Download - Relationship Bank Account


Relationship Bank Account

Freshmen AdvisoryMarch, 2013

** This material is created based on the 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens.

Similar to Personal Bank Account

O We make depositsO We make withdrawals

Deposits vs. Withdrawals

O DepositsO Keep promisesO Do small acts of

kindnessO Be loyalO ListenO Say you’re sorryO Set clear


O WithdrawalsO Break promisesO Keep to yourselfO Gossip and break

confidencesO Don’t listenO Be arrogantO Set false


Your RelationshipsO Take some time to reflect and fill out

the worksheet.O It will not be graded on content. This

is for you!O When finished, please place in your

advisory folder.

Personal ChallengeO Pick one important relationship in

your life that is damaged and you want to repair. It may be with a sibling or a parent or a friend. Now commit yourself to rebuilding that relationship one deposit at a time.

O The other person may be suspicious at first and wonder what you’re up to. But be patient and stick with it.

Personal Challenge, Cont.O Remember, it may take months to build up

what took months to tear down. But little by little, deposit by deposit, they’ll begin to see that you are genuine and that you really want to mend the relationship.

O Think about if the shoe were on the other foot. How would you feel if you knew a friend was making the effort to repair the relationship with you?

O No one said it would be easy……..O But you can be sure it will be worth it.