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Vol. 169, No. 7JOURNAL OF BACTERIOLOGY, July 1987, p. 3068-30750021-9193/87/073068-08$02.00/0Copyright © 1987, American Society for Microbiology

Relationship between Aconitase Gene Expression and Sporulationin Bacillus subtilis

DOUGLAS W. DINGMAN, MARK S. ROSENKRANTZ,t AND ABRAHAM L. SONENSHEIN*Department of Molecular Biology and Microbiology, Tufts University Health Sciences Campus,

Boston, Massachusetts 02111

Received 2 February 1987/Accepted 2 April 1987

The citB gene of Bacillus subtilis codes for aconitase (D. W. Dingman and A. L. Sonenshein, J. Bacteriol.169:3060-3065). By direct measurements of citB mRNA levels and by measurements of P-galatdase activityin a strain carrying a citE-lacZ fusion, we have examined the expression of citB during growth and sporulation.When cells were grown in nutrient broth sporulation medium, citB mRNA appeared in mid- to- late-exponential phase and disappeared by the second hour of sporulation. This timing corresponded closely to thekinetics of appearance of aconitase enzyme activity. Decoyinine, a compound that induces sporulation in adefined medium, caused a rapid simultaneous increase in aconitase activity and citB transcription. Afterdecoyinine addition, the rate of increase in aconitase activity in a 2-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase (citk) mutantand in a citrate synthase (cit4) mutant was significantly less than in an isogenic wild-type strain. This isapparently due to a failure to deplete 2-ketoglutarate and accumulate citrate. These metabolites mit act asnegative and positive effectors of citB expression, respectively. Mutations known to block sporulation at anearly stage (spoOH and spoOB) had no appreciable effect on citB expression or aconitase activity. These resultssuggest that appearance of aconitase is stimulated by conditions that induce sporulation but is independent ofcertain gene products thought to act at an early stage of sporulation.

Aconitase [EC; citrate (isocitrate) hydrolase], atricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle enzyme, appears to be sub-ject to at least two forms of regulation in Bacillus subtilis.Catabolite repression of aconitase activity occurs whenevera rapidly metabolizable carbon source (e.g., glucose ormannose) is present in the medium (6). Catabolite repressionis known to lower overall TCA cycle activity (6) and isthought to be a major regulating force for sporulation (20,33). For catabolite repression of aconitase to be complete,however, the medium must also contain a good source of2-ketoglutarate (2-KG) (20, 30). In the absence of a goodcarbon source, a high intracellular concentration of 2-KGhas no detectable effect on aconitase activity (19). Thus,cells growing in a defined medium containing glucose andeither glutamine or glutamate have very low aconitaseactivity, but cells growing in a medium that has citrate ascarbon source or ammonia as nitrogen source have highlevels of aconitase. No evidence for feedback inhibition ofaconitase by any TCA cycle intermediate has been obtained(30).When cells of B. subtilis exhaust a complex medium and

begin to sporulate, aconitase activity (which is at a very lowlevel during growth) increases substantially 1 to 3 h after theonset of sporulation (14, 16, 36). This behavior might betaken to mean that aconitase is subject to sporulation controlor that the signal that initiates sporulation also activatesaconitase expression. Since aconitase activity in this caseappears after the end of growth, it is possible that itsregulation during sporulation is distinct from its regulationduring growth in a defined medium.

* Corresponding author.t Present address: Department of Biology, Massachusetts Insti-

tute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139.

Mutants of B. subtilis lacking aconitase activity requireglutamate (or glutamine) for growth and, after exhaustion ofa complex medium, become blocked at stage 0 or I ofsporulation (15, 39). This again suggests a linkage betweensporulation and aconitase expression. Three closely linkedaconitase mutations (citBI, citB75, and citB84) have beenisolated and mapped in B. subtilis (32, 40). The existence ofsuch mutants allowed us to subclone from a A gene bank ofB. subtilis DNA (11) a 1-kilobase fragment that contains partof the citB locus (32). The citB promoter region has beenlocated on this fragment (32), and the transcriptional andtranslational start points for aconitase synthesis have beendetermined (8). The cloned citB DNA has been used as ahybridization probe to show that the combined effects ofglucose and glutamine in defined medium are to reduce thelevel of citB mRNA (32). This indicates that cataboliterepression of aconitase (citB) is a transcriptional phenome-non in B. subtilis.

In the present work we have sought to clarify the relation-ship between citB mRNA synthesis and sporulation. Wefound that in complex medium citB mRNA appeared in latelogarithmic growth phase. Aconitase activity appeared withthe same kinetics as did citB mRNA, contradicting earlierreports that aconitase appears after the start of stationaryphase (14, 16, 36). Experiments that use the compounddecoyinine (an inducer of sporulation) showed that inductionof citB is at the transcriptional level and implicate 2-KG andcitrate as metabolite effectors of this induction. Althoughactivation of citB expression occurred at the onset ofsporulation and aconitase activity is required for sporulationunder most conditions, expression of citB mRNA was notprevented by two mutations that block sporulation at stage0. These findings suggest that aconitase expression is in-duced by the same conditions that induce sporulation, but isnot dependent on certain aspects of sporulation-specificregulation.


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TABLE 1. Bacterial strainsStrain Genotype Source

E. coliMM294 endA hsdR thi pro R. LosickRV Alac thi M. Malamy

B. subtilisSMY Wild type P. SchaefferSMY (pDWD1) 4D(citB'-1acZ) kan SMY x pDWD1SmY::pVRD1 4'(citB'-lacZ) cat SMY x pVRD1IA120 citB75 trpC2 BGSCaLDD-1 trpC2 1A120 x DNA of SMYBCDC-8 4(citB'-lacZ) cat trpC2 1A120 x DNA of SMY::pVRD1JH648 trpC2 pheAl spoOB136 J. A. HochZB480 chr::Tn917flHU146 trpC2 pheAl spoOHAHindIII R. LosickJH648::pVRD1 trpC2 pheAl spoOB136 cat ¢(citB'-lacZ) JH648 x DNA of SMY::pVRD1ZB480::pVRD1 0 (citB'-lacZ) cat chr::Tn917fQHU146 pheAl ZB480 x pVRDI

spoOHAhindIllSF109 trpC2 glyB4 metC3 citKl09 S. FisherSF109S glyB4 metC3 citK109 SF109 x DNA of SMYBS-8109 F(citB'-lacZ) cat citK109 BCDC-8 x DNA of SF109SHS1A17 trpC2 citA(Ts) R. HansonBCHS-81A 4(citB'-IacZ) cat citA BCDC-8 x DNA of SMY and

HS1A17a BGSC, Bacillus Genetic Stock Center, Ohio State University, Columbus.


Bacterial strains and plasmids. The bacterial strains usedare shown in Table 1. Plasmid pMR41 contains the citBpromoter region and has been described previously (32). ThelatZ fusion plasmid pCED6 (9) and pDEB1 (34; D. Bohan-non, personal communication) were used as cloning vehi-cles. Plasmids pDWD1 and pVRD1 were constructed byinserting a 600-base pair Aval-HindlIl fiagment ofB. subtilisDNA, from pMR41 into the Hindlll sites of pCDE6 andpDEB1, respectively (Fig. 1). (The AvaI end of the insertwas first changed to a HindIII site by cutting pMR41 withAvaI, filling in the ends by use of the large [Klenow]fragment ofDNA polymerase, and adding HindIII linkers byblunt-end ligation.) The orientation of the insert in eachplasmid was shown by restriction mapping to be such thatthe citB promoter was proximal to and directed toward lacZ.

Culture media. Escherichia coli strains were grown in Lbroth or on L-agar plates (27). When appropriate, the growthmedium contained 10 ,ig of ampicillin (Amp) per ml and 5 ,ugof chloramphenicol (Cam) or kanamycin (Kan) per ml. B.subtilis strains were grown in DSM [0.8% nutrient broth,0.1% KCI, 0.025% MgSO4- 7H20i 1.0 mM Ca(NO3)2, 0.1mM MnCl2, 1.0 ,uM FeSO4 (35)] or TSS (0.05 M Tris, pH 7.5,40 ,ug of FeCl3 * 6H20-Na3 citrate per ml, 2.5 mM K2HPO4,0.02% MgSO4. 7H20, 0.2% NH4CI, 0.5% glucose [12])liquid medium. For plates ofDSM and TSS media, agar wasadded to 17 g/liter. When necessary, TSS medium wassupplemented with armino acids (0.004%). Unless indicatedotherwise, the antibiotic Cam or Kan was added to a finalconcentration of S ,ug/ml when appropriate. 5-Bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl-3-D-galactopyranoside (X-gal) was added tosolid media (40 gxg/ml) as an indicator of 3-galactosidaseactivity.DNA manipulations. Methods for endonuclease digestion

and DNA ligation were as described by Maniatis et al. (26).Chromosomal DNA was isolated from B. subtilis by theprocedure of Sonenshein et al. (35). Plasmid DNA wasisolated from E. coli by procedures appropriate to small-

scale (22) or large-scale (3) preparations. Restriction en-zymes, T4 DNA ligase, DNA polymerase (Klenow frag-ment), and HindlIl linkers were obtained from New EnglandBioLabs, Inc. Agarose and native or denaturing (8 M urea)polyacrylamide gels were prepared and electrophoresed inthe buffers described by Maniatis et al. (26).

Transformation. E. coli and B. subtilis strains were trans-formed by the competent cell techniques of Davis et al. (7)


Sau3AAr Zzz~FIG. 1. Construction of the citB-lacZ fusion plasmids pDWD1

and pVRD1. Por details of construction, see Materials and Methods.The arrow labeled II indicates the origin and orientation of citBmRNA; the arrow labeled I indicates an upstream, divergent tran-script. kb, Kilobases.

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FIG. 2. Levels of citB and transcript I mRNA during growth and sporulation in DSM medium. Threefold dilutions of RNA (all broughtto 30 ,ug with Saccharomyces cerevisiae RNA) were hybridized to 5'-end-labeled DNA of a mixture of pMR41 cleaved with AvaI (from whichtranscript I protects a fragment of 270 bases) and pMR41 cleaved with HindlIl (from which citB mRNA [transcript II] protects a fragmentof 200 bases). Mixing the two probes allowed each to serve as an internal control for the other. Hybridized samples were treated with Sinuclease, denatured, and electrophoresed in 8 M urea-6% polyacrylamide gels. Lanes are as follows: pBR322/HpaII size markers (M); S.c,erevisiae RNA (a, t); 30, 10, 3.3 jig of vegetative (T-1) RNA (b, c, d); 30, 10, 3.3 p.g of To RNA (e, f, g); 30, 10, 3.3 ,ug of T1 RNA (h, i, j);30, 10, 3.3 p.g of T2 RNA (k, 1, m); 3, 1, 0.33 p.g of T3 RNA (n, o, p); and 3, 1, 0.33 ,ug of T4 RNA (q, r, s).

and Dubnau and Davidoff-Abelson (10), respectively. E. colitransformants were selected on L agar containing X-gal,Amp, and Cam or Kan. B. subtilis transformants wereselected by plating on L plates containing X-gal and Cam orKan oir on TSS plates containing Cam, Kan, or the appro-priate amino acids. Screening for TCA cycle mutanttransformants of B. subtilis was by the method of Carls andHanson (4).Enzyme assays. For ,-galactosidase assays, cells were

harvested by centrifugation (12,000 x g, 5 min), washed with50 mM Tris hydrochloride (pH 8.0; 4°C), and frozen over-night at -20°C. Thawed cells were made permeable bysuspension in a freshly prepared emulsion of 50 mM Trishydrochloride (pH 8.0) plus 0.1% toluene. r-Galactosidaseactivity was measured by a modification of the o-nitrophen-ylgalactoside hydrolysis procedure described by Miller (27).Before measurements of A420, the reaction mixture wascentrifuged to remove any turbidity due to the permeabilizedcells.

Preparation of cleared cellular extracts and both activatedand unactivated assays for aconitase were as describedpreviously (8). Protein concentrations were determined bythe method of Lowry et al. (25), using bovine serum albuminas the standard.Mapping transcripts with Si nuclease. Conditions for end

labeling of DNA, hybridization, and Si nuclease treatmenthave been described previously (32).

Induction by decoyinine. Decoyinine U-7984 (kindly pro-vided by G. B. Whitfield and R. L. Keene, The Upjohn Co.)was used according to the procedure of Uratani-Wong et al.(37). Starter cultures ofB. subtilis were grown in 5 ml of TSSmedium containing glucose (0.5%) and glutamine (0.2%) at37°C for approximately 3 h. These cultures were then dilutedto 60 ml with fresh medium and incubation was continued asbefore. Growth of the cultures was monitored with a Klett-Summerson photocolorimeter, using a green (540-nmn) filter.When the turbidity of a culture reached 100 Klett units, itwas divided into two 20-ml portions. To one portion wasadded 0.1 ml of 1 M KOH (control culture). To the otherportion was added 0.1 ml of decoyinine (100 mg/ml, dis-solved in 1 M KOH). The final decoyinine concentration inthis culture was 1.8 mM. Both portions were then incubatedas before. At selected time points before and after additionof decoyinine, samples (5 ml) were removed and stored foraconitase and ,-galactosidase assays (see above).


Appearance of citB mRNA during growth and sporulation.In previous experiments we showed that the steady-statelevel of citB mRNA during growth in minimal medium varieswith the carbon source (32). That is, cells grown in glucose-glutamine medium have 10- to 20-fold less citB mRNA thando cells grown in citrate-glutamine or glucose-,ammoniamedium. Since aconitase, the product of citB (8), had beenshown to have a maximum specific activity between the firstand second hours of sporulation (14, 16, 36; M. S.Rosenkrantz, Ph.D. thesis, Tufts University, Boston, Mass.,1984), we sought to determine when, during sporulation,transcription of citB occurs.

B. subtilis SMY was grown in nutrient broth sporulationmedium (DSM), and RNA was isolated from cells harvestedduring late exponential growth and at several times duringsporulation. This RNA was probed for transcripts from thecitB region, using the S1 mapping procedure of Berk andSharp (2).We had previously shown that the citB transcript protects

a 200-base fragment of plasmid pMR41 that had been cleavedat its Hindlll site and labeled at its 5' end. Surprisingly, thistranscript was present during late exponential growth buthad disappeared by the second hour of sporulation (Fig. 2).This implies that aconitase specific activity reaches a peak ata time at which citB mRNA is no longer present in the cells.The citB region contains a second transcript (referred to as

transcript I in reference 32). Its start point is located 140 basepairs upstream of the citB start point, and it is synthesized inthe opposite direction from citB mRNA. Transcript I (de-tected as a 270-base protected fragment) is a sporulation-specific mRNA (Fig. 2). It begins to appear 2 h after thebeginning of sporulation and accumulates thereafter. Sincethis transcript appears after aconitase specific activityreaches its peak, it is unlikely that it is responsible foraconitase expression.Our results suggest that neither of two transcripts from the

citB region appears at a time consistent with the previouslyreported appearance of aconitase activity. This raised thepossibilities that citB gene expression was not the limitingfactor for appearance of aconitase activity or that previousmeasurements of the appearance of aconitase activity weremisleading.

Fusion of the citB promoter to lacZ. To investigate further


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the discrepancy between the appearance of citB mRNA andaconitase activity and to monitor transcription of citB moreeasily, we fused the citB promoter region to the structuralgene for E. coli P-galactosidase (lacZ), using plasmidspCED6 (Kan9 and pDEB1 (Cam) (see Materials and Meth-ods). Both plasmids contain a unique HindIlI site precedinga promoterless lacZ gene. The ribosome-binding site for thislacZ gene is active in both B. subtilis and E. coli (9).Insertion of the 600-base pair AvaI-HindIII fragment frompMR41 at the HindIII site created plasmids pDWD1 andpVRD1, which are derivatives of pCED6 and pDEB1, re-spectively (Fig. 1). pDWD1 replicates autonomously in B.subtilis, under the control of its pUB110 replicon, and ispresent in multiple copies. pVRD1 contains no repliconfunctional in B. subtilis; transformants to Camr arise byCampbell-type insertion of the plasmid at the citB promotersite of the chromosome. This creates a strain with a lownumber of copies of the citB-lacZ fusion (in principle, asingle copy per chromosome).Plasmid pVRD1 was transformed into B. subtilis SMY,

and chromosomal DNA from this clone (SMY: :pVRD1) wasused to transform B. subtilis 1A120 (citB75 trpC2) to Camr.Of 108 Camr transformants, 36% became Cit+, indicatingclose linkage of the citB locus and the citB-lacZ fusion. Onesuch transformant strain was called BCDC-8 [4(citB'-lacZ)cat trpC2].Table 2 shows the specific activities of ,B-galactosidase and

aconitase in strains which have these citB-lacZ fusions andin their parent strains. The specific activity levels ofaconitase in strain BCDC-8 were comparable to those mea-sured in strain SMY under both repressing and derepressingconditions. Under repressing conditions, strain LDD-1 (aCit+ derivative of strain 1A120, the parent of strain BCDC-8)had a specific activity of aconitase comparable to that ofstrain BCDC-8. This indicates that the presence of thecitB-lacZ fusion in strain BCDC-8 has no significant effect oncatabolite regulation of aconitase. The ,B-galactosidase activ-ity (citB-lacZ expression) in this strain was also subject tocatabolite regulation, confirming that the effect of glucose onthe citB gene is transcriptional. As expected, the strain withthe multicopy fusion had higher 1-galactosidase levels thandid the strain in which the fusion was integrated into thechromosome. Strain SMY(pDWDl), in fact, had very high3-galactosidase activities under either repressing or dere-

pressing conditions. Due to plasmid instability in this strain,it is difficult to know for certain whether ,3-galactosidaseactivity is at all under catabolite regulation. The specificactivity of aconitase in this strain did show some regulationby the carbon source, but much less than that observed forits plasmidless parent. Under repressing conditions, thelevel of aconitase activity was higher in strainSMY(pDWD1) than in strain SMY. This would be consistentwith partial titration of a negative regulator by the multicopyplasmid.

Activity profiles of aconitase and (-galactosidase. To com-pare directly aconitase activity levels and transcription ofcitB (as deduced from 3-galactosidase activity), strains SMYand BCDC-8 were grown in DSM medium, and at varioustimes during growth and sporulation samples were with-drawn and assayed for aconitase or 1-galactosidase activitiesor both. Figure 3A shows that the kinetics of appearance ofaconitase activity in the wild-type strain (SMY) variedaccording to the protocol used to assay the enzyme. Assaysby the standard protocol showed the enzyme beginning toappear at the end of growth and reaching a peak between Toand T1. This is ih accord with previous results (14, 16, 36).

However, when the extracts of B. subtilis SMY citedabove were exposed to an activating mixture (8), aconitaseactivity could be seen to appear well before T0 (Fig. 3A).When extratcts of strain BCDC-8 were assayed for 1B-galactosidase and aconitase (after activation), the two enzy-matic activities had the same kinetics of appearance (Fig.3B). Since the pH of the medium rose (indicative of TCAcycle activity) at the same time as did the two enzymeactivities (Fig. 3B), we conclude that citB gene expressionand aconitase activity in vivo increase concurrently in mid-to late exponential phase and not after To.Thus, aconitase is made during vegetative growth in

complex medium, but only after some components of themedium have been metabolized. This is consistent with thehigh activity of aconitase in exponentially growing cells in aminimal medium containing a -poorly metabolized carbonsource (e.g., citrate) and the low activity of aconitase in thesame medium supplemented with glucose.

Induction of aconitase activity by decoyinine. Freese andcolleagues (28) have reported that the addition of decoyinineto a culture of exponentially growing B. subtilis inducessporulation in a minimal medium. This compound inhibitsGMP synthetase, resulting in a drop in GDP and GTP pools.A decrease in the GTP pool is characteristic of all conditionsof sporulation induction, but the mechanistic relationshipbetween the size of the GTP pool and sporulation inductionis unknown. Aconitase activity has been shown to increaseafter addition of decoyinine (37). This is true even in amedium containing excess glucose and glutamate, implyingthat decoyinine can. override catabolite repression ofaconitase. However, it was not known whether decoyinineinduces aconitase activity by stimulating citB expression.Decoyinine is only effective in a medium lacking purines

(28). We have found that TSS medium (a minimal medium) issuitable for decoyinine induction of sporulation. StrainBCDC-8 was grown in TSS medium containing glucose,glutamine, Cam, and tryptophan. Decoyinine was added asdescribed in Materials and Methods. Figure 4 shows that, ashas been previously reported for other strains (37),decoyinine stimulates aconitase activity in BCDC-8. Theincrease in activity occurred within 30 min after decoyinineaddition. The activity of 1-galactosidase was also induced by

TABLE 2. Specific activities of ,3-galactosidase and aconitase instrains with the citB-lacZ fusiona

Strain Medium' Sp act (U/mg of protein)3-Galactosidase Aconitasec

SMY TSS (glu; gln) <3 15.6TSS (cit; gln) 11.7 165.0

SMY(pDWD1)d TSS (glu; gln) 2,250 36.0TSS (cit; gln) 2,890 93.3

1A120e TSS (glu; gln) <3 <3TSS (cit; gln) NDf ND

LDD-1 TSS (glu; gln) <3 15.8TSS (cit; gln) ND ND

BCDC-89 TSS (glu; gln) 11.3 20.7TSS (cit; gln) 290.0 112.0

a All strains were grown at 37°C and harvested when growth reached 100Klett units.

b Medium was supplemented with glucose (glu) and glutamine (gln) orcitrate (cit) and glutamine.

c Measured by the activated aconitase procedure.d Growth medium contained Kan (1 Lg/ml).eGrowth medium contained tryptophan (0.004%).f ND, Not determined.g Growth medium contained Cam (1 Fg/ml) and tryptophan (0.004%).

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the addition of decoyinine. This increase in expression ofcitB occurred 15 to 30 min after decoyinine addition. Thisresult indicates that the appearance of aconitase after induc-tion of sporulation by decoyinine is due to activation oftranscription of the citB gene.

Effect of decoyinine on citB transcription in a 2-KDHmutant. That there was a 15- to 30-min lag in citB expressionafter decoyinine addition suggests that the effect ofdecoyinine is indirect. Decoyinine is known to cause anincrease in the specific activity of 2-ketoglutarate dehydro-genase (2-KDH) (37). As expected, this results in a drop inthe intracellular pool of 2-KG. Since 2-KG is thought to beinvolved in negative regulation of citB expression (12, 30),the lag between the time of decoyinine addition and expres-sion of citB might reflect the time needed to induce 2-KDHand deplete 2-KG. To test this possibility, decoyinine induc-tion of aconitase activity was measured in a 2-KDH (citK)mutant.

Strain BS-8109 is a citK mutant derived by transformingstrain BCDC-8 with DNA from strain SF109. The citKmutation causes an increase in the 2-KG pool in cells grownin TSS medium (12). Figure SA shows that in strain BS-8109induction of citB transcription was significantly lower than incontrol strain BCDC-8. This result supports the idea thatdepletion of the 2-KG pool is required for full citB inductionby decoyinine. That citB induction in strain BS-8109 was notcompletely prevented suggests that 2-KG is not the onlymetabolite that regulates citB.

Effect of decoyinine on citB transcription in a citratesynthase mutant. Decoyinine is known to induce citratesynthase as well as aconitase and 2-KDH (37). Since citrate



















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FIG. 3. Activity profiles of aconitase and P-galactosidase in B.subtilis SMY (A) and BCDC-8 (citB-lacZ fusion) (B). Both strainswere grown in DSM medium (the medium for strain BCDC-8 alsocontained Cam [5 ,ug/ml]) at 37°C, and samples were assayedperiodically for turbidity (0), pH of the medium (0), aconitaseactivity (activated [A] and standard procedure [A]), and 1B-galactosidase activity (U).




- 100



0 1 2 3 4AGE OF CULTURE (hr)







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FIG. 4. Induction of aconitase activity and citB expression bydecoyinine. B. subtilis BCDC-8 was grown at 37C in TSS mediumsupplemented with glucose, glutamine, Cam (5 ,ug/ml), andtryptophan (0.004%). Samples were removed periodically and as-sayed for turbidity, aconitase activity, and 3-galactosidase activity.When the turbidity reached 100 Klett units, the culture was split intotwo 20-ml portions to which 0.1 ml of either 1 M KOH (control) ordecoyinine (100 mg/ml in 1 M KOH) was added. Symbols: (0, 0)turbidity; (A, A) aconitase activity; (E, U) 3-galactosidase activity.Open symbols represent the decoyinine-treated culture; closedsymbols are for the control culture.

has been proposed as an inducer of aconitase (30), we soughtto determine whether accumulation of citrate plays a role ininduction of citB by decoyinine.An appropriate strain carrying a citrate synthase (citA)

mutation was created by transforming strain BCDC-8 (trpC2citA+) simultaneously with saturating amounts ofDNA fromstrains SMY (wild type) and HS1A17 (trpC2 citAl). Trp+transformants were selected and screened for arquisition ofthe Cit- phenotype by congression. A resulting strain,BCHS-,81A, was found to lack citrate synthase activity.Figure SB shows that transcription of citB in strain BCHS-81A was not induced by decoyinine. This finding shows thatcitrate is required for citB expression.Thus, activation of aconitase gene expression during in-

duction of sporulation by decoyinine requires depletion of2-KG and accumulation of citrate.

Aconitase expression in spoOB and spoOH mutants. Al-though expression of citB in cells in nutrient broth mediumoccurs prior to the end of growth, it is not necessarilyunrelated to sporulation. A similar situation obtains for thespoVG gene (41). To relate expression of citB to the begin-ning of sporulation, we tested citB transcription in twomutants known to be blocked at the onset of sporulation.

Strains JH648 (spoOB136) and ZB480 (spoOHAHindIII)were transformed to Camr by using DNA from strainSMY: :pVRD1 and plasmid pVRD1, respectively. Thetransformants, JH648: :pvRDl and ZB480: :pVRD1, weregrown in DSM medium containing Cam (5 ,ug/ml). Sampleswere removed periodically for assays of aconitase andP-galactosidase. Figure 6 shows that neither the spoOBmutation nor the spoOH mutation had any appreciable effecton citB expression or aconitase activity. Strains carrying




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0 100 200

Time (min)FIG. 5. Induction of citB expression in citK (A) and citA (B)

mutants by decoyinine. B. subtilis BS-109, BCHS-81A, and BCDC-8were grown at 37°C in TSS medium containing glucose, glutamine,Cam (5 ,ug/ml), and tryptophan (0.004%). Samples were takenperiodically and assayed for P-galactosidase activity. At the timepoint indicated by the arrows (100 Klett units), each culture wassplit into two portions. To each portion was added 0.1 ml ofeither 1 M KOH (control) or decoyinine (100 mg/ml in 1 M KOH).Symbols: (A) (0, 0) BCDC-8; (E, *) BS-109. (B) (0, 0) BCDC-8;(O, *) BCHC-81A. Open symbols represent the decoyinine-treatedculture; closed symbols represent the control culture.

either of the mutations spoOH17 or spoOA3 were also unaf-fected in citB expression (data not shown). This implies thatcitB expression is independent of the functions of the wild-type spoOA, spoOB, and spoOH genes. This behavior distin-guishes the citB gene from spoVG and other genes whoseexpression is dependent on spoO gene functions.

This result can be interpreted to mean that aconitase,while essential for sporulation under some conditions (15,39), is not a sporulation-specific function. Alternatively, theappearance of aconitase may be dependent on the samesignals that initiate sporulation but may occur before thetime at which even very early sporulation-specific genesfunction.


During growth and sporulation of B. subtilis in a complexmedium, expression of the aconitase gene occurs consider-ably earlier than anticipated or previously reported. Expres-sion begins near mid-exponential growth and reaches a peakin late-exponential growth. Since the onset of sporulation istraditionally (and arbitrarily) defined as the start of station-ary phase, this raises the question as to whether citB is asporulation gene. Previous results showing that the citB geneis transcribed by the major vegetative form of RNA poly-

merase (Eor43) (32) and our finding here that aconitase (citB)expression is unaffected by mutations in two regulatorygenes for sporulation, which function at the earliest timepoint in sporulation, suggest that appearance of aconitaseactivity is not a sporulation-specific event. Still, an activeTCA cycle is necessary for sporulation to occur, at leastwhen sporulation is induced by nutrient depletion. Muta-tions in citB block sporulation in this case at stage 0 or I.

Exactly how regulation of aconitase relates to initiation ofsporulation is uncertain. All previous data, including ourown, show that the same conditions which induce sporula-tion (i.e., carbon or nitrogen or phosphorous source deple-tion [20] or addition of decoyinine) also induce aconitase(citB). Induction of aconitase by decoyinine appears to bepart of a cascade. Uratani-Wong et al. (37) have observedthat addition of decoyinine causes a rapid increase in 2-KDHactivity (within 5 to 10 min) and a subsequent decrease in thepool of 2-KG (within 10-15 min). It is known that 2-KGlevels are inversely correlated with aconitase specific activ-ity during growth (12, 30). The 15- to 30-min delay inappearance of aconitase activity and citB mRNA afterdecoyinine addition may be indicative of this indirect mech-anism of induction. The lowered induction of citB expressionin a 2-KDH mutant adds support to the idea that 2-KG is aregulatory metabolite for the citB gene. 2-KG may alsocontribute to regulation of histidase expression, sincehistidase specific activity has an inverse correlation with2-KG pool size (12) and histidase can be induced bydecoyinine (S. H. Fisher, personal communication).

Since the 2-KDH mutant does express citB to some degreeafter decoyinine induction, this cascade mechanism may notbe the only factor regulating aconitase. Lack of expressionof citB in a citrate synthase (citA) mutant following addition


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FIG. 6. Activity profiles of aconitase and ,-galactosidase in B.subtilis JH648::pVRD1 (spoOB) (A) and ZB480::pVRD1(spoOHAHindIII) (B). Both strains were grown in DSM mediumcontaining Cam (5 Fg/ml) at 37°C, and samples were removedperiodically for assay of turbidity, aconitase activity, and 3-galactosidase activity. Symbols: (E) turbidity; (0) aconitase activ-ity; (D) ,-galactosidase activity.

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of decoyinine shows that induction of citB by decoyininealso requires synthesis of citrate (Fig. 5B). The completeabsence of induction, in fact, may mean that citrate accu-

mulation is an absolute requirement for induction ofaconitase.Thus, aconitase expression may respond to counterbal-

ancing effects of the intracellular levels of citrate and 2-KG.Other factors which alter the activity of citrate synthase and2-KDH can be viewed as indirect regulators of aconitaseexpression. For instance, acetate (or acetyl-coenzyme A),which has been implicated as an inducer of 2-KDH (1, 37),increases shortly after addition of decoyinine (37).

Since decoyinine induces both citrate synthase and2-KDH activities, one might speculate that modulation of theGTP pool by decoyinine causes activation or induction ofthese enzymes and thereby induces both aconitase andsporulation. If depletion of 2-KG is, in fact, part of theprimary pathway by which decoyinine induces sporulation,then citB may be a useful paradigm for the earliest expressedsporulation genes. Depletion of 2-KG is probably not essen-

tial for sporulation, however, since mutants deficient in2-KDH can be induced to sporulate by addition ofdecoyinine (17; data not shown).

Other genes expressed at the onset of sporulation seem tobe regulated by mechanisms that partially overlap with thatfor citB. Expression ofspoVG, for instance, is induced at theend of logarithmic growth and is repressed by glucose (23,31). This repression can be overcome by decoyinine, allow-ing spoVG expression in the presence of excess glucose andother nutrients (P. Zuber, personal communication). In thissense, regulation of spoVG and that of citB are very similar.It would be interesting to know whether 2-KDH plays any

role in the induction of spoVG by decoyinine. The spoVGgene differs from citB in that it is transcribed by minor formsof RNA polymerase (24) and depends for its expression on

the products of several spoO genes (31).The amyE gene, although not essential for sporulation, is

also induced at the start of stationary phase and its expres-

sion is repressed by glucose (5, 21, 29). It is transcribed bythe major vegetative form of RNA polymerase and itsappearance is not affected by spoO mutations (W. Nicholsonand G. Chambliss, personal communication).The ctc gene appears to be regulated by the same condi-

tions that govern citB, amyE, and spoVG, but in an inverseway. Although expression of ctc occurs at the start ofstationary phase, its induction is stimulated in the presenceof catabolic repressors (i.e., glucose and glutamine) (23, 31).ctc expression is also stimulated in TCA cycle mutants andmutants blocked early in sporulation (23). The ctc gene istranscribed by minor forms of RNA polymerase (18, 23).

In the accompanying paper (8), we show that the promoterregion of the citB gene has substantial sequence homologywith the promoters for spoVG and amyE (24, 38). Aneconomical model would suggest that these sequences re-

flect the binding sites for proteins that are responsible for thecommon aspects of regulation of these genes (repression byglucose, dependence on growth phase). Superimposed on

these common aspects might be other levels of regulationthat involve specific forms of RNA polymerase and specificregulators (spoO gene products for spoVG, a citrate-sensitiverepressor of citB).


We thank P. Zuber, S. Fisher, and G. Chambliss for permission tocite their results before publication, A. Wright, D. Bohannon, and

T. Henkin for critical review of the manuscript, and G. B. Whitfieldand R. L. Keene of The Upjohn Co. for gifts of decoyinine U-7984.

This research was funded by Public Health Service researchgrants GM19168 and GM36718 from the National Institutes ofHealth.

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