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Your Soul puzzle

Workshop: Team Re Focus and Soul Pocket CoachRelationship Rescue and Finding Your [email protected]

It is no SECRET what personal Mind Power you have and what you can achieve when you consciously apply your subconscious mind to changing your beliefs and habits and achieving your goals.

Technology is our main way of communicating, we need to pull together not apart, people have no time, everything is about reaching goals now...

All other processes have NOT been sustainable, until NOW . . . .Welcome to ..... The Next Generation ... .

What SUCCESS looks like With Soul Pocket Coach

As a single footstep will not make a path on the earth, so a single thought will not make a pathway in the mind. To make a deep physical path, we must think over and over the kind of thoughts we wish to dominate our lives.- Henry David Thoreau Success withSuccess Success What success normally looks like What people think success looks like Breakthrough Improvement

A True Story: My name is Wendy Shuttleworth.

Hello, I'm Wendy Glenda a spiritual trainer and coach, certified transformation and change agent and I'd love to meet you if you're passionately committed to courages change. You might have felt abused, mistreated or maybe you dont know how to love yourself. I would like to help you to get past negative patterns in relationships with yourself and others to find your joy.

I am a mom, an intuitive, educator, author, wife, counsellor and psychic, with both corporate and one on one experience, who loves people and life. I was abused sexually as a child and again later in my adult life (verbally and physically). While being abused and seeing the energy and patterns behind it was difficult. I struggled for many years to trust and love myself knowing that I had a part to play in the abuse and that the poor me pattern kept attracting more abuse in different forms.

I have qualifications in this field, yet to live it fully in a meaningful way has always been my challenge. I have developed energy techniques, workshops, counselling and ways of living in a positive reality while not judging whether it is positive or not but accepting it as it is. I do it the best way I can and share my experiences while helping others to avoid the mistakes Ive made. I have survived and found my own love for myself, and my own inner joy. It hasnt been an easy journey for me and my life mission now is to make this journey as easy as possible for others who might be in similar circumstances. The most important things I learnt were that there are no coincidences, and that you can never change someone else, but you can create your own reality and decide how others will treat you.

I would like to share my experiences and lessons with you. Come with me on a journey of exploring this phenomenal concept. Thank you and keep in touch! [email protected]

Products... Counselling/ Coaching I use a variety of techniques to help you get closer to living your soul truth every day. Let me help you through your process. Healing and Body Talk This reveals the underlying causes of emotional and physical imbalances, then stimulates your body's natural ability to heal itself. Relationship Rescue Workshop What are your co dependent patterns, power plays and patterns? "Poor me" or "abuse/anger" or "sulking", or acting up for attention or many other learned behaviours ... Do they help you get what you want? In reality these patterns are what keep true happiness away. (2 day workshop). Finding Your Joy re connect with your joyYour Soul Purpose Workshop Why are you on this earth at this moment? Why have you been through what you have? What skills and talents do you have? What should you be doing and how to get there. (2 day workshop). Team Company Relationship Rescue Workshop Is your team working effectively and efficiently? Games are a big part of all of our lives, poor me" or "abuse/anger or not taking responsibility/ child ego and parent management style many other learned behaviours. Now choose new team behaviours. (3 day workshop). Your Soul Development WorkshopHow do I Live in the NOW? Let go of living in the past or in the future and enjoy the present. True spiritual awareness is no judgements, living in gratitude for what is and accepting the negative as it happened. This is truly the real secret of now is you not trying to change anything. (3 day workshop). Soul Pocket Coach App this makes changes sustainable by constant interaction and reminders on your phone. Includes Goal setting, Linking the tasks to each goal, Reframing and Removing limiting beliefs that may be holding you back from achieving this goal (uses NLP techniques), Recording your success, Daily reminders and motivation. This application is like having a coach and mentor in your pocket! Your Soul PuzzleA book available on Amazon or contact us directly.

Achieving Your Goals

Step 1: Death: Despair / Desperation/ Anger, Lose/ lose, empty,

Step 3: Day to Day: Scarcity, Win/ lose, Possessiveness, You or me, Basic functions, Habits and routines, Listless, Depression

Step 5: Deliverance/ Completion: Take responsible for life and own reality, love, Breakthrough, Win / win, Abundance, You and me

Step 4: Dawning: Productive, I must win, Accumulation, Me, then you, Trustworthy and faithful, Take responsibly for self

Step 2: Decay: Apathy, I dont care, Feeling of missing something, Blaming, Stuck in heavy negative energy, unfaithful, Lethargy, Feel like a victim Where are you NOW? Let me help you .

Keywords:Steps, Goal, achievement, process 6

The uniqueness of the Soul Pocket Coach System, is a move from conventional Performance Management to Excellence Facilitation Len Turner, EskomSoul Pocket Coach, is a solution based performance management tool that is geared toward benefiting both the employer and employee. Rebecca (CEO) Ditebogo FANTASTIES! Andrew, CEO PredeksWhat People Say

I wanted to let you know what a difference you made in my life. You motivated me so much, that in one year I managed to complete what I had tried to do for years and failed. I so appreciate everything you did for me and still do for me. You are a truly special person. Its not often that you find a person who is willing to give so much of themselves to uplift others. Its a rare and special talent. Thank you for making me a better person. Always in Awe Louette le Roux

Thank you and I wish you joy now! Contact us! By Wendy ShuttleworthRelationship Rescue and Finding Your [email protected],