Download - Reinforcement Learning in the Control of Attention Roderic A Grupen Laboratory for Analysis and Architecture of Systems (State University of Campinas-near.

Page 1: Reinforcement Learning in the Control of Attention Roderic A Grupen Laboratory for Analysis and Architecture of Systems (State University of Campinas-near.

Reinforcement Learning in the Control of Attention

Roderic A Grupen

Laboratory for Analysis and Architecture of Systems(State University of Campinas-near future)

Laboratory for Perceptual RoboticsState University of Massachusetts (USA)

Luiz M G Gonçalves

Page 2: Reinforcement Learning in the Control of Attention Roderic A Grupen Laboratory for Analysis and Architecture of Systems (State University of Campinas-near.


To develop a robotic system to perform tasks involving attention and pattern categorization, integrating multi-modal (haptic and visual) information in a behaviorally cooperative active system.

Page 3: Reinforcement Learning in the Control of Attention Roderic A Grupen Laboratory for Analysis and Architecture of Systems (State University of Campinas-near.

Motivation Towards finding an useful robotic

system able to: foveate (verge) the eyes onto a ROI; keep attention on the ROI if needed; choose another ROI (shift focus of

attention). Result is a behaviorally cooperative

active system, which provides on-line feedback to environmental stimuli in form of actions

Page 4: Reinforcement Learning in the Control of Attention Roderic A Grupen Laboratory for Analysis and Architecture of Systems (State University of Campinas-near.


Use of (real time) visual information from a stereo head and a simulator

Selective Attention (bottom-up salience maps)

Multi feature extraction (perceptual state) Associative memory (pattern address

identification) Efficient topological mapping Learn policies to program the system

Page 5: Reinforcement Learning in the Control of Attention Roderic A Grupen Laboratory for Analysis and Architecture of Systems (State University of Campinas-near.

Task Specification (Objectives)

Visual Monitoring or Environment Inspection Construction of an attentional map Keep this map consistent with a current

perception (update) Categorize all patterns

Page 6: Reinforcement Learning in the Control of Attention Roderic A Grupen Laboratory for Analysis and Architecture of Systems (State University of Campinas-near.

Processo Markoviano

Um processo estocástico cujo passado não influencia o futuro se o seu presente está completamente especificado

Ex: Jogo de damas, Xadrez












Page 7: Reinforcement Learning in the Control of Attention Roderic A Grupen Laboratory for Analysis and Architecture of Systems (State University of Campinas-near.

Programação Dinâmica Percorrer todos os estados possíveis,

testando todas as possibilidades (executar todas as ações infinitamente)

Solução melhor (PD): Reduzir a complexidade de um problema

que pode ser resolvido em uma dimensão D para dois ou mais problemas em dimensões menores

Ex: Disparidade estéreo: 1 problema em 3D (x,y,d) é reduzido para

2 problemas em 2D (x,d) e (y,d)

Page 8: Reinforcement Learning in the Control of Attention Roderic A Grupen Laboratory for Analysis and Architecture of Systems (State University of Campinas-near.


Animal faz certo, ganha comida Animal faz errado, apanha Em teoria, é provado que apenas

um deles (recompensa ou punição funciona): fez coisa errada, não ganha comida.

Assim: robô fez certo => recompensa

Page 9: Reinforcement Learning in the Control of Attention Roderic A Grupen Laboratory for Analysis and Architecture of Systems (State University of Campinas-near.

Reinforcement Learning(Related Work)

Watkins: Learning from Delayed Rewards (1989).

Sutton/Barto: Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction (1998).

Araujo: Learning a Control Composition in a Complex Environment (1996).

Huber: A Feedback Control Structure for On-line Learning tasks (1997).

Coelho: A Control Basis for Learning Multifingered Grasps (1997).

Page 10: Reinforcement Learning in the Control of Attention Roderic A Grupen Laboratory for Analysis and Architecture of Systems (State University of Campinas-near.

Modelling a problem with delayed reinforcement as an MDP:

a set of states (estados) S, a set of actions (operadores) A, a reward function R:SxA, and a state transition function T:SxA

(S), which maps states transition to probabilities.

Q-learning equation:

s, aQa,sQrs, aQs, aQ MaxAa

Page 11: Reinforcement Learning in the Control of Attention Roderic A Grupen Laboratory for Analysis and Architecture of Systems (State University of Campinas-near.

Q-learning equation

a = ação executada r = recompensa s’ = estado resultante de aplicar a A = todas as ações possíveis a’ de

serem executadas em s’ = learning rate (geralmente 0.1) = fator de disconto (geralmente 0.5)

s, aQa,sQrs, aQs, aQ MaxAa

Page 12: Reinforcement Learning in the Control of Attention Roderic A Grupen Laboratory for Analysis and Architecture of Systems (State University of Campinas-near.


Uma transição no espaço de estados pode ser completamente caracterizada pelo vetor (s,a,r,s’)

Supondo que para todos os pares (s,a), Q(s,a) seja atualizado infinitamente (muitas vezes) para todo par (s,a), Q(s,a) converge com probabilidade 1 para a melhor recompensa possível para este par.

Page 13: Reinforcement Learning in the Control of Attention Roderic A Grupen Laboratory for Analysis and Architecture of Systems (State University of Campinas-near.

Exploração e explotação

Exploração; randomicamente escolher uma ação Explotação: após certo tempo, o sistema começa

a convergir, assim, escolhe-se ações que sabe-se estejam contribuindo para a convergência

Balancear entre exploração e explotação Temperatura (lembra Simulated Annealing)

Escolher randomicamente em função da temperatura (inicial alta, depois baixa)

Na prática, mesmo no final, ainda 10% randomico

Page 14: Reinforcement Learning in the Control of Attention Roderic A Grupen Laboratory for Analysis and Architecture of Systems (State University of Campinas-near.

Algoritmo Q-learning 1) Define current state s by decoding sensory information available; 2) Use stochastic action selector to determine action a; 3) Perform action a, generating new state s’ and a reinforcement r; 4) Calculate temporal differencial error r’:

5) Update Q-value of the state/action pair(s,a)

6) Go to 1;

s, aQa,sQrr MaxAa


rs, aQs,aQ

Page 15: Reinforcement Learning in the Control of Attention Roderic A Grupen Laboratory for Analysis and Architecture of Systems (State University of Campinas-near.

Elegibility trace

Atualizar não apenas um par estado-ação de cada vez, mas sim uma seqüência de pares (após execução de uma série de ações).

Ganho em convergência

Page 16: Reinforcement Learning in the Control of Attention Roderic A Grupen Laboratory for Analysis and Architecture of Systems (State University of Campinas-near.

Na prática

Uma tabela (Q-table) Linhas são os estados (s) Colunas são as ações (a) Elemento Q(s,a) são os Q-values,

valores dados pela função que avalia a utilidade de tomar a ação a quando o estado é s

Page 17: Reinforcement Learning in the Control of Attention Roderic A Grupen Laboratory for Analysis and Architecture of Systems (State University of Campinas-near.


Page 18: Reinforcement Learning in the Control of Attention Roderic A Grupen Laboratory for Analysis and Architecture of Systems (State University of Campinas-near.

Stereo Head Environment

Page 19: Reinforcement Learning in the Control of Attention Roderic A Grupen Laboratory for Analysis and Architecture of Systems (State University of Campinas-near.

Degrees of Freedom (Controllers)

Page 20: Reinforcement Learning in the Control of Attention Roderic A Grupen Laboratory for Analysis and Architecture of Systems (State University of Campinas-near.

System Control Architecture

Page 21: Reinforcement Learning in the Control of Attention Roderic A Grupen Laboratory for Analysis and Architecture of Systems (State University of Campinas-near.

Low-level Control Defining a target

Pre-attentional phase (stimuli + internal biased)

Shifting attention (saccade generation) Fine saccade (using target model) Verging eyes onto a target (correlation) Movements are computed from errors to

image centers

Page 22: Reinforcement Learning in the Control of Attention Roderic A Grupen Laboratory for Analysis and Architecture of Systems (State University of Campinas-near.

Low-level Control Identifying Objects

Selecting a region of interest Extracting features Associative memory match

Mapping objects and/or updating memory Pre-attentional maps Automatic supervised learning

Page 23: Reinforcement Learning in the Control of Attention Roderic A Grupen Laboratory for Analysis and Architecture of Systems (State University of Campinas-near.

Behavioral Program

Page 24: Reinforcement Learning in the Control of Attention Roderic A Grupen Laboratory for Analysis and Architecture of Systems (State University of Campinas-near.

A straight-forward control algorithm Step 0: Initialize the associative memory and start the

concurrent controllers of arms, neck, and eyes. Step 1: Re-direct attention; if a representation is activated,

update attentional maps and re-do this step (1). Step 2: Try a visual improvement; if a representation is

activated, update attentional maps and return to step 1. Step 3: Try an arm improvement; if a representation is

activated, update attentional maps and return to step 1; Step 4: Activate “supervised learning” module, update

attentional maps and return to step 1.

Page 25: Reinforcement Learning in the Control of Attention Roderic A Grupen Laboratory for Analysis and Architecture of Systems (State University of Campinas-near.

Finite state machine

Page 26: Reinforcement Learning in the Control of Attention Roderic A Grupen Laboratory for Analysis and Architecture of Systems (State University of Campinas-near.


Q-learning convergence

Page 27: Reinforcement Learning in the Control of Attention Roderic A Grupen Laboratory for Analysis and Architecture of Systems (State University of Campinas-near.

Partial Evaluation of strategies


Page 28: Reinforcement Learning in the Control of Attention Roderic A Grupen Laboratory for Analysis and Architecture of Systems (State University of Campinas-near.

Partial Evaluation of strategies


Page 29: Reinforcement Learning in the Control of Attention Roderic A Grupen Laboratory for Analysis and Architecture of Systems (State University of Campinas-near.

Partial Evaluation of strategies


Page 30: Reinforcement Learning in the Control of Attention Roderic A Grupen Laboratory for Analysis and Architecture of Systems (State University of Campinas-near.

Partial Evaluation of strategies

New objects

Page 31: Reinforcement Learning in the Control of Attention Roderic A Grupen Laboratory for Analysis and Architecture of Systems (State University of Campinas-near.

Global evaluation

Mapped objects

Page 32: Reinforcement Learning in the Control of Attention Roderic A Grupen Laboratory for Analysis and Architecture of Systems (State University of Campinas-near.

Task accomplishment

Mapped objects

Page 33: Reinforcement Learning in the Control of Attention Roderic A Grupen Laboratory for Analysis and Architecture of Systems (State University of Campinas-near.

Times for each phase or process Phase Min(sec) Max(sec) Mean(sec) Computing retina 0.145 0.189 0.166 Transfer to host 0.017 0.059 0.020 Total acquiring 0.162 0.255 0.186 Pre-attention 0.139 0.205 0.149 Salience map 0.067 0.134 0.075 Total attention 0.324 0.395 0.334 Total saccade 0.466 0.903 0.485 Features for match 0.135 0.158 0.150 Memory match 0.012 0.028 0.019 Total matching 0.323 0.353 0.333

Page 34: Reinforcement Learning in the Control of Attention Roderic A Grupen Laboratory for Analysis and Architecture of Systems (State University of Campinas-near.


The system can support other sensors. Attention and categorization act

together: tasks must be formulated Inspection task succesfully done. Currently support a 10-15 frame rate. Reinforcement learning appr. worked

well in simulation

Page 35: Reinforcement Learning in the Control of Attention Roderic A Grupen Laboratory for Analysis and Architecture of Systems (State University of Campinas-near.

Future works Consider focus for saccade generation and

accomodation (vergence) Test with partially ocluded objects Derive policies (with Q-learning) for control of top-

down attention Increase the state space and/or the set of actions Define other hierarchical tasks (several policies, each

appropriate for a given task) Test learning architecture on a real environment

Page 36: Reinforcement Learning in the Control of Attention Roderic A Grupen Laboratory for Analysis and Architecture of Systems (State University of Campinas-near.



To all of you for your patience

To Mimmo and Dr. Arcangelo Distante for hosting me:-).