~xpenrliture collin~ fnr ~~ outlal' nf S150 000 ll:!lf of this is (nr sal:~rics and ;,nolhcr ~~0.000 is for tr?.l'rllin~ rxpcnsr•. Thr unl<ern of the Gtwrrnmcnt's fishing lodge is put at S3,0110.

Like Fishwives Frets Ike's Business Cuuntil llY rr.TER EDSON

NE,\ Wnshln~:ton Correspondent

.. " "

But It is important today to know the aims of public policy in respect of all the essential services of government. In education, health, welfare and public 1\'0rks. in agriculture and forestry and a host of other major ser\'ices, policy is changing as targets are altered. It might be expected, therefore, that the Ministers in charge of these sen·ices would intro­duce their estimates and pro\'ide a de­tailed analysis of the chief items.

The members of the House of Ass~mbl~· II' ho . represent the districts in which these communities exist should get to­gether with the Department of Municipal Aftairs and the Department of Public Works to see if n constructive programme of improvement cannot be established in good time.

mcnt, and the gol'ernment cnntri- The remainin~ items in litis bution to the Fire Prbtrction As· Dcn::rtmrnt are co·opcr3lil·e rx·

LO);DOX ( CP 1-Canarlians arP sick :mrl lirccl of the transatl3ntic n~w·paper war between Britain and the United Stntes. Thev think it's an un>eemly brawl( ~heeling minor<\\' views.

This ·opinion, widely held by Canadians in Bril3in, a:.<o seems com mGn in Cnnada. Writing from ~!ontreal, columnist Don iddon of the L0ndon Daily Mail says there i; drq1 distaqe in Canada for the ".,bn~ing match" bet1yren journ· :11i•ts of ·the two countrtrs.

· WASH!r\GTON-(:-IEA)--Sc:·etary o[ Commerce ~inclair says most of tho reporttd pusiness criticism or the Eiscnhcll"!r 1

ministration i~ exaggeration.

· The Minister of Health has done this and his c:-:planntion of man~· phases of public health poli~~· was enlightening and valuaQle. More departmental heads ~:hould follow his e.xnmple. This is need­eel ·,r p~rliament is to fulfill one of its mo~t useful and important funct10ns.

Plight Of The South Coast The plight of the south coa~.t has been

hrought to pttblic attention in some>\'hat dramal!c me1nnr.r b~· the mP.mhE'r fat' Placenli<~ West, :\Jr. Caimi11g. It is a de~­perate situatiOn for which there is no readv cure. For this coast, from !llortiet• to channel. is almost exclusively a fish­Ing community with few resources of which the people may a\·ail themse!l·es e\•en for the establ!shment of a subsis· tence econ~my.

: Socinl conditions on man,· parts of the coast, pnrticularly in the 'Fortune and Hermitnge bn~· areas, have always been bad in thE! hundreds of tiny communities which shelter under the shadow of bleak and banen cliffs. Inshore fishing has rleclined. Herring have forsaken the bays. Nothing remnins.

There is, . of . course, the mmmg com· munity of St. Lawre,nce although· fluor­spar is an uncertain mineral on which to found an assured future. Tltere are the fresh fish plants which are the p~incipal ~upport of the people in their neighbour·

,hood ·but these have been expanded to the present limits of commcn:ial prac­ticability. And that is all. It is not

. enough to underwrite the prosperity or social advancement of the people.

socintion. Fnre~try conservation tension ($62.5001: negi;tr:· of l'o· and development is an expB!Hlcd oreralil'c Societies (S46.~00);

After' his return to Washin~ton from the Hot Sprin~l. \'a .. ing o[ the government's Business At'c1·isory Council, We~ks

This Curious Election

service to cost 552.~00 and 5~3.· mines tS2~.itOOl: minrr31 rr· 2CO will be. made nvailah!e for ~omces (S150.000) inclurltng the forest in1·cnton) which \\'as SlOO.OOO for rliamoncl · drilling: rrcommentled'by' the Ro)·al Com· printing and photogr3Pl11' •rrvices mi!sion on ForPstrv in JOM. · iS46.~001 nf wlt:ch S35.000 i.• {or

• ,, .. ~:Jl~r'rs or thirtren ~mntnyrcs:

A~ricutlurr rt'prr<Pl1\S a sub· <I"' ir-ncl'ltllll of 111inr• !or ~tan.tial divi,:on of thr ~linr< & the 'umr n[ S2i. \00 is pro·

•·r didn't hear any criticism of the Eisenhower progr•m do1111

either on or off the record." One of the prineipJl functions of the Rusines1 Arh·isory

i~ to enahle business lcadrrs to trll tne government what policir~ they think it should follow.

There is no bolder per,;on than he ll'ho wanders \·oluntarily it)~O the wildemess of political prophecy. He gives a hostage to f9rtune when he attempts to predict the outcome in a famiEar region. But when he wanders farther afieJd, he enters on rery dangerous ground.

nesourcr• Department. Its co•t i' vide~. _____ _ ;--:-; .... ~:.:·.-. '._ .•. ,' ",.,=_,., ..:-~·;:::.,~.;::::-:.-::-;;~~-::--:-~- ......

''!Ji,tlatchrs [rom Ameri~an oor­rc.-p.titdcnls statinnrrl in Bril•in anti Ht·iti,h corre,pondents w!w h31'L' borne have oc<'n 11 idl'k rt•portrd here and the squabble and ketllP · cnll:ng are cnrJ>idercd chilrli>h," writrs the Jlritislt collllnni't.

The m•·•'ling was ,,(tended by nearly 100 bu,inr~s lcadm. lncludcrl in the Counril membership are such m••n u Ralph

C'ordiner of General F.lrctric, Jlarloll' 1!. Curtice of C.tnml l!~ Crawford H. Greenwalt of Du Pont and other~.

There was a session on peaedul uses of Rlomtc enPr~l'. repor~cd to the mcm\Jrrs on Dcp01rtmenl of Commerce mallr~t p<IIY Secretary o[ Trra<ur~· Har.dolph Burgess rind Fdmt , Board Chairman \\'illiam ~lcl'IH'sney ~lartm reported ~n filc1l icy. There w:~s a jlcnernl sc~sion on the business ntJllook

What Others Are Saying LIKI\ FISIOVl\'ES •·All Cannrlians re•rnt hc:n~ con·

siclnrd a pos,cs,ion or Hritain or a

This is nol Rn ?.pologE'Iit: prefill:.e to ;m

ess~~· in political cr~·stal gazing. But it i:; \\'orlh noting that objecli\·e opinions irom the main\?.ncl suggest th11t thP Liber­al Go1·crnment is fighting its hardest battle fo1· manv \'ears. This is re\·ealE'd . '

in the stepped-up pace of part;· c«m-pat'1ning.

. , The pundits and the prnphets fore;,ee a

Consen·ath·e gain of Rl least five scats in the ~1aritimes. They believe that there will be a hea\'1' Conservative gain in Ontario. And 'latterly they find some encouragement for the Conservati1•es in the reception that Mr. Diefenbaker re· ceived in British Columbia.

The expectation is, therefore, that the Liberal' majority will. be very greatly reduced in the next parliament. That, should it come about, might have a strongly stimulating effect on Canadian political life. It would restore a bellet' balance and create a spirited parlinment.

It remains a curious election because of the relative pas~i vity of popular re­sponse and theiTange of regional differ·. ences but all speculation will be put at rest in less than a week from today.



._~,"!'_.,.,_ .. ~...._·~;;. r r-;..._~ ... -· ••. -.. e ... "!.r.:.~···~-·!(1..,:-'l:.···.~~-~~···-L~· ·~. 1 /" . ...:...1 ' 4q1h state of the t:.s. anrl when

Ptn· scr l\tr:r t~<·o elder• <~nrl 'rn· inrs ;1ctin~ liKr (ish\lil'es thry RTf TOO ~!.<\:\\' COOKS barl( whrrr hr ,t:.rtrrl.

1 \l~ntreal Star' · Thus far thr hun,,n stnr:· 1rr Anr Canadians ~till tn douhl ha1·r h:1rl tn m~~c rin ll'ilh our

aholtf t\Jr unrlr~ir•bility nl prli· pirrn rolor, om ~ar~o· \~ f:;rt'' lleal ~olinlrr groups mi;zht ll'e· ~nrl onr an;~rmir hootr<. \"nil' fh\\~ t;1kr ~ prrk beyond thi1 liP arr' In h11·r tl1r nrpnrlttntll"

(1( m~kin~ Olll''rtH< 0\'PI' lo mo•r\ rounrr, 's hnrrlrr1.

Tltrre'.s Frnnrr. 11:. Prc~irlrnl tlr• rlrmanrls of hr.1t'l)', ,trrttCflt ~nrl intrrMtionol rn•trlr"·· \'nt

Rft'.~ 1'01)' lP< h•rl In ranee\ .1 · nn\1' that·. wr r"'t :rnnciur a ,tHir 'isit In \l·ashin;:tm•. Ht' . hnmr·lo• in~ wifr lnnko·:~ 'rrc· counlrl' i.s witllollt ' 1:!11'rrnmrnl whil~ 'tllirtrrn p:1rlirs arr hring n'lativeh· <I hrr h~tsh:tttrl ,.oHi

'"'··inr·, '·n~ar. I rlnnl ll1ini< the wooed to ~i,·r thr1r support to ~x· ~ l'rcmirr rJcyrn or somronP el~e rolor ol :·ntor fore todav quit~

matrhrs thr nrll' dr:1pe' and thr)' ran a~rrr on An:· nrw ;;:nl'· don't 10u think yotl slwuld II')' crnmcn\ must hai'P tl1c bnci:ing a nell; shade~" \l'r c;111 also of two rxtremc~-the Sociolists imaginr so:ne husb:1nrls wnnrlcr·

' and the Conservatives. t ing about changin~ sh3prs-n8 There's Jlal~·. New Premier their awn but their wil'l•s:•

Adone Zoli is trying to govern All told, thi.s could be the en(\ with minority backing. A parlla· of el'crylhing. '

rw:,Pmrtuou".q '-:o r~amr'·r• arr ~irrn. Trlclnn

m:n ~,,;]\'f' l·wrti thinkm~. c;rnnn~ nlh~r,·. of Lon<lon correspondent. .\rfllltr \'r1 SPI' nf tn~ rhtrago T:·thllnr ~rltn sni<l Rrifnn< j·.tst ron'! f;rr !hP larl that the l.'.S no•• i• tnr rln~. llrtton•, sairi \"py. tr\. ::~rr · i1' r(1tt.\', ~' hitiPr, ~::. unf.111', ~" t;OIIr, ('lc: rn1rl ;p; f1 prn­"~:rrhi:d moriC' ~;t;;r \\llncr: d;1y l!i

rln tH'." \'f'\'~r\" tn.r..c(!tl ln a r ...... r rti;::!' ~t

Rnt;m.; nrluc3tional ~y~lem. hig!l· 11 eY~. tr;oins. automnC1ilr•, trle· phonrs :1nrl ~\lc~rcl lack n[ waler. GltE:I.T A:"iT·HEAP

mcntarv conflden'ce vote is due early In June. The multi-party situation there is altogether like· ly to precipitate general elections and suhscqurnt stalemate.

ln rUrct. he was replying to ncne ~!acColl a! Th~ Dail~· wey3 prr.<>. c3lled home after a spell as \\':1•hin~ton corresponde:lt. :llac·

AGE noES!'\"!' ('Ot':\'T Col\ por~rayed the l'.S. as a 1 Allan!~ c011 ,titution) ''grcnt, swarming ant-heap of a

There's Denmark. lt's been wlth11ul a government for ol'er a werk since Premier l!. C'. Han· sen's party !ailed to win a par· \iamentury majority. A coalition government I~ Indicated.

· countn·" nnd rro.ll'netl on its "rare· So you're getting nlong m . kso gunpla,,·, tri~g~r-happ•· cops,

wars anrl hal'cn'l m:~d~ a nrme · , · lltl'l.t,i.Oil, .. o/ trancJnilizer p,ll<, P>Y· for yourself'? Herr 3r~ some words uf comfort from somt' re· chl:l\1'1' rHn riuf.'' f'an~tliano in London agree with ~carch people who looked intu tile hi~tories of aholtt 400 fanHnls hot!t pt>int; of view. Tl!t' SliP! cri,ls undoubtrdh· pro· 1111'11, each one lht• mo,t uutslatnt· · · <illl'Cil a WJI'e or anti-American iug statesmau, p:tinlL·l', 1\,orl'lur, f•'••!ing tn Britaitt. The lrwffel'lual poet or writer of hi~ time. Anglo:Frenrh action served to tear

or the ""Ollp's gn•atr,t aehi· t b' a11·;11· the ~crL'I'n, sri up by astu e el'ements, 35 per cent. came diplomaC"'· and by Britain's central

The suhjrcl whirh srcmrd of most concern tn thP BAC was the current wngc·pricc-prnlit S'lneeze. Thi5 i~ Mt 1 I'll men! issue, httt a pril'ale husincos policy m~ltcr rntlrPI~.

A sp~cial B,\C commit\rP. reporlerl on the rffrcl! o! Wli! cr•2•e~ m:<de faster than prorlur\il'tty Increase~ ..-Jrr~n~~~. was rrpnrtrri to ltr a m:ltnr inflalinn.1ry fartor i~ tnr'~y·!

EAC rrr~mmrndrrl th;~l the ~ol'crnment ~hr,11l~ not men

!~;! nn it< own wacc onrr:'''"''· On this point, 1ays \Yrrl;;, tlir go1·rrn~1r".t i• ""' th•

srtler. In fort, onl.•· in tlw J''ISI yrar ha; the ~o,·or"l'1r~t r~·t;· \\'tlh prll'ate ir,riu.stry nn .111ril th;ngs a< hP~lth tn,,Jr;nc~. •m•. n'en h~nefil! ~nrl pcn1ions. On wa;;e level~, lh~ ~n1ernr:11nt if sirlcr:1bl)' behinrl pri1ate inrlu>tr:·.

\VPrks recogni1.cs that organizotion\ Cnommerce ~nd Xationol As•oriJtion nf ~!anltfart·.trm hH~ highly critical of the Ilrpuhlir:m adminis\r3\iPn.

This npplics particularl)' to the bud~ct and ~ol'rrnmr~L says, however, that: "They just hn1·en't 6\udied the picture. don't understand the implications."

He points to a Public Opinion Research poll !or lu:-\ dence of his contention that criticism of the Ei~enhuwer progu~ con.~irterabl;- exagKera\C<i.

One question was: "Do you approve of the IIi the Eise~hower administration Is prol·~et.Iing~" l.•sl October per cent said "Yes." In ~larch 61 per cent b3itl •·Vr; '.

The breakdown was must signifiL'ont, th< ,ecrd,r)' belle\'!~ showed 2~ per L'ellt of the lJelllorrat!c appr01it1!! ],,,t Odobtr

42 per ceut Hpprol'in.g noll'. d For the independents, 56 per cent upprui'<J tit lh lul!<r. an

per cent lipproved now. , . For the Republicuns, 89 pl'r r"nt approlt'rl in onuber bu. 85 per crnt approved now.

There's Finland. · A searrh Is goinc on for n new Prime Minister · with the reslgnallon last week of Karl·August Fagerholm. .Like France'~ C'niy, President Kckkon· P.n i1 consulting with several party leaders.

the men were between flO a111l.., _. 1. · · th Common11·ealth ,.. I")'} t th , . '~'....,po~l wn m ~ , ,o: ~·' pe1: cenl. w 1en c~ 11 rre which han hirltlen the real extent

The four-point drop in Republican support "JS onort than up for by the 13-point increase in Democratic npproral ar.e

e-ight-point Increase among the independent!

T'h~1·c's lnrlnnesi~. With near· t:r forty political parti~s tn deol with, rrr!iPnl Sukarno ha1 set up a hi~hly IJnpnpular cnRlition cablnPt with e~tra·parliamentary

between oO anrt 80. and R per r llritain's decline in physical, crnl. when thev were morr thw 0 lt t rm· · 11·or r .pnll'~r e ' 80. In other. wo,rds. 6fi per ern! s i\RPE:\'ED CR1TICIS'I many Britons !elt American karl·, of the worlrl ~ ~rratrst work _nas \';;lure! rrsrlnmrnt ~~ th• pre· , l htcn done by men past 60. t eel rn,inrnrr of lllr l'.S. lrnrlrrl lo er; wrrt. inclint'rl to m;;ke ,o[ty h moralizing statements at a lime .ettrr. ~harprn llriti~h rrilicism or Amrr- when p:-actical 5o!ution! "ere

!l',111 pn\ir)'. Altlonu~h prrhap~ half nerderl.

Cahada hn ne1·er harl a woman cabinet mlnlater, power!. ,

There'~ Canad~. It u1ed to rejoice In 1 1ounrl two,party t;·s· tem. It would 1eem the &ooner this h restored, the better.

H d a tel'S lhr British nation hd rlrrp-~catrol Howel'rr, Britain's thrre !earling 1 ea qu f ~ndht; abn·.:~:_ Su~l operation, intellectual weeklies, The SpPcla· ! Of El

' and television spcrches" besides tor The Economist ano The New eCh0l1 ro . ordinating nclil'ilies of the Sta'tcsman; were in basic agree· f.-----,-~--

eleclianeers on the hustings. ment with American condemn a· "II'ORT /1 \l':UTlSG .

· possibly because the Dominion ha1 had so many bachelor or FrenC'h·Canadlan prime mlnlstera. But now John Dlefenbakcr hb promised that if the Conservative• are elected to power a woman will be appointed to the cabinet.

The announcement waa made In a campaian ~peech at Drumhellt~r, and although the poulble appointee wu not named there wn a clear lmpll· ration that the invitation WllUld go to Eilcn Fair· clough, Con5ervatlve member for Hamilton West ~!nee 1950.

: It has bet:n reported that the South­west Coast Commission will recommend assisted centrali7.ation of population. But iJcople. where\'er the;· are gathered, must hal'e a di\'ersified c~onomy of a progres­sil'e character. The Commission's re­port has

1 bce11 delayed. That may arise

'from the difiicultv o[ finding e1n answer to lhe problems ~[ the coast. BuL some · answer there must 'pe and il cannot he r;afcly postponed for a much longer tim·e.·

Can~da has lauerl behind other counl!iu in naminll women to hllh oWce-the U.S. hu had Ma Perkins and Ovita Culp Hobby,, Britain ha~ had .Dr. Edith Summersldll, label hu Mn. Golda Melr,

!ICIF.NTISTS RUN All! OK. c • At Liberal heodquarters, Dun- tion of the Suez venture. The h:1rde;t thmg to do,~ (ottawa Journal) ampal~ll can K. ~lncTavish, president of SDme' observers feel there hns ••• is just to !It and WI·

·We had braced cunelves O'ITAWA (CP)-Tlle heart of the National Liberal Federation, been a tendency in recent months but patience i.s re<lardtl agaln!t most o£ the allngs and the election campaign throbs in ls doublln~ as campal~n man· ,to overdraw the extent or anti1· , , . jo~·s hard to estimate' arrows o[ modern Invention but the heorl~u:lrlcr~ here Of the four :~~cr. He and his assistants-the Americanism in Britain. Norma course, wailing must be we are taken unaware by Paris· main politico\ parties. ,taff has been double~ for the rliplnmatic contracts have !on)! ed .... with srmeth:ng i~n 1cicntist~. Thcv h"ave-0 ~ti~- h' h . rir"t'.•'.n-·t·r or, c•.ll !rom cat·l'' been restored. An Americ:1n ~'plo- ;;s work ... p.:tr• '~ 1 , "·

. lle Jnd . t e-sccncs wnrkrr- 111 ' n .. r 0 ~rv'-invcnte!l :1 nccine which Lib 1

r · c momin~ until midni~'ltl. m<•l told a reporter that tbr l'.S. (:c.-tinrtl f~>r ... 1

r • · . er•' rngrcs~ll'r ·~:i<rrl·". ., cmb:~ss,· \n London has " relation· I ~ ,.,,_., mak~~ nuck! chan~c shape, !i7.e live, reF an~ Snl'iat f' 11 ,,. ~!:·. ~cacT31'i.<h work.' about 16 · seldom ~ 1''" · • · ., ·" o;•h an~ color. And what can he tiona! hcadquartrn arr \\'ork't~~ ltnurs :t rl.t''· Durin< election tirnr ship with the British ~nl'crnmlcnl the hJiir~ '"·c ""· '~·.'1 .'.

rlonP. for rluck~ can he ~nne for almost arounrl !lie thr ~~~it(•hbn3rrl is nprn frn:n unsurpassed by that o! any otter tllc pt•nt.tlt~ lit''' ~~~,··n. hum;m~. in time. In brir!, If Hearl~ua:·trrs' prinlin~ rrc-•C• S:10 a.m ln JO:Jn r.m. <lailv. rountn·. , the !nl'li'ttrlr

1 '' 1 1 '~ ;·,- ;,1

vou ar~ whitr Rnd w;mt tn he anr! ctuplicating rind a<irlrr.ssin~ Lih~r:~l hcaol~u:1rtcrs senrl a de· "Our contact,, He ,o cln'r lh;ol whrn f:~tc 11~1 ' ',er~ ·;~m•

The City's Outskirts The rapid increase of building on the

outskirts of St. John's may well pile up a' great deil ·~ trouble In the future if more cannot:bl\ done to ke~p things under control. ~

: Many projects are taking shape on ti~er'viced land. This wUl mean In time that· new "villaaes" will 'oe confro~ted with the fact that c06tly wutt dispOsal

foreign minister. lt Is po~slble that the leavenlnl Influence o[ a womah would b!. Rood for mere males In cabi~cl council. ·

Mn. · Fairclou11h bas acnerally bPcn pwed up In' apeeulatlon 11 to eabhlet timber In tbeCon· servatlve party. She 1bouldn't have been. She hu made a name for henelf Ia the labor crltlc In the Opposition and wu laraely responsible for

' perauadlna the sovemment to 'Pill a law pro· vldlnll for equ1l pay for equal work done by wo· men In lnduatry. And she repre1enh 1 cor11lltu· ency that II 'important 11\duatrlall~·.

Here Ia 1 proml11 by Mr. Dlefenbaker that the Llb.rah can't try te pl{ce a price 'hi on, er, II they do, they'll alliance a lew mUllan woman voten aero11 tha led.

h1Ack the vaccin~ will dn it; and machines are hummin.l( <tl hi~h tf,ncrl pnrl\' hanrlhook to il! <·an- 11e arr not encoura~ert In ~n out ... thin~' ~ ""· ,. "' vicr·l'enA. ~prerl Rs bu!hCI! o[ publil'i:y "1111 rlidnlr<. Cnnscrr~ti 1·r. a~rl ('('F of our II'~'' dnin~ the social :·nunrls l]ttick In ~" . · ·

111·' r :'·s

The prospect frighten~ us hut campaign matrriol {nr the .lttnr l'~nrl'rl:J\c 1 ;!et rlcctinn kits, rnm· \n the rc~t o[ the niplnmatic c:r- hr:1r in nHnri · · · lhr r.> it mu~t. l1orrify r!ip\nmaf't. ''!r. 10 election are sent out In the plclr with rxccrpt! n! sprrchr.s hy cuit," he ~aiel. "\\'c c<~n ~ct all 1\C krrp nr, >rrtrrih,~\:1~, .' .'

Evan Gill, who will hr. Canada's conslitur.ncic~ ~cross the 'rountrr. p~rtv sL1lw:uls in thr Commons. \\'ant to know from the British." people 11


, '11

[0 kcrr·,,,1r

.fir~t hl~:h comnll!Sioner In Starr expert1

pore over s!'hr:l Thr · cnnsrr1·ative !olrler Hen in. Trariitions; customs and amrni· ~o wr ~II ':ton orl · Ghana, obviously would be ex· ulea, making sure thrre i~ no la!l· l'iurles a map of the can<lldntr.'s ties differ in Britain and the l'.S., ... and hope !ore~·.~:s, ol

peeled to reach Accra as a ~lack minute hitch In the !tlneraries ol cnnstlluency. · and there a,re plenty of target~ because the gaod 1

·r:h · man if fue vaccine were on sale leaders, or of the mere than 800 The staff QI 25 at C<1nservatlw for pot·shots. life ... are v;ell wo' now. This would be nothing other candidates. hc~dqunrters Is headed by ~am· But molt visiting Americans for. ---lesl than courl!!fY to an Afrlran DIVIDED DUTIES . paign mana~er Alistair Grosart. overlook the bad things In Britain, ----- · RVS nallnn. Tilt lllgh r.nmrnlssioner . ~!Oil of the parties hal'e decen· / r.arl Hamilton Is national cam and most Briton! arknowle<lge that 11'.\t.!AS All'.~ nJ to Canada from Ghana plainly tralize!l their campaigns through palgn organi1er for the rrF. Mr. the a1•erage American. 'though he . )W~l,E ,1\<





115 , '- ·r .. L,;Iurroct

woulcl he expected to rtaeh Ot· the years, to gi1·e provindal llami!ton Rn~ Orvlo;-• Kenned.v mav have his fRuits, is a prrtty man and Sor d p11·id!, hwa a~ while u the driven anow. workcn more ol the load, but the nntinnal organizer n! thr Social goo.d fe)low. · have bern a~tardr o,or'· A~rl th,re iR nothin~ In our re· bulk 0<1 thr puhlici~y m<~lcri<~l. (rerlit pari)', anrl thrir staff~ are. Thl- t'anadian, caught in be· ian r~·,tinlrnts.10°/11110 cr! l port~ from l'Arl~ to lnrlir~te I,. R t I r t ~. n~w~paper arl,·rrtis· krpt as husy ;o;s tho•r n! the two tw~n. tenols to defend eithtr when be.• I mnrte pro ~~~r [or whtlhPr R ~er~nn "'hn rli..-like~ m~nh Rnrl pn•ler, are rlistrilluteri 1Hger partie.< In kr~ping th~it all~rkrd. anrll(l remain ,reptirallv ,·eRr '!i" Rrr~~~~~n ri o:trit~ hi! new colnr, ~hape and ~ire can !rnm hr,rtquarters end nr the' election runnini 1<ilent i! praise or nne or the othe'r ;.,lr tn An;;'



'. AnPJcba~d tall• lllother lnleelion and 1et , 'The mnin offices arrange radiO smoothly, becomu overpowering. h:s ~rformlr.ce lll


g. stated sam•

had examin the Korth Sl: say. that t

rere not an on Bell Island)

Ashley, I Coi'C, wl

retu Hero from F

lB. A. power lcl

27 fo'r Bosl She WM 3C(

by her sis

Recs, bl~ck mpany's foo

of an cyr op of steel fie'-'

Hughe~. oni~· ghcs. was n of the D. I

. Rcr. J. J. :


lmr.inq withal hh lryinq to bu .,,\hout btueprln lt!epbono, lor c.bout ourlnvo!b


J. ( I





F The ki lives ,

-safe I play in FROST to saf1 ily me hot-ga

Page 5: rem1er eveas etai s ave1n - Memorial University of · the seniority of men displaced by Its proposed removal

~~ ' t1 I


'·il :





e w sp ape t: His t 0 ry i ~~:p~~~t~{~~~ to~~n~sp ares~~~~~~ I United Church - . . 1 . J . .A. Burke, teacher ~t Trepas· Of Canada

. · sey, arrived in St. John's on Dec.• .

B .1.1

, 10 en route to Wabana to assist c £

Of ' . . l l I d his brother, Norbert, who was Ofl erence e , s an opening a store. The Newfoundland Conference

Thos. Dwyer, John Dwyer and I of theo Uni\ed Church of Canada . Jl)me~ Harding were cro~sing to wtll convene in_ George Street

. 01 Ill~' Dail1' .~ew~): !exhausted condllion when picked •Belt Island !rom Portugal Cove on United Church. m this city on : lill'l~cl\ .

8011 N 38 h In' , up. He wa~ sent to st. John's Dec. 15 In a small boat and were Thursday. mormng, -June 6.. The

· f\ 1 \T' Ill lM6 t 1 where • the French Consul arrang- about 1 quarter of a mile !rom special VIsitors at the Conference 1,

. _ "'·_In Drll I~land, I ed for his pnssuge to France. shore 11:hen their b9at 8uddenly wlll be Rev .. Ernest E.' Long, B A., 1. 1 1 llrrm II ent to. , The schooner ~! n H tl . opened forward and the three of B.D., D.D., Secretary or the Gen-

. II I . it . ' ' ' un e)', r cr 1 C il R H I ,. ,-rrr ,111<1 r.o 1 o \'IS ·, A s 1


Capt. ~· 1wc, \\'AS at the !!land on them were thrown in the 1\'ftler. a ounc , ev. . E. B. Ash· 1

., ~II( •I \1 r•\Nil Bay. enes ·,Sept. 27 with a cargo of coal from One clung tn & bag of clothes and lord, B:A:, B.D., D.D' Secretary or I

. ·r ·1 ,. hrln~ ~rtual.ed ; Sydnry. During a storm the a sack or bran wh1le the other lh~ M1ss1onpry an~ ~lalnlenr..ncei , ·:d t•l :!1r h~rbour, 111lh, schooner was wrecked on the I two held on tn the oars. Residents Fund and Rei', ~ror~e A. Boyle, ,.


., 1J'.IIil ro~rl ncar lt. beRch ncar Scotia pier of Portugal Cove saw their plight 1 B.A., B.D., Archrvlst-Hlstorian, : I',,,., ,, ,, a haul 20 fcc\ llu~:hn -.. s.s. Progress brougilt the first, and lhry were rcscuerl bv J. Som· it The following is the Agenda of


. :I :rrl ,,!lr and Ill! dug I S S :'olcreu~ had a ~ k d , cargo of Rlphile consisting of erton, F. Hibbs and S. Hibbs. he Conference: · ·"''I r•l R ~r 9 feet. The i • · ' ,.rca · 011 n 11B40 b ' , i ' 1 '."


' '"" Hr) dark and: h,et11een the !~land and Portugal .1

o~es, rom St. Johns In 1 Fr. Ashley wrote to the Daily . Wednesday -.Conference Execu-.,

1 13

from that, Co1-e and was Ired up at the Cove October. 1t wa~ described as I late News after that incident urging live, Home M1ss1ons Committee .f.: 111 ' 1" j having repairs effected. Traffic to English Invention much more PoW· the go\'ernment to place a suitable. Christian Education Committee: , ·a . , nrologi~t Jas

1 and from I he Island was report crt erful I hun dynamite. As a matter stcr,mer on the sen•lce and was Settlement Committee and Nomin- i ':.'·'~)' 11 ~ .. 11 ' "


1.'. 'lnt"r. 1 1ner~asing and the breakdown was ol fact, lt was a deadly explosive, sup~orted by an anonymous Bell ating Committee. I

· ,. ,.,, ,,,me ',. ' ,~ • 1 11 which was to a us d th · ,,. '"" · ct \h 1 0

'a ser ous one. Sma boat~ were c e many ea s Isla d resident who &!a ted that h · :t '·•·' r\.1111~111r ef Cr n carrying on the service About 40 In the mines during the next jew' Wabana had shipped a mllllon T un~ay- Opening of CanCer-: ,. \ ·r: h ~ wre o on· 1 • ve r ence P·esidcnt's Add c I

1 · '. , 1

1r d ·it people cros~~td to the Cove on the • 3 s. tons ol ore that year with a value ~ • . ress, om-·

F'!· "13

" 1

·t ~pas ~\18th, The practice then was Cor steam- of four million and sug- mumon s.emce, Memorial Address,· '''! -.~1 ""I .rx cnslon o Drs .. Fortin r:.nd Koch who were crs brlnging ,cargoes of dynamite gestcd thnt the ~overn~ent Rhauld Constitution of Conference, Rolli : Dtll


11' • ·.·h .

11 practisin~ on the island were due to dlschr,rce them In St. John'~ give a little of their time ami at- Call, Report of Transfer Cofnmit- i

i: ·1.'


1 .


1' "pbnes Ito lea1e for England in Octo!Jer harbour. The Progress and the tent! on to the needs of an island 1, Roll Call of Presbyteries (Man.'

II'"' 11 111 1au rrn I lh 1 1 · h ' · Sec 1321 Sett' f B d ' rl lh to take post·"raduate courses Dr 0 er oca steamers t at came 1 which ga\'e so much labor and· . · ' mg 0

• oun s, Sr\·1 [.:r;r. ro'\1:~1\r ~1\ e I Gouthro oi Gambo wa~ a!Jo~t I~ later woulrt lie up alongside the. hod contributed so much to the' tl~g or Quorum, Report or Nomin-"'''' tr

0:n ,o\trr< am on; begin practice on the !~lund. bigger boat and the explosives rel·cnue Rllng Committee, ,Devotions by the'

·; , .

1 11 . . . 1 The latllcs of the ~lethotlist would, be transferred to the local · Secretary of Conlrren~ Re.1ding

\ .! ,wr1 ~~~; )


e.\~rr.s .1

Church held a sr.le ol work on ship. The regulations required that The first mention -<lf S.S. ~!ary ol Journal and _Correspontlence, .· :' fr

1_ n 1 :,~mt r~s~me Sept. 20 in their newly-erected the two ships hoo to carry on the occurred on Dec. 19 when Tasker Pr.esentatlo.n of,ol Execu-~-r '"" "" p~\~ip r! school room the first ~lcthodlst operation in the Rtrcam at B Cook, acting on beh;:.lf of the the, Elecllon tlf Officers, Report

hr: '1' 1rr, · ss ·:school on th'e !stand. ' minimum distance of 100 yards White Friars Steamship Company, of Board of Senior Citizens Home,'

. 1 · , !rom the nearest wharf. negotiated the sale of the ship to AdJournment lor Committees to I ~·"h'nuth ~t the I On Sept. 25 an ore boat arril'cd' David Glavine, sleam£1lter with the Bell Island Steamshio Co;- The meet, Puh!ic Wor~hip Service un­

"i ~: • lnr~r. suffered at the 'Island with a French fish-' the D.LS. Co., was injured an Oct. ~!an· wns thd at Qt1rbec anct wa! der direction of the Commirtee! of ,. ;· •:',"

11 ~l'pl. ~when erman who h;~ct been picked up'ln l24 by a piece of overhead· pipe described as 108 tons gros~. ~B Evangelism and Social Service and

. :: •:crl ' '" from the an- a dory ! 15 miles E.:-J.E. of Sable·l!.-.!lin~ on him. tons net. :-i;:,lional Evangelistic ~I iss ion, Re-lslanrl_ The ship was S.S. Sr·ngstnrl\ S.S. Nereus was asaln broken . . port of Evangelism and Social

::;;'•r·. ·''·'' dau~hlrr ol en route Ia 1\'abana from Sydnev,, doivn at the Cove at the end ol, Peter Qurglr)' w;.~ appotnleil 1

Service, Report of National ·;.:·.r·. ·.•.;· 111•_rrrcd to 1'. ·:~n.d the fishPrmRn'~ name w~s \October with her boiler oul of.or- depllt)' surveyor ol Crown Lands Evangelistic Mission, Adjournment.

·: ·:r, 11 I.~ ... 'tr.(f on ~rncsl l'rlol.. He Rnd a compan- der and was awaiting a favorable on December 26

· · ''' .. : .. :1, llcf,rath per- ron .~vere fl~~rng when ~hPir dory I opportunity to be towed to St. Friday - Devotions-Chairman

·1 •·.' ,, '" The hr1de capmcn. Hrs eompanron w H John's, There wa~ 1 demand again (Se1 t-E\·enls ol 1907) of Bona vista Presbytery, Rev. W. , , .. ,, ''! II"' \l l'OIIH d!OII'ned but he succeeded in up-[!or a better service between Bell E. Stanford, Reading of Journal, ·· ·r·· .,. :· 11 a! .f. A. rr~htmg the boat and was in An ]Island, portugal cove and Kelll· Correspondence, Business Com-


grews as ~mall boat own en were mlttee, Report No. 1 Home Mis-said to be charging exorbitant slons Committee, Bible Society, •


"'"~'1 '1iooul a plan l1 :;., ~i"l !o bu1ld a MOUII

r.~:·;t ~:ce;:rtnl! Wrile o: ,·.1;~::•. !~~ information :x.!w lnvo!\mont Mono·





prices. lKE'S LANDLORD DEAD Womnn's Missionary Society, Dea-On Nov. 6 the ProgresR and MAYBOLE, ScoUand, (APl-. coness Order and Women Workers, II

President Eisenhower's ScoUish Pre b t ry '" ' A 1 t Nereus !ell St. John's alter repnirs s Y e ,,oman s ssoc at on \ had been made to the latter but landlord is. dead. The sixth ~ar- Noonday Address-Dr. E. E. Lan·g', the sea was too high and they quefs of Ailsa .of Culzean CasUe, Devotions-Chairman Burin .Pres- I

had to return to port. Portugal where the president has a perma- bytery-Rev. J. L Reynolds Read-, Cove road was washed out for nent suite, died· Friday in a nurs- lng of Journnl Corresponde~ce and about a mile In that storm and inC home after. a long Ulness. :'1e [: Busineu Co,;,mittee, Board of travellers had to detour thr'ough was 75. The sul_te was set, aside Trusts, Chaplain to Public In· the woods to gel around the bad for Else~hower m appreciation. of stitutions, Committee on Public

I section. Conditions were described his Rervlces• II wartime alliEd Institutions, Report of Education as the worst for 30 years. commander. Council, B&~~quet, Public Wor;hip

Micltael Smart, 23, ol Brlgus, Service-under direction of Christ-was instantly killed at No. 2 ian Education Committee, Report Deckhead. He 1\'r.s driving a kick· SAYS NIXOS JEAl.OUS of .christian Education Committee, tng belt which carried the ore ! LO::WON (Reuters l-A ~loseow AdJournment. from the crusher when hi~ clothes i radio commentator clHimed Sal-became cau~ht and he was rtrngged 1 urday that Vice - President Rich- Saturday - Devotions- Chair-throtlgh the bull wheel. ! a M. Nixon \\'as jealous be·: m,an Carbonear PresbytHY- Rev.

cause the Duchrs~ of Kent got I\\. B. Johmon, Reading of Journal, 1 :.Irs. Wm. Power or the Front more attention than he did at I Corre~pondence Busines$ Commit-·

:was visiting hrr mother, Mrs. John G han n's Independence celebra-! ler, Report or Information and: ! Hogan, wife of Dr. Hogan of St. tion~ last March. Nixon '.'resen\~d [1 Stewr,rdship, · Report of Collr~e ' i ~lary's, who w:~s in Harbor Grace the fact" that the rluches. repres- Board o! Governors, Report of i t.ltcndin~ ·the consccrnlion of enling the Queen of Englanrl. was Guardian of College Residence,

I Bishop ~larch on 1'\01'. 4. "attracting more attention than , Report of Treasurer, Report of

Cuthbert Mnin, foreman of the himself," said commentator Po~t- Finance C~mmittce, Report of I

No\'a Scotia Company·~ machine 11khov. Committee on Pensions, Adjourn- : men!, Meeting o! College Board of Governors.

C. PRATT & CO~, LTD. Sunday-The following will 'he

guest Ministers in the various I Churches: Cochrane Strret Church, Rev. Dr. H. E. D. Ashford, ~Ir. Hector Swain, Rev. P. 1\l. Maca­skill; -George Street Church, The ' President-elect, Mr. :'of. G. Saun· den, Rev. Dr. E. E.; Gower Street Church, Rev. Dr. E. E. Long, Mr. D. L. Brown, Rev, W. E. Stan­ford; Wesler Church, Rev. J. B. Re)·nolds, Rev. A. C. Coles, Rev. Dr. H. E. D. Ashlcrd; ~fount Pe&rl, Rev. S. W. Swain; Suburban, Rev, Wallace Baker; Topsail, Rev. Lloyd Morgan.




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Write for your free copy of our illustrated catalogue with ·

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It may suggest many fntaresting additions to your playground.

~c. PRATT~~ co~, L ro. UCI<WORTH STREET, ST. JOHN'S . DIAL 3820

I ,

• ·-

Monday - Devotions-Chairman , , Grand Falls Presbytery-Rev. S. R.: Purchase, Journal, Correspondence, I Busines~ Committee, Committee on Colleges &nd Students, Cor.r­mittee on Ordlnands, Report of Committee on Church Extension, Report of Mount Allison Commit­tee, Report' of Pine Hill Corn· mltte~. H~port of Bo11rd of United Church Children's Home, Superin­tendent of Uuited Cilllrch · Chil· dren's Home, Dir~tor o! Child \\'8ffare, Noonda)' Address-Rev. I Dr. E. E. Long, Del'otions-Chair­m~n Twil!ingate Presbytery-Rev. I N. Winsor, Journ~l. Correopond-:

, ence, Husine!s Committe~. Prop-! erty ('ommitler, 1\eporl ~o. 2: Home ~li~slons Committee, Report' of Archives and Rev. Geo. Boyle, , Election to Church Boards, Elec· lion Chairman Settlement Com· mitlee, Public Wor.~hip Srrl'ice­!sion~ry lnd ~l<~intrn~nce, He-·

, port of ~lis~jnnary an~ ~!aintcn-1 a nee, Adjournment. • 1

, Tuc~1la:v - DPI'nlian~-~lr. Gil-·, brrt 1'\oftle, .Tournai, Correspond- !

:~nee, Business CommittP~. Elec­: lion of Settlement Committee, Re· 'port No. 2 Nominating Committee 1 Overseas Mission1 Committee, Re'­port of fubllcatlon Committee, Sessional Committee on Evanliel­lsm and Sociol Service, Noonday Address- Rev. Dr. E. E. Long, Devotions -ll!in Stella Burry, Journal, CorreRpondence, Business CnmmlttcP., Repor'l nf Committee

'on Misc•llaneoua nr~olutlor.s, Re-I port ol ~ourtems Committee, Re- i port of Settlrmrnt Comtnittce i

Ordination Serl'icr, Closln~: of Conference. '






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The Stnre where wise and thrift~ shoppers love to shop .



I '


Page 6: rem1er eveas etai s ave1n - Memorial University of · the seniority of men displaced by Its proposed removal

I ' I


I '. ·.

' 1 I '

I II : ' .

. ! 1

·. ~~ ·!

I ,.. ·~.


,I I

-Between Us Women~ "By RUTH MILLETT

~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BUSY CLUBWOMAN MAY BE I rut that the)' have too Hlllc time WASTING PRECIOUS TIME for their families, too little time

---------~-----------~---.~-----~---.l·-----·· .... ~..,-----~~------- lor their !r.lends, too little time Jor

''I'm not going to hold a single 1 themselves, HI h ollice or be on a single' commit· And when they stop to take a 1 1g tee next year. I've al[eady pas· good honest looli at what all their, sed the word along." running around to meetings has

The woman who made that flat' accomplished, the)'. <J!tcn dlsc'over statement has !or the past few to tlielr disgust tl1at they have ac­)'cars been one <Jl the busiest club· complished practically nothlna. women ln her town. Is It All Necessar)'O

So, of course, I wanted to know They are worn out !rom runn· why ahe had decided to call a I lng around In circles trying to halt. please everybody but themselves.

. Her answer was simple Rnd to I And they haven't anything to show the point: ''I just woke up to the I lor all the feverish activity. fact that I was spending my days If )'DU are In that state ri~ht running !rom one meeting to , now why not ask yourself a lew · another. I questions:

' "Once :ou get a reputation as R Am I a clubwomnn because I '•worker' you arc asked to take on 1 want to be mie, or because I am . more and more jobs, until finally I afraid to say "No" )'OU are mampcd. What hal'e I actually ~c- 1 ''And one fine day jt dawn~ on compllshcd and what do I expect

·you that )'OU arc spcndin~ your to accomplish by all this hectic ' life doing thlnss other people want activit)'~ you to do and doing' almost noth· Would I be happier ll T pared

· lng that you want to dil." 1 my outside jobs down to R really This is the 1\'B)' it happi!n! to a worthwhile job nr two~

lot ol women. They start out to It Is ea5)' to get into R rat race, do a "little something" outside the but It takes some spunk and home, and In a few they a:e straight thinking to get out of one. clubwomen, up to the1r cars 1n

busy work. The)' are rushing through 1\l~~

Fashion Tips,

* It's

Fashion In LightweightW ool

* a ·* Fabric

* Many

-* ¥ Climates

TU!: r:)AII ' NEWS,

LJ-:FT FOR 'VACATION . I LEFT FRIDAY ~!isses Alice and ~larie Whelan.\ · ~lr!. H. H 1 k

2 Power Street, le!t by T.C.t\. on 1 ton Al"enuc · ; ~t son. 415

I Friday to spend their vacation with

11ittle son l:st e 1 hrr,

relatives and friends in Montreal, England ll'h frld<y b) and New York. ~!arie is employed:, holiday ·befocre >he will with the Dominion Life Insurance tria Dr J·ckre &Ding on · · • ·son h Company, and Alice with Gerald at ~lemorial un;,.~~"· 0 is S. Doyle Ltd. leave here lat . ers11y,

- . · his lamilv in E~g1t Jdune lo N.C.O. WIVES · an .

The Pepperre\1 N.C.O. Wives , ENTERED HOSP Club will hold its .monthly meet·· ~!r. Roger H IT.4L ing tonight at B o'clock in the N.C.O. entered the GOIIse o!

h k ll N C 0 · •Pner<l Club Rat s c ar. . . . Wll'es ~!ondav to und , who hove not. alrea?Y ·joined the many ·friends ~·i!~ , . club are cordially mv1ted to at· . rcco1·en·. · · 111 m 1 tend. ·

• • I : VIS/T/.W; f'LDR!D.\ . E,\G.4Gr,ME.I\T I ~!1s.; Bern·rlnt

~lr. ancl ~Irs. Kenneth H~rnum ter of ~lr. 3~1 d ~~ Crottl, ol Heart's Delight · recently an· ; Princt of Wales ·5:;; P .. :· nounced the engagement of the1r: en\ 1·isitin< friend . et, 1' daughter ~!orilyn I? Kenneth. son ·ida .. ~(;, Crotty :h•ot Tarr. of ~lr. and ~Irs. \\alter f!l'een of ar>h1p in I he <"" , l\IWan:~ Greens Harbour. til'ol lor her pi ·· . . ar.o .

smgmg. look Port ;n LEFT SUNDAY . Stan'' pro;:ramme ·,

~Irs. Thomas Harns, who was here, - s.r,te vi>iting here as the guest of ~!r. i _ and ~Irs. J. Bishop, Field Street, I' 1\'EDD/.\G RFir;­ldt here on San~ay to return to I The "·cddi~g ' 01 \:. her home at Grand Bank. , F. vans R" dau'hi .I.:! ., .. ,., ,ero!

I "rs. Jamr• R F.•·ans

LEFT FOR CORER BR?OK . bou~m. to Con 1t;hie .1 _~lr. and ~Irs. R. G. "ells. Cr;\lg·l tis Sturgeon. of the R C


miller A1·enue, left here h)' the 1 take place at 'the l ·

rxore<~ on Thur~da1· on a short: Whithournr on F 'J · · . • . rli a1· holiday and busmess trip to Cor· 1 The recept:on ~ill b; 'h•ld nrr Brook. 1 Parioh Hall · I .


RETURNED HOME I ~!r~ Rex Harris, wl\o was in the I,---·-----··

cit1· ~n business. last week. ha; · returned to her home at Wesley·

, \·ill e.


~Irs. ~lary ~lixon, formerly : ~\arv Barron. arril'ed here abo11t . two 'weeks ago with her three chil· · drcn, Patricia, ~lichael and . Deborah from Florida and is stay· :

Banana Nut

· ing with her parents, ~!r. and ~~rs.

Llghhnlght wool take• lh place In most wardrobes for spring Fabric Is butterfly wool, so thin II Is nearly sheer. It's also a Peter Barron, 76 ~e~rymeetmg By Rolll'rt Dieffen)uher and right Into summer. v.·here It goes tral'cllng both ,In this durable fabric. Suit by Ben Reig In checked men's wear trightl Road. Mrs. ~lixon recm·ed word Conce,t; arr gi .. cn i.l ' country and abroad. Sull In whlsper·welght, pearl-gray flannel has bolero jackrt Rnd high-rldin!( peg skirt. White silk gilet last week that her hkusllbadn~. Sttaft! hamlets all


'cr the l' :


i · b 1

Sergeant ~lixon was 1 e ms an · ', Artists take tMir mu,:·. (Jell) I~ by Ben Rei!(. Bloused jacket ts worn v.·lth ascot .of ha~ front .lit. The check Is In nark and pale tones of e ge; . lv in Florida, where he was sta· ' lions of p<>o~!e "ho , .

__ I white silk organza, The shcRth dre~~ (center) as done by Jane the jacket collar Is brown \'ell"et. ThP~e are fashion~ lncll>pensable 'tion~d with the us A. F. i tistry of othm. So:m ··

Be!l way to dent your clothes Derby hBI a fly-away touch of while In Its 11He organdy ruff. to ~ wardrobe an)' season of the year. · I - 't'TS have stuilicrl n•Jslc , budget and end up with a lot of I , . . . FEILDIAN LADIES ' wa v, b·.1: I he , ••t m useles~ things i~ Lo wancer throu~h B\' GAILE ouc;AS [up well In spilo a! Its _fraglhly. I summer, as ll now al,wa) s seems, llal nl the enrt of the day II hen' The re~ular monthly meeting of 'audience> arr thr~::ed br ~~ 1

store buying things on impulse New York _ (:'<EA) _ When 1, The touch of 11hlte :nil come to to do, !be. dress nccdn t be packert the warmth ol the sun Is gone. 'the Feildian Ladies' Association: the•· hear. · bec-ause they look pretty, Nel'er \ ;·ou combine the color gr<)'. the, In \he form of a chiffon b~ome, away. T!me.l have cllang~d to I ~lost trav~lcrs to Europe In sum will be held on Wednesday, June I \\'e do not h"c ~~ b! add to your warnrobe unle~s It's

1 fabric wool a~ a touch of white' a silk organza rul~e, gllet 0 ' col·: the ex lent that 8 good portwn of! mer wouldn't think of mak1ng the 5th, instead of Thursday, June We do not need to !ed s~methlng )'O.u know you need and; all In one deslgn, you hav; h1gh lar., The gray 11111 be .8 • gen~e' the, spring 11 ardrobe, IS put to use 1 trip without woolen suits and dres·l 6th a! previ~usl)' 3nnounce~: and I artist is subslilulir.g !c:

Will wear l"o one wants a closet 1 fashion for sprmg. gra) · on~ that takes readii) t.o t c 1 ~ummcr ~aH_I. ~es. And most add a wool sweater will b~ held 1n the Haywa\a ~!em·! former ,,·hich IH m';h: filled with white elephants. ! The wool wlll be lightweight, of I ~learn of blAck patent or C\Cn a' Both 10 this countr) And abroad,' th d d h"ll; I, . I Room at Bishop Feild' Col· We hear th~ me;sn

I course. It may be so thin as to. dash of red.. . , I there are many climates where I or \~o for ose amp an ~ I ) . ~;~~ 'which lifts us O'Jt of :1.1 It's

8 good idea li you're buy-, be nearly sheer but It will stand I When spnng me,ts qu1ckly into· wool ~lllts and dresses are essen· 1 ·=~~mgs._________ I · _ \of daily We

I lng a hat to wear with a partie·' · H01.1DAY TRIP ation to li1·c ~.1o:e :,, ·'

ular suit or coat to wear the cos· In a scrub bucket fllled with warm, 1 lng s\lrc that they're clean. stulfen, Wonder-Topper '· ·,Ha1f-SI"ze Flatlenr 1 ~li>s Thelma Shears returned 1 The 1oice o' God : . tume for which 1\'s Intended while soapy water. Then let them dry, \l'ilh tissue paper and placerl ln i . home bv T.C.A. on Sunday from DI His mmi,tt•r• n•··~ s

you're shopping. You'll know In a thoroughly before )'Oil pack them' clean cardboard boxes. 1 . J


a six w~eks l'acation in the llnit~d 1

eflel'l on o11r lin, TI:! I moment il the hat Is right. a\l'ay in a box.

1 - • I PRTN'"I"T;.D-·.-P~ATTE.RN I stal•'' nnd on th~ ~laintanrl: ~(ISS' ~nd the ri111:T:1 •m:w

· 1 Tho;~ dt•L'Jl \' nel'kline! on sJlring 1 s~ Shear~ saw many friend< 1n the icJ lift folk abu1e tht '

Rt•lldy to store llw.<e winler rub· D<ln't ~lure away )'OUr winiL'I': ulullse.< and dresses my be fillfd 1 four ~taa'' she l'isited and re)urn· routine of ilfc and l!);)::!

I brr hou!s awa(? llnn't put thern 1 hand\Ju~s In la1w of sprin{t : in with chillon scurvrs or fil'e· ed here from \!ontreal. She e~· t'o higher ideal•, ~.i!l!t , away thr~y. (,I\·~ them 1 slitblng

1 jny patent ]rather.~ 1\IIIinut rnuk·. strand nrckl;~ce>. tenrl~ her sincer~ thank5 fo~ the, ,tandard; and. m~:e kindness extendrd to hrr_by f_nends 1 pleasure 1n ,erv1ng G-:<l

and relative~. and i! high sn her I prai;e nl the hospi_t~lity she re- lACK OF LOGIC




ceived during her VISit. \ I MO~TREAL ICPI -__.:- ' . A. G. L. ~lc:-;aughton tl'.l

LEFT SUNDAY College's ~rarlualior, chit ~!r.1. ~larjorie Olil'er an.d ~!r. dal' that lo"ic •..a< t\t '

non~lrl "OJrri<on of the public rela· spicuou> la~k" .n ~~~' 1 t10 n

1 off1cc of the • 1'. Eaton Com· errwhcrr thin(< <F~m

nan~· of Toronto, left here nn or· rli<cnntmuili"" ~t 'snnlioY tn he prr•ent ~~ .thr opcni excecrlin=l· riiff1n:!t ing cPwnnnic! n! E"ton s ~cncra : ~nd idcnlif:. lei ;lnr.• !\Of'- ftl GanMr tndoY· 1 thrcnrl of pur;wt" -

, coNGRAT!JLATION.~ I • Mr~. r.enel'ie,·r Hic_kry 0 ~ Tt~r; 1 TORO\'TO (CPI -:-A. i bav ~end5 con~ratula\lons. t ld : onrl motilcr had bob:r• : people ol Tnrb~y pansh on ,thct~ev : spa cc 0! an hour uris fashioned Christmas par.t~ lf ·~Irs. Joyce Ha~kins. held a! part of the shol'i. put 0 e birth to . ~ hoy at !

1 in the hall Thursday el·emng. Th three minute> later show was unrehearsed and, so~e Mrs. Rose Watson, li. of th oled-timers helped the lou g. her nell' ~rand!()r. 1111h

:. er generation make the show •1 It all_ happened o~ ~Irs. success. weddmg anmremn ·

I -

· FROM GAMBO , 1 Mrs. Frederick Collins, ac~om· 1

I_ panied by her tii'O ch_ildren, Lmd,a e fl] o;t]' 1 d Alherl arrived m St. John 5 -:¥- 'J :~~om Gamlio on Sunday and sre '

GENERAL ·ELECTRIC :the guest! of Mr. and ~Irs. J. Col-~, ** th lin!, Blackler Avenue. e -

ZES ! .-tRRIVED .'iATl'll!lAY I Sl ~lr. Paul Williams?n, son of '!r.! spar

4841 14!1-24\1, 1 31Hl ~\rs. s. R. Wilhamso.n of 101 I ~··A•·•





e FINGER-TIP SPEED CONTROL permits you to change ~peeq~ while

mixing. · e HANDY BEATER EJECTOR releases beaters without handling.

• EASY TO SET DOWN, when not In USB mixer stands on solid' heel

rest. t FEATHER LIGHT can be carried end used anywhere.

e ASSORTED COLOURS: Pink, Yellow, 'Green, White.



I /J /}I ~ ElilJbeth Menue, arnvtd by I 6 /)I I "'f~~ --ftl{~ T C.A. on Saturday from .Montre~l fl ~ ~ -ftrl4m$ I 'where he attended Sl. Chmtophen. avon , , College. He plans to ~pend a ah_ort 1

Easy, easy PRINTED Pattern~, Wonderful to sew an~ "ear!' l'acation 1t home before leai'I~S!: I f :See the diagram - you can' sew This lovely drcs- takrs less t~an a I for ~!onctnn, N.B., whHe he will' Q i thi~ stunning new topper in !·O·O rlnY o m<lkc-wtth our PRINTE~J: work for the ~ummer. · i litUc time'. Hove it in po<frl wool. Pillcrn' !t'.l ~!Jmnnn~, cool-wttn - L h 1 corduroy. l111rn, pr piqu~- to !lilr oprn IJrcklillP, ~rncrful ~ · ~nrc AT GESERAf, US U aho1·e all your fummcr fa-hion~!. ~k'11. Proporltnnert to !II shnl'lrr. llr,, .1!1hn nost o! Granrl llank .

· Printed Pottern ~il: ~!is~rs' ·fullrr· li~ur~s prrfectly: "nlrrr~ tl•~ GPnerll Ho5pital on Sm' 12, 11. lfi, 18, 20: :;o, 32, 31. p,·irll~d Pollrrn ~7?.4: Hal! .Sizr< ~,turn"' fnr trPatmtnl. Her daugh 36, 38. ·40, 42. S1z~ 16_ re'luires 21 • J4t~, 16'~. 18li, 2<]1~. 22\~, 24';. t•r ~[r!. George Afiltr~on, ,ho

. yard~ M-inch fabric '• \4 \• ~~~ZP lG', take' .~ 1 • )'ords 33-inch. · orr,nrotponid her In the rt!Y lHH' ; Printed dir~ction1 on och pat- Printed dire~tion! on each pHI· 1 t"-1~•· to rPturn home. Durin!! hr· I tern part. Ea~ier, h!ler, accu· tern part. Easier, laster. accu· i 1-i~il. hi~rt !he \\'IS the guest r·' rate. rate. ; y /Lt. anrl Mr.1. C. N~~on, While

Send t'ORTV CEI\o!S ( 40 e~nh) Srnd FIFTY CENTS r :;Q cent~ l w~r Str~fl. in coins (stamp~ cannot be ac· in coim (stan:ps cannot be ac·; ST th!P COLLECTOR cepted) for this pattern. Plea1e cep\ecl) for thJs pattern. .Please i ' f 1 , print plainly SIZE, N A :II E, AD· print plainly SIZE, N A M E, AD· 1 Mr. Werne~ Bum be

0 Pr nse?· :

DRESS, STYLE !~.'UMBER. DRESS STYLE NUMBER ·aile 81, Berlm NZO, Gmnany, IS : . 1 ' I "nxio11> tn rorrespnnrl with people i

Senrl nrrler to A!IINE ADAMS. Sr,n<l or~er tn AN;o;'F: ADA~IS.' whn ~re int~restcrl in ~tamp's col· 1

i care o! ST . .lOHN'.S Il~!I,'\' N~WS rare of ST . .JOliN'S n,~fLY SEW'S 1 rrtin~ anrt ha~ a~kPn. that thP , Pattern,·~n FRONT STREET. Pa\tl'rn Dept, fiO FRO!IiT STREE r DAILY NEWS pas! hi! name on 'WEST, TOR0:"-10, ONT. I II'F:ST, TORO:"iTO, O:"iT. to ils rrarler<.

WHEN YOUR NEED IS GREATEST because you ':· have c young family, cur Family Income Benefit

provides maximum protection at low-cost.

se-e th~ Man from Manufacturers , ,J•

Only Lu~hu< ,IZil'eS yau dee[~" down-dcliciou~ true fruit flavours· · · only LUihus has . flavour "bud". TreJI family to flal·o, Lushus Jellies soon.

· ··-~---···~-.-..-..~,,...--."'·"T""'!.·-~:.o~~.,..._Ht}f)P.C"~;"=IIii"J!!I!illl-···


Were y Junior If so, ( senior 1

e&reer, the sea Inveeti

The lhl ... l

Unifon medica Thirty forwarc initial\, tT:\nsf~ chance


I tr 10V .

J"l~ '~qll

l'laa ab


Page 7: rem1er eveas etai s ave1n - Memorial University of · the seniority of men displaced by Its proposed removal



THE DAILY_ <4, 1957

-·- ....,._.._.._ ......... -· .... - _.._., ...... , .... ____ .. ,,.. ____ ...... ~ ·- . F - -·-- .--·-· ....

On •• •• t~N~tY WA1K ~-~~~~;-

c.,,.,~~~ 1156 bl K"loll F"'" CrouiL - I 'l I d o;,,,b,lt4 ~I H!A Srrriu, hL By M. E. CHABER 0• a y

r __ c~a~pi~-~~-- . -~-------------·..-------------------- To-morrow


61 \\'rittr, · Gcor~e-


Answer to Prevlcu1 Puizle Ill IN UIN \ I'T'IY , ... IIIII II L.ll;i ,. 1111111 I lA L.l ,.,. II IN IN I I <I lA lvll<!TNiu lii1

I'T' wo ,(ll T ... 0 ;,I&IIP 1111 ... L. L.lll 1<1.1"

OL.I i'·J. I• ,o r.. r..rl\ r•, '. ''/?I'll: 00 p ... ""'';1 p...; ,,

'"~ FlO ... ... ,, " 'T'rii : .. Ill N Plllo L.


CJON-TV Tonight 7.30-Early Show. 8.00-T.B.A. 8.0.!l-Dragnet; 9.SOP!ck the Stars.


THE STORY:_ Political angles: \ . , .. · beam to creep i 1 1

They looked at each 0 the r BAR!I.~R.\ STANW'I!CK IN All!la Maria Pertool.,; le d)eath of I again aod I could tell that this was 1 "CRIME OF p,\SSION'"

c "'' 0 II' 10 maJj th · th t b h I ' l!nvc been murdered ,;ear i s?me mg a ot ercrl them. --


"Bock From Eternity," RKO's Milo ~fnrch Anlcr· . Rome.11hen, as though worked by a sin- I The strange story of a wuman

d t. th Ill · ' lean lllsurauce I t ·· th · b h I ·h · I d l d ram a 1c r er at the Capitol im:estigator find h . 1 g e s 1 mg, ej ot ookcd at the ~ '' o 1s e o mur er through 1

Theatre li another Indication that ed by offi~ial p:e e 15 hadmper· ! detective. "Perhaps the police 'combination of boredom and am· Holi)'WOod is goln" all·out to get ssure, an hy "the mo•her said he ·t t. 1 hition opens tomorrow -• th

b an A_merican gangster. Next lte I •• "Th r' . d . Sl a ltlg y. 'p l Th s . "' ~ people away from thfir TV sets. meets a Commiin,ist ll'riter, 11 • 1 ,~ 1 th e .. P~ 1ce 'd on .. \ ~1ave her. hara~~un . kealr~. Sttar(1ng ~ar· I Sco\mdrP.I~

:~line entrance 3 "Harp thai

once lhrouch --·a halls"

~Greek letter


'"'. fGTJI "Tii


"' ['T'I

·G ... 11!111 ill': II« ill OIIB IN I" Ill 16 Iii

(,• 1 Plllil r• '" Nl Pl.. 1111161

TUESDAY, JUNE 4 4.30-0pen Houae. 5.00-Howdy Doody. 5.30-Chlldrcn's Show. 6.0G-Ra11ch Time. 6.30-Cavalcade. 7.00-T.B.A.

Produced and deftly directed by is Jecking to di.lcredit the govern- c ~ /~' 11 th•a1 _. . now how: /ra "Ca~1~yc t~ . er,;nc U a1y ... John Farrow, the picture is a pow· rnent in tile ca.<e. Piero Roccia a ~a1n ud a ht ~~ ~~ to )au, hut if 1 ~n, . r1me a asaron , a . n t· erful probing of human reactions cooprrative police deter live ;ro- )OU~ ~u1g -~.r ~ b rath was not :' ArJ1~h ;eleas~, tell~dB f~~~nll· to the threat of ~udden extermin- tcctit·e. provides Miln rdlh ~n un-. acc1 en ab1. 11 s ldetbter th~l lho~e, tng. a u t .s airy o .smou enn111 ijry

3.33-Tran! Canada Matlne~. ation. How elel'en people from dif· registered gun to pr te 1 1. lf 'rcspons1 e 5 1011 e pumshcd lor tn • scermng y quiet, uneven u l!fe


18.0G-T. R. A. 11.00-New~o 11.10-Lale Show.

~ supcrlati1·e 16 Shade o! red 40 Flagrant >unlx ~0 Honey drinks 43 Growing out

~ i\ind of c~dur ~2 Dc1erts 45 Writing tab\el ; Fiddling ~4 Plateau 46 Caterpillar

Romnn 25 Actor,- hair e1nperor l..:idd 4 I Wicked

A :Olatlcious 26 Col1cGe degree 4D LOI'C god o"Jrnln' :a Stalk 50 W~ter (Latin)

g AI the clo)'in~:lD t'ar (prcnx) 51 Veer poinl 31 Employed 52 Fa~h!on

10 :\ra\Jian auH 33 Dnncer,- ex per\, Edith II Loul•i~na'' Castle

Huey - 35 Dem1111tcd ~Insect

I ~ ll Jlj (S I' ' 13 I~ 10 111

11 II~ ~

6 ib I~

16 1!:, 11'1 ~ ;~.

Ill Ill I{~ II!

11'1 JIS llb '?f{ ll7 rm ·;;: rt iJO I' I ; %'"' (f:

z Ill % Ill! ll6

:. u IJI

~ /"'? I~ p,o <k 1'!1 //1/ ,,

jijl. 11' ~; :;/ (Ill l'o5"

11 1"1 "' ~-~:: 11"1 19) 151 Ill ..

l!i' I~'~ 15

~ ll 158

1$ I"' I~ to


tl'.ESDAY, JUNE 4 -------· ~-----~

''~ 7 :l0 -SI~n On. CBt..: N~:u 7.~5 -Top of the Morn!ng. M.IIP.-CBC New~ and Weather J.15- M~slcal C1ock. ~ 00-~tornlng Devo\10'111. it. \i'>-Pro~ram Prel'le" lo.'ltJ-On P&ra~u. · 9Jil-Records at Random.

10.00-Cream ol.thc West. 10.10-Hlt of the Day. 10.15-Dorls Jt.nes. 10.25--CBC New• 10.30-~lornlng Muslcalr. l0.4~BBC Variety. 11.15-~!uslcal Program. 11.45-Srcred Heart Program. P.M. 12.00-Announcers Choice. 12.1:>-Dinner Bell Breakdown. l~.3!l-Fnrm Br~edcast. 12.4~·~IId Day Serenade. 1.00--Doylc Bulletin. 1.15-- Laura Limited. 1.30- CBC News and Weather. 1.4:'1--Musical Proi!'amme. ~.OD- Words and Music. 2.30-Muslcal Program. 2.45-The Happy Gang. 3.15-FederR! Electlon Broadcast 3.30-CBC News.




fhtotlgh fhe ''Venfute ~Plan ~ ··~ ....

~·~r~ you lG to 19 years old at the first of the year? Are you getting your J"n1or Mntric this summer? · It~· opportunity beckons! The Navy will ad\•ance selected students to ~mar matriculation as naval cadets qualifying for a well paid responsible eathr~r 111th travel and adventure as a naval officer at sea or in the air above

! !ea. . lnv~tigate the Navy's ''Venture'' Plan I'JOW (

lh1 "V•nture" Plan !1 a main channel for becoming a Naval Aviator, with th1 added advantage af special flying pay. Fly! ng training h avallabl1 to you If you qualify and chao••· A "Venture" flyer Ia a tailor toel

i.'~.orms are provided to cadets on entry. Food, living quarters, dental and tn· 1cal care, tuition, books, insb'uments, etc., are all furnished by the Navy.

1 trty days annual leave with pay is granted. By acting now, yo'u can look

.~ard to wearing a naval officer's uniform within months. You are enrolled ~nlt1ally on a seven-year appointment with opportunities to qualify' for r:~hn~frr to a permanent commission al a later date. You can have your t anc~ Ill fly with the fleet!



r-----------------------~ I VENTURE PLAN, I I Naval Htadquarten, OHawa. I I PltaiO rtnd mo complofo inlarmafion on fh/ I l Navy'• "Vonfurt" Plan lor ollicor lrolning. I I I I I I Jl

MV NAME I •••••••• I ••••••• • •• ········'···········

ADDUSS ....................................... .

················································ an .................•.. nov .........••..•..••.•

DAn OP.IIlTH •••••••••••••••••••• -···~··••••••.

~JVII"' 16 to 19 )'1111'1 old u o! ~~~ 1957, and have the educa­~aw qll&llllcatlon,~tt all the facta Ill 1~UL the Navy'a ''Venturi" ~It ~our Naval Reenlltlq IOIKATION .......... , ......... , ........ , .... ,.,

r m&U the 11111pcn1! , 1 lllll Qr .. o., y..,, C•plo1141 CH·l·S7


4.30-.CBC News. ferent morals and manners behave • •• 0 c llmse · it." ! of a man ond wife in 1 closely knll 4.35-Timcly Tunea. in the presencr of impervling doom x' , Thry looked frtghtcned. I community. 4.45-Chlldre~'s Story. Is !Omething ~lr. Farrow .ha~ 5UC· I buttoned my co~t ~nrl look a I . "I know that ~he wPnt nut : Barbara Sianwyck plays a. bn 0.1~Muslc of the West. ceeded In lllustratmg on film. The lank in the mirror The g rl'd 't 'll'ilh Riccardo Balena." I said Francisco reporter whe n;rarr1e1 1 ~.30-Fisherle~ Broadcast.


effect Is arresting. show. "\\'llere are. we go~~~,,1, n i "Was he her only hoy friend'" · :Los Angcl~s detective !Hayd111's 15.4:1-Song~ for SUmmertime. 1 The .teme story and taut pPr- "I'm taking you 1 coup I~ of! "Oh, no," thr mother sairl ·role). and ~~ soon disco~ tent a11d 6.00-lntermeuo. - '• formances. of .course, mu~t ~Hare . places," he said R5 we left the j quickly. no quickly. "She went . bo.rc<l w1th her surr~u.ndmgs and 6.25--Program Preview. credit for th1s accompl!shment. 1 rnom. "Since l'm ~ticking m,; aut with many boys." I fncnds (other detecllve~ and llltir 6.30-Supper Guest. Jooatha~ Latimer's screen .play j neck out, 1 might a~ well !lick tt i ' • • • Wl~e5). She rut~Iessly p!MI til 6.45--Glr! Guldea. deal5 ll'llh a handful of Amemans 1 out a litt'e farther First I .. 11 : "Sure," I ~aid soothing! I'. "Did • hnng a promotiOn for her llua· 7 00-CBC News and Weather trapped in. the steaming South: take you io see the. girl'~ 'pare~;~ ; ~he e\'er have any fight.• with you 11 g, b;md, and w.hen thoie plans moat 7.15--CIIrtaln Calla. American .Jungle after an airplane Then we go to dinner. With ·~ 1 Balena?" · j come to lruJlion, but fall at the 7.30-Tops Today. erash· Th1s Is the unex· young lady." j "No, ng !ighls," the father s~id. , final moment, she loses ~ontrol 7.4~Doy!e Bulletin. plored,. J1yar~ hea?hunter a;ea "You're a marriage broker an the 1 "!! we ever said anything about of herself and commits munler. B.15-Songs from the Sk~·ways. where expedll!ons disappear w1th·l side?" I asked. not wanting her to go out with Featured as key figure• !a thi1 8.30-Rawhlde. out a trace. . He shook his· hen d. grinnin~. him it was only bec~use !hey came absorbing tale ~re t~e Poliee Ill· B.4~Mt!slcal Programme. In a . breath·taklng process of "One of the humor! Is that young from dtf!erent poS!tlons m life. He spector and h1~ .wile, p!a.yed hy 9.1~Federal Euectlon-P.C. elimination, h1•e of the castaways Balena had thrown over AnM Is the ~on of a fine man," Raymond Burr and Fay Wray. A

11.30-CBC National News, News are selected !or possihle .escape. Maria for sorr.eone else. The only "~~t m~ ask you something , simp!~, but good cop, and his ratl!IJ' Roundup and Talk. How the others meet their fate, other ~irl he has heen ~een with el!~. I sa1d, "I know how people talkative wife are played by Ke:ral

might well be a believable clue to In public h Gianna Blond'a 8 f~el about thi~·. but would you • Dana and Virginia Grey, All the what has aetual~y happened. In ! young movie actress. If she i~ his ! consent to having an autopsy per· performances are tops, and while many unsolved J_ungl-e m~stems. 1 new intere.'t, it mav he daniTPrOU! ·formed on your daughter?" of course, these people are aplendid

Robert Rynn 1~ starred as the 1 to fool aTound with her. But 11 "1\n," he said, almost shouting. veteran actors, much credit muat airplane pilot. a happy.go.Jucky have arranger! lor her to have "She is to be left alone. Enough 1 go to Director Gerald Oswald, who

1.3!l-Bob Lewl! Show. fatalist until." he hears the Jlvaro dinner with us." has happened to her. Let there 1 with .this film :puts th~ stamp of TUESDAY, JUNE 4


8.3!l-Nfld. New& tomto~s. Anrta Ek~erg, one of the "! don't know any cops who be .no more. Even the dead have ~ertamly of a reputation u 111 6.41'>-NcWI and Weather Fore- worlds moat beautiful women and can produce movie actresses just a nght to rest." Important director that hu beea

cast. a competent actress as, well, has likP that." The mother suddenly started growing ever since "The Bran 7.00-Ncws and Sports. .the st.arring rol.e of a disollusioned \ "! know hrr only ~lightly," he , to. cry, her face screwed up in a ~g~nd" and "A Kls~ Befon Dy· ::gg::~:~~ln~:f•we•ther. playgirl w~o ~mally falls In love. I said. "You arc the bait which pa1ned mask. The old man put mg.

" Hollywood s h1ghly popular H.od i made her agree to join us." h1~ arms around her, roughly 1

~:~t~~l:p~~f ~:~~~\how. Steiger plays a desperate fugJ!lve "f knew that I wa~ a handsome patting her shoulders. j cl.25-Kiddlel Corner, ' from justice who ".plays ~od"., by I. man," I said. "Please go," te said over her ~DIE. SCffiVEITZER DEAD R.30-~fld New a. d.ecidlng c.ach "survivor's. nght .to

1 He laughe~. "Signorina Rionda shoulder. "I do not mean to be un· ZURICH, Switzerland tAP}-

B.S~The Bob Lewis Show. live or d1e. Phyllrs K.lrk, Keith waul<! esnecially lige to ~o to' fnendly. but ple~se go. Anna Maria . ~!me. Helene Schweitzer, 79, wile 8.45-Mornlng MPrry·Go Round. , Andes and Ge~e Barr} arc co- Hollywood. I merely told her was our only child. There .1s r,otll- of the scientist, musician, philoJ-9.00-Provinclal News. !tarr~rl while Fred Clork., Beulah , tlwt you were ~ hig American mg that can be done th~t will make ophcr and Nobel Prize • winner, 9.05-Duke Box Review. Bondi, Cameron Prud homm.e, ·~ insurnnre man and pointer. out her llre aga1n. Plra.'e leal'e,us with, died in hospital here Saturday. 9.3!l-News. Je!Se White. Adele Mara and lit· to her that In America many our sorrow." '; ~!me. Schweitzer recently arrived 9.31-Duke Box Review. tle..Jon Proi'O't comp!et,: the cast. 1m o t 1 n n pictures are actually (To llr CntltH:flrri) ·:from her hushnnd's famou~ hospi· 9.4~Murlel McKay. I Back Fro~ ~ternlly IS based. finanrrd h:• insur~nce cnmpar.ies." ------- I talal Lamharene in French Equa-

10.00-Martin's Corner. • o~. the slon h) Rlchnrd ~arroll. 1 "Kot so big," I murmured marl· U.TKY F:\LJ. , tom I Afma to st~y with her 10.1:1-Ma Pepper. 1\\llilam ~lellor was the Director estl:·. "Onl:· 185 pounds. What TORO:":TO (CP) _ A ~dille nf, daughter, ~Irs. Rhena Eckert, in 10.30-News. of Photography. am I supposed tn rio now: Prom- fnlloll' the leader en<lerl when 1 t· a Zurich suburb. Hospit~l officials 10.31-~lld ~lorning Melodies. ise to cast her in the nrxt epic )Car-old J)aYicl \l'alker lost his said hrr rlenth was believed due l0.4~Eleven To'r the Money. REAsO:S TO LEAVE , I h:1nlnoln" i baiRnce 11hile walking along the. to an embolism. 10.5~uke Box Review, TORON'TO (CP) ·- An eight- ''That is up to you. Shr i; a! gunrd rail of the Prince Ectw;mi

1 -·

11.01-The Story of Janl pound baby ooy wa~ born S~tur- wn)' to get ynu into thr company I l'iaduct and fell 60 feet. The boy pntch of m11rl ;urrnunded by • Armitage. day lo Mrs. Donald C. Weir ol young Rail'•na

0 an

0ct Gamhrr.a." II '''".'_._.n .. st. in_ju·r-·e·d··- I_Ie_ landed on n: broken concrete and stone;.

11.31-Caslno. of Scarborough, stepdaughter of _ _ 12.01-Top• Today and Yestm!Jy. J 0 h n Dielenbaker, Progr~ssive Alter rlril'ing through most of' 1.00-Local and National J'iewa. . Conscrvahve leader. ~Irs; Dlefen·. Rome we r:nally came to a sec- , 1.00--Weatber Forecut. bake~ left her husbands side-' tion of middle class npartment l.l~Ne\u. the fmt time .since the June 10 i house~. Piero parked the Fiat in 1.3~Editorlal Comment. elec\ion campaign began - to 1>t front of one of these and we went 1.40-Spor\J Review. with. Mr~. W~r, daughter by 8 in. We walkrd un to the .~econd 1.4:>-Art Baker'a Notehoolr:. prevteu~ mamage. floor and he knocked on the door. · 2.00-News. Aflrr a momrnt it was opened by 1

Z.OO-Never !.et Me Love You. 5.01}--Cisco Kid. a womnn with a sadly brautilul ' 2.1:>-This Man's Family. !1.30-Melody Man. face, Its olive tonrs framed hy 2.SO-Newa, Ma~nee. . 6.0:>-Melody Mao. pure white liair. She' rrcognizrd :1.00-Newa, Hou1ewlve1 Club. H.l5-Sportsca~t. Pirro and we walkrd into the •.00-Gen. Provlndal NeWL 6.20-Melody Man. apartmrnt. 4.01-Caslno. 6·45-News. A masculine counterpart of thr 4.30-Newa, Ranch Par.IJ. 7·00-fullnbow Riddle. woman ~\nod in the living room.

1 His hack wa~ rn 1\'l\ age t a 1 5.00-Newl, The Record Shop. 7.1{}-Your Car Councillor. h t . h h 1 6.0!l-News a.nd Weather. 7.l~Dark God. i harl hrrn brought on too soon. : O.O~Bu!letin Board. 7·30-Bargain Hour. ·His face ll'n.s I inert with wrinkles ' 6.10-Natlonat New1. 1 B.OG-Top Tunes of the Day. 'and hi~ hair wa< as whrlr as the' 6.15--Sports Parade. .9.00-The Home Hour. !!.2~Provlnclal Newa. 9.30-0lrl Fal'ourites. wowan's. Three was still calluses ' 6 31 Th " o~ the hand which I shook. The<e ' · - e money Tree. 9.45-:\ews. 7.01-Right to HapplnPss. 10.00-~!usic by !loth 11rr~ l'mhrrto ;nrl Tl1rresr Peri··

7.15--Jim Ameche-Stonteller 10.30-Piann Melodies. rnln~o. the p~:-enls of the ~irl who: 8.00-News. • ' 10.4~News. h<1rl nirr1 nn th~ hr:tch. 8.01-Spotli~ht on a Star . ll.OG-Sportcast. "I ;;m nnt hrrr hrramr \H want 8.30-:\ews. Double Feature. 11.10- Forecast. to make an:· trnuhi~ about I hi> 9.0I-Big Six Programme. 11.l~Evening Theatre. i mnr.r~·." I ~:tirl. "\\'hrn 11e give 9.30-Double Feature. 11.45-Ciub "~90." 'insurance on a person. that per· 9.45-News. 12.00-News. I son hecomrs like " mrmher of our

10.0[}-News. 12.05-Ciub 590. f~mily. We :tre inletr~trd in what 10 01 Dang r A 1 12 3n '' han. pens to him. That is why the

· - e ous ss gnment. . lr"'·news. 10.30-News. 1.00-Ciosedown. 'company has sent mr nil lhr 11'~1' 10.31-House of Dream•. from America. Wr wo11:rl li~r to· 10.4~Natlonal News. V Q U S know what happrnrrl to yn\lr 11.01-Spilm. drlll~hlrr." 11.10-Houscparty, News. TUESDAY, JUNE 4 ".-\nn:t ~lari:t." <oirl !hr r"thrr. 1.00-Qu~n and Sign Off. "nl1rn rlirl nnt (rrl wrll onrl ll'hrn

6.00-:'-:ational Anthem and 81gn, this happr,nr<l ,hr II<Hlicl ~n Nim· i On. ; m:n~ in thr <r,1 rl•:rir.~ ll1r n:~h:.'


6.30-B:-eakfast Club, News. 8.30-Hlt of the Day. 8.30-News, Breakfast Club.

·11.00-Data with Deny1. 9.11'>-Faxg!ove Street. 10.~1'>-News. 1l.OG-·Burton'a of Banner St. 11.1~ ·Big Mountain Show, 12.00--News. · 12.0~-Ramblln' wl~h Recorda, 12.3G-Ncws. . 12.3~Ramblin' ll'ltb' Records. U ~Sp.1rtscal!. 1.~0-.'lewa. 1.45-Simon ~f)·stery. ';.00-Ramblln' with Record• 2.51'>-Newl, 3.00-Dollars on Parade. 4.00-News. 4.05-Sam's Coral. 4.5~News.

6.0~Sundlal. i ~l.r cbimrr1 t:1et thi~ hrlpr<l i1r1·. 6.30-World News and Weather. i It I'.' :I< this 11 av the ni~l1t that she 8.00-Breaklast Club. -rlie<l." lie 11::1< pirkin~ his way 8.30-l\lake up Your Mind. amnng the words ar. carefully as 1 B.4:>-Rex Koury. if they all hart sharp edge.~. 9.00-It Happened Lilt Night. "Do you know how she wen I?"

10.00-Coffee Time. HShe didn't have a car," he 11.00-Turn Back lhe Clock. father said. 11.25-Sports Ddective. "Then haw did she go to 11.30-Pepperrell Juke Club. 12.10-News an1l D.B. 12.30-IIIllbllly Matinee. 1.00-llehind the Storv.

111.15-0ne ~l~n·s FRmily. 1.30-The Todds. 1.45-American Music Hall. · 2.00-VOUS Music Room. 3.0!l-Sports Page. , 8.1:>-The New Yorkers.

1 B.30-Invitation to the Cla!sic!.

1 Q.3G-Suspense.


10.00-Final Edltioin. 10.30-Fred Robbins Show,

11.00-Muslc 'Til Midnight

Ostia?" "Perhaps a taxi," the lather\

faid. You could see th~t he didn't 1 believe it. "Or perl1ap! a frir:nd." :

"Did vou ever reco~er her clothes?"· i I

SAVE up to s49.40 tom NEWFOUNDLAND Stations


Good Going


FARES 18-19


$64.80 ' $69.05 . $77.65 10·llAY RETURN J.miT

New D1y Co•chu 150 Lba. BIUIUI

Chi ldrtn 5 • 11 r

Half Fare,

!Jelil'ery Service,

• Nothing to pay 'till l''a!l

• Safe from .\loth~. He a~

• Free Pick-up and

• Helrigerated Vaults.



Under S FREE aausins ·[

.- "JU.LY 16. IT.



' Hfi.ll. L 1111 T1 D

ALtU~DU IT. IT 1Clllt~


PI Ill mwPOUNDlAND'I flliND&.Y 1tiiAIU

TO-MORROW ....1....---.-·- -- -. _ _, -·--



TIMeS OF ~HOWS 'El'EI\l.\o; ~tllo\YS: 1 1'.~1.-~ P.".


'~\'1::\t\(;-.-\ill LTS ' ....... 7.ic. Ulll.lllll~~ ....... 3:,e.

\1.\Tl.\J:J:S-.\lll'I.TS ...... 50c. C:HJLORE:'Ii ....... 25t.




What she aid couW only be aid for in violence!

ESE~I~G ~JlUWS-7 P.~l.-~ !'.~!.

~L\TJSEE: 2 P.~l.


EVE!Ii!NG-ADUL1'S ....... 75c.. CHILDREN ....... 35e.

11:\TI!Io'EI::S-AllULTS .'., ... SOc. CHILDREN ....... %5e.


ROC 1\''-)!t'SH'-SOSI;~-FX(')T E\IE~'f.

I I I : ' I I I I 1

I I I ' : I

,, ' .

'• \ ·;

. :. l


Page 8: rem1er eveas etai s ave1n - Memorial University of · the seniority of men displaced by Its proposed removal

' ,,


' I

I . I



Stock Market ·Report Weeda• 1100 37 37" l7 +2 1


J. R)·an. I! finishing discharging \June 2~ and Hal'!( W•rn•r 11000 27 211> 21 H th f 1 b Th "V c \' St J h ax Ju w Malar ll.loo

12 11 l:l t

1 e cargo o urn er. e .n. . o m s . o n's July 1 S I' ne 29 ~~\~~ 4fooo 11117 111l 11 11.117 l I w. aterfront 2nd., has had a paintlng up and teamship I pool July 2. . a ling for . i

Winch llOO II> m 1


I some minor repairs, and the two I Nova Scotia leal'· Wlndard moo 101'11 10 10 wha.lers, Olaf Olsen and Finback June 26, due St lng,

TOaOlCO CLOIINQ ITOOill c. Mon1• moo 71 M 7D -2 Kllem "'' 100 ID ID ' 10 , I ~~·dr,~. ~: l~ m m -1 I Orr" ectory I are moored up for the sen son a! Move' ments l Leaving lor llJJif Johns Ill no Cn••l•• Prou con N•ru• 3000 27 21 :11 + 1 Kl\11 Hun 5!00 u 11 1111 - 11 Yellor.. 1000 9 i 9 - 1'. ' well as the Veteran Explorer. ·

1 1 J~ly 3, due l!at

1·1 ~x and

To,..lo llllook 'Euhnro-J••• 1 c Pelh lOO 17 17 17 -I Klrl< ~lin 100 100. loo 100 ~ Yk Bur ~oo 137 llO m -2 I AT T HALLETTS LTD B t J


~ Juil Quat.alloao Ia ttola aalua 1urk .. I. C Rucrt 1371100 16.1 1~ 110· H Labra~or 11!0 t%1\1 24\1 21'1 + 11 Yuktno lilll 71'11 1',1 71'. + \\ I , ___ ...;, ________ _, ' • OS On U])' 8 l


-ou 1o1, ••-'E•-41Tih ... 1,_z

1.rllbll c sannorm- 1300 10 10 10 - 1'. Lake Cln 2100 l:U no Ill -2 Zonm•c 11100 3! 32 3l -2 ·• The M.V. Maxine Johnson is fin· THE NI'LD. GREAT LAKES I July 9 and H~lilaea'/n~

llt<k ~a In Blrk Ll" Cit II Ck'ro Con Sud 11100 :11.1 210 210 -15 L DUJoult 1:100 14G llt 110 .s Cur~ I hi d' h j th f St J h ' X • Ul1 13


w-Eo•wuuah. c TUn111on 61100 2.l 23 :1.1 Lake lnr llOO lCI> 101'. 1011 -21\ Bulolo 440 40! 4M 4(11 -10 ON DRY DOCK s ng ISC arg ng e cargo ~ STEA~ISIIIPS LTD. : 0

n s Jul) 15. s · . ·

Acad Uran ACGnlC ACGrilc t1 Ali:om Allam wta Am Nopho ADa ton

~~~~~~ 1! n -" g~;'"~rp 11: ~ &:~J 66~ +10 t ~~... ~ ~ ~ ~~ :lo i-~~on con ~~o~l ~~~ ~~o 4~ :h The S.S. Glencoe, the S.S. l~mber, and ~fter ~he fu~br f ~~ ~IV. Lunan loading at Toronto~· LJI'crpool July 16. alhng ~ liM~ 1011 1011 eoperuL 1100 ~ ~ 41 'I La Lu• Joo 400 400 ~oo -l /le~no Gu 2000 11 11 11 Bona vista, and the M.V. Shirley discharged Will Ia ·e rei~ t or I June 4 and ~!ontreal June ?I for Newfoundlnnrl 1 ·

i ~ ~~" ,~" 0::" _:n f,:[;;' :ll: ~ 1~ '~ = i' t:: ::'" ,::: f.' li f. " " "" uo "'S ., ., GoodY"" Zod. Th"' ""' will t h do II owl"""", .'' t tH ""• W .,. st .. t oh ,-,. • J o ly 13, 0"' s.'; :~;;

m 21.m 23\6 :rm- \\ coumor m ll 11 11 LL.Lao m~ 'Z'IO I!~ u.1 +! 11m LodJc mlo 37 :1.1 37 t2 remain on dry dock untll th~ leyVllle and Valleyfleld. ~!.V. Perth loading at Hamillon · Lcal'mg lor Halifa~ s J1


-4"1 nO\In Apex Roo ,4.readl•

':, '/~' ~~~ f:' ~ g::::: \l:, ';, ·~ : =~~ :::~::• . :m ,: 0~ ,: =i" ::J:,~ ,~ ·~ ·~ ~~ "" ud o! thlo wook. AT BOWRING BROUTD. . '"" II, T""'' Jooe 12

, "' Joly 20, doo llthloq'.:d ;m •• '" "' ~ ~·• "' " u u '""" '" •• o • • -> """ o ' ou "'" "" om o " AT DOCK Tho >I.V. A"h'" >l.oK.ouo '" '""'"''' Jooo 15 lm St. Joho'o. ""'"' Jolo 2S. ~ ."


J 0::: 'i ~ '1 g');;,. 'r,:: !/,. ~ ~ _,. t;;~" '/:: "I' '\ "\ :' ,.1 :::;1 ' • !!.:, ~\" il," ,: :, " Tho M. V. "'"''"'' ;, ohocgo ohocgHf Ctpt. C<Ok< h" ' 1""' FUR'ESS IV ARK EN LIN>< Joly 26 ,.,, llolil, '""I m~ '" •• '" _, ~ ~• uu • • u -I """" '"' '" ~ "' """'" oroo •• M "' ;1 of Copt. FO«y ;, !<Om tho ""' mgo, '"' ' '"' "''' o£ lorn be< · '"''' Seotlo >0£1iog !oc HoHf" St. Johc.' • ''"'"" 1 ~•.I;· "·

11100 ~ Ill 11 DoCour ~·t 11 :1.100 1 1 1 llacflo :1.100 11 13 ll'.\ - 1'. cabon1• 43!00 ~o 24J 210 H Lake• to. discharge the balance of to discharge and after d1sch'argerl and Ilostan June 1. duo Halifax' same da:: lor Li·.cr~ "1'


inl 2

2JOO 1211 1~\l lilt IJ"r Horn ~ :12 22 :12 ~lao!.rod 3!10 101 ll 101 ''I C•lalla 3100 lll t30 101 -I 0

'f th th ,.oo ,. .... Ar)Cin .4.1111 'Yk AU1n·Rul Aubollo AllmiCbO Aumoquo

:uoo 1a 12 11 •I Dlodem 3200 1211 ll 12 -1 ~l•d•o• :u.~ 1:1.1 m m •• Cal Ed 273 IJllo 321> 3:n\ the cargo' which was lntentled to be will shl t to e nor ern p:·cmtscs .fur.c 3 ar.d Boston June 6. Leav- :-;ol'a Scutia 1 .. · · \~:, ~"' '/,,. ~ -" :::~1.. 1.Jl.: 'l:" il" ~·I :, 11 ~;1:;1, ~~


1J .,l _, ~ g:: l'",,. ~ ~ ~ lr. -• tokm by th• ohlp to Lowi•P"''• fo food f"ight foe St. Be"''"'' log Bo>l" Jooo 7 ood Hoflfo< Jofy 07, '"' " ~'''"·' Lrt

2.100 n 20 n lluvan 1200 10

30 JO -1 Manu•t u 1.1co 2.1 21 2l - '' cs oil ~·~<, 100 :w m w · +lJ. but f'llas prevented from doing !O and the other usual n~rthcrn ports. !June 11, due St. John's June 13. Lea1·ing for llali[~~n_, A~. 213\0 14 13 11 E Am phi 211000' II 121> 13\.. MaraiiO :z.;~ ~10 4130 ~10 -:\\ ~~nn A•dtl 001111 171;7~ -~ ,;lo .~ --.1+" ow!M to Ice conditions. After the The ~!.V .. Trcpassey Ill char?C of s~iling ;~me day for Liverpool. Au~ust 3, rluc llal'ila'n~

100 190 !\Ill 190 +,5 Eul Mal 1100 12.1 l2l IZ~ -3 Maroon ~ ' .... , n ' • - • ~ - .... c t \" h dulcd m a ~- I d X Au ~'10 :10 3n 30 t:ut sun to.IO

421 100 12.1 +3l Mar111mo lr.oo lll . lit Hl -1 c Br Emp 600 !l &l 6.1 -2 balance cargo Is ·discharged the ap · ,,tnsor IS sc c . ' •• cwfound an lcavin;: Liverpool and Bo,ton Au~u, 1

A i_ . Au nor BaM.tno Jlanlllleld llrlllt 8U"V\If !laO' Eopl 11111 Metals Baaka JI.Duq .... !.ad !tlcher ~ellelerre llolhlm Bevraa Bib! a BloroU Bldcop llon\'1111 Bordulac Bouun Jtra\ome ~nlund Brnhnl l'runndck lluHad BuH An~ !lui! Cdo 'RIIU Rl. Rureholl l'amp Clllb l'dn Aolcr1a C O~·M C ~lolart ran·:\ftt C·Mrt ~11 Caplaln ranlar Cutle CayJor C•nl Pal Ctnl PClrC Chta\.lr Chlb Jae C!llb·KU Chlb M ntma C1\rom C<Jball rcx-h w111 Cotn l.olr.o Coldatrm CO\omae Con\IJII C Belir~ c Callinan C Dtnll<ln C Drn l9rlJ (' d\ltOVtr)' Con Gtllln G Arrow c Marbtn C :\hrCUI r~n M s

1000 10 10 1n + 1'. F..,1

A•b M>O :~.1 ~ 3~ •II ~lortln 1300 lll\ ll 11 -'I c O!l•lln llOO 211 2110 21! -a steamer will sal! for the Great couple of days to take .rre1ght fur June 12. due Sl, John's June 18. ton August g an" 11·, 1e, .• '


3000 21 '!1 27 -1 Eul Mtt 1000 27 27 27 ~ 1'. Mclnl)rl 1190 1\02 117 lOP\ .~,. c Docl wlo 3300 l:U l21l 121 --4 t I o[ 'l I 1 11l0 41 41 41 F..,l Min 2.ll0


c :m 33

c McKon 2!400 21 2.1 27 t2 Cdn Dev lllll 930 90e tll -ll. Lakes. The S.S. Burgee In charge northern parts, par ICU :vs Lca1·ing for_ Halifax ~nd Boston 13, due St. John' ...

!: : ~ : ~ ~~·;.,,., :.';\ ',l •;, '/. ' 1 ~:W:i \',":. 'i." \\ ',\ ~ ~:m~:~ ill: :: ;:: l:: .':," of Copt. Ch"'" ml"d '"f"d" whloh wiff b• fo '"' '"""."'' '"" 19, doe I!oll!o o J "" 21 "' s.m,, ''''" ,om, ~-, 1~ ll 3.1 :1-1 F. Sol 1

3.1 . :u 3.1\1

H, ~lentor 1000 )J 3! ~3 -1 c uuoky mo 12:2 2110 m> + " morning from North Sydney to go directory later on. The Sandy Pam! Boston June 24. Leaving Boston pool. '· lor 2420 101 ~~ 101 F.~ Glaoler J:

3012 ;"! :n~ -1\', ~ 1t•,tr1r111,.,1 " 21.10 HI Ill ~~ c lluoky "1' liiO 11m Ill'. Ill>- \6 on dr)' dock when dockage is avail- is at the northern premises, from,--- --7oco 2.1 22 2t''r- \1 Eu k :ms

19 l9 s~ , 2 " " 1!110 17 16 ~~ -1 c Prospect 2300 ~oo 390 - 39.1 t 10 St J h' t h t1 e en"ine. AT l!ARVr;Y & CO. COLD

11111 :IU w 290 Ex~~ aAil 1 ~ 00 il 3o Jil -! ~-!!1 d11rt1k~n J267 141 W Ill t3 canoo Oil m :110 26S :110 + 19 I¥Jle. The S.S. Algerine which rc- . osep s o al'e

1 n ~ 110 llo06 llloO 'I Falcon t~ 137 3G16 36~- 16 ',!In r"rP IO<Il62o 1314~0 Iillo lll~ -ll cChiYol Rl<lll 14033 &33 Sll Ill -u cently came of! dry dock is having repaired, and when the en~ine i< Tl STOI RAGE Fort H· nl.ll I 7~ 1110 17 79 , Fara will 211o I!O m 113 -2 ·' - • " artu o 31'0 37! 36~ Jl~ +l · d Ill 'l b k to S' H' ~I.V. B ue Cloud and the ''

1. on ca,·ir,,

!lOO 11 11 17 - 11 F'wnl TUna 1roo


2.1•1 2.\0.1 + 1> Min l::nd :1.100 30 29 lO +I 100 ll 11 H -l further minor repairs. The ~!.V. repatrc W sal nc •· J 1 · ' ~ 9 1 9 1\i Fed Kirk 1 ~00 ll"o ll\1

1m + I> Mln·Oro llll u 19 n c Allenbt• lJOO 1~1'. 1m 121'. t 1'. El J 1 t'll h . Joseph's i '~v. 8:· ~1crcng are moored up in- un~ • nrnnn~ Si. John's

1211? :no m 220 4 Fla Can :1:000 110

a.~n SJO _20

Morul 4'..0 m H7' 147 -1 c corduu• mo 20 20 20 mer onea, I s.1 avmg an AT. AYRE & SOi\S LTD. definitely. ~~annyg Jkunc 5 lor Halifax ~ :z.~ ~;II ~ • 1\ I ~:!~f,";;".~' fi! ~~ ~~ 2): _;'' ~~~~·,t•cr ~~oo llu ~~~~ 5411 .Qi; ~ ~~:~o~r 3!~ ~ ~~ ~; ~~ overhaul and refltta\ to eventu-1 . n t!tll:I'EY & CO'S. PIER 2 •• ew or·. l.carino " 2300 1211 121

1 1:11 - 11

1 Oaltwln

29700 1 ~ 15 1 ~ . _1

Nat Expl 6100 37 Sl M c ~lie ~lae tmo 493 lal 48.1 -l ally take up the. Portu~al Cove 1 The M.V. Ornate' in charge of Tile Cable Ship John W. ~!cKay Jur,e 14, lfz,Jibx Ju~e ·l;w 771t~ ~10 Ifo I1o _10

· g:~~x Mlnu 1irit ~~~ g~ g:~ ~::lotb 14~: 7


11i 11 !: ~/ ~n\1';.~·~, 11 ~~l~ 1112~1 ., 1

1; J~ :\. Bell Island tra[!lc mv1cc. T~e Capt. E. C. Ra;let'S is t:1king freight i< en~aged repairing the cable out- St. John's Jur.c 21. saill 473JO 12 11 10 ~ Glonl YK

120 460 410

IS() _10

Now 1111er 2000 \! I! l! Crto 011 · uoo l%0 ~10 320 +5 M.V. Bostager Is In for repairs I for the following parts, Valleyfield. · side the n~rrows and may sail any 24 for Corner Bronk ~,C: ~~


1 1l + 1'. Olonn Uran ~12.1 Ill\ II « -1 ~~:, ~\~ ~ ~; 4 ~ ~~ ::i ~~·~P•';t• 1m: ;:~ ii~ : ~~ and probably dockage. Grcenspond, Fair Island, \\'esley- 1 d~y to cJntinuc repairing. ncr Brook June 2Q lor

113 too l7~ 1100 •lO Ooidal• IOOO z:ll>

22 1~ -11 N•"' D•lhl 11'100 110 !Cl 1M -1 Dom• Expl ~43.1 11!1> lJI.'o 1!\l AT H.M.C. OCK

1YA_RD h. 1 ville and Indian Ba)', and will shill' .~XCllOllED 1.:'1 !!ARBOUR phia and :\cw \'"r'.

1000 9 9 9 Ootdortol mo lJI.I 13 · - N nlcktn 130 ~~~ HI l4l Th C G S M t rg " "

1000 113 111 115

~, Gold Earle 1000 I 8 I -I N t'ort11

no 3600 14 11

1.1 1'. Duvex .m 11 16 Iii'.+ 1'. e · · · on ~am 10 c a e_ to _Baine Johnston's 1\.'ha.rf to lake! The S.S. Anastassies lo take on Fort A"lon lcao, 1n2 ' ... "'

1 r.old ~tan 3JO PO 110 !>0 -1 • G ld •

033 12 1._, 1·•· - !'argo 4·m lo.l l95 500 +1 of Capt. Genge wh1ch •o •ucce•s f h d h 11 F d 'I ' '''" 1o.100 11 15 ll - · :o N .o '·uo • G•n Pet A 1010 33.1 533 ~~ . " th" s"s re1g t to ay. T c ~~~ 1e. or . 1n blinker. after which will sail for I·' a~.· 31. St. John, :i.B ..

2000 7 7 7 OF tlra•' 1100 20 ~"'

300 ,

10 N Hm1 2100 J2 !I ~~ + 1 Gr Plalna eoo S411'. Ill> Ill'. - " fully towed mto port e h f E t k I H 1 1

114110 13 71 71 _

1 Rranduc 11~0 300 :1.-'l ~ .! ~ Hllh , ~ 133 :u 11 ::.1 Hllh•ood 1000 33 33 31 +I f ·hi h h d · · c arge o Capt. ason IS a 1ng Bell !slnnd for a cargo of irnn ore a I ax Junr i. arririr.g s·

1011 Vl




V~13 9.10




, g~;~k :;: g,, ~ 11

,n + o,;, ~ .• ••K· , 11~\oem 1m 1!1 ~1 2.1 Homo 011 A 31160 119\\ l!~i mi- ~ Baron Ren rew, ., c a prO· freight for the !allowing ports. St.. for a foreign port. The S.S. Khan June 10, lcarin~ June 12

·1·0, ~ .• l:JO 1! !A 1• Homo 011 B 2m mv. 1!'1 11'1- •i pellor blade damaged by tee and · h G I 1 1 · • 1~ 190 1110

!JIO Gulf l.cad 3000 1° IO 1, ,. IN111\uo lc'IIOO ~~ 40 11 -1 numb«

4100 ~01 199

l!l'l -<'I l h d. h • h . Juhem, Cone e, rey sam s, ·,Breeze is ha1ing minor repair~ n_er Brook, P[Ji',a·1clphia <r.d :~.~oo 30 30

3~ Gunnar 2390 11 '" 19 12,,:. •i N ~!an 2730 111 m m -2 'Jump:n1 p 3100 l3 JO 5: -1 which sdnow anc ore .m I .~1 a~\ Croke and Crouse. The ~!.V .• L1han ·and ~ftcr the repairs are completed iork. ·

~~~ m m ;;~ :g I g~~n~~ ~t· ~~ ·:~·· g•\ i~ - ;, ~ ~;~~:n. i~. ~ u . ;;,\ j t:~~~~~. .: ~; ~ ~ ~· bour un er minor repairS \VIr !Sal Richards has loaded a full general' will also ~ail for Bell Island for a 4flG(1

33 Jl 33 Hard RO<k llllO

14 11 31 N•l\' l\ou)n m 13'.1 m1 13'1 +l 1.1 P•l• 1200 12 11'.> 1111 _,.. to B,ell lsland for a cargo 0 ran and deck cargo for the usual north· cargo n! ore fnr a foreign port.

!.lll 700

100 100 llar·~lln 4300 31 31 17

N Stnotor c!Wl 7 7 7 MaJtrano •ooo 1 1 a + \'o ore when repairs are completed. "rn por'· and ha! the cn~inc re- Dl'r;- 1" PORT TOD •y

1100 400 3n

400 •l llanl• lOO 17 17 -! Nlcl< Trim 1100 J.ll M) 311 -,10 ~!orlaold llOD 23 :12 2l h C G S ~1 t I I th c "'· • " c. " " Belle l•lc II tn·

\lOO !.ll Ml 650 -2.1 Hnd ... Y I>!OO 6.1 ~~ ~ - 2 ·Nipl.,lnr 1100 ~~~ 21n Zl0 -l Mr~ol mo m ~o 110 ~ e : · · ·.on ca m n e m.~~n- I paired and i! now ready to soil Thrrc arc 25 Partug1rcse fishing 1 June 3 ·riue St 'j 1 ~:. ;~~~ ~~ _:;



1%t -:-:o t1Hl•.'i

1r: .. , ~ 1~ ~'' 3~ ~~~:n'd~· 1i11~ 1

fo,, ~ ~ : 1•; ~\~~,0~el• 12\lf: fl:" 1 l~ 1 l~l> _1 time ls waJ1tlng fdulrtherb sal~rg any tim~ for the porl.l 1\·hcre tl1r 1r;srls due :n pnrt today to receive ;ailing 'June 7. ·


r.s 11!100 3l .~,0 ".~~

10 11n)'lt 100 m m 600 -10 ~oorr;mo:dlal SJOO 21 20 21 Mill Cll~ 3lil0 2A 2! 21 orders and 1 ~tan ng y, d lef freight l! to be landed. The ~!.V. ~upp!ie,, ~nrl after receivino will

17110 m ~ ~ - " · ZZ430 ~o 4:!.1 m -2.1 N Brl•tol · 2900 12 11 u -4 H M C Micmac in com man o 1 ~ 4000

ia ll :11 Hud. Bay !ID.I 16.1 14'> M'.l - '·' ~orra !~CO 12' 1~4 m -1 sn !lom 13110 2ll 2l1 %3 4 -.I ·• · · J . f Ernie and Loretta n charge of s'il for their respecti1·e fishing 100 200 200 200 + IO lnd 1 ... k• 3100 13 , 13 , 13 • 1, Nom·nr ,


11oo0 134~ 1 ~ 1 :~ +l N Chamb 'Z'IOO m :co :!2!l Commander L. B. enson 11 ron; master Hodder Is from Mary stan.' grounds. ·:~ J~ l~ j ~ : ~ : ;: ::' ''' ,','~!'',"/'' •; ":" ~. 1 '"':,; ~ \ "' "' '" 'oo ' g:;• '"' m: ,:1 ,:1 ,\l :j Ac ··~U '• "d I"' h odol' d to "'I "' b" "'" o mg o to di" hocg ', .IT H AR I'E Y& CO.' SP I" R I G" If p "


I"''" g Jt cc,l "'I ~~ 4e'l 11 ~~ lrloh Cop :uro lha Ill m -I :-leror /1 "'" 92.1 m :&l ~13 - 10 N superior !!lOll w 2.10 2.1[) -l on V. ednesday to Argentla, and and after the carga is discharged· The Portuguese hospital ship Gil 3

• due St. John' I Jun! I




7 1


11 1 ~\ 1

;\ j ~roi\-,~:~ 2: 'l~ ~~~~ 1~i11 ~~~,11~"" ;~ 1 ~1 1 :~ 1;; +I Norden 1100 10 60 60 -s thence to Corner Brook, and Ulence ·will take freight for Marystown on I £annes is in port to look after the June ll. ' • J • uM 113 101 1to 1 1100 3• " 3' Norlhe~l ll·l 40 IO ' 0 t Qu~bec Through the courtesv 2 t~• 1" 1'' 1~. -2 aco .. uo ~w;., ~\\dill • '" • NCO ll 136 36 0 • Tu sdau · · ts f th P N

- ~ ~ " .,~ 3

\Ol nn 1 1

, pr ' ~ ' . · , e ,. \'ai'<OUS ronu1remcn 0 e Or· , Ol'a""rt le'\l.n• '.'.on\r•··' :rooo

10 9 9 -1 •1•robuo """" • otuk• JOIJO 7'.1 7 h - 'I 011 Select 21000 13 !~" 12\' f th commander the sh1p was 1 '-" ,.. ' • _, ""'

1100 210 m 110 +10 J•l'• J::xpl :t:floJ 62 ~1 !2 •I o'Bnrn 12"..1 1s 75 7~ -3 Okalla _ ,230 uo - 3" ... ' +S 0 e . AT BAINE JOHNSTON & CO. LTD .. tugucse fishing f!rel. 12 du St J h · J

35.10 30 30 30 Jeanell• 11700 10 37 31 -I Ok• Rm 41t~ ;; ~ ~~ :i P" P~t• '~o.s Jtl ••30 3't + 11 open to VISitors yesterday from The M.V. G. S. Cutler in charge ARIUVED IS PORT YESTERDAY Ju'na fg .


n s U~! li, 10:00




3!,.,., 323~11. -:::\ ~~~~~ 1:1l': 1%9;, ~It iii> ':::111 g~:;:;l'

111o Ill'\ 11'6 111.> Pan 11 " 1 21100 lO ' 8 49 - I'. 2.30. to 4.30, when 1 _large n_umber of ~!axwell Rogers has discharged

1 The S.S. Ber.l'istone arril'ed in · .

• • •" roo ~~ 19 19 2 7Joo 31 3C 31 · Ponno pr 10025 !M 370 373 +1° f t n were sho.,n all o~er the \ G If 1 1

st! m~> m• 12'•- •• Joliet 1·

18 18

- · oren.da !IXY.l 38




rmv oJh 4SOO m 210 21c -I o _c1 m s a cargo of lumber on the southside port ) estrrday p.m. with a cargo u port emr.g ~!or.lml 1

_4')0 1~ + ~ =~ :r~~.','~;lh. ~~~ 1: 81\ 11 -3 g:r:~~Y •lll\0 so ~1 47 .1 Pelrol 7000 IOl 100 Itt% +2 shlp by the officers. The l\I.V. Malt· and Is now taking freight for Trin-! of ~eneral ~oods to be discharged 121, iue St. Johr,'5 June :23, !:100 :11 ::o4 11 -J K•n>·illr 5

100 1' .

911. "' r•• E .. t im~ 1 ~,. 1 · 1l\t 1 ::.~ = ~~ ~~~~:; •;: 1~ 1~ ~~~ ~; hew 2nd., In charge of ~laster itv T.B., and Smith's Sound. The and after the cargo is discharged

1 June 27 (m Ea)' RobertJ).


M i.z !4 11 l':"r Md m 11111 1''' W> ~ '·' Part« 3,

10 92 ,

9 10 -.I rralrlo oil IOIXI m ~~ m .s Pardy which has been under re· , 1·v '!' · '! · t k'ng ! ·ght 11 .1 f h d 1· d t. 0

l29 18 11 11 -1 t<ll•m •I• 100 en ,o !O ~ P.rll" l·;oo H ts ~~ -l Provo Gu 7.14Zl 361l 35 s 3ll -l • I Ill b ailing for the south " .. "mam ·' ar 15 a 1 rei 11'1 sal or cr cs Jne par ne CO:SSTA:-.iTl:\E CAS ~21 113 ~; 2m 13''- '• Kerr Md · Ill 1141\ HI> 11'• • '·' Paler i.ioo

21 ~~

22 _

1 R••! F.xpl !COO 12 11 111> _" pa r& w e Ws d d th ~~ V for the following ports, Bona vista,·. of Job's fishing trawlers arrived • ~En\·icES ·

----··· ·---·--- ·- ---- ~~;·~~·t 11~w 61 r.:~ 63 -l Rlc~.w11 WI Ill uo ·uo -! west C?ast on e nes ay, e • ·b-· Port t:nion and Catalina, and the I !rom tr.e Grand Banks fishery with, ~

CLARKf: sn:.\llSH!P

h M •11 l!l<l 130 !2.1 m Rocky Pete 3'-ll 73 n 7Z 2 B It 1 cha ge of Capt Ro


Jo ns any. e Pick crow


00 l~'!l

121 m Roxona woo 20 11 20 ~~ o e_ma n r . · . Ornate as above stated will shift a cargo of fresh fish to hi! di!·1 ~!.V. F.uenwcod liiling

• ~:f;h'.'c;',. 11~ 00 10''> 10 JOO• + •.; Rol'•llle Ml3 120\i 19 :lO •1\1 erl! IS having minor repatrhs, ~I VIS down from Ayre and Som Ltd., to c'nar~cd and alter the cargo is dis-\' ton June 5, Toronto Jur,• JOS ac.~' 10 B~~o~. + \t\ Royal!te pr 4'~ IJ3 33 3l +2 1 th I stigator 2nd t e ,, ~· ~

Se 0 M rlacor ,

000 7l

72 72 _

5 Sapphlr• 9000 151 H5 111 2 a so. e nve E

1·, • ~nd take freight for the abo \'I ports • charged will sail again for the treat June 11. .mi1icg Sl.

al- - at•IC ~~w11~~d" ·nxJO 111 ~~; All- 1.1 1

S•pph deb• lOO 163~'> 631> 6JU. +210 ~!arm•1s, Eastern xp or~r . as pre1·iously stated. I Grand Banks fishery. I June 16. rrcolon ~:~co SJl 110 810 . -l Scum 113!0 320 JIO J:o --.1 ~!.V. Parr are moored up mdefm· ·

300 830 MO 510 Socur Fne 1710 lOO ~00 4:xl -10 .1 . ~~~~

111, .

140 :r.o

250 :!i'.<l Souri• :000 19 11 11 ltely. The M.V. Wesleyvl le m

5 Pro• 111r lOOO J!l 160 1110 -12 Spooner 1~00 14 19 62 +2 charge of Capt. Winsor will be

'Purdox • Trx cal 2200 79 n 11 ~ ready to nil on Wednesday for ASPHALT SHINGLE ~00 13 11 13 ... 1,-\ Sunburd ~~~o 41 ~0 41 -rt • "By 1959, \Ve shall be 1naking, m

North An1erica alone, I,ooo,ooo tons

of newsprint a year-moreover,· vve expect to sell it!"

I Qut A"ot )II 30 ~ 30 -l Tr c :!:!lXI 27S 271 771 -1 f I \ Que c'lb :1000 115 110 liZ -J •n•· .an North Sydney for a cargo o coa ·

Hold fait even in hurricane windJI ~I~ ~~~ ~;~ ~: ~ ~ . :1 u, +~·:;·Eo"U 7~~! ~~ 3

7°k 31~ =l~ The M.V. Seabmon and tug Otter·

, . Lllh maiiO 13l IM 's Un Oil• 1119l 311 m 33~ +l ville are moort!d up indefinitely.

S.'~ .. Jearfn11

J ' 0 "' lion ~~ :zll ~ J~ _1 , ~·~:~·,1'111 21~ 11\1


r· • ~.;:r~~~ 1000 :.'11 20 20 • 2 II' Dmlla 3611 ~ 21.1 :145 -12 The M.V. J. w. WL!combe In Quomont 30.1 tim 131'. !J':O- 'I w Doe Wll 'Z700 107 IM m ., .

Then pmntedJ·M ahlaslu b1Y1 proYid 1h1mlllYII oa 1hcuuada of Canadian rocfa. Wind and uia

won 99

u ll -1 ~ Naco 2000 23S 2.1!1 11.1 -s charge of Mr. Wagg u muter, 1! nodlorr 301:0 13.1 121 131 •8 \an Can 1000 10 10 10 loaded on deck 'and below, and il R>ln,·ll~o 1171!1 114 I~ 1!>11 -2 CUrb t th' ~:;;:.,\~ 2500 ll.l 141 w + Dalhourto ready to sail for Marys own II Ria R11p ~oo ~~ ll 11 + "' Mont evening. The· M.V. Shirley Good·

JllO !! Ill • -· ftANKS

·~ ..

c1n'1 111 undar 1b1m. The ncrll? A uripe of apcci1i Sul·O·M•tlc • Adhcsiv. Ia fac1ory•IPPlied 10 the underside of tacb ahinalt. The aun's bu1 automatically 1nl1 it down. Complete (leu from your }M dealer or write Can1dian Jchna·MinYille, Pori Crtdlt, Oaurio.

CHESTER DAW£, LIMITED SHAW ST ................................................ DIAL 8-0161

TOPSAIL ROAD ........................................ DIAL 8-0118

Available at


The ~oeou1 Is saving odd-job earnings 11 buy 1 movlt camera

Both have a bank account- and

a purpose for saving ' '·

1' ..

~~heAihab ~ f. ~ fa -l NS year 1st., In charge of Mr. Kean II Roc~wlo ,, m . tlO . m -7 eomm muter Is taking freight for the fol· Rowan Con li'OO 13 12 13 + " · Imp 1 1 1.! B d ' Quay Lums

129! 147 m• ~"-" ~~ Ill\\ ~1\0 :sa\~ + \l Ill IIi \I QI'J 40\\ + \1 ~2.1 Ill" ~~~ Wo> +~

Ryanor 2000 121\ 111> 121\ Royal OW ng por , 8 ger S o h. st Michael mo :t.1 zs 'Z7 +I Tor Dom den, We!leyvillt and as far nort

Jll 176<1 71 71 _.,.. Ill Ill 41 " y,

~:~/n~lv an~ ~ ~ ,9' 9 m' 4 as Cape Freels, shetp cr 1000 as !l ~ -~ Analo nd 200 1111 m '" + 11 The !J.V. Dingo has freight on ~t·.·;!tl ag; :l~ : m :i~ c Brow q IO;o Z!IV• 151'. ::o4 deck for Labrador ports.


Sll.•co :moo 17 16\\ 17 • 1'. o stu! 19EIIO 21lll 21'.1 23~ tl\1 AT CROSBIE &: CO. LTD. " !9 1 Inland mo lllls 101'• 1m + 1 ~[~,!\lllor ~~~ ~ : 92 : 1 !\or Slar l290 ami 161~ 1711 + 1.\ The M. and S. Johnson of which

Slocan VR 3000 10 10 10 Pembina """ 1370 tl61> 16 11" + ~ Jo•eph Rogers Is the master is tak· "" 37 +I Slmpoono Wl IIDI'1 11\1 liVo • ~l~~1:1~h 1m~ J.; ~0"' 170 -s sttdm•n 12.1 m :~ 11 ing freight for Southport, Hodges

s1an1 wLJ 360 37~ 37! m -ll Walnwr1aht ~ 100 Wl 310 :lao -ll Cove and Clarenvllle, the ·Agnes Sllnrclr. 650 310 37S ,5 -11 Wall<tn 56.1 171'< 73\i HV• - \1

I A 1 NEW TORI\ CLOSING 5TOCU Steelo~ 1000 i - Btlh Strtl 4016 Krnnecott l12~ ~\UP R 3331 12111 2lVI 21\1 - \\ S 11 Ia 19!0 JOO 295 !00 +I Borr Worn or 11<1 MontyW 361> S~r/ !lOO !I> 111 ~~~ - 1'. C and 0 12'' NY Cenl S::\1 S)·lvanllo 17000 1!7 15J Ill Cona Edlono 43'1 l>adlo Corp 37\1 Tond•m FM. 1 g 9 El Auto El JW. Sid 011 NJ IHi TaurcaniJI 1750 M II !I -I Gen El<e &1 Utfl /t.lrcnll 711'.1 Teck·H 221ll 17~ 117 1&7 -1 r.oodyur 14 \'anad.tum l.l'i TomU . lllO !ll J1! :1%3 -:Ll Gt Nor !ly 4311 Wutnr11 1111 '!'hom L 2100 toe M 911 -J lnt T T 3H'o Tiara 1900 :10 li 20 -1 Tomblll 7700 51 .II II I Tiara 11100 lfl lt llO -1 ITALIA."i AWARDS Tomblll 7700 .II H !I H Trans Rn llOO Zl :WI> 21 TrlJI Chlb !Oil 21 24 21 t I U Mlnlnr IO!.l 2!1 liO :10 1 U Aobnl<ll JJO 690 1' ItO 11110 •10 U Eot•Ua :1000 16 1.& II +l Un KtM 100 470 laO 470 10 Upp Con 1!00 Ill N M VllldOO 1!00 U llll'o ll -1 Venturn 1%72 1-ll'.o ~11 1011 Vloa 121100 lWo 11 lt -1

Wall• AM V.~o -Tl 'l'o-71 -!T

RO~IE (Rcuter5)-Ingrid Berg­man and Sir Laurence OHvier have been awarded David!, Ital· lan' equivalents of ~cars, for best movie performances l a s t year. Miss Bergman won for her rol. In Anastasia and Olivier for his performance in Rlcharcl III.

The scourmaster Is saving to cover furore exptnm of bls growing family

Each has 1 different objective, but both are workins on the IIIIlC idea: that to get ahead it is Important to me ahead, too. Your reatOill for wanting to build up your bank account can be as varied as human hopes and ueeda , •• 1 vacation. your child's education, 1 new rug, camera equipment; or

simply the deep satisfaction and sense of security that 1 cushion oC ready cash creates. ' A chartered bank is a convenient place to keep your savings aafe, and to ~ecp ~em growthg. Whether your aa:ount is large or. nna1l, the trained and friendly s~ is there to.

take care of all your banking nccds.

Save at a bank- mU/IorU dol



~ Red Cross Line




'P'ort Hamllton •. May 21 • Fort Avalon .• , .May 31

Fort Hamliton •. June H ·


• Fort Avalon .•. June 3 • Fort Avalon ••.. June 2.8


Fort Hamilton ... May 25 • Fort Avalon . . . . June 7

Fort Hamilton .. June 19




Fort Hamilton .. ~fay 29 Fort Hamilton .. June 25


Fort Hamilton .•. May 29 • Fort Avalon ••. June 12

Fort Haml_,n ... June ~

· •s.s. "Fort Avalon" wlll accept cargo for Corner_ Brook dlschar~.

Venel1 will an Newfound· land Qu.tport• as lndu~emenl afrerL

'1 AcceptJ refrigeration


W. G. Moore Dial 581!0 2073


& CO., LTD.


Rallfu lla!Dt Johll. N.B.


I .

WI'LCOMINO some twenty four hundredShareholdm(includ·

ing member~ from Canada and the United States) to the Annualllleel· ing of The Bowaler Paper Corpora· lion Limi1ed at NorthHeel, England, on May thirtieth, Sir Eric Vansittart Bowaltr, Chairman oflhc Cvrpor&· lion aaid in part:-

11 ia-u lam confident you ...;u ~cc after you havo heard it-a happy llory I have to tell you today for, all in all, 19.56 was a salisfactory and gratifying yeM for Bowate~.

Overall producti011 and earning~ wel'1! both at a higher !e~el than at f1f1 previo111 time in our hi!lory.

A ~ood year for Bowalm means ICCW1ty for Bowater people: our overall yearly expenc'iture on wages, sal&riet and employee bcnefil5, 1uch 111 pensim'l achemes. is now some 5-45,390,000. I consider thai 1um to be wells pent for we have, as you know, al)igrJy competent and my loyal body o( employees.

The coruoUdate<l re>cnues of I he corporation before depm:ialion and 1uation amounted to jult over S42, 720,000 of which some S12,01S,OOO were earned by the Unilcd Kingdom companies, and almost $32,040,000 by our main avmeu companit!l. Thm the ag· ~regale carniogs of the overseas companies represented more than 70 per cent. of our lola! consolidaled revenues, and lends emphasis to the ever-increasing importance to us of our overseas investments.

We shall, as you know, be recom­mending to you the payment of a final dividend on the Ordinary or Common share capital of !he C.'or· poration at lhe rate of 8 per cent. which, togelher wilh lhe inlerim dividend paid in Oclob<:r last, I' ill make a tolal dimibution for the year of 12V2 per cent. by compari­son with an effeclive rale of ll \\ per cent. for the previous year.

In !he Consolidated Balance Sheet, I would draw vour a\lenlion to fixed Amls, the iotal of v.hich has increased by some S93,4l0,000 to S312,390,000. Aboul one-half of this increase rtpr~ents the proper· tics and plan! of the Mersty Nova Scotia Company, whilst the remain­der reflects I he progress of I he capital development programmes both in the United Kingdom and in the United States.

Ovencas we arc expanding our paper conversion faci!ilies in Australia, while in Canada the pro­gramme for the further ~pceding up and development of our mills at Ccmcr Brook and at Mersey, Nova Scotia, makes ateady progre5~. In

' lhe United States work hu com­menced on the installation of the fourth· machine at the Tennessee mill!, which machine is scheduled to stiLrt up at the end of 1958. Then,

· too, . work Ms commenced on the new sulphate pulp mill at Catawba,

SJt ftlc F'anJJt!arl !o,.al<'

ChaitllW01 1M !ctralr/ raf"T ("f""''" ~

!hares of S50 e~ch was iJlued lo the public, and i1~ Common ·ahare capital was also increa~ed by & aleck dil·idcnd of 1,600,000 share&.

Of ou\Sianding importanoc wu I he purchase by the North American Corporalion of the ~WCII of 1M Mersey Paper Company ol Now. Swlia, A sa rcsultoflhis tranaacti011 we have &e<juired oot of tho ll10St efficient and well-managed ntH­print mills in North Arr.erica.

The coruolidated profia ol !be Norlh American Corporation were at a subslantially higher level th111 pre>iously, conscq~enl upon the in­creased production of iU ouboidiary companies' mill! ~nd the inc!lllioo of ils new Mmey subsidiary com­pany, and amounted to S28,400,000. fhm profii.S might ha\C been II a ~till higher level but for the CO!l·

tinued upv.ard trend in all mant)­facluring, selling and lran1portatioa tolls of pulp and paper which mor1 than ofl'set the incrca!e In pricn. Additionally, 1 should point out that los~es on Exchange resulting from our sales lo the United Slate&, approached Sl,OOO,OOO.

To enable the North American Corporalion to subscribe for the adduional equity capital of certain or its subsidiaries !hat it ha.o agreed to provide towards muting the financing of their respective develop­mcr.t programmes, your Ccrpora­lion bas in turn a~rced to subscribe in CJSh for a further three mitlion Gammon shares of that Corponr lion at S5 per share.

I do not b<:lic« there to be any grounds for an apology in regard Ia 1\" pri~e ofnev.sprint in the United Kingdom or l\orlh AmcriCJ and for my part I do not propose 10 offer one.

Supply and demand ofth1s world commodily arc now almosl in bal­ance a~ !he rcsull of the great ex· pansion in production thai has taken place in the nowsprint industry of the world during the last'decade. Bo,.·atcn have pla}ed no !mall part in I his e.,pansion. t

We have set our house- in order and feel thai we ha1·e taken all

1 reasonable measures thai could be expected of u~ to meet our obliga­tions. In our view lhe newsprint induslry, having taken such steps at considerable capital ro1t, should not then be ~in~led out, 35 it so oflen is by implication, further to reduce iu already slender profit margins.

The American Newspaper Pub­lishers Association hiU now had prepared, by Dr. Charles W. Boyce, a 11udy'· which looks forward to 1965, and foreca5U that the con­sump1ion of newsprint in the Uniled

Stata .nn th<n amcwrt to Ml eight and a half mJIIio::lc:ll, uol !hal of unaca 10 l1l,001 Ia:!. togelhcr rtpr~ottng ao ilaWI during thai fi 1e·) ru pc:1od cl11• one million toos. Dr. Bo11:1 U. fortea1U tl'.at 01weasfto1W.-= to be dn.wn by olh<r par1l o! !hi world from Nonh Am<ria ..ill bj then inau~e lo t~ o millio!l Ia:!. to thAt the o>mll dem.llldforll!ll> print from the :i orth A~ il­dustry will by 196lamocll it 11,17S,OOO tom. 11 i& illilflll:!l further lo nole accordin! It hi& Rp<Jrt. planned capacil~ cf IM North American ne.,rnnl indU!Il! "ill by 1960 amo~nt only lc """ nino and three-qu.rter ,.JJhoe UU pel' l!lllUm, \1Cil 'MOrt of c>lL'I\I:ej

consumption. Thil. 1f I fTII) mitted 1o m· so. ~ ould J(t111 ~ cxmfum the ,.:ew. • hich I h11C fro<~ time 1o time e'preM<d, lhal •hilll production and connunptico •ill ~ the next ,·ear or t• o be Ill cl.:'!lf balance, ~xisling and pl~cd ot\1> print ~pacity I'OUid Ill lhC ~ distant fu1ure ·~"n fall ohm tl. meeting world needs. . .

We anticipatelhlt our millll~ IN United Kingdom and i~ ~orth America ll'ilf operate sutnwtilll) lo capacity dunng 19l1 bul, Ot>f"·' the alir,htly hl"her lei'CI of It""!

• o - "r-~ucu ~Jl pncocs or some o~ our r ""' came m:o e!lccl., costs of production rna) reduce pro lit m3rglfU: we anticir•te 1his 1hnr.>a;e be off~el 1o •on1e ,mni~-J

u I!ICI'"ill wholly-by" furth,ronf1 • in their proJucl:<'"· -,j ~ to the rr,u't! IO b< <l['t··

for lhe year enJ1n; llll . · 19~7 1 halt no 1mm:dlliC . ' • .u ron 10 bc\ie1e !hal \ooCY unsatisfac\Ory.

As IOU mol .ell ha~c from our prog'"mmc for de,elopmcnl nf our the United Kingdom and we ha1·e implicit conhdtn.X future of our indu!t')' ar.d, ' fore of ,our Corrora~•on. 1 in this ca'unlr'V lht fort·JJICI 0

' n1·~·< 1 dustT)' generally ma)' ro , ." inftuenctd by the rr~~n ary prosun: which .,;t nc;:es.~itate the · uing to e•crci.c a stro~~ financial and ..:onomJC know some people 11111 of . , taking I gloomy '!C'I. for Britain's future-! d~n ~01 ;;x havt: said elsc,·hert, · pin my failh in 1hc · the people of our gml in their ability to rt~h• lema and 01 ercomc !be that confrontthclll-

~y Bowaters . r rl>o ""'Jd!

Strxlh.ldm will _,u,.l/;r -'" t~p~n 'J C-r• ~ ~lr Etlc &.-aut, Clu.I/INn I{ r!w C.rf""ari=~; aratlabl• It> a<lwn who lllf r-..uJ 1ft •ppflro<>

· South Carolina. . · · Durinr; 19S6 important chang1:3

look plaoe in the c:apil&l structure of The Bowater Cvrporation of North America. A tol&l of $25,000,000 in

· Cumulatiw Redeems bit P111ferred

l'1oc Scad4 !7' T ,..,...,. ' . l"' llowaur CArpaMI"" o( Nrfth M>oti'" IJJ., 1910 S!Nrbr..,l>r 511td It'.., ~I :s, ~..,_

r.AliADA • GREAT Bi!TAIN , lnlrfiJJ BTATI'l! 01 A~ AUSTRALIA • II.EPlJBLIC or IUI.!ft • )IOJlUY'

- - - --·-·-·-·-·---·- ...... -.. ·«----~·~~,··~~-····"'"'""" ____ ..

greet! meetlng. rrom a te

he spok ial relatl'

was met t at F

D. Hlggil y0gwill WI

Thorn< of the te!evlseJ


were 1 reaction r

who showc the nation Progressi·

fur John C.

55. Springd, riJmpleting ~

BaY and h and a sw

In Notre televlslo~ speaker

Conservatil Renouf,

Assolation. [.10:\-TV at






I rend

II itlu


Page 9: rem1er eveas etai s ave1n - Memorial University of · the seniority of men displaced by Its proposed removal



The ~Daily News I




JAVEL~ . Hon. Degree For \Redemptofists In (Continued from page 3) U~- 1 d hi c } d' Ph ' (Continued from page 3) T.he Honourable J. W. Pickel s- '0 WI } "

GRADUATION At Carhonear iCoN.R. "School.

materials In North America and Is l'l..llS or s p one u Ing ase Hill,. assi_s~nt director of educa- gill acCOJTI;Janlcd by his private I n Jee s known to contain Iron ore. lead, lion m gmng out the class pins. [secretary, Charles Granger visit-' zinc, copper, molybdenum, mag- BI'shop Me d Of Mi 0 Brigadier Stanley Gennery, pro- ed Carbonear yesterday ~orning: . . nesite, fluorspar, nickel, and tl- a en SSIOR vincial secretary of the Salvation and inspected Federal government I Employees of Canadian Na-

..... , .. ,M Cunsenatil'e Cnndldalc Allan" ~1. Fraser tanlum. Javelin acquires through B 1 i S d Army then gave the prayer of projects at that place He also[ tiona! Railways in Newfoundland · ,.. 1 1 h 1 th N f dl d · d L b d - eg nn ng next un ay, June I · · · 'II b tt di · i ,·.·, fto·,· :-;

1 J

0hf1's East w;Js in Long 'and n t e Manue s e ew oun an an a ra or His Lordship Bishop J. A. 9th, the Redemptor!st athers dedlcatwn. . 1nspecled the ~ed Cross outpost ;;1 e a en ~~ a un que


RQ.UNDUP Liberals·

.. 11 ~ 11 ·, Wt'>l held pu!Jl!c I area yesterday mer ning and cam·, Corporation, control of 10,000 Meaden, M.A., will leave here to- who ha\'C ~en conducti~g mls· The spec! ill awards ."ere then hosp1tal and sa1d he ~·as \'cry 1m- school on wheels during June . ~ .. .' ;,,

1 nigl1l at Flatrock p!etcd this scctiop of lt!s riding., square miles of proven . commer- day bv TCA for Montreal where 1 1 th A hdi f 5 presented by Mrs. DalllCl. , pressed w1th U1e mslltut1on. and early July when safety In· :,.,~r;d 1\oad. Enthusias· i Jn the afternoon he was in tlle c!al black spruce, which has a he wlil ~pend a few d"ys' before 5

1 °,"5• n 1 e t~c oc~sc fo Le t. The first prize,_ nwardc~ to the I He was mEl hy Mr. Fred Saun<l- structor Donald W. Kyle will

, .. , ,.,.,.1rd the speakers city and completed organization· standing value today of approx- leaving on Friday for Lennox·J' 010 s 5 nee e star 0 nt, new graduate h~v1ng obta~ned the 1 crs and later met the 1\lay~r of visit points along the 720 mlln .'~c;':';:'• [ al work !or the balance of his lmately one. hundred and seven!)'· ville, Quebec to attend the Con- wll\ conclude the last phase of[highcst ·theoretical standmg. d_ur- c_a;bonear and other promment\ of rail on the Island.

;, ,,


~ 1

,•1Hi>lon ~ctdrcss, c~mpalgn. This morning he is six mllllon1 of dollars. The con· vocation of Bishop University. the r missionary campaign. Ti.Je lng her t~rec years ~r tra1mng clllzens. · l\lr. Kyle, who is safety super-.. ":,; ,p,,·,c un Federal· canvassing house to iwusc In the trol of the Crown-owned New- I Bishop Mcaden will receive the parishes of Lam aline, St. Lawr-: went to llllss Susie Senwr of Port 'I visor of the Allan tie region, ·:·Jl :d.ltiu,,;, .lim :\lc· :\Ia nuels area and In the after· found land and Labrador Corpor· honorary degree of , Doctor of ence, Burin, ~!arystuwn, _Pouch Elizabeth, . Personal with headquarters In Moncton, . ~l> :nr: \1y an nttcntii'C noon will be in the city to attend ation Limited I! to be paid for by 1 Civll Law at the Convocation and Cove, and Torbay · wlll have mis· The second pme awarded to I will be conducting a safety

., Fl:\lrork where to business details with his com· 8 package· hrrangemenl. Under thh will give the Convocation sermon slons starting June Qth, and new gr~luates having :uc.cessfull_y . . , visual education tour. Meetingl · ;, ';i:;~u,, ~!.11.:\. and mittec. arrangement, part payment Is being on Saturday, gmduatlon day. Outer Cove _and Portugal Cove passed mall subJc~ts aunng the1r H1s many fncnds will be pleas-· will be held in

8 railway car

•• • "'. ,·


,•rc ~ucst speak- Last night he spoke over all made by Javelin Issuing 40,000 of Dr. John Peters, a distinguish· will have m1sslons commencing thrc_e years of lramlng went . to ed to Jearn that :l!r. S. F. (Ted) converted as a travelling theatre, ,:. >'T·h,nn<~> ~Ia her was radio station's on what the Llbcr· Its shares to the Government of ed surgeon of Montreal, and a June 23rd. Ma~ma M~sscrvcy of Sandy Po111t,! V:necnt, who suffered a m1ld and will be open to the general :·. ,.

1 1,,,. mc~tlng. a! Gdl'ernment at Ottawa had Newfoundland, such shnres hav- former Newfoundlander, will also h ydo

1 dalte missi_ons ·have fbe~n E!SJC Smt~t oj ;1: J~hn s, HJune heart attack some wc~ks a_go ~nd public, school children, and per·

· ... :e:''''" 11

ndclr~ss, ~lc· done to Increase Canada's world lng a present market value of ap- receive an honourary degree from e n wenty-s1x panshes o t c Feaver o ,' o n_.s, ope ousc h~d to spend somet1me 1n os- sonnel of all CN~ departmentll, . c•.a:,,·d til at federal re- trnde and the reasons why this proximately one million, two hun· Bishop's University on Saturday, Archdiocese and \!so In out· of St. Johns, Da'ima Legge of p1tal, has. now fully. recovered, including marine C. N. expresl . • "'"" [ P" ial

1 t

1 1 h dred thousand dollar1. Additional June Blh missions attached to these par· Corner Brook, ~largaret Perry of and has returned to l11s duties as d C N t 1 ' h

., ... , (\:,:• in respect to """ o s ,c n ercs o us ere I t 1 b d b h · i St J h • an . . e egrap s. ....... . B i\ 1 1

:>;e l dl d ,1

paymen s to e ma e y t e var· I ishes. Tremendous cnthus asm · o n s. . a member of the :-lewfoundland. <J:::. ,,ff·"~'1111 c s- ·n

1. • 1d1' 0thuln 8

111 · or'' r. h Frase~: Ia us steel companies throu~h their has been m_anlfestcd by the pea·, )!iss Cassie Gill of the studcn_t \Board of Liquor Control. . A total of 80 sessions will bt

• ,;,,.- ,,,,., 1"c >ln~e :'ole\\'· co ere . s. P.lase .. t e go\·l combination In the Wabush Iron . • o . • I pie In all the parishes where the I nurses wr..s _awarded the Dr. Poll- -- . 1 held, starting at Port aux Bas·

. ·; '"''•:inn in Federal· ernmenl s all!\ Illes \cry tilOr·. Company Limited Javelin In the A rmail Ser\'lCe missionaries hal'e labored thus l coff Memonal Scholarship for the.l staff, then extended the c.ourlcsl!;s I qucs on June 4 and ending at ·'' rc~«l·'"" is a unque oughly_andslatcdthatltwasjustiJu!ian Iron'Corpo~alion, and Pick· 1 . ,far, and full cooperation .haslbest th~oretieal student ~n the in-lfor_the cvcmng,, and ~hss SuSJCI-ost. John's on July~- In add!· .;~·J·d:::• naliunal cu·llpCr· one ftulher proof of the r~asons I ancls 'lath•r and the Steel Company c o , b g' 1 t tl . Y termcd1ate year and ~l1ss Violet· Semor ga1c the1 .alcd1ctory for her 1 • •

1. 1

t tl f .., ·h C , ·' • ' 1 een ll'el o 1cm m every wa -1 . ' . . , 1 :\ion to mam 1n.po n s, 11 aa e._. .. i'"' l!rl:!-. lie stated \1 ':1. an ada. is cnjoyinc an era of Canada, who ,under I ~pedal ontlnues I :\s a result great spiritual bene· Sqmres was awarded the Dr. WI I·' c ~ss. . . " I car will be visiting Lewisport• l·•:,>~~':d:;,,:c\ needs lull· or Pl o~pr~ll) and progress under I agreement, .will pay 22 cents per fils \lave been dcrh·cd from tllc i ha_m Roberts Mcmonal Scholar-• . The bcnc~Jct.n;'· , _The, Lo.rc\ I and Argentia on the branch li~l . . ;'",,r::l"l·''" :nOttawa to the Libc1al Government at Ot· ton on this ore lo the Government -- , 11 ... . The Rcdcmptorist ~lup for thc·bcst stu-[Blcss Thee •.. nd Keep lhrc 11as. P .. 1 . t f th

11 .,: r' 1\1·1 ,·un,:dcration. law a. 1 of Newfoundland this based on Reports rcacl1ing the dt1· ,·cs-. 1 bSions. . I dent in the first vcar. i then suflg hy the Nurses, and' nneJpa Oln ~ or


mee n111 ' F.: ll'lr q L'. spoke lo I six hundred million Ions o! iron I lerday ~\a ted tlwt the ha.rb~urs 'I ha_ve been 11\Spired. b:' The ,tudcnt nurses then s~ng '\th_c graduation fXPrciscs closed: ~-Ill Include Stephenvlllee cro51-.. ': ,''·"\- ,.; flla~kllcac\ I concentrate~. This, coupled with and ponds In Nnrtbern Newfound- the \1 nndcdul faith of tlle Nc1\. ·the Nurses' sdng which ll'r.s writ· 11'1\h the Na_twnal Anthem. . 111!!, Co~ner Brook, _Humber--.'1:.r.:!"' •. ·'""l:wmc wa> IW J BrO\''llC 1 a productio schedule or twenty mii-

11ancl and Labra<lor arc ~till held I r~u~c;lat~ \\elopg. an~ a~ebt";ost len for the Grace Hospilai by , A receptiOn. was held at the I moutl~, B1shops Fal1~ 1• M11lertowa

· ,. , , ·


, , :-:1. \I iss Kalil· • 0

1 \ion ton~ annually, will result In fast by Icc.


~1 ~ e u 0 5 race re 1 slOP colonel A. E. Dalziel. : Nu,ses .:afc~rna at lhc Gra_cc Has· JunctiOn, Grand l"al s, Gander, ;·:.; ,,


,. ~::r< ,pc~kcr at F'. 1, u the Government or Newfoundland 1 . Skinner, the pa~tors and curates Colonel ~alzicl then addre.ssed ,Pilal followmg the graduat10n. C!arem·11le and Whltboume.

. . . I \\1' J·· ·k I ~ Ir~t 0 se l i h d d d thl t ' So late Is the hi eiJKUP thRl East- of the respectiVe parwles and the gradualln~ class and to lei the . .., ·:; ,: "'ill' 1 . . "~ ., rece v n1: one un re a r )'· · p 'l · 1 AI , . h , b , 1 · 1 ·I· f · , b ! • ·· , , .. a Tile t ill\ f d I! d , ern ro1 nc1a f\la)s a>e ccn ·to l1c1r par suoners 01 e1ery- graduate~ that thm graduatiOn '·•J' 1 "' · '1'11 ' 1 ~' 11 ' ..

11 l7• w p A 1 ~'.0 lm on~ ~ 0d:-~~ spr~~ ~~~ unable· to operate their airmail I thing done lo fal'!lita\c their m.arked the fulfilment of a dream " 1.~':, ;:\~·~·:," ;'l\r '~~c~lR~ ;) att . . er~~~~~e~~u r:c:ll'~ :n"'au ~in~r: ~crvice to the No:th one month work In the .o\rc11dlocese. a hope, dOd I plan to make !if~

•1· ~ . , . ..1 · . , h h

1. ""' 1 1 later li1an In pre\'Jous years. In 1 . mean 10mething, and th"t the)' are

•'.' ~.·"."rd" k,cn llltel I Ln<t n1"ht al R huoc nle"IJ'n• at~ 5 ol er tan 100 • ft "'" m n nl! f·cl the1· plall'la make t11·o n1or" I h 1 · I I

" 1 · " " ' n It d B"' f th fit th " · ' now member~ of I e nternallon-:·r ''''·'""·' r ell 011 · !he St.-John Boscoe School of ax an '0 0 e pro s· 0 er flights before concluding the sea- S l d Cl o f ' Th ·

' '·r:' ,.,, \.. Conscrl'atl\'C I Blackhead no ad ~~ r w J Browne than on Iron accruing to the I son's operations 1.. a ur a v ostn (J'b a~ sisterhood 0 ser: ICei t~r .. :, ,,,, n.'""'·i,ta-Tw!i!·: u•cd the llrst' iJ · w~tt · electric Newfoundland and Labrador Cor-~ · • diplomas arc.dpasspdorhs o . h de ·· . · ,, . , ·d d 1 · . ti Ll It d p 1 ffi , 1 . . ·d· . B o J 15 world, he sal , an e WIS e

!."111 l. 1 'lbl nl boat e publ:c acldress C\'er in Newfound- pora 011 m c ' osta 0 Cla s slated ) cstel .!! egins une h d wish for the ;~ ~::: ·.~ a:c yrslcl'day af·liand .. You will recall that the Javelin has also agreed to. bU)' 1 t~at the quality or. m~\1 f~own to , . ~u~:e.every goo •• -·,·:. 11 ~ , .\.Jill of Bonn·. Premier used a 60 watt S)'slem tor cash, an additional one million Northern points this ~car 1s h1gh- The •ummcr hohdav •chcdulc C 1 1 D 1 · 1 th n re d a

1 . ' . . 11 ' d II , th f t k f th h , . ' . - o one a Zle c a ;1y anj hr;.ch-d for 1 wi · recent!)', but this is the first we 0 ars '.10r 0 ,S ll.C rom e cr t an 10 any prC\'lOUs year. will go into effect on ~londay. telegram from stal£ nurses,

. d, '" .:1~ tlll'ougli dis· ha1·c hearo of a 75 being used, Treasur) of the Newfoundland and June Oth., ·it was reported last ThomDS Morgan Benson and Rob-:. \n::r DJI\IC Bay. Te meeting was a great success L&brador Corpforation Limited upon the transaction bringing the New· night. I erts who arc i~ Rome attending


:e:n:,:on Jonlghl, the and from all appearances Mr. \enactment ·0 this agreement. foundland and Labrador. Corpor- The ~londay holiday, whiah has an International Convention of I' · 1,r!«'r ror the l'ro~rcs· Browne feeh he will get a good Through this arrangement, Jav- ation Into Javelin such transaction 1 been obseri'Cd hv Retail establish· N [

( -.-,c:va:1'r p:~rty will be percentage of that district's vote. 1

elln will control far in ex~ess of being a total volu'e of 5!33,200.000, 1 ments, will he. abandoned until • u;~~s. Nurses glee club, direct-.. Re~,r·c•L trraslii'CI' of the . ~~%,of the ou.tstandlng ~to~ of the and the payment to·Javcli of eight September and during the sum-· ed bv ~!iss ~1. Pelley with ~Irs.

C:Jt:~n. 1\r will IJc seen Peti.tioons Tabled I .... ~undl~n~ ~nd ~abr~nr cor million dollars cash, this brin~s mer mon~I\S all business establish- Bruce. Winsor at the piar.o, sang ,\TI' a! ~ 00. . porat on. L m

1 te ahn h"ld ret an 1 the total dollar value to almost f1vc ments Will observe the Saturday "The Lord's Praver."

. such mmor ty s are o ers as. hundred million dolla:s. or per- holiday. Dr. N. F. s. Rusted, chief of






PRICE 39.75

TOOTON'S Jn Ass bl 11- arrlman Ripley and Company of I haps the largest transaction el'er The first Saturday holiday will I nal~HS I em v . I New York, who wlll have repre- effected in the Canadian mining: be on June 15th, ~nd this means I for the majority of employees In

r 1.. \ Several pctlilons ·were present· , sentatlon on the Board of Dlrec· .Industry. that. there will now be no holiday St. John'~ far nearly two weeks. '! ' 1 l 1 1 h I tors and Wood Gundy and Com· --------------------------1 a111 (lll( cc . n t c House of Assembly Man· pan;• of Toronto. . • . . 1. rla). Th~ first was tabled by Mr. The Intent of the agreement ;-~~·a tu1rl thr llm~>e of . Earle \1 Ins or, Labrador North, show~ three mines will be built on , \~·'r.rl" hr would be I which asked !or bridge~ over th · t J 11 1 • , ' : 1 f th I Northw ·t R'l' d p Ri , e pre sen a\'e n ron ore ar~as . ):. ·''"n, l•" ·~· or e es I cr an . eace vcr. :with twenty-two million !on! as the :1 •nj r .. ru111u. He expect· At the moment, said Mr, Winsor, · ,. bj tl Thl Ill ... ·on o ec ve s w

:~ •. ,_. lr'r " wrek. He was there were se_l'enteen miles of ' , ·::! r( of the Javelin roads but these were not of great eom• fro mthe pre~ent Wabush ·. \r;i,:olinn to the AI· v;,lue without bridges. The petition I Lake deposits to the utent of aill·

. ;;.m~. Hon. L. R. curtis, was supported by Hen. Dr. F. w. teen million tons annually, plus an. So. \:olor·Gcncro-1, Han. 'I Rowe, ~llnlster of Education. additional s1x million tons annu-

. l!mF. Capt. Uriah Strickland Bona- ally from the Julian Lake Junlan "" · · 1 ·' t s th t d ' ltl Iron Corporation'• deposit. It Is 1.r.t;rr •a:cl l!r II'Otl d sec Ills a ou • presen e a pel on t d th t thl 1 lll t k i~:.'.:c! • polilical cam· on behalf of residents of Terra expec e a 5 yo ume w a e rm run in the ~lnrllime!lo ·Nova asking for a road !Ink with 1 some years to achieve because lht u:y in :'iava Scotia where :the Tmns-Canada Highway to· ph)·slcal problem Ia that of In­

be •peaking for Libcrlll 'wards ~ewman's Sound, Three stalling equipment to produ~e one­miles of the road would pass fifth of all of North America 1 pres-through the ~ational Park and I ent lr~n ore.

'}] therefore be a charge an the fed· Javelin by this agreement ~as rr1 era! gO\'ernment while the re• broadened its scope of &ctivl!les t: maining seven would have to be Into the development of other min·

\ bl built by the Provincial go1·ern- era! resources, and In addition will ! ssem v I men!, he SJJid. Not one cent had become I major holder of commer·

J 1

· . . • " 'been spent on roads In Terra Nova I cia! timber lands. This develop-. I. l'll'~rrs~J\1, ~!mister except by the Anglo-Newfoundland men! will require the lnatallation r·, p anrl lmmi!:l'•tlon Development Co. and there were I of dock transfer !aellltles, addition· . /'a lo I he House of As· manv automotive vehicles there I a! railway !acllltles, construction or -:~ a~h !lr ."·•.1 noted by wer~ not licensed because there' townsite and housing hcllltles at l ~ ". n ~aid It_ was his were no government roads. Hon. I Wabush Lake and Julian Lake; and

unn~. ' se\slon and E. S. Spencer, Minister of Finance the construction of plant equip­lor h;• llork for New- and lormcrl)' ~llnlster or Public ment, lncl_uding pelletizing machln·

11:1. lr~·i• ,. or !lie Op­. !Chnrd !he rremier'a re· l\-c;l lh• province'! repre-

Works, supported the petition. er~. The 1~1·estment to accomplish -------- ------ th1s·l~ est1mated at approximately sentative In the Federal cabinet, three hundred and fifty million and wished the visitor well. dollars. When this Is coupled with

es.k -without Riling

~~·. rl1''l\' I i . ~'t. " . rn• ,, ems 1 mve nn •· I'

/1£/11 food anJ drink. ~!,. \n,l lo'l•; ·~ l'cpsi, never

~.!' ' '. · nn cr lou &wcet, I '''I" r:;:l11 along with lh i! h1·l 1' · · 1 ' · rl''l rei res IC!

~ 11 l'"'ll hlli11g. ficmembrr la

f•·l'll' ~ '"I'I'IY tn~l~y.


ie L!g~ refre5;kwte~


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or FREE extra Pants or Skirt TIP TOP-Reg. $64.50.

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SALE .............. ........ $59·60 You Save $14.90 or extra Pants Free

A wide selection of fabrics from re· gular range to choose from. Sale ends June 11th. A deposit of $20.00 must be asked on each



, I i I : I , I I '

i \ I I I : I I I

Page 10: rem1er eveas etai s ave1n - Memorial University of · the seniority of men displaced by Its proposed removal


I· '



• I

' ' I


I. I

'.1 : ~ ): . : .

. i t •

. ' I


'' ·.'J

' ,. ···: l.i .. ' ·.r

Eight Reeords Fall · Jn Annual

St. Bon's Sports Day Competition Dave Baneu, Don,,:~ JJ"ris~ey, Keith

O'Neil Tof Athletes · · Eight records were mashed 'I'M only 11ld record equalled dur-

Jnd another equalled In ye5terday's I G:-ti!n threw the di!CUSS seventy 53rd. annual port.. Day of St. Bona· five yards dash which R. Jackman l'enture'• Colleje held at the Col· I equalled do.ln1 the 1plint In 7.8. lege campUJ, · · Pupils from Gnde One to Gnde

Hundreds of ex-pupils alol'll with Eleven pa rtitlpated In I he many the general public turned out !or events and the folkming II a list the Centenary SportJ ·~ the Col· of the varlou• winnen: lege this year i:elebratea Its one HURDLES hundred anniversary. Rain ahow· SENlOR-1!1.., R. Furlong; 2nd., era late In the afternoon didn't R ,Taclmlan; Srd., T. Murphy. Time: dampen the spirit uf the athlete• 10.11 ncs. • or ttre laltl and the hundreds stay· INTERMEDIATE-lit .. G. Laws; ed around until lite running of the 2nd .. A. Manning; l'lrd., J. Henley. laat tvrnt. Time: 10.6 Je<:l. CRecordl.

1t was a record-smuhh\ll ynr JUNIOR-1~1.. P. Furlong; 2nd., fill' tire Collep 11 eiBht records G. Kelly. Time: 12.6 aecs. fell by the waysicle and anethPr 75 YARD DASH was •quailed In the contest for the SENIOR-lit., R. Jackman: 2nd., tap athletPS of the Colle~{!. J. McGeltlian; 3rd .• J. Slaney. Time: j

Big Dave Ba!Tf!tl won 1he aenlor 7.8 ~~ecs. Victor Ludorum with Don "Horse" INTER~IEDTATE-l~t .. G.; 1

Morrlsrey. eoppll\1 the Inlermedl· 2nd., J. O'Neill; 3rd., J. Henley .. ~te crown with ycun1 Keith O'Neill \Time: 8.2 seCll. 1·

takin&: the junior honours. Barrett JUN10R-;-lrl., P. Furl~ng: 2nd., in his path for lll)l honoura broke G. Kelly; Srd., tie. G. Doyle and M. 1

the mile record 11ntl took first Doheney. Time: g sees. plac~ In the 220 yards, the Jav~lln 2JIO YARD DASH nnd Shot Put and placed second in SENIOR-1st.. D. u•rrett: 2nd., the High Jump, and Dhcus throw. E. Murphy; 3rd, R. Furlong. Time: Don Morrls~ey In the Inlermedlate 27.7. sees. group won first place In the Javtllln INTERMEDIATE - ht., J. 0'· nnrt the Shot Put and placed aec· Nelli: 2nd. ,D. Morriuey; 3rd., J. ond In the 220 and the DlscUJI Henle~. Timr: 30.2 1ecs. throw. Young Keith O'Neil In the I JUN10R-1st., G. Kelly; 2nd., P. Junior section broke the hal! mile Furlong: Srd., D. Pitcher. Time:

· wnlk record and placed first In the : 80.6 ~~. · '440. 880, broad jump and hop, • • -440 YARD DASH step and jump. I SENIOR-1st .. E. Murphl': 2nd ..

During the afternoon the sportJ 1 R. Furlong; 3rd .. :1. M~G~ttigan. was honoured h)' the attendance of :Time: 1 min. 9 ~~c~. · His Honour Sir Leonard Outer· I !NTERMED!ATE-l~t .. G. Lawe; bridge and His Grace the Arch· i 2nd., A. Mannln~: ~rd., C. Sfrjeant. bishop P. J. Skinner. along with Time: 1 mlR. 3.2 ~ec!. the membm o! the Boards o! Gol'· I JU!\10R-lst., K. O'Neill: 2nd., ernors of the College. : p, Furlong: Srd .. ·'· Smith. Time·

Highlil!ht o! the afternoon's en· ; 1 min. 7 sec~. tcrtainment was the display of . 880 YARD D.(SH drill~ by the junior ~rarles along : 1st .. R. Furlan~: 2nd., F.. Mur· 11itli thr mnrch pJst and the ~l~ize . ohl': :!•·~ .. .T. ~!cGettl~nn. Time: 2

· unclrr the direction of Captain J. min. 17.2 aecs. (Rccordl. J. O'Gr~d)'. I I~TF.R\tEn!.&. TE-tst., A. Man·

The ladle~ auxiliary of the Col· · nin~: 2nd. E. Qul~ley: 3rd.. C. h'l!e II'R~ on h:Jnd to ~upply 1"1!· · Serjeant. Time: 2 min. 32 sec~. ' freshmcnts during the afternoon JU:"o:lOR-Isl., K. O'Neill: 2nd., and ;uppers were served in the 1 D Pitcher: 3rd .. A. Smith. Time: Au', "ax1m~. 2 min. 27 ~~c<.

or the cl~ht records smashed ; ONE MILE RUN · lh:ll' 11~rr in the srnlor dil'lslon. I sE;>;JOR-lst .. R. Mar~hall: 2nd, KEITH O'NEIL,

\•tctor Ludorum winner Dal'e Bar· · J. SIHne)': 3rd .. J. ~lcGettigan. Time:: \\'Qn the Junior Victor rett did the mile walk in eight min· . l! min. 27.2 sw. 1 Ludorum yesterday at St. ut~<. ~lx and tii'O filth aecond!, I JJI.'TER~DIATE-111., A. Man·. , hetterin~ the old mark o! el~ht nln~: 2ncl., c. Serjeant: 3rtl, E.: Bon s Annual Sports. He rr.inute,, twrnty ~cl'en nntl two- , Quigley. Time: 5 min. 20.2 sees , smashed the U.. Mile Walk fi!lh !econd1. and broke the fhnt' tRecorcl' ! record and placed first in

· rut rcl'urrl with a throw of 36 ft. I O:'I'E .1!/LE WALl< 1 inch. !lnh Furinn~ cracked the ! SE;>;IO!I"--lst .. D. Barrett; ~nd ..

1 the 440 Yards, 880 Yards,

o:hrr ~~·nior rrcord In the BBO, w. Duff: 3rd .. P. Fitzgmld. T1me: i the Broad Jump, and Hop, )Drus a.< he dill lhe half mile in. 8 min. 6.2 !ccs. !Record). i Step and Jump. t'H· time of two minutes. sercntecn I INTER)IEDIATE-lst.. A. ~!an· Rnd t ... o.filtils second~. The old : ning: 2nd., E. Qulgle~·: 3rd., J. Hen· recoi'cl 1qs two minut~s and twenty l]el'. Time: 8 min. 22.2 aecl. ( Rec-

, ore .-r"onct•. : ordl. 111 ti:c lntermetliate Dil'islon I HALF' Ml{..E WALl<

TJ·''' 'ol~nnin~ •mn;hrrt two rcc·' JUNIOR-1st., K. O'Neill; 2nd., r• rl; 1•.·hile G. r,~1··~ broke the other. B. Felix. Time: 4 min. 6.1 aec1. ~.J;:nnlng bro~c the milP run and (Record). i

• ,. ,.,], rccor~s while Laws sma•hcd : TUG OF WAR-Won by the I t"r hurcllrs. In the mile run ~!an· . Boarders. (Boardera 1'~. Da)' Stu· ~!·1~ rliil the .course in :1.20.2 com· 1 dents). • p;::·cd with the old record of ~.23.4. I BROAD J'U~IP •

··\n the mi'e 11~lk he din It In 8.22.2 I SENIOR-1st., E. ~lurph)': 2nd., r~n1pand with the old record o! · n. :\{arshall: 3rd .. P. Fi17.Kernld. 840. Distance: 1B !t. 1 inch.

ln thr .lunior Dil'i>ion lwo rrc· 1:'1/TER~iEDIATE-lst.. G. Laws; nrd.• !ell U)' thf ~ide11 R)' with VIc- : 2nd .. B. Cantwell: 3rd., J. Henley. tor l.utlorum win~er Keith O'Neill 1 Di<'~'lce: 17 !\. 3'1nche!. ~m<~~hin~ the hall mile run ~cord . JUNIOR-1st.. K. O'Neill, B. and G. Grren bcttcrln~ the discus. ' \Ialone, G. Doyle. (3 way tie lor I

' (l':"o:cill did lhr half mile coune In firsat). Distance: 13 fl. 3 inc~.~. 4.6.1 compared with 4.18 while i HOP STEP AND JV.IJP ~rren threw the di!cus~ seventy ; SENIOR-hi., R. F1;rlong; 2nd, feet compared with the old record , T. Murphy; Srd., R Marsh~ll. Di&· o! 1ixty !ll'e !eel, fil'e Inches. lance: 37 ft.

.') •




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RAMSAY'S PURE PAINTS nn~ Grc~ter t:nvcrR~e. la~t. R ~r~ai rleRl lnn~cr, lonh a ~;rent rltRI hcttcr.


See us' b~fore you Paint Up thh season. I



'PHONE 3011

lance: 99 t1. 1 Inch. I IJI."TER~IEDIATE-1~1.. J. 0'· 'Keefe; 2nd., D. ~Iorrlmy: 3rrt.; B. Cantwell. Distance: 93ft. 7 inches.

JUNIOR-1st., G. Green; 2nd., W. Picco: 3rd., F. O'Keefe. Dis· lance: 70 ft. (Record), I


By THE. ASSOCI .\TEn · !II a tiona! I P ..eagur

Cincinnati II' L Prt Philadelphia ~ ;~ .&.;j Brooklyn 24 ti ~lilwaukee 21 li St. Louis 10 20 Xew York tS 26 .YIJ Chicago ll .1(~ rittsbur~h 1.4 262 .ll)

• . 8 ll3 .~mrnran Lra~ur

Unchangeri no "' , . ... "rn(l~ !

St. Bon's F Practice At 13~ PH!LADELPIDA (A P l-J ohnny

I Padres hurled a three·hitter ~!on· das night as Brooklyn Dodger; shut out Philadelphia Phillies 4·0 el· n'ln 1 • 31 1 I'

With all these lads durin~ lhc ""nmr" months playing ·~a mrs S!IIH'rl iscd hy. p~id atlenrlants­<lurin~ the winter months cnmrl· ing the ~Icmorlal S!arlinm prac· tically e\'cry altcrnonn -. onr must look on the other sirle of the ledger, If-bingo games were banned, what would happen here In St. John's? The results would be recorded In our local courts: They would be recordl'll In damage to ~oper!y. Th1•y would be recorded with an ex· tension on Boy~' Correction homes and many other means of unpopular r~corcls.

• • •

' . k S d. ' c g a ' . I ' ,; at Conn:e )lac· La lllm.


Fteld. Coat·h Sian Padres struck out nmc men and : quests a full stlendancr

walkPd four. · ·



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ls verY ' 1rternoon

wlll be ' at the

ds !h~ P In whlc

' Qlllei

tepo each

to two eight' J

and o!fic

two for 195&~7 .

meeting th !he Cons'

!ound was a d!leaates sl

their n member.

the four~~ an execi:lt

fully op immedla

had se·rve informed

·this c

Page 11: rem1er eveas etai s ave1n - Memorial University of · the seniority of men displaced by Its proposed removal

. ,,,

· TU!SDAY, JUN! ·~\ ·-1957

FOr" Top AthleteS . . Race. .

Prince Of Wales Weathe,·. Force& Postpmw,ienlf

Ba,lanDe Of Programme · T hi& A_,f ternoon .

Sports and half inches.

Doui. Campbell smashed the 100 yard dash re't:ord for boys •mder fourteen. He took fnc xlflh of a second of the old record for a new record of 12 3-5.

· 1~ 0.,m late yesterdaJ &f- 1 the proif&m. Competition for the various ~ forced the postJ)onement The loml proll'am of athletic VIctor Ludorum honours !1 very

'ollance of the Prince of events atarted at 10.30 ye1terday close In the senior boys with Pat . collt~e annual Sparta Day mornlni and continued up until Hollett leading the field 32

11 postponement hu step· around four o'clock. The officials oolnta while Dave Lawrence is

. I. lht Intere!t In the com· In charie of the proiram voted l:lght on his heels with thirty up bJlh individually and in favour of poatponlni t.he bal- IJolnt!. Only one event Is left

the lour Hou1e1. an~ of the proiram until this In the senior boys division for

11tth eight events to afternoon when rain ahcwers this afternoon and that Is the

be held five records have made field conditions unfavour- 220 yeard dash. Both are enter­:nuhed and there's 1 pas- able for the several important d and the winner will take the

1' t~'t one or two more events remaining. top atblete award of the College. bY the wayside 11 com· Three reoords were smashed In the junior boys the honours :n the senior boys and in the senior boys, one in the may go to any of three or four

n'c· airl~ and the junior junior boya and one In the boys' boys as the race Is very close · 11 ;,;e ror the Victor under fourteen years of .age


and the outcome this' afternoon honoul'! In each dl· II'Oup. In the senior group of should prove interesting.

. '


.• ~~ •·

Your house has· gone up ·in value. . . \

has your INSU~ANCE kept pace? Better make sure it ha.! Policies you bou~ht a few years back may noc be adequate to cover replacement cost or home and lnrnishings at pre>ent pri~. · Let u< look your policies

ever and bring them "P to date. Do it today-for your own ,..ace or mind.





s 1m c1o1e and events the boys lanky Pat Hollett smash· r'or the senior girls. VIctor rrnoon when the sports ed two records with husky Dave~ Ludor!um the scare is tied be­will oe closely contuted. Lawrence break.lng the other. In tweeh Sandra Churchill and

11 the ,\yre ,,thletic the Junior division Barry Hollett, Brenda Purchase, each w!th four­

!ilr Prince of Wales brother of Pat, broke one record teen points. 1 In the competition, in wl1lch buys and girls! while Doug Campbell. broke the I between the junior iirls l\largot I


· CoiiPgt and. Holloway I other' in boys under foul'teen Peters leads· with fourteen, · r)mpm. 5BII' hundreds of years of ~gc. Pat Hollett broke I points, Vera Robbins is next with I

. q, 1

nd lrlcnds line the t'he senior shot put record 'add· twelve ·points and An~ine _Nick· i

HUNDREDS of ex-pupils and friends of p;:ince of Wales College and Hollowav School flocked to the Avre ~thletic Grounds yesterday afternoon for the Annual Sports Day. The above photo shows the grandsl~nd f1lled lo capa~1ty while a great many OI the fans stood around the rails. Due to inclement weather late in the .afternoon the Sports were _POstponed until this afternoon et 3.30 (weather permitting). •d !ill the grandstand! !or lng fourteen inches to the old· ersan is third with eight points.


. :~,ual alhletic meet. This rone u he threw the put a dis· With several events to be held ;1,,

1 ~~~~ a new feature to I tance of forty-four feet two this afternoon ln the Junior girls

r;:ncc. ~~ Wa.le~ Sport~ as I Inches. He also broke the dis· division anyone of the three mayi·S·Ix ·.Yankes F·n d For Fans Hate Kl·n,·skl·,· <l"IO'J' cla<ce! put on an ex- cuss record u he threw the dis· take top honours. I e

Prol'incial General Agent Temple Building,

Duckworth Street St. John'1 Phone 2165.

--- ---

. · n! rtrilh and figure\ cuss one hundred and fifteen The spprts continue this after· I ·. , whirh was well dem·l feet bettering the old record of f\OOn at 3.30, weather permitting, •

. d Thi> \G tlle first time ninety-five feet, four !nclleS. on the Ayre Athletic Grounds, Birthday Party In .d t R t N t w k CA:-iADA ''lli~ ..... ·coiiPgr Sports history that Also In the aenior dl\•ls!onl with the following events to be • Cl en _I e urns ex ee I SEALED TENDERS addressed · d~:~~~ Hd fl~ure marching Dave Lawrence broke a record l (1eld; relay races, senior mile, . . , • • to the undersigned and marked



1:)'ted and the success In u he added an half Inch to the i Junior half mile, 220 yards senlor,l NEW YORK (AP )-SIX prom!- BELIE\ ED LARGEST EVER WresUing fans in St. John's last clean there were several occasions·, as to contents will 'he reccil'ed i~

.' 1

:. ~.11 ,.05

terrla)' will make bread jump a! he leaped a dis· I pole vault, tug o' war, junior nent New York Yankees have been I "1 don't know how it leaked night got a good display of a good when both boys lost Ulcir tempers. the off1ce of the. Secretary unt1l

ran lA'aRUP ~·. Clel'eland :l 1 1·~ Dale)'

nt Detroit , 1·, "aa<

(':llra~n ~) Si;l~r I

, 1\sn•a< City ~!<>r~•n !3-H n Ji 1.ra~11r I J'liilddtip\d .'

1 ,. , 11aild1

; 1 t :\t•W

.. \lllunf•l\1 I : !'ilbburgh

1 , Frit•nd I Hrookiyn [:\ , "' ! 2·! I. --et Sc nr,.l•.rrr.l -<rorr, ~I

474 aU out, lor 3

4 t i lor q·J and

·,:"an 1nn.nS!

· ;~: 1 ,. ~n annual event an tance of nineteen feet eleven I !hot put and junior broad jump. slugged With $1,000 !mcs as a re·\ out, but it's true," said Bauer He clean type of wrestling along with and pulled some illegal tactics, but, 3.00, p.m. __ <F..D.S.T.l .. Th~rsday, · · . ·_. _ · ' suit of their M;~y 16 "birthday declined further comment. · the other brand, that of ignoring when thev did the matter was' Jul~ 4, 19~•. lor conli'act No. 36·

"heated" !tBdium would entice party" incident at a Xcw York I The fines were believed the larg. the rulebook and becoming unpop· soon forgotten. I 5i-T('H-N-;:radin~. ~ulverts a~d I !Orne support. With the co-opera- I night _club. I est ever handed out tn Yankee his· ular with customers. In the main bout Kiniski rcfus- \raffle gravel. approximately Mile •k s · tion of the Stadium Commission I Outlielders Hank Boucr and t~ry. The total of ~.000 was even It ll'a! double. feature bouts last ed 4J ~a to the dressing room :o to .\tile ll, Tnns-Canada _Hi~h· '

Ll e Ystem I perhaps a sectional board floo; ~,llckcy ManUc, ~~fielder BU!y ~!ar- higher than. Lhe S5.000 fine against night wilh the preliminary match <1ftcr he 11on the flr't fall after llay. Park r.oundary, \'ICtnlty I ! could be laid 80 that we could see t.n, c,atcher Yogi Berra and ~Itch. I Babe Ruth rn Jn25 alter a row with being between pick Beyers and 1~.35, ;~nrt he kept mo't of I he Northwest rlil cr lo Charlottetown ;

. I a basketball'~ame during the wino er.l \\ hltey Ford and Johnny Kuc~s manager ~llllcr Huggins for "mil- Sandor Kovacs, while the main fans amused a• he took cxcept 10n here>' Tioo•l. Terra Nova Nation· .

1 ttr months. It might cost

115 (the -;-all regulan-were lhe players, conduct of[ the p!aym!liheld." bout featured badboy Gene Kiniski to e1ery c<1nci~· "wrapper 1\'hicll. 11as. al _Par!;,_ :\rid .

. Editor. D1il~· :'icw>. the~ JUSt get together and elect a i'er!) 1

couple o! lhousand fmed. : . . , .. " . . :and Prin~ ~laiava of Samoa. thrown at him. Spcclfltatwns """ be· seen and . ;:r--Plcase •llciV me president, secretary and treasurer ,for lumber but the additional rei'· Al~hough .the club to $_llntll Ted \\illi.nh ".as doc~ed i Klniski won the main ]J{lut orer The second fall. 1\'hich ""' won forms of lenders ohtamed al the !o otter a few comments I from their own number-why brtng I enue might justif the expeme . confirm or den;- the report. Jt II as . o,OOO last year for hr~ ~pitting i the Prince while Bever ancl Kor·. hi' the Prince came aflcr sci· en i offices of the Chic!. Trans-Canada :Jnnmi. and ;.:!ministration


in five "out.sWers", ~rho havefl't Recommendatlo~s _ It is the learned clsc\l:here that hcai'Y fines • ~elden\~ at Fcn\\'ay Park. t~e' acs fought to a clean 'tic at U1e end niinutes and f~rty·fire seconds as . Highll'a~· Dimion. Hunter Bldg .. . rwiou! ~~~;:uc opcrat!na In got any 1\ated or wr1tten.dut!es- writer'~ opinion that the following· had been !Cilcd. . ' lulth fuc.had stood as baseballs\ol thirty minutes. the Prince ofler taking came'Ottawo, Ontano: .\Jr. A. A. ~lac· :M•-\hll letter is prompted~ all they act is the "bad publicity" i


1 ~·here neces~ary should be, The story was broken b); 111. a ·hme high. ' Wrestling fans who think that rough trea'tment from Ki~iski 1 Kinn0n. Suprrvi>ing Engineer, m1i~ 0 Ja't week'! issues: n evidenced by lut season's "Let· I taken by th• dore-me~llonA lea·' Ferdcnzl, who cover~ the \ anks: A partv for Bill" Martin' ""'hi Hardbollcd Haggertv is a rou"h srri'Cd aut ~orne hea1• 1

· head-butL; Tr;llls·C'Jnarl• lli~hll'ay Dil•ision, ·h r 1'n it "'a• ·ters to the' Editor'' (Hockey In • •a I Cor the ~ell' York Journal Amen·· · · · · ·

5 ""'' • • ~ h' · · ?Ql 'I· I II B 'Ill. " Sl J h · :u: p1per.

11 c e " " · iUe!: b1rthdav that ran mto the earlv! customer and doesn t gel along 11' 1ch weakened h1s opponent aml 1

- ·' ars 1' Ul r


0 n s.

·: 1h11 •ariou! lraaucs and: l'cstliat!ng Committee, please (1) Each orJanlzatlon, not each can: ! morning resul!ccl in the inddents ·with the fans too well, should 1ee then he applied the body press. 1 ;.;nd, .. and ~!r. H. F. Peter.>, Su·,

· . .,,ere .~rer-\ly hamper· '1 note!). . team, be repre!ented h)' one dele· I Most of the player' \\'ere 1111-; t.!lat led to the club's action. Bauer~· the Kiniski in action. Jlight from The ~.:innig fall came after eight I pcn'lsln~ Engineer, Trans-Can~da t\m opmt1on. b)' the non· Baseball -:-. The . 1\'ntcr Is. not gate. . "!available but Bauer 11 as located at· \\'as charged _with beating up a the cpeni~g a~n.cuncement Kiniski minutes of b~ttle when Kiniski' H;hway DlmlOn; Federal ~Ul!d-. e ~l_delcgates. too flm!llar 111th the Internal 1\0rk- (2) SRid delegate to have one n barbershop before the Yanks left· man at the n1ght club but denied showed his dishke !Or the crowd pulled a fell' 1llegal holds and ap- m~, Hahfax. N.S. Prehmmary

1:. Johr.s wr hal·~ . lour ,lnis of the 1enlor bueb11ll league \'Ole at the annual election of ol· on the night train lor Clrl'elRnd the charges. Bauer faces a hear· Rnd for his opiXJncnt and just be· plied the real rough ·sluff. His plans can he sec?. at the office of J~\itcr sports, liZ. hoc· but from ,observ~!lon, I can s~y fleers of the· League. lor lthelr second western trip. ing alter a civilian arrest June 21. fore referee and promoter Tom 1· favourite hold in leading to the ~~~·· A. H. MacKmnon.

l•slr!tball. lootbal! aftd they are blesaed with only SIX . (3) Alter the election o1 office" --------- · Dunne ~tartcd the usual search o! 1 !mal fall was a succession of fo he cons!der~d each tender :1-;- .. u~fortunatel)', "Track teams which would automatically of

1 league, the said executive clothing for any concealed wcap- strangle holds which Jeri the mu~t be accompamed by a se~~rl·

F:d . 11 .~onl!ned to an gtl•e only 8 delei"tes, together with have sole power to operate all ons Kiniski was Into the Prince. Prince pretty exhausted. after ty 1n the form of a ee_rtlfred . ·JJ Out~llli- otherwise known the three man executive, for a total phases of the league, ~~o·ithout any The Prince, accompanied by his I which Kiniski applied the body cheque or bonds as spec1fled in

.U.V. _Sporls Day. With of nine members (a v-ery quiet Interference whahcev'er. Duties of drummer-boy, Coconut Willie, press for the winning fall. 1 the form of tender and made on ~rmlSSIDn, I would like meeting, with only aine . voices the executive committee to be . seemed to get on Kiniski's nerves Kiniski's 'victory was not well! the pnnted forms supplied by the r.::1 undtr separate head· speaking all at once, instead .of clearly de-fined in the constitution. and he made several attempts to received by the fans and r.e hacl a i D_epartment and 1n acccrdance

twenty four, as in football). How· <•> Each organization, In each stop the Prince from his hip sway- diff!cult time getting back into the, ~l'llh the cond1l10ns set brth there· - Alter I lapse of ever; to be serious, resulta have branc:)l of

1port, 1o request their !ng and v;iggling b€fore the bout dressing room despite police pro- I m .

. vem. this 1·ear the writer proven that th-e executive haa been deleiate for 1

periodic, written re· started. The Prince kept it up, tection. He was· mobbed with 1

The D~partment, through ~he ~the 19~7 Annual Foot· strong, and they mu1t have the port to the organization's execu· howel'er, and Kiniski walked out paper cups and candy wrappers ab~I'C offices, Will s~pp!y spwf_J· rt'.ir.c -- according to t~e written poW1!rs, because · things tlve,

10 that said executil'e may o1 the ring and back into the dres· and one young_ lady th_rew a paper. callons for the wo:« on deposit

. J report. I he meeting 1\.U. have been acc.O'mpllshed. I would gll'e it! official ~nslderat!on to sing room in disgust. It took the cup of sirlt clnnk at h1m. He was; of a s~m or 550.00 m the form of . mh Semor team \\as: say that baseball flourishes today, pertinent problems. stadium manager a lew minutes attacked by a spectator in the' a cert1f1ed hank cheque or money

to tM delegates. each: not with the help of, but In ap!te to get him to come back to wrest- stands and Kmiski made an at. I order payable to the order of the ~~ Cllht Junior team!, one. of the deleiates, for which I offer (5) That the Constitution o! each i ling and when he did he was met tempt to get at him but the !an· rleceil'cr General ol Canada. The 1nd there are four. congratulations to the three man. League, I! to lay.()Ut and content, I with rounds o! booing. quickh· disappeared. deposit Will be released on return

1. o!uccrs-a total 10! 'executl\·e. . be given scrutiny and advice by 1 Using illegal tactic~ mast n! the· Kini~ki wi:I be back at the Sla· , of specifications in good condition l•o fo_r each meeting. I Buketbali-The writer can re· the legal profusion before adop. ·.time· in the main bout. Kin1ski I dium nbt ~!on<lay night when he i 11 1th1n a month from the dale of liM-5• Prc!ldent Informed i member back to when 100 specta- !ion. took two falls off Price ~!aial'a. \meets Pat O'Connor in f.11e ma:n receptiOn of tenders. If not return·

:wrn1 that he had gone' tors at an intercollegiate basket· (Sl After 1

~late o! officer~ has He won the first but fell to th~ bout. cd within \hat period lhc deposit , :!,I . (or.>titution, In which I ball at the C.L.B. Armoury was not been elected, let them run thing!. Prince's head butts. in I he scconr .. ; will he forfeited. ~-~~ H> A cltmc saying that unheard of. We aha had an inter- else, why elect them! r11 the third bout Km1ski outsmart- 1 The lowest or an)· tender not :r!!lllc.s l~.uuld Rppo!nt .. from 1\ mediate and 1enlor league. ed the referee anrl putled some neccs~arily accepted.

:hm number of e!Kiiteen, For 1

city whleh only aets about I regret hal'ing taken up so underhande-d tactic! to take life :!:lmhn; ·•ho would work ,two months of summer, and ten much ~pace, Mr. Editor. I only out or tile Prince ~nd ev~ntually: PLUMBING & HiATING

Ire lour !lccted oflicers, to months of wuther which would tru!t that ·I can stir up enough 1

Kiniski pinned the Prince for the • 1r; mc~1il c committee, who drive aport lndoor1,' I can only interest In those concerned, to re· .third fall. . u\1)' ~pcnte the league. eomment that the delegates and a!!Ze the situation, which 1~. In The preliminary match wa~ one inmedlatr Put-President,\ executive ol the Basketball Lea· most instances, that the "taU" h o! the cleanest seen at the stadium


lemd lor elahteen aue 1hould "get together"--basket wagging "the dog", and tlje spec· !ince wrestling wa~ brought there lruor~ed the meeting thai ball Is one of the fa1test ;ames, tater public h bclnR ukecl to sUP· 1 two '\'ears ago. Dick Beyer and·

thts ciAu.~e was in the yet about 80 percent of the avail· port the resulh with layal attend-1 Sand~r Ko1•acs gave a great per··

· s11d Consl!tution had able sportlna publ!e wouldn't re- ance. forma nee of good clean wrestling i ~~~~ . for:mlly adopled. The cognite a basketball from a fool· Yours thlly, and although at tirst the crowd 1• thl~ Co~slltution ~~~ 1949. ball. Perhaps the

1dvert!slna of a G. DUFF. , ..... .c:.u'M:'oo. became impatient for more action


COrlfRACTOR Jnstall~ti:JD and Repain

to all tn;~~ sy.,tems. 1 Phone· 5578F .48 FOREST ROAD


ROB.ERT FOnTIEil. Chief o( ,\dmln!stratil'c Sen·ice

and Secretary . Department of Public Works, Ottawo, ~lay 31, 1957. jnc4,5

. . - .

CANADA Co.lh.ilutto.~ II don t knew c ,.,a,"''"'""'·.... I the type of wrestling eventually or.1. as the 1949 amend· 'i·:ll> wori the applause a! the fans who

i!r! OEier adopted). IIOU Holy·. Cross - A.I.O. T'ted ·~A\Int EloJ1hA cave Ill that? Boy, 911hllot a""" Dfi became. more appreciative of 'the .. :ll\1 tha! the Constitution bum. or she's &ot!" brand b€ing exhibited. Although -·~Y be amended by written ·--·-·-- the match could be called strictly ---=---------- SEALED TENDERS addres.!ed

Newcastle, N.B.", Will be received 'Tender · for Federal Buildlnl, Newcastle, N.B.", will bertcelved in the office of the Secretary, until 3.00 p.m .. (E.D.S.T.), W~-

llln Annual Meeting, so

Executive Is st!llatuclt For ·sowl'tng Ho'nors Senior and 8 Junior de-ll uch !et-gue meetln1.

- Almost the ume uists in Hockey, where A.l.O. AND HOLY CROSS The o!f!clal atandlng of learn! I!

lrt six organizations, dl· TO PLAY OFF THURSDAY as follows: b!tw1en Junior and Senior, AT 1.00 P.M. fOR TITLE MEN f/! P W L PtJ. lith team having a dele- A.I.O .. , . . . . , . 9 7 2 7 thich giVes U! twelve Holy c'roS! Jr .. , , g 7 2 7

to add to the con· The final games of the round Holy Cross Sr. , . 9 2 7 2 ol the five man execu· concluded in the Men's series last Gt. Eastern Oil .. 9 2 7 2

!or 1 total of seventeen night at the Felld!an Alleys when LADIES p w L PtJ. mwin~. the A.I.O. who were leading up to. VIctory .. , ,' , • , , 8 ~ 1 ~

z lo the Hockey Con· lk't night, dropped two to the Holy Jubilee , , . . • . 6 3 "-3 3 ''I he President shal\ Cross Junior team In a match that Lu~ky Strike .... 6 1 ~ 1

. 111 L~ague meetings' went dawn to the final ball. In For general interc~t, In the -p!ay­u l~t !Ole extent of his 'the third frame, up to the final I off Jlame, the A.I.O. have a total of

II ~rrtten. 'l'he Executive, man, wlth Carey going in on two 8208 pins for their games and lhe hne no 11ritten authority and purtine on two mere and plug· Holy Cress Juniors have an 8083

. ~hil1t delegates "shall 111na on the third ball to win out by pinfall. thm rights in the proper a scant 9 pins. · sconEs

1nd control of this It wa1 a ;rand 11ame and a larl!e · \\'hat a ridiculous word- crowd was on hand to witness the

Ll1 d!l~aates are to "manage mateh, the rt!ult of which Is that illl"llthe league", why don't !loth teama are tied for the hon

Ptrtuu1 Con Road Sub-Division LOTF POll

AND TO LIAtl l5(l I 200ft.

ours at 7 polnta each. The play-off lor the title IR set

for Thursday at 7.00 p.m., and the players are asked to bear this in mind. ·

IALI The Individual' pr!zea for the serlu show that ~. Carey has both prizes with a 3311 sin11le and an 842 three framu, whilst In the aggre­

lh! o~~ortunlty JOU have J~ate score bo[h Carty and Carroll fer. With a amall are Ued with· 2198 pill!, and thla

It You can now atar1 tie will be broke on the result of which you llavt ,

n dreaming of Thursday •· malch. · one of the · beau\1 The Ladles' finished. their aeries

Jubllce-2 . . 162 160 179 ~01 . . 167 1~2 164 483 ..122 230 160 ~12

J. Power .. ~~- O'Mara .• G. Ba!ley · •• 1G. Buck •• • . 17~ 217 210 602

626 7~9 713 '209R Lucky ltrlkt-1 ·· 7 !f. Babstoclt .. 160 143 176 479 M. Bonnell ... 201 163 151' 5115 V. Fahey .. · .. 206 146 109 461 F McDonald .. 184 \73 ~B 515

. 7~1 825 ~94 1970 Rolv Cro1~ .Jr~.:-! D. ·Fitzgerald .. 223 25R 177 058 R. Short .. ..188 243 178 607 J. Cran!haw. .... 2~SI 231 318 777 J. Carey • • . . 249 257 336 842

888. 989 1009 2884 l'ortu111 Cove ltoad last nlihl but the mult didn't

from thl have any bearlai on th• champion- Rol' Cron·-2 ~~":, 11 ~!~,~~~c n known ship ·which bad ,already been won J. Wadden'., ~, 1157 236 292 686


In Ull by the VIctory League. The prizes w. O'Reilly. , , .1715 171 226 1572 ' ~~~~~t!:-T:'=~ In the ladles aeclion show .. that F. Hickey.. . .291176 1~7 6M I In Lillian Vatcheo wlna the .anregate G. Wadden.. . .226 188 1157 1570

with 1~ and the ·· h!gliut · tJme 848 771 83324~2 frames with 8111, and 'Ruth j:iuu.- G. E. 011:.:....1

~1lots are well, h~d the hlahest !Ingle }l'lth F. Hammond l ~I ln!orrnaUon contact 32S a !)II theae· prius will be pre- w. Jl. ammond 1\.-, CQNDOIII...I unted' na Thursday night •t 8.30 . .T. Cowan · • ("1111 p'.~. followinl the , playoff 1ame H. cowan • , RI~Ln-co- LTD. Ia's mUon. !

.. 26~ 173 159 ~96

.. 127 158 2~ 48R. , .18A 202 139 527 , .232 262 199 AB~

809 78~ 701229~ •


' nesday, July 3, 1957. I Plans and specification can be i seen and forms of tender obtain-1 ed at the offices of the Chlef : Architect, Department of Public Works, Ottawa, Ontario the Dis·

· trict Architect, Department (If I Public Works, 115 Prince William, ' Saint John, N.B.; the District Architect, Department of Puolie Work>, Federal Building, P.O. Box 42~. Halifax, N.S., and at the Post Offices at Fredericton and New­ca,tle, N.B.

To be comidererl each tender must be accompanied by a security in the form of a certified cheque

1 nr bonds as ~pcri!icd in the forms my9,tues,thur~.lm • of lender and made on the printed

._ __________ _.. I forms supplied by\ the Departme'nt ' GEAR ST •




Coady's Coal

and in accordance \i'ith the condi· · tions set forth therein.

The Department, through thB Chief Architects office, or through the undersigned. or through the office of the District Architects at Saint .John, N.B. anrt Halifax, N.S., 'l'ill ~upply blue-prints and speci­fication of the work ol a sum o! S150.00 in the form of a certified bank cheQue or monr;·-order pay­able to the order of the Receiver General o[ Canada. The deposit will he released on return of the blue-prints and specification in good condltiov within a month from the date of reception of ten­ders. If net returned within that , period the deposit will be forfeit~.

The lowest or any tender D!Jl necessarily accepted. . '

· ROBERT I'ORTIER, 6 SPENCER ST. I Chief of Adminhtral!ve s~rvlee


and Secretary .. For the IH.:ST In FUEL jllrporlmont of Public Works, i' 1

Dial 4249

iAI JlijliiniJniilBiil.liJimiilll•••'•••• Otlall'il, May 31, 19~7. I .


i i

I I . ' I '

I j ' I


Page 12: rem1er eveas etai s ave1n - Memorial University of · the seniority of men displaced by Its proposed removal

I '

1 ,i : ~


; 'I •· '


I ~;

: ) '

--------------------------~--------------------------------------------~~~---~--------------~----------T~H~E~D~A~IL~Y~'N~E~W~S~,~T~UE~S~DA~Y~,~JU~N~E 4,

I. '•.,





GILSON LINE The trne test of 11ualit\'·is dependability and for complete dependability

amd reliable ~en·ice yon will not find better than an 11ppliance bearin~ the l'~mili~r GILSO:\ trade mark\ Modern de1i~n, reasearch

Improvement~. <1ualitr Jilaleri~ls and the skilled tngineerin,g that ~oe~ lnt('l e\·rn· GI.LSO:\ 11ppliance, these are the fa'ctors that spell ont real

qualit\' and brin~ you-the wise buyer-full value for your money.




Refrigerators FROM


The wonderfully spaciom and






Th11t established fav('Juritt, the ,

nperbly styled


1\"ith Lhe rolling transmission

' . that's·~uaranteed for ten \'ears.

I ' . .,.


' Or\ Hll:\E PLJRCHASE ·

The Gr·eat Eastern Oil Company, Limited


Arthur MacKenzie of Brooklyn · wants to know how you ean trans­fer to dJamonds when using· both Stayman 1nd the transfer bid. · . You do It In two bids, not one.

North' twG-elub response wn Stayman and South's rebid of two hearts ~orrectly showed that he held four' cards in that suit. North's second bid of thr~ clubs uld; "Forget about Stayman: My

I two-dub bid wu the start ·of a transfer to my suit, diamonds."

South's second rebid a! three d lamonda was the compulsory re­sponse to . the transfer. North rnlsed to four diamonds. He only held three points In !1lgh card~

. but he still wanted to be in ·nve ! diamonds IC South's ·no-trump ln­clurled the right cards for him.

South went on to lil'e dia-monds. He knew that North would ·~how up with a frtak

; hand of stme sort and that hi.! ·, ~ce.1. and kings would be helpful. If his no-tqtmp had been prin-

NORTH H .4 ., Nont +10987653 o41QJ 10 u


.l\JB EA.ST .Q87JZ

• 10 85 2 • A970 • Q "'K9i2

• AJ .. ~ SOI.JTH \DI • A 10 8 . ¥ KQJ 5 tKO ... A 53

Both \'Uintr~ble !I anti! Wtsl North 1 N.T. Pas• 2 ...

2' Pan 3 ... 3. Pan 4. H Pas• Pass

Openlni lead-¥ 2

Eul Pus Pass Pus Pan

clpally In lij!Cens and jacks he would have passed.

South had no trouble making five diamonds. He lost one tTump and one club.

It Is lntemtlnll to note that If

I N~rth an(i South had not been

. using the transfer bid Nor t h I might well have gene down at 1 !lYe dinmonils. I East would ha1'e oprn~d his 1 singleton club and' ~orlh would have hnd to mRke a crucial de· cl»lon at trick one. If he guessed right and went up with duummy's ace he would make his contract but if he had finemd, a club re· turn. would have aet him.

~The blddi,ng has be~n: North Er!!t South Wt~t 1 dmnd. Pa!s -1 helrt Pm

:2 N.T. Pm 7 1 You. So1tth, hold:

Spad~s: 8 7 6: H~artl: K J R ~; D1~mond1: K 9 ~ 4; Club!: A 2.

WhRt do )'Oil do? A-BHi thru diame~d3. Ycn1

ltave J'J poitll~ and ~our part~er . 19 or 20. There shoutd h~ ~ !lam

1! 1JOUr !Uamond fit help~ IJOHr 1 partner l!Uitcriatll/.

TODAY'S QUESTION . You hold the aame hand. 01·er


your three-diamond bid your part· 1 ner rebids to four diamond•. What 1 do you do? I An.!'lvtr Tomormw.

Breakfast Bread Is Appealing-

The. "No Break!a!t Blue~" can be banhlted In a lmrry when the

II wise meal-planner setH up 1 lure

as appealing as a warm-from-the­oven homemade bread.

I In this ea!e, the bread Is a dP­'!lcately spiced breakfast variety : mRde with a crisp topping of ! whole wlieat shred!, brown sugu ' anci butter. : Served ~!on~ with It He the : other good breakfast es~ential.l-

ready-to-eal ~real with milk, mix ed fnsh fnllt~ ann A be\'erage. Both thB m1lk 1erl'ed with the cerul and the milk uw! in th~ brukfast bn~d wi.ll, lnctdenl!lly, help the family itt its daily quota o! thi! important dairy product.

QUICK COFFEE SQUARES 1V. cups sifted flour 2 teaspoons baking powder 1 teaspoon salt V. teaspoon nutme1 One-third cup au&u II• cup shortening '! ~~~~ Two·lhirrh cup m 1lk \ . 1 cup Krumble1 (who!~ w~eat

~hre~,) li cup butt~r or m a l'liarina 1'1 cup brown sugar

, Sill together flour, baking poW·


. rlcr, ~all and nutmeg. Blenrl shor· tening · Rnd su~ar; arid Pgi anrl beat well. Arlo si(l~rl dry ingr~-

1 cticntl altern<1le!y with milk, ,ur. 1 rlnR only until cnmhined afiH

I PBCh andition. Spread in greased 9x9-inch pan.

1 Cmsh Krumblc~ Into I in e ~cr11mb~; combine buller and ,u,ar I Sprinkle ov~r hat!er. Bak~ in i moderately hot 'liVen (400 degr,el

I. [1.1 ~bout 2.'i minute~ .

. Yield: 9 3·inch 1quare1.

I Household ··Hint ,

The furry lining of !Indium bootJ can be washed with warm 10ap or detergent suus. · Reach inside with a well soaped

w11h cloth or a long-handled brush. I Rinse with a rlamp cloth and stuff

1 1 with old towel! to blot. Pat the . honts in Rn airy !pot and when ._ ___________ .,.. ____ ...:, __ ..:,_r ____ ,;__; __ ....:, __ ..JI dry, brulh the fur.




W<;, Tr.~ ~~ ~\. ~'W.. ~ ~,0-\ ~ rn' ....:t.m \l.\'V ~\..,~ ~ ~ ~""~ '1-\~~

I'H~SCTTJ ,A'S r~--------------~~--------~~ ~~~-----r------~~~-----1



mE FINE: CAKES and llade In N1

Hlll (] DIAl


Page 13: rem1er eveas etai s ave1n - Memorial University of · the seniority of men displaced by Its proposed removal

NEWS, lU!SDAY, JUN.! .4, · 1951


·"" ....... Welding Cleaning Compoun~s

:l ~PRI~f.DALE ~T. r·•' E[fimnt Serv1c1 .•.. pl;\L 203i


Newfoundland's Cleanest . word. Obtainable at R. J. COLEMAN LTD

246 • ~48 DUCKWORTH ST ' DIAL 2415

Confectionery REID'S

COi'\FECTIONERY Ciiareltes, •·ru!t, Ice Cream

.111d Drlnks. We Give Good Service.

ROIII'ID Street, Dial 910H

Parts [Whole] Contractors Slid.

Armatuu Work•

38 Bambrick

Street Dial 7191-2


1m'R.\SCE ~IAN

\\'. BURTON -.---~ BUILDER!! OF

MODERN HOMES · Mo~emlzlna, Remodellin1,

Repair Work. 54 LeMarchant Road.






H.\ROLD s~ow ----J & SO:'\, l.'n>.

I ludnllrlal t:lrclrll'lan~ i ' -------- --- I 77 llamlllon Slrrtl. I

Dial 1051

j_o~~~~-!~7~ __ J:~·_ 4~~:_ I

[\D B.\1\EII\' --1 Contractors TilE FI~EST BREAD, Supplies ems ar.n PASTRIES 1

~~~ In ~ewfoundland

Rill O'Chlp1 DIAL ~S6R


P\Rl.Ot'R ' I I


HA:IIILTON AVENUl Heatlnr and Ve,(lWatlon. ·1

Structural acrl Rl·inforcinl SlePI.

DIAL' 80171

Customs Brokers P. F. COLLII'\S ----



Electrical Appliances


Agency Department 243 Water St , Dial 2102 I



Wiring Materials, Win and Cables, ~lotors, Starlera,

Lamps, -S1,1tches, LlihUnl Fixll.Jrcs, etc.


Electrical Service JONES ELECTRIC ---,


SpeclallstJ in Moton, Generators, Steam Irons and all Household Appllacc~.


SERVICE Electrical Conlractot , 408 Water Street,

St. John's, ~ewfoundlmn~. Phone 6344

Engines -----E. and !1. IIAHBOUR LTD,--~

I lll~tributora o!: Kell'in ~Iarine Diesel! I

Krll'in Ricardo Gu F.ngine1. I Full Line of Spare Part1. 412 · 474 WATER ST.


Florists HOWSE OF FLOWEJ:\8 ~

Sel'\'inl Sl Jol!11'1 • from 2 locations:


102 WATER ST. DIAL. 7410

S;>fi:Ja!:q! In PER)IA~E!IiTS.

1!0 P.\TRICK 8!,

~----DI-AL_,_14•_· _,04_9 _I .Fruit Stores


Ali Steel Bic)·clu (h:n D~ii'P Tricyc!e1

Dl.~ 1. 8970

--------------------Delicatessens "'



OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK from 9.00 a.m. to 11.30 p.m.


LAMBERT'S COUGH SYIUP can b1 obtained al ·


DIAL 2201

Materials. THE. ATRE PHAR~l.\CY I I ll LOCATION!!: ·---'

D\1\l L'ffi i ~t. Clare Ave ... Dial 8933 ·. ·., ·- I Lon1'1 HIU and


l~r all your Bulldinl it1u!rement& call 14111 - BOlli

Queen'• Road . ·.Dial U87 T.A. Bulldla1, Duckw~ St. .. Dial me

;:::::::::::=. :::: Dry Cl~aning Matenals JX)WNS DRY----r­

CLEA:\II!IiG LTD. 1 Covcrin~ St. Jol1n's wllh

Fnt, ~l!lclenl Sen·ice. a HAMILTON AVE.

DIAL 8985

Electricians ~iARINE, DlliSEL and -­' ELECTRICAL ENG,

24 Hour Service for Repaln to Molars, Generators aod

Household Appliaocu. DIAL me

EMPIHE FRUIT STORES -Fer the Freaheat Fruit 111

Town call . . . EMPIRE FRUIT STOif

144 Patrick Street, Dla1 ZUZ

L 376 Duckworth St., Dill 3911

2 Locationa:

Fire Insurance CROSBIE CO., LTD.----,




Fish Stores CITY FISH SHOP ---.


'DIAL !!28

Service, Quallty, VU:i•ty

Furniture Movers



()!Jmbtr aJ tho C. W.A. •nd ' M.!I.T.A.l

A1onlo In all pr!nelpll eiUu u "''II ao Unltod Kloldom. Lo<al and lon1 dlruo01 movl•l·



Gift Shops Jewellers . Picture . Framing · ART SUPPLIES ---­ART SHOP

_Re_cr_ui_ti--=ng~--- Stationery LARACY'S ----­

REME~IBRANCE !!BOP . Gifts, Games, Toya, No,.clt!cs, Caul's Cards

!or R 11 occasions

VIAL 426~


Grocers B. WALSH ------.


You Choice of what yoo need! DIAL &160



You eRn buy your groceries just as cheap as in St. John's and have them dclll'ered to ~·our door without charcge.

We gh·e D.P.S. Stamps



303 WATER ST . When selecting a Diamond· Rlnl! see our privat~ U~amJud Booth. 1 ,

. DIAL 4502

Matches BRnt.~Y -----­

SAFETY MATCHES Distributed by

:FRANK McNAMARA LTD. Queen St. Dial 51U · «

Meat Wholesale C.\MPB!LL'S ~tEAT MARKET





GARBAGE _ _..!_ ___ I

DISPOSAL M Wh I I Do you hal'e a garbaae Dis· eat 0 esa e po~al problem in your ba~e-ment nr ~arden·: H you have, CDil 33Rfi·F and vour worries are durs. '

II. C. SPAnKfS----

Whnle.ale Pre-Pak Mt~!s, Royal Ham1 ancl Bacona !

13' BOND 5T. Water Colour and Oil-Paint­ings painted on request by Paul Paraon•

DIAL 10054

Photography GARLAND'S STUDIO :-]

11 PLEASANT .-r. DIAL 2958

Weddlne Photos, Portraits '

and Commuclal Photoarapby I


DIAL 7612L



Paper Products TIIE LAWRENCE ------,

NFLD. CO., LTD. New Location:

20t · Zl1 DUCKWORTH ST. 1

Papl'r and Paper Products. I WHOLESALE O~LY 1

na1. ms. m~ [


'FLY \VITH THE R.C.A.F.-For lull in!ormalion



177 WATER ST. Recr~iting Unit: I

'--- ---




_123 WATER ST. DIAL 80366



Electric · M~at S.1w1 DIAL 2536

Service Stations PAL.\IER'S I


• \\'AS!Il·;\·'G • GRI·:ASINGI 1'111 ~: n LI'AIHS

JlL\L 3518 - -- --- --

A. J. DUNNE LIMI'lED ---A com,ltto 8l.l!lo1U'7 ~ mont ill 011 IU!lt du~pod t- Jrl8li tho rpoe~ll!IMII II ti­~tY'o S.ll·nrvln uWq. a.., Item pr•prtetd. All eomblllatlell parks and er.v~]OJNII elll.W-WT& ....

floor and Ccu.nttr Dlll'll1 ·ul!u Ia al<lek. Eo~lulrloa ooUtllool frMl !l>o tnllo. IIUL ttl!




In1mediate Delive1'7 DIAL 92711

TRASK FOUNDRY LID .. 362 1\'ATER IT. Manufacturers Ill



Taxicabs .U TAXI------

C:\LVEit AVE. DIAl. 3158 • A771

Anywhere, Any pl1ct, Any timt.


Hardware Store-s Pork l'11ls and l.'Jrca~a S&usa~es a11d Pudrling1

~DIAl. m2 I \'lli~Tl,REPUBT.ICATIONS_ RAILWAY-- ---ll 1 / Com111ercial Publisblc& and i 11, SEH\'ICE STATIO_ N

'----------- Arlvertising. I .~CE and SUPER T ..... XI -~ Magazines. Pamphlets, I 1 Gre•~t &nd Oil Chac11eJ.

CALl.M'iAN & CO: I Brochures, Company Auto Accc!soric~. P'OR THE MOST .EFFICIENT Newspapers, Program! I OPEN 16 HOURS DAiLY SERVICE IN TOWN CALL J FOR ALL YOUR PAINTING I

A.\1> BL'ILDING NEEDS I Meat Markets DIAL IU7 P.O. JIOX E-~'41 DIAL M301

CALL I CALL!.. "'AN and CO. FlllST i

cpp. C.N.R. DIAL89M


Dl~trli , tOJs for Sunbeam

JIM ~HIELD~ ----~ d Cer. P'Jtr;SRWATEft and I Ra io .. TV Repairs


Coml!lele l)p-to-dat.e T.V. 4: !tADIO RECEIVERS Meat Muket REPAIRED Jll' EXPERTS I

All work Guaranl!ed for · Fast Servic!.

CALL 7~13 er 64011 . IMI CAMPBELL AVE.

J-IARRIS & HISCOCK LTD. J. Electri~al Appl!aneu. -

ISJlortlng Gooda and Sport.. ---.1~1-------.------wm tor ~~~c~~~;a- I Mt Supphes

Service Stations ~JARSHALL !-iOTORS -_ ---1

FlS.K TIRE!! !

Guar~nteed agam~t Cull, Blowout5, Bruises,

Under Inflation. Call MARSHALL. MOTORS

Water St. Dial 80031

ACE ~r SUP:-Il T-'.XI DIAL 65!11 · t131

Tile Floors ,','0 DOW!\ ______ _

P.\YMENT EA!rr TIJllll



SHEPP.\RD s I sERVICE srAnoN Tobaccos Heating



D. C. BISHOP---­


DIAL 3317

Complet, Plu01bina aad Heatina Servfe•






Oils, Lubricating ], H. ROBERTS LTD.-­

SoW! Agent, in NeWfoundland for


!!old all over Newfoundland DIAL 1368


APPLIANCES. niAL aoo 1 tn 300~


Sf:Rl'ICE (NFI.D.l LTJ1 ll•dlo, T.V.. AprUaoro ud 011

lurnl'r Rfl'ptlu. DIAL 1\.\M

•uallrt nd HoldltJI 1HIJ'.


TIRE 1\l~l'Alllll'\G I WASHrT\c;




• C:cr. Eliabtth & Cave Rd. 1


SI~IO!\"IZI!'\G nur ' Sp•rialit;·. DIAL gno~4 I

Shoe Repairing



!ptclallsts in Auto Had!QJ. DIAL 7448

~lODER~ SHOE ----, C. A. HUBLEY, LTD. -­



Rer. Genel'lll Eleclrle

35 Kln(a Road Dial UIS

He·aring 'Aids·


WEST E:'oiD I HOSPn'\L FRANKLYN PAINT STORE 1 : TELEVISIOi-1 I , Now is the !lme to hal'e your.

1 SHOES REPAIRED . PAINTS FOR EVERY TV·Radio·Car Rarllo Re~aira i y • 05 WAT T TilE ~IODERC\' WA

PURPOSE. ' ER S REE : T\\'o Location': Advice for every paint .inb Complete up-to-date stock. For h1t 1ervice call 80198. 111 PENNYWELL ROAD

CALL 6865 At Night, Day, Holiday1 nr. 0:'\ WATEJt ST: Sunday for Fut Service and . "PII· Bnwrlngs and Slffn. i

1 ; Guaranteed wnrk call 7727 A. \

Pianos· . and Organs Real Estate Snack Bars ----------------~

A. L. COLLIS ------, Plano and Organ Showroom:


· Factelj•: ll'ater St., Hr. Grace , P.O. Box 35B

Photo S~pplies

A. W. BROWN ---~


81 P A TliiC:l STli!ET

'PHONE %005






Soft Drinks \\'HOSE BIRTHDAY? __ ! .\TLANTIC FU..MS AND-

1 Clrtainl1 a l!andnud1 article I ELECTRONICS LTD. .






from NONIA lf only the !!ell

will do, Anseo Camera• and Filma,

Exposure Meters, Flash Gun1, Enlarger Accessories.


With Free Tricolour Fh3hllle !


217 New Gower St ...



Di1trillutd lly nAN X


J)laJ ms-u


TRUCKING SERVICE ·I !lprlngdale St. 'PhOIII Ill& t'urnlturr and PlanD Motlllfl I

: Specialty; alii CnDI Tntk [ __ _f_o!:__~lre.



!&!lor-mad~ Slip C&9UI DIAL SUB

Used Cars ADELAIDE MOTOR!'---.~o




Wood-Coal ·Delivery :\uKE'S COAL AND ---.


We Give the Futest SerriCI !n St. ,John'•

Our Readers' Convenience/ . ·- . -.. )

' I I

j ·'

J ~ ·,


I '

i ' : I ' I : I , I I I


i : I : I : j i

! I ; I

' I '



: '

Page 14: rem1er eveas etai s ave1n - Memorial University of · the seniority of men displaced by Its proposed removal

I I. I ' '

. '


• ..


. Change in I d w:Nh~~eu~p~~~E~ralm MODERNIZ~ T 1 h N ncrease

Department and can 1111 . your Coal Range to Oil, e ep One O,

your: ¥~;FE!!:!· for: ~~t~o~ua~~r~t;r~ p~!ktyfo~ 9 2 B 57 Social Security • Pattern Glm Free Estimate to-dey.

~~~c~:m and quantities In TRA~K STOVE 'Wm. Lovelace Ltd. f B~net•lts' A. c.. BARNES, L TO., & HARDWARE Pninting Contruclor

ISiackmush Road, N ('Ph 5607) ' Dial 2657. P.O. Box l19 ole one I '223 Pennywell Road 462 WATER ST. may31lw

~mo~y~~.lm~. ~~~~~~-~~~~~~~:~ N.ew-to_u_n_d-la-nd , AL.LAN M. FRASER GREAT EASTERN OIL No oow•l PAYMENT Serva·ces Candidate & IMPORT co., LTD. EASY TERMS Now 11. u.~ time for your . PASSEN. GER NOTICES CJON-TV 6.20 -1 6.25 p.m. ll adiiJ, Tele\'islon, Washers, f ReCriierators, Deep Freezers newTILE or LINOLEUM CONNECTION WEST RUN , Speaking to the Electors 0

Eleclrtlc llallges, FLOORS. PLACENTIA BAY Hr. Main, Bell Island, Floor Polishers. Also MINOR REPAIRS Regular 9 a.m. train leaving Gramophones, St J h 1 E t

bl ( ·ALL ·st. Ju-h11's tornorro11·, Wednesday , 0 n S as • Pu ic Addrest: Sysleml,

Tapa Recorders. Cabot Construction : will make connect1o11 ·at Ar· REPAIRS ANn SERVICE 1 gcntla with li!.V. BuL·In for the

5 LINES and Supplies Ltd. . '\\'est Run Placentia· Bay. I DIAL 3001 to 3005 Dial 5658 Ouck)l'orlh 51. I CONNECTION ST. JOHN'S· 1

WATER ST. ACt!o!r l1~urs call i LEWISPORTE SERVICE I j ~al MR. JAME~ ADAMS, 7931H 1, Tr'ain 'Th~ Caribou" lcal'lni I an. , y d ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=- St. John's 5 p.m. tomorrow, We · -:: I nesday will make connection at [

Lcwisportc with :I!.V. Trcpasscy I for regular ports St. John's·

DAVID SPARKES A Young Newfoundland Liberal.

Worker· on Why Newfound­

landers Should


-W~ IL I ALl0\1/AHCEl




On four occasions W. J. BROWNE has been elected to the House of Assembly and, on one occasion, to the House of C om mons. His voice has been con· stcrilty heard cdvocct· ing measures which brought benefits to the people of Newfound­lend. He has worked hprd end fought to promote the common good. St. John's West needs his experience ••• St. John's West needs

. hb ability •••

Newfoundland now needs his energy end his in· dustry, his experiene end ability at Ottawa •• BROWNE is the men who will bring our problems t~ the attention of Ottawa.

Browne For St. John's West·

BROWNE, W~ J. X Je4,5!

SERVICE m ALLOWAN(El Train "The Caribou" leaving HQN, DR. F. W. ROWE FOR THE ILIMD

St. John's 5 p.m. Thursday, June 1 6th., will make connection at LewlsporLe with i\I.V. Nonla for


regular ports Green Bay Service. I FREIGHT ACCEPTANCES I

RESTRICTED CARGO Shippers plene note. Gasoline,:

oils and other restricted cargo· !or forw~rding l'ia Argcnlia and I

~!.V. Eric Keith (replacelng lii.V. :\larlorltal for regular ports South Coast Scrl'icc will be ac· · ceptcd at the Railway ncight I Shed today, Tuesday 9 a.m. to


Freight for forwarding via: Lew Isporte and ~LV. 'frepasscy

1 1 for regular ports St. John's· Lewlsporte Service w)ll be ac·, ccpted al the Railway Freight Shed today, Tuesday II a.m. to noon.


Frci11ht · for forw11rding via · Lewlsporte and :'I!.V. Nania for regular ports Green Bay Service will be accepted at the Railway Freight Shed today, , Tuesday


9 a.m. to noon. 1

RESTRIC:TEO CARGO : Shippers plene. Gasoline, oils ·


• and other restricted cargo for , regular ports Trout River to

Minister of Education . On the Social Benefits of the


mum IE!Efl11

Vote Liberal I

The Party That Gave YOU Family Allowances and

Old Age Pensions



I L 1111111 D =-- =-

I FOR S.ALE 3 STOREY HOUSE 22 Finn Street, off Barter's Hill, consist· ing of seven rooms and bath· i

room. This home is in splendid i

I condition Inside and out. The


selling price Is $4000.00. Easy: terms arranged. Possession six

· weeks.

HERBAL Rcmedie1 For: Arthritis, Asthma, Catarrh, Constipation, Blood P~s· sure, Rheumatism, Kidney, :-:crve Stomach Trouble, Eczema etc. On sale at John 1

D. Snow, 9 :-:ew Gower St. myl7,Jm '

TO RENT Office Sp~ce

One, Two and Three Room! avail· able. Newly finished; tiled £1oors,. etc. Ideal for professional or gen· . era! office.

'Phone 2853 or 42351

' l<lr ap!Xlint. or call at 127 QUEE1\''S ROAD



HEATED . Apply I


' Battle Harbour for forwarding 1

, via Corner Brook will be accept· j

: ed at the Railway Freight today, I I Tuesday 9 a.m. \o noon.


41 New GowerSt. -------·-- mar12.tu,fr,tf ·



Freight for regular ports



: Green Bay Service for forward· Jng via Lewisporte and ~LV. Ncnia will be accepted dally at I the Railway Freight Shed .com· I mencing Thursday, June 6U1. YOUR LIBERAL FREIGHT NOTRE DAME BAY

·Freight ~~~~~~~~u\ar portsl1 ·cANDIDATE

:>:olre name Bay Sen•lce !or for· • FOR 1

warding via Lewlsportt and 1\LV. 1

Clarenvllle will be accepted at! ST JQH•••VS EAST . the Railway Freight Shed dally I • I" commencing Thursday, June 6th. H e a d q u a r. t e r 1 : . FREIGHT SOUTH COAST CORNER FR~SHWATER ' .

SERVI~E ROAD and LeUARCHA!Io'T ROAD Freight Is · accepted dnlly at T e 1 p h o n e 1 :

the Dcx:k Coastal Shed for regu· Jar ports· South Coast Service but In order ,to 1uarantee move· mnt by this trip of the S.S. Bar Haven frelg'ht must be ' at

3227 - 3314 3319 -. 3222

the Dock Coastal Shed not later I---·------than ~ p.m. r'riday, June 7th.



Dcnc'ng from 9 to 12.30 Admission 75.



11 foot long One 6 fool DEEP FREEZE 1

open display

Apply to No. 2 BARNES ROAD

Wanted Third and Fourth Class , Engineers

i Apply in person to

! Nfld. Hardwoods I



DIAl 7953 ~~~~~~~~~~ 1 -in_e1_,4_,s ____________ __


' .

B Grade Cedar Clapboard 5110.oo per M.

PAINT-· OUTSIDE WHITE ... .' .. 3.75 per gal. ..

, DIAL 90051 - 2 • 3


SATURDAY HOLIDAY 1 Pursuant to PL'odap1ation oC · , II is llonou I' lhe Lieutenant ·Gov· crnor In Council ri~tcd 31st May,

! 1957, nolir.e Is hereby given that ' ~hops in \he .St. John's area (as defined in the St. ,John's Sl10ps

• Act. chapler 268 of 'l'ilP. Hcvi;cd : Statutes of Newfoundl11nd, 1952, as amended) shall ha\'e no open ,

'hollrs on Saturday in each I week during the period from


9th June, 1957, to 15th Septem· ber, 1957, beth days inclusive, except ·when there is another

I wllole holiday In the same week. I 2. The effect of the said Proc· 1 'lnmation is· that ~1onday, lOth : June, 1957, shall not be obscrV· I ed as a whole holiday by 'St. : ,Jphn's shnp~ but that the fol· . lowing Saturday, 15th June,


1057, and each Saturday there­after up to and including Satur·

I day, 14th September, 1957, shall be observed as a whole holiday by such ~hops except when there is another . whole holiday

I in the same . week.


1 Afhin. 1 DepU!Y Minister 'of, P.rovincl•l

1 jneU,B ''· · J ' 6 12 · ~----------------------:.------;........!· ne., ' ; .



1 9 5 2 METEOR

$9150·00 I


DIAL 80378-9

For Fast Taxi · Service

HOTEL TAXI. Diat 2424 - 2410


Open 8 a.m. to 2 a.m.




BING 0 $5,000.00



N $5,000.00


lst GAME .... $1 00.00 15th GAME ... $ 2nd GAME .... $100.00 16th GAME .... S

3rd GAME .... $100.00 17th GAME ... Sl 4th GAME ..... $1 00.00 18th GAME .. Sl 5th GAME .... $100.00 19th GAME $1 6th GAME ..... $1 00.00 . 20th GAME J 7th GANIE ..... $100.00 21st GAME . Sl 8th GAME ... $100.00 ' 22nd GAME ... Sl 9th GAME ...... $1 00.00 23rd GAME ... Sl

lOth GAME .... $100.00 24th GAME .. J ll!h GAME .... $1 00.00 : 25th GAME .. Sl 12th' GAME .... $100.00 26th GAME ... S

13th GAME ...... $1 00.00 27th GAME .... Sl 14th GAME ...... $100.00 28th GAME .... $1

29th GAME . . ... .. .. .. .. ............ $100.00

30th GAME ........... $2,1 I c.ARDS sS.OO







Admission ............... ·~

Umpires: Montgomery, Jackman, Ri!bon,

. Family Plan tickets at 2.50 book; Seo!on Tic $10.00 each may be purchased ct moin gall.


GRAND FALLS , Three qualified female TEACHERS lor

grades. Duties to begin in September. · Direc;.t applications to:





n CJON at 12.05


I .



On VOCM at 4.30. I In a 5-Minute Broadcast entitled "WhY

going to vote for W. J. BROWNE on


, •

---- __________ ,.,_ .-.. .. ----Y"n" .. -~----- ...... ':1"' r;· ,., ... -, .. -· -:- .... -----~~:.""4r:-i7"1;7:,;"')'f:;-::._..-;r.::;I'='CB!i-··


' '

. ft

$ still .a,










Exterl~r Bonrl 1~!. Its water 1t 1n extreme! l~ay or writE


Page 15: rem1er eveas etai s ave1n - Memorial University of · the seniority of men displaced by Its proposed removal




.. s 1 .. $1

S1 S1 $1 Sl $1 $1 $1

~ s 1 ~ Sl [ .. $1 ~ .... $1 E ... $1 100.00



51,000~ still available at all City Drug Stores

and on Bell ·Island.



I N 0


5 P.M.


FOR SALE No. 10 ··Winter Place

(Residence of the late J. S. Currie)

This house, located in ·a most desirable area, ts m excelrent


For further particulars •

Dial 2178

: · AUCT~ON I I '

. :Wednesday, June 5 11.30 a.m.

· 42 Head Choice. Suthers' Cattle;

~2 Young Pigs G 59



~m=n=y2=~.t=r==== .......... - .......... =====~l 2 Dairy Cows


I N G 0

22 40 55 68

17 44 46 63 27 35 48 71 30 . 39 56 64

19 34 54 70 18 37 47 62 21 38 60 66 24 42 50 7-4 20 32 51 6~ 26 31


SOME NUMBERS 1r1 btlttr than

othtrl! For finer dry cleanln" DIAl 5155 COUSINS


1952 PLY MOUTH .... $450.00




hluinr Rnr.rl Plvwootl I! vour answer to lar~e area cover· n II! 'I'Wrrro.o! qualities have bern proven and It 6eil~ ~~~ !XIr~mPiy economical price. See l'OUr nearest dealer .~a!· o' wn:e direct !or further information.



O~F. TRIP" ,

460 WATER ST. DIAL 7840

Dealers Wanted 1\l!ifox firm ma,,ufacturing ALUMINUM STORM

1 and DOORS desires to make contact with

or Agencies in Newfoundland to handle this approved product. ·

l.,lerested , Jrties please write

BOX No. 35 c/o Daily News. ~pplkan!s will be personally Interviewed.

---- -----·--

Teachers Required !.ARACHOIX BOARD OF EDUCATION require


A Principle .,;..ilh First Grode N Higher. School opening Seplember. TeCJchers re­,provided.

Principal for 2 Room School. .r-~•rinr·l ... ,l and Assistant.

Dvties to begin September. Apply stating educe· quclificciions, experience, etc., to .



Velvet Horn


Open To-day 9 a.m. io 11 p.m.

Food at Its best



Furnished Room with use of bathroom.

For information

Dial 3756

WANTED Two Girls


Must hav.e experlecne. Apply to

N. J. Downey 45 NE 1/ GOWER ST.

WANT ED, Two Gas Tank

Attendants Apply In p&!'son to

Colonial . Garage HAMILTON AVE.

Learn to Drive

If you are Interested 1n learn­Ing to drive,

Dial 3756 for lnformatoin, between the hours of 1 p.m ,end. 5 p.m.


Free for Hauling ·


Dial 6869H





STADIUM DANCB . Featuring Prlnc111 Orch.

FRIDAY: .. ROL1.ER SKA'tiNG I to 10


ROLLER SKATINCi 2 to .. I nil I to I a.

The annual meeting of the ST. JOHN

AMBULANCE will be held in the Lecture

Theatre at Meml)rial University .••

WEDNESDAY, JUNE 5th, at 8.30 p.m.

i i inr4.~

I Insurance IINSURANCE-Sowrl~~-i;;!h='­

.1 tr Limited Insurance Depan· ment-Flre. ~utomohlle. Mar· tne anrl rll Casunlt~ linea.

I Telepho: .' ~!ti6 or 5167. 1-. DEPENDABLE FIRE INSUR·

ANCE-Don't '!sk your valu­ables to "save'' a few dollo!'11. Our !air-rate. reliable policy gives lmmedlatP. protection. 'Phone 6921 or write o. J. La~ey. P 0. Box 506 repl,tl

j 1 4 ' Conl8ct SHull FOWLER, R• __ e _' _· _ ___:.! _______________ 1 nou! building, for Fire Auto-

General PiJblic i1 cordially invited to attend

The regular monthly IT!eeting of the TERRA NOV .A COUNCIL; 1452, KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS, will be held in the Club looms, St. Clore's Avenue, TO-NIGHT Tuesday, June 4th, at 8.30 o'clock.

Business: Election of Officers;, Report of the Stole Convention .

A Iorge oltendanc& is requested. By Order G.K.

JAMES J. TOBIN, Financial Sec.

, mobile and Plate Gla51; Insur· ance. Claims promptly settl· ed. 'Phone 5531-P.O. Box !13.

~OBERT DI\WE I SON, Flrt~ at\d Automobile [nsW'anc-e .• Be safe. be sure, Insure. Tele­phone 2882. P.O. Bo~ 85 Royal Bank Chambers. Sl John's.

i SECURITY Is lhr "eurnce of ' lnsurnru·e." 'l'hr Sun is nut

... to gi1·e th~ hrst pos~ible sel'urity and ser\'ivc In rP· ~rrrt of nil clas~rs of insur­anre ~xperlenrrd.'' \\'. F. Caldwell, Prol'inrlal General Agent. Temple Builrting, D11ckworth Street, 'Phone 1

2465. ---- -------

Wall Washing ----

I WALL WASHIIIoG-Wtlls clean· 1

----·------~--------- ed by new m~rhlne. Results ~ perfect; save; palnt.-:-.;ew· j

~Jethod Rug a.1d Wall Clean· 1

ers, Freshwate1 Road, 'Phone · _ ·WANTED Young Man

to make himself generally useful around

Stockroom and Warehouse.

Apply in parson to








CJON • TV AT 7.'00


ClOTHES make the man If CHAFI!


91033. ag25.lm

NEW METHOIJ RuG CLEAN· I ERS. Rugs and C a r p c t ' I made to 1·1nk i1h new Von I' Schrader ~rur~~~ ~rlds year!

·to life of •ug.l ·Cleaned In home or at our pl;~nt. Phone 91033. N0w Mr.thod Rug Cleaners, Fresrwater Road.

Beautician nfONA RYAN Beauty Salon, T.A.

Building, Duckworth Street, ~peclallzing [n all methods permanent waving, tinting and cuting. Open Tuesday and Thursday nighh, six operators. Dial 5477 for !lppolntmeut.

• "INVEST IN REST-~.---5,-;;;;--comfortably. \\'e specialize In repairing and r~condltlon· ing all ty·pes Springs nnd 1\[attres~:>s. G l' a rant. e e d work. ~!nttresses for back ailments a specially. 'Phone 6H9 or 3361, Standard Bedding Company, Ltd., Flower n;,. feb20,tf

Barber -----------,fHE CENTRAL BARBER SHOll

We are' now oppratlng sill chnin You can be assured of the possible service plus the lt~st po;slhl~ wait· ln11. 24 New Gol'l er Street. opp. A.te\ai1e Mr,tors. It you prefer app,intment service Phone 5?.31 /'.


(W. Sna'ill C::'!a. !l.oo· bag; 3 bngs fr·r S2 7r,, ~ bar.~ for S~.50: P hags tot ~R.7Ci. For

1 q11ick dcliv·~v dial. 92~59 A .

1 2n_Pc<y~c: ~··~·nro' __ 1anll_.1m __

I WANTED TO BUY: Comics, I ;wd;:'t hooks, aceordinns,

gullars, ;:un.<, lypcwrrlcr~. po>tage stamps, men's clothes anrt footwear .. lohn D. Snow. ~ Xcw Gower Street. · myll,lmth

--·-------· --:OtBSON liUITARS - Harner

Ruttan Stop Arcordeom and Harmonicas. Riehmond Saxo­phones. Boosey Clarlnets.­Chnrl!'!< Hutton & Son! P fl. le~3.Pnd ••

PIANO, ORGAN TUNING ond Repairing. Single Tuning Si~ Dollars. Wm HOPLEY, 1~ Carnation St. 'Phone 2Bl9·L. o~tl.1m. /

• The M9del Sweep • STILL UNCLAIMED

TICKt:T No. '1'1.4748 wor.TH

ssooo·oo ALSO

TICKET No. 4319 .. $1,000.00 All tickets arc' naw on the market in City Stores.

TICKETS 50c each






J. H. POLLARD, S.ccrefary-Trcasurer

Care Curtis Academy


Bookkeeping & A·ccounting Serv~ce ACCOuNTING SYSTEM INST/-.LLED





FINAL CAR of Newfound'or~d BLUE POT,\ TOE3 due !hi-, w~r.k. We suggest booking your requirement~ corly m no more will be obtainable until the new crop is ready for market in the Fall.





For Grades I, VI, VII, and also o VICE-PRINCIPAL, who con be accommodated with o residence If · married. Plt:ose indicate teaching ·experience and qualifications. Government scale augmented by loco/


jne4,6,B ·






WANTED A SALESMAN is required to call on the

Grocers and Butchers of the City. One with

experience preferred.

Apply by· let~cr, to BOX 47 care The Daily

News stating address, age and experience, If.~ any, to reach u before~ June 5th. . ··

(This i• not your employer.) jnc1,3,4

' I I ! . I


i I '

i i I . I :

i : i ! I 1 I I

! :

' I '

i '

Page 16: rem1er eveas etai s ave1n - Memorial University of · the seniority of men displaced by Its proposed removal

I I·

I \

" . , . . ·'

I . II

I· ;,. I


' ' ' I



KH·AKI SHORTS 2 to 6 yean






Flannels \


Gabardines 24 to 36

wee~s to go and the J u n I o r Training Corps will start their Camp (July 9-16), following which the Senior Camp will be held July 1&26, and ail those contemplating going should Minion Completed staft 1er!ous thinking along these 00 lines. Let your officers know that Sir Bcsiu Embry .. . .. . 5. you are. going and see to It that· They Fought for the Sky you are provided wltn th~ neces· ld 4 00 sary Items to go to Canip. It Is Quentin Reyno s ..... · expected that the J.T.C. camp will Duel Under the Stars have a large number under canvas lh 1 J h 3 7 5 for this, their third separate Camp, W i e m o mn .. .. .. .. · and the only thing that remains Lonely Warrior

'ts that the weather man will behave If b 3 7 5 for the periods mentioned. Jean Or en erg ..... ·" ' ·

BATTALION BAND DANCE Clash By Night on May 7th, the Band held an- Derek Mills-Roberl5

other of their l'ery enjoyable af· .~ , fair~, which was attended by a Whne Cltffs to large number of officers as wen I Coral Reef as other ranks of the Brigade, and was a very successful or.e. Head· William Howell . lng the !1st of !J!Hcers present was H. M. S. Fidelity Lieut. Col. G. M. Stirling, Q.C., who . spoke and congratulated the Band Mcree/ Jull1an ....... on their really fine e!fort. The Frogman U. C. ladies' auxiliary of the Band un-der ;<.!rs. J. Snow as President and len Feser .... Barbara Richards as Secretary, put 1 Doctor's Choice In a big amount of work on ~his I Ed b Phillis and evcnt,'and the>', In common 'illth · Y . , the Band, wish to thank the fol- Albert Blawtem ........ 4.7 v

lowing for their kindness In do- 'The .Girl in the nallen of prlzcs:-Unlted Agencies, , Mrs. Joyce Adams, I. F. Perlin, Whtte .Cap Simon Levitz, Lo~don, New York Margaret Howe and Pari~, Brownmg Harvey Ltd.,. , ,

Need. Film? TOOTON'S the· Place to Go


At TOOTON'S you are a,surect o! Top Quality-backed by half 1 century of experience. Keep 1 supply of film on hand !rum our complete stock and you'll alw;:,l'l · be reodY for that once in a lifetime snapsh~l. Stop In again for Expert Profes~wnal Pholo·fm1shing when your pictures are taken.




SHORTS rBookfield Ice Cream Ltd., Cheil'-: CltntC Nurse

en Foods Ltd., Hogan's Drug• I Susan Latimer ........... 3.00 $ I went lo. hPr home on Princes Sl.l IKE'!i 1..\\IH.Ono DEAD store Imperial Tobacco Sales Co. M. A k d' F1"ned 20 00 on M,1y 301h and caught her ~!.\\'ROLE: Scotland,

! Of Ca,nada Lt~ .• East•rn rPoduce, r. r a tn • P d t E h " " I · rlaughter and threw her down the rcs1 en . r;cn o"·er'1 II Purit)' Factories Ltd., Harold Orson Welles .......... 3.95 F .l _ It st 3 irs. She went and told the man landlord 1> dead. The 'Snow and 'son, George Easton.' N s F or rusau to get nul of her horne, and lrc queos of llil.•a of Culzm These prizes! in turn, being won by ever O eW · . · . 1 '1 k h !d f h r a 1 thr w where the prc"dr1t ha

Elastic waist. P nr· or Mr T T Ch / J 95 A man charged WJih ~'s~ultlng a so oo o . o e nr e . . . .~ a Florence Snow, . n 1ns , • · om . • a me es ........ 'l. . h h b th hrr clown brUised her >ide an~ nent suttc, drerl fnda1 !r,

J h. Har1•ey Frank a woman m er orr.e Y row- · ' . ' ·1 1 fl r · ·, Cook. osep 1ne · . told her ''l'm not gctlmg out un- ng rome " cr ' • 01 ~ il1n Fit 4 to 8 years .... $1.40 Harding, Jack Jane~. Gertrud~ o· k & c . Ltd In~ her on the fl~or, pleaded not ·til I kill Laura" wa.- ;,;, Th~ s•,: lr \\aS Gladney. Howard Rowe, Jerr) I( S 0., • glulty. He was fmed $20 or one i' . for E1•er.1o,·.·cr in lopreci , Crltch George Colbourne, Betty month in the penitentiary and \1'15 Th~ \\Oman askecl lhr cour\ that i his scrricr\ ~s w~rt:me

S. MILL.EY LTD. Mayst' .Tim Young, Gordon Bur~e)'. The BDD"SellerS orllercd Ia sign a bond of 5200 to !the m~n he kept clear of hrr !rume \co'mmandcr Peggy' Hudson, Ern Chafe and Ted P. keep the peace. I because, ~he said, "he's going to • --- · ____ . __ Long. , 'PHONES 2008 • 3191 The woman said that the miln cause murder if he keeps coming; there. He'~ ~runk mry

The Band are to be con~ratulated 1---.----------'­on their dance, which Is one of I

Magistrate's .Court I was arrested on June lit for hal'· , charged wlth stealing aheets a~d the best held at the Old Colony I lng care and control of his car 1 towels from the Ccx:hrane Hotel\ durin~ the year. CARD GA~IE while his ability to drive was im· 6n June 2nd. The good• were OFFI~ERS' 1 h hi their paired by alcohol, pleaded not valued at $1~.00. The Officers ~ ess . e he Cath-\

An American scrl'lceman plead- guilty. He was rem~nded until Mr. R. Ryan, the manager, 6ald semi annual card party 1n t. 13th rd cul!ty In the Magistrate's Court Monday, June 17th at 3 p.m. and that the two men checked into ed:·~l Parish Hall 0t Ma} 1 th~ \ o '' ~londay morning of wilfully was granted bail· of $200. Mr. the hotel on Saturday and left This card part)' Is a 50 on~ 0

an rl~m<~~ing a pay telephone at the Jnmes D. Hlgg!n!, Q.C., is counsel again on Sunday, When they had best attended ones d~ri ~f su~ '\!'ll'foundland. He was fined for the defendant. left their room the maid went yrar, and a l~rge nurther B lgade ~10 or 7 days and ordered to pay in to change the linen and report- porters and fr1ends do th~ r ffort , o:npl'lls:rtion or s~ to the Avalon An American serviceman, who ed that the aheel! and towela ·usually rally aroun. 5 e was· Trlrphone Company, was arrested on June 1st., plead· were miss!ni. Mr. Ryan laid he twice a year, and \~IS occasion Har

.\n emplo~·ec of the Hotef said ed guilt~ to a charge of driving contacted the taximan who call· certainly no exceph.on. Lleut.ld nt. t'd he was on floor' duty In the his car while impaired by alcohol ed for the men and notified the old Haynes, the mess pres e t' lolill\' of the Hotel on May 31st or a' drug.· He was fined $100 po!!ce. was In charge of the arrangeme;h! arvu.nd ~.30 p.m. when .he heard or 7 davs and lost his driver'i Eight men arrested for drunk- and the prizes wen prpsented tod 11

Good Morning, Neighbor Pltatl CODtldn Dl ~ mil ... your lrlmda Ucl ll~sbbon. If - caro help you ID an' wa' willa your I.Dou:anc. pi'Oblasl, jwrmll ...

• str:~nge noise In the telephone license for one year. ennesa aver the week·end were 'winners by Mrs. P. d. B. ARe~l\:ry booth and s:~w the accused run out Sergeant Harold French said fined 510 each; ()Ill! man was I President of the La 1 ~ 5 ux d ms and down the stairs to the street. that he was in the pollee van on fined $2 for the same offence, and 8 ~ follows: For auction Jea~t~ 8the REG. T. MORGAN He found the telephone receiver New Gower Street, and at 2.40 the other five were fined $3 each. end William Whelan, w nd INSURANCE bl'okcn !rom the co"d and pursuerl a.m. was turning into Adelaide St. One woman Wll fined $10 for the boobies going to Mr~. Morgan 8

1 Tomplo· Building, Duckworlh 1L the young man, who was picked when the car, driven by the ac· same offence. c. Nugent, and for bridge to M ~s Dtaii0171•77S6 uo by the· police just outside the eused, bumped Into the left of the Ethel Wells, R.N., and Mr. A. · ____ --------Hrtcl. police car. There was little traf· A young man waa charged with Thomas, and the boobies here went\ IIIRTHS

An American serviceman was fie on the atreet at the time. He stea!!ng a watch and some money to Mrs. seward ar.d Lt. G. S. : :----fined S2 for being drunk In public considered the accused mildly un· and using personal violence after Th mas · 1 SWAN - Born to Ehzabeth, and S20 for ltal·!ng possession of a dcr the Influence, and when tests the theft. Bail was requested but ;he ~Weers express their ap· , .• Ire of Doctor Swan, Clare:nv!lle, bottle of alcoholic liquor which did for sobriety were carried out at Inspector King objected to bail reciation to the. many who turned 1 a daughter. Mother and baby not hear a Bonrd of Liquor Con· the Pollee Station· the accused did as this was a cue of robbery witlT Put to make the event the success doing well. trr' l1brl. not do all the tests well. violence. The case was aet for ~hal It was. . ANDREW-Born to Gertrude

A motorist from Argentia, who Two American sailors were June 6th at 3 p.m. WI AND N.C.O.'S DANCE and Rex Andrew at the Grace ·--------------------- Thl! af!alr wa~ held on May ~7th· Hospital ~tay 31st, 1957, 1 daught-'



In the Bishop Feild Audlto~mm. I er. . and was fairly attended. Preslde~t OI!AT_H_S __ _ C. P. 0. Gerald Locke and hi~ execu\11'~ express their apprecl· ation to all those who attended.


PYE-Passed away on ~tonday, June 3rd after a long lllness Sarah Rebecca, wife of George 1

Pye, survived by husband, two sons, John and Reginald i·n St. John's, . one daughter, Bessie (Mrs. Jamu Ackerman In Eng­land), · aeventeen grandchildren and two greal·lf'!'andcohldren. Fun­eral wlll take place on Wednu·

A CANADIAN GOVERNMENT ANNUITY, contracted for ' by a taxpayer on hls own life, may now qualify for Registration u a Retirement SavU!gs Plan under the Income Tax Act .

All ranks will be sorry that Cmdr Facey was rmhed to hos· pita! during the past week, In fact, he had been to Portugal Cove on Sunday and the next day wu strick.en. The Cmdr. is to be Com­mandant of the J.T.C. Camp at Ht~ bour Grace in July, and we w s . him a 1peedy recovery. . FLOREAT SEMPER C.L.B.

(jay, June ~that 2.30 from her -------------------------------­late residence, 234 Hamilton , r

Premiums paid on such a CANADIAN GOVERN­MENT ANNUITY may · now be deducted from earned income th\la effecting a saving in personal inCOitle tax. .

The amount you may deduct is subject to the follow­ing conditions:

1. If you are not now a member of a Registered Pension Fund or. Plan, you may deduct Canadian Government Annuities premium!! up to 10% of earned income, but not exceed­ing $2,500 a year.

• 2. If you are currently 1!. member of a Registered

PenAion Fund or Plan, you may deduct the premium paid on a Canadian Government Annuity contract and the contribution& made under your present Pension Fund, but the combined payment& eligible for deduction cannot exceed 10% of your earned income, to a maximum of $1,500.a year.


PurchRSel'll of Canadian Gov'ehunent Annuities after April1, 1957, .will benefit from reduced premium ratee reflecting an increase in the interest rate.

For full information on eeveral types of plans available, con­sult your DISTRICT ANNUITIES REPRESENTATIVE, or mail, postage free, the coupon below. , . , ·


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PI~ Hncltnformatlon th~lng how a Canadian Gcvtmment Annuity btlng mt retlremtnl)ncomt at low cost,

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ANNUITIES Afl when Annuity Ia start ..... , .............. ~ ..... .,Ttltphont ..... - .......... ..

I ''"dtr~lllncl that l~forrnotlon ;!-len will bt.h,ld ttrlctly confidential J ----·-··--·----------------------------





SEALED TENDERS, addressed to the undersigned and marked "Tel}der for· Power House. Radio Beacon Building, and Passage­ways at Gull Island" wll! be r• ceived up to 3.30 p.m. (Atlantic Daylight Saving Time), Wednes­riay, July 3. 1957, for the· constrllc· lion of a Power House, Radio Bea· con Building, Passageways and other related works at Gull Island North of Notre Dame Bay, NI!W: foundland.

Avenue to St. Michael's Cburcll. 1

Interment In Angllca·n cemetery, Forest Road.

BENNETI'.,-Passed peaceful­ly away at St. Clare'1 Mercy Hospital, Michael Thomas Ben· nett, (retired cooper), leaving two daughters, Margaret and Agnes and one lOTI, Michael and one sister, Mrs. Frederick Skin­ner, this city; oone sister and one ~rother In New York. Funeral on Wednesday morning at 9 o'clock to St. Patrick's Church !or solemn Requiem Mau at 9.30 from hil late residence, 401 Water Street. R.I.P.

SWEETAPPLE-Passed peace­fully away at General Hospltlll 1!.30 a.m. Monday~ Ella Sweet­apple, aged 73 yea,rs, leaving to mourn, husband, two so:ns, at home; two daughters living in U.S.A. Funeral 2.30 p.m. Wed· neSI.Iay from her late residence, 27 Monchy ~trcet.

Plans, lpcc!fications, labollr, FUNERAl. NOTICI conditions, tender form and re· 1--~_:_.:__:_:.:...._ ____ _ lated documents, and pre·addresll- MULLOWNEY - The funeral ed return tender envelope may be of the late !ltrs. Thomas Mul· obtained on application to the un· Iowney w\11 take place by motor denlgned, at 232 St. George Street, hearse, from her late residence, P. 0 .. Box 42, Moncton, N.B., up. 124 Barnes Road at nine a.m: on reoe!pt of an accepted cheque Wednesday,· June 5th with Re· made payable to the Received Gen· qu!em Mass at the Basilica. J:n­eral of Canada for the sum of terment at ·Belvedere1 $2~.00. This cheque will be re-!urned upon the retum of the plans and specl11cat!ons· In good con· ditlon.

Each 'lender must be accom­panied by a security deposit u stipulated In the tender form and any tender not accompanied by a secnrity deposit as called for will not be considered. · Any tender submitted by tele­gram will also not be considered.

The Department does not bind ll.!elf to accept the lowclst or any tender.

R. W. GOODWIN, District Director, Air Services.

Department. of Transport, I 'lloncton, N.B., · May 31, 19~7. ~nc4,5


S~ipment of Setter,



8°~~nome Ill r with

Plenty of room to play and enttrtain. Build it out of waste rpace quickly, · ruily and at low c~t with Johns· Manville Olazecoat Wall Plank. Comes already decorated. No nails lhow. Putel color~. Get fret e3timatc.


Flame-Resistant Finish at No Extra Cost ·






Supplier of:













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