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It consists of 30 objective questions, these r problematic as well as theory questions. i remembered few questions.1. In a series RLC circuit Fo is resonace frequency, if LC r doubled wat is new resonace frequency?2. R=5 ohm, V= 5v, f=200 hz, and given conditions r VL=VC= 2VR , find L=?3. Comparision between maxwlls and hey bridge.4. VPQ=?5. Find R in a balanced bridge network.?6. Choose right statement among following….ANS: CT secondary should not open.7. In a Transfer at no –load friction and windage losses r called as ………..(ans : Iron losses)8. Maximum power transfer through line ..V1= 110 kv, V2= 100kv, X=22 ohm,….( ANS: 500 mw)9. Shunt reactor effect on Trans. Line10. Series capacitor effect on Trans. Line11. Velocity in distilled water(e= 81)…magnetic field intensity find electrical field intensity(I did not remember)12. Question on pointing vector13. If a dc machine (p=6;z=some value ;r=some value having lap winding then re winded machine winding as a wave winding find armature resistence?14. In a Dc series motor having 2 pice of field winding in series if the field winding is re- wounded as two parallel paths then speed of motor(at constant torque)15. For above rated speed the type of speed controls method (in case of DC motor)?16. Statements regarding transformer (1.constent flux.2..3..4..)17. Question on regulation of alternator at zero leading PF(ans : -50)18. Question on power transmission in T.line . T.line having 2 generators at either ends A,B.To reduce the power angle …….ANS: decrease power B and increase power A.19.regarding relay parameters, settings.(problem)20. in a synchronous motor if load is increasing then armature current is decreasing then initially machine is operating at what PF?( I AM NOT SURE …..21.IN slip ring induction motor if the supply is given to rotor and stator is SC’ted then the speed of motor W.R rotating magnetic field? what condition syn machine absorbs reactive power ?23. Question on parallel operation of alternators load sharing?

1)which of the following is mass flow meter?a.turbine 2.micromotion flowmeter3.magnetic2)cobalt 60 has a half life period of?3)tc timelag_________if thermowell is added4)for a pr tx with sensitivity,and range given for water, what it is for a liquid with another density.5)which of the following cant b detected using gas chromatograph. c2h6,ch4,none,co26)which of the following is not used as a carrier gas n2,helium ,o2,co27)the best control for temperature.a.Pi b.P c.PId d.PD8)j type thermocouple is of: iron constantan, copper constantan, etc9)magnetic flowmeter works on which principle:10)for magnetic meters ,E=?a. bv/d b. bvl/d c. none11)leakage vi is not possible for 12)the need of emergency shut down?13)pirani gauges are used for14)the bourdon tubes should not face a. creep b. hysterisis c. fatigue d. all15)if 0-500mm of hg is calibrated as 4-20 ma, then wat is o/p for 125mm

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16)smps does not have17)in a ph electrode, the signal conditioning is provided by bjt,fet,etc18)cavitation is caused by19)ieee 802.5 obeys ethernet protocol,ip,fddi,token ring,none20)veena contracta point is characterised by:21)the amplifier gain is a,then the f/b gain,for a positive f/b system in an oscillator is:22)the stable system should have which kind of feedback?23)THE DAMPER UNIT is used for:24)the beta ratio is=;25)the input to a binary adder is 110,what is sum ,carry?26)the 4 2bit binaryu counter has the modulus:

APTITUDE1. Fox belongs to family of?a) Wolf b) tiger c) Cat2. Accident : Carefulness : : Disease : ?a) Doctor b) medicine c) Sanitation3. In one party there are wife and husband and their two sons with theirwives and each son have 4 children. How many are there in the party?4. 4 ½ yard cloth costs 90 cents; what is the cost of 2 ½ yard cloth?5. Ans. for one proverb: Don’t do that is impossible.6. 10 boxes of apple weigh 400 pounds. Each empty box weighs 4 pounds. What is the weight of total apples?7. Husbands are ---------- shorter than wives.a) Never b) Usually c) Rarely d) Always e) Frequently f) Seldom8. Fathers are -------------- wiser than sons.a) Never b) Usually c) Rarely d) Always e) Frequently f) Seldom9. Mothers are --------------older than their daughters.a) Never b) Usually c) Rarely d) Always e) Frequently f) Seldom10. Which number is odd one the series.0 1 3 6 10 15 21 28 3411. CONSTITUTIONAL write the word by inter changing 1st with 2nd , 3rd with 4th and 5th with 6th etc.12. Opposite of Love --------- Hate.13. Opposite of Hope --------- Despair.14. Opposite of Honour --------- Disgrace.15. Opposite of Love --------- Extravagant16. Circle : Sphere : : Square : ?a) cube b) hexagone c) triangle17. Light : Candela : : Temp : Thermometer18. Quite : Noise : : Sunlight : Darkness19. Find out the odd word.a) Shear b) Bend c) Shave d) Chop20. Find out the odd word.a) Good b) Red c) Walk d) Thick21. Meaning of proverb : 1st bird catches warm fire.22. All birds have -------------a) Nest b) Wings c) Bill23. All club members r republicans. Smith is not republican.He is a club member is :a) True b) False c) Un defined24. 20” pipe is cut into 2 pieces . 2/3rd of it’s more than the other. Then what isthe length of smaller one?25. Ans. For one proverb: Subordinates enjoy when their bosses r notpresent.26. Meaning of: “Dinner is judged by desserts”.

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27. Moon :Earth : : Earth : ?a) Sun b) Universe c) Star d) Jupiter28. Trees always havea) Leaves b) Branches c) Roots29. Dinner always containsa) Table b) Plates c) Food d) Hunger30. 31`. 32. 3 Proverbs33. 34. 35. Two statements true or false36. 37. 38. Alphabets game39. 40. 41. 42. 43. Simple calculations like 3 pencils cost is 30paise 10 pencils cost ?Spl. Note: Don’t waste much time for alphabet game.1. love----------- hate (opposite)2. graceful---------awkward (opp)3. honour---------disgrace4. 1,4,9,25,36------------ans 108 (which is not perfect square)5. 5 cents------3 pencils, then 50 cents-----------30 pencils6. hypothetical means not firm meaning of sentences.7. 14, 25, 36, 47, 59, 69ans 598. temperature is measured ----------thermometer9. quit: sound:: darkness: sunlight10. square: sphere ::circle: sphere11. plane: line:: line: point12. 4.5 yard----90 cents then 2.5------ 50cents13. all birds do not have------------ nest14. one qu is related to cloth shrinkageans 33 inch15. series: l,m, n,o,p,q,r,s,tans- n16. a phrase child burnts by milk------------17. one related to bridge prop------ans until u obstacle18. pudding(ans food related)19. phares mice plays when cat is away (find its ans by its meaning)20. phares---early birds catches warms (its meaning is its ans)21. one ques is related to family members whoseans is 1222. 24 inches srinks to 20, then 36inches---------3023. 1/4 sec run 6 feet, then in 10 sec –whatans 24024. mother is always older than daughter25. father is usually wiser than son26. men are rarely shorter than wife27. carefulness:accident::desease: doctor28. meal should always involveans food29. how people recognize personans characteristic30. rotation: whirlpool:: flying: wings31. moon:earth:: earth :sun32. never ----always( opp)33. fox-----wolf34. economical-----extravagent(opp)35. electicity :candle::automobile :carriage36. one ques how many no followed by n

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ans is 437. compromise------------38. good, wall, red, thickans is red39. constitutional change the postion of first letter to sec, similarely third to fourth ,u will get ocsnitutitnola what is the twelthe letterans is o40. ordinary:exellent::few:many41. thare are two ques which demands ans in centsans is 120and 50 cents42. why silver is more costlier than ironans is rare43. loyal :::: treacherous(opp)44. 1,3,6,10,15,21,28,-----ans 36(series)45. 2 parts of cream is made from 3 parts of milk then how much cream is made by 15 parts of milk ans-1046. one ques demands ans in poundsans is 360pounds47. person away thinking -------conservative48. A B Q PR S T -----A Q S Q L Mans –A49. 2 , 5, 4, 3, 9, 0, 5, 9 WHICH LETTER COMES 2ND TIME FIRSTans 550. series (two series are there) missing term4,2,5,3,6,4,7,5,--,6,9.ans---851. which of the following is thw exact mirror image to the wordans—OTTO52 two statements are joined byans—conjuction53 series 1,3,9,27,81…….find the wrong no54 last question hasans ….855 13,24,35,46,ans57


In mental Aptitude 75% easy only 25% u have to work

2.they had given the proverbs and we have to find meaning, 8 to 9 Ques from this model

3Find out the .Wrong number from a given series ,5 to 6 Ques from this model

Ex .1,3,9,27,81,180 here 180 is wrong number

4.Antomonys I got following one hope, hate, awkward

5.simple arithmetic like 

1.cost 3 pencils is 5cents then wat is cost of 5 pencils

2.The length of cotton cloth is 36cm ,After washing it becomes 33cm, lly wat is resulatant length of cloth

having 30cm after washed

5 to 6 Questions from this model

6.venna diagrams

Some Questions they had given like that,Whcich one is Odd one in below 

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Ex A)Curd B)MiLK C)Ghee D) something From this type 5 to 6 Questions will come

Electric bulb is related to candle and Automobile is related to _________

A)Tyre b)car C)Carriage still two more options r there From this model I got 3 to 4 Questions

Which is part of tree ,Some thing realed like this only

A)Buds b)Roots c)Branches d)Leaves all are part of tree only but One thing is Utmost Imp to the tree i.e

Roots I think 

Note:Refer Verbal Reasoning by R.S Agarwal From This Model I got 4 to 5 Questions 

Next one is they had Given a Series of Numbers and ask the Questions like this

Fine Number of (Certain Number) Which is follwed by 5 but not preceded by 7 From above model 4 to 5

Questions will come

Coming from Technical the following Ques will be come 

1.what is 3 rd pin of op amp a)inverting i/p b)Non inverting i/p c) Output

2.In thermocouples they ask like this Ansi symbol of ________ Thermocouple is i.e we have J,k, ... etc

thermocouple study combinatin of metals,2 Ques will come

3.TCP/IP stands for[ ]

4.ISO stands for[ ]

5.which of following is the Example for mass flow meter a)orifice b)Turbine c)Venturi d) Rotameter

6.The output of Turbine Flow meter is( ) a)linear b) Non Linear

7.which of following OP amp is used to strenghten the week signal( ) a)741 b)op 07 C)710

8.What is the cause for the CMRR( ) a)2 grounds in the circuit b) one grounds in the circuit c) NO grounds in

the circuit 

9.The beta ratio in flow meter is( ) a)d/D b)D/d loke that where d,D r the dia of internal and external of device

10.which of following is not true in magnetic flow meter/ultrasonic flowmwter (some thing like that, I can"t

Retrieve,But that flow meter is based on principle of Doppler Effect)

a) It places Horizantally b)It places vertically C)It maesures slurry fluids

11.Rotameter also Known as( ) I can,t retrieve the optons ,sorry

Note: friends pls concentrate more on Flow meters

12.pirani Guages are Used to measure ( ) a)pressure b)temperature c)Veloctiy

13.Which of following os more Accurate one to measure the Temerature( ) a)RTD b)Thermister


14.1 ATM=

15.1 mil=_________ ( ) a)10mm b) 0.001 inch c)0.01 inch

16.Floating power supply is prefer due to ____________( ) a)It requires less supply like that 

17.Priciple involved in level Measuremet( ) a)Hook,s law b) Newton,s law like that more Questions is asked on the level more Questions is asked on the level

20. which of the following method used to measure the Hydrogen Sulphide( ) a)Thermal Conductivity b)FCD

c)FID like that

21.which fo following gas have the paramagnatic property( ) a)CO2 B) Oxgen

21.The paramagnatic property is Used to Measure __________in given gas( ) a)oxygen b)Co2

22.The reset controller is Used ( ) A)to reduce the offset B)to Increase the Offeset like that

23.when we increase the proportional gain the( ) a)Decrease the Settling time B)Increase the Settling time

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C)I can,t retrive d)both a and b e)both b and c

24.Which fo following is best one ( ) a)Propotional Band with 60% b)propotinal Band with 100% C)Propotional

Band with 150%

25.which of something on control valve,i.e which one is tight cintrol valve a)Roman 4 b)Roman letter 5

c)Roman 6

26.The I to P converter is Used ( ) a) to control the o/p b)to monitor the o/p (There are very close meanin)

27.They had given OP_amp,then we have to identify the function of op amp IN My exam They given


28.To Reduce the Magnetic effect the best one is_________ a)Shielding b) twisted pair

29.which of following cable have less attenuation a)cable b)Twisted pair c)Co axial cable d)optical fiber

30.the binary equalent of 6 is__________ 

31.The decimal Equalent os 1000 is_____________

32.which of following is Uesd at high temp/Example of nin contac Temperature Sensor is__________ a)RTD

b)Optical Pyrometer c)thermocouple

33.The Square root Extarction is necessary in ( a) a)Orifice b)venturi c)flow nozzle

34.The flow is propotinal to __________( a) a)Square root of DP b)Square of DP c)DP where DP is Differential


35.In thermowell they asked one Question

36.Some material is used in Pirani Guages ,whet is purpose of material,optons are like that a)to reduce the

corrison b) to increase stability

37.Barriers are used to______________ Sorry i can,t get the options computers they asked,the content in pc remains same if power off due( ) a)It have RAM with back up

battery b)It saved in PA

39.which of the following is the example of active transducer( ) a)RTD b)Thermocouple c)Thermistor

40.which of following is used to convert machine language into assembly language( ) a)Complier

b)Interpreter c)Assembler

APTITUDE1. Fox belongs to family of?a) Wolf b) tiger c) Cat2. Accident : Carefulness : : Disease : ?a) Doctor b) medicine c) Sanitation3. In one party there are wife and husband and their two sons with their wives and each son have 4 children. How many are there in the party?4. 4 ½ yard cloth costs 90 cents; what is the cost of 2 ½ yard cloth?5. Ans. for one proverb: Don’t do that is impossible.6. 10 boxes of apple weigh 400 pounds. Each empty box weighs 4 pounds. What is the weight of total apples?7. Husbands are ---------- shorter than wives.a) Never b) Usually c) Rarely d) Always e) Frequently f)Seldom8. Fathers are -------------- wiser than sons.a) Never b) Usually c) Rarely d) Always e) Frequently f)Seldom9. Mothers are --------------older than their daughters.a) Never b) Usually c) Rarely d) Always e) Frequently f) Seldom

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10. Which number is odd one the series.0 1 3 6 10 15 21 28 3411. CONSTITUTIONAL write the word by inter changing 1st with 2nd , 3rd with 4th and 5th with 6th etc.12. Opposite of Love --------- Hate.13. Opposite of Hope --------- Despair.14. Opposite of Honour --------- Disgrace.15. Opposite of Love --------- Extravagant16. Circle : Sphere : : Square : ?a) cube b) hexagone c) triangle17. Light : Candela : : Temp : Thermometer18. Quite : Noise : : Sunlight : Darkness19. Find out the odd word.a) Shear b) Bend c) Shave d) Chop20. Find out the odd word.a) Good b) Red c) Walk d) Thick21. Meaning of proverb : 1st bird catches warm fire.22. All birds have -------------a) Nest b) Wings c) Bill23. All club members r republicans. Smith is not republican.He is a club member is :a) True b) False c) Un defined24. 20” pipe is cut into 2 pieces . 2/3rd of it’s more than the other. Then what is the length of smaller one?25. Ans. For one proverb: Subordinates enjoy when their bosses r not present.26. Meaning of: “Dinner is judged by desserts”.27. Moon :Earth : : Earth : ?a) Sun b) Universe c) Star d) Jupiter28. Trees always havea) Leaves b) Branches c) Roots29. Dinner always containsa) Table b)Plates c)Food d) Hunger30. 31`. 32. 3 Proverbs33. 34. 35. Two statements true or false36. 37. 38. Alphabets game39. 40. 41. 42. 43. Simple calculations like 3 pencils cost is 30paise 10 pencils cost ?Spl. Note: Don’t waste much time for alphabet game.1. love----------- hate (opposite)2. graceful---------awkward(opp)3. honour---------disgrace4. 1,4,9,25,36------------ans 108 (which is not perfect square)5. 5 cents------3 pencils,then 50 cents-----------30 pencils6. hypothetical means not firm meaning of sentences.7. 14, 25, 36, 47, 59, 69 ans 598. temperature is measured ----------thermometer9. quit: sound::darkness:sunlight10. square:sphere ::cicle:sphere11. plane:line:: line:point12. 4.5 yard----90 cents then 2.5------ 50cents13. all birds donot have------------ nest14. one qu is related to cloth shrinkage ans 33 inch15. series: l,m, n,o,p,q,r,s,t ans- n16. a phrase child burnts by milk------------17. one related to bridge prop------ans until u obstacle18. pudding (ans food related)19. phares mice plays when cat is away(find its ans by its meaning)20. phares---early birds catches warms(its meaning is its ans)21. one ques is related to family members whose ans is 1222. 24 inches srinks to 20, then 36inches---------30

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23. 1/4 sec run 6 feet, then in 10 sec –what ans 24024. mother is always older than daughter25. father is usually wiser than son26. men are rarely shorter than wife27. carefulness:accident::desease: doctor28. meal should always involve ans food29. how people recognize person ans characterstic30. rotation: whirlpool::flying:wings31. moon:earth:: earth :sun32. never ----always(opp)33. fox-----wolf34. economical-----extravagent(opp)35. electicity :candle::automobile :carriage36. one ques how many no followed by n ans is 437. compromise------------38. good,wall, red, thick ans is red39. constitutional change the postion of first letter to sec, similarely third to fourth ,u will get ocsnitutitnola what is the twelthe letter ans is o40. ordinary:exellent::few:many41. thare are two ques which demands ans in cents ans is 120and 50 cents42. why silver is more costlier than iron ans is rare43. loyal :::: treacherous(opp)44. 1,3,6,10,15,21,28,----- ans 36(series)45. 2 parts of cream is made from 3 parts of milk then how much cream is made by 15 parts of milk ans-1046. one ques demands ans in pounds ans is 360pounds47. person away thinking -------conservative48. A B Q PR S T -----A Q S Q L M ans –A49. 2 , 5, 4, 3, 9, 0, 5, 9 WHICH LETTER COMES 2ND TIME FIRST ans 550. series (two series are there) missing term4,2,5,3,6,4,7,5,--,6,9. ans---851. which of the following is thw exact mirror emage to the wordans—OTTO52 two statements are joined by ans—conjuction53 series 1,3,9,27,81…….find the wrong no54 last question has ans ….855 13,24,35,46, ans57

Some of the question i remember are:1. if 3 balls cost 5 cents then how many balls can be purchased in 50 cents?2. opposite of Love?3. opposite of disgrace?4. if 4.5 yards costs 90 cents then how much 2.5 costs?5. which no. is wrong in series: 1  4  9  16  25  37 Some more questions on series which were very simple.6. Question on Alphabets. Like a series of alphabets were given and we have to fine, no. of N followed by O which is followed by T.7. What does tree have.a. trunk  b. leaves  c. rootAns is i think root

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8. What a bird does not necessarily have.a.wings  b.mouth  c.nest  and 2 other optionsAns is nest9. There where lot of questions on antonims, but were very simple.10. Also questions on Diagram in which a triangle, rectangle and circle each representing some people was given. We have to solve ques related to the diagram.11. So questions like, all club members are republican; anand is not republican. Then is Anand club member??The 2nd Test was Subject test, for me Electrical based.It was also multiple choice paper with few ques.s in which ans was to be written. It had questions from all the subjects of electrical and a few of electronics. Study relays, transmission line, Circuit breakers, power transfer from a transmission line, transformer, power systems, digital electronics.Some numericals were also there, but were simple.1. If a transform working on 400hz is made to work at 50hz then its power will become.?ans is 1/8 th2. if z=0.25pu in base when v=20kV and p=50m then what will be z in other system .(dont rem. full ques)3.Questions on relays, like which relay will be operated first when a transformer’s col fails.4. similar ques on relays, on different failures on transmission line.5. Questions related to Circuit Breaker, like what is that time called when acr restrikes. there were 3-4 similar questions.6. Binary equivalent of 15?7. What is that logic gate called, having 2 switches in series.8. If Delta connection draw 45Amp current what will star connect draw?


1) 12 at angle of 30

a)6+j6 b)0.5+j6 c)10.392+j6

2) color of Silica gel

a)pale yellow b)pale blue c)pale green

3) what is logic gate called two switches in series


4) Binary equivalent of 15 ans:1111

5)  laplace transform of impulse function. Ans:1

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6)SF6 gas is a ____________

Ans: electronegative gas

7)which relay is used to protect transformers when internal faults occurs

a)Buchholtzb)differential c)over current relay d)distance relay

ans:Buchholtz relay

8)In aline when faults occurs which one operates first

a) fuse b)under voltage relay c)Zero curreny Relay d)None

9)Question on corona ie.,production of ozone gas, hissing noise,power loss

10)In 3 phase induction motor  slip=4%, speed=750 rpm, 4 pole, find frequency?

11)one question on Ferranti effect

12)The most commonly used insulation in high voltage cables

a)PVC b)oil filled cables c)gas pressure cables refer under ground cables

13) Form factor=rms value/Avg value

14) How to find Rth in thevinen’s theorem

a) all voltage sources dead

b)all current sources dead

c)both voltage and current sources dead

d)all independent sources dead

15) Which lamp consumes  more current

a) Flouroscent b) Halogen c) Incandescent d) sodium

16) X” is a new reactance, name plate details of induction motor 20KV and 100 MVA are given and also base units

are given 25 KV, 500 MVA , old reactance is 0.25 find new reactance.

a) 4/125 b)5/125 c)………..

17) In a transmission line delta connection draws 45 amps  then what about star connection draws

18) One question on chopper

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a)changes i/p voltage b)changes waveform of i/p voltage……………………..

19)which circuit breaker is used for high voltage & low currents

a)air blast b)oil cb c)MOCB……..i don’t know the correct options

20) Which relay is used to protect generators and motors

a)distance b)differential c)over current ……..

21) Simple problem on transformer like 200/400, 10 KVA, iron and copper losses are given we have to  find efficiency

22) In a transformer working on 400 hz is made to work on 50 hz then it power will become ans:b

a)1/4 reduced b)1/8 reduced c)1/3 reduced d)1/5 reduced

23) In a circuit, shunt element is placed in order to

a)increase voltage b)increase current………….

24) Which converts decimal to binary

a) encoder b) decoder c) assembler

25) One simple problem on EMF equation of a generator

26) The footcandle ( lumen per square foot)

27) The lux is one lumen/meter2

28)some question on alternator when supply is not given and having constant ……………( I hav not remember the


a)acts as synchronous motor

b)run as synchronous motor in same direction

c)run as synchronous motor in reverse direction

29)In a transformer equivalent primary resistance as referred to secondary is  ans:k2R1 Refer in options s is also

given a)s k2R1 b) k2R1 /s c) k2R1/s2

30) Some questions on circuit breakers like……..

The voltage that appears across the contacts of the circuit breaker during the arcing period

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a) arc voltage b) Restriking voltage c) Recovery voltage ans: a

31) The transient voltage that appears across the contacts at or near current zero during arcing period.

a)arc voltage b) Restriking voltage c)Recovery voltage ans: b

32) The voltage that appears across the contacts of the circuit breaker after final arc extinction.

a)arc voltage b) Restriking voltage c)Recovery voltage ans:c

33) Question on Electrical field strength ans is 30KV/cm

Reliance Placement Paper

In mental Aptitude 75% easy only 25% u have to work

2.they had given the proverbs and we have to find meaning, 8 to 9 Ques from this model

3Find out the .Wrong number from a given series ,5 to 6 Ques from this model

Ex .1,3,9,27,81,180 here 180 is wrong number

4.Antomonys I got following one hope, hate, awkward5.simple arithmetic like

1.cost 3 pencils is 5cents then wat is cost of 5 pencils2.The length of cotton cloth is 36cm ,After washing it becomes 33cm, lly wat is resulatant length of cloth having 30cm after washed

5 to 6 Questions from this model6.venna diagrams

Some Questions they had given like that,Whcich one is Odd one in below Ex A)Curd B)MiLK C)Ghee D) something From this type 5 to 6 Questions will come

Google Search

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Electric bulb is related to candle and Automobile is related to _________A)Tyre b)car C)Carriage still two more options r there From this model I got 3 to 4 Questions

Which is part of tree ,Some thing realed like this onlyA)Buds b)Roots c)Branches d)Leaves all are part of tree only but One thing is Utmost Imp to the tree i.e Roots I think

Note:Refer Verbal Reasoning by R.S Agarwal From This Model I got 4 to 5 Questions

Next one is they had Given a Series of Numbers and ask the Questions like thisFine Number of (Certain Number) Which is follwed by 5 but not preceded by 7 From above model 4 to 5 Questions will come

Coming from Technical the following Ques will be come 1.what is 3 rd pin of op amp a)inverting i/p b)Non inverting i/p c) Output

2.In thermocouples they ask like this Ansi symbol of ________ Thermocouple is i.e we have J,k, ... etc thermocouple study combinatin of metals,2 Ques will come3.TCP/IP stands for[ ]

4.ISO stands for[ ]5.which of following is the Example for mass flow meter a)orifice b)Turbine c)Venturi d) Rotameter

6.The output of Turbine Flow meter is( ) a)linear b) Non Linear7.which of following OP amp is used to strenghten the week signal( ) a)741 b)op 07 C)710

8.What is the cause for the CMRR( ) a)2 grounds in the circuit b) one grounds in the circuit c) NO grounds in the circuit 9.The beta ratio in flow meter is( ) a)d/D b)D/d loke that where d,D r the dia of internal and external of device

10.which of following is not true in magnetic flow meter/ultrasonic flowmwter (some thing like that, I can"t Retrieve,But that flow meter is based on principle of Doppler Effect)a) It places Horizantally b)It places vertically C)It maesures slurry fluids

11.Rotameter also Known as( ) I can't retrieve the optons ,sorryNote: friends pls concentrate more on Flow meters

12.pirani Guages are Used to measure ( ) a)pressure b)temperature c)Veloctiy13.Which of following os more Accurate one to measure the Temerature( ) a)RTD b)Thermister C)Thermocouple

14.1 ATM=15.1 mil=_________ ( ) a)10mm b) 0.001 inch c)0.01 inch

16.Floating power supply is prefer due to ____________( ) a)It requires less supply like that 17.Priciple involved in level Measuremet( ) a)Hook's law b) Newton's law like that more Questions is asked on the more Questions is asked on the level

20. which of the following method used to measure the Hydrogen Sulphide( ) a)Thermal Conductivity b)FCD c)FID like that21.which fo following gas have the paramagnatic property( ) a)CO2 B) Oxgen

21.The paramagnatic property is Used to Measure __________in given gas( ) a)oxygen b)Co222.The reset controller is Used ( ) A)to reduce the offset B)to Increase the Offeset like that

23.when we increase the proportional gain the( ) a)Decrease the Settling time B)Increase the Settling time C)I can't retrive d)both a and b e)both b and c24.Which fo following is best one ( ) a)Propotional Band with 60% b)propotinal Band with 100% C)Propotional Band with 150%

25.which of something on control valve,i.e which one is tight cintrol valve a)Roman 4 b)Roman letter 5 c)Roman 626.The I to P converter is Used ( ) a) to control the o/p b)to monitor the o/p (There are very close meanin)

27.They had given OP_amp,then we have to identify the function of op amp IN My exam They given Integrator28.To Reduce the Magnetic effect the best one is_________ a)Shielding b) twisted pair

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29.which of following cable have less attenuation a)cable b)Twisted pair c)Co axial cable d)optical fiber30.the binary equalent of 6 is__________

31.The decimal Equalent os 1000 is_____________32.which of following is Uesd at high temp/Example of nin contac Temperature Sensor is__________ a)RTD b)Optical Pyrometer c)thermocouple

33.The Square root Extarction is necessary in ( a) a)Orifice b)venturi c)flow nozzle

34.The flow is propotinal to __________( a) a)Square root of DP b)Square of DP c)DP where DP is Differential Pressure35.In thermowell they asked one Question

36.Some material is used in Pirani Guages ,whet is purpose of material,optons are like that a)to reduce the corrison b) to increase stability37.Barriers are used to______________ Sorry i can't get the options computers they asked,the content in pc remains same if power off due( ) a)It have RAM with back up battery b)It saved in PA39.which of the following is the example of active transducer( ) a)RTD b)Thermocouple c)Thermistor

40.which of following is used to convert machine language into assembly language( ) a)Complier b)Interpreter c)Assembler

1 gm/cc = ____kg/m3.

1 atm = ___kg/cm2.

what range of pressure used in pneumatic systems(ans: 3-15 psi).

what type of orifice used for gas-liquid mixture flow: concentric/segmental/eccentric.

given PB of 60%,70%,80%,90%, which one is the most sensitive?

integral orifice is used for low/medium/high flow applications.]

which of the following is a variable area type flow meter(ans: rotameter).

for a 36” dia gas pipeline which of the following flowmeter is used: orifice/annubar/target flow meter.

a compressor should be operated above/on/near the surge line.

for measuring γ-ray radioactivity what would you use: scintillation counter/cathode ray tube/all of the above.

in cascade control ___ of the primary controller is the___ of the secondary controller.

for derivative control step input gives ___ output.

demorgan’s law is useful bcoz it converts NOR to NAND/NOR to AND/etc.

NAND is called a universal gate bcoz..

RS-485 can be used for multidrop communication: true/false.

which of the following is a high-temp O2 analyser: zirconia/paramagnetic/radiation/etc.

a question on gas chromatography which I can’t recollect.

given a ckt find out the current in a particular branch.

zener barrier is used to: limit input current/limit input current coming from field/limit energy going to field.

which of the following is type K thermocouple: copper constantan/iron constantan/ Pt rhodium/ chromel alumel.

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for measuring 1200°C what thermocouple would you use: K/J/E/R.

full form of MIMS as used with thermocouples.

relation between flow rate and ΔP(ans: Q a ÖΔP)

problem using the above relation.

what can be used to detect combinational hazards in circuits: truth table/K-map/sequence table.

if a chip containing a RAM has power switched off and then on, then data in the RAM is irretrievably lost/data is retained/data is retained with minor modifications/chip is damaged.

if a 20 MHz wave is fed into a cascade of mod-10,mod-5 and mod-4 counters the lowest o/p freq obtainable is___.

for a tank containing water to a ht. of 2m pressure at the bottom in kg/cm² is____.

for noise reduction what can be connected across the P.S. pins of an IC: resistor/capacitor/diode/transistor.

the no. of o/p states in a 4-bit ADC.

if the previous state in a 4-bit up/down counter is 1111, the next state will be___.

advantage of double seated control valve.

which of the following types of CV has tight shut-off: III/IV/V/VI.

ratio of maxm. to minm. Controllable flow of a CV is called___.

which of these is not a CV characteristic: quick opening/linear/modified parabolic/equal %.

an I/P converter converts analog to pneumatic/analog to digital/digital to pneumatic.

the commonly used range of analog current signal is___.

full form of CMOS.

which of these is required for calibration: calibrating equipment/controlled environmental conditions/competent personnel/traceability of standards/all of the above.

glycerine filled gauges are used for prevention of corrosion/pulsation/some other option/all of these.

full form of TCP/IP.

which of the following is insensitive to noise: optical fibre/twisted pair/coaxial cable.

maxm cable length in RS-232C: 50m/100m/150m/200m.

which of the foll cannot be used to generate square waves: astable/monostable/bistable/bootstrapping ckt.

advantage of floating power supply

for flow control loop what can be used: PID/PI/P control.

capacitor energy equation(ans: W=½CV²).

given an 8-bit string identify which does not have even parity.

what is done in a flapper-nozzle amplifier.

dead weight tester operates on which principle (ans: pascal’s law).

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1) Which of the following is mass flow meter?a.turbine 2.micromotion flowmeter 3.magnetic

2) Cobalt 60 has a half life period of?

3) TC timelag_________if thermowell is added

4) For a pr tx with sensitivity,and range given for water, what it is for a liquid with another density.

5) Which of the following cant b detected using gas chromatograph. c2h6,ch4,none,co2

6) Which of the following is not used as a carrier gas n2,helium ,o2,co2

7) The best control for temperature.a.Pi b.P c.PId d.PD

8) J type thermocouple is of: iron constantan, copper constantan, etc

9) Magnetic flowmeter works on which principle:

10) For magnetic meters, E=?a. bv/d b. bvl/d c. none

11) Leakage vi is not possible for

12) The need of emergency shut down?

13) Pirani gauges are used for

14) The bourdon tubes should not facea. creep b. hysterisis c. fatigue d. all

15) If 0-500mm of hg is calibrated as 4-20 ma, then wat is o/p for 125mm

16) SMPS does not have

17) In a ph electrode, the signal conditioning is provided by bjt,fet,etc

18) Cavitation is caused by

19) IEEE 802.5 obeys ethernet protocol,ip,fddi,token ring,none

20) Veena contracta point is characterised by:

21) The amplifier gain is a,then the f/b gain,for a positive f/b system in an oscillator is:

22) The stable system should have which kind of feedback?

23) THE DAMPER UNIT is used for:

24) The beta ratio is=;

25) The input to a binary adder is 110,what is sum ,carry?

26) The 4 2bit binaryu counter has the modulus:

1. In a series RLC circuit Fo is resonace frequency, if LC r doubled wat is new resonace frequency?

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2. R=5 ohm, V= 5v, f=200 hz, and given conditions r VL=VC= 2VR , find L=?

3. Comparision between maxwlls and hey bridge.

4. VPQ=?

5. Find R in a balanced bridge network.?

7. In a Transfer at no –load friction and windage losses r called as ………..(ans : Iron losses)

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8. Maximum power transfer through line ..V1= 110 kv, V2= 100kv, X=22 ohm,….( ANS: 500 mw)

9. Shunt reactor effect on Trans. Line

10. Series capacitor effect on Trans. Line

11. Velocity in distilled water(e= 81)…magnetic field intensity find electrical field intensity(I did not remember)

12. Question on pointing vector

13. If a dc machine (p=6;z=some value ;r=some value having lap winding then re winded machine winding as a wave winding find armature resistence?

14. In a Dc series motor having 2 pice of field winding in series if the field winding is re- wounded as two parallel paths then speed of motor(at constant torque)

15. For above rated speed the type of speed controls method (in case of DC motor)?

16. Statements regarding transformer (1.constent flux.2..3..4..)

17. Question on regulation of alternator at zero leading PF(ans : -50)

18. Question on power transmission in T.line . 

19.regarding relay parameters, settings.(problem)

20. in a synchronous motor if load is increasing then armature current is decreasing then initially machine is operating at what PF?

1. If R is operated at third place in a sequence, then which of the following cannot be the second program in that sequence?

1) S2) Q3) T4) U

Directions (2-5): Read the following information to answer these questions:

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A,B,C,D and E are five towns out of which two are hill stations and the rest are in plains. Two towns, which are in plains, are harbours. Four towns out of five are capital of two are industrial towns.

Population of two towns is less than 5 lakh. It is 20 lakh of one town and more than 50 lakh of two towns. Two towns are on the same latitudes and the other two are on the same longitudes. Latitudes are longitudes of both the harbours

are different and out of these one is an industrial town. The population of both the industrial towns is more than 50 lakh. The longitudes of one hill station and one of the industrial towns are same. The latitudes and longitudes of the

other hill station and the other harbour are different. One industrial town is neither a hill station nor a harbour. None of the hill station is an industrial town. The hill station, of which longitudes are same as that of a harbour, is a capital. B is a hill station while the longitudes of A the E are same. E is a harbour. The latitudes of D and C are same and the

population of D is 20 lakh. Both the harbours are capitals and one of them is an industrial town.

2. Which of the following two towns have population of less then 5 lakh?1) B and C2) D and A3) A and B4) A and C

3. Which of the following is a harbour, a capital and an industrial town?1) B2) A3) C4) E

4. Which of the following towns have population of more then 50 lakh? 1) B and E2) A and D3) C and E4) C and D

5. In a certain code language the word FUNCTION is written as UCINHPVQ. How will the word REGULATE be written in that language?


5) None of these

Directions (Q.6-11): Read the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:Eight top-ranked players from USA, Russia, Brazil, India, Switzerland and France are going to participate in next

year's Indian Open mixed doubles championship. There will be two participants each from USA and Russia, but they cannot form a team together though they belong to different sexes. A male USA player has a partner from France.

Martina Hingis of Switzerland cannot be paired with a player from India or Pete Sampras. Gustavo Kuerten of Brazil neither likes the Swiss player nor American player Venus Williams. Martin Safin of Russia is not interested in teaming

with Mary Pierce or a USA player. Leander Paes and Anna Kournikova are the other participants.

6. Anna Kournikova belongs to which country?1) Russia2) France3) India

4) Data inadequate5) None of these

7. Name the player who belongs to France.1) Mary Pierce

2) Martina Hingis3) Pete Sampras

4) Data inadequate5) None of these

8. Who is the partner of the Brazilian player?1) Data inadequate2) Venus Williams3) Martina Hingis

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4) Mary Pierce5) None of these

9. Which of the following pairs is definitely correct?1) Pete Sampras - Martina Hingis

2) Gustavo Kuerten - Venus Williams3) Leander Paes - Anna Kournikova

4) Martina Safin - Mary Pierce5) None of these

10. Keeping in mind the pairs of players, which of the following pairs of countries is definitely true?1) USA - Switzerland2) Russia - France

3) India - USA4) Brazil - USA

5) None of these

11. With players from which countries are the participants from Russia playing? 1) Brazil, France2) India, USA

3) India, France4) Brazil, Switzerland

5) None of these

12. gm/cc = ____kg/m3.    

13.  1 atm = ___kg/cm2.    

14.  what range of pressure used in pneumatic systems(ans: 3-15 psi).    

15. what type of orifice used for gas-liquid mixture flow: concentric/segmental/eccentric.    

16. given PB of 60%,70%,80%,90%, which one is the most sensitive?    

17. integral orifice is used for low/medium/high flow applications.]    

18. which of the following is a variable area type flow meter(ans: rotameter).    

19. for a 36” dia gas pipeline which of the following flowmeter is used: orifice/annubar/target flow meter.    

20.a compressor should be operated above/on/near the surge line.