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Managing Colleague Software Environments

Reissued Manual as of January 31, 2013

Enclosed is a new edition of the manual Managing Colleague Software Environments for Release 18. This edition replaces the previous version dated January 18, 2012 and incorporates changes delivered with software update SU60746.63-485*9. In addition, the following AnswerNet document was resolved:

55783.48 Update to Setting up Windows Authentication documentation

The Primary Changes Made

Updating Your ManualReplace all copies of your existing manual with this new edition as it will be the basis for all future updates.

Section Pages Change Made

Setting up an Environment as Production

141 Procedure has been updated to note that, when using Windows Authentication, usernames entered must exist in the specified domain.

Restrictions on Moving an LPR

168 Updated introductory paragraph.

Resetting an LPR in a Restored Environment

175—179 New chapter about how to reset the Local Product Repository so that you can reinstall software updates after restoring an environment.

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Colleague by Ellucian Managing Colleague Software


Release 18January 31, 2013

For corrections and clarifications to this manual, see AnswerNet page 4562.

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Banner®, Colleague®, PowerCAMPUS®, Luminis® and Datatel® are trademarks of Ellucian or its affiliates and are registered in the U.S. and other countries. Ellucian, Advance, DegreeWorks, fsaATLAS, Course Signals, SmartCall, Recruiter, MOX, ILP, and WCMS are trademarks of Ellucian or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.

©2013 Ellucian. All rights reserved. The unauthorized possession, use, reproduction, distribution, display or disclosure of this material or the information contained herein is prohibited.

Contains confidential and proprietary information of Ellucian and its subsidiaries. Use of these materials is limited to Ellucian licensees, and is subject to the terms and conditions of one or more written license agreements between Ellucian and the licensee in question.

In preparing and providing this publication, Ellucian is not rendering legal, accounting, or other similar professional services. Ellucian makes no claims that an institution's use of this publication or the software for which it is provided will guarantee compliance with applicable federal or state laws, rules, or regulations. Each organization should seek legal, accounting and other similar professional services from competent providers of the organization’s own choosing.

Prepared by: Ellucian 4375 Fair Lakes Court Fairfax, Virginia 22033 United States of America

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Table of Contents

11 Introduction

13 About This Manual13 Who Should Read This Manual13 What This Manual Covers14 How This Manual is Organized14 Where to Find More Information

15 Setup and Customization

17 Authorizing an Application Server (UniData)

17 In This Chapter18 Understanding Application Server Authorization18 Procedures for Authorizing an Application Server18 Accessing the Authorize Application Server Form19 Configuring the Authorize Application Server Form

23 Defining DMI Listener and Daemon Parameters

23 In This Chapter24 Specifying Listener Memory Allocation24 Syntax for Specifying Listener Memory25 Procedure for Specifying Listener Memory Allocation28 Automatically Starting DMI Listeners and Daemons29 Adding the Listener Start Script to the Boot Sequence

(UNIX/Linux Only)29 HP-UX: Modifying the UNIX Boot Sequence30 SUN Solaris: Modifying the UNIX Boot Sequence30 Red Hat Linux: Modifying the Boot Sequence31 IBM AIX: Modifying the UNIX Boot Sequence31 Specifying Automatic Start for a DMI Listener34 Changing the Daemon Port

37 Securing Colleague Connections37 In This Chapter38 Understanding Security for Colleague Connections39 Certificates40 Signed Certificate

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Table of Contents

40 Client Authentication Certificate40 Public Certificates41 Intermediate Certificates41 Connection Between the DMI Application Server and the

Colleague Executables42 Connection Between the DMI Data Access Server and the

Application Server42 Connection Between the DMI Application Server and

WebAdvisor43 Connection Between SA Valet and the Daemon44 High Level Procedure for Securing Colleague46 Procedures for Securing Colleague Connections46 Managing the Connection Between the DMI Application

Server and the Colleague Executables47 Securing the Connection Between the DMI Data Access

Server and the Application Server49 Securing a DMI Listener51 Securing the Connection Between the DMI Application

Server and WebAdvisor52 Securing the Connection Between SA Valet and the

Datatel Daemon52 Specifying the Security Level in the Daemon and in

SA Valet54 Establishing Client Authentication for the

SA Valet-Daemon Connection58 Procedures for Installing and Managing Certificates58 Generating the Request for a Signed Certificate61 Installing a Signed Certificate63 Renewing a Signed Certificate66 Generating a Client Authentication Certificate69 Examining a Certificate70 Deleting a Certificate72 Installing a Public Certificate73 Managing Public Certificates75 Examining a Public Certificate76 Viewing an Encoded Certificate77 Deleting a Public Certificate

79 Enabling Windows Authentication (SQL Server)

79 In This Chapter80 Understanding Windows Authentication80 Windows Authentication

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Table of Contents

82 SQL Server Authentication84 Dual SQL Server Logins86 Procedures for Setting Up Windows Authentication86 Setting Up Windows Authentication in Colleague88 Creating the Administrative User in the Windows Domain

89 Enabling Single-Role Colleague Access (SQL Server and Oracle)

89 In This Chapter90 Understanding Single-Role Access90 Database Access Without Single-Role Access91 Database Access With Single-Role Access Enabled93 Procedures for Enabling Single-Role Access for SQL Server93 Creating the Colleague Access Role in SQL Server94 Setting Up Users in SQL Server95 Enabling SQL Server Single-Role Access in Colleague98 Procedures for Enabling Single-Role Access for Oracle98 Creating the Colleague Access Role in Oracle

100 Setting Up Users in Oracle100 Granting the Colleague Access Role100 Reviewing Other Privileges Granted to Users101 Enabling Oracle Single-Role Access in Colleague

105 Administration and Monitoring

107 Starting and Stopping DMI Listeners and Daemons

107 In This Chapter108 Starting and Stopping DMI Listeners108 Local Product Repository DMI_DAS108 Starting the Local Product Repository DMI_DAS109 Stopping the Local Product Repository DMI_DAS110 Application Environment Listeners110 Starting and Stopping All Listeners in an Application

Environment111 Starting and Stopping Individual Listeners in an

Application Environment112 Listener Status Indicators114 Starting and Stopping Datatel Daemons114 Starting a Datatel Daemon115 Starting a Datatel Daemon on UNIX or Linux115 Starting a Datatel Daemon on Windows

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Table of Contents

116 Stopping a Datatel Daemon116 Stopping a Datatel Daemon on UNIX or Linux117 Stopping a Datatel Daemon on Windows117 Daemon Status Indicators118 Refreshing Daemon Status Indicators

119 Monitoring DMI Listeners119 In This Chapter120 Understanding DMI Listener Monitoring121 DMI Statistics Tables121 Understanding the DMI Statistics Tables125 Procedure for Defining the Refresh Interval125 Procedure for Viewing the Statistics Tables129 DMI Statistics Log File129 Understanding the Log File130 Procedure for Starting and Stopping Logging132 Procedure for Purging Log Files133 Memory Monitor

135 Configuration

137 Removing an Application Environment137 In This Chapter138 Understanding Application Environment Removal139 Procedures for Removing an Application Environment139 Deleting Environment Information from Colleague140 Setting up an Environment as Production142 Deleting the Colleague Executables142 Deleting the Colleague Database142 SQL Server or Oracle142 UniData143 Deleting DMI Listener Files

145 Creating a Training Environment145 In This Chapter146 Understanding Training Environments146 Process for Creating a Training Environment148 Procedures for Creating a Training Environment149 Creating the Training Source Environment149 Retrieving the Training Data Set from Ellucian151 Installing the Data Set in the Training Source Environment154 Setting Up the Training Source Environment

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Table of Contents

154 Setting Up Users154 Creating Computed Columns for General Ledger155 (Canadian Clients Only) Modifying International

Parameters155 Do Not Enter Your Own Data In the Training Source

Environment155 Creating a Training Environment156 Refreshing a Training Environment156 Updating the Training Source Environment With a New

Data Set From Ellucian

157 View Environment Configuration157 In This Chapter158 Before You Begin159 Viewing an Environment Configuration161 Automatic Send to Ellucian Feature162 Manual Send to Ellucian Feature162 Why should I send my configuration information to

Ellucian?162 Procedure for Viewing an Environment Configuration

167 Moving a Local Product Repository167 In This Chapter168 Understanding Moving a Local Product Repository168 Restrictions on Moving an LPR168 Procedure for Moving an LPR172 Troubleshooting172 Technical Details

175 Resetting an LPR in a Restored Environment

175 In This Chapter176 Understanding an LPR Reset176 Restrictions on Resetting an LPR176 Security Class177 Procedure for Resetting an LPR

181 Changing Database Properties181 In This Chapter182 Changing Database Properties184 Changing the Alias / DNS Name of the Database Server185 Changing the Database Port185 Changing the Database Name / Path

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Table of Contents

187 Appendices

1 DMI Listener Names1 Listener Naming Convention

1 Accessing Colleague from SA Valet1 In This Appendix2 Connecting to the Local Product Repository from SA Valet5 Connecting to an Application Environment from SA Valet8 Storing Login Information in the Login Vault9 How to Use the Login Vault

10 Forgot the Password?11 Using SA Valet Without the Login Vault11 Changing the Login Vault Password

13 Glossary13 In This Appendix

21 Index

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Managing Colleague Software Environments


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About This Manual

Who Should Read This ManualAnyone responsible for maintaining and monitoring Colleague Release 18 should read this manual.

What This Manual CoversThis manual provides instructions for configuring, maintaining, and monitoring your Colleague Release 18 application environments. See “How This Manual is Organized” on page 14 for details about the information in each chapter and appendix.

Other manuals providing information about installing and maintaining Colleague are:

The Installation Procedures for Release 18 provides procedures for creating a Colleague application environment.

Updating Colleague Software provides procedures for updating your Colleague application environments with software updates from Ellucian.

Envision Run-Time Administration provides procedures for setting up and maintaining the Envision-based software used for Colleague.

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Introduction: About This Manual

How This Manual is OrganizedThis manual is organized is the following manner:

Part 1, “Introduction,” contains information about this manual and how it is organized.

Part 2, “Setup and Customization,” contains information for specifying Listener memory characteristics, securing connections, enabling Windows authentication, and enabling single-role access.

Part 3, “Administration and Monitoring,” contains information for starting and stopping Listeners, and information for monitoring performance.

Part 4, “Configuration,” contains information for removing an environment, creating a training environment, and viewing environment configuration information.

The Appendices contain standard information about Colleague Release 18.

Where to Find More InformationTable 1 lists sources of information that provide additional assistance in installing and administering Colleague. Other procedure manuals for using Colleague are available from the Documentation area of the client web site (

Table 1: Additional Sources of Information for Colleague Installation

Type of Information Source

Installing a full release of Colleague. Installation Procedures for Release 18

Updating your Colleague application environments with software updates from Ellucian.

Updating Colleague Software

Setting up and maintaining the Envision-based software used for Colleague.

Envision Run-Time Administration

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Managing Colleague Software Environments

Setup and Customization

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Setup and Customization

Authorizing an Application Server (UniData)

In This ChapterThis chapter contains the procedure for authorizing a UniData Application Server. Table 2 lists the topics covered in this chapter.

Table 2: Topics in This Chapter

Topic Page

Understanding Application Server Authorization 18

Procedures for Authorizing an Application Server 18

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Setup and Customization: Authorizing an Application Server (UniData)

Understanding Application Server Authorization

For UNIX, you will need to configure UniData server authorization parameters for an Application server. Using SA Valet, configure the following:

Make sure that the daemon user has read/write permissions to the UDTHOME/include/sysconfig file.

Make sure that the daemon user has read/write permissions to the product.list and files in the UDTBIN and UDTHOME/include directories (to be able to run the confcmd command).

Make sure UniRPC services are running.

UDTHOME/UDTBIN is used to determine which installation is being authorized. You must restart UniData as the final step to complete the authorization process.

Procedures for Authorizing an Application Server

This section contains the procedures for authorizing an application server using SA Valet.

Accessing the Authorize Application Server Form

In order to access the form to authorize a UniData Application server, you must complete the following steps.

Step 1. In SA Valet, select the Hosts tab.

Step 2. Select a UniData Application server node (Figure 1 on page 19).

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Procedures for Authorizing an Application Server

Figure 1: Select a UniData Application Server Node

Step 3. Right-click and select Authorize.

Figure 2: Select the Authorize Option

Configuring the Authorize Application Server Form

Complete the Authorize Application Server form to configure your UniData server authorization parameters for an Application server.

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Setup and Customization: Authorizing an Application Server (UniData)

Figure 3: Authorize Application Server Form

Step 1. Go to the Authorize Application Server form. See “Accessing the Authorize Application Server Form” on page 18.

Step 2. The Status field displays the current authorization status of this Application server.

Step 3. In the Serial number field, maintain the serial number associated with this Application server. For example, enter 12366029 for the complete serial number 12366029-UDT. You need to enter the serial suffix separately.

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Procedures for Authorizing an Application Server

Step 4. In the Serial suffix field, maintain the suffix to the serial number for this Application server. For example, enter UDT for the complete serial number 12366029-UDT. Note that the suffix is case sensitive.

Step 5. In the Number of users field, specify or view the number of users that can use this Application server concurrently.

Step 6. In the Version field, maintain the UniData version number associated with this Application server.

Step 7. In the Expiration date field, maintain the date in mm/dd/yyyy format after which authorization to use this Application server will expire.

Step 8. The NFA Service field enables the Network File Architecture (NFA) Service which offers local access to data on remote UniData servers. Leave the check box cleared since this option is not supported by Colleague at this time.

Step 9. The RFS field enables Recoverable File System (RFS) which provides the ability to recover in case of a system or media failure. Leave the check box cleared since this option is not supported by Colleague at this time.

Step 10. The EDA field enables External Data server Access (EDA) which provides the ability to store one or more UniData files on an external data server in a manner that is transparent to the application. Leave the check box cleared since this option is not supported by Colleague at this time.

Step 11. The Number of connection pooling users field controls the number of connection pooling users allowed on this Application server. Connection Pooling (CP) enables developers to design and deploy applications that do not use persistent connections to the data server. Enter 0 since this option is not supported by Colleague at this time.

Step 12. The Number of connections per device field controls the number of connection pools authorized per device on this Application server. Connection Pools are authorized separately and do not consume data server licenses. Enter 0 since this option is not supported by Colleague at this time.

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Setup and Customization: Authorizing an Application Server (UniData)

Step 13. In the Name field, maintain the author’s name for this Application server authorization.

Step 14. In the E-mail field, maintain the e-mail address associated with the author of this Application server authorization.

Step 15. In the Company field, maintain the company associated with the author of this Application server authorization.

Step 16. In the User name field, maintain the UniRPC user name for this Application server.

Step 17. In the Password field, maintain the UniRPC password for this Application server.

Step 18. In the Install path field, maintain the installation path to use for this Application server authorization. For example, c:\ibm\ud72

Step 19. You must restart UniData as the final step to complete the authorization process.

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Setup and Customization

Defining DMI Listener and Daemon Parameters

In This ChapterThis chapter contains procedures for specifying parameters for DMI Listeners and Datatel daemons.

Table 3 lists the topics in this chapter.

Table 3: Topics in this Chapter

Topic Page

Specifying Listener Memory Allocation 24

Automatically Starting DMI Listeners and Daemons 28

Changing the Daemon Port 34

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Setup and Customization: Defining DMI Listener and Daemon Parameters

Specifying Listener Memory AllocationTypically, Java processes are allocated a limited amount of memory. You can specify both the minimum amount of memory, which is the memory allocated to the Listener at Listener startup, and the maximum amount of memory. As delivered, DMI Listeners are allocated a maximum memory of 512 MB. There is no default minimum. However, you may need to change these values for specific Listeners. The required amount of memory depends on the following factors:

Listener role. For example, the DMI data access server requires more memory than the DMI application server.

Number of users. The required memory may be different for a production application environment than for a test application environment.

See AnswerNet page 4516 for recommended memory values.

Syntax for Specifying Listener Memory

Listener memory parameters are defined on the Listener Startup Properties form (Figure 7 on page 33), in the Java Virtual Machine Arguments field. Both minimum and maximum memory are specified on the same line, with the arguments separated by a space. Table 4 shows the syntax for specifying each parameter. Check your Java documentation to confirm the syntax.

Table 4: Syntax for Specifying Listener Memory Parameters

Parameter Syntax Example

Minimum memory -Xms###M where ### is megabytes of memory


Maximum memory -Xmx###m where ### is megabytes of memory


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Specifying Listener Memory Allocation

Figure 4: Listener Memory Parameters on the Listener Startup Properties Form

Procedure for Specifying Listener Memory Allocation

Use the procedure below to specify Listener memory allocation.

Step 1. Review AnswerNet page 4516 to identify recommended memory allocation for DMI Listeners in this application environment.

Step 2. In SA Valet, connect to the application environment for which you want to specify Listener memory parameters, if not already connected.

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Setup and Customization: Defining DMI Listener and Daemon Parameters

See “Accessing Colleague from SA Valet” on page 1 for the detailed procedure for connecting to the local product repository and then to the application environment. You are already connected if the application environment node is expanded to display other nodes as shown in Figure 5 on page 26.

Step 3. Perform the following steps for each Listener for which you want to specify memory parameters.

a. Right-click the node for the Listener and select Properties from the pop-up menu (Figure 5). The example in Figure 5 is for the DMI application server (the node whose name ends with “APP_LISTENER”). For the DMI data access server, the node name ends with “DB_LISTENER.”

Figure 5: Listener Properties Menu Option

b. On the Listener Startup Properties form (Figure 7 on page 33), in the JVM Arguments field, specify the minimum and maximum memory based on the recommendations in AnswerNet page 4516.

Example:-Xmx512m -Xms128M

Note: If you don’t specify the memory on this form, the Listener will use the default maximum memory of 512 MB. There is no default minimum.

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Specifying Listener Memory Allocation

c. Click OK to save the changes.

For Windows, the process will automatically stop the Listener in order to write the new properties to the Windows Registry. After the process is complete, restart the Listener.

For UNIX or Linux, the process will not stop the Listener. You must manually stop and restart the Listener in order for the new properties to take effect. See “Starting and Stopping DMI Listeners” on page 108.

d. Repeat Steps a through c for each Listener for which you want to specify memory parameters.

Each Colleague application environment includes at least two DMI Listeners (a DMI application server and a DMI data access server). In addition, you may have installed other DMI Listeners, such as a DMI print server and DMI RPC server.

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Setup and Customization: Defining DMI Listener and Daemon Parameters

Automatically Starting DMI Listeners and Daemons

DMI Listeners can be set to automatically restart when the computer that hosts the DMI Listener is restarted. The default setting, and the method for specifying auto-start, depends on the type of DMI Listener (Table 5).

To enable Listener auto-start on UNIX or Linux operating systems, you must also add the Listener start script to the boot sequence using the procedure on page 29.

Table 6 lists the procedures in this section.

ALERT! Ellucian strongly recommends that UNIX clients set the daemon and all Listeners to auto-start. Otherwise, when you restart the Listener, you will be prompted for a username and password. That username and password are stored in the process command stack and can be viewed by other users (for example, by using the “ps” command).

Table 5: DMI Listener Auto-Start Settings

Type of DMI ListenerAuto-Start

DefaultWhere to Enable/Disable


DMI data access server for the local product repository

Enabled Listener Startup Properties form (see procedure on page 31)

DMI Listeners in application environments


Datatel daemons Enabled Setting cannot be changed

Table 6: Procedures for Enabling DMI Listener Auto-Start

Procedure Page

Adding the Listener Start Script to the Boot Sequence (UNIX/Linux Only) 29

Specifying Automatic Start for a DMI Listener 31

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Automatically Starting DMI Listeners and Daemons

Adding the Listener Start Script to the Boot Sequence (UNIX/Linux Only)

Perform the appropriate procedure below for your operating system to include the script for starting the DMI Listeners in the UNIX or Linux boot sequence.

Before performing this procedure, identify the daemon home directory (the directory where you installed the Datatel daemon). To determine the daemon home directory, view the /etc/datateltab file and look for a line like the following:


In this example, the daemon home directory is /datatel/coll18/daemon.

For all UNIX and Linux platforms, UniData must be started before any Listeners on that computer are started. Even if you are using Oracle, this applies to the application server computer where the DMI application server (a DMI Listener) is installed. To start UniData before the Listeners, you must create a script to start UniData, and create a symbolic link for the script, with the following properties:

The UniData symbolic link must be at a lower run level than the link for the Listener script, or, if at the same run level, must have a lower integer. For example, the UniData symbolic link could be at run level 2 and the Listener symbolic link at run level 3. Or, if at the same run level, the UniData symbolic link could be S50 and the Listener symbolic link could be S99.

The script must have the variable LANG set to C before the UniData start command. This ensures that UniRPC starts properly, which is required for Listener auto-start. Example commands:

LANG=C;export LANG


HP-UX: Modifying the UNIX Boot Sequence

Step 1. Copy the dmiservice file from the daemon home directory to the /sbin/init.d scripts folder. Example command:

cp /datatel/coll18/daemon/scripts/dmiservice /sbin/init.d/dmiservice

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Setup and Customization: Defining DMI Listener and Daemon Parameters

Step 2. Create a symbolic link from the rc2.d directory to the dmiservice file. Choose a unique number within the directory. Generally, user applications like this one use a high number, for example in the high 900s. Example command:

ln -s /sbin/init.d/dmiservice /sbin/rc2.d/S999dmiservice

SUN Solaris: Modifying the UNIX Boot Sequence

Step 1. Copy the dmiservice file from the daemon home directory to the /etc/init.d scripts folder. Example command:

cp /datatel/coll18/daemon/scripts/dmiservice /etc/init.d/dmiservice

Step 2. Create a symbolic link from the rc2.d directory to the dmiservice file. Choose a unique number within the directory. Generally, user applications like this one use a high number, for example in the high 90s. Example command:

ln -s /etc/init.d/dmiservice /etc/rc2.d/S99dmiservice

Red Hat Linux: Modifying the Boot Sequence

Step 1. Copy the dmiservice file from the daemon home directory to the /etc/init.d scripts folder. Example command:

cp /datatel/coll18/daemon/scripts/dmiservice /etc/init.d/dmiservice

Step 2. Create a symbolic link to the dmiservice file in the default run level for the Linux server (typically Level 3). Choose a unique number within the directory. Generally, user applications like this one use a high number, for example in the high 90s. Example command:

ln -s /etc/init.d/dmiservice /etc/rc3.d/S99dmiservice

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Automatically Starting DMI Listeners and Daemons

IBM AIX: Modifying the UNIX Boot Sequence

Step 1. Add a line to the /etc/inittab file to run the dmiservice script with the “start” parameter. Example command (all on one line):

dmiservice:2:once:/datatel/coll18/daemon/scripts/dmiservice start >/dev/console 2>&1

Note that the second parameter must be a “2” because this is a user application.

Specifying Automatic Start for a DMI Listener

Perform the following procedure to enable or disable auto-start for DMI Listeners in the local product repository or application environments. This procedure does not apply for Datatel daemons, for which auto-start is enabled and cannot be changed.

Step 1. In SA Valet, connect to the local product repository if not already connected.

See “Connecting to the Local Product Repository from SA Valet” on page 2 for the detailed procedure for connecting to the local product repository.

Step 2. If you are enabling or disabling auto-start for the Listeners in an application environment, connect to that application environment.

See “Connecting to an Application Environment from SA Valet” on page 5 for the detailed procedure for connecting to the application environment. You are already connected if the application environment node is expanded to display other nodes as shown in Figure 6 on page 32.

You can skip this step if you are enabling or disabling auto-start for the DMI data access server for the local product repository.

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Setup and Customization: Defining DMI Listener and Daemon Parameters

Step 3. Perform the following steps for each Listener for which you want to enable or disable auto-start.

a. Right-click the node for the Listener and select Properties from the pop-up menu (Figure 6 on page 32).

The example in Figure 6 is for the DMI application server (the node whose name ends with “APP_LISTENER”). For the DMI data access server in the application environment, the node name ends with “DB_LISTENER.” If you want to select the DMI data access server for the local product repository, select the local product repository node.

Figure 6: Listener Properties Menu Option

b. On the Listener Startup Properties form (Figure 7), select or clear the Automatic Startup check box:

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Automatically Starting DMI Listeners and Daemons

Figure 7: Listener Startup Properties Form

c. Click OK to save the changes.

d. Repeat Steps a through c for each Listener that you want to automatically start.

Each Colleague application environment includes at least two DMI Listeners (a DMI application server and a DMI data access server). In addition, you may have installed other DMI Listeners, such as a DMI print server and DMI RPC server.

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Setup and Customization: Defining DMI Listener and Daemon Parameters

Changing the Daemon PortWhen you install a daemon, it is set to listen on Port 9000. Use the following procedure if you want to change that port.

Step 1. On the host computer where the daemon is installed, access the dmi.ini file in a text editor.

The dmi.ini file is located in the daemon installation directory that you selected when you ran the daemon InstallShield.

Step 2. Edit the DaemonPort line to the desired port.

Example: DaemonPort=8800

Step 3. Save the changes to the dmi.ini file.

Step 4. Stop and restart the daemon so that the change will take effect.

See “Starting and Stopping Datatel Daemons” on page 114 for the procedure for stopping and starting the daemon.

Perform the rest of this procedure on each SA Valet installation that you use to access Colleague.

Step 5. In SA Valet, select the Hosts tab.

Step 6. Right-click the node for the computer where the daemon is installed, and select Edit Connection from the pop-up menu (Figure 8).

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Changing the Daemon Port

Figure 8: Selecting Host Machine Connection Properties in SA Valet

Step 7. On the Host Connection form (Figure 9), enter the new port number in the Daemon Port # field.

Figure 9: Changing the Daemon Port on the Host Connection Form

Step 8. Click OK to change the port.

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Setup and Customization: Defining DMI Listener and Daemon Parameters

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Setup and Customization

Securing Colleague Connections

In This ChapterThis chapter contains procedures for securing connections between Colleague software components. Table 7 lists the concepts and procedures covered in this chapter.

Table 7: Topics in this Chapter

Topic Page

Understanding Security for Colleague Connections 38

Procedures for Securing Colleague Connections 46

Procedures for Installing and Managing Certificates 58

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Understanding Security for Colleague Connections

This section provides background information about securing connections between Colleague components. Table 8 lists the topics covered in this section.

Step-by-step procedures for securing Colleague connections begin on page 46.

Figure 10 on page 39 shows the Colleague connections addressed in this chapter. Note that Figure 10 show a Datatel daemon installed on an application server computer and a database computer. Your configuration might be different. For example, you might have just one computer instead of two, with the Colleague executables and data on the same computer. Or, you might have additional computers that host a Datatel daemon (such as a DMI print server).

Table 8: Topics in this Section

Topic Page

Certificates 39

Connection Between the DMI Application Server and the Colleague Executables


Connection Between the DMI Data Access Server and the Application Server


Connection Between the DMI Application Server and WebAdvisor 42

Connection Between SA Valet and the Daemon 43

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Understanding Security for Colleague Connections

Figure 10: Colleague Connections That Can be Secured


Security for Colleague connections is supplied by a combination of a signed or client authentication certificate, which contains a private key, and a public certificate, which contains the corresponding public key. You can install all of these types of certificates from SA Valet.

Application server computer

Database computer

Web server computer

SA Valet computer

SA Valet Daemon Daemon

DMI application server

Colleague executables

Web server softwareWebAdvisor

UI client computer

UI client

See the User Interface Installation and Administration manual for the procedure for securing this connection.

DMI data access server

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Signed Certificate

A signed certificate is a certificate obtained from a certificate authority such as VeriSign. Signed certificates are used for securing a server that communicates with any machine outside of your firewall. For example, if you are using WebAdvisor to process credit card payments, you must install a signed certificate on the application server computer.

The process for installing a signed certificate includes the following steps:

From SA Valet, generate a request for the signed certificate.

Send the request to the certificate authority.

After receiving the signed certificate, install it using SA Valet.

Client Authentication Certificate

A client authentication certificate is similar to a VeriSign Class 1 certificate. A client authentication certificate authenticates the validity of client connection. A client authentication certificate may only be used to authenticate the connection from SA Valet to a daemon.

Public Certificates

To verify that a signed or client authentication certificate is authentic, the receiver needs the corresponding public key, which is stored in a public certificate. Public certificates are also known as root certificates.

For signed certificates, which come from certificate authorities, the corresponding public certificate is supplied by the certificate authority (CA). CA public certificates from the major certificate authorities are delivered with the following software:

Web browsers.

Web server software.

SA Valet. Public certificates are stored in the following folder: C:\Program Files\Datatel\SaValet 2.7.0\security\clientcas.

Datatel daemon. Public certificates are stored in the /security/clientcas subdirectory.

If the required public certificate is delivered with the software, you don’t need to do anything to install it.

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Understanding Security for Colleague Connections

However, for client authentication certificates, you need to install the public certificate using SA Valet. Even for signed certificates, there are cases where a required public certificate is not delivered with the software. In particular, there are two cases where you may want to import and install a CA public certificate manually to a Web server, to SA Valet, or to a daemon:

You want to import a CA public certificate that was not shipped with the software.

You have installed a trial server certificate in your test environment, requiring a matching test CA public certificate to be installed to SA Valet and the Web server in the test environment.

Intermediate Certificates

Some CA’s also generate an intermediate certificate. Intermediate certificates are used to add an extra level of security between signed certificates and the CA public (root) certificate. A public certificate and an intermediate certificate together are sometimes referred to as a chained certificate.

To install an intermediate certificate, paste the intermediate certificate immediately after the signed certificate in the Insert Certificate window in SA Valet. See “Installing a Signed Certificate” beginning on page 61 for the procedure.

Connection Between the DMI Application Server and the Colleague Executables

This connection is not secured with certificates. Ellucian recommends specifying the loopback address ( for communications, so that transactions are kept local to the computer on which the DMI application server and the Colleague executables are installed. Use the procedure on page 46.

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Connection Between the DMI Data Access Server and the Application Server

If you have multiple networks connecting your DMI Data Access Server and Application Server, you can choose to Enable Private IP support which can increase throughput between the servers. If your database server has both a public IP and a private IP address, and you do not choose to enable the Private IP option, then the public IP address will be used automatically.

See “Securing the Connection Between the DMI Data Access Server and the Application Server” on page 47 for the step-by-step procedure.

Connection Between the DMI Application Server and WebAdvisor

Figure 11 shows the components involved in the connection between the DMI application server and WebAdvisor, and the certificates needed to secure that connection.

Figure 11: Components and Certificates for a Secure Connection Between the DMI Application Server and WebAdvisor

Securing this connection requires that you do the following:

Install a signed certificate on the computer that hosts the DMI application server (Server Cert A in Figure 11). If you already installed a signed certificate to support secure communications between the daemon on that computer and SA Valet, you don’t need to take any further action for the signed certificate.

Ensure that a public certificate that is compatible with the signed certificate is installed with the Web server (Public Cert A in Figure 11). If you installed a signed certificate, the corresponding public certificate most

Application server computer Web server computer

DMI application server Web server software

Server Cert A Public Cert A

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Understanding Security for Colleague Connections

likely was delivered with the Web server software. If not, you can install it from SA Valet.

Specify a secure port for the DMI application server.

Specify the certificate vault password on the Listener Startup Properties form.

Specify secure transmittals from the Web server to the DMI application server.

See “Securing the Connection Between the DMI Application Server and WebAdvisor” on page 51 for the step-by-step procedure.

Connection Between SA Valet and the Daemon

Figure 12 shows the components involved in the connection between SA Valet and the Datatel daemon, and the certificates needed to secure that connection. Three levels of security are available for this connection. Table 9 describes each level and lists the certificates required to achieve that level of security. Ellucian recommends using client-authenticated SSL to secure each of these connections.

See “Securing the Connection Between SA Valet and the Datatel Daemon” on page 52 for the step-by-step procedure for securing this connection.

Figure 12: Components and Certificates for a Secure Connection Between SA Valet and the Daemon

Application server computer Database computerSA Valet computer

SA Valet Daemon Daemon

Server Cert A

Public Cert C*Server Cert BPublic Cert C*

Public Cert APublic Cert BClientAuthentication Cert C*

*Required only for client-authenticated SSL

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High Level Procedure for Securing Colleague

Use this high level procedure as a guide for the overall process for securing Colleague. Be sure to conduct thorough testing for each connection you secure before moving on to the next step.

Step 1. Manage communications between the DMI application server and the Colleague executables.

Complete “Managing the Connection Between the DMI Application Server and the Colleague Executables” on page 46 to complete this step.

Step 2. Secure communications between the DMI application server and the DMI data access server (DAS).

Complete “Securing the Connection Between the DMI Data Access Server and the Application Server” on page 47 to complete this step.

Step 3. Install a signed certificate on each host.

Complete “Generating the Request for a Signed Certificate” on page 58 and “Installing a Signed Certificate” on page 61 to request and install a signed certificate on each host.

Step 4. Secure communications for DMI Listeners.

Table 9: Security Levels for the SA Valet-Daemon Connection

Security Level Description Certificates Required for this Level of Security

None Connection is not secure.

SSL Communications are encrypted.

Install a signed certificate on the computer that hosts the daemon (Server Certs A and B in Figure 12).

If necessary, install an intermediate certificate with the server certificate (required only if instructed to do so by the certificate authority).

Client-authenticated SSL

Communications are encrypted and SA Valet is authenticated when it attempts to contact the daemon.

Same as above, plus:

Install a client certificate with SA Valet (Client Authentication Cert C in Figure 12).

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Understanding Security for Colleague Connections

Complete “Securing a DMI Listener” on page 49 for each DMI Listener that you want to secure, including any Listeners used for style sheet printing.

Step 5. Secure communications from WebAdvisor to the DMI application server.

Complete “Securing the Connection Between the DMI Application Server and WebAdvisor” on page 51 to complete this step.

Step 6. Optional. Authenticate communications between SA Valet and all daemons.

See “Securing the Connection Between SA Valet and the Datatel Daemon” on page 52 for more information.

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Setup and Customization: Securing Colleague Connections

Procedures for Securing Colleague Connections

This section contains procedures for securing connections between Colleague components. Where certificates are used, these procedures refer to the detailed procedures in “Procedures for Installing and Managing Certificates” beginning on page 58. Table 10 lists the topics covered in this section.

Managing the Connection Between the DMI Application Server and the Colleague Executables

The connection between the DMI application server and the Colleague executables is not secured with certificates. Ellucian recommends specifying the loopback address ( for communications, so that transactions are kept local to the computer on which the DMI application server and the Colleague executables are installed. Use the procedure below.

Step 1. From User Interface, access the Define Account WebConfig (DWEB) form (Figure 13).

Table 10: Topics in this Section

Topic Page

Managing the Connection Between the DMI Application Server and the Colleague Executables


Securing the Connection Between the DMI Data Access Server and the Application Server


Securing a DMI Listener 49

Securing the Connection Between the DMI Application Server and WebAdvisor


Securing the Connection Between SA Valet and the Datatel Daemon 52

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Procedures for Securing Colleague Connections

Figure 13: Define Account WebConfig (DWEB) Form

Step 2. In the DMI Listener IP Address field, enter

Step 3. Save your changes on the DWEB form.

Securing the Connection Between the DMI Data Access Server and the Application Server

The connection between the DMI data access server (DAS) and the application server can be made with either a public or private IP address (such as using a crossover cable). Use a private IP address to secure the connection between the DAS and the application server.

Perform the following procedure to enable private IP support.

Step 1. In SA Valet, connect to the application environment if not already connected.

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See “Accessing Colleague from SA Valet” beginning on page 1 for the detailed procedure for connecting to the local product repository and then to the application environment. If the application environment node is expanded, you are already connected.

Step 2. Right-click the application environment node and select Database Access Server Properties from the pop-up menu. The Database Access Server Properties form displays, as shown in Figure 14.

Figure 14: Database Access Server Properties Private IP Support Set Up

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Procedures for Securing Colleague Connections

Step 3. On the Database Access Server Properties form, enter the following information:

Enable Private IP. Check this box to use a private IP address.

Database Host Private IP. Enter the private IP address to use when connecting the servers. If you are running in a combined environment, you can use the loopback address (

Step 4. Click OK.

Securing a DMI Listener

Before starting this procedure, you must first install a signed certificate on the host for each DMI Listener you want to secure. See “Generating the Request for a Signed Certificate” on page 58 for the procedure.

Step 1. In SA Valet, connect to the application environment if not already connected.

See “Accessing Colleague from SA Valet” beginning on page 1 for the detailed procedure for connecting to the local product repository and then to the application environment. If the application environment node is expanded, you are already connected.

Step 2. Right-click on the node for the DMI Listener for which you want to specify security, and then click Properties. The Listener Startup Properties form displays, as shown in Figure 15.

Technical Tip: If you specified the same server host name for the database and application servers when you created the application environment, using either the Set Up Colleague Application Environment wizard or the Clone Application Environment wizard, then the wizard automatically specifies the loopback address. You do not need to use this procedure to specify it.

Note: Enabling or disabling this option will stop and restart the Database Access Server (DAS) and all application Listeners.

Note: In order to access this secure port from WebAdvisor, you must also set up WebAdvisor to use a secure port when communicating with the DMI application server. See the WebAdvisor Installation and Administration manual for the procedure.

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Figure 15: Specifying the Certificate Vault Password for a Listener

Step 3. In the Host Certificate Vault Password field, enter the certificate vault password that is associated with the certificate vault on the server where the Listener resides.

Step 4. Enter the DMI Listener’s secure port number in the Secure SSL Port field.

Step 5. If you want the Listener to use only the secure port for communications, select Force Server SSL.

Step 6. Click OK to close the form and save your changes.

Note: Only select this option after extensive testing to ensure communication occurs properly on the secure port. With this option selected, the Listener will not allow connections to the non-secure port if communication on the secure port fails.

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Procedures for Securing Colleague Connections

Securing the Connection Between the DMI Application Server and WebAdvisor

Perform this procedure to establish a secure connection between the DMI Application Server and WebAdvisor.

Follow Step 1 through Step 3 to install a public certificate on the Web server software to support secure communications with the DMI application server. If the Web server software already has the required public certificate from the certificate authority, skip to Step 4. Most Web server software has the public certificates for the more popular certificate authorities included.

Step 1. Obtain the public certificate (also known as a root certificate) from the certificate authority (CA). For example, if your CA is VeriSign, you can download the root certificates from

Contact your CA for specific instructions on how to obtain their root certificates.

Step 2. Manually add the certificate as a pem file to the clientcas folder under the WebAdvisor deployment directory.

Step 3. If this is a WebAdvisor 3.x installation, rebuild and redeploy the WAR file.

See the WebAdvisor Installation and Administration manual for the procedure.

Step 4. Specify secure transmittals between the Web server and the DMI application server, using the procedure in the WebAdvisor Installation and Administration manual.

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Securing the Connection Between SA Valet and the Datatel Daemon

See “Connection Between SA Valet and the Daemon” on page 43 for a description of securing this connection.

Before performing the procedures in this section, do the following:

Decide on a security level (SSL or client-authenticated SSL). See “Connection Between SA Valet and the Daemon” on page 43 for a description of the security levels.

Select a server certificate type (signed or client authentication) for each computer that hosts a daemon. If you have secured the DMI Listeners on each host, you already have a signed certificate installed on those hosts. See “Certificates” on page 39 for considerations.

Based on the selected security level and server certificate type, perform the applicable procedures listed in Table 11.

Specifying the Security Level in the Daemon and in SA Valet

Perform this procedure for each computer on which you have installed a Datatel daemon.

Step 1. On the host computer where the daemon is installed, access the dmi.ini file in a text editor.

Table 11: Procedures Required for SA Valet-Daemon Security

Security Type Required Procedures Note

SSL “Installing a Signed Certificate” on page 61

“Specifying the Security Level in the Daemon and in SA Valet” on page 52

If you previously secured a DMI Listener on the same machine as the daemon, you already installed a signed certificate that can be used to secure communications to the daemon. You do not need to install another signed certificate.

Client authenticated SSL All of the above plus:

“Establishing Client Authentication for the SA Valet-Daemon Connection” on page 54

In order to use client authenticated SSL, you must first have a signed certificate.

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Procedures for Securing Colleague Connections

The dmi.ini file is located in the daemon installation directory that you selected when you ran the daemon InstallShield.

Step 2. Which type of secure connection do you want to use?

SSL. Edit the SecurityType line to SecurityType=SSL. Continue with Step 3.

Client authenticated SSL. Edit the SecurityType line to SecurityType=CLIENTSSL. Complete “Establishing Client Authentication for the SA Valet-Daemon Connection” on page 54 before continuing with the rest of this procedure.

Step 3. Save the changes to the dmi.ini file.

Step 4. Stop and restart the daemon so that the change will take effect.

See “Starting and Stopping Datatel Daemons” beginning on page 114 for the procedures.

Step 5. In SA Valet, select the Hosts tab.

Step 6. Right-click the node for the host computer on which the daemon is installed, and select Edit Connection from the pop-up menu. The Host Connection form is displayed, as shown in Figure 16.

Figure 16: Selecting Security Type on the Host Connection Form

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Step 7. On the Host Machine Properties form, select the appropriate security type on the Daemon Security Type group.

This security type must match the type that you specified in Step 2.

Step 8. Click OK to save the changes.

Step 9. Repeat Steps 1 through 8 for each host computer.

Establishing Client Authentication for the SA Valet-Daemon Connection

The application server computer or database computer to which you are establishing client authentication must first have a signed certificate. Client authentication will fail without a signed certificate.

Step 1. In SA Valet, select the Hosts tab.

Step 2. Select the SA Valet node (Figure 17).

Figure 17: Selecting the SA Valet Node

Step 3. Generate a client authentication certificate for SA Valet, using the procedure in “Generating a Client Authentication Certificate” on page 66.

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Procedures for Securing Colleague Connections

Step 4. Select the SA Valet node (Figure 17).

Step 5. From the Security menu, select Manage Private Key, and then View Encoded Certificate.

Step 6. If prompted, enter the certificate vault password that you created when you generated the client authentication certificate (Figure 18), and then click OK.

Figure 18: Entering the Certificate Vault Password

Step 7. In the View Encoded Certificate window (Figure 19), copy the text of the certificate as follows:

a. Right-click anywhere in the text and select SELECT ALL.

b. Right-click anywhere in the text and select COPY.

Be sure to copy the entire text including the -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- and -----END CERTIFICATE----- headers.

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Figure 19: View Encoded Certificate Window

Step 8. Click Close.

Step 9. Select the node for the host computer on which the daemon is installed (Figure 20).

Figure 20: Selecting the Host Computer Node

Step 10. From the Security menu, select Install Public Certificate.

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Procedures for Securing Colleague Connections

Step 11. In the Install Public Certificate window (Figure 21), enter the following:

Friendly Name (Alias). Enter a short name that will be used to identify the certificate when it is installed.

Message Text. Click anywhere in this text field and use the CTRL+V shortcut to paste the text that you copied in Step 7.

Figure 21: Install Public Certificate Window

Step 12. Click OK to create the public certificate on the host computer.

Step 13. Repeat Steps 9 through 12 for each host computer (for example, the application server computer and the database computer.

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Procedures for Installing and Managing Certificates

This section contains procedures for installing and managing certificates on computers used with Colleague. Table 12 lists the topics covered in this section.

Generating the Request for a Signed Certificate

When SA Valet is used to generate a certificate request (also known as a certificate signing request, or CSR), a public key and a private key are generated by an encryption algorithm. The private key is saved in the Listener’s keystore, while the public key is included in the certificate request.

Perform the following steps to request a signed digital certificate.

Step 1. In SA Valet, select the Hosts tab.

Step 2. Select the node for the host computer on which you want to install the signed certificate (Figure 22).

Table 12: Topics in this Section

Topic Page

Generating the Request for a Signed Certificate 58

Installing a Signed Certificate 61

Examining a Certificate 69

Deleting a Certificate 70

Installing a Public Certificate 72

Managing Public Certificates 73

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Procedures for Installing and Managing Certificates

Figure 22: Selecting the Host Computer Node

Step 3. From the Security menu, select Generate Signed Certificate Request.

The Certificate Request Properties dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 23.

Figure 23: Certificate Request Properties Dialog Box

Step 4. Complete the Certificate Request Properties dialog box. See the online help for more information about any field.

Step 5. Check your entries carefully, and then click OK to create the certificate request, or Cancel to discard it and start again. The Certificate Request window is displayed, as shown in Figure 24.

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Figure 24: Certificate Request Window

Step 6. Right click anywhere in the window to display the pop-up menu. Use the SELECT_ALL and COPY options to copy the encrypted text from the Certificate Request window to the Windows clipboard.

Step 7. Open the certificate authority’s Web page and follow the directions shown there. Paste the encrypted text that was copied to the clipboard from the Certificate Request window into the appropriate text box, and submit the certificate request as directed.

Right-Click Pop-up Menu Options

ALERT! At this time we strongly recommend that you backup the dmi.keystore file that contains your private key information. The dmi.keystore file resides in the daemon directory with dmilistener.jar file. If this file should become corrupted or lost before you receive your signed digital certificate, you will be unable to install the certificate. After the signed digital certificate has been installed into the vault, you should again back up the dmi.keystore file.

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Procedures for Installing and Managing Certificates

Installing a Signed Certificate

Before starting this procedure, you must first request a signed certificate. See “Generating the Request for a Signed Certificate” on page 58 for the procedure.

Upon receipt of the request you generated, the certificate authority performs due diligence to verify the information. This process typically takes five to ten days. After verifying the information in your request, the certificate authority adds its digital signature to the certificate and returns it to you in the form of a Base64 Privacy Enhanced Mail (PEM) encoded message, encrypted with your public key so that only you can decrypt it. The certificate is automatically decrypted when you install it.

Perform the following steps to install the signed certificate.

Step 1. Copy the PEM encoded message that you received from the certificate authority, including the -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- and -----END CERTIFICATE----- headers, into the Windows clipboard. You can use the Windows shortcut CTRL+C to copy to the clipboard.

Step 2. In SA Valet, select the Hosts tab.

Step 3. Select the node for the host computer for which you requested a certificate (Figure 22).

Note: Ellucian strongly recommends that you also save the PEM encoded message in a secured folder and/or keep a soft copy of it in a secure location.

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Figure 25: Selecting the Host Computer Node

Step 4. From the Security menu, select Manage Private Key, and then Install Signed Certificate.

Step 5. If prompted, enter the certificate vault password that you created when you generated the server certificate (Figure 26), and then click OK.

Figure 26: Entering the Certificate Vault Password

Step 6. In the Insert Certificate window (Figure 27), paste the entire certificate into the Certificate field, using the Windows shortcut CTRL+V.

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Procedures for Installing and Managing Certificates

Figure 27: Insert Certificate Window

Step 7. If the certificate authority issued an intermediate certificate along with the signed certificate, copy the intermediate certificate and paste the test immediately after the signed certificate (after the END CERTIFICATE line). Not all signed certificates have an associated intermediate certificate.

Step 8. Click OK to install the signed certificate into the DMI Listener certificate vault.

Renewing a Signed Certificate

Perform the following steps to renew a signed certificate.

ALERT! At this time we strongly recommend that you backup the dmi.keystore and vaultPKI.p12 files that contain your private key information. The dmi.keystore file resides in the daemon directory with dmilistener.jar file. The vaultPKI.p12 file resides in the security subdirectory. Keep the backup copy in a secure location.

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Step 1. In SA Valet, select the Hosts tab.

Step 2. Select the node for the host computer on which you want to renew the signed certificate (Figure 28).

Figure 28: Selecting the Host Computer Node

Step 3. From the Security menu, select Manage Private Key, and then Renew Signed Certificate.

Step 4. If prompted, enter the certificate vault password that you created when you generated the server certificate (Figure 29), and then click OK.

Figure 29: Entering the Certificate Vault Password

The Certificate Renew Properties dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 30.

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Procedures for Installing and Managing Certificates

Figure 30: Certificate Renew Properties Dialog Box

Step 5. Complete the Certificate Renew Properties dialog box. See the online help for more information about any field.

Step 6. Check your entries carefully, and then click OK to renew the certificate, or Cancel to discard it and start again. The Certificate Request window is displayed, as shown in Figure 31.

Figure 31: Certificate Request Window

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Step 7. Right click anywhere in the window to display the pop-up menu. Use the SELECT_ALL and COPY options to copy the encrypted text from the Certificate Request window to the Windows clipboard.

Step 8. Open the certificate authority’s Web page and follow the directions shown there. Paste the encrypted text that was copied to the clipboard from the Certificate Request window into the appropriate text box, and submit the certificate request as directed.

Step 9. Click Close.

Step 10. Once you receive a response from the certificate authority, delete the existing certificate and then install the signed response. See “Deleting a Certificate” on page 70 and “Installing a Signed Certificate” on page 61 for more information.

Generating a Client Authentication Certificate

Perform the following steps to generate a client authentication certificate. A client authentication certificate is only valid for the connection between SA Valet and a daemon.

Step 1. In SA Valet, select the Hosts tab.

Step 2. Select the SA Valet node.

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Procedures for Installing and Managing Certificates

Figure 32: Selecting the Node for a Client Authentication Certificate

Step 3. From the Security menu, select Generate Client Authentication Certificate.

The Client Authentication Certificate Properties dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 33.

Figure 33: Client Authentication Certificate Properties Dialog Box

Step 4. Complete the Client Authentication Certificate Properties dialog box as follows:

Client Certificate Vault Password. Create a password for the certificate vault.

Record this password in a safe place. You will need to provide it when you

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Setup and Customization: Securing Colleague Connections

want to manage the Listeners.

Common Name. Specify the fully qualified host name used in DNS lookups (for example,, in other words, the host name in the URL that a browser uses to connect to your site.

Organization. Enter the official, legal name of your institution. Most certificate authorities require this information to be verified with legal documents, such as a Dun & Bradstreet DUNS number.

Organization Unit. Enter a description of an organizational unit within your institution, if desired.

Locality. Enter the name of the city, principality, or country for your institution, if desired.

State or Province. Enter the full name (not the two-letter abbreviation) of the state or province in which your institution is located.

Country. Enter the two-character abbreviation of your country name in International Organization for Standardization (ISO) format. The two-character country codes for current Ellucian Clients are:• United States – US• Canada – CA• Bermuda – BM

Step 5. Click OK to generate the client authentication certificate.

Technical Tip: When you are generating the client authentication certificate for SA Valet on a PC, you can get the common name of the PC using Control Panel/System. The computer name is on the Computer Name tab.

Note: For more information about ISO, see

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Procedures for Installing and Managing Certificates

Examining a Certificate

Use this procedure to view when a certificate expires. You can also view which root certificate the signed certificate uses.

Step 1. In SA Valet, select the Hosts tab.

Step 2. Select the node for the host computer on which you want to examine the certificate (Figure 34).

Figure 34: Selecting the Host Computer Node

Step 3. From the Security menu, select Manage Private Key, and then Examine Certificate.

Step 4. In the Examine Certificate window (Figure 35), view the certificate. You can copy the contents to paste elsewhere, if desired.

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Setup and Customization: Securing Colleague Connections

Figure 35: Examine Certificate Window

Deleting a Certificate

Use the following procedure to delete a signed or client authenticated certificate. This procedure clears the contents of the certificate vault.

Step 1. In SA Valet, select the Hosts tab.

Step 2. Select the component for which you want to delete the certificate (Figure 36):

To delete the server certificate on a Colleague host computer, select the node for that host computer.

To delete a client certificate on SA Valet, select the SA Valet node.

ALERT! Deleting a signed certificate might require that you purchase a replacement certificate.

Right-Click Pop-up Menu

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Procedures for Installing and Managing Certificates

Figure 36: Selecting the Node for Deleting a Certificate

Step 3. From the Security menu, select Manage Private Key, and then Delete Certificate.

Step 4. In the Confirm Reset window (Figure 37), click OK to confirm that you want to delete the certificate.

Figure 37: Confirm Reset Dialog Box

Step 5. If prompted, enter the certificate vault password that you created when you generated the certificate (Figure 38), and then click OK.

Figure 38: Entering the Certificate Vault Password

Select SA Valet or the host computer, depending on where you want to remove the certificate.In this example, the host computer is selected.

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Setup and Customization: Securing Colleague Connections

Installing a Public Certificate

Before starting this procedure, you must obtain the public certificate and copy the text of the public certificate.

Step 1. In SA Valet, select the component on which you want to install the public certificate:

To install a public certificate on a Colleague host computer, select the Hosts tab, and then select the node for that host computer.

To install a public certificate on SA Valet, select the Hosts tab, and then select the SA Valet node.

To install a public certificate on the Web server, select the Environments tab, and then select the Web server node.

Step 2. From the Security menu, select Install Public Certificate. The Install Public Certificate window is displayed, as shown in Figure 39.

Note: To see the Web server node, you will need to connect to the application environment if not already connected. See “Accessing Colleague from SA Valet” beginning on page 1 for the detailed procedure for connecting to the local product repository and then to the application environment.

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Procedures for Installing and Managing Certificates

Figure 39: Install Public Certificate Window

Step 3. In the Install Public Certificate window, enter the following:

Friendly Name (Alias). Enter a short name that will be used to identify the certificate when it is installed.

Message Text. Click anywhere in this text field and use the CTRL+V shortcut to paste the text of the public certificate.

Step 4. Click OK to install the public certificate.

Managing Public Certificates

The Manage Certificates option in the SA Valet Security menu allows you to examine, view, or remove a public certificate in the certificate vault of a host computer, SA Valet, or Web server. To manage the certificates in a certificate vault, perform the following steps:

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Step 1. In SA Valet, select the component on which you want to manage the public certificate:

To manage a public certificate on a Colleague host computer, select the Hosts tab, and then select the node for that host computer.

To manage a public certificate on SA Valet, select the Hosts tab, and then select the SA Valet node.

To manage a public certificate on the Web server, select the Environments tab, and then select the Web server node.

In the example in Figure 40, a host computer node is selected.

Figure 40: Selecting the Computer Where You Want to Manage Public Certificates

Step 2. From the Security menu, select Manage Public Certificates.

Step 3. In the Certificates window (Figure 41), select the certificate that you want to manage.

Step 4. Right-click on the node for that certificate to display the pop-up menu.

Note: To see the Web server node, you will need to connect to the application environment if not already connected. See “Accessing Colleague from SA Valet” beginning on page 1 for the detailed procedure for connecting to the local product repository and then to the application environment.

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Procedures for Installing and Managing Certificates

Figure 41: Certificates Window

Step 5. Choose the desired option and continue as directed in Table 13.

Examining a Public Certificate

If you choose Examine Certificate, information about the certificate is displayed as shown in Figure 42.

You can copy the information to the clipboard by right-clicking anywhere in the window and choosing SELECT_ALL and COPY from the pop-up menu.

Right-click pop-up menu options

Table 13: Options for Managing a Public Certificate

Menu Option Procedure

Examine Certificate “Examining a Public Certificate” on page 75

View Encoded Certificate “Viewing an Encoded Certificate” on page 76

Remove Certificate “Deleting a Public Certificate” on page 77

Note: The information is displayed in inquiry-only mode. Although it appears to be editable, changes made here are not saved when you click Close.

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Setup and Customization: Securing Colleague Connections

Figure 42: Examining a Public Certificate

Viewing an Encoded Certificate

To view the text of a public certificate, choose View Encoded Certificate from the pop-up menu. Typically, you would use this option in order to copy the text of the encoded certificate so that you can install it on another computer.

Right-Click Pop-up Menu Options

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Procedures for Installing and Managing Certificates

Figure 43: View Encoded Certificate Window

Deleting a Public Certificate

To remove a certificate from the truststore, choose Delete Certificate from the pop-up menu. A confirmation box is displayed. Click Yes to confirm or No to cancel the deletion.

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Setup and Customization: Securing Colleague Connections

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Setup and Customization

Enabling Windows Authentication (SQL Server)

In This ChapterThis chapter provides procedures for enabling Windows authentication for SQL Server databases, so that users are authenticated against user information in the Windows domain rather than the SQL Server database. Table 14 lists the topics covered in this chapter.

Table 14: Topics in this Chapter

Topic Page

Understanding Windows Authentication 80

Procedures for Setting Up Windows Authentication 86

Setting Up Windows Authentication in Colleague 86

Creating the Administrative User in the Windows Domain 88

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Setup and Customization: Enabling Windows Authentication (SQL Server)

Understanding Windows Authentication

SQL Server offers two methods of authenticating users:

Windows authentication. Users are authenticated against the user information in the Windows domain.

SQL Server authentication. Users are authenticated against the user information in SQL Server.

Windows Authentication

Figure 44 shows an example of a login to Colleague where Windows authentication has been selected. When the Colleague user logs in to Colleague (for example, from UI Desktop), the user’s login ID and password are authenticated against the Windows domain. If this login succeeds, the login ID and password are passed, via the Colleague executables and the DMI data access server, to SQL Server. SQL Server then performs its own authentication (database authentication) against the Windows domain. This second authentication should always succeed because the login ID and password were already confirmed by the earlier system login.

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Understanding Windows Authentication

Figure 44: User Login With Windows Authentication

With Windows authentication, the user must be set up in SQL Server with the same login ID as in Windows. You also specify the Windows domain, so that the resulting SQL Server login ID includes the domain name as shown in Figure 45. However, the user does not need a password in SQL Server.

Windows domain

Colleague database computer

Colleague executables

SQL Server

DMI data access server

Colleague database

SQL Server usersID = MYCOLLEGE\jsmith, (no password needed)

Windows domain usersID = jsmith, PW = jns999

Ellucian loginID = jsmith, PW = jns999





Application server computer



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Setup and Customization: Enabling Windows Authentication (SQL Server)

Figure 45: SQL Server Login for Windows Authentication

SQL Server Authentication

Figure 46 shows an example where SQL Server authentication has been selected. As before, the system login is against the Windows domain. The database authentication, however, is against the user database in SQL Server. This raises the following issues:

If a user’s password in Windows and SQL Server are different, the database authentication will fail and the user will be prompted for the database password (the one in the SQL Server database of users).

The system administrator must maintain the SQL Server passwords.

The user must remember two passwords.

For these reasons, Windows authentication is usually preferred over SQL Server authentication.

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Understanding Windows Authentication

Figure 46: User Login With SQL Server Authentication

With SQL Server authentication, both the login ID and password are specified (Figure 47).

Windows domain

Colleague database computer

Colleague executables

SQL Server

DMI data access server

Colleague database








SQL Server usersID = jsmith, PW = abc001

Windows domain usersID = jsmith, PW = jns999

Ellucian loginID = jsmith, PW = jns999



m lo


Application server computer

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Setup and Customization: Enabling Windows Authentication (SQL Server)

Figure 47: SQL Server Login for SQL Server Authentication

Dual SQL Server Logins

You will need to set up some users with both types of logins in SQL Server:

For any application environment, you will need to set up the administrative user with both types of logins. This is the database username and password you entered when you created the application environment (Figure 48).

If you have one environment that uses Windows authentication and another that uses SQL Server authentication, all users needing access to both environments must have both types of logins. This might happen, for example, if you are switching from SQL Server authentication to Windows authentication, and your test environment uses Windows authentication but your production environment still uses SQL Server authentication.

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Understanding Windows Authentication

Giving a user both types of logins means creating two logins for the user in SQL Server, one using Windows authentication and one using SQL Server authentication. In the examples above, the user would need two logins in SQL Server: jsmith and MYCOLLEGE\jsmith.

Figure 48: Database Username and Password Entered When Creating the Application Environment

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Setup and Customization: Enabling Windows Authentication (SQL Server)

Procedures for Setting Up Windows Authentication

Table 15 lists the procedures for setting up Colleague to use Windows authentication. In addition, you must set up SQL Server to use Windows authentication; see your SQL Server documentation for those procedures.

Setting Up Windows Authentication in Colleague

Step 1. In SA Valet, connect to the application environment if not already connected.

See “Accessing Colleague from SA Valet” beginning on page 1 for the detailed procedure for connecting to the local product repository and then to the application environment. If the application environment node is expanded as shown in Figure 49 on page 87, you are already connected.

Step 2. Right-click the application environment node and select Database Access Server Properties from the pop-up menu (Figure 49).

Table 15: Procedures for Setting Up Windows Authentication

Topic Page

Setting Up Windows Authentication in Colleague 86

Creating the Administrative User in the Windows Domain 88

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Procedures for Setting Up Windows Authentication

Figure 49: Selecting Database Access Server Properties

Step 3. On the Database Access Server Properties form (Figure 50), enter the following:

Enable Windows Authentication. Select this check box.

Domain. Enter the Windows domain where the users reside.

Additionally, if your SQL Server implementation is using NTLMv2 authentication, select Enable NTLMv2.

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Setup and Customization: Enabling Windows Authentication (SQL Server)

Figure 50: Enabling Windows Authentication in Colleague

Step 4. Click OK to save your changes.

Creating the Administrative User in the Windows Domain

When you created this application environment, you entered a database username and password that Colleague uses to access the database (Figure 48 on page 85). This username and password must exist in both SQL Server and the Windows domain if you are using Windows authentication. If you have not already done so, create this user in the Windows domain with the same username and password as in SQL Server. In addition, make sure that this user has both types of logins in SQL Server as described in “Dual SQL Server Logins” on page 84.

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Setup and Customization

Enabling Single-Role Colleague Access (SQL Server and Oracle)

In This ChapterThis chapter provides procedures for enabling single-role Colleague access for SQL Server and Oracle databases. Single-role access allows Colleague users to modify Colleague data via Colleague forms, without requiring you to grant each user the SQL Server or Oracle roles to allow them to modify data in the database outside of Colleague.

Table 16 lists the topics covered in this chapter.

Table 16: Topics in this Chapter

Topic Page

Understanding Single-Role Access 90

Procedures for Enabling Single-Role Access for SQL Server 93

Creating the Colleague Access Role in SQL Server 93

Setting Up Users in SQL Server 94

Enabling SQL Server Single-Role Access in Colleague 95

Procedures for Enabling Single-Role Access for Oracle 98

Creating the Colleague Access Role in Oracle 98

Setting Up Users in Oracle 100

Enabling Oracle Single-Role Access in Colleague 101

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Setup and Customization: Enabling Single-Role Colleague Access (SQL Server and Oracle)

Understanding Single-Role AccessUsers can access the Colleague database in either of the following ways:

Database access via Colleague. The user accesses the database by using Colleague (for example, through UI Desktop or WebAdvisor).

Direct database access. The user accesses the database directly (for example, using a database management system tool such as SQL Server Enterprise Manager).

Database Access Without Single-Role Access

The top picture in Figure 51 on page 92 shows both access paths for the situation where single-role access has not been implemented. The user’s access to Colleague forms is limited by Envision security such as Opers records and security classes. Because the user must be able to modify database data from the Colleague forms, you must grant the user a role in the SQL Server or Oracle database that permits data modification. However, this role also allows the user to modify data directly, for example using a database management system tool such as SQL Server Enterprise Manager. You might not want users to be able to modify data in this manner.

Example: Jill Smith works in the Financial Aid office. Using Envision security, you have limited Jill’s Colleague access to the forms she needs in the Financial Aid application. However, in order to allow Jill to change Colleague data via those forms, you have given her a SQL Server role in the Colleague database that allows her to change data. But now she can use SQL Server query tools to access the database directly and change data in any table in the database.

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Understanding Single-Role Access

Database Access With Single-Role Access Enabled

The bottom picture in Figure 51 on page 92 shows the same situation, but with single-role access enabled. Using the procedures in this chapter, you will have done the following:

Defined a special Colleague access role in SQL Server or Oracle, with rights to change data in all tables.

Set up users in SQL Server or Oracle to use the Colleague access role.

Enabled single-role access in the DMI data access server (DMI_DAS), so that the DMI_DAS will use that Colleague access role when accessing the database.

As a result, each Colleague user can be prevented from making direct updates in the Oracle or SQL Server database while at the same time having full access to make updates as needed through Colleague.

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p an

d C



n: E





ole C


ue A

ccess (SQ


erver and



anaging Colleague S

oftware E

nvironments, January 31, 2013

Figure 51: User Access to Colleague Database Without and With Single-Role Access

Colleague database

Colleague database(Colleague access role defined)


Colleague forms

DMI data access server

Database query tools

Database access

via Colleague

Direct database access

Database access defined by user’s role in database

Colleague access defined by Envision security

Without Single-Role Access


Colleague forms

DMI data access server(single-role access enabled)

Database query tools

Database access

via Colleague

Direct database access

Database access defined by single Colleague access role in database

With Single-Role Access Enabled

Database access defined by user’s role in database

Colleague access defined by Envision security

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Procedures for Enabling Single-Role Access for SQL Server

Procedures for Enabling Single-Role Access for SQL Server

Table 17 lists the procedures in this section.

Creating the Colleague Access Role in SQL Server

This procedure uses SQL Server Query Analyzer to create the Colleague access role. You can also create this role from SQL Server Enterprise Manager if you prefer.

Step 1. Access SQL Server Query Analyzer.

Step 2. From the drop-down list on the tool bar, select the database for the Colleague application environment.

Step 3. In the query window (Figure 54 on page 97), enter the following:

EXEC sp_addapprole @rolename='COLLEAGUE_ACCESS_ROLENAME', @password ='PASSWORD'


EXEC sp_addrolemember @rolename='db_owner', @membername='COLLEAGUE_ACCESS_ROLENAME'


Table 17: Procedures for Enabling Single-Role Access for SQL Server

Procedure Page

Creating the Colleague Access Role in SQL Server 93

Setting Up Users in SQL Server 94

Enabling SQL Server Single-Role Access in Colleague 95

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Setup and Customization: Enabling Single-Role Colleague Access (SQL Server and Oracle)


COLLEAGUE_ACCESS_ROLENAME is the name of the role that you are creating.

PASSWORD is a password for that role name. Write the password down; you will need to enter it later (Step 3 on page 96).


EXEC sp_addapprole @rolename='colleague_access', @password ='abcd01'


EXEC sp_addrolemember @rolename='db_owner', @membername='colleague_access'


Step 4. Execute the query to create the Colleague access role.

Setting Up Users in SQL Server

Use the procedure below to set up a single user in SQL Server to use single-role access. The settings in this procedure will allow the user to access the database via Colleague using the special Colleague access role that you have created, but will prevent the user from changing database data via direct database access.

Step 1. In SQL Server Enterprise Manager, access the Login Properties form for the user (Figure 52).

Step 2. On the Server Roles tab, ensure that no roles are selected.

Step 3. On the Database Access tab, do the following:

a. In the upper window, check the box next to the databases that this user should be able to access.

b. In the lower window, check the Public box.

Step 4. Click OK.

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Procedures for Enabling Single-Role Access for SQL Server

Figure 52: Setting Up Single-Role Access on the SQL Server Login Properties Form

Enabling SQL Server Single-Role Access in Colleague

Perform the following procedure to enable single-role access in Colleague.

Step 1. In SA Valet, connect to the application environment if not already connected.

See “Accessing Colleague from SA Valet” beginning on page 1 for the detailed procedure for connecting to the local product repository and then to the application environment. If the application environment node is expanded as shown in Figure 53, you are already connected.

Step 2. Right-click the application environment node and select Database Access Server Properties from the pop-up menu (Figure 53).

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Setup and Customization: Enabling Single-Role Colleague Access (SQL Server and Oracle)

Figure 53: Selecting Database Access Server Properties

Step 3. On the Database Access Server Properties form (Figure 54 on page 97), enter the following:

Enable Role Based Database Access Security. Check this box.

Role Name. Enter the name of the role that you created in SQL Server for Colleague access (Step 3 on page 93).

Password. Enter the password that you created in SQL Server for that role (Step 3 on page 93).

Verify Password. Enter the password again for confirmation.

Step 4. Click OK.

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Procedures for Enabling Single-Role Access for SQL Server

Figure 54: Colleague Access Role Setup in SQL Server Query Analyzer and Colleague (SA Valet)

Setup in Colleague (SA Valet)

Setup in SQL Server Query Analyzer

Role names must match

Passwords must match

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Setup and Customization: Enabling Single-Role Colleague Access (SQL Server and Oracle)

Procedures for Enabling Single-Role Access for Oracle

Table 17 lists the procedures in this section.

Creating the Colleague Access Role in Oracle

This procedure uses SQL Plus to create the Colleague access role. You can use another method if you prefer.

Step 1. Access SQL Plus.

Step 2. At the SQL Plus prompt, enter the following:

create role colleague_access_rolename identified by password

grant privileges to colleague_access_rolename


colleague_access_rolename is the name of the role that you are creating.

password is a password for that role name. Write the password down; you will need to enter it later (Step 3 on page 102).

privileges are Oracle privileges to grant to that role name. You must grant all of the privileges listed in Table 19 on page 99.


create role colleague_access identified by abcd01

grant alter any index, alter any procedure, alter any table, alter session, create any index, create any table, create any procedure, create any view,

Table 18: Procedures for Enabling Single-Role Access for Oracle

Topic Page

Creating the Colleague Access Role in Oracle 98

Setting Up Users in Oracle 100

Enabling Oracle Single-Role Access in Colleague 101

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Procedures for Enabling Single-Role Access for Oracle

create public synonym, create session, delete any table, drop any index, drop any table, execute any class, execute any procedure, insert any table, lock any table, select any dictionary, select any table, update any table to colleague_access

Table 19: Oracle Privileges Required for Single-Role Access

Oracle Privilege





















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Setup and Customization: Enabling Single-Role Colleague Access (SQL Server and Oracle)

Setting Up Users in Oracle

Granting the Colleague Access Role

Use the procedure below to set up a user in Oracle to use single-role access. The settings in this procedure will allow the user to access the database via Colleague using the special Colleague access role that you have created, but will prevent the user from changing database data via direct database access.

Step 1. Access SQL Plus.

Step 2. At the SQL Plus prompt, enter the following:

grant colleague_access_rolename, CONNECT to username

alter user username default role all except colleague_access_rolename


colleague_access_rolename is the name of the role that you created.

username is the user’s Oracle database login.


grant colleague_access, CONNECT to b_smith

alter user b_smith default role all except colleague_access

The first command grants the special Colleague access role (as well as the Oracle CONNECT role) to the user, and the second command ensures that the user does not have that role when accessing the Oracle database through a path other than Colleague.

Reviewing Other Privileges Granted to Users

Once the Colleague access role is enabled, you may want to review the privileges granted to individual users. You can limit those privileges to whatever the user needs when accessing the database outside of Colleague.

Note: After you enable the Colleague access role, users will have the privileges granted to that role, and any Oracle database privileges granted to them personally, when they access Colleague.

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Procedures for Enabling Single-Role Access for Oracle

Enabling Oracle Single-Role Access in Colleague

Perform the following procedure to enable single-role access in Colleague.

Step 1. In SA Valet, connect to the application environment if not already connected.

See “Accessing Colleague from SA Valet” beginning on page 1 for the detailed procedure for connecting to the local product repository and then to the application environment. If the application environment node is expanded as shown in Figure 55, you are already connected.

Step 2. Right-click the application environment node and select Database Access Server Properties from the pop-up menu (Figure 55).

Figure 55: Selecting Database Access Server Properties

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Setup and Customization: Enabling Single-Role Colleague Access (SQL Server and Oracle)

Step 3. On the Database Access Server Properties form (Figure 56 on page 103), enter the following:

Database Type. Select Oracle.

Database Host. Enter or change the name of the host on which the database resides.

Database Port. Enter or change the port number for the database.

Database Name / Path. Enter or change the name / path for the database.

Enable Role Based Database Access Security. Check this box.

Role Name. Enter the name of the role that you created in Oracle for Colleague access (Step 2 on page 98).

Password. Enter the password that you created in Oracle for that role (Step 2 on page 98).

Verify Password. Enter the password again for confirmation.

Step 4. Click OK.

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Procedures for Enabling Single-Role Access for Oracle

Figure 56: Colleague Access Role Setup for Oracle in SQL Plus and in Colleague (SA Valet)

Setup in Colleague (SA Valet)

Setup in Oracle (SQL Plus)

Role names must match

Passwords must match

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Setup and Customization: Enabling Single-Role Colleague Access (SQL Server and Oracle)

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Administration and Monitoring

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Administration and Monitoring

Starting and Stopping DMI Listeners and Daemons

In This ChapterThis chapter contains procedures for starting and stopping DMI Listeners and Datatel daemons. Table 20 lists the topics in this chapter.

Table 20: Topics in this Chapter

Topic Page

Starting and Stopping DMI Listeners 108

Starting and Stopping Datatel Daemons 114

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Administration and Monitoring: Starting and Stopping DMI Listeners and Daemons

Starting and Stopping DMI ListenersTable 21 lists the topics in this section.

Local Product Repository DMI_DAS

The local product repository has one DMI Listener: the DMI data access server (DMI_DAS).

Starting the Local Product Repository DMI_DAS

Step 1. In SA Valet, connect to the local product repository if not already connected.

To connect to the local product repository, right-click the product repository node, select Connect and enter login information if prompted. See “Connecting to the Local Product Repository from SA Valet” on page 2 for a detailed procedure. You are already connected if the local product repository node is expanded to display application environment nodes.

Step 2. Right-click the listener from the product repository node and select Start Listener from the pop-up menu (Figure 57).

Table 21: Topics for Starting and Stopping DMI Listeners

Topic Page

Local Product Repository DMI_DAS 108

Starting the Local Product Repository DMI_DAS 108

Stopping the Local Product Repository DMI_DAS 109

Application Environment Listeners 110

Starting and Stopping All Listeners in an Application Environment 110

Starting and Stopping Individual Listeners in an Application Environment


Listener Status Indicators 112

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Starting and Stopping DMI Listeners

Figure 57: Starting the LPR DMI_DAS from SA Valet

Stopping the Local Product Repository DMI_DAS

Perform the following procedure if you want to stop the DMI data access server for the local product repository.

Step 1. In SA Valet, connect to the local product repository if not already connected.

To connect to the local product repository, right-click the product repository node, select Connect and enter login information if prompted. See “Connecting to the Local Product Repository from SA Valet” on page 2 for a detailed procedure. You are already connected if the local product repository node is expanded to display application environment nodes.

Step 2. Right-click the Listener from the product repository node and select Stop Listener from the pop-up menu (Figure 58).

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Figure 58: Stopping the DMI Data Access Server for the Local Product Repository

Application Environment Listeners

Each Colleague application environment includes at least two DMI Listeners: a DMI application server and a DMI data access server. In addition, you may have installed other DMI Listeners, such as a DMI print server and DMI RPC server. Use the procedures below to start and stop the Listeners.

Before performing these procedures, you must connect to the local product repository and then to the application environment using the procedures in “Accessing Colleague from SA Valet” beginning on page 1.

Starting and Stopping All Listeners in an Application Environment

You can start or stop all Listeners in an application environment. Right-click the environment node and select one of the following options (Figure 59):

Start All Listeners. Starts any Listeners in the application environment that are not running.

Stop All Listeners. Stops all Listeners in the application environment.

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Starting and Stopping DMI Listeners

Figure 59: Right-Click Menu Options for All Listeners

Starting and Stopping Individual Listeners in an Application Environment

You can start or stop individual Listeners in an application environment. Right-click the Listener node and select one of the following options (Figure 60):

Start Listener. Starts the Listener if it is not running. This option will be unavailable if the Listener is already running.

Stop Listener. Stops the Listener if it is running. This option will be unavailable if the Listener is already stopped.

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Figure 60: Right-Click Menu Options for Individual Listeners

Listener Status Indicators

In SA Valet, the icon next to each application environment Listener (Figure 61) indicates the Listener status:

Green indicates that the Listener is running and is not secure.

Green with a padlock indicates that the Listener is running and is secure; specifically, that a server certificate is installed on the host computer and the corresponding public certificate is installed with this SA Valet.

Red indicates that the Listener is stopped.

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Starting and Stopping DMI Listeners

Figure 61: Icons Indicating Listener Status

Refreshing Listener Status Indicators

The Listener status indicator icons are not automatically updated when the Listener status is changed from outside of SA Valet (for example, if a Listener is stopped or started from the Windows Services folder). Do either of the following to ensure that the Listener status indicators are providing the current status:

If you want to refresh all icons in an application environment, right-click the environment node and select Refresh All Listener Statuses from the pop-up menu (Figure 59 on page 111).

If you want to refresh the icon for just one Listener, right-click the Listener node and select Refresh Listener Status from the pop-up menu (Figure 60 on page 112).

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Administration and Monitoring: Starting and Stopping DMI Listeners and Daemons

Starting and Stopping Datatel DaemonsThis section contains procedures for manually starting and stopping a Datatel daemon. Table 21 lists the topics in this section.

The daemon starts automatically when you install it, and is set to restart automatically when the host computer restarts. Examples of situations requiring these manual stop/start procedures are:

If you ever need to install a new version of the daemon, you need to stop the existing daemon first.

After changing the properties in the dmi.ini file, you need to stop and restart the daemon.

Every computer that hosts a DMI Listener must have a Datatel daemon installed on it. See the Installation Procedures for Release 18 for the procedure for installing a Datatel daemon.

Starting a Datatel Daemon

Perform this procedure on each computer where you installed the daemon. You can leave the daemon running on these computers. The daemon must be running when you do any of the following on a computer: install or upgrade Listeners, start and stop Listeners, or create a local product repository or application environment.

Table 22: Topics for Starting and Stopping Datatel Daemons

Topic Page

Starting a Datatel Daemon 114

Stopping a Datatel Daemon 116

Daemon Status Indicators 117

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Starting and Stopping Datatel Daemons

Starting a Datatel Daemon on UNIX or Linux

Step 1. Log in to the computer using a login with the following permissions:

Read/write permissions on the /etc/datateltab file.

Read/write/execute permissions on the daemon folder, including subfolders and files.

Step 2. Navigate to the unixscripts subdirectory in the directory where you installed the daemon.

Step 3. Start the daemon using the following command:

datatelmgr start daemon

Starting a Datatel Daemon on Windows

You can start a daemon in either of two ways: as a Windows service or from the daemon installation folder. The daemon starts as a Windows service when it is automatically started after installation and after machine reboot.

Starting a Daemon as a Windows Service

Step 1. From the Windows Control Panel, open the Services folder.

Step 2. Select the DatatelDaemon service.

Step 3. From the Action menu, select Start to start the daemon.

Technical Tip: To start the daemon in the foreground, navigate to the unixstart subdirectory and type startlistener. If you start the daemon in the foreground, the telnet session used to start the daemon must remain active. You might start the listener in the foreground to monitor the telnet window for debugging purposes.

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Starting a Daemon from the Installation Folder

Step 1. Navigate to the directory where you installed the daemon.

Step 2. Start the daemon by double-clicking the node for the startlistener.bat file.

Stopping a Datatel Daemon

Use the appropriate procedure below for your operating system if you need to stop the daemon.

Stopping a Datatel Daemon on UNIX or Linux

Step 1. Navigate to the unixscripts subdirectory in the directory where you installed the daemon.

Step 2. Stop the daemon using the following command:

datatelmgr stop daemon

This command will only work if you used the “datatelmgr start daemon” command to initially start the daemon.

If you did not use that command to start the daemon, you must locate the process ID and kill the process.To locate the process ID, enter the following command at the UNIX prompt in the directory where the dmilistener.jar file resides:

ps -ef | grep java

This command displays all running Java processes with their process IDs, enabling you to identify and kill the daemon process.

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Starting and Stopping Datatel Daemons

Stopping a Datatel Daemon on Windows

If you started the daemon from the installation folder using the startlistener.bat file, enter CTRL+C in the DOS-type daemon window to stop the daemon.

If you started the daemon as a Windows service, use the procedure below. The daemon starts as a Windows service when it is automatically started after installation and after machine reboot.

Step 1. From the Windows Control Panel, open the Services folder.

Step 2. Select the DatatelDaemon service.

Step 3. From the Action menu, select Stop to stop the daemon.

Daemon Status Indicators

In SA Valet, the icon next to each host name (Figure 62) indicates the daemon status:

Green indicates that the daemon is running and is not secure.

Green with a padlock indicates that the daemon is running and is secure; specifically, that the daemon security type specified on the Host Machine Properties form (Figure 16 on page 53) is either Client-authenticated SSL or Server-Only SSL.

Red indicates that the daemon is stopped.

Figure 62: Icons Indicating Daemon Status


Running in secure mode

Running but not secure

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Refreshing Daemon Status Indicators

The daemon status indicator icons are not automatically updated when the daemon is stopped or started. Do either of the following to ensure that the daemon status indicators are providing the current status:

To refresh the status of all daemons, right-click the SA Valet node and select Refresh All Statuses from the pop-up menu (Figure 63).

To refresh the icon for just one daemon, right-click the host node and select Refresh Daemon Status from the pop-up menu (Figure 64).

Figure 63: Refreshing the Status Indicators for All Daemons

Figure 64: Refreshing the Status Indicator for One Daemon

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Administration and Monitoring

Monitoring DMI Listeners

In This ChapterThis chapter provides procedures for monitoring performance of DMI Listeners, using monitoring tools in SA Valet. Table 23 lists the topics covered in this chapter.

Table 23: Topics in this Chapter

Topic Page

Understanding DMI Listener Monitoring 120

DMI Statistics Tables 121

DMI Statistics Log File 129

Memory Monitor 133

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Administration and Monitoring: Monitoring DMI Listeners

Understanding DMI Listener MonitoringWhen a DMI Listener is running, it can periodically record statistics such as the number of connections to the Listener and database sessions currently in use. These statistics are particularly useful for optimizing WebAdvisor performance.

You can view statistics using any of the following methods:

View current statistics on the DMI statistics tables in SA Valet. See “DMI Statistics Tables” on page 121.

Review a log file that records the statistics at specified intervals. See “DMI Statistics Log File” on page 129.

View real-time memory usage using the Memory Monitor, accessed from SA Valet. See “Memory Monitor” on page 133.

Some Listener parameters require that you stop and restart the Listener for a change to the parameter to take effect. The parameter values displayed in the statistics tables and the log file reflect the current settings of the Listener, which might not match the value entered in a parameter form if you haven’t yet restarted the Listener. For example, if you change the Maximum Concurrent Connections for the Listener from 20 to 30, and then view the Overall Statistics table before restarting the Listener, the Overall table will still display 20 in the Max Threads Allowed row.

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DMI Statistics Tables

DMI Statistics TablesTable 24 lists the topics covered in this section.

Understanding the DMI Statistics Tables

In SA Valet, you can view tables of current statistics for any of the DMI Listeners in an application environment. See below for a description of each of the available statistics tables.

The information in the statistics tables is automatically refreshed periodically, at the interval you specify as described in “Procedure for Defining the Refresh Interval” on page 125. You can also refresh the statistics tables at any time while you are viewing the statistics (see Step 5 on page 127).

This section contains examples of the DMI statistics tables available in SA Valet.

Table 24: Procedures for Setting Up and Viewing Listener Statistics

Procedure Page

Understanding the DMI Statistics Tables 121

Procedure for Defining the Refresh Interval 125

Procedure for Viewing the Statistics Tables 125

Table 25: DMI Statistics Tables

Statistics Table Example

Overall Figure 65 on page 122

Current Connections Figure 66 on page 122

Database Pools Figure 67 on page 123

Database Sessions Figure 68 on page 123

Extensions Figure 69 on page 124

JVM Figure 70 on page 124

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The Overall table (Figure 65) shows high-level statistics for the DMI Listener. Some of the statistics this table displays include:

The date and time when the Listener was started.

The total number of connections made through this Listener since it was started.

Maximum threads allowed connected through this Listener.

Figure 65: Overall Table

The Current Connections table (Figure 66) shows statistics for clients that connect to this DMI Listener, such as WebAdvisor. Some of the statistics this table displays include:

The IP address of users connected to this Listener.

The port number for the server where this Listener resides.

The port number for the computer from which a user is connected.

Figure 66: Current Connections Table

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DMI Statistics Tables

The Database Pools table (Figure 67) shows statistics for database pools, which are the databases available to this Listener. Some of the statistics this table displays include:

Maximum database sessions allowed.

Database sessions currently in use.

Connections waiting for a database session.

Figure 67: Database Pools Table

The Database Sessions table (Figure 68) represents the time spent in the native database for transactions sent through this Listener. This is measured by how long the DMI Listener is waiting for a response from DMI_DISPATCH. Some of the statistics this table displays include:

Minimum execution time for this database.

Maximum execution time for this database.

Average execution time for all transactions to this database for this session.

Figure 68: Database Sessions Table

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The Extensions table (Figure 69) shows statistics for the extensions processed by the DMI Listener, such as INAS and style sheet printing. Some of the statistics this table displays include:

Transaction type.

Transaction description.

Total transactions processed for each transaction type.

Figure 69: Extensions Table

The JVM table (Figure 70) shows the memory usage of the Java Virtual Machine associated with this Listener. Some of the statistics this table displays include:

Total memory available to this JVM.

Free (unused) memory currently available to this JVM.

Active threads count.

Figure 70: JVM Table

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DMI Statistics Tables

Procedure for Defining the Refresh Interval

Use the procedure below to specify the interval at which DMI statistics are automatically refreshed. This interval determines both when the online statistics tables are updated and how often a new set of statistics information is written to the log (if you enable logging as described in “Procedure for Starting and Stopping Logging” on page 130).

Step 1. In SA Valet, from the Tools menu, select Statistics > Log Preferences.

Step 2. In the Log Preferences dialog box (Figure 71), enter the interval at which you want the statistics to be automatically refreshed.

The default is 900 seconds (15 minutes).

Figure 71: Log Preferences Dialog Box

Step 3. Click OK to save the interval.

Procedure for Viewing the Statistics Tables

Perform the following procedure to view statistics for a Listener.

Step 1. In SA Valet, connect to the application environment for which you want to view statistics, if not already connected.

Note: This setting applies to all Listeners.

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See “Accessing Colleague from SA Valet” beginning on page 1 for the detailed procedure for connecting to the local product repository and then to the application environment. If the application environment node is expanded as shown in Figure 72, you are already connected.

Step 2. Right-click the node for the Listener for which you want to view statistics, and click Show Statistics (Figure 72).

Figure 72: Selecting Show Statistics for a DMI Listener

Step 3. If the Colleague Environment Login window (Figure 73) appears, enter the information below and then click OK. (This window will not appear if you previously entered this information since connecting to the application environment.)

DMI Username and Password. Valid username and password for a Colleague login.

Save Login Information. Check this box if you want to save the username and password in a login vault, so that you don’t have to enter them in later SA Valet sessions. See “Storing Login Information in the Login Vault” on page 8 for more information.

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DMI Statistics Tables

Figure 73: Colleague Environment Login Window

Step 4. Click on any tab to view the desired statistics table.

For a description of each statistics table, see “DMI Statistics Tables” beginning on page 121.

Step 5. To refresh the statistics, right-click on any DMI statistics table (Figure 74) and choose one of the Refresh Options to immediately refresh all the tables or only the current table.

Figure 74: Refresh Options Menu

Note: Even if you don’t manually refresh statistics, they will be automatically refreshed at the interval specified in the Log Preferences box (see “Procedure for Defining the Refresh Interval” on page 125).

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Step 6. If you want to change which tables are displayed, right-click on any DMI statistics table (Figure 74) and select one of the following options:

Add/Remove Table. If you don’t want to see all seven tables, or you previously removed a table and you now want to view it again, you can choose the proper table to show or hide from this submenu.

Remove. This option will remove the current table from view.

Note: If you have removed multiple tables, you can right-click on the DMI Listener, and then select Statistics from the menu to reset all the tables to be visible.

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DMI Statistics Log File

DMI Statistics Log FileTable 26 lists the topics covered in this section.

Understanding the Log File

The DMI statistics can be stored in a log file at specified intervals. Figure 75 on page 130 shows an example of the DMI statistics log. The DMI statistics log is saved in the SA Valet home directory (example: C:\Program Files\Datatel\SaValet 2.0) The filename format is Listener_lprname_envname_host_port_Profile_datetime.log, where:

lprname = local product repository name.

envname = application environment name.

host = name of the computer on which the DMI Listener is installed.

port = port on which the DMI Listener is listening.

datetime = date/time stamp, needed because each Listener can have multiple logs.

Example filename:


You can specify the logging interval as described in “Procedure for Defining the Refresh Interval” on page 125. Note that this interval also determines how often the online statistics tables are updated.

If you restart SA Valet, a new log file is started.

You can also import the log into a spreadsheet program. When opening the log in a spreadsheet program, such as Microsoft Excel, use the “|” character (often called a pipe) as the delimiter.

Table 26: Procedures Related to Logging of Listener Statistics

Procedure Page

Understanding the Log File 129

Procedure for Starting and Stopping Logging 130

Procedure for Purging Log Files 132

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Administration and Monitoring: Monitoring DMI Listeners

Figure 75: Example of the DMI Statistics Log

Procedure for Starting and Stopping Logging

Perform the procedure below to start or stop logging Listener statistics to a log file. See “DMI Statistics Log File” on page 129 for more information about logging. To change the logging interval, see “Procedure for Defining the Refresh Interval” on page 125.

Step 1. Right-click the node for the Listener for which you want to log statistics (Figure 76).

The example in Figure 72 is for the DMI application server (the node whose name ends with “APP_LISTENER”). For the DMI data access server, the node name ends with “DB_LISTENER.”

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DMI Statistics Log File

Figure 76: Selecting Start Logging for a DMI Listener

Step 2. From the right-click pop-up menu, select Start Logging or Stop Logging as desired.

Step 3. If the Colleague Environment Login window (Figure 77) appears, enter the information below and then click OK. (This window will not appear if you previously entered this information since connecting to the application environment.)

DMI Username and Password. Valid username and password for a Colleague administrative user. You can use the username and password that you entered when you created a DMI administrative user as part of creating the application environment.

Save Login Information. Check this box if you want to save the username and password in a login vault, so that you don’t have to enter them in later SA Valet sessions. See “Storing Login Information in the Login Vault” on page 8 for more information.

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Figure 77: Colleague Environment Login Window

Procedure for Purging Log Files

If you have started statistics logging for a DMI Listener, a new log file will be created each time SA Valet is restarted, for each Listener. Because these log files can become large, you should periodically purge old log files to free up disk space on the PC.

Use the following procedure to delete all log files except those created during the current SA Valet session. Note that this procedure deletes the log files for all Listeners.

Step 1. In SA Valet, from the Tools menu, select Statistics/Purge Log.

Step 2. In the Purge Log Confirmation box, click Yes to delete the log files.

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Memory Monitor

Memory MonitorSA Valet has a visual memory monitor that displays real-time memory usage for the chosen DMI Listener. Figure 78 shows an example of the Memory Monitor.

Figure 78: Memory Monitor Window

The procedure for viewing the memory monitor is the same as that for viewing the statistics tables (“Procedure for Viewing the Statistics Tables” beginning on page 125), except that you should click Memory Monitor on the right-click menu (Figure 72).

Figure 79: Selecting Memory Monitor

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Removing an Application Environment

In This ChapterThis chapter provides the procedure for removing a Colleague application environment. Table 28 lists the topics covered in this chapter.

Table 27: Topics in this Chapter

Topic Page

Understanding Application Environment Removal 138

Procedures for Removing an Application Environment 139

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Configuration: Removing an Application Environment

Understanding Application Environment Removal

Removing an application environment involves the following steps:

From SA Valet, run a process to remove information about the application environment. This process does the following:• Stops all DMI Listeners in the environment.• Removes DMI Listeners registrations (Windows services for the Windows

operating system, and information in the datateltab file for UNIX operating systems).

• Removes information about this environment in the local product repository.

Delete the Colleague executables directory, using operating system tools.

Delete the database, using database management tools (SQL Server or Oracle) or operating system tools (UniData).

Delete all DMI Listener directories and files, using operating system tools.

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Procedures for Removing an Application Environment

Procedures for Removing an Application Environment

Table 28 lists the procedures in this section.

Deleting Environment Information from Colleague

Use the procedure below to remove information about the application environment. See “Understanding Application Environment Removal” on page 138 for a description of what happens during this process.

Step 1. Right-click the node for the application environment that you want to delete, and select Delete Application Environment from the pop-up menu (Figure 80).

Table 28: Procedures in this Section

Procedure Page

Deleting Environment Information from Colleague 139

Deleting the Colleague Executables 142

Deleting the Colleague Database 142

Deleting DMI Listener Files 143

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Configuration: Removing an Application Environment

Figure 80: Delete Application Environment Menu Option

Step 2. In response to the warning message, click Yes to confirm that you want to delete this application environment. If prompted, enter a username and password with administrative rights to the database on which the environment is installed.

SA Valet deletes the application environment information.

Setting up an Environment as Production

Follow the procedure below to review application environment parameters. Specifically, use this form to indicate which is your production environment.

Note: After deleting an application environment, follow the steps outlined in “Setting up an Environment as Production” beginning on page 140 to specify which is your production environment.

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Procedures for Removing an Application Environment

Step 1. In SA Valet, right-click on an application environment and select the Environment Accounts Setup option (Figure 81).

Figure 81: Selecting Environment Accounts Setup

Step 2. On the Environment Accounts Setup window, review the information about the application environment (see Figure 82).

Username. If you are using Windows Authentication, the username must exist in the domain specified on the Database Access Server Properties form. See “Procedures for Setting Up Windows Authentication” beginning on page 86 for more information.

Production Environment. When appropriate, select the check box to indicate that this is your production environment. Otherwise, leave the check box cleared.

Note: Make sure to clear this check box for any other application environment that you may have previously used as production.

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Configuration: Removing an Application Environment

Figure 82: Example Environment Accounts Setup form

Step 3. Click OK when you are done.

Deleting the Colleague Executables

Use operating system tools to delete the Colleague executables directory and all subdirectories.

Example path to the Colleague executables directory: /datatel/coll18/test/apphome

Deleting the Colleague Database

SQL Server or Oracle

Use database management system tools to remove the database.


No action is needed. You deleted the Colleague data along with the Colleague executables using the procedure in “Deleting the Colleague Executables” on page 142.

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Procedures for Removing an Application Environment

Deleting DMI Listener Files

Use operating system tools to delete the DMI Listener directory and all subdirectories, for all DMI Listeners in the environment.

Each application environment has a DMI application server and a DMI data access server, and may have other DMI Listeners as well. Table 29 shows example paths to the DMI Listener directories. Delete those directories and all subdirectories.

Table 29: Example Paths to DMI Listener Directories

DMI Listener Example Path to DMI Listener Directory

DMI data access server /datatel/coll18/test/das (on database computer)

DMI application server /datatel/coll18/test/svr01 (on application server computer)

Other optional Listeners, such as DMI print server


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Configuration: Removing an Application Environment

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Creating a Training Environment

In This ChapterThis chapter provides the procedure for creating a Colleague application environment to be used for training classes. Table 30 lists the topics covered in this chapter.

Table 30: Topics in this Chapter

Topic Page

Understanding Training Environments 146

Process for Creating a Training Environment 146

Procedures for Creating a Training Environment 148

Creating the Training Source Environment 149

Retrieving the Training Data Set from Ellucian 149

Installing the Data Set in the Training Source Environment 151

Setting Up the Training Source Environment 154

Creating a Training Environment 155

Refreshing a Training Environment 156

Updating the Training Source Environment With a New Data Set From Ellucian


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Configuration: Creating a Training Environment

Understanding Training EnvironmentsA training environment is a Colleague application environment to be used for classes taught by Ellucian instructors. The training environment includes sample data that is provided by Ellucian and that supports the examples used in Colleague classes and learning guides. Specifically, the data includes:

Sample data for all Colleague modules, used by instructors to demonstrate Colleague setup and use.

All Envision Tool Kit files for the Parking Ticket application (PT), which is used in Envision Tool Kit training.

Ellucian recommends the following approach for creating a training environment:

Create a training source environment. This environment is configured for training, including the training data set and user setup, but no training is done in this environment. This ensures that the “clean” data in this environment is not changed.

As needed, create a training environment by cloning the training source environment.

Periodically refresh the training environment by deleting the “used” training environment and cloning a new one, with clean data, from the training source environment.

Process for Creating a Training Environment

Table 31 summarizes the steps in creating a training source environment and training environments. Figure 83 on page 147 shows the main steps. For the detailed procedures, see “Procedures for Creating a Training Environment” beginning on page 148.

Table 31: Steps in Creating a Training Environment

Step Procedure

Create the training source environment using the instructions in the Installation Procedures for Release 18 for creating a new application environment (not upgraded from Release 17).

page 149

Retrieve the training data set from Ellucian. page 149

Install the training data set in the training source environment. page 151

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Understanding Training Environments

Figure 83: Training Environment Configuration

Set up the training source environment:

• Set up users.

• Create computed columns for general ledger.

• (Canadian clients only) Modify international parameters.

page 154

Create a training environment by cloning the training source environment.

page 155

Periodically refresh the training environment by deleting the used environment and cloning a new environment.

page 156

Periodically retrieve an updated data set from Ellucian. page 156

Table 31: Steps in Creating a Training Environment

Step Procedure


Your site

Datatel product repository

Colleague database with training data

Local product repository

Training source environment

Training environment

Retrieve data release package from Ellucian using SA Valet.

Install data release package in training source environment using the MDRP form.

Colleague database with training data


Release package with training data

Release package with training data

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Procedures for Creating a Training Environment

Table 32 lists the procedures in this section.

Table 32: Procedures in this Section

Procedure Page

“Creating the Training Source Environment” 149

“Retrieving the Training Data Set from Ellucian” 149

“Installing the Data Set in the Training Source Environment” 151

“Setting Up the Training Source Environment” 154

“Creating a Training Environment” 155

“Refreshing a Training Environment” 156

“Updating the Training Source Environment With a New Data Set From Ellucian”


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Procedures for Creating a Training Environment

Creating the Training Source Environment

Follow the instructions in the Installation Procedures for Release 18 for creating a new (not upgraded from Release 17) application environment. The steps include:

Run the Create Application Environment wizard.

Upgrade DMI Listeners.

Run the Populate Application Environment wizard.

Create a printer control record.

Build new file indexes.

Build application security.

Define DMI Listener parameters (memory allocation and auto-start).

Install Ellucian software updates (but not your custom release packages).

Execute automated post-install steps.

Build PERSON file indexes.

Run the dictionary date conversion.

Retrieving the Training Data Set from Ellucian

The training data set is a release package that you retrieve from Ellucian using the same process that you use to retrieve software updates. The following is a summary of the procedure. See Updating Colleague Software for the detailed procedure for retrieving software updates from Ellucian.

Note: When creating a new application environment for training is it important that you do not install software updates with a release date after the release date of the training data until the training data has been loaded. Loading the software updates before the training data can cause problems because the training data is built using file specs that may have changed by a recent software update. If this scenario occurs, it is recommended to start over and only load updates up through the release date of the training data. After the training data has been loaded you can proceed to load any of the recent software updates if necessary.

Note: Retrieving the release package of training data may take several hours.

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See AnswerNet page 20654.63 for information about the training data set, and make yourself an Add-Me to that page so that you will be notified when Ellucian updates the training data set.

Step 1. In SA Valet, connect to the local product repository by right-clicking the local product repository node, selecting Connect, and entering login information if prompted.

Step 2. Right-click the local product repository node again and select View/Update Product Repository.

Step 3. Enter your organization code and password in the login box.

Step 4. In the Update Product Repository window (Figure 84 on page 151), do the following:

a. In the Enter Retrieval Codes box, enter the retrieval code for the training data set.

See AnswerNet page 20654.63 for the appropriate retrieval code. In the example in Figure 84 on page 151, the retrieval code is TRAIN_DATA, but that is only an example.

The use of a retrieval code ensures that you only get the training data set when you want it, and aren’t required to download it when you retrieve Ellucian software updates. The training data set is large and takes a long time (several hours) to download.

b. Click View Available Updates to display the training data set.

The latest training data set will be displayed. A training data set will have DATA displayed in the Type column. If the latest training data set is already in your local product repository, no training data set will be displayed.

Other available software updates will be displayed as well. In the example in Figure 84, there are no other software updates.

c. Click Download Available Updates to retrieve the training data set and any other available software updates.

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Procedures for Creating a Training Environment

Figure 84: Retrieving the Training Data Set

Installing the Data Set in the Training Source Environment

Use the following procedure to install the training data set in the training source environment, using the Manage Data Release Packages (MDRP) process.

If you have more than one version of the training data set in your local product repository, this process will delete all versions except the latest one from the local product repository before installing the latest version in this application environment. Older versions of the training data set are not needed and removing them reduces the disk space required by the local product repository.

This procedure will overwrite existing data in the training environment.

Note: Installing the data will likely take about 1 -2 hours.

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Step 1. In the training source environment, from the UT application, access the Manage Data Release Packages (MDRP) form (Figure 85 on page 153).

Step 2. Is a release package ID displayed next to the Install Release Packages field?

Yes. Continue with Step 3 to check for unresolved dependencies (prerequisite software updates).

No. (Instead of a release package ID, “none available” is displayed). Cancel from this form; there is no data release package to install.

Either there are no data release packages in your local product repository, or the latest data release package is already installed in this application environment. Review the information in the Data Release Packages window to determine the situation. If appropriate, retrieve the latest data release package from Ellucian using the procedure in “Retrieving the Training Data Set from Ellucian” on page 149, and then return to this form to install that data release package.

Note: You will be unable to access the form (instead, you will get an error message) if this application environment appears not to be a training environment; that is, if it already has data (specifically, it has at least one PERSON record) and it has never had a training data set installed previously. These criteria ensure that you do not accidentally overwrite good data in a non-training environment by installing the training data set.

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Procedures for Creating a Training Environment

Figure 85: Manage Data Release Packages (MDRP) Form

Step 3. Are there any software updates displayed in the Unresolved Dependencies window?

Yes. Cancel from this form and install those software updates; then return to this form to install the data release package.

The Unresolved Dependencies window displays uninstalled prerequisite software updates for the data release package displayed in the Install Release Package field. Ellucian defines prerequisite software updates for the data release package, generally based on the software updates released by Ellucian as of the date when Ellucian built the data release package.

No. Continue with Step 4 to install the data release package.

Step 4. Enter Y in the Install Release Package field.

Step 5. Save your work on the MDRP form to install the data release package.

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Configuration: Creating a Training Environment

Setting Up the Training Source Environment

Perform the procedures below in the training source environment.

Setting Up Users

Create generic users for your training classes. For example, you might create a user called instructor and others called student01, student02, etc. The required user setup will be specific to your configuration, considering factors such as your operating system, database management system, and use of Windows authentication or LDAP. Examples of user setup requirements are operating system logins, Colleague PERSON records, and Colleague OPERS records.

Your PERSON IDs Will Start at 9000000

When you install the training data set into your training source environment, the key counter for PERSON IDs is set to 9000000 (nine million). Any PERSON IDs that you create for instructors and students will have IDs of 9000000, 9000001, etc. This ensures that, when you load an updated training data set, your PERSON records will not be overwritten by PERSON records delivered by Ellucian.

OPERS records that you create will likewise not be overwritten, because the training data set delivered by Ellucian does not include OPERS records.

Creating Computed Columns for General Ledger

Use the GL I-Descriptor Update (GLDU) form to create computed columns that describe the general ledger account number components. See the Installation Procedures for Release 18 for the procedure. In that manual, the GLDU procedure is included as a post-install step when upgrading a Release 17 account to Release 18. This is normally not required for a new environment because it's done later when you do your application setup. But it is required after you install Ellucian's training data set in the training source environment.

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Procedures for Creating a Training Environment

(Canadian Clients Only) Modifying International Parameters

The Ellucian training data set uses American settings. Canadian clients should do the following to change those settings:

Modify the settings on the International Parameters (INTL) and International Defaults (PID1) forms. See Getting Started with the Core System.

(UniData only) Run the Dictionary Date Convert (DDCV) process to change the data dictionary formats for date fields so that they are consistent with the date formats specified on the INTL form. See the Installation Procedures for Release 18.

Do Not Enter Your Own Data In the Training Source Environment

The training environment described in this chapter is for classes that use the Ellucian-provided training data set. Each time you retrieve an updated data set from Ellucian and install it in the training source environment, it will overwrite existing data (actually, just those data records whose IDs match those in the new data set). As a result, if you create your own data and set parameters in the training source environment, they may be overwritten when you install a new data set.

Creating a Training Environment

To keep the data in the training source environment “clean,” you should not conduct training classes in that environment. Instead, create a training environment by cloning the training source environment. See the Installation Procedures for Release 18 for the cloning procedure.

Note: You must repeat this procedure each time you retrieve a new data set from Ellucian and install it in your training source environment.

Note: PERSON and OPERS records that you create for your instructors and students will not be overwritten, as discussed in “Your PERSON IDs Will Start at 9000000” on page 154.

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Refreshing a Training Environment

Because students will create and change data during training classes, you will periodically want to start with a fresh training environment with clean data. You might choose to do this after each training class or after several classes. To refresh the training environment, do the following:

Remove the “used” training environment using the procedure in “Removing an Application Environment” beginning on page 137.

Create a new training environment by cloning the training source environment as described above.

Updating the Training Source Environment With a New Data Set From Ellucian

Ellucian will periodically update the training data set. Make yourself an Add-Me to AnswerNet page 20654.63 to keep informed of updates to the data set.

Do the following to update the training source environment with a new data set from Ellucian:

Retrieve the new data set using the procedure on page 149.

Install the data set in the training source environment using the procedure on page 151.

(Canadian clients only) Modify international parameters as described on page 155.

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View Environment Configuration

In This ChapterThis chapter contains information to assist you with viewing your environment information and transmitting that information to Ellucian.

Table 33 lists the topics covered in this chapter.

Table 33: Topics in this Chapter

Topic Page

Before You Begin 158

Viewing an Environment Configuration 159

Automatic Send to Ellucian Feature 161

Manual Send to Ellucian Feature 162

Procedure for Viewing an Environment Configuration 162

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Configuration: View Environment Configuration

Before You BeginTable 34 lists the tasks that must be complete before you can continue with the procedures in this chapter.

Table 34: Before You Begin

Task Reference

Install software update 27392.78, which enables the functionality described in this chapter.

For procedures on installing software updates, see the Updating Colleague Software manual.

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Viewing an Environment Configuration

Viewing an Environment ConfigurationRelease 18 is a major shift from previous Colleague releases, both in architecture and technology. Due to these changes, Release 18 has more configuration settings than previous releases. To assist a system administrator with Colleague configuration, SA Valet allows you to produce a report of the configuration settings for an application environment or for a specific DMI Listener. Examples of the environment configuration report are shown in Figure 86 and Figure 87 on page 160

Figure 86: Example 1 of the View Environment Configuration Report

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Figure 87: Example 2 of the View Environment Configuration Report

Figure 88 shows an example of the report produced for a specific DMI Listener.

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Viewing an Environment Configuration

Figure 88: Example of the DMI Server Info Report

Automatic Send to Ellucian Feature

SA Valet allows us to support you by recording environmental configuration settings. Environmental information will be recorded by our support system each time software updates are downloaded from Ellucian into your LPR. This information is intended to aide in troubleshooting and to provide Ellucian's technical support with current information on your hardware and parameters.

The types of information recorded include:

Hardware specifications.

DMI parameters.

Software settings.

You can view the information being updated by using SA Valet version 2.4.0 or later. For more information, see Figure 89 on page 163.

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Configuration: View Environment Configuration

Manual Send to Ellucian Feature

The environment configuration report has an option for you to send the information to Ellucian. If you want to send the information to Ellucian, click Send to Ellucian at the bottom of the View Environment Configuration window.

Why should I send my configuration information to Ellucian?

Sending your configuration information to Ellucian greatly assists Solution Center with troubleshooting. Up-to-date configuration data is often needed before any accurate troubleshooting can occur. If Ellucian already has your current configuration data, Solution Center can begin analysis of your issue in a much more timely manner.

In addition to assisting Solution Center, your configuration data can help Ellucian to recommend configuration parameters for other institutions who share a similar profile (such as database and operating system).

Procedure for Viewing an Environment Configuration

Follow these steps to view your environment configuration.

Step 1. In SA Valet, connect to the application environment for which you want to view configuration details, if not already connected.

See “Accessing Colleague from SA Valet” on page 1 for the detailed procedure for connecting to the local product repository and then to the application environment.

Step 2. Right-click on the application environment node and select View Environment Configuration, as shown in Figure 89.

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Viewing an Environment Configuration

Figure 89: View Environment Configuration Menu Option

The View Environment Configuration report is displayed, as shown in Figure 86 on page 159 and Figure 87 on page 160.

Step 3. If you want to send your configuration information to Ellucian manually, click Send to Ellucian. A dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 90 on page 164.

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Configuration: View Environment Configuration

Figure 90: Confirm Sending to Ellucian Dialog Box

Step 4. Click Yes to send the information to Ellucian.

Step 5. Do you want to view information for a specific Listener?

No. You are finished with this procedure.

Yes. Right-click on the Listener node and select DMI Server Info, as shown in Figure 91 on page 165.

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Viewing an Environment Configuration

Figure 91: DMI Server Info Menu Option

The DMI Server Info report is displayed, as shown in Figure 88 on page 161.

Step 6. Repeat this procedure for any other environment or Listener for which you want to view configuration details.

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Moving a Local Product Repository

In This ChapterThis chapter contains information on how to move your Local Product Repository (LPR) from one host to another using SA Valet.

Table 35 lists the topics covered in this chapter.

Technical Tip: The ability to move an LPR was introduced with SA Valet 2.3.0. You must use SA Valet 2.3.0 or newer to follow the procedures in this chapter.

Table 35: Topics in This Chapter

Topic Page

Understanding Moving a Local Product Repository 168

Troubleshooting 172

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Configuration: Moving a Local Product Repository

Understanding Moving a Local Product Repository

Moving a Local Product Repository (LPR) consists of three main steps.

1. Make a backup of the current LPR and manually copy the LPR database to the new host.

2. Use SA Valet to move the LPR DAS and update all environments associated to the LPR with the new connection information.

3. After thorough testing, delete the old LPR database.

Restrictions on Moving an LPR

An LPR can only be moved to a host that has the same database and operating system. For example, if the existing LPR is installed on UniData on a UNIX/LINUX operating system, then the new host must also have UniData on a UNIX/LINUX operating system, not Windows. The Move LPR process is not intended to migrate from one database to a different database or from a UNIX/LINUX operating system to a Windows operating system, or vice versa. If you are interested in migrating databases or operating systems, consult your sales representative and refer to the Migrating Colleague Software Environments manual.

Additionally, you cannot download or install software updates once the move process has started. If you download or install software updates after copying the LPR database to the new host but before you begin the Move Product Repository wizard in SA Valet, the new LPR will show that those installed software updates have not been installed and any newly downloaded software updates will not be present in the new LPR.

Procedure for Moving an LPR

Follow these steps to move your LPR from one host to another host. Note that once you begin this procedure you cannot install any software updates until after you have successfully completed the procedure.

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Understanding Moving a Local Product Repository

Step 1. Make a backup copy of your LPR. This is not an optional step. If you do not have a backup of your LPR and an unrecoverable error occurs, it will be very difficult and time-consuming to recreate your LPR.

Step 2. Copy the LPR database to the new host. Refer to your database documentation for procedures on copying a database. Make a note of the installation path or database name and port number as you will need them later in this procedure.

Step 3. Define the new host in SA Valet, if not previously defined. To define a host, click on the Hosts tab, then select File, then Add, and finally Host Connection. For the detailed procedure, see the Installation Procedures for Release 18 manual.

Step 4. From the Environments tab in SA Valet, select the LPR you want to move and, from the Wizards menu, select Move Product Repository, as shown in Figure 92.

Figure 92: Move Product Repository Menu Option

Step 5. At the Database Copy Confirmation prompt, click Yes if you can confirm that you have not installed any software updates since completing Step 2. If you have installed any software updates, you must restart this procedure from the beginning.

Step 6. The Move Local Product Repository (1/3) window is displayed, as shown in Figure 93.

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Configuration: Moving a Local Product Repository

Figure 93: Move Local Product Repository (1/3) Window

Step 7. Enter the following information for the fields in this window:

Host Name. Select the new host for the LPR database.

Database Port. Enter the port for the new LPR database.

Database Name/Path. Enter the path (UniData) or the name (SQL Server and Oracle) for the new LPR.

Username and Password. Enter an administrator username and corresponding password for the new LPR database.

Step 8. Click Next to continue. The Move Local Product Repository (2/3) window is displayed, as shown in Figure 94.

Figure 94: Move Local Product Repository (2/3) Window

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Understanding Moving a Local Product Repository

Step 9. Enter the following information for the fields in this window:

DMI_DAS Port. Enter the port on which the LPR DAS will communicate.

DMI_DAS Installation Path. Enter the path where you want the LPR DAS to be moved. SA Valet moves the DAS from the old LPR installation to the new location as part of the wizard.

Path to JRE. Enter the path to the JRE on the new host.

Step 10. Click Next to continue. The Move Local Product Repository (3/3) window is displayed, as shown in Figure 95.

Figure 95: Move Local Product Repository (3/3) Window

Step 11. Enter a username and corresponding password that has access to each environment associated with the LPR. SA Valet uses this username and password to log into each environment and update the connection information to the LPR. If SA Valet cannot connect to any of the environments, the move process will abort.

Step 12. Click Install to begin the move process.

Step 13. After the move process is complete, thoroughly test the new LPR to ensure it is functioning properly. Signs the LPR is functioning correctly include:

Successful refresh of your institution’s license codes.

Successful download of new software updates.

Successful installation of software updates into an environment associated with the LPR.

Step 14. Once you are satisfied that the new LPR is working correctly, delete the old LPR database on the old host.

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TroubleshootingRefer to AnswerNet document 6670 for assistance if the move LPR process does not complete or completes with errors.

Technical Details

This section contains details on the Move Product Repository wizard. This information may be helpful if there are errors with the move process.

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The move wizard does the following:

1. Check locks, etc. in source LPR before beginning move. Ensures no LPR download job is running, and the source LPR is not currently locked by any installs.

2. Locks the source LPR, so no installs can be started during move.

3. Logs into the database for each environment to validate the logins, read apphome path, and ensure CONNECT_PROD files exist in each before running wizard. Also compares ALSERVRS and DMIACCTS of source and new database and throws a warning if they do not match.

4. Stops the original LPR DAS Listener.

5. Creates new DAS.• Install DAS listener service for new LPR.• Copy DAS Listener directory files from source to new server {except .log,

.out, startdmi or stopdmi files).• Check dmiservice.exe and ensures the correct (32-bit or 64-bit) version is

placed in new LPR DAS directory.• Copy dmi.ini file and override necessary arguments: RegistryName,

RegistryUser, RegistryType, RegistryServer, RegistryPort, RegistryPath, JDBCUrl, JDBCDriverName, VaultPassword, auto-start settings.

6. Modifies the following tables with new LPR’s information (name, database, DAS, ports, etc.)


7. Updates all environments with new LPR information.

8. Validates to ensure move succeeded.• Check if CONNECT_PROD for each environment has been updated

properly.• Start LPR DAS and ping new DAS and ensure the Listener is running.

9. If validation succeeds:• Delete original DAS Listener service.• Delete all records from original database from these tables:


10.Stores wizard profile.

11.Unlocks the source LPR so that it is now available for other tasks.

12.Edits SA Valet's tree node to have new LPR information.

13.Edits savalet.ini and vault files to have new LPR information.

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Resetting an LPR in a Restored Environment

In This ChapterThis chapter contains information on how to reset your Local Product Repository (LPR) after you have restored an environment from a previous backup.

Table 36 lists the topics covered in this chapter.

Table 36: Topics in This Chapter

Topic Page

Understanding an LPR Reset 176

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Configuration: Resetting an LPR in a Restored Environment

Understanding an LPR ResetAfter an environment has been restored from a backup, you must make sure that the environment and the LPR are consistent with each other regarding installed software updates. If software updates were installed in the environment after the restored backup was created, those software updates will not be available to install into the environment because the LPR shows those updates have already been installed. Resetting the LPR synchronizes the LPR with the software updates that are currently installed in the restored environment, allowing you to install the missing software updates.

Restrictions on Resetting an LPR

To reset the LPR, the following pieces of the environment must be restored from backups taken at the same time:

The environment database

The environment apphome

All the listener directories pertaining to the environment

Security Class

The Reset Status of Restored Environment (RSRE) form used to reset the LPR is delivered as a secured form. Users must have the PRIV.RSRE security class to access the RSRE form.

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Understanding an LPR Reset

Procedure for Resetting an LPR

Follow these steps to reset the LPR to the software updates that are currently installed in the restored environment.

Step 1. Restore the environment, ensuring that the environment database, apphome, and associated listeners are restored from backups taken at the same time.

Step 2. In Colleague, access the Reset Status of Restored Environment (RSRE) form (Figure 96) in the restored environment and enter your LPR credentials, if necessary.

Figure 96: The Reset Status of Restored Environment (RSRE) Form

Note: You must be running a version of UI that is compatible with the restored environment. Depending on the date of the backup used to restore the environment, you might need to install a previous version of UI to access the environment and reset the LPR.

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Configuration: Resetting an LPR in a Restored Environment

The RSRE form compares the information in the LPR with the restored environment to determine the list of software updates that will be reset based on the restore date — the latest date of any successfully installed Envision software update.

You can detail to the Software Update Inquiry (SOUI) form on any of the listed software updates to see more information about the software update that will be reset.

Step 3. In the Software Update Group Name field, enter a name for the software update group that will be created for the software updates that will be reset.

Step 4. Save your work on the RSRE form. The software updates listed will have their statuses reset in the LPR and a report will be generated that contains information on the software updates that were reset (Figure 97).

Figure 97: The RSRE Report

After the report has been generated, you will be taken to the Install Software Updates (ISUG) form to install the newly created software update group. Due to dependencies, you may need to install DMI software updates before installing other software updates.

See the Updating Colleague Software manual for more information about using ISUG and MSUG to install software updates.

Note: If there are no packages that need to be reset in the environment, a message will be displayed and the RSRE form will close.

Note: If you want to build a different software update group, or use existing software update groups, you can cancel from ISUG and use the Manage Software Update Groups (MSUG) form.

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Understanding an LPR Reset

Step 5. If any DMI software updates were reset, use SA Valet to install those software updates.

See the Updating Colleague Software manual for more information about installing DMI software updates using SA Valet.

Step 6. If any optional module packages were deleted, use the Create Optional Module Group (COMG) form to rebuild and reinstall the optional modules.

See the Updating Colleague Software manual for more information about using COMG to install optional modules.

Step 7. If any new DMI Listeners were created after the Restore Date listed on the RSRE form, you will need to recreate them after restoring the environment.

See the Updating Colleague Software manual for more information about creating DMI Listeners.

Step 8. Any information entered on any form in the environment, including security classes, OPERS records, etc., after the Restore Date listed on the RSRE form must be reentered.

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Configuration: Resetting an LPR in a Restored Environment

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Changing Database Properties

In This ChapterThis chapter contains information on how to change database properties using SA Valet.

Table 37 lists the topics covered in this chapter.

Table 37: Topics in This Chapter

Topic Page

Changing Database Properties 182

Changing the Alias / DNS Name of the Database Server 184

Changing the Database Port 185

Changing the Database Name / Path 185

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Configuration: Changing Database Properties

Changing Database PropertiesUse the Database Access Server Properties to modify properties for the DMI database access server. These properties are defined originally during the creation of the application environment.

Step 1. Connect to the application environment or LPR using SA Valet.

Step 2. Right-click on the application environment or LPR and select Database Access Server Properties (Figure 98).

Figure 98: Select Database Access Server Properties

Note: You can change the database properties for either the application environment (Figure 99) or the LPR (Figure 100).

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Changing Database Properties

Figure 99: Database Access Server Properties - Environment

Figure 100: Database Access Server Properties - LPR

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Configuration: Changing Database Properties

Changing the Alias / DNS Name of the Database Server

Complete the following steps if you want to change the alias / DNS name of the database server.

Step 1. Add the new alias / DNS name on the database server. At this point, both the new and the old aliases should be valid for the server. This can be done using the host file for the server:

Step 2. Add a new host in the Hosts tab for SA Valet with the new alias / DNS name.

Step 3. Use the Database Host field to change the old alias to the new alias. Click OK.

Step 4. Disable the old alias on the database server.

Step 5. Ensure that everything works properly in the Environment and LPR.

Note: You cannot move the database from one server to another using this field. This field simply allows you to change the alias / DNS name of the same server where the database resides.

Note: See your network administrator for more information.

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Changing Database Properties

Changing the Database Port

Use the Database Port field to change the port number on which communications to the database occur.

Complete the following steps if you want to change the database port.

Step 1. Use the Database Port field to change the database port. Click OK.

Step 2. Move the database from the old port to the new port instance on the server.

Step 3. Connect back to the Environment and LPR using SA Valet. (This will now use the database on the new port.)

Step 4. Start all of the listeners and ensure that everything works properly in the Environment and LPR.

This procedure can be used in the case of a database upgrade. For example, upgrading from SQL Server 2005 running on Port 1432 to SQL Server 2008 running on Port 1433 on the same server.

Changing the Database Name / Path

Use the Database Name / Path field to change the name and path for your database. Complete the following steps if you want to change the database name / path.

Step 1. Use the Database Name / Path field to change the database name (path in the case of Unidata). Click OK. (Please note that the new path should also reside on the same server.)

Step 2. Move the database from the old name instance (Oracle database ID) to the new instance. See your database administrator for more information. In the

Note: See your database administrator for more information.

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Configuration: Changing Database Properties

case of a Unidata database only, move your apphome directory to the new path on the same server.

Step 3. Connect back to the LPR and Environment using SA Valet. (This will now use the database on the new path.)

Step 4. Start all of the listeners and ensure that everything works properly in the Environment and LPR.

This procedure can be used in the case of a database upgrade. For example, when moving your Colleague schema from one Oracle database ID to another on the same server

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DMI Listener Names

Listener Naming ConventionWhen you create a DMI Listener from one of the wizards in SA Valet, it is assigned a name as shown in Table 38.

This Listener name appears in several places, including:

In Windows, this name appears in the Services folder (Figure 101 on page 2).

In UNIX, this name appears as the process ID if you view a list of running processes. It also appears as the Listener name in the datateltab file.

Table 38: DMI Listener Names

Wizard DMI Listener Listener Name Syntax Example

Create Local Product Repository

DMI data access server for the local product repository


Create Application Environment or Clone Application Environment

DMI data access server for the Colleague database

environment name_DB_LISTENER test_DB_LISTENER

DMI application server

environment name_APP_LISTENER test_APP_LISTENER

New DMI Listener or Clone Application Environment

Other application environment Listeners

environment name_listener namea test_PrintServera

a. You specify the listener name in the New DMI Listener wizard or the Clone Application Environment wizard.

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Appendices: DMI Listener Names

Figure 101: Example of DMI Listener Name in Windows Services Folder

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Accessing Colleague from SA Valet

In This AppendixTable 39 lists the topics covered in this appendix.

When you use SA Valet to manage Colleague environments, you must be logged in to the PC with a login that has administrator rights on the PC. This ensures that SA Valet can read and write to SA Valet-related files on the PC.

Table 39: Topics in This Appendix

Topic Page

Connecting to the Local Product Repository from SA Valet 2

Connecting to an Application Environment from SA Valet 5

Storing Login Information in the Login Vault 8

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Appendices: Accessing Colleague from SA Valet

Connecting to the Local Product Repository from SA Valet

Use the following procedure to connect to the local product repository from SA Valet. This procedure will also start the DMI data access server for the local product repository if it is not running.

Step 1. In SA Valet, select the Environments tab.

Step 2. Right-click the node for the local product repository node and select Connect from the pop-up menu (Figure 102).

If the Connect option is unavailable, you are done with this procedure (the DMI data access server is already started and this SA Valet installation is connected to it).

Figure 102: Connecting to the Local Product Repository from SA Valet

Note: You must be logged in to the PC with a login that has administrator rights on the PC. This ensures that SA Valet can read and write to SA Valet-related files on the PC.

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Connecting to the Local Product Repository from SA Valet

Step 3. Perform one of the following, depending on what you see in SA Valet:

a. If the nodes for application environments appear (Figure 103), you have successfully connected to the local product repository. You are done with this procedure.

This will occur if you previously stored the login information in the login vault and you have already entered the login vault password during this SA Valet session.

Figure 103: Successful Connection to the Local Product Repository

b. If the Enter Login Vault Password form (Figure 104) appears, enter your login vault password and click OK.

In this case, you previously stored the login information in the login vault, but have not yet entered the login vault password during this SA Valet session.

Node for application environment

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Figure 104: Enter Login Vault Password Form

c. If the Product Repository Login form (Figure 105 on page 4) appears, enter the following information, and then click OK:

• Username and Password. Valid username and password for the product repository database (SQL Server or Oracle) or the computer where the database account is installed (UniData). You can use the username and password that you entered when you created the local product repository.

• Environment Keystore Password. Password for the keystore that was installed with the DMI data access server. This password must match the one you entered when you created the local product repository.

• Save Login Information. Select this check box if you want to save the username, password, and environment keystore password in a login vault, so that you don’t have to enter them in later SA Valet sessions. See “Storing Login Information in the Login Vault” on page 8 for more information.

Figure 105: Product Repository Login Window

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Connecting to an Application Environment from SA Valet

Connecting to an Application Environment from SA Valet

Use the following procedure to connect to an application environment from SA Valet so that you can manage the environment. After you complete this procedure, the application environment node will be expanded to display Listeners and other nodes.

Step 1. In SA Valet, right-click the application environment node and select Connect from the pop-up menu (Figure 106).

If the Connect option is unavailable, you are done with this procedure (you have already connected to this application environment).

Figure 106: Connecting to the Application Environment from SA Valet

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Step 2. Perform one of the following, depending on what you see in SA Valet:

a. If the application environments expands to display other nodes (Figure 107), you have successfully connected to the application environment. You are done with this procedure.

This will occur if you previously stored the login information in the login vault and you have already entered the login vault password during this SA Valet session.

Figure 107: Successful Connection to the Application Environment

b. If the Enter Login Vault Password form (Figure 108) appears, enter your login vault password and click OK.

In this case, you previously stored the login information in the login vault, but have not yet entered the login vault password during this SA Valet session.

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Connecting to an Application Environment from SA Valet

Figure 108: Enter Login Vault Password Form

c. If the Database Login form (Figure 109) appears, enter the following information, and then click OK:

• Database Username and Password. Valid username and password for the Colleague database (SQL Server or Oracle) or the computer where the database account is installed (UniData). You can use the username and password that you entered when you created the application environment.

• Environment Keystore Password. Password for the keystore that was installed with the Colleague DMI data access server. This password must match the one you entered when you created the keystore.

• Save Login Information. Select this check box if you want to save the username, password, and environment keystore password in a login vault, so that you don’t have to enter them in later SA Valet sessions. See “Storing Login Information in the Login Vault” on page 8 for more information.

Figure 109: Database Login Window

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Storing Login Information in the Login Vault

In order to safeguard Colleague information, you are required to enter login credentials when you try to access, from SA Valet, any of the following:

Local product repository.

Application environments.

The Colleague application.

Figure 110 is an example login form in SA Valet for accessing the local product repository.

Figure 110: Login Form for the Local Product Repository

To simplify the login process, you can create a password-protected login vault. The login vault is a file that stores, in encrypted form, the login information described above. Once you have populated the login vault with the login information, you only need to enter one password (to the login vault itself) during each SA Valet session. After entering that password, you won’t be prompted for other login information.

Technical Tip: The login vault is the profile file stored in the security directory under SA Valet. Example path to that file: C:\Program Files\Datatel\SaValet 2.5.0\security\profile. Each installation of SA Valet can have just one login vault.

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Storing Login Information in the Login Vault

How to Use the Login Vault

Each login form in SA Valet has a Save Login Information check box that gives you the option to store that login information in the login vault. See Figure 110 on page 8 for an example. The first time you select that check box on any login form and click OK, you will be prompted to create a password for the login vault, using the Create Login Vault form shown in Figure 111.

Figure 111: Create Login Vault Form

After you enter (and confirm) the new login vault password and click OK, the login vault will be created and the login information stored. (Actually, the information is stored in memory until you exit SA Valet, when the login vault [the profile file] is created.)

If you enter incorrect login information, it won’t be stored in the login vault. SA Valet verifies the login information before storing it.

As you continue to work in SA Valet and enter other login information, that information will be stored in the login vault if the Save Login Information check box on those login forms is selected.

The next time you access SA Valet, you will be prompted one time for the login vault password, using the Enter Login Vault Password form shown in Figure 112.

Figure 112: Enter Login Vault Password Form

Enter a password to be saved for future logins to SA Valet

Enter the password you created earlier.

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Eventually, when you reach the point where you have entered all of your login information in the login vault, you will only need to enter one password per SA Valet session (the login vault password). You won’t be prompted for any other login information.

Forgot the Password?

If you forget the login vault password, you can still use SA Valet. When you are prompted for the login vault password (Figure 112 on page 9), click Cancel. You will then be prompted for the login information to the entity (local product repository, application environment, etc.) that you were trying to access.

If you have permanently forgotten the login vault password, you can clear the current login vault information. From the Tools menu, select Clear Login Vault, as shown in Figure 113.

Figure 113: Clear Login Vault Menu Option in SA Valet

After the login vault information is cleared, you can create a new login vault with a new password, using the process described in “How to Use the Login Vault” on page 9. You will need to re-enter all login information.

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Storing Login Information in the Login Vault

Using SA Valet Without the Login Vault

Other users who don’t know the login vault password can still use this SA Valet installation. When prompted for the login vault password (Figure 112 on page 9), they should click Cancel. They will then be prompted for the login information to the entity (local product repository, application environment, etc.) that they are trying to access.

Changing the Login Vault Password

To change the password for the login vault, select Tools >Change Vault Password. You will be prompted to enter the current password once, then the new password twice for confirmation (see Figure 114).

Figure 114: Change Vault Password Dialog Box

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Glossary ChapPubDate - xref ChapHead

In This AppendixThis appendix defines terms associated with Colleague Release 18.



No longer used as a Colleague term. “Live” and “test” accounts are now referred to as “production” and “test” application environments. Main and remote accounts no longer exist. However, UniData clients will continue to use “account” in reference to a UniData database.


Datatel Colleague Student, Datatel Colleague Finance, Datatel Colleague HR, Datatel Colleague Core, Datatel Envision Runtime (UT), and Datatel Colleague Advancement.

application server (Datatel application server)

Colleague executables, running on a UniData virtual machine (VM), and the DMI Listener, that work together to make the Colleague application run. In Release 18 architecture, the database does not reside on this server. Clients will likely have “production”, “test,” and “development” application servers.

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Colleague application environment

The combination of an application server, database server, and other software components that work together to perform Colleague functions. Clients will likely have “production,” “test,” and “development” application environments.

Colleague executables

Colleague software components that run on a UniData virtual machine (VM). These are part of the application server.

columnar I/O

An efficient method of accessing data from a database in which only the required fields/columns are retrieved, not the whole record/row of data. Release 18 includes columnar I/O for all processes that would noticeably benefit from this performance enhancement.

computed column

Previously known as a virtual field or I-descriptor. Some computed columns are calculated every time they are read from the data, and some have the value stored. See also stored computed column.


database or database environment

The database itself (UniData, SQL Server, Oracle). The location where the data files/tables reside.

database server

The combination of the DMI data access server and the database itself.

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In This Appendix

database independent architecture

The new system architecture including a database server and separate application server. With this architecture, the application software has no direct interaction with the database.

Datatel daemon

Communications software used to access DMI Listeners and to transfer files during installation. It performs functions typically performed by Telnet and FTP. The daemon is designed to work with all operating systems supported by Datatel. (Telnet and FTP are not consistent across the operating systems.)


Datatel Messaging Interface. A highly efficient message structure for communication between DMI Listeners and other Datatel software components.

DMI Listener

Datatel server software for the Datatel system that follows the J2EE models. DMI Listener roles are extensible through the use of Java extensions (plug-ins). A DMI Listener utilizes the DMI protocol for communication. There will be multiple DMI Listeners in a single application environment. Each DMI Listener can be assigned one or more roles. Roles are defined by the extensions that you install in your environment. Currently, Datatel delivers the following extensions/roles for DMI Listeners:

DMI data access server (DBAS)

DMI application server (APPS)

DMI print server (DMI_PS)

DMI Windows INAS Services (INAS)

DMI reporting database access server (RDAS)

All DMI Listeners have the following functionality:


Data transformation services using XML/XSLT

Thread management

Java Runtime Environment (JRE)

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DMI application server (APPS)

Software that provides access to the Datatel application. Most external software that interfaces with Colleague uses this Listener to exchange communications. A DMI application server has the following additional specialized functionality:

Application server for WebAdvisor, between the Web server and Colleague, and other web software.

The UniData runtime environment.

Communications hub for EDX/partner interfaces.

DMI data access server (DBAS)

Software that controls access to the data in the database environment. This is the primary method for the application environment to communicate with the database environment. A Colleague installation includes a DMI data access server for the product repository database, as well as a DMI data access server in each application environment for the Colleague database.

JDBC-based extensible database interface is the DMI data access server’s additional specialized functionality.

DMI print server (DMI_PS)

Software that controls access to printers in the Microsoft Windows environment. DMI print server acts as a print server between the application server and the printer. This role is used for stylesheet printing.

DMI reporting database access server (RDAS)

This role is used for the DataOrchestrator ODS reporting solution. Listeners with this role must be installed on the ODS target database server. You must also specify the DBAS role for a Listener to be used for the DataOrchestrator ODS reporting solution.

DMI Windows INAS services (INAS)

Software that sends INAS transactions to the College Board. Transactions include application data and calculated data like Estimated Family Contributions (EFCs). Listeners with this role must reside on a Windows server.

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In This Appendix



Datatel uses emitters on the data access server to translate information into a language that the native database understands. The emitter translates an abstract syntax tree (AST) into code of a specific language. The emitter uses the AST that the lexer/parser produced. Emitters can work off the same abstract syntax tree and produce code for multiple languages.


installation/release account

Obsolete term. In Release 17, what was referred to as the “installation account” and the “main account” are combined in Release 18 to become the application environment.



Datatel uses lexers to perform linear/lexical analysis and convert a stream of characters into tokens. These tokens are sent to parsers.

live account

Obsolete term, now called the production environment.

local product repository

A designated location on your system where the Datatel release system stores all Datatel software versions needed for Colleague. The release system installs only your licensed software components from the product repository to the application environments.

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main account

Obsolete term. See Colleague application environment.



Datatel uses parsers to create a tree of tokens (abstract syntax tree). This produces an intermediate representation of information that can be sent to an emitter and translated into a variety of software languages.


release account

Obsolete term. In Release 17, what is referred to as the “release account” and the “main account” is combined in Release 18 to become the Colleague application environment.


SA Valet

The application tool that supports Datatel system administration. Datatel SA Valet administers the DMI servers on the Datatel system and runs on a Microsoft Windows machine. In Release 18, SA Valet is also the interface for the release system.

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In This Appendix


A collection of software dedicated to a specific use. For example, a print server is a collection of software dedicated to the function of printing. Application servers are collections of software dedicated to accessing a specific application. The computer that a server program runs on is also frequently referred to as a server.

stored computed column

A computed column for which the calculated value is stored in a file related to the appropriate data file. Stored computed columns do not have to be recalculated every time they are requested from the database.


transaction server

Obsolete term. This functionality is now part of the application server.


user remote account

Obsolete term. These do not exist in the Release 18 architecture.


virtual field/I-descriptor

Obsolete term. This is now called a computed column.

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virtual machine (VM)

Software that acts as an interface between the application code and the microprocessor that actually performs the program’s instructions. Datatel uses a UniData virtual machine and a Java VM (JVM).

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From this index you can click on any entry to access the information about the topic.

AApplication environment

connecting from SA Valet 5removing 137

Auto-start for daemon 28

Auto-start for DMI Listeners 28

CCertificates 39

client authentication certificatesdescription 40generating 66on SA Valet 54

public certificatesdescription 40examining 75installing 72managing 73removing 77viewing 76

removing 70signed certificates

description 40generating the request 58installing 61

client authentication certificatesdescription 40generating 66on SA Valet 54

Client-authenticated SSL for the SA Valet-daemon connection 44, 52, 54

Colleague access rolecreating for Oracle 98creating for SQL Server 93

Colleague database, deleting as part of removing an application environment 142

Colleague executablesdeleting as part of removing an application

environment 142securing the connection to the DMI application

server 41, 46

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Current Connections (DMI statistics table) 122


auto-start 28changing the port 34refreshing icons 118securing the connection to SA Valet 43, 52starting 28, 114status indicators in SA Valet 117stopping 116

Data in training data set 146

Database Access Server Properties form 49, 87, 96, 102

Database Pools (DMI statistics table) 123

Database Sessions (DMI statistics table) 123

DDCV form 155

Define Account WebConfig (DWEB) form 46

Deleting an application environment 137

Dictionary Date Convert (DDCV) form 155

DMI application servermemory monitor 133monitoring 119securing the connection to the Colleague

executables 41, 46securing the connection to WebAdvisor 42, 51statistic tables 121, 125

DMI Data Access Server 42

DMI Listenersdefining parameters for 23deleting Listener files as part of removing an

application environment 143memory allocation 24

procedure for defining 25refreshing icons 113specifying a secure port 49starting

automatically 28manually 108

status indicators in SA Valet 112stopping 108

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DMI statisticsdefining monitoring preferences 125

DMI statistics log file 129, 132

DWEB form 46

EEducation account

see Training environment

Examining public certificates 75

Extensions (DMI statistics table) 124


Define Account WebConfig (DWEB) 46Dictionary Date Convert (DDCV) 155GL I-Descriptor Update (GLDU) 154International Defaults (PID1) 155International Parameters (INTL) 155Manage Data Release Packages (MDRP) 151

GGL I-Descriptor Update (GLDU) form 154

GLDU form 154

HHost Connection form 35

Host Machine Properties form 54

IInternational Defaults (PID1) form 155

International parametersin training environment 155

International Parameters (INTL) form 155

INTL form 155

JJVM (DMI statistics table) 124

LLinux boot sequence for DMI Listener auto-start 29

Listener Startup Properties form 24, 32

Local product repositoryconnecting from SA Valet 2DMI data access server, starting and stopping 108

Log file for DMI statistics 129, 132

22 Manag

Login information, storing in the login vault 8

Login vault 8forgotten password 10

Loopback address 46

MManage Data Release Packages (MDRP) form 151

Managing public certificates 73

MDRP form 151

Memory allocation for DMI Listeners 24procedure for defining 25

Memory monitor for DMI application server 133

Monitoring the DMI application server 119


single-role Colleague access 89

Overall (DMI statistics table) 122

PPID1 form 155

Portfor Datatel daemon, changing 34secure port for DMI Listener 49

Prerequisites for training data set 153

Public certificatesdescription 40examining 75installing 72managing 73removing 77viewing 76

Purging the DMI statistics log files 132

RRefreshing daemon icons 118

Refreshing DMI Listener icons 113

Removing an application environment 137

Removing certificates 70

Removing public certificates 77

Request for signed certificategenerating 58

Role-based securitysee Single-role Colleague access

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Root certificatessee Public certificates

SSA Valet

securing the connection to the daemon 43, 52

Save Login Information check box on login forms 9

Security 37between DMI application server and Colleague

executables 41, 46between DMI application server and WebAdvisor

42, 51between SA Valet and the daemon 43, 52see also Certificates

Signed certificatesdescription 40generating the request 58installing 61

Single-role Colleague access 89

Source environment for trainingsee Training environment

SQL Serversingle-role Colleague access 89

setting up users 94Windows authentication 79

SQL Server authentication 82

SSL for the SA Valet-daemon connection 44, 52

Starting DMI Listenersautomatically 28manually 108

Statistics tables for DMI application server 121, 125

Status indicators for daemons 117

Status indicators for DMI Listeners 112

Stopping DMI Listeners 108

Managing Colleague Software Environments, January 31

TTraining environment 145

cloning from source environment 155creating, overview 146data set

description 146installing in the training source environment

151, 156retrieving from Datatel 149

international parameters 155refreshing 156source environment

creating 149setting up 154

user setup 154

UUNIX boot sequence for DMI Listener auto-start 29

User setup in training environment 154

VViewing public certificates 76


securing the connection to the DMI application server 42, 51

Windows authentication for SQL Server 79creating the admin user in Windows 88setting up in Colleague 86

, 2013 23

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