Download - Relationship with God, Basics of Righteousness, Receiving ...€¦ · AN EXTENSION OF ANDREW WOMMACK MINISTRIES HE ... trained for a specific ministry to which God has already ...

Page 1: Relationship with God, Basics of Righteousness, Receiving ...€¦ · AN EXTENSION OF ANDREW WOMMACK MINISTRIES HE ... trained for a specific ministry to which God has already ...

PO Box 191 Website:

Heidelberg –WC e-mail: [email protected]

6665 Tel: 028-7222701 / Fax: 086 658 4930

Registered: Andrew Wommack Ministries International – Charis Bible College NPC Registration number: 2012/071903/08



Introduction Charis Bible College offers a three-year course which is focused on each individual. Some students know they are being trained for a specific ministry to which God has already called them. Others sense His call but are unsure as to how the Lord will use them in the future. Some know they will return to secular employment equipped for fruitful ministry and some are equipped for leadership in their local churches. No matter what the reasons are for attending CBC SA all students come into a new dynamic relationship with Jesus Christ beyond anything they imagined possible. They expect the supernatural power of God’s Spirit to be evident in their lives and they become men and women of faith able to live in the assurance of God’s Grace Love and Mercy and more importantly they are equipped to take this assurance out into the world. The First year: Bible Training Institute Course Available in a Correspondence course This program include instruction in Relationship with God, Basics of Righteousness, Receiving from God, Old Testament Survey, and many other cases that will give the student a solid biblical foundation. Emphasis will be on faith, grace, and walking with the Holy Spirit through the work of the cross and resurrection of Jesus Christ. A student enrolled in the Bible Training Programme will be required to volunteer 16 hours per term in practical ministry in either a local church, Andrew Wommack Ministries, Charis Bible College, or any CBC-approved ministry. Through the Bible Training Institute, a student will not only be prepared with a proper biblical understanding, but will receive training in the practical application, to meet the needs of God’s people and to bring the lost into the kingdom of God. (CORRESPONDENCE STUDENTS ARE NOT REQUIRED TO VOLUNTEER FOR 16 HOURSE PER TERM). Upon the satisfactory completion of this programme, a student will receive a Certificate of Completion. Students must finish this programme before entering the second-year programme. Second year Programme: School of Practical Ministry The following are some of the classed offered in the School of Practical Ministry: New Testament Survey, Ministry of Excellence, Discipleship/Evangelism, Making of a Minister, and more. The classes cover very practical aspects of the ministry. Upon the successful completion of the second year, the student will receive a diploma and will be eligible to apply for a third year.

Page 2: Relationship with God, Basics of Righteousness, Receiving ...€¦ · AN EXTENSION OF ANDREW WOMMACK MINISTRIES HE ... trained for a specific ministry to which God has already ...

PO Box 191 Website:

Heidelberg –WC e-mail: [email protected]

6665 Tel: 028-7222701 / Fax: 086 658 4930

Registered: Andrew Wommack Ministries International – Charis Bible College NPC Registration number: 2012/071903/08



Third year: Apprenticeship Programme The purpose of this third-year elective programme is to facilitate the transition of CBC graduates from being students to becoming the ministers God has called them to be. This is accomplished by preparing individuals and ministry teams. To be eligible for this program you must be a graduate of CBC. After submitting an application, it is reviewed, and a follow-up interview is scheduled. The applicant will be notified if he/she has been accepted or not into the Apprenticeship Program. All courses may be subject to change. Accreditation: We have looked into this matter with much detail, and after a lot thought and prayer, we have

decided against pursuing accreditation. Although receiving credit for the courses offered here at

Charis Bible College may appear to be in the best interest of all concerned, we have discovered

that not offering this aspect actually is a greater benefit to our students. Often times, schools that

offer accreditation to students for courses taken have their course curriculum dictated by the

government. This allows the government to make any changes they feel are necessary. They can

also dictate staff and management of school operations. We at Charis Bible College feel that

management of the Charis locations and curriculum should be solely at the discretion of the

leadership of the ministry, as instructed by the Lord.

Our mandate is that we retain control over this curriculum that has already been instrumental in the

transformation of so many lives all over the world. It is our pledge to you that the only changes that

will be applied to this curriculum are those dictated by Charis staff through the leading of the Holy

Spirit. We thank you for your understanding in this matter, and look forward to serving you at one of

our many Charis Bible College global campuses.

We believe that God will direct your steps and that He will provide in all your needs. Do not hesitate to contact the ministry for any assistance. Blessings Carlynne Kotze DIRECTOR

Page 3: Relationship with God, Basics of Righteousness, Receiving ...€¦ · AN EXTENSION OF ANDREW WOMMACK MINISTRIES HE ... trained for a specific ministry to which God has already ...

PO Box 191 Website:

Heidelberg –WC e-mail: [email protected]

6665 Tel: 028-7222701 / Fax: 086 658 4930

Registered: Andrew Wommack Ministries International – Charis Bible College NPC Registration number: 2012/071903/08




The Scriptures: We believe that all of Scripture (i.e. both the Old and New Testament) is verbally inspired by God and is our final authority in all matters pertaining to doctrine, reproof, correction, and instruction in righteousness (II Tim. 3:16,17).

God: We believe in only one true God; One in essence, nature, and attributes, but existing in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (I Jn. 5:7).

Jesus Christ: We believe in the deity of the Lord Jesus Christ, in His virgin birth, of His shed blood on Calvary for the forgiveness of our sins, in His bodily resurrection and ascension to the Father’s right hand. We believe that Jesus is the only way to the Father (John 14:6), and through Him we receive righteousness, regeneration, sanctification, and glorification. He is our salvation (I Cor. 1:30-31).

Holy Spirit: We believe in the baptism with the Holy Spirit, expressed with speaking in tongues according to Acts 1:8; 2:4; 9:17; 10:44-46; 11:15,16; and 19:6.

Salvation: We believe that all who, in repentance and faith, receive the Lord Jesus as Savior and Lord are born again (Acts 20:20-21; Rom. 10:9-13).

Healing: We believe that the redemptive work of Christ on the cross has provided healing for the human body (Mt. 8:16,17; Isa. 53:4; I Pet. 2:24).

The Resurrection: We believe in the resurrection of the just and the unjust; one to everlasting life and one to everlasting damnation (Mt. 25:46).

The Second Coming: We believe in a literal, physical second return of the Lord Jesus Christ (I Th. 1:10; 4:16-17).

The Church: We believe that the universal church is comprised of all true believers who have received salvation through Christ (Eph. 1:22-23). We also believe in and encourage fellowship with a local church (Heb. 10:25).

Gifts of the Spirit: We believe that spiritual gifts and manifestations of the Holy Spirit are for the common good and building up of others today (I Cor. 12:7).

Godly Priorities: We believe that we need to order our lives according to Godly principles: relationship with God, caring for our families, then our ministry.

Page 4: Relationship with God, Basics of Righteousness, Receiving ...€¦ · AN EXTENSION OF ANDREW WOMMACK MINISTRIES HE ... trained for a specific ministry to which God has already ...

PO Box 191 Website:

Heidelberg –WC e-mail: [email protected]

6665 Tel: 028-7222701 / Fax: 086 658 4930

Registered: Andrew Wommack Ministries International – Charis Bible College NPC Registration number: 2012/071903/08



Vision of Charis:

Transforming Lives, Training Leaders, and Changing the World.

Mission Statement:

Equip faithful men and women for the work of the ministry by teaching spiritual truths, imparting biblical knowledge, providing practical ministry opportunities, and grounding them in the message of God’s unconditional love and grace.

Page 5: Relationship with God, Basics of Righteousness, Receiving ...€¦ · AN EXTENSION OF ANDREW WOMMACK MINISTRIES HE ... trained for a specific ministry to which God has already ...

PO Box 191 Website:

Heidelberg –WC e-mail: [email protected]

6665 Tel: 028-7222701 / Fax: 086 658 4930

Registered: Andrew Wommack Ministries International – Charis Bible College NPC Registration number: 2012/071903/08



Dear applicant, We are excited that you chose to enroll in CBC, Heidelberg, WC. We believe it will be a life-changing experience that will bless you tremendously and help you fulfill God’s calling in your life. Welcome!

You will find information about the application process below. If you have any questions or difficulties, please send an email to [email protected] or give us a call at +27 (0) 28 7222701. HOW TO USE THIS APPLICATION Please read through the whole form carefully and fill it out completely. WHEN TO APPLY Please apply as soon as possible to insure your enrolment in the next class. RQUIREMENTS: Character: Students will be expected to live in accordance with Godly principles. This includes being punctual and attending all classes, respecting the faculty and other students and having a genuine desire to learn. Academics: Students must have completed grade 10 Language: Applicants must be at least 18 years of age. Fee: A one-time, nonrefundable R500 application fee must be send with your application. Your application will not be processed without payment. Completed application: 1. Application form All questions on the application must be completed. If a question does not apply to you, write “N/A” (not applicable) in the space provided. 2. Essay Questions form Complete this form in your own words. Your statement will be held in confidence.

Page 6: Relationship with God, Basics of Righteousness, Receiving ...€¦ · AN EXTENSION OF ANDREW WOMMACK MINISTRIES HE ... trained for a specific ministry to which God has already ...

PO Box 191 Website:

Heidelberg –WC e-mail: [email protected]

6665 Tel: 028-7222701 / Fax: 086 658 4930

Registered: Andrew Wommack Ministries International – Charis Bible College NPC Registration number: 2012/071903/08



3. Pastor’s Recommendation Have your current pastor write a letter of recommendation, including information about your involvement in the church and the pastor’s view of your personality and spiritual maturity. If your pastor is a relative or your spouse, ask another member of the church’s pastoral staff to write the letter. 4. Personal Recommendation This form should be completed by a teacher, counselor, employer, or a friend. This person may not be a relative. 5. Proof Showing the Completing of Grade 10 Please provide a copy of your school diploma or certificate. Equivalent experience will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. 6. Two Recent Photographs Please include two (2) recent, passport-size photographs of yourself (head and shoulders). 7. Copy of Passport or ID. Document Note: Please be sure to use sufficient postage when mailing application forms. AFTER YOU APPLY: When the Admissions office has received all forms, fully completed, and the R500 application fee, your application for admission will be evaluated. You will then be notified by the Admissions Office as to the status of your application. Checklist for completed Application: Please send the following in at least 4 weeks prior to your start date: * Completed application form * Completed “essay questions” form * Signature and date on application * Application fee of R500 (non-refundable) -See “Financial Sheet” available online for more Information * Proof showing the completion of at least Grade 10 * 2 recent, passport-size photographs * Copy of passport or ID. Document * Personal Recommendation Form (sealed by the one filling it out) * Pastor’s recommendation Letter (sealed by pastor) * Standards of progress and dress code Please complete and mail to: Charis Bible College, Heidelberg, WC PO Box 191 Heidelberg, Western Cape 6665

Page 7: Relationship with God, Basics of Righteousness, Receiving ...€¦ · AN EXTENSION OF ANDREW WOMMACK MINISTRIES HE ... trained for a specific ministry to which God has already ...

PO Box 191 Website:

Heidelberg –WC e-mail: [email protected]

6665 Tel: 028-7222701 / Fax: 086 658 4930

Registered: Andrew Wommack Ministries International – Charis Bible College NPC Registration number: 2012/071903/08




STANDARDS OF PROGRESS AND DRESS CODE Standards of Progress Charis Bible College has three basic standards by which students’ progress is measured: grace, servanthood, and character. Detailed below are “guideposts” by which the working out of these truths may be measure, not a formula by which these qualities may be attained. As a believer we already possess everything we need in Christ, but must yield our souls and bodies so that these qualities are manifested in our thoughts and actions. Grace Second Peter 1:2-3, “Grace and peace be multiplied unto you through the knowledge of God, and of Jesus our Lord, according as His divine power hat given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him that hath called us to glory and virtue.” Charis is the Greek word for grace. The grace of God is God’s favour given to every believer who by faith puts his or her trust in Jesus Christ. Grace is multiplied in your life as you relate with other people. The grace of God, His ability working in you, is manifested as you are willing to listen and understand the heart of your teachers and fellow students, as you exercise forgiveness, as you see the best in people and overlook human faults, and as you are enabled to work with those you may disagree with. Servanthood As disciples of Jesus Christ, students at Charis Bible College value and walk in humility and servanthood. They are willing to put the needs of others ahead of their own desires, and find opportunities on their own to serve the school, staff, fellow students, and others. Character It is defined by the example of our Lord Jesus Christ and further explained by the writers of the Bible. This is measure by your attendance record, faithfulness in paying tuition, obeying rules, and living by the highest moral and ethical standards. Conduct We expect all students of Charis Bible College to conduct themselves to the best of their abilities, in agreement with the teachings of Jesus, both on and off campus, at all times while enrolled as students. Dress Code Modesty and good taste are considered the principle guidelines for all students while on campus. Business casual dress for men and woman that is clean and neat is appropriate for classes and daily campus activities. Occasionally, circumstances may dictate a more formal dress. Please sign and return with application

I have read the standards of progress and dress code and understand the contents and I submit to the rules.

I will respect and submit to the appointed authorities of Charis Bible College, Heidelberg, WC, including any decision made by the Director of Charis Bible College, Heidelberg, WC.

Name: _______________________________

Date: ________________________________

Page 8: Relationship with God, Basics of Righteousness, Receiving ...€¦ · AN EXTENSION OF ANDREW WOMMACK MINISTRIES HE ... trained for a specific ministry to which God has already ...

PO Box 191 Website:

Heidelberg –WC e-mail: [email protected]

6665 Tel: 028-7222701 / Fax: 086 658 4930

Registered: Andrew Wommack Ministries International – Charis Bible College NPC Registration number: 2012/071903/08




Please complete and mail to:


Charis Bible College

P.O. Box 191

Heidelberg (Western Cape)


Application for Bible College:

Start in: January Start Year: __________________

Starting as: First-year student Second-year student


Please complete the application in BLOCK LETTERS. You must be at least eighteen (18) years old to apply at Charis Bible College.


Please enclose a cheque/money order for R500 non-refundable registration fee.


Your Name: Mr. Mrs. Ms. _____________________ ___________________________ ____________________

Last Name First Name ID or Passport number

(copy of document)

Address: _______________________________________________________________________________________________

City/Town: ______________________ Country: ________________ Post Code: __________________ Country: ___________

Home Phone: ___________________________________ Cell/Work Phone: ________________________________________

E-mail Address:



Gender: Male Female Marital Status: Single Married Separated Divorced Widowed/Widower

Have you previously attended CBC or Correspondence course? Yes No If yes, please describe: _____________


Date of Birth; _________________________ Age: _____________

Are you a SA Citizen? Yes No If no, country of citizenship? __________________________________________

If no, what type of visa have you obtained to live in South Africa __________________________________________________


When did you accept Christ as your personal savior? ____________________________________________________________

Have you been baptized in the Holy Ghost? Yes No Do you speak in tongues? Yes No

Do you attend Church regularly? Yes No If yes, how often? ____________________________________________

Do you serve in a local church? Yes No If yes, in what capacity? _______________________________________

Current Church/denomination Name: _________________________________________________________________________

Pastor’s Name: ____________________________________________________ Phone: _____________________________________________

Address of Church: ________________________________________________________________________________________


Are you presently under the care of a physician? Yes No

If yes, please explain: ______________________________________________________________________________________


Date Rec’d _________________________

Fee Rec’d __________________________

Student ID # ________________________

Place photo here

2” x 2”

If you submit

application online

please e-mail or mail


Page 9: Relationship with God, Basics of Righteousness, Receiving ...€¦ · AN EXTENSION OF ANDREW WOMMACK MINISTRIES HE ... trained for a specific ministry to which God has already ...

PO Box 191 Website:

Heidelberg –WC e-mail: [email protected]

6665 Tel: 028-7222701 / Fax: 086 658 4930

Registered: Andrew Wommack Ministries International – Charis Bible College NPC Registration number: 2012/071903/08





If married, name of spouse: _________________________________________________________________________________


Name: ___________________________ Age: _______________ Name: ___________________________ Age: ___________

Name: ___________________________ Age: _______________ Name: _____________ _____________ Age: __________

Parents: (Please complete this section if you are still residing with your parents/guardian)

Name of father or guardian: _________________________________________ Tel: ___________________________________

Address: ___________________________ City/Town: __________________ Country: _______________ Post Code: ________

Name of mother or guardian: ________________________________________ Tel: ___________________________________

Address: _____________________________ City/Town: ________________ Country: _______________ Post Code: _______

Education History:

High School (Matric) ____________________ Dates Attended: ____________ Did you graduate? Yes No

College: _____________________________ Dates Attended: ____________ Course of study/degree conferred: ___________

Bible College: ____ ____________________ Dates Attended: ____________ Course of study/degree conferred: ___________

Other: ______________________________ Dates Attended: ____________ Course of study/degree conferred: ___________

Employment Experience:

Present employer: __________________________ Past employer: ________________________________________

Address of employer: __________________________ Address of employer: ________________________________________

Dates (from/to): __________________________ Dates (from/to): ________________________________________

Supervisor: __________________________ Supervisor: _________________________________________

Ministry Experience and Interests:

Ministry experience: Full-time Part-time Volunteer Years: ___________________________

Have you been involved in Praise and Worship ministry? Yes No In what way? _____________________________

Mark 1st, 2nd and 3rd Counseling _________ Theology ________ Music Ministry _________

For areas of interest: Biblical Studies _________ Missions ________ Pastoral Ministry/Preaching _________

Church Growth _________ Evangelism _______ Pastoral Ministry/Helps _________


I have carefully read the “Doctrinal Statement”, and I affirm my belief in each of the articles.

I understand that faithfulness is most important for success as a student at CBC. I will be faithful to keep my

appointments, fulfill my obligations, complete the tasks I have been assigned, and to do them on time.

I have carefully read the “financial Information” and the “Enrollment and Admissions Information”, and I agree to abide by

the Financial policies set forth by CBC.

I Certify, to the best of my knowledge, that all of the answers and statements on this application are true, and give an accurate and

adequate account of my background and beliefs.

Signature: _________________________________________ Date: ______________________________________________

Page 10: Relationship with God, Basics of Righteousness, Receiving ...€¦ · AN EXTENSION OF ANDREW WOMMACK MINISTRIES HE ... trained for a specific ministry to which God has already ...

PO Box 191 Website:

Heidelberg –WC e-mail: [email protected]

6665 Tel: 028-7222701 / Fax: 086 658 4930

Registered: Andrew Wommack Ministries International – Charis Bible College NPC Registration number: 2012/071903/08




Mail to: Registrar, Charis Bible College PO Box 191, Heidelberg, Western Cape, 6665

Applicants Name ______________________________________________ Date ______________________________________________

Below are essay questions that will help us evaluate you as an applicant. Please answer the questions as completely as possible and attach to the application form. Please limit your answers to one page each, if possible. 1. Why are you applying to Charis Bible College? If accepted for admission, what qualities would you bring

to the college community that might benefit, enhance, or stimulate the learning environment for your fellow students?












2. What are your beliefs about the Bible, and in particular, your beliefs about salvation? How do these

beliefs relate to your own goals in life? _______________________________________________________________________________________










Page 11: Relationship with God, Basics of Righteousness, Receiving ...€¦ · AN EXTENSION OF ANDREW WOMMACK MINISTRIES HE ... trained for a specific ministry to which God has already ...

PO Box 191 Website:

Heidelberg –WC e-mail: [email protected]

6665 Tel: 028-7222701 / Fax: 086 658 4930

Registered: Andrew Wommack Ministries International – Charis Bible College NPC Registration number: 2012/071903/08



3. Please write a brief testimony of your Christian experience, including details of your conversion, call to the ministry, and any other significant events that have contributed to your Christian growth.





















4. How did you learn about CBC?








Page 12: Relationship with God, Basics of Righteousness, Receiving ...€¦ · AN EXTENSION OF ANDREW WOMMACK MINISTRIES HE ... trained for a specific ministry to which God has already ...

PO Box 191 Website:

Heidelberg –WC e-mail: [email protected]

6665 Tel: 028-7222701 / Fax: 086 658 4930

Registered: Andrew Wommack Ministries International – Charis Bible College NPC Registration number: 2012/071903/08



Charis Bible College, Heidelberg, WC, South Africa PASTOR’S RECOMMENDATION – if applicable

Note: This section must be completed by applicant.

TO THE APPLICANT: This recommendation should be completed by your pastor and mailed directly to the Director. If your pastor is your parent, spouse, or other family member, ask another member of the church's pastoral staff to complete this form. If a person other than your pastor (assistant pastor, youth pastor or Bible study facilitator) completed the form, an explanation should be provided Date ______________________________ Phone ________________________________________ Applicant's Name ____________________________________________________________________________ Present Address _____________________________________________________________________________ City __________________________________ County __________________ Postcode ___________________

TO THE PASTOR: The above-named individual is applying for admission to Charis Bible College.

Serious consideration will be given to your comments. Thank you for your assistance. Once you have

completed the form, please mail it to: Director, Charis Bible College, P.O. Box 191, Heidelberg, Western Cape, 6665. 1. How long have you known the applicant? _________________________ (must be six months or

longer) and In what capacity? ______________________________________________________________________________

2. How well do you know the applicant? □ Very well - pastoral relationship □ Fairly well - numerous personal contacts

□ Casually - few personal contacts □ By name/sight

3. To your knowledge, has the applicant made a personal commitment to Jesus Christ?

□ Yes □ No □ I don't know

4. To your knowledge, does the applicant:

Smoke? Yes / No Drink alcohol? Yes / No

Use illegal drugs? Yes / No

Comments: ________________________________________________________________________ 5. Which characteristic(s) best describes the applicant? Please check all that apply.

□ Critical □ Enthusiastic □ Loving □ Passive

□ Rebellious □ Respectful □ Sympathetic □ Tolerant

6. In what form of Christian service has the applicant participated regularly?

________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________

Page 13: Relationship with God, Basics of Righteousness, Receiving ...€¦ · AN EXTENSION OF ANDREW WOMMACK MINISTRIES HE ... trained for a specific ministry to which God has already ...

PO Box 191 Website:

Heidelberg –WC e-mail: [email protected]

6665 Tel: 028-7222701 / Fax: 086 658 4930

Registered: Andrew Wommack Ministries International – Charis Bible College NPC Registration number: 2012/071903/08



7. To what extent is the applicant engaged in the activities of your church? (Please check one.)

□ Enthusiastic, deeply involved □ Cooperative, usually willing to help

□ Seldom participates/attends regularly □ Attends irregularly, shows little interest

8. Please indicate what you consider to be the applicant's strengths.

__________________________________________________________________________________ 9. Please indicate what you consider to be the applicant’s weaknesses.

________________________________________________________________ _________________ 10. The applicant's influence on his or her peers is:

□ Positive □ Neutral

□ Negative □ I don’t know

11. Please describe any home factors you’re aware of that might affect the applicant's success at CBC.

__________________________________________________________________________________ 12. Please evaluate the applicant in regard to the following categories. (Please circle one.)

Excellent Above Average Below Poor No Chance Average Average To Observe Christian commitment 1 2 3 4 5 6 Social adaptability 1 2 3 4 5 6 Cooperativeness 1 2 3 4 5 6 Integrity and honesty 1 2 3 4 5 6 Responsibility 1 2 3 4 5 6 Mental ability 1 2 3 4 5 6 Physical health 1 2 3 4 5 6 Initiative 1 2 3 4 5 6 Christian character 1 2 3 4 5 6 Emotional stability 1 2 3 4 5 6 Personal appearance 1 2 3 4 5 6 Leadership 1 2 3 4 5 6 Reliability 1 2 3 4 5 6 13. Please add any further comments you may have that would help in our evaluation.

__________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ Please Check One:

□ I highly recommend □ I recommend

□ I recommend with reservation □ I cannot recommend

Please print (or capital block letters) the information below: Name _____ ______________________________________ Phone (______)_______________________________ Church ____________________________________________ Address _____________________________________ Date and Signature ________________________________________________________________________________________

Page 14: Relationship with God, Basics of Righteousness, Receiving ...€¦ · AN EXTENSION OF ANDREW WOMMACK MINISTRIES HE ... trained for a specific ministry to which God has already ...

PO Box 191 Website:

Heidelberg –WC e-mail: [email protected]

6665 Tel: 028-7222701 / Fax: 086 658 4930

Registered: Andrew Wommack Ministries International – Charis Bible College NPC Registration number: 2012/071903/08



Charis Bible College, Heidelberg, WC, South Africa PERSONAL RECOMMENDATION

Note: This section must be completed by applicant.

TO THE APPLICANT: Each applicant to Charis Bible College is required to submit a personal recommendation for review by the Director. Please complete this entire section, and then give this form to the person (teacher, employer, or friend) you choose to have complete it. Date ______________________________ Phone ________________________________________ Applicant's Name ____________________________________________________________________________ Present Address _____________________________________________________________________________ City __________________________________ County __________________ Postcode ___________________


The above-named individual is applying for admission to Charis Bible College. Serious consideration will be given to your comments. Thank you for your assistance. Once you have completed the form, please mail it to: Director, Charis Bible College, P.O. Box 191, Heidelberg, Western Cape, 6665. 1. How long have you known the applicant? _____________________________________________ 2. What is your relationship to the applicant? (cannot be a family member)

□ High school teacher/counselor □ College teacher/counselor □ Employer

□ Friend □ Other _________________

3. How well do you know the applicant?

□ Name/sight □ Casually

□ Fairly well □ Very close

4. To your knowledge, has the applicant made a personal commitment to Jesus Christ?

□ Yes □ No □ I don't know

5. To your knowledge, does the applicant:

Smoke? Yes / No Drink alcohol? Yes / No

Use illegal drugs? Yes / No

Comments: _____________________________________________

6. Which characteristic(s) best describes the applicant? Please check all that apply.

□ Critical □ Enthusiastic □ Loving □ Passive

□ Rebellious □ Respectful □ Sympathetic □ Tolerant

7. To your knowledge, what Christian service is the applicant involved in (such as Sunday school teacher,

youth leader, church volunteer)?

Page 15: Relationship with God, Basics of Righteousness, Receiving ...€¦ · AN EXTENSION OF ANDREW WOMMACK MINISTRIES HE ... trained for a specific ministry to which God has already ...

PO Box 191 Website:

Heidelberg –WC e-mail: [email protected]

6665 Tel: 028-7222701 / Fax: 086 658 4930

Registered: Andrew Wommack Ministries International – Charis Bible College NPC Registration number: 2012/071903/08



__________________________________________________________________________________ 8. Please indicate what you consider to be the applicant's strengths. __________________________________________________________________________________ 9. Please indicate what you consider to be the applicant’s weaknesses. __________________________________________________________________________________ 10. The applicant's influence on his or her peers is:

□ Positive □ Neutral □ Negative □ I don’t know

11. Please evaluate the applicant in regard to the following categories. (Please circle one.) Excellent Above Average Below Poor No Chance Average Average To Observe Christian commitment 1 2 3 4 5 6 Social adaptability 1 2 3 4 5 6 Cooperativeness 1 2 3 4 5 6 Integrity and honesty 1 2 3 4 5 6 Responsibility 1 2 3 4 5 6 Mental ability 1 2 3 4 5 6 Physical health 1 2 3 4 5 6 Initiative 1 2 3 4 5 6 Christian character 1 2 3 4 5 6 Emotional stability 1 2 3 4 5 6 Personal appearance 1 2 3 4 5 6 Leadership 1 2 3 4 5 6 Reliability 1 2 3 4 5 6 12. Please add any further comments you may have that would help in our evaluation. __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ Please Check One:

□ I highly recommend □ I recommend

□ I recommend with reservation □ I cannot recommend

Please print (or capital block letters) the information below: Name ______________________________________ Phone (______) ______________________ Address ________________________________________________________________________ Signature _______________________________________________ Date __________________

Page 16: Relationship with God, Basics of Righteousness, Receiving ...€¦ · AN EXTENSION OF ANDREW WOMMACK MINISTRIES HE ... trained for a specific ministry to which God has already ...

PO Box 191 Website:

Heidelberg –WC e-mail: [email protected]

6665 Tel: 028-7222701 / Fax: 086 658 4930

Registered: Andrew Wommack Ministries International – Charis Bible College NPC Registration number: 2012/071903/08




Tuition and other fees must be paid in full, or arrangements for the instalment

payment plan must be made prior to starting school. All payments are to be

made on the first of the month or before. All prices are subject to change

without notice.

Registration Fee New Students R500-00 (one-time, non-refundable, transferable)

Tuition & Fees – Full –Time Students Individual students:

Full year R16 500-00

Full year paid in advance R15 675-00

Term R 5 500-00 x 3 Terms

Monthly payment R 1 840-00 over 9 months

February to October

Name and Surname …………………………………………………………………………………………………. ………………............................................................................................. Postal address ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Page 17: Relationship with God, Basics of Righteousness, Receiving ...€¦ · AN EXTENSION OF ANDREW WOMMACK MINISTRIES HE ... trained for a specific ministry to which God has already ...

PO Box 191 Website:

Heidelberg –WC e-mail: [email protected]

6665 Tel: 028-7222701 / Fax: 086 658 4930

Registered: Andrew Wommack Ministries International – Charis Bible College NPC Registration number: 2012/071903/08



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Contact CBC, Heidelberg, WC, South Africa For a registration pack

Phone 028-7222701